#nothing on this list is serious
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luwha · 23 days ago
Commissions likely opening on Monday!
Ended up only opening once this month due health reasons, but all is well and I'm now back to my regular pace!
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urfriendlywriter · 4 months ago
specific tropes in romance that always heal something in me that it never broke
like, forehead kisses, soft love confessions, peppering kisses all over the lover's face. promises that are kept, hands those are held with a gentle love, and hugs that engulf the heart too.
or when they rest their head on your chest, or lean on you for support.
"your tears kill me," kinda thing. or when a sunshine character finally cries and bawls their entire life's hurt out into their comfort grumpy character (plus point, if the grump feels guilty thinking if they had done something to trigger this emotional outburst)
communication. no matter hard the topic is, how big your differences are.
listening to the other person yap
admiring their facial features and seeing not just the outer structure but the person that they really are.
them getting angry on ur behalf
cradling each other in hugs basically
feeling emotional walls break when you're with that one person particularly
gentle communication. yearning to do more for your lover (!!!!)
affectionate smiles and eyes crinkling with a smile that's directed specially at you.
finding their laugh contagious.
the feeling of being accepted, despite flaws and all
silent domestic acts like being in the kitchen together, dressing up together, them drying ur hair while u sit between their legs
occasionally stolen kisses
or one deep kiss that just lights your world and fulfills your soul and heart.
sleepily nuzzling into each other!!
reaching for each other despite being asleep, with mumbled endearments and whispers of need!!!
laughter coming easily by their side, like happiness is just another day to day thing (this can also be about self love. when u truly love urself and prioritize your own rights and cherish the fact that you're you. happiness becomes beautiful even in solitude)
their fingers buried deep in yo- OOPS.?! :)
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kirstenly · 11 months ago
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The many names of some of the characters in Heaven Official's Blessing as a cheat sheet for @muzsmoux
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softdefault · 4 months ago
i tried so hard to fight it but im just actually so disappointed with veilguard.
as a video game, its fine! the gameplay is fun and it’s visually stunning. but as a dragon age game it’s… not good. even if we somehow ignore all the massive world breaking lore inconsistencies, it’s supposed to be a story heavy RPG. but it’s so shallow, so surface level. there are so many issues with so many of the decisions the devs or ea or whoever made leading to the final state of this game and it’s actually so sad.
I feel like im grieving what could’ve been, making new saves in hopes it’ll somehow be better this time around, and it just isn’t.
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mostmagical · 2 months ago
top five games !!!
Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue
Barbie Horse Adventures: Mystery Ride
Barbie Horse Adventures: Blue Ribbon Race
Mass Effect
Kingdom Hearts
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volosdarling · 4 months ago
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stelsundarkstar · 7 months ago
My rarepair list.
Like a few weeks ago i mentioned on twitter that im going to search, or come up, with the rarest kny rarepairs that can exist. So i can create this interesting list full of rarepairs.
For what reason did i made this, y'all may ask?
1st reason, for fun. I dunno, i thought that searching/coming up with rarepairs would be a fun thing to do, and it was.
2nd reason, to come up with fic ideas. Or other ideas related to fan content. Like fanart, etc.
And now, here's what the list looks like right now. I hope y'all see the vision in some of these.
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btw, just gonna say it, but if y'all don't like some of these pairs, it's fine!! I won't be mad if y'all don't like them!
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queenofbaws · 4 months ago
silent hill 2 rambling no one asked for under the cut
anyone who's followed me for a minute will know that i'm an angela orosco girly from start to finish, but GOD if the remake doesn't have me feeling a certain kind of way about eddie too
i feel like...............i feel like it would've been very easy, given what we see of him, to make eddie A Certain Kind of Way, and idk how to phrase it better than that but...........what we get of his story, right, is he's been the brunt of some awful, awful antagonistic behavior. a bully, maybe? someone his age? an adult who really just made everything worse for him? both? whatever it is, it's clear that he's been on the receiving end of some rancid bullying, for lack of a better term, and that's why he's so defensive, so quick to whirl back on james, AND, at least in the beginning, so quick to backpedal when james raises his eyebrows at him
now, by the time we run into him in the labyrinth, it's pretty safe to say he's gone off the deep end, right? he's at the end of his metaphorical rope. there's no more backpedaling and no more crying, he's just furious and done and ready to go all-out. and i feel like. it would've been. so easy. and so, idk predictable, for that to be his character the WHOLE game, right? the bullied becoming the bully, the guy whose torment can be read as justified because he's just so fucking unpleasant and maybe even dangerous
but then i think about laura.
we see eddie interact with laura, and it's......idk man, it stops me every time. laura's a little bit of a snotnose, right? she's bratty - and understandably so. she's pokes at eddie, she prods at him, she makes fun of him, and he gets a little dour about it, a little pouty, but he's never mean to her. he's never angry at her. he's never even SNAPPY. even in the original, as he eats his pizza and she teases him, his response isn't to insult her back or snap at her, it's "hey, why did you have to say that???" he sits with her in the movie theater and they talk. this place is full of monsters, but he sits there and eats his ice cream, talking to a lost little girl. and again, he's pouty, sure. he's a bit of a storm cloud, but he's not..........mean. he's not cruel. he's just sort of. sad. and frustrated. and resigned to the shit situation he's in.
"why don't you just say you're sorry?" laura asks him, and eddie, beaten, sighs, "no one would believe me. they never do."
i'm not about to become an eddie apologist, don't get me wrong, but like. IDK MAN the remake is just so, so gorgeous and it has me feeling all kinds of ways about the gang. i'm sitting here thinking and it hit me out of nowhere that, uh, eddie is...kind of nicer to laura than james is?????????? like???????????????????? obviously the way james treats her changes as the game goes on but idk. IDK!!!!!! most of james and laura's interactions are them shouting at each other and fighting, and then there's EDDIE of all people, just. hanging out with her. having a chat.
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hippopotatoe · 1 year ago
if you don't like to work out literally no one (i hope) is forcing you. humans aren't meant to be sedentary but like all movement is good. if you don't wanna work out: don't. and on't feel guilty about it. it's your life. if you want to work out but find it to be boring or gyms terrify you, here's some alternatives:
dance. sign up for dance classes or turn on a cd or playlist and do whatever you want
play team sports. if you don't have any low stakes clubs nearby, get your friends to play football or whatever. or find like your town's facebook page and ask uf someone wants to get together and play something
climb trees. join a climbing gym. find a large rock to climb: you're now the mightiest goat around and deserve all the tin cans
take riding lessons
swim or sign up for water aerobics. or try to get your friends to join you to a pool or beach and play in the water
play games. do you have friends or siblings? cool. find an open area and play tag. or play whatever you want. hard to motivate your friends to be silly? make it a weekly or monthly taskmaster-esque competition with some shitty prize after a set amount of challenges
pokemon go
find out if there's an obstacle course near you. go with a friend and treat it like a jungle gym, because that's pretty much what it is. if not, does anyone you know own any land (garden, driveway, whatever)? cool, make a little internet search for "ocr diy" or wing it; a rope is now a balance board, a chair can be jumped on or over and tables can be crawled under or climb up on. or hell, go to a fucking playground a play your heart out!
feel too old for laser tag? sounds like a you problem
tabata: workout for 5mins a day. that's literally it
join a fencing or martial arts club, they almost always offer adult beginner classes
trampoline parks are fun. some areas have free outdoor ones. we have a wheelchair accessible, free, summer trampoline park where i live. other places have cool indoor ones. you can also like. buy a trampoline
have snowball fights
go on silly adventures. if hiking feels too serious, put on comfy shoes and hike for an hour or two with an epic soundtrack in your headphones. or listen to the lotr soundtrack while you take a walk around town (there's apps that'll generate a random map point within set distances which makes city adventures more fun imo). try orienteering if you want to learn how to read maps while gamifying your nature walks
here's the thing: most things are more fun if you do them with others, but you can trick yourself into having fun on your lonesome as well. attitude and music can work miracles. it can be extremely challenging to get used to being seen as bad at something or childish, but that will get better with practice. no one cares if you're in your thirties or fifties (except for very miserable people whose opinions are fucking shit anyway). it's totally 100% okay to be new at things. it's equally okay to be bad at things! and the concept of childish is fucking childish and nothing you should ever care about
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beeduoo · 11 months ago
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would u try
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spellmage · 1 year ago
current coping mechanisms for dealing with the reality of trans healthcare in the uk include:
looking at the wait times for first appointments with the nhs (bad idea) (it’s years) (the clinic is not accepting referrals)
researching private options again (bad idea) (i cannot even begin to imagine affording this right now or any time soon)
watching abi thorn’s ‘i emailed my doctor 133 times’ for the millionth time (if i say it’s for catharsis it feels less like shouting into the void)
anger (self explanatory)
becoming even more incentivised to pursue transition (despite the agonies) because at least it’ll be my own personal fuck you to a government that wants us miserable or dead
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elizabeth-mitchells · 9 months ago
writing one more list of things to do is going to fix me, i'm so sure. surely the things will get done just by me writing them down
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cordysys · 3 months ago
PSST. I'm going to be posting a few things without much context given here in a minute so I can set up a masterpost. Do you guys promise not to question it until it's done
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noahwylle · 1 year ago
new year's resolution: gotta stop being unnecessarily nice to people
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rushthehollow · 4 months ago
gonna maybe toss my 25 days of coasters onto here as well? for those who don't know it's just showing off your top 25 up until december 25th! the queue only has 4 more posts and i can just post it alongside i think. that's if i remember lmao. it can also give you guys an insight to my opinions and i'll try to talk about the ride i guess! and if you guys also want to hop on i'd love to reblog your posts or whatev :-)
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cute-chamomile · 7 months ago
So funny. My family has a history of thyroid issues so I knew it would get to me one day. The day came and some thyroid levels are high. I text my dad a picture of the results and I jokingly ask which meds he's taking so that we can be thyroid twins. My dad says "girl my thyroid results are different, idk what these are". So that's cool
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