#nothing beats the time I dreamed that I beat the shit out of a grandma who was trying to steal my sketchbook
lynaferns · 4 months
I just had one of my weird ass dreams that are way too realistic visually, even when I'm remembering them and everything is clearly weird. If it wasn't for the weirdness of everything I could mistake it for real memories.
My subconscious put on the 4K HD lens today.
Basically, it started off as if I was in a little village, in the abandoned back yard of a house, with a few unfinished low walls and overgrown plants. I was just walking around looking at the flowers and bees (or maybe they were bumblebees? They were chonky and fuzzy but didn't have the white spot in the butt), they weren't flying for some reason, they just... walked. Then the bees start to form a path, I follow it, careful not to step on the bees, they bring me to a stone chair, I sit on it. This magical/fairy chill old lady appears in front of me floating in a laying pose extending her hand, asking me to hold it. We are both very stupid and don't know how to hold each other's hand and keep missing.
Now I'm in my hometown going to visit my cousin. My aunt isn't home so it's just him and me in the kitchen showing each other stuff on the phone, catching up on each other and talking about art. Something something an old art contest something something someone submitted their art impersonating me and won, my cousin was congratulating me thinking I was the one who won and I had to explain and then he got worried. Blah blah blah more art talk blah my phone was running out of battery so I stopped using it blah blah.
He tells me he wants to show me something, we go to a small room just out of the kitchen. He just... takes out a square layer of the door and puts it in a gap on the wall with the same shape and thickness. Don't know what that was for. He says it was for the air conditioner.
My aunt comes home, we say hello. Then I realize that there is an elevator in the room we are in, and my cousin wanted to show it to me. My aunt was like "no, it will send you to the fifth dimension and then you won't be able to come back." My cousin enters anyway and I follow, my aunt couldn't stop us in time. I hit the 9th floor button and the elevator takes us down at breakneck speed.
When the door opens we see what looks like a large, dark, empty garage worth of being a backrooms level. My cousin peeks out of the doors, not leaving the elevator. Suddenly we start hearing footsteps approaching speeding up to our location, my cousin is immediately like "ok, nope" gets back in, I hit the 0 floor button, the doors closed slowly while the footsteps stopped abruptly and the elevator took us back up. Except that it goes up one floor more than 0. When it opens again and we immediately know it's not my original aunt's house, the colors are off. She behaves normally tho, scolding us for going in the elevator.
We entered a loop of going back down the elevator, closing the door before the footsteps got too close and up to my aunt's house again but each time something would change. Sometimes the elevator would stop midway and start moving sideways, back down, up too many floors or too few. The walls and colors would get weird, I don't remember everything but there were moments where the mirror inside the elevator would have a neon advertisement and the image and reflex would multiply and pop out of the mirror.
My aunt's house was different every time too, it was either the colors, the size of the room, the items in it, the lights, there was always something wrong even if we couldn't tell, something in the air was off. My cousin and I were tense all of the time, I think he was more scared than I was.
Finally, he decides to break the loop and pulls me out of the elevator with him. The doors closed when we got out and we found ourselves in a mirrored version of the house (at least for the elevator room), my aunt was acting normally and we went back to the kitchen. It wasn't the original kitchen from my aunt's house, this was a fancy/vintage(?) one, black, white and light brown hues with golden reliefs, it looked new. It had a bar, a TV, small armchairs, and some sort of library for cooking and cocktail books. It was already dark outside the window, only the city's and car lights were visible.
We entered acting as if everything was ok but we were still tense. I picked up my phone I originally left at the kitchen table, but that table wasn't there anymore, instead my phone was on the floor in the same position I left it. My cousin sat at one of the armchairs and started checking the TV channels searching for any more differences that may this world have. I sat at the chair next to him.
A while later we moved to a sofa I missed when we entered the room, I started checking my phone and we talked for a while more. The landline started ringing, my aunt comes telling us that my mother is calling. My cousin looked worried at me and asked "are you leaving?", I looked at my phone charge, it was at 1%, I said "yeah, I have to go."
And then I woke up with a bitter sensation.
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everyone shut up this is ACTUALLY what fans of different composers are like
Shostakovich fans are like Mahler fans except they actually understand what sarcasm is. We also all really like the Muppets for some reason. Most of us own cats and likely have at least one mental illness.
Liszt fans are either tweenagers who love anime or salty old pianists who know a disturbing amount about music theory. These two factions are constantly at war.
Copland fans are either very, very far right or very, very far left. Either way, neither side actually listens to all of Copland's repertoire.
Tchaikovsky fans are either Russian grandmas or LGBT orchestra kids on Tiktok. Either those or the one noob who heard there were cannons once.
Wagner fans. Yes, there are the cringey neo-Nazi Wagnerians, but anti-Nazi Wagnerians are a whole new level of chaotic good. They spend their time dreaming up the most disastrous, chaotic Ring productions possible, with the sole purpose of making Richard Wagner's entire family simultaneously spin in their graves. They take "death of the author" to a whole new level and constantly run on nothing but 100% pure spite. You want a Wagnerian who would beat up Wagner in a Denny's parking lot on your side.
Prokofiev fans will unironically say "ackshually...". That's it.
Dvorak fans are homeschool kids. They're either soul-crushingly innocent or devastatingly horny.
Sousa fans are just high school band directors who try to convince themselves they like Sousa to get through the semester.
Joplin fans constantly argue over whether Joplin's music should be played twice as quickly or twice as slowly than it's actually written. Also sick of hearing about Janis.
Chopin fans are exactly like Liszt fans, except there are 20% more "uwu softboi flowercrown" edits of Chopin than Liszt floating around on Instagram and Tumblr.
Holst fans will drag you into an alleyway and beat you up with their bare hands if you so much as mention The Planets.
Bernstein fans are either horny theatre kids or communists, but it's more likely they're both at once. They are very opinionated about recordings, and express their approval of the ones they like by gyrating excessively to them. If you put a Bernstein fan, a Mahler fan, and a Shostakovich fan in one room, they will either topple a national government or have a threesome.
Ravel fans are inherently Wes Anderson fans. You can be friends with one for years without knowing a single thing about their personality.
Schoenberg fans are like Mahlerians but with worse memes.
Brahms fans are... I have never met a Brahms fan. I'm sure they exist, but I'm pretty sure my own taste in music scares them off.
Paganini fans are almost always TwoSet kids, particularly the ones who try to convince people that "classical music isn't boring because it's basically metal." If you tell them Paganini played viola, they will spontaneously combust.
Rachmaninov fans are ultimately really chill, but are often socially awkward. If you ask a Rachmaninov fan "how are you?", they will most likely respond with "you too."
Schumann fans are Mahlerians on medication.
Stravinsky fans think they're chaotic and unhinged and listen to the most obscure underground shit, but in all actuality they just decided to enter their edgy phase after a lifetime of being sheltered and forced to listen to nothing but Handel by their parents. Possibly homeschooled.
Ysaye fans are like Paganini fans, except they're depressed graduate music students with permanent calluses on their fingers.
Debussy fans go to art school, decide they don't like art school, but have been doing art school too long to turn back, so they can't get out of art school. They may be high on weed at any given moment.
Satie fans are just possessed vessels of Erik Satie. Death cannot hinder Erik Satie. Erik Satie will return to this mortal plane. Search your feelings. You are already Erik Satie.
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Genshin and hsr characters as pinned messages (out of context) from discord servers with my friends: a shitpost
(uhhh cw some nsfw jokes and cuss words)
wriothesley: "i do not want an alpha transformation happening rn "
march to danheng: "my coquette lungs are better than your emo lungs"
hu tao: *ghostly voice* "oooooogly boogly why'd you skadoodly me?"
xiao, learning how to spell: "i lvove elmo music"
childe: "he is in my feet"
klee: "yeah my grandma's actually kim kardashian"
bronya to cocolia when she got sick as a kid: "Mother please carry me outside before to see the sky one last time before the consumption takes hold of my body and soul"
hu tao: " "weenis", said eerily"
blade: "that link is longer than my plans for the future"
serval: "i pledge allegiance to the american bra"
itto: "i am in heat growls the summer has come and i am in heat growls"
zhongli: "*old man voice* when i was your age i fought kids"
stelle/caelus: "when i was my age i eated drywall"
diluc, about venti: "i like to prentend he was a fever dream i came with at 4am"
fréminet, trying to speak french: "they said Lyney tu dumbass"
sampo: "I think Luka would beat up Luka while Luka watches. and then Luka would join in and beat the living daylight out of Luka"
silver wolf, about blade: "ppl with lactose intolerance boutta have their 2nd period ongomg"
kayea and rosaria: "we're a match made in the deep dark depths of the abyssal caves in fuck knows where"
jingliu: "am i.........one of those queers........."
yanquing: "shout-out to my home dawg Charles aka history teacher for dropping this wisdom on me"
shinobu: "itto if you say anything penis related you are banned"
ayaka as a kid: ""please take me to the garden so that way i can see the shining sun for the last time before my frail body decomposes with the disease known as ligma""
lyney: "imagine Neuvillette seeing a bunch of orphans blow up infront of him"
yoimiya: "are you really friends if you dont have matching vagina bracelets ??"
wriothesley: "My name is actually marlinus maximilianus Merlin guys"
caelus/stelle: " *bites your toes playfully* "
Pompom: "i eat gender for dinner"
xiao: "is life without endless pain and suffering only for it all to end leaving nothing but emptiness and all your suffering being just for the entertainment of the entity that we call god. an entity who is the real reason as to why we humans end up hurting others, for pain and suffereing is nothing but an endless spiral no matter how hard you try."
kafka, messing with blade: "do you like the gay foot"
Furina: "they oui oui'd me"
shenhe: "the cld never bothered me anywa......."
kiara: "agressive meow"
ganyu: "are you a tree cause i wanna eat you"
dainsleif: "while youre kissing you bf or whatever ill be watching in the walls"
scaramouche: "childe I will shave you bald"
itto: "perry plaptypussy"
seele, in response to hook's drawing: "10/10 Einstein could never"
razor, to bennett: "I WILL LICK YOU TO SLEEP"
sucrose, about to collect more bones: "*deranged loud breathing*"
kequing, to half of liyue: "SHUT UP COLOR WHEEL"
cyno: "genderfluid people's favorite song is liquid smooth"
kequing: "the feminine urge to beat up your coworkers with a stick"
dehya: "i piss on biphobes" kaveh: "but what if they have a piss kink..."
albedo: "he looks like a failed science project"
baizhu: "blowjob? nah, blownose"
silver wolf: "story time, honkai star rail made me leave my brother at a gas station and i do not regret SHIT"
blade: "if i end this year without killing myself its a miracle"
columbina: "btw dead bodies take less space if you bury them like theyre standing up"
zhongli: " *cracks back and walks away leaving a trail of dust behind"
@muachiro @geetkk @veimwah @etherific @zohakutenstan
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Under Your Spell 💫🎃🍁 🔮
Eddie meets the new librarian, who he discovers is a witch. They find comfort in one another that turns to love.
Not sure how many parts this will be but this is just the first meeting. 💞
I don't give anyone permission to copy my work 💞
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Librarian, witch reader x Eddie Munson
Yn had recently moved to Hawkins, for the last three months it had been her home and she was working in the newly built library.
Being surrounded by books was her favourite thing in the world and she loved the simplicity of being able to curl up in a comfy armchair, near a cosy fireplace and lose herself in one of her favourite works.
When her family first moved here she thought it was just a simple town, nothing exciting until she began to pick up the energy around the town.
She was the third witch in her family descended from her great-great-grandma and had been developing her powers since she turned sixteen with help from her grandma and mother.
One of her abilities was that she could sense the auras of people, places and Hawkins was a vivid orange that for a long time used to be blood red.
Death, decay then the blossoming of hope was felt around the town, she didn't know what had happened but it was big and it left its mark on the town.
She shakes the thoughts away and carries on with her task of cataloguing each book losing herself in the task, once she's done she plans to sort out the fantasy shelf as a lot of people have put other books on the shelf.
Then she's going to have a cup of tea and finish reading the grimoire that her grandmother passed down to her.
She read a lot of grimoires, loving learning about new ways to use her magic.
The library door opens and she peers up noticing that the cute guy who always heads to the fantasy section has come in again.
He spent a lot of time in here, he was always the last to leave and she knew his name was Eddie. There was sadness surrounding him and his aura was hard to pin down.
He made her heart skip a beat whenever he looked her way and she wanted to get to know him better.
Eddie had been coming to the library for months now. He loved being here when he needed to quieten his mind.
Uncle Wayne and Henderson were great, they helped him after he survived the demo bat attack.
Nightmares plagued him most nights and he would wake up crying, picturing the way Chrissy's body was broken, her bones snapping. He shivers.
Sometimes he dreams that the bats killed him, that he was left in the Upside Down, and that Dustin and Steve didn't come back for him.
No matter how many times he told himself that Vecna was gone, that El closed the Upside Down for good, it still didn't help.
He would still have panic attacks from time to time and it was hard to get past some of them, he spent a lot of time strumming on his guitar, thinking up D&D campaigns and then coming to the library.
He loved the solitude here, finding a comfy armchair and reading for hours, working his way through the fantasy section.
Today he was craving some old favourites and wanted to read some J R.R Tolkien.
First, he would start with The Hobbit, then read The Lord of the Rings trilogy. He catches the eye of the librarian, she was eighteen he overheard her say to Joyce Byers, quiet, shy, beautiful...
He sighs, there's no way he could talk to her and get her involved in his shit. She knew nothing about the Upside Down so how could he even begin to explain what had happened?
Once her shift is over she picks up the grimoire and finds the cosiest armchairs which are at the back of the library.
Eddie is sitting on one of the armchairs, lost in Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the ring. She admires him for a second, watching the way his eyes scan over the pages and he mouths the words, the paragraphs that he knows best.
He looks up, doe brown eyes softening as he notices she's watching him.
"Hi, sorry. You just looked so relaxed. I didn't mean to interrupt" or stare like an idiot she says in her head.
"It's alright sweetheart. I'm Eddie" he offers her his free hand that isn't clutching the book and she takes it feeling all tingly and his gaze widens.
"I'm yn" this is the longest conversation that they have had and she feels her heart race.
"Do you mind if I sit with you?" He nods and she settles in the chair opposite him.
She's itching to do her usual routine, light a few candles with just a flick of her hand, make some chamomile tea, and read up on some new spells that she wanted to learn.
Her favourite spells involved nature, she loved doing spells involving flowers, different plants, etc.
The newest magic she had been experimenting with involved potions.
"What are you reading?", Eddie asks her and he leans over quirking an eyebrow.
"Grimoire? Uh is that like witches? Spells?" he asks softly looking very curious and she is surprised by how relaxed she feels with him.
"Yeah, it's my grandmother's, it's been passed down from generation to generation" he looks even more intrigued now.
"Can you do magic for real?" he asks her excited and she giggles and conjures butterflies and an array of flowers.
He gapes.
"Jesus H Christ, I've seen some things in my life but I've never met a real witch, that's so fucking badass sweetheart"
She smiles at his reaction, she's had some bad reactions from people before when she tried to broach the subject and they just didn't understand or think she was joking.
"Some people think it's freaky, called me a freak, you don't even know me but you've been so sweet".
He places his book down.
"I know the feeling, been called a freak for most of my life" her heart aches as he says this because she barely knows him but she can tell how kind he is, there's a loneliness to him though, something she recognises in herself too, kindred spirits.
"I don't think you're a freak," she tells him and he offers her a sweet smile, showing off his cute dimples.
"I should get back home, my uncle Wayne will be wondering where I am, it's been really nice talking to you sweetheart" he picks up the book and she stands up wanting to bid him goodbye, kinda wishing that he could stay.
"Until next time milady" next time? There will be a next time? Her heart skips a beat as he takes her hand and kisses it gently.
She sees him out and he turns back to her before he gets in his van.
"Good night, beautiful" a giddy feeling envelops her and she wishes him goodnight, as soon as he has driven off and she has locked up she lets out a squeal that startles her cat Mr Pickles and she collapses on the armchair wondering if this feeling is what its like to fall for someone.
Likes or reblogs, etc are always appreciated 💞
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ratcatcher0325 · 1 year
Dear Alexander and Natalie,
Do you have any plans for the fourth of July? I would guess that Alexander is indifferent but doesn't like the noise and Natalie is in it for the food (my spouse likes to call the fouth "summer Thanksgiving"). I am curious (and nosy!), so what's on the docket?
I for one am making ice cream and shutting the windows against the noise.
Oh hey PSM!
Nice to see ya again! Oh! Hold on, Alexander is wrestling my fingers away from the mouse (I’m letting him win so he won’t yell at me).
Natalie, where is your common courtesy? Our friend addressed the ask to me first, then you. Have patience!!
Do you hear that? This little insufferable nightmare is lecturing me about patience! His lack of self awareness is adorable isn’t it?
Nothing about me is adorable! Now stop being such an antagonizer and let me peruse this question. Stop it! Do not cross this line. Put your hands behind you back if you must, I will not tolerate any more interruptions. The Fourth of July?? Hmm. I like your plan. Staying out of the heat, far away from drunken humans gathering in raucous crowds and the ear shattering cacophony of those utterly obnoxious fireworks would be my strong preference. However, I’m told Natalie has a, to quote her “kick ass paleta recipe you’ll love”. I’m told a paleta is a type of frozen popsicle made from fruit?
Oh, so you put me in “Ask Jail” but then you get to steal my paleta thunder? Cool. Seems fair. Yeah I was planning to wrap up five or six flavors today, so we can beat the heat for a long time to come. Normally, if I was with family we’d make a huge cookout, but I’ll probably just go with a simple arrachera and maybe some guacamole (though I’ll never get it as good as my grandma). Alexander can be my trusty taste tester. But yeah, obviously fireworks aren’t gonna hurt my ears like they would his, still they’ve never really impressed me. BUT Alexander needs the experience of lighting Roman candles and sparklers off the patio, it’s like… a right of passage. We’ll just wait till all the fireworks displays are over. Besides, I have a feeling this little nightmare will enjoy lighting shit on fire.
She keeps insisting it’s a deeply cathartic experience to watch controlled explosions. I can’t say I disagree. I will report back, posthaste. Other than that, I would be delighted to continue working, uninterrupted, but when I tell you, PSM, that becomes nearly impossible when living with someone like Natalie, I promise I’m not exaggerating. She thinks I won’t notice, but she constantly finds every excuse under the sun to pull my attention or to touch me, albeit it gently. But it is still immensely distracting. I’m going to need to employ a thumb tack or safety pin to ward her off. Do you think that’ll do the trick?
I’m gonna ignore that completely and change the subject… I hope you enjoy your ice cream! What flavors are you planning to make? You wanna send some to Cambridge? We can do a food swap!
In the same vein as Natalie, I wish you a happy holiday for… what exactly? American exceptionalism? Those of us with a fraction of intelligence obviously know such a concept to be a carefully crafted myth which is ever crumbling in the face of late-stage capitalism. It’s explicitly clear that the American dream is dead and as the wage gap yawns ever greater, we continue to fight one another and stay just distracted enough to keep from toppling the true seat of corrupted powe—
Okay….. that’s enough of that! What he’s trying to say in Alexander-speak is he hopes you enjoy your day off from work! Ha, ha. I’m sorry, I found him like this, and I haven’t been able to figure out how to turn it off, so, this is what you get.
You quite literally just said the other day one of the things you like about me is my intelligence. Make up your mind, woman!
Alright… time to go before I get lectured at for a straight hour. Thanks for reaching out and have an awesome 4th!
(because I was addressed first, thank you very much)
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Pgs. 385 - 445
TG: skepticism is the crutch of cinematic troglodytes TG: like hey mom dad theres a dinosaur or a ghost or whatever in my room. "yeah right junior go back to bed" TG: fuck you mom and dad how many times are we going to watch this trope unfold it wasnt goddamn funny the first time i saw it TG: just once id like to see dad crap his pants when a kid says theres a vampire in his closet TG: "OH SHIT EVERYONE IN THE MINIVAN" TG: be fuckin dad of the year right there
so fucking true Dave, keep spitting.
EB: that's fine, you are entitled to your opinion, i am just saying that being a white guy who is a rapper with a ventriloquist doll is not cool by any stretch of the imagination or by any definition of word cool, ironic or otherwise. that's all i'm saying.
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oh hey it’s the page I used to showcase Hussie’s affinity for slurs.
still bad.
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me when I fucking sTAB MY MOTHER.
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I’m having rough flashbacks to HS^2 and I don’t like it.
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also I just gotta say that Mom is the coolest looking person in this entire comic I mean just look at this fucking POSE.
it just screams “hello daughter you are going to get fuckin served.”
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yes. the pony. beloved Maplehoof.
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I’ve always seen this idea that the process of creating Earth, and by extension Universe B, involved taking the attributes and interests of the 12 trolls and morphing them into brand new instances and ideas, like how Gamzee’s Juggalo religion manifested as ICP on Earth.
I like to think that the entirety of the For Assholes book series exists through a recycling of Karkat’s personality.
also that fucking Asshole Note is comedy gold.
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aw yeah time to fucking beat the shit out of an imp let’s
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W magnet.
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alright for real this time let’s kick the shit out of this imp.
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also another White John can be found in this flash, collect all 7 to turn Super White.
also the Egbert Centipede I guess.
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Tip: I am so fucking mad.
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he did it. he destroyed the fucker. John man.
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fuck you cat I am about to revive.
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TG: i mean dont get me wrong i think its cool and all TG: the semi-ironic puppet thing or whatever TG: or semi-semi ironic TG: man i dont even know TG: im just starting to think some of this shit is going a little far and its kind of fucked up TT: I've seen his websites. TT: I like them.
what did she mean by this.
what did she mean by this?
what did she mean by this?!
TG: oh man i wish lil cal wouldnt look at me like that TG: with those dead eyes jesus TG: sometimes i dream that hes real and hes talking to me and i wake up in a cold sweat and basically flip the fuck out
not saying it.
Page 422, titled “[S] GO ON. ==>” completely underrated flash, just listen to this fuckin song.
it captures the feeling of a big expository RPG cutscene so damn well I love it, it’s like I’m a kid again.
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this is also just one of my favorite Sburb mechanics, I love the concept of basically deciding the abilities and aesthetics of the NPCs via prototyping, it’s such a cool little thing and opens up a lot of possibility for any fan-sessions.
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JOHN: ok, i think i get it now! JOHN: so i guess the battle against good and evil is sort of irrelevant? well, i don't know, that all sounds kind of weird, but in any case, we build the house to get to these gates, and then i can save my dad! NANNASPRITE: Yes, John! JOHN: and then after that, we solve this ultimate riddle thing and save earth from destruction!!! NANNASPRITE: Oh no, I'm afraid not!
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NANNASPRITE: Your planet is done for, dear! There is nothing you can do about that! JOHN: oh...
I fucking love this sequence because John activates the Cheery Protagonist Mode ready to assemble a team of teens with attitude in order to save the world from Dark Chess and whatever only to hear that the entire world will end and his response is just “aw..... :(”
I went on this entire shpeel about the potential of writing an isolationist John based off of willy nilly prose narration at the beginning but MAN do the early versions of the kids not give a SHIT about what’s going on.
“John Egbert, the Earth is doomed, it is going to explode, all life will die, you and your friends will be the last living things remaining.”
this is a very weird moment that sticks out when looking at the comic as a whole because the weight of literally all life dying at once is nonexistent, but at the same time, this is fucking hilarious.
it makes think about a lot of rewrites I’ve seen where they try, emphasis on try, to give the fact that world ends more emotional relevance, and they basically kinda force this by introducing random background characters who are obviously going to die immediately.
like “oh hi my name is Huma Nfriend I’ve been besties with John Egbert since childhood we’re very close and cool and we’re gonna play a game called Sburb!!!” and then they just
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I understand y’all want to make the characters actually feel something in regards to the entire home blowing the fuck up but there’s gotta be better ways than inventing some characters just to fridge.
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also John does this.
uh, yeah. I don’t know.
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he’s having a moment.
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just give him some space.
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ok now that’s just rude.
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god Rose’s house during the winter is so pretty.
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holy shit a Jade and Rose conversation, I hope we get plenty of these! (we do not.)
Jade knows about Sburb??? and it could bring Jaspers back to life???? what could it me- ok this joke already fucking sucks.
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ah yeah it’s time to beat the shit out of the local whiteboy.
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this shit is so fucking cool oh my god.
also there are literally meteors falling as Dave looks out and I guess he does give a shit.
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yourstrullyme · 1 year
boop! you have to answer the following questions and get into the ask of 3 your mutuals and make them answer them as well
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried
3. Do you have kids
4. What's the first thing you notice about people?
5. What's your eye color?
6. Sad or happy endings?
7. Any special talents?
8. Where were you born?
9. What are your hobbies?
10. Do you have any pets?
11. What sport do you play/ have played?
12. How tall are you?
13. Favourite subject in school?
14. Dream job?
omg this is fun
1. yes, my mom had a grandma that they called Lina, thinking it was a nickname for one out of two possible names so my mom gave me one of them (the prettier of the two imo)... turns out her grandma was just Lina lol
2. oof id say tuesday? ive been terribly sick and stressed out of my mind and had a test i did very badly on and it was just too much
3. nope lol
4. usually... id say the clothes, style, vibes. im bad w faces and eyecontact
5. green w lil brown freckles
6. both? i love bittersweet endings and honestly if the story is good and the ending makes sense i dont care if its happy or sad
7. uuuh im really good at picking up stuff?? like learning something for the first time is pretty easy, perfecting it is tough but starting is easy. i can also move my ears lol
8. Reñaca, Viña del Mar. Chile.
9. they change a lot but id say rock climbing, music in general, and reading and writing would be the most consistent ones
10. YES her name is carlotta and she was born to a dog a friend picked up from the street so i adopted her. shes small but her body is long and short-legged and her hair is colored like a black and white border collie, but her hair is really tough lol and shes got a beard. shes just a mix of a lot of things. she turns 3 in december
11. sooo many lets see... formally i did volleyball and hockey in school, plus athletism where i mostly did long and high jumps amongst other things. football in college (i was a goalkeeper) and now rock climbing, and im also considering joining a jiu jitsu gym with a friend to try and exersize more regularly (and beat the crap out of each other). then on the side ive always dabbled in running, did a bit of skating, rollerskating, some gym stuff, water skiing, fishing, and i tried kayaking for a month and i want to get back into it
12. 1.74 mts
13. so many lol although i enjoyed myself the most in english, spanish and history back in middle and high school, now that im in college i really love economy and anything to do with biology. basically everything lol
14. oh god... no idea. many jobs. id love to have a job that requires me to travel and meet many people, and a lab job or a field job but in research, and a public figure kind of job? the kind were u have to decide stuff and make speeches and shit. id love to write too, to be a writer on a tv show or write books, but also direct or act (i shouldve been a theatre major honestly if i could have aby job this one would probably be it lol) id love to also have a farmer or a shepards job... the long hours in the great outdoors and physical labor just call to me lol
i just feel like my dream job is a dynamic job, nothing too stagnant, but then again that can just be my age talking yknow? maybe when im older i'll just want a good paying job that allows me to be w my loved ones so who knows. ideally though, it would require me to be outside some part of the time lol
this was fun thanks!! also to that anon that asked me the same thing the answers are here but thanks for asking!
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dianight · 5 months
A dream I had today. Gore below I guess.
So the first part I remember that has nothing to do with the "main plot" was me checking the fridge on my grandma's house. There was nothing but greeneries and fruit, and somehow there was also ice cream melting because it was on the fridge. I decided against opening the freezer underneath.
From there I ended where the interesting part takes place, but I don't remember if it was like a random transition or there was something else in between.
So I wake up (or just start awake) on some sort of facility, there is some dude patrolling and I hide then run away from him. I just run around for a while seeing what's there and I find like a cockpit kind of thing. So it was a spaceship. Then I keep going and I find a massive bathroom/sauna. When I go out there's two women out there. I can't remember exactly what they say but the idea is clear, they want to kill me. I try to run from them and I end up on an open space, like there's some reeds and like a bit of water everywhere. Still on the ship, there's like a glass surrounding the top so you can see a big star and it looks like you're on Earth. They find and they beat me up by the way. It hurt a lot.
I wake up at the start again and somehow go through the same exact scenario but now that I know where things are I try to hide from the women, eventually they find me and they beat to death again because "I'm not taking care of by bodily functions" aka eating and shitting that somehow powers the ship (<- what?).
I wake up again and I realize it's some sort of loop. Somehow I remember what's happening and they talk to me as if it doesn't matter because they are just there to torture/kill me. Not ok but I keep going. As in. I keep running away and getting pummeled a few times. I'll add here that at some point I also realize that the first dude and the two women are androids.
Eventually instead of hiding from the first dude I stay on some ventilation thingy and wait to drop on him. He's either dead or unconcious so I get more time to explore around before they find me again. At this point when I get killed there's some sort of interface ala video game where I see four numbers on the bottom. Whenever I get attacked the two on the left start to go down and eventually reach zero. I assume one of them is health and the other one something to do with food(??). The other two go down when I die/lose conciousness and when they reach zero the loop resets.
There is some sort of "montage" where I drop on the first dude over and over during the loops and every time he seems more aware that he is going to get attacked until eventually he catches me and we fight. At this point I'm strong (whatever that means) so it doesn't matter and I proceed as usual. There is some sort of voice/companion helping me distract him during the montage and other times as well.
Since I took on the dude I decide to fight the two women. We hit each other a few times until my health/life goes to zero and I drop. Somehow even though I'm dead/unconcious I can still move and I see things in like grey now and there's like a glowing blueish rolled up piece of paper. As I grab it I fully die and the loop resets again.
Somehow I know that by doing that the androids are not going to "pretend" to be humans anymore and just chase me from the start. I wait for the first dude and when he doesn't come I go top of the ship and I find him breaking the glass that covers it.
We fight for a bit and he is much stronger now. He literally kicks and rips my arms away. It hurt. I bleed out and die like that.
Next time I go to the bath/sauna which is where I touched the paper last time. There's nothing there this time and I go to the cockpit while the two women chase me. There's nothing there either and I get crushed into the floor. As I'm dying again there's a sort of flashback.
There's like a presentation in some sort of conference and they explain a way to read memories, but it's dangerous and damages the brain. There's a mention of a project with the spaceship I'm in and some other stuff. They mention me specifically.
At this point I'm still laying on the floor dead and made into flesh paste while the two women are like, taking out chunks of my brain. In the dead but quite state I'm in (spirit?) I reach out toward a cat statue(!?) that's now there and smash it before fully dying.
Somehow I know that by doing that everyone has forgotten that they are androids and probably won't try to chase me anymore, but there's like a sort of "to be continued" with the implication that I might also be an android and not be aware of it.
There's meant to be a loop but the pain of being torn apart literally wakes me up this time.
The first thing I thought this morning was "oh thank fuck there's not another loop it was starting to hurt for real".
Very SOMA-esque, and maybe Signalis inspired (<- haven't played it). Like usually when I "die" in dreams I wake up but this time it felt like a movie/video game at times. It did hurt every time though and I wouldn't wake up, I'd still say it was a dream and not a nightmare by virtue of having some agency, even if things didn't really make much sense.
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moodymurda · 2 years
about a boy 8
my honey
the time we’ve had apart is how i know that i love you. and knowing that i love you is what made me pull away the way i did. i know we can both relate in not wanting to like each other from the very beginning. it was so childish in hindsight. my mom always says you make plans & god laughs. and that’s so true because what happened between us was more than what i bargained for. and nothing short of some of the best times in my life.
you being there for me the day [redacted so i can’t get sued or anything like that], the way you took care of me and literally held me up when my grandma was in the hospital, that first time we went to Waffle House together after that party and i realized i liked you, meeting up to sit in the car at the park and talking about our dreams, going with you to cecil to look at the planes and shit, just all of our little moments.
you came into my life and turned my world upside down in the best way. you made me view myself as more than just a girl. you helped me to accept and fall in love with the beautiful woman i am becoming.
that being said, the lack of reciprocity when i asked, it immediately broke my heart. that conversation was crushing to me. looking back, and even in the moment i was so proud of myself for how i handled it. bc while i felt terrible on the inside, i kept my cool. the old me would broke down, i would’ve begged, pleaded even. though i was proud of myself i realize now turning cold on you the way i did almost wasn’t fair. don’t get me wrong i stand behind it but at the same time i wish i had more compassion and understanding for you like you have always given me.
i can not lie, pain was driving me to act the way i was. seeing you be so sad after the fact confused me. it felt like you were trying to make me the bad guy for setting a boundary. so when you started to do nice things when we’d hang out with our friends, just the way you approached me, it all threw me off. partially because of a lot of what you started doing, you’d never done for me before while we were dating (or whatever you’d like to call it. that’s another thing but i won’t beat a dead horse).
some of what you had said stuck with me too. like when you asked “when was the last time we went on a real date”. i don’t know man, in the end i was left feeling so stupid for being open. it felt like i gave myself to someone who didn’t value me. i felt like i imagined that we were falling in love. the timing didn’t help either.
as time has gone by i realized some changes i needed to make, so i guess it wasn’t time wasted after all.
the night of [redacted] reminded me of how i love you. it forced me to confront how much i miss you. up until that point i was ignoring it to protect my heart. but in “protecting” my heart i fear i may have lost the sweetest love i’ve ever felt.
things weren’t ideal but i love how we always tried to meet in the middle no matter what. i love how looking into your eyes grounds me. how you protect & look out for me. i love that i can learn from you & that you aren’t afraid to admit that you’ve learned something from me. you’re gentle with me when you’re right & you aren’t afraid to be wrong. i’m afraid to give my heart to you because it feels like you are my one. and i don’t know that i could take having you break my heart, but even with that knowledge i’m still willing to take the chance
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part IX
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Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, all characters are adults.
Words: 1574.
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V |  Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII
You didn't know what else to say, feeling ashamed. Who cared about your family circumstances? Definitely not Steve Rogers, a man you met just a couple of weeks ago and who knew nothing about you. Why did you say something like that in the first place?
You didn't wanna look at his face and see him feeling guilty because he didn't know how to comfort you. You didn't need to be comforted. You didn't need anything at all. It was just a simple cold, right?
Despite that, you suddenly started talking from beneath your blankets, "I have a younger brother. When he was born, we found out he was having severe asthma. His childhood was terrible, he had constantly been sick, I remember him being in and out the hospital all the time. Of course, because of his condition, my parents spent most of the time with him. He was just a little sick kid."
You hated yourself for talking, for showing something to Steve he shouldn't have known because he wasn't your friend, but you couldn't force yourself to stop.
"On the other hand, I am lucky to have good health. I didn't really got very sick, so, well, I didn't need help like my brother. So, I'm used to taking of myself. I'm a big girl, I don't need my mom to dance around me just because I have a cold."
Of course, you didn’t. You were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, and even of Steve didn't show up, you'd be alright by yourself. You'd just take your acetaminophen, and then everything would be ok.
You kept silent, staring at the inside of the blanket and wishing Steve would just disappear, leaving you to your misery. You didn’t see his face, and you were glad you didn't. What he must think about you? That you were craving for his attention like a spoiled kid? Shit, it was so embarrassing. You were an adult, for goodness sake!
"I don't know about you, but when I had a flu sachet, it would make me fall asleep really quick. And when I was feeling sleepy, I would start thinking about the things I loved most because I hoped I would see them in a dream." Instead of feeling ever more ashamed, you listened to Steve's soft voice and thought you were lucky it was him being here with you now. "It actually worked, and I have been having my best dreams when I was asleep, sick. What are the things you love most?"
Surprised, you looked up at him and saw the most gentle expression on a face of a guy you had ever met. Why did he look at you like that? Why was there no pity on his face? Why was it making you cry like you were a ten year old kid? Before he could see anything, you hid beneath the blanket again and kept silent for a couple of moments to calm down.
"I love lemon pies my grandma used to make me, and her garden. She had tomatoes and cabbage and strawberries that smelled like summer. I loved watering them nearly every day because I thought I was a little forest witch who lived in her pretty cottage in the woods."
You didn't know why you were telling him this, but Steve has a strange effect on you. Or was it cold? You had no idea, but it didn’t really matter. All you were thinking about was the way fresh tomatoes smell when you'd leaned down to water them, and the sound of bees flying above strawberry's flowers. Your grandma was taking care of her cabbage - a very capricious guest in her garden - and you could hear her working, cursing grandpa for making the patches too wide in that funny voice of hers. Then she'd stood up, wiped the sweat with the back of her hand, and called you to come back to the cottage because if was time for dinner. You'd run to wash your hands in a barrel of water near the big apple tree when grandma didn't see, and soon you were sitting with her, eating her famous cabbage soup and then having a piece of a lemon pie because you worked so well today.
You could almost feel the taste on the tip of your tongue.
By the time you woke up, Steve was long gone: it was the middle of the night, and instead of him you saw a thermos with a still warm chicken soup on a chair, waiting for you. He sent you a message that you could call him at any time of the day - or night - and that he wanted you to have a bit more sleep to get better. After you had a few more sips of his soup, you fell asleep again, feeling warm and fuzzy.
The weekend went fast. It was the first time in several years you spent so much time in bed. Steve kept appearing at your door from time to time with a new bags of food despite you telling him you had your own, but he always insisted you should it something fresh and warm. Surprisingly, he wasn't the only one at your door: Thor suddenly showed up with his whole team, bringing you notes for the upcoming exams they collected altogether, apparently. Loki sent you a message if you needed anything, and Peter left contacted you on Instagram, leaving you links to games you could play so you wouldn't feel bored. Even Bucky gave you a call, asking if he could come and give you a few packs of Neo Citran for your cold, but you kindly refused: Steve literally brought you a yearly supply of this.
It was strange. Of course, when you were in high school, your friends grew worried about you when you had been sick, but there was nothing else to it. Wasn't it always like this? Nobody came to see you. Nobody brought you soup or gave you meds or anything. Despite feeling embarrassed, you realized you actually liked it when somebody was close to you like that. It was comforting seeing Steve popping up and not having to worry about how pretty you looked: he laughed when he saw you getting all shy because you were in your pyjamas. He said he definitely didn't expect you laying on your bed in an evening gown.
Before you realized it, you were already getting better. It was just a cold, really. Soon your throat was no longer sore, and while you were still sneezing, your temperature dropped down to normal, so on Monday you were ready to come back to school as planned. Funny enough, you no longer cared if you passed your exams, having 100%. You didn’t talk about it with Steve, but Peter was laughing like crazy about that when you told him.
Funny. They no longer looked so scary to you. They were just a couple of boys, weren't they? Regardless all those scary rumors and stuff, they were just guys. Maybe they were weird and stupid and a little bit scary because you didn't know them, they were still alright. Thor said it to you, didn't he?
Monday was Bucky's day, so, once you were done dressing, he nocked at your door: you were feeling a bit shy, watching him in that leather jacket and torn jeans he kept wearing the whole year around, apparently. Barnes looked like a teenage girl's dream. He smelled like cigarettes - although he said he was trying to quit - and pinewood. Just like Thor, he liked to skip classes he didn't enjoy much, but he was smart enough to pass the exams. Funny enough, he had a motorcycle.
Again, you wondered how come girls weren't coming from a city on a bus just to go see him.
"Are you sure you’re feeling better?" He asked you softly. "You can stay home today."
"No, no, I'm perfectly alright, thank you! How are you?" Smiling, you closed the door and hid the key in your bag.
"I'm good, thank you."
He didn't speak much, but as you walked in silence, you thought it was comforting - not talking at all and feeling good about it. While Bucky looked like a scary biker, in fact, his calm and friendly demeanor only helped you relax around him. Besides, it was funny how students seemed to give him way whenever they saw him, and you thought if Steve was the King, then Bucky was the Knight.
Before you went into the your classroom, he suddenly stopped you, "Listen, I wanted to say I have your stuff."
You blinked, "What stuff?"
You didn't give him any of your stuff. Actually, after Steve gathered you all in the student council room, you only met Bucky this morning for the first time.
"The stuff those freaks took. Your... your clothes, I mean." He muttered under his breath, and you gaped at him.
Your underwear. He found your bra and panties those guys took from your room.
"Wait... how?" Staring at Bucky who, apparently, was feeling a bit embarrassed talking about it, you thought how on Earth he got those things.
There was only one way he could, right?
"Bucky, was it you who beat those guys?"
It took him a couple of seconds to turn his face to you and then sigh, "Yes, it was me."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki  @helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @stupendouslovegardener @iheartsebandchris @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @illyrianprincess @vampirestrawberries @goodgodimaweirdperson @frontmanash @freya-heya @yandematic @mariatietacapitu @d3monslust @maybesandohnos @ibeatuptwinks @mangobangi @nectav @whatever-happened-to-the-ducks @teabutnerdy ​ @srrymydood @crazylittlereader2474
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rightsockjin · 3 years
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Summary: Your best friend of your near entire life has been a total asshat to you ever since you started to casually date which didn't seem super fair to you since he did the exact same thing and you were nothing but supportive! It just sucks that you two are growing apart over a coping mechanism that you adopted to distract yourself from your overwhelming crush on said idiot. If only he knew. Wait- did you say that OUT LOUD?
Rating: M (What isn't on this blog?)
Genre: Maybe a little angst? Smut for sure tho.
Word count: 8003
Warnings: Thongs, sex, lewd thoughts, erections, physical pushing, raw dogging, cream pie, mentions of giving head, a looooooottt of swearing, mentions of slut shaming. Oh right- oppa kink and little splashes of korean as well.
yeo-chin= girlfriend
nam-chin= boyfriend
halmoni= grandma
apa=to hurt
aya=expression to express pain equivalent to 'ow'
Author’s note: HI EVERYONE! We are somewhat back!! So sorry for the long wait for content. Things have been insane and we’ve been working on a much- much longer fic for this blog which will involve all of the boys! It’s a long story but this hit me like a truck yesterday and it was initially meant to be a reaction but I couldn’t stop writing… so it’s 7k and the other boys will get their own version of this prompt “best friend is jealous of the attention you give to guys” thing. Starting once again with the one and only Yoongi! Hope y’all enjoy:)
“You know it’s funny, I don’t remember asking,” Yoongi said virulently, his attention centered solely on his phone as he scrolled through instagram... or twitter... or maybe it was tinder. Your heart sank. You had been excited that this guy- Woojin- had given you attention. He was good looking by a lot of standards and it had boosted your confidence significantly. Of course, you wanted to share that excitement with your best friend. Rejecting someone that good looking always made you feel really powerful and attractive but you had barely shown him Woojin’s picture and commented on how attractive he was before your so called best friend had brushed you off and went back to his solitude and avoidance.
You had noticed that something was off for a while now but hadn’t commented on anything to avoid any conflicts but this was ridiculous. You had constantly listened to the stories of how girls would trickle in like water for him. He seemed to be going out with someone new every two weeks.
It wasn’t fair that you had to put up with his annoying descriptions of how beautiful these girls were while you sat and gave him your undivided attention as your heart slowly chipped and broke with each new conquest of his. Especially when each girl was so different from who you were. At first, you thought that maybe you were annoyed by this simply because it was hurtful to think he didn’t at least think you were pretty. It wasn’t long after that that you realized that it hurt you when he went out with women who were your polar opposite because it meant that he would never date you.
This had been shocking in itself. You had known Yoongi for your entire life, or at least a good portion of it, and you had always seen him as a brother. Your oppa in the least sexual or boyfriend-y form possible, but when you looked at him now… he was looking a lot more like well- an oppa.
Your mouth opened and closed like a fish. His words stung more than you would like to admit. Whenever Yoongi got this snippy, you liked to equal him in snip and double him in sass, never showing how vulnerable his disinterest made you feel, but this time, it felt like he had punched you in the chest with all his force and told you you were ugly to boot.
You didn’t want to cry in front of him either. He’d make fun of you. Last time you had cried, he’d awkwardly pat you on the head and quickly changed the very serious topic of your parents' relationship with yours to something totally different and not even a little relevant to helping you feel better. Given, that had been years ago and he’d never been very good at comforting you nor had he so much as expressed his support of you. Not since that one time when you had broken your wrist and he’d promptly pushed the girl who had been the culprit off the swing set thus getting himself suspended for a week and a half when you were both in elementary school.
But this… this was just cruel. It was ugly. It made you look at your “best friend” in a light that was not so shiny and pristine. He’d changed so much since then. He’d pulled away from you since then and you hadn’t even noticed. Or maybe you had and had just ignored it. Maybe you’d hoped if you didn’t mention it, that it would go away and he would come back full force with one of his dumb dances and pretty smiles. Maybe you hoped he’d realize soon what you had realized in your early twenties.
You loved him. And not the brotherly love that you had always had for him, no, you, Y/N, were very much in love with your best friend. Which made this whole situation so much worse.
When you said nothing, Yoongi briefly glanced up at you from his seemingly important phone conversation with most likely another of his soon to be dates only to look back down.
“What? Cat got your tongue? No snippy rebuttal? You’re not gonna chew me out for being mean to you again?”
His face was illuminated by the blue lights of his screen; he had it at the near darkest setting and his eyes were squinted to see it better. Something that had always annoyed you because you knew it was only hurting his vision.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. When that didn’t help, you cleared it, accidentally catching his attention. He clicked his phone off and looked over at you as if ready to argue but something in your face must have given away your inner turmoil because his hard features softened and his lips fell slightly open.
“Are you crying?”
No. Of course you weren’t crying. You never cried. Not ever. But then your cheeks were wet and the onslaught of emotion seemed to burst. How far had you fallen for this indefinitely cold man that his sarcasm made you fall in hysterics? Far it seemed. Too far.
You angrily wiped the tears away from your burning skin and crossed your arms over your chest. The hoodie you had stolen from him earlier that day felt like sandpaper against your skin as opposed to the comfort you’d initially felt when slipping over your head and smelling the fresh scent of his cologne clinging to it.
You felt him shift on the couch to face you fully, out of the corner of your eye, you could see his features had turned worried, alarmed even but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him nor care. Too little too late.
“Hey, Y/N, I’m sorry.”
The words hung in the still air like a wrong note played in a symphony. It made your head spin and ache.
You didn’t dare speak. It would only give away how truly hurt you were by his words and actions. You didn’t want to be around him anymore.
Abruptly, you stood up and yanked the hoodie from your body. The tank you had on pulled up slightly showing the skin of your belly. It was lopsided, you noted when you looked down and saw that one side was pulled over and under your bra and the other was too high on your chest but you didn’t really care.
Yoongi watched you with conflict evident in his eyes, if only you would turn to see. He hadn’t meant to offend you. He’d only been trying to keep you at arms length. You had also been going out with multiple guys, telling him how good looking and tall they all were. Most of these men were also built like rocks and he himself was toned at best. Contrary to what you thought, Yoongi had come to the realization that he’d been in love with you since you were kids. He did not tolerate when anyone made you feel like shit, and, being a very mature kid, he’d told his mother quite early on that he would marry you someday. Of course, she’d only chastised him and told him that he couldn’t possibly know what love was nor could he force you to marry him, but he was adamant.
He’d stopped telling her about it after that though, and instead of telling you how he felt, he’d opted instead to watch over you and make sure nothing happened. So when in high school, you had started to date and it had not been him whom you had chosen, he’d made sure to keep the sorry excuse of a man you had chosen in line. That was… until the incident.
Yoongi would never forgive himself for not being there. For not stopping the bastard who thought he owned you. He’d never forgive the idiot either and if you hadn’t stopped him, he would have killed him with his bare fists then stuffed his own socks in his mouth.
It was then that Yoongi realized that you deserved better than him, and at the same time, no one was worthy of you. It was a strange dynamic. He’d never once approved of your dates, but had decided to start dating other women because, let's face it, he was a guy and he’d like to have children someday but not even in his wildest dreams could he think that you would ever settle for him. Someone who’d failed you as your self imposed protector.
Not that you knew any of that. You didn’t know that Yoongi often teamed up with your other best friend, your girl best friend to scope out your dates once you’d left. You’d almost caught them once as well and it had been by pure luck and the hair of a very out of place clown that both of them had escaped your wrath that night. You also didn’t notice that after you had fully broken up with that first asshole, he’d threatened to beat him to a pulp if he so much as breathed in your direction once more and later, he’d threatened ‘asshole’ two and three with the same things.
But then your dates had gotten taller and stronger and much harder to intimidate. He’d once made the mistake of threatening a casual date that you’d set up who was at least a solid half foot taller than him and he’d been laughed out of the restaurant only to find out later that the jerk had forced a kiss on you.
No, Yoongi’s days as your protector had dwindled and left him feeling half of the man he’d already thought he was and so his only defense, his only way to keep you safe- though now that he was watching tears well in your eyes he wondered what logic he’d used to justify this behavior- was to be the asshole himself and teach you how to deal with them on a first hand basis.
He hated himself for making you cry. He hated that you looked so dejected and hurt and like you never wanted to speak another word to him again. He hated that your shoulders slumped and that your pretty eyelashes were coated in wet tears and it was all on him.
“You know what,” you finally managed to say with some semblance of calm under the storm that was brewing in the irises he’d so loved, “I think we’ve grown apart a little too much. Maybe we should just- cut our losses and,” you heaved a deep breath, trying to keep yourself calm, “stop seeing each other.”
Were you breaking up with him? How were you even going to break up with him if you weren’t even dating? Yoongi’s heart sank into the pit of his stomach. He had tunnel vision. All he could see was you and the way that you seemed to pull yourself up from the ground, rebuilding before his eyes.
“Stop see-what? Are you demented?”
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Was that all he was capable of being? Wrong. Incorrect. Inexact. Erroneous. Mistaken. He was plain stupid for the words he’d let slip but there was no taking them back now.
You let your eyes widen as you wiped more of your furiously falling tears from your skin. You turned to face him, your shirt fixed and covering you exactly how it should and your features set and intentional.
“What’s the point? You clearly don’t want to be around me anymore and I’m tired of being berated every time I mention a guy. You’re the most unsupportive friend I have and that’s because I’ve known you the longest. If you don’t want to be my friend just say so instead of slut shaming me and bullying me every chance you get you asshat.”
“Asshat,” he chuckled, crossing his sleeve-covered arms over his toned chest, “real clever, Y/N. Is that all you got, kid? You never were one for words were you? Why don’t you just sock me instead?”
Oh you were considering it. He seemed so unbothered by the prospect of losing you that you realized maybe you had already lost him and hadn’t realized. You had dealt with your fair share of jerks in your life, but you had always counted on Yoongi to be your hope. He’d shown you that there were men in the world that seemed to care about women. Men who could love you even when you felt unlovable, unworthy, but here he was, proving to you once again that all men were the same evil and vile creatures, incapable of love or kindness if they weren’t getting their dicks wet.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you? Then you could go around saying that I’m a crazy bitch. You know what? Fuck you Min Yoongi. I hope you get well and royally fucked.” You yelled, grabbing the tote bag you’d brought over from your apartment and stomping to the door.
“Fuck you too,” he yelled, following you to the door. He caught you at the landing strip, prying on your chunky sneakers with a bit of difficulty, your house slippers, the ones he’d bought you, lay haphazardly nearby.
“And fuck all of those asshole guys you keep bringing home. Better yet, I hope you don’t fuck them.”
You turned your head up to look at him, confusion and disgust written all over your face.
“What the fuck do my dates had to do with what a fucking jerk you are?”
Choosing to ignore your question, he focused instead on your insult, “A jerk, am I? Well you’re a bitch. How do you like that?”
He didn’t know why he was insulting you. He didn’t think you were actually a bitch, but the anger on your face made him feel better.
It was followed by near instant regret as you drew yourself up to your full height and looked at him with pure venom in your gaze.
“I’m a bitch?”
“Yeah,” he breathed, trying to keep his shoulders square, but you were scary when angry and he’d never fared well in fights with you.
“I’m the bitch?”
“You heard me!”
You balled your fists at your sides, your eyebrows connected in the center and your breathing was heavy. He knew better than to use the B-word.
“You’re a piece of shit.” It was low but your voice carried and hit all of the bones in his body before it hit his heart and burrowed deep in the wounds he’d stitched up but pulled open multiple times over the years that pertain only to you.
“You are a sorry excuse of a man,” you growled, pushing him by the chest. Somewhere in the back of your mind you noted that it felt really firm and stronger than before.
“You’re an ass, Min Yoongi,” you continued, giving him another push so that he stumbled slightly back into the living room of his apartment once again.
“You low life,” another push, closer to the couch, “weak minded,” you shoved him, he sidestepped the glass coffee table where your untouched coffee mugs still rested, probably cold by now, “son of a bitch, fucking baby, involved sorry excuse of a man-” He fell onto the cough. Your vision was red.
“You already used that insult.” Was all he said as you stood over him, your chest heaved with the exertion of trying to keep yourself from slapping the now blank expression from his face.
A slew of incomprehensible noises escaped from your lips as words completely left your brain. Damn him. Damn this idiot of a man that you were in love with. He could go to hell for all you cared and you hoped that the devil himself ripped his testicles off and served them on a platter with some kimchi and fried rice.
“Okay first of all- ow,” The asshole said, pulling you back to reality and not your fictitious rework where Yoongi was now sitting at the end of a long table being force fed his own balls, “And second…”
You held your breath. Fear ran down your spine. You hadn’t meant to say that out loud-
“You-you’re in love with me?”
Well… he got his wish, you were royally fucked. Instantly, you tried to back track. Your mind kept replaying in your head what you had said and tried to correct itself but you couldn’t think of anything that could possibly absolve you.
“Like a brother,” you said finally, your voice shaky and thin.
Yoongi only blinked up at you. What you said was bullshit and he knew it. You knew it too.
“You’re in love with me… like a brother?”
“Oppa,” you clarified as if that would somehow make more sense, and it did kind of, but it didn’t absolve you at all. In fact, this only made a smile tug at his lips, his pearly teeth suddenly on display, blinding. You fought the smile that threatened to pull at yours too. It was always hard because his smile was so contagious.
Yoongi stood. He was less than an inch away from your own body. You felt small, meek. You’d misstepped this big game of chess you seemed to be playing. He was going to make fun of you. He’d never let you live it down. You liked him.
“You like me,” as if he had read your mind, he echoed your thoughts, or maybe you had spoken that out loud as well.
“No I don’t,” you argued, taking a step back just so you could have some space to breathe.
“Oh yeah you do,” Yoongi argued, his smile so wide you were sure it would hurt the muscles in his cheeks
“No,” you said again, not really thinking anything you said at this point would convince him otherwise. The son of a bitch was stubborn.
“Admit it,” he said, closing the distance between you again, his neck craned down to look directly at your face.
“I don’t like you!” You tried to take another step back but the coffee table knocked your feet out from under you. You fell onto it knocking Yoongi’s mug of coffee over. The black decaf liquid seeped into your shorts.
Yoongi’s rusty laugh was pried from his throat as he watched your face contort. He was having the time of his life, it seemed. Good for him.
“Stop laughing at me,” you groaned, your cheeks red. You were practically sweating from how feverish you felt.
It was like you hadn’t spoken. Your shorts were wet and made you feel sticky. In a fit of anger, like a child throwing a tantrum, you unbuttoned the denim and ripped them from your legs. This shut Yoongi up instantly. With the soiled fabric, you cleaned up the liquid before it fell onto the light grey carpet.
Yoongi stilled as his eyes traveled up and down your long legs.The way you were twisting, he could see the back of your left thigh up to where it met your ass- your bare ass. You were wearing a thong.
God help him, he was rapidly getting hard. He forced his eyes away from you, his walls being pulled back up at seeing you naked. Well partially so. He pushed his hands into his oversized hoodie and made sure that it covered his front. The last thing he needed was for you to see.
But then you turned and pulled your legs together, your thighs squishing attractively. What he wouldn’t give to be choked by those thighs.
“Let me wash those for you,” he said tightly, pulling a hand from his hoodie to take the soiled shorts, the hem of the fabric pulled up enough for you to see exactly what he’d been trying to hide.
Yoongi had a hard on. You weren’t sure why exactly you were surprised. You were attractive, that much you knew, but you never really expected for your best friend to see you in that way. In fact, you were pretty sure that you’d been in your underwear in front of him before and he hadn’t even given you a second glance, but there was the evidence. And God was there a lot of evidence.
Slowly, you handed him the shorts. His hand grabbed them tightly, avoiding touching any part of your hand with his. Then, after a slight pause, he turned on his heels and walked towards the kitchen to put the shorts into the washer.
You’d called him oppa. You rarely called him oppa and it had hypersensitized him to the word coming from your lips. Other girls called him oppa sometimes and it had no effect on him but there he was, stiff as a board and it had something to do with you calling him oppa and your state of undress. Fuck. He was fucked. So fucked.
At least he wished he could be… But no. He pushed those thoughts from his head as he threw in some nice scented soaps into the wash and clicked it to life. He shut his eyes, trying to think of anything that would drain the blood from his member- halmeoni maybe?- but your voluptuous ass kept intruding, giving his halmeoni some nice curves that messed with her wrinkled face. He shook his head once more and decided he’d just have to hide his boner until it went away, or go beat one out in the restroom really quick.
He grabbed a pair of his clean sweat pants from the drying rack to give to you, just so you would be comfortable, he told himself, not because the thought of your naked butt in them made him unspeakably horny.
But when he got back to the living room, what he found was not you, covering yourself with a pillow like he’d expected, but you, only in your thong- fuck did it have to be a thong?- and your bra. Your shirt was nowhere to be seen.
“Fuck me,” he groaned, burring his head in his hands and turning away from you.
“I mean, if you ask nicely enough that can be arranged,” you answered rather boldly. There was no way for him to know that you were quaking in fear for his rejection.
Yoongi’s dick twitched in his sweats.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he said under his breath as his heart beat faster. He felt like he was having a whole heart attack. He patted his chest, hoping to calm it down knowing it was useless.
Should he go for it? You had just admitted accidentally that you did have feelings for him and you were clearly propositioning him. Should he just-
He turned around, back to face you, determination paining his expression. Still on the coffee table, your legs were spread open, only covered by the thin sliver of fabric that your thong allotted. You were a little cold, but all of that melted away when you saw the way that Yoongi’s eyes roamed your exposed body, then stopped abruptly to meet your own.
He was in front of you in seconds, his longer legs carried him farther and faster than you had anticipated. Then he was pulling you to stand. You wobbled on your legs but one of his arms found its way around your waist. His free hand came up and held your jaw with two fingers on either side of your face, squishing your lips together slightly. His hot, heavy member pressed against your stomach through his sweats. He was so close that you could smell the coffee on his breath and the fading smell of his cologne you loved so much. All you wanted was to grind against him but you were held too tightly.
“You never know when to shut up do you?” But he didn’t let you answer. He crashed his soft lips onto yours, his hold on your jaw ached but you didn’t care. There was a passion in his kiss that you hadn’t expected, subtly dwindling to something more like tenderness, and the kiss continued. His lips dragged against yours delicately, pinching your top one with both of his. Small breaths came out of his nose, whistling softly against your cheek. You timed your breaths with his, high on the feeling of finally being kissed, coveted by him. Was it real? Was this actually happening?
Your brain suddenly caught up with your body. The rightness that came with the way he was kissing you, like he couldn’t get enough of you, like he needed you to properly breathe, was like nothing you could have imagined.
The hand on your waist was drawing small circles where the elastic of your thong rested, his index finger casually hooked onto and under pulling lightly. You pressed yourself tighter than he had you against his erection. He groaned, his mouth opening and his tongue suddenly darting out to taste. He pulled your jaw open, granting himself entrance and exploring your mouth.
You moaned, a sound so sensuous and wanton that Yoongi felt that he could cum just from those sounds alone. He wanted more. He wanted you to sing his praises as he fucked into you and caressed your chest. He wanted you to drool around his cock and to have your sweet mouth wrapped tight around it. He wanted to feel you gag at his girth and he wanted to pull at your hair. But most of all, he wanted to kiss you, just like how he was at that moment. He wanted to kiss you until he’d taken your soul from your body and replaced it with his own. He wanted to kiss you until he could erase every trace of all of the men who’d hurt you and made you doubt that you were worthy and wanted. Yoongi wanted to kiss his love into you no matter how long he had to do it. If he was locked in a room with you for months, so be it.
But your hand had found its way between your bodies and was slowly coming down to his hips. Suddenly, he realized what he was doing and panicked. He hadn’t gotten your consent. He hadn’t asked you if it was okay for him to kiss you or to hook his fingers on your thong. As stupid as it sounded, even to Yoongi himself, he needed to make sure that you wanted this to happen, even as your hand had found the outline of his cock and you had started to trace the outline of it over the fabric-
“Tell me to stop,” he gasped, ripping himself away from you. The hand around your waist was now on your shoulder to keep you at enough distance so that his brain could function and wasn’t clouded by the horniness he was feeling.
“Wha…?” You slurred, your eyes were glazed over and your body was completely relaxed.
“Tell me to stop,” he repeated, fighting his every instinct to push your mouth open and have you suck on his thumb before he pushed you onto your knees to suck him off, “and I will.”
His eyelids were heavy and he was sweating slightly. He was so hard that it hurt and the circles you were drawing on his penis were not helping at keeping him at bay. He knew if he looked down, there would be a stain of precum on his sweats.
“I don’t want you to stop,” you whispered, leaning in and kissing his jaw before you nibbled and kissed down his taught neck.
“I want you to fuck me.” You licked a thick swipe up his jugular, “I want you.”
“Then admit it,” Yoongi heard himself say. He was just as surprised as you were to hear those words from his lips, “admit that you like me.”
You pulled away then, dropping both your arms in exasperation, “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m in my underwear, stroking your cock and you want me to stroke your ego too? Un-fucking-believeable. You’re a dumb ass.”
You rolled your eyes and flicked his forehead.
“Aya, apa~” he groaned, rubbing his head, the dynamic that you were used to suddenly restored.
“Yeah? Great! I’m glad that it hurt! I hope it hurts really bad you jerk. Then maybe you’ll understand what it was like for me to listen to you go on and on about all the girls you went out with every fucking week. In fact-”
“Aya! What the fuck? Stop flicking me,” he nearly screamed, clutching the tip of his nose.
“Make me.”
Big mistake. Yoongi didn’t take your dare lightly. His eyes darkened then he leaned down and picked you up. You squeaked, wrapping your legs around his waist as he walked you to his room. His hands cupped your butt fairly comfortably, like this was something you did often. He kicked the door open and threw you on the bed.
“You think I wasn’t hurt as well?” He asked, clasping a hand around your neck and lightly pressing his fingers against your skin.
“You think I like knowing that everywhere we go, men are watching you, coveting you the way I do? You think it isn’t torture when you go out and I don’t hear from you until the next day?”
He pushed you up against his pillow. The duvet was already all messed up under your body. He was between your legs, pressing himself into your core. Fuck, you wanted him. You wanted him all the way inside you. He wanted nothing more than to do the same but he had to make sure you knew first.
“You think it was easy being in love with you when you wanted nothing from me but friendship?”
Your eyes softened. Yoongi was in love with you too? When?
“Since we were kids,” he answered. Again you had spoken without meaning to. “I always knew it was you, Y/N. It was only ever you.”
But something wasn’t adding up. You fought your rising feelings of elation. You wanted to understand what he was saying. If he had liked you since you were kids then why had he never asked you out? Why become the serial dater he’d become? But he’d never had a girlfriend, you reminded yourself. He’d only ever “dated” and then dropped these women. You always assumed he was screwing them all.
Yoongi became sheepish then. “I uh… I did have sex with some of them but-” and the hurt in your eyes would be enough to kill him,” it was only at the start. I thought that if i had sex with other people I’d stop chasing after you. But it didn’t work… I haven’t slept with anyone since junior year of college.”
Your eyes widened. “College?”
He nodded, his pale cheeks blushing prettily.
“They just...were never you… and then I thought if I pushed you away that would help but that only made us estranged and-”
You pushed yourself up and shut him up with a kiss. He was over thinking and you could talk about all that later.
“You’re an idiot,” you started and he rolled his eyes, “but if you don’t fuck me right now, I’m going to do it myself.”
Yoongi’s eyes rolled into his head and he thrust lightly into your wet center.
“Talk after?”
“As long as you want,” you agreed, already pushing at his sweats. Yoongi sat up and pulled his hoodie and shirt off in one fell swoop, then, at the speed of lightning, pulled off his sweats, leaving him in his boxers.
After a moment of hesitation, he pulled his boxers off as well and then he was naked before you. Your mouth went dry. He was big. You could tell just by looking at him that he would stretch you good and you wanted so badly for him to pin you down and have his way with you.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Really? Cause that would be really helpful on days when I’m home alone-”
You chuckled and lay down on your back, making sure that your legs were spread wide for him to have his fill. Like a moth to a flame, he was between your thighs, his tongue licking at the wet fabric.
He moaned against your covered lips, sucking up the arousal that clung to your underwear.
“Fuck, Yoongi yes,” you said without meaning to say much at all. You unclasped your bra and threw it somewhere in the room. You could look for it later. This caught his attention. He thrust his naked dick into the mattress, needing some sort of stimulation.
“Damn it… fuck, if I wasn’t so desperate to be inside you, I swear I could get you off with just my mouth all day, Y/N.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you waved off, gesturing for him to come up to your face, he did so without question, “Hurry up, I’m dying. Please.”
“Are you begging?” Yoongi’s lips curled lightly, teasingly,
“Do you want to get your dick wet or not?” He kissed the wrinkle between your eyebrows lightly.
“Yeah, can I take these off?” he hooked a finger on the elastic of your thong, pulling it a little higher than he probably should have. It was an old pair. You heard rather than saw the stitching on it pull apart and then the thing was hanging limply from Yoongi’s fingers, his expression shocked.
“What? I didn’t do it on purpose!”
“For fuck’s sake! That was my favorite thong!”
“Well, clearly it was cheap,” he countered, throwing it across the room somewhere too.
You groaned, shifting slightly under him. His dick nuzzled between your wet lips. His mouth dropped open and a pleasured grunt escaped his lips.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he rut against your wetness, hitting your clit lightly, far too lightly, “you are so wet. God, this should be illegal.”
“Y-Yoongi… more,” he reached down between you two and found your sensitive nub without much hassle. It was like he knew your body already. Your body twitched under him and he circled the bundle of nerves for a couple of seconds. The noises falling from your lips were heaven on earth and Yoongi realized you were his new favorite song.
He gave your clit one rough stroke, ripping a small gasp from your throat. He gathered some of your slick with two practiced fingers and brought it up to eye level. It caught the low light of his room from the window, the smell enough to threaten to send him over the edge.
“Jesus Christ that’s hot.” Then he smeared it all over his penis and gave himself two rough pumps.
“Can I-”
“You don’t even know what I’m asking-”
“Don’t care. Just do it. Yes.” You said angrily, pulling him closer and closer, his toned chest flush against yours.
“Have you been working out?” You asked, breaking the intense way he was staring into your eyes, his smile pulled wide over his gums.
He shrugged but clearly was glad that you’d noticed, “Namjoon and Jungkook convinced me to join them in the gym. It’s no big deal.”
“But your arms,” you complimented, squeezing his bicep. He flexed it lightly for you. You blushed when you realized exactly what you were doing.
“It’s just a little muscle,” he commented offhandedly.
The conversation lulled, he smiled down at you, and you up at him. He kissed the tip of your nose.
“So can I put it i-”
“I already said yes.”
“In your ass?”
“Ew no!”
Yoongi laughed loudly, “see this is why you can’t say yes to something without knowing what you’re agreeing to.”
“Shut up and put it in the right hole,” you groaned, then for good measure, “oppa.” It was a joke. You thought it was a joke, but something lit up in his pupils as two measly syllables rolled off your tongue and hit his eardrums. You felt his skin prickle under your touch and his member twitched against your folds.
Like a deer caught in headlights, you looked up at the handsome man. His eyes had narrowed as well as darkened. He looked absolutely ravenous and you wanted him to eat you up.
“Say that again.” He commanded as he pushed the head of his massive, and now that you could properly feel it, you knew that you had been right, cock at the entrance of your lower lips.
“O-oppa?” you questioned, astounded that the simple word that he’d no doubt heard his whole life had this effect on him.
“That’s right yeo-chin,” he growled, his voice gruff and harsh as he pushed lightly into you. His dick opened you painfully, perfectly.
“Yeo-chin?” You ask through the explosion of pleasure between your thighs.
“Is that okay?” He asked, suddenly looking really vulnerable and scared. You reached up, stroking his cheek lightly with your knuckles.
“Oh honey,” you trailed off, bumping his nose against yours before you pulled back abruptly, “If you want me to be your girlfriend, you have to ask me properly.”
Yoongi sighed, his smile telling you he expected as much and wasn’t hurt, “Talk after?” He asked again.
“As much as you want,” you reiterated.
And then he was pushing into you once again, surprising you because you could have sworn you had been full before but inch after inch, he pushed into your awaiting hole, filling all the emptiness you’d felt your whole life until his balls tapped your ass softly.
His face was contorted in pure ecstasy. At least from your perspective. Yoongi, in all truth, was trying his hardest not to blow his load into you already. He couldn’t believe his luck. He was inside you. He’d waited his whole life for this and he was finally inside you.
You wiped a bead of sweat from his temple and playfully licked his lips. He grunted against you, holding himself up by the forearms. Suddenly, he was really grateful that he had started to work out and that Jungkook had him doing three minute planks for fun. He’d have to thank him later, even if he did complain a whole lot.
“Can-can I move?” Yoongi gasped. Your walls fluttered around his member as if welcoming it home with soft caresses. You were so warm, maybe hot, he wasn’t sure, but you were tight and wet and all the good things in the world.
You only breathed, feeling so unbelievably full. It felt like he had pushed in all the way to your throat. You were no size queen, really, you weren’t, but if this is what they were going on about, you understood.
“Y/N,” he panted, his body begging him to move, “please.”
“Are-are you begging?” You giggled mirroring what he’d asked you before.
“Yes.” Without hesitation, he admitted, “Please… please…”
Well fuck. How could you say no? You nodded fervently, all mirth erased from your expression as he pulled out slowly, your juices squelched as your lower muscles tried to keep him in.
“Gah- ash-Y/N… you’re so tight.”
You only moaned in response, the head of his cock was still in you, stretching you to the point you didn’t think anyone could fully make you feel this way again.
“You’re so big,” you complimented scratching at his back. His muscles rippled under your touch.
He pushed back in, still torturously slow. It felt like you were being split in half. You felt like Olaf in the first frozen movie after he got stabbed by an icicle.
“Yoongi,” you gasped as he pulled out again at the same speed, his face screwed up in concentration.
“Oppa,” he growled into your ear, kissing roughly at your skin.
“Oppa,” you agreed, though it wasn’t your favorite word, he seemed to be getting of fairly
well so you let it slide, “move faster.”
“You sure?” He asked.
You nodded, knowing it was probably going to hurt but you wanted to feel him and you wanted him to cum.
He didn’t need to be told again; he drew back, once again leaving only the mushroom tip inside you once again, and then he thrust. Hard. You nearly choked as he pumped himself over and over again hitting the nerves in your vagina. The slap of skin against yours was loud in the empty room, only accompanied by your moans and his pants and grunts. Your names mixed in every once in a while, your lips kissing any and all the skin that you could possibly reach. He licked at your lips and sucked bruises onto your neck, your chest. He wanted to mark all of you. He wanted to make sure you knew who you belonged to… as soon as he asked you right after he finished up.
This idea itself spurred him on, to thrust faster, deeper. He wanted to finish and make sure that you finished too, not quickly but soon. He wanted to talk. He wanted to make sure that you were in the same place.
So he reached between you both again, his fingers blindly found your clitoris and began to rub abstract shapes into it. Your back arched off the bed, your hair and boobs bounced with each thrust, his balls slapping against your ass. You were seeing white, your mouth wide open in a silent ‘o’. You were so close. So so close.
“Come, Yeo-chin,” he whispered against your temple, and though you weren’t technically his, the title sent you over the edge along with his fingers and the deep thrusts that hit your cervix.
“Oppa,” you groaned, your face screwed up.
That did it for Yoongi. His fingers on your clit stuttered along with his hips. His thrusts became erratic and he hit the sides of your walls. You squeezed around him as he over stimulated you through your orgasm.
“One more time… say it one more time,” he begged.
You complied, whispering it into his ear, it was cut slightly by a particularly pleasurable thrust. Yoongi felt pure euphoria fill his blood as his hips paused, then buried deep into your hole. Ropes of hot cum shot into you, filling you.
Yoongi panted heavily over you, his head resting on your shoulder as he struggled to keep himself up. You were breathing heavily as well, your nipples brushed against his chest. You were sensitive. You hissed.
“You can lay down,” the words had barely left your lips before he had let his weight settle on top of you. A smile crossed your face as his hands tangled in your hair and stroked it lightly. You wrapped him up in a hug, wanting him to stay like this for a while. It was nice to feel him so close.
After a couple of minutes of both of you just recovering and your breathing getting much harder, like a wrestler, you tapped Yoongi twice.
“I’m out,” you joked, “can’t breathe.”
With what looked like a lot of effort, he pushed himself up and off you, pulling out of your suddenly. The cum inside of your vagina gushed out.
You made a face as you felt it drip onto his sheets. Yoongi watched it ooze out of you, not really caring where it was going. He looked mesmerized. He reached out as if to swipe at the cum on your lower lips but you grabbed his wrist before he could.
“We talk now,” you sighed, a bit calmer than before but still a bit worried.
“Now?” He looked so vulnerable again, like he was a scared child. He lay on his side, resting his head on his elbow. He looked down at you, waiting for you to take the reins, the way you always did but this time, you didn’t know where to begin.
Yoongi cleared his throat looking around uncomfortably. When you said nothing, his mind had started to race.
“So… do you… want to be my girlfriend, or are we friends with benefits level right now? Ow!”
You’d smacked his shoulder, not hard at all but he was dramatic and you knew that. He frowned at you, his lips tempting you into another kiss that could lead to something more once again. You were already feeling a little turned on again just looking at the results of his recent gym trips.
“So no to yeo-chin then?”
“Don’t you mean Oppa?”
You smiled up at him, a teasing glint in your gaze, “I didn’t know you had an oppa kink. This whole time, I was right to refuse to call you oppa. I knew you looked way too happy whenever I called you that!”
Yoongi scrunched his nose and looked away, “I don’t! It’s just… when you say it.” He admitted waving a hand as if to bat away your inquisitive and teasing stare.
Not really knowing how to answer that, you chose instead to answer his previous question.
“Nam-chin,” you ran a finger down the center of his pecks, tracing all the light visible muscles that made you want to get off on just riding his chest. Yoongi tensed under your touch. He seemed frozen.
“Did you just call me nam-chin?” You, for once, were not embarrassed. You smiled brightly, happy that the title finally had a head to sit on.
“Is that okay?”
Yoongi pulled you close, his arms wrapped tightly around you, his heart beat erratically in his chest, singing to yours. To its credit, your heart synced and harmonized almost instantly. He smelled like pure sex and fresh water. He buried your face into his bare skin, listening to his song. After all these years, after all the tiptoeing and fear, you were finally where you belonged.
“Of course it is,” he paused, kissing the top of your head a couple of times, “yeo-chin.” This time, the word made a shiver roll down your spine. Arousal began to pool between your sticky thighs once more and if the third leg on your stomach was anything to go by, he was as well.
“Can- can we take a shower?” you asked him, biting your lips and pushing your chest against his suggestively.
He smirked, his mouth watered at the thought of taking you in the shower. He could almost hear your moans echoing in his wet room as he sat you down and ate you out until the water ran cold. Easy clean up even.
“Yes.” he breathed, connecting his lips to yours. You kissed for a while, your lips meshing together lovingly. Yoongi was a good kisser, you realized. He was a good lay as well. And he was cute to boot. Suddenly, he pulled away and picked you up bridal style and walked you to his restroom. He once again kicked the door open to avoid using his hands and walked you through, but this time instead of throwing you down, he set you on the toilet, him on his knees between your pushed open legs.
“I hope you don’t have any plans,” he said, kissing up your thighs and pulling you close to the edge, “because I have all the time in the world and I’m really, really thirsty.”
He ran two fingers over your abused center, collecting his cum and your new arousal. Sure, there were still a lot of things to talk about between you two. Yoongi still wasn’t sure if you fully understood the depth of his feelings nor was he sure if you simply liked him and the slip of the L-word was nothing more than that. A slip. But like he’d said, he had all the time in the world to ask and all the time to make sure he earned you and your trust. He would do anything he could to prove it and some day he would be.
But for now, he was royally fucked by the sinful sounds that escaped your pretty lips and he wanted nothing more than to just enjoy.
Masterlist -in case you want to read more....
I hope yall enjoyed it and that this is a good come back after our roast session from permission to dance:)
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anxiousstark · 4 years
The times you wanted to cry in front of JJ but held back, and the time you didn't | JJ MAYBANK
Warnings: Sad, angst, mentions of a loved one dying, physical and emotional abuse, anxiety. Kiara and Sarah were already friends. FLUFFLY AND HAPPY ENDING.
Word Count: 2648
All Rights Reserved. The author, me, don’t allow any type of copy or adaption.
If you guys see my works in other websites, let me know, please. I only have Tumblr.
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Laugher surrounded you. Normally, that would be something you loved, making you feel embraced by a peaceful environment. The Wreck was empty, except for the pogues enjoying a friendly night, full of laughter, delicious food, and kindness.
Usually, you cherished those nights. They would end with Kiara Carrera, Sarah Cameron, and you, Y/N Y/L/N dancing on top of a table while the three boys grinned, betting on who would slip first. But also, preparing to get into action, to avoid someone getting hurt.
Except that night wasn't like every night. Your hands shook a little, gripping your phone tightly. Your eyes moved along that sentence, over and over again, in case you read wrong.
'Grandma passed away.'
Your parents were harsh on you. Every Kook parent was harsh on their child. But your parents had an important role that they had to maintain, being the ones in charge of every Midsummer. They needed to keep up with their perfect image, which meant that you had to keep up with it too. Even if it was too much.
Your grandmas was an exception, a lovely one. She believed in love, actually falling in love. She didn't like it when parents tried to search the 'perfect one' for their children, that perfect one being someone full of shitty money. She believed in freedom. She was the only person you went to when you couldn't cope up with some situations. She was always there, arguing with your parents, and swearing to all the gods and goddesses that you wouldn't end up being a stuck Kook married with someone who loved your status, and not your persona.
But now, she wasn't there anymore. She was gone.
You wanted to cry, you wanted to sob violently, and be embraced by your friends. And even if things weren't going to be okay, you wanted to hear them whisper that to you. But you didn't.
When Kiara's dad entered The Wreck because he had forgotten his wallet, his eyes spotted you, offering a sad smile. "Hey, Y/N. I'm so sorry." He walked to you, embracing you for a couple of seconds. Someone had turned the music off, and every pogue's attention was on you. "Bless her. She was an amazing woman. I'm so sorry for your loss."
You bit your lower lip, hoping that if you bit down on it hard enough, it would stop shaking. "Thank you," You whispered, trying to maintain a tiny smile on your beautiful face.
"Your grandma," He continued. "Best woman I've known. If you need anything, you can always come here." He waved, exiting the restaurant.
All eyes were on you, but you didn't break down. No. You didn't. Teary eyes were nothing if you smiled like everything was okay. Everyone would believe you were okay, right?
"I'm so sorry for your loss." Kiara was the first one to break the silence, then all of the others gave you their blessings, asking if you were alright. Everyone knew how much you loved that woman. Everyone knew you would do the craziest things for her.
To all the questions, you smiled, nodding your head and assuring your friends that everything was just fine. "She is in a better place," No, that was a lie. There was no better place for her than next to you. The person who loved her the most.
Everyone would believe you were okay? No, JJ Maybank knew you like the back of his hand. But he didn't say anything, just rested his hand on your back, rubbing his thumb in circles, hoping to offer comfort. You, again, smiled.
That was the first time you wanted to cry in front of JJ but held back.
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Walking was hard, but you still tried to walk as you normally did. All pogues were to meet on the beach. It was the perfect day to get some amazing waves, to surf, to eat delicious and fresh food, to joke around, to make unforgettable memories.
You already had some unforgettable memories that day, but not the kind you wanted to remember, the kind you wanted to erase from your mind.
When you arrived at the beach everyone was there. The blonde boy waved at you, of course, waiting for you to go closer to them. When you did, they greeted you. It didn't matter how long you all knew each other, the excitement was always there.
It was a nice morning. Until it was time to go into the water, you didn't want to. That is why, you had left your surfboard at home, hiding in the corner of your room. But of course, you hadn't thought about how JJ always had a board prepared for if someone forgot theirs.
"I'm okay, really," Lying became easy as time went by. "I don't feel like getting into the water. That time of the month." You rested your hand on the lower part of your belly while lying again.
"But you love surfing," JJ stayed back for a couple of seconds while the others were already shouting happily, getting into the water, and splashing each other. John B grabbed Kiara, pulling her down while Pope told them not to play so roughly because someone would end up getting hurt. "You want me to stay with you?"
"No," You grinned. "Go into the ocean! That I'm not going to surf doesn't mean I don't want to see the coolest surfer in the Outer Banks."
He smirked, getting distracted from the previous conversation due to the flirty friendship you guys had. "I never knew you were THAT much in love with me. Do you have dirty dreams about me at night?" He licked his lower lip while grinning.
Your hand grabbed some sand, throwing it at him. "Go!"
He didn't go. He continued staring at you, deeply. "Are you sure you are okay?" You nodded your head which didn't convince him much. "You know that if you need to talk to someone, I'm here. We all are."
"JJ," You whispered. "I wouldn't lie to you. I'm okay. Just hate being a woman one time a month." You chuckled when he pulled a disgusted expression.
Looking at him run towards the others, the smile on your face vanished. Your tummy was full of red and purple marks, all given to you by your father. Rafe Cameron had given away to your parents that you considered yourself a pogue, escaping your house and meeting with the people you truly loved, and that loved you back. Your dad didn't like that, and everyone that knew him in a more personal way knew that he couldn't control his temper. He was the reason your brother abandoned the Outer Banks years ago.
You used to hate him for leaving you there with him. But now, you would stand in silence, receiving those punches if it meant that at the end of the day, you would be able to see your friends. To see JJ Maybank.
That was the second time you wanted to cry in front of JJ but held back.
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You tried not to play with the fork, knowing that it was bad manners and that you would get a kick from under the table by your mom. You were hungry but also tried not to eat much because there were visitors, and your mom tried to convince you that a woman should not eat much in front of a man they are trying to impress. Bullshit. But you had to do it if you wanted to go to sleep without any bruise.
You weren't trying to impress anyone. Your parents wanted to impress the Cameron family. Sarah and you didn't look at each other, knowing that Rafe would be asshole enough to reveal how both of you knew each other because you went out with the pogues. Even though, he had already revealed that information to your parents.
"You two look so lovely," Your mom grinned, while Rafe's father nodded his head. "I'm so glad both of you had decided to go out together!" What?
"What?" The mere question escaped from in between your lips. "I didn't-" You felt a kick under the table, you mom was glaring at you while your eyes got teary.
"Baby," She grinned wickedly. "Last night, you told me you had a big crush on Rafe. I know you are shy about these things, so I told him myself!"
"Woah," Rafe's dad intervened. Although, your eyes were on your mom, feeling completely disgusted by the lie she told. "It so amazing that you guys have such a close relationship."
No, you didn't. You guys didn't have a close relationship. You could never be close to someone who walked away when her husband beat the shit out of her own daughter.
They were arranging a relationship between Rafe Cameron and you. If your grandma was there, she wouldn't let that happen. But she wasn't which meant you were going to end up dating Rafe Cameron. Which meant you had to hide your feeling for JJ Maybank, again.
That night, JJ called your phone. He told you about how he had found this cute little puppy on the street, convincing John B to let him keep it. You almost cried while listening to his voice. Of course, you didn't.
That was the third time you wanted to cry in front of JJ but held back.
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A red velvet dress embraced your body, arms full of goosebumps. You weren't sure if those were because you were a little cold due to the chilly night or because of the situation. It was your birthday, and you wanted to celebrate it. You wanted to go out with the pogues, swim, dance, or even just not do anything but be with them. But of course, you weren't allowed to.
The situation was even more shitty. Your parents had taken your phone, not giving it back, claiming that now that you were with Rafe Cameron it was even more important to be far from 'those stupid non-deserving pogues'. It had been weeks since you saw or talked to them. They didn't know what was going on.
You had ignored Kiara when she saw you shopping with Sarah. The Cameron girl swore not to say a word, even though she believed that it would hurt them even more. You had pushed John B out of the way when he saw you the other day, walking with some other Kooks, something you would never do. You had insulted Pope when he stopped-by your house to deliver some things. And a couple of days ago, Rafe Cameron had kissed you on the lips when he saw that JJ Maybank was walking to you, worriedly because you had been missing from all the pogues meeting.
So now, you were in the middle of Midsummer's party, eyes lost. The pogues probably hated you, not understanding your change of behavior. The hand that was resting on your lower back wasn't the one you wanted. And the eyes of your parents burned holes on the back of your head. Midsummer's were more important than your birthday. Not even your parent had wished you a happy birthday. Not Rafe Cameron, even though you didn't need anything from him. Not the pogues, and they had a valid reason not to. Multiple reasons not to.
Sarah did, but because she knew what was going on.
Kiara avoided you all night, not even daring to glance at you. Pope was helping his father serve food, and even when he went near you, offering food or drinks, he didn't look up to meet your eyes.
You didn't expect John B and JJ to appear at the Midsummer party. JJ's face was bruised, and your heart ached because you were always the first one to know about those things, but this time you weren't. The guards were already prepared to kick both boys out of the party.
Sarah and Kiara looked at each other, running toward both boys, hugging them closely. You couldn't help but smile a little when you saw the happiness on their faces. Especially, on JJ Maybank.
Pope glanced at his father, apologizing, and following his friends. All of them ready to leave.
Your grin vanished. Gaze focused on the floor. "I will be back. I need to retouch my makeup." You told Rafe, moving his hand away from your waist. You needed to go to the bathroom. You couldn't hold back the tears anymore. A hand grabbed your wrist, and it seemed like the music was lower, whispers louder. "Rafe, I really need to go to the bathro-."
Not Rafe Cameron, but JJ Maybank.
"Come," He swallowed hard. Your tongue came out of your mouth, licking your lips, even though it didn't work because your mouth was totally dry. "Come back to us." You heard Rafe call your name, and telling JJ to step away from you. "Come back to me, please." You couldn't hide his teary eyes, and neither could you.
"Y/N Y/L/N," Your dad. You flinched when hearing his voice. You avoided JJ's gaze. "Get away from him."
You clutched JJ's hand, lessening his grip on you. Turning around, taking a step to go back to where your parents were looking at you angrily.
"We came for you," His voice made you stop. "We came for you because Sarah told us this morning what was going on. You don't have to do this anymore. No one will do anything to you. You can come back to us. We want you back."
Your father grabbed his keys, knowing that was a warning. It wouldn't be the first time he punched you with those keys between his knuckles to make more damage. "I-I don't want to go back. I'm okay, JJ."
You heard him walk away from you, again. Your back still to him. A shiver ran through your body while staring at your parents. Your dad was smiling victoriously. You shook your head. Now, he was screaming your name. But you were too busy running toward your friends, who turned around. All of them had teary eyes because they thought they lost you.
Kiara was the first one to see you, smiling. Tears wetting her cheeks. Her hand rested on JJ's shoulder, he confused looked at her, then followed her gaze to look at you. Your face was wet, some makeup running down your cheeks. But you looked beautiful. You looked beautiful because you were running back to his arms. When he had you between his arms, he could feel the violent sobs shaking your entire body.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He cried. "You didn't have to be strong. You didn't have to be strong alone. You had us." He whispered. "You have us."
"I'm sorry." You wanted to say so many things, but those were the most important ones. You needed to apologize. Eyes closed while sobbing hysterically.
"Let me see your face," JJ was also crying. He tried to move you apart from his body so he could see your face, but you tightened your arms around him, even your legs. His hands grabbed your butt, keeping your legs around his waist, supporting you. "Let me see your face because I want to kiss you so bad."
And he did. JJ Maybank kissed you like this was a film or a book. He let his lips command yours, and he couldn't hold back when his tongue desperately needed to touch yours. "I love you. It's always been you." You let him know when both of you needed to breathe.
"I love you too," He happily cried. "I'm so in love with you."
The Pogues went close to both of you, gripping their arms around you. Sobbing. Crying. Weeping.
That was the time you wanted to cry in front of JJ, and you did.
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half-blood-goods · 3 years
Luca Live Reactions
I woefully avoided every trailer so far, so I know nothing
I'm really digging the art style, not gonna lie
The Mona Lisa joke caught me off guard
This family dynamic is really familiar NGL
Slight "The Little Mermaid" vibes
Dude those backgrounds look so realistic it's incredible
Look at those pebbles
I really dig this picking up a human form in the air stuff. Like, that's a sick defense mechanism
My boy just wants to see the world. Good for him!
This "I have to go now" and yet sticking around for another hour stuff is familiar
Point for grandma for being the cool parent
This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship
I think I found the quote of the movie
And now the Lion King flashbacks
The animation is still incredible
I do not like the creepy uncle, thank you
Jesus Christ, that was brutal
Of course, send the kid away instead of trying to talk out the problem, 10/10 parenting
Holy shit this movie looks so good
Who's this fuckboy
You know, the sea is right there. You could just throw the guy in and everything would be better
Oh I like this girl already
Yes, let out all the rage little girl
It took 35 minutes for the first pasta joke, I'm kinda impressed
This is the dad from Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, but with hair...and I'm here for it
Ah yes, the classic Judging Cat look
Dude that pasta looks so fucking good, I need it
A nice relaxing fishing trip
Oh good this fuckface again
Woah, Mama is a rough player
Oh so she not only wants to squash the fuckface, but also wants to prove herself. You go girl
Man I love daydream sequences
Protect this child at all cost
I'm getting real tired of this fucker
Oooh nice, montage time
Someone's getting jealous
Do it Luca, stand up for yourself!
Oh....this won't end well
Bitch, stop this right now
*gasp* B E T R A Y A L
Oh no....
It wouldn't be a Pixar movie without the taste of my tears
Are you kidding me
One stab wound wasn't enough, huh?
Let's fucking go, climax time guys
This granny is probably the most underrated character of the movie
Aww, how sweet
Heck yeah, follow your dreams little buddy
Oh no, the tears are back
Oooh here comes one of the best parts of Pixar, the credit scenes
*gasp* Doggie!
*gasp* Kitties!
This song is really good
Words cannot express how much I loved this movie
I mean, it doesn't beat Coco, but I really really enjoyed it
10/10 Movie
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seraphofthesimps · 3 years
idk what's funnier the gif on that reblog or the fact that he takes me to IHOP lmfao
I think my new sleep/work schedule put me in a slandering mood. Right after I did it I started naming all the failed anniversary dinners they go on. Im taking this ask as my call out to share.
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TR Men and Anniversary Fails
TW: Slander. None of them are safe. Not even my faves. Suggestive content in a few of them. 
Featuring Baji, Takemichi, Pah, Peh, Sanzu, & Kokonoi
Inspired by this convo
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♡ BAJI - Baji takes you to his Grandma's. You thought it was a cute gesture, even if it was out of the ordinary, because it's the kind of thing someone might  do if they were going to propose. An intimate setting with just those loved ones closest to you. But no. It's because he wants his fave dish from her; it has absolutely nothing to do with you. You are a tag along in this event. It's just Baji, his Granmammy or whatever tf he calls her, and his tummy. She guilts the two of you into coming over for dinner every weekend for the next 2 months. RIP to  Baji getting laid on Sundays for the time being.
♡ TAKEMICHI - He’s dressing up pretty decent, packing on the cologne, hair holding more gel than an aloe vera plant.. because tonight he’s taking you out for a Seafood dinner. The fast food kind, like Captain D’s or something. Yall ate inside too. “They have a new kind of shrimp and we can get those stuffed crab shells too!” That man really thought this was enough to earn him the right to come home and eat you out, while he’s smelling like lemon and Old Bay. 
♡ PAH-CHIN - His had you fooled. He sounded so romantic and thoughtful, noticing how stressed you have been from work lately. He promises to take you out for some real relaxation, says he made you a couples massage appointment at this favorite spot. You realize your first mistake was trusting Pah knew anything about romance. The couples massage is a misleading chair massage in the mall. The ones with like 10 other people getting massages too in the same big room. The ones where you’re sitting up, stay clothed, and there’s bright lights and nosey onlookers through the big glass storefront window. Not at all the spa appointment he mislead you to dream of.
♡ PEH-YAN - Peh does the same thing, unintentionally, after zoning out while talking to Pah about his failed date. Except Peh opts for the automatic massage chairs dead in the middle of the mall. The ones you feed a $5 bill/note/whatever into for 5 minutes of vibrations against your back. The shit eating grin on his face he’s sending your way pisses you off, but not half as bad as the way he lets his jaw drop open and loudly let out a “Ahhhh, thiiiiiiiis iiiii-iissss-sssss grrr-eee-aattt, riiiiiighttt baaaa-bbbeee” to the beat of the vibrations. At least he gets you dinner afterwards. Too bad it’s a double date with Pah and his wife though. Somewhere in life he missed the memo about anniversaries usually being intimate, between two people in love. It’s basically a birthday outing to this man.
♡ SANZU - Listennnnn. That man is loyal af.. to Mikey. He loves you but he is a SLUT babe. It helps that you like to have fun with him though, never letting him get too bored in the mundane life of monogamy. This is what helps makes your relationship work so well. Keeps those slut tendencies in check. So when he says he’s finally taking you to a night on the town with him, ringing in midnight at a Strip Club like you have always wanted to do, you are beyond excited. This is a chance to bond, but make it sexy, you thought. Until Sanzu pulled up to the rundown, generic club that has a parking lot big enough for maybe 5 cars. Inside theres two stage girls, spending most of their attention on the only other patrons in the facility - 4 men older enough to be your grandparents. Your sleaze ball of a boyfriend didn't want to risk spoiling his fun at his regular classy joint, so he figured you would be too naive to realize he took you to the wrong place. Tried to make up for it  To make matters worse, he only bought you bottom shelf liquor all night. And now he won’t stop joking with you about having a threesome with Tiffany from stage left as a way to strengthen your relationship.
♡ KOKONOI - Poor Kokonoi. He planned a vacation, a romantic getaway for just the two of you. He planned everything perfect, exactly how you would have dreamed of. There was just one fatal flaw... he couldn’t take time off, leaving him no choice but to suggest Mikey come too. He thought he could tempt Mikey with a little R&R of his own and just meet up with him a few times here and there to get some of their work done. Mikey though it was a great idea. So good in fact that he invited the rest of Bonten and insisted they all join in on the celebration of young love with you. Alone time between the two of you was practically none existent, and he spent so much on that trip 😓 and he had the nerve to ask for a blowie in the bathroom of your own hotel room because he didnt want to tell the Haitani’s drunk asses to go pass out in their own rooms. He got the blowie but you’re still bitter.
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yslkook · 4 years
#by the books (5)
#corporate masterlist
summary: seokjin helps you come to several epiphanies. you wrestle with your growing fondness with jungkook, while determining how to talk to him. word count: 5570 warnings: cursing, parental death, discussion of mental health, some alc a/n: this is part 2/3 of being in tokyo!
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Seokjin knows something is wrong when you don’t respond to his texts for over fourteen hours. It’s well into Sunday morning, closer to the afternoon, when he makes the executive decision to camp out outside your hotel room until you let him in. He knows you’ve been on your phone- you’ve been on Instagram. You’re just avoiding him, and probably the rest of the world. As you usually tend to do, when you’re upset.
You don’t know what to do. You’ve never yelled at someone the way you yelled at Jungkook last night, much less literally ran away from someone like that. Embarrassment colors your memories, internally cringing when you replay the night’s events in your mind. It plays like a movie, the same moment mocking you incessantly. Jungkook’s heartbroken, doe eyes haunt you- you’ve barely been able to sleep because you’ve struggled coming to terms with the fact that you put that look on his face.
The reflection in your mirror disgusts you. And yet, you still do nothing about it, burying yourself under the duvet and ignoring anything that wasn’t sleep. It’s easier that way.
Your phone rings again- it’s Jin. You ignore his call. That’s your first mistake. He nearly screeches your name outside the door to your hotel room, menacingly knocking on your door. He’s clearly on a mission to piss off everyone who had the bad luck to be staying in the hotel rooms adjacent to you.
“I’m sleeping,” You shout easily, your voice muffled from the comforter.
“Open the damn door,” Jin demands and you groan. He won’t stop until you let him in, much to your chagrin. You just want to wallow in your self-pity for a bit, is that too much to ask for?
So you finally force yourself out of the bed and drag your feet to the door. “You look like fuckin’ shit,” Jin remarks, taking in your bleary eyes and the permanent frown on your face.
“Thanks, Seokjin. Just what every girl wants to hear,” You mutter and burrow yourself in bed once more. Without a moment’s hesitation, he gets under the covers next to you, curling into your side. Like he’s done a million times before.
“Leave me alone, Jin,” You mumble, without any real heat in your voice, “Yuna wouldn’t like this. Your girlfriend wouldn’t like you to be in bed with another girl-”
“Shut up, stupid. You’re not just another girl,” Jin dismisses you, only tightening his hold around your waist.
“Go away,” You try again, rather weakly. Instead, you let your hand sit on top of his. You both lay together in silence like that for a while. His presence always calms you down, brings you back up a few notches.
“I did something awful last night,” You finally say, voice hoarse from disuse.
“What did you do?”
You take a deep, shuddering breath. “I yelled at Jungkook in front of my favorite ice cream shop… and then ran away from him.”
“What did you yell at him for?”
You tell him- you tell him how he told you he couldn’t keep up with you, how he called you his dream girl, how you screamed at him that your dad died and that you dropped out of school because you couldn’t handle it, how just seeing Jungkook reminded you of when you were happier.
“I’m such a fuckin’ idiot, Jin,” You mutter, pressing your face further into your pillow, “A-and how can he say I was his dream girl, I’m just such an-”
“Shh,” Jin says, muffling your mouth with his hand. Once you stop your self-deprecating train of thought, he pulls his hand away. Jin lays with you in silence once more, only running a hand over your upper arm to soothe you.
“Let’s go get lunch,” Jin suggests and he already hears the protest about to erupt from your lips, “You look like shit and I know you haven’t eaten. Go shower and wear something new. I’ll wait.”
You groan before forcing yourself out of the bed and dragging your feet into the bathroom. Jin rolls his eyes when you shoot a death glare in his direction. Jin was right- the hot water against your skin was soothing. You welcomed the stinging of the water as it pelted your skin with open arms. Feeling a little better coming out of the shower than you did going into the shower, you change into day clothes.
“Lookin’ better already,” Jin says, pulling you into a side hug.
Why is Jin friends with you, when you can’t stand yourself some days? You don’t know what he sees in you. Not when you seem to hurt everyone around you, so selfishly, as if it’s second nature.
But he keeps you close to him, his arm tight around your shoulder and those thoughts don’t throb in your mind as much as they usually do.
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Jin sits across from you in a small, quiet ramen shop. You’re in a corner, away from most of the other patrons. There’s only four other people here, including the waitress. Jin says nothing about your outburst at Jungkook from the night before, only noisily slurping his ramen and then screeching with he bites his lip accidentally.
“You eat too fast,” You admonish, shaking your head when he rubs his bottom lip gingerly. Jin immediately takes his phone out to take a selfie and sends it to Yuna, claiming that he needs a kiss to make it better. You roll your eyes fondly and smile at him.
Puppy love is cute on him.
“So,” Jin finally says and your heart races. His tone has instantly shifted to a little more quiet, a little more serious.
“What do I do, Jin?” You whisper, shoulders slumping and avoiding his eyes, “He didn’t know. The kid didn’t know why I left, that Appa died- a-and I don’t know why he’s so hung up over it either. ‘Snot like we were friends like that back then anyway… God, Jin, you should’ve seen the look on his face before I ran away, like a fuckin’ coward.”
You hold your head in your hands above your half finished bowl of ramen and groan. “What a mess. I’m a fuckin’ mess.”
“Jungkook considered you friends back then,” Jin says slowly, “As far as I know, at least. I mean, I remember him being excited to see you every week for those mentor mentee sessions. And how grateful he was when you pulled him away from mean girls. He’s sensitive, you remember at least that much, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” You laugh despite your misery, “Used to call him Bambi back in the day. He’d get so flustered. But… I just- like, I told him it hurt too much to even look at him. Because he reminded me of when I was happy. Who fuckin’ does that?”
“But are you happy now?” Jin asks bluntly, slurping another mouthful of noodles.
“I don’t… know,” You murmur, “I think I can be.”
“Happy isn’t a constant thing. You won’t be happy all the time, the same way you won’t be sad all the time. But the last few years have been so hard. Let yourself be happy, sweetheart,” Jin says, reaching over to squeeze your hand, “Happy back then doesn’t have to be the same as happy now.”
“How do I just be happy?” You wonder out loud, making a mental note to talk to your therapist about this.
“I don’t know, but for starters, talk to Jungkook. He considered you both friends. You hurt his feelings when you left without a word. And he’s hurt now. And… I know you spent a long time blocking out the last few years, blocking out all of the bad. But there was some good, too.”
“Can’t believe he called me his dream girl. What does he know?” You grumble, crossing your arms over your chest but you feel a little lighter.
“You gonna tell me you didn’t like that?” Jin asks smugly.
“I didn’t!” You protest unconvincingly. Jin says nothing, only eyeing you with a knowing smile.
“You’re fooling no one. Eat your ramen, stupid.”
And so you do, the spicy broth curling in your belly as if it’s your home.
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It feels like it’s been too long since you had spoken to Grandma, so you call her the minute you and Jin part ways. You tell her about the events of the past few days- how you had met up with friends you hadn’t seen in years. And how you had screamed at Jungkook undeservedly-
“I miss Appa,” You mumble, eyes watering, “He would be so upset with me. For the way I’ve been acting. Like he never existed, never talking about him…”
“He’d just want you to be happy, honey,” Grandma says kindly, “And to forgive yourself. To allow yourself to love and be loved.”
And then you cry some more. Grandma does, too.
Later, when you drive Jin, Jimin and Hoseok to the airport, all three of them wrap you up in tight hugs. As if you wouldn’t be in the same city as them in less than 48 hours. You promise to keep in touch with Jimin and Hoseok. Maybe they believe you, because they both hug you again with bright smiles.
Today’s the day. It’s the day that the Seoul team meets the Tokyo team face to face for the first time. Excitement brims in your blood- you’re certain that you have a lot to learn from this team. They’ve been a part of more submissions than your smaller team had been, and it had been a big surprise that Namjoon was named as the main lead of the project. But he was more than capable, as he had shown in the last few months.
The Tokyo team consists of Lisa, Irene, Minhyuk and they’re led by Mark. Mark, who you’ve known for about as long as you’ve been with the company. He had started with you in Seoul, in the same position and had quickly moved up in the ladder. Which seems to be the case for a lot of people, namely men, around you. He had actually beat you out for the job that he currently had. It had left a sour taste in your mouth for a long time- what did he have that you didn’t? But slowly, with time, you had gotten over it. After all, the job was in Tokyo, and you don’t think you were ready for that kind of move at the time. Everything happens for a reason, or so they say.
The company office in Tokyo is a little older than the one in Seoul- after all, the Seoul office had been recently renovated. If there was a word to describe the Seoul office, it was sleek and modern. You quite liked it.
Minhyuk had picked you, Jungkook, Sana and Namjoon up in the lobby to take you to the conference room that you would be working in. He’s a chatterbox, telling you about the history of the building, how long he’s been with the company and how grateful he is to be part of this team.
Jungkook tunes him out, nodding when needed and asking questions when appropriate. He casts his eyes over to you despite himself. You had put on a little more makeup today than usual, trying to conceal the puffiness of your eyes. Not that Jungkook could tell. He thinks you’re pretty. And the way you chew on your glossy bottom lip as you listen to Minhyuk- he thinks you’re cute, too.
You’re hyper aware of Jungkook’s presence next to you as you walk through the hallways and finally reach the conference room. He sits across from you, and for the first time since Saturday night, you allow yourself the luxury of looking at him. Despite a room full of new faces, the only person you want to look at is him. His dark hair is softly tousled over his forehead, barely there dimples dotted in his cheeks when he smiles at his new team members.
His gaze is transfixed on Mark and Namjoon, as they introduce themselves formally to each other and the rest of the team respectively. Mark’s eyes brighten when he sees you, but he keeps it professional, only shaking your hand with a smile that borders on a smirk.
Irene and Lisa eye you almost warily, until you introduce yourself to them with a warm handshake and a warm smile. You’ve been told you have an intimidating persona when people first meet you- in fact, your boss is the one who always tells you to smile more. What a jerk.
Mark and Namjoon both present on the mission and the objectives of the submission, and then what each individual team will be responsible for. You take a sip of your coffee, and cast your eyes around the room. Irene, Lisa, Sana and Minhyuk are intently listening to Mark and Namjoon and taking notes. While you’re staring at Jungkook.
And he’s staring back at you.
You pull your eyes away first, heart doing almost painful somersaults in your chest. You don’t mind being caught at staring at him, but you just feel like there is so much you need to say to him.
Like apologize. You need to apologize for unloading and dumping on him when he didn’t ask for it. But then, his smile fades and his doe eyes are sad. Because of you. It’s all because of you.
You and Namjoon present your slides for your team’s plan going forward, with details on the timelines and deliverables. Jungkook and Sana will be working on the logistics piece to organize another face-to-face workshop, and for the next one, the Tokyo team will come to Seoul.
Despite the heat of Jungkook’s gaze on you, you speak clearly and confidently. Jungkook loves the sound of your voice, the way it floats out into the room and wraps itself around him comfortingly.
Even when you had yelled at him outside of the ice cream shop, about how your Appa had died, about dropping out of school, and about how seeing him reminded you of when you were happy… Even then, he could never wince at the sound of your voice.
Jungkook was pissed that nobody had told him- that he had gone this long thinking so selfishly about you. He could have never have fathomed the gravity of your circumstance. He had yelled at Jimin the next day, but Jimin had only yelled back at him-
“She dropped off the face of the earth! She wanted nothing to do with us and it was her thing to tell!”
“So she was all alone that whole time? Because you all thought it was her thing to tell?”
“Don’t act like you’re better than all of us just because you didn’t know! You and I didn’t reconnect until recently, how was I supposed to tell you? And we tried to reach out to her. She shut us out, literally. What could we do if she ignored us for five fuckin’ years?”
You were alone. With your Grandma and with Seokjin. But still, alone, and possibly thinking that nobody was checking on you. Even if there is truth to Jimin’s words, Jungkook can’t help but feel like he’s too late. If he had known…. Well, what would he have done?
This crush of his feels more and more childish as days go by. And yet, when you look at him, the way you’re looking at him now. With softness lined in your irises, he can’t help it.
He can’t help but look back at you. Maybe you can see his apology in his face.
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“Hi,” A voice comes from your left side. You’re at the coffee bar, refilling your second cup of coffee before noon. His voice is reserved, almost shy. Your heart seizes up immediately at the sound of it.
“Morning, Jungkook,” You say breathlessly, grateful for the coffee cup in your hand for something to hold on to. To channel your nervous energy into.
“Morning,” Jungkook says softly, “Can I talk to you later? Maybe after the happy hour?” He asks, hope shining in his voice and sparkling in his eyes.
No- it was supposed to be you who would reach out to apologize. After all, you were the one who had screamed in his face and ran away. He’s probably only reaching out out of pity, you think cynically. Nevertheless, it throws you off.
And apparently, since you’re the keeper of bad decisions, your response to him is predictable. Despite every synapse in your heart screaming at you to say something else.
“Uh. I don’t think I’m going to the happy hour. I’m not really feeling great,” The lie blooms from your painted lips easily. His face falls and you pretend like your heart doesn’t ache over his doe eyes.
“Oh, okay. Feel better,” Jungkook says and you give him a barely there smile, passing him to head back in the conference room.
A headache is beginning to brew in the back of your head. It’s the last thing you need.
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Why does it bother you that Jungkook had been the one to reach out to you first, rather than the other way around? After all, you were the one who caused a scene. What reason does he have to want to talk to you? If anything, you’re the one who needs to apologize, right?
You stare at the shifting trees in front of you, hoping that if you stare hard enough, the leaves will whisper an answer to you.
Maybe you’re just overthinking it. Maybe he just is that good, to want to speak to you just because.
You’ve been sitting here, at Appa’s park, for the better part of an hour. You’re hoping for an epiphany, or some type of sign. It feels strange that Jungkook is weighing so heavily on your mind. You’re not used to this feeling.
A whistle of wind rustles through the collar of your thin jacket, curling around you in comfort. With a loud exhale, you stand up from your bench.
“Oh, fine. I’ll go to the stupid happy hour,” You scoff into the sky. As if the sky can hear your complaining. And so you turn on your heel and leave the park, begrudgingly making your way to the happy hour venue.
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Usually, showing up to work events like this alone was a breeze. It was easy for you to think about these things as just being something to check off in your list of things to do for the day. You stayed to say your hellos and made some small talk before leaving, all within an hour.
But today feels different. Your carefully put together nerves are beginning to fray at the seams. You take a deep breath before swinging the door open to enter the bar. Namjoon and Mark had rented out a corner of the bar for your teams to have your own space. High tables of appetizers and drinks surrounded the bustling voices of your teammates.
Your hands are inadvertently balled into tense fists. This place is littered with people and still, you feel so alone. You wish Jin was here. You wish Jin was here.
Jungkook sees the crown of your head the minute you walk into the bar, even with the dimmed lighting. He had been sulking before, barely interested in the conversation that he had forced himself into under the pretense of ‘networking’. Not that anyone would be able to tell- Jungkook has mastered the art of making it seem like he was present. He would never jeopardize an invaluable opportunity like this, and he’s never been one to allow others to surpass him in settings like this. He knows what the stakes are. But he’s become adept in the art of multitasking.
Your lips are pursed, eyes darting across each side of the room. It feels overwhelming, like too much. Maybe you shouldn’t have come…
You cross your arms and dig your nails into your cloth covered bicep nervously. Before you can calm the thudding of your heart in your ears, you turn your head and see Jungkook walking towards you with a smile.
You can’t help but smile back.
“Jungkook,” You exhale, “Hi.”
“You came,” Jungkook says, eyes crinkling at the sight of you. Has he always had those deep laugh lines around his eyes when he smiled? For a second, you’re breathless but you break his gaze, not wanting to let your eyes linger over the rest of him for too long. At the risk that you’ll be sucked into his warm, brown whirlpools.
“Yeah,” You say faintly. Jungkook can sense your nervousness- you can’t help your eyes darting around you at the number of people surrounding you.
“Wanna get a drink with me?” Jungkook asks, gesturing towards the bar with a flick of his fingers.
“Really? You wanna get a drink with me?” You ask incredulously, with a raise of your eyebrow. How could he possibly want to spend time with you, when you had treated him the way you had?
“It’s on Namjoon and Mark’s company card,” Jungkook shrugs and you laugh. He leads you towards the bar. There are a few people seated at the navy blue leather bar stools surrounding the bar, a few of them eyeing Jungkook curiously. It doesn’t surprise you- he looks good in a form fitting black turtleneck and black slacks. Rings adorn his fingers and small hoops sit in his earlobes, a soft smile peeling across his face when he looks at you.
Yeah. You’d stare at him, too. If you didn’t have the fortune to know him.
“What can I get you?” Jungkook asks, relaxing with his elbow on the bar top.
“You mean what can Namjoon and Mark get us?” You say, pulling a laugh from him. Your heart sings at the sweet sound. “Hmm… I’ll have wine, I guess.”
“Red or white?”
“Are you asking me or telling me?” Jungkook teases and your cheeks heat up.
“Telling you! I’ll have a… chardonnay,” You reply, turning your head towards the bar so he can’t see how flustered you are. But he does, and he pockets the information for later.
Once Jungkook orders two glasses of chardonnay for both of you and you’re both holding the wine glasses in your hands, you gently clink your glass with him. It makes you a little nervous, how easily you find yourself talking to him. How comfortable you feel around him, as if you were old friends. As if you hadn’t been so mean to him only the night before.
You don’t know him well. But you remember that he’s always had a big heart, offering his forgiveness to those who didn’t deserve it. Would you ruin him? But maybe a little selfishly, you want to chase this feeling.
“I went to this park earlier,” You murmur, swirling your wine in your glass, “It’s really pretty and quiet. I used to go there all the time when I was younger.”
“You’ve been to Tokyo before?” Jungkook asks.
“Yeah,” You nod, “I used to come here a lot when I was a kid and spend summers here with Appa. Sometimes Grandma, too. Appa taught me Japanese from when I was really young, it’s probably why I’m even on this team…”
“That’s not true, you’re on this team because you’re really smart and good at what you do! And I know Namjoon values your opinion a lot-” Jungkook protests, an annoyed furrow in his brow. Is that really what you think of yourself?
You laugh and give him a grateful smile. With a breath of seemingly transient courage, you part your lips- “Jungkook,” Your voice is soft and small and nothing like what he’s used to, “I want to-”
And then you’re both interrupted by both Sana and Namjoon slinging their arms around your shoulders. Jungkook gives you a reassuring smile, a promise that you’ll talk later. You wonder if you’ll lose your courage by then.
Namjoon pulls you away from Jungkook and Sana, introducing you to some people that you’ve never met. You recognize them as higher ups, Hyo-Jin, the head of submissions for all of Asia and Hae-ri, the head of business development. The realization makes you take a few generous sips of your wine and straighten your back.
You can hear Jin’s voice in your head, telling you to make a good impression. Namjoon easily pulls you into the conversation, giving you plenty of opportunity to insert yourself in-
“She’s my right hand woman, though I don’t think even that is a good enough term to tell you what she is to me,” Namjoon says. Compliments like that always fluster you, and this time is no different.
“Namjoon speaks too highly of me,” You brush him off, “I’m just glad I have this opportunity, I mean being on the submissions team has always been one of my favorite parts of the job.”
“Oh? Do you see a future for yourself in submissions?” Hyo-Jin asks curiously, with a quirk of an elegant eyebrow. She’s a no nonsense woman, you can tell just from the five minutes you’ve had with her.
“I definitely want to lead submissions teams one day. I mean, Namjoon is a great teacher,” You grin, elbowing him, “But even more than that… I’d like to oversee an entire product line end to end later down the line. And I think it’s important to invest in our young talent, too-”
“Young talent? As in people development?” Hyo-Jin asks.
“Yeah, I mean they’re our future leaders, aren’t they? It’s important that they have the tools to succeed now and beyond,” You say vehemently.
Hyo-Jin says nothing, only nodding and taking a sip of her drink. “And you? Do you have the tools to succeed now and beyond as a future leader?”
The question makes you stumble. Do you throw your boss under the bus? But you’ve never been a liar, and you sure as hell won’t start now.
“No,” You say bluntly, “I’ve learned so much with Namjoon and being part of this team. And in general being part of regulatory and submissions projects. But I don’t think my skill set is being effectively used in my current role. If you want an honest answer.”
You can practically hear Jin scolding you from far away. But you won’t build a professional relationship on a fallacy. To your surprise, Hyo-Jin smiles.
“That’s refreshing,” She says, her painted lips splitting into a smile.
“What is?” You ask, feeling rather stupid.
“Your honesty,” Hae-ri chimes in, “People aren’t always honest with us, because of our titles. Like they have something to prove.”
“Yeah, well, maybe people are rightfully more concerned about making a good first impression than I am,” You joke, gripping the handle of your wine glass tighter. Hyo-Jin and Hae-ri both laugh with you, telling you to put time on their calendars to meet with them virtually when you go back to South Korea after the trip. With that, they both slip away from you, making sure you know that they appreciated your presence. And then you let out a breath.
“Holy shit. I fucked that up,” You mutter, “My boss is going to kill me, Joon. What the hell is wrong with me-”
“Relax,” Namjoon says easily, his dimples on display, “They loved you. Trust me, they loved you. They already knew who you were, you know.”
“What? How could they possibly know who I was?” You gasp incredulously, “I’m a nobody!”
“Seokjin’s right. For someone so smart, you’re dumb-”
“Hey! That’s unprofessional of you,” You say, but a smile threatens your lips.
“They never tell anyone to put time on their calendars unless they like them. So just trust me. And this submission has the eyes of all of the higher ups. Our good work doesn’t go unnoticed.”
“I just,” You sigh, “I’m used to it going unnoticed. So I guess… Thank you. For your leadership, your guidance… and your friendship.”
He smiles at you brightly and clinks his glass with you. “C’mon, let’s go find Mark.”
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Jungkook can’t help but cast his eyes in your direction every so often. He knew, he knew you were about to say something poignant at the bar. All of the signs were there- your serious eyes, the way you forced yourself to look him in the face, the barely there nervousness that he could taste.
It seems that everyone suddenly wants a piece of you- you flit around with Namjoon, taking it all in as he introduces you to people. Jungkook is beyond happy for you, that you’re finally getting the recognition you deserve from the company.
But still, he can’t help but crave just a minute alone with you. Especially when he sees Mark’s face light up at the sight of you, pulling you into a too-friendly hug. And you don’t even realize it, it seems. Only offering him a smile in return, surprise coloring your face when he hugs you so tightly.
Jungkook tries his best to stay present in the conversation he’s in, with Sana and a few other members of the Tokyo team. But he has such a nice view of you that he can’t help his eyes drifting every so often. He can’t help noticing the way your pink pants sit on your hips, and the way your black blouse is tucked into them. More than that though, he can’t help noticing Mark noticing.
Do you know? That Mark sees you in that light? He’s so obvious about it, and yet. It seems like you’re oblivious.
Namjoon eventually excuses himself from both of you, claiming that he can hear Sana calling for him. You think nothing of it, shrugging and continuing your conversation with Mark.
“Hey, you did great today,” Mark compliments, stepping just a hair closer to you.
“Oh! Thanks, I know,” You wink at him, “I have a great team, I mean it.”
“Well,” Mark says, taking a sip of his soju, “You’re pretty great, too.”
“Oh, stop,” You wave him off with a roll of your eyes, “You don’t need to butter me up, Mark. Save it.”
“C’mon, you know I mean it. We’ve been through a lot, you and I,” Mark says with a crooked sort of grin. You understand why people fawn over him, that smile could get anyone to do anything but you roll your eyes.
“Have we, Mark?” You ask dryly.
“We go way back,” He says self-assuredly, almost cockily.
“No, we don’t,” You mumble under your breath, and he hears you. You subtly take a step back from him, turning on your side. Only to find Jungkook already looking at you.
“You wound me,” Mark murmurs, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. You roll your eyes, but still give him the same grin. It’s polite, nothing more, nothing less.  
The way Mark looks at you teeters on the edge of something more than friendly professionalism. It’s clear that you both have known each other for a while. Maybe through work? Maybe something else? It bothers Jungkook, and he knows it shouldn’t. Especially when Mark leaves you for a minute, only to return with a refill of your wine.
An irritating ember settles in the pit of Jungkook’s stomach. Perhaps he has an ulcer, he thinks dryly.
Mark has your phone number, from other projects you’ve worked with him on. He does text you every so often, maybe once every few months. You’ve never thought much of it, only responding to him out of obligation since he is your colleague and technically your superior. You don’t think it’s malicious- he’s always been a charmer. Even when you first met him when you first started at the company.
By the time you manage to shake yourself of Mark, Jungkook has disappeared. How long has it been since you’ve been here? You look outside of the windows quickly, taking in the darkness of the sky and the moon hanging from it.
“Hey, you ready to head back to the hotel?” Namjoon asks, Sana already in her coat next to him.
“Yeah, where’s Jungkook?” You ask, craning your neck to see the top of his fluffy hair.
“He left a bit ago. Said he wasn’t feeling well,” Sana says, fastening the buttons on her coat. The bitter pill of regret settles in your belly. How ironic that he had left happy hour saying he wasn’t feeling well, when that had been your excuse to not attend.
So still, even when you are in your hotel room after the happy hour, changed in your pajamas and about to watch a show to end your night, you think nothing of it when Mark texts you later that night:
Mark: it was good to see you tn :)
Despite Mark’s name lighting up your phone, you feel an ache in your heart. Over the fact that you hadn’t had the chance to speak to Jungkook. He’s somewhere in this hotel, and you could, you really could just ask Namjoon his room number and talk to him. But the bolt of courage from earlier seems to have fizzled out long ago.
So you text Mark back instead. Thinking nothing of it.
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83 notes · View notes
jobean12-blog · 4 years
Top Shelf: Chapter 14- On the same Page
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (bookshop/bartender/baking AU)
Word Count: 2,215
Summary: You two do your best to recover after your meeting with Tony and decide it’s finally time to talk to Grandma Betty. 
Author’s Note: Thank you for sticking with me through this story, it means everything. And I know I say it every chapter but I can’t thank you enough. I hope you enjoy this one and again, thank you all, so very much for reading! I LOVE YOU ALL ALWAYS ❤❤❤
Warnings: slight angst in the beginning, sweet and soft fluff, alcohol consumption, light smut smattering here and there :)
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Previous Chapters 
Chapter 1: Enchantment
Chapter 2: Cookie Crumble
Chapter 3: Sweet Anticipation
Chapter 4: Read Between the Limes
Chapter 5: Secrets on the Shelf
Chapter 6: Love Between the Covers *
Chapter 7: Love Lines & Soul Finds
Chapter 8: Drunk in Love *
Chapter 9: Pour it onto the Page 
Chapter 10: Recipe for Love *
Chapter 11: The Pages in Between 
Chapter 12: Bookaholics 
Chapter 13: For the Love of Books
You left the meeting with the full support of Tony and the opportunity for a strong foundation to build your dream, but you were both shaken to your core. Neither of you had said much on the walk home and instead of being consumed with excitement everything seemed to be shrouded in uncertainty. Bucky’s hand is warm over yours and his grip tight, almost as if you might run away from him at any moment.
Instead, you pull him closer, wrapping your arms around his waist and squeezing tight. He returns the gesture, stopping you in the middle of the sidewalk and crushing you to his chest. “I love you,” he whispers into your hair, holding in a breath while he waits for your response. “Bucky. I love you. So much.”
He deflates like a popped balloon and drops his head to your neck, running his nose along the delicate column of skin while he whispers, “I love you.” You start walking again, this time wrapped in each other’s arms and without a word head toward the bookstore. He unlocks the door and you walk in, turning on the small light by the counter.
Leaving your jackets in the back room you head upstairs; the only sounds are of the city outside and the beginnings of an evening thunderstorm. Once you’re in the secret library you grab your overnight bag that you keep for moments like this, filled with some clean clothes and toiletries and change. Bucky strips down to his boxers and a tee shirt before fixing the blankets and pillows.
He lays down and holds the blanket up for you to crawl under. When you do, he gently rests it on your shoulder and snakes his arm around your waist to pull you close. You’re not sure how long you lay there face to face, just tracing over his jaw and lips while his fingertips sweep over your shoulder. Opening his mouth to speak he thinks better of it and kisses you instead, his warm lips gentle as they move over your own.
The thunderstorm outside rages, the loud claps of thunder rattling the skylight while the heavy rain beats against it. Every touch from his hands is just the opposite, a delicate dance that’s both controlled and desperate, taking you apart piece by piece. Even as the storm calms your love erupts, swallowing you both in a sea without end and it’s in the soft light of early morning that you know exactly what your heart wants.
“Bucky. Bucky! Hey Buck. Wake up!” He groans and rolls over to snuggle into your shoulder. “Mornin’,” he mumbles. “Morning baby,” you giggle, poking his side until he looks up at you. “You look happy for 6 am,” he teases, his eyes soft. “I am happy.” He sits up, suddenly feeling more awake and asks, “you are? I thought after what Tony said…” He doesn’t finish the sentence and just frowns looking to you to say more.
“I want to do this,” you say confidently. “It’s just like the first day I met you. I had a feeling. Something I couldn’t really describe if anyone had asked but I felt it just the same.” He takes your hands in his, rubbing small circles over your knuckles and taking a moment to think on his next words. “There is nothing I want more than you, for you to be happy. But this isn’t going to be easy. I think the excitement of a possible fix was overshadowing some of the real big questions. Like the one Tony brought up.”
Moving closer to him you sit between his legs as your fingers smooth down his chest. “I know. You’re right. This will be hard and scary and at times I’m sure it will put a strain on our relationship. But Bucky. If we don’t do this, then we have to live with that choice.” He nods in understanding and rests his head atop yours. “Can you just promise me one thing?”
You slip out from under him, looking him straight in the eyes when you ask, “and what’s that?” His eyes search yours before he speaks, his voice barely above a whisper, “this is me and you. No matter what happens, we’re a team, we’re in this together. Me and you.” Resting your forehead to his you kiss him softly before replying with, “me and you, baby.”
The rest of your Friday moves agonizingly slow at work and all you want to do is hide away in the secret space of the bookshop with Bucky. When the day ends you head back to your apartment, showering and making some food while you wait for him to come by. He has to work at the bar tonight but is stopping by beforehand.
“I want to call Tony so badly, but I know we need to run this by grandma before we take this big step.” Bucky’s eyes are focused on you as he speaks, a slight twinge of worry to his voice. “Yes, definitely. Did you ask her if she wanted to have dinner Sunday?” He nods, pulling out his phone and reading her message. ‘I can’t wait to see you kids. Tell y/n to bring more of that chocolate pie and something new for me to taste test.’
Trying to stifle a smile you tap your finger against your chin, contemplating what to make next. “Hmm, I’ll check my Pinterest. I found some good recipes last weekend. I was also thinking of making an Instagram for my baking, I just can’t think of a clever name for it!” Bucky’s eyebrows draw together as he thinks and his nose scrunches up. “Oh my god you’re so cute.” His surprised look makes you laugh harder. “When you think really hard your nose gets all scrunched up cute and you’re so cute.”
“That’s a lot of cute,” he beams, now scrunching up his nose on purpose. “Ok, calm down, now you look like you’ve got something stuck up there.” The two of you really get going, throwing playful insults back and forth while trying to come up with a catchy name. “What about something like ‘Bookshop Baker’ since you’ll eventually be selling your stuff at the bookshop.” You stand up with a squeal, high fiving Bucky and grabbing your phone. “It’s available! YAY! Thanks baby.”
Saturday night you’re back at the bar with Nat after spending the afternoon together shopping and catching up. Peter waves hi from the other end of the bar but doesn’t approach you and you throw Bucky a glare while he serves another customer. Sam saunters over wearing the grin he reserves only for Nat, but she isn’t having any of it. “You know. If you didn’t scare the shit out of Peter, we would already have drinks. But now, we have to wait because Bucky is busy.”
Sam rests his forearms along the bar and purses his lips. “Well. You know you could also ask your boyfriend and the owner of the bar to get you your drinks.”  Nat’s eyes soften and she whispers something in his ear and Sam walks off with a satisfied smile. “Do I wanna know?” She responds with nothing more than a wink and you know better than to push for more.
Peggy and Steve join you an hour later and you’re so happy that everyone was able to meet up on the same night. The conversation is flowing and even more so the alcohol and before you know it you find yourself pressed against the door of the supply room with Bucky’s hands under your dress. “You shouldn’t be teasin’ me so much baby doll.” His voice is low and husky, and you can’t help the way your body reacts. “What? A girl can’t enjoy watching her man at work.” You know you’re tipsy but you’re having way too much fun and from the feel of it, Bucky has zero complaints.
Your movements are frantic as you palm him through his jeans. “Bucky,” you whine, your lips in a pout when he pulls away. His forehead rests against yours as he catches his breath. “Listen, I want nothing more than to fuck you right here and right now but it’s really busy out there and…” “BARNES! Did you get that Tequila yet? What the hell happened?” Bucky’s hand covers your mouth, his own turned up into a devious grin. “We’ll never hear the end of this if you don’t keep quiet.” Slowly nodding you press your lips together and hold Bucky’s heated gaze as he yells, “Yep, be right out Sam!” You listen as his footsteps fall away and hand Bucky the bottle. “Don’t forget this,” you giggle, turning on your heel and sashaying out the door.
You spend the rest of the night continuing to tease Bucky’s every time you get a chance, loving how clearly hot and bothered he is. It isn’t until you’re in the cab ride home that he acts on it, carefully resting his hand on your thigh and lightly squeezing while he discreetly inches his fingers higher. Your expression goes from shocked to blissful the moment his finger brushes over your underwear and you’re biting your bottom lip to stop from moaning out loud.
Not a moment later he takes his hand away and the cab comes to a stop in front of your apartment. He gets out, a smug look on his face as he holds his hand out to help you. You scoot over the seat and take it, smiling sweetly at him on the way out. You barely make it through the door of your apartment before he pulls the dress over your head and throws it across the room. “This is all I’ve been thinking about,” he growls, lifting you to wrap your legs around is waist.
Sunday morning arrives in a tangle of sheets and naked skin with Bucky’s arms curled around your middle. You start to stretch and wiggle, somehow maneuvering out from his hold without waking him. Once you’re washed up and settled in the kitchen you begin to work your magic. You’re concentrating so hard you don’t hear Bucky come in and ask if you want coffee. It isn’t until he lightly kisses your shoulder that you’re aware of his presence, accidentally slapping him with the spatula in your surprise.
“Oops. Mornin’ Buck.” You smile warily and wait for his reaction. His tongue darts out to lick his lips and he hums at the taste. “Wow, what is that?!” Hopping up and down with the spatula you tell him, “it’s pastry cream for my cream puffs!” He grabs the spatula and brings it to his lips, going in for another taste. “Oh, I don’t think so, you can wait,” you scold before pulling it away.
Later that day you arrive at grandma’s, chocolate pie and cream puffs in hand and your heart in your throat. “Hello kids! Well, don’t these look divine y/n! And there’s that chocolate pie! I might just put this aside for myself and the girls when we play mahjong tomorrow.”  She says it with a wink before pulling you into a tight hug, ushering you both inside.
You and Bucky help set the table and make sure she doesn’t need you to do anything else before taking a seat. She mixes the pasta on the stove and levels you with a stern look. “Ok you two. You better start talking,” she demands, pointing the wooden spoon at you both. Bucky’s eyebrows shoot up and you suck your teeth, giving far too much away.
“Don’t make me withhold the food.” Bucky grumbles, quickly cracking under the pressure and giving you a look. “We might as well talk now doll.” You slowly nod your head and look at Betty, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Well, it’s about the bookshop.” She continues stirring the pasta. “I know.” Giving Bucky a sideways glance of confusion you continue, “and we had an idea about adding some things to help business, you know get more customers in.”
Still stirring the pasta, she adds in, “right. Because nowadays everyone is reading e-books and all that nonsense. The charm of an old bookshop just isn’t enough anymore.” Both you and Bucky are shaking your heads in astonished agreement but not speaking and finally Betty’s bright laugh snaps you out of it. “You’re…you’re not upset?” Bucky asks cautiously, gripping your hand tightly under the table.
“Upset? Upset that my wonderful grandson and the love of his life want to help keep the dream of mine and your grandpa’s bookshop alive?” She strains the pasta and brings the bowl to the table. “No. I’m not upset. I knew this day would come and I’m so thankful that you kids are here to do something about it.”
You can feel the tears start to well up, but you try your best to hold them back. It’s Bucky’s reaction that makes it too difficult. He stands and rushes around the table, taking Betty in his arms and hugging her, his quiet, “I love you, grandma,” sending you over the edge. “I love you too, James. Now sit down and eat, you have to tell me all the details.”
@flyawaybay @throwmyheartawayagain @amandatar-06 @nd1998sc @captainchrisstan @vherriepie @godofplumsandthunder @when-the-hell-is-bucky @fire-flv @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @irishflutiegirl​ @rinthehufflepuff​ @moonybarnes​ @nordlysinthewoods​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @inflxmes @lauratang​ @my-favorite-fics-and-imagines​ @buchanansebba​ @curlyred2020 @addikted-2-dopamine​ @lady-pswrld​ @buckys-henley​ @emilylyoness​ @lookiamtrying​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @aesthetical-bucky​ @auro-ora​ @bugsbucky​ @buckys-minty-breath​ @bucky-on-my-mind​ @book-dragon-13​ @breezy1415​ @buckys-broody-muffin​ @eurynome827​ @hiddles-rose​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @hawksmagnolia​ @imgaril-lindru​ @itsunclebucky​ @ikaris-whore​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @kaosera​ @loricameback​ @lorilane33​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @mushyjellybeans​ @nano--raptor​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @the-wayward-robot​ @tuiccim​ @yansi1923​ 
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