#not to mention missed notes lmao
dawntheduckrb · 6 months
Fun treat, mainly for myself but maybe also you guys?
I visited some family today for Easter, and that family member keeps my grandmother's old piano in her house, so I messed around on it for a little bit. I messed up a lot, but it was still really fun :) (sorry, had to adjust my hair tie at the beginning)
((((...I never formally learned how to play the piano; I'm a marimba player, so I only know the correct technique for percussion keyboard... go easy on me pls, I haven't played either in quite a while :') ))))
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curtain-caller · 4 months
The Parallels Between Korsica and Roquefort
So, when I was setting up my plans for Fly-High Rush, things were a bit one-sided in terms of group numbers, so instead of keeping Korsica the same, I decided to swap her and Roquefort. I figured they were similar enough to make a switch work.
But then I realized they were... really similar. Like, very, very similar. The comparisons just kept coming and they didn't stop.
So here we are. Welcome to my Ted Talk.
Let's get one of the bigger comparison out of the way: both of them fight with wind. Korsica uses it all the time, from turning off generators to putting out fires to kicking Chai's ass. Then there's Roquefort, who throws out little tornadoes during his fight and tries to send Chai flying with his Big Bad Wolf attack several times. That move also requires Korsica specifically to hold it back with her own wind gust. Yeah, not much to say here.
2. Connection to a Vandelay Sibling:
See, this is the point that really got the gears turning in my head. Both of them have a close connection to a Vandelay sibling who saved their lives: Roquefort to Kale, and Korsica to Peppermint.
"I was on my deathbed when Kale saved me. I was smart, but weak. He fixed that." - Roquefort
"Your wound was really bad...We didn't have a choice." - Peppermint "You... saved my life." - Korsica
Not to say Peppermint saved Korsica single-handedly (shout out to Mac and CNMN, the true mvps), but then again, I doubt Kale painstakingly upgraded Roquefort's body piece by piece on his own, so my point still stands. Both Vandelay siblings had a hand in saving their lives respectively, and because of that, you can see the bonds formed between these two duos.
Peppermint tries to be welcoming and reassuring to Korsica when she first comes to after Kale's murder attempt, and Korsica returns that reassurance later on in Mimosa's level. She hasn't even been with the gang for a full mission yet, is probably still getting used to these changes, and she still tries to comfort Peppermint, especially during her "Kale's my brother" reveal.
Not to mention, during the optional conversations in Roquefort's office before you face Kale, Korsica's dialogue is slightly different in terms of topic. Everyone has something to say regarding their own specific character arcs and motivations, but part of Korsica's dialogue is specifically her worrying about Peppermint.
"But I'm a bit worried about Peppermint. This is personal for her." - Korsica "After all we've been through, it might not be easy... but I think she can handle it." - Chai "You might be right about that, but we need to be there for her when she needs it." - Korsica
Now going back to Kale and Roquefort, while their interactions are brief, you can tell that both of them have at least some respect for each other, which is a hell of a lot more than they give to most of the other Department Heads. Especially Kale.
"Zanzo, Stop. Just stop. Even you jumped the shark on this one. IN THE EYE? What the shit?" - Kale to Zanzo (via SPECTRA Hub vlog) "Only one of of four, Korsica? That's not a passing grade." - Kale to Korsica "It better! No slip-ups! And no defects." - Kale to Mimosa and Rekka Versus...
"Why not? I want to see just how angry you can get, if those punks make it in here." - Kale to Roquefort Sure, Kale still lashes out at him, he's not nice all of a sudden, but it feels like such a massive difference. Kale questions why he ever hired Zanzo, he tried to straight up KILL Korsica, and he's harsh enough to Mimosa and Rekka to the point that they flinch. Hell, REKKA of all people flinches twice. But here? Kale trusts Roquefort to handle things, even if he is a bit dismissive with the "you're just a number cruncher" line.
And on the other side of things, Roquefort is not only loyal to Kale, but surprisingly calm and casual around him. Casual enough to correct him and talk back.
"We...shut down the cafe." - Roquefort "When I said close the campus down, I didn't mean THE CAFE!" - Kale "You said close down everything." - Roquefort
The casual tone of voice is palpable. I genuinely think that's the least angry we see Roquefort, except maybe during the Boss Zoom meeting.
And if you want to go the shipping route, yes, shout out to my lesbians, not much to prove there, but... Hey Kale, do you want to explain why you, a confirmed dog person, gave Roquefort a robotic wolf fursuit? YOU WANNA EXPLAIN THAT??? HUH???
3. Similar Personalities:
They're cold, they're direct, and they're aggressive, and despite their rare goofy moments, I feel comfortable saying they're the most serious of the Department Heads.
Excluding the visual aspects (because this point would be null and void thanks to Roquefort fursuit), these two are by far the least hammy of the bosses. Unlike the others, who provide witty banter, plenty of cheesy lines and over-dramatic reactions, the dialogue for these two is rarely comedic or high-energy.
Here's some examples for comparison:
"I like defects. I like how they taste." - QA-1MIL
"So let's get ready to crumble!" - Rekka
Do I even need an example for Zanzo?
"Let's raise the stakes, and turn down the lights!" - Mimosa
"You've had a few hits, but I think it's time we break up the band." - Kale
Compare that to...
"Caught you off guard." - Korsica "I'll make sure you stay down this time!" - Korsica "You cocky LOSER!" - Korsica
"You sure made an entrance, lad. If you've come for me... I'd walk away." - Roquefort "Where's your confidence now, kid?" - Roquefort "I put my stock in futures, but not yours, kid." - Roquefort
The other bosses are willing to taunt and even go along with Chai's goofiness, but these two? Oh, they don't have much time for that. They barely hesitate, and are not holding back in the slightest. Korsica fucking yeets him down a slope, puts him in a headlock, knocks him out, does whatever she can to hold him back from getting to her office, and only pauses briefly to gaze upon his stupidity before whipping her batons out when he busts in. Even after she gets knocked out and sustains, like, 3 different flavors of concussion(5 if you count Chai and the vent hitting her), she gets RIGHT BACK UP! In a way, Roquefort is a bit more lenient, letting Chai into his office once he gets that far... but the "I'm not fucking around" energy is still there. He's like "Oh, you're really that determined? I respect it. Come at me, kid, I'm not fucking scared." And then he proceeds to back that up. He doesn't even bother attacking Chai with his regular form at first (or at all, frankly), he goes from 0 to 100 and refuses to fall somewhere in the middle. And finally, there's one similarity between them personality-wise that gets its own section, that being how...
4. They're Fueled by Anger:
Basically every boss is aggressive in some way, throwing all kinds of things at Chai as he consistently grinds their 30 day chips from anger management to dust, but here's the thing... When I say "fueled by anger", I mean health-wise. These two heal themselves on-screen because of their anger. With Roquefort, this is pretty well established. He constantly says that all Chai is doing is making him angrier, and that so long as he's mad, he won't be stopped, to the point that thousands of pounds of gold getting the drop on him was the only thing that could take him down. During the verse/phase changes, you can see his health bar quickly refill itself each time, and his wolf form model viewer description wraps this all up in a nice, neat little bow with this line: "Powered by Roquefort's own anger, attacking it will only make it more aggressive and powerful." Now, getting to Korsica... I'll only say this one thing. Can we just acknowledge she went from THIS:
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ALL BECAUSE CHAI CALLED HER OBLIVIOUS??? SHE'S OUT FOR BLOOD, SHE WANTS THAT TWINK OBLITERATED. "That's it! Now I'm mad!" - Korsica Anger Management? More like Angry Management, am I right?
5. Chai is Out of his Element:
*Holds Chai up by the scarf* Get his ass, you two (I say this affectionately)
Yeah, Chai is severely out of his element with both of them. These two fights are especially humbling for him, albeit for opposite reasons. Korsica is the one boss Chai can't just run in and beat the crap out of, so we see him struggle a lot as he constantly rolls nat 1s on charisma. He and the gang go through, like, three different plans in the span of the whole boss fight; first going with Peppermint's plan to state the facts and stay cool, followed by Chai's plan of trying to tire her out until she's willing to listen, and finally ending with "Fuck it, let's just kidnap her, we'll work on a plan D later". And to top it all off, Korsica throws an entire new addition to the parry mechanic at Chai in the middle of all of this, and he just has to keep rolling with it. For Roquefort's fight, I think it's pretty clear that Chai is TERRIFIED of him. He goes in all cocky and confident, thinking Roquefort's a pushover, and gets humbled QUICK when Roquefort reveals his true nature. You only very briefly see his confident attitude resurface during this fight, like when he knocks Roquefort through the glass pane to his money vault. Otherwise, he's either terrified or exhausted, especially at the end, gritting his teeth and getting ready to keep fighting because he has no other option. Not to mention the others are constantly reassuring and being protective of Chai during the fight via their call-in dialogue. Chai is straight up NOT having a good time. At least he got an unintentional nap after Korsica's fight, dude needs a rest after dealing with Roquefort. Where's SMIDGE when you need him, dude needs an energy drink, stat.
6. Boss Music:
Okay so I am NOT well-versed in musical vocabulary so like... bear with me on this. Hopefully this is coherent. Anyways, Negotiation and The Fizzith just... have the same vibe to me. Yes, I'm mostly focusing on The Fizzith, I believe in Streamer Mode Supremacy. First of all, I guess I can start off by saying that they're the only bosses with pure instrumentals for their tracks, with everyone else having lyrics in theirs. Second of all, both of their song formats just sound so... similar to me? Idk how to describe it, but like... They both start with a dramatic build up as they instill the fear of God in Chai, with Roquefort having that iconic classical music "DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUN" intro and Korsica having a shorter, but still just as powerful, build up as she jumps up and whips her batons out. This is then followed by, like, a slightly softer and steadier follow up as it proceeds with the rest of the intro cutscene, as Roquefort leaps over Chai and Korsica turns down Chai's offer to talk. Then the tension gradually grows as the fight goes on, with each phase adding another instrument or two to make things more intense. The Fizzith is already a lot more intense than Negotiation at the start, but you can still hear the build up with each phase for both. And then finally, there's a small "calm before the storm" section, aka where Chai almost talks Korsica down, and when Roquefort is amping up for his final Big Bad Wolf attack. Roquefort's goes back to a steady sort of beat for a moment, while Korsica's has that quiet clapping and softened tone. This is then followed by an intense, deep, high-energy climax as Korsica starts throwing everything she has at you, and as Roquefort sends this lengthy tornado sound-wave barrage at you. While this format is by no means an original one (hell, I noticed a lot of this in Mimosa's fight too), there's just something about their music that just... feels interconnected to me. Like, if I had to sit down and imagine any other boss having a parry-based boss fight like Korsica's, just going by their boss fight music, I'd go for Roquefort (with Mimosa as a close second). And genuinely, I have actually sat down and imagined it, and it's almost perfect. I'm connecting the two dots, motherfuckers (I'm not connecting shit) I'M CONNECTING THEM-
7. Control Over Security:
And with that, we're now arriving at the much smaller points that I don't have as much to discuss about. So I don't really need to say much about Korsica during this section, for obvious reasons. But as for Roquefort, he IS the one who takes over once Korsica's out of the picture and shit starts to hit the fan. "Kale, I prioritized shielding the tower. Reallocated the budget so not a bug will get in." - Roquefort And both of them are damn good at holding Chai and the others back. Korsica takes 3 whole stages to get to her, keeping you on your toes the whole time with lasers, brakes, and enemies galore. I imagine it would've been difficult as hell to get into the Security Department in the first place if Chai didn't get knocked out and held for questioning. And while his segment is pretty short, all things considered, Roquefort gives it his all to shield Vandelay Tower, locking it down so well that even the smartest members of the TEA-m are stumped. Chai's the only one with an idea, and even that had several hurdles. The second they started connecting to the cannon to launch Chai, security comes rushing in, and he probably would've gotten caged in if SMIDGE didn't unintentionally hold the door open for him. Let's also not forget the big-screened wanted posters, the whole Invaders Must Die cafeteria fight, and that one specific fucking bird that threw Chai around like a hacky sack. THEY. WANT. THIS. TWINK. OBLITERATED.
8. Their Affection Towards Cats:
Korsica has a folder on her computer labeled "CAT Gifs", and Roquefort fawns over 808 when she uses her Steal the Show ability. I rest my case.
9. Accidental Puns:
Okay, so I would've titled this "both like puns", but the jury's still out on Korsica in my opinion. Yeah, Chai says she's lying about hating puns, but to me, she seems like she's... on the fence of liking them. Like, she's hesitantly annoyed by them. But I CAN say that they've both accidentally made a pun. "You think you can strong-arm ME?" - Korsica "Hey, YOU chose to fight-...Wait, you like puns too?" (points at his arm) - Chai "What? No!" - Korsica "Roquefort here. Shut this place down! Protect Finance at all costs! (Heh, I said "costs!") - Roquefort "Ughhhhhhhh." - Peppermint
10. Probably Awakened Something in Players:
It's no wonder how thirsty the fandom is when these two have some of the most charged lines in the game... "You broke my concentration. So how 'bout I break you?" - Korsica "Let's take this somewhere a bit more secure. So we don't disturb the neighbors." - Roquefort Welcome to Hi-Fi Rush, where they appeal to both the "I love the kind of woman who could kick my ass" community and the furry werewolf boyfriend sugar daddy community.
11. Visual/Dialogue Similarities:
Finishing this off is a section dedicated to miscellaneous visual or dialogue similarities that I couldn't fit elsewhere.
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(The camera zooms in before I can get a good shot of Korsica actually ON her desk, so standard shot it is.) TOP 10 WAYS TO ENHANCE YOUR LEADERSHIP SKILLS IN THE WORKPLACE #1: Jump onto your desk to establish dominance
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Smug little losers...
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Man, they even intimidated the camera man, they can't keep it straight.
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Spiky, anime-ass hair/fur. Triangular.
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Of course they have blue eyes and nails and pronouns (ft. Chai living the dream) Also, speaking of blue... maybe it's because both of theirs glow blue, but some of their cybernetics have the same vibe to me.
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Mostly just the chest and the arms (since that's all Korsica's got). Maybe I'm just looking too hard but like... the blue tubes connected to the arms, the glowing chest... Okay, I'm running out of red string for my evidence board, moving on. Anyways, not as much to bring up about remaining dialogue similarities, but I still have a few. "Is that a floating cat? Ugh, nothing about you even makes sense!" - Korsica "The numbers are in... and YOU are OUT!" - Chai "Wow. That makes no sense, you idiot!" - Roquefort Behold Chai's natural ability to deal psychic damage by not making any sense whatsoever. And finally... mission plan dialogue. "Mission report. Just...go up." - Peppermint "Up?" - Chai "Up." - Peppermint "That's it?" - Chai "Looks like Korsica's in her office, and it's on the top floor. Hence, "up"." - Peppermint
"Chai, you're doing it! The Tower is unguarded. We're headed your way." - Korsica "Chai! Roquefort's office is a couple floors above you. Get up there and kick his ass!" - Peppermint When in doubt: go up.
So in conclusion...
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Share Mine notes please I beg (and on the arakawa fam if you have the timefkfd)
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forgive me if these are messy as all fuck i'm not good at making notes BUT here's everything i generally keep in mind when drawing mine and hijikata + the reference sheets i look at when drawing them :)
arakawa family notes + references below:
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(more notes about aoki + sawashiro's faces ft. ikumi here)
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prismbearer · 11 months
I've been thinking about Wyll but waiting to play his origin to maybe get more specifics. In terms of him being transfigured permanently into a more Infernal form, it's interesting to me as a choice for Mizora.
I believe in terms of the contract if he openly breaks tenets or whatever he can potentially be turned into a lemure which is the lowest form of devil for human souls that must climb up the infernal hierarchy. Not a great fate but the majority of the population of the hells are technically human souls who have gone up the command to middling positions.
In a way, a devil spin is kinder, it's almost a theoretical promotion. It's hard to bargain for a higher ranking/appearance for those who end up within the hells, except through bargaining and loyalty... But then Mizora likes Wyll in her way and wants to keep him as an asset, so keeping him pretty enough still to get around, but also just different enough that he isn't identifiable as a tiefling... is also a cruelty to continue to set him apart from others. Mizora had probably always intended for Wyll to pass into being her Blade after he lived his material life as a Hero.
At this point, I think it's more infernal corruption than full transformation. (I don't think he's technically completely a devil just yet, more in process, the mar is also on his soul. We see Wyll get passed through and become corrupted by the energies of each of the layers, and then later if you let Mizora have her way with you she marks your soul in a very similar way.) But even as a fiend pact warlock, he would have felt the influence of his pact the nature of his patron this entire time. The fact that he struggled so hard to still be the Hero, to still uphold a code, to please his father and his own expectations... Is insane. And warlocks (especially fiend pact) are sort of blamed for their own downfalls when things go poorly, "shouldn't have made a deal with a devil, what did you expect?"
As if Devils aren't by design, intended to lure these souls astray. Like sure there are gods who can take mortal souls into a heavenly afterlife but the gods clearly do not have the time to help or communicate with everyone, and Devils and the Hells are just one of the many lower planes. And devils are literally allowed to attempt to tempt souls that pass after their death. The whole system is kinda fucked up in general in that regard. (Looks at the blood war.)
So in a way, to those who pact with fiends, they are often positioning themselves for standing in their afterlife. Demon worshippers from cults bargain the loyalty and devotion of their comparably short lives on the material plane for higher ranking positions when they are doomed to the hells. That way they can bypass the whole horrifying experience of becoming a lemur.
I genuinely think the afterlife concept of DND is so horrifying and I am not surprised that those who study and are fully aware of the reality of their impending doom (wizards/warlocks/anyone who cares to interact with these energies and knows that the system is rigged with them at the bottom as fodder) end up plotting their own ascension to godhood or immortality. Tbh anything other than being a helpless little soul after death is attractive.
Theoretically for Wyll, it is unlikely he will go anywhere else than the Hells in his afterlife. Unless a god decides to step up and offer a place in the higher planes... But would they to a soul that has been corrupted and claimed by the hells?
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animation-is-my-jam · 3 months
in honor of pride month whats your favorite queer ship?
YEAHHH HAPPY PRIDE! and thx eagle for the ask!! Much appreciated 👏
Hmm, but why choose one... when I can just list off all the queer ships I Iove/ I shipped right NOW YIPPE--
Of course, this is gonna go beyond Wordgirl bc I'm pulling from everything that I'm fixated on or was. Let's get to it!!
(Not in order/ Not chronologically)
From Lilo and Stitch: (Jumba x Pleakley.)
From the Lion King and Lion Gaurd: (Timon x Pumbaa)
From Ever After High: Appling (Apple White x Darling Chamring)
From Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: NaruMitsu (Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth)
From Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonadow (Sonic x Shadow)
From Deltarune: Krusie (Kris x Susie), Suselle (Susie x Noelle), Kerdly (Berdly x Kris). Spamvil (Spamton x Jevil)
From Undertale: (Alphys x Undyne)
From Pokémon (anime series): (Goh x Ash) (Ash x Gary x Goh) (Serena x Iris) (Clemont x Tracey)
From Kung Fu Panda: (Li Shan x Mr. Ping)
From Sam and Max Freelance Police: Freelance Husbands (Sam x Max)
From Legend of Korra: Korrasami (Korra x Asami)
From In Stars and Time: Isaffrin (Isabeau x Siffrin)
From Final Fantasy 7: (Aerith x Tifa x Cloud x Zach)
From Omori: Sunflower (Basil x Sunny), Cactiflower (Kel x Basil)
From the Adventure Zone (Balance): (Kravitz x Taako)
From One Piece: (Zorro x Sanji) (Zorro x Luffy [unrequited])
From Rockos Modern Life (Rachel x Rocko)
From The Owl House: Lumity (Luz x Amity)
From Kingdom Hearts: Soriku (Riku x Sora). Sidekick Dads (Donald x Goofy).
From Winnie the Pooh: Ragber/Tigbit (Rabbit x Tigger)
From Half Life But the AI is Self-Aware: Frenrey (Gordon x Benrey), Boomer (Bubby x Dr. Coomer)
From Mob Psycho 100: Terumob (Teru x Mob). Serieri (Arataka Reigen x Katsuya Serizawa)
From Darkwing Duck/Ducktales 2017: (Launchpad x Drake Mallard)
From We Bare Bears: Grizznom (Grizz x Nom Nom) Panlie (Charlie x Panda)
From Duckula: (Count Duckula x Goosewing)
From Time Squad: Tuddlarry (Tudd Russel x Larry 3000)
From Pinky and the Brain: (Pinky x Brain)
She-Ra Princesses of Power: Glimmora (Glimmer x Adora)
From Wander over Yonder: Skeleton Dance
From Adventure Time: (Princess Bubblegum x Marceline the vampire Queen)
From Steven Universe: (Pearl x Bismuth)
From Sk8 the infinity: Renga (Reki x Langa), Matchablossom (Joe x Cherry)
From Given: (Ritsuka x Mafuyu)
From the Muppets: (Beaker and Bunsen)
From Seasme Street: (Bert and Ernie)
Equestria Girls/Mlp: (Sunset x Twilight (any version))
Okay now just onto the Wordgirl ones lol:
(Tjohnson/Fanboys) TJ Botsford x Johnson
(Tubebrains) Dr. Two-brains x Professor Tubing
(Knuckle Sandwich/PB&Wham) Chuck the evil sandwich making guy x The Whammer
(InvisibleHand) Invisi-bill x Big left hand Guy
(Victory Roses) Victoria x Rose
Butcher x Two-brains x Chuck
Scoops x Phil
And then just to my queer Wordgirl AU ones (Future AU) (Yes I know that these include oc ships, but I you have no idea how much I actively ship these more than the list up there lol.)
(Team Mom) Claire McCallister x Harris
(Space Gluri!!) Lei Lexicon x Pen Exagon
(Wil-Luis) Wil-Liam x Luis McCallister-Botsford
(Baked-in Stars) Tori McCallister-Botsford x Sele May
(Mecha shipping) Kuzo Botsford x Zach Notarobot
Thrash x Requiem
(Second Chance) Edith McCallister x Lupe Vásquez
(Legally Cheesy) Brie Boxleitner x Elaine Question
(Roast beef sandwich) Mason Carbini x Hoagie the young Sandwich-making Guy
(Tall shipping) Cecil Vásquez x Jeremy
Otty Monnie Smalls x Hanna Botsford
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imogenkol · 6 months
In the year of our lord, 2024, some of the fandom is still approaching the Jedi Order with zero nuance
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jesterchao · 2 years
SEGA: Sonic can’t permanently lose a fight, he can suffer setbacks or be beat down, as long as he eventually wins
IDW Sonic Team: ok
IDW Sonic Team: kills sonic on screen
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tmos-time · 9 months
In your opinion, are "Leave Me Alone" and "Mad IQs" by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME Solluxcore songs?
ooooh, lets crack this one open before i go to bed >:)
so IDKHOW vocals has that vocal waver and pitch that inherently makes my brain go "👈 hey thats eridan i think" which yknow, kind of makes sense, since dallon weekes was a member of P!ATD while it was still considerable as a band, and thats naturally very eridan to me lmao. and yet! the lyrics in mad IQs with topics involving doom and brain shit and the mention of things going quickly is VERY sollux core to me. leave me alone has synths, the mention of blind spots, and a very snappy attitude you can also expect from sollux.
i think at the end of examining it, they come across as erisolsprite songs (sollux themes with eridan presentation) or post-sprite solluxcore specifically, just due to how i examine songs as character songs. the singers pull a lot of weight in if i can see a song as a character, and sollux to me does NOT come across as a singer in general as much as eridan does lmao, so when looking for specific songs i can see that fit his perspective it gets a little hard. to me, sollux sounds like the singer for the band electric president, or the backing vocals on the chorus for underground by kimya dawson; he's awkward and is, a lot of the time, unnaturally soft-spoken about it, since singing isn't something he does and he feels clumsy about it. i think when he's comfortable he'd be more i play computer! workmans comp mix tbh lmao
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zickmonkey · 6 months
Oh my god hey besties guess who's having an awful time like mentally
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ilonacho · 1 year
i miss having time for fandom😔
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stargazeraldroth · 5 months
Current craving: Ink as a self-aware yandere who becomes fascinated with us.
Platonic, romantic, I don't particularly care which one it is but I need it so desperately. I need it, and yet I can't bring myself to write it. Not because it makes me uncomfortable, but because I am experiencing detrimental writer's block as my mind is being overrun by Kieran from Scarlet/Violet, just the Forces of Nature from Pokémon in general (Tornadus my most beloved of the quartet), and Olivia Rodrigo's "Vampire" playing on loop 24/7
Maybe this is some Y/N type stuff, but being cringe is dead and life is hell, so let's enjoy whatever we can get our hands on
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upperranktwo · 1 year
God this website is so unbelievably dead it's not a joke
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theteaisaddictive · 11 months
i want you all to know i’m being soooo responsible and reasonable right now by going to sleep after my night shift instead of immediately watched the clyde and jo tales from the tardis. i mean i watched the first five minutes, i’m only human, but the REST will come later.
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one in a million when i watch smthing in the horror genre and don't end up disappointed to/and/or pissed off about it so like "also yeah i liked it. ooo" is like relative to that an off the charts rave review of media of the millennium. also i did think about mh a lot along the way so would recommend its affect/effect if you like mh's horror too
#i didn't realize at first that's the director/creator tim's qrting. thought a rando went ''i love mh'' & he went ''& i love smthing else''#saw this a few weeks ago while also like writing or drawing or smthing like oh good plot's beside the point? b/c i'm splitting this focus#even checking in w/recaps was both like oh ok i missed that / didn't realize xyz could be a Thread or something but each of the like three#or four recaps i went over Also saw points differently in terms of even like; who was there or said what lmfao. or noting sm detail at all.#i went ''oh worm?'' at some early shot that may or may not have even gone mentioned by any of them. depending lol. doesn't matter#anyways we don't have time for tags media analysis except that i'll count this as: once again horror for children wins. even tho it's...#not rated? well anyways you know. probably generally not advisable for children as a direct audience lmao. however#like yes as per the premise as a child we've all experienced this [the media] anyways. perturbing summons dreams we've all had em#anyhow fr i'd even struggle to think of horror movies i'd say i mostly liked / would or did rewatch but still wasn't like. i disliked major#elements / choices to the point of being pissed off abt it. so many movies i can't be bothered to watch b/c i already know specifics like#i don't like or respect any of you people. or choices or elements or premises or executions or effects. not even interested fr like lord...#but often what has better odds are mediums that Aren't straightforwardly tv / film. like i'd compare mh to a series of several movies and#that's also imo largely a more apt categorization than saying it's an ARG or smthing but anyways like i'd recommend it to someone sure....#rare to be like yeah a movie was enjoyable. & if you already liked mh then that's a useful reference point here#which like usually i'd use mh as a categorical tag but idk i guess actually it's actively popular nowadays lmfao i really don't know#posting is already exhausting like whew but this one's for whosoever happens to follow me i guess#which is possible? nonzero ppl arrived for mh but unlikely lmfao. but also ppl see it on their own anyways coincidentally.#and you never know who observes the posts like hell yeah for an anon enjoying niche akd theatreposting who is to me ambiently out there#really odd the other day seeing an mh reblog like ''??? huh. i made that eons ago; then'' & people in the tags talking abt some repost like#on the one hand that Original Source post is two layers of deactivated blogs so a repost could be archival. but if they don't say as much#i.e. that it's even from a different source then that's not exactly it then is it. but also that even finding an original document For OP#is like. oh yeah that's me actually. but then knowing & technically saying as much doesn't / didn't actually affect me as that op lol#just kind of archival on both ends then. vs someone else in the tags saying they saw it on fb 9 yrs ago? definitely didn't post it there#my true op experience: keeping it nicheposting & just kind of saying sm shit & maybe some people are out there nodding thoughtfully#oh also in case fyi. that's tim as in actor playing [also tim] in mh. & did some writing for mh & other such behind the scenes efforts also#every time i look at the text in this post i notice a new typo of mine. get it tgoether (organic typo there. so; lol)
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akkivee · 2 years
some things i learned about takeuchi-san recently!!!!:
joyrides on motorcycles!!! he’s also knowledgeable enough to recommend brands and builds for beginners
grew up in the vkei era of j-rock and j-pop, but when he started being cognisant of his music taste, he drifted to jazz and oldies rock
played guitar in his youth and has recently picked it back up!!!!!
is actually hitoya basically lol!!!
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reel-fear · 1 year
While I won’t deny that misogyny definitely plays a role in it, I also feel like one of the reasons people tend to want to focus more on Blitzwing than on Blackarachnia in fanworks is the same reason people are so obsessed with the secret bosses in Deltarune: the overall mystery surrounding his character.
Blitzwing and Blackarachnia are both unique, one-of-a-kind models, so people are naturally going to have three questions running through their minds upon their debut: what happened to them, what led up to that point, and who they used to be beforehand.
However, despite Blitzwing making more appearances than her, there’s still so little we know about him in comparison with Blackarachnia, who basically has her entire backstory revealed to us in her first spotlight episode. Even the information we do get regarding his past raises more questions than it answers, and that information’s Schrödinger’s canon at best. Fans are naturally drawn towards mysteries, so of course they’re going to be more interested in making content exploring and trying to solve those mysteries rather than just restricting themselves to stuff they already know.
I feel like the writing team showed their cards too early with Blackarachnia and left people with much less of a mystery to play around with other than “is techno-organicness reversible” and “will she cure herself or accept herself for who she is”. I think that maybe if they had had her make more appearances and held off on revealing her backstory until much later, while maybe dropping subtle hints of her knowing Optimus and Sentinel from somewhere and having once been an Autobot, people would feel like they had much more to work with.
(Also, from what I’ve seen, most Blitzwing fans are well aware of the ableist portrayal of his character but are usually neurodivergent themselves and thus have reclaimed him in a sense, alongside portraying him in a much more accurate manner to real-life DID and OSDD in fan works while still acknowledging that he’s an alien robot whose processor is much different from a human brain and thus would logically not be a complete one-to-one regarding analogous disabilities and mental disorders.)
So, I have been admittedly sitting on this ask for while bc it's been hard to digest and fully think about the points being made here. I don't want to get defensive on an impulse so I wanted to kinda stew on it a bit and read it over and over to see how my thoughts change. But really my thoughts are the same as when I first saw it which is most of this? Really just reads as excuses for Blitzwing's popularity that distract from the real causes being sexism and fandom's bias towards conventally attractive characters.
I want to go through this point by point but the TDLR; almost everything said here is also true for other characters who are very much not as popular as Blitzwing usually bc of sexism or not being the kind of characters the fandom cares to pay attention to. Sure you could point out all the things Blitzwing has that BA doesnt and say 'those are the things that make him more popular' but that ignores all the things BA has that Blitzwing doesn't. [Motivation, a personality, complexities, story relevence, she's not a horrible potrayal of the mentally ill, narrative focus etc] That the fandom just pretends don't exist and barely awknowledge, you can't just shy away from the reality that Blitzwing massively benefits from the misogyny present in this fandom because he's ur fave and you like him. That's only being complicit in it and turning a blind eye to it. Sure you could project a lot onto a bland male character and say you like him but you should also keep in mind the female characters who are ACTUALLY complex and interesting characters you tossed to the side to focus on him. I get that you 'awknoledged' the misogny in the first bit of the ask, but when you follow that up with... That it really doesnt come accross as genuine.
Anyways I'm gonna disect this message and talk about why I simply do not buy it.
"While I won’t deny that misogyny definitely plays a role in it, I also feel like one of the reasons people tend to want to focus more on Blitzwing than on Blackarachnia in fanworks is the same reason people are so obsessed with the secret bosses in Deltarune: the overall mystery surrounding his character.
Blitzwing and Blackarachnia are both unique, one-of-a-kind models, so people are naturally going to have three questions running through their minds upon their debut: what happened to them, what led up to that point, and who they used to be beforehand."
I'm going to be blunt, this is something SO many characters in TFA have going on. Lugnut is a great example of a character who has way more screentime than Blitzwing [remember Blitzwing disappears by S3 and is replaced by Shockwave as an evil minion but Lugnut stays] but is still almost entirely a mystery in terms of backstory motivation etc. But Lugnut is almost NEVER the center of fan content unless being made to be the butt of the joke and when he does appear hes usually just used as a tool to progress Blitzwing's character, someone to pressure him abt being in the cons, someone to be mean to him, etc.
But Lugnut is an entirely unique design with a helm look no other character has and claws that resemble the ones given to empurata bots in IDW. We don't even know why he hates the autobots so intensely but seeing how fucked up the autobots are in TFA why isn't there more theorizing about what exactly they did to make him need to see their downfall so badly? To the point where Lugnut is constantly at the feet praising someone who he doesn't even know would throw him to the side and leave him for dead the INSTANT it was convient for him.
You could say people don't explore it bc its played as a joke but so is everything about Blitzwing's character, esp his DID which is in increadibly poor taste. No, it's because Lugnut is fat and 'ugly', the fandom has no interest in him, same way they have so little interest in Bulkhead compared to other characters. He's just not hot enough to become the little sexyboy of the fandom. So he's tossed the side same way Bulkhead is. Not to mention characters like Arcee also have a ton of mystery surrounding them but they're women so...
"However, despite Blitzwing making more appearances than her, there’s still so little we know about him in comparison with Blackarachnia, who basically has her entire backstory revealed to us in her first spotlight episode. Even the information we do get regarding his past raises more questions than it answers, and that information’s Schrödinger’s canon at best. Fans are naturally drawn towards mysteries, so of course they’re going to be more interested in making content exploring and trying to solve those mysteries rather than just restricting themselves to stuff they already know.
I feel like the writing team showed their cards too early with Blackarachnia and left people with much less of a mystery to play around with other than “is techno-organicness reversible” and “will she cure herself or accept herself for who she is”. I think that maybe if they had had her make more appearances and held off on revealing her backstory until much later, while maybe dropping subtle hints of her knowing Optimus and Sentinel from somewhere and having once been an Autobot, people would feel like they had much more to work with."
Gonna be honest these paragraphs really piss me off LMAO, BA's mystery goes so much deeper than the two questions provided here such as the fact when trying to cure herself it's almost always potrayed as painful and life THREATENING! The mystery and tension of her character isn't' will she cure herself and can she?' its whether or not she will KILL HERSELF trying to cure her disability. Will she leave the cons? Will she grow to become a better person or keep spiralling down into evil? Fans are drawn to mystery sure but only when that mystery involves a sexy man, when it involved a woman character whose biggest mystery is whether or not her self loathing will kill her, its uninteresting and not worth their time, if they even bother to awknowledge it instead of just making her a scary villain/abuser for their male faves to be sad.
I also have to ask on this point too, fans tend to HEAVILY ignore any canon Blitzwing has either way, nobody awknowledges the bigotry towards organics/techno organics he displays, nor the levels of cruelty so why does canon even really matter in this discussion when as far as fanon is concerned it doesnt? It's excuses. It only matters now bc now people wanna justify the reason BA is a mean evil woman and Blitzwing is a sad puppy boy with so many complexities in fanon without facing the actual reason that is.
And while we're talking about things Blitzwing has that BA doesn't let's talk about all the things BA has that Blitzwing doesn't.
She's not a horrible potrayal of DID
She has complexities to her character beyond being an evil minon for the sake of being evil whose also 'the Crazy one'
She has narrative importance
She got told she should fucking die by one of her friends bc he hated her scarring so much.
She is shown to at least somewhat care for others when she spares Prowl and Bee despite not having gotten her part of the deal.
She has likely faced that sort of bigotry all the time and had to flee her home bc of it.
She has so much mystery behind how she joined the cons, why she joined the cons when they seem to show the same disgust to her as the autobots.
She's an interesting character.
I could go on but I'm not going to. F- on this point.
Now the last point which to me is the most BS
(Also, from what I’ve seen, most Blitzwing fans are well aware of the ableist portrayal of his character but are usually neurodivergent themselves and thus have reclaimed him in a sense, alongside portraying him in a much more accurate manner to real-life DID and OSDD in fan works while still acknowledging that he’s an alien robot whose processor is much different from a human brain and thus would logically not be a complete one-to-one regarding analogous disabilities and mental disorders.)
this is just not fucking true, 99% of content of Blitzwing I have seen either has people declaring him good rep [I have seen this several times] or is just talking about how sexy he is, its very very rare the horrible potrayal of his disability is awknowledged. Hell Blitzbee has such a deathgrip on the fandom and one of the nicknames Bee constantly uses in that content is BLITZBRAIN, literally making fun of his disability more. Not to mention how much of it is purposely making the scary disabled character scary on purpose. I'm not saying you cant enjoy or consume that content but you seriously have to be dumb to think the fandom is aware of or cares about this issue.
Also on the 'making him more accurate' I've never seen fanon do this truly and honestly. Where is the childhood truama? The awknowledgement that DID doesn't work the way Blitzwing shows it? I almost never see any fan content that wasn't just copying what TFA potrayed with him. Where are you finding this?
And lastly you can't just say youve 'Reclaimed' something and suddenly its okay, Hasbro knows how much this fandom loves TFA Blitzwing, you guys spend money on him you praise him you dont talk about how bad rep he is. If Hasbro rereleased TFA Blitzwing right now so many fans would flock to get him not even thinking about the fact THAT ENCOURAGES HASBRO TO THINK THAT THIS POTRAYAL OF THE MENTALLY ILL IS OKAY. This is just an excuse to consume content of Blitzwing uncritically to produce content of him uncritically! What about all the times DID swag polls esp ones involving good rep for them INCLUDED BLITZWING?? Did the runners of those who might not even know what TFA is say it was okay to send in a character who is clearly a mean spirited potrayal of them?? You can't just say Blitzwing is reclaimed and therefore its okay, you guys haven't even properly awknowledged all the things wrong with his character being a horrible potrayal of DID enough to get the sense to not fucking submit him into polls abt it. Let alone to produce half decent content of him.
Anyways thats it, I dont mean any of this aggression directly towards you anon, writing and posting a bad opinion on the internet does not justify harassment or hatred, but I dont feel a need to pull my punches when the fandom has been justifying this for so long, therefore. I didn't. I said what I thought of this message and if others agree then maybe I have a point.
Either way this is a discussion long Long overdue so Im putting this in the tags bc I think this fandom seriously needs a wake up call.
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