#not to say that i didn't hate their relationship ever
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bloodchapell · 3 days ago
Do you want to write anything for Dr.Stone? Maybe hcs of what it’s like living with the characters? Platonic or not doesn’t matter.
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what it's like to live with dr.stone characters
what to expect: implied stanxeno
your sword's note: thankyu so much for the request dear anon! let me know if i should do a part 2 with more characters, more on my mistresslist
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you never know when he is home, he could not come home for three days straight or come home at the same time every day
extremely organized but somehow doesn't mind some mess (as long as it doesn't disrupt his organization of important things)
if you are living with him as a roommate, this guy needs to know you for this life and three previous ones, if on a relationship it needs to be a really serious one for you two to live together
you will find things in the fridge that should NOT be in the fridge (with a note saying "do not consume unless you will 10 billion percent die")
his computer needs to run insane calculations so it can also run almost any game, he lets you use it (if you mess with his stuff the universe might colapse)
really popular: he either sleeps on a senior citizen schedule or has lost track of reality
if on a relationship: ideally he wants separate rooms, he doesn't want to disrupt your sleep when he is engulfed in the latest project and occasionally just wants to sleep on his own, sometimes tho he just crawls into your bed and lays stiff until he falls asleep, always wakes up hugging you or being hugged, swears on copernicus' name that he doesn't like it but it keeps happening (is this a pattern?)
great at following cooking instructions but can't innovate
showers with cold water for the "benefits" and complains if you take too long on the bathroom
folds clothes horribly so he just hangs them
no pets (its for the creature's safety i swear)
if on a relation ship: u found a four of clubs in your underwear drawer? no you didn't
will manipulate you into cooking (either way don't let him cook)
collects cards decks and has them displayed
solid skincare routine, can't decide if he does some form of exercise like pilates or idek, have y'all seen his waist!? is that body tea natural???
if on a relationship: feet and hands always cold and he seeks your warmth when you sleep together, refuses to put on socks (bro walked everywhere without shoes in the stone world, he'd do that at home too)
will eat your food, he doesn't care if its labeled
hates chores day, but he is also really organized so that helps (has a random hidden pile of chao)
your place will always smell good because he brings flowers regularly
why are there 3 six-packs of cola in the fridge?
either brings mirai really often or straight up lives with her, she has her own room and all
cooks delicious meals my gawdd
if on a relationship: he makes sure you don't have to do a single thing. cooking? he got it. chores? he got it. you want the lights off? done. craving something? he will go buy it
if on a relationship: lets you brush his hair, play with it and take care of it (this is my dream)
this guy wakes up at the crack of dawn and will be making some protein shake that is inhumane
i hc that he really likes photography for some reason, so he will have pictures all up his room (or the entire place if you are together)
if on a relationship: he is a human heater, he is so damn warm when sleeping is kinda scary
exercises every single day (no shit), might drag you along
trophies and all displayed
francois lives with you too, they have their own room
idk what is the situation here if you are roommates, makes more sense if you are together
you don't have to do a single thing, ever, it is all taken care of
you open doors and discover full on facilities that you never knew the place had, it keeps happening (is this place infinite?)
if on a relationship: your room matches those of royalty in webtoons, gigantic bed, a closet like barbie's in life in the dream house, a vanity with every product you could ever imagine, the bathroom has a massive tub and a smartass toilet
he would ask you to accompany somewhere real quick (you end up across the world on a party), if he ever asks for some of your time and you deny because of work, he will buy whatever company you work on and give you infinite paid vacation, if its because of studying he backs down and lets you study
has so many dogs, francois handles their schedule
the mansion is so big that you get surprised when you meet him unintentionally
if on a relationship: you also have separate rooms, and a room for the two of you
he brings sai over (against sai's will)
stan and xeno
why would you live with these two? are you their adopted child?
elegant ahh house
you are allowed to have a fish
rocks everywhere !
in the new modern era he is fascinated by simple house appliances. the microwave heats up the food? THATS BAAAAD. the washing machine washes the clothes? THATS BAAAD (downside is that he will take apart everything to learn how it works and it may not function again OR he will invent a house appliance that already exists "what if we had this artifact that woke us up through a bell?" "oh you mean an alarm clock?" he falls backwards)
organized as hell, knows where everything is. has he seen your polka dots sock? hell yeah
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everlastingauthor · 21 hours ago
Dating Mihawk & Shanks
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➻ Tags: Hawkeye Mihawk, Shanks, Female Reader, Dating, Romance, Smut mdni , Traveling, Exploring, Fun, Adventure, Affection, Sunshine Reader & Shanks With Moon Mihawk.
➻ Media: One Piece
➻ Request Open: ☑ Yes | No
➻ Author's Note: 9pm probably will have this uploaded around 10pm. Decided to do my first female reader fic and next fic will probably be Buggy x Male Reader, this idea for this fic I thought should be adorable and saucy so I hope that you guys will enjoy, oh please remember do 𝙉𝙊𝙏 reupload my work anywhere else or feed it to an ai please and thank you. If you enjoy this fic then please heart, comment, and reblog. If you like my content then please do follow me, I appreciate any support I can get.
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Strange was it? You were dating the captain of the famous Redhead Pirates and also dating the world's greatest swordsman, you thought it was strange as well but you couldn't be happier to be dating them both. Shanks was happy to be in a relationship with you and Mihawk, the redhead always would shower you and Mihawk in affection. Even though Mihawk pretended to hate the affection you could secretly tell that he enjoyed it as well. Mihawk had his way of showing you and Shanks his affection whether it's cooking for you both, letting you guys cuddle him while he reads, or slashing anyone who dares try to harm you both. You always tried your best to split your affection with the two men. Mihawk didn't require much affection but Shanks on the other hand adored getting the attention, when he's not crawling into Mihawk's bed. He'll crawl in your bed especially when dealing with a headache from a hangover; since Mihawk will scold him and turn him away. But Shanks knows you'll make him tea and get him some water then cuddle him, rub his back, and kiss his head. " Thank you, angel you're much nicer than Hawkeyes. " Shanks would say while burying his face into the crook of your neck.
Mihawk wasn't public about his relationship with you and Shanks, and of course you and Shanks understood why. Mihawk didn't want anyone knowing that he was dating, but whenever Mihawk noticed someone was getting a little too friendly or comfortable with you and Shanks then he won't hesitate to scare that person off, Mihawk tried his best to look out for you both. His favorite thing was kissing both you and Shanks, sometimes he'll start kissing you then move to kiss Shanks then back to you again. Sometimes he'll kiss either of you longer to make the other jealous, he'll smirk if either of you pout. Mihawk didn't mind if you and Shanks took over his bed because whoever he has to roll over then he'll roll over, Mihawk is the big spoon in the relationship there is no way in hell that you'll ever convince him to be the little spoon or a bottom.
When Shanks needs to get away or Mihawk wants some peace the two men would buy a vessel to travel on with you. Nothing to worry about when you have the expert pirate and the greatest swordsman on board protecting you, the three of you will travel to different places to try new foods, relax on different island, and make memories. Mihawk of course is in charge of cooking when on board his meals leaving you and Shanks feel warm and full, you were an excellent navigator, and when Shanks isn't napping. He's up for a fight if any idiot pirates try to storm the ship. Shanks and Mihawk don't mind teaching you how to fight to defend yourself. " Remember your stance princess, you hold the sword, the sword doesn't hold you. " Mihawk said, he found this also as a good couple's activity for you and him. Sometimes he'll have you go against Shanks. " That's my girl, almost knocked me off my feet. " Shanks said, with his puppy dog smile.
Whenever the night rolled in you would convince Mihawk and Shanks to go grab some blankets and lay them down on the deck so the three of you can watch the stars, you'll lay down in the middle so that you could hold Mihawk's hand and Shanks' hand. You would talk about facts and your knowledge on stars, Mihawk didn't mind learning about the stars he found the information interesting, Shanks would pretend to understand but he's really watching how beautiful you and Mihawk look underneath the stars. Shanks would be the one to fall asleep after telling you and Mihawk about stories from when Luffy was a kid, you would fall asleep while listening to Shanks' stories, and Mihawk would already feel himself falling asleep, falling asleep underneath the stars wasn't bad so Mihawk would cover you and Shanks up with an extra blanket. He would try to stay away but would eventually fall asleep himself.
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Mihawk could always get you and Shanks on your knees making the two of you bend and moan to whatever position he wanted the two of you, he was also very commanding. Mihawk knew that whatever he gave a command in the bedroom that you two would do it. Sometimes he'll tell you to undress Shanks and then tell Shanks to undress you, he'll sit in a chair drinking his wine watching you and Shanks sit on his bed nude while in a heated make out. " Go ahead touch her and show her breasts some love, and you dear give him a couple of strokes let's hear those pretty moans from both of you~ " Once Mihawk finishes his wine he'll join you and Shanks in bed. After that you and Shanks are left both sweating and spent from the limits that Mihawk had pushed the two of you to, Shanks' face is almost as red as his hair while you are sore and still trying to catch his breath. Mihawk doesn't shy away from aftercare especially after what he puts you and Shanks through, he'll clean you both up while praising you both. Telling you how delicious your cunt or how Shanks' cock tasted delightful as well. " You also took Shanks so well princess, your cunt was gripping him like it was made for him. " He would kiss you before helping you get dressed. " And sometimes I remember you are less annoying when your lips are wrapped around my cock. " He would tell Shanks.
Now while Mihawk isn't one for being on the bottom, if you and Shanks haven't bothered when he's busy, annoyed him, or something stupid. He'll let you guys being in control in the bedroom. And Shanks loves it when he gets to be in control because he'll convince to help tie Mihawk's wrists to the bed while the two of you go down Mihawk leaving the greatest swordsman grunting and letting out shaken breathes, the two of you teasing him and making him feel the limits he pushes the two of you to. " {Y/N} be careful riding him, you don't want to break him when there is still much to do~ " Shanks would say while leaving love bites all around Mihawk's chest and up to his neck. Mihawk didn't mind this and letting you two have control much often. Sometimes it would be you and Mihawk having Shanks laid out or Mihawk and Shanks laying you out. They'll praise you call you their good girl, their princess, or goddess who deserves all the pleasure.
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Mihawk and Shanks love you very much and you love them very much, you were glad to be in a relationship with the both of them. All three of you have been making memories with each other, caring for each other, and protecting each other. Eventually you did get better at combat and know are skilled at the sword along with hand to hand combat so whenever Mihawk was away completing a task, Shanks didn't mind taking you with his crew on adventures. Now that you could protect yourself he didn't have to worry much about you, if anything most times Shanks was more worried about who would have to face you in combat especially when you were trained in combat by him and your trained blade skills were thanks to Mihawk.
Whenever Mihawk could relax but Shanks had to go out with his crew then Mihawk would take you to his home on Kuraigans and you didn't mind helping him and Perona around the place especially with the farming, Mihawk would show you around the island and sometimes he didn't appreciate when Perona would drag you away whenever he was talking with you, eventually Mihawk did have to relocate because of the blasted Marines, so he decided to get a small cottage farm home for you, him and Shanks. Somewhere away from trouble or the Marines, sometimes whenever Mihawk and Shanks were away, you were in the cottage adding your own touches.
How wonderful and adorable to have the affection of both of them, to know that they always come home to you. That all three of you have such a loving and trusting relationship no matter what happens the two of you always love each other, and never will let anything happen to the other, and if a family happens then maybe a family will happen, especially when Mihawk and Shanks have been planning behind your back to propose to you very soon~
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klutzyroses · 2 days ago
Hihi! I hope you’re having a lovely day and that you’re well! I was wondering if you could do a part 2 of the jealous suitors where the MC has a lover, but in this scenario what if her and her lover broke up due to him cheating on her and how the suitors would react?
Thank you very much!
And I hope you're having a great day too! Enjoy!
IkeVamp HCs: Reader gets Cheated on
How do they react when the when the woman they love has an unfaithful partner?- Follow up to this hc.
Suitors: Leonardo, Mozart, Arthur, Comte
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His first thought was to comfort his cara mia.
Well, not his and he couldn't think about that anyway, not while her heart was so freshly broken.
You know what he meant.
When he found her sat in the backyard, curled up with Lumiere and crying into his black fur, he knew there was no leaving her alone.
When he heard the reason for her tears, he didn't give the cheater another thought. She was the only one who mattered to him. He wasn't happy but he also wasn't going to waste even an ounce of energy being angry about him.
He rather focused on seeing her less hurt, less broken down.
"Take it easy, cara mia. Don't get so down on yourself. Those pretty eyes aren't for sad tears."
He patted her head as his deep voice uttered soft reassurances. He'd hate for her to overlook how precious she was because of a selfish man who couldn't see it.
Part of him was darkly satisfied that he was right all along. That man was not good enough for her after all.
But the majority of him is coldly angry that he would dare treat her that way.
Say what you will of Mozart, but loyalty was important to him in a relationship. He couldn't understand the prospect of being unfaithful to the woman you supposedly loved.
Why did the fool even bother with her if he was going to wander like this? How classless.
He, with more gentility than his words usually offered, sat her down and helped her clean her face.
She was too beautiful for tears, though he was not going to tell her that.
"Don't waste your tears. Not on him."
Seeing her upset hurt him, his love for her, hidden as it was, didn't permit him to leave her like this.
When he heard what happened, his heart sunk down to his stomach.
He once thought this was what he wanted, deep down in the darker recesses of his being.
Somewhere in him, and he was not proud to admit this, but he was hoping for Y/N's boyfriend to mess up in some way, any kind of way.
He was sorry he ever thought that as soon as he saw her tearstained face.
His sunken heart cracked when she looked him in the eye and asked her if there was something wrong with her. Why she wasn't enough for her ex.
The only thing on his mind now was to make her feel better. Make her realize that the tosser was the one who lost. Not her.
"Oh Y/N, what rotter would ever let you go? He is a right wanker, mark my words."
He wiped a tear from her lovely face, his own set with certainty and compassion for the woman he still loved.
He ached when she poured her heart out to him over a cup of tea.
When Comte found out that her boyfriend had cheated on her, he was shocked.
He couldn't fathom how any man could look at another when he had Y/N. Inexplicable.
His emotions were less focused on the man, but more on her and her wellbeing.
Yes, he was galled by the audacity of the scoundrel and he had better hope they never crossed paths, but at the moment, she was his priority. Because nothing hurt more than seeing her hurt, her beautiful face red and damp with tears of shame and humiliation.
He would give her the sun and moon wrapped in a bright red bow if it would make her feel better.
"Let me show you how you ought to be treated, ma cherie."
He knew material items couldn't substitute for love, but he wanted to spoil her, treat her like the queen she truly was.
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love-byers · 1 day ago
You can tell that some Milkvan’s have never had someone they’re close to come out to them before because Mike’s whole storyline is exactly like watching someone in your friend group or your family slowly figure out their sexuality. We don’t have the full picture and we’re not going to until he allows it. I think Milkvan’s expect him to be more obvious or something if he was queer but those people seem to forget that he’s a gay kid in the 80’s. This isn’t some Love, Simon-esque film where the whole school is going to clap for him when he finally comes out and gets the guy. It’s gonna be more like pitchforks and torches all “hunt the freak” like they did to Eddie. It was scary when I came out in 2018. It’s still nerve racking to come out now in 2025. In the 80’s, I can imagine it would feel absolutely terrifying just to think that you might be different than those around you. You have no one to turn to or confide in. Any library article or newspaper would be filled with horrifying details, slurs, death, or just spewing some religious bullshit. Nothing helpful or positive. Theres no GSA at school. There’s no nice queer corner of the internet with a helpful “Am I gay quiz?” like in Heartstopper. Just a kid with confusing feelings in a homophobic town with no one to guide him. Mike’s story is the most genuine depiction of internalized homophobia I’ve ever seen in a character. Mike and Will’s love story is beautiful and honest and I wish more people would open their eyes and see it instead of blindly believing in a story that has already been told time and time again. Representation matters. Good representation matters more. Calling us delusional just fuels the problem.
yes yes yes
most of the toxic milevens i encounter are extremely ignorant to the queer experience and queer history. they don't understand just how dangerous it was for gay men in the 80s, and they have no sensitivity towards it. i saw one in a tiktok comment section say "if mike is gay why would he date a girl instead of will??" ...........................
they don't understand that will is representing a very significant aspect of the 80s, that ofc being queerness during the aids epidemic. they've acknowledged that will has been called slurs TO HIS FACE since he was a small child. the whole town assumed he had been HATE CRIMED. they've reinforced it to the point that it would be DIABOLICAL to give will a sad or bitter sweet ending. because they didn't just make him gay, he had to be in love with mike too. they've shown that will has been called queer his entire life, before he even met mike. his love for mike wasn't used to reveal his sexuality, they did that through the bullying and moments like the girl playing footsie with him in s4. his feelings for mike were not necessary. will's arc could've simply been about him being afraid that his friends won't accept him and masking it to them and mike for that reason. but no, on top of everything else, he had to be in love with mike. like im sorry but getting rejected would contribute absolutely nothing to his arc
also, will and mike are interesting as queer characters (assuming mike is queer ofc) because they are representing the different kind of experiences. will is queer, and the world assumed he was queer too. mike is queer, but the world assumed he was straight. it is unfortunately easier to realize your sexuality when you've had it spouted in your face since you were a small child. we haven't really been shown that will struggled to realize or accept his sexuality at any point. the only person with that coding is mike wheeler. who, like i said, the world (for the most part) assumed was straight. it is a different experience when you have no one pointing it out like will did, mike realizing his sexuality has to come completely from his own internal battle. and it's really difficult, especially given that mike was deep into a relationship when he realized, or at least started suspecting it. mike was the one being weird at the airport and rink o mania because he's in crisis mode internally. will isn't, will knows who he is and has probably known it in some way for a while. that just isn't mike's experience, so of course it will be different for him. milevens think that because he wasn't portrayed exactly how will was queer coding wise means that he's not gay. like i said, they have little understanding of the queer experience it seems
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zepskies · 1 day ago
I was so happy to read a sequel story for Long As I Can See The Light!!
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Russell and you had been together for five and a half months, and each time he left you found yourself wanting more.  More of him and more time. It was frustrating to be with a man who had a job that would pull him out of your arms as quickly as he’d appeared and leave your bed cold once more. 
God YES. This is the same idea I've explored in my sequel fics to ESC. It's the idea of wanting more time with a man who by necessity of his job, has to pop in and out of your life. As endearing as Russell is, that would be such a difficult obstacle to overcome in a new relationship.
Those last few years of your marriage were frustrating and did little to boost your self-esteem. Especially when your husband made you think you were annoying him and made you feel stupid for wanting more.  With Russell there was no such thing. When the two of you started dating and Russell realized exactly what your husband had done to you, he'd spent every waking moment making you feel more beautiful than you ever had. He listened to you, understood you, and did more for you than your husband had done in all the years that you'd been married.
Ugh I'm so glad she's got a man in her life that actually loves her and considers her the way she deserves. And if you ever write more of these two I would love to see this exploration of how Russell helps her feel beautiful and appreciated again. 💕
You loved your boyfriend to bits, but you hated how stubborn he was sometimes.
*snorts* yeah, like a mule, I'd imagine. 😆 But there's something so endearing about Russ wanting and insisting on fixing things around the house for her. Though of course I sympathize with her side of things. She just wants a nice healthy piece of her man. The showerhead can wait! 😏
Maybe I should try a different approach. “Rus.” You say sweetly, putting both of your hands on his stomach. Russell’s familiar green eyes flick to your hands as you begin to move them up the wet t-shirt. “When you showed up today I thought we’d be doing something a little different with our time.”  Russell swallows. “Baby-” “And the longer you stay in here-” You breathe taking a step forward as you continue to move your hands up, tracing the hardened muscles beneath your palms. “The less time we have together.” You gently press a kiss to the space where his shirt meets the base of his neck and you can feel the bob of his throat as he swallows again. 
Oh how I cackled! 😝 She's playing dirty and I love it lmao! Girl get him!
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He groans. “I really want to do this for you, but you’re making it kinda hard-“  “Really?” You mutter nipping along his jaw. “That’s what I’m making hard?”
💀💀 Get himmmmm!
“I could tell.” He smirks. “Maybe your shower head would last a little longer if you didn't wear it out." Russell sends you a salacious wink that makes you blush bright red.
LMFAO. Okay, Russ took me out with that one. The audacity. 🤣🤣
Side note: but I love the word "salacious," especially because it fits so well with most Jackles characters. lol
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Omg yay he's moving in!! That's a big step and I love that for them.
Not when he’d taught you that each blemish or curve you once cursed was something that could make him lose his last shred of self control and in turn, make Russell lose himself in everything you were. 
Girl Yessss - I love the body positivity in this storyverse so damn much. Thank you for continuing this giving me more Russell goodness, I really enjoy how you write him! 💜
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It's Not A Wet T-Shirt Contest
Pairing: Russell Shaw x f!reader, Reader POV
Prompt: “Is that supposed to be leaking?”
Requested by: @luci-in-trenchcoats
Summary:  When your boyfriend comes into town to surprise you one weekend, you thought that you’d spend it together, turns out he has other plans. Reader is a single mom and is the niece of Teddi and Velma. Reader is described as curvy. (Technically takes place in my Long As I Can See The Light Universe, but can be read as a stand-alone.)
Tropes: Established Relationship
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: I'm going to label this 18+ because I made it more spicy than I meant it to, References to Sex, Sexual innuendo, Little bit of self-deprecating thought (reader), Cursing, Kissing, Idiots who love each other lots. I think that's everything?
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n if any. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
Main Masterlist
Tracker Masterlist
A/N: Alright, y'all this is my first fic written for my prompt celebration requested by the wonderful @luci-in-trenchcoats 😊 ENJOY!
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You took another long sip of coffee from your favorite hand-painted "World's Best Mom Mug" and tried to block out the symphony of the colorful curse words and banging coming from your upstairs master bathroom.
When your boyfriend showed up this morning out of the blue to surprise you, this was not what you expected to be doing. Well, his appearance was a surprise to you, but you had a sneaking suspicion that your Aunt Teddi and her wife Velma had gotten a heads up that Russell was coming. They'd shown up about an hour before Russell had to take your son and daughter for a movie and a sleepover at their house.
But the bigger surprise was your current dilemma.
You'd expected to be tangled up with Russell in bed for hours trying to convince him to never leave you again, not be waiting downstairs while he tried to install a new shower head in your master bathroom.
You only blamed yourself.
You'd let it slip that the water pressure wasn't quite right and something that you'd thought would take a plumber twenty minutes had turned into an all day affair for Russell. 
Instead of taking you to bed, Russell had dragged you out to his car and to the nearest hardware store where he let you pick out a new shower head and where he got supplies, all the while you told him that he didn't need to, and Russell only kissed away the frown on your lips leaving you wanting more.
You always wanted more.
Russell and you had been together for five and a half months, and each time he left you found yourself wanting more. 
More of him and more time.
It was frustrating to be with a man who had a job that would pull him out of your arms as quickly as he’d appeared and leave your bed cold once more. 
It had been cold before and you didn’t want to go back to that. Didn’t want to be reminded of the cold bed over the final years of your marriage when your husband’s favorite phrases echoed through your bedroom after you put your children to bed:
“I’m tired” and “Not tonight baby, I have to work.”
Those last few years of your marriage were frustrating and did little to boost your self-esteem. Especially when your husband made you think you were annoying him and made you feel stupid for wanting more. 
With Russell there was no such thing.
When the two of you started dating and Russell realized exactly what your husband had done to you, he'd spent every waking moment making you feel more beautiful than you ever had. He listened to you, understood you, and did more for you than your husband had done in all the years that you'd been married.
But each time he left, Russell always took a little bit of yourself with him. You didn't sleep well when he was gone doing God knows what, God knows where, only that when he finally called or showed up to tell you he was okay, you didn't let go of him for hours.
There's another loud bang followed by a string of curses that make you sigh into your mug.
For fucks sake, that stupid showerhead is getting more action than I am.
You loved your boyfriend to bits, but you hated how stubborn he was sometimes.
You straighten up from where you lounged against the countertop in your kitchen, taking one more sip of coffee, before you make the trek through your living room and up the stairs towards your bedroom. 
This wasn't the first time that Russell fixed something in your home. He liked it when you made him a list of things to do when he visited, things like cleaning the gutters, nailing down the front step that always caught underfoot, mowing the lawn, etc. Things that Russell wanted to do for you because he knew how busy you got at work and with your children.
It made you love him more, because you’d never met someone so selfless before. 
When you enter the bathroom, Russell is standing in your shower, just inside the large glass double doors, soaking wet, and holding a wrench.
His usual easy smile has slipped into a frustrated frown while he stares at the bright silver shower head hanging on the wall. 
“I see things are going well.” You snort out a laugh, admiring the scene before you. 
Russell’s dark hair drips forward in lazy strands against his cheeks, his t-shirt clings to his chest like a second skin, catching in the dips and curves of your boyfriend’s muscular torso, and his usual blue jeans are stained a dark navy. The edge of his t-shirt pulls up from the top of his jeans with the stretch of his arms, giving you a view of the delicious stripe of skin just below his belly button.
For the love of french toast, the guy could win a wet t-shirt contest without batting one of those ridiculously perfect eyelashes of his.
At this point you were still trying to figure out how the hell you landed this man and why the hell he kept coming back for more of you.
“Smooth as silk.” Russell gives you a lazy smile that makes you feel like butter on a pile of buttermilk biscuits. “I just finished.”
“Huh.” You take a step closer to admire his handiwork, so close that you can feel the warmth of his breath ghost along the side of your face, making goosebumps trail over your skin. All it does is remind you of what the two of you could be doing instead of standing inside of your walk-in shower fully clothed and the things the two of you had done in this very shower the last time he was in town.  
"Is that supposed to be leaking?" You ask, pointing to the place where the plate of the shower head fastens to the wall and where there is a trickle of water dancing down the white subway tile backsplash.
"Oh shit." Russell sighs, his shoulders drooping when he notices the stream. “I can fix that."
You note his sheepish smile. “Rus, please let me call a plumber. You’ve been up here for two hours!” 
“No way! They overcharge you and it’s what I’m here for!” He argues.
Maybe I should try a different approach.
“Rus.” You say sweetly, putting both of your hands on his stomach. Russell’s familiar green eyes flick to your hands as you begin to move them up the wet t-shirt. “When you showed up today I thought we’d be doing something a little different with our time.” 
Russell swallows. “Baby-”
“And the longer you stay in here-” You breathe taking a step forward as you continue to move your hands up, tracing the hardened muscles beneath your palms. “The less time we have together.” You gently press a kiss to the space where his shirt meets the base of his neck and you can feel the bob of his throat as he swallows again. 
“I-” He tries again, but you feel his hands come down to the curve of your hips to ground himself there. 
“Don’t you want to spend time with me?” You murmur into his skin, pressing your chest against his as your hands work up to the back of his neck. The water from his clothes soaks into yours, but you’re not cold. 
“You’re fighting dirty.” He half groans, but you don’t feel bad. Judging by the way his hands have begun to squeeze your hips and pull you tighter against him, Russell was enjoying this as much as you were. 
“But it always works.” You purr against his throat with a smirk. 
“Fuck, baby I-“ 
Your smirk grows the more you tease him. By now you could feel your own heartbeat thudding in your chest calling out to his and despite how cold Russell’s wet clothes are, heat was dancing along your skin. 
“I really want-“ There’s a grit along Russell’s voice, as if he’s trying to hold on to some shred of self-control.
You loved that you were able to do this to him, it made you feel powerful and sexy. Two things that you hadn’t felt in a long time. 
“Hmm?” You moan softly, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck while your lips continue their path along his skin.
He groans. “I really want to do this for you, but you’re making it kinda hard-“ 
“Really?” You mutter nipping along his jaw. “That’s what I’m making hard?”
Russell pulls back from you, holding your wrists in his large hands. But he looks far from angry. His green eyes flash a darkened pine, and dance with mischief. “Baby, trust me. There is nothing more that I want to do than show you how much I missed you.” 
“Then why-" You begin to say.
“Because I know that the second I do that, we’re not going to do anything else the rest of the time I’m here. And I want to do this for you.” Russell’s eyes shift a little lighter. He releases your wrists and cups your cheek with his large hand. You can see the love you have for Russell reflected back at you in his gaze
You sigh again a little disappointed. Today really wasn’t going the way you wanted it to.  “But I missed you.” 
“I could tell.” He smirks. “Maybe your shower head would last a little longer if you didn't wear it out." Russell sends you a salacious wink that makes you blush bright red.
“Shut up!” You slap him on the shoulder, cheeks flaming. 
Russell only smirks wider at you. “You know… I’ve got a solution for that.”
“Oh do you?” You ask innocently. 
Finally, we’re getting somewhere.
Russell hesitates, his hand still stroking your cheek softly. "I could move in."
It was the last thing that you were expecting him to say.
“See I've been thinking about this for a bit." Russell  clears his throat. “I know you can’t move because of the kids but... I want to be here in your life. I hate leaving you and each time I get done with a job I always find myself driving back to you. I don't want to be anywhere else.”
Your mouth is still open in shock, eyes wide. You couldn’t find the ability to speak.
In the months that followed your divorce you’d been on a couple of dates before you met Russell, where the mere mention of your kids sent your dates scuttling into the shadows or back to whatever swamp they crawled out of, but here, standing in front of you was a man who didn’t just want you, he wanted you, and he wanted your children. 
It was a combination that you thought you’d never find, and then you’d met Russell. A man who not only loved you, he made you feel beautiful, alive, happy, and seen in a way that you hadn’t been in years. 
Not to mention that both of your children absolutely loved Russell, and he did a good job of scaring off your skeevy ex who refused to come around whenever Russell was in town because the last time Russell had broken his nose and threatened other bodily harm.
Russell’s soft smile drops a little the longer you remain silent. “But if you think that’s a bad idea or if you think it’s too fast-”
You pull him down to you for the searing kiss that you’d wanted all day long, feeling the drag of his beard against your soft skin, and the warm pillow of his lips moving in tandem with yours. 
His hands run along the curves of your body, trailing fire in their wake, the same curves that you’d hidden under long cardigans and oversized clothes, the ones that you cursed each time you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. But not since you’d met Russell. 
Not when he’d taught you that each blemish or curve you once cursed was something that could make him lose his last shred of self control and in turn, make Russell lose himself in everything you were. 
“It’s not too fast! I hate when you leave. I hate waking up in my bed each morning and not having you there holding me. ” You breathe before you kiss him again, soaking in everything that is Russell as you do. The roughness of his hands pushing up the shirt hung low on your hips, the smell of mint and gunmetal, the taste of the coffee he had this morning, and gentle drag of his wet hair against your cheeks that dip between the two of your faces when you kiss. “I want you here with me all the time.”
“Then I’ll stay.” Russell smiles so wide you can feel the click of his teeth against yours when he pulls you back in for a kiss. 
“Wait.” You smirk, leaning your forehead against his, your hands gently cupping his bearded cheeks. "If I say yes, I have one condition."
"Please let me call a plumber."
Russell rolls his eyes at you, but squeezes you tighter against him, green eyes flashing with mischief. “Not a chance baby.”
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A/N: It was so fun to write this prompt and also to come back to these two! Thank you so much @luci-in-trenchcoats for requesting this one 🥰 If anyone else would like to ask me a prompt for my prompt celebration, here is the post:
Prompt Celebration
As always, thank you so much for reading! Reblogs, comments, and likes are not required, but are always appreciated 😊
@roseblue373 @livya99 @mrsjenniferwinchester @zepskies @louisanalady
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flying-cat · 3 months ago
I think the translation made it slightly better but honestly I still don't like it lol. If I had to describe to you just how much I hate romance endings outside of romance manga, I would tell you that it's my least favorite trope to the point that I feel like I kind of just wasted 6 years liking this series. Do I think it all looks nice? Yes. Do I have any problem with the ship? No. I just think that romantic endings are ass and I thought bnha would finally break free of the "MC gets the girl at the end" shit (before the extra chapter was announced) because I feel like there was no need for it to happen. It would've been great to see Ochako and Izuku moving on from Himiko and Tenko's deaths separately, but you know what makes it worse? Making that, of all things, a relationship thing. Not only did Horikoshi stick to the overdone shounen romance ending trope, he also used their grief as a plot device to encourage a romance. Those were like, the two biggest things I was afraid of when the main manga was still going. Andddd they happened. I'm gonna go read something else.
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forestgreenlesbian · 1 year ago
#feel like my relationship with my younger brother is changed completely forever not to be dramatic lol but i am sad#we used to b very close but he has kind of. found his faith again and gone full missionary christian which like. i knew meant the dynamic#was doomed lmao but actually acknowledging it makes me sad i feel like i'm grieving for the friendship we used to have even though#it is literally a me problem i think from his perspective he doesn't think anything has changed. but i feel weird about everything#also his new gf is nineteen and he is. almost 25 and i am the only one who feels weird about it like i know she's over 18 but! idk i can't#tell if i'm being overly cautious or if my gut instinct is right. my sister & her husband have a similar age gap but they met when they wer#both over 30 so like. it didn't feel weird. and i didn't feel comfortable actually seriously talking to him about it apart from the first#time he mentioned her over facetime (he went to another country to do mission stuff & met her there) so like an idiot i've just been#making jokes about the age gap becausee like. thats always been our thing lightly bullying each other lol but he blew up at me and said#i've had nothing positive to say about her since he's been back home and that he thinks i hate her and i'm out of line for constantly#implying he's creepy for dating someone younger. idk i felt like such a freak idiot horrible person about it. it completely blindsided me#bc yes the jokes were coming from a place of idk how i feel about this situation so i'm going to rely on the humour-based communication#we have always fallen back on as a safety thing but i guess i was wrong or the dynamic shifted or something anyway it's all fucked#& everyone is just telling me i feel weird out of some?? misplaced kind of jealousy thing?? because i'm 'losing' my brother to his gf lol#which does not feel right at all he has dated so many other girls and i have never had a problem it is literally the age gap like i haven't#even met this girl i'm sure she's very nice! i just worry about her being nineteen!! jesus. and yes maybe i do feel some resentment around#a brother younger than me who seems to be able to live his life with zero difficulty whilst i'm stuck being this unemployed loser who ruins#literally ever friendship & relationship ive ever had but i think thats ok right like i can't help feeling that. i don't fucking knowwww#am i just projecting all these sad feelings about our friendship dying onto his new relationship or like. am i right to be genuinely#concerned she's six years younger than him and still a fucking teenager!!!!!! i don't know
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dcsiderivm · 2 days ago
Hearing Tanner, of all people, giving her a bit of grace, at least for her character overall, was..surprising, yet awfully desired after all this time. Sure, Daniela had done something horrendous and hurt the one person she'd never dreamed of hurting, but it didn't erase every other good thing about her. It overshadowed the good times she'd had with her ex, but it didn't quite change the fact that before that incident, their time together had been relatively amazing, and she just needed to be reminded of that. Trying not to relish in that small victory too much right now, she mindlessly studied Tanner's facial features as she let the woman continue speaking. Even while dealing with a range of emotions stemming from this encounter, her ex was still breathtaking, and damn if those dimples weren't still one of her favorite things about her.
Snapping back to reality at the mention of their poor choice in handling their problems, Dani sighed as she nodded in agreement. "I guess us not having any real relationship experience beforehand kind of left us scrambling to figure things out, and we just made the wrong decision." She'd replayed the crumbling of their relationship so many times now that she could recall all of the little things, the ways they ran from their problems or simply pushed things aside and only focused on work instead, and how they'd let other people try to push them into taking the next steps before they were even ready to sit down and talk about them. That had certainly been one of the main problems for them, and she hated how much it spooked them and gave them a reason to start avoiding one another. When Tanner pointed out the obvious, what had really broke her, Dani felt that guilt rising up yet again. "I was very aware, and hearing you say it out loud makes me feel even shittier, but I deserve that. And I'm sorry. Truly." If she could take it all back, Dani wouldn't hesitate to do just that, but since she couldn't, all she could do was keep apologizing. Though for now, it was starting to get a bit redundant, probably because they'd gone from somewhat fighting to now being more civilized, and this had been a lot to process so she knew they had to give each other some time.
Revealing that her and the lover who had come between her and Tanner was no longer in the picture hadn't been planned, but for some reason, Dani had felt like clearing the air there might help them...move forward? Remain civil? She didn't quite know, but it was out there now, and maybe it would provide a little comfort for Tanner to know that she wouldn't have to worry about seeing the pair around town together. As her ex seemed to change her stance on how to handle them running into each other in town again following this encounter, she smiled softly. Avoiding Tanner cost far too much energy, so Dani wasn't keen on having to do it forever. She wasn't expecting the offer to reach out to her ex should she need something though, and she was sure that the stunned expression on her face proved that. "Oh, uh..okay." She nodded her head slowly, letting her brain fully process it before she pulled her shit back together.
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"I promise I'll handle myself better if we run into one another again. And if you feel the need to snap at me, I'll refrain from biting back and let you get it out of your system." She promised. It would be hard, sure, but she'd swallow her pride and deal with it. "Tell your parents I said hello...and that I'm really sorry for hurting their daughter." She stated before giving the woman a gentle smile. "You look beautiful, by the way. Not that you don't always look beautiful, but even under today's circumstances, you're still the most beautiful woman I've ever met." She shrugged. "And the phone thing works both ways, so if you need anything, or just want to chew me out, my number is still the same." And with that, Dani spun around and finally walked out of the alley, feeling a bit more relieved now that she'd gotten to formally apologize and give her ex the explanation she'd deserved since day one.
Something Tanner understood was that sometimes people felt such immense guilt that they wanted the offended party to hate them, to wish evil upon them, maybe even bestow some form of punishment on them. "I hate what you did—your actions, your selfishness, your cowardice," she volleyed back, a flat look on her face that eventually softened, "but—" That but was the big problem in Tanner's life. "One horrific thing doesn't change all the good that was once between us." And that string of truth was likely the answer to why this encounter had been so emotionally charged. Nostalgia was often called a dirty liar for looking back with rose colored glasses, yet Tanner had known one thing for certain—she'd never loved anyone the way she did Daniela.
Today was a red flag for Tanner. It was a display of just how much she hadn't go and moved on despite it having been a year since their breakup. Regardless of how it had gone down and the specifics of it, never minding all the comments over how much she'd changed in the last year, she'd hidden herself in her heartbreak. When her ex shook her head and wouldn't allow her to apologize a smile slightly curved her lips. It was more like a ghost—something you weren't quite sure of seeing. "It's all just hitting me right now. Different waves of emotions." That time she didn't refute Dani's sincerity. "Getting answers, or an explanation, helps. My mind went wild the last year and," turned Tanner into hating the world.
Hurt people hurt people. Her own guilt couldn't be assuaged over how once she'd been broken she'd become calloused to other's feelings. Often burdening them with a wrath they hadn't earned. The humorless chuckle pulled Tanner astray from the path her rumination was headed down. "It's crazy how we couldn't see a big picture then. How it was easier to avoid and let a divide grow between us." Maybe it had something to do with the fact that her family, even Dani's had been well-meaning in their encouragements and their excitement for what they saw in a future between the two women. Everything her ex had said landed somewhere and there was much to think about. "It's hard to know, I think." Her booted foot toed a crack in the alley asphalt as her hands rested lazily in her pockets. "I get it. Sometimes we don't know what we're doing and the ripple effect of those actions when we're in the thick of it." A sigh released and Tanner held a hand up between them. "Look, I'm not blaming the downfall of our relationship and everything that went wrong with it all on you. I'm aware it takes two. It's the break up. It's the someone else." After looking away for a moment her eyes found Dani's once again. "I just need you to know that—if you were unaware."
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All the explanations, reasons, and apologies a year later left Tanner feeling unmoved by it all. Perhaps she was numb. It was much to process. Through the thick of it there had been a big word shared between them: love. And once uttered they both avoided it like a poisonous snake. Maybe what they had genuinely needed was time and space from the situation, because now that Tanner had shoved her anger aside to have as much of a conversation as possible she was chewing over and digesting every bit of information. "Thank you for acknowledging that," she said calmly and sincerely despite a flash of heat that surfaced on her neck and cheeks at the allusion of this other person that had come between them. Part of her wanted to ask if this person was here with Dani, or if they would follow. If they'd broken up—why? These questions rolled through her thoughts despite how much the answers could hurt and anger her. It felt sick to even wonder these sorts of things. Some part of Tanner's heart still held a silent claim on her ex, that had to be the reason.
Then unasked questions were answered and a swell of relief washed through Tanner. Given the state of things it felt like a best case scenario outcome of this encounter. Tanner listened and nodded, stoic on the outside, acknowledging that Dani was no longer with the person she'd left with. That being around Tanner was just as hard for Dani, that she wasn't moved on either. Hope didn't spring in her chest, at least things weren't as bad as they could be. "No, I get why you came back—this is your hometown, too. And, well, your family," she swallowed and the pause was a moment of respect for her ex's loss. "I just don't want us to be childish. I don't want to be at war with you or pulling immature moves if we see each other around. We're not teenagers." If they happened at the same place, same time in the future it likely wouldn't be easy but they could each be mature about it, right? A bit of conversation gave Tanner some comforts and made things a little less intense in comparison to when she first saw Dani. "Yeah, I think we need some time to think. I'm not going to lay some ground rules on you or play games, I don't have the patience for it. I think we can be mindful in the least, though." Then, it was out before she could stop it, "my number hasn't changed if you need or want to talk about things."
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sskk-manifesto · 7 months ago
Ep 5!!!
#Episodes that make me go “The author has never talked with a woman ever” 😓😓😓#I don't like how Lucy's character is handled at all. And I feel like I can't talk about it because I'm just going to sound like a bitter–#ss/kk shipper... But I really don't like it. And if it can help my case I'm a multishipper so I really don't take any–#issues with atsu/lucy I like the ship quite a lot actually.#So you're telling me there's this girl... Who meets this boy who pretty much ruined her life by directly causing her to lose her job...#And the next time she sees him she's going to sacrifice her own freedom for him as well as tell him “when you're done doing your things–#come and save me” (longest ewwww ever)... And when she regains freedom (author didn't bother to explain how because they don't care)–#she goes to work... As a waitress at the café beneath his workplace. So he can keep doing his Cool Superpowers Job while she literally–#must serve him every time he visits the place. It's just ?????????????????????????????????#Look‚ I don't dislike Lucy and I feel general affection towards her. It's just that they make her act like no one ever would#Just for the sake of the plot I guess#And like I knoww it's (probably just a little) more nuanced than that. I know Lucy is living her own fairy tale fantasy.#It's just that what I've said about her story is still true‚ you know?#I'm sorry but as sweet as atsu/lucy can be. I really hate the author for making Lucy a waitress. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.#It's so weird. This anime has women writing standards that feel like dating back to the 20s#Same with Katai and the ideal woman tbh. Like why are women to be seen as this abstract impersonal entities? Why can't they just be people?#Ideal for WHO. It's like super screwed up of a concept. What even is an ideal woman? What does it mean to be a woman anyways?#They just want to say “ideal wife”. But women aren't made to be wives their existence isn't functional to another person.#Sorry. I derail. Next episode is going to be even worse on this front ughhhh#Back to the episode: once again it really shows they were running out of budget with this season‚‚‚ the animation looks very suffered#Too many flashback also... I feel bad for the animators tbh#I don't really like the shift in art style :( Not even Atsushi I found particularly pretty this episode my heart cries#The nail pulling thing made me feel like throwing up afhsjyabfsbfwasfvb I feel like I can bear worse gore but there's a couple of little–#specific things I can't stand and this seems to be one of them pffftttt#I like Higuchi I think she's both very funny and cool. I really wish she was explored more (but then again looking at Teruko... )#The relationship between Kunikida and Katai looks so interesting even though we only get glimpses of it. Kunikida regrets Katai leaving–#the ada but is also happy for him but also worries for him. He comes to his house seemingly to check on him and starts cleaning around.#The way he loves him and cherishes their friendship and shared history is really evident and it makes for a compelling dynamic.#Perhaps I should read their short story... In any case. Going to someone's house and compulsively start doing the dishes half out of will–#to help out half because he can't bear the mess sounds a lot like something I'd do lol
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thedemises · 1 year ago
(forgot to post this a day ago bc i fell asleep but whatever-) y'all i have spent like the last hour waiting for class to end and doing nothing while my (mostly male) classmates cause havoc and i didn't even notice the whole time what i drew on the top of my fingers- (cw..! hand reveal, mainly cause i wanna show y'all what is on ny hands bc I am too tried to draw it instead- besides I'm terrible when it comes to hands)
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i had law hands except only my left hand says D E A T H while my right hand is written with letters that spell; H E A R T , and it kinda reminds me of the time when i was getting into one piece and was just finding out about law and i thought one of law's hands says "heart" instead of both hands being tatted with the word "death"
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trannakinskywalker · 5 months ago
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homocidal-spider · 4 months ago
I rambled so much I ran out of tags whoops
new tumblr game. put in the tags a GENUINE flaw your fav(s) has. cant be something like "too kind" or "loves too much" like something genuinely bad messed up morally wrong they are or have done
#Chrollo Lucilfer caused an entire GENOCIDE just to steal the special eyes of a specific group of people#Chrollo has also probably killed so many other people there is no canon count of just how many people's blood is on this man's hands#Joe Goldberg stalks and eventually murders the women he dates and blames it on his childhood trauma#Joe also just hates other men and will kill a guy for getting in his way#Joe is also so full of himself he literally fell in love with a manifestation of all of the worst parts of him#Makoto Kagusuchi has ALSO MURDERED SEVERAL PEOPLE but specifically criminals#Vivia Twilight tried to murder the main character because he was angsting#I specifically forgive Vivia though I kinda get that one and canonically he does not succeed#Nny has also murdered countless amounts of people for reasons such as saying a word he doesn't like#Nny also brutally murdered a petstore rabbit we do not talk about that enough like what#Stolas justifies cheating because his relationship is unhappy which is not a good reason just leave her dude#Stolas also oversexualized and created a transactional relationship with a power dynamic and then complains about it#Monika murdered her friends over a guy and then got upset when that guy didn't fall in love with her#Mettaton is self absorbed#Forty Quinn is the gayest straight man ever and it is a crime that he was made straight and im going to mark him off for that#Mickey Milkovich was terrible to and abandoned the man who would later be his husband but like he did actually change so I can't really#say much about him cuz all of his issues got resolved and he actually grew a lot...but he's probably also killed a man#Alastor has killed several men#Alastor is red because he is a red flag#Blitzo is simultaneously clingy and also pushes everyone away and then gets upset he's alone or people are uncomfortable#Gowther's sins are only in the manga and I am NOT OPENING THAT CAN OF WORMS but that guy is lowkey like awful ngl#chrollo lucilfer#joe goldberg#makoto kagutsuchi#rain code spoilers#vivia twilight#jthm nny#nny#stolas#ddlc monika
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deathbxnny · 4 months ago
Arcane characters saying things they'll regret during an argument with you. | Vi, Caitlyn, Jinx, Ekko, Sevika x Gn!Reader
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(Part two)
Because if I can't be happy, then neither can you./j✨️
Content: Alcoholism, spoilers for season 2, heavy angst, toxic behavior, cursing, established romantic relationships, potential mentions of cheating, gaslighting/ manipulation, probably ooc idk, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns.
((Not proofread))
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You hated the cycle she had trapped herself in. It was never-ending and beyond self-destructive. For a while, you tried to get her out of it by attempting to reason with her, show her the light, tell her that everything is going to be okay and to just stop with the senseless fighting. But then the heavy, out of control drinking began, and she became unrecognizable to you.
She barely spent time with you, and when she did, then it was due to an extreme hangover that you had to nurture her through before the next fight began. You were so sick of it. You couldn't take the state she was in anymore. You wanted your girlfriend back but didn't want to suffer anymore as a result of it. And so, you tried one last time to snap her out of it.
"Hey, uhm... can we talk?" You ask nervously whilst peering at her from the doorway into her room. The roaring of the crowd and indistinguishable words of the announcers buzzed over your heads, reminding you of the timelimit you had to do this right. Vi didn't turn to you and instead focused on smearing the black paint over her eyes, a dark gaze glance cast your way at your meek plea. "Make it quick. I got 10 minutes before I have to be out there again."
You took a deep breath and tried to ignore the coldness in her tone. It was so odd, so not like her. "Vi... I... I need you to stop this. I understand your pain. I really do, I... get it. But this isn't right. You're practically killing yourself here, and I can't take that anymore-" "-This topic again? I told you to fucking drop it already." She hissed with a shake of your head and something about that made you finally snap. "I care about you Vi! That's why I'm doing all of this shit for you. No one else would do as much as I did. Why can't you see that? What the hell happened to you-" Your voice was cut off by her hand slamming into a nearby wall, anger written all over her face that made you flinch away instinctively.
You had never been scared of her before and this just broke your heart further.
"Shut up! You haven't done shit for me, except for pissing me off and whining and crying about every little thing I do! How about you fuck off and leave me the hell alone instead!? The only person who ever did shit for me is Cait and look how that turned out!" Silence. Deafening silence. Except for Vi's heavy breathing. You were rendered speechless. All the years you've spent with her at her side even as children flashed through your mind, before it all stilled and went cold. Your gaze hardened, and you nodded slowly, turning away wordlessly to do as she asked. You understood now. You were always the second choice in the end.
Vi seemed to only notice that you've left once she heard her name being called from the ring above. And her heart sunk at the realisation that this time, you wouldn't be there to watch her win.
And so she didn't.
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Zaun was becoming a sensitive and dangerous topic to bring up around her. Even the slightest mention of it made her face harden and earn you a dismissive hand waving all of your protests away. It also didn't help that she was pulling away from you and instead getting closer to a certain red-headed officer of hers. It was frustrating and so exhausting to deal with, on top of all the grief that hung over your heads constantly. It was driving you mad. Nothing you said got through to her.
It wasn't a secret that you disapproved of the war and the alliance with Ambessa. You could look right through her, see with a clear mind that she was up to no good. Whatever she had planned wouldn't bring either nation anything but more plight. This wasn't the right way to go about things. It wasn't humane. The people she hated were no different from you both. But she just couldn't see it the same way, her judgment clouded heavily by her need for revenge on Jinx. A singular person had shifted her perception about a whole group of people... and it was becoming suffocating. You couldn't recognize her anymore.
You were trying to find the right time to finally confront her about it fully, and thankfully, the opportunity came up one evening whilst she was going through paperwork in her office. You were pacing nervously around the room, trying to find the courage to speak your mind, but she beat you to it. "If you have something to say, then say it. I have work to do and can not be disturbed like this." She muttered, eyes focused on the sea of papers before her rather than your stilling form. Very well, she asked for it. "I... want this war to end. This isn't right."
Her hand froze before she hummed and resumed her task. "I thought we had moved on from this topic." She said calmly, not betraying how clearly irritated she was becoming. But you couldn't give up now. You'd go crazy if you did. "Caitlyn. There is no moving on from it if people are going to die as a consequence! How could you ever look away from that? Why can't you see that this is wrong? Why can't you see that Ambessa-" You stepped towards her grand desk with every word, hands coming down to push the paper she was holding away from her face. You just wanted her to finally look at you again after so long. "-Is playing with your mind!" "Enough. Don't you dare say another word."
The Kirammann stood up and towered over you, a strong hand grabbing onto your arm with a sharp shake that surprised you. Had the grief taken over her mind this badly? So much so that she couldn't see how much this was hurting you to lose her? "I demand you see reason and stop sympathizing with those treacherous animals... unless you want me to see you as one of them as well." "You think I'd betray you?" You breathed, and suddenly the realisation that you had lost her for good finally sunk in. You needed to go. Now.
Caitlyn's face sobered up at your question, yet before she could say a thing, her dear officer Nolan stepped in with a report in hand. Seeing the position you two were in, she nervously tilted her head. "Oh, my apologies, am I disturbing you-?" "-Not at all. In fact, I'm the one who's disturbing YOU. My apologies for that." Ripping your arm out of her gloved hand, you pushed past the girl and rushed out of the room.
Your girlfriend watched you disappear down the dark hallway before she straightened up and gave the officer a curt nod to go ahead with her report. But it was hard to listen to a word she was saying when Caitlyn's head was replaying the memory of your teary, heartbroken eyes over and over again.
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She didn't care about her life anymore. That was clear as day, and unfortunately, your relationship was suffering because of it. You knew that Silco's death had killed her inside, that his absence left her lost and confused. But you were so desperate to keep her together. So much so that you were practically destroying yourself for her well-being. Eventually, this boiled over when she was beginning to pull away from you. You, who had always been there. You, who she always cringed onto and begged to stay with her. You only had eachother now. It was impossible to think about a life without her now.
The unhinged spark in her eye had faded away and was replaced by an empty shell of what it once was. That scared you more than you'd like to admit. "Jinx... what are you thinking of?" You asked her one night whilst you quietly snuk around the dark lanes of your home. She didn't respond at first, and your eyes were focused on the back of her hooded head, wondering if she even heard you. But you know she had, when she came to a sudden stop. "... I... I think we should part ways, sweetheart. This ain't gonna go over well forever." She said in that hauntingly calm voice you've grown to hate. And you'd be lying if you said that you didn't see this coming.
"But why? We've always been together through everything. This isn't any different-" "-But it is! It's over! Jinx is over!" Facing you, you near flinched at her glowing, violet eyes, heart beating against your chest. She would never hurt you. You knew she wouldn't. And yet... you found yourself ever so slightly stepping away. Maybe that's what set her off in hindsight. "You're gonna leave me like everyone else anyway. Might as well beat ya to it-" "-I would never do that! What has gotten into you? You should know better than to think that-" "-You're scared of me, ain't ya?" You pressed your lips together when you realised that her mental state had gotten much worse than you expected.
She was losing it.
"In fact, I bet you're thinking of me the same way Vi does. You'll be so much happier without me. But... actually... what if you're going to backstab me like her one day?" The look on your face must've been horrific enough to sober her scrambled mind then because even she seemed to be unsure of what she's saying. And yes, you knew she wasn't doing well. You knew she was just saying things without thinking them through. But you were sick of it. So tired of it all. She could practically read your mind.
"W-wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I-" "-Okay... you're right. We truly would be better off going our separate ways." You were stepping away from her quicker now, and then you were running, your view becoming blurry and unintelligible. "WAIT NO, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME, I DIDN'T MEAN IT, I-" Jinx screamed after you, her breathing heavy and uneven, but she didn't go after you. She knew she had lost that right the second she opened her mouth.
You disappeared into the lanes, for the first time ever sprinting away from rather than towards her. And like the Jinx she was, she had screwed up another good thing up for herself. Perhaps deservingly this time.
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Ekko was extremely busy with his duties lately and practically completely neglecting himself for them. It was very concerning to you and everyone, to say the least. Especially now that a war was practically forming at your front door from Piltover. And you were grateful and thankful for all he did for you. You really were. For that reason alone, you wanted him to take things easy at least sometimes to eat and sleep properly when he can. So, on the request of other members, you went to go looking for him one night before it was time for bed. He was sitting up in the tree, clearly planning to keep watch all night, like he usually did.
But you had come with a mission of your own and refused to leave until he came down to bed with you. "Ekko." You hummed as you finally reached him, a friendly smile on your lips. Balancing a nice basket of baked goods you had made yourself, you stepped towards his form that was beautifully illuminated in the moonlight. Seeing him here made you feel content and relieved since you were barely seeing each other to begin with anymore. Which you have been trying to be understanding about.
"I know what you're here for, and the answer is still no." The young man sighed with a shake of his head and frown. You weren't the first one to come by, that's for sure. "Hey... you know this isn't healthy. We're counting on you to stay strong for us, and you can't be that if you're starving yourself." You say with a slight falter to your smile, yet you tried to keep your tone playful and light. He, on the other hand, did not.
"I already told you that it's a no. Now go to bed and let me work." "But I made you these and-" "-I said, no." He hissed out, and that took you aback. He never raised his voice at you, nor did he ever have an attitude with you either. But the stress was getting to him badly, and so was the lack of sleep. "Why can't you just get that? How many times do I have to say it to get it through your thick skull? The least you could do is go and make yourself somewhat useful by patrolling, instead of wasting your time with this."
Oh, how his words cut you deep. Rationally, you knew that everything was just getting too much for him. But it didn't stop you from feeling hurt anyway, as your lip wobbled, and you slammed the basket on a nearby desk before quickly taking your leave wordlessly. Ekko froze at that and reached out to you, your name on the tip of his tongue, but the guilt stopped him from saying a thing.
"Fuck!" He cursed at himself, as he rubbed the bridge of his nose with a disappointed sigh. He definitely was losing it... and you unfortunately had to unfairly take the brunt of it.
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"What did I tell you about running off when I tell you to stay put? You could have fucking died out there and then what?" Sevika was angry at you. Not that you could necessarily blame her since you did nearly get killed by an Enforcer earlier. But you had no real choice in this. You swore you didn't mean for this to happen. It was supposed to just be a quick errand run. You wanted to make her something nice for dinner, spoil her a little as a thank you for all the work she was putting into Zaun. Yet you couldn't explain any of this with the way she didn't let you even say a word now from the anger running in her veins. In fact, you had never seen her this enraged before.
"I am sick and tired of you disobeying what I tell you. I can't always be there and save you from everything, you know? I got better things to do and than to babysit you all the time-" "- I'm not asking you to do that either! I'm a grown adult, I can take care of myself!" You yelled back, absolutely angry now yourself at the way she always infantilized you like this. It always the same conversation and argument over and over again. You were so sick of it. You could handle yourself just fine and have proved this before. Yet she was so hellbent on proving you wrong every time, you couldn't take it anymore!
"I'm your partner, Sev. You're supposed to treat me like an equal." "I would, if you weren't so fucking incompetent. If I wasn't there, you would've been dead. Why can't you get that? Should I spell it out for you more? Dumb it down even more?" You hated when she was being like this. It was rare for a reason, and you despised this side of her. The side that was so prideful and egotistical. And you were trying so hard not to stoop to her level. It didn't help that you were a little injured and struggling to stand as is. "I'm not in the mood for this shit, I'm literally bleeding. Can we argue about this later, please? I just wanted to surprise you with something nice for once, and I get that I was wrong, but you don't have to be so mean about it, damn it!"
The tears in your eyes were betraying you, and the embarrassment of that just made you push past her and disappear into your shared bedroom. You'll just deal with the injury yourself. Sevika stared after you in slight surprise, considering it was rare for you to yell back like that and cry at that... but the sight of the flowers and half prepared food on the kitchen counter made the regret finally set in.
Perhaps you were right after all.
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