#not wizardly
muchomago · 2 years
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My friend requested a mad scientist blinkie, and I made two prototypes before settling on the first design. I decided to put them all together so that they're a set.
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odddogs · 6 months
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so huskypoodle crosses are like a definitive thing... idk how i feel about that... but... i do like the look
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ghoul-wizard · 2 years
Moves at a pace slightly faster than your walk speed but slightly slower than your run speed
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waterdeeping · 11 months
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I just think he's neat 🫠
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sideblogdotjpeg · 10 months
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moonshine and beverly somewhere in the astral plane ... inspired by me thinking about beverly having a balnor-esque mustache when he grows up
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aureoboros · 4 months
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figuring out how to draw this guy
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wizardly-waves · 4 months
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he's just so cool!
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urfavssins · 7 months
Wayward Vagabond?
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sylkys0f7 · 4 months
I'm holding ur paws in mine right now. or maybe just your claw. as much as i can of u i'm holding ya bc i love you you ALWAYS brighten my day
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critrolesideblog · 1 year
Essek sat on the floor in the center of the Nein-Sided Tower laboratory. Papers crammed with arcane equations were spread about him in a semicircle, and the slate wall before him contained diagrams and notes copied from the fragile pages of a mostly-destroyed Aeorian spellbook.
"Oh, boy." Caleb had appeared in the doorway, returned from his quest of retrieving possible spell components from his bedroom. He was grinning with the sort of delight most typically seen on the faces of children who'd just received a gift. "Are we shifting into floor mode?"
"It seemed appropriate." Essek grinned back at him as he set the satchel of components down on a nearby table and waved his hands back and forth through the air excitedly. It was a habit Essek found endearing in the extreme. His enjoyment in puzzling over Caleb's subtler body language not-withstanding, his hand-waving was like a brightly-painted sign that said HAPPY and EXCITED.
He turned his focus back to the challenge in front of him as Caleb began carefully tip-toeing his way around the papers. The spell in question sent its target into a maze in a demiplane. Essek supposed it could have practical uses under the correct circumstances, but really it excited them simply because it was, well, fun. The demiplane foundations had been a wonderfully engaging brain teaser to solve, but the randomization of the maze was proving to be a much more complex bit of arcana. And complex arcana simply made more sense on the floor.
He was certain the fragment on the upper right corner of page twelve of the spellbook held the key to the puzzle. He copied it neatly onto a fresh piece of paper and considered it. It took some time before he noticed Caleb was watching him in his periphery rather than examining the equations on the ground, a soft smile on his face.
"This thing you do when you're thinking hard," Caleb replied after a moment, tapping his fingers on his chin in demonstration. Essek's own fingers stuttered to a halt. He had long ago trained his hands to find other, less-obtrusive outlets for their energy when not in the comfort of his own home, but this time he had not caught himself. Before he could apologize, however, Caleb continued. "It … It's cute." There was a hint of bashfulness to the way he turned his head back towards the papers on the ground that, combined with the lingering boyish excitement, made him look as young as he was.
"Cute?" Asked Essek, once his senses returned to him. "I do not think I have been called cute in a hundred years, if that."
"I find that hard to believe. We were calling you 'hot boi' within an hour of meeting you."
"Well, 'hot,' certainly. Handsome. Sexy, perhaps." This earned him a grin from Caleb, and he tapped his fingers against his chin as he thought it over. "Hmm, not cute, though, no. At least, not to my face."
"I will have to add being the first to do so to my list of accomplishments."
Both grinning, they turned their focus back to the puzzle at hand. They settled into a comfortable silence broken only by the tapping of fingers and the scratching of quill against paper, until a solution struck Essek like a lightning bolt.
"We need to apply Petjyre's Possibility Theorem!"
Caleb was already in motion reaching for the nearest piece of chalk. "Ja, ja, and we can apply Wysaric's rune to stabilize the containment field."
And off they went.
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Wizard Tip of the Day: If a wizard traps you in a stupid fucking maze, that's basically like scoring 1st base
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muchomago · 1 year
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A set of Earthbound/MOTHER 2 themed blinkies, suggested on Toyhouse
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odddogs · 2 months
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ugh.... i can't deny i fucking love these stupid huskydoodles
look at this thing, you can't tell me he doesn't know spells he looks so confused about his existence
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ghoul-wizard · 2 years
Not enough Hollywood movies have slime and goop. Back before cgi if you had any sort of alien liquid you needed a guy who could make various slimes, goops, or dribble. Not anymore.
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elusiveclownbox · 9 months
it’s honestly so funny to me, thinking back about how I originally got interested in bg3 due to astarion,,,and then I ended up restarting halfway through his romance because I fell more in love with gale💀 and then I found out the fandom calls gale ANNOYING
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hunny-pp · 1 year
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shadow wizard money love between tav/dianthus and gale
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