#not that he was treating them poorly or anything i dont think but like
irregodless · 2 years
cant stop thinking about how there was an episode of louder and prouder where they got mad at zoe for going out with a guy they said only dated white women when two of the girls were willing to dump their boyfriends for the guy with lighter skin and eyes
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dreamsy990 · 10 months
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my thoughts on ddd basically boil down to "great game! kill the story with fire and sticks." which i think is about the coldest take ever. do not get me started on how nobodies having hearts is a dumbfuck plot twist i am so full of rage over that.
#it ruins roxas' entire character i swear#also sidenote soras evidence for nobodies having hearts is. hilarious#his examples are xion; namine; roxas; and axel#xion isnt even a nobody#namine is only considered a nobody on a technicality#roxas is generally an exception to a lot of nobody rules. also him having emotions and that being an abnormality is like. a plot point#and axel generally doesnt have emotions! he only ever has them relating to sora or roxas and he is genuinely shocked the first time he-#-realizes that he can feel something because of them#he literally dies saying '[roxas] made me feel like i had a heart... its funny- you make me feel the same way'#that weird ability they have to make axel feel things is a big part of why he cares so much about roxas and sora#and to say that 'he actually had a heart' is just a bad misinterpreting of what was already there#and if i didnt know any better i would assume there was a different writer for this game#its poorly thought out and directly contradicted on multiple occasions#plus you cant tell me xemnas really tricked all these people into thinking they didnt have hearts. like. at the very least VEXEN would have#also if they always felt things and xemnas gaslighted them into thinking it wasnt real#then why would axel notice anything special about sora and roxas at all. wouldnt he just treat emotions caused by them like everything else#-and talk himself into thinking they werent real? like its just not thought out#also to me it makes xemnas a less interesting villain. i dont mind his big secret plot i think its fine honestly.#but i much prefer the option of xemnas taking advantage of people who were desperate to him gaslighting and lying#its more personal taste but like. idk#also literally do not get me started on how this twist sucks for roxas' character. its just plain bad for him.#he fought tooth and nail and fucking died saying he deserved to exist whether or not he had a heart#and to look at him and go 'dont worry you get one now' is just bad! and i hate it!!#anyways. i fucking despise this games story#kingdom hearts#doodles#sora#roxas#riku#lea
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mmyneonlights · 5 months
#dude.#finally got to talk with him#and we were good all night#and then we get in bed and he's like groping me n stuff. i am literally About To Get Naked.#and he asks me if trans men experience misogyny or misandry??#so i was like uhhh. complicated subjet a lotta people fight about it. so he asked what do u think.#and i said it could go either way but i dont consider misandry a serious problemm#there is an issue in some spaces with people being treated poorly for masculine traits absolutely but it is far from oppression.#if someone says 'youre a man so you're gross' thats a dick move but its not oppressive. ig#and he completely shut down. stopped touching me and moved away#wouldnt say anything when i tried to ask him what was up except he kept saying its fine its fine#and then finally i got him to say 'i just didnt expect that answer'#and now hes all mopey and doesnt want anything to do with me#i feel crazy lmfao. is it not common sense that bigotry toward men is generally Not Serious like sure it's shitty but it is not oppression.#(on the basis of them being men. obvs men can experience other kinds of bigotry based on race/class/etcetcetc)#idek what to say.#im physically frustrated and emotionally frustrated and im hurt that he just shut down on me like that#like if he agrees that bothers me a little cuz feminism is something im passionate about and saying men are oppressed feels like its#belittling that#*disagrees i mean#but ultimately its fine. he can have his own opinions. but the fact that me having a different opinion from him made him totally shut down#on me is so shitty. and this is the second night in a ROW hes done this. i dont know what to do.
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maybelacrimosa · 6 months
Fastpass spoilers
I think one of the largest issues I have with Lore Olympus is Rachel Smythes tendency to ignore her favourite characters wrong doings or to try 'justify' them with poorly executed retcons. In the latest chapter we get yet another "Zeus bad" retcon that somehow feels worse than the prior "Zeus bad" moments. Im not going to deny Zeus is a very VERY flawed person in LO, I am all for Hera divorcing him. But here she is trying to justify the Metis/Zeus plot point by saying "oh she was protecting her daughter all along by sleeping with someone who she met when he was underage!!!!" That feels really creepy? I dont think she really considers the implications of the things she writes and thats not a good thing. She cant even try argue "oh kronos time shenanigans make it ok" or whatever stupid logic she might use because she has established his time powers had run out from his fight with Ouranos at that point in the story.
Like lets take the catastrophe that was the Dio birth arc, she tries to retroactively justify Persephone being a terrible midwife who steals a baby without letting the father hold him by being like "oh actually he didnt care about the baby he chose to carry in his leg for about 10 years Persephone was in the right!!!" instead of having her ask to take custody or do anything other than demanding she be given the baby like a few minutes after Zeus finished giving birth.
Its not just Zeus either, she tries to justify Persephone invading Leuces home by being like "Oh Leuce never really got any texts shes delusional!!!!" ignoring the fact that Leuce thought the texts were valid enough to show to Persephone when mrs pink tyrant was being a home invader and neglecting the baby she just stole a couple of hours ago. Dio is treated like a purse dog and we get some off hand comment where Persephone blames the neglect (which was so bad the child got into TARTARUS) on the sitter she hired rather than being like "oh I should have made actual arrangements for Dio instead of giving myself a makeover". Theres also the way she tried to claim Thanatos was as much to blame for Hades' terrible parenting as Hades was by being like "well the abandoned child had an attitude can you blame Hades for not being a good dad?" Like yes. Yes we can blame Hades, he was an ADULT and Thanatos was a CHILD.
I guess the point Im making is, if she wants her characters to be morally grey, she needs to stop twisting the narrative into a gordian knot to justify every bad thing her favourites do whilst condemning other characters as being 'the worst' like hold them all to the same standard and actually let them develop instead of making excuses.
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kurooo-is-here · 9 months
Hi so i hope you dont mind a very angsty request. So you know how MC sent Miraidon/Koraidon to protect Kieran during the Terapagos stuff. For this request, let’s have reader sacrificing themselves for Kieran for drama, im talking throwing themself in front of Kieran to take the blow. An action they didint think it through bc too caught up in the moment kind. Now they arent dead but well that gotta hurt a lot. So throughout the whole fight with Terapagos, reader is just barely holding on. And when they finally caught Terapagos, they instantly faint, finally letting themself to rest. A rest which turns out to be a 2 month coma. When the Mc wake up, they now have chronic pain and now have a hard time walking. Yayyyy :)
So can i request Kieran x reader and Drayton x reader, where the both of them have a crush on the reader but have yet to confess, see the reader back in BB academy after months in a wheelchair and have chronic pain. Like imagine the angst :)
Btw if you want, you can make it to a hurt/comfort. I just want angst :)
(P.S. i just found your blog today and i really like your work! Keep up the good work!)
Omg noooooo 🥹🥹
Drayton would be PISSED at Kieran for allowing this to happen to you. You nearly died because of him and his selfish behavior. He'd definitely drag Kieran aside and give him a not-so-friendly warning.
...Kieran reveals to Drayton that he has feelings for you, which just pisses off Drayton even more. Kieran liked you this whole time, and still decided to act like a complete asshole? Unforgivable. Lacey is halfway out the door with you in the wheelchair before you two see Drayton kicking the crap out of Kieran.
It takes both Lacey and Amarys's combined efforts to pull Drayton off of Kieran, but he finally stops when you ask Drayton why he's doing this.
"You nearly died because of this idiot, Y/N! He's been nothing but mean to all of us, and he couldn't even protect you in the end--"
"That's not true!" You exclaim, tears in your eyes. "It was my fault for jumping in front of Kieran to save him, but he was the one who got me out of Area Zero! He stayed at my hospital bed when I woke up and apologized to me! He's already said he's sorry, so you don't gain anything from kicking him while he's down!"
You ask Lacey to help you get to the cafeteria, which she immediately obliges to. Drayton is left to think about your words as Amarys takes Kieran to the infirmary.
Both Kieran and Drayton are wracked with guilt for different reasons... Kieran feels like shit for treating you so poorly, and even after all of that, you nearly died to save him. He feels like Drayton had every right to get angry at him, but he doesn't know how to feel about Drayton getting angrier when Kieran said he liked you. He doesn't want to lose you, not again. His heart can't take anymore of this regret and self-loathing.
Drayton feels terrible because he had no idea Kieran even apologized to you, and he can't shake the feeling that he's going to lose you if he lets his anger show again. He still has these gross feelings of jealousy... and even wishing that Kieran was the one who got injured instead. That bastard deserved it way more than you, at least. But he feels like a monster for even thinking that way...
I will leave the "ending" for this one more ambiguous, as I don't think there's a right or wrong answer between picking Kieran and Drayton (or picking neither). They both kinda fucked up.
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fatmaclover · 6 months
theres something to be said about how mac still holds such a childish adoration for his parents after such a long time. how literally its shown to us by the fact that
mac always slicked his hair back as a child, when he still had contact with his father
he stops doing this into adulthood, but later in life, once mac interacts with his father again, he starts slicking his hair back again
he doesnt stop. slicking his hair back. until his own father walks out during his coming out performance. the guy he put it on for. only after that does he completely stop styling his hair that way
not to mention the constant refusal that his mom (and dad) could be anything but perfect, the way hes so desperate to do good by them, viewing them as the way to measure his success...
and. yeah thats. something.
the internal denial that his parents treated him poorly, the fact that its his primary instinct to deny that his parents suck, the constant dismissal of his own issues relating to family because his whole life hes been told that "other people have it worse". the way hes internalized that so hard. the way it takes his dad walking out on macs coming out performance to him for mac to stop blindly idolizing some guy whos threatened to kill him
the constant fear of his own father, while also believing him to be the coolest bestest guy ever. the way he always assumes his father is gonna get violent when actually talking to him, but sings nothing but praises when away from him
the fact that he still calls his dad "daddy" even.
i mean you cant really blame him for not fully growing up in some areas huh
its not even that i think he doesnt know that his parents treat him horribly, it just really seems like he wants so badly to believe thats not the case from years of having his cries for help ignored or made fun of. he cant have been treated poorly, because charlie was treated poorly, and his baggage isnt nearly as bad as charlies, so clearly macs home life wasnt bad.
i think thats proven most of all by his frustration with his own family at times, it really feels like theres some underlying issues. they can very quickly manifest as frustration and anger, but honestly its probably mostly sadness. the way he reacts to his own mother really reminds me of how i interact with family members i have grudges with but have to pretend i dont. im not actually angry at any of these people, im mostly just exhausted by them.
he very clearly is still aware of the neglect he faced as a kid, to me. he knows his home life was severely fucked up, hes just never been able to express that, so hes coped by just. pretending that it didnt happen.
and realistically i dont know if he could ever properly acknowledge that his home life was fucked and his parents suck. maybe hed acknowledge that his dad sucks now, but it wouldnt have been that bad when he was a kid and wasnt a fag. right? he was loved then. his mom still did a great job raising him, and he really loves her, and he was raised with all the love and care a child needs.
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merakiui · 7 months
Mera are you not going to elaborate 👀 on how,,,, absolutely entitled tako would be with his not so subtle complex and also riddle who deserves this okay? This is all he's truly ever wanted and by golly he will see it through to the end! He can get through any trial or tribulation so long as he can put it in you
And ofc the tweels are soooooo sex brained that ur opinion doesnt even matter, they dont even have to justifying themselves bc there is no justifying- they want you? They got you!
ACTUALLY........ now that you say this, my thoughts can be expressed more succinctly!!!!!
(cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, non-con, brief mention of slut-shaming, obsession, everyone is just really horrible here)
Azul's mother and stepfather who know their son could do no wrong, so they're shocked and appalled when you start accusing him of something so disgusting. How dare you accuse him of such a horrible crime! He would never! Your parent(s) sits down with the Ashengrottos to discuss and hopefully smooth things over. Azul is so sickeningly sweet and cordial throughout the entire thing while you look scared out of your skin. You insist he's lying, that you're telling the truth, that this is what happened. But then his stepfather threatens to take the matter to court. He knows the law. In the end, you're forced to drop it because your family can't afford a trial right now.
On your way out, Azul smiles at you. Even at twenty-something, he's still their spoiled brat. So entitled! Because he got everything he could ever want from his mother when he was a child, he automatically assumes he'll have you without any problems. But you just had to reject him in elementary. You just had to make a fool out of him in front of the class. It's your fault he couldn't have the one thing he's always wanted. But now he's so much better than his past self, and this time he's not taking no for an answer.
I think it would be a similar situation with Riddle. His mother refuses to believe her son could do any wrong, and the fact that you—some slut who shouldn't be near her Riddle to begin with—have the gall to throw around such wild accusations... You must have been raised so poorly to forgo basic manners and social etiquette. Riddle apologizes profusely for causing such trouble, but his story isn't the truth. You watch him lie to his mother's face and she believes him because he's Riddle Rosehearts, the paragon of pristine perfection. Of course if you and your parent(s) continue to press the matter, Mrs. Rosehearts will threaten to sue and when you're up against the Queendom of Roses's most renowned magical doctor with her prodigious son who could never do any wrong... Surely it's impossible from the start.
Riddle does feel bad. Somewhat. Deep down he knows it's wrong, but he's never had anything special before. Everything has always been chosen for him. He's never had friends. He's never had any hobbies. He's never had a life. And when he saw how radiantly you would shine while passing through campus with your group of friends, he just had to have you. You're like those forbidden strawberry tarts from his youth. He knows it's bad, but he can't help wanting to indulge even if it breaks rules. He's been so good. Surely he's allowed one treat! If it makes you feel any better, he was just as anxious as you were when he mixed that stuff into your drink.
And the twins... oh, the twins. >_< terrible. Their mother babies them incessantly. In canon, it's noted that she tends to call them frequently (nearly every day) because she worries. So she absolutely spoils them rotten. Those are her babies; of course she will! Papa Leech is just as adoring, I'm certain, but then I feel like his love is more of a "tough love" type. In any case, the twins won't accept the word no because they're so used to just getting things. Those sturgeon scales they proudly wear? Those were won through a fight. They want and then they take. It's simple.
So the fact that you'd tell either of them no... Unheard of. All of Floyd's smiley pretenses drop when you reject him. Jade can keep up his own placidity, if only to give you another chance so that you won't whine about how unfair it was in the aftermath: "Would you like to think more carefully about your decision?"
Whatever happens, you can't say or do anything. No one's going to speak ill against the Leech family. They can't. That's just how it is.
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
Can you pls do a fic with reader who is in the band and is a pretty princess and only gets princess treatment from Tokio hotel ❤️❤️
The day i turn down a princess treatment request is the day i die‼️🫡 im not sure if you wanted them together or separate so im sorry if this isnt what u wanted!!
Tokio Hotel giving fem!reader the princess treatment
•oh lord are they protective
•they think you are just the sweetest thing, so anyone who treats you poorly will not be tolerated
•they get a little worried when you leave the house by yourself, people can be creepy and they dont want anything bad happening to you
•so they always come with you whenever you go out. You definitely have scary dog privileges with them around
•Bill learns your makeup style so that he can do it for you
•he also likes when you come to him for his opinion on your outfit, although every time you ask him he always tells you that you look so pretty and he loves whatever you wear
•Gustav likes to hold your hand when walking through crowds, he gets scared that you’ll get lost or someones gonna snatch you😭
•Georg will literally carry you whenever you want. He gives you piggyback rides to the tour bus, while walking on stage, or even just around your house
•now Tom likes to be a little shit and give you a hard time. He teases you whenever the other guys baby you, even tho he does it too?? (He just doesn’t want to admit it)
•he literally calls you ‘princess’
•trys to justify it by saying hes just making fun of you but he actually does it because he thinks it suits you
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grievedeeply · 10 months
Could I please request first date headcanons for Zevlor and Raphael :)
thank you for this request anon even if it took me forever to get to lol! i love getting to write for characters who dont seem to have much about them out there so this always made me very excited. hope you enjoy!
gn!reader/tav | no tws
first date hcs with zevlor and raphael
i think he'd be a bit nervous
he has plenty of experience going on dates, but nothing super recent. he's just been too busy to try anything romantic or indulge in this sort of thing
but when everything calms down he's happy to go on a date with you
it's a nice break for him. not only does he enjoy your company but he feels like he can express how he's been feeling around you, too
your first date together would be something simple. a picnic instead of a theater performance so there wouldn't be any distractions and your focus would solely be on each other
he enjoys getting to know you. he's a great listener, and he's happy for you to just talk without interruptions
you don't kiss or anything. you just relish in each others company
you do have a great time together, though. zevlor promises a more formal date next time
but as long as you're together, you can't complain
he has an ego so he likes to think it was inevitable that you'd go on a date with him. there is a part of him that feels.. lucky— that you're willing to do this. actually willing
he won't treat you poorly. he may be a devil but he does have manners. to some extent, anyway
he'll take you to a nice, fancy dinner. it's something public so it wouldn't be intimate or overwhelming
he knows that can be offputting, as much as he hates to admit it. and he wants you to be comfortable
he's definitely going to pull your chair out for you, hold open doors for you, the whole nine yards. he doesn't want you to regret doing this.. and he wants to fluster you a little bit
kindness doesn't come naturally to him. most good things he does aren't out of the sweetness of his heart or gentleness of his soul, but because he wants something from them
but not from you. never from you. he only wants you to enjoy yourself
he isn't nervous. he's confident in himself and his abilities.. but a real date feels good. it isn't one he's going on because he needs or wants something, and it feels good
he has a good time just listening to you talk. even if it's about things he knows all about. hearing it from you is a million times better
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marshmellowzz · 1 year
can I request reader who’s kidnapped by the hantengu clones, and she tries to escape? can be a oneshot/scenario thing >.< (btw! I think it’d be funny if reader was small and weak, so they just kinda manhandle her…)
in their grasp
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a/n: hi anon! i'm so sorry to everyone for my continuous inactivity on this account, i feel soooo bad about it. im having a lotta issues in my life right now, as well as a killer writers block - so i'm very very sorry for everyones requests who's been sitting in my ask box, i'll try my best to work through them! anyway! i made this one a little long, ill post it in two parts because i haven't finished the second half yet ! :3
content warning: mentions of kidnapping ! suggestive language and actions! graphic (i guess?), they dont see u as an equal and just treat u as their pet….
word count: 3.3k
[part 1]
You awoke with a start, your eyes flashed open and your heart racing as you let a sharp noise between a gasp and a scream leave your lips; piercing the stillness of the dark room you found yourself in. Your body seized up in fright, and waves of goosebumps rushed across your skin. Taking deep breaths to calm yourself down, you slowly sank back into the bed searching for something – anything - that could calm your nerves.
The blanket lazily placed onto you during the night was tangled around your feet, you were practically drenched due to sweat. You didn't even register that it was pitch black outside.
Your eyes were wide open, but all was silent. As quickly as the sensation came upon you, it faded away to nothing but silence. Your eyes whipped around the room -  seeking out any movement that had escaped your attention. 
This...This wasn't the safety of your home.
Suddenly, reminders began flashing into your mind.
Yes, you remembered.
You had a run in with a demon—four demons, actually.
They were all similar. Almost identical actually—which raised the question—were they all clones?
Although, you had only vividly remembered one—He was a giant of a man, towering over you as his vermillion eyes burned with rage. His muscled frame commanded your attention and sent shivers down your spine. His nails were long and sharp like daggers, digging into your skin to draw fresh wounds that dripped scarlet onto the floor. The malevolence in his gaze held you captive - the prominent frown on his face told of a ruthless disregard for your mortality, as if to imply that with one quick motion he'd be able snap you in two like a twig between his fingers. 
It seemed like you were about to be nothing more than another savory course. 
Every hair on your body standing up as you looked around in paranoia—were you in their home?
Had they took you here when you passed out? It was too quiet, you were all alone with your overwhelmed mind, and pained body. A sense of unease settled in your stomach and upon further investigation -  you found a crudely wound web of bandages, stained by the seepage of blood, wrapped around your torso. It was poorly placed, and it was now stringing around you like twisted ribbons.
It looked like the demon...or demons were trying to stop you from bleeding out.
At this point, you wish you did.
You buried your head in your hands, trying to calm your racing mind. It was like you could still feel their heavy presence lingering in the room, even when nobody was there.
You let out a shaky sigh—they weren't ordinary demons, you could grasp that—perhaps they were some...Super demons?
You vaguely recalled seeing the kanji 'uppermoon 4' engraved onto the pupils of their eyes—they were definitely higher-ranked demons, and your poor self had the misfortune of running into them.
You slid your feet down, cautiously straightening yourself, and planting your feet onto the cold, wooden floor. You had tried your best to be quiet, in order not to alert them if they were present in the house—and to not draw their attention to you.
You stepped timidly into the hollow corridors, your feet softly pattered against the cold, hard floorboards beneath you. The sound of each step echoed off of the barren walls, almost as if calling out to you with an unspoken invitation; daring you to explore further. 
Nobody. It was a dead silent, empty house.
The house was orderly, if slightly disheveled. Clothing laid scattered about in careless piles among the furniture, while occasional specks of dried blood made a grim contrast against the otherwise pristine walls. An unsettling mixture of domestic tranquility and disturbing reminders of violence hung in the air.
Just then, you were met with the sight of the front door.
You eyed it, in deep thought.
Well. You had to take your chance and escape, right?
There was no way of telling how far from the house they were now; all that you knew was that they weren't here at the moment
It didn't stop you from trying your luck.
If you actually pulled this off, you'll live, and be scot-free once again.
The only thing that has driven you was your hope—you may have been a bit too ambitious with what you were about to do right now, but you were going to try it anyway.
You take a deep, steady breath; your hand reaching out to open the door. It wasn't locked.
You quietly thanked the gods, and you opened the door, then gently closed it.
Without a moment's hesitation, you leapt forward, the icy wind rushing around your body as you darted into the forest. Your feet landing on the leaf-strewn forest floor, propelling your body further into its depths.
You had not a clue where you were going, but you were hoping that you weren't too far from civilization.
That night, you had the misfortune of learning just how fast a high-ranking demon like Hantengu could travel. It seems like only a few minutes have passed after you've left the house when you hear a voice calling out.
In an instant, you feel a strong, taut arm latch onto your wrist and pull you back—you were whipped around, and forced to acknowledge his presence.
Their presence.
You felt a chill run through you as you sensed the presence of two distinct figures standing right behind your shoulder. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up in alarm and before you had time to turn around, their eyes met yours with an intensity that made you feel like a deer caught in headlights. Their gaze was heavy and seemed to be speaking volumes even without words being uttered, sending a message that made it clear: Don't move.
They had been nearby all along, close enough to notice your absence, close enough to hear your frantic footfalls, close enough to catch you. The fact that they were even there shocked you.
"Tsk tsk, bad pet." The green-eyed one tutted, his eyes aligned with contempt, and his lips stretching into a twisted, sickening smirk.
How did they get to you so fast?
You then yelped out, clearly startled by their sudden presence beside you.
You were certain you haven't even blinked and they had materialized beside you within a milisecond - you had only just registered the thoughts in your mind and they were already there, as if through some magical transference.
The other one stared down at you with bright blue eyes full of sorrow and disappointment. His face was puckered in a frown, adding to his sombre expression. "What are you doing, human?" he asked softly, despair evident in his voice. Like any normal person, your instincts were screaming at you to turn on your heel - and book it out. You panicked, you feel your heartbeat in your throat as your entire body tensed in pure. unbridled fear - your lungs seized and your feet seemed to lose the ability to move before they found their strength again in an instinctive attempt at flight, you then ran.
Running seemed futile, considering their strength and speed. It was obvious that the demons had an infinite advantage over you. No matter how hard you ran, all three of you knew it would never be enough to escape their pursuit after you. Even with such a crucial piece of information, it did nothing to stop the adrenaline pumping in your legs. Your legs trembled with fear as your mind raced for an escape route, telling yourself that maybe — just maybe—you could find one. All rationality had left you and all there was was the unquenchable desire to run away from this impending doom before it engulfed you altogether
Your heart hammered in your chest and terror immobilized you. You had to keep running, but every step was a struggle against the trapping gravity of fear that weighed down on you like an iron casket.
"Cute! Little human thinks she can outrun us, eh?" Karaku let's out a bark of laughter, watching you  scramble away.
So slow. So weak. He almost feels like this is unfair to you.
"Ah...She's so pitiful." Aizetsu frowns.
You were fighting a losing battle.
They watch you hasten for a while longer, you're out of breath and desperate. Karaku let's another bark of laughter leave his lips, the two of them taking in your panic.
Suddenly, Karaku was on you. His lightning-fast stride brought him through the air and he locked his arms around your waist in an instant, pushing your body against the nearest tree with a strength that almost felt like an embrace. His palms were warm on your skin as he held you against the bark firmly, pressing against you so closely that you could feel every breath.
Before you had time to react, he knocked the oxygen out of your lungs with his sheer weight and strength as he quickly took hold of both of your wrists in one hand and pinned them above your head. Your stomach churned with nausea and apprehension, while a squeak resounded from deep within your throat before it was able to escape into the air around you. You felt completely disoriented, like you'd been spun around on a merry-go-round one too many times
But, he doesn't hurt you; even if he has all the power to do so, even if you were completely at his mercy - there wasn't any hint of aggression in him. Instead, he wore an amused smirk as if he was relishing some joke only he knew about. He held a firm grip on your wrists, caging your body against the tree with a playful grin on his face.
He looked down at you, his eyes filled with mirth - amused at the fact that you were trapped beneath him - amused that he could end your pathetic life with the flick of his wrist at any given moment - amused by your complete horror.
"So, thought you could outsmart us. Huh, little pet?"  His relaxed expression irked you - the two of them found this all entertaining, or at least he did. His eyes twinkled with a strange delight at your distress. You could have screamed and begged for mercy but they both seemed so unphased by your presence it was like this entire situation was a game—and you were losing rapidly.
He had his hands wrapped vice-like around your wrists, pinning you where you stood. His grip was like iron and the more you tried to struggle against it the tighter it seemed to get. 
Your legs shake due to overexertion, and to the overwhelming presence that the two of them shared. He really was the only thing keeping you up and stable as the strength left from your body and with each passing second.
Karaku leaned his frame down towards you. His eyes narrowed as they bore into yours; the mere inches of space between your faces felt like a chasm. He seemed to savor your weakened state, and as he closed in on you--his lips curling up into a crooked smile--he smelled it: fear. You could feel his finger pressing against your cheek, slowly, tracing its way down from there, and all too soon his voice resounded with the sickeningly smug musing of, "You smell afraid," he mumbles, almost... satisfied. "Is that my doing?" he snickers.
"How sad," Aizetsu mumbled apologetically, "She's feeding your ego..." His voice trailed off as his eyes focused on the floor shamefully, his words hung in the air like a cloud of despair as he spoke, hanging heavy with regret.
You screwed your eyes shut, feeling hot, stinging tears at the corner of your eyes. You cranked your head in another direction in a futile attempt to create distance between his face and yours. "No! Let me go!" You shrieked, a desperate glint in your eyes as you squirmed beneath him.
Karaku only laughed, a deep guttural sound that reverberated through the air. His amusement with your fear only grew as he slowly lifted his free-hand to your face once again, brushing his fingertips along your cheeks before squeezing. With gentle force, he guided you to look up at him, "I'm afraid I can't do that, pet."  He purred; his voice carrying an ominous tone which revealed that something much more deadly was lying beneath the surface.
A raw, primal fear grappled its way to your throat and escaped in a bloodcurdling scream. Your body thrashed violently against his, desperate for an escape, but each futile attempt was met with heavy hands pinning your wrists down. "P-Please!" tears spilled from the corners of your eyes as you sobbed pitifully - pleading for help that never came, convinced by this point that you had been brought too far away from civilization for anyone to hear you. Helplessness filled every inch of you, there was no way you could fight back.
Karaku tightened his grip on your wrists and leaned in closer, seeming to take pleasure as you screamed. "I must say, you're much cuter when you're quiet." He purred into the crook of your neck while inhaling deeply, taking in your scent like a drug. His lips brushed against the sensitive flesh - his breath was hot on the skin of your collarbone, nuzzling his face further as a satisfied smirk crossed over his lips as he drawled  "Smells good...Mmm".
Aizetsu however, seemed to grow more distressed at the sight of your tears, his eyes narrowed as he watched you squirm beneath Karaku. His lips pulled downward in a deep scowl, and his voice grew dark. "You try to escape us," he muttered, his words threatening as they left his mouth. "And then you scream and cry when we catch you." There was something almost petulant in the way he spoke; it seemed like he was a sulking child being denied of it's needs. "That hardly seems fair..." He pouted, his voice growing thick with disappointment and something else, a hint of bitterness barely contained.
"We can't trust that you won't run again. So, I guess...We'll have to lock you up." Aizetsu pouted; as if this was distressing for him.
Sweat came beading on your forehead as you felt the world begin to spin. Your breathing quickened and a heat began to fill your body, each thrash becoming more desperate and less considered than the last. The demons words echoed around you like an accusation, violence in his resonance - treating you like some rabid animal that needed restraint. Lock you up? What kind of sick joke was this?  You didn't even know what these guys wanted from you - why the hell were you suddenly made their new fidget toy?! Karaku released your wrists with an enthusiastic chortle: "Lock her up? Now that sounds fun!" He expertly lifted you by your waist and threw you over his shoulder, your feeble kicks unable to slow the momentum of him whisking you up and carrying you away. The disorientation from the sudden manhandling made you feel dizzy as you tried in vain to twist free. 
Despite your desperate thrashing, the demon seemed to take it all in stride as if this was a part of his everyday life. His steps continued even and unhurried, his grip on you tight yet seemingly effortless. The way he held you over his shoulder gave off an odd sense of familiarity, like he had done this thousands of times before - like he didn’t have to think twice about it. What the hell could you have done in your life to deserve getting kidnapped by demons? Upper-ranked, nutcase demons at that?
"...We'd better hurry, Karaku," Aizetsu said with a tense grimace. He glanced around the dense forest anxiously - as if expecting Sekido to appear at any moment in an explosion fit of rage. "Sekido’s got quite a temper on him these days and he'll be really mad if we're not back soon."
"Mm," He hummed softly in agreement before adding a sly comment; his voice barely above a whisper. "I think we should have the luxury of taking our time with her – Sekido this – Sekido that - He's not here now, is he?" His eyes danced playfully as they searched Aizetsu 's for signs of agreement.
Aizetsu shook his head, he couldn't help the frown that tugged at his lips, "No, he isn't here, but..." He trailed off. With a devilish spark in his eyes, he cut Aizestu off before he could finish his train of thought. "But nothing. Why don't we make the most of it?" He said as a smirk curled up on one side of his face. "Let's have a little fun."
Aizetsu didn't seem very convinced, his eyes quietly assessing the situation. Karaku leaned forward, you still over his shoulders. "Come on," he drawled, with a shrug of his shoulders. "If he really wanted to get his hands on her, he would have come along." His voice was smug as the words fell from between his lips; it made no difference how serious the circumstance was - Karaku would find any way to mess around.
"I-I suppose..." Aizetsu mumbled tentatively. A brief moment of silence passed, the idle chirping of the cicadas in the background. "Wanna play catch with her? I'll toss her to you and you-" Suddenly, you startlingly interjected with an exasperated "Hello?!", disrupting their idle chatter that seemed to be ignoring your existence. Your presence had gone neglected as they spoke about playing catch and tossing you around like a mere item - one possessed rather than personable. Both demons turned their attention to you - both having no intention of taking anything that'll leave your lips seriously.
"W-What the hell do you want from me...?"  you stammered out. You had been dragged over his shoulder, your arms and legs dangling like a ragdoll for long enough.  Continuing to thrash, each kick you delivered only made him grip you tighter, even as you vainly hit his back with closed fists, he didn't budge. "How pitiful." Aizetsu muttered underneath his breath.
Karaku let out a deep, rumbling chuckle. His eyes glinted mischievously in the moonlight as he spoke: "Isn't it clear? You're our plaything now." He seemed to relish his own words as if they were a special delicacy and he went on to mumble something about how having a human around made things more interesting for everyone. He laughed again happily, savoring every moment that your encounter lasted as he knew that eventually boredom will overcome them all. Right. It would just last until they got bored of you.
"And will you stop squirming? Seriously, it's like you're trying to tickle me." 
It dawned on you. Truly, whatever you did, or said, nothing seemed to phase the demons steady pace, any resistance was futile. You had no choice but to give in and hang limply against his broad frame in silent defeat...
Karaku laughed darkly, his hand coming down hard onto your backside with a harsh smack. You gasped, mouth agape. "Good girl," he praised you before sending a pointed glance towards Aizetsu, "See? She gets it now." His words hung in the air as if challenging someone to disagree with him, you looked away in embarrassment and shame.
You felt as if you were slipping inexorably into a deep, dark abyss. A wave of humiliation and dread was washing over you; it threatened to swallow your meager remains whole. Your rights had been stripped from you in an instant and the title of 'plaything' was bestowed upon your weary shoulders by these demons - for what? Just for their temporary amusement? Were you really nothing but a docile creature now? Obediently awaiting to be forgotten when they decided that they'd had enough amusement at your expense? This couldn't be happening.
Why? Why was this happening? Your mind screamed, your thoughts frantic with terror as you were taken over his shoulder all the way back to where these sick monsters resided. The forest around you blurred past in a passing panorama and all you could do is wallow in helpless dread. Their voices were muted to mere murmurs, drowning into nothing beside the other sounds of nature - a backdrop to this nightmare that seemed never-ending; every step felt like an eternity as you treaded towards where they called home.
"So how about it? I think playing catch is a pretty good idea." 'K-Karaku...No." "Why not? I bet you, if Urogi was here he would've said yes in a heartbeat." You were doomed, thats for sure.
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yanderecandystore · 1 year
Angst ᐛ. So imagine y/n is fully aware of what the beldam is about. I'm talking from the very begining but kept coming back since they felt so alone. And at some point y/n just walks in, plots their head in the beldam's chest, tearing up after a particularly bad day and is just like. "You know, I know what youre gonna ask... About the buttons. I know its just a way to eat me. But to be honest just hearing yoinsay 'i care about you' is making me consider the offer. Pathetic right?" Would the beldam make it a quick kill or would he not want to eat them anymore? Of course if you dont feel comfortable writing this thats fine too.
The reason why I always take too long to write anything about Male Beldam/Belsire, is because I always fear making something that people won't like especially since it's my most liked story-
But after rereading the story I realized it really isn't all that good X'D I feel like it could have been a lot better if I had put more time into it.
I'm sorry for taking so long to write this, but I really don't want to leave you guys hanging especially since I do really like the idea of a "twisted" ending sort of thing. Thank you for requesting this!
It's very short, but I hope I can talk more about it because I do wonder how Y/n will deal with this new life.
TW/Tags: Mentions of: Gore; death // Arachnophobia Warning // Scotomaphobia Warning (Reader is now blind) // Manipulation // Human flesh consumption (not from the Reader) // this is very short sorry // not proofread lmao (headaches) // Reader is very unresponsive to the things that happen around them.
A peek at the keyhole [Yandere!Belsire x GN!Reader - A short Oneshot]
It was during dinner that you decided to seal the deal, he was acting strange… He was starving and you were sure of it. Which was funny because you never saw him eat, now that you think about it.
He doesn't understand where you got that knowledge of how he behaves or of what he consumes- Maybe it was just a lucky guess based on his desperate need to keep you "unaware", always giving a poorly disguised lie about himself.
Who was he? What was he? What did he want? He was your best friend, silly. He was your other friend, and all he wanted was to be with you.
Lies, lies, half truths. He was simply too shady for his own benefit, too obvious for his own good.
Or perhaps he really liked this back and forth between you two, after all- What proof did you have of anything? You couldn't trust his words, yes, but what else did you have to go with?
Just that sinking feeling in your stomach whenever he was near you, whenever he tapped his fingers impatiently because you were just oh so curious about him!
It was adorable, really. Infuriatingly adorable.
Because it didn't matter how much you knew about him, or his "real intentions" with you- You always came back for more. His words of reassurance coated with thick honey and distributed with a soft, calm tone of voice that was just as patronizing as it was endearing.
Treating you like royalty every time you came around and yet always keeping you at arm's length when it came to learning more about him, but did any of that even matter?
You were being taken care of, wasn't that enough? You had friends with you, an adoring handsome fella that wasn't shy at all about treating you more than a friend, if you wanted him to. There was clear favoritism and although common sense would have told you it was a massive red flag, you couldn't deny it was quite refreshing to be regarded with so much love.
The fun will never end, he said. It could go for as long as you wanted, forever even if you agreed to stay with just a little, tiny condition.
He didn't have to explain it in detail for you to instantly agree with him, you cling to him already aware of what your fate would be. A bad day was all he needed for you to accept it in a heartbeat? He could have done this a lot sooner than.
It was just you and him, standing in the kitchen as you hugged him, burying yourself in both a need for contact but also out of embarrassment- Shame of throwing yourself away to the unknown without second thought.
It took him by surprise at first, although not ideal he still met his goal sooner than he expected- Only a couple of nights spent with him and his creations, with only a few fabulous events in between.
Of course he couldn't go TOO wild with his attractions, after all you didn't need a spectacular show to be lured in, you just wanted to be heard and included.
" … Oh dear… Pathetic? Why? There's no reason to feel this way, you made the right choice… "
He wanted to still reassure you of your actions, but it was hard hiding the eagerness in his voice.
He held you tightly, cooing you gently despite your unisseanes and uncertainty.
It was mostly so you wouldn't see the illusion breaking, so you wouldn't hear the sounds of your other friends turning into dust… He simply couldn't keep them for much longer, and now he didn't need to.
It's a shame they couldn't warn you of your mistake sooner, it's a shame that everything he creates reflects his adoration to the people he lures in. If only they could warn you to not let him do this, that it wasn't really worth it.
" Come… It'll be quick, don't worry. " He led you with his hands, which were feeling colder by the minute, sharper than before. Thinner than before.
The lights of the house were starting to lower if not fully turn off behind you as you only focused on following him to his little workshop. You felt the stairs lose their solidity after lifting your feet, each step turning from wood to web quickly.
You were actively following him to your doom, you knew that, and as much as you wanted to you couldn't run away now.
He opened the door to the attic, the only thing that seemed intact in this empty and dark place- It was as if the house was starting to disappear the higher he went, and as you followed him there was no need to keep the rest of the house.
He was trying to be economical here, too many things to keep magically attached and realistic all the time- With no break for lunch.
The attic was the only thing that seemed actually real for you, stepping inside you felt the old floor creek. It was old, moldy, but somehow always well kept, as it was one of the only real things in this void he took care of.
It was his favorite place in the house.
" You can go sit on that chair over there, but if you would like to choose I have a great variety of colors and types for you to pick. " The voice that held warmth and youth to it was also disappearing and being replaced with a dry throat, a rougher tone and a lack of discernible emotion behind it.
You could only tell there was impatience by the constant tapping of his fingernails on his board as he showed you all the possible options.
Classic black like his? Baby blue? Chartreuse?? His constant tapping made you feel like a ticking clock taunting you to pick a color already-
You just pointed to the one color you liked most, hey, who wouldn't want to have their favorite color as their eye color? Although, it wasn't really eyes. Just buttons.
He hummed while giving you a soft smile.
" I'm glad you made a choice for me, I would have been too indecisive. Ah, but they're perfect for you..! You're going to make me so jealous, doll.." It was a joke, or maybe a compliment. It was hard to tell if his monotonous voice was out due to boredom, anger or was his voice like this in general.
Well, he didn't seem mad?? It was hard to understand him and to be honest you were getting very nervous. You sat down in the tall chair, its pastel colors did little to nothing to calm you down. Was this really a good idea?
" Are you ready?... It'll be quick I promise… Although… "
He grabbed your face, trying to be gentle as he inspected your panicking eyes.
You didn't understand what was going inside his head, you couldn't tell what he was planning to do and you weren't sure if his touch was starting to freak you out or sooth you.
" … It'll be fine. I'll make sure of it." He sighed before kissing your forehead, so you wouldn't forget he cared about you.
It was agonizing.
You don't know for how long you stayed out, but you remember your brain blacking out after he sewed the first one in.
You're not sure how you even survived through him stabbing your eyes with a needle- Hell, were you even alive at all?! You couldn't see anything, so either he successfully closed your eyes or you were dead.
No, you probably weren't dead yet, your headache just as bad as your entire face- Raising your hand slowly to touch your face you could feel your eyes covered by thick cloth, it was slightly wet.
Slightly touching and pushing like that caused you to feel immense pain, you immediately stopped- It was still fresh so of course it would hurt like hell.
You were sure that you felt the shape of the buttons underneath the cloth, however.
Your ears buzzed as you tried to regain some of your strength, as you tried to get out from your torture chair you forgot how tall it was- Missing a step and crashing down to the old attic floor with no one to help you.
Falling sure felt like falling! The floor sure felt like a crusty old floor! Yep, you weren't dead.
Your head was aching so badly you weren't sure if what you heard was real or not, but you were sure you heard some commotion coming from downstairs.
It was loud enough to muffle your little accident.
The voices below were followed by painful screaming that lasted for a few minutes after complete silence. A chilling sensation settled in as you started to wonder if the screams you heard felt familiar to you in any way.
You carefully started to get up, slowly you started to consider if you should go back to the tall chair or just make a run for it- But to where? You couldn't see anything!!
You considered taking the cloth off- But you didn't want to feel the pain that came from it. You needed to let it heal after all. Though, you doubted that you would be able to see anything with freaking BUTTONS in your eyes!!
Was it too late to regret your decision? It seemed like it.
You walked around trying to feel your way, where was the door again? You were sure you were on the right track… Your hand went from old wood to a nice clean carpet- Wait- Wasn't the house entirely destroyed? Shouldn't it be a spider web here?
Or, well, everywhere?
The fur of the carpet fooled you as you felt your hand squeeze something very soft that squeaked and scurried away from you. A rat.
" I'm sorry!- " You whispered to him, but he didn't appreciate your attempt at escaping, he squealed as he ran down stairs alerting his owner that you were awake.
Well, shit.
You would have screamed if you were able to see the heavy thing that came up the stairs in such a hurry, it didn't help that although you couldn't see him, the sound of metal hitting the walls and the floor made you highly concerned.
What the fuck was that-
" You shouldn't have left the room without telling me. " The same monotonous voice, although he didn't sound so exhausted like he did before- Not as hungry, you assumed.
" Come, let me help you. " You could hear him approach, as if he was wearing high heels it was hard to not hear him coming closer.
And you couldn't help but feel like distancing yourself further, his boney fingers didn't help you feel any more relaxed- They were sharp and cold, it felt like pure needles taking your hand and pulling you up.
" You need to rest for a little longer, doll. But you can't heal with an empty stomach right? " He guided you with his hand, you felt sick at the mention of food.
He helped you get down the stairs by holding you bride style, and you almost cried at the sensation of his hard and cold skin, you trembled at how those same needles would gently squeeze your skin-
One wrong move and they would tear your skin apart.
He helped you sit in a chair, you assumed you were at the kitchen's table by now.
Was this your end…? Was he really going to do this now??
…. No. He was just cooking something, presumably for you. It smelled of omelets and orange juice, it was simple but it was a very nice scent.
This kitchen reeked of blood, however. Instinctively you took your hands to cover your nose, and probably your mouth as well since you weren't sure if shouting would be a good idea right now. He hates loud noises.
" Don't worry about it, it was just a pesky guest who didn't take no for an answer! I'm sorry for the mess. I'll clean it up after you eat. " A more upbeat and sweet voice, the same one you were more accustomed with. Reassurance and comfort all tied with a smile you were more familiar with.
Approaching you with a plate in hand, and a juice glass in the other.
" Don't worry, I didn't put any of the nasty stuff for you. Just eggs and lots of love. The spoiled food is for me. " He kissed you on the cheek, it felt like being touched by porcelain.
He handed you the fork, but you weren't sure if you wanted to find out if he kept his word or not.
He killed someone here, didn't he? Those noises you heard when you were up in the attic plus the smell of iron coating every inch of this kitchen sure weren't just coincidence. He… He wouldn't force you to eat someone, would he?
Who was it?... Who was it..?!
Was he referring to the person as "spoiled food"?
" Doll. I told you to not worry. There's no meat on your plate, I'm a bit selfish when it comes to sharing food. I'm sorry but there's nothing left of them for you, if I knew you wanted to try I wouldn't have been so careless- "
" N-No, it's… It's fine! I'm just… I can't really see anything…" You tried to not sound as terrified of him as you were, heaven knows you shouldn't feed any monster your own fear, it's what they live on.
" …. Aw… You're blind, I'm so sorry! I forgot about that. " He started to laugh as he slapped his forehead about forgetting something so crucial, silly him!
You weren't sure if he was being honest about forgetting that, but you sure as hell knew by the way he snatched the fork from your hand and how he seemed to drag his chair closer to you that he was probably very excited to do this.
" Say, ah~! " You knew he was having fun when he pinched your cheek to make you open your mouth.
Well, yep, those were just eggs. I mean it was a very tasty omelet but that was it, the orange juice didn't taste any different. Probably a little too sweet, but that's it.
It was probably due to the pain you were feeling in the front of your entire face that made you very much NOT interested in eating, or maybe it was the dripping sound and the smell of blood. The thought that somehow you were sitting possibly next to a murder scene, and/or a body, and the murderer was feeding you, made you very unease.
" Try to not think too much about it, it's just the way things will be for now… Isn't it so much better this way too? We will be able to spend so much time together and I just need you to stay in the attic whenever we have "guests" over. Do you understand me? "
" With just a little bit of magic I'm about to make the house more comfortable for you, to cook you meals endlessly and I can even make you a few more outfits. I'll be sure to make the house more appropriate for a human like you. "
He petted your head after you finished the plate, kissing your forehead and letting the dishes in the sink.
" Now, let me help you get up, we'll need to give you a bath and put you in more comfortable clothes, and then we can lay down. I'm sure you're still very tired after our little surgery. "
He helped you get up and walked you towards the bathroom… You couldn't help but feel worried about what you were doing.
Wasn't this all you ever wanted? To be adored by someone who treats you so well? Didn't you feel glad you accepted his offer?
Were you a bad person for wanting this?
Well, you didn't want THIS as in- Him eating people- All you wanted was to be with him for longer…
Why did you feel really scared whenever he touched with the same gentleness but none of the softness his skin used to have? You knew running wouldn't be a good idea since you couldn't see anything, and you didn't know the layout of the house well enough to memorize where the little door was...
" You're so stiff, my love! Are you scared of walking around your own house? I promise I kept everything intact, it's my house as well you know… And besides I'll always be here to guide you while you still recover. " You felt him nuzzle his hand against your neck, cold, hard. You wondered how much he changed now that he didn't need to pretend to look a certain way for you.
Maybe it was best to not know.
" … You're so silent right now, it almost feels like I have been running my mouth for hours! I didn't know you were such a silent type. " He teased, while kissing the back of your neck gently.
It was probably your lack of spatial awareness, but he somehow seemed a lot taller- As if it took some effort to lower himself down just to kiss you.
" My head… it hurts so much.."
" Aw, I know, love, I know. It'll take a while for you to feel better but it'll be so worth it… I'll help you learn new things, like how to feel the vibrations in my web, it'll help you "see" better. Or how to read braille, or how to walk around the house carefully, or how to tell someone is planning on running away during a conversation. "
He poked the sides of your stomach, an action that was supposed to be just couple's teasing but was actually quite terrifying and painful considering how sharp his fingers were.
" You couldn't be any less obvious love. I'm sorry if I scared you, I couldn't resist. " And yet he didn't sound irritated or annoyed, it could be that he was just pretending to not care… But he sounded more amused than anything.
" I'm just teasing you, doll! Come on, don't look like that, I'm just in a good mood! You know I can't stay annoyed at you. Let's hurry up and get you cleaned, alright? "
As he carefully started to shove you inside the bathroom you wondered if he didn't mess with something in your head alongside your eyes.
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camryntheking · 6 months
Ok! My thoughts on 7x05!
First, i just wanna say that the whole Hen and Karen storyline is awesome! I love that the show is giving queer people so much screen time, especially a Black lesbian couple! And i think its super sweet that they really want to try for Mara! I hope it works out!
Next, i think that has been my favorite cold open so far. The “ITS MEEE” gets me every time (i have already watched it loads of times). I dont have much to comment on it other than it was funny as fuck
Ok. The date scene. I was hoping to see more of Eddie watching them (especially after the stills), but oh well. The second-hand embarrassment i got was… a lot. But i dont think its necessarily a bad thing. It showed how out of his comfort zone Buck was and how he was trying to navigate a terrifying situation. And Tommy? I might have to retract my earlier retraction. Cos wtf?? Literally had just finished talking about how its hard to accept yourself in a “macho” field, then makes a dig at Buck when he fumbles? Not cool. Then not communicating what was happening until he was getting in the Uber? You dont just abandon someone at a restaurant like that. I understand the “you’re not ready” thing, but that was a dick move.
Also, Buck, baby. Sweetheart. Darling. “I look at hot guys’ asses.” Sweetie. Like Maddie said. You are more than an ally lmao. I also just love how Maddie showed interest in getting to know who Buck was talking about and treating the convo after like a normal convo. Because it is! And i love it! But she also emphasized talking to Eddie, because she knew that Eddie would not react poorly. I feel like that just shows how everyone knows how close Buck and Eddie are. TLDR, Maddie is an awesome sister and Buck is lucky to have her ❤️
Next point, the scene where Buck and Tommy talk over coffee. I do think that the hand holding at the end is very sweet and shows how Buck is really trying to be more open, but Tommy is just really starting to rub me the wrong way. Pretty much everything he said contradicts what happened in the date scene. I feel like him being at the wedding is really gonna spark some Jealous Eddie, tho, so i am excited to see that lmao
And Eddie and Marisol? I feel like the show is going in a direction that leads them to breaking up. Like yes, it is showing growth for Eddie and allowed him to acknowledge that he has Catholic guilt, but theres just. No chemistry. It feels awkward. I feel like her being an ex-nun is gonna bring up some issues with Buck and Eddie will not stand for that. I also wanted to point out that i got even more vibes that Eddie could be demisexual, cos he didnt straight up say that he loved Shannon, just that he loved being married to her. And he knows that he is moving too fast and needs to step back a bit
Finally, Buck coming out to Eddie. I do find it funny that Eddie seemed more shocked that Tommy wasnt straight than figuring out Buck isnt straight. But its awesome that Eddie showed interest and genuinely wanted to help Buck through the issue. And the hug? Finally! Give me men not being afraid to hug each other! I feel like this is allowing Buck and Eddie to become even closer (i do hope for Buddie eventually)
Overall, i feel like this episode was great for setting up the development of Buck and Eddie’s relationship (whether it ends up being platonic or romantic). And i am all for Buck exploring his sexuality with someone that isnt Eddie. While Tommy isnt my favorite right now, i do think that he is great for the progression of Buck’s story. I do hope to see more of Dad!Bobby in the coming episodes and how Buck’s parents might react to Tommy. I dont wanna wait three weeks for the next episode 😢. Im ready for the chaos of the Madney wedding
If i think of anything else ill add on, but i think thats all i have for now. Feel free to share your thoughts!
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I don't know if you write smut or talk about it, so if you are uncomfortable you can delete this, it's not a problem
So, I have a couple of ideas for Pup that don't actually fit each other 😭
I'm sorry in advance for the whole essay I just wrote 💀
My first idea is that they are a virgin because they just never had the right person to experience that (and they get to have their first experience with Ghost)
My second one is that they did experience a couple of time having pleasure with a partner BUT got poorly treated (NOT SEXUAL ASSAULT OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. Just something like no aftercare or the partner just don't giving Pup's pleasure a mind)
So, when Pup would start having some sexual time with Ghost, they would just think it would be all about Ghost's pleasure and theirs don't really matter
For the aftercare part, I can just imagine Pup not even considering Ghost taking care of them after what happened, like their old experiences
I imagine the scene being like Ghost getting up for something (like water or else) and Pup trying to get up and take their clothes back to go clean themself and Ghost being "the fuck you think you're doing? 🤨", Pup just answering that they'll go clean themself and Ghost replying "no, I think not. Stay put like the good Pup I know you are, and let me take care of you"
And Pup just being "0-0 wha-?" and their brain just not understanding because they got so used to the poorly treatment they got in their past
Or what if Pup was a victim of SA back at their old base? :( As we know, hybrids are treated very poorly, so it would surprise me if they got assaulted
What would be 141 reaction?
(Ghost calling for an air strike like he wanted to do to Graves)
✨️ anon
Hey! Sorry I left this one sitting for a little bit, it came in while i was on holiday 🫣 so just getting round to looking at my inbox now after that and illness and other such nonsense haha
I have actually thought a little about this, and I think that Pup would’ve probably had sex before, however it wouldn’t really be anything special. Most likely it’d be with one of the other hybrids, and it would be a mutual ‘you scratch my itch, I’ll scratch yours’ typa situation - in other words they wouldn’t do it because they really like each other, it’d just be to blow off steam.
As a result, when they actually experience sex with a partner/partners they like, I think their lil mind would explode. The intimacy of having sex as an expression of their feelings for someone rather than a mutual need to get off would fry them and I think leave them feeling soooo overwhelmed.
So of course Ghost would be big in aftercare and stroking their back and the side of their arm and whispering things like “you’re so perfect, you know that?” And “I’m not going anywhere, it’s ok. I’ll hold you for as long as you need.” Anything that makes Pup feel like they can just lie back and relax after that absolutely mind blowing experience ✨
You just know they’d be so giggly for days afterward too, like going so warm in the cheeks whenever they’re touched or they get paid a compliment.
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
hi i hope you dont mind but if you're not that busy is it okay if you write this? huhu thank you!
reader telling jjk men (geto, gojo, nanami, toji, choso) that they are preggo and they've been trying for a few years already and are already thinking of surrogacy. please please please this can be months after they have a miscarriage too!
a rainbow baby! 😭
Hi hon!!! Sorry this came so late I got a bit caught up with school than my mom and aunts wanted to have dinner so that’s what I did today! Tysm for the request! I try to remain as respectful as possible when I write requests like this or about sensitive topics so pls tell me if I misphrase or say anything poorly so I can correct it!!
Ps. I didn’t do choso because idk his personality well and I don’t know if I’m confident in writing him😭
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Tw- mentions of past miscarriages, rainbow baby, infertility, surrogacy, anything mentioned in the request, grief, (in Geto’s people besides parents try and explain death and miscarriage to the twins so reader gets upset)in gojos the pregnancy is both unplanned and not known about, birth, pregnant reader if your uncomfortable with anything relating to loosing a child/pregnancy I advise that you do not read this one! Pls let me know if I missed anything!!
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He took it hard, he loved the twins with his whole heart he truly did but he missed having babies to look after, maybe it was just baby fever but he felt like your little family wasn’t quite complete.
Unfortunately when you’d found the missing piece, it didn’t work out, unfortunately in your second trimester you had miscarried. You and Geto were both devastated, and everyone for a while everyone treated the two of you as ticking time bombs ready to explode at any moment.
The girls didn’t quite understand, they knew that they were supposed to have a sibling soon and now they weren’t going to but that was it, they couldn’t comprehend it yet and the amount of times you both had to stop people from explaining it to them horrified you.
This time when you’d fallen pregnant, you decided that maybe you two should keep this one a bit secret just in case, so when you’d first told Geto it was in the safety of your bedroom you’d sat beside him your hands behind your back before quickly pulling out the test.
“Are you serious” his voice is a bit quiet as it crackles.
You were his only weak spot, of course besides his children…but of course he would never let you know that…not like it was obvious or anything. He practically sobs when you give him a little nod, he lets out the same quiet muffled sobbing noise when he sees his son for the first time laid on your chest.
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Honestly it hurt you a lot. His family was really into the idea of you carrying a biological heir, but sometimes it felt like you just weren’t capable of doing so. Honestly you’d started to even look into surrogacy because you couldn’t handle all the unfortunate things that continued to happen every time you would even talk about pregnancy.
When you’d been getting intense abdominal cramps you decided maybe you shouldn’t test it and checked yourself into the hospital, where you found out you were in labour, within the hour Gojo had arrived to see you sat up in the hospital bed with the cutest little baby girl laid on your chest. You smile dazedly as he stares down at the two of you in wonder.
“She’s real” he whispers as he touches the little fluffy whisper of hair she has. His fingers just barely graze her scalp and she scrunches and thats what triggers his tears.
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It was just bad news after bad news, it was beginning to feel like maybe you shouldn’t have a baby at all. Of course when Nanami had heard you mutter this one night after you’d talked about trying for a baby again, he smiled guiltily, “if this doesn’t work there’s surrogacy or even adoption” he knows that you don’t want either of those, you want what everyone else is able to have, he can hear the way you cry in the bathroom after another negative test about how unfair it is and how cruel the world can be.
But this time there’s no crying no shouts of how unfair it is, there’s silence and Nanami at first thinks you’ve fallen and hurt yourself but when he hears your squeal he knows that isn’t the case.
He pushes the door open softly to see you holding the test you smile up at him as you show him the two little pink lines, “it’s positive” you tell him and it takes a moment to register but when it does he’s got a wide smile as he bends down softly peppering kisses along your face.
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He was rather reserved already but after you’d lost the baby, it became worse. Toji not only was reserved but he was reclusive, not eating dinner with you and Megumi not even greeting you anymore.
He’d come out at night and creep around the house to avoid seeing you two, he didn’t understand how to process the loss and had resorted to cutting off the world while he grieved.
One of these nights however he’s not quiet enough and you flicker on the lights, Toji is stood over the sink as he chugs down tap water.
“Toji” you call out, “Will you come to bed?” And when he lays down beside you it feels like heaven. He’s wrapped in your warm embraces as you whisper soft reassurances he doesn’t tell you that your comfort and soft touch made him cry long after you fell asleep.
Almost a year after that, you’d fallen pregnant, and Megumi was the one to help you tell him as he pranced around the house all day in a tee shirt that said big brother on it.
Honestly it was adorable and you loved seeing little Megumi be so happy when his dad furrowed his brows holding his boy up by the armpits to get a good look at what his shirt said glancing down to your belly than back to Megumi before his eyes meet yours.
“You’re serious?” He asks still holding up Megumi.
You give him a little nod paired with a nervous giggle and he sets Megumi down softly going over to hug you as Megumi continues to stomp around the kitchen.
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If anyone wants to see anything else pls let me know!! Omg guys!!! Do you want to see reader and maybe like teen Megumi?(reader is with Toji, but maybe like reader being a mom figure to Megumi and while he’s got a fever he unintentionally calls her mama, which he hadn’t done since he was really young?? And Toji like hugging reader a bit when she cries because she misses him being a baby and being affectionate???? I’m gonna sob someone request it pls???)
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ultimateloserboy · 2 months
ok you know what im gonna say it with my full chest. literally nobody talks about bendy (the character) like who he actually is and ive been tired of it since the old game ended. i think hes genuinely one of the most incorrectly fanonized characters like ever at this point. and i genuinely believe it changed the actual canon and it bothers me a lot.
as for the physical version of him/ the ink demon— in the original batim game there was literally a whole plot point about bendy being non-human and how he came out of the machine physically and mentally sloppy compared to the other creations. hes not a fully fledged-out person and that’s LITERALLY an entire section of the original game. he has no human soul or mind, hes sentient but about as much as a gorilla. he attacks like a zombie or an animal with instinct and not like an angry human being. he cant speak because his mouth is fake and he cant walk properly because his limbs are liquid sludge— hes literally an abomination— a mockery of actual human life. its crazy to even call him the “villain” of the story because he doesnt have the thinking ability to genuinely be malicious. its like calling zombies the villains of zombie movies, they cant be because they dont have the brain function to be.
a lot of people ignored the obvious fact that he isnt human-like so they could sexualize him, which isnt as bad as sexualizing an actual animal— im not claiming that— but what bothers me is how the creators made him MORE HUMAN to lean towards these people and ill never think otherwise. yall can argue with me or call me chronically online, but bendy WASNT able to speak or was human-like at all until the dark revival, which was so obviously fan service its not even funny.
im not claiming that people who sexualize bendy are zoos or something— thats too far. what im claiming tho is that this genuinely interesting character was given consciousness and the ability to speak after previously not ever having those things JUST so booktok ass teenagers could swoon over him like they do venom, taking away the interest of his original character. he wasnt fully sentient until it made money for the creators and then suddenly hes speaking poetry in a deep sexy man voice with a fucking 8 pack. how does that not bother anyone? im not even trying to say its morally weird— im just saying its bad writing in general!!! like why do yall let these games ruin characters for fan service and not even give a fuck, and then have the balls to ask why newer ones are so poorly written?? no fucking shot EVERY one of yall was ok with them retconning his entire existence like HES THE MAIN CHARACTER???? DO YALL REALLY WANNA SEXUALIZE EVERYTHING //THAT// BAD TO THE POINT ITS OK TO REWRITE THE ENTIRE MAIN CHARACTER AS LONG AS IT MEANS YOU CAN FINALLY SEXUALIZE HIM CANONICALLY??????
and before people say anything— no i dont think its wrong for bendy to develop a voice or to become more human over time— BUT COME ON DUDE ARE YALL DENSE?? IVE SEEN LESS FAN-SERVICE STARING AT MY GOD DAMN AIR CONDITIONER!!!! they didnt “develop” bendy more— they retconned him to please freaks online!!! surely ONE of yall had to have noticed like… when tdr dropped the sexualization was so bad i genuinely didnt have fun with the series anymore. and I CANT because its justified now! the creators retconned him to be more sexyman so now you cant even argue against it!! literally why cant we have ONE thing online without people wanting to pound every single fucking character??
im sorry if this sounds mean but ive been upset about this for YEARS!! bendy was my favorite character as a kid and NOBODY gives him justice NOT EVEN HIS OWN CREATORS. it would be one thing if there was just a small portion that treated him like this but now its literally everyone and the games lean into it and i just want to explode and die at this point fr.
it genuinely makes me a little ill knowing he was once just a confused, soulless being fighting and killing out of the confusion, rage and fear that his cruel existence caused him to feel, but now hes just a deep voiced venom-ripoff villain whose just a big meanie and hunts you for sport or some stupid shit.
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fatuismooches · 10 months
i have been silent but that does not mean i have stopped thinking about dottore
based off of some fanart i saw, im like. 99.9999% sure zandik rarely heard any nice stuff said to him n i dont know why but i just. imagine this in my head. its such a tender, vulnerable and soft moment where zandik, probably akademiya or early fatui days, fits himself between your legs as he wraps his arms around your waist. his head laying comfortably on your thighs as he sits on his knees. its a moment that shows his trust, you know? allowing himself to be small before you, a rare act of submission to your love as your fingers play with his curls, palms warm and soothing as you cup his cheek. n' u just tell him things that he struggles to believe, like how he's so beautiful, and that you care about him, how he deserves to be loved even though he's perceived as a monster. and i dont know, but i wanna gently raise his head by his chin, softly smile at him and say "zandik, you're a good boy." because i know no one has ever ever said that to him, not even his parents.
i want that boy to be treated like a pretty girl by taking him out on romantic dates and writing him love letters he's 100000% gonna keep, laminate and immortalize. i want to treat that boy like the fragile thing he is, hold him in my arms and kiss him so so gently.
oh yeah. totally not projecting onto zandik. NOPE. nuh uh. totallllyyyy....
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THAT MENTAL IMAGE YOU'VE GIVEN ME... oh my gosh. i am so soft right now. Sniff sob... Zandik being so open and vulnerable in front of you :( OH EDBEWDWE HIM IN THAT POSITION IS MAKING ME CRY HE'S SO CUTE... you have no clue how you managed to get him to be so submissive but you're not going to say anything nor are you going to squander this opportunity. You're not even sure if he's comfortable like that, sitting on his knees but... he seems unbothered and quite actually, content with nuzzling his face into your thighs, having your hands run through his fluffy blue hair soothingly. For once, he is almost eerily silent, instead of being all fight and rebuttal all the time, as he doesn't seem to have a smart answer for your gentle words this time. It's new to you, not him vehemently denying your statements, but you're going to take advantage of it, holding his cheeks and kissing him all over, whispering in his ear softly but firmly about how much you love him and everything you love about him, and that you always will.
CALLING HIM A GOOD BOY... i am on the floor in a puddle and sobbing. Kai your brain >>> peak. But it makes me so sad to know that Zandik's literally never received any kind of positive form of affection all his life 😭 Not even his parents... like fuck I'm in pain for him. It took reader SO long to even break his first wall down (he has like a dozen probably) because of how poorly he was treated by the people who were supposed to "love" him :( he just really needs some love :( i think after a really long time, Zandik would come to really crave your appreciation sometimes. Like, he doesn't make it obvious or anything, but he'll do something like perhaps deal with some fellow scholars without snapping at them, or anything he doesn't really do in general, and look at you expectantly if you haven't praised him yet. Because you're the only one who has ever praised his efforts.
HE DESERVES TO BE PAMPERED SO BAD 😭😭 ugh i know Sumeru is mostly hot and you two can't have any cold bundled up days over there but. i love the idea of you two snuggling and sleeping in one morning. Both of you know you're gonna be late for class, but you're like, fuck it we're skipping. And Zandik scolds you, but he's making no effort to leave either! So... you two just stay in bed cuddling as you pamper him (you definitely were the big spoon quite frequently back then here 😭) Slow and lazy morning as you wash his hair and body in the bathe 🥺 breakfast that you made as he looks over his notes 🥺
Bro i can't even imagine Zandik's reaction to you trying to treat him like a pretty princess 😭 Even when you two are dating he just doesn't understand :( why do you go so far for him? What he gives you in return is far less than what you provide for him... he just doesn't understand, but it seems like you're wholly content with everything the way it is so... he won't let you go.
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