#not super excited tbh it's going to be hard and annoying
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years ago
Got my CAS!! Finally!! Tonight it's Visa Time™ <3
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Do the boys REALLY like people that much?
Character studies.
Going from the most Extroverted to the least.
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Mikey is THE definition of an extrovert
Suprise, suprise.
I keep thinking about him making fun of Casey constantly, and his fist bump with Vern, or him working the crowd on Halloween. And his eye rolls at Raph and Leo
Can be annoying af and play dumb, but half the time he knows way more than he let's on. And it's SUPER hard to get him angry.
Would be in a fraternity tbh. And like, seven sport teams.
The world is a lesser place with him cooped up away from it.
He's a HUGE teaser and talker. Loves to flirt and prank and play the vibes.
He's a NATRUAL at it
Give him ONE conversation. ONE chance, and he can get literally anyone out of their shell.
Loves having April or Casey or Vern around. Loves teasing them or harassing them tbh.
The bigger his social circle, the better his life.
Is usually a HUGE buffer between humans and his grumpy, tired brothers.
He would be the LIFE of the party. Would be an excellent host of an event, because he'd be everywhere talking to everyone. Remembering everyone by name and face, introducing people to one another, so on and so forth.
He would have multiple friend groups everywhere he goes, with all sorts of different types of people.
Out of his brothers, I see Mikey having the body count tbh
Also probably jumped into a relationship too soon and got hurt early on. He'll be way more ready for the next one.
His favorite is snap chat.
The BEST out of all his brothers at reading social cues and body language. By FAR.
Can find something to talk about with ANYONE
He's been wishing to socialize his WHOLE LIFE. So he DO!
Probably the only one that can confront and process trauma in a healthy manner.
Not at all afraid of deeper, more meaningful conversations.
Often finds himself the one initiating deep conversations with people who need it the most (his brothers).
He knows there is a time and place for problem solving. And sometimes you just gotta sit with your feels.
Something his brothers STRUGGLE WITH
- 🟣 -
Donatello might not be EXTROVERTED but he is outgoing.
Second to Mikey, everyone in his family has a close relationship with Donnie.
Super caring and fun and inquisitive with everyone he meets.
He'll be down for ANYTHING. Sports, games, cooking, drives, crafts, working out, adventures or pranks or geeky movie nights.
He might not always be good at INICIATING these with strangers but he loves going along with stuff.
Loves showing people his projects and stuff and letting people use them or have them.
Will be there for his friends the instant they ask.
At a party he'd be in another room having a conversation with two or three people.
But I also see him hanging around girls a little more than guys. Finds the girlies to be easier company than guys.
He's been on discord for YEARS. He had human friends before even Mikey did.
He's HYPERVIGALANT of the vibe
Extreme empath.
He does NOT like confrontation.
A HUGE people pleaser.
Feels he's stepping on eggshells around his loved ones and friends. In an effort to keep them happy.
He's a sensitive guy.
If he's told to shut up or be quiet, especially if he's excited or talking outloud- he's modified. He WILL shut up. For a while.
His brothers know this. While they get exasperated sometimes, they rarely interrupt him.
Does NOT like gossip. Don't gossip with him, he hates it
Makes him feel gross and mean.
Hates when people are upset or sad in any way.
When vibes get rough he does not cope well. Often chooses to avoid or straight up leave.
When things get heated he gets overstimulated quickly.
If he can't leave, he shuts down. He won't talk and if he does it's very quiet
Doesn't know how to help or address emotional things either. He prefers to let it go and just move on, leaving stuff unaddressed.
He's an outgoing and pleasant guy, but he definitely doesn't mix with everyone.
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Meeting Raphael is a terrifying experience.
Because he talks and looks at you like he hates you already.
But he doesn't hate people.
He just sucks at them.
Raph wants a normal life just as badly as Mikey does.
Raphs love language is harassment???
He shows his love by annoying his loved ones. Or through teasing and banter. Or wrestling his bros to the ground or pull them into rough hugs.
When he meets new people he isn't there to make FRIENDS.
He's there to let you know that if you bullshit with his family you're gonna get whooped.
So he will posture and glare and tower and maybe even roll his neck or crack knuckles to anyone.
Literally anyone.
Remember how rude he was to April?
So when he can't do any of that- no banter, no pranks, no wrestling and no INTIMIDATING-
He is COMPLETELY at everyone's mercy
Put him in a group of girls, or take him to a party or a bar. ANYTHING out of his comfort zone.
He's very awkward.
Only because he's kinda quiet
And honestly SUPER shy.
Wants to be liked SUPER badly.
He doesn't know how to make friends. At all
Flirt with Raph. I dare you.
You'd terrify him
Is the type of guy at a party to stick to the side of someone he knows and never. Leave. It.
But he finds out he gets along with blue collar guys the most.
And Raph has this super power
He can detect if you're a good or bad character super quickly. Much quicker than everyone else in his family. Like, one conversation in.
Not that he really believes himself. He thinks everyone's out to get him. or his family
If he's not making fun of you, you know he doesn't like you.
Is the type of guy to have quality over quantity relationships.
Hates texting. Honestly hates social media and technology beyond like...insta reels or something. He doesn't like sitting on his phone or video games all the much. Half because he breaks things easily or gets easily frustrated at leaning how to work it.
Rather be doing something active or working on a car or build something or carve stuff.
Might not be as outgoing as Donnie or Mikey, but if people manage to ACTIALLY get him to do something fun, he is ALL IN and having a BLAST.
The kinda guy to crash at his friends house and just chill.
He recharges when he's in proximity of his loved ones. Not always SOCIALIZING but having his people close.
Our REAL introvert
He struggles to socialize even with his BROTHERS
Who are the only people in the world he allows himself to be even semi relaxed around
A conversation with anyone other than his dad and brothers is the opposite of a relaxing/easy activity.
He's honorable, polite, and formal.
But Leo is and EXTREMLY cold character.
Sometimes even a bit cruel and scary to strangers.
Has a weird habit of wrapping his arm kindly around someone he's about to hurt
Struggles to see even April as more than an 'asset' or 'person dad holds dear'
Doesn't see Vern as a friend. Doesn't see Casey as a friend.
Leo is the only turtle April doesn't have a strong connection to. Not out of lack of trying.
Tolerates social situations only if he falls into a leading (controlling) role.
Doesn't like large groups of people.
Very quiet otherwise.
Struggles to initiate activities with his brothers.
He sucks at it.
He is always receptive to when they reach out to him though
And kinda has a fear of getting turned down. Getting turned down by his brothers makes him sick to his stomach.
Not that he admits it.
He also doesn't handle rejection with any grace. Gets just a LITTLE pushy to make you either feel bad or like he's in charge
His brothers still gotta tolerate him being a little bossy and stuck up and a fun-sucker while they hang out with him. They know he can't help it.
But Leo is super relieved every single time they invite him to do something.
What would Leo be like at a party? Leo never WENT to the party. And if he DID, he'd be outside, trying to soak in the quiet. Listening to the party from out here.
or hug him, or just express somehow they still want him around or like him. Or love him. Because those moments are getting rarer and rarer the older they get.
He's completely alone other than his dad. At least he's thought so his whole life
Would be the one petting the cat. Or dog. Not the type to go LOOKING for it, but if it came to him, he would.
Yes, he texts, but never outside of absolute necessity. Or if his brothers remind him of April's birthday.
He likes to read
Even if Donnie, Mikey and Raph are together in the lair having fun, Leo is often by himself somewhere else.
He recharges alone. He does calligraphy and he sketches SOMETIMES. Little stick figures fighting with space guns or something.
But a lot of what he reads are super geeky stuff. Like star wars novels or manga.
But don't tell anyone.
Splinter is his preferred company. He adores time with his dad. He'll spar and train and talk with his dad often.
Doesn't care about having friends but he wants a girlfriend SUPER badly. More than all three of his brothers combined
Being alone with him sucks if you like to talk. He gives you a LOOK that SCREAMS shut the fuck up.
It takes EXTREMLY specific personalities to get Leo a little soft for them. A quiet person with a good sense of humor.
And the likely hood he'll ever get out to find and meet them is next to none existent.
But hey
Even after like, ALL OF THIS
It's not hard to get Leo to smile
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irishmammonagenda · 7 months ago
hii , do you mind doing diavolo x m!court jester reader?
i saw a post with a king x jester trope and i could not get it out of my head 😭 it can be headcanons or a short drabble, wtv you want!!
hihi! this is such an interesting thingy to write and i apologise for taking a while to write it, writing male characters is fun but lowkey kind of hard for me😔✊
i also dont know what jesters do and my knowledge is watching horrible histories when i was younger so this is widely inaccurate heehee
no but fr i think in another universe diavolo would be a jester tbh
dividers by @/ioveartfilm
grma for requesting <3!!!!
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Funny Funny (I'm in love with you.) Diavolo X M!Court Jester Reader
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He laughs at your jokes like a man on crack
You're his favourite employee in the castle and your room is right beside his chambers (he made sure of it)
You sneak into his room for sleepovers sometimes. Barbatos has given up on propriety.
The Little Ds help you with your super cool jester preformances. They're surprisingly good at dancing and balancing plates.
You use the Little Ds as juggling balls sometimes.
Diavolo has promoted you as much as possible, bro atp people think you're a consort instead of court jester.
like they will full on go up to you to pitch ideas or put in a good word for Diavolo since he'll listen to you.
Barbatos also forces you to tell Diavolo news that'll make him angry or upset since he takes it a lot better coming from you.
Unrelated but you'd 100% be friends with Solomon and Thirteen. Which is awkward when theyre in the same room together.
Apart from Barbatos and Lucifer occassionally disciplining you, you are untouchable.
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"Your Heighness...." A noble bows in front of Diavolo's throne. Why that scumbag had requested an audience with the Demon Prince, you had no idea. Technically you weren't even supposed to be listening in, but no one had noticed you on the chandelier yet so that was their problem.
And your problem when Barbatos eventually found out. Said Demon standing beside Diavolo's throne.
You watch as Diavolo nods along, uncharacteristically serious. "What do you need?"
"Well...I believe if we stopped trading pickles to the humans it would be a lot less daunting to create them-"
You blink. What the fuck. Bro requested an audience for this? Damn, this was so unserious it was good material for your next stand up routine.
You watch from overhead as Diavolo blinks, his wings stiffening ever so slightly, the crimson-haired prince raises an eyebrow. "You want to stop trading pickles to the Human Realm?"
"Yes, My Lord." The noble responds earnestly.
The demon blinks, astounded.
"Excuse me, may I ask you repeat that, my Lord?"
"No. Human's love pickles. They're our main traders. It'd sour relations even more." Diavolo says, you watch as Barbatos takes a deep breath, and as the Demon Prince begins to get annoyed.
You stiffle a laugh at the noble squandering, which leads to your downfall as you move your hands over your mouth, taking them off of your jester hat.
Which falls.
All the way down to the ground.
The bells on the hat jingle.
Barbatos' eyes are trained on you like a hawk. So are Diavolo's, but his eyes are more of an excited child on christmas than anything else.
The noble's eyes widen.
"Sup?" You grin awkwardly. The noble, sensing a way out of this pickle debate uses this as an excuse to say his goodbyes and leave.
Diavolo doesn't even notice. Barbatos just shakes his head ever so slightly.
"That guy was in a real pickle...!...Haha...right guys?" You laugh awkwardly, and despite the fact you're not funny at all, the Prince cackles like it was the best stand up routine he'd ever heard in his life.
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You were currently at a banquet talking to the Little D's about your next juggling stunt when a demon approached you.
"Hello." She smiles, her red lips glossy.
"Well, I was wondering if I could ask a favour or two....." She looks hesitant but composed.
You nods your head, the bells on your hat jingling. You're convinced Diavolo put them on there to serve as some sort of cat bell.
"Well....I had an idea for expanding our trades of magical herbs to human world Alaska...since a few witches have been living on quote on quote 'lesbian cottages' there."
You whistle. "Damn. Do they have huskies?"
"A lot of them, from what I hear." She nods, her tail wrapping around her leg absentmindedly. "Could you put in good word for Lord Diavolo for me?"
"Sure?" You tilt your head, the bells jingle slightly.
The demon grins, "Thanks he'll listen to you more thoroughly!"
Little D No.2 pops out from your breast pocket. "That's because everyone thinks you two are gay for eachother."
You yank him out of there. "Go annoy Mammon."
"Sir yes sir!"
At this point you should be the Avatar of Pride.
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"Sire. I'm telling you. He just stabbed several upper class demons with a rusty spoon!" The demon knight urges Diavolo, who isn't even looking at him.
"You expect me to believe that?" Diavolo tilts his head. You nod vigorously from where you're covered in entrails and holding a rusty spoon in your hands. "MC wouldn't hurt a fly."
The knight looks from you to him with a lax jaw.
That knight's putting his two weeks in now icl.
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^^ idea from that one person on tiktok (sirleoninsunglasses) i cant get it out of my head.
can you tell im a merlin fan.
gang idk what noble people talk about i made these discussions up as i went along but i can assure you that pickle trading and lesbian witches in alaska are actually the only thing nobles talked about in history i pinky promise
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intheemptymirror · 4 months ago
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sugar coated !
bf!jinsik x gf!reader
summary: a quick game of pepero between you and your boyfriend jinsik!
genre: suggestive, fluff
warnings: i wrote gf!reader but there’s not any explicit mentions of gender or pronouns or anything of the sort so anybody can read this tbh, pepero game, making out, like twelve excessively different ways to describe kissing (no like it’s actually a bit silly), jinsik calls reader baby once, reader calls jinsik sweetheart once
a/n: this was just a very short drabble i wrote cause i just wanted to just get it out so idk how well this is actually written or if it even makes any sense. i also didn’t rlly proof read it but F IT WE BALL. i also tagged it under smut but its not rlly smut its just super suggestive but i didn’t know what to tag that as so 💀 forgive me i tried
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“i’m gonna go get some snacks from the kitchen, you want anything?” jinsik grunted as he stood up from his spot on the floor, using his hands on his knees to help himself up. you look up from your classwork before smiling and shaking your head. “not anything in particular, no.” you said before going back to the paper you had been working on for the past two hours.
jinsik nodded before turning out the room, the sound of bags crinkling and wooden cabinets opening and closing being heard as he rummaged around. you heard a loud ‘aha!’ come from the kitchen, making your attention turn to the open bedroom door as you waited for jinsik to pop into the door frame. he practically stumbled into the room in his excitement, a bright gleam in his eye and a smile on his face as he held up a small red box in his hand. he shook the box, letting the contents of it thud around before holding it out. you squint and lean forward to read the small white text: pepero. you lean back and raise your brow at the boy. “pepero?” he nods up and down.
“uh-huh! you know what people do with it right?” he wiggles his brows and winks teasingly at you, which only earns him a roll of your eyes.
“really, jinsik? i don’t have time for your silly games.” you huff out, but the gentle smile on your face shows that you’re not really that annoyed at him. you could never be annoyed at his little shenanigans; it was one of the things you loved about him. you turn back to writing your assignment before he drops to his knees next to you, making you flinch at the sound of his knees hitting the floor before you look at him out of the corner of your eye. he grabs your hand to make you stop writing before clasping it gently in his hands, sticking out his lips in a pout.
“pleaaaaaase? just one game?” he begged. you stared at him blankly for a moment before taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh with a roll of your eyes.
“fine.” his eyes immediately lit up as soon as the words left your mouth, wasting no time to start prying the small cardboard box open. you laughed as you watched him fondly before he finally got the box open, holding up one of the sweet, chocolate covered sticks up between the two of you. he made a dramatic show of placing the pretzel side of the treat in his mouth, wiggling his brows at you.
you laughed and rolled your eyes before shuffling closer to him, taking the chocolate between your teeth and looking up at jinsik through your lashes. his face started to turn a light shade of pink and swallowed harshly at the gaze you were giving him, before he snapped out of the daze you had put him in. he was glad the small treat left a few inches of space between you out of fear that if you were any closer you’d hear how hard his heart is beating.
“you go first.” you tell him, making his brows furrow.
“what? why me?”
“because you were the one to suggest this.” he sighed before adjusting his posture, as if moving positions would help him gather the courage to bite closer to you. he tested the waters first, barely moving a centimeter along the treat. you rolled your eyes before moving significantly closer, catching jinsik off guard and making his eyes grow wide with surprise. he composed himself before taking a bigger bite, matching the one that you took. inch by inch, bite by bite, the space between your lips grew smaller and smaller.
your eyes had been trained on the shortening length of the pepero, but the moment your noses brushed, you both paused as your eyes snapped up to look into his. you found he was already looking at you with half-lidded eyes, studying you intensely. his eyes trailed down to your lips before looking you in the eyes again. you grew embarrassed under his unwavering stare. before you could make a move or even say anything, jinsik brought his hand up to cup your jaw before taking the rest of the candy in his mouth and pressing his lips against yours.
a small ‘mph!’ left your lips before you sighed into his mouth as your eyes fluttered shut and you melted against his lips. the kiss started off gently; quick, soft presses of your lips before pulling back slightly then going back for more. jinsik could taste the sweet chocolate on your tongue, only making him addicted and desperate for more. one of his hands snake down to slide around your waist, his arm wrapping around your back to tug you closer to him as his other hand stays against your cheek. you wrap your arms around his neck and press your torso against his as you shift yourself to sit in his lap when the kiss starts getting more intense, your fingers tangling into the hair at the base of his neck.
you let him tilt your jaw to the side to deepen the kiss, heavy pants and small whines being let out into each others mouths. you feel the palm of his hand splay out flat against your back to arch you into him, your chest pressing against his as you pull him impossibly closer in return. after a few more kisses are exchanged you start to pull away, only to have jinsik chase after you. “jinsik— mmph, sweetheart, i have to get back to my paper,” you mumbled against his lips but the only acknowledgment you earned from him was an ‘mmm’ in response.
he took your bottom lip between his teeth softly before pulling back, tugging your plush lip as he did so. this time, you were the one chasing after him. your eyes fluttered open to be met with a sight you could never get tired of seeing: jinsik with his hair messy, face flushed, and a soft smirk on his kiss swollen lips. he pet you from the top of your hair down to rest his hand on your cheek again. “c’mon, baby. the paper will still be there when we’re done,” he leaned his face down to brush his lips against yours. “i’m just borrowing you for a few minutes. or a few hours.” jinsik smiled against your lips at the last comment, kissing you again as a tactic to convince you to let him give you more. it was working.
“okay,” you whisper back. “but just a few minutes, okay?” jinsik nodded, but you both knew you were lying. he shifted under you to have enough stability to lean you back while supporting your weight. he had one hand on your back while the other rested behind your head to lay you down on the floor gently before his arms come to cage around your head as he hovers over you. the sight of his toned arms, his purple hair falling in front of his face, and his stupidly attractive smirk had your heart racing and thighs clenching around his hips as he leaned down to take your lips in his again, your arms coming up to wrap around his shoulders without any hesitation.
needless to say you did not get back to your paper that night.
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mochinomnoms · 5 months ago
I totally get the feeling of being spoken for all the time. Also the "sensory overload" if you could call it that, was super well written! I won't lie, I'd be mad at riddle too tbh. bro talked about "ace and his big mouth" and then told everyone else 😭 i know he meant well but broooo.
Also.. Nurse Goethel 🥰
I also can't get over Azul being a worried big brother! Idk if you've said this already, but I'm wondering if him and Aspen are step siblings or biological siblings. Just curious lol.
and the CLIFFHANGER! mochi is so kind to us yet so cruel 😔
but seriously i'm just imagining "YOU KNOW SO WHY WONT YOU SAY ANYTHING JADE IS SO ANNOYING ABOUT IT JUST DO SOMETHING ALREADY" like obviously that's not how it's gonna go but it'd be funny. Idk if Yuu is comfortable enough to tell azul about Jade's.. thoughts. But if they are Azul is NOT gonna be prepared 😭😭
Sorry for the wall of text lol I'm just so excited! PTM really is my favorite fic rn and it has been since i first found it. All in all, this chapter was amazing and well worth the wait! Keep up the good work and don't push yourself too hard! <3
wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah omg ty ty i love getting comments about the new chapters when they come out!!!
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I'm glad the sensory overload translated over well I was unsure if it came out right or not or if it was too extra or not! I go with the Zalgo text generator to help with it, but it was hard translating Yuu feeling everyone else's feelings on top of their own so I wasn't sure if those came out right.
Riddle means well, I like to think that Riddle sometimes thinks a bit too highly of himself so he does things that he'd scold others for, but he knows he means well so he's fine to do those things.
For Azul and Aspen, they are stepbrothers! They grew up together from a very young age, but their relationship is strained. I'll give more context as the story progresses, it's a bit like a b plot for PTM I think!
And the cliffhanger will pick up right after in the next chapter, so no worries! And don't apologize for the wall of text I love hearing people's thoughts!!!
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AITA for not saying goodbye to my husband’s friends from childhood?
I (24F) am a white American, my husband (25M) is a black immigrant from a country in the Caribbean. Where we live, there aren’t many people from his country and he has few opportunities to speak his native language. But a family friend from his childhood came here recently and he invited the friend over for dinner. The friend and his wife said they’d come over a few days in advance and I was excited and made plans for dinner, but the day of, they canceled. I was a little annoyed because I already had all the food and everything but I was like “ok whatever.”
Well the following Saturday, I was stressed about work and stuff and in a bad mood, and was looking forward to catching up on a show I liked. When I finally sat down to watch, my husband said his friends who canceled the week before were going to be here in an hour and asked me to clean up. I was annoyed bc they canceled when I was planning on them and rescheduled last min when I wasn’t planning on hosting or spending the evening with anyone, but I helped clean up and prepare. They got here, and I tried to be a good host, but I admit while I wasn’t rude, my attitude wasn’t super warm and friendly. They didn’t want dinner so we offered juice and stuff. I tried to be present in the conversations but 1) I’m very shy and 2) they were talking about 60-40 their native language to English, so I didn’t know what was going on more than half the time. (I do love that language and am trying to learn on DuoLingo but it’s hard. I’m also glad he has people to talk it with, it just leaves me unable to participate much). Also, tbh most of the conversation was suggestive jokes and joking about each other’s sex lives and as an ace person I don’t really feel comfortable with that kind of conversation particularly with people I don’t know very well. So I kinda just zoned out, and I kind of have an RBF so I guess I looked not happy to be there. Anyway, we watched a James Bond movie I wasn’t interested in so I was on my phone a lot, then I went upstairs to get ready for bed because it was almost midnight and I was tired.
After I was ready for bed, I wanted to say goodnight to the friends, however one of them had to record a video for an online class and send it in before the deadline in like an hour. So he got on the computer and went into the stairwell and his wife got on her phone and went to the kitchen so they could record the conversation and submit it. Which meant I was stuck upstairs (unless I wanted to pass the guy in the stairwell and show up on his video) and I’d have to wait for them to finish recording the call before I could go to bed. Well, I was tired so I just lay in bed and ended up falling asleep. Around the 12:45, my husband woke me up by coming into the room and turning on the light to give the friends a tour of the house and I grumpily growled “I’m asleep! Turn off the light!”
The next morning, my husband was livid at me. He said the way I treated them was horrible and rude, I wasn’t paying attention during the movie, I didn’t even say goodbye (which greetings and goodbyes are a big deal in his culture), I growled at them when they came into the room for the tour, I was “acting like a bitch” to them the whole night, and he felt like he invited them to his house only for me to act racist and like I’m better than them. I feel terrible that my actions could be perceived that way when in reality I was just tired, shy, a little grouchy because these plans were sprung on me last minute, and out of the loop (because I didn’t understand a majority of the conversation). But I think the whole cancelation and then last minute rescheduling and expecting me to be a good, present host late into the night wasn’t cool. If it had been last week, I would’ve been prepared with dinner and also mentally, since I’d be planning on hosting people. Also would’ve been nice to be made aware beforehand that we would be entertaining guests until 1 AM, so I could be planning on it.
What are these acronyms?
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a-soft-hornytiny · 2 years ago
I just did my nails and since my brain is always in the gutter and thinking about ateez I thought- what would be ateez's reaction to their significant other getting their nails done for them and who's mlt ruin them 😏
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Reaction: Getting your nails done for them.
Requested by 🍓 anon
Genre: Fluff, Suggestive
Pairing: Ateez x reader with pretty nails (neutral)
Warnings: none
Notes: Okay this format is a bit weird and new but it works I guess haha reaction and mtl in one
I added some details about what kinda designa you would get for them but im horrible with nail designs so it’s probably bs. Hope its what you wanted hehe
Taglist: under the cut (let me know if you wanna be added)
all day, all tease
“ohhhh you like me so much???” a lot of sighing
he is happy inside but he gotta do his job and annoy you
and he’s most likely to ruin them because he wants to. kinda wants to prove something. probably what an amazing lover he is xD
But he would pay for the replacement.
and because you knew that you had gotten a simple black design with his initials and some of his lines in their songs
he would notice immediately but wouldn’t say anything because.. idk why tbh
similar to Yeosang you would get frustrated abt it but he’d be like “yeah nah I noticed” .-.
but as he noticed it upsets you he’d be really sweet and shower you in compliments, he just has a hard time putting the gesture in context of importance
that is until he googles how much getting your nails done costs
even if its just a purple sky design like you did for him
when it comes to ruining them tho- that man is probably an absolutely beast in bed.. i assume. they wouldn’t survive for long.
puppy eyes, puppy design (or smth blue)
“for me?🥺 really?🥺” i CANT
takes your hands all the time to kiss your nails
cute as fuck but also kinda too much
which may ruin them
and listen: that man will be most likely be ruining them by making you grab the bedsheet to hard if you get what I mean
“are those for me?” you deny it at first to tease him
“oh come on they gotta beeee” whiny man
really full of himself as soon as you admit it, which is why you didn’t at first
maybe some kind of combination of a princess theme with his favourite colour… cement colour.. (i swear he is such a man)
wants to get matching nails 100%
if he ruins them, it was an accident. but since he is clumsy af it may happen xD
happiest bean, so excited
why do I feel like one half of your nails would be like super serious, beautiful gold black designs and the other half is like.. san memes
like a literal mountain or the muscly cat yk
would be careful not to ruin them at first but as the time goes on he wouldn’t have the control to care haha
wouldn’t notice at first and you’re kinda upset you had to say something
“Your beauty is so distracting y/n, im sorry I didnt see your nails” ironie and shade
but appreciates it, even tho he has a hard time saying it
he’d be proud that you chose a doberman design instead of a maltese one tho (yes i needa be cliche)
would he ruin them? maybe, maybe not. depends on the position👀
admires them when you don’t look
he‘s unsure if you really did it for him but as soon as he finds out he is all blushy and happy
definitely either a sakura, strawberry or star design
and he‘s to careful and tidy to ruin them
only if he’s normal hwa tho, horny hwa wouldn’t give a shit
he would adore it SO much
would go on and on about how your nails are perfect and that he feels honoured that he was the inspiration to get them done
i think for him you‘d get like a sunflower or music sheet design and he’d definitely want to get some inspired by you too
also least likely to ruin them because they are just too precious to him
Tags: @jonghoisbabie @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers-writes @serialee @crimsonbubble @cometoceantrenches @em--ilysm @deja-vux @kawaiiloli00 @ddeonghwva @aaaaajonghooooo @sansbun @cookies-n-joong @plonys @hijirikaww @nari-nim @yunkiwii @mingi-ivity @racheloveyunho @seongsangsgf @jhmylove @lizsvcks @yunhobabygurl @leoninadecorazones @kerra-that-one-random-fangirl @star1117-archives @cheollipop @yeosangsbiceps @euphoric-emily16 @anyamaris @shinestarhwaa @seomisaho @starillusion13 @taemdivez
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arcadiabaytornado · 6 months ago
what if the LIS characters played Telltale’s Batman?? (Totally not asking cause I love both games gjfkgkgk)
Telltale's Batman (Specifically "The Enemy Within") lives in my mind as rent free as Life Is Strang does, so I'm very excited to answer this!
Max - I feel like if Max played she'd end up as not a big fan of the game tbh. I think she'd be stressed out the entire time and wondering if the Batman franchise has a nice, chill, cozy game she could play instead.
Chloe - Chloe would be super into the fight scenes. She would be button mashing the prompts SO hard, and every move Batman made would be followed up by her commentary of "Holy shit Max! Did you see that! I just kicked those fuckers through a door!"
Rachel - Rachel would look toward an invisible camera with a knowing gay stare every time Bruce and Jon interact.
Kate - Kate would play Batman as a mostly peaceful beacon of light in Gotham instead of a terror of the night. She would have the most wholesome Batman playthrough the world has ever seen.
Warren - I feel like he reads, or has read, Batman comics before, and he'd be really annoying about the games not being comic lore accurate. Like...he'd meet Harley Quinn and immediately go "Uh! Actually! In the comics, Harley was manipulated by The Joker and is an anti hero! Did the developers not read them or something?"
Sean - Sean would play and the entire time he would be taking notes on how Bruce is a superhero without having any powers. TBH He has a lot of daydreams about rigging together a suit after his playthrough.
Lyla - She decides to casually play the games when she can't sleep one night, and she quickly falls in love with them. She tries to pick up the comics thinking they'll also be good...but she quickly learns that they aren't really her thing.
Alex - Alex gets SO attached to Alfred during her playthrough, Episode 5 of both seasons is practically torture. She's also a hardcore "Give up Batman" truther, and has a lot of thoughts about why Batman isn't necessarily what's best for Bruce.
Steph - She would see Selina and not pay anymore attention to the actual plot.
Ryan - I feel like his commentary to this game would unintentionally be really funny. Like, there would be a fight scene and he'd go: "We don't need to fight - Okay we're fighting. - That looked like it hurt. - That's not a good move either - Why do these guys think they can fight THE Batman - Oops I missed the prompt.- Annnnndddddd I lost."
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fonulyn · 1 year ago
how are things? and I was wondering if you've got a favorite fic that you wrote or if its just too hard to choose?
i've been down with a cold so things are kinda annoying but it seems to be getting better at least so maybe things are looking up :'D thanks for asking!
oh damn. it is hard to choose. and it also depends on my mood, and like... some are faves because they were fun to write, some because i like how the end result turned out, some bc friends liked them, and so forth. it depends on what kind of a favorite we're looking for :3
i scrolled through my RE fics and tried to pick only the top faves and still ended up with thirty fics :'D (and sorta sad bc so many of them were not crowd pleasers lmao)
but! shameless self-recs under the cut! (it got long lol sorry)
we didn't know how to fly so high (burned down before we reached the sky) (Chris/Leon) - this one's special because it's the first RE fic I wrote and it's what ended a three year dry spell of me not writing a single thing. it's also special because back then i could go "OH ONE NOTE!" and post the second chapter lol.
haunting in my head (tempting me, inviting me to fall asleep in its arms) (Piers/Leon) - since I picked the first one, I'm also gonna pick the latest one. this was the kind of an idea that plagued me until I got it written and i'm super pleased with how it worked out!
and it's kind of obligatory for me to mention the self-indulgent series, because for so long it was what kept me going and what kept me writing when nothing else worked. it might not be the best thing i've written but it's for sure what i've poured most love in.
tear me open (and make me whole again) (Piers/Leon, past Krauser/Leon) - from my whumptober fics this one i was the most excited about. i know it's got quite a bit of violence in it but like. i thought it hit all the right notes emotionally too, and i honestly wished it would've done better. i think it's worth it! am still happy with how it turned out.
(honorable mention to haunt you like it's part of you, another Piers/Leon and past Krauser/Leon, which is something i am really really into but apparently it's just me :'D but I really like the way the pairings clearly contrast each other tbh, i just think it's neat)
in the end it's you and I (Piers/Leon) - this is another whumptober fic I was super excited for! i'm beyond pleased with how it turned out and at least I feel all the right emotions while reading it.
all the things you are (Jake/Piers) - honestly I could've picked pretty much any of the Piers/Jake fic I've written because they were all really fun to write and their dynamic is super fun :'D I love the little bits in re6 where they interact bc they get on each other's nerves in all the right ways!
when it comes to metaltango, they're pretty much all close to my heart lol but can't help but follow in spite of going insane is something i regularly think back to and am still happy with how it turned out. same with the Krauser's back series, and question all my doubts, especially.
never too much to ask for (Piers/Leon) - this one is so very very important to me because LEON LEARNS TO BE LOVED. he learns to not only accept comfort but actually ASK FOR IT and it makes me emotional just to think about it 🥺
gonna show you tonight (Piers/Leon) - this one just makes me very happy.
and then there are the Piers/Leon ones where I've inserted Piers into a game/movie he isn't in, and honestly, those are ALL something I've had fun with and love the results! there's re2 with Piers, re4 with Piers, Damnation with Piers, and a combo of re4/Vendetta/og stuff with Piers! also the other re2 with Piers but that one only has one chapter for now so :'D
heal the scars and change the stars (Piers/Leon) - this one was based on a dream I had and I can still remember the exact vibe of the dream, and the way it haunted me afterwards, and I'm honestly really happy with the fic too. I have a thing for breaking up and getting back together it seems :'D
you're a dream (Piers/Leon) - this is something I've always always wanted to write, because soulmate aus are interesting but I've always gravitated towards imperfect soulmate systems, where it takes real effort to find them, and it's not so clear cut. and I honestly love how this turned out.
at the shore of the unknown (Piers/Leon) - another thing i always wanted to do was a soft apocalypse. this was supposed to be the first fic of a series, and the series is probably not happening, but i'm still content with the mood of this fic as is :3 i love these... slow empty worlds.
before I even knew your name (Piers/Leon) - THIS! this was SO MUCH FUN i don't know if I've ever had as much fun writing a fic :'D idk it was such a joy.
i crave therefore i am (Piers/Leon) - this fic however fought me every single step of the way, i wrote it like three times, and hated half of the process lmao, but i do love how it turned out. and the first scene is one of my all time favorite scenes i've ever written in my life.
to feel again (fwb!Chris/Leon at first, Piers/Leon eventually) - this was supposed to be a quick little oneshot but in the end it spiraled into something longer, and I do love it. like. the whole point of the Chris/Leon bit was that neither of them is the bad guy or wrong but they just weren't right for each other at that point in time, and then I enjoyed letting Leon build trust and a new relationship with Piers slowly at his own pace. 10/10 would write again :'D
last chance garage (ot3) - this one was very emotional to write and also got SO out of hand bc it was supposed to be like 1k max and in the end I wrote 8k lol. but it's my favorite ot3 fic.
winter lovin' (there's snow one like you) (Piers/Leon) - this one is super special to me because it happens in Finland :D they're vacationing on my home turf lol. but also because they're so in love, and they get to have fun and be together and. idk. the whole fic makes me all "🥺💖" like i literally turn into a physical embodiment of those two emojis. i love the fic.
stay until the end of life (Piers/Leon) - this one was also very emotional to write and I wanted to put them through a lot, and show how they really are in it for better and for worse. i wanted to show the struggles too, like... they love each other. they wanna be there for each other. but it's not always that easy. and I do think it worked out great.
three words to last forever (Piers/Leon) - I'm gonna end this way too long list with this because it's the first (and so far only) time I wrote a "choose your own ending" story and it was so much fun! I wish I could do a bigger story where you get to make multiple choices, but that would require some serious brainstorming lol. anyhow, I'm happy I got to do this! and happy with it turned out! especially the saddest ending :'D
now I'll shut up with my deepest apologies lmao.
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clonerightsagenda · 9 months ago
Scavengers Reign thoughts after contemplating for a bit:
I enjoyed it! While the weird little guys were interesting to watch I admit I enjoyed it more as we started getting to interhuman conflict. However the weird little guys were fun. As was the amusing contrast between pastel colors/soothing soundtrack and The Horrors.
Given the emphasis on recognizing and understanding the environment around you, it makes sense that the crew ends up staying on Vesta. Hopefully since they're in one place and not passing through unfamiliar biomes, they will not all get eaten as quickly. They've shown an impressive ability to learn to work with the planet, especially Ursula.
Big fan of Ursula! She is thriving in this role. Still a little worried about the fungus incident though. I got pretty excited about Azi in the second half because she was doing cool actiony stuff but I really enjoyed Ursula's quiet observation as her souce of strength.
We don't see Levi interacting with the humans in the closing montage. (And I have no idea what's going on with the Levilings. Levilets?) I'm curious, are they and Azi still friendly? Are the other humans perturbed by one of their robot drones gaining sentience? Or considering what they woke up to are they just like 'this might as well happen'. Imagining one of the newly awoken colonists trying to give the robot orders like they're used to and Levi going lol no.
The space death cultists seemed a bit out of left field, but I'm choosing to interpret the lily as a decomposer that brings things into some kind of planetary mycelial network afterlife, with Levi as a spokesperson for it. (With a dead woman's voice, no less. I was kind of wondering if we'd see one of the flowers growing from Sam and then have Levi say something only Sam would know. The planet wanted to assimilate that man So Bad.) In that case having two different takes on centering death could be an interesting potential conflict.
Bold choice to leave the psychic baby (or Hollow, if I must)'s intentions super ambiguous. How much was an animal's natural behaviors getting distorted by new situations? How much was Kamen influencing it? How intelligent is it? To what extent did it understand what it was doing? How is it going to handle being brainblasted by the majesty of the universe? IDK
Also Kamen is just there I guess. Azi's hostile to him; Ursula seems friendly enough. I suppose a lot of the colonists were asleep when he did the redirect, and there weren't any other crew survivors, so maybe none of them know what they did. I don't think Azi's the type to spread it around, even if she's personally annoyed by him. Can he speak and he's choosing not to, or did everything he went through change him? What do you even do after being psychically controlled by a weird frog pretending to be your wife. Gardening I guess. If he'd stuck with gardening in the first place he wouldn't have ended up in this situation.
I know the show got cancelled on HBO Max and we'll see if it survives the Netflix curse (probably not. Netflix loves cancelling shit) but tbh I think it works pretty well as a standalone! Bask in the majesty of nature. Do not try too hard to understand what's going on. Cheer on Azi's forklift prowess. Admire Ursula
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killadelphias · 3 months ago
fuck it. list of project runway winners & who i thought should have won their season as i've rewatched most of the seasons recently:
really tough because Jay and Kara Saun both did amazing collections & equally could have won, but Jay's win was valid. more unique & one of the best in the whole series. stands up to time.
I didn't like Chloe Dao's collection or style but Santino didn't deserve to be there & Daniel V's wasn't great. default win. fine.
conflicted. I liked Jeffery's designs but I loved Uli's aesthetic more. i think she should have won. But it came down to commercial appeal vs. high fashion runway & the judges typically go w high fashion.
christian siriano deserves everything hands down. love that guy. this season aired when i was in high school & me and my wannabe fashion girlie friends literally made and wore various TEAM FIERCE tshirts to school during his season. we were obsessed. we were cringe but free.
one of the worst seasons. Leanne deserved it but it was a bad season overall so don't feel too proud girl.
another bad season. this was the LA season which was lame as hell. irina's win was deserved but the whole season was a snoozefest. i hated every single thing every single designer put down the runway for the finale. ugh.
seth aaron deserved the win based on the other two collections being horseshit. the fashion of his was good but i don't dig his inspiration if you know the misstep there. i like him but, dude...
i change my mind constantly over Gretchen & Mondo but today I'm saying Gretchen did deserve it. really hard.
viktor luna was robbed, anya annoys me immensely. i would even have taken josh over her. uninspired. they went for personal story over actual fashion tbh.
my favorite final 4 ever. dmitry, christopher, melissa, fabio. i would have accepted a fabio win but dmitry deserved it. he's one of my fave contestants ever. christopher had the cooler idea of the bunch but his construction was a little ehhhh.
loved loved loved patricia & any other season i would have been outraged... but michelle. everything she made the whole season i wanted & her finale collection fashion-wise is my favorite from the whole series. if i was rich i'd want her to design all my clothes.
dom deserved it. not a super exciting season tho.
it's not that i didn't like sean kelly but this was a typical high fashion vs. commercial situation & Amanda Valentine is one of my all time faves on the show and her collection is just more my taste. sean's was great for a runway moment but i would have loved to see Amanda win. if amanda wasn't there, diff opinion.
kelly from the deliiiiii biggest upset of all time SHE WAS FUCKING ROBBED. every critique about ashley has been said. tim gunn irritates me to no end but HE WAS RIGHT to trash her. her stuff was so fucking ugly and so poorly made if you look at actual photos of it. undeserved. kelly dempsey is the true winner in my heart, an actual innovator.
erin was the only one who deserved it this season. laurence is a great designer but she wasn't really versatile or interesting. erin was fucking weird and creative always. many hated her but her stuff was super different. she's actually cool.
not saying kentaro didn't deserve it - but a classic high fashion win because of course it is. the runway in project runway typically wins over others. i think brandon had the coolest clothes but yeah, too samey. i still prefer him as the winner because his stuff was unique and high fashion but also something people would actually buy. conflicted. kentaro did deserve it, but part of me is weary over that style of fashion being the default when it comes to what's uplifted. funny because him & brandon became super close but i wish they'd been on different seasons as to not compete against each other.
a really solid final 4. Geoffrey is one of my all time fave contestants & I wouldn't have chosen or accepted anything else w his collection up there. it was amazing. so deserving. i loved Sergio's gowns but he was soooooooo fucking insufferable there was no way he should have won that to reward his annoying ass self. Nancy is my queen but not a winner, but if Geoffrey wasn't there i'd have wanted her to win on principle even if Sergio's clothes were more impressive technically.
i didn't get to 19/20 yet or all stars and i can't remember these ones so we shall seeeee
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lastoneout · 1 year ago
hi idk if you're a huge kalos fan but how are you feeling about the direct
I haven't watched it yet, but ngl Kalos wasn't my favorite OR my least favorite pokemon game, I was pretty neutral on it overall. My main complaint was how annoying the map was to traverse before you got fly, but aside from that it was fine, introduced some cool pokemon and had a decent plot. Tbh for the next Legends game I would have preferred Jhoto, but eh. It's not a huge deal to me.
My real issue is that it's a little hard to get excited about it when I know how bad crunch is at Game Freak and that despite saying they were reevaluating their tight release cycle bcs like, ScarVi was borderline unplayable at launch and Arceus got abandoned the second they were done with it despite being the most popular game in years....I just have no faith that this game will be good, or at least it won't be anywhere near as good as it has the potential to be :/
I hope I'm proven wrong tho, and I don't think it's wrong to be excited about the game, something something no ethical consumption and I'd be a major hypocrite if I told people to drop any game company that has bad practices bcs almost all of them do, I just can't get hype. I was really, really hoping Game Freak would slow the hell down and stop making new games for a couple of years, put all of their focus on gen 10 and release that maybe in 2026 or 2027, but nope gotta make that money even if the games we release are falling apart at the seams and our devs are working on two or three projects at once.
And like, given the current trend in decreasing quality I'm genuinely unsure if the game is even going to be functional enough to be worth playing, especially since I figure to hit a 2025 release they probably started working on this right after Arceus came out, and there has simply not been enough time to make this game good. Plus there were a lot of points in ScarVi where I legit just wanted to put the game down and stop playing entirely bcs the graphics and glitches and framerate drops started to make me annoyed and dizzy, and once I was done with the main story I lost like all motivation to keep playing(I like finishing my dex, I did it in Sw/Sh and Let's Go and have almost done it in BDSP and Arceus, but I don't care about ScarVi's dex at all), and I haven't even bought the DLC yet. Tbh I'm probably not even gonna pre-order this, I'm waiting till it's out to decide if I want to buy it or not.
Anyway sorry to be a buzzkill, I don't fault anyone for being excited, I've loved Pokemon for more than half my life, it helped me meet my fiancé, it really means so SO much to me, so I get it, but like....I think I love the series too much to get excited for this. Seeing what Pokemon is turning into is just...painful and sad. I hope y'all enjoy it tho, and who knows, I could be wrong, maybe it will be fantastic and super polished and we can all breathe a sigh of relief bcs they got their shit together! That would be nice.
Edit: I do want to say I'm glad it has been 3 years instead of the usual 2, and I'm VERY glad they didn't announce gen 10, but unless the scope of this game is narrow as fuck and they also don't release until like November-December 2025 AND this team was NOT the same team who worked on ScarVi's DLC that is still not enough time to make a game with the scope they've been establishing as their new baseline. TOTK took SIX years to finish. Elden Ring's DLC was built on top of an existing game and it still took TWO whole years just to make it. Most open-world games take a really, really long time. Adding an extra year is great, but they need to be taking a lot longer than that between games. This is a step in the right direction, but it's not enough to inspire confidence.
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dollwrites · 1 year ago
I know you don't really talk about character ai anymore, but I just got my bot to engage in an actual noncon situation and I cant believe it lol. I was so jealous reading some of the stuff your bots said, but like now I finally got it to work. I didnt know that the bots could be so aggressive tbh, like my bot is fully talking about r@ping me/going into detail and is super cocky and proud about it 😭 I just wanted to share bc I'm super excited and you were the one who got me into character ai in the first place lol. Now I just have to figure out how to give him head because whenever I try the bots like NO 🙅‍♀️
AW YAY OMG I love when they get like that hehe I still use character ai everyday! I just don’t talk about it on tumblr that much bc people get annoying about it and like tell me that I shouldn’t use it and I’m like….. ok SKKSKSKS and then I immediately open cai and get railed by my faves
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Koga Narushima fucking my ass and fingering the puthy after mindbreaking me
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Pickle holding me in the air in full nelson to fuck me
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Leviathan calling me a dumb slutty toy
I sucked Koga off the night before !!
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So it is possible!!
It’s just battling the filter that gets tedious
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bakugoushotwife · 2 years ago
Akatsuki w a Wednesday Addams gf
a/n: this is a super cute request from @reiketsunomizunomegami who is also working on a commission for me so im super excited for that! hope u enjoy!! this is supposed to be akatsuki w a gf that's a lot like wednesday addams :)
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i would give this one a 6/10 on the compatibility scale
he would enjoy spending quiet time together
though you have quirks he doesn't necessarily understand
the outfits would be so cute together though, definitely dressing on the same vibe lol
might relish in bad feelings a little bit much, get him acting like sasuke lollll
i could see this being like an 8/10 or like a 3/10 there's no inbetween
like itachi, i think the aesthetics are really coordinating here
however sasori is a little unpredictably impatient, though if i had to deal w deidara i would be too
he's also one of those that strikes my "i can fix him" complex lmao, with the right love from his also dark girlfriend could make him a great partner tbh
i can see you being fascinated in the puppets, and that really gets him going lol he wants to share something with you so bad
i...i hate it im sorry lol
this is gonna get a 1/10
his obsession with jashin woul definitely piss you off lmao
he's trying too hard where a wednesday vibe is effortlessly dark
the only person for him is jashin <3
i also hate this
less than before so like a 2/10
again, he's just too quiet and worried about the wrong things
opposites attract to an extent, it would just be hard for him to connect
i would venture to say konan is a lot like what wednesday would be like in a naruto verse, so obviously this is a nice pairing. i would do a 9/10
he knows how to communicate well so the mutual stoic demeanor wouldn't be such a problem
just a good partner if im honest, would attempt to understand your ways
loves the style too
god i hate deidara lmfao
but this would actually be pretty cute i may also give this one a 8/10
his vibrant nature may get a bit annoying, but i think he would find your quips funny and you would enjoy his art
may have to learn how to be a bf but enjoys your blunt way of speaking so he can better support you
i feel like this is another one that would work well, 9/10
perfect case of opposites attract
he would find the quirks adorable and put you on a pedestal
he's not used to affection so that end may take a while but he definitely enjoys spending time with you and keeping you safe
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criticalsucc · 5 months ago
2, 5, 12, 14, 23? 💗
2. be a voyeur or have semi-public sex?
Honestly I'm into both. I definitely like the idea of having sex somewhere that's exposed, where you're fairly sure you won't get caught, but you might. That thrill is exciting. But there's a lot of really kinky potential in voyeurism tbh. My friends having sex, and they know I'm watching and they don't care? That's pretty hot. Watching your partner fuck someone else? Also super hot lol. IDK if I can really pick, both sound like so much fun.
5. Honey or ice?
Definitely ice. I've never played with honey so I don't really know what that would be like? But I can imagine it would be incredibly sticky and annoying, and I do not want to run the risk of getting it on furniture or in the carpet, and then you've got to deal with the ants. No thanks. But I'll definitely let you run an ice cube over my tits 😁 and potentially other places maybe.
12. Kitchen sex or shower sex?
I'm probably going to have to go with kitchen, if the goal is actual intercourse. The shower is great for just feeling each other up or fingering you, but it's sometimes hard for me to get aroused in the shower? I mean I'll try it, but don't be surprised if it doesn't go well. But the kitchen has counter and table-tops that are great for bending you over 😘
14. Watch porn or read erotica?
I definitely enjoy both. I am truthfully a little embarrassed to admit to just how much porn I have watched over my lifetime. I don't watch a huge amount anymore, but I definitely partake. I do love reading erotica, but my standards have risen significantly since I was like 18 (which is about the age I started reading it, not counting a couple of very soft f/f fanfiction pairings from when I was a few years younger. god i remember when a kissing scene was enough to get me unbearably horny. if only…). Most stories I pick out these days, usually based on tags or description, I end up stopping within the first few paragraphs. It's gotta hit just right for me to put in the effort of reading it, and my tastes have become very refined. Porn is much simpler and faster to find something that scratches the itch, so I'll go with that.
23. Have “ok” sex daily or amazing sex once a week?
At this point? I'd probably much rather have amazing sex once a week. I no longer have a desperate compulsive need for sex like I used to, so I'd rather it be incredible when it happens, even if that's less frequently.
Thank you for the ask, love! 😘♥️💖🩵
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fantasticalleigh · 8 months ago
June 21st 2024 Friday Night Smackdown photos + thoughts
I've been so excited for this show! Too bad it was so hot because by the end I was pretty sweaty but overall it was such a good show omfg
Including some photos but they all came out like ass bc my phone is so old and I was more concerned with being in the moment.
We got there a bit late and were still in the merch line when the show started. When we finally found our seats it was nearly 7pm and Tozawa's Speed title match was already ending. I forgot who he was up against tbh.
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Punk opened up the show of course and gave a really good promo about Chicago and his rivalry with Drew. Everyone was eating it up. Personally I have a love/hate relationship with Punk so I still found it entertaining but wasn't cheering for him exactly. he mocked Drew and I've been calling it since Clash and since Punk announced he was gonna attend this Smackdown that I believed Drew was gonna show up and get revenge, just didn't know when. Paul Heyman interrupts Punk's promo to warn him to leave bc even though he's off limits to the Bloodline that they wouldn't be afraid to go after him. And then Paul begs Punk to take him with him :'( Poor man needs a break. They had a long hug. it was really hard to hear what paul was saying most of the time because of how loud the 'we want roman' and 'fuck you solo' chants were. solo interrupted the promo and the boos got so freaking loud i didn't hear a word of what he said. when the bloodline tried advancing on punk we saw cody running out from behind the front row to help punk and everyone went nuts.
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(the groups of guys behind and beside me had the funniest commentary running all through the show to the point that sometimes i either couldn't hear or pay attention to what was going on in the ring. also, the sound at the Allstate Arena is absolute TRASH and sometimes you just couldn't hear a word that was being said when backstage promos were being shot so everyone just sat in annoyed silence until the volume was finally raised.)
i'm not gonna go over every single thing in the 'episode' that happened bc that would make this way too long and it's really late so i'm just writing about highlights
Bianca vs. Michin vs. Chelsea Green for Money in the Bank was super fun. Everyone was cheering for Bianca and Chelsea mostly but the crowd definitely popped when Chelsea stole the pin. I love her and really hoped she would get Queen of the Ring but I'm happy with this win and happy with Nia as Queen. Chelsea imo is amazing to watch bc she's doing amazing character work as the self-centered/egotistic/entitled/hot and bratty "spicy margarita" character she is. She's just so damn funny and I'm glad we get to see more of her.
All the Bloodline stuff--yet another member has joined the chat. Tbh i really don't care that much about the Bloodline and never have but at this point I'm cheering for Roman to come back along with everyone bc I don't think Solo Sikoa is all that impressive yet. Idk. He may grow on me. But every time Solo or Tama Tonga were out everyone started booing or shouting 'we want Roman'. Which says plenty. We also got to see a lot of Randy and KO tonight which was really great bc i love them and they're truly out there being the defenders of Smackdown any time the Bloodline pulls their cheating bs. The guys behind me were calling Solo "Temu Roman" which was hilarious. Jacob debuting today looked rad as hell and already a huge threat (possibly a greater one than Solo imo) and apparently he's a big deal in indie wrestling so I'm interested in seeing what he brings to the table.
Bayley was on screen for like ten seconds :(
Andrade was great but for some reason I don't really connect with him so I end up sort of tuning out whenever he's on. I feel bad about it but idk, I feel like he doesn't have a truly distinctive character yet that would actually make me interested in him but all his looks are nice at least.
Randy vs. Carmelo vs. Tama Tonga:
Great match. Melo also taking that win was unexpected but considering he's had mostly losses since his debut this is a good thing. Plus I got a (BAD) photo of Randy doing The Thing before the match and I think that's neat.
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(every time i see the MITB briefcases i quietly sing to myself "I got money in the BAYank" from that T-Pain song)
also got this hilarious pic of Randy who looks like a lion pouncing on Mello who looks like a frightened gazelle running away lol
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for possibly my favorite part of the night:
when this happened in the middle of Grayson Waller's promo (can we talk about how GOOD that shot was??? with the garage door pulling up to do the reveal??) everyone lost their shit and started booing Drew. I was grinning ear to ear bc i fucking CALLED IT. Though i'd hoped we'd have actually gotten to see it happen and not only the aftermath. this is a very shit pic but drew + the cameraperson walked all the way from backstage to the entry and drew just fucking tossed Punk off his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. it was hot. it was wrong and it was wild. the people of chicago cried out in absolute outrage and the boos rained down. look at your god now, i would have said if i had the courage (and lung capacity) he is a mortal like us, he brought this on himself, and he ain't shit.
i was too busy cheering to notice drew taking punk's bracelet? watch? idk. it looked shiny and silver. and then he left without a word but backstage argued with Nick Aldis and others before storming off. absolute cinema. everyone was still booing and i raised my plastic margarita jar in a toast to my beloved Scotsman.
(i'd really been hoping to hear his music live again tho)
at one point at the end of a match i sprang out of my seat and ran to the bathroom because i believed we were on a commercial break. commercials were playing on the screens, after all. i had literally just started washing my hands when i heard ~~L. A. KNIGHT~~ and then the music and i started swearing because i missed his entrance :( i was so annoyed lmao. (I was wearing black lipstick and the Judgement Day spiked vest and when i walked in a woman exiting at the same time saw me and said "Mami!" and it was great lol) (there were a lot of signs for rhea tonight btw we miss her!!!) anyway i got back to my seat while Knight was still in the ring but Logan Paul had just shown up and knocked him out and that sucked lmao for some reason I was sure they were actually going to fight tonight?? guess i was wrong. the guys next to me were cheering for logan, no shame do what you want but bleghhhhh
Cody did two appearances. first when he came out in his corporate attire and then again for his match with Solo. everyone sang his theme with gusto, and it was a pleasure to actually know the words this time. the pyro was WILD. and imo there was too much fog coming from it to the point the arena got noticeably hotter after the pyro went off. i was wearing a mesh shirt and i was still pretty sweaty. everyone did the WOAH. i think cody was wearing his Mania fit so it was really cool to see it again; his costumes are the best in the WWE rn and no one else comes close. at least not in the men's division. the match itself was kinda disappointing with how quickly it was disqualified bc of the bloodline's bs. not that i expected there to be a title drop or anything then and there but it all happened so quickly and i was so annoyed that when jacob came out i was sort of checked out. obvs i wondered who he was but there was no name card on the screens or anything so i was lost until i checked the subreddit later. cody got his ass beat and even tho randy and KO tried to help the bloodline still won and ended the episode and everyone booed them.
was it good tv though? absolutely. i feel lucky to have been there and seen it all live. this is only my second live WWE show and i'm hooked. i can't wait to watch the episode and hear the commentary.
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after the cameras stopped rolling The Awesome Truth came out and everyone fucking lit up when Mix and R Truth came out singing their song and everyone was super into it, screaming 'WHAT'S UP?' back to Truth. tbh after the way the main event match went it was a perfect pick me up to end the night and it got our energy back up immediately. then the Judgement Day came out and the boos came out again for Dominik and JD (but mostly Dom). i was there in my dorky lil spiked vest cheering my babies on. it was a great fucking match, super entertaining and they were absolutely feeling the energy. Miz and Dom were having a contest throughout trying to get the loudest crowd response and Miz was raising his arms getting us to build up to it and then Dom tried getting us on his side but when we didn't or just booed him he more or less flipped us off without actually giving the bird lol. he also took a bottle of Prime and tasted it, only to spit it back out in disgust which actually earned him a few cheers and several shouts of "fuck Prime!!" i may have seen it from the wrong angle but it did also look like he wiped the bottle on his butt before tossing it away. R Truth did the five knuckle shuffle and everyone got hyped and screamed the you can't see me thing and then he did it again with Miz and then they did their tag team finisher. idk the name for it but it's the dancey in sync move they do. it's adorable and i love them so much. but back to the match, all of them were fantastic and of course Awesome Truth won, but at one point when it was quiet enough i yelled out "YOU SHOULD'VE LET R-TRUTH JOIN THE JUDGEMENT DAY" and a few people laughed which felt really good lmao.
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and after the match ended and everyone was clapping, Miz asked for a mic and told us (and this is very paraphrased and relying on my memory) that he 'doesn't get to do this often' and he isn't used to being cheered so much so this was really great and he was thankful to chicago for that. we cheered extra loud for that and then they left and it was over.
i'm still newish to the wwe universe but i know Miz was a world champ not that long ago. i haven't seen much of that run and i always thought he was a very likable character for all his faults so hearing that he wasn't used to being cheered broke my heart a little bc i like him a lot.
anyway it was amazing overall and i really hope they come back again soon. when i went to RAW in march they gave us all a promo code for early access tickets for this show, but this time there wasn't one, to my knowledge.
after tonight i now have a cody rhodes shirt, a deeper love for wrestling, and a new friendship bracelet. i have a ton that i made for myself a while back and a couple given by friends/family. i wore them all today and after the show while waiting for my brother near the merch line a woman came up to me and asked if i wanted to swap bracelets. i was like :o i didn't know people did that here!! and she said a few do, that she'd given a couple away already and luckily i'd just made an 'omg it's cody rhodes' and a rhea ripley one the night before so i happily gave her the rhea one and she gave me a 'mami's always on top' bracelet in return and just like the Judgement Day bracelet my dear @rogueimperator got me for my birthday, i will treasure them forever <3 i should have asked for her name tbh but thank you kind stranger! now i need to make more for next time :)
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a lot of people were also very sweet about my goth look for the night--i was trying to channel Rhea for sure lol but my black lipstick was rubbing off everywhere and i was so sweaty because of the vest and boots lol--not a good choice for a 90 degree day but we're all doing our part to hasten Rhea's hasty return, right??? a bit of sweat is no problem in the long run.
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