#not your forever
navybrat817 · 2 years
Are you discontinuing Not your forever and The Interrogation? It's been years since you last updated them.
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I'm aware of that, nonnie, and I have my reasons. They state ON HIATUS, not discontinued. I plan to wrap them up when I can and I'm sorry for the readers waiting. I refuse to finish for the sake of finishing. If they aren't 100%, then I've compromised the integrity of my writing and stories. That isn't fair to any of us.
Love and thanks. ❤️
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just-spacetrash · 8 months
the 'what if you played it a little risky' post literally Changed my life but i cant fujkign find it in my blog because its. a tiktok screenshot
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mildelectrocution · 3 months
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Inspired by Darwyn Cooke's iconic Batman & Robin illustration, and the New Batman Adventures.
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marypsue · 10 months
Keep seeing that post where OP starts like 'Thinking about...grieving the undead' and then adds on about like. Real life situations where people have not died but have left your life and you would have reason to grieve them.
All respect, that's an important concept, but that is not what I am thinking about when I read 'grieving the undead'.
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arimiadev · 8 months
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oh shit rpg maker xp is completely free to own this week on steam??
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rayveneyed · 2 months
nanami kento is the kind of man that makes people swoon without even realising it.
he's the kind of man to walk into a luxury store after work, suit jacket folded over one arm and a bouquet of flowers in the other -- his blonde hair still mostly perfect from the high-end pomade he uses. he scours the shelves, frowning to himself, while the attendants whisper and giggle amongst themselves near the tills -- an argument over who will be the one to talk to him, because he's intimidatingly pretty.
("just look at him," one whispers. "he's definitely buying something for a girlfriend."
"a wife," another disagrees. "c'mon. he's giving husband vibes."
someone hums. "but i can't see a wedding band."
"his mother, maybe?" says one other. "oh, i love when guys come in shopping for their mother."
"nobody's mother is getting a bouquet of a hundred red roses--")
eventually, one of them is volunteered as a sacrifice -- smiling and sweet as all attendants should be, she clears her throat. the others, crowded around the till, watch the exchange closely. "excuse me, sir. is there anything we could help you with today?"
her mouth is dry and her hands are clammy -- and when he fixes her with those narrow, burning eyes, her throat bobs.
"ah, yes." and his voice is deep and gravelly and drawling, and her stomach turns. she can only imagine what her coworkers are thinking -- hell, she can only imagine what she's thinking. her mind has stopped short. "my girlfriend likes this brand quite a bit. i thought i'd pick her up something..."
disappointment brews in her stomach -- and it's stupid, she knows it's stupid, because obviously a guy like that is taken. and -- she glances down at the roses -- obviously he treats her super fucking well. of course he does, because why wouldn't he? "oh, perfect! do you have anything in mind?"
"well, actually..."
he ends up buying one of the priciest gift boxes available -- fancy body care and perfume laid out in their signature boxes, decorated with ribbon and dried lavender -- no argument, no fight. he doesn't look for something cheaper, doesn't try to haggle or remove something to decrease the price. he adds, and adds, and adds -- and when she mentions a special offer at the till, a little add on for an extra 2000 yen, he accepts it readily. he inserts a black card into the card machine (of course, a black card), takes the beautifully wrapped bag, and thanks the girls for their services -- and just as he's leaving, his phone rings.
of course he answers the phone with hello, darling. of course he begins to ask his girlfriend about her day, the girls think with some amount of annoyance -- of course. maybe the curse of retail isn't entitled assholes expecting you to wait on hand and foot for them -- maybe it's the handsome men coming in to splurge on their girlfriends while you're painfully single and working for pennies.
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arundolyn · 1 year
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everybody shut up this post is exiga nail now. get nailed idiot
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blueskittlesart · 7 months
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i hope everyone in nintendo’s management department dies and goes to hell no matter what and i’m not kidding
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shesleavingyou · 3 months
When I walk around lately I hope everyone looks at me and sees this
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vamptits · 1 year
you're all joking about not wearing earplugs to concerts, right? we're not out here rawdogging 120dB. right.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
I just binged Not Your Forever at 2 AM.. the rollercoaster of emotions, anger, sadness, confusion.. you truly have a gift with words and vision 😭🫶 thank your for continuing to write these gems for us, can’t wait to read whatever you put out next! 🤍
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I appreciate that, lovely! One of my goals is to revisit that (I'm not giving the timeframe right now to be on the safe side!). My vision for it had changed, but I'm getting back to the right mindset. Forcing the muse does me no good and I hope you lovelies all know once I do update that it will have 100% of my vision and heart in it. I also can't wait to share more nonsense here!
Love and thanks. ❤️
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maul-of-shame · 2 months
If you're looking for me, I'll be actively sobbing over this frame for thousands of years:
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EDIT 2: We're now +90 in the server so the only way to join now is via dm, if you want to join send me a dm and i'll give you an invite!!
EDIT 3: It's not that hard to reblog instead of reposting it bub :') Had to repost the credits version cause people kept reposting it T-T 03/08/2024 -----------------------------------------------------------
EDIT 4: From now on, we're not sending invites anymore. We're a lot in there (around 160 people) and to keep it under control and manageable, we won't be sending out invites for a good while. If you want to be put on a waiting list, please DM me (I won't be responding to comments, just DMs) and I'll keep in touch with you.
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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learning to love
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huachengsromcom · 6 months
People call Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF a slow burn but Hua Cheng is literally courting Xie Lian like they are DATING. Slow burn who??? They’re sleeping next to each other on straw mats and Xie Lian’s offering to cook him dinner and they’re bantering across THE HOME THEY SHARE like a bunch of desperate hussys
They have A DATE in HC’s armoury where they HOLD HANDS and XL pets San Lang’s quivering sword I-
Hua Cheng basically throws himself at this man he’s like you want a sword?? All of them ?? You want ALL THE SWORDS?? Fuck it take the whole room THE WHOLE ROOM JUST COME VISIT I WILL CLEAN THEM FOR YOU
Like he isn’t the king of a whole realm with shit to do
And this is just the first half of the first book—again I ask the world SLOW BURN WHOMST
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seventeendeer · 3 months
ppl are too quick to point to laios' disability as the reason his friends think he's a freak sometimes. so many instances of laios getting yelled at are, in my eyes, a case of "this guy had to emotionally mature very early in order to be there for his little sister" combined with "much older friends who never had to learn to manage their own emotions to the same degree"
a lot of the time he's right about needing to be more direct/deal with things in a way that may seem scary/needing to put your gut reaction aside. he tries not to make his friends uncomfortable and he puts up with a lot because he's trying to keep the peace, but he also pushes the others out of their comfort zones purposefully to try to get them to think more constructively. everyone else in the party is prone to acting on their gut instincts and avoiding uncomfortable situations even when facing them head-on is very much necessary. part of what makes laios such a great leader is the fact that he knows from experience how to put his own feelings aside to help someone else grow.
yes, he does make a lot of social blunders by accident and he does struggle to connect with others, but not all of his positive influence on others is accidental or "despite" making people uncomfortable. a lot of the time, I think it's clear he knows exactly what he's doing and he's trying to help the people around him process emotions in a healthy way as they all go through some truly harrowing shit. all the main characters support each other as well as they can with their unique emotional skillsets. laios' skillset just happens to be "gently talk child into eating her vegetables"
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3amfanfiction · 4 months
I fully headcannon that Simon Riley is the type to take anything you give him, regardless of the impact to his health.
“Simon, you’re home!”
He had just walked in the door as you take a bite of a cooling cookie. you grab another one and hurry over to give him a hug and kiss, then you hand one of the cookies over to him. “You’ve gotta try these. They’re a cherry cream-cake cookie that my coworker gave me the recipe for. Tell me what you think!”
You wait expectantly for him to try it, bouncing excitedly when he tells you it’s good.
you grin as you stuff the rest of your cookie into your mouth and hurry back to finish your last batch. Simon follows and sits at the kitchen table to visit with you while you finish baking and begin cleaning the kitchen.
Before too long you notice his voice start to go a little hoarse when he answers your questions. as he clears his throat for the third time you ask, “You okay? Do you need something to drink?”
“Nah, I’ll b’ fine” he rasps, standing and coming to give you a kiss on the forehead. “i’ll be back in a bit, lovie.”
Is out the door before you can get your thoughts together enough to question him.
That evening you’re laying in bed when the door opens and in walks Simon.
When he crawls into bed you turn to him and let out a “Simon!’ when you see him covered in hives “what happened to you?”
He tells you he went to A&E since he’s allergic to cherries. His throat was swelling up while he was listening to you tell him about your day and he broke out in hives shortly after he left.
When you grill him, trying to figure out what was going through his mind when he accepted the cookie without saying anything, he just shrugs and pulls you into his chest with an eye roll and a, “it came from you, sweetheart. What was I gonna do? Not eat it?”
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