#nothing against cherik
platossoulmates · 2 months
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE drop any x-men found family fic recs- all of the major stuff is solely cherik and the first class cast which is so good BUT i want team fluff so badly 😭
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lauriegraham01 · 1 year
forever & always | erik lehnsherr
pairings: erik x reader, (cherik x reader if you squint)
summary: it's been years since erik abandoned you on the sands on cuba. when fate - or rather a friend from the future, logan - steps in and forces your paths to cross, what feelings will ensue?
w/c: 2,272
a/n: follows the events shown in days of future past, inspiration drawn from "forever & always" by taylor swift. been working on this one for the past week, apologies for the delay, life can be cruel but the storm only lasts one night.
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The brightness of the sun was blinding as its rays bleed through the curtains of your room, shining in your eyes prompting you to wake up with a groan. Reaching out for Charles youre disappointed as you feel nothing but the cold sheets where his side of the bed laid empty. A headache settles in within your head, throbbing unforgivably. As you look over to your nightstand you read your clock.
2:47 p.m. Another day wasted away in bed.
You had gotten little sleep the night before. Scenes of sand plaguing you in your dreams echoing the trauma from all that you've lost.
You're on a beach in a Cuba. You don't know yet that it's the end of the world- the end of your world. Black spots cloud your vision. You're losing too much blood. Footsteps staggered as your breathing comes out labored- trying to make sense of what happened.
Charles and you had been caught in the crossfire of his war against humans and now you both were paying the price for it.
"Erik?!" Your voice rings clear in his head. He exhales a shaky breath, one that he can't seem to breathe out enough. Charles laid in his arms paralyzed and betrayed. His heart broken at the pain he's caused and remorse washes over him as he sees the man in his grasp slips further away into a world of unfathomable pain. Leaving Charles within Moira's grasp he then makes his way to you. Discarding his metal helmet in the process.
"Y/N." Erik cautiously places his hands at your side. Taking in how much blood seeped through your suit.
“Erik what’s happened to Charles? Is he alright?" With eyes widened, you wait for him to bring some clarity to the chaos that happening.
“Y/N stop. You’re losing too much blood," Erik said carefully. Looking down he sees your hand pressed to your side. Carefully lifting it, he lets out a sharp gasp as he sees the tear in your suit where the bullet pierced your skin.
A choked cough escapes your lip as a bit of blood rushes through the side of your mouth. You feel your knees buckle underneath you and Erik catches you in time, placing you in his arms as you both sink to the sand.
“Erik?” Your voice rings within his head, even telepathically your voice sounds strained, hurt. “Did you do this?”
"I’m sorry, my love,'" it comes out a whisper. Even without your powers you knew exactly where his mind was at. By the solemn expression on his face and the distant look in his eyes you knew that he was leaving.
"Erik, please," you plead.
"I can't stay here. Look at all that I've caused."
"Erik, don't do this. Stay."
"I cant." He says through gritted teeth, the pain sharp on his tongue like a blade.
"You can. You have a family here, you have people who care and love you- I love you Erik."
His face was taut, twisted in a sea of emotions as he thought of the path that he was walking down- and the love that he would lose in the process.
"This is a war that I have to fight alone. I have to go down a road that you can't follow me on."
"Erik, please." You place a hand on his cheek and he closes his eyes and lets out a heavy sigh. Burning the feel of your touch for what he believes would be the last time.
"I'm sorry my love."
He takes your hand and places a kiss onto it before walking away, fading into view with your heart breaking with every step he takes.
"Charles?" You call to him like a ship lost at sea.
"I'm right here. I'm right here darling." His voice rings out softly in your head. By the labors of his breath you know that he's fighting through his pain. You shiver as you feel a coldness drape over you, slumping further into the sand as exhaustion wins its fight over you.
“I’m scared.”
"Stay with me. We'll make it through this together." Charles voice fades out as your vision fades to black.
It truly was a miracle that you even pulled through at all. Hank managing to save you within an inch of your life. An unpleasant feeling sits deep in your stomach as you try to shake off the scenes replaying in your head. Before the guilt of wasting the day away consumes you, you rise up out of bed and make way for the kitchen. The halls were quiet now, faded were the days where students once roamed freely. When the war in Vietnam began, students and teachers alike were being drafted and many never returned home. Wallowing in his grief, Charles closed the doors to the school.
So you and Hank stayed behind in the mansion. Hank tinkered away on his own plans and research and you remained by Charles side as you both tried to process and move through each others grief. When Hank created a serum that gave Charles the ability to use his legs again you had thought things would get better, but time would reveal how wrong you were. Things ultimately took a turn for the worst, as Charles became dependent on the serum and became an alcoholic, he had turned into a version of himself that you never thought possible. He was short-tempered and full of rage at any given moment. Hank got the worst of it, and at times you thought about leaving but you knew that you wouldn't- Charles knew that you couldn't.
Yet, it would be wrong to put the entire blame on Charles for the way things were. The truth was that you too had turned to your vices to quiet the voices within your own head. Falling in love with little thin white lines and drowning yourself in the bottom of bottles, you too had spiraled into your own world of self-destruction just as Charles had. Your relationship hadn't necessarily been the most stable it's been either. It seemed that you and Charles were constantly at each's others throat nowadays but it wasn't always bad days. Despite the screaming matches, both of us turning to our vices, there was still something tethering us together-whether it be love or a trauma bond was becoming unclear as time passed.
As you enter the kitchen, you note the bottles and needles still littering the kitchen table. Charles must've been up all night-again. Fancying a tea you turn the stove on as you fill a kettle with water. you feel the house rumble just a bit. Looking towards the ceiling you can make out heavy footsteps as though someone were being chased. Just then a yell can be heard following a hard crash. Following the source of the disturbance, you enter the foyer where Charles, Hank, or rather Beast, and a strange man come into view.
"Charles? What's going on here?" Making your way across to the staircase where Charles sat on.
"Nothing darling this gentlemen was just leaving," with a scotch in hand he waves to the strange man.
"Afraid I can't do that because I was sent here for you." Taking a closer look at him you note that he's rather tall. He carries himself confidently, head held high in his brown leather jacket.
"Well tell whoever it was that sent you that I'm...busy," Charles trails off.
"That's gonna be a little tricky because the person who sent me here...was you."
"What?" Charles and I let out simultaneously.
"About fifty years form now. Look I kno-I know, stay with me," he pleads with us.
"Excuse me?" Crossing your hands over your chest you look over to Charles and you both share a puzzling look before facing the stranger in front of you again.
"Fifty years from now like in the future fifty years from now ?" Charles quips.
"I sent you from the future," Charles asks amused.
"Yes, Charles," he says with a roll of his eyes, growing aggravated by our refusal to believe him.
"Piss off," Charles spits bitterly.
"Charles..." you place a hand on his shoulder.
"If you had your powers you'd know I was telling the truth."
With that you use your powers to enter his mind, not expecting what was awaiting you. Hazed memories of the man you now know is Logan, consumed your senses as you traveled within his world of memories. Fear melted on your tongue as you saw the horrors of the reality that the future held, pain and genocides lurking within every corner and within the midst of it-hope. Hope that the future could be rewritten. Voices and faces so familiar yet so unknown, as though you've known them, a version of them.
Leaving his mind, you stumble as you adapt back to this reality, piecing together the meaning behind Logan's memories. Charles immediately stands up to catch you before you fall.
"y/n?" Charles calls, voice shaky as he holds you. Your breath comes out shaky as you cling to him for support. "Charles he's not CIA." Looking up at Logan he meets your gaze with understanding eyes, grateful that now someone believes him.
"y/n-" Hank calls out doubtfully.
"Hank, I know what I saw," you affirm sternly.
"Are you alright? What are you talking about?" Charles desperately searches your eyes for some kind of clarity.
"I'm fine, Charles. He's not CIA or FBI. I got in his head and I-", the words seem to die on your tongue. How do you explain what you saw without seeming mental? "I saw you...but older. From the future."
You swallow the lump within your throat. Charles furrows his eyes in confusion, not knowing what to make of your revelation.
"Erik too. I saw all of us, together preparing for what I fear may be our doom."
From then you managed to convince Charles and Hank that Logan was indeed telling the truth and that he needed our help in ensuring the survival of mutants. The four of you ventured on the plan that Charles, from the future, had set out. Which led you to where you were right now, on a plane seated next to Charles with Erik in front of you. Breaking him out of the Pentagon had been no easy task, but with the help of a new speedster friend, the lot of you succeeded with somewhat minimal damage in the process.
"y/n I-"
"Shut up," you cut Erik off.
He puffs out a defeated sigh as he looks up at you with those pleading eyes of his. You had imagined what it would be like to see Erik again. You spent the best of years waiting for him to come back, to fix what he had broken. You knew you should've given up when news got out of his attempted assassination of the president, but it was moot. A part of you still loved Erik, a part of you still saw the good in him.
"Look I want to apologize for what I did."
"For what exactly? Cause there's a long list of things left unsaid," Charles shoots back bitterly.
"Charles" you mutter and he backs down. You know how hard this is for him too, seeing Erik. Having him within arms reach yet him being worlds away from the man that you two knew and loved.
"He's right," Erik says sitting upright in his seat, "I did things and people got hurt in the process."
Your eyes look sharp and steady into the empty parts of him, heart heavy with the hatred of his own beliefs and the pain that its inflicted.
“I’m sorry Charles for what happened, I truly am. Not a day passed where I let myself forget it, I never meant to hurt you."
The anger practically radiates off Charles as his leg anxiously bounces even faster. He then climbs up from his seat before storming off passing you and Erik until he disappears from view.
"He'll come around," you mutter.
"I know," Erik sighs. "Charles has a flair for the dramatics."
Your lips betray you as they curl into a small smile. Locking eyes with him you feel the guard you had fought so hard you built to distance yourself from him, rumble threatening to drop into ash.
"I missed you everyday, y/n."
"Erik please-"
"I couldn't escape you even if i tried. You know that better than I do."
"I thought I knew you, now I'm not so sure," you whisper barely loud enough for Erik to register.
Slumping further into his seat, the guilt settles deeper in his bones. He knows he'll never forgive himself for what he did that day on the beach. Yet, sitting here in front of you he wants nothing more than to be able to be loved by you again.
"I couldn't save you.." he croaks. Eyes glossy as tears began to pool his eyes.
"That didn't mean you had to go. Erik, we could've fought through it, together."
“I was too blind to see that I hurt the ones I love. I carry the weight of my crimes every day."
"You don't have to carry it alone." Hesitantly you reach your hand across to grab his. He's still warm to the touch just as you remembered, rubbing smooth circles over his knuckles with your thumbs, you savor the feel of him, having been deprived of it for so long.
"There's still time to make things right."
"I'd like that." Bringing your interlocked hand to his lips he places a kiss on top of your knuckles.
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thepointofme · 6 days
saw a cherik edit with silver springs by fleetwood mac yesterday and it feels like it has opened a hole inside my brain because yes!!!! time WILL cast a spell on you erik!!!! and you won't forget charles!!! i always think its hilarious how they call each other "my friend" "old friend" left and right and then proceed to have the least platonic relationship EVER but their friendship is so essential!!! like charles is the first person outside of his family that erik learns to know and care about (at least in the movies) charles was there, not just his first friend but his first MUTAN friend!!!! the amount of respect he holds for him even tho he doesn't agree with his opinions and world's views, how charles probably has a special place alongside his mom in erik's memories because he loves him so much. that scene in days of future past where erik is like "all those years fighting against each other, charles. to have a precious of them back." charles was ALWAYS there in the back of his mind, the only person he loves that's still alive, that nothing or no one could make him stop loving him even tho erik himself doesn't believe he has the ability to love or at least to love something or someone without breaking and ruining them because he thinks he's inherently bad. he's full of anger because he's full of grief and charles is this constant reminder of how he CAN, in fact, still love even after everything that happened to him, and it probably terrifies him down to his bones. idk im just having an erik brainrot thinking about how in the movies cherik has spent more time away from each other than together. how they're so silly and were always trying to force the other in their own way instead of meeting each other in the middle, because at the end of the day they're just two different (and extreme) sides of the same coin, they do want The Same Thing!!!! but are too proud and stubborn to admit the other might have a point. and in the middle of all of this, the frustration erik feels because no matter how much he tries to pull charles away, to hurt him with his words and actions, charles is STILL THERE for him. he hates the way erik does things and feels so angry and frustrated all the time they're in the same place but there's nothing erik can do that would ever question charles' love for him. its just there. unshakeable and unbreakable. timeless. and erik doesn't understand how someone so broken and flawed like himself can be loved like this. that whole thing about him having to use his helmet so he wouldn't feel the unconditional love charles has for him makes me SICK to my stomach. they love each other so much and wasted so much time fighting with each other instead of fighting together side by side for their people.
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permanentmess · 16 days
can i request a romantic cherik x mutant! reader where her powers are about the nature like they can control plants and after a long while they finally achieve ultimate control of their power? (like transform into a dryad temporarily)
a/n: i was not sure what to do for this one at first, i won’t lie! i don’t know anything about dryads so i researched a bit for it! i know dryads are primarily female but this could be read as any gender, so lets just pretend hehe. also, sorry for the delay, college is kicking my ass; who knew senior year would be so hard???
title: a stunning transformation (cherik x mutant!reader)
word count: 1607
warnings: canon-deviant, obviously. slight worrying/anxiety. possibly, slightly ooc for erik and charles but i did try my best. reader is able-bodied, but pronouns, y/n, and other features have been omitted. use of the word “darling” and one (1) curse word. 
mostly just fluff! 
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You only hear whispers of their conversation at first. Mutters through the closed door to his office. You’re sure that Charles can hear your thoughts, but maybe he isn’t entirely worried about you hearing. 
“...is gaining power, I can see it in…subconscious. …been tending to my grandfather's tree…” He continues on, and you know for sure it’s about you. You’re the only person around with the ability to control plants, and the only one who’s been working on Charles’ grandfather’s tree (which was nearly destroyed by Scott).
You loved Charles and knew how much the entire property meant to him. You’d even consulted Erik first to make sure it was a good idea. You hear his voice next through the door, which is unsurprising to you. The three of you are constantly in one another's presence. 
“Yes, but is that a bad thing? Transformation is…” Oh. You hadn’t even thought about that as a possibility for yourself. But, what, transform into a tree? That would be odd…
You shake your head and decide to finally reveal yourself. You knock on the door and hear a “Come in” from Charles, prompting you to open the door. The two immediately greet you with a smile which you return immediately as you close the door. 
You go to sit on Erik’s lap, leaning your head against his. “What are you guys talking about?” You play coy, but Charles immediately sees through it and smiles. 
“You, darling, and your powers.”
“Yes, Charles here was saying how he thinks you could have the potential to transform,” Erik says, finally resting his head against yours. 
Your eyebrows furrow slightly. “Transform into what exactly?” The thought of doing so but getting stuck frightens you. You were finally feeling comfortable in a routine you had formed; not just with your relationship with Erik and Charles, but with your teaching and training, your friends at the school. You don’t want that to disappear if something goes wrong. 
Charles reaches his hands over his desk and you reach to take them. “Nothing bad would happen to you, we can find a way to make sure it’s not permanent if you can’t switch back,” he pulls them back, leaning back in his chair. “To answer your question, I think the possibilities are endless. A tree, a deity, even just a flower.”
“A deity, like a dryad or a nymph or something?”
You move your head so you can look at Erik. “What about you, do you think I could do it?” 
His eyes soften as he looks at you. “Absolutely. You’re one of the strongest people I know.” You smile at that and give him a soft kiss on the cheek, before motioning for Charles to move closer so you could do the same for him. You lean back against Erik again. 
“I’ll think about it,” you say and the two men nod. “Anyway, that’s not why I came here. What’s for dinner?” They laugh at that, and you all break into conversation.
A week has passed since the conversation in Charles’ office. Although there was never any pressure from either one of them, you could see the looks they’d give you and then each other as they watched you train. They often did this, but it seemed to increase in frequency since then. 
You’re resting against the tree you’ve been nursing back to health, gently using your powers to give it some life (you’ve been trying to get it to grow taller). It doesn’t take much concentration, so you’re reading as you do so. It’s a lovely September afternoon – the wind is blowing just enough to feel nice but not too much to be annoying, the temperature and humidity aren’t too high, and the shade of the tree makes your spot feel comfortable. 
Having been so engrossed in your book, you didn’t even realize that Erik and Charles were in front of you until Erik nudged you lightly with his foot. You look up and brighten at their presence. “What are you guys doing out here? I thought you both taught around now.”
“I gave the students time off to work on their essays,” Charles said. 
Erik quickly follows with an explanation, “And Maximoff has been begging me to let him teach one of my training sessions.” 
You nod, waiting for them to say something. But they don’t, so you’re all awkwardly staring at each other. Finally, you break. “Did I do something?” 
“No.” Charles says at the same time that Erik replies “Not yet.”
You narrow your eyes at the two of them. “Is this about the transformation thing?” 
You debate it in your head. It would be fun to see what happens, and it opens a lot more possibilities during missions. But you don’t even know what would happen if you couldn’t transform back…
“Would you guys still love me if I was stuck? Even if it was as a venus flytrap?” They both laugh, bemused by your worries.
“Of course, darling.”
“I don’t know, it’d be nice being able to sleep under the covers,” Erik teases and you scoff, playfully smacking his shoe. 
“Please, the real target is Charles, how do we know he isn’t taking them with his mind powers to make us cuddle him on purpose?” 
He gasps and holds his chest in fake hurt. “How dare you insinuate such a thing?” 
There’s a bout of laughter and grins before you take a deep breath. “Alright, I’ll do it. I’ll try it out here though in case something goes terribly wrong.” You stand up, readjusting your clothes and handing your book to Erik to hold. “Maybe stand back though, just in case.” 
Neither man moves very far, but you know how protective they are of you sometimes. You take a deep breath and close your eyes. You’re not sure how one could go about transforming, so you try to do what you do when you need to use your powers in a specific way. How you first trained with them, too. 
You reach inside yourself, trying to imagine the spirit of a dryad coming through you. You begin to feel warm as you imagine the nature around you, the strength of the tree. You want it to ground you, but also help you evolve and transform into this ancient being. You feel something stirring inside you, but refuse to open your eyes. 
In fact, you don’t until Charles speaks in your mind to do so. You’re terrified, but elated at seeing what has occurred, what you’ll look like. 
Looking down, you notice your body is glowing a soft green, but not changing your skin. Vines and leaves twirl their way around your skin, accenting your arms and legs. You reach and feel for your head to notice that branches have protruded, covered in leaves and flowers to create a crown for you. But not only do you look different, inside you feel different. It’s like the trees and grass and lake are filling you with energy. You feel much more attuned to everything around you, calmer even. 
You glance at the men who are simply staring; Charles with a grin filled with pride, and Erik with slight shock and wonder, but you can’t miss the joy in his eyes. 
This was a drastic improvement in your powers, but you can’t help but wonder if Charles was right. It seemed to have been building inside you for a while, and you had felt it. You had wanted to go outside more, sit in the trees, and just relax in it. The draw to the natural world had become so strong the past month, that you wonder if it was your body’s way of reacting to the strengthening of your powers. 
You decide to turn around to face the tree you’d been working incredibly hard at nursing back to life. You place a hand on the trunk and allow the energy you feel to flow through it. You watch as it slowly grows, trunks and leaves branching out from it. In your gut, you know when to stop, when to just let it continue on its natural course, and so you remove your hand. 
You see and feel your transformation leave from your body. Your legs begin to feel weak and you feel someone, or something, holding you up. In the back of your mind, you know that Charles has used his powers to stop you from falling. Erik moves forward to grab onto you and you lean your weight on him, walking you to Charles. 
You still have energy, but it feels weird being in your body again. Whatever you transformed into felt much freer, much larger even if not in a physical sense. Walking feels like a chore, your limbs feel heavy. Maybe without the energy you previously had flowing through you, you feel weaker. 
You take a moment to wrap your arms tightly around Erik, before leaning back and pressing a kiss to his lips. It’s gentle, but enough to make him reciprocate. You move to Charles next, with Erik still holding gently onto your shirt. Your kiss is just as gentle, but as you pull back you rest your forehead onto his. 
“Thank you,” you whisper before you pull back and stand up straight. You turn to Erik. “And you.” They murmur small “you’re welcome”’s before you all fall back into silence.
Like the other day in the office, there’s a moment of silence. But this time, you’re all trying to understand what happened. 
“That, was so fucking cool,” you grin as you say and they return the gesture.
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cherikdogfood · 4 months
The thing is, Erik loves Charles -- he really does. He just doesn't know how to say it.
Or, Erik wants Charles to know that he truly loves him. So he enacts a plan.
In honor of 520 (which is today!) I've written a short, self indulgent Cherik (modern AU) fic. Enjoy!
The thing is, Erik loves Charles -- he really does. He just doesn't know how to say it.
He knows a simple "I love you" or "Ich liebe dich" will do the job. Charles understands -- he always does, even if he's a terrible telepath and struggles to say the right words himself.
But that's the thing. Charles is a telepath, and he can practically broadcast his love for Erik from anywhere, anytime.
Erik can't do that. He could, technically, project his feelings towards Charles, but it's not enough. He knows it's not enough, he wants to do more.
He wants to show Charles that he loves him, that Charles is his one and only, that there would be no happiness without Charles... Charles is his soulmate, and Erik's love for him is like a burning flame -- passionate and all consuming.
There is no peace without Charles.
He wants, no, needs Charles to know that.
You're mine, Erik often thinks, as he lays in bed with Charles after a particularly rough bout of lovemaking. Charles always falls asleep first, curled against Erik, looking so pliant and gentle and content.
I'm yours too, you know, his mind also whispers.
Charles, of course, continues dreaming, his expression serene.
When Charles wakes, he will go about his day, being his usual confident, boisterous self. But Erik knows...
He knows that underneath it all, Charles questions himself, worries he isn't good enough for Erik, thinks he hasn't done enough for people like them.
Charles hides it well, but Erik knows better.
Charles knows and understands that Erik loves him, he just has a hard time believing it.
And Erik...
Erik never, never wants Charles to doubt them. Charles has no reason to be afraid.
So Erik does his best to show it, to show Charles that he does, in fact, love him.
Because it doesn't matter if the whole world knows that Erik Loves Charles if the person in question doesn't believe it.
So Erik does what he's good at: he makes a strategy, and he executes it perfectly (or as perfectly as it can be, anyway).
Erik's made plans already: he's done his research, marked the calendar, made arrangements, perfected his cooking skills, and bribed roped in a few people to help.
It started on a rather peculiar date, one that Charles wasn't expecting: 25th of January. Erik had crafted a metal spoon with his powers, carving a stylish M and X that were intertwined.
He gave it to Charles, aiming to do so nonchalantly, but his excitement must've been projecting because Charles laughed and asked him what this was for.
"It's just a gift, Charles," he huffed, and Charles just laughed at him fondly.
The next one was more obvious: 14th of February. Valentine's Day: Erik made chocolates, prepared a bouquet of roses, and wrote a love letter. Traditional romantic gestures, all for Charles.
Charles was happy, of course, practically glowing, and his students were pleased to find they had less homework that week.
Erik even prepared a candlelight dinner for the two of them, although they ended up eating less and making out instead, it was perfect.
After that day, Charles thought that was it.
He was wrong -- very, very wrong.
On the 12th of March, Erik dragged Charles away from Hank and his lab and brought him to a nearby river.
"Erik, you said it's late and I should rest, so... Why did you bring me here?" Charles had asked, blue eyes filled with fatigue.
Erik wanted to do nothing more than kiss his tiredness away, but he had a plan and he needed to stick to it, so he resisted.
"Come on Charles, look what I brought," he whispered. He brought out a delicate origami boat (he had asked Raven to teach him to make one), a candle, and a lighter.
"Bloody hell, Erik, if you brought me here to commit arson in the middle of the night, I swear--"
The rest of Charles' words were cut off by Erik, who planted his lips on Charles' and was licking and nipping and kissing him senseless. Charles whimpered when Erik broke the kiss, and Erik had to remind himself what he was doing.
"I wanted us to do this," he smiled and lit the candle, placing it tentatively on the boat before setting it on the water.
"Why are we doing this, Erik?"
"Hush, Liebling, just hurry and make a wish."
Charles' eyes fluttered close, clearly concentrating on his wish, and Erik whispered, "I love you."
He knew Charles heard him because in the next second, Charles opened his eyes and pounced on him.
Erik had to use all his willpower to not fuck Charles right then and there.
The next day, Charles woke up to find all his handkerchiefs replaced, the new ones embroidered, albeit rather clumsily, with hearts.
Merely two days later, Charles opened the fridge and was greeted with an array of blinding white: white chocolate, marshmallows, mint candies, fresh milk, white mochis, vanilla ice cream, leeks, cauliflowers, coconuts and white dragon fruit.
Charles was so taken aback that he almost thought a robber had replaced all their food with... these...
Erik had to reassure him that yes, this was his doing, and no, he wasn't being blackmailed by Raven or Logan into doing this (Erik had been offended that Charles thought Logan of all people could manage to blackmail him. That guy had a metal skeleton...).
Even the flowers in their house had been replaced with white lilies, making Charles shake his head in confusion.
"The things you do, Erik... Sometimes I don't understand..."
In April, Charles wasn't too surprised when Erik took him out to dance and opened his favorite wine and brought him to watch the sunset. It was, after all, a perfect recreation of their first date, three years ago.
Now, on the 20th of May, Erik was sweating as he put on his turtleneck, the one that made Charles' eyes light up and highlighted his slim waist, and checked himself in the mirror.
Everything looked fine... Erik swallowed and calmed the heart that threatened to leap out of his chest.
Everything would be fine.
First, he stopped at the flower shop and picked up the bouquet of roses he had pre-ordered.
Then, he made his way to the address he had sent to Charles. It was a luxurious hotel, one that was far enough from Westchester so that they would not be disturbed by their students.
(Erik had had enough of students, young and old, who had, intentionally or otherwise, cock-blocked him and Charles on multiple occasions).
When he arrived in their room, he noticed the tell-tale metal of Charles' watch and smiled.
"Liebling," he smiled, kissing Charles by way of greeting.
"Erik," Charles smiled. "What's the special occasion? No white food this time?" He teases.
Erik grins. "No. I just wanted to give you this."
He takes out a piece of metal and watches as Charles touches it gently. It's a bracelet of sorts, smooth and elegant and fine edges, and when Charles turns to see the inside, his breath hitches.
Erik had carved those three numbers with the utmost care.
For a moment, Charles just stares, and Erik wonders if his ideas were wrong, all this time, and maybe he should--
"Five two one," Charles says suddenly.
Erik freezes.
"Did I say that right? Or should it be five twenty-one?" Charles muses.
Erik blinks, trying to formulate words, to say something, anything...
"521," Charles repeats, and he reaches out to cup Erik's face gently.
"How do you know?" Erik finally chokes out, too overwhelmed with emotion.
"How do you know, what that means?" He asks again.
"Ah... Charles bites his lip sheepishly. "Let's just say, one of your partner-in-crime accidentally thought too loud..."
Erik grits his teeth. It was definitely Raven, or Hank, or maybe even Jubilee... He shouldn't have asked them to help...
"I saw your notes yesterday, Erik," Charles continues, chewing his bottom lip, "I'm sorry, I know this was all meant to be a surprise, but I couldn't help myself..."
"So... You know everything?" Erik asks.
"Yes, I do, well, I think that day when you gave me all that white stuff, it was White Day in Japan, right? Some sort of Valentine's day..."
Erik nods. 14th of March, exactly one month after the official Valentine's Day, is the Japanese "White Day", where men give their beloved white things to show their love.
Erik has no idea why it has to be white, but it doesn't matter. He loves Charles anyway.
"I wore a white suit that day, remember?" Erik mutters.
Charles' eyes widen and his lips curl into a smile.
"So... You were practically giving yourself to me that day?"
Erik nods and adds, "I'm always yours, you know."
Charles smiles.
"And that day when you gave me a metal spoon," Charles continues, "It was apparently some kind of Welsh Valentine's Day, I think?"
Erik nods. 25th of January, the Welsh Valentine's Day -- usually lovers would give each other hand-crafted wooden spoons, but Erik made one out of metal instead.
(This was definitely not to show off his powers in front of Charles).
"And... On the 12th of March, that day you brought me to the river..."
"The Slovenians' version of Valentine's Day, of sorts," Erik my mumbles. Apparently it was a tradition for children to light a candle in boats and watch it float down the river, and even though they weren't children, Erik thought it was still pretty romantic.
"As for today..." Charles mutters.
"It's five-twenty," Erik looks at Charles gently.
Charles read his notes, so he should understand what it means.
"Five twenty... When you say it in Chinese, it sounds like you're saying I love you, am I right?" Charles says, voice growing softer.
Charles is silent, looking at Erik with indescribable emotion in his eyes. Erik uses the opportunity to snake an arm around Charles' waist and tug him closer.
"So..." Erik is the first to break the silence.
"Do you really know what 521 means?" He asks.
Charles blushes and nods, "Hm. 520 means I love you, and 521 means I do or I'm willing. Something like that?"
Erik breaks into a shark-like smile.
"That's right, Liebling."
Charles' eyes are wet with unshed tears.
"Erik, I love you," he whispers, voice choking with emotion.
Erik plants a kiss on his forehead.
"I love you too, Liebling. But let's say it properly, okay? Today is a special date after all."
Charles nuzzles closer to Erik and hums in reply.
"520, Charles," Erik says. I love you.
"521, Erik." I do too.
"Is that a promise, Charles?" Erik teases.
"You'll have to formally propose first before I actually say I do, Erik," Charles huffs exasperatedly.
"But yes," Charles gaze softens. "I'm always willing to be yours."
Erik can't stop himself from smiling. "I love you, Charles," he says, as he always does.
"I know," Charles whispers.
And this time, Erik knows he means it.
(And if there ever comes a day when Charles doubts it, then Erik will be sure to make a plan and convince Charles that yes, he truly does love him, very, very much.)
#made by cherikdogfood
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Cherik X Reader
Mutation: Healer
After another long and intensely horrible day, all I wanted was to see my boys. When I entered our shared room I let a smile slip as I felt the gentle prodding of Charles in my mind. He wasn't reading my mind. He promised never to do that even if I didn't care.
He was reading me like a homing beacon, to know I'm there. It sweet really. Just a brush against my mind and I feel calmer.
And there he was laying on the bed with a book in hand and his reading glasses. I let out a sigh as my chest felt lighter already.
"Bad day?" Charles asked with a smile nothing short of laughing. He put his book aside and that was all the open invitation I needed but I restrained myself.
"Shower first. I'm filthy fucking dirty, and I'm tired, and sore. I can't wait for this day to be over." I moaned while dragging myself to the closet and dresser. Stealing one of Erik's shirts because they were bigger and a pair of Charles boxers because they're nicer.
"Want me to join you darling?" Charles asked hinting on worry.
My heart flustered involuntarily. He was always there to give my 101% of his attention when things went wrong. Always being caring and wanting to make me feel loved. "No thank you. Any other time I'd say god yes but I just need a moment." I breathed deeply trying to keep myself intact.
"I'm here for whatever you need darling." He said with complete honestly that I didn't doubt.
"Gods I could kiss you but your just...so far." I said tiredly as I leaned heavily against the threshold to the bathroom.
I stepped into the bathroom and slowly got undressed as all my muscles protested their stretching, making me let out small whines when I lifted my shirt above my head.
"Are you okay, darling? Do you need help?" He said worriedly from the other room.
"I'm okay, Charles, really. I shouldn't have spent so long sparing Logan." I grumbled as I touched a bruise on my arm. I took my time in the hot water and felt it relax me. Taking extra care to wash my hair and body I stepped out feeling refreshed before waves of tiredness continued to grow. I yawned and turn to put on my clothes.
The bathroom door that I swore I shut was open slightly and gave me sight into the bed room. Charles was sitting in the arm chair nearest to the bathroom reading his book. He did this sometimes. Whenever I was feeling down or tired, if he didn't join me in the shower then he would sit in the same armchair and wait for me. Listening in case I fell or had a dumb question.
I clenched the towel over my chest as my love for him grew.
I got dressed and slipped out the bathroom and towards his chair. I put my hands on both sides of the arm rest as I leaned over him and kissed his cheek. Then his eyes, his nose, forehead, and lastly lips. I held the soft kiss for a minute before pulling away with a sleepy smile. "I love you."
"I love you too, darling, but what spurred this on?" He said smoothing his hands over my waist.
"You're so charming you know that? Sometimes I hardly know how I got so lucky with you. Cmon, bed time."
"But you've not even had dinner yet. And it's 8'0 clock." Charles argued before following me to the bed. He pulled the covers down before getting in and letting me in. I laid down with my hips between his legs and curled my arms around his back with my hands splaying against his backbone.
"Erik will bring us dinner anyway." Subconsciously I began to heal him as I relaxed.
"Darling you don't have to keep doing this, you've already healed me and I have a clean bill of health." Charles said softly.
I bent my elbows on the bed to look up at him. My eyes unintentionally beginning to water. "I need to do it. Every day if I must. It doesn't hurt me so just let me do it." I said thinking back to the accident years ago. His blood mixing with sand as I slammed as much healing as I could until I passed out. The weeks that followed were when I got to know him better and we began dating. Of course at the time he left out his boyfriend Erik. But we got along well enough to also begin dating. That's what led to our relationship. A triple threat as the students called us.
I leaned down again to continue healing him. Sometimes I could go days without subconsciously doing it. Sometimes I couldn't help the worry when he walked up stairs or across the room. He is right though, he has had a clean bill of health and walks for well over four years. But I still worry.
"Can you read your book? Aloud?" I asked as I laid my head over his heart and relaxed more. Being lulled to sleep.
"You'll be asleep before I even get the first paragraph read." Charles laughed.
"So, I like your voice. You sound nice when you read." I admitted while blinking lazily at him. He smiled and opened his book to read. He was right though, my senses dulled as I slipped into a dreamless sleep. I could still hear him reading from the edge of consciousness.
Twenty minutes later I recognized the sound of the door being opened and metal being moved, Erik. I smiled and snuggled more into Charles as if to say 'I told you so'. He chuckled and put down his book to run his hand through my hair.
"What happened to her?" Erik asked quietly trying not to wake me fully.
"Long day, the med bay has been very busy and then she spent longer than usual sparring Logan. Says she's tired." Charles whispered back, then there was the sound of the two kissing their hellos. I'd lean up to kiss Erik too but everything feels so heavy.
"I would be too, that man can pack a punch." Erik responded and put his hand on the small of my back. The warmth made me give a dopey smile and tilt my head in his direction.
"Gottem back some." I slurred still unable to open my eyes. "Ended pretty evensies."
"That's my Prinzessin." I felt the bed shift as he leaned down to kiss me, I responded in kind. When he pulled away I dropped back onto Charles chest and peppered his chest with sleepy kisses. Then his neck and jaw. I leaned up more and kissed his lips. The slow soft kiss went on past breathless and when I pulled away I licked my lips and smiled.
"Cherry lip balm, really." I said opening my eyes to see Charles panting with a heated blush. I licked his lips, "definitely cherry." I said before going back to kissing him.
Charles pulled away this time. "Seems your making Erik jealous."
"I'm not jealous." Erik said sternly while seating himself properly on the bed and moving the dishes to the foot stool with a wave of his hand. "I brought food, and you two are making out."
I snorted and rolled out of Charles legs to straddle Erik. "I can fix that." I said with mischief as I left soft barely there kisses on his strong neck. My hands massaged his shoulders as I did so. "Does my strong handsome man want kissy." I said softly in taunt. Bitting his bottom lip between my own I pulled and sucked on it.
"Testing my patience."
From the side Charles snorted. "You never had patience." He was now laying on his side propped up by his arm.
"Eyes on me, Erik." I said putting my knuckle under his chin as I tilted his head back into another kiss. My nails lightly ran along the base of his neck while he leaned more into me. I pulled away from the kiss and leaned down to begin biting and nipping his neck and shoulder. I nibbled lightly at a particularly sensitive spot just below his pulse and his hands gripped my waist tightly pulling a pained whine from me.
"Prinzessin? Are you okay?" Erik asked in concern while pulling away.
"Hurts." I mumbled while resting my head on his shoulder.
Erik's cold hands began to draw my shirt up and over my head, not caring that I was braless. Dark bruises littered the my ribs and side. One bad bruise, the size of a Baseball, painted my shoulder an ugly blue and green.
Erik and Charles watched with worried eyes. Charles moved forward again to lightly brush a bruise and I whined in discomfort.
"It will heal."
"It shouldn't have to, you shouldn't be training with that—" before Erik could continue I bit his nose for attention.
"Not another word. Every day I train and I spar not just by choice but also out of survival." I paused. "I am a healer, my job is to bring people back from the brink of death and save lives. In any war who is the first target? The first move of action will be cutting off food, supplies. Then they will kill the healers. A community would not survive without food or medical attention. Everyday I'm in that med bay I take care of little bumps and bruises but the day a war comes I will be forced to reattach limbs and heal bullet holes. I will Not be weak and take my death lying down. These bruises will heal but my death would be irreversible."
Charles, ever the emotional one with his heart on his sleeve, had watery eyes before swooping down on me to kiss me until I felt dizzy. He pulled away with a dopey smile. "I love you so much."
“Mmm.” I pecked his lips again before melting into Erik’s lap. “Can we eat before I fell back asleep.” I said before yawning and snuggling more into Erik’s chest.
“Anything for my Prinzessin.” Erik said and with a flick of his wrist the metal tray moved to Charles lap. Charles pulled the cover off and underneath was steak and potatoes and cooked carrots.
I opened my mouth and gave Charles puppy eyes hoping he would understand. He chuckled before spooning some mash potatoes into my mouth with a hand under my chin. I gave a happy squeal making him smile before he fed me more. In between bites he fed himself as well.
Erik must’ve rolled his eyes at Charles behavior because he spoke up. “You have no room to talk, love, you’d do the same thing for our Angel.” He teased making Erik place his hands possessively on my bare back.
“I’d do anything for our Angel.” Erik corrected while placing a kiss to my hair. “She saved you and in a way saved me too. Who knows what war I would be leading against the humans if it wasn’t for our Angel.”
Erik and Charles leaned together and kissed. “She wasn’t kidding about that cherry chapstick.” Erik teased running his thumb against Charles lips. Charles gave a breathy moan at their loss of contact and I shot up.
“If you two are getting frisky I’m going to sleep in ravens room tonight. I am way to fucking tired to put up with both of you tonight.” I said rolling out of the bed and slipping Charles shirt on.
I heard the bed creak and when I turned over my shoulder both of them had moved closer. Erik was fingering Charles curls before turning to me with a devious smile. “Wouldn’t you like to stay and watch?” He teased.
“We both know where watching leads. And I am banged up enough without you two making me even more sore. So goodnight and keep the noise level down.” I said turning back around and leaving the room. I ignored the sounds that made their way out of the room and hurried to Ravens room.
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gerec · 7 months
Tags: M, Cherik, Alpha/omega, adultery
Charles used to bring Erik flowers.
He used to bring flowers and chocolates and a hundred little gifts; gifts like Erik’s favorite pastries or a pair of butter soft leather gloves to replace the pair he’d misplaced. He wooed Erik with sincerity and endless patience – almost unheard of for an alpha – letting him dictate the nature and the pace of their on-again, off-again relationship. He loved Erik and did everything he could to convince him of that love; that he was Erik’s and Erik was his and he wanted nothing more than to spend their lives together and start a family of their own.
He asked Erik to marry him – once, twice, a hundred times, and each time Erik said no.
Now, he brings a faint air of bitterness and disappointment, but he’ll still come whenever Erik calls. He’ll push Erik up against the door and kiss him breathless, and go on his knees to worship Erik’s cock. He’ll strip Erik nude – sometimes impatiently and sometimes with great reverence – and work his fingers in Erik’s cunt until he’s going out of his mind with lust. He’ll spread Erik’s legs wide and fuck him slow and deep, or shove his face in the mattress and pound him on his hands and knees. He’ll grunt, or moan, or whisper ‘Erik’ as he comes, and spill inside an omega who refuses to be claimed.
Not again. Not by anyone.
Not even Charles.
The phone rings, and Erik already knows what he’s going to say.
“I’m sorry, I can’t come over.”
“Erik, do we really have to do this every time?”
“Yes, we do.”
“Fine. Moira surprised me with dinner reservations at Chez Henri.”
“Tell her you’re busy.”
“I’m not doing this with you.”
“You promised—”
“She’s my wife.”
“Fuck you.”
Charles comes over after his dinner and fucks Erik over the back of the couch. He’s angry and Erik is resentful and the sex is as incredible as it’s always been and always will be.
He leaves, and Erik doesn’t tell him that in seven months he’s going to be a father to twins.
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joshriku · 10 months
drabble request 👀: xmcu cherik’s erik finding out charles has been paralysed
i keep saying 'drabble' and then it gets out of my hands u_u here! post xmfc, bit of altered dofp scene. thank you for the prompt!!!!
Erik grips the headboard tightly.
Charles sleeps so soundly, so peacefully, like nothing has happened to him. Erik’s chest gets smaller, tighter, like not enough blood is being pumped and like the oxygen is out of reach for his lungs. The nurse, still under Emma’s control, keeps talking: 
“It’s a good thing the bullet was removed,” she explains, the weight of the words crashing upon Erik with each intonation. The bullet, so small and light, never truly left his hands. Every time he looks down, he can see it again. “It lessened the neurological effects it could have…”
Erik stops listening. There’s sand everywhere, leaking through his suit, and it’s so, so hot. It’s so hot. When he looks down, Charles is still sleeping, not having moved an inch. 
He removes one of his gloves, cradling his face. He doesn’t wake up. It’s better this way, perhaps, because every time his thoughts trail back to Charles, the thought of his disappointed and heartbroken stare makes him sick. I’m sorry, but we do not. The tremble of his voice, the tears that refused to fall, the pain he must have been in—
And the pain he will continue to be in, because of him—
“I’m sorry,” Erik leans down, pressing his lips against his forehead. It burns him. His skin tastes of sand, of bullets. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so very sorry.”
No reaction. When he turns around, the nurse has left the room, and all that remains is Emma staring at him with what seems to be her version of pity. 
“It shouldn’t have been like this,” Erik says. He gestures at Charles. “It should have never ended like this. This—this is a mistake. It can’t be like this.”
“No, I could—” he runs a hand through his hair. “An exo-skeleton suit, is that what they call it? I could make one for him—I could—the pins in his spine, I could—”
“Erik,” Emma says, firmer, the sympathy in her eyes gone. “You can’t fix this.”
A broken cry threatens to escape his throat. He turns around to stare at Charles, still sleeping, and would still be when Erik left, unaware he was ever here. And perhaps that’s for the better, isn’t it? Erik’s caused him a lifelong injury. Every time he wanted to get up, he’d remember Erik did this to him. Every time he took a breath, he’d remember the mistake he made when he trusted Erik. He loved him as he was, and Erik retaliated with a bullet to his spine.
Charles would never forgive him.
“You can’t fix it,” Emma repeats, a bit softer, reaching out to move him. “We have to go, Erik, I can’t keep the rest of the staff frozen any longer.”
Erik nods. 
He takes a second to hold Charles’ hand again, kiss it. “I’m sorry.”
Even if he never forgave him, the least Erik could do is change the world for him. Make the world a better place, for him and for all mutants. 
“Erik,” Emma urges again.
Erik gives him one last look, grabs his helmet, and leaves with Emma.
“I’m sorry, Charles…  for what happened,” Erik says. The apology hurts less to say, but carries the same meaning. Ten years did that to a person. “I truly am.”
Charles takes a sip of his drink, avoids his eyes, and focuses on the board in front of them. It’d be an admirable strength of feat, if Erik couldn’t see how hard he’s trying to not look at him. 
“I don’t expect you to forgive me,” Erik continues, a bit addicted to the feeling of confessing this guilt. “I hope—I hope by stopping this madness, I could—”
“I don’t…” Charles stops. It silences Erik immediately. When Charles looks back at him, Erik finds it hard to hold his gaze. But he does. He hasn’t stared at him in so long—being able to do it again, it’s downright hypnotizing. His next words pull Erik out of his little fantasy, though: “I don’t forgive you.”
“I know. I—”
“I don’t forgive you because I don’t blame you,” Charles finishes. Another sip, like it could give him more strength, but once he realizes his glass is almost empty he sets it aside. “I did, at first. I wanted to—oh, so badly,  I wanted to hate you.”
“The first few nights at the hospital, I would sleep through it all. Until the anesthesia wore off, and it was as though—” he tries gesturing with his hand, but there are no gestures that encapsulate what he must have felt. “I don’t think I could describe it. I would ask my legs to move, and they would not. Every time I woke up, I thought, perhaps this time it’ll work. And every time it didn’t, I wanted to curse you. Just curse your name and blame you for every single thing. And I couldn’t.”
“Why?” Erik asks. Does he sound hoarse? “Why couldn’t you?”
“You loved me, back then,” Charles says. “I knew you would never hurt me like that, willingly. How could I blame you for an accident?”
Charles looks shocked by his own words. Erik’s chest tightens. 
“I only ever blamed you for leaving. I wanted you to be there, to be with me through this change. To adapt with me. To… just be there,” Charles shakes his head. “How foolish of me, truly.”
“I’m sorry,” he says again. “I hope… with time, you can forgive me for that, then. And if not—” Erik tries to reach out with his hand. Charles doesn’t respond to it. “If not, I will still not leave.”
Charles chuckles. He looks at Erik as if asking, how could I ever believe you again? 
“Logan… Logan says we sent him, together,” Charles tentatively brushes his fingers against Erik’s. It’s not enough. He could be under Charles’ skin and still not begin to make up everything he missed. “I suppose we shall see, then.”
Erik swallows. He needs to close the space between them, he needs to hold him, he needs to—he needs to—
Erik leans back. “You have the first move.”
Charles looks at the chess board as if he forgot its existence. “It’s been a while since I played.”
“I’ll go easy on you,” Erik promises, slightly teasing, and for the first time in a decade he stops tasting sand.
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princessleiadelrey · 2 months
It’s that time…
Cherik song of the day is NFWMB by Hozier!
This is a more Erik-centric song (in my opinion), but you can frame it either way.
“When I first saw you, The end was soon”
Literally First Class, when Charles saved Erik from nearly drowning himself
“Give your heart and soul to charity 'Cause the rest of you, The best of you, Honey, belongs to me”
This is a very Erik sentiment, I love this, thinking about Charles giving his heart and soul to teaching and better mutant kind through training its younger generations - but the rest of him belongs to Erik.
“Ain't it a gentle sound, the rollin' in the graves?Ain't it like thunder under earth, the sound it makes? Ain't it exciting you, the rumble where you lay?
This part is odd - it’s a really dark line, but with a ship like Cherik, I kind of liken it to the mutants that have been lost I.e. “rollin’ in the graves” and the “rumble where you lay” could almost refer to what Erik views as Charles’ inaction/lesser action towards
You could take it as the world ending and them being the only constant in the end.
(This is really up for anyone’s take, it’s a complicated line)
“Ain't you my baby? ain't you my baby?”
Fun for them because it’s a genuine question - are they together or not?
“Nothing fucks with my baby, Nothing can get a look in on my baby”
Erik has proven that even when he disagrees with Charles he will still protect him I.e. first class, choking Moira with her dog tags or in apocalypse when he changes teams
“If I was born as a blackthorn tree, I'd wanna be felled by you. Held by you. Fuel the pyre of your enemies”
Erik and Charles are destined to be pit against each other because of their difference in views. If Erik was to go against anyone or fight beside them, he would rather it be Charles. He’d rather be taken out by Charles than anyone.
“Ain't it warming you, the world gone up in flames? Ain't it the life you, you're lighting of the blaze? Ain't it a waste they'd watch the throwing of the shade?”
This song is so poetic and I’ve seen a lot of speculation about what it’s actually about, and I really like the darker powerful elements of the song for Cherik. I almost think of it as like Erik egging Charles on - asking him to actually use his ability in the destructive way that Erik uses his own. “Ain’t you my baby?” is almost a taunt - like a “prove yourself”
Maybe I’m REEEEEAAALLY out there on this one but I’d love to hear y’all’s takes!!
Thank you guys for supporting the Cherik song of the day 🥹 don’t forget to send me your Cherik jams as asks so I can add them!
Spotify playlist of all the songs coming soon ✨🙏🏻
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I love charles dance erik wish more people would talk about him
Would you be open to doing a yandere alphabet for him, nsfw or sfw either works.
The Cherik fans have been flooding my inbox lololol. Not that I mind. But fear not, I have come with a slightly suggestive in some areas yandere alphabet! Also I’ll make the full blown nsfw one at some point-
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Erik respects his darlings space, but at the same time he can only hold off for so long before the need for physical contact with them becomes too overwhelming. Erik usually shows his love and affection through long, drawn out, hugs. If he’s really desperate for some loving though, Erik will try to coax you into giving him kisses. The minute you start to reciprocate his actions, Erik is practically attached to your hip, all of his free time being spent with you and vice versa.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Erik is not afraid to kill, even if it “throws him off a bit” (his words), but I think his ideal way of dealing with problems in the opera house is carefully planned sabotage. Whether that be messing with the backdrop and curtains, or even kidnapping you mid show.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Erik is actually incredibly gentle and sweet once he has you in his lair, he would never mock or throw angry words your way, even if you did something to upset him. He gives you the best of everything he ever gets his hands on, for example, he’ll always make sure you have the finest dresses, jewelry, hair products, anything you could ever ask for! Erik will even give you his entire bedroom if he thinks the guest chambers aren’t to your liking! If you tell him you can both just share his room, Erik is over the moon, shocked and blushing underneath his mask as he shyly agrees. I hope you’re prepared for being clung to like a teddy bear the entire night.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
The only thing Erik would do against your will is hug and kiss you. He knows he should respect your space, he knows you probably need time alone after being kidnapped, but he’s so starved of affection that it overpowers his will to let you be on occasion. There are, however, very rare instances where Erik kissing you can turn heated. An example of this might be him opening his mouth into the kiss in the hopes you’ll slip your tongue into his mouth to take charge of him, (because yes, even though this particular version of Erik is pretty vanilla, he still falls on the more submissive side), or Erik pressing himself snug against you, desperate for your touch. Of course, Erik will never force you to do anything beyond that, and as soon as he realizes he’s getting ‘excited’ down there he runs off to his room out of embarrassment and to pleasure himself, it gets really awkward sometimes because Erik is really vocal, but all you can really do is try to find a different room, but he’s VERY vocal so it usually doesn’t work. However, that doesn’t mean he won’t beg for you on occasion in the hopes that you’ll change your mind.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Erik sees no reason to hide his emotions from you. You’re his darling, you deserve to see every side of him. In fact, the only thing he would ever try to hide from you is his face, but if you show him nothing but love and compassion once you see it, Erik will even go out of his way to avoid putting his mask on around you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Erik hates it when you fight back, it makes him feel worse about kidnapping you than he already does.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This isn’t a game to Erik in the slightest, he just wants you to be happy down under the opera house with him. Every time you try to escape his heart shatters. :(
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Probably the worst experience you have with Erik isn’t even physical on your end, if I had to guess. I feel like the two worst experiences for you with him are when uses his tears and your own empathy against you, or when he goes out and sabotages/kills your friends in the opera house.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Erik wants to marry you above all else, but once that happens, he wants to escape with you to the surface world and live out the rest of your lives in domestic bliss. I could also see Erik wanting a child or two, either adopted or through you giving birth, it’s up to you two to talk about.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
You would be a fool to think that Erik doesn’t get jealous, and when he does, it’s not pretty in the slightest. Of course he would never take out his jealousy on you! The only thing he would do is that he would ask for you to be extra loving and praise him more than usual in bed that night, if you’re to that point. Taking out his jealousy on others, however, is something he would take pleasure in, whether that be outright killing them or just setting them up to fail.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Erik is very loving to you, to the point that it’s sickeningly sweet. There are certain ways you can fluster him or make him shy though, like hugging or kissing him of your own volition. Since dry humor and sarcastic quips are some of Erik’s key personality traits, if he finds you laughing over something he said, you’ll notice that he tends to try and say humorous things more often.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Erik definitely starts off with writing you letters when you first peak his interest, and after that it escalates to you hearing his voice, to you seeing his physical appearance, to you two going on little outings together, to you seeing his face, and then finally Erik’s obsessive tendencies get the better of him and you find yourself kidnapped despite Gerard’s protests.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Erik doesn’t really act different around you versus others per se, you just get to see more of his personality and other traits that no one has ever been worthy of seeing before.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Erik doesn’t really punish you, to be honest. I think the worst he’d ever do is lock you in a room for a spell until you calmed down.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Erik would only take two of your rights away, and one isn’t even on purpose. The one he would take away without necessarily meaning to is your right to privacy, being that he follows you around like a lost puppy, much like his other counterparts. The one he would knowingly take away is your ability to travel to the surface world without his accompanyment.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Erik’s patience is endless, I cannot stress this enough. He never loses his temper at you, or even around you!
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
In no way, shape, or form would Erik ever be able to move on, if anything he would try to hunt you down for as long as he lives if you escaped, and if you died he’s following right behind you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Erik feels guilty everyday for kidnapping you, but he absolutely refuses to let you go, and once his mind is set almost nothing can change it.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Its a combination of his childhood, being rejected for appearances beyond his control, and such a strong desperation for love that he would have ended up this way regardless of the former two.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Erik will probably cry with you, because like I said earlier, he feels very guilty for abducting you. With the way Erik hangs off you, though, I don’t really see you getting the chance to isolate yourself.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
I’m kind of drawing a blank for this one, sorry.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
One of your best chances of escaping is to pretend to be in a consensual relationship with Erik, and then escape when his back is turned, possibly with the help of Gerard.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
NEVER, Erik would rather kill himself!
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Erik regards you as an angel amongst devils, himself included, and counts himself lucky to be able to be in your presence. There is no length Erik wouldn’t go to for the chance to win you over.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
I think the longest Erik could go is a month or two before he kidnaps you. What can I say? You’re his biggest weakness and his biggest strength.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
I really don’t think it’s possible for Erik to break you, if he did, it would be a complete and utter accident, and nothing would stop him from trying to fix you!
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rafasbiscuits · 1 year
There is just something so incredibly beautiful about the story of Charles and Erik. Cherik
Like how they went from strangers into the best of friends in just a few days. How Erik is so closed off and cold to everyone but he was okay by the actions of Charles accessing his mind, Erik was okay showing his vulnerabilities to Charles.
How they both have different perspectives on things, they both grew up differently yet they are proof of "opposites attract" .Charles loving homo sapiens, wants the mutants to be at peace with the humans and Erik the opposite. Both of them have such strong opinions, so tempestuous, and when Erik became a villain. Charles saw the good in Erik and defended him. No matter what. Even when Erik's actions are too cruel sometimes, Charles will always find something, a reason to forgive Erik.
When everyone turned their backs on Erik and wants to kill him. Charles went neutral, like his mind was colliding with each other, contradicting. Charles always wanted harmonies between the two races(species?), mutants and humans but when it comes to Erik. Erik who had killed humans, hated them and despised them.
It seems like Charles just forgot everything he wanted, all his focus turns to Erik.
Charles told Logan, that Erik is a dangerous man. He should be stopped, but all along, Charles just wanted Erik to be by his side. Charles didn't have the heart to actually stop Erik himself, which is why he told Logan about it, knowing Logan's personality, perhaps Erik can be stopped by Logan, without Charles. But only Charles is as strong as Erik. Only Charles can actually stop Erik entirely, Charles knew Erik's weakness yet he didn't dare to attack him. Erik is the same, Erik will destroy anything and anyone that goes against his path, the path of making mutants the true leaders instead of the humans, even the mutants. But not Charles. Erik let go of Charles. Erik couldn't destroy Charles. Erik mocked Charles, degraded him, but never hurt him. Erik regretted deeply about the time where the metal of the bullet went to Charles's back and made him unable to walk. Erik would never hurt him, never again. Erik knew Charles couldn't hurt Erik too.
And when Erik went to jail, Charles visited his supposed-to-be enemy. To play chess with him, just like the good old days. Charles just wanted Erik to be with him, and Erik wanted the man too, so why would he stop Charles from visiting him? Erik probably looked forward to their meetings.
And that scene on that one older X Men movie, where Charles "died" and by the end of the movie, Erik played chess by himself. Nothing can convince me that Erik just lost hope then, because all his doings...he just wanted Charles's attention, he just wanted Charles. He just wanted the man that knew him best, his first actual friend, the friend that visited him in prison, that always saw the good in him, by his side. And then he was gone, he felt somewhat empty. Playing chess alone, reminiscing all the moments they had together.
"All those years wasted fighting each other, Charles. To have a precious few of them back"
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4humankind · 13 days
Cherik Songs
Rise Against - Whereabouts Unknown
Charles @ Erik, after the Beach Divorce™ Lines that hit especially hard as a teaser:
I long for the moment - Our silence is broken Just take the helmet off, Erik, PLEASE, let him BACK IN
Another place, another time - We toed the same side of the line Back in First Class, when everything was alright - take me back
'Cause all is forgiven - If you could just listen Charles, ready to forgive it all, it Erik would listen to reason
There's just something special about listening to a song for the 58725th time while at the gym and your brainrot is just like "hey! It's them!" and then you sit there, crying :) Enjoy (Lyrics under the cut):
To the ends of this lost world You have marched and you have sworn To a tainted crown of thorns
As the hungry sails unfurl We are trusted from the shore And it's you that we search for
The blackest night The midnight sun The covered tracks and days spent on the run The strangers we've become
These whereabouts unknown Please know you can come home It's alright I long for the moment Our silence is broken It's alright It's alright It's alright
Another place, another time We toed the same side of the line Yeah we saw eye to eye
Even then the saddest sounds, Were nothing laughter could not drown But we are not laughing now
I see your face In my sights I hesitate And then look for a sign Somewhere in the sky
These whereabouts unknown Please know you can come home It's alright I long for the moment Our silence is broken It's alright It's alright It's alright
Even together, we stand apart Swallow the sun, erase the sky An invitation has been declined Where did you go? Where did you go?
These whereabouts unknown Please know you can come home It's alright I long for the moment Our silence is broken It's alright It's alright It's alright
It's alright now Oh, oh
It's alright now 'Cause all is forgiven If you could just listen It's alright It's alright.
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arale2126 · 6 months
Cherik fics - That ONE line - 17 to 23
「 A series this time. 」
Fighting the Good Fight by listerinezero
The quotes:
Late Night Conversation
He could have been wearing bunny slippers and still Marie would have cowered.
At Least The Sandwiches Were Good
“Well, you weren’t escorted from chambers for making an elected official cry this time, so I guess that counts as a win.”
Letters From Prison
P.S. When your headmaster starts to prefer prison food to school food, it’s probably time to hire a new cook. Honestly.
Twenty-Four Years Earlier…
“I love you. I know we don’t see eye to eye on everything, but I don’t want to leave you, and I won’t fight against you when we should be fighting together.”
The Campus Tour From Hell
He was getting awfully tired of hearing the Mr. Chips speech.
“I was worried you might sleep on the couch,” Charles said. Erik huffed and pulled the blankets tighter around his shoulders. “I was going to.” “What changed your mind?” “I’m tired,” he snapped. “And I have a lot to do tomorrow. I don’t see why I should have to sacrifice sleeping in my own bed just because I share it with a selfish jackass.”
Cape Cod
“I don't hate going on vacation with you.” “You do nothing but complain.” “I do not!” “You just said that you had a terrible time, you always have a terrible time, and you hate Cape Cod.” “But you love Cape Cod.” “Yes, I do.” “So we go to Cape Cod.”
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ask-missparker · 7 months
I remember you said don't leave me here alone / OUAT AU Series
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Pairings: Amelia x Nikolai, Ethan x Liane, Rick x Liane
Friendship: Belladonna St. James & Joshua C. Nolan 
Extra Characters: Erik, Cassie, Alexander and etc 
-> Special appearance: Introducing Meira as Merida/The Mad Hatter, played by Billie Eilish
Summary: A dark glimmer of hope come in doses, even if it feels like everything is stuck in time. Sometimes you need a push in the right direction..
Warning: Angsty, with some fluff. Some violence here and there.
Note: Inspired by the episode Hat Tricks. And yes, Cherik is canon in every universe hush!
He woke up with his hands tied behind his back. 
His ears were ringing, his head hurt worse than the time he finished that English paper for Charles that weekend, and felt a gash on his forehead. He hissed sucking in his breath recognizing one of his lower lip as well. He blinked as it felt like was drugged, as the last thing he remembered was searching for clues on a small upcoming case he had about the stormy woods and the town folks who went camping up there. It was stupid really but he took the chance to clear his head and figure out the next move. 
Now he’s stuck in what seems to be a basement. 
He was laying on his back, flipping to the side noticing his backpack on the ground a few away from him. He tried inching over huffing and grunting, feeling he must’ve broke a bone during the fall to the floor. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
He hissed as his gaze fell onto a pair of black boots following upwards to face the mayor’s wondering grin. As if he wanted to put together a puzzle but didn’t have the right pieces yet. The boy glared in response trying to wiggle free of the ropes behind his back. 
“Wh..” He muttered.
“Oh? Too shocked to speak. Don’t worry I wouldn’t drug my nephew, I mean, I could. But it wouldn’t put on a good impression, would it?” He responded.
“..wh—what do you want from me..” He muttered trying to clear his throat.
“Aw my darling nephew wants answer. See, I hope what I’m about to say finds you in good heath, and in a prosperous enough position to put wealth. In the pockets of men like me who might be down on their luck..you see, that was the darkness in this town you decide to pluck.”
“..you can’t afford to be afraid..”
“Wise words coming from a child.”
It was as if Joshua could see right into his heart. The sadness, jealously and darkness that filled within. It was black, with gushed of red. As if he was lonely and felt underrated against his brother, that his darkness was just a craving of harsh lies he puts himself to sleep with. 
Joshua has learned from a long time ago, evil isn’t born. It’s made. The world was cruel, it was your choice to be a hero or a villain in their history. You pick the card and decide how to spin it over it’s head.
Maybe there was a slight bit of hope within that thick wall Alexander hides behind. His thirst for powerful, was a thirst to be seen as an equal, to be as loved and appealing as the others are. Then again, it was just wishful thinking. 
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“I..is this how you hurt my father?” He asked. 
Alexander was pacing around the room then paused not expecting those words to come from him. He took a moment to regain himself as he replied, “You know about that?”
“I heard a thing or two..I’m not going to try and dismiss what you did—what your doing is wrong. Because it is. You have people in this town locked under your finger..but at what cost?”
“..you don’t know everything, Mr. Nolan.”
“I don’t need to..i’ve seen men like you who took care of me before..they do it for the money, for the status, to be seen as something they are not..just to fill the void..”
Alexander gaze fell onto his nephew this time. It was as if those dark blue-green pierced right into his soul, swirling around waiting for an answer. This kid was smart, he’ll give him that much. He saw nothing but kindness and heartbreak behind those eyes, yet a determination that can slice an apple he has in his backyard waiting to be used on anyone for that matter. It was nothing like his brother nor his mother, but his own self. 
This child as been across some things, it was hard to tell if he was bluffing or not. As if he was telling the truth, a honest threat waiting to be fired. It was he like see a lot more, like he was sure he will be fine by the end of the day.
He scoffed, “There’s not void, child. You just stumbled into my town and think just because you fixed a few things, you did some good. Sorry to break your glass, but you are nothing. And you will rot in here til something worse happens.”
“You think I’m afraid of you..you afraid that your little town will see right through your lies and come after you? So you lock me up, cause some chaos and spin the bottle..clever..very, very clever..” He replied looking down. 
“You really think you’re safe? That your precious little friends and roommate will come find you?”
“That’s what I thought. Here’s the thing Joshua, your a pathetic exsume for a son, a lousy street kid who has no right to be living in your condition and someone who will never know the truth about himself. But I can ease your thoughts.”
“You’re parents, they were nothing. One was a lousy young lady with no right for royal status and the other a weak lad on the run from everything because he was too afraid to face the true. Everyone in this town has their agendas, and your just another spec in the dust of voices here.”
He watched the young man look down, not saying a word seeing a flicker in his eyes trying to not go out and lose that hope. However all Alexander could think was the way Joshua’s eyes pierced into his soul seeing the cracks behind his very own eyes. 
As if the boy’s eyes said, ‘your soul may be dark as the pitch black night but there a dose of kindness within than he ever gave credit for.’ It made him sick to his stomach that—that his face spoke more than a thousand words. 
It reminded him of his mother before his brother was ever born, believing that there was good in the world and a light inside him despite that darkness that converted him into who he is today. That he had the strength yet vulnerability to stand up to him in the mists of pain made him want to congratulate him, but it was merely pathetic he believed one little thought of confidence could make him turn a leaf.
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But then again, he didn’t want to kill the boy. There was no part of him thrust himself into the idea of harming in could led to death, he still wanted him alive and decently well..maybe there was a small inch within him that made him think twice before his actions…
He was brought out of his thoughts as Joshua spoke up, “..what? After me, who’s next on your agenda of victims?..I just feel sorry for you, mister mayor, thinking this will fill that void within..”
He didn’t speak, only slapped his face to keep him quiet. He didn’t need his voice ringing in his ears for the rest of the day, he had more important things to attend to.
The doors the station were slammed open, as the soft sounds of grunts and huffing could be heard followed by the whispers of the man in charge. He threw the man into the cell and locked it as he turned around. Nik stepped over as his hands gripped the bars of the cell he was placed into, his face showcased a mix of tiredness and worry. 
“I’m telling you, I have no idea where he went! Erik you have to believe me, I haven’t seen in him 24 hours..no calls, no text..I didn’t do anything to him.” He said, banging his against the bar.
Erik stood there with his arms crossed, “Are you sure? How could I know you didn’t drive him away or worse, dragged somewhere deep within the town line, Mr. Hawkins.”
“Do you really think I would harm the kid I have been taking care of for a while now? I have done nothing but provided him a home!”
“Where was he last?”
“..last time I checked he was going to get some air, said he had a small case he wanted to solve. I advised him to stay home but he promised he would be safe.”
“And you let a teen boy go thinking he wasn’t going to lie to your face and go to some house party?”
“Oh please, Erik, he isn’t that type of kid! He went to the campsites in search of something..please, just let me go.”
Erik walked back to his desk, starting to fill out some paperwork for the man muttering, “Not until I have evidence that you didn’t do it.”
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Just then, Alexander rushed in with Ethan behind trying to stop him of entering. Ethan was barking a few words at the man, two accents fighting for a place within the room. Nik rolled his eyes, glaring at both.
Then he stopped, “If you want evidence, ask my brother. He clearly has something to do with this. Isn’t that right Alex?”
Alexander placed a hand over his chest fixing his collar and said, “And why I ever do such a thing? I got a call that my brother was in jail, I had to see what’s the matter.”
“Since when do you care?! You couldn’t care less if I was hit by a bus!”
“Watch your tone, clearly you never learn anything from me about manners. What did you do to get you in this mess?”
“Nothing of the sort. What did you do to my kid?”
“You’re kid? Since when did you have the legal right to call him yours?”
“Not the time. Where is he? I know you did something, you could never keep your hands to yourself.”
“With that tone, I might as well not bail you out.”
“What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Kid?” 
“Nothing, I didn’t even know about this until now. But whatever you did to your kid, must’ve driven him away or worse, he’s probably being held hostage somewhere by one of your friends.”
Alexander put down 20 bucks on the desk before walking out, smirking at Ethan who just glared blocking him from his path. 
“Why are you not letting me leave? You think I have something to do with this?” Alex asked.
“Well, you always magically show up whenever it’s often than not convenient for you. First you show up when Ms. Spencer is awaken, then you appear when I’m taking a role in this town, even when Rochelle and Rick’s children are in a small crisis at school with Cole..you always show up. Matter of time when you come around again.” Ethan explained smirking, “What’s next for you?”
“Are you trying to threaten me, Mr. Long?”
“Depends, you see it as one?”
“Not at all.”
“Good. But mark my words, mister mayor, if you try something just as bad as this, I will come for you and your home.”
“I’ll like to see you try.”
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With that the mayor walked out as Ethan marched right back into the station talking to Erik about the current events, glancing over at Nik every so often hoping the man listen to this words. Ethan wanted to come start a hunt for Joshua as quickly as possible within the towns and woods. He requested Rick, Cassie and Rochelle to come along knowing that the boy could be held anywhere. Erik was hesitating to bring anyone else into this search party but he knew they would need extract hands on deck, he was getting old more help would be better. 
Half an hour later, he came back with this requested people. Rick didn’t look very pleased to be here, as he refused to have any weapons on him during the hunt in the woods. Rochelle hummed deciding on a gun, taking a small area of the town to look for the kid promising to Nik he’s innocent here as the man just sighed. 
Cassie was quite analyzing the whole situation, knowing that Alex has done this to prove a point to pull them apart into separate groups for whenever his biggest heavy hitters came. However he remembered seeing Alexander’s body language shifted wondering if someone beside Liane or Bella told him off, but she couldn’t place her finger on it.
Erik stayed back, watching the four of them go as he stayed to question Nik for his innocence, he should be at home with his husband Charles, not here at work together. Yet, here he is. He offered the man something to eat or drink, but Nikolai couldn’t stomach anything at the moment. 
He sat down on the bench of the cell at dark worse case scenario filled his head, thinking horribly of himself for letting that kid go off that afternoon when he should’ve stopped him. He was considered his guardian at this point, not just a friend. He said it himself, ‘his kid’, he never said that before put the words felt familiar. 
He just hoped he wasn’t badly hurt, and he will forgive him..
Joshua was tired, cold and hungry. He was bleeding and bruised, but a part of him knew he had to stay awake. He tried sitting up properly against one of the walls, not even realizing that his feet were tied by some rope—oh how could this day get any worse?! His vision was slightly blurry as he looked over his shoulder to see a spec of light, crawling over to notice it was a window seeing trees, some snow and much more. 
He was still in the woods, but he didn’t know for long. Alexander was planning on keeping him here, to keep his shut and guard by god know. He replayed the conversation between the two of them over and over again, he noticed a shift in the man’s tone earlier, like he hit a nerve. He didn’t know but the man just barked threats at him afterwards then slapped him across the face before leaving.
He searched around for any broken glass, sharp objects of any thing, to break himself lose and make a run for it. Then suddenly opened the door, as down the stairs walked in a women. He could hear a possible other voice coming from the room across but it faint. His eyes fell on the lady once again, short pink hair, glasses and black overalls along with some pink boots to match. 
He recongized her from the record store, he barley talked to her very often but liked the vibes she gave off. He remembered hearing Riley’s tales of her father being Red Riding Hood and her mother being The Huntress, always pointing out the store’s kind lady. 
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According to the tales, her name was Luna, the women who was sent to harm his father but couldn’t have the heart to do so and ran away unable to finish the job, meeting Rick afterwards. Joshua bit his lip worried she was going to live up to her promise and harm him instead. Luna placed a cup of tea in front of him, shyly waiting for him to drink it. 
Instead Joshua asked, “W-what are you going to do me? What’s in that?”
Luna gave him a innocent look shaking her head, “I only made you tea, you looked thirsty…I-i can make you s-something else.”
“No thank you..w-what is doing for you in exchange of keeping me held here..”
“..he-h-he is not doing anything..he, uh..”
“..let me go, please..”
“He told me he would give me a bonus upgrade on my store, allowing new shipments of video games…”
“W-what? D-did I say something wrong? I won’t hurt you..I-i promise..”
“He is doing you a favor..but I am the one getting hurt here!”
“You will be fine, it’s only for a while..please drink up before it gets cold..I am sorry if I upset you, I um..”
Joshua looked down, a sadness and darkness filled his eyes, he didn’t know what to even respond with. It wasn’t her fault, she didn’t know any better and probably didn’t want to get hurt by the mayor, so she did the favor in efforts to save her skins. But he didn’t trust her that easily, even if he was thirsty. Josh pushed the tea away from him causing it to spill on the floor, as the small cup rolled around, Luna looked rather upset that he didn’t take her offer. She glared calling him ungrateful stepping back out the door, not before treating him a couple of threats. 
The door closed behind her as he sinked back into the corner he was placed into. He looked at his backpack that seemed open. He assumed someone must’ve tried to look inside, he crawled over to the using his legs to inch the bag over searching for something to help him. He found an old textbook from Charles’s English class and smirked using whatever strength he can, even his hand tied behind his back tossed it over the cup Luna placed on the ground as he sat on top of both items crushing it. He was surprised all the hours of watching TV payed off, using the shattered piece he tried to saw his way out of the ropes slowly starting to cut. 
The group of four searched around separating into pairs of two to cover even ground. Rochelle looked around the town’s older buildings deciding on heading to the woods next as Cassie went asking around for any sighting of the boy, tracking the area for clues. Cass knew one thing for sure, one of the advantages of being securely awake from the curse, is that there are hidden part of the town that come into bloom during the mid winter—early spring. 
Certain flowers. 
Meanwhile Rick and Ethan decide to split up. Rick knew he was able to cover more ground by himself, it was as if he had an act for catching people red handed with just the mere scent of their tracks. His daughter liked to say it was because he was half wolf, sometimes he liked to believe that was true.
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With that knowledge, he went searching around for clues of any kind, dried blood marks on the ground, items lefts aside, anything useful for his hunt. To his surprise, a certain young Latina tagged along wanting to help out, having her clear guesses on what might’ve happened and who could’ve taken him hostage. 
Ethan went lurking around the woods, driving in his car passing buses after buses, the foggy sight of the trees along the road didn’t help his vision almost knocking into someone. He stepped out to find a women with wild curls, a deep blue skirt, combat boots and a long ass coat catching her breath. He rushed over asking if she was alright, as the young women smiled with a shrug. Ethan questioned why she was in the woods as she said she going for a walk, the man just slowly nodded.
 She asked him, “What are you doing here?”
“I uh..” He replied looking for an lie, “..I was searching for my dog. He’s a runner.”
“Ohh I love dogs! What’s is name?”
“Uh, Portland.”
“Portland? No offense, sounds like they were trying to run away with a name like that.”
“Yeah well, it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw him.”
“You know look like you could see a refresher, I know the woods very well. I have a map at my place, we both look for him together afterward.”
Ethan thought for a moment, seeing how kind yet familiar this young women meant to him. He thought a little help couldn’t help, technically he was looking for someone. 
“Sure!” He added with a smile, “What’s your name by the way?”
“Meira.” She answered with a smile.”
“Nice to meet you, Ethan.” 
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The two drove off into the woods, stepping into Meira’ grand old house that was lovely decorated with flowers, nice chairs, paintings on the wall and even a beauty of a piano in the living room. She even had a couple of telescopes. She said that her parents died leaving with such a nice estate she couldn’t help but make it her own. Ethan was amazed by her little world inside the home, feeling cozy inside. 
The two of them entered the kitchen as Meira pulled out a map and two cups of tea for them to drink out of. He joked if it was poison as she shook her head, pointing out the mapped sections within the woods. 
Everything was going fine, the two chatted as they drank. Feeling at ease in the conversation, circling spots on the map onto where ‘Portland’ could’ve gotten. Meira kindly excused  her to use the lady’s room as Ethan nodded for her to go right ahead. Once she left, he wondered around the hallways spitting his glass looking at the paintings of forests that didn’t look like any he’s seen before. He heard muffled sounds coming from the hallway as if Meira was on the phone with someone, he stepped into one of the rooms to find weapons.
Guns, bows and arrows, hats, throwing stars and much more. He slowly exit the room into the hallway, moving slowly. Suddenly, the sound of a gun cocking is heard turning around to meet Meira’s face who grinned.
“I see you found some new toys for Portland.” She said holding the gun to his face.
He raised an eyebrow, “I've already called for backup, they'll be here any second.” “You haven't called anybody... for the same reason you didn't tell me about your real plan. You don't want anybody to know you're here, which means nobody does.”
“Have you been watching me?”
“Your telescope. You've been watching me. Why?”
“I need you to do something for me…brother.” 
She gently shoves him into a room, telling him to sit down in the chair in front of her desk, he does as so. As Ethan sat down, he noticed the room filled with hats on display and telescope. He even noticed a small potted plant in the corner, Meira smirked hoping his eyes darted to the small flower. She would have to thank Cassie later for it. She explained to him the situation here, along with the curse. Ethan rolled his eyes at Meira. 
“Have you been reading Belladonna’s book?” Ethan asked.
Meira smirked, “Belladonna? You mean the Mal’s favorite hand maiden?"
“Belladonna’s, the Liane’s adopted kid.”
“Oh, Bella. Your Belladonna…and her book of stories, the ones that you choose to ignore. Maybe if you knew what I know, you wouldn’t.”
“Why have you been spying on me? Why did you call me ‘brother’? I don’t have a sister..”
“Yes you do. I’m your baby sister and Cole is your brother. You just don’t remember, cause you scared of the truth. Because for the last 16 years, I've been feeling stuck, day after day. Until one night, you, in your car, roll into town, and the clock ticks and things start to change. You seeI know what you refuse to acknowledge, Ethan. You're special. You brought something precious to the town—magic!”
“You’re insane.” 
“You say that. But we know you seek to know that town is a little crazy. You show know, you’ve been around crazy you’re whole life! The tattoo on your arm is a small symbol of it.” 
Ethan was silent, looking down at the tattoo on his arm, he was a feather. He didn’t remember getting it, alway assume it was due to a drunk night out with friends. Ever since he arrived, he felt strange around this town, the very fact that Cole decided to be nice to him surprised him, and now this. One look at Meira, he could tell she was onto something but he refused to acknowledge it like the rest of the damn town. She wanted him to look around and open his eyes, to wake up from whatever dream he has created his head. 
She wanted him to take a second to remember who he was, that he had magic, skills untapped that just doesn’t want to take back. Make her a hat. Muscle memories as one would call it. He barked back that she has enough already but she responded that known of them work. However he can make some, due to their being very few magical elements in the real world. 
He looked around briefly letting out a chuckle, “The hats, the tea, the bow and arrows…you’re somewhat psychotic behavior…you think you’re the Mad Hatter.”
She sighed with a smirk, “Yes, and I don’t think. I know. The name’s Merida, but some like to sweetly mistaken it as Meira.”
“You’ve clearly glommed onto my kid’s book. Well, the kid’s thing, but they are just stories. The Mad Hatter, he’s in-“
“She! She is supposed to be in Wonderland. But travels to other land that look just like this one, you should know. You’ve done it! You’re the Ace Of Hearts, The Knight of the realms..one of the plenty of Prince Charming’s around..”
“It’s all in a book! Stories that I’ve read in school, myself. I am no hero of those tales..they are hysterical stories.” 
She sat down on the desk in front of her, leaning in with an almost convincing smile as she said, “Stories? Right, just stories. Tales of many kind..and where do you think they come from? History books are based on a version of history. And storybooks are based on what, imagination? Where does that come from? It has to come from somewhere.”
“Mhm..yeah..” He responded staying quite listening to her rant as his gears started to turn. 
“That’s where we all come in! Every tale comes from somewhere, cue in our characters, from Nik being Prince Charming to Luna being the Huntress in his tale, simple really.”
“Simple? You want me to believe that?”
“You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution to their problem, and everyone refuses to believe in magic. It’s not that hard, just open your mind.”
“Yeah, right open your mind..to this one reality!” 
At that, she barked back standing from her chair leaning into his face with a knowledge smile. He leaned back, a hint of fear washes over him. He heard everything she said but there was something he feared from it all.
That she was right.
“What are you so afraid of?! All of the evidence is slowly coming into light, right there in front of you! God, dad must’ve made you hit your head a little too hard when you escaped..” She exclaimed, her gaze following him sight, “What is holding you back?”
That made Ethan finally snapped as a glare reached his eyes as he snarled, “Of this! I’m afraid of this. You think I am such a worthy hero? A Knight from Wonderland? Prince Charming?! I don’t want that job back on my shoulders! I may not remember what you’re saying but you’re making hard to run back and stay in my perfectly safe mind.”
Meira smirked, “There it is!”
“You know what’s it like to be separated from your kid? It makes you lose your mind wondering if they are okay! I just got her back, I am not willing to lose her again..I can’t be this hero—your Prince Charming, I don’t want it. I ain’t hero..”
“One of the heroes..only some of us remember who we are, the others don’t. But the kids do! It’s time to wake up, Ethan. Grab your pals and break this damn curse.”
The two of them were standing at this point. Meira even showed him across the telescope the town, the homes, her brother and friends. She said that they don’t remember anything, her parents don’t remember who they are. She can’t tell them, which drives her mad. Drives everyone mad when you can’t be with the ones you love. Ethan nodded understanding her statement, how it can make you feel like you’re losing your mind sometimes. 
He shrugged saying it possibly a chance he believed, that she said was true. She smiled, as she turned around to pick up the hat, he picked up the telescope and strikes her with it, knocking her out cold. He muttered that she’s crazy, making sure she was alright as his gaze fell to a tattoo of a heart on her shoulder, before taking the gun and rushing out. He took one last glance at the flower, snatching up a knife from the kitchen before he left. 
As he rushed out of the house, racing across the woods he spotted a certain brunette running looking over his shoulder. He noticed it as Nik who explained he tipped Erik off while he was asleep. The clock chimed as the two men exchanged a look knowing they had something they needed to do soon before it got dark. 
Meanwhile Belladonna and Rick went scouting the woods in search of the missing person. Rick leaned into his older path, tracking the more natural way searching foe clues. Finding a piece of cloth and dark dry blood marks on the ground, gasping at the sight. As they were moving in closer, Belladonna went the more tech route linking Joshua’s phone to hers, tracking him there. There was a low signal that was rather faint, but it was there. 
Both of their radars went off, exchanging a couple of looks rushing off to the place where he must’ve gone. Rick stepped up the doorstep of the home banging on the door, getting a sense of nostalgia when it came to house. As if he knows it from somewhere. Like he’s been here before, but couldn’t place his finger on it. Belladonna noticed the small half smile on his lips as it seemed like a fragment of his mind was trying to tell him something but he had no idea what it was.
Funny how the mind work, huh?
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There was ruffling sounds coming from the door, a heavy breath that could be heard loud and clear. As the door opened, dark brown eyes met the very blue of the blonde man who lowered his fist from the very door she opened. A connecting twinkle sparked between them, like a swirling look of acceptance and confusion at the circumstances. 
“Luna?” Muttered the blonde, nodding for Bella to follow him inside.
“I um..R-rick..wh-what are you d-doing here? Wh-who is she?” She repiled, looking worried and nervous on the two visitors, “Uh..you can’t come in..”
But it was too late. 
“Who is she? More like, who are you? And don’t play coy with me..” Belladonna asked eyeing the pink haired woman who looked petty and guilty in her eyes.
“I um..don’t know what you’re talking about.” Luna respond, looking between her and Rick, “I didn’t do anything, if that’s uh-what you’re thinking…”
“Likely story. Where is he? Where were you the last 24 hours?”
“I don’t know where you’r talking about..I um..I-i-i ww-was at h-home.”
Rick pinched the bridge of his nose and scoffed, “Luna, honey, I know you’re lying. What happened?”
Luna looked scared and more than guilty looking down, “..I-he m-made me do it..I was given a favor..f-for-for I can get a g-great deal o-on my at-store..it was a n-nice uh-thought…”   
Belladonna didn’t wait another second, hearing the couple talk in the room as she hurried into every room on the first and second floor of the small house. She could hear exact footsteps and voices coming their way upstairs. She assumed it was her father and the others. A couple of screams were heard.
She paused as her ears caught wind of the muffled screams coming from the basement as she let out a small gasped, opening the lock and hurried down to find her friend on the ground weakly trying to break free. She felt horrible, rushing over to step untie him starting with his hands that were tired behind his back. He dropped the glass of the class cup that sliced a corner of his hand as she heard tiny whimpers coming from him.
Joshua’s eyes were red and puffy from crying, his gaze was dark almost like they lost his light. He was quiet, almost numb but responsive which was a clear positive sign for her. She pushed some hair out of his face as his body flopped over to the ground as she shouted for him to stay awake. But he couldn’t he was tired, annoyed and hungry. 
She carefully led him upstairs calling for help up the steps, as thankfully Rick was there reaching for Joshua who weakly took his arms to hold onto. Belladonna blocked out his conversation with Luna as her only thought was on Josh’s health. 
As she led him out the door and into the front of the house down the steps across the woods, in a flash came her father and Nikolai turned up rushing to side. Both adults rushed to the exact child. Ethan held his daughter close, proud of her for today’s action, walking them back looking over at the others. Belladonna carried the backpack on one shoulder. Nikolai held Joshua’s close, running a hand across his face telling him to stay awake and they will be home soon enough. 
At the station, everyone was getting cleaned up. Erik talked to the adults, not pressing any charges on Nikolai for what happened, seeing a worried father take place in front of him. Rochelle was helping to gently clean Joshua’s wounds as he kept quiet. Ethan was nursing an wound that ended up on Belladonna’s body, despite her effort to tell him she was fine, he didn’t listen.   
“What happened back there?” Rochelle asked dabbing a cotton ball on his forehead as the boy hissed. 
Nikolai was wrapping his hand in a bandage, “..buddy, you need to tell us..”
Joshua was just silent, looking at Rick then Luna. But his gaze fell on Bella who locked eyes with him, as if to send a single signal to her onto what happened, who harmed him. She got what he meant and sighed. 
He inhaled and hissed, “..I was in the woods, searching on a clue on our new case with the sighting of wolves and more campers lately, I saw something in the road..when I was knocked out cold, I woke up in the basement..my backpack away from me, tied up as Bella saw..”
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Nikolai didn’t know what came over him, pushing his hair out of his face being gentle with his wound concerned with his state wondering what was going inside his head. The light in his eyes flickers out like a old used flashlight, like the sun was coming down to rest as the night took over for him. He noticed Erik questioning Luna onto what happened, as Rick backed her up. Ethan was taking notes of what happened, as the wildness of the woods still played in his head. Rochelle chimed up with her insights on the townsfolk and the accident that might’ve led up to it.
He shook his head, deciding to take him home to rest at their loft instead, ignoring Ethan’s calls saying they will talk later. 
Once the two arrived home, Joshua lay down on the couch as Nikolai got some fruit to eat as he across from asking if he could open the backpack for him. The teen just nodded, watching him with blurry vision eating the long awaited food, humming at the taste of fresh blueberries and slices of mango entering his mouth. It felt better than expected. 
Later on, after a quick shower and now in cleaner clothes he found his father in the kitchen wiping up two grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. He watched him with tense shoulder, as the man hummed in comfort clothes than the pair of jeans and hoodie he was wearing earlier. 
He knew he was waiting for him to talk about anything else that happened, as the teen just sighed and muttered, “..where were you?”
The older brunette paused from flipping the two slices of bread to look over his shoulder and reply, “Umm what?”
“I was gone for almost 24 hours and you were nowhere to be found..I was hoping you’ll be the one to find me..”
“Joshua..when you didn’t come I was worried, I called you phone plenty of time and you didn’t pick up. Next thing I know I was put behind bars at the sheriff’s station because they thought I did something to you..that I had something to do with your disappearance..”
“Wh..b-but yo-you escaped..I-i saw you!”
“I couldn’t any longer for bail or to be prove innocent to go after you, so I broke out of there! That’s what I came late to find you..I am so sorry..I should’ve listen to my gut and ran to search for you..”
“I needed you and you weren’t there..”
That caused Nik to turn around and face him. That words sting like a bee. He blinked hearing this words replay in his head over and over again like a drumbeat. He saw the look on his face that almost broke his heart. 
He looked down for a moment, shaking his head hating that he made him feel that way, the words sounded like it came from a different place. As if he broke the line. 
“Wh..what is that supposed to mean exactly? Josh, I haven’t said anything lately, but you’ve been holding something back ever since we started this whole thing..” Nik admitted crossing his arms, giving him a certain look, “What’s going on here? I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”
“..um..you won’t get it.” Josh repiled, looking away for a moment, “..you won’t..”
“Try me. Go ahead.”
“Alright..you want the truth.”
Joshua took a breath and scoffed, “You let me go out that door last night, without a care in the world, because you thought you could trust me and look where it got me! I’m hurt because you’re brother decided to have me kidnapped because he knows if the truth gets out on what he plans to do with the town..he will be doomed.”
“I’mma stop you right there! Alexander kidnapped you and you didn’t expect to tell me this?! This is serious matter, Joshua I don’t care what his plan is, he harmed a kid. He tricked one of the townsfolk to keep you there.” Nikolai exclaimed with an anger in his stomach growing. “That’s my point! He wants to keep everyone locked up in this town for god knows what reason, cause he knows if everyone is happy he will have no power over us..I stayed quiet about this for weeks now I am not taking it anymore!”
“Alexander kidnapped you and harmed you in a way that shouldn’t be expected at any point. No kid should go though that..did he do anything else?” “I’ve been hit before at old homes, it seems like before I was knocked out cold I was fighting someone..but Alex, he just threaten me over and over again..he..he called me an orphan, a lost boy..that I will never know who I really am..I um..”
He started to get chocked up as he recounted all the bad things Alexander said to his face and all the things he told him. He was told stuff like this before, that he was a child. He’s got nothing to prove, nothing at all. Nikolai walked around the kitchen island setting in between the stools wrapping his arms around the teen, as running his fingers across his hair to smooth out his cries. He felt like a part of his way his fault, it was. He pressed a small kiss onto his hair and hummed trying to hush him as he listen to Joshua’s comments. He made a silent promise to himself to not let him feel that way again, not feel hurt or alone. 
Then he heard it. 
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A small whimper that came from Joshua as he let go of his arms. He watched him go to his room, then come back with a blanket. A baby blanket with his name engraved in a font, on the side was a small little monkey. He handed it to Nikolai as he noticed the way he ran his fingers crossed the letters and the patch, he let out a small chuckle he knew his style of drawing better than the back of his hand. He took one glance at Joshua, trying to piece the words together. He noticed a old stuffed bear in his hands. 
He spoke, “Remember the stories I told you..the ones you would hear us talk about at the diner, how each one of us like to talk bullshit for the characters are real and how they are our parents..I believed in that because I wanted to hope there was a sign they were out there..then..”
“Then all of this happened..” He continued for him, taking it all home, “..you had theses ups and down your whole life..and I walked in. The hot chocolate, the artist in you, the fact that..your looks..I’m your..”
“Yeah..I might need an DNA test to prove it but..”
“Prince Charming..me? I have..how long have you this?”
“For a while now..I-i didn’t know how to tell you or bring it up..because I didn’t think, I couldn’t wrapped by head around it..”
He didn't know whether to believe it or not. He was sure, he wasn't from some fantasy world. But how do you react to the kid who has been staying with you, is now saying you might be their father?
Nikolai walked over placing a hand over his cheek as his thumb rubbed his cheekbone, not knowing where he got his eyes from but he does have his chin, eyebrows, and—well his face in general, for sure. A a quarter of his height for the added measure. But there part of him that he must’ve gotten from his mother..
“Who did I screw to make you?” Came out his question.
The concept of him being his son was still wild to him, he probably needed an DNA test and answers on who the mother was. He has been with a couple of women over the years, so he wonder who is was.
Why come now with the questions? But a part of him could only wonder what came next.
Ahh I am so sorry if this was long! I hope you guys like it. I’ll love to see your comments and insights you might have. Any thoughts on things.
Click here to see what else was happening during all of this
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @thecavalrywife @cherrysft and etc
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wolf-the-nerd · 6 months
cherik fic
since ao3 is down here's a fic I wrote (I'm new to fic's please don't be rude.)
Summary: they go to a bar and a person starts hitting on Erik , Charles is not happy about it.
Its a Lead up to smut kinda
Charles sat at the bar sipping scotch from his glass while Erik sat next to him drinking a beverage of his own. 
The sun was still up but hung low in the air, a cool breeze flew in the summer air shaking the flowers that lined the seating area around the bar. Many tables were sitting outside behind the pair with many groups sitting at them enjoying the coming summer night.
Charles took a drink and set his drink down smiling at a comment Erik made
The pair had found a time to come together for the night despite the chaos of the world around them and had been enjoying the calmness. 
The breeze blew around them, stirring up fallen petals and depositing one on Erik. Charles reached over to brush it off of him and came to notice a table of women staring at them laughing among each other. A dark-haired woman seemed to notice him looking and ducked her head away.
Erik turned to look at the women and back at Charles. “What is it?”
Charles shook his head “Nothing to worry about dear.” he replied turning back to Erik and placing his hand on his leg leaving it there.
Erik looked at him but said nothing, picking up his drink and sipping it.
 “So I was thinking that-” Charles spoke, pausing as a pair of footsteps approached the couple.
A woman walked over to Erik and Charles' grip tightened on Erik’s leg.
The woman leaned against the bar and looked at Erik. “I was wondering if I could buy you a drink?”
“I suppose you could, but I’d have to let you know I’m here with someone.”
“I don’t happen to see her, lucky me.” she turned and nodded towards the bartender who reached to grab another of Erik’s drinks.
The bartender grabbed one and placed it in front of Erik who took a sip.
“Erik.” he heard a voice almost growl in his head.
“Well the girls and I were going to head to this club and wanted to know if you would like to come dance?” she asked, pointing back towards the table of women from earlier. A few of them waved while the rest continued talking amongst themselves.
“In that case, I would have to restate that I’m here with someone.”
“Come on, it would be fun, your friend can come along too,”  she spoke gesturing towards Charles.
“Not interested,” he replied shortly.
“Come on darling, we could show you a fun time tonight.”
Charles looked up at the woman and took a breath.  “He’s not interested.” Charles looked at Erik before speaking loud enough for her to hear. “Come on darling, let's go back to our room.”
The pair stood and began the walk to their hotel, ignoring the choice of words the women spoke as the pair left. 
“I’m sorry.” Charles spoke quietly “Normally I’m fine they were all just thinking so loudly about you and she came over and.” he paused “I should be the only one to call you that…” he mumbled his voice trailing off.
“There's nothing for you to be sorry for Charles, besides Jealousy looks hot on you,” he replied pulling Charles into the elevator by the front of his coat and pushing him against the back of it. 
Erik pressed the button for their floor before grabbing the front of Charles' shirt and kissing him. Charles deepened the kiss, grabbing Erik and pulling him against him. Erik moved his hand to Charles' head intertwining his fingers in his hair. The pair pulled apart to breathe then reconnected Erik tugged Charles's hair causing him to moan into his mouth.
The elevator dinged causing the pair to jump and exit practically sprinting towards their room. 
Charles fished the key out of his pocket unlocking the door and entering before pinning Erik against it once inside. Their mouths connected again and they stumbled their way to the bed.
Charles pushed Erik down onto the bed and climbed on top kissing him hard and pulling away before moving onto his neck. Starting with light kisses he gently kissed his way down his neck getting lower he nipped at Erik resulting in a whine, as Charles got to just above his collarbone he bit down. 
Erik moaned and Charles pressed a kiss to the spot smirking at Erik’s response.
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Cherik bingo fill: Free Space.
I was writing this as another fill, but then I noticed this had little to no correlation with the prompt, so I decided to use the free space to post this one.
What he has, what he easily loses, what he desires, what he fears.
The damned control.
Some days it’s easy, everything goes without trouble. But some others…
It seems like the control would be his curse for the rest of his days. When he was taken away from his parents in that place of hatred and death, losing control did two things: Not getting him killed, and getting his mother killed instead. Everything just because he could bend a metal door, but couldn’t move a fucking coin.
Having someone take control of his life by controlling him was a curse, but at the same time a blessing. Or at least he tried to convince himself of it. Because they used him as a weapon, an entity whose feelings were overshadowed by a much greater good: The mutant cause.
When he was able to escape from that person's grip, he finally took control of his life. A life he would dedicate to avenge the death of his beloved mother. Everything was going great, it was easy to catch them because of how stupid they were. They thought they were invincible. When only Shaw, the man who for many years took control away from him, remained, perhaps he lost himself a little.
He lost control when he found out that Sebastian Shaw was a mutant. He lost it when he was thrown into the water and in a desperate attempt to end the life of that man, he was willing to drown. Right until that voice invaded his mind.
Was it control? Was it an order?
No. It was more like a plea.
Erik didn't lose control, but he let go of the sub. Confused, he let the hands hugging him tightly pull him to the surface.
Control was what made his deeper instincts and adrenaline not show the first time he saw the face of that stranger. His voice was an invitation, his lips more so. That night, when Erik was ready to leave to continue his mission, suddenly his emotions were in control and he agreed to stay with them, with him.
Control was all he had and all he lacked every time he found himself in front of Charles Xavier. Because he can't say no, because the brush of his fingers over his seems to be enough, because the brush of his fingers isn't really enough.
They barely lasted a day on the road and control was lost. Because he would never say no to Charles, because his liquor-flavored pink lips would make anyone lose control. Losing to Charles wasn't really a loss. Not when his desperate hands cling to his naked body, not when his mouth covers every inch of his skin, not when his hips rise wanting more. And what little control Erik has left evaporates as Charles's lips make the most exquisite sounds he's ever heard.
Uncontrolled life has become more interesting, more fulfilling, more life.
But life without control is what would keep Shaw alive, and that he wouldn’t allow.
Again, to gain control of his life was to lose it. Because getting the coin through Shaw's head was a victory, but the cost he paid was Charles's trust. He thought it would be enough. But to his fate, it was not enough. And then losing control, a bullet went through his lover. Losing control is also clinging to Charles's body, his tears falling freely, regret flooding his soul.
This time, losing control was also losing. Losing against Charles, losing Charles. Winning the tears and rejection of his lover. Losing his pink lips and blue eyes.
A broken heart was the only thing he won.
A broken heart from losing control.
To have it, to lose it, desire it or fear it, what difference does it make? Since Charles left, there's nothing that makes him feel like control is worth anything anymore.
Bingo masterpost here!
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