#nothing's in writing yet and no money has changed hands but everyone is in agreement
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Like clockwork
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Knowing that I nailed every single prediction except the awards bc the time span covered in S3 was too short for the restaurant to even be considered for one (YET) and the apology, which he thought about making to C but chickenshit at the last minute forcing her character to lurk around a little longer next season, unfortunately.
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And also knowing that S4 (which I always considered ENDGAME) might be finally the one where they get those awards and end the show on a perfect note, makes me incredibly happy because even though I do think S3 is the weakest so far, I also fully expected everything that happened in it, except the low Sydney screen time, compared with the excessive Faks screentime, which was the biggest bummer of all times.
I think that Storer is straining along the “non-Sydcarmy” narrative in the right-hand column and leaving about a million Sydcarmy breadcrumbs in the LEFT-HAND COLUMN, so he’s putting all the money on the endgame and that is why most people, including critics, and non-sydcarmy truthers feel underwhelmed after all the build-up excitement and high-expectations that had been forced around it. The critics are mixed, BECAUSE you didn't get exactly what you wanted, both truthers and anties, whereas I got exactly what I assumed I was gonna get from Storer, a TWIST that he will resolve in S4.
As I always said, my ONLY priority is getting my SYDCARMY ENDGAME, not putting Syd’s happiness above all, not even the restaurant getting a star, although IK it will at some point, not even Carmy finding happiness in any other place that is not that meadow Sydney. Etc. I don't play that game. I only want those things to happen in a Sydcarmy context, hopefully, but not necessarily, explicitly, not in a Lalaland kinda way.
What Storer did was open the game enough for a potential Clairmy endgame to happen, which last season seemed impossible, now he forced the narrative to make it fit in S4 if he wanted to. That’s why everyone is soooo underwhelmed, except me. Because I trust my intuition in the left-hand column which is what allowed me to nail all the predictions so far to the letter. Including Carmy being an ass to Syd and Syd not going anywhere, even when offered a way out of The Bear (the restaurant and the man).
And due to this accuracy in predicting Storer’s behavior, I still, like always, feel Sydcarmy is a S4 dish. Fully endgame material. Nothing has changed for me after watching S3. If anything, that belief is even more cemented in my mind now.
Storer is still right on schedule and the Sydcarmy clock started ticking more than ever, exactly as I anticipated HERE. I even nailed the "no sorry sign" thing, which is what we need to watch for in S4, as soon as it happens, we will be out of the woods.
I don't come from a place of wanting to get my needs met or wishes granted by someone as cruel and infuriatingly brilliant as Storer, that would be too naive on my part. I know what to expect when it comes to his writing and he's the Zodiac Killer for me, he can write the perfect crime, and the perfect plot and twist it in ways I can anticipate but no one can control in terms of layout and order but himself. He's a perfectionist and a control freak, incredibly talented piece of shit(sounds familiar?). So I work with what he serves me. I expect from him nothing but asphyxia first, to then give me breathing room for a few scenes, and then take it away. That's what this season was. The chokehold. The lack of oxygen. He's depriving us or making us think he will "on the table", while "under the table" the conversation or unspoken dialogue is the following:
Syd didn't sign The Bear's agreement, and neither did she sign the poaching contract, she's stalling both because she leads with her heart, not her head, which woulda made her get the hell outta the restaurant that has her name nowhere to be found in the reviews that are all about Chef Berzatto, where her business partner is a fucking robot she "can't babysit anymore" and who explicitly told her he's about to crack and where she dreads going to work every day. I mean NOT EVEN THAT CAN MAKE HER SIGN THE POACHING OFFER. I wonder why...
Carmy is still breaking the vow he made to Syd under the table: "You deserve my full focus". He's focusing on getting that bullshit star for her, he's focusing on the bully chef that used to torture him in EMP and ruined him mentally (because according to him it's that asshole's fault, not his own upbringing, and responsibility for having stuck around his bullying and not standing up for himself back then) while Syd is seating right next to him and Luca is flirting with her (I'm OK with that btw) and he's still blaming other people for the choices he made or the things he FAILED to do, instead of taking full responsibility and changing them, which I'm sure he will in S4 and I never expected him to do now because that process IRL for anyone takes YEARS, maybe DECADES, so...
And lastly, we have Chef Terry being the one who tries to open their eyes with her wisdom and they are both still blinking and being blinded by the brightness of it, they still can't see clearly what she's trying to tell them. Especially Syd, who had a full-on panic attack (her getting stuck in a walk-in while everyone else was on the other side of the door moment exactly as I predicted too). Why would she have that if that wasn't her realization moment? → THE ONE WE, SYDCARMY TRUTHERS HAVE BEEN FUCKING PRAYING FOR AND WILL HAVE TO FORCE HER TO FINALLY FOR THE LOVE OF DOG MAKE HER FUCKING MOVE!!!!
So summing up, like I said, I don't come from a place of expecting Storer to please me, my approach to anticipate his moves is asking myself: How can I get what I want while he gets his way because he will get his way regardless, so why fighting him? He will make me suffer, he will play every single string of my heart and he will make me think I've lost all hope and that is not even worth keeping on trying, on the surface. But under the surface, he will prepare THE TWIST and it's gonna be beautiful, and if I play my cards like this, fully expected. That's exactly what I did and what I got, the thing is that this was THE TRANSITIONAL SEASON, S4 is the RESOLUTION of all loose ends because it's ENDGAME. He's right on schedule as far as I'm concerned.
Bonus track: Sydcarmy breadcrumbs he planted: * Menu (heartshaped and best meal Syd ever had) → which is MEAT. * Her panic attack in the hallway after thinking of Carmy and all the history they have together. * Cicero and Nat asking her to sign the agreement once and for all, THEY ARE ASKING HER TO ENTER THE FAMILY, not just the restaurant. * She not quitting, even though someone offered her an easy way out on a silver platter. She can't quit The Bear, and I'm not talking about the restaurant. Even if she eventually does, Storer made it clear that her heart is not in it, she doesn't want to, otherwise, she would have done it by now. * Carmy NOT APOLOGIZING to Claire. Even if he eventually does, Storer made it clear that his heart is not in it, he doesn't want to, otherwise, he would have done it by now. (He did call her "peace" though, which was a cruel way of Storer giving us truthers the middle finger for having told him that the panic attack scene was his way of telling us SYdcarmy was endgame). We shouldn't trust this, Storer is Storing. * Lastly: In the final sequence (CLIFFHANGER), Carmy gets the reviews that will make or break The Bear, which leads to S4 → if the reviews force Cicero to pull the plug, Syd is free to sign the new contract and start over elsewhere. If the reviews are great (they are not because the menu was called INCONSISTANT) then he has a reason to go to Syd's place and show her they made it! Either way, in any of those scenarios he has the perfect motive to jug all the way to Syd's apartment and find her in the midst of her panic attack and CONFORT HER, which I think will be the opener of S4 and then the whole ENDGAME will go from there. This endgame will include Syd signing something that will tie her to Carm. And this endgame will also feature "Andrea". My only fear is: LALALAND ENDING, and I'll tell you why → COPENHAGEN+CLAIRE. Knowing that MG was with JAW in Copenhagen a few weeks ago, I'm sure that shooting some scenes, even though many said they didn't I still believe they did, leads me to think that Carmy, who is reminiscing of his time in Copenhagen like one of the most beautiful times of his life, can go back there with Claire after apologizing to her and rekindling their flame and after Cicero pulling the plug on The Bear letting Syd off the hook for her to pursue the other option presented to her. This will mean Carmy ends with Claire in Copenhagen somehow, sketching and maybe even fully leaning into his artsy side, who knows? And Syd gets her Star elsewhere, which she will find underwhelming because she wanted to get it with The Bear (the restaurant AND the man). This will pave the way for them to give themselves a second chance eventually if Carmy ever comes back from Copenhagen and chooses her over C. Or something along these lines but not necessarily in this order. Either way would explain JAW and C being in Copenhagen recently and would be a Sydcarmy endgame but bittersweet, not spoonfed and cruel, just like Storer likes it. I hope I am mistaken about this since the Lalaland kinda ending is my biggest fear and it's still fully plausible given S3. Still, sometimes I'm wrong... like when I thought that Richie was gonna quit on Carmy after the walk-in fight and he just stayed to spite him and make his life miserable LOL!
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
You could ask my question, if possible, of course. With the Slachers (Michael, Jason, Brahms, Vincent and Bo) with her beloved looking innocent and even angelic, but she is extremely jealous and possessive when a victim or survivor flirts with her slachers to the point of saying something in context: " he is mine !!" (while the reader embraces Slachers). What would be the reaction of the slachers, about the corpotamento of his beloved?
I don’t write for Jason, sorry but I can definitely do the rest. Since I don’t write for many slashers, with requests like this one I usually do a little snippet for all of the slashers I do write for. But I like this idea a lot so without further ado…
P.S. this took me so much longer than I expected, I definitely got a little invested in these lol. I left out Thomas and Jesse but I may go back and add them at a later time idk yet.
Slashers x Possessive S/O
Michael Meyers
Your innocent and kind nature would be one of the things that made Michael interested in you. You were the first person to take the time to actually figure him out rather than checking him off as Evil™️ and treating him as such. He also likes the fact that he can easily make you flustered, it feeds his need for control. Knowing that he can simply press himself against you and leave you blushing both pleases and amuses him.
We all know that Michael is very possessive. He often stalks you while you’re at work or out in town running errands. At this point, it’s no longer because he feels the need to be predatory, he’s just making sure that what’s his is safe from any harm.
One night you had decided to go out with a few friends, which Michael wasn’t very excited about, but eventually he allowed it. It was one of those busy clubs/bars that had opened recently, so of course the place was crowded. This left Michael with no choice but to ditch the mask while he followed you, another thing he wasn’t happy about.
He ended up sitting on the other side of the place by himself with his eyes glued to you. He didn’t like you being around so many people. Michael was so focused on watching you that he had barely even noticed the woman walk up and make herself cozy in the seat opposite of him. Now his attention was on her while she grinned at him like the Cheshire Cat, pushing her cleavage together to make it more apparent in her already low cut dress.
Michael could’ve sworn that you had teleported, after all he had only take his eyes off of you for a second. Now you had your arms wrapped around him with your head resting on his neck. “Can we help you,” you asked the girl in front of you. Michael had never heard your voice sound so cold.
The girl began to twirl her hair, not deterred by the fact that you were running your hands over Michael. “I was just wondering what such a handsome man was doing here all by himself,” she purred. She attempted to reach forward and grab his hand but you were quick to smack it away before Michael could even move.
“He’s not here by himself he’s with me. And if I were you I would keep your hands to yourself and away from what’s mine.” After you said that it didn’t take long for Michael to drag you back home. To him it was your way of saying that you were in fact a permanent part of Michaels life. Plus you threatening someone when you’re usually so polite was a change of pace that left Michael wanting. You can definitely expect the girl to turn up missing on the news soon after that night as well.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms adored your innocence and kindness. You never hesitated to follow the rules and care for him, which is why he kept you around. After all he needs a nanny that is actually going to take care of him. Brahms also had an easy time revealing himself to you since after the initial shock of it all you were delighted to find out you weren’t being haunted and that you weren’t in a huge countryside mansion all by yourself.
Seeing as Brahms is a major introvert and goes absolutely feral if there’s someone new in his house that he hasn’t allowed you usually have nothing to worry about. However, suppose something happens where Malcolm has to leave for a few weeks, meaning that a new girl is assigned to deliver the groceries until Malcolm returns.
You were in the kitchen chopping up ingredients for lunch when she arrived for the first time. You had to admit that she was pretty, she was tall and athletic looking with perfect curls. It was hard for you to not notice that she was blonde, Brahms had a thing for blondes…
“So Malcolm told me that Brahms isn’t dead or a ghost, is that right?” You didn’t like the fact Malcolm had told this random girl about Brahms but you muttered in agreement anyways. She helped you put up the rest of the groceries in silence, not speaking again until she had opened the door to leave. “So is he hot? Usually people with this much money that aren’t old are always hot. If he is I might just have to stick around for a little while longer.”
That struck a nerve. “He’s not available,” you said sharply and she faltered. “What do you mean?” It was easy to tell she hadn’t expected that kind of answer, much less the attitude you had suddenly adopted. “He isn’t single. So although he is hot, trust me, I would know, you can’t have him. He’s mine.” She quickly apologized and left, slamming the door shut behind her. You could also hear Brahms moving around in the walls nearby, letting you know he must have heard everything.
Shortly after you found Brahms wrapped around you while you finished making lunch. “So now I’m yours hmm?” You could hear the amusement in his voice. You turned and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him in for a kiss, one hand finding it’s way into his hair. After pulling away you told him, “You’ve always been mine Brahmsy. My good boy.” He let out a small whine at your praise, pulling you back in for another kiss.
Vincent Sinclair
You were Vincent’s muse. He absolutely adored you from the way you acted to the way you looked. To him there was no aspect of you that wasn’t perfect. In other words he was absolutely obsessed with you. After all, you did take care of him and even helped Bo keep Ambrose up and running.
It’s no secret that Vincent was shy, but he was definitely intimidating as well. So you knew that the girl in front of him that was doing a terrible job of flirting was only doing so in a poor attempt to make it out alive. Still, watching her twirl her hair and smile at him made something inside of you snap.
“Come on handsome, you got to want some kind of company. I’m sure you’re so lonely here all by yourself… I could help with that.” She attempted to touch his chest but you grabbed her before she could. “Sorry,” you told her as you held both of her arms behind her back, “he already has someone keeping his bed warm. Didn’t your mother ever to tell you not to touch things that belong to other people?”
Vincent made quick work of knocking the girl out and carrying her down to the workshop. However, after dwelling on the thought he decided to just let Lester dispose of her body. He didn’t want to make you angry by turning her into a permanent wax figure for the town. Doesn’t mean that he won’t allow her to regain consciousness before killing her though, after all she needs to know her place.
Later on Vincent will make sure you never forget that he is yours the same way that you’re his. You can probably expect to have some trouble moving around the next day as well.
Bo Sinclair
Everyone knows that Bo is a major flirt. He enjoys watching the girls throw themselves at him, he just blames it on his “southern charm.” Although, he usually keeps you safely tucked up into the house whenever victims stumble into town. After all, “I can’t have my sweet angel in harms way now, can I?”
You never dwelled on how Bo dealt with victims, that was his business. Sure he had flirted with you a lot when you first showed up. Even now he was heavy on flirting and making inappropriate comments all the time. It was one of the things that made him Bo after all. So walking into his shop unaware of the newest batch of victims in town was a shock for you. Well not so much the victim part, it was finding Bo flirting with the girl leaning over the counter to display her cleavage that pissed you off.
She was smiling and blushing like she had a high school crush on the man in front of her. Not to mention Bo was unashamedly staring at everything she was flaunting. So yeah you were pissed, especially since he didn’t even seem to notice you were there. You quickly remembered the lunch you were holding in your hand, your reason for coming down here, and decided to use it to your advantage.
Instead of saying anything you just walked up behind him, setting his lunch on the counter right in front of the girl, effectively blocking his view of her boobs before wrapping your arms around him. Bo still didn’t shut up and acknowledge you so you decided to interrupt. “I brought you lunch baby.” The use of a pet name quickly made the girl Bo was flirting with falter.
“Oh, uhm, is this your girlfriend or something?” Before Bo could jump in you answered her. “Or something, I guess you could say. After all, he is my husband.” You looked up at Bo with the most lovesick expression you could put on your face as you pulled him in for a kiss. One kiss turned to two, to three, to a whole make out session in front of the poor girl. Bo’s hands began to roam around your body as well, making sure to squeeze all of his favorite parts of you.
When the two of you broke apart the girl was gone but Bo didn’t seem to notice. He was still to busy feeling you up. “Have I ever told you how fuckin’ sexy you are when you’re jealous? I’d never have guessed you had a possessive side to you angel.” You smiled knowing you now had his full attention, “Well surprise.”
He kissed you one more time, long and hard. “I promise we’ll continue this later up at the house. But right now I gotta go find that bitch n’ kill ‘er. You better be waitin’ on me when I get home darlin’.”
Billy Loomis
Billy was highly sought after by many girls due to his bad boy reputation. He always had girls throwing themselves at him wanting to be the one to fix him. You knew you didn’t have to worry, Billy wouldn’t leave you for someone else. He made it very clear that you were permanent. But still you couldn’t help but be irritated when they would flirt with him right in front of you.
You two were planning a movie night which meant a trip down to the video store. Apparently, Randy had the night off because some new girl was behind the counter. When the two of you first arrived she had been reading a magazine, not caring about the handful of people milling about. That was until she noticed Billy, not seeming to care that you were wrapped around his arm. She was watching him like a hawk.
You shifted uncomfortably, not liking the way she was staring down your boyfriend. Billy was observant and quickly noticed your discomfort. “Don’t worry about her babe, you know you’re the only person I’m into.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into him, “Now, do you want to watch Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street?” You groaned, “Billy we’ve seen both of those movies a million times.” He smiled and held up Nightmare on Elm Street, “Well now we can watch this one and make it one million and one times.”
You rolled your eyes as he drug you to the checkout counter. The employee quickly perked up when she noticed Billy. “Will this be all for you hun?” She asked completely ignoring you. She didn’t even look down at what movie Billy had set on the counter before saying, “You have good taste, this is like one of my favorite movies ever. It’s a shame your little girlfriend doesn’t seem to like it though.”
“Cool, so who’s the main character?” You knew exactly what Billy was trying to do, elbowing him lightly. “Oh, uhm,” she finally looked down at the case, eyes lighting up, “oh, yeah it’s that really scarred dude!” Billy rolled his eyes, “No shit, what’s his name though.” You decided to have pity on the girl, “Ignore him, he’s a horror movie fanatic.” The girl mumbled, “Yeah no kidding.”
You smiled at Billy, using this as your chance to brag on the fact he’s yours. You knew him like no one else did. “He’s such a dork when it comes to the cinematography of these things but he’s my dork.” Billy hugged you from behind, “Yeah, whatever, you know you love me.”
Stu Macher
Stu absolutely loved throwing huge parties at his house. He was well liked and well known so it wasn’t unusual for a lot of people to show up, many of which you didn’t even know. Because so many people knew Stu, it also meant that they knew his family was pretty wealthy. It was pretty common to find girls hitting on him and since Stu loved attention he was prone to playfully flirting back.
Usually you would hang out with your friends during these parties, not being big on socializing with new people. Most of the time you didn’t worry about Stu wandering off, he would always show up at your side again at some point. Half the time when he would reappear you would have to pry him back off of you. He could be quite handsy at times.
Now the party was winding down and mostly everyone left was on the couch getting ready to watch a movie. You excused yourself, and headed to the kitchen to get another drink. You froze when you saw a girl running her hands all over Stu, he wasn’t making any move to push her away. You decided to help him out with that.
“Do you need something,” you asked her as Stu wrapped himself around you. “Are you his girlfriend?” Stu laughed, hopping up onto the counter. He pulled you up onto his lap, “Yeah she is dude. Isn’t she hot?” The girl scoffed, “Don’t you think that she’s a little… beneath you, Stu?”
That set you off. “I think that slutty little bitches like you need to keep your dirty hands away from what’s mine.” The girl rolled her eyes before storming out of the kitchen. You hopped out of Stu’s lap and turned to face him. “If you let mother whore rub all up on you like that again so help me I will be the next one to commit a murder in this house. Understand?” Stu stopped smiling, his goofy personality faltering for a second. He then saluted, “Yes ma’am.” You nodded. “Good.”
Stu jumped down and threw you over his shoulder, causing you to yelp. “You look extra hot when you’re fighting over me babe.” He quickly climbed the stairs and you pounded against his back. “You’re going the wrong way, the movie is downstairs.” He made it quickly to the bedroom, throwing you down on the king size bed with a huge grin. “We can make our own movie babe. I don’t know about you but I’m thinking romance,” he rambled, crawling on top of you. “Rated R of course.”
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fangirlings-things · 3 years
— Lost Without You I
anon said: hey! could you please write a song fic with anthony bridgerton, I don't have any specific song in mind, but just some angst would be perfect because you write it soooo beautifully :') hope this is ok, kissess
A/N: hey, love!! I faced this as somewhat as a challenge and it was quite amazing to write!! thank you sooo much for your words, I sincerely hope you like this 💖
*this is supposed to have two parts, so if you guys like it and want the rest, please let me know your thoughts 🥰 lots of love
TAG LIST: @for-bebbanburg ; @venusflwer ; @avrilstaro || GIF CREDIT: @fifty5hades
This is based in Freya Ridings song, Lost Without you
Fandom: Bridgerton
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x female reader
Word count: 6.3K
Summary: One would need to be Lady Whistledown to know about the ever existent bond between the eldest Bridgerton son, Anthony, and Lady (Y/N) Kerrington. They made a good work at hiding their intentions even from their own families. According to their plan, when the Miss came to age, they would marry each other quite fastly, since they had been courting one another through the entirety of their lives. (Y/N) Kerrington thought so too, but the Viscount's actions and decisions, changed it all.
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[ I ]
“Have you two gone completely mad?”
Turning around, within the heavy rain and through the drops of water that kept falling from the sky and soaked your whole body, seeming to permanently attach your dress to your skin, you saw Anthony Bridgerton standing at the back door of his own house, protected by the rain.
He had his forehead frowned in confusion as he stared at you and his sister, Daphne, whom stood by your side at the Bridgerton’s garden. His hair was a bit of a mess, like he had been sleeping recently and his hands were on his waist. His eyes, deep brown eyes that made him look a lot older than he really was by the intensity they carried, were fixed upon you.
“Join us, brother!” Daphne invited, laughing as she turned her face upwards and enjoyed the feel of the rain directly on her features. Her arms were open alongside her body, as she embraced the rain. That was something you both liked doing together, ever since your early childhood days.
“No, I will not sister and you two really should get out of there before you fall ill!” her older brother replied and the tangible worry in his voice made you smile more largely than you did before.
“It could be fun, Anthony!” you said to him and with a spark of joy, did not fail to notice how he squeezed his lips on a thin line for a moment at hearing you call him by his first name. Such thing could be seen as a lack of manners that being if, you had not known each other through the entirety of your lives, which allowed you to comfortable around every single member of the Bridgerton family.
Your family, the Kerrington’s, had been the Bridgerton’s neighbor even before you had been born. Both families, that had a similar amount of money and same high position in society, had always been closely bond to one another. You had grown up with Daphne as your best friend, frequenting her house or she yours almost every single day. Her siblings had always been nice to you and you loved them all as if they were your own siblings.
But not Anthony.
Oh no, Anthony was a completely different thing.
There was nothing brotherly in the way you thought of him and such thoughts were only intensified by some situations you found yourself in like this very one, where he seemed to be genuinely considering your words after having just denied his sister’s. Little actions that instigated your fantasies.
“If I do, only for a moment, will you come back to the house with me afterwards?” he questioned, ever so serious, looking from you to his sister and then back at you.
You looked at Daphne who had turned her head back down and as soon as she smiled mischievously at you and raised her eyebrows, you turned back to Anthony. “We swear!”
Anthony nodded his head in agreement and then sighted heavily. His eyes went to the dark sky for a few moments, the entirety of it made of grey clouds filled with drops of water that had not yet fallen. You watched with the most absolute attention as he mumbled something to himself under his breath before finally stepping away from the house’s protection and starting to make his way towards you both.
When he reached you and Daphne, his hair was already soaked with water and was attached to his forehead. Drops of water ran down his handsome face. His white shirt was now as good as nothing, the details of his arms and chest now exposed to your wanting eyes. “Is it enough?”
“You did not have fun yet” Daphne argued immediately and with the same smile as before on her lips, kicked a puddle of water, splashing quite some in his already wet pants. The angry expression on his face made her laugh loudly her unique laugh.
You laughed also, and then found his gaze landing on yours once more. “Are you on her side, (Y/N)?” a drop of water right in that moment ran down his nose and fell in the grass. He stood close, closely than you had noticed before. Just two steps, and you could have touched his chest.
As you lost yourself in such a tempting and inappropriate thought, Lady Bridgerton appeared on the back door, in the exact same spot Anthony had been before, her mouth hanging open in shock for moment as she saw what has occurring on her own garden. “What is happening? Anthony Bridgerton! You allowed your sister and Miss (Y/N) to such recklessness?” Anthony did not even turn around at hearing his mother’s angry voice, just sighted once again and looked at Daphne when she laughed hard like before. “Come inside right now, the three of you, before you fall ill!”
“My exact same words” Anthony said, eyes on the grass, as you three obediently walked back to the inside of the Bridgerton’s house.
“Sorry to get you in trouble, brother” Daphne said, but both her tone and expression made it clear that she had not even a bit of regret. When reaching the back door, she was the first one to rush inside and disappear in the corridors after getting a blanket from her mother, leaving a trail of water behind her.  
“I apologize, Anthony” you said, smile having completely faded away now. Eyes on the floor because you refused to look him in the eye. You took no pleasure in causing him any kind of trouble, especially with his mother, whom now had stepped away to get another two blankets.  
Anthony did realize your afflictions, because he instantly replied. “All is well, (Y/N), do not worry” the softness of his tone made you raise your eyes. You were surprised to find him smiling at you. “By the end of the night, my mother will have forgiven me already”
You smiled because of the confidence on his voice. “I am glad”
You both went silent then, the heavy rain outside continuing to fall and the distant thunders seeming to be as loud as ever. With your eyes locked in one another’s, none of you said a thing. It was a peaceful moment, an intimate one. Shared by just the two of you.
“Oh, my dear, you must be freezing!” Lady Violet Bridgerton came back with two other blankets and carefully placed one around your shoulders, wrapping you in it and without even knowing, ruining one of the best moments you could think of. “What will your mother think of my hospitality if she finds out what has happened in my own garden! Come, Daphne will borrow you a dress for the evening” as she made you walk away after having given the other blanket to Anthony, you could feel his gaze burning your back.
Oh, how you wished to turn back around and stare into his eyes in peaceful silence once more.
[ II ]
“Are you nervous about the next season?” Daphne asked as she looked at you from the couch she sat in, in one of the many rooms in the Bridgerton’s house.
Having taken your place in the very couch that faced hers, you sighted. “Of course” you looked down at your hands, that were joined in your lap. “We are to be wed in the next season already. How could I not be” a pure nervous laugh escaped your mouth as you admitted so. In hopes that no one would see, by the corner of your eye, you looked over at Anthony, who was sitting at a small table, reading a book. He was always your dream when you thought of marriage.
“You should not worry too much, (Y/N)” Benedict, who had been playing with Gregory for the past twenty minutes, came to sit by your side in a relaxed position. “You will have many suitors, I am sure. Daphne, though­…” the unfinished sentence had the desired effect, because Daphne opened her mouth with an offended expression and you laughed with Benedict. In your own mind, you thanked him for being so good and helping to ease some of your tension.
“While (Y/N) marries a gentleman, Daphne will find herself being courted by an old man with no hair left in his head” Colin joined the fun and Daphne’s only response was to roll her eyes and cross her arms over her chest. Benedict though, once again laughed loudly.
“Benedict and Colin Bridgerton, stop making fun of your sister!” Lady Bridgerton said from her spot at the other side of the room as she walked towards your small group. Her expression though betrayed her tone, because she had a small pleased smile on her lips. “I am sure both of them will find a very good match and will be happily wed by the end of the next season, with gentlemens of the highest esteem”
"I hope so, mama" Daphne said truly, smiling at her mother. In the same moment, the sound of a chair being dragged against the floor caught everyone's attention and you all looked in that direction in time to see Anthony storming out the room. You frowned as you wondered what had happened, concern filling your being before you could even control your own emotions.
Not wanting to cause a fush about it, since all the others had apparently ignored his departure as something ordinary, you waited a few minutes in which you pretended to hear the words spoken by Benedict and his mother before you excused yourself and once out in the corridors, started to look for Anthony.
You found him on the library, his face was turned away from you but you could quite well imagine his mood by whatever it was that afflicted him, for the way he moved, tense and yet fast. That was not like Anthony Bridgerton at all.
"Anthony?" you called while entering the room, unsure if you should even disturb him in such time. He had gone away with the clear intention of being alone but still... you could not help it. You had to know he was well.
The sound of your voice made him turn around in the exact same instant and he went to you with a serious expression on his features, so serious it only served to increase your concern. "Anthony, what is—" before you could even finish, he walked past you and for a second you thought he was going to leave but then, he surprised you by closing the door and shuting you both inside. Alone. His expression did not change at all. You stared at him like was crazy. "Anthony, what are you doing? If your mother finds out we are in here alone she will never allow me into your house again!"
And you could not even bare that thought. Yes, Lady Violet was a nice woman, she had never objected you and Daphne at playing with the boys when you were children and as you grown up, she found it pleasing that all of you enjoyed each other's company so much but still, now that you were practically of age to marry, to be without a chaperone in a closed room with a man who was not from your family, it was a scandal. Even if that man was the one you loved with all your heart and had known since forever.
"(Y/N)" he said, taking a deep breath and walking towards you, ignoring your previous words like they meant nothing. He clearly did not see the danger. He stopped a mere step away, looking into your eyes with such meaning you suddenly found it difficult to breathe. His eyes, were as troubled as a storm day. It confused you. "I—" he stopped, took anothet deep breath, looked at his feet. Then he raised his eyes to yours again with renewed determination. "I want to—" again, he seemed to lack the words to finish his thought and clearly frustrated, looked away once more, this time at a point above your head.
All of his actions and words made no sense at all to you and frankly, you started to wonder if he was not drunk, even though you had not seen him drinking. "Anthony, you are concerning me" you said simply, and that statement made in a low, careful tone seemed to be enough to make him snap out of whatever it was that was holding him back.
"I want you to make me a promise, (Y/N)" you opened your mouth to ask him what he meant by that but he was quicker and shockingly taking your hands in his as he kept staring into your eyes, answered to your unspoken question. "I want you to promise me that if I propose to you, you will at least perhaps consider marrying me"
All air left your lungs. Surely, you had heard it wrong. There was no way Anthony Bridgerton, your ever being passion, had just expressed his intentions of proposing to you in the future. That could not be true. Dreams are not realized just like that.
"A-Anthony..." you began, heart pounding in your chest like never before.
The Bridgerton mistook your surprise by hesitation and immediately let go of your hands and stepped back, creating some distance between you both. "I apologize for being so forward. I did not mean to make you uncomfortable"
"Uncomfortable? Anthony, I do not believe I have ever been happier!" as it was his turn to frown in confusion, you were the one who approached him and smiled brightly while looking into his eyes. "I promise, of course! I want to marry you, Anthony. I really do" you looked down and slowly, joined your hands together like he had done before. "Deep down, I believed you had already noticed my affection towards you"
"It crossed my mind once or twice, but I thought it was just my mind fooling me. I dared not to believe you felt the same way I did" he chuckled, happily. You thought you had never seen him with a smile as big as that one on his face. "Hearing my brothers and mother talking about you marrying someone else in there, I could not stand it" he admitted, and a glimpse of shame seemed to cross his features for a moment. "In the next season, when you will be presented in society, I will propose to you. And if you desire to, we will get married"
Trying to control your own happiness, that was immesurable because everything seemed to be perfect, you nodded your head in agreement. "We will get married"
[ III ]
The months were passing too fast. Already, you had only a few months before the season in which you would be presented in society and it would be expected of you to be well married soon.
I will marry Anthony, you thought to yourself with a smile on your face as you enjoyed the peace and quiet of your bedroom for a while. Staring at the ceiling above your head, you had no doubt that everything would work out just fine.
If he was a man of no fortune, your father and mother (your mother especially) would for certain object to your union. But he was Bridgerton, their status and wealth were as high as your own if not bigger and so, there would absolutely be no arguing. You dared to say, she would even be thrilled by the fact that you were going to marry the one day to be Viscount.
Nothing could go wrong, you thought to yourself while smiling still. He loved you. Just as you loved him. With the same intensity and amount of desire, you had seen it in his eyes when he had spoken his mind in the Bridgerton library. You would be happy together, really happy.
Knocks on the door got your attention. "Sister, mind if I come in?"
Immediately in surprise, you sat up and laughing softly because of the joy that hearing his voice brought you, spoke. "Do come in!"
The door was opened then, and you watched as your brother slipped inside of your room, smiling down at you with a warm smile. Without saying a word he opened his arms and you without a moment of hesitation, threw yourself in his arms and hugged him tightly. "I have missed you too, dear" he said with a laugh escaping his mouth.
Only after several moments you stepped back, to be able to really look at him. Thomas Kerrington, your older brother, was smiling as he looked at you. He wore his uniform, and he looked beautiful in it. The pride of the family, the youngest soldier ever made Coronel because of his courage and whom  recieved the command of complete troops of soldiers only weeks later. Since he had joined the Royal Army, you barely saw him twice a year. He was too valuable to be away from action often and you understood that but still, you missed your brother.
"How long will you be staying?" you asked while pulling him towards your bed by the hand, and making him sit down with you.
"Just a couple of days" he answered, smile fading a bit just as you did. Thomas still squeezed your hand in his. "My regiment is being moved and as we are going to be facing hard months soon, I thought it would be nice to see my family" he watched your eyes for a few moments and then, opened a bright smile again and put the sadness aside, like it was typical of Thomas. He always knew how to bring happiness into a room. "Are you excited for the next season?" the young Coronel was not married himself. Having since very soon been involved in the Army's business and interests, court a wife had not been a priority to him and still was not.
"I am, actually" you admitted, looking down at your joined hands as all your thoughts about Anthony and the prospect of marrying him came rushing back into your mind. You and Thomas had always been close, really close. He was a incredible brother who loved his little sister very much and was always there for her. The thought of confiding in someone seemed nice, and whom could be better to do that with than your brother? "I already know who I want to marry, brother"
"Is that so?" raising your eyes to meet his, you saw that he was still smiling. "And is he a good man?" you nodded your head, and Thomas inspected your eyes with his. "Are you sure he will make you happy, sister?"
"I have no doubt" you replied, confident.
Thomas chuckled by your certainty. "Very well then, I guess I have no reason to object to such union" he passed one of his arms around your shoulders and brought you close to him, so you would lay your head on his shoulder. It was so good, to have him there in that moment. "Will you tell me his name, perhaps?"
You thought about it for a moment. He was your brother, you were sure he would not tell anyone. And even though he and Anthony had never been very close friends, they always got along well. But you should not, not when you and Anthony had come into an agreement of keeping it a secret. At least for now. "Come back during the season and, perhaps, you will get here in time to our wedding" you said and the sound of Thomas laugh filled the bedroom.
"Does it have a date already?" accompanying him in laughter, you appreciated your brother's presence. Very much.
[ IV ]
"It does sound like an interest book" you told Eloise with honesty, after having just read some pages of the book she had been reading herself and after some discussion about the quality of it with Daphne, asked you to give an opinion on it.
"Thank you, (Y/N)" Eloise smiled brightly at you and then extended the smile towards Daphne, who sitting on the couch across from you two, rolled her eyes because you had taken her sister's side. "At least you know how to appreciate a good book"
"Perhaps you should consider respecting my opinion, Eloise" Daphne told her younger sibling, with a bit of annoyance in her voice. Those two were always bickering with each other and you, as the oldest best friend, was always around to witness it.
"I do respect your opinion, sister, I simply think that it is not a wise one" you gave the book back to the younger Bridgerton while she said so.
Daphne seemed to be ready to give her a proper reply when Anthony entered the room. His eyes met yours and he smiled tenderly at you for a moment before looking at his sisters. "Have you both seen mother and father?"
"They went to accompany the Kerrington's to the market" Daphne said, referring to your parents, and you nodded in agreement.
"Oh, well" he placed his hands on his waist and sighted. "I shall wait for them to return, then"
"Continuing to plan your travel, brother?" Eloise asked, opening the book back to the page in which she had stopped reading.
"Travel?" you could not stop yourself before echoing the word, surprise quickly taking a hold of you. Your eyes went to Anthony instantly and by the expression on his face, you saw that he was not pleased with Eloise for having said so much.
"Anthony has decided he is going to travel for a while, explore the world alone and live some adventures perhaps" Daphne said, also turning around to look at her brother. "Colin will not stop talking about how much he wants to do the same one day"
"Oh, I see" it took all you had to maintain a natural, comfortable expression on your face. He was going to travel. Just a few months before the season in which you should be married. How long would he stay away? When would he return? Would he ever? All of those thoughts filled your mind and made your heartbeat get faster and faster. You dared not to say anything. No one knew about your intentions to marry one another, and you had agreed to keep it in that way.
Anthony, knowing you so well, clearly saw through your contained emotion. "I just remembered, (Y/N)! Benedict is asking for your opinion in one of his latest sketches, will you accompany me?" it was a lie. You could see that it was, even though his sisters did not see through the fake smile on his face.
Forcing a smile and nodding in agreement briefly, you got up, telling Daphne you would be right back, to which she agreed. After that, you followed Anthony out of the room and to one of the corridors close to the kitchen, where there was no one else by that time. Anthony stopped there, turned around to look at you and sighted heavily because of your sad expression. "I did not mean for you to find out like that"
You raised your eyes to meet his at that, in pure disbelief. "And how was I supposed to find out? Through Daphne, when you had already left?"
"I was going to tell you tomorrow, at dinner" he said in a rush, looking around after a moment to make sure there was absolutely no one there. He took the time to make sure his voice was low as he spoke. "Nothing has changed, (Y/N). I will marry you. This travel, it will take two months, maybe a bit more but nothing great. The season is in three months. I will be back in time, I promise"
You stared into his eyes deeply, worry filling your expression still. Under your inspection, he seemed so genuine and decided. It felt like he had everything planned, had thought everything through. "Are you sure this is what you want?" you asked then, not thinking of yourself, but of him. Travels made alone could be dangerous. And if something happened to him... you did not even wanted to consider that idea.
"I am, (Y/N)" he stepped even closer to you and held your hands, like he had a habit of to. You did like the familiarity of that simple touch. "I want to marry you, but first, I would like to see the world. Later, I shall be all yours"
The honesty in his voice made you smile, emotion was so strong your eyes went blurry with tears. "Then you must go. Do as you desire and when you get back, I will be eager to know all about what you have seen"
Anthony smiled. Letting go of one of your hands and bringing it to cup your face, he sighted. "You are the goodest person I have ever known"
You smiled, leaning into his touch.
Before, you had been nervous by the arrival of the social season. Now, all you wanted was for it to come quickly. As quickly as possible.
[ V ]
"If I may say, you look astonishing tonight, Lady Kerrington" Lord Edwards said, with a polite smile on his lips after having just given you a glass of a drink he had gotten from the Queen's table.
The ball had begun sometime around an hour before. The ball thrown by the Queen herlself that declared opened the social season. You were now, officially able to be courted and expected to be married by the end of it, if you had success. You had gone with your mother and father and as they had stepped away to talk to some friends, you had been left alone in the room and seeing the opportunity, Lord Edwards had approached you.
He was a gentleman, Lord Edwards. He was young, handsome, quite wealthy and his manners were flattering. By a young Lady's, like yourself, point of view, he should be the perfect husband. But not for you.
Because he was not Anthony.
Just to think of his name, it brought back the pain of missing him. Since the day in which he left for his travel, you had not seen him again. Of course, his journey had been cut short because his father, the Viscount Bridgerton, had died tragically all of the sudden, at a young age. It made Anthony have to make the arrangements to return sooner than expected.
And he did. A month and a half after he had parted, he was forced to return because he was now, the Viscount. As the eldest son, he had the responsibility of being there for his family, especially in such a tragic time.
Until this very day, you had not seen him since his return. As Daphne's best friend, you were still always in the Bridgerton residence, after her father's death even more, because you provided the young Lady the comfort she needed. There, you only caught glimpes of him once or twice, a rushed greeting that ended up with him leaving the room seconds later.
You did not blame him for it, of course not. His life had changed so much and so suddenly that it would be a challenge for everyone in his position. He should concentrate in the matters of importance for his family, it was needed. You would not bother him with affairs that were not urgent at the time. No, everything was set, also. He would propose sometime after doing some courting in the season, and you two would get happily married. And that would be it.
Looking around the ballroom, everytime the doors were opened you would look, expecting to see Daphne arrive. It would be nice to have a friend in the same situation you were in. As Lord Edwards went on in a conversation about his great interest in social events, you looked down at your dress. It was a beautiful blue dress, made with soft fabric. The little details here and there made it even more beautiful. Part of your hair had been pulled up and placed there delicately while leaving the rest of strands released freely, in a hair style that you did not fail to notice, got quite some attention from some of the other young Ladys.
Lord Edwards had just began his affirmation of how much he enjoyed the city rather than the country, when the doors were again opened and this time when you looked, your expectations were indeed achieved.
Daphne had just arrived. She looked absolutely gorgeous, making you smile instantly. At her right side stood her mother, Lady Bridgerton, ever an elegant woman and at her left side, stood Anthony.
Oh, the way your pulse accelerated at the sight of him. He was absolutely handsome, wearing the most formal clothes he had. His dark hair was as always that elegant mess you never got enough of. His eyes were inspecting the room, you smiled thinking that perhaps, he could be looking for you.
"Will you excuse me, Lord Edwards?"  you said suddenly to the Lord, interrupting him in the middle of a sentence and he, a bit sad and yet completely polite, just nodded his head and bid you farewell.
You found yourself walking towards the small Bridgerton group, feet seeming to carry you there on their own even though you did know it would be reasonable to wait. But no, you could not help it.
"(Y/N) you look absolutely gorgeous!" Daphne exclaimed when she saw you, smiling as you stopped right in front of her. "Look, Mama, how beautiful she is!" you felt your cheeks get a bit red under your friend's compliments and the fact that you knew, that Anthony was hearing them and beside her, inspected you with his eyes also.
"My Lady Kerrington, how your mother must be proud of having such a lovely daughter!" Lady Bridgerton said, and that filled you with joy.
"I am sure you should be the one who is proud, Lady Bridgerton, because I have no doubt in my mind that Daphne will be the diamond of the season" your friend smiled as she made sense to your words and then, as you fell silent for a moment, you turned to her left to look at Anthony, whom had stayed silent until them. As your eyes met, it was as if sparks were flying all around you. "Viscount Bridgerton"
"Lady Kerrington" he replied. The kind of smile you expected to see in his features was not there.  His eyes did not stare at you for a long while before he looked away. That was unsual. Before you could make up some conversation, a Lord came closer and asked Daphne for a dance. You watched with a smile as he stepped away with the man and then, as Lady Bridgerton came into a conversation with Lady Danbury, Anthony surprised you by stepping closer to you. "Lady Kerrington, mind if we have a word?" 
"Of—" you did not even finished before he had already began to walk away from the doors, where the greatest amount of people were gathered around. Frowning, you rushed as graciously as you could after him, stopping only to leave your glass, that had been given to you by Lord Edwards, on a table.
Anthony only stopped walking when you were both close to one of the walls of the room, just enough away from others so no one could hear what you spoke about or if they did, would not pay much attention to it. Facing each other, after so long, it felt amazingly good. "It is nice to see you, (Y/N)" his voice was low, so no one would hear him call you by your first name.
You smiled, eyes meeting in a way that made your heart beat even faster, which you did not think was quite possible. "It is nice to see you too, Anthony" your voice was as low as he was. "I have missed—"
"I have to tell you something, (Y/N)" he cut you off shortly, eyes not on yours them. There was something in Anthony that did not seem like him at all. His jaw was clenched, his body was all uptight. He seemed more distant to you now than he had ever been in his travel on the other side of the world.
"Very well" you took a moment to be able to get those words out, because all of your happiness had already began to slip away. Surely, there were bad news coming ahead. The way he looked... or even better, did not look at you, that could not mean nothing good. "What is it?"
Anthony did not speak quite instantly. He looked around the room for a while, then took a deep breath. "I can not marry you, (Y/N)"
That felt like a punch. Right to your stomach, making you sick and your head spin like you had suddenly been privated from air itself. And even though you had to fight back the tears of confusion that dared to fall from your eyes, Anthony did not seem to share your emotion at all. He looked stern, decided.
"W-what happened?" you asked, voice trembling and honestly one string away from failing completely. He did not say anything. You were the one to take a deep breath then. "Anthony, look me in the eye" and only then he did. He looked right at you and you felt your heart break in a million pieces. "I understand if because of your father and your new title, you do not find marriage the most important thing right now. I really understand. You must have enough duties and responsibilities at the moment. But there is no problem. I will wait for you, Anthony. I will—"
"I do not want you to wait for me, (Y/N)" Anthony's tone was decisive. "It has nothing to do with my father or my responsibilities"
Your confusion only grew more and more and what you thought would be an amazing evening, was quickly revealing itself to be an awful one. "Then what—"
"I have someone else" he said and before you could even take in that information, he went on with his narrative. "I met her after I came back from my travel, in the occasion of my father's death. I have been with her ever since. I was with her before I came here today. I have been avoiding you all this time, because I did not have the courage to tell you about this. But I figured that this could no longer be postponed"
Your vision was so blurry you could not even see his face clearly. He had someone else. He did not want to marry you. "You said you loved me" were the words you spoke. You hoped no one was looking at you two because if they were, you had no doubt about how crushed you looked.
That simple phrase seemed to finally get a reaction from Anthony. He looked away from you for another moment, took another deep breath. And then, looked back into your eyes. "I am sorry, (Y/N). But she is the one that I truly love" and even though he showed a small reaction then, it was not even close to the amount required to such matter. He was dealing with you as if  you were a simple affair that had to be taken care of. He had indeed become the Viscount, after all.
You swallowed the knot in your throat, spent countless silent moments trying to fight back the tears. And you stared into Anthony's eyes, and made him see just how much you loved him. Just how much he had hurt you. "I wish you happiness, Viscount Bridgerton"
You saw that Anthony swallowed dry. "(Y/N)..."
But you did not stay to hear what he had to say. You turned around and without being able to contain yourself made a run to the door, attracting everyone's attention to you. Tears fell from your eyes and you were so desoriented that you ran right into someone's chest. Cleaning the tears away with your hands, you met Lord Edwards eyes. "Lady Kerrington, are you well?" Without answering him, you continued to run to the door and only stopped when you felt the cold air of the night on your skin.
You cried, hurt by a man who had just made clear he did not want to marry you. He did not want you at all. You wanted to leave. You wanted to lock yourself in your bedroom and not get out anytime soon. Maybe never.
But most of all, what you really wanted but could not have, was your older brother. The comfort only he could give you in that moment.
[ VI ]
Dear readers,
From this author's perspective, after last night's ball, this social season looks quite promising. Young Ladies were presented into society in search of husbands, mothers have inspected their suitors and the Queen watched it all from her throne, seeming entertained. The night was filled with courting and dances, really a magical night for all the debutantes'.
It came to this author's ears though, that the night was not so magical for everyone. It seems that the young Lady Kerrington and Viscount Bridgerton were seen sharing a very meaningful conversation before she left the event in tears. What did they say to each other, is the question that remains. More specifically, what could the Viscount have said that made the young Lady feel so heartbroken?
Let us be attentive to the upcoming events, dear readers. If I learn to know something interesting in the future, and I always do, you all will the be the ones I share the not so secret with.
This author was a feeling, that many more scandals are yet to come.
Lady Whistledown
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glyxy-wvs · 3 years
hey if you accept requests can you make a fluffy fanfic about Lucifer and Mammon being close? like that pic that you reblogged?
Hello, Anon! Omg, sorry for the long wait!!! 🥺💖 I was busy with irl stuff but AAAA I have finished the fluffy fic! I'm sorry if it didn't reach your expectations.😓 It was a bit difficult to write 'cause I'm not really used to writing fluff.😂 But I hope you like it!! (Also, I didn't base this fic off to the art that I had reblogged, but it's still a fluff fic!! It's fan art, and I think I need permission to write a fic about it.😅 So here's fluffy fanfic of Lucifer and Mammon being close.) Thanks for being the first person to request me haha. Please enjoy this. _ A Day To Relax. [ 1 & 2 ]
Mammon's back hurts; he did the best he could to organized the library at RAD. Maybe he deserves this, or maybe not. He sighs for the tenth time of the day.
There's nothing he can do about it because this was his light punishment for skipping classes again. Although he hates doing chores for his discipline, he needed to be a good big brother for Asmodeus.
Mammon decided to skip his classes so that he could be there to support his little brother. Everyone was busy at that time, with upcoming exams and projects, not one of the brothers could make time for Asmo. The latter understood. It's not like he could force his brothers to watch the stageplay with his classmates. But when he saw Mammon among the crowd with his D.D.D out, he almost cried while performing on stage.
(He felt a bit guilty when he found out that Mammon, believe it or not, skipped classes to watch him.)
Mammon stretched his back when he felt his phone vibrating. He took it out from his back pocket to receive a message from Asmodeus.
I just wanted to say thanks for supporting me there.
This beautiful brother of yours is going to treat you tomorrow! <3]
His lips cracked a smile. He feels soft and loved. Mammon chuckled as he took his bag, ready to go home. He had finished organizing anyway; he preferred to play on his phone for a while.
He started walking to the hallways; almost all of the demons were back to their places already. Some are doing their part-time jobs, and some are being lazy at home (Preferably Belphegor.)
In instinct, Mammon quickly turned around. He already knows that deep voice.
"Are ya gonna assign me another chore to do?" Mammon quickly questioned his older brother, who was leaning into the student council's door frame.
Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, seemingly annoyed already. He pushed back his hair and fixed the wrinkles of his uniform.
"No. Well, if you want to do more. Your choice." With that answer, Mammon crossed his arms, a pout on his face— ready to complain. But Lucifer stopped him.
"Remember that cafe I showed you the other day? Let's go there, my treat." Lucifer stated; he laughed when he saw Mammon froze.
"I don't believe you." His eyes narrowed, looking for a flaw in Lucifer's face and words. "Are ya' truly Lucifer? What if you're a ghost possessing my big bro's body?"
Mammon intentionally loudened his gasp; his eyes were wide, one hand placed on his heart, while the other was grasping on his hair. He paused for a dramatic effect.
Lucifer brought his hand up quickly to pinch his brother's cheek. "You idiot. It's me, of course." He proceeded to ruffles Mammon's hair. "Come on, let's go before I change my mind and give you another chore as punishment. Maybe you could clean up the laboratory next time for a month."
He whispered the last part, but Lucifer knew Mammon could hear him, making the second-born whine.
The two exited the school, taking a detour through the streets.
"I thought yah were gonna give me another punishment." Mammon broke out the silence; Lucifer hummed before replying.
"Why would I? I only gave you a chore for skipping classes, but you being there for Asmodeus? You don't deserve punishment for that."
Mammon stared at the far distance. The cafe they were going to has a nearby sea, and he smiled at his elder brother's words; he enjoyed these simple moments between them. (They're rare. They don't hang out anymore like they used to do in the Celestrial realm. That's why, as much as possible, Mammon cherished these moments.)
Mammon could say that he's close with Lucifer, but not like before— It's weird. Lucifer is his older brother, his family. But as time passed by, Mammon started to get nervous whenever he had done something wrong. He doesn't want to anger and disappoint Lucifer. (But sometimes, he can't help it— he misses his big brother's attention.)
"We're here," Lucifer said. Mammon followed the latter's gaze and immediately formed star-shaped eyes.
"WOAH!! I didn't expect it to be this cool! I only saw the picture but never expected that it would be this big!"
Mammon kept looking around the newly built cafe. The cafe was a bit massive, with a view of the sea beside it. Its structure is similar to a casino. Mammon could already smell the fresh-baked bread and pies inside, making him giggle.
Mammon had loved the view it was showing; he could eat while staring at the horizon. The cafe was located on top of a hill, not too far from the beach. It looks so nostalgic and therapeutic that Mammon took his time admiring the whole place while Lucifer already entered the cafe.
Mammon wished it wasn't too expensive. He knows that Lucifer would be the one to pay, but he doesn't want to burden him with that kind of responsibility. The second-born tried to grasp the wallet on his bag, but then he hesitated. Mammon recalled that the money in there was a payment to his debt.
Ah, yes. Mammon needed to pay it today but decided it would be better to bond with his brother first.
He sighed, still has a firm grip on his bag. He's feeling unwanted emotions today. He wants to cry, laugh, or do something he doesn't usually do. Mammon was overwhelmed with emotions.
He remembered Levi's words that it's okay to be feeling emotions you usually can't explain. Sometimes, it doesn't have to be a reason.
Mammon's snapped out of his thoughts, thinking that Lucifer was likely waiting for him inside. He turned to see the display of different pastries outside, and Mammon immediately recognized Simeon's art.
Mammon recalled Simeon's word. He said that he's going to work part-time somewhere near the sea. And this made Mammon excited. He had already counted the treats and thinking which one would his brothers choose. After planning, he tried to hurry inside but suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. Mammon looked over to his shoulder to see an unfamiliar demon. Their body is most likely the same size as Beelzebub but with a strict stare present. Mammon felt like he was burning.
"Heya! May I ask—who are you?" Mammon said; his tone wasn't that confident, and it's evident with his form that Mammon's going to run away in any second now.
He felt the grip on his shoulder got tighter, and the demon dragged Mammon into a less crowded area. He knows he's far powerful than this guy; he's one of the princes of Devildom. He's the Avatar of Greed. But man, he entirely wants to relax today. Mammon tried to stand with honor and kept his breathing in control.
The demon startled him. "Where's the money?"
And then Mammon realized.
"Oh!? You must be the brother's witch! Ah, here— give me a minute," Mammon took out his wallet and gave them the money. He doesn't feel that nervous anymore. Okay— he lied, maybe a little bit. Can't a demon have fears too? "Geez, you scared the hell out of me for a second there. The agreement was me and her meeting later." He muttered the last part.
But a dark aura surrounded him, and Mammon quickly backed away. He can't meet the other demon's eyes, but he can feel the rage from him.
Is the money not enough?? It can't be. I perfectly counted this; I also worked hard for this. What else could be missing???
"With all due respect, please don't go any nearer to him."
A voice. It must be Lucifer's. Mammon couldn't stop overthinking. What if Lucifer scolds him after this? What if Lucifer started to regret spending time with Mammon because of this?
Mammon looked up, tears threatening to fall. He saw his elder brother, standing behind them as classy as ever. His composure is straight, yet the glaring eyes are full of terror. Mammon recognized Lucifer's stance. It's for preparing himself to change into his demon form if the rest of his younger brothers are in serious trouble.
When the demon started to get closer to Mammon, the latter only felt a swift wind before realizing that Lucifer was there, in front of him now. "Didn't you hear what I said? What else do you need from him?"
"The money."
"It's not sufficient? Then alright, here." Lucifer took out his wallet to satisfy the demon in front of them. Mammon's full-out panicking now. His older brother saved him from trouble, and now he's going to be a disappointment in Lucifer's eyes.
"There, you got the money. Tell your sister that my brother had paid the debt." Lucifer dragged Mammon out of the other demon's sight. He looked back with sharp eyes.
"And as great as reasonable, if you're looking for Mammon—" He looked back with sharp eyes. "—strictly appear to see me. Thank you."
Both never turned their eyes back again as they entered the shop. Mammon quickly explained the whole situation. "I'm sorry! I'm sure— precisely sure that I had counted that money. And it's exactly the price the witch had been asking. I don't know what he's up to with—" He kept on babbling as they reached their reserved seats. Lucifer sighed.
"Look, stop chattering; it's annoying. I believe you. Can't I have a day where I relax with my little brother under no stress or orders whatsoever? Seeing you outside in that kind of situation is making my blood boil. How dare he waste such time when you and I could have been eating here already."
Mammon snickered, ah yeh— It's been so long that he forgot how dramatic Lucifer could be at times.
"Forget about it, Mammon. You had settled the debt, and the food that I ordered is already here. But make sure whenever you're going to meet someone concerning payment, always inform me. I'm serious. If the shares had been a burden to handle, you are welcome to visit my office anytime."
Lucifer already had bread in his mouth, but his expression is still irritable from the situation earlier. Mammon can feel his tears coming back again. Why am I so emotional today?
"Ah. Uhm, hey—" He called out to his older brother. "Thanks for backing me up earlier. I appreciated it!"
Lucifer munched the donut he was holding and then drank the newly served tea. His gaze was on the view outside, seemingly avoiding eye contact. "Hm? Of course. I'm your big brother after all, in case you forgot about it."
In moments like this, it was a rare scene between him and Lucifer. They usually argue and sometimes making each other's day stressful. But, just them eldest brothers, talking and sharing random topics— Mammon cherished this.
And behind that frown the eldest always wears, Lucifer could say the same too. He loved calm moments like this.
"But ain't Michael my first big brother?" Mammon teased. Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Silence, you have no elder brother other than me. Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor, you all are my baby brothers." And when Lucifer realized what he said, he quickly replaced the topic. "And eat the dessert I ordered for you."
Mammon's eyes turned into stars immediately when he recognized the smell, "Woah, no way?! How did you know this was my favorite?!!! This desert is expensive! Big bro! You do love me."
Then they chatted, random topics or something concerning about their home that needs fixing. Nevertheless, the atmosphere around them is comforting and warming. After a while, they had finished eating, and the moon was already out. Both agreed to go home.
"We should invite the others here too!" Mammon stated as he breathed the cold wind that passed by them.
"Yes, that would be a pleasant bonding time. Just don't be too chaotic, please. It's hard to handle all six of you."
It was a great day, Mammon thought to himself. It was entertaining and soothing to talk with his big brother without insults nor orders. Lucifer treated him today; it was— nostalgic for Mammon. It's like he doesn't want this kind of treatment to end. But of course, as the little mischief, as he is, he asked one more request.
"Lucifer!" Mammon rolled the letter r, a bit of a whining tone. "It's night, and I'm tired, yah know? Can I request a piggyback ride?" He knows Lucifer will reject it immediately. So it wasn't like he meant it, already hoping for the worst.
But then Lucifer looked at him, a contemplating expression, before getting down on one knee.
"Alright, just this once. Hurry up before I regret my decision."
Mammon's eyes were wide; he smirked before quickly hugging Lucifer from behind. He felt himself getting lifted off, and it reminded him of the old times, back in the Celestial Realm.
Lucifer doesn't mind; he also missed this. But not like he's going to say this out loud.
I should start spending time with my little brothers whenever I'm free. That would be nice.
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moonlit-mizukage · 4 years
Chapter twenty: The Dance
Summary: Y/l/n Y/n, a third year at Sakura High School, is just a girl with a bad attitude towards anyone outside her small circle. When y/n’s younger sister starts first year, she gains a lot of attention. Unfortunately for everyone in school, the Y/l/n household has one rule, No dating till y/n does. Some people become just desperate enough to pay the leader of the “Monsters”, the trouble making group on campus, to date y/n. What will happen when she finds out? (All characters aged up to third year unless otherwise stated)
TW: Swearing, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of abandonment, Oikawa being a complete ass, physical violence, angst 
Third Person Pov 9:30pm 
Oikawa pulled into the y/l/n’s house. He exited his car as he approached the door. He did a quick reflection check and pushed his hair around and fixed his suit. 
“You’re a hottie, you got this, tonight IS the night.” He said to his reflection. He then knocked on the door. At first there was no answer. So he knocked again. He pulled out his phone and tried to call Mei on it, but just to his luck, no response. The door opened but the sisters father was left standing in front of him. 
“Can I help you?” 
“Yes, we met once,” 
“I remember, that teen boy who smells like a teen sex magnet.” He cut Oikawa off. 
“Umm okay… Is Mei home?” He asked, trying to ignore his previous comment on his smell. 
“No and if she was I still would not let her out with you again.” 
“Sir I assure you I am a good guy who just wants to treat her right.” 
“I see your kind everyday in the hospital I work at. The type to get someone pregnant and then run while they are giving birth and never look back.” 
“That is oddly specific, but I must assure you I am not interested in that stuff right n-” Before Oikawa could finish his sentence the door was slammed in his face. 
“Okay wow that was rude.” He said to himself walking down the front steps back to his car. He checked his phone for more time before leaving. Atsumu had sent him an image. Oikawa opened it only to see Mei and Yamaguchi dancing together, holding onto one another even. He felt himself get angry. He tossed his phone aside and pulled out of the driveway heading to the dance. 
At the dance already- Third person pov 
Tendou walked up to the door with his arm entangled with Y/n’s. He seemed to be a little nervous. Nothing anyone could see upon first glance, but definitely something the other monsters were aware of. Tendou swallowed a lump in his throat as they entered inside, to look over the dance floor. 
“Do you wanna dance?” Y/n said louder then she normally would speak to him. 
“Yeah let’s do it babe.” She seemed to not even notice the nerves he was dealing with. 
They made their way down to the dance floor and Tendou did the best he could to Oikawa and his goons at this time. Not seeing Oikawa yet he assumed it was safe for now, but seeing Yamaguchi dancing with Y/n’s younger sister, he could only guess Oikawa would be angry with them and him. Tendou was not afraid of Oikawa in any way, but he was afraid he would tell y/n before he got a chance to tell you himself. 
Just as y/n was laughing and staring up at Tendou with the utmost love, a slow song started to play.  
“I hate slow songs at dances,” She began to say, “They make me feel like I’m the main character of some cheesy ass romance movie.” 
“Well you are.” He said back as she leaned down, resting her head on his shoulder.  
“What do you mean?” She said just loud enough for him to hear.
“You are the main character in my romance story.” Her body stiffened with this remark as he leaned down leaving a kiss on her forehead. “You don’t have to worry, you know me Y/n. You can trust me, I promise.” Just as he was finished saying that the song ended and he saw Oikawa as he rushed through the crowd heading right up to her younger sister. 
Tendou pulled you away, 
“Can we go get some air in the room over there? It’s just a bit hot in here that's all.” Y/n nodded her head in agreement as she followed close behind. She never let go of his hand the whole way there.  
Still on the dance floor, Mei and Yamaguchi were having a wonderful time. Oikawa grabbed Yamaguchi harshly as he ripped him apart from Mei. 
“What the fuck Mei!” He shouted. People around them moved back to either give more space or witness the drama unfold. 
“Oikawa go away! I am not interested in you anymore!” 
“Did your bitch sister tell you more lies about me?” He asked as she reached up and slapped him as hard as she could. 
“YOU BITCH!” He shouted as Yamaguchi pushed her behind him. Tsukishima and Shirabu showed up in perfect time to stand next to Yamaguchi, knowing how intimidated Oikawa would become. He looked Mei directly in the eyes and yelled, 
“That's fine. You were an expensive whore anyways. You weren't worth my time or money. Have fun being a nobody the rest of your life bitch.” Before anyone knew what was happening, Yamaguchi threw a fist and connected it directly to Oikawa’s face. “What th FUCK!” He said as he tossed a punch right back into Yamaguchi’s stomach, knocking him onto the cold floor. 
“You dick!” Mei said. She then punched Oikawa hard in the eye. “That’s for Yamaguchi,” She then punched him again. “That’s for y/n.” Next she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in a hunched over position, kneeing him in the balls, “And that’s for me asshole!” On that note he fell to the floor. Atsumu and Iwaizuimi came and helped him up and after a minute he was fine. He got the two guys to follow him on the hunt for Tendou. 
In the other room of the dance, Y/n and Tendou were doing your own thing and having a great time. The two of you laughed as you rested on the railing that looked down on the floor below. 
Oikawa entered the room, his two goons as Tendou called them, following right on his trail. He noticed the two about to kiss as he then spoke up. 
“What the absolute fuck Tendou!” 
“Who the hell do you think you are talking to?” Tendou said back, already in front of you as to protect you.  
“I didn’t pay you to take out this psycho bitch for her whore sister to come with someone else.” Y/n’s head snapped into Oikawa’s direction. 
“Fuck off Oikawa.” He said, noticeably angry at that point. 
“What the fuck does he mean pay you?” Y/n asked Tendou. 
“Oh you didn’t think this was real did you Y/n? You really think anyone would willingly go out with you without being paid did you?” Oikawa asked with full intent to hurt coming through his words adding a conniving laugh to the end of his words. 
“He’s lying right Satori?” You asked, voice on the verge of being broken then. 
“I-” Tendou stuttered, he took a deep breath before he carried on.”I wanted to tell you sooner, I really did Y/n.” 
“So it’s true?” She no longer attempted to hide her tears in that moment. She turned to run away as Tendou grabbed her wrist. 
“Please, let me explain first?” He asked her. 
“Go to hell Satori!” She said as she ripped her arm from him and ran down the stairs. 
Tendou turned to the three guys who had just remained still in front of him. 
“You three have just made some powerful enemies.” Tendou stated as he pulled out his phone. The other three fled as they knew the Monsters were now on their way there. 
As for y/n, she called Shirabu who had grabbed the other and took her home in Tsukishima’s car. They all sat around y/n’s room after they had just changed from their fancy clothes. Y/n sat in the windowcell, with her head rested upon the glass. She looked out upon the moonlight wondering how such a thing could come to be. 
Y/n felt a buzz on her phone as she picked it up. She didn’t recognize the number but the message read;
I know I messed up but I just want to talk to you, please.
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An: I have been honestly so excited to write this part and the ones after for some time now UwU 
Taglist: @belongtothewcrld​ @elianetsantana @its-the-aerieljeane @london-quynh @vhskenma @denkithunder @swagdaddycam @ems1des @tendouispretty @senpaisbadass @elephantloser @smolbbgorl @mikeys-thighs @kuroolilchibichan @softesyoongi​ @ouijaeater15​ @xxsilverwingxx @prettyinblack231 @kookie-doughs  @mikesdeath @bruh-kill-me @skeet-skeet-double-fckn-yeet @d0llpie @0-hysteria-0 @katsumi-sumi @rintarawr​ @sirachano0dles  @satan-ruler-of-hells @himboos @maer-333 @pastel-prynce @tanakasimpcorner​ @atria-avior
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atsunflower · 4 years
Hospital for souls — The Line
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Rated: SFW
Author note: I gotta nothing to say. This took me really long and I struggled a lot to write it. Thanks for being patient with me. Also, big shoutout to @neonghxst, who helped me a lot with this one. I love you bby 💕
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of anxiety and this chapter contains gore towards the end.
IV — The line
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"I don't wanna go" Your voice showed distaste at the invitation.
Since the fight with Sakusa, you avoided all human contact like the plague. The only ones that talked to you were the maids and, occasionally, Komori, who had warmed up to you since you saved his ass — to be honest, you weren't very fond of his change of character.
"Listen, you're the new lady of this household." Komori explained in a tired manner."This gala is held every year in some sort of diplomatics, to grant no family crosses the line. All the important members must make a presence."
"Yeah, but I'm sure no one cares if I don't show up." You deadpanned looking at his face.
"It's just a fancy ass party. I'll take you to get a dress myself, but I gotta run some errands and find a suit too. If I'm late, then Izuna will take you." Komori saw you stiffening when you heard the name. Ever since you arrived in Itachiyama, Izuna was the most hostile towards you. "Hey, don't worry about him... He'll be nice."
"I gotta remind you that no one has been nice to me since I came here, Komori-san." You stated the obvious and the male before you grimaced.
"Look, we're not as bad as you think. Neither we are some sort of low life criminals, you know." His voice sent shivers down your spine. The hazel-haired man has been treating you better, yes, but you could tell the words you said to Sakusa that day affected him too.
"Yeah. But you all did nothing to prove me wrong." You stared at his eyes, the sincere tone meaning each world "If anything, all you did was make me miserable even though I'm not a threat. And you know it." You saw when the hazel haired male shook his head, face softening a little.
"I'll be back in a few." And then, Komori left. 
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To your relief, it was Komori himself who showed up at your bedroom door. Now, you were at some boutique somewhere in the fancy side of Shibuya, trying a beautiful strappy off-white dress.
You loved how the silky cloth hugged your body and how the pearly color complimented your skin tone. Definitely, it was the propper gown for an event as important as a mafia gala.
Taking in the figure reflected in the mirror, you recalled the last time you wore something so fancy was at your wedding. Suddenly, you felt ugly — after all, you were a woman of surgical scrubs and white coats. Wearing something like this dress was a reminder of what kind of life you were living now.
"[Name]-san, have you decided?" Komori asked with an undecipherable look on his face. 
"Ah, yes, I'm taking this one" You said to the salesperson, already getting back to the changing room.
From the inside, you heard a knock on the door. It was Komori.
"[Name], are you good?" He asked in a soft spoken manner, as if he was concerned.
You know it's not the case, don't let your guard down, you reminded yourself.
"Yes, Komori-san. Are we ready to go?" He hummed in agreement, saying he was going to do the payment.
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The two of you had yet to arrive in Itachiyama. The silence was heavy inside the car and you could see the man opening his mouth as if he was trying to say something.
"I never asked, did you see a doctor?" You started, breaking the unnerving atmosphere.
"Ah, yes. I'm all good, no sequels or whatever." He cleared his throat, side-glancing at you "Those guys took us by surprise that night, huh? We were lucky you were there to help us out." You hummed, staring at his elbow, as if you could see through the material of his jacket.
"I shouldn't have opened your arm that way. It was really irresponsible of me to do it and it was a miracle things ended up well."You said in a reflecting manner.
Does she regret saving me?, Komori couldn't help but wonder.
"The doctor I saw said the surgery was perfectly executed, so don't beat yourself over it. Besides, I can see the passion you have. You'd make it right anyways." The male said truthfully and you frowned. You didn't want his trust because he would never have yours.
You also didn't like the appreciative tone he used. A doctor isn't a hero, You reminded yourself everyday, to never let it go to your head.
"I'm passionate, but it's about my personal ethics, you don't need passion to be good at what you do. I think you know it very well." You still frowned, not liking what he implied. You never wanted to be some sort of hero, much less to someone like him. 
"Yeah, I don't need to love the yakuza to be good at it. But I don't think a passionless person would make a good doctor." He argued, trying to prove his point.
"In my line of work, a mistake costs your whole career. Passionless and unethical people exist everywhere, a hospital isn't a sanctuary." You said matter of factly — it wasn't about the romantic lenses people saw the health workers. After all, medicine was a field made majorly of people with the means and the money. You learned it the hard way when you made into med school.
"Why would you say that?" The traffic light signalled to stop. The Kobun used this opportunity to take in your figure, eyes roaming over your crossed arms and unfazed features.
Duty takes a toll in everyone, huh?, He internally stated.
"Because I know someone. And as passionless someone could be, he's still the best at what he does." And Komori didn't miss the feeling displayed in your eyes.
It wasn't merely passion. Something deeper resided in those irises of yours.
An awkward silence overtook the atmosphere as the car resumed its movement. He felt uncomfortable, trying to figure out what you meant.
"Well, what matters is that everything ended up well. Who would have guessed they would attack us that night?" Komori conceded, trying to break the unsettling quietness.
"Yeah, this whole yakuza thing is really scary." You said looking through the tinted window, a pensive look in your face.
"You'll get used to it. And it doesn't happen on a daily basis either" He brushed you off, turning in a curb.
"Yeah, but ignoring the threat isn't an easy task." You retorted, tiredly.
"How do you know it? Besides, since you're our lady, it's not like we'll let  something happen to you." The brunette said, in hopes of comforting you. It had the opposite effect, as a silent rage ran down your body.
"Komori-san, how do I know?" You bitterly laughed "My whole life, I was at the line. My mother didn't want me to be born, Inarizaki wanted my head since I was in the womb and you guys will get rid of me at any given opportunity." You saw him opening his mouth to argue "Your household won't protect me if the order comes from Sakusa." 
As if in a cue, the car approached the gates of Itachiyama. Komori was rendered speechless, knowing you were right.
Personally, you weren't one to offend people and make them feel bad. You couldn't help the pang in your chest every time you exploded at any of them. But by god, were you tired.
I just want my life back, you thought. After all, it was infinite times easier to be a target when you were somehow detached from the life inside the families. The Kobun said something you paid no mind to.
Banging the car door shut, you ignored his calling.
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The nagging feeling was a constant in his life.
Roaming through his memories, he could never pinpoint a time he felt comfortable under his skin. He was too anxious and life never treated him kindly to do so.
Maybe he overreacted a lot, too. But it wasn't his fault he had to be hyper aware of his surroundings.
The alert state was essential in an ambience full of people who could stab him in the back.
Fuck the diplomatics, he cursed.
It was one of those nights he hated the most. The suntuous ballroom was full of people going back and forth, bragging about futilities and throwing insincere flattery at each other. All because the ever so generous Karasuno was hosting a dinner at The Crow to assure no one disturbs the deal between the families.
Bullshit, he thought. It's only Karasuno trying to show off their influence over this frail peace.
And, as much as he appreciated said peace, he hated how everyone faked they got along with each other.
Not that he cared about politeness either. And his signature scowl did nothing to keep people away. After all, everyone wanted a piece of Itachiyama.
"Kiyoomi." The ravenette heard the deep voice from his back. A wave of relief washed over him.
At least, Wakatoshi-kun is here. I won't die from boredom, He mused.
"Wakatoshi." He responded, nodding at the other. From outside Itachiyama, Ushijima was the only one Sakusa considered a friend.
"I thought you wouldn't come tonight, I know you don't really like the crowd."
"People would find weird if I didn't, considering Inarizaki and everything."
"Speaking of which, did you bring your wife?" Ushijima asked, looking around. Sakusa nodded before speaking.
"Yeah, she went to the restrooms. Komori is with her." And speaking of the devil, you came into view.
He knew you had a fine taste for things, and he would be a fool to say you didn't look good tonight. But he would never admit it.
A Miya isn't worth you time, he repeated it like a mantra, observing as you made your way onto him.
Komori enthusiastically greeted Ushijima and you merely nodded out of politeness, looking at the bulky male with caution. Given Ushijima's intimidating vibes, Sakusa couldn't really blame you.
"I see you're Sakusa's wife. I'm Ushijima Wakatoshi." He offered his hand at you "It's a pleasure to meet you"
"Likewise, Ushijima-san" You introduced yourself as the Oyabun of Itachiyama watched the scene unfold before him, recalling how his friend was the blunt and introverted type. He couldn't help but admire the way the two of you conversed smoothly; earning Ushijima's sympathy required effort. You did it with ease.
"She's a good woman." Sakusa didn't see when your conversation died down and Ushijima turned to him. He found himself dumbfounded at the other's statement.
"She's a Miya"
"She worked with Shirabu. He spoke highly of her" A waiter passed by offering them whiskey. The rich scent of Yamazaki reached his nostrils as he drank it, throat used to the burning sensation "And you know he's not one to lie."
"Still…" His retort was halted when he felt the weight of a gaze on him. In the far corner of the room, none other than Oikawa Tooru had all his attention turned to the general direction of you all "What is he looking at?" He squinted at the brunette's direction, trying to make out his intentions.
"He seems to be looking at your wife" Ushijima bluntly spoke "But don't worry about him, Oikawa may have his reasons. He is a reliable man, after all."
"You're indeed soft today. What happened?" The other opened his mouth to respond before being interrupted by a startled voice.
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Your husband was doing a good job ignoring you while speaking to Ushijima — you wouldn't complain, since you didn't want any of his attention.
Listening to Komori speaking wonders of the whiskey he was drinking, you felt a little at ease. You imagined the gala to be much scarier than this, but all you could see was snotty people too full of themselves. It was almost comical hearring them bragging about things you couldn't even dream of.
"This is a 25 years old Yamazaki. It's a favorite of mine and Kiyoomi—"
"Is this real life?" A surprised voice cutted Komori's middle sentence.
Before you, a handsome man looked appalled, staring at you with an emotion you couldn't identify. You were feeling uncomfortable as everyone around you was paying attention to your interaction.
"I'm sorry, sir. But am I supposed to know you?" You asked, in hopes to remember if you knew him by any chance. He beamed brightly at you.
"Of course you wouldn't remember me!" And he laughed again, earning a frown from your husband.
"Do you have any business to do with my wife?" Sakusa's cold-steel voice asked. The pretty man ignored it. And, at this point, everyone in the area stopped their actions, watching the scene with interest.
"I'm Oikawa Tooru, the Oyabun of Seijoh. Two years ago, you saved my nephew's life in an accident at the Dinosaur Bridge, only using a needle. After it, you held his hand until the ambulance came." The man bowed deeply, and only now you noticed he was accompanied by another spiky-haired male, who was also bowing at you. Observing them, you faintly remembered saving a little boy in a traffic accident a couple of years ago "For that, I'll be forever thankful. In return, I wanted to say you have Seijoh's gratitude whenever you need it." He stood tall again, staring at you dead in the eye to confirm he meant every single word he said.
You were speechless.
"I… sir, I'm thankful, but I did what had to be done. You don't owe me anything." You said uncertainly, glancing at the startled faces of both Komori and Sakusa. Ushijima looked fondly at you, as if he knew something.
"You had a choice that day, and you choosed to help us when we couldn't do anything. And it's enough for us to pay you back." The spiky-haired man said. It was rare for someone to address you with so much respect and sincerity. You appreciated it wholeheartedly.
"I— thank you." And you bowed at them, trying to show your gratitude to both males.
"Well, we won't disturb you anymore. Please have a good night" The Oikawa guy said, handing you a business card which you secluded inside your clutch.
"See?" You heard Ushijima saying, but you were too stunned to register it.
You didn't have time to process the event, as someone announced the dinner was about to be served.
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"Seijoh's favour, huh? You sure are skyrocketing this mafia thing." Suna said, sitting on the chair on the opposite side of the table.
You all were addressed to a table with ten seats. It looked like Itachiyama was paired up with Inarizaki and another household you were yet to discover. The atmosphere was already stiff, as Sakusa kept throwing dirty glares at the twins.
"Impressive how you're doing well inside the yakuza. I thought you weren't going to last a month." Atsumu snickered as Osamu and the others ignored everything around them, getting ready for the dinner.
You mimicked their actions before Izuna joined you; you tensed seeing him taking the seat by your left.
Sakusa sat by your right, side-glancing at you. It looked like he had a newfound interest since the interaction with Oikawa earlier.
To your surprise, Seijoh was addressed to your table. Though, both Oikawa and Iwaizumi — Suna let you know his name and the fact he was also a Kobun — said nothing, sensing the tension hanging in the air.
None of the men said anything as the food started to be served. Instead, they busied themselves with the entree, keeping the smalltalk inside their household circle.
You heard Osamu saying something about the wine but you didn't register it. Soon enough, the waiters brought the main course in silver trays.
It smelled fabulous and your mouth watered at the scent.
"A lovely meal for the lady. Please enjoy it, I'm sure you won't forget this occasion." The blond waiter said, as he uncovered your plate. You took in the deep red sauce made of berries and the way the meat was perfectly cooked.
With fork and knife in hand, you went for it.
And indeed, you wouldn't forget the occasion.
Sliding the meat over the plate, you noticed it  hiding something. The scream was caught in your throat as you recognized the obnoxious structure, because years of unveiling the human anatomy would never fail you.
The cutlery clattered in the porcelain surface, spilling the sauce all over you. The white of your dress was now tainted with crimson, as if blood seeped out of your chest.
But you didn't even feel it. All you felt were hands shaking your body, trying to draw some reaction from you. The screams also came in a white noise through your ears, because all you could register was the sight before your eyes.
In the middle of the plate, a finger rested limp and dirty. Dead.
In a similar manner, you did too. 
Among the chaos, you sat there, also limp and dirty. At the end of a promise of death.
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slowly-writing · 4 years
Emily Prentiss x Reader
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: Canon typical violence
A/n: I wrote this through a sleep deprived, midterm frenzied daze, and I’m not 100% happy with it. But I hope it turned out okay.
“We have three victims in six weeks. They were all abducted from public places and were held for three days before being discovered in a different, but equally public place first thing in the morning,” Garcia begins the briefing, clicking through the slides of the abduction and dump sites, “all three victims were high risk-”
“Holy shit,” Emily cuts her off as the mugshots of the victims appear on the screen.
“You okay?” You ask cautiously. Emily isn’t one to interrupt a meeting, and the outburst makes you a bit nervous.
“You’re seriously telling me you don’t see it?” Emily looks between you and the screen, making you even more confused.
“I do,” Morgan says, JJ and Spencer nodding along.
“Alright, you all are going to need to let me in on your secret. What are we seeing?” The team is now all staring at you confused.
“You really don’t see it, do you y/l/n?” Rossi says and you groan in frustration.
“What is there to see?” You practically yell.
“They all look exactly like you,” Emily says and you freeze. You lock your eyes onto the screen and furrow your brow. Sure they have the same hair color and eye color, but surely you’re not identical in any way.
“No they don’t. Can we just get on with the briefing?” You huff out. Annoyed at all the attention on you. You’re here to help these women. Not agonize over their looks.
“Right, of course. The three victims were high risk, making them easy targets, but he could become bolder as time goes on,” Garcia finishes and you all nod.
“Then we better stop him before he does. Wheels up in twenty,” Emily dismisses you and you all move to leave the room. But she grabs your arm, forcing you to stay behind with her and the rest of the team pauses as well.. Rossi looks between the two of you, debating if he should usher the team out and give you some privacy. But before he can decide Emily looks at the rest of the team.
“She can’t go.” Your jaw drops at her words and you pull your arm from her grasp.
“What the hell Emily? You don’t think this is a conversation we should have in private?” you hiss, trying to keep your voice low.
“No because you’re not going to listen to me,” she crosses her arms and you roll your eyes at the stern look she sends you.
“Because you’re being ridiculous!” you yell this time and Morgan speaks up.
“She’s just trying to keep you safe. I know you say you don’t see it but you do look exactly like them.” You look around the room to see everyone nodding along and you sigh.
“I get that you guys are concerned for my safety, and I appreciate the thought, but it’s unnecessary. When you look beyond appearances I am nothing like those girls. More than that, I have you all to protect me. Now we can waste time with you forcing me to stay here and I’ll hop on a commercial flight tomorrow and meet you there, or we can get on the jet and help these women. So let’s save me the time and money and get going. These people deserve our help Emily, that’s our job right now,” the team stays silent but you can see their resolve cracking, Emily finally giving a nod that disperses the team. A look of anger crosses her face but you can see the fear that’s barely concealed. You step towards her, gently taking her hand.
“I’m going to be okay,” you promise and she sighs, placing a lingering kiss to the side of your head.
“You better be.”
“We need to hold a press conference,” Rossi says and you all nod, having been thinking the same thing. “Y/n needs to do it.”
That is where the agreement stops. You wouldn’t mind doing it, but everyone else begins voicing their concerns, nobody louder than Emily as she jumps out of her chair.
“Do you seriously think we’re letting him see her?” Emily snaps and you take her hand, pulling her back into her seat before she tries to lunge at Rossi’s throat.
“We all know this is the best idea. The profile doesn’t indicate that he’d be willing to try and grab me in public, but just in case I’ll wear a vest and I’ll have all of you to protect me. He’s not getting anywhere near me, but this is what needs to be done,” you try to sway her and you can see the conflict in her eyes. She wants nothing more than to catch this guy, but she won’t do it at the expense of losing you.
“I’m gonna be up there with you,” she says and everyone nods.
“We can do that. Morgan and Reid I want you taking pictures of the crowd to send back to Garcia. We know he’ll be there so be discrete, but get a shot of everyone there. Any questions?” Rossi has taken over the briefing and at the shake of your heads he dismisses the team. Morgan and Reid going to find their equipment, you and Emily sitting down to write the release, and everyone else scattering to set up the conference. In what feels like no time at all you’re on the stage getting ready to address the public.
“Thank you all for coming. As you all know, there is a predator in your community. Over the last several weeks, three women have been murdered…” you start your briefing. Emily stands silently beside you, sunglasses on and scanning the crowd. She looks more like your bodyguard than your girlfriend, but you let it slide. She’s nervous, and if standing next to you helps you’ll let her, that’s where she’s been the whole case. Your speech is long, definitely longer than it needs to be to get the point across but you plan on giving the team as much time as possible to scout the crowd. You continue sharing the profile, adding details and talking slowly until you hear a call through the coms that they’re ready. With that you wrap up your speech and exit the stage with Emily following behind you, both of you silently praying that this was enough to get the bastard.
“Samuel Finnigan. 1492 Beach road,” Garcia rattled off the address of your unsub as you all grab your vests and make your way to the SUVs.
“Thanks Garcia!” You end the call as you reach the parking lot.
“Woah woah woah. You are not coming with us!” Emily steps between you and the vehicles so fast you almost run into her.
“You mean you’re finally letting me out of your sight?” You can’t help the snarky reply. You’re getting really tired of this.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She snaps and you roll your eyes. You take a deep breath, trying to stop this from escalating.
“You’ve been attached to me all week. You’re always right next to me, and normally I wouldn’t mind that, I love spending time with you. But I can’t stand you watching me like I’m gonna snap in two. I’m fine. I’m a big girl, I can protect myself!” you yell, any sense of calm going out the window, and it’s her turn to roll her eyes.
“That doesn’t matter to this guy! Until he’s in custody you’re not going anywhere near him.” you groan and run your hands through your hair. This is absolutely ridiculous.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!”
“I’m in charge here, and what I say goes,” her words make anger boil deep within you, she sounds like a child fighting for power, and you half expect to see her stomping her foot like a toddler.
“You can’t just switch from being my girlfriend to being my boss to win an argument.”
“I’m your unit chief first,” she says firmly and something within you snaps.
“Then maybe you shouldn’t be my girlfriend at all!” There's a moment of heavy silence. Even the wind seems to die down, leaving the two of you staring at each other in the parking lot, both waiting for the other to be the first to break.
“You aren’t coming,” Emily’s tone changes. This is the voice she uses when lecturing recruits, not the one she uses with you, so you put on an emotionless mask. If she’s gonna pull the unit chief card, you’re not letting her see how much it hurts.
“Is that an order?” you ask and she sighs.
“Y/n. Please don’t make me-”
“Is that an order?” you ask again, cutting her off mid sentence.
“Yes. That’s an order,” she knows she’s won the argument, but a look of defeat crosses her face anyway.
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be here when you get back,” you say with a sharp nod.
“Y/n-” she takes a step towards you but you take one backwards, placing your hands behind your back and standing up straighter.
“You better get going, Unit Chief Prentiss.” She sighs again at your words but makes her way to the SUV. You can see the team staring at you through the windows and you lock your jaw at the looks of pity on their faces. They will not see you break. You won’t let them.
You don't go inside when they pull out of the parking lot. You need a few moments to compose yourself first. Looking up to the sky you try to blink away the tears forming in your eyes. You stay still for a few moments before hearing footsteps behind you.
“Sorry you just missed-” you cut yourself off. The man looking back at you is not a local officer, but instead the face from the DMV picture Garcia showed you. You drop your vest to move your hand to the gun strapped to your hip but he’s pointing one at you before you can grab it.
“Now here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re going to follow me quietly and you won’t get hurt. At least not yet,” the sick smile on his face makes your stomach turn, but you nod. His smile widens and he gestures with the gun to his run down pick up truck parked behind the station. As the barrel of the gun is pressed into your back you take a few shakey steps towards the truck, weighing your options carefully. You wish you would’ve just put on the vest inside. You make a note to ask Emily about making that protocol if you get out of this.
The closer you get to the vehicle the more you realize you’re running out of time. In a split second decision you throw your elbow back, catching his nose as you try to duck out of the way of his gun. You manage to move enough that the bullet misses any vital organs, instead it goes straight through your shoulder. You scream in pain as he shoves you into the back seat of his truck. Blood pours out of your shoulder and your thoughts start spiraling as you slip into unconsciousness.
I’m gonna die.
Emily thinks I hate her.
I’m gonna die and Emily will never know how much I love her.
God I love her.
“He wasn’t there,” Emily tells the police chief as she enters the precinct and he nods. The rest of the team isn't too far behind, talking amongst themselves and debating their next steps.
“You still think it’s him?” a he asks the team, but another person speaks before any of them can.
“Where’s that other girl? Y/l/n, right? The one who looks like all the victims,” a rookie speaks and the BAU freezes, their attention snapping to him.
“What do you mean where is she? Is she not here?” Emily snaps and the poor man takes a step back, his fear clear as day.
“N-no. She went outside with you all. She never came back in. DId something happen?” He never gets an answer as Emily pulls out her phone and steps towards the conference room.
“Garcia I need you to pull the security footage from outside the precinct,” she says as soon as the line connects.
“I can do that. Why though? Do you think he was-oh god” Garcia cuts herself off and Emily’s jaw tightens.
“What’s happening Penelope?” Her voice has the same mix of anger and fear it’s held for days as she paces the room.
“I’m sending it to your tablets now,” Garcia’s shaky voice does nothing to calm their nerves as they all lunge for their tablets, watching in horror as you get shot, cursing themselves for leaving you alone.
“How the hell did these dumbasses not hear a gunshot right outside their door!” Emily yells, moving to storm out the door. JJ steps into her path, grabbing her shoulders to stop her.
“Emily, take a breath. You can go yell at the cops or we can sit down and figure out how to find y/n,” JJ’s voice is steady, much calmer than she feels, and Emily nods.
“Garcia, start looking for any properties in Finnigan’s name,” Emily orders and the team snaps into action. They’re going to find you, no matter how long it takes.
“No, that one was demolished, look,” Rossi slides a tablet in Reid’s direction. There’s a news article on the screen depicting a foreclosed property, half collapsed and surrounded with construction equipment.
“How has one man owned so many different properties in such a short amount of time? It’s like he was doing it intentionally, trying to make it harder for us to find him,” JJ’s voice is thick and scratchy, she hasn’t slept since you disappeared two and a half days ago, none of them have.
“He was definitely hiding from something, whatever it was. This is a man who doesn’t wanna be found,” Morgan says, tossing another empty coffee cup into the trash can that has long since overflowed. The team has lost count of how many pots of truly disgusting break room coffee they’ve made it through in the last few hours, Reid doesn’t think he’ll stop shaking for a month.
“I think I have something,” Penelope’s voice comes through one of the screens and they all snap awake. “His sister died 5 months ago, right before he started spontaneously buying and selling properties at an alarming rate, he clearly went on the run.”
“She must’ve been his first victim, and once he started he couldn’t stop. Who knows how many more victims there are that we haven’t even found yet,” Rossi says and Emily swallows hard.
“She looks like y/n, doesn’t she?” Even knowing the details of the case, it scares her to think he may see his sister in you.
“More than any of the others,” Garcia says, sending a picture along. The girl they’re all staring at could be your sister. You’re identical, right down to the way you style your hair. Under better circumstances Emily may joke about doing a DNA test to make sure you’re not actually related, but right now it makes her sick to her stomach.
“So we know why he’s doing this. Now we just need to figure out where,” Reid says and Penelope nods, smiling slightly.
“I may have that answer as well, this one fits all the parameters. It’s isolated, and he’s only had it for a few weeks, it’s definitely still standing,” she says, a bit of hope creeping into her voice. Even though she’s not there, she’s as scared as the rest of the team, if not more. They’re all a wreck, you’re family and they all have a feeling of terror that you may not be coming home with them. But none of them more than Emily. None of them feel the pain she does, but they’re all determined to make sure that pain is a temporary one.
“Send us the address,” Emily’s voice is firm and her fists clenched as they make their way to the SUVs once again, praying it’s not another dead end.
You know it’s them when there’s a banging on the front door of the cabin you’re being held in, it has to be them. The words “FBI open up!” are being yelled and you know you’re saved. You don’t think you’ve ever seen anything as satisfying as the look of terror Samuel’s face as he takes off running. You hear what must be Derek kicking the door down before several sets of footsteps sound off through the house, Spencer being the first to appear in your line of sight.
“He went out the back,” your voice is weak, but he hears you loud and clear.
“Finnigan went out the back. I have eyes on y/n, you guys go get that son of a bitch.” You let out a weak laugh at that, you can count the number of times you’ve heard Reid curse on one hand with two fingers to spare. Unfortunately that laugh turns into a cough, and you’re quickly reminded of the extent of your injuries. The bleeding in your shoulder has never quite stopped and you have more bruises and cuts than you can count.
“Spencer. Tell Emily-” you pause, coughing weakly once again, “tell her I love her. Tell her I’m sorry and I didn’t mean it.”
“You tell her yourself,” his tone is harsh but you know it’s because he’s scared. As he takes a few steps closer to you he begins to frantically look around, for the rest of the team, for the medic he’s calling through his radio, for anyone. His head snaps back to you as your coughing continues. “Hold on, just a few more minutes.”
You nod at his words, your eyes starting to slip closed as he puts pressure on your shoulder. Your face scrunches up and you can feel tears starting to pool in your eyes, “Spence, stop. It hurts…please stop.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” his voice cracks but his hands don’t move. You can hear the someone jogging over, and you hope that means they have him in custody. It takes all the energy you have left to pull your eyes open again, seeing Emily’s face above you as she takes your hand.
“Emily I-” she shakes her head, cutting you off.
“I know, and I love you too. Just take deep breaths, it’s going to be okay.”
“Emily, I'm really sorry,” you whisper, hours later in a hospital bed with tears filling your eyes once again.
“I know. I am too. We both said things we didn’t mean, we didn’t want to hurt each other. It’s okay, love,” she says but you shake your head.
“It’s not okay. I almost died today and the last thing I would’ve said to you is that I didn’t want to be with you. I do. I promise you I do,” the tears start falling, but Emily is quick to brush them away.
“I know that. Even then, when you said that, I knew you wanted to be with me and I with you. I was so scared for your safety that I over reacted, and that reaction left you alone. If there’s one thing I learned from the last few days it's that we’re better together. We’re safer, happier, and stronger together. I wanted to do this later, maybe over a fancy dinner or a walk in the park, but now seems more appropriate,” Emily says and you furrow your brow as she reaches into her jacket pocket. Her smile is wide as she pulls out a ring, and the tears in your eyes are no longer from sadness. “Y/n, you are the love of my life and I almost lost you today. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, however long that is. So, will you marry me?”
You nod as she slips the ring on your finger, laughing in disbelief. As soon as it’s done you crash your lips into hers. The kiss is salty from tears and is broken by your smiles, but it’s perfect.
“Yes, I would be honored to spend the rest of my life with you. Even if it means dealing with your ridiculous overprotectiveness,” you tease and she rolls her eyes.
“You know you love it,” she tries to argue but you just laugh again.
“Shut up and kiss me,” you breathe out, and Emily is happy to be the one taking orders this time.
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Dance For You
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(This entire photoshoot wrecked my life and my soul actually left my body how can one human be this fucking sexy it isn’t fair)
Mark Tuan X Stripper Reader
Genre: This one has all the good shit (So much fluff, tiny bits of angst and SMUT SMUT SMUT)
Warning: Rated 18+
Oral (both male and female receiving), edging, choking, face riding, breast play, degradation, doggy style, cowgirl, daddy kink, dominant Mark (one can dream)
Word Count: 11.5K
Summary: Becoming a stripper was the last thing you would have ever saw yourself doing as a job, but because you had so many financial responsibilities, you were willing to do whatever it was to get a large amount of money in a small amount of time. There were many pros that came with being a stripper; not only were you paid excessive amounts of money that you weren’t able to wrap your mind around, but your job is what also led you to meeting the actual love of your life; your devastatingly handsome boyfriend of three years Mark Tuan.
A/N: I wrote this over a year ago (I don’t know what inspired me to write this but the idea of Mark dating a stripper got me all sorts of fucked up and one of my favorite youtubers is a stripper and I just grew curious about what it would be like to have a boyfriend while being an exotic dancer) so this came out. If I’m being honest, I had to tweak this story A LOT; I was actually cringing at how bad my writing used to be I’ve come a long way guys--happy reading!! 
Being a stripper was not an ideal job. They were always frowned upon by most people and ridiculed for selling their bodies in order to make money. But what most people didn’t understand, was that pole dancing and stripping was an art as much as it was sexual entertainment. When you first started stripping, it was to help pay for college, your apartment and your car. You told yourself you would quit stripping once you graduated from college and paid off all of your bills. However, you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t enjoy the money you would bring home almost every single night you worked. 
The club that you worked at was one of the most popular strip clubs in town. It was always packed to the point where people would have to go on a waiting list or could only get in if they had connections. Most dancers at your club were practically family to you and they made sure you knew that you were the reason everyone would come to that specific club. You were always quick to shut down their compliments because you didn’t think you were all that special. From the time you were a little girl, you’ve always loved to dance. 
Whether it be ballet, jazz or hip hop, you would dance any and everywhere there was music. As you got older, you got so busy with both work and school that you no longer had the time or energy to continue doing what you loved so much. When you graduated from high school, you decided to attend college thousands of miles away from your hometown to your parents dismay. They were very helpful when it came to paying for your college education. However, because it was your decision to move away and be an out of state student, they told you that you needed to help pay for your tuition. 
After months of working boring, low paying jobs, you overheard one of your classmates talking about how much money she gets paid from her job. When you asked her about it, it was then that she admitted to being a stripper and offered to get you an audition with her company in order to get a job there. At first, you were contemplating on doing so. You were raised to be very modest and anyone who sold their bodies to people for money whether it be prostitutes, hookers or strippers were frowned upon by your family. However, the income strippers received is what sold you. 
You didn’t care about the consequences that came with being an exotic dancer—you just wanted life to be easier. When you went for your audition, everyone was blown away by how graceful your movements were and you were immediately hired on the spot. For the first week after being hired, your managers had the other strippers teach you the basics. Even if you were a dancer, dancing in heels and lingerie was not something you were used to. Although you had a fit body from dancing for so many years, you didn’t think you had the breasts nor the butt to be a stripper. 
Seeing your fellow coworkers bodies made you very insecure from time to time, but you were very quick to learn that this was a cutthroat business. There was no room to have a low self esteem. Even if you were close with almost every stripper you worked with, things weren’t like that in the beginning. Strippers were some of the most competitive people there were and you couldn’t blame them. 
They all wanted to be the best in order to attract more customers. Sure, there were times where you would regret becoming a stripper—and the guilt would eat you alive every time your mom called you to ask how college was going. But there were more pros than cons that came with being a stripper. You loved your job; the management was very lenient with your schedule, you made more money in one night than you did in two weeks at any of your previous jobs and because it was stripping that introduced you to the actual love of your life—your boyfriend of three years, Mark Tuan. 
On the night you and Mark first met, he had just turned 21 years old. You were 19 at the time and you had already been dancing for a couple of months. For his birthday, his friends decided to take him to a strip club; telling him that he needed to experience such wild and fun things while he was still young. Mark wasn’t the type to go out to clubs, parties and bars. All he really cared about was school and video games; until he met you and that’s when everything changed. You were getting ready to perform when you were requested for a one on one session. It wasn’t uncommon. Men would request for a one on one performance with strippers all the time, but you had yet to do so yourself. 
You’d hear stories all the time from your coworkers about how scary it could be, even if it paid more. The club charged more for one on one performances only because they could be making more when the dancer performs for a crowd rather than just one person. You told your management that you didn’t feel comfortable performing for someone alone because of the countless horror stories you heard about men getting physical and even trying to rape the dancers. However, after the few incidents, the management made sure that whoever entered the club had a quick background check before they were able to enter.
“Y/n, your customer is waiting for you in room 7. Go easy on him. He’s really cute. Oh, and wear that cute red suit you bought the other day. Trust me.” 
You did as you were told and put on the very tiny, leaving no room to the imagination lingerie set while slipping on your Louboutins. After a taking in a few deep breaths and whispering words of encouragement to yourself just like you did almost every night, you made your way outside to his room. When you walked out on that stage and your eyes landed on your customer, you felt your heart rate increased. Your manager wasn’t lying when she said that he was cute. In fact, that was an understatement. He was gorgeous. Extremely handsome. Probably the most attractive man you’ve ever laid your eyes on. 
For a second, you felt flustered and you were worried you were going to mess up because you were obviously very much attracted to the man sitting just a few feet away from you. But once you took a quick look at yourself in the side mirror, you marched down that stage like you owned it. Seeing him gulp as you made your way towards him only increased your confidence and soon, you found yourself sitting on his lap. 
“Hi there. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but you don’t seem like the type to come to a place like this.” He nodded his head while you ran your hands up and down his chest. 
“I don’t. It’s my birthday and my friends forced me to come. But if I’m being honest with you, I’m very glad I came. You’re extremely beautiful.” 
You giggled at his words and you were very grateful for the fact that the club was dark or else he would see you blush. Nobody who came in here has ever called you beautiful before. It was always either derogatory terms; “sexy” or “hot”. Hearing him call you beautiful, only made you want to hear him say it to you again and again. 
“Thank you. Oh, and happy birthday. What’s your name?” He smiled politely at you while hesitantly bringing his hands to your hips. 
“I’m Mark.” You placed a soft kiss on his cheek before standing up and seductively making your way to the pole. 
“I’m y/n. Let me dance for you birthday boy.” 
His eyes never left you and your body the entire time. Even if it was dark, the very prominent and large bulge in Mark’s pants didn’t go unnoticed to you—it made you feel even more confident and sexy. Slowly, you walked over to him and found your way back on to his lap. You dragged your thumb against his bottom lip all the while slowly grinding yourself on top of him. Hearing his moans and seeing him bite his lip only made you go faster. 
“Fuck—you’re so—fucking sexy—please—don’t stop—“ 
The other dancers would always tell you about how they would do more than just give somebody a lap dance during these one on one sessions. A lot of them slept with their customers willingly in order to make more money. You were never one to want to do that—you were here to dance, not to have sex with people. However, with the way Mark was looking at you with so much lust in his big, brown eyes and holding you all but gently, you wanted nothing more than to please him in anyway possible. You brought your hand down to his very thick and long cock; stroking him through his pants, earning yourself multiple moans and whines from his pretty lips. 
“Can I give you a birthday gift? Would that be okay?” He quickly nodded in agreement and before you could even process the entire situation, you found yourself getting on your knees. Once you unzipped his zipper, his sigh of relief when you pulled him out of his pants sent warmth to your already soaking clit. 
“Fuck—I—holy shit—just like that baby. Oh god—mmmmm—so—so so good—“ 
Only seconds after relieving him from the constraints of his boxers, you dragged your tongue along his slit while circling his tip. His breathy whimpers and wanton moans only motivated you to go faster; you brought him completely in to your mouth and bobbed your head up and down his length, taking him down your throat as much as you possibly could all the while fondling his balls. He pulled your hair in to a makeshift ponytail and continued to thrust himself deep down in to your throat. 
“So warm and so tight. Fuck. You’re so beautiful. So fucking pretty. Look at you, taking this cock. Do you think I could fuck your face princess?” 
You nodded earning yourself a raspy groan. He started roughly pushing your head on to his dick but you were too busy trying to pleasure him to even think about the pain. His cock grazed the back of your throat in the most delicious way. You tried your best to go as rough and as hard as you possibly could; licking and sucking on him while pinching on his ass cheeks. Your eyes began to fill up with tears, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to stop—mainly because it was adamant that he was enjoying feeling your mouth wrapped around his cock. 
But you were genuinely having a good time yourself. Watching his eyes roll to the back of his head as he bit down on his bottom lip sent chills down your spine. He was so damn hot. After a few moments, you felt his white, creamy liquid fill your mouth and you swallowed it entirely. Seeing him throw his head back and the fact that he came in less than 5 minutes sent fire through your bones; it was an indescribable feeling. 
You weren’t one who really cared about giving head; most of the guys you’ve been with never cared whether or not you were comfortable and it unfortunately ruined your entire outlook on sex—but something about this boy made you want to perform oral on him every single day. He pulled you up off of the ground, back on to his lap and roughly connected his lips to yours. 
“Holy shit. You’re not real. You can’t be. Where did you come from? I can’t even describe how amazing that was. Shit wait, are we allowed to do this? Am I going to get in trouble for letting you blow me? Nobody can know I’m here right now my parents would probably have a fit-“ he sounded so cute getting flustered over the thought that he might get in trouble for having fun with you. You shook your head in attempts to keep his mind at ease and began leaving soft kisses along his jaw. 
“You’re totally fine. Don’t worry about it.” The vibration coming from his phone broke the two of you out of your little world and he hid his face in your chest after reading the messages from his friends. 
“They’re looking for me. Apparently we’ve been here for three hours. It doesn’t even feel like it’s been that long. They’re not kidding when they say time flies when you’re having fun. That was the best birthday present ever. I’m really glad I came. Literally. But I should get going. I um—can I—your number—“ 
As devastatingly handsome as Mark was and no matter how much you wanted to see him again, strippers didn’t get in to relationships nor did they have any sort of human interaction other than with the customers. You didn’t want to burden Mark with the fact that you were a stripper; you didn’t want him feeling embarrassed if he ever had to introduce you to people. After placing a long kiss on his lips and running your fingers throughout locks, you started making your way towards the curtains. 
“Come back again soon and we’ll see about that.” 
Mark stayed in your mind for the rest of that night. You couldn’t stop thinking about him—how gentle yet rough he was. How he held you as if you were such a fragile piece of glass. How he looked at you so softly, with so much adoration in his eyes. How thick and big his cock was and how you wanted nothing more than to feel him inside of you. But you couldn’t do that to him. You wanted to be selfish and give in to temptation by calling him and seeing where it goes between the two of you, but you didn’t want to end up hurt. You’ve heard one too many stories from your coworkers about how they’d get their hearts broken because the boys they were interested in weren’t accepting of their choice in occupation.
Just a few days after that erotic night together, fate brought you two together again; but not in the way you had hoped. You were late to class one morning because you overslept seeing as how you got home from work at almost 4 in the morning. You were so focused on your notes that you failed to see someone walking towards you until you collided with a body. 
“Oh my God I am so sorry I really should be looking where I am walking—Mark?” Your eyes widened in shock at the sight of him and the grin that rose on his face filled your stomach with butterflies. 
“Hey princess. I’ve missed you. I’ve been planning on going back to the club just to see you again but I haven’t had the time-“ You brought your hand up to cover his mouth and made sure no one was around to hear about what you did to make your income. 
“Please don’t say anything about that. Nobody here knows that I’m a stripper and I’d like to keep it that way. Now if you’ll excuse me.” You began walking away in the direction of your building when you were quickly pulled in to his chest. 
“Mark I’m late for class as it is please let me go.” He released a long, frustrating sigh and you were genuinely very embarrassed with how harsh you were acting towards him. Especially because he didn’t do anything to deserve such hostility. 
“Your number. Can I please have it? I regret not trying harder to ask you for it. I’m sorry if I’m coming off rude or creepy, but I would really like to take you on a date if you’d let me. If I’m bothering you, just say the word and I’ll never speak to you again. I just hope you know I can’t get you off my mind. And before you start assuming, no. It’s not because—well—yes—you gave me the best head of my life but there’s something about you that intrigues me; something about you captivates me. There’s something mysterious about you and I can’t stop trying to think about what it is. The way you move and make that dance floor yours. The way you touched me and ran your fingers through my hair awakened something animalistic in me and I knew that wasn’t going to be the last time I saw you. The way you have so much confidence allures me and I can’t stop touching my lips because of how much I miss the feeling of yours against them. It probably meant nothing to you, but it meant a lot to me. I promise I’m not some weirdo, I have pure intentions please believe me.” 
You gave him a small smile and then motioned for him to give you his phone so that you could enter your information. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t hung up on him. This is what you wanted. You were secretly hoping he’d come back to the club with the thought of continuing where you both left off from last time, but you knew why you were hesitant on taking things further between the two. 
“Are you free tonight?” You sadly shook your head—you wish you were; you wanted to see what he had in mind for the two of you. 
“I work from 9-3. But I’m off tomorrow. So I’m all yours.” 
He grinned in excitement at your words and the two of you soon said your goodbyes. Before you let him completely walk away, something inside of you—maybe the confidence he had mentioned earlier made you grab at his wrist and pull him in for a chaste kiss. 
“See you soon.” 
You went to work that night with the biggest grin on your face and couldn’t wait to see where things would go between the two of you. You and Mark started texting back and forth as you were preparing for work and during your break. He told you he had the entire date planned and to say you were excited was an understatement. When you first got in to stripping, you pushed away the idea of a relationship to the back of your mind because you knew most guys wouldn’t be quite happy with the fact that their girlfriend is a stripper. But Mark didn’t seem to care and although you shouldn’t be getting your hopes up, you couldn’t help but feel like he was going to be someone special in your life. 
If he didn’t want to be with you because of your occupation, he would have said so much earlier. The next day, the only information he gave you was that he wanted you to be ready by eleven and that he was taking you somewhere fun. You decided to wear a cute sundress and lightly curled your hair. You applied a small amount makeup in attempts of concealing the dark circles that developed under your eyes in the last week and decided to watch some tv while waiting for him. Mark texted you that he was on his way and you found yourself heating up at the mere thought of him. 
It’s been quite some time since you were involved with another guy, let alone one that you were genuinely interested in. You were hoping that things would work well between you and Mark because he seemed like a genuinely nice person who fit the standards you were searching for in a significant other. When your doorbell rang, you tried your best to stay calm and pretend he didn’t have such an effect on you. 
Truth was, you never felt this way about anyone before. You had yet to experience a real relationship and it wasn’t like you had feelings for your any of your customers or fellow classmates. Even if you hardly knew him, you found yourself wanting to learn more about him and you could only hope for things to go well for the both of you. Once you opened the door and your eyes landed on him, your heart rate increased. He had to be some sort of Greek God in his past life. There was no way someone could be this handsome. 
“Hey. You look very beautiful. Not that I’m surprised. Ready to go?” You nodded as he reached for your hand and led you to his car, but not before connecting your lips together. 
“Mmm, I think I’m addicted to these pretty pink lips of yours. I’m addicted to every little thing about you.” 
Heat rose to your cheeks once again and he chuckled at the sight. This boy was honestly going to be the death of you. He was quick to intertwine your hands together and led you to his car—like the gentleman he was, he opened your door for you and helped you get settled in to your seat, stealing a quick kiss from the corner of his mouth. 
Once he made his way to his side, he turned on the radio and absentmindedly placed his hand on your lap. The car ride was quiet in the beginning, both of you having so many things on your minds but neither of you had any idea what to say. Although you enjoyed the piece and quiet, there was so many things you wanted to learn about him—however, you didn’t want to be the first one to start the conversation. After a while, he finally spoke up. 
“What are you majoring in?” From that question on, the two of you were complete chatterboxes and the conversation continued until he reached the destination. Your smile rose tenfold when you realized where he brought you. 
“I hope you’re fine with the beach? I just love it here and I thought the weather was nice. If not, we can go somewhere else. I’m fine with whatever you want to do.” You shook your head and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. 
“I love the beach. I actually haven’t been to one since moving here for college.” 
He beamed up at you and gently squeezed your thigh. When you got out of the car, you quickly noticed the basket in Mark’s hands and smiled even wider than you already were, if it was even possible. 
“I packed us a picnic basket. I wasn’t too sure on what to get because I have yet to learn what you like, but I hope this is all okay.” 
Seeing him get all shy, completely different from just a few nights ago when he was shoving himself down your throat made butterflies swarm in your tummy. He reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers while leading you to a secluded area. He placed the blanket down and motioned for you to sit down. Before you could take a seat next to him, you were being pulled on to his lap. You were about to object until he placed his lips against yours in order to silence you. 
He ended up feeding you and the thought of him wanting to take care of you made your head spin. The two of you continued to talk about pretty much anything and everything your hearts desired and in the few hours you got to spend with him, you learned a lot about the shy and extremely kind hearted boy. For starters, he was a huge fan of the Los Angeles Lakers, yet he had not once stepped foot on a basketball court before. He also wanted to go in to architecture; he had a passion for drawing and he also loved anything that had to do with buildings and construction, but his mom talked him out of it in fear of something happening to him while he was at a construction site. 
His favorite food was Hawaiian pizza—a fact that you were quick to tease him about, but he was quick to defend himself and it made you fall even harder for him. Once the two of you were done at the beach, he took you to an arcade: somewhere you learned he spent most of his time at. Seeing him get all excited over playing race car games and skeeball brought warmth to your cheeks. You were quickly growing fond of Mark and you knew in that moment you were screwed. 
As soon as you both realized it was getting late, you made your way back to his car and he started heading back to your place. A part of you didn’t want to leave him just yet—his presence alone made you feel safe;comfortable. Even if you haven’t known him for too long, you loved the way he made you feel and you knew you could get used to having him around; that’s why you didn’t find it surprising when you invited him in for some coffee. Although, the both of you knew coffee was not going to be involved in the plans for the rest of the night. Mark wanted to be a gentleman and take things slow with you, but he knew he couldn’t—you had such an effect on him that he knew he would do anything you’d ask him to and the thought excited him more than it scared him. 
The two of you found yourselves tumbling in to bed together. It wasn’t a surprise, you knew sooner or later you had to have him. If he didn’t have to go so soon just a few nights ago, you were sure you would’ve let him take you against the stage or hell, even up against the pole. With the way he was leaving rough kisses all along your body, you knew he was quickly losing his sanity too. After bringing you to heaven twice with his head between your thighs in less than half  an hour, the two of you relished in your newfound relationship. 
He took you in your bed, against your kitchen counter, on your couch and finally in the shower. He couldn’t get enough of you and it was evident that you felt the same way about him. After finishing up in the shower, he helped you prepare for bed and even gave you his shirt to wear as he slept in only his underwear. He held you tightly to his body and whispered sweet nothings in to your ear before finally asleep. It had to be one of the best nights you had since moving to California. 
From that day on, the two of you were inseparable—like magnets. Wherever you’d go, he would follow and vice versa. The two of you could never go without one another. You found yourself falling in love with him in just a few months of dating and although the two of you weren’t together for too long; you were sure he was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. Mark wasn’t a jealous boyfriend—he knew you were his and his alone. At first, he was kind of insecure with dating you, especially because he was well aware that you’d continue being a stripper even if you were now in a relationship. 
It wasn’t that he asked you to quit; nor did he try to make you feel bad for continuing your profession. He was proud of you for working a full time job and attending school at the same time and your boyfriend knew you were your own person before you were his—plus he trusted you. Mark knew you loved him just as much as he loved you. It wasn’t you he was worried about, it was the men who would come to the club. Knowing that you were one of the main dancers only worried your boyfriend because he was afraid that people would try and take advantage of you when he wasn’t around to protect you. 
He’s been to the club countless times since the two of you started dating, and it took every bone in his body not to fight anyone who tried to lay their hands on you. You would reassure him that you were fine, and that he was the only one you would have one on one sessions with. You made sure to tell your manager you were in a relationship and did not feel comfortable performing for someone alone knowing your boyfriend was at home, waiting for you to finish work. 
One thing Mark did that made your heart flutter, no matter how many times you told him you were fine, was that he would pick you up every single night that you worked—no matter what time it was. He never failed to come get you and always told you it was because he wanted to make sure you got home safely. Just a few months after the two of you started dating, he had asked you to move in with him. 
At first, he was afraid of rushing things—he was afraid that he would scare you away if you weren’t ready to take that further step in your relationship, but he craved your presence and loved being around you. Plus, it was easier for him to pick you up and drop you off to both work and school. He accommodated you in any way you needed. Before you could bring over your things, you noticed he had purchased a lot of the things you needed including your shampoo and conditioner, a jewelry box to put all your jewelry in, some face masks and other skin care products and he even bought you a vanity for your makeup. 
Dating Mark was a dream. He was everything you could ask for in a boyfriend and more. He was patient, extremely funny, generous, always put your feelings first and had one of the kindest hearts. You only fell for him more and more each and every day. He scheduled his classes so that he could take you to school and finish around the same time you did; and not that it was the main focus of your relationship, but since you started dating Mark, the both of you had a sexual awakening. 
What he didn’t know, was that although you were a stripper, you’ve only had one sexual experience before him and you regret not making him your first. He took such amazing care of you when it came to sex and always put your needs before his own; he made sure you came before he did, only moved when you told him it was okay and tried out any position you wanted to. He would do anything you asked him to and made it known to you just how much he loved you both physically and verbally. 
Unfortunately, the two of you had your first fight just hours ago. Neither of you remembered how it started, but you couldn’t stop thinking about how it ended. Some mean words were thrown about and you both said things you knew neither of you meant, but it was too late and the damage was done. You took your things for work and decided to find your own way to get there. You knew your boyfriend was upset when he didn’t come after you. 
As soon as you walked out the door, tears came streaming down your face and you were about to call in sick for work, but you refused to let this argument get the best of you. Once you arrived to the club, you threw your earphones on and started to get ready. Your phone began to vibrate so you ultimately turned it off; it didn’t take a genius to know who was contacting you. 
Other than your parents, your boyfriend was the only person you ever really called and texted. You released a long, frustrated sigh and continued to apply your make up. When you were done with both your hair and makeup, you put on your outfit and prepared yourself to make your way outside. You were not in the mood for any sort of human interaction, but there was nothing you could do. it was going to be hard, but you had to separate your work life from your personal life and right now, you had to put on a fake smile to prevent anyone from realizing that something was bothering you. 
When you made your way in to the club, there were at least fifty men already crowding the stage. You tried your best to push all thoughts of your boyfriend to the back of your mind and started strutting your stuff down to the pole. Right as the music turned on, you swayed your hips to the rhythm and made sure that all the guys were dropping their jaws at the sight of you. Hearing the crowd roar at your raunchy movements and seeing all the money being thrown on stage only gave you more confidence to put more effort in to your dancing and soon the entire argument was forgotten in that moment. 
To your dismay, only two hours in to your shift, some men had a little too much to drink—meaning a few people were beginning to jump on stage and your anxiety was starting to build up. You could feel your chest fill up with worry and it was getting hard for you to breathe. The only thing you could really do was move back in attempts to get as far away as possible from the drunken customers. 
Before you could process the entire situation, you saw fists being thrown and when you realized one of the men involved was Mark, your heart both sank and fluttered at the sight. Your boyfriend wasn’t the most built guy out there, but you knew he could take on most of the guys in that club because of how drunk they all were. However, one guy grew angry with the way Mark was being aggressive towards him and started to fight back; seeing him sock your boyfriend in the face worried you. 
You quickly ran over to the two of them and started punching and slapping the guy in attempts to get him to release his hold on your boyfriend. This was not the way you would have expected the night to go. It felt like you were begging for help for the longest time—yet no one seemed to be coming to your rescue. Finally, after what felt like hours even if it was only a couple of minutes, the security guards pulled Mark away from the now bloody man and threatened to call the cops on him even if he was clearly trying to save you from being harassed. 
“He’s with me. It’s fine. I’ll take care of him.” 
You got off the stage and brought your boyfriend to the back, earning yourself a couple of boos from the crowd, but you didn’t care. Mark was all that mattered in that moment. Once you reached your dressing room, you sat him down on the couch and searched for a first aid kit. When you finally found one, you quickly walked over to where Mark was sitting and immediately started applying medicine to his cuts. 
“Stay here, I’ll go get ice.” Before you could walk away, he was pulling you on to his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“It’s fine babe. I’ve been through worse. I’m just glad you’re okay.” You frowned at him while gently grazing his cheek. Tears started forming at your eyelids and he was quick to kiss them away once he saw them. 
“Why are you here? And why would you put yourself through danger? The security guards would’ve handled it Mark. Now you’re all beat up and if those guys remember what happened in the morning they can press charges.” He shrugged indifferently while running his hands through your hair. It was obvious he was not worried one bit of the entire situation. 
“Let them. I honestly don’t give a fuck. It was worth it. Nobody messes with my girl. I’m sorry baby. I couldn’t help myself. Seeing them trying to reach out at you already got my blood boiling. But once I saw them jumping on stage, I had to get involved. I know how you can get anxiety sometimes and I didn’t want you having an attack. And I’m sorry for earlier. I was planning on talking to you on your break and I was going to wait till you were done to take you home. I don’t care if we fight, I’m not gonna let you go home on your own. I’m so fucking sorry y/n. You know I didn’t mean anything I said right? I was just mad, but that was no excuse. I’m not ashamed that my girlfriend is a stripper; if anything, I find it so fucking sexy. Nor would I force you to quit knowing how much you love it here. I hate fighting with you. I shouldn’t have let you leave while you were upset but my pride got in the way. I’m so fucking in love with you it’s not even funny. I couldn’t stop thinking about the pain on your face as you walked out the door. Please forgive me y/n. I don’t think I can handle you being mad at me. Scream at me, punch me, hit me, call me names even. But please, don’t be mad at me anymore.” 
Your heart broke when you heard his voice crack and you found yourself connecting your lips together. Mark was a very sensitive person; he would cry at the smallest of things and although his friends would tease him about being too much of a softie, it was a characteristic of his that you were extremely fond of. He was hesitant at first—he was still upset with himself for making you cry in the first place; but when he felt you relax in to him, he wrapped his arms around your waist. You cupped his cheek and depend the kiss; swirling your young all but gently around his, earning yourself a couple of deep grunts. All too soon, Mark pulled away to catch his breath and hid his face in the crook of your neck. 
“I’m not mad at you baby. I’ll admit, I was a little hurt by what you said. But I said some things I didn’t mean either so I’m just as in the wrong as you are. I’m sorry by the way. Everything that I said was in the heat of the moment. You’re not a bad boyfriend. You’re the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for, you know that right? I’m very thankful to call you mine. Just the mere thought of you brings a smile to my face and when I’m not with you, I feel empty. That’s why I couldn’t stop crying when I left. I really don’t like fighting with you. I love you Mark.”
He placed multiple kisses along your face and quickly wiped away your tears. His fingers were featherlight against your face; he smiled at you while tracing your features with his index finger. Honestly, it didn’t matter that the two of you were sitting in the dressing room of a strip club; it honestly did not matter where you were, you wanted to spend as much time in the moment that time would allow you to. 
After a few moments, you heard a knock on the door and freaked out when you saw your manager. You were afraid of getting in trouble for what happened but released a sigh of relief when she told you to go home early. You quickly packed your things and walked over to help your boyfriend up. 
“Let’s go.” 
He intertwined your hands together and the two of you walked over to his car. Once he helped you get settled in and got himself buckled, you both drove home. For the first couple of minutes, everything was quiet, other than the playlist he had put on. However, about ten minutes in to the drive, his hand absentmindedly found your thigh. 
It’s not like you weren’t used to him touching you like that. On most drives, he would either hold your hand or place his on your lap—however, he began slowly tracing patterns against your skin causing goosebumps to rise. He brought his fingers closer to where you needed him the most; the coil in your stomach was twisting to the point where you had to cross your legs in attempts to form any kind of friction in between them. 
To your dismay yet his delight, your boyfriend ultimately pulled away before he could do anything to help soothe the fire that was overtaking your entire body. You saw him laughing to himself and mentally cursed him before grunting in irritation. 
“You’re gonna get it Tuan I swear to God.” He looked at you as if he had no idea what you were talking about and simply shrugged. 
“Just you wait baby. You’re going to regret teasing me.” He bit his lip seductively while finally pulling in to the parking lot. 
“I don’t know what it is, but I can’t wait.” Once he parked his car, you made a bee line to your apartment and didn’t even care whether or not he was following right behind you. You brought a chair from the kitchen in to your bedroom and took off your clothes, leaving you in the extremely tiny outfit you were wearing earlier. 
You knew it was Mark’s favorite and seeing you wear it tonight is what probably riled him up and got him to fight with other people. When you heard the door close, you sat there and waited patiently for your boyfriend to enter. When he did, his jaw dropped at the sight of you and his gulp did not go unnoticed—in fact, it only turned you on some more. 
“Holy fuck. Y/n—“ He reached out for you but you quickly backed away—earning yourself a breathy and extremely sexy whine. 
“I’m going to give you a lap dance. However, I have rules. My body is off limits. Absolutely no touching. The minute I feel you touching me, I’m going to make it stop. If I feel your hands on my body even just once, it’s over with.” 
Your boyfriend quickly nodded in agreement, willing to take whatever he could get at thus point and motioned for you to start. You turned on your speakers and soon your room was being filled with The Weeknd. Slowly, you sauntered over to your boyfriend, bringing your hands up to his face and caressing his cheek all the while grinding in to him. Seeing him bite his lip to the point where you knew there was a chance it would start bleeding, trying his best not to make a noise nor touch you made you laugh quietly to yourself. 
You brought your hands in to his hair and gently pulled on it, earning yourself an exhausted groan from your boyfriend. Leaving chaste kisses along his jaw and neck made Mark shiver and you could tell he was about to lose all his sanity pretty soon. You turned around, giving him a view of your round and plump ass—you purposely dropped one of your bracelets on to the floor so you had an excuse to bend down. 
Hearing him take in a breath from how much of an effect you were having on him only made you want to take your time; you wanted to break him. When you felt his hard on against your ass, heat went straight to your core. Slowly, but very roughly, you grinded yourself against his thigh and smirked when you saw him squeezing both sides of the chair in order to prevent himself from touching you. 
“Mmm, someone’s excited.” 
He glared at you and the growl that came from the back of his throat did not go unnoticed—you could feel yourself growing wetter and hornier by the minute. The sex was going to be mind-blowing; you just knew it. 
“I’ve been hard since I walked in to the club and saw you wearing this. Fuck baby. You don’t know what you do to me. Y/n. Please. Enough. I’m dying here. You’re actually lethal, do you know that? I’ve been a good boy long enough baby let me fuck your brains out, I’m begging you.” 
You bit your lip at the sound of his dirty words. Mark was a very soft spoken and gentle guy. Around his friends and anyone he was close with, he could talk up a storm. It always made you smile seeing him comfortable enough to talk with people without getting nervous or stumbling on his words. However, when it came to sex between the two of you, he was very dirty and rough—just how you liked it. 
His naughty words and raspy voice never failed to send shivers down your spine. You decided that your boyfriend had enough of your teasing and with the way he protected you tonight from all those drunk and rude assholes, he deserved a little treat. When he saw you get on your knees, he let out a content sigh. Although you were seconds away from fulfilling his carnal urges, you were extremely excited to finally have his dick down your throat. 
Giving Mark head was just as fun for you as it was for him. Slowly, you unzipped his pants and released him from his underwear; the sight of his hard and throbbing cock sent warmth to your core. First, you kitten licked his tip and ran your tongue all along his cock—licking back and forth, dragging your teeth along his veins before ultimately bringing him in to your mouth. The noises; his grunts, moans and cries of pleasure that were rapidly falling from his mouth only drove you crazier. You were bobbing your head at an exceedingly rapid pace; trying to bring him as far down your throat as you could without gagging all the while looking up at him with your soft, doe eyes. 
“Ba—baby—fuck—just—just like that. Ah fuck. You’re so good to me. You were made to suck my cock. Faster baby please. Your tongue—I can’t even—fuck.” 
Your hands found purchase on his hips as you forced him deeper in to your mouth. No matter how much it hurt and how tears were forming at your eyelids, you loved being about to pleasure your boyfriend and you knew he loved it when you blew him. He ran his fingers through your hair and bit his lip in attempts to prevent himself from moaning loudly. Whatever you couldn’t fit in to your mouth, you pumped with your hand. 
Every now and then, you brought his balls in to your mouth; sucking and grazing your teeth against both testicles. It was obvious with the way he would throw his head back that his balls were even more sensitive than his actual cock and you used that you your advantage. 
“Baby—I’m gonna come—fuck y/n—you always get me to come so fast you’re so fucking sexy baby. Just like that—ah fuck.” Once he came in to your mouth, you were quick to swallow it entirely; milking him of everything he had and before you could process what was going on, your mouth was yanked from off of his tip and you were being pulled in to his embrace. 
“You’re not real. I know I’ve said this many times but I have a hard time believing you’re real and that I’m the lucky man who was blessed with you as my girlfriend. You’re the most beautiful girl in the entire world baby. Fuck. Your mouth does wonders. You’re an ethereal being and I’ll do anything you ask me to. Whatever you want, it’s yours. I’m yours. Do whatever you want with me baby.” You turned around to face him and connected your lips together while bringing one of his hands to your core. 
“Fuck y/n, you’re soaking. You’re honestly going to be the death of me you know that right? You’re so fucking sexy. My beautiful baby girl.” He took you off guard by shoving two fingers in to your heat. As soon as he started pumping, you hid your face in to the crook of his neck and tried your best to silence your moans. However, your boyfriend quickly but gently pulled you away and lifted your chin so that you were making eye contact with him. 
“Don’t hide those beautiful sounds princess. Daddy deserves to hear how good he’s pleasuring you. All those men tonight can only dream of seeing you like this. Don’t get me wrong y/n, it’s so hot when you dominate me. But we all know at the end of the day, whose the real boss when it comes down to it huh? You thought you could tease me with this extremely sexy little dance while wearing my favorite lingerie of yours? You’re gonna get it I swear to God. I’m going to make sure everyone in this apartment structure knows how good I’m making you feel tonight.” 
He quickened the pace and watching his facial expressions while he was pumping his fingers inside of you sent you closer to your release. His fingers were warm and the callousness of his digits only did wonders against your pussy. It didn’t take long for him to find your g-spot; during many of your love making sessions, Mark made it a habit to learn a knew thing about you. Your likes, dislikes, preferences, positions you wanted to experiment in, where your clit and g-spot were located; he just really wanted to please you and loved knowing that he was the only one who had that kind of effect on you. 
“Mmm, we’ve already had multiple complaints Mark—maybe we should—FUCK.” He brought his fingers against your clit and flicked it; pinching your nub causing you to moan louder than expected. 
“That’s exactly what we’re going to be doing. All night baby. Get ready to call in sick because when I’m done with you, there won’t be any feeling in your legs.” 
He knew exactly how sensitive you were and always took advantage of the situation. You continued to grind yourself against his fingers in hopes of finally reaching your orgasm—but all too soon, he pulled away. When you whined at the loss, he simply giggled. 
“Mark what the fuck? I was so close!” He definitely was not going easy on you tonight. Your boyfriend was going to make it known that he owned you—that he was the only one who could bring you sheer ecstasy just by his fingers. He loved tormenting you when it came to the bedroom and after that fight earlier, he was excited for the kinky, hot sex he had planned for the two of you. He motioned for you to get off of him and brought you over to the bed. 
“You’re going to sit on my face with that pretty little pussy of yours and I’m going to eat you out until you’re numb. Got it?” You nodded in agreement; excited for what was going to happen in just a couple of seconds. As he lied down, he pulled you with him, having you hover over his face. 
Both you and your boyfriend weren’t strangers to face riding, but you were always afraid of crushing him. However, Mark was always vocal about how hot he thought it was eating you out while you were sitting on his face. He always tells you that his face is your throne and wants nothing more than for you to sit on it when you both have the time. His hands found their place on your ass and he grinded you against his tongue. As much as you loved giving head, you really enjoyed receiving it—especially because Mark was a professional at eating you out. He knew exactly what to do to make you scream, cry and beg him to hurry up and bring you to your orgasm. When you felt his fingers graze your clit, you know you were done for. 
“M—Mark—Mark—baby please.” 
Your hands found purchase in his hair, pulling and tugging on it as he continued eating you out like a man starved. His wet muscle felt amazing against your folds; his pace was relentless. He continuously licked stripes against your entrance; biting gently and sibling on your overly sensitive nub. Hearing him moan and hum against your cunt made you want to scream. When he pulled away, you let out a loud whine and you were embarrassed seeing as how needy you must’ve looked but you didn’t care. This was the second time he edged you tonight and you were sure it wasn’t going to be the last. 
“That’s not what you call me when I’m fucking you my pretty slut. If you want me to continue, you know what to say.” 
Hearing him call you such a derogatory name only brought you closer to your end. There were a few times where Mark would degrade you during sex—but it always turned you on. He brought his tongue back up to your entrance and continued his ministrations. 
“Da—daddy—fuck—so so good. You’re always so good to me—just like that daddy please—please let me come—” 
When you felt him nibble on your clit, the coil in your stomach released and you came all over his tongue. Your boyfriend lapped up all your juices, making sure to slurp up every last drop and hummed against your pussy. Feeling him sigh and him against your soaking core only made you wetter at the touch—as much as you were enjoying the way he gripped on your ass and smashed his face against your pussy, you needed more. When he felt you get off of him, he was confused and a little bit worried. 
“Baby I wasn’t done. Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Do you want me to slow down? Y/n I’m so sorry—“ 
You connected your lips with his and wrapped your arms around his neck before you began to leave soft kisses along his jaw. Although he could be rough and dominant when it came to sex with you, he always made sure you were having a good time. He hated the thought of hurting you in any way. 
“I’m fine babe. That was amazing as always. You’re always so good to me. And I love how dirty and kinky you get during sex. You become this animal—it’s so fucking hot and I just—need you inside me. Right now.” He nibbled on your ear and licked a trail down your neck. Your words made him hard again; honestly anything you did never failed to make your boyfriend hard as a rock. 
“Fuck y/n. I’ll do anything you ask me to. As much as I love eating you out and as much as I love how you taste, I want to fuck the living shit out of you. Fuck baby you taste so good I could eat you out for hours. But feeling how tight and wet your cunt is, I want to be buried inside it.” He yanked off his pants and threw them against the wall all the while bringing his hands up to your round mounds and squeezed the both of them. 
“These. These right here are my favorite body parts of yours. Well, other than your extremely pretty face—and thick thighs. Don’t even get me started on your ass babe. Everything about you is simply perfect, I can’t get over it. But your tits—fuck. So big and so pretty. I could spend an eternity sucking on these things.” 
He licked and nibbled on one of your nipples while squeezing the other breast with his free hand. He did this in attempts to distract you from when he finally enters you. Although the two of you had sex almost every single day, you would never get used to the stretch every time Mark would enter you. It always felt so good, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt. 
Your boyfriend was thick and long—you had a hard time believing someone could be that perfect. Even if you considered penises to be very ugly, something about Mark’s was addicting—it never failed to make your mouth water and you loved the feeling of it buried deep inside of your pussy, between your breasts and in your mouth. 
“Let me know if it hurts okay? And tell me when I can move my love.” He reconnected your lips together, melding his lips perfectly with you and finally entered you, eliciting breathless moans from the both of you. You gently tapped his shoulder, letting him know that it was okay for him to move. 
“You know, for someone who claims he’s going to make me immobile for the next week, you sure are very soft for me.” He chuckled and let out a content sigh. 
“I’d beg to differ. I’m hard as a fucking rock for you.” You playfully slapped his shoulder as he hid his face in your neck. 
“I just don’t wanna hurt you. I’m very protective over you y/n. Even from myself. You’re so delicate in my eyes. I’d do anything to keep you safe and make you happy.” You didn’t even realize a tear fell from your face until you felt his fingers gently brush them away. 
“You asshole. Professing your love to me is not the reason why I should be crying during sex. But I love you too. And I’m in love with you. Madly in love with—mmmm.” 
Hearing those words fall from your pretty lips only made Mark crave you in a way that he needed to have you now or else he was sure he would actually go insane and he couldn’t help himself—he needed to move. He started off slow, bringing himself in and out of you as gently as he could—but he was quick to pick up the pace once he felt how amazing your walled wrapped around him. His fingers roughly grabbed your waist and you were sure there were going to be bruises in the morning, but you didn’t care. 
You loved seeing his little marks that he left around your body; it would only remind you of the amazing night before and the fact that you were his. He lifted your legs up and placed them both behind his head so that he could be closer to you while ramming himself in to you. You absentmindedly clenched around him; the feeling of him stretching out your walls made you want to scream. The sensation obviously had an effect on your boyfriend because he stopped moving and roughly grabbed both your wrists, bringing it up along the sides of your face. 
“Stop that. You know exactly what that does to me. I’m going to come right now and I refuse to come before you do. Fuck baby. You’re so fucking tight and wet I can barely stay in. I would fuck you every single day if I could.” He brushed some of your hair behind your ear and placed a chaste kiss on your lips. 
“You’re the most beautiful girl in the world. I could never get enough of you. I want you for the rest of my life. I hope you’re well aware that you’re stuck with me. You’re mine y/n.” 
No matter how many times he would confess his love for you, you were never ready to hear it and your heart would always melt in to a puddle when he did so. You knew by the way he was groaning and roughly kissing you, that he was close to his release. Therefore, you gently squeezed his hand to get his attention. 
He looked at you in curiosity. You motioned for him to get off of you but before he could ask what was going on, you turned around and stuck your ass out in front of him. Out of all the positions, doggy was your favorite. There was something so erotic about how animalistic Mark would get in this position. He was rougher and his movements were so much faster in this position. It also turned you on even more when he would shove your face in to the bed sheets. When he realized what you were asking for, he moaned quietly to himself. 
“My dirty little slut wants me to fuck her from behind? Fuck baby. I’m going to fucking wreck you. Get over here.” 
He pulled your ass up against his pelvis and you moaned in sync at the feeling of his hard cock rubbing against your drenched folds. When he brought his hand up and spanked you, you could feel your orgasm building up again. Mark brought his lips up to your neck and started leaving multiple hickeys against it, you were his own personal canvas and he loved knowing people saw that you were spoken for. You pulled on the sheets and quietly screamed in to your pillow as he made his way back inside of you. 
This time, he didn’t give you a second to prepare before roughly thrusting himself in to your cunt. His pace only quickened now that he could reach further in to your soaking pussy. The sound of skin on skin slapping could be heard throughout your room and every so often, Mark would whisper dirty things in your ear. His hands wouldn’t stop lingering everywhere along your body. 
Your boyfriend always needed to be touching you. A lot of times, his touches weren’t even sexual; Mark had a hard time believing you were real and all his to love. Touching you was like a safety blanket to him. It only made him accept that you actually existed and that he was the proud owner of your heart. His hands were one of your favorite body parts—his fingers were long and skinny and you loved how they felt wrapped around your neck, your waist, against your lower back and buried inside your pussy. You also loved how they felt squeezing both your ass and your breasts. 
You brought his hand up to your neck, hinting to him that you wanted to be choked. Although choking was a huge kink of your boyfriend’s, Mark was always very nervous and hesitant because he didn’t want to hurt you. But God, did he love the effect it had on you. 
“Fuck! Did you just get tighter? You’re already soaking and tight as hell baby please tell me you’re close.” You nodded and he gently twisted your head so that he could kiss you. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you so much baby.” Soon, his warm, creamy liquid was filling you up to the hilt and he let out an exhausted whine. 
“Baby I’m so sorry—“ You shook your head and asked him to pull out. Mark had a tendency of reaching his orgasm before you did, but it was understanding. It also did wonders to your confidence knowing that you could have him reach his release in just a matter of minutes.
“Let me ride.” The look on his face sent shivers down your spine. He was quick to lie down against the pillows and pulled you on top of him. 
“I don’t know what I did to deserve this breathtaking view but I would do it again and again if I had to if it meant getting to love you in every single lifetime.” You smiled down at him; his heartfelt words sent warmth to your cheeks and you knew in that moment that you would do anything he asked of you—however, your smile was quickly replaced with furrowed brows as you bit down on your lip and moaned as you sank down on his dick. 
“Mmm—Daddy—please go faster. Aw fuck—just like that—harder—I’m so close baby.” 
He sat up so he had a better view of your face and took this time to suck on both of your breasts. The feeling of bouncing on him while he was licking and nipping on your breasts brought you closer to your end. You sank up and down on him at a relentless pace; the feeling of his cock gliding against your walls, his fingers gripping on your ass as he helped guide your body against his and the way your ass slapped against his pelvis was a sensation you would never be able to form in to words. His tip kissed the back of your cervix with each and every bounce—and it was beginning to become too much for you to handle. Before you knew it, you were coming all over his dick with him following just seconds after. 
“You’re not real—you can’t be. You’re so perfect y/n what did I do to deserve you?” You shook your head before bringing your hand up to his face and cupping his cheek with your palm. 
“It’s me who doesn’t deserve you. I’m sorry again for earlier. I know it’s inevitable that we’ll fight again, but promise me that most fights will end like this.” He chuckled while flopping back down on the bed and bringing you with him. 
“Trust me, I love making love to you at all times, but fucking you after fighting with you is a mind blowing experience. Should we fight again tomorrow?” You rolled your eyes and playfully pushed his shoulder. 
“I can’t feel my legs. You win. You’re calling in sick for me tomorrow.” His laughter engulfed the room and you gently ran your fingers through his hair. 
“Do you want to take a shower? I’ll carry you to the bathroom. Or I can even run you a bath if you’d like.” You shook your head—the thought of having to get up, even if he was going to carry you was exhausting. 
“I just wanna go to sleep. I know you babe—we’re only gonna have more sex in the shower. I’m too sensitive for more sex tonight.” He pouted in to your neck but knew you were right. Mark would never be able to get enough of you and he wanted you to be completely recharged when he decided to have his way with you again. 
“Hey, you said tonight. So tomorrow morning—“ You punched his shoulder as he giggled at the action. 
“You are the horniest human being I know.” He ran his fingers up and down your back while leaving lingering kisses along your cheeks. 
“I mean, have you seen yourself? And your body, God I hate the fact that you’re so insecure about it. Your body is perfect y/n. I love your thick thighs and your curves. And I don’t know why you think your breasts are small, I can barely fit one in my mouth. Oh and this ass, fuck. I cannot get enough of it. I could write a book about how much I love your body alone. Imagine if I were to talk about the love I have for you in general. A fucking novel. I never used to be this soft before. Your love made me all sappy. But it was worth it. You’re worth it. I’d do anything for you. Be anything you want me to. I’d do anything to make you happy. You’re my entire world y/n. I love you.” Tears fell from your eyes and he was quick to kiss them away. 
“Come on my crybaby, let’s go to bed. Since you’re calling out sick tomorrow, I’m planning on having a lazy day—for the most part. At some point I plan on making love to you against the kitchen counter and on the couch. Maybe both. We’ll see if you’re up for it. Goodnight princess. Sweet dreams.”
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Truth and Awakenings Ch. 8
Summary:  A Jemily rewrite of certain scenes in 14x15-15x03, with a few additional scenes :)
Chapter summary: JJ and Emily are together and the team finds out once JJ returns to work. Oh and there’s a bit at the end of this chapter that you may be glad I put in :)
Read on AO3
@jemilyisms @binariesarebullshit @bridget19
Over the course of two weeks, JJ and Emily’s relationship as a couple began to grow as they worked through their insecurities together. It wasn’t much of a change from when they were friends because they were already so close, but it was one of their starting points as a couple. They had grown closer and became more sure of themselves because of the other person.
As for JJ’s nightmares, Emily had eventually offered her to see a therapist, and JJ agreed on one condition: that Emily be there right next to her. So, Emily complied and promised to hold her hand every time JJ felt nervous about something, which had gone that way for the first few sessions before JJ was ready to go alone.
Emily and JJ had also started to make their relationship official, and Emily saw she had more time with the younger agent and made frequent visits to her house often. They both have discussed how they were going to let the team know, but decided to keep it a secret from them for a little bit, possibly a week or two after JJ’s return to the BAU.
JJ told her she was going to check with the doctor before heading to work and Emily agreed, knowing that they couldn’t be seen going inside the FBI building together without grabbing the other person’s hand.
“Alright, Agent Jareau. You are cleared for work,” Dr. Hsu said, writing a form for JJ and tearing the edge off from the pad to give to her. “As much as we love having you as a patient, I’d advise you take it easy and be careful out there.”
“With this job, that’s impossible,” JJ joked, taking the paper. “Thank you so much, Dr. Hsu.”
“Oh, and tell Agent Prentiss I said hi,” Dr. Hsu said, giving a big smile. “She’s a really nice woman. I’m happy for you both.”
JJ blushed at the mention of Emily. “Thank you. I will.”
Back at the BAU office, Emily was busying herself with paperwork and case files on her desk. She took a sip of her coffee and tapped her pen on her current file. Her eyes drifted over to the second cup on her desk, the corner of her lips curling up to a small smile. Emily had gotten coffee for JJ and herself as a little gift for her girlfriend’s return to the office. Fortunately for her, she had entered the office first, so she wouldn’t have to deal with anyone’s questions about why she bought two cups of coffee unless she really needed that much caffeine.
There was a light knock at the door and Emily’s head shot up, seeing it open to reveal a giddy blonde sliding through the crack of the door. Another smile graced Emily’s face when the guest closed the door.
“Hey, you,” JJ said, approaching the desk and rubbing her hands together in excitement of seeing her girlfriend.
“Hey.” Emily stood up and pulled her by the waist, brushing blonde hair aside to give a short chaste kiss. She felt a soft hand at the back of her head and JJ prolonged the kiss for a few more seconds. JJ moved back to press her forehead against Emily’s, still resting her hand behind her head.
“I missed you," Emily whispered, and reached behind her, breaking the small moment and handing the item to the younger woman. "And I got you coffee."
"Ugh, thank God. I needed this," JJ groaned and tilted her head back, taking the cup. She pecked Emily's lips with a smile, "Thank you."
Emily nodded. "I figured you might need it when you start working irregular hours again," she joked. JJ hummed in agreement, taking a sip of her coffee. The gray-haired woman rubbed her index and middle fingers along JJ’s hipbone, letting them rest there. “You ok?” she softly asked.
JJ took a deep sigh and looked at her feet. “Um, yeah. Yeah, totally fine,” she replied with a firm and closed-mouthed smile.
Emily frowned and lifted her other hand up to stroke the blonde’s cheek with her thumb. She chose not to say any words, but JJ knew exactly what she was asking. She turned her head to the left to kiss Emily’s palm, looking back up at Emily’s eyes.
“Thank you,” she softly said. “For being there for me.”
JJ leaned her head closer to connect their lips. She sighed against Emily’s lips, resting a hand on her shoulder. Emily broke the kiss to carefully take the cup of coffee from JJ’s hand and set it down on her desk. She gave a quick kiss and held both of JJ’s hands, rubbing reassuring thumbs on her knuckles.
“Will and I discussed you maybe easing back into things slowly,” she said, nervous that her girlfriend was going to get mad at the both of them for doing that.
“Emily, I’m good to go. Really,” she chuckled. “I even brought a permission slip from Dr. Hsu. And she told me to say hi for her.”
Emily gave a small smile, "Thanks to her, I got my girlfriend back." She pressed a gentle kiss on the blonde's forehead and JJ closed her eyes at the touch. JJ didn’t want to admit it out loud, but that simple gesture gave her more reason to trust the other woman with her whole life.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt again,” Emily softened her eyes. “Promise me, no jumping out of helicopters-”
“-only as a last resort,” JJ finished with a smile and planted a long kiss on her lips. “You have my word.”
"Do you mind giving me your word again?" Emily asked with pleading eyes. JJ chuckled and gave her a short kiss.
"Another one, please?"
A kiss.
"Again, please?"
JJ pecked her cheek this time. "You know, if you keep making me promise, we're not gonna be able to leave this office."
Emily nodded, “Exactly.”
JJ shook her head and kissed her forehead. "I'll see you in a bit." She took her cup of coffee and closed Emily’s office door. She made her way towards the roundtable room, a hand in her pocket and stifling a grin creeping onto her face. Luke and Tara came into the bullpen together and watched as the blonde agent walked to the roundtable room. Tara turned her head back to Luke and raised an eyebrow.
“How much do you wanna bet she has a thing for Emily?” she said, nodding towards JJ.
“Oh-ho, no,” Luke waved his hands in a refusing manner and turned his focus back on his desk. “I am not wasting my money on some silly bet.”
“What? Afraid you might lose?” Tara crossed her arms over her chest and smirked.
Luke scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. “No, come on, that’s ridiculous. JJ’s married and Emily’s got a boyfriend. You don’t think they’d cheat, do you?”
She sighed and frowned, shrugging her shoulders. “I don’t know, I guess not. Doesn’t sound like them. But you can’t deny there’s something going on. Maybe something happened when JJ was injured.”
“Are you suggesting a reverse Florence Nightingale effect?”
“No, no. It’s something else.” Her eyes glanced back at Emily’s office door. “It looks longer than just when she got shot.” She smiled back at the man next to her and nudged his arm, “Come on. You’re a profiler. What’s your take?”
“I think they’re just really close,” Luke simply said. “There might’ve been something before, but it’s all over now.”
All Tara did was raise one eyebrow at him. She didn’t believe that he didn’t see anything between the two women. They seemed way too obvious to be hiding some sort of harbored feelings for one another. Even Tara herself thought they hooked up at one point before with some of the things she’s heard about Emily once she joined the team, especially from JJ’s point of view. Surely, Luke had to have noticed something as well, right?
“Alright,” he sighed, preparing to make the bet with her. “How about this? If you’re right about JJ and Emily, I owe you a bottle of scotch.”
“Hmm, I was thinking how much money, but sure. And if you’re right and there’s nothing going on, then I'll fix that old car of yours.” She extended a hand out to shake Luke’s. “Deal?”
“It’s on,” Luke chuckled, shaking her hand. They walked up the stairs to the roundtable room to see how JJ was doing, and were met with the blonde sitting down, back facing them.
“Hey,” Tara greeted with a smile, opening her arms to hug JJ. The other woman looked up from behind and gave a smile in return.
“Hi,” JJ accepted the hug and pulling away a few seconds after. She turned to Luke and gave him a hug also. “How are you guys?”
“How are we? How are you?” Tara asked, placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezing it. “We’ve missed you being here.”
“I missed being here with you guys, too. How crazy was the month I was gone?” JJ smiled, putting her hands on her hips.
“It’s been pretty hectic, so not that far from the usual,” Luke said.
Spencer, Penelope, and Rossi came into the room on cue and lined up to greet JJ with ‘welcome back’ hugs. Emily came in last and JJ’s smile became brighter and her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree once she felt the older woman’s hand squeeze her bicep as she passed by.
Tara and Luke sat down next to each other, and Tara gave him a knowing look. Nudging his arm, she whispered, “You better get that corkscrew and glasses ready.”
Luke shook his head, not believing her quite yet, but the woman was determined to get to the bottom of the nature of JJ and Emily’s relationship and that good bottle of scotch Luke was offering. Tara pulled out a deck of cards from her pocket she had snuck in before going into the roundtable room.
“Looks like we’re not busy today, so how about a nice game of poker to pass the time?” she suggested, earning a round of cheers and applause from the others.
Everyone got ready to play a game of 5-card draw, as announced by Tara, with a bowl of jelly beans Penelope had stocked in her office as their betting chips. Emily and JJ sat across from each other, with Emily sitting next to Tara and JJ next to Luke. This gave Tara an opportunity to see how Emily and JJ interact with one another, and to prove to Luke there was something a little more than friendship happening between them.
It got to the last round of the game, with everyone’s card hands folded and JJ and Emily left with theirs. JJ tapped her five cards a few times before pushing her jelly beans in the middle of the table. As she pushed her impromptu “chips” towards the middle, her eyes made her way up Emily’s face, a slow eyebrow raised at her before sitting back up. Emily raised her own eyebrows in return.
“So, what do you think, Emily? Is the blonde bluffing?” Luke broke the silence.
Emily didn’t answer right away and tilted her head to the side, squinting her eyes at JJ. The blonde curled a finger at the edge of her cards and chewed the inside of her lower lip, eyes flickering up and down before staring straight into Emily’s eyes. JJ had to stop herself from smirking. She knew she had Emily wrapped around her finger, even if she didn’t know what Emily’s cards were.
Emily lifted her eyebrows and gave a humble smile, pushing her jelly beans in the middle. “I’m going all in.”
It seems that everything was forgotten to both JJ and Emily, even the people around them had not been a second thought at that moment.
Luke was beginning to regret his deal with Tara as he watched both Emily and JJ's body language. The way JJ looked at her with almost predatory eyes and how Emily tried to keep her cool. Tara felt nearly satisfied with herself and confident that she was going to win her bet with Luke. Rossi hid a smile behind his hand, and Spencer looked back and forth between JJ and Emily, both wondering if the women said anything to each other yet. Penelope tapped on her pink octopus mug with her long colored nails, watching the suspense and sensing the sexual tension between her two best friends with a smirk.
“Alright,” Tara announced. “Emily, you’re up.”
Emily placed down her cards facing up: 7, 8, 9, 10, a Jack, all of different colored suits.
JJ quirked a corner of her lips and bit the inside of her cheek, hiding her mirth. Emily looked across from her, half regretting her decision and half amused at whatever her girlfriend was playing at, yet her facial expression remained neutral.
“Ooh! A straight from the boss!” Tara smiled. “JJ, how about you?”
JJ slowly yet casually laid down her cards facing up: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, all black spades.
“Oh, and the feisty blonde has a straight flush! That has to hurt,” Tara hollered and clicked her tongue, patting a hand on Emily’s arm. “Better luck next time, chief.”
JJ smiled at everyone before taking all the jelly beans. “Thank you all so much.”
Rossi studied Emily’s wide eyes for a second and smirked, pointing at her with a finger. “I think that Emily Prentiss is speechless.”
“Guess I’m a better liar than you thought,” JJ said, winking at Emily. The older woman bit her lip at the double entendre. A smirk ghosted Tara’s lips when she saw Emily in her peripheral vision. She quietly chuckled to herself at the coincidentally potential irony of Emily and JJ’s card hands.
Tara turned to Luke. “It looks like I’m winning so far.”
The team had been called on a case about a mail bombing in Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, investigating the recent one in Memphis. Their unsub had been sending the bombs in packages offered as “sympathy gifts” and there was a possibility that they were detonated via remote control.
Rossi and Emily had been on the phone with Matt, who was currently helping a pregnant Kristy on bed rest, back at home. They had discussed the possible interpretations of the posthumous messages their unsub had written for the loved ones of his victims.
“So,” Rossi started once Emily hung up the phone. “You wanna talk about you and JJ?”
The unit chief froze and her eyes widened at the straightforwardness of his question. “Wha- I, I…” she opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water as she tried to come up with an explanation.
“Come on, Emily. You and JJ aren’t exactly slick, you know,” he chuckled with a shake of his head. “At poker, you two looked like you wanted to jump each other’s bones.”
Emily felt a little awkward having this talk with someone who she saw as a paternal figure to her. She knew that Rossi knew that she was in love with JJ, but how much did he know about where the two women stood in their relationship? She sighed and rubbed her temple, knowing Rossi could see right through her and she can’t back out of it at this point.
“JJ and I have been seeing each other for a while now,” she confessed.
“How long?”
“Since she was in the hospital.”
"Does Will know anything about this?" He raised his eyebrows.
Emily nodded, but didn’t want Rossi to think she was the homewrecker. "He did. In fact, he and JJ divorced a while ago. Actually, two years ago."
"Wow," he said, taking all this information in. "So, she's been hiding her divorce for a long time."
Emily tilted her head in agreement. "She is a better liar than we all thought."
Rossi was glad Emily had told JJ she was in love with her. Finally. About damn time, he thought. He didn’t tell Emily, but he had an inkling that JJ reciprocated those feelings for her. Rossi didn’t know JJ was divorced, but he saw the way the blonde casted longing glances at Emily, especially much after Emily came back from London. He saw the real fear and redness of her eyes when she lied about Emily being dead, and witnessed the stress she had in his hospital room when Scratch took the older woman. Rossi knew JJ was in love with Emily just as much as Emily was with her.
Emily, JJ, and Spencer were looking at the laptop screen, watching CCTV footage of their unsub walking out of the victim’s hospital room, escaping from the possibility of the bomb package going off. Emily excused herself to go in the other room with Dave and Fred Kirkman to interview him for more information on earlier events that may have led up to the incident. Before leaving, Emily quickly squeezed JJ’s shoulder and the blonde nodded at her.
Spencer lifted an eyebrow and turned to JJ. She looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows. “What?” she asked.
“It’s just…” he paused and gathered his words for a second. “You and Emily seem a lot closer than before. You guys touch each other more often than usual.”
JJ lightly laughed and patted his shoulder a few times before focusing back on the screen. “We’ve known each other for a long time, Spence.”
Spencer frowned and tried to backtrack everything he had witnessed from the two women, any change that indicated something more than just friends. “Did you tell her, JJ?”
The same question he had asked the blonde at Rossi’s wedding came up again. JJ blinked her eyes and opened her mouth in an attempt to answer. “I…” Seeing as she had already trusted him enough to keep one of the biggest secrets of her life, it might have been best if he knew now. “I did.”
Spencer nodded and looked at the glass door Emily had exited. “It looks like it went well. She hasn't tried to avoid you."
JJ tapped her finger on the laptop and simply nodded. "We're together, Spence,” she finally told him the truth. “She broke up with Andrew when I told her at the hospital."
"He was there when you were shot?"
"No!" She exclaimed and her eyes went wide. "No, she, uh, she told me she'd already broken things off with him before that. We've been seeing each other since then."
Spencer nodded and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm really happy for you, JJ," he gave a small supportive smile. He was relieved that JJ had told Emily of her feelings for her, and that the two women were now dating. Spencer wanted both of his best friends to be happy, and if they were happy with each other, that’s all that matters.
JJ smiled back and put her hand over his. "Thanks.”
Emily, JJ, and Spencer held their guns out and aimed towards their unsub, Shelby Mattson. When confronting him, Emily challenged him to detonate the bomb he had, and JJ and Spencer looked at her like she was crazy. Once Mattson was ready to push the button on the car keys he used to control the bomb, JJ instinctively shot him. Emily and Spencer lowered their guns, and she nodded towards him to untie Laura Kirkman, Mattson's victim.
“You ok?” Emily asked, placing a hand on the small of JJ’s back.
JJ nodded, putting her gun back into her holster. “Yeah.”
While Emily took the risk to challenge Mattson, she was glad JJ shot him before anything happened. The only thing she felt a little guilty about was putting them into danger, especially when JJ just got back to work.
On their flight back, most of the team had headphones on and were asleep. Luke and Tara were sitting across from each other and playing cards. Right next to them were Emily and JJ cuddled up with each other. Emily's arms were protectively wrapped around JJ's body and the younger woman's head perfectly tucked inside Emily's neck, with JJ's soft blue blanket covering them. They both felt at peace, letting sleep overtake them and holding one another.
Tara looked at the sleeping couple on the bench across from her and Luke, and turned to the man with a grin. “Looks like you owe me that scotch. It better be a good one.”
Luke sighed and waved a hand in surrender. “Ok, fine. You’re right.”
Tara tapped her cards together to align them and laughed. “Come on, how could you not tell? They can’t even keep their hands off each other.”
“I believe you. I believe you,” he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. “Come on, don’t rub it in.”
When they arrived on the airstrip, everyone packed up their things back at the office and went home. Emily walked up to her office to gather her things with JJ following closely behind. Once they were inside Emily's office, the blonde closed the door and pinned Emily against it, crashing their lips together.
“You are so stupid, you know that?” JJ mumbled against her lips, finally getting the chance to tell her alone. “You nearly put us into danger.”
“I’m sorry, JJ. I had to do it,” Emily answered in between kisses. "I- I had to make him believe he was doing everything according- according to plan."
JJ pulled back, breathless, and rested a hand on the door next to Emily's head. “You’re so damn lucky I love you and your beautiful brain too much to stay mad at you.”
The younger agent nodded, leaning in to peck her lips again. “Just promise me, no jumping out of helicopters,” she jokingly repeated Emily’s words back to her.
“Yeah, yeah. I know,” Emily laughed and pushed her away. She felt JJ’s hand pulling her by the wrist and leading her to her desk, continuing to kiss her. JJ raised her hands up to tangle her fingers in Emily’s gray hair, lightly tugging at it and drawing a muffled moan out of Emily. They didn’t hear a knock on the door and the unknown guest opening it.
“Hey, I heard you…” Penelope let herself in and cut herself off with a gasp so loud that it made Emily and JJ jump away from each other. Their flushed faces told Penelope exactly what happened before she came in.
“Penelope,” JJ awkwardly drew out. Emily patted her own hair down while JJ wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and shoving the other hand into her pocket.
“I knew it! I knew it,” she said excitedly before gasping again. “Wait, what happened to Will and Mendoza?”
“I broke up with Andrew, JJ divorced Will,” Emily answered, rubbing her temple and sighing.
“Ahh!” Penelope squealed and clapped her hands. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for years. Well, I don’t know about the whole Will and Andrew thing, you’d have to give me the deets sometime, but ahh! Let me know when you need help planning the wedding. I have a whole binder prepared.”
“Ok, calm down, Penelope,” JJ laughed. She was happy that their bubbly friend was more than supportive of their relationship.
“And I may need to do an inspection of your office, if I need to,” Emily added, wide eyes in shock.
“Oh, nothing you need to worry about, boss,” Penelope waved a hand at Emily, only to receive a suspicious eyebrow raise from her. She squealed again and walked out of her office with a huge grin on her face.
Emily groaned and buried her face inside JJ’s neck, wrapping her arms around her waist and mumbling, “Is it too late to jump into a grave?”
“Hey,” JJ lightly pushed her head away. Emily finally smiled, and they were both relieved they somehow let the team know about their romantic relationship with each other.
“She’s not gonna tell anyone else, is she?” Emily asked.
“Well, you know Penelope,” JJ smiled. “Remember that bet we had when Tara told her about her brother? And you won.”
“Oh god,” the other woman groaned and shook her head, a small grin coming to her face again. “Anyway, if I recall, you said you were taking me out on a date.”
“Yep,” JJ answered, taking Emily’s hand in hers. “How’s this Saturday?”
“Sounds great.”
“You know, JJ? I thought this was gonna be a fun date, not a workout date!” Emily complained.
It was Saturday and JJ went to Emily’s apartment, bringing her duffel bag of clothes. The door had opened to a confused Emily and soon after, a disappointed Emily, who thought JJ was actually taking her out on a real date. Now, they were in the open space JJ had made in the living room, doing pilates. Luckily for Emily, JJ teased her and said, “Don’t worry, I’m making us do the beginner level.” Even though Emily was complaining, she had to admit, it wasn’t all that bad. If it meant checking JJ’s toned abs out every chance she gets, it was worth it.
JJ sat up and wiped the sweat on her forehead. “I thought it was funny.”
“Babe…” Emily stood up and pouted like a child not getting what they wanted. “I thought you loved me. Why would you make me do this?”
“Heyy, don’t worry, Emily,” JJ stood up to meet her level, placing a hand on her arm. “I got us a reservation somewhere you’d love.”
Emily’s eyes lit up and she gasped. “Will you tell me what it is?”
JJ shook her head and chuckled, making Emily groan in mock frustration. “Come on, JJ. You know I hate surprises.”
“Still not getting anything out of me.”
The gray-haired woman frowned for a moment before a light bulb went on in her head. With a small smirk, she grabbed onto JJ’s hips and slowly pulled her closer to connect their lips together. JJ’s hand quickly flew up to Emily’s hair and tugged on it as she backed herself up to the couch, feeling the back of her knees hit the edge of it. She turned around to push Emily down on the couch and hovered her body over hers, reattaching her lips to Emily’s.
A minute had passed, and the two women were already panting into each other’s mouths and hands begun wandering each other’s bodies. A phone buzzed and Emily groaned against JJ’s lips.
“Mmm, no. Don’t pick it up, babe,” JJ murmured, still kissing her.
Emily snorted. “That’s odd coming from you.”
“I’ve waited too long for this,” JJ reached a hand up to grab Emily’s clothed breast and lightly squeezed it, hearing a choked gasp out of her.
Emily blindly grabbed her phone from the table behind her, tapping her hand until she found her phone and picked it up. “Prentiss,” she breathed out, voice a little huskier than usual. JJ lowered her head to kiss her neck, so that the gray-haired woman could speak to whoever was on the other end.
“Oh. Is now not a good time?” A voice said and Emily heard the little smirk in their tone.
Oh shit. “Matt, hey,” Emily spoke up, clearing her throat. JJ froze and her eyes widened.
“Hey, I was wondering if you were free to help Dave and I with building the crib for our newborn, but I see you’re with someone right now. Possibly blonde, active and fit, a mother of two, and fellow agent, who happens to be your girlfriend?” Matt smirked and jokingly described JJ as if he was delivering a profile.
Emily groaned and JJ awkwardly greeted him on the phone, “Hey, Matt.”
“Did Penelope tell you?” Emily asked.
“Yeah. Well, the whole team, actually.” Another groan came out of Emily, and JJ, as well.
“Ok, I’ll be right there.” Emily ended the phone call. JJ rest her head on Emily’s chest, sighing against it for a moment.
“Looks like you gotta go,” JJ finally said, standing up and extending a hand out for Emily to follow in suit.
“Alright. I thought I was gonna get lucky,” Emily grumbled, fixing herself. “I got all worked up for nothing.”
JJ pecked her lips and wrapped her arms around Emily’s waist. “Don’t worry, after this, there’ll be plenty of time for the two of us. I told Will to handle the boys' sleepover tonight, so we should have some time for ourselves. Alone." She emphasized the last few words with small kisses, leaning up to kiss her ear.
"God, I hope so."
"I know. Me too," JJ kissed her nose.
Emily smiled, “I love you.”
"I love you, too,” JJ beamed back, patting her shoulders. “Now, you gotta go do something.”
“Yeah. Oh,” Emily interjected. “I actually need you to drive me there. There’s a few things I need to buy before I help Matt and Dave.”
Before Emily arrived at the Simmons household, she decided to grab a bottle of wine and some donuts on her way there. JJ raised an eyebrow, asking why she needed to, in which Emily gave no explanation other than “just because”.
“Where’s Prentiss?” Rossi asked Matt, handing him a piece of red wood.
Matt shrugged and looked at the instructions on how to build the crib. “Probably getting things done with JJ.”
“Oh, I’m here,” Emily announced her presence, glancing at the unfinished crib, that was terrifyingly red-colored. “Ooh, but not to work. I put myself on refreshment duty.”
Rossi and Matt just looked at her.
“Oh, what? It’s my Saturday, too! And donuts are an anytime food, if you’ve done pilates with your girlfriend, which I have,” Emily defended with a bottle of wine and a pink box of donuts. She loved saying those words out loud in front of people. Calling JJ her girlfriend.
Matt and Rossi chuckled at the activity choice Emily, or possibly JJ they had thought, had chosen. Both men thought it was code for something more physical than that. Emily noticed the looks on their faces and groaned to herself, knowing what they had thought.
“All right, the kids are off to my mom’s,” Kristy announced, handing an empty wine glass to Emily, whose face immediately lit up when she held the glass. Kristy noticed it in the corner of her eye and thought Emily really did need time to blow off steam from work. “How can I help?”
“No, you’re off-duty,” Emily shook her head, tilting her head when she examined the crib. “Also, the more you look at this crib, the more you might consider a divorce.”
Kristy nodded, “Yeah. I check the color on the web site. It’s called ‘Daddy Issues Red’.” She looked at Matt with a sharp glare, the one Matt was all too familiar with. It was also known as the Stern Wife™ look.
He slowly nodded in defense. “I made a mistake, ok?” Kristy was not amused.
“Babe, it- it’s a good crib,” he sighed, making Emily chuckle quietly to herself. She thought she was going to be bad with JJ, just watching Matt act like this around his wife made things so much better for her.
“Oh, by the way. Congratulations, Emily,” Kristy smiled.
Emily was confused. “What do you mean? You’re the one having the baby, not me.”
“No,” the other woman laughed and her fingers lightly tapped on her swollen belly. “I mean, your relationship. Matt told me about you and JJ."
“Oh my god,” Emily muttered in embarrassment. “I’m opening the bottle now."
Rossi, Kristy, and Matt all laughed. The whole team, including everyone else close to them, were happy for JJ and Emily.
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sixty seconds • kim taehyung
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PLOT – you and your neighbour, taehyung, fall in love.
GENRE – model!taehyung au
WORDS – 6.5K
You were carrying your boxes inside of your new high end apartment. You felt rightfully proud of yourself for being able to afford this at only 23 years of age. After writing two best seller novels, you were allowed to be a little proud, right?
When you came out to get another box that was standing in the hallway, you noticed an elderly lady coming out of the apartment on your left hand side. You flashed her a grin when she looked at you. “Morning, I’m Y/N, your new neighbour.”
“Good morning, dearie. I’m Misses Lim.”
“Nice to meet you.” You looked at her, a little nervous. “So, I know the contract I signed said that it was fine, but I have a dog, a little beagle, and I hope you won’t mind.”
“Not at all. I also came to live here because of the pet allowance policy. See, I have two cats myself.” Misses Lim explained to you. “And the gentleman staying on your right, has a dog too.” She looked at you, eyes sharp.
“Thank Goodness,” You sighed in relief.
She kept looking at you with those piercing eyes and it made you a little uncomfortable. “He’s a model, you know.”
You frowned, a little lost. “Him, who?”
“Your neighbour, on the other side.” She elaborated and your eyes widened, because no, you didn’t know that. “He’s home on an irregular basis, but appreciates his solitude and privacy when he is home.”
“I wasn’t planning on bothering him, if that’s what you meant.” You said, a little unsure where she was going with this.
Finally she smiled, widely and happily. “So, you aren’t like the others, then.”
“Others?” You echoed, a little gobsmacked by the sudden change in attitude.
“Yes, the other girls that stayed here before you. They all came for him.” Mrs. Lim said and you gaped at her.
“I didn’t- I would never.” You stumbled a little over your words, where you were normally so eloquent and confident in almost every conversation you had.
Mrs. Lim laughed in delight. “I can see that now. Welcome to the neighbourhood.”
You frowned, “This is an apartment complex.”
“And that matters because?” She arched a brow at you.
“I guess it doesn’t.” You caved and watched as Mrs. Lim walked past you with a cheery grin.
“Nice to meet you, too, dear.” She let know over her shoulder.
You sighed to yourself – an eccentric cat lady on your one side and a model on the other. Well, at least it would never be boring here.
It was two weeks later when you were riding up the elevator with Mrs. Lim, who was telling you all about how her grandson left his fiancé at the alter. You thought that maybe she was a bit to happy about it.
“I take it you didn’t like her, then?” You asked as you watched her grin.
“Not one bit.” She nodded in agreement, completely unashamed. “She was to up-tight and high maintenance. And he is only twenty. What does he want to be married for now anyways?”
“I don’t know, Mrs. Lim, must be the latest fashion.” You said with a giggle as the elevator dinged open and you stepped off, walking right into a solid chest. “Ow, fuck!” Your hand flew up to your nose.
A warm chuckle reached your ears and you didn’t know whether you should swoon at the sound or be offended that the stranger was laughing at you.
“Are you okay?” A deep voice asked and, okay yeah, definitely swooning.
“Hello Taehyung,” Mrs. Lim greeted. “So nice to see you back home.”
“It’s nice to be home.” He said and slowly everything started to come together for you. Model, the name Taehyung, and holy shit.
“Wait a second,” You said, still rubbing your sore nose. “Taehyung as in Kim Taehyung?” Without waiting for an answer you looked up, like way up because this guy has at least twenty centimeters on you. Your eyes widened, “Jesus Christ, you’re tall.”
And it really was Kim Taehyung, the international model that had almost everyone swooning.
“Yeah, that’s me.” He grinned at you, sticking out a hand an you felt your cheeks burn. You took his hand, shaking it as you introduced yourself.
Calming down as you came back down to Earth – because it wasn’t everyday you met a man who is this handsome, never mind one who is an international model – you turned to Mrs. Lim. “I finally get why you interrogated me that first day.”
Mrs Lim smiled and Taehyung frowned at you two. “What, interrogation?”
“The day I moved in, Mrs Lim all but flat out asked me if I was moving in here in an attempt to get into your pants.” You snickered, more from the look on Taehyung’s face than anything else.
He was flustered and something inside of you was very satisfied to get that reaction from him. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, and now that I know just which model is my neighbour, I get it.” You smiled at him. “Well, I should get home. See you guys around.”
You walked away, waving at Taehyung and Mrs Lim as you did so. In the hallway, Mrs Lim smiled after your retreating figure. She told Taehyung, “I like her, she’s nice.”
“Yeah, I think I do, too.” Taehyung admitted with a small smile.
“She has a dog, you know, if you were looking for an excuse to hang out with her.” Mrs Lim said conversationally.
“Mrs Lim!” Taehyung gasped, scandalized.
“What?” She asked innocently. “I’m just saying.”
* * *
You had your dog, a beautiful little girl named Max – who was like an actual child to you, on a leash and you were ready to go. Mrs Lim had recommended a dog friendly park to you, not to far away from your apartment and today you were going to check it out for the first time. Just as you were locking your door, Taehyung's door opened. A second later the model himself appeared, with a Pomeranian next to him on a leash. You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you. Taehyung turned his head in your direction at the sound, and gave you a smile.
“Cute.” You said, nodding to the dog.
“Thanks.” The smile turned into a wide, proud grin. “Yours too.”
“Yeah, she’s my pride and joy.” You grinned then added, “She’s probably gonna be the cause of my premature grey hairs too, mind you.”
Taehyung laughed, then looked at you. “Well, we were just about to go to the park, if you’d like to join us.”
“Us too.” You paused for a moment. “Seeing as it was Mrs Lim who recommended it to me, I’m willing to bet money it’s the same place.”
“We could go together, I’ll drive.” He offered.
“If they like each other, sure.” You nodded. “Her name is Max, by the way.”
“This little guy is Yeontan.” Taehyung grinned and you could see that the little dog was his whole world, much like Max is yours. So, you do have something in common. Slowly, you two let the dogs get near each other. They sniffed each other, neither of them barking of snarling or growling at the other.
“Looks like they like each other.” You grinned at Taehyung happily – Max has always loved other dogs and you were worried if she would be able to make other doggie friends in your new place.
“So that’s a yes, then?” Taehyung asked and you frowned a little. “To go together.” He elaborated.
“A very big yes.” You nodded, whistling for Max to follow you, Taehyung doing the same for Yeontan.
The next Saturday, you and Taehyung were planning on taking Max and Yeontan out to the park again, only the weather didn’t agree. Ten minutes before you were supposed to leave, you walked around and knocked on Taehyung’s door. He opened it, dressed in a white t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants that looked ridiculously good on him, tan skin contrasting perfectly with the shirt.
“Hey.” He grinned at you.
“Hey, so not to be a spoil sport, but I don’t think we will be able to take them out today. It doesn’t look like the rain is letting up anytime soon.” You gave him an apologetic look.
“Yeah,” Taehyung nodded in agreement, face falling. “I was thinking the same thing.”
“Next time?” You gave him a optimistic smile.
“Sure.” You turned and walked away. Before you reached your apartment, Taehyung called out to you. “Wait!”
You turned back to him with raised eyebrows, seeing that he was now standing in the middle of the hallway.
“What-” He cut himself off, looking down at his feet for a few seconds, then he took a breath and looked at you again. “What if you brought Max over and they can play in my apartment? Or I can bring Yeontan over, if you’d prefer that?”
Warmth spread through your chest at the offer, heartbeat speeding up just a bit. You scolded yourself, you were being ridiculous.
“Are you sure?” You asked, just to give him an out in case he didn’t really want too but was being polite.
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t.” Taehyung nodded firmly.
You grinned at him, “Okay, just give me a few minutes and I’ll bring Max over.”
Twenty minutes later, you and Taehyung were lounging on his couch, drinking hot chocolate because it was still raining and you were in the mood for it, and watching as Yeontan and Max played on the floor. You two moved the coffee table against the wall earlier, so neither of them would accidentally run into it and potentially hurt themselves.
You couldn’t keep the fond, silly grin off your face as you watched them. You were also careful to keep an eye on them because Max is bigger than Yeontan and you didn’t want her to hurt him by accident.
Taehyung, on the other hand, couldn’t keep his eyes off you, the smile on your face was infectious and it made his stomach flip-flop, doing loops and dips – in the very best way possible. Clearing his throat, preferably before you caught him staring, he asked, “So, have you started on a new book yet?”
“Not yet.” You turned to him, the full force of that smile aimed at him and Taehyung had trouble thinking coherently. “I have a few plot ideas in my head, but nothing solid yet.”
He looked away from you and at the dogs again, if he didn’t, he would be able to keep a conversation with you. What was it he wanted to say? Oh, right. “I bought your books, during the week and I’ve just started the first one. I don’t normally read supernatural but it’s an interesting idea – an angel and a demon falling in love. Does it have a happy ending?”
You were a little surprised. You didn’t think Taehyung was actually serious when he told you that he was going to buy your books and read them. You remembered that he asked you a question. “Do you really want to know?”
He contemplated that for awhile, then shook his head, curls moving around on his hair adorably. “No, I don’t.”
“Well, happy reading and when you’re done, tell me what you think. I like feedback and constructive criticism is welcome too.”
"Will do." He promised, taking a sip of hot chocolate.
* * *
The two of you became fast friends after that. Whenever Taehyung was in town and your schedule allowed it, you two spent time together with your dogs. If someone told you six months ago that you'd have a model as a friend, you'd have laughed in their face, but here you are.
Today, six months after meeting Taehyung and a Tuesday morning, your best friend was visiting you, finally back from her trip to London - which took eight whole months for some reason, so trip might not be the right word for it, but you like to think of them as trips. She is always traveling, never staying for longer than a year in the same place, says she gets to bored - the very definition of wanderlust. She always comes back home though.
Your apartment was open plan, kitchen and living room one large room, there was sliding doors that looked outside and led to a balcony. You two were sitting by the kitchen island.
"So, how was London?" You grinned at her over a cup of coffee.
"It was fine. Met a few interesting people though." She said with a grin and you shook you head at the double meaning.
"One of these days, you're gonna come back pregnant." You chuckled.
She looked horrified at the thought for a few seconds before shaking her head firmly, "Nah, I'm too smart for that."
"I certainly hope so, for your sake." You giggle when someone knocked at the door. Max jumped from the couch where she was napping and started barking. "Excuse me for a second."
She hummed, hopping of her chair. "I'm gonna raid your brownies."
"Knock yourself out." You laughed, heading to the door. "Max, enough." You ordered and when she fell silent, you opened the door and saw a familiar face. "Taehyung?"
"Hi." He grinned cheerily at you, wearing an apron.
"Everything okay?" You asked, amusement flooding you when you noticed flour in his hair.
"Perfect, thank you." The model nodded. "I was just wondering if I can borrow an egg?"
"Sure, come on in." You stepped aside and let him in. He squatted down to greet and pet Max and you heart felt like it was about to burst.
"The gremlin in my kitchen is my best friend, Jae." You told him when you noticed his gaze went to your kitchen. "Hey, gremlin!" You called, watching in amusement as she turned to you, nearly choking on her bite of brownie when she noticed Taehyung. "Meet my neighbour, Kim Taehyung."
Jae swallowed her bite, looking between you and Taehyung like she's playing spot the difference. Finally, she grinned at Taehyung. "Nice to meet you."
"You too." He smiled at her and your heart twisted uncomfortably. The feeling vanished when he turns to you, smile turning into a boxy grin. "So, how are you?"
"The same way you left me two days ago, perfectly healthy and okay." You told him as you walked to the fridge. "Just one?"
"Yeah, I need three but I only have two." He frowned to himself, doing that adorable pouty thing with his lips that he does when he was thinking.
"And can I ask what you are going to do with three eggs?" You raised a brow at him, curious and handing him the egg.
Taehyung smiled brightly at you, "I'm baking a surprise birthday cake for my best friend, Jimin. It's his birthday soon and I'm practicing so long."
"I didn't know you can bake." You told him, surprised, as you walked him back to the front door.
"Oh, I can't, but I googled it and it doesn't look too hard." Taehyung said. You wanted to point out that it really wasn't that simple, that something can go wrong very quickly, but one look at Taehyung's bright, optimistic smile had you keeping your mouth shut.
"Right, well, good luck and if you need any help, you know where I live."
"Or I could just call you."
You snickered, opening your front door. "You don't have my number, doofus."
"Right." Taehyung frowned to himself. "We'll have to fix that."
"Next time." You promised with a smile. "Now go bake you cake."
"Thanks." He held up the egg and you waved him off. He looked over above you, because you were that short against him, "Bye, Jae." He looked at Max, who had resumed her spot on the couch. "Bye-bye, Maxie." He cooed at her then finally looked at you. "Bye Y/N."
"Bye, Tae." You said with a fond laugh, closing the door as soon as he walked away. You turned back around to find you best friend watching you with narrowed eyes. "What?"
"Yeah, what." She crossed her arms over her chest. "What was that?"
"That was my neighbour, Taehyung." You frowned a little at her.
"Oh, that much I noticed. Thanks for the heads up on being neighbours with one most eligible bachelors in the world, by the way" Jae said, clearly being sarcastic.
"Why, you interested?" You teased with a wide grin, but something inside of you didn't like the idea of Jae being interested in Taehyung.
"No, but I almost choked on a brownie infront of the Kim Taehyung, so a little warning would have been nice." She pouted.
"Sorry." You grinned at her sheepishly.
"It's okay, plus I didn't actually choke, so there's that." She assured you. "Back to my original topic though, what was that?"
"What was what?" You frowned at the question again.
She looked at you in disbelief, starting to wave her hands around. "That whole . . . domestic little scene that just happened here. I mean, he knows your dog's name and Max obviously knows him. And you two definitely talk as if you know each other."
You hum in agreement, "He's my friend."
"Friend?" She echoed, eyebrows going up.
Jae huffed, "Could have fooled me."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It's means that you two look like a couple." Jae said and you choked on thin air, cheeks flaming immediately. "And he was looking at you with the biggest heart eyes ever."
"We don't not, and he does not!" You exclaimed, heartbeat speeding up and your cheeks only getting hotter.
Jae hummed disbelievingly, "Keep telling yourself that."
When the smoke alarm next door went off fifty minutes later, your cheeks were still bright red.
* * *
"I still can't believe you did that." You told Taehyung matter of factly that Saturday, watching as Max and Yeontan arm around the park, chasing each other. You and Taehyung were sitting on a bench, talking about anything and everything, circling back to the topic of his burnt cake.
He pouted, clearly sulking. "I thought it would bake quicker if I turned the heat up."
"Yeah, but you forgot to half the baking time as you doubled the heat. That was bound to sent it up in smoke." You told him, snickering again. The recipe said he had to preheat and then bake at 180°C, but then Taehyung doubled the heat, figuring it would bake quicker and he had the right idea but he forgot his actual goal of baking it quicker and still left it in the oven for the full baking time instead of halfing it.
"You are so mean." He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Hah!" You chuckled. "Someone can't handle the truth."
"You're still coming over on Thursday to help me with the second practice right?" Taehyung asked, looking over at you with wide, pleasing eyes. You would have helped him sooner, Taehyung wanted you too, but he was flying to Italy tomorrow for a photoshoot and would only return on Wednesday morning. So, you told him to use the day to rest and that you'll see him on Thursday morning. Being an author was nice for the fact that you got to make your own schedule and work hours for the most part.
You nod, "I promised, didn't I?"
His shoulders relaxed a bit, "Good. I wouldn't want to accidentally set our apartment complex on fire."
"You know, I want to argue with that, but given what happened last Tuesday, I find that highly probable." You told him, hiding a smile when his mouth fell open in offence.
He scoffed, clicking his tongue. "Can't you be nice to me?"
"I am nice, I'm gonna help you bake a cake tomorrow and everything." You said, bursting out laughing when you saw the look of consternation on his face. Once you calmed down, you looked at him fondly to let him know your were just kidding with him. "Ah, Taehyung, don't ever change."
He smiled back at you and silence fell between you two again. Looking at Max and Yeontan playing together, you and Taehyung sitting together on the park bench, you remembered something.
"Hey, Tae, you remember my friend Jae, right?"
"I do." He nodded. "Why?"
You shook your head gently, "I was just thinking about something she said that day, about us."
Taehyung's head snapped to yours, "What did she say?"
"Nothing bad." You made sure to let him know. "Just that we looked very domestic and when we where sitting here right now, it just made me think of that for some reason."
"That's kind of true." He agreed and you nodded a little, it was. That's probably why you thought of it. "Your friend sounds wise."
"Oh no, she's not. She can talk her fair share of nonsense."
Taehyung looked at you with curiosity, "Like what?"
"Well," You paused thinking, not having to think long of the perfect example. "She told you me that you look at me with heart eyes."
Next to you, Taehyung tenses. You looked at him, worried that you might have offended him when he speaks, voice low and hesitant, "And what if I do?"
"What?" You where sure you didn't hear right.
Taehyung looks at you, eyes so serious and honest. You heart leaps into your throat. "What if I look at you with hearts in my eyes because I like you? What then?"
"Uh," You stammered, not able to comprehend properly, because fuck, where did this even come from? "I don't know." You admitted honestly because you really didn't know.
Taehyung deflated a bit and you felt bad because you didn't want to hurt him but you didn't want to lie either. He looked at you and asked another question, "Do you like me?"
You opened your mouth and felt like the world's greatest idiot when you said once more, "I don't know."
"I don't understand." He groaned, rightly frustrated. "It's a simple question, a yes or a no."
You winced, and tried to explain it to Taehyung because he put himself out on the line here and he deserves at least you making an effort. "I mean, I like you as a friend, but anything beyond that? I've never allowed myself to think it."
He frowned,"Why?"
You have him a pointed look, "Because you are way out of my league."
"Says who?" He asked, the frown deepening, looking at you with a stormy expression.
"Common sense." You deadpanned. "You are an international model, I'm a writer. You're also hot as fuck and I'm not."
Taehyung stared at you, then shook his head in disbelief. "You know for someone who preaches about common sense, you really don't have a lot of it."
"Excuse me?" You asked, a little gobsmacked.
Taehyung gave you a look, one that someone would give a child when they are busy explaining something to them. "Liking someone has nothing to do with looks or what you do for a living. It's about the person, their personality and their heart. I happen to like your personality and your heart."
You fell silent after that, sitting and absorbing what Taehyung said, thinking about it and finally declared, "I like yours too."
Taehyung smiled, bright and brilliant, and you felt your heartbeat speeding up, cheeks heating.
He hesitated, just for a heartbeat, before deciding that he's already come this far and he might as well plunder forward. "Then can we explore something more between us? Unless you think you can't find me appealing as a romantic partner."
"Okay." You nodded in agreement.
"Okay?" Taehyung asked with that bright, boxy grin, eyes sparkling.
You smiled back, warmth spreading through you, making you feel giddy."Okay, we can explore something more between us."
* * *
Something more meant more messaging. Like, a lot more. Taehyung messaged you three times the amount than he normally did and with emojis and selfies attached. The selfies were nice, but oh God, the emojis. There's like paragraphs of the things. Not that you mind. You actually really like it, but you aren't such a big messenger and it was taking consious effort to regularly check your phone instead of just leaving it unattended for hours as you worked on your new book.
That Thursday you and Max walked next door, just like you promised. The door was unlocked because you let Taehyung know you were coming and he replied that the door was open and you just enter. Yeontan greeted you and Max at the door and you made sure to greet the Pomeranian before calling for Taehyung to let him know that you were here.
He was obviously in the bathroom that was hidden in a little hallway that kept the bedroom and bathroom private from the open plan living room and kitchen. You knew it was probably just as spacious as yours because the interior is the exact same.
You spotting him comimg, in the process of pulling a shirt over his head. Your eyes zeroed in on the exposed skin, the golden tan skin of his belly on display, your eyes eagerly taking in the sight. His stomach was toned, six pack there but not overly defined. It looked both soft and firm and you really wanted to run your fingers over it and find out. Then the shirt covered the skin and you looked away, cheeks flaming because of your less than decent thoughts.
He walked to you, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you securely to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your cheek against his sturdy chest.
This - the hugging - was according to Taehyung, part of exploring their feelings. Personally you believe it's because he's a very touchy person, likes hugging and holding, giving his affection freely. He had to be a little more reserved in front of camera's but apparently that didn't change the fact that he likes hand holding - which he showed when you walked back to your apartment building on Saturday - and hugging - which he did when you seperated in the hall outside your apartments.
You like it, being hugged like this. He was warm and taller and bigger than you and he rested his cheek on your hair, which made your stomach flutter.
"You give nice hugs." You told him when you pulled apart, watching as his cheeks heated up.
"Thanks." He grinned at you.
Taehyung pulled out the ingredients out and you leaned against the kitchen island counter, staring at him.
"I'd tell you to take a picture, but I like it when you stare at me. It means you like me too." He said, turning to you with a fond grin.
Your cheeks enflamed, and you ducked you head, but something stuck in your mind, so you looked back at him and reminded him, "I already told you that I like you too."
Taehyung nodded, "I know but you express it differently than I do. I like to hug you and hold your hand, but you don't do that. You'll tell me I'm an idiot and then smile at me with stars in your eyes. It's different and it's taking some getting use to, that's all."
You frowned at him, "Good different or bad different?"
"Neither, just different." Taehyung said, walking to you and barricading you against the counter with his hands. "Stop worrying so much, I know you like me too, you just express it differently." He leaned down, brushing his nose against yours. Your breath hitched and your stomach fluttered.
"So, I was wondering," Taehyung started conversationally when you two where busy measuring ingredients a few minutes later. You hummed to let him know you are listening. "Do you wanna go on a date? Somewhere just us. I love Max and Yeontan, don't get me wrong, but I want to spend time with you alone too."
"I'd love too." You beamed at him. "I wanted to ask you out too, but I didn't know how." You admitted with a shy smile. "What did you have in mind?"
"Going to the movies." He answered immediately. "I know it's cliche, but I really want to do it."
"Cliches are cliche for a reason, right? And there's a few movies I've been wanting to see, there's bound to be one we can agree on." You shrugged at him, feeling excited rush through your veins. "I have one condition though."
Taehyung's smile faltered a bit and you felt your heart twist, "What?"
"I get to plan the next date." You told him, watching as the beam returned full force.
* * *
The movie date was good, really good. You told held hands for most of it, only letting go when your hands became to sweaty. Another two Saturday's later - because you had a few book signings to attend - you were going on you next date. You drove, because you planned the date and are now excecuting it. You told Taeyung before hand where you were going to spend the day and he seemed so excited. Everything was going great, until now because Taehyung had forgotten to mention on very important detail to you.
"You're afraid of heights?" You all but screeched as you looked at the cart you were in. The cart that was going up. You looked at Taehyung, who was gripping the safety rail like it was his lifeline. He nodded vigorously, pale and shaking. You groaned, "Kim Taehyung, I'm going to murder you."
"I'm sorry." He said sounding breathless.
"It's okay, I'm not mad. Well, I am, but only because you didn't tell me." You looked at him, heart twisting violently when you saw the terror in his eyes. "Want to hold my hand?" You offered, holding it out to him. He didn't waste a second before taking it, holding it so tightly that you almost regretted offering but when you saw that he relaxed - just ever so slightly - your heart soared.
He held your hand for the whole ride and you realised that he was a lot stronger than he looked. When you got off the ride, you saw that his legs was a little wobbly and you wrapped your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. He rested his weight against you as he tried to solidify his legs again and you whispered, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," He pulled away with a bashful smile. "I am, thank you."
Relief made your worried heart lighter. "Good, now let's go get the photos."
Taehyung groaned but followed you to get the photos for this ride like you got the photos of you two for everyone of the rides you went on, stored safely on the small backpack on Taehyung's back pack.
"Those need to be burned." Taehyung grumbled, side eyeing the pictures you held in your hands.
You snickered, deciding to tease him a bit. "Are you kidding? I could make a fortune selling these on Amazon or Ebay."
You laughed at the look on his face and he pouted when he realised that you were only teasing. You settled down, and fixed him with a firm look. "Why didn't you tell me?"
He sighed, looking down at his Converse. You were glad that he dressed down for your date. His usual style of Gucci would have definitely attracted eyes to you two. "You looked so excited when you saw the ride, and I just, I didn't want to disappoint you."
You stopped in your tracks, rounding on him and taking one of his hands in yours, lacing your fingers together. "Taehyung, you could never disappoint me by admitting to a fear."
"We came here to have fun." He argued softly, thumb rubbing gently over the back of your hand.
"I know for a damn fact that you didn't have fun," You pointed out, giving him a look. "And do you honestly think that I had fun up there, knowing that you were terrified for every second of it?"
"Sorry." Taehyung mumbled, ducking his head and sucessfully avoiding your eyes even though he was taller than you.
"I'm sorry, too, for not asking if you're okay with heights." You said, squeezing his hand.
"It's hard," He told you. "To admit my fears out loud."
"If it makes you feel any better, I'm afraid of snakes." You told him shyly.
"Really?" Taehyung looked at you curiously.
"Oh yeah, absolutely terrified." You nodded seriously, a shiver passing through you as you thought about the creatures. "I once knocked my brother's lights out because he decided to scared me with a fake one."
* * *
It was the next day, a perfectly ordinary Sunday, when everything went to shit. You had just woken up, a smile on your face as you thought about you date with Taehyung the previous day, when your phone rang. You picked up immediately because it was the ringtone of your best friend Jae and then she gave you the news: you and Taehyung were all over the news. Pictures of your date yesterday, when you were hugging and holding hands, are all over social media. After hanging up with Jae, you decided to turn of your phone. You didn't want to talk to your family or your publicist right now - you want to sulk and be left alone. After taking a shower and finally getting dressed, you decided to go out and get some breakfast, not feeling in the mood to make something for yourself. You whistled to Max and put on her leash, there was a great food struck not to far from here that made amazing food. You and Taehyung went there a few times, after returning from the dog park and feeling a little peckish.
When you got off the elevator in the lobby and looked through the tinted windows, panic flooded your veins because out there stood dozens of paparazzi. Luckily no one could get into your building without a code. You turned on your heel and took the elevator back up to your apartment.
This is exactly why you were the one to keep it a secret - Taehyung never wanted too, he wanted to announce it from the top of his lungs and you barely stopped him. You hated the thought of everyone knowing, not because you were ashamed or unsure of your feelings, but because you wanted privacy and peace. You'd get neither now. You and Taehyung haven't even put a label on it and now it's out there - for everyone to pick apart and give their opinion.
And worst of all, it was all your own fault. You were the one that planned your date to the amusement park.
The elevator doors dinged open to the sounds of someone banging on a door and Mrs Lim's voice, "Taehyung, dear, I hardly think making all this noise is going to help."
"I'm not leaving until I see her." Taehyung said, determindly, not once faltering in his banging on your door. You were surprised the other three tenants on this floor hasn't come out. Taking a closer look at him, you saw that he was panicked and worried, and your heart ached.
"Tae, I'm right here." You spoke up, his banging immediately stopping at the sound of your voice. He turned to you so fast he almost lost his balance, face visibly relieved.
"Y/N, thank God! I thought you were avoiding me. The news-" He started, a little breathless.
"Yeah, I heard. You should see how it looks downstairs." You cut him off, walking past both you neighbours. Remembering your manners, you turned back to Mrs Lim and bowed to her. "Morning, Mrs Lim."
"Morning, my dear. Now that you're here, I'll be going back to bed." She said and with a wave over her shoulder, she was back in her apartment.
You walked to your apartment and was about to enter, when a light grip on your elbow stopped you. You didn't turn back to look at Taehyung, to afraid that you might burst into tears. His voice was both shaky and sure when he said, "We need to talk."
You nodded in agreement, knowing that he was right. You couldn't just run away from this, you need to talk it out. There was a suffocating heaviness around your heart that didn't want to go away. "Let me just get Max inside."
A few minutes later, you were both standing outside in the hallway. This was neutral ground for you two, both of your apartments holding to many memories of the last seven months for you to pick one to have this conversation in. Taehyung looked at you, eyes longing and full of emotion. "What are we going to do?"
You swallowed thickly, eyes burning even as you spoke the words. "I think we should take a break, from whatever this is."
"Whatever this is." Taehyung echoed, hurt clear in his voice, some of it slipping into his eyes. "We may not have put a label on it yet, but this has been a relationship for a while."
You stayed quiet, not knowing what to say to that.
"Sixty seconds." Taehyung said out of the blue.
Utterly confused, you frowned at him. "What?"
"Sixty seconds is what it took for me to fall in love with you. That first day, when you stepped off the elevator and into my chest, in that time, that was all it took." Taehyung told you, voice sure and sincere. Your heart stopped. And when it started beating again, it went into overdrive.
This time, he cut you off. "I know that I always say that I like you, but Y/N, I've never just liked you. I love you, and I am not going to let you go just because people found out about us."
"Your career-"
Taehyung cut you off again, stepping forward and taking both of your hands in his. "Will be fine and even if it isn't, I have a back up plan. I wasn't planning on modeling forever. In a few years newer and younger faces will take my place and then I will be done anyway. But me and you? I want us to last. For a long time."
The words caused the heaviness around your heart to fade away. "Are you sure?"
Taehyung scoffed, but he didn't answer verbally. He let go of your hands, cupped your cheeks and tilted your head up, then kissed you firmly. It wasn't supposed to last long, Taehyung just wanted to make a point, but the moment your lips touched, he was gone. Both of you were. It was only when your lungs burned from lack of proper oxygen - breathing through your nose only help for so long - that you pulled away.
"Yeah, I'm sure." He whispered breathlessly. You looked at him, giddiness making a goofy smile spread on you kiss swollen lips. You thought, gripping his shirt as you stood on unsteady legs, that maybe Taehyung wasn't the only one in love.
"Me too." You said, and you meant it. You weren't sure of a lot in this world, you aren't even sure what you are going to eat for breakfast today, but you are sure that you want Taehyung in your life. For a longtime. You smiled up at him, heart a mess in the very best way. "Me too."
the end.
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🙂 - ɟ
Hiii babies and dear Anons 👋🏼🤗 Here’s another post with the answers to the asks Mari sent me. Enjoy 🙃
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 Hi @sawwyouuinadream 👋🏼😄 I’ve already talked about how C exaggerated for the sake of the songs in my ‘💭- ɟ’ post (8th question) [click on the #f anon of this post to see all my others]. As for the rest, you need to understand the difference between our normal life and theirs, especially when they were in the group. You can’t compare your life and what you would do with your girlfriend in their place simply because they’re completely different things. Any parent of famous artists who gets the chance to spend time with their child when they can, seizes the opportunity. I saw it with 5H, I saw it and keep seeing it with Ari, I saw it in Taylor’s documentary, and many others. But not all artists have this luck.
5H were far from home, always around the world, without parents most of the time, and with fans who recognized them. Unlike the other parents who didn’t always have the opportunity to be with them because of work, the most present were Sinu, papa H (Jerry, Ally’s dad), and mama Dre (Andrea, Normani’s mom; as much as Sinu and continued as Sinu even after the hiatus). The only difference is that Camila suffers from depression and variants of OCD (diagnosed in 2015) and for these reasons, Sinu has always tried to be as present as possible. She only became a regular presence after C’s explosion in early September 2016. And, honestly? I don’t know where Camila would be without her mom. I don’t think she could have gotten through most of the things. I don’t think she would be in the industry anymore.
Now, I’d like to remind you of something else: we only see 5/10% of their lives. And that 5/10%, is ONLY what they want to show. You said that Sinu always accompanied C on dates? That’s not true. We saw Sinu with them a couple of times when they went shopping, once for dinner at Katsuya’s, and once at the beach in Australia. And these are literally only five times in what, four years that C was in 5H? Do you really think those were their only dates? Or that those can even be called dates and not just spending time with the mother-in-law? Come on. Try to look at it differently. Try to look at it from a broader perspective. Try to look at the big picture.
I send you a hug 🤗
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 No, dear Anon. Lauren was together with Camila. That whole conversation was based on Camila teasing Lauren. That episode was another confirmation for me regarding their first kiss. Lauren answering “Kind of” because Camila literally nearly passed out from nervousness is one of the things that amuses me the most.
Oh and, dear Anon? Bread Simplified, aka I don’t know what lips are, was just another one of her PRs. I don’t know how this is still something to doubt about. 75/80% of all Hollywood couples are fake, and as I said earlier, we only see 5/10% of what they want to show us about their lives. I’ve said this before and will write it again: “Any PR relationship involving Camren is simply this: fake, and for publicity and narrative purposes”. Real relationships, dear Anon, are not public ones. They’re the ones we don’t see.
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 I’m still a little bit confused about your ask actually if I have to be honest, dear Anon. I’ll answer based on what I understood.
None of the five of them are with Syco Music anymore because it has integrated with Sony Music Entertainment and therefore doesn’t exist anymore.
Only Camila and Lauren are with Syco Entertainment simply because only the two of them were asked to sign. Simon never cared about the group per se. He wanted Lauren and Camila from the start and he got them. He created an opportunity to prepare them for that world and for their eventual solo careers. How? By creating 5H. By creating three products (C, L, and 5H) at once that would make him money.
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 Because, dear Anon, as twisted as it sounds, it’s part of their publicity. I’ll explain myself better. Camren sells. From the beginning. A large part of the 5H fans became their fans BECAUSE of Camren. The labels still use them when needed. For labels, it’s okay to get people talking. It’s okay to get them to speculate, take their name out there, create buzz, create gossip, everything’s okay, EXCEPT confirming it. The important thing is the publicity. The important thing is to sell what they want to sell, and many times, they use Camren to do it. And it works. It works EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Plus, I think both C&L also had fun doing it to “keep the boat afloat”. More in the past than now tho.
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I know about the rest of the pictures because it was said a while back by a guy who said he was yet another ‘insider’, dear Anon. This guy even published an email that was supposed to be from 2017 from TMZ to Roger in which they were supposed to have a meeting to discuss the extension of the agreement made not to publish the dossier. It’s actually old news, and it indeed seems strange to me that you’re only finding out now 🙃 Has anyone ever talked about it here on Tumblr?
But anyway. That he was an insider, I have my serious doubts. That the email picture was specially created, perhaps by him himself, I’m sure of it because it looks more fake than a plastic flower. That TMZ actually has a dossier on them, is very likely because this is another one of the many ways paparazzi agencies make money.
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Dear Anon, I guess this ask of yours is due to your reading of my last post. If you’ve read it, then you have also read the sentence that I will now copy: “Everyone’s ready to point the finger when they don’t even know what is really going on behind the scenes”. You’re doing the same thing. You’re doing the same thing because all I see here is Roger did this and Roger did that, but you don’t know that. You don’t know why he did certain things. You don’t know why he didn’t do certain things. You don’t know why he handled some things in one way and some things in another. You know nothing, yet you’re pointing the finger.
I understand that you’re speaking based on what you see, believe me, I understand, but you’re judging without knowing. We know this PR is for Skittles, so what do you know if the deals made were exactly for Roger to promote him more? What do you know if the deals made were exactly for Roger to do or not do certain things? And more importantly, what do you know that Roger no longer has Camila’s best interests at heart? Just because of this show? Come on!
I’ll try to be clearer this time because I’ve noticed that many, like you, didn’t get the big picture of my last post. The labels decide everything. Camila can choose certain things, propose ideas, and be more liberally creative, but she doesn’t have the last word. If Camila comes up with the idea for a video she wants to make, but the labels don’t like it, then she can’t make that video. If Camila wants to perform a song in a certain way, but the labels don’t approve of a thing, then Camila has to change that thing in order to perform it. If the labels say no, then it’s no. Periodt.
Camila accepted the PR. COVID has changed things. She couldn’t expect such a thing. Hell, none of us could have expected a worldwide pandemic. But things turned out this way, and now she’s miserable. The choice she had initially made has backfired on her, and there’s nothing she can do to change that because it’s a legally binding contract. Neither she nor Roger, whom I remind you is also an attorney, can do anything about it.
I made this little scene for you. I hope that with this, you’ll see things a little more clearly.
*During the meeting*
“And that’s the idea” Roger says as Simon continues to look at the various set designs and documents by nodding
“So.. what do you think?” Camila asks anxiously and with a small hopeful smile
“I think we only need to change a couple of things, but for the rest, everything’s fine” Simon replies
“Really?” Camila asks excitedly
“Yes, really” Simon replies with a chuckle due to her enthusiasm “Good job, Camilla”
“Yay!” Camila cheers towards Roger. She’s too happy to care about the cringe due to the mispronunciation of her name. She’s used to hearing him call her that for years now.
“What are the changes you were referring to?” Roger asks him
“Oh, you know, this and this” Simon replies, turning the set designs towards them “It’s a little too…”   “Gay?” Camila asks with a laugh, finishing his sentence
“We knew, but she wanted to try anyway” Roger says, indicating Camila with his palm “So, by changing those two things, we’re ready to go? We’re gonna shoot the video in a week”
“Yes, I approve. Everything’s all right” Simon says, handing the set designs back
“Thanks, Simon” Camila says, getting up together with Roger ready to leave the room
“Oh and, Camilla? Remember what we talked about” Simon tells her as soon as she gets to the door
“But-”   “Remember what we agreed on” Simon says, interrupting her
With a sigh, Camila nods and turns to look at Roger who smiles at her sympathetically. With another sigh, this time of acceptance and determination, Camila positions herself behind Roger, who’s bending his knees to get down and is bringing his torso forward.
“Um.. what exactly are you two doing?” Simon asks, confused and curious at the same time
“When you tell me to jump, I ask you ‘how high?’, right?” Camila answers him as she climbs on Roger’s back
Simon nods with an even more puzzled expression.
“I’m helping her jump from higher” Roger explains to him
*the end*
This is just a silly example, but I hope it helped you understand the dynamics better. I also copied and pasted another piece of my previous post as a reminder: “If Roger does certain things that you may not like at first glance, before accusing him, please wait. Wait till you see why he’s doing what he’s doing, and then if you really don’t like it, then point the finger. But if you have to do it for no good reason, then don’t. You’d only going to look worse after. Same thing for Camila. They have a reason for doing what they do, so just wait before speaking and judging.”
Have a great day too, dear 😊
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 I don’t think you’re gonna like my analysis, dear Anon, but you asked for it, so here it is.
I’d like to start by saying that Thinkin’ Bout One is a half-demo. It’s not a completed song and it’s from ‘The Hurting. The Healing. The Loving.’ era, so even before the album title changed to ‘Camila’. I’m talking about the very beginning. When Havana wasn’t even remotely ready to be complete, or recorded if that’s why. When I Have Questions had just been recorded or was about to be recorded. I’m talking about the end of 2016.
The demo is pretty messed up because there is no intro, verses, pre-chorus, chorus, etc., like in a normal song. The quality and the way the demo is structured reminds me a lot of the GarageBand Camila times. To be honest, I think that’s how it was recorded. I think Camila created the demo on her own and then she abandoned it once she started recording other songs that would adapt and fit in the true direction of the album.
The reason I said I don’t think you’re gonna like my analysis is because this song, it’s not about Lauren. I have reason to think this song is for someone else, but without dwelling on that, I’ll explain why in my opinion it’s not about Lauren through my interpretation.
“Where you at
Come baby show me where you at
Finally got time off work
Tryina disappear off the map with ya
What’s love gotta do with it
This my vacation time
Bathin suits and tan line
Thirst trap for your timeline”
Camila is asking this somebody where they are. Camila was still working with Lauren in 2016. She knew where Lauren was because she was with her, this somebody wasn’t. She’s asking them to meet and spend those days she had free together. She’s asking them to go together to a place where they could be off the radar. A place with a warm climate. And she’s not asking them to see it as a romantic getaway, but just as a vacation. Love was the last of her thoughts given what she was going through with Lauren that year.
“Num num num num num
Pass the henny not the rum
I go num num num num num
If I decide to give you sum
Talkin talkin talkin
All this time that we been rockin
“Sip a lil this
Sip a little that
Now this ain’t nothin but a fact
I need you come and take control”
This vacation that Camila proposes also included alcohol and other activities, if you know what I mean. I’ll explain the slang she uses here to indicate those two very things.
In case you didn’t know, num is the slang for making out. Henny is the slang for Hennessy, which is a brand of cognac. It’s used a lot together with coke for a simple two-ingredient cocktail, and indeed, Camila specifies that she prefers henny over rum (rum and coke) in her simple two-ingredient cocktail. Sum is the slang for some. Now that you know, I believe you can put the pieces together and better understand the puns she used here.
And that’s all. There’s nothing about Lauren for me. There’s nothing deep about it. Just another distraction. And for me, for my timeline, this event happened during the 7/27 tour break. The break that lasted from July 6 to 26 before starting the North American part.
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Hello to you too dear Anon 😄 No, I personally don’t think those scenes represent her experiences exactly as they happened. I think she and Dave (Meyers) represented her experience in a cinematic and straight way, but with symbols that represented Lauren.
For example, the fact that Dylan plays the piano is to represent an artist, aka music, aka Lauren. The flower on the back of his shirt in the kiss scene: Lauren. The book’s scene you mentioned? The scene is represented in winter with snow, yet in her memory, they’re both represented dressed in a light way, aka ‘In Miami, where winters are hot’ (Sangria Wine’s verse 2) [or even in L.A. since the winter climate is much more similar to the spring one]. They both like to read, so the book was a perfect clue. Alcohol and fights were represented in a much stronger way than I think they happened in reality because we all know that Lauren is not a violent person. The moon? There’s not even the need to explain it. Oh and, the fact that she’s holding hands with herself at the end of the video is also a representation of what we saw in the Havana music video. The “I do love you. But I love me more” that we saw there. With that scene at the end of the Consequences music video, Camila shows us that she has finally managed to love herself.
So dear Anon, to me, that video is just an artistic representation of how things went. And thanks. I hadn’t watched that video in a long time, but I went to re-watch it for you, so thank you, dear 🥰
Aaand I’m done 😄 I hope I was helpful in this case too. As always, I’m available for those who have questions, so feel free to ask 😊 Thanks once again to you for asking me and Mari for making this exchange possible 😍
As usual, remember to be kind, to others and to yourself. Be a good example. Be patient. Be safe and take care of yourselves. I send you virtual love and hugs 🤗🤗🤗 I love you, babies. Always with love, F ❤️
This was awesome, thanks again F. BTW, the marks on the asks is a small detail I couldn’t erase but you can read them anyway, so sorry bout that.
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tanakavox · 4 years
Look into the mutiverse chapter 4
Thanks again to ExiledDarkness for writing the charcters reaction for this chapter. Please go check out his stuff. And if your wondering where Qrow came from, We forgot to add a scene for Qrow and didn't feel like going back.
This chapter is based of the Youtuber SomecallmeJohnny and his review of Super Mario 64. I had to cut it short because my laptod was acting up again and google docs was acting wonky, parts of the fic getting erased. Rest assure for the Somecallmejohnny fans, I won't just do his reviews. I have plans to do Super gaming bros reaction as well. And for those who don't know Johnny, go check him! Enjoy the reaction.
The screen lights up again and shows Jaune wearing a cap and hoodie and sitting on a bright red couch. He had a bit of stubble on his face and he was currently holding a controller in his hand as he turned on a device known as the N64.
"Oh? Jaune looks good with stubble." Blake comments. Everyone looks at Jaune and then back to the one on the screen. They all nodded in agreement.
"It's a go time! Super Mario 64!" He said in a high pitched voice with a bad accent.
The Jaune on the screen sighed seemingly tired. "Lady and Gents welcome back to the Super Mario marathon, And just like with Ocarina of time, this is a game that haunted me during the N64 lifetime. Jaune looked the the N64 sitting on his dresser and continued. "It was like the console itself was actively mocking me like: "Hey Jauney? How about you ditch that playstation and try me out instead?" The blonde's eyes lit up in anger. "Well I didn't have a job in 1996 you sensitive prick!" Jaune snapped at the console.
Everyone blinked at the sudden anger. Ruby turned towards JNPR and asked, "Are you okay Jaune?"
Jaune, still frozen from the sudden burst of anger from his other self, snaps back to reality and nods at the question. "Yeah, I think I understand what's happening here. But I'll stay quiet until I know for sure."
Jaune turned toward the screen and went on like nothing happened. "Last time I gave Mario attention, I was focused on what made the Italian "Plumber—"" He said with quotation marks. "—the video game icon he is today. Now we're gonna do it again only in 3d."
Jaune turned to his audience and smiled. "You guys ready for another Super Mario marathon?"
"Aha!" Jaune says as he slammed his closed fist on his hand. "This is me doing video games!"
Ren paused at hearing this information. "Then that explains the sudden burst of anger then." Nora and Jaune nod while the rest of the audience looks on confusedly.
RWBY look at each other before Yang hesitantly asks, "So why did he get so angry?"
Jaune laughs before scratching the back of his head. "I like video games but I hate it when I can't progress further into the game. Sometimes I get really into it, I guess."
"Here we go, Super Mario 64, the 64 being figureded to the console and not the 64 game in the series, Mario's first 3d game, and a launch title for the N64. It was highly praised and hailed as the 3d version of what Super Mario bros on the NES did for platemors at the time, Mario 64 did the same. But I came into the 64 train late, So I don't have what you call: Super Mario 64 memories. In fact my first 3d Mario game was the next game we'll be looking at: Super Mario Sunshine on the GameCube. Jaune's expression darkened as he smiled hurmlousy. "But that can wait. Oh it can wait." The tone of his voice was bitter and venomous.
Everyone laughed now knowing the context of Jaune's anger towards video games.
"Alright booting the game up and the first thing you see is Mario's head. You know to really hammer in that this is Mario's first 3d adventure. You can even fuck around with the face a bit but it doesn't really effect the game it's just there for fun.
We're also greeted by Mario's new voice, provided by Charles Margent. Shockingly this isn't his debut as the Jumpman, that was in Mario Fundamental, a Pc game released a year before. Pretty sure no one heard of it before someone did a document on it.
"This idea of a floating Mario head, perhaps more infamously in Mario teaches typing two. A floating deformed head pop on the screen.
"Hey? Are you ready for Mario type?" It asked.
"Mother of God." Jaune deadpan in horror.
"Despite the new voice, Mario doesn't speak much. It's mostly hiyas woohoos throughout the game. And he only speaks a full phase when he completes a goal or he falls asleep on the job. It shows the red clad mario on the ground sleeping.
"Ha spatgai, Ha ravioli." The plumber mutters in his sleep.
Nora drools over the names of food. They sound pretty good right now.
"Charles as Mario is so absorbed into my head I can't imagine anyone else doing the role. It's not like the acting is amazing or anything, he's been voicing Mario for nearly 20 years at this point. If Charles stepped out of the role for any reason, the next guy would just try to simulate Charles' voice.
"It's weird that way," Ren piped up, "No matter what happens people are going to remember the original no matter how much the new one tries to be the old one.
"Hear hear ninja boy" Qrow cheered a bit and took a swig of his beer.
"Okay nearly forgot that I was looking at a video game, Sorry about that. Well let's look at that plot shall we?"
"I'm curious to hear about the kind of story this game might have," Ozpin said as he crosses his legs.
"Boswer kidnaps Princess Peach, Mario must go save her, now that didn't take long now did it?"
Ozpin blinked and sat back in his seat, a bit disappointed.
"I'll let it slide this time since they probably wanted to keep it safe for the first game in 3d. Hell, the menu theme is the main theme for the series."
Qrow snorts. "Fair enough. I guess you can't expect these guys to be that ballsy."
The entire game is set in Peach's castle. Boswer has taken the power star, which I believe gives the castle power? Jaune shrugged. I dunno what they do, it's not really explain and getting more powerstar allows you to get into more levels, and that's the name of the game here. Bowser had set up routine courses in painting.
"The courses tend to varies but nothing here gets too crazy like other Mario games. It's not until late game you go to more odd place like in a clocktower or riding rainbow.
"The game's openness is the first thing you'll take note of in Mario 64. You can start a mission with a hint on what to do,but there is nothing stopping you from just doing a different mission and grabbing the star despite not being the mission you clicked on.
There are a handful of expectations like racing against against Koopa the quick who not gonna show up unless you chose his mission, but most of the time you can go at it on your own pace. Eh, I didn't wanna fight King Bo-mb yet, I want free the chain chomp and get the star there. I could take down King twop, or I could do a well place jump and get this unrelated power star. And that's where a lot of Mario's replay value comes in, not just getting the power star but how you get them.
"Oh, this game sounds fun! I should get it if we ever get out of here." Nora exclaimed.
"With what money Nora?" Jaune asked. Nora looked at Jaune with a wide smile. "No." Jaune deadpan. Nora pouted at his response and turned to Ren with a wide smile.
"No Nora. And do not ask Weiss either." Ren said with his eyes still on the screen and Nora pouted again.
Peach's castle acts as a hub world, the place you're exploring and using to get to other stages to get more power stars. But in order to duke it out with Bowser, you need to get a certain amount of power stars to access the level. As a guy who doesn't care for hub worlds I don't mind Peach's castle. The levels aren't too far apart and there are things you can do in the castle that can help you increase your star count. Like a secret race track that gives you two stars if you're fast enough, or an underwater level that contains an easy to get star. It challenges you in a way that makes it still feel like a Mario game.
"It sounds pretty easy at first glance, but I can understand how annoying it can become if you mess up at least once or twice." Jaune says. Ruby, Nora, and even Ren nod in agreement.
The biggest change to the formula was the jump to 3d, like with Ocarina of Time. He still has to break boxes, stomp on enemies, the works but this game gave the man a few extra moves to go along with the change to 3d. The analog stick is used to move Mario, the further you tilled it the faster he moves, instead of the run button we knew from the past game. Mario still has the jumps he's famous for, but pressing the jump button can allow Mario to reach the heights he's never seen until this game without a power up. He can crouch and crawl but I've only used this a total of once. But you standstill and jump you can do a backflip, and if you crouch and run you can do a long jump which I love using so much and because you can do some real fancy shit with it, and it makes Mario move faster to boot. If you snap the anlong back and jump he can do a somersault and if you jump towards a wall, Mario can wall jump as well.
Nora makes a face at the detailed review. "All these moves and stuff sound annoying. Why can't games be as simple like they are now?!"
Ren sighs and begins to explain but Qrow cuts in. "It's because of games like these were like test models that you get to play the good quality games you have now. I remember playing Soaring Ninja back when he was literally unplayable and useless. Now look at him!"
Ruby and Yang gasp, Soaring Ninja was unplayable?
"I wouldn't be surprised if this move came from the gameboy version of Donkey kong. That remake has a fucklord of levels and a handstand jump for Mario. He still takes damage if he falls too far, so he's just a pale imitation. Jaune had Mario wall jump a wall to prove a point. "The Mario I know could fall from any height and take no dam-" Jaune cut himself off his eyes widening when he heard Mario grunt in pain and his health go down a bit. "WHAT THE FUCK! He took damage from a large height! Mario! What's the meaning of this?" He asked in bewilderment, looking at the floating Mario head from earlier."
"Oh nice computer you have here. Can I have it?" the Mario head asked
"No!" Jaune exclaimed.
Everyone's eyes widened at the scene. Ozpin checked his mug with scrutiny to see if he was still drinking the right drink. Looked normal enough.
"Peach's castle has 120 power stars in the castle, but you only need 70 of them to beat the game." Jaune had a strained smile on his face as he continued. But where the fun in just getting 70 power star and beating the game that way, it not like getting all the star is that time com- for fuck sakes yes it is!"
"Let's just get one thing clear, I fucking depise the 100 coin misson. It's as simple as it sounds, grab 100 coins and then grab the star that appears over your head. Lather rinse repeat, for all 15 courses. In a game that usually has you go to once place and grab the star, collecting these coins brings the game to grueling crawl. Mario 64 doesn't have a checkpoint system. It doesn't bother me much. The levels are usually small and with Mario's new moves getting the Power star is not only comartable, it's also pretty fucking fun. And then their these." That venomous tone from before came back. The screen showcased the blue coins that have appeared throughout most of the video so far.
"Aw it's one of those games! The type that needs you to waste your time actually going through all of what the game has planned for you before you get to the final boss! What a rip off!" Qrow exclaims, tossing his hands in the air. Jaune agrees, crossing his arms and trying not to join in on the rage.
"No amount of looking of cute puppies. can cotain the amount of rage i have when I fuck up these mission with a impeferct jump or when a enemey hits me from behind. It's not always a painful process, but sucks so hard cause the coins are either place so far part or because they're so goddamn scarce! "Gotta kill those enemies before the coins blink away and scatter when they spawn. These blue coins are 5 regular coin a piece but you gotta get them before they blink away and you only got one shot! Was there area I didnt search, an enemy I skipped, I did I fuck up somewhere since I only have 64 coins after look around what feels like for fucking ever?!
"And try not get the last coin in a dangerous area or impossible to backtrack to. The star will always appear right above Mario's head, so make sure it's a safe locati-GODDAMN!"
The star had appeared in a caged area that Mario couldn't reach.
Everyone laughed at the other Jaune's misery. The Arf viewing the screen feels relieved that he himself isn't on the receiving end. Or was he?
"Couldn't just tell the star to come to you Mario?" Jaune asked the Mario head on his computer.
"When a moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie, that's amore!" Mario began to sing and Jaune facepalm when he didn't get answered. "When an eel lunges out…
"UNGAI?!" Jaune jumping up. A eel appeared and let out a roar and Jaune wasn't in his chair anymore, It being left spinning by how fast he booked it.
"That's amore!" Mario finished singing and chuckled. Get it? Amore eel? I said funny.
"Fuck you!" Jaune said from somewhere in the house.
All the immature audience members fell out of their seats in laughter while the more mature chuckled at the scene.
At the end of the day, I really shouldn't be going for all the Power star, and that's more of a technical issue, but I'm gonna bitch anyway. But despite the age, this game is still a treat to play even today. This has been Somecallmejohnny, and you guys have a Good Day.
Nora stretches and yawns. "Well, that was a nice one. Funny too! I wonder what's next?"
The end
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moonlit-mizukage · 4 years
Chapter Nineteen: Pre lit 
Summary: Y/l/n Y/n, a third year at Sakura High School, is just a girl with a bad attitude towards anyone outside her small circle. When y/n’s younger sister starts first year, she gains a lot of attention. Unfortunately for everyone in school, the Y/l/n household has one rule, No dating till y/n does. Some people become just desperate enough to pay the leader of the “Monsters”, the trouble making group on campus, to date y/n. What will happen when she finds out? (All characters aged up to third year unless otherwise stated)
Tw: swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of alcohol, underage drinking, mentions of neglect
Word count: 1.2 K 
Time Skip to Friday, Lunch time before the dance, Y/n POV 
“Don’t forget your writing assignment is due Monday and it will be presented to the class.” Mr Yagami said as the class left for lunch. I turned to Tendou as we walked out together.
“So did you finally tell them you and I are going together tonight babe?” He asked me.
“I will right now Satori. They both have been a little more on edge since shit with Mei last weekend honestly. I didn’t want to salt Tsuki’s wound. Shirabu also already knows anyway and he supports it.” 
“Oh there is Tsukishima.” He said as he dipped down a side hall heading outside. “See you at 9 babe.” 
At my locker my friends were already waiting for me to head to lunch. We headed to the court yard and sat at our usual table as I looked at Shirabu. 
“I think it’s time to include you guys in the loop before tonight happens.” I said. 
“What loop?” Tsukishima said with a hint of annoyance. 
“Tendou is taking me to the dance because I like him and you cannot change my mind. So either you support me or I can just leave the table and go hang out with him.” I said as fast as I could. Tsukishima let out a loud sigh. 
“Oh I am happy for you  y/n! I don’t mean to rush off but I have to go grab something from my teacher. I am happy for you!” Yamaguchi said as he stood up. 
“I can tell you are genuine Yams, don’t worry. I will see you later in class!” I looked over to Tsukishima. 
“I guess it’s fine. I don’t want to lose our friendship for some shitty guy. If he hurts you I will say I told you so.” 
“I will take it.” I said happy as my friends had accepted Tendou as my date.
I texted my sisters group and no one responded. I even tried to message my best friend who ignored me too. I checked my messages with Oikawa to see if he had responded yet. Just a short while ago I overheard Oikawa say I was nothing but an expensive fuck. I could feel my heart shatter when I heard him say that. I ran and immediately texted him I was unable to go to the dance tonight cause my father said I am too young. I now sat under a tree as I let my tears free fall from my eyes.  
“Mei… is that you?” I turned my head to see Yamaguchi. 
“Hi…” I said just above a whisper. 
“What happened? Why are you here all alone crying outside?” 
“I just.. I am sorry Yamaguchi. Y/n was right, I suck.” He then sat down beside me as he placed a pile of papers beside him . 
“Hey… I know I said some very harsh things to you a few days ago and I definitely could have worded them better but that doesn’t mean you suck, okay?” 
“I do. Y/n finally opened up to me and I blew her off and called Oikawa behind her back.” I saw Yamaguchi shift uncomfortably beside me. “I knew it was wrong but I thought he really liked me, till a little while ago… I heard him tell Iwaizumi I was just an expensive fuck who was showing to be not worth it anymore.” 
“Mei… I am so sorry.” 
“Please Yams, don’t be. If only I listened to Y/n. She tried to warn me so many times and I just wanted to be popular. I just, really wanted to be someone’s someone. I don’t know how y/n does it. Dad didn't care about us after mom left and I took such a great advantage of her to the point I don’t think she will forgive me. I even used the money she was saving for mine and her dresses and now it was just a waste. I really messed up Yams.” I said as I buried my face in my hands. He placed his hand on my back. 
“Hey, y/n has the biggest soft spot for you, I have seen it first hand okay? She will forgive you. And about the dresses, Mei will you go to the dance with me?” I looked into Yamaguchi’s eyes. 
“Are you serious…?” I asked him. 
“Yes Mei. Come with me and we will talk to Shirabu, Tsukishima and y/n together before we go, Okay?” I nodded my head in agreement as he gave me a hug then helped me up.
 Time Skip after school-Y/n POV
“If I had to give Tsuki a title its teen angst cause LOOK AT HIMMMM!” I shouted as I laughed at him. 
“I mean, can he deny it? No.”Shirabu replied. Even Tsukishima was laughing at that moment. We were interpreted by Mei as she entered the room. She sat down and began to tell us about what had happened with Oikawa. 
“I told you he was a piece of shit Mei.” I interrupted. She made no attempt to dig back at me as she carried on her speech. She told us what her and Yamaguchi had spoken about at lunch according to them. 
“You are my younger sister and no matter what I love you, I don’t trust you though so that's something you will have to earn back.” She jumped from her seat as she engulfed me into a hug saying how much she loved me with her whole heart over and over again. 
“I love you too but I got to get ready. Satori will be here in 30 minutes with the limo. You guys sure you don’t want to carpool with us?” 
“All the monsters in a small space… I will take a hard pass y/n.” Yamaguchi said. 
“I will get ready with you if that’s okay though?” Mei said as I reached my hand out for her to take. 
After Mei and I got ready Tendou had just messaged he would be here soon. My father took many pictures of the five of us as we headed out the door. I jumped in Tsukiishima’s car till we got around the corner and I hopped out seeing Tendou leaned up against the limo. 
“Hey babe.” He said as he pulled me into a kiss. We got inside the limo as Terushima was the first to speak to me. 
“Milkshake girl! What’s up?” He was noticeably already intoxicated at this time. “You wanna beer? We are getting pre lit before this fancy shit fest!” 
“I am okay, maybe after the dance.” I said. 
The ride was quite enjoyable as I feel I saw a new side of the rowdy bunch I once hated. We arrived at the school in no time as Tendou helped me out of the limo. 
“Looks pretty fancy already.” Hanamaki said as he walked up to the door with the rest as they followed close behind him. 
“You ready for the dance, Satori?” I asked him. 
“As ready as I will ever be y/n.” He said taking my arm in his as we walked up the few steps to get to the door. 
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ptersparkers · 4 years
scout’s writing challenge masterlist
my writing challenge is now CLOSED. you are all so talented and have me in my feels and i want to share your work. here is a masterpost of all the submissions this far.*
thank you to everyone who’s posted fics and to everyone who has yet to! reminder: this challenge closes on july 18! you’ve got time to submit a fic if you wish to participate.
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jj maybank:
➫ last summer: With a bright future in front of her, Hazel braces herself for her last chance to make this summer the most memeorable yet (@pit-zuh).
➫ the coriolis effect: JJ notices that Pope is stressed and achy and decides to help him unwind. OR: Massage with a Happy Ending (@thistreasurehunter, nsfw).
➫ everything: everything about you annoyed jj maybank (@so-writing).
➫ breaking up: At the eve of the annual midsummers, you stumble upon a battered JJ. Your relationship turns upside down… all because of your dad (@pit-zuh).
➫ girl crush: JJ is harbouring a serious girl crush, but not in the most conventional way (@starlightstarkey).
➫ august: y/n returns to the island for her yearly visit with her cousin, Kiara. she loves everything about the outer banks, except one impossible blonde hair, blue eyed boy [enemies to friends to lovers] (@freyalittle).
➫ getaway driver: a blond haired stranger hops into your car begging you to drive, gaining you an unexpected friend and date (@ad-infinitums).
➫ confessions: You had been dating JJ for the for a few months after meeting him a year before and during a Kegger one night he gains the courage to confess something (@outerbankslut).
➫ water under the bridge: so jj & y/n broke up a while ago but y/n hasn’t moved on yet but trying to. and she thinks that jj likes kie now but in reality, he’s still in love w her (@harrysbbby).
➫ clever girl: JJ Maybank was always told he was stupid. So he never thought he’d fall in love with a girl as smart as she was (@hollandlovely).
➫ no strings: jj and y/n have had a no strings attached agreement for years, but that statement couldn’t be farther from the truth (@4umaybank).
➫ the biggest mistake: being in love with jj maybank has never been easy, especially after your friend john b’s presumed death. you’ve always been there for him, but when he tells you he’s not ready to get involved in a relationship, you’re completely heartbroken. until you find the comfort of a certain kook prince, rafe cameron himself (@jjmayybank).
➫ the noise: JJ and Y/N are woken up by a loud noise in their daughters bedroom (@dorkimkay).
➫ waves: One night Eliza Routledge and JJ get way too drunk and go for a surf. Eliza gets injured and JJ freaks out and ends up confessing his feelings (@poguelive).
➫ the long & winding country roads: Whilst on a spontaneous drive down the long and winding country roads of North Carolina, JJ Maybank can’t seem to keep his wandering, sinful hands off the playful little miss sat beside him in the passenger seat (@void-maybank, nsfw).
➫ the unexpected date: A Touron’s flirting triggers some unexpected consequences (@obx-adventures).
➫ unbreakable: Y/N’s Mother is fixated on social class and making sure that her daughter is a kook through and through. Y/N is a pogues by association with Kiara and Dating JJ. Just how far will her mother go in order to try and split the two apart (@northcarolinanative).
➫ tell her goodbye: even the most peaceful moments can turn into a nightmare in Outer Banks (@normatural).
rafe cameron:
➫ surprise party: You think Rafe has forgotten your birthday but secretly he is planning you a surprise party (@jjmeybank).
➫ for a kook: A dance with JJ leads to a jealous Rafe and a confession of feelings (@socialwriter).
➫ holy touch: It’s been years since Rafe has felt anything. That’s why he needs Y/N (@storiesbymads, nsfw).
➫ the biggest mistake: being in love with jj maybank has never been easy, especially after your friend john b’s presumed death. you’ve always been there for him, but when he tells you he’s not ready to get involved in a relationship, you’re completely heartbroken. until you find the comfort of a certain kook prince, rafe cameron himself (@jjmayybank).
➫ how you like me now: Rafe falls for you at the beach. He’s nothing like they say he is, and he just so happens to turn a new leaf with you (@maybankiara).
➫ nicotine: You’re already addicted to cigarettes, and Rafe is worse than nicotine (@diverdcwn).
➫ tell her goodbye: even the most peaceful moments can turn into a nightmare in Outer Banks (@normatural).
pope heyward:
➫ the coriolis effect: JJ notices that Pope is stressed and achy and decides to help him unwind. OR: Massage with a Happy Ending (@thistreasurehunter, nsfw).
➫ the gods don’t work here: Pope asks Y/N if she still wants to be with him as they prepare to go to the same college (@summerintheobx).
john b:
➫ gold: You were friends with John B until he met Sarah Cameron and things changed (@so-writing).
kiara carrera:
➫ bags: you have feelings for your best friend, but they aren’t mutual (@goldenpogue).
the pogues:
➫ moving out (take me back home): The Pogues and Sarah went on the adventure of a lifetime and found the Royal Merchant’s gold three summers ago. Now at 19 years old, they have more responsibilities- working, going to school, traveling, and figuring out how they should spend their money wisely (you know, like adults are supposed to do). Their first summer back in the OBX as young adults is bound to be memorable (@alexandracheers).
peter parker:
➫ bareback: You and Peter have been dating for a year now, and as your anniversary gift to him, you decide to have sex without a condom for the first time (you’re on the pill). It’s both of your first times trying this, so smut and fluff (@friedtacostarfish, nsfw).
➫ one night: you and peter spend a night together, basking in the desire for something more the morning after (@spider-pxrkers, nsfw).
➫ fuck, i’m kinda cross faded: as a superhero does, peter has a nightmare and forgets he's at the tower with tony for the weekend. as mentors fathers do, tony makes everything okay (@thedumbthewildthefree).
tom holland:
➫ two blue lines: You and your boyfriend Tom have been dating for a while. You found out that you are pregnant and are worried about how he will react to the news (@emptycanvasposts).
natasha romanoff:
➫ i cannot live without you: Y/N, Vandal, was dead. Natasha was fine with that, had grieved and had moved on. Her sudden resurrection is therefore unforgivable (@sleep-i-ness).
➫ motherfucking broccoli: some foul language, a smidge of angst, humor about broccoli (@jesuschristtakethewheel).
*this masterpost will be updated as writers post more stories.
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
Can we have Giyuu starting a family? He has a sweet waifu and a baby, he's super happy with them and there's lots of love. Plz he needs it.
Ahhh hello, bby! My friend also requested this, so I hope both of you like it. UwU It’s not entirely complete bc I feel like I need to think more on how Giyuu will be with an actual baby. So there might be a part two??? But I hope this is fine for now. :D
Redemption week. Redemption week. I will write nothing but happiness for Giyuu this streak. Ahaha.
Also, another note: Two hundred yen in the Taishō era was worth alot of money. Just to avoid confusion.  Okay, that’s it. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Ahaha. 💖
Giyuu x F!Reader: Accidental Pregnancy (SFW Scenario):
“Alright, place your bets, everyone,” Shinobu chimed excitedly as she dropped a few bills and coins inside a box Mitsuri had found within Headquarters.
Readily, all the Hashira present— save for Gyōmei and Muichiro— dug into their pockets and counted out ample amounts of bills, before dropping them in with Shinobu’s bet. Then, deftly, the Insect Hashira quickly counted through the money.
“We have two-hundred Yen here, whoever guesses correctly gets all the money. If more than one person guesses correctly, then they have to share,” Shinobu explained patiently, all while some of her comrades eyed the reward money in her hands hotly. Two-hundred Yen was already a lot of money; it could get them two-hundred dozen eggs, and maybe a a hundred pounds of cured meat.
So, suffice to say that all of them wanted it.
“Does everyone still have the same bets? Or would anyone like to change their prior bet?” At the prompt, Uzui sniffed haughtily as he crossed his arms over his chest.
And then, the Sound Hashira said, “It might not be flamboyant, but I’m betting that Tomioka will get (L/n) pregnant. That’s how those two will admit their feelings for each other.”
Shinobu nodded in complete agreement, while the others— namely: Rengoku, Shinazugawa, and Iguro— shook their heads. Kanroji, in typical fashion, looked to be a little lost— as she was the only one who had an entirely different opinion.
“Tomioka won’t do it. He’s not brave enough to confess to (Y/n),” The Flame Hashira announced with a laugh, which his cohorts agreed to with noncommittal hums.
“They might think they’re being sly by fucking behind our backs, but when someone says something about it they’re going to stop,” Sanemi added with a scoff, before looking right at Uzui— as if to directly oppose his opinion.
Iguro let his eyes flit over all of his comrades— lingering on Kanroji for a while— before landing right on Shinobu. “That’s most likely the reason why Oyakata-sama is talking to them right now.”
A collective silence hung over all the Hashira, as all of them contemplated their own opinions— which Kanroji took as her chance to air out her thoughts.
“Well, I think that Tomioka-san will take (Y/n)-chan out to a candlelit dinner, and he’ll confess to her there.”
All eyes landed on the Love Hashira, and all of them looked at her as if she had sprouted a new head. Her opinion was outlandish at best, but no one dared to say anything about it.
After all, she was entitled to live in her own fantasy world— no matter how inaccurate her portrayal of the Water Hashira was.
“I still don’t think this is right. Gambling is an unskillful activity. As Buddha once said, ‘In winning one begets hatred; in losing one mourns the loss of one’s wealth,’” Himejima uttered in that solemn tone of his, and it made his comrades all second-guess their decision.
But when they saw the box of prize money still in Shinobu’s hands, the Stone Hashira’s words practically floated away.
“Be careful, (Y/n).” All the Hashira looked up at Giyuu’s familiar tone, only to sport differing reactions when they saw the Water Hashira and the Snow Hashira round the corner with their hands intertwined.
At the sight, Uzui and Shinobu traded knowing looks, while the three who’d opposed their opinion furrowed their eyebrows in mild frustration. Meanwhile, Kanroji almost clapped her hands in joy at the sweet sight.
(Y/n) rolled her eyes at her lover’s overly worried words, as it was all she could do so as not to swoon at how attentive he was being. Ever since she’d told him about the news, he had made a more conscious effort to be around her— and she would be damned if she didn’t admit that it was making her fall even harder for him.
Not that she would ever say it out loud. She was fine with keeping her feelings to herself, thank you very much.
Unless Giyuu confessed first; only then would she admit to feeling the same way.
“Oh? All of you are still here?” (Y/n) asked in mild surprise when she caught sight of the huddled forms of her comrades. “I guess it makes it easier for-”
However, the Snow Hashira had to pause when she caught sight of the box filled with money in Shinobu’s hands. She immediately narrowed her eyes at the Insect Hashira, before stating flatly, “You were betting on this? Why am I not surprised?”
“How long have all of you known about us?” Giyuu asked in his usual tone, which had everyone— save for (Y/n)— looking at him much like they had at Kanroji.
“Everyone had always known, dumbass. You two weren’t exactly discrete about it,” Sanemi practically spat at Giyuu, which made Giyuu frown. He simply didn’t understand why the Wind Hashira was so rude to him.
As if sensing the upcoming squabble, Rengoku stepped in and quelled it before it could even take root in anyone’s mind. “So, would you mind telling us why Oyakata-sama asked both of you to stay?”
“Ah… that…” (Y/n)’s voice rose in pitch, as a blush made its way onto her cheeks. And, reflexively, her free hand moved to cradle her very faint baby bump.
All eyes zeroed in on that minute movement, and she had to quirk an eyebrow at Sanemi and Obanai who had cursed irately before crossing their arms over their respective chests.
“(Y/n)’s three months pregnant,” Giyuu announced, as the faintest of smiles graced his lips. He then looked down at where his lover’s hand pressed against her belly, and he couldn’t help but feel his own gaze soften at the tiny bump. “It’s mine.”
It all felt surreal when (Y/n) had first told him a month ago, but he wasn’t mad. He had never told anyone, but he’d always wanted to have a wife and children.
He had half of that solved, he just had to work on the other half. Hopefully, she wouldn’t make it him work too hard for her hand in marriage.
“Who else’s would it be, Tomioka-san?” Shinobu chimed in with a giggle, as she quickly counted half of the prize money and gave it to Uzui.
And with a smug smirk, the Sound Hashira fanned out the paper bills in his right hand, before using it to fan himself. “Thank you for making me a hundred Yen richer.”
“Yes, thank you. Let’s do this again sometime.” Shinobu laughed once more, before carefully pocketing her prize.
“All of you are insufferable. Come on, Giyuu. Let’s go.” With that, (Y/n) tugged at her lover’s hand to get both of them out of there.
So came the days when Giyuu was required to change from a stoic, single man, to a doting, and very-much-in love father-to-be.
He didn’t have a single complaint about his predicament. Not once did he think ill of (Y/n), nor did he resent her for getting pregnant. After all, it took two to make a baby. Besides, he was simply ecstatic at the thought of having a mini version of him and (Y/n) around the house.
Giyuu couldn’t wait to add more babies to their family.
However, the one thing that always got him down was (Y/n)’s lack of response to his feelings. He tried to convey his love for her through all of his gestures, and she was grateful towards him, but it seemed that she was still hiding part of herself from him.
It wasn’t a secret that he was bad at verbalizing his affections— or verbalizing anything, really— but he just wanted some confirmation that she felt the same way towards him.
Gratefulness was one thing, but genuine feelings were another thing entirely. He craved to let her know just how much he loved her, yet he was always hindered from doing so because of the unclear boundaries between them.
“Giyuu…” (Y/n) whispered in the dead of the night, as she propped herself up against her right elbow and gently rubbed her lover’s chest to wake him up. “Giyuu, wake up. Giyuu.”
Reluctantly, the Water Hashira opened his eyes, only to snap them wide open when he realized that (Y/n) was close to his face. He then bolted upright and turned to her, with worry shining in his eyes. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Is it time?”
(Y/n)’s eyes widened at that, before she offered him a sheepish grin. It was so adorable that it calmed Giyuu’s racing heart. “I’m sorry for startling you, but… I want to eat something sweet and tart. Like sakura no mi, or yama ichigo. Please?”
He’d been woken up to go berry picking, which was already trivial enough; but to make matters worse, the sun wasn’t even up yet. If he checked his pocket watch, he would probably see that it was only half past two in the morning.
Still, Giyuu didn’t mind. Because he loved (Y/n), and that was the least he could do for her.
So, he slowly got up and out of their shared futon, then pressed a lazy kiss to the top of her head, before getting dressed to go foraging.
It didn’t take long for him to fill a small basket up with the berries she’d requested— as they were in season, and Giyuu knew the area like the back of his hand.
So he was surprised when he came back home, only to find (Y/n) already bustling around in the kitchen. From what he could smell, she was making okayu from what they had in the kitchen.
“(Y/n)? What are you doing out of bed?” The Hashira asked, clearly confused as to why she would be cooking at such an early hour— when she preferred to start her mornings a little later than him.
“I…” She began hesitantly, while she kept her head down to hide the blush on her cheeks.
Normally, her cravings were something easy to make, or something ready to eat in the kitchen, but it was the first time that she’d sent Giyuu out on an errand and she felt bad about it. So she decided to make it worth his while by making something for him.
She just didn’t think that he would be back so soon.
“I felt bad about sending you out this early… so I thought-” (Y/n) answered softly— but was cut off when Giyuu marched up to her, turned her around, then pressed his lips to hers.
The action served to make her eyes widen, as a blush warmed her entire body— from the tips of her toes to the top of her head.
She didn’t know why, but she was always reduced to a flustered mess whenever Giyuu did something remotely sweet.
Who was she kidding though? She knew exactly why she acted that way around Giyuu; it was because she loved him— immensely. She just couldn’t admit it out loud to him, at the risk of ruining whatever unspoken agreement they had.
“Here. Your berries,” He announced in his usual cool tone— even though he felt so lightheaded from what he’d done that he just wanted to lay down.
In her excitement, (Y/n) as good as forgot her jumbled emotions; so she reached out and grasped the basket with both hands. All the while, she eyed the plump wild berries so covetously that Giyuu felt he was intruding on something private. “Ah! Thank you, Giyuu! I love you even more for this.”
Giyuu, in his surprise, choked on air as his eyes widened at the casually-thrown surprise. He immediately turned away from (Y/n)— more to hide his completely red face than anything else— and began to walk away from her.
He wanted to ask her about her words, and the war he waged with himself was long and bloody, but he eventually relented. So, with his back still to her, and his hand still covering the lower half of his face, he asked, “Did you mean it?”
“Did I mean what?” The young woman asked happily as she popped the first yama ichigo into her mouth. All of her thoughts and trepidations from their earlier exchange had clearly been pushed aside to savor the taste of her berries.
“That you love me?”
That brought pause to (Y/n)’s actions, and she swallowed what was in her mouth before worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. It was now or never, really.
“Of course. I always have, Giyuu. I wouldn’t have been with you in the first place if I didn’t.” Her hands deftly fussed with the sides of the wicker basket— running the pads of her fingers over the rough grooves and indentations of the pattern— to ease her nerves.
“I… I love you, too. You and the baby. I always have, as well.” He was about to continue, when he felt his lover’s warm body press against his back, as her arms wrapped tightly around his middle.
“Good. Because you’re stuck with us now, anata.”
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