Thinkin' about Helen and Ty...
Thinkin' about the fact that Ty was running WBG for Hunter's 4th challenge...
Was it weird? Was it hard for him? Did he grieve her? Did he mourn her deaths?
I'm sure he justified her second death the same way Hunter did. And honestly neither of them were wrong really.
She was old, she was dying, she was already dead
What was her first death like for Ty?
I can't imagine he would be allowed to go see her, and I'm not sure he would've if he was
Did he pretend it didn't matter because he'd see her again anyways? Did he even know he'd see her again at that point? Did he ever visit her grave?
So many things, so many thoughts
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I have to say that this post was mostly about the Ty that MW was with
But also
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Yes, its 100% that as well
A perfect combo setup
I can only imagine how pleased Ty was with the opportunity for a multilayer joke like that
Hey, man
What'd you mean by that?
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Hey, man
What'd you mean by that?
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Me a couple weeks ago, scrolling the tags : "Huh, ya know, Outlaw and MW should be friends, I think they have a decent bit in common, neither of em seem to have many friends, it'd be good for them"
Me, today, scrolling the tags: "Well then."
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Someone asks what W.BG is about, I just hand them this
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Shout out to my favourite Time Traveling British Duo:
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Fuck it, continuing my own tags
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And then after they reveal its a prank, they start actually dating
Fake dating to real dating, W.BG edition
Their ship name would be Tython
It'd perfect
I'm doomed
No idea whats happening this season, but I get the sense that this would be the funniest time for Matt to come out as bisexual
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No idea whats happening this season, but I get the sense that this would be the funniest time for Matt to come out as bisexual
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Thinking about Episode 141 and I just wonder how Tex felt when Outlaw told him that not only had Blue (the guy he spent his time in the compound sheepdoggin', tried to protect, stayed away from Base to try to keep from getting killed) not only had he gotten consolidated and killed, but he did it to protect them and that he had hoped Tex would be proud of him
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Honestly, shout out to whatever the hiring process is in the Compound that they looked at 2 of Britain's most autistic dorks and went "Hmm yes, those two need to be bound together for the rest of their lives" and damn, ya know?
They were correct
10/10, no notes, godspeed 🫡🫡🫡
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we might not have much of a description of Ty's appearance but i know in my heart that man has the physical constitution of a ferret for his own health he needs to be shook please someone grab him and just
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Thinking about when Mikey and O.V.E.R Mike were talking about picking out a new birthday, and then later on when Mike said he'd picked June 11th
Thinking about someone, whether that be Tex or one of the Mikes, making Outlaw pick one out, since he's part of the group and all...
Thinking bout him picking the day he met Tex, since in a way its kind of true.....
Many, many thoughts........
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Ty themed collage, part 3
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Part 1
Part 2
P₳r₮ [?]
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Ty Betteridge version of "How Bad Can I Be" where its medical malpractice themed instead of environmental destruction themed that will be all goodbye
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toast-in-a-cowboy-hat · 2 months
From Ep. 84
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I like to imagine that this was Outlaw because, frankly, the concept of this man getting shotgunned in the face, waking up, and being like " Hmm...... they may have had a point here...." cracks me up far too much
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toast-in-a-cowboy-hat · 2 months
Wondering how Tex felt after everything got fixed and he realized Outlaw had gotten wiped out and he hadn't even remembered him
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toast-in-a-cowboy-hat · 2 months
†¥ †hêmêÐ ¢ðllågê, P₳r₮ [?]
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Part 1
Part 2
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