#not quite hyperventilation but still. ugh
aro-attorneys · 1 year
This sucks. One moment I'm like "I'm fine maybe recovery isn't so hard :)" and 10 minutes later I have to do a breathing exercise
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rapunzelbro · 8 months
Imagine Angel Dust Accidentally Hurting You And Having a Break Down
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Hi! Enjoy this angst fic sorry not sorry. This dude has my absolute heart and I ugh. Gimme all the requests for him.
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Angel Dust is never one to be violent by any means
Dude is one of the sweetest and traumatized demons in all of hell he wouldn’t want to hurt a soul
So when he comes back late to the hotel hurt and in an annoyed state you’re surprised as hell
But you don’t expect him to lash out at you
Let alone back you into a wall yelling about how he is fine, when you try to ask what’s wrong
He slams his fist into your shoulder on accident, when he meant to hit the wall
He instantly is frozen when he hears the noise of his fist colliding with your shoulder at full force before it did hit the wall
“Shit shit shit shit fuck! FUCK! THIS WASNT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN”
He is instantly so terrified, he starts breaking down right there, tears falling as he hits the floor, practically hyperventilating
While you’re in pain, you feel if you show it, it will only make it worse. But holy shit that dude has quite the punch.
You quickly stepping into action to help calm him down
It takes so so long but through breathing exercises you help him collect himself
You two are on the floor together silent as can be, his head is buried in your lap while he is still crying, he doesn’t want to look up he is so so terrified if he does you’ll start screaming at him.
“Angel, I hope you know I’m not mad..”
“I hurt you.. I never want to hurt you”
“I know you didn’t mean it love.. take your time”
Him looking up at you with tears in his eyes and all you do is smile reassuringly at him as you try your best to wipe the tears from his face
It causes him to cry more that you deal with him throughout all of his bullshit issues he has
You picking him up and taking him back to his room and take care of his injuries he probably got from Valentino
You wanted to murder that fucking asshole so bad for hurting him
He sits and tells you what happened when he finally collects himself and you just listen before giving him the most gentlest hug
You two stay like that for a while. He is so touch starved and loves your touch, he doesn’t want to let go, he doesn’t want to loose you
Him asking you to stay with him for tonight and you gladly stay once you take care of your shoulder
He is beyond guilty and insists on helping instantly
You two fall asleep in each others embrace calmed by being together
Taglist Angel Dust tag list: @vendetta-ari @brithedemonspawn @satansmanager @storydays
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livesworthlivingau · 2 months
Behind the Vale Chapter 23
Spoilers for ISAT/Two Hats below! CW: Panic attacks, some mental spiraling.
"Do you have to wear that outfit still?" [Nille asked as you walked side by side down the trail to the next town. You smirk and put your hands behind your head as you stepped along.]
"What's the matter, am I distracting you~?" [She rolls her eyes, elbowing you lightly in the side, though you actually get the wind knocked out of you slightly, wheezing out and gripping your side.]
"Oh crab! S-Sorry! Don't know my own strength sometimes."
"I-I'm fine." [You wheeze out, clearly not. She chuckles and stops in her tracks, letting you catch your breath for a moment.]
"So... We're probably getting real close, you gonna be okay?"
"P-Probably not..."
"Would you prefer I lie?"
"No! Just... Ugh, we gotta figure this out Vay, I don't want you running off again!" [You take a very deep breath, sighing it back out.]
"I promise... I won't run away, at least not without saying anything... I don't know if I'll be able to stay, but I won't just leave you... is that enough?" [You ask genuinely. Nille crosses her arms, a bit upset that that's the best she could get out of you for now, but seeming to accept it.]
"Alright... but if you start feeling the need to run, we're gonna talk, and I'm gonna help you work through it, no running from your feelings without a proper talk! Maybe a few skull bashes with the hammer, y'know, for good measure~." [She laughs out heavily. You just smile, appreciating the way she showed she cared. You find a weird comfort in it involving threats for some reason. Perhaps it would be best to not look into that for now.]
[You browse along through the stalls of the town's open market, curiously glancing about at what each one had for sale. Nille was off refilling her own supplies somewhere else in the hustle and bustle, this being one of the larger towns you had stopped in. You go to pick up some fancy looking trinket only for a voice to cause you to freeze solid.]
"Does everyone have their shopping lists and coin?" [Crab... The Researcher,]
"Yup! Got mine! Camping supply duty!" [The Fighter,]
"A-And mine! Bonnie and I are food duty!" [The Housemaiden,]
"Yeah! I gotta find everything to make Nille's favorite!!" [The Kid...]
[You finally turn to glance in their direction, seeing them all together... minus your Stardust. Though that felt like a blessing in this very moment. You quickly look around for a place to hide, doing a very poor job of 'casually' walking away, keeping them in the corner of your vision. You finally duck behind a wall, placing your back to it and panting frantically. It's okay, we don't need to panic, they probably won't even recognize us! You try to logic out to yourself, only to look down and realize what you were wearing. The lightless skin of your arms speckled with stars fully visible through the sheer fabric. WHY DID WE HAVE TO WEAR THIS YOU BLINDING IDIOT?!]
[You try your best to regain your composure before suddenly feeling a hand on your shoulder. You nearly jump 3 feet into the air, holding up a paper sign in shock only to find Nille standing beside you, pulling her hand back.]
"S-Sorry! You good? You looked like you just saw a ghost." [She said, though her own words starting to help her realize what you might have just seen.]
"Wait, did you- Are they here?! Did you see Bonnie?!" [She asked excitedly, you're still quite shaken up, but you just manage to nod, pointing in the direction you saw them.]
"Thank you, Vay! I-I'll... I'll give you a few minutes and then introduce you, alright?" [She caught herself getting lost in her excitement, wanting to be there for you as well but wanting so dearly to see her sibling. You just give a light nod of permission and acceptance, letting her rush off before you lean against the wall again. You were hyperventilating, you couldn't catch your breath, just gasping in tiny puffs at a time and letting them back out before they could help. We need to calm down, Vale! Get a hold of ourself! Stardust isn't here, we can handle this! Just calm down! You finally manage to catch a full breath, sighing it back out, then taking another, and another, and another...]
[You start pacing back and forth in the little alley you were stewing in. How do we go about this? What do we tell them? The fact we were Loop has to come up certainly, no hiding it in this... We've already told Nille nearly every other blinding thing... well, all but one... No! No! We can't get into that right now! Okay, so we tell them we were Loop, and go from there... simple, right? A part of you is sure it won't be that simple, but there's not much else to be done at this point. You simply practice your breathing exercising for a few moments longer, finally heading out to try and find them all.]
[You stay far behind, but you spot them fairly quickly, Nille is kneeling down to give Bonnie the tightest hug you've ever seen. The both of them are crying, and the rest of the party is happily watching this touching moment like a scene from a play. It's nice, you're happy for Nille, as happy as you can be all things considered. You wish this moment could last... but you know you can't keep your distance for long, she'd drag you in to 'meeting' them all soon enough. You do your best to keep calm as you wait.]
[Finally the two of them have had their moment, Nille gets introduced to the other members of the party, and after a moment she turns back to look around, spotting you and waving you over. With one last deep breath you begin to walk over, your heart racing quickly again, doing your best to keep your mask firmly attached.]
"Everyone, this is Vale, we've been travelling together for a little while. They saved me from a sadness that got the jump on me, about a week after y'all unfroze everyone." [Nille explains, showing you off a bit. You give a nervous smile and wave as you're introduced. They all examine you like some strange beast, focusing on the visible skin of your arms. Before you can even manage to start talking, they realize who you are.]
"LOOP?!" [The Housemaiden and Fighter cry out in unison, being called that again makes you wince. The Researcher has a raised brow, almost inspecting you, ever curious as always. The Kid is looking up at you with a confused expression.]
"What happened to your face?"
"Bonnie! Mind your manners!" [Nille scolds their sibling some, only for you to chuckle a bit.]
"No, no, it's fine. It was quite a shock for me as well, but that's a story for another time~! Just call me Vale from now on, alright? That name has some... painful memories associated." [The Fighter and Housemaiden seem to understand quite well, being used to the change belief and all. The researcher hasn't taken that studious look off their face the whole time, it feels like you're being examined like some sort of experiment... The kid still looked a bit confused, but seemed to accept this for now.]
"Hey Vale, uhhh... We kinda thought you were dead? Did something happen? Sif woke up one day and was sure you were just gone..." [The Fighter starts to explain with a nervous look, as if unsure they wanted an answers, you notice then taking a little glace at the tip of the scar on your chest.]
"Right... that's part of that 'story for another time'... Where is Stardust anyways?"
"Back at the Inn, resting up, he had quite an... 'episode' when he thought you were dead..." [He looks disturbed, recalling several parts of the week. Was Stardust okay?... Did he really care that much about us?...]
"Like you said, Story for another time!" [The fighter parrots back at you, getting a bright smile back on their face.]
"O-Oh! Speaking of Siffrin, we need to tell him! He'd love to hear you're actually okay!" [The Housemaiden adds, The Fighter perking up.]
"Oh Change! You're right! Uhh… You all continue shopping, Vale, do you mind coming to see Sif?"
"Lead the way!" [You declare confidently, or at least try to. You feel Nille patting your back, you turn back to her, and she gives a reassuring smile, whispering to you.]
"You got this, I'll cya soon?" [You nod in response, smiling back lightly, then heading off with The Fighter.]
"Alright, here we are, should I... give you two some privacy?" [The fighter asked as you both stood outside of the house they were staying at, Stardust just inside.]
"I think that would be for the best, yes. Thank you."
"Of course! I'm sure you two went through a lot together, I can't imagine what it would be like stuck in those loops for so long..." [You wince at that, rubbing your arm lightly, he had no idea how right he truly was...]
"I better go back to the others, still gotta finish my shopping after all. You know where to find us if you need us!" [He offers with a bright smile, heading back to the market. You are left alone standing in front of the door.]
[Minutes pass as you just stare at it... the one last barrier between you and your stardust... We could run away again... but we promised Nille we wouldn't... Come on, we've come this far! it's just a door knob! Stars, we don't even have to open it, we can just knock! You take a deep breath and bring a hand up, ready to knock...]
[... Why aren't we knocking?! Why are we just standing here like a blinding idiot?! WE CANNOT TURN BACK!! KNOCK ON THE BLINDING DOOR YOU FOOL!! You finally summon enough courage, anger, annoyance, whatever emotion it was that finally pushed you over the edge, flicking your first at the door a few times. Stars... we did it... we did it, it's happening, we can't go back, we can't run, it's over, it's all over, why can't we run? It would be so easy, just turn and head in a random direction again, what's another week of endless running? We've done it once we can do it again, just live in the woods like some hermit! Yes this is a great idea, just pick a direction and-]
[Suddenly the door starts to crack open, Stardust poking their head out of it. They blink a couple times, confused at the sight before him.]
"Uhm... Can I help yo-" [They start to speak, their voice was weak and raspy. They examine you before something clicks in their brain, seeing your arms, seeing your face, likely noticing how nervous you looked in this moment. Your heart raced like mad. You notice their eye getting watery already.]
"L... Loop?..." [You wince again at that blinding name... but you let it slide for now. You don't want to ruin this for him.]
"... Hello, Stranger~." [Is all you can manage to force yourself to say, trying to paint that smile back onto your face. You stand there awkwardly a moment as tears roll down their face. Before you can even react, they had their arms wrapped around you, wincing as he gripped you tighter than was comfortable, even squeezing some air out of your lungs. He sobbed into your clothes all the while.]
"I thought you were gone..." [He choked out through his weeping. You eventually manage to bring your arms up to hug him back, lightly rubbing their back.]
"I'm here Stardust... I'm... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." [You finally manage to speak again, your own tears welling up now. You rest your head on theirs, hugging back even tighter.]
"I'm sorry to-"
"No!" [You suddenly shout, gripping tighter.]
"N-No... Don't apologize, please... You did nothing wrong, Stardust. I'm the one who... who messed up..." [You struggle out, your tears dripping down into their hair as flashes of the memory of the last time you were together enter your mind.]
"... I'm so glad you're okay, Loop..."
"It's... It's Vale now..." [You correct as gently as you can, still holding each other close.]
"Vale... That's a nice name." [They note with a soft smile, sniffling some as their tears began to slow. You both stand there for a while in the close embrace. You savor this moment where everything feels oddly okay, after all, you know that feeling won't last for very long...]
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thegreatestsandwich · 2 years
Xavier: I'm TRYING okay? fuck my feelings, it's fucked but one thing that I'll always be sure about is my love for you. I fucking love you and i don't fucking know how to act around you. Okay? I--" and then you kissed him to shut him up. AIGHRIGFHERIGHQERG
Kissin’ in the rain (Xavier Thorpe x f!reader)
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x f!reader
Word count: 1.3k
Summary: Nobody knew what you were and there was a breaking point where Xavier just exploded and demanded you to tell him what was happening
Warning: Angst and Fluffiness
A/N: We’re almost finish with all the requests!
Coments, Reblogs and Asks are happily received! I love to read your lovely coments :)
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Everyone began noticing there’s something going on between Xavier and you, specially after your failed date on the fair. At first, there’re were murmurs around you, not so kind ones until Xavier force them to shut up, giving you a nod after almost hitting one of the mermaids that was taunting you.
He didn’t talked to you on classes and neither you tired to get closer to him. Yet, both of you began noticing the other more. Xavier’s eyes always drifted to you when you entered a room, when you sat quietly and lonely on the other side of the cafeteria, when you stayed as far as you could from the others when Principal Weems made the announcements.
You began noticing a few things on your own, how he often had smudges of paint or charcoal on his hands and sometimes on his face. How he often covered his mouth when he take a huge bite of something, how he always sat with the same people at lunch, how he tried his hardest to ignore Bianca’s attempt to have a conversation.
But still, neither of you acted out on your discoveries, until that one time after lunch.
Some people thought it would be funny to take away your gloves, so with the help Vinny’s telekinesis, they managed to take your gloves away and put them as higher as they could on a tree. You were at this point hyperventilating outside under the rain, trying to grabbed them before class started.
Everyone was watching you struggle from the windows, a few of them giggling at your attempts but the others just ignored the childish prank.
Xavier entered the classroom and put his backpack on his desk, noticing how there was a multitude of people watching the window with amusement. “What’s going on?” He asked Ajax, who was recoding something on this phone.
“Vinny, Jax and Penelope pranked (L/N), they managed to take her gloves from here! That’s having balls dude.” Ajax laughed, making a close up to your distressed face. Xavier stared at it for a second before leaving the classroom.
“Xavier?” Bianca intercepted him on the corridor, her hand grabbing his arm to stop him. “What are you doing? Class is going to start soon.” She tried to turn him around but he shook her off.
“I have something to do.” He drily told her, trying to pass her but she blocked his path. “Bianca, move, I don’t have the patience to do this.”
She crossed her arms over her chest and arched a brow. “And what could be more important?”
Before Xavier could answer, a happy Enid and a following Wednesday stood at their side. “Don’t you hate rain? Ugh, it always get’s my hair all frizzy.” Enid complained.
“I quite enjoy this day.” Wednesday stated, her hands carrying her bag on the front, her face as emotionless as always. “Class is about to start Bianca unless you finally accepted you will not accomplish anything if you stay there.”
“Rude.” Bianca told her, finally taking her attention from Xavier, but still not getting out of his way. “I’m here simply reminding Xavier to enter the classroom.” She smiled, “Isn’t that right?”
Xavier didn’t answer, looking at the door that would take him to outside. Wednesday noticed.
“I didn’t know you enjoy portraying the maternal role, quite painful to watch.” Wednesday nudge Enid with her elbow.
“Ouch Wednesday! That hurt!” Enid complained but Wednesday only glared at her, she sighed, linking her arm with Bianca. “C’mon, they want to talk about death or something creepy, I still don’t know how you enjoy those things Wednesday.” Enid dragged a complaining Bianca away.
“Thanks.” Xavier murmured, beginning to walk away, only to be stopped by Wednesday. “Don’t have time for this Wednesday.”
“If you are planning to be a creepy hero, at least take an umbrella.” She pushed one hard enough on his chest before walking away.
He stared at it for a moment before finally going outside. He opened the umbrella and walked towards you, who now was sitting under the three accepting the rain. “Hey.” He gently greeted you.
“Please,” You whispered completely broken. “Just go away, please.”
He watched how you hugged your knees closer to your body before he knelt in front, he quietly offered you the umbrella and you stared at it for a moment. “It won’t bite.” He whispered.
“I don’t want to touch you.” You whispered back. “Just leave Xavier, the damage is already done, they are completely destroyed.”
Xavier couldn’t help but sigh, offering once again the umbrella for you to take, you slowly took it, trying so hard to not touch him, once you had it in your hands, he quickly search in his pockets for something, once his fingers felt the plastic material he took it out, a tiny packet of gloves, he offered them.
“Bought them the other day for one of my paintings, they are new.” He told you gently, “Take them.”
“Xavier.” You began.
“Just take them (Y/N).” He placed them on your knees, “It’s not the best material but it’ll do the work.”
You quickly open the packet, letting go of the umbrella but Xavier managed to grab it, you put them on and you felt somehow safe. You stood up and offered a small thank you.
“That’s it?” He called you out. “Just a thank you and you leave?”
“What do you want me to say?” You turned around, distressed. “Just accept it!”
“Accept it.” He huffed a laugh, looking at you in disbelief. “Just accept it?”
“I don’t know what more do you want me to do Xavier.” You brushed away the wet hair from your face. “I can’t touch you or hug you, so what do you want?”
“I’m trying to be nice here (Y/N).” He grunted, taking a step closer to you. “I could just let you out here on your own.”
“Then you should have!” You tried to turn around but he didn’t let you, grabbing the back of your jacket, turning you around. “What do you want from me? You did a good thing, now you are the hero, congratulations.”
He closed his eyes. “I’m trying, okey?” He paused, trying so hard to not lose his cool. “I’m trying! Fuck you, you hear me? Fuck you and fuck my feelings” You stared at him. “It’s fucked up, y’know? Last month I hated you, I hated you so much that I wanted you out of here because your whole presence bothered me!”
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I can’t get you out of my head you hear me?” He grabbed your shoulders and you tensed, “I don’t fucking know how to act around you, okey? I–“
“You what?” You whispered.
“I don’t know what to do…”
“You’ve done enough.” You gently took a step inside of the umbrella, carefully to not touch him. “You’ve done more than enough, you’ve been kinder than anyone in this school.”
“But that’s not enough.” He whispered. “I don’t want to just be kind, I-I want to hold your hand even if I need to put on gloves, I want to hug you and I don’t care if I have to layer up a thousand of clothes to do so, I want to paint you, eat the weird lunches they serve in the cafeteria, I want to do those things with you.”
He quickly searched his pocket once again and took out another packet of gloves, with so much effort (because they got wet) he managed to put them on, offering you his hand. You stared at it for a few seconds. “C’mon.” He whispered.
You took it and he intertwined your fingers together.
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Snippets of my 4th wall fic:
Jo was literally so confused. She was walking her dog around the neighborhood when her dog started barking and ran off into the woods dragging Joanna with him.
He leads her to a clearing in the woods where there's a guy in a very strange cosplay. I guess it wasn't weird for people to cosplay in public but they are in the woods.
Pete runs up to the guy and jumps all over him. He's wearing a hellfire shirt and ripped jeans. She's seen better at hot topic.
She runs up to them embarrassed.
"Pete! Get off of him! I'm sorry dude I don't know what's gotten into him."
The guy gives her a strange look and starts to walk away. She still feels bad and decides to test her luck with the stranger.
"Woah Munson, cool gay pride shirt!"
The guy spins around glares at her. "What?"
"Oh sorry dude, it's this meme that came out when- WAIT actually I'm not sorry. Don't be homophobic in 2024 this is getting ridiculous, grow up."
"WHAT" random guy yells.
"Yeah dude times are changing keep up. Anyway...I'm gonna go." She should've known better than to talk to strangers in the woods. As soon as she starts walking he follows her. She starts sprinting until she's out of breathe, he's gaining on her.
"Wait!" He's yelling. "How did you know?! WAIT PLEASE!!"
He finally catches her and she falls onto her back covered in leaves.
She's hyperventilating and trying to get away from him. "Know what?!"
He's trying to stop her from struggling.
"Will you just- uh quit it- my name how did you know my name?"
"I didn't!"
"You did!"
"No! I called you Munson that's not your name!"
"Yes! It is!"
She stops struggling and finally focuses on him. He looks different than the actor obviously, but still distinct.
"No way." He eyes widen. "Eddie?"
"Yeah." He gets off her and puts some distance between them. "Do I know you?"
She's walking around with Eddie trying to reach her house. She's trying not to freak out and she thinks she's doing moderately well.
There's a car behind them that keeps beeping until it pulls up next to them.
"Joanna." Ugh. Him.
"Hello Thomas."
"Jo! Don't call me that!"
"What do you want Tom."
"I'm just curious who your new friend is? You don't normally hang out with strange guys."
She stares at him until she's squinting. Then grabs Eddie's arm and walks in the opposite direction, flipping Tom off.
Eddie is laughing at her but he looks confused.
"That was cool kid, who is that guy?"
"First of all I'm a year younger than you so you can stop with that. Secondly, Tom is my neighbor. We were really close best friends until a couple of years ago. He changed. I changed. So is life. He still keeps an eye on me and definitely will snitch to my mom about this. I wouldn't worry about it. Hopefully we'll find a way to get you back to your dimension before dinner."
She walks into family video listening to the chime of the bells drown out the loud thoughts in her brain.
Robin, or who she assumes is Robin is popping her gum when she spots her.
"Hi welcome to family video let me know if I can help you," she drones on, bored.
Eddie is behind her, still not understanding why this stop is important.
Jo is happy she runs up to Robin, definitely freaking her out.
"Hi!" Man could she be any louder.
"Are you a friend of Dorothy?"
Eddie sputters behind her while Robin turns pale.
"Oh! Don't worry! I am too!"
Eddie is freaking out behind her waving his arms and making sound effects.
"Jo! You can't just-"
"Oh relax, I just wanted to see if what transferred into canon was real."
Robin hasn't blinked.
"Um," Jo waves her hand in front of Robin's face trying to gage a reaction.
"Is he here?"
"Is who here?"
She giggles. It's exactly like the script.
Hi! This is the fic I was talking about in my previous post :) I'll be writing a couple of new ones, some oneshots, hopefully this one is at least a couple of chapters I can see it turning into something big. This is purely fun and is what I think would happen if we could interact w characters. This will definitely be rewritten differently in the actual chapters.
Comment if you like this and think I should continue!
This fic was also inspired by the Eddie cosplayer who made direct eye contact with me during a Journey song playing at 80s night. Creepy. Wig was TERRIBLE.
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rosetyler42 · 1 month
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This one came from watching Dark Revival quite a bit while imagining Ericka, Mavis, and Audrey exploring around in there in WIR-Verse amd wondering what would happen if Mavis and Ericka came along Slicer's crate. Somewhat inspired by posts from @twinklecupcake and @humanityinahandbag
Audrey tries to warn them not to let Slicer out of her box, and Ericka strongly agrees. But the naieve and curious Mavis merely sees a small monster trapped in a box by cruel and fearful humans and convinces Ericka to help let her out against the others' better judgement.
The thing about Slicer (otherwise known as "Carley") is: once let out the box, she follows those who released her around the game, appearing out of nowhere with a scream and attacking before disappearing just as quickly, leaving only creepy giggling and possible bleeding cuts behind. Ontop of this: While she can't KILL you, she CAN get you to one hit point from death. And YOU can't kill HER, either.
Normally, Ericka can handle any terror The Cycle can dish out, but...she's not good with Screamers like Slicer. Eventually, things get too much. She screams and freezes up in full-blown sensory overload and a panic attack, leaving the younger girls to protect and help their older friend and usual protector.
Now, Mavis hasn't seen many panic attacks aside from possibly her father's (and he'd probably try and do those where Mavis couldn't see.) So she's not sure what's happening to her mother and worried it might be something like a heart attack or stroke. But Audrey...she knows all TOO well what's happening. Not only has she seen and helped the others through panic attacks...
She's had plenty of her OWN.
So, while Mavis physically comforts her, (Audrey isn't as physically affectionate as Mavis or Ericka...especially not after what happened with Wilson or Bendy. Plus, touching Alice or Bendy in this state sometimes makes things worse.) Audrey tries to talk her down and tell her she's safe now. Of course, Ericka is worried about seeming weak, ESPECIALLY in front of those she's supposed to he protecting. She's supposed to be BETTER than that, she's a Van Helsing, for Pete's sake! And she shouldn't be scared of monsters NOW, anyway! Didn't she learn monsters AREN'T dangerous animals!? But Audrey sees fear as a sign you're alive and shows how strong you truly are. Mavis also bonds closer with her ink-stained friend after their fight and with Audrey helping her mother.
Don't worry, everyone's fine. Mavis learned her lesson about messing with strange boxes and listening to others, Audrey made sure got Ericka home fine (Though the conversation with Drac later was...interesting to say the least.) And Audrey just needs a snack or a good banishment zap to be good as new.
Transcript, Tags, and notes under the cut
Note: Yes, I know "Shell-shock" isn't exactly the best term for panic, anxiety, or PTSD flare-ups. I picked that term because Audrey lives in the early 70s so it makes sense for her to use some outdated terminology. Especially since she does react and help appropriately. I also know freezing, shaking, sweating, crying, hyperventilating, and screaming/lashing out aren't the only symptoms of panic attacks, but Ericka's expressive as bleep so it makes sense for her to have a big reaction.
Slicer: **Poof** SCREEEEEEECH!!
Ericka: **Screams**
Mavis: **Hissing at the loud painful sound** What IS that?
Audrey: Ugh, it's HER again!
Audrey and Mavis: **Ready for battle**
Mavis: Don't you DARE hurt my MOTHER!!!
Audrey: Crawl back to your BOX!
Slicer: **Charges, claws swiping**
Mavis, worried: Ericka? Mom, What's wrong? Is-is it a heart attack?
Ericka, still cowering and clutching her hair: I-I don't **Heavy breathing** I don't think so. Buh-but I know I HATE that screamy cutty thing!! Why did we ever open that STUPID box!?
Audrey: It's an attack. Just not a heart one. Slicer must have shell-shocked her. Luckily, that's pretty common around here. Ms. Van Helsing? I need you to breathe for me, ok? In and out. Slowly. That's it. Just focus on my voice, Mavis' touch, and breathing. I know, it's scary. But you're safe now.
Ericka, Perking up: R-Really? The...the screaming monster, they're...they're gone? And...and you don't hate me? For being so weak?
Audrey: Uhuh. Well, at least for now. And of COURSE not. I'd never blame ANYONE for being scared. **fidgets with her blackened hand** I get scared too. Sometimes. I even break down screaming and crying. Being scared doesn't make you weak. It makes you alive. Shows how strong you TRULY are.
Mavis: Aw...Thanks, Audrey... Wait, are YOU ok? You DID get get a bit cut up back there.
One of the posts that inspired this:
@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @ssleeping-in-a-coffin @serial-serializednovelreader @roydoodler-blog @doberart @thedemonsurfer @thedopedemon @inkhyaena @inkypotato @inkspottie @deathfangirl9 @ebevkisk @howling-nightmare
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deviator-yume · 2 years
First time writing a fix like this, don’t mind me!😭
Content!!!: This fic contains mentions of blood, wounds, hunger, and stomachache. Don’t read if any of these makes you weary!⚠️
Characters: Xiao and Lumine🌟🕊️
Summary: After dealing with yet another trifling battle against the monsters who dare cause transgressions in Liyue, Xiao is heavily burdened and weak as a result. Fortunately, he meets a familiar face who lends him a well deserved hand.
Setting: Guili Plains, Liyue. (Present)
Agony was all that ravaged the body of the Conqueror of Demons as he stood over his victims he had just mutilated. Typical beasts that were no struggle to defeat as they were weak to begin with. Always attempting to bring disorder to Guili Plains, Xiao was used to handling these affairs. However, this mere battle left him greatly ravaged. Hyperventilating, the Vigilant Yaksha was in a frail status due to the karmic debt that had circulated in his body for a millennium. He had started to cling to his weapon as his body lowered to the ground slowly. This pain, it was incomprehensible. The adeptus held back the anguish the best he could as he tried to stand up. His grasp on the jade spear grew tighter each second. The karmic debt at this time was more extreme than usual. Xiao was not about to succumb, not now, not until his duties as an adepti were vanquished like the pathetic opponents who dared to trifle against him. With his slight boost of determination, he got up on his fragile legs and began to walk away. Lacerations on his arms and a cut on his face, he continued his way for a place to rest. Despite writhing in pain still, he couldn’t let this one battle weigh him down so easily.
Too weakened to shift from one location to another, he strolled along the peaceful paths of Guili Plains, a section of Liyue he had spent most of his time in. He noticed an amber sandbearer tree that he could rest under just for a mere moment. Xiao laid his weapon on the gentle grass and rested his back against the tree. He felt as though he could simply let his injuries heal with ease with no assistance at all. Xiao let out a weary sigh and shut his eyes in hopes that his short rest would allow him to wake up robust as ever. Minutes passed, no disturbances to hinder his attempt at rest, until he woke up to the sudden noises of scampering. Fearing it was an enemy, his sore eyes opened instantly and he grabbed a hold of his weapon to fend off against whatever was nearby. Much to his dismay, it was a just crimson fox that was prancing along the plains. Its loud movement was the source that had awoken the Yaksha who was just about to enter a deep sleep. He sighed as his state of slumber was now interrupted.“Ugh, never a moment of peace,” Xiao said angrily. Now irritated by the startelement, the vigilant yaksha held his hands behind his head and rested back on the bark of the tree. He shut his eyes again in hopes for tranquility yet again. A sudden roar that bellowed from his abdomen suddenly broke the silence yet again. He placed his hand around his stomach and winced in response. Hunger was an occurrence he rarely acknowledged due to its insignificance with his duties. “Argh, what a nuisance,” the now starving yaksha told himself. Food was now a necessity in mind in order to calm his angered belly. He grabbed his weapon and reluctantly started to make his way to Wangshu Inn. His injuries seemed muffled as his walking felt less frail than before. The embarrassment of asking Smiley Yanxiao started to circle his head suddenly. Given his role in Liyue, he found it would be pathetic to ask a mortal for sustenance. Another grumble from his stomach irked him however as he pondered. “Shut it already,” Xiao exclaimed as he placed his hand yet again to his belly. “I’ll just find food somewhere else so you can quit mortifying me.” As he spoke furiously to his organ, a delightful aroma caught his attention. He paused and looked around his surroundings. Nothing seemed to be in sight. That was until he saw in the distance someone with foreign clothes, and velvety blonde hair in a little camp preparing a meal. “L-lumine,” the young yaksha said quietly.
Lumine had just set out ingredients to prep Grilled Tiger Fish as she developed a sudden craving for it. She lightly salted the fish with pepper and stuck it with a bamboo stick. She then raised it over the fire and patiently waited for it to become tender enough to consume. The sight of food had caught the ravenous Conqueror of Demon’s attention. Xiao moved closer behind a tree to remain hidden as he gazed at one of his few favorite people in Teyvat cook a dish he was faintly familiar with. The scent it gave off was rather delectable to his suprise. Drool slowly trickled from his mouth to which he wiped it off. He was in need of a meal but wasn’t sure if he should bother approaching her. She probably has little to no ingredients left to make an additional meal. Just walk away already. To save yourself from embarrassment. Another growl from his stomach alerted him yet again. This time noticeably louder than before. He quickly held his hands against his gut in hopes to soften the grumbles. It seemed useless as Lumine shot her head in the distance, puzzled at what source could have made such a sound. “Hello? Who’s there,” She called out now, curious. Xiao cringed upon hearing her acknowledgement and shifted to another tree still within the area to avoid being spotted. He placed a hand over his face with his cheeks turning red from that ordeal. She couldn’t find him in such a pathetic state now. “Anyone there,” Lumine called from a distance yet again, nearing his location. With a sigh of reluctance, Xiao shifted on top of the sturdy branch of a tree and responded back acting as if he had just arrived. “Who are you calling out for,” he said loud enough for Lumine to look up to see the Adeptus of Guili Plains towering over appearing reserved as ever, but with faint lacerations on his body.
“Oh- Xiao hi! You startled me, sorry. I was just pacing around looking for an animal that let out a strange growl from by the trees,” Lumine responded, smiling knowing she was in the presence of the adorable pint-sized adepti she had become acquainted with for quite some time. “Hmph I see. Well it seems like nothing is within our presence so perhaps you were mistaken,” Xiao said as a way to cover from the mortifying moment that had just occurred. “Well that’s good to know. Say, are you okay? I noticed the scars around your body. Did you get wounded by any chance,” Lumine said, now concerned with another issue. Xiao shifted in front of her so they could better communicate. “Nothing but abyss mages and mitachurls that I had a run in with. I’m in no need of aid for these afflictions,” He stated with his usual aggressive tone. Lumine’s eyes peered at the slashes and couldn’t take his response at face value. “That’s preposterous. Please follow me to my campsite and let me tend to your wounds,” she said eager to lend him a hand. Xiao suddenly remembering his hunger problem felt that there was no arguing there even if it would seem pitiful. “Ugh fine, but only since it’s you of course,” He said with annoyance emitting from his voice. 
They both walked to the mini camp and sat on logs next to each other. Lumine rummaged through her travel kit looking for dressings and bandages to tend to his lacerations. The aloof Conqueror of Demons had his arms crossed and stared at the fire, but his eyes then lingered to the freshly cooked tiger fish that Lumine had left on foil. His abdomen gurgled at the sight of it which caused him to wince again. He turned to Lumine who didn’t seem to hear which calmed him down. Desperate for a bite, he felt she wouldn’t mind for him to eat her meal. After all, they were more than companions in his eyes. He contemplated for a fleeting moment before reaching out his hand to grasp the kebab. “Alright! I got the supplies. I’m sorry for the wait,” Lumine exclaimed back to Xiao who brought his arm back swiftly. Too slow. “Okay just keep your arm out and I'll apply the bandages. I should warn you, this will hurt so be cautious.” Xiao nodded as he let out his left arm. Lumine first attempted to stop the bleeding by putting pressure over the cuts. Xiao winced in response to which Lumine stopped. “Sorry! Too hard,” she asked nervously. “No, just keep doing your thing. I can handle anything,” The valiant slaughterer of monsters said. She nodded and continued to apply pressure. Blood was seeping out slowly but she continued until it stopped to which she wrapped the dressing with a roller bandage. 
She tended to the other cuts similarly until Xiao was now given the aid he needed. “And that's the last one. Perfect,” Lumine said as she placed the last bandage on his left cheek. He placed his hand over it feeling strangely relieved. Usually he would let the wounds run his course whenever but this assistance made him feel warm. Staring into her golden, glamorous eyes along with that inviting grin filled him with relief. “T-thank you, Lumine. You didn’t have to go through the troubles of course,” Xiao said, stuttering over his words awkwardly. “It was nothing. Now I should get back to eating, you can continue on if you want to now,” She said, grabbing her grilled tiger fish. Before he could speak, Lumine sighed in displeasure as she stared at the kebab. “It’s gone cold now. Darn it.” Now was his opportunity as his stomach was still aching from a lack of food. 
“You can just cook another one, correct? I mean you do wander around stockpiling with treasures and ingredients tediously.” “Haha that's me alright. I can make you something as well if you would like. I can whip us both something for the night,” Lumine offered. Xiao, now finally able to dine on something, delighted him. He was famished for at least three plates of food as his stomach had been empty for far too long. “Hm. Well would min-,” Before he could speak his stomach gurgled in anticipation rendering the two silent. Xiao’s face flustered in an instant and turned his head away with his arms covering his tummy. How mortifying. Lumine, who stayed silent for mere seconds couldn’t help but giggle as a result of the sound of the intimidating Adeptus’ stomach. “Well you sure sound ravenous,” She said, hoping to reassure him. Xiao looked back, noticing her now gleeful face as a result of his pathetic abdomen emitting such ignorant noises. “Wait, were you by any chance the source of the growls I heard earlier,” Lumine added, starting to piece things together. “No! Whatever you heard must’ve been a creature. I was never here until I heard your calls of distress,” Xiao quickly responded. “Hmph! Can you just give me a plate of grilled tiger fish and two bowls of almond tofu?” “Of course! I’m sorry that was just so sudden,” Lumine composed herself as she rummaged through her kit to prepare the two of them their dinner for the night. 
After a while, Lumine set the two of them their meals. Xiao grabbed a hold of his dish and began eating without a shred of decency to thank Lumine. That ordeal left him too humiliated to speak another word. He first ate grilled tiger fish, a familiar adepti’s favorite meal. While it  tasted pungent, it was fulfilling enough. He wasn’t too fond of a lot of mortal cuisines but it didn’t hurt to try. Nonetheless, the real dish of pleasure was his favorite, almond tofu. The soothing texture and the succulent sweetness it offered. The feeling of his full stomach was refreshing after hours of torment. Time had passed and the two were finished with their meals. Lumine stretched her arms as she was greatly fatigued for the night. She stood up ready to set off to sleep which she had expected to do much earlier prior to stumbling upon the wounded yaksha's. “Alright, well that was a good snack for the night! Hopefully my cooking wasn’t too weak in your subjective tastes,” Lumine said joyously as she turned to face Xiao who was leaning over with a hand placed on his stomach. She walked up to him and asked what was wrong. “Gruh, nothing I can’t handle. Just go off to bed. I’ll take my leave now, ” he said in noticeable discomfort as he began to walk away. “Of course I won’t let you stroll off if you are still feeling frail,” Lumine responded, grabbing a hold of his arm and bringing him to her tent. “Hey! What are you do-,” Xiao tried to insist that he was yet again alright, but a sudden pang from his stomach caused him to squirm. Lumine placed him on her sleeping bag and sat down next to him with a look of distress on her face. “You must have a stomach ache. Just relax, I can help you yet again,” She said with a soft tone of reassurance. “Ugh, I told you it’s fine. Some of you mortals are too compassionate for your own sakes,” Xiao said weakly knowing she would still commit regardless of his pleas. Lumine got closer to the reserved slayer of demons and placed her hand around the center of his tummy and caressed it gently. Another grumble emitting from his organ occurred as a result. “Urgh, Lumine qui-,” Xiao grunted in pain but his feeling of agony yet again shifted. The feeling of her hand massaging his sore belly was strangely satisfying. “Lu-lumine?” He was starting to lose his voice and began to rest his head on the famed outlander. Lumine chuckled as Xiao was left speechless. He wanted desperately to leave on his own accord but was too soothed by this sensation he never felt before.  Xiao’s eyelids grew heavy and the suffering adeptus soon fell deep into a slumber, finally being able to take it easy.
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septusuki · 1 year
"Sen-- Huff-- Sensei!" The sure but slow progress you're making through the excessive stacks of paper you have to file is, all of a sudden, interrupted by a certain set of double doors being thrown open. "Sensei, you've got to--...!" Panting, gasping, and even wheezing between her words, Yasumori Minori stands there, as defiant and triumphantly as a girl her size can stand. If leaning against the doorframe out of exhaustion counts as well, of course.
"Minori?" You manage to squeak out, confused and only a little bit concerned by your favourite student's red-faced hyperventilating. "Is something wrong?" Fortunately for you - and the fatty - Schale's office is entirely empty aside from you, so there are plenty of seats for Minori to sit her fat butt down on, if she can fit.
"N-Not... Haa-- Entirely..." Minori finally gives up the ghost; sure that nobody else is around, she nearly collapses, bursting into a fit of breathing, with her belly on full display, popped out of her work-shirt. "Why doesn't this... Nhhh-- This stupid building have elevators?!" Minori whispers to herself, tears welling in her eyes as her tired arms release her gear onto the ground. Waddling over to your desk with a furious, but equally exhausted expression, Minori manages to slam her hand on your desk - but you're not quite sure whether she's angry, or just taking a break. "Sensei, you... You're morally obligated to assist with-- Gaah-- With my weight loss...!" Proud of herself for finally spitting it out, Minori collapses into the chair opposite you, the poor thing's arms creaking as they struggle to fit all of her overfed ass. Minori's skirt rides up against her thick, shiny thighs, and you can just about spy a pair of sweat-soaked sports panties between those oh-so soft legs.
"Oh--Oh." You try to nod along with Minori's exultations, used to simply agreeing with anything the young revolutionary said. You bite back your disappointment - just a little bit sad that Minori hadn't run over for an impromptu feeding - and force a concerned expression onto your face. "Of course, your... Your weight loss." Minori certainly wasn't too enthused about losing weight when you were feeding pudding into her oh-so greedy mouth last night, but now she was simply overcome with it; so much so that she's forced her fat belly up dozens of flights of stairs in record time. Frankly, you're amazed you hadn't heard the THUD THUD THUD of Minori struggling up Schale's stairs.
"As you definitely know..." The redness of Minori's face gradually recedes, replaced with sweat and pale, struggling weariness. You're not sure if Minori's ever going to get out of that seat. "I--I've put on quite a bit of weight over the last few months..." Looking down, past her meagre chest, to the button-obliterating belly that sits, uncontained by her grey shirt, Minori manages a sigh - a wheeze - of frustration. "No thanks to you, Sensei." Puffing her cheeks out in a display of indignation, Minori takes a moment to try and pop her buttons back into place, only to find that one of them is long gone, having burst off while she was heaving herself up the stairs. "Ugh..." Groaning as exhaustion is replaced yet again by sheer embarrassment, Minori begins to wonder just why she let this all happen to her.
"S-Sorry about that." You try to laugh - to do anything to lighten the mood - but find that Minori is still glaring you down, even with her puffy, chubby cheeks making that irritation awfully cute. It's no news to you, but Yasumori Minori is horribly feedable. Ever since that fateful day where you fed her half - or, realistically, three quarters - of the premium pudding you'd managed to buy, Minori has been butting herself into your schedule to gobble up anything you had on offer; and as that butt got bigger, she only grew better at inserting herself into her Sensei's day. Now that it was at least twice as large as her own halo, each cheek a halo of blubber itself, Minori was a wrecking ball of greediness, able to just show up whenever she wants and swallow your entire lunchbox. You want to debase her; to insult and degrade the pig of a revolutionary, but you'd decided that wasn't too good of an idea, given Minori's hobbies. Her hobbies besides eating, at least. "But... Why? Why bother losing weight? You certainly enjoyed everything I fed you last night."
"W-Well," swallowing a massive mouthful of embarrassment, Minori clears her throat and considers her next few words carefully. "My... My peers are growing suspicious..." Minori gives her greedy tummy a pat, the part of it that's unclothed jiggling away like a slice of heaven. "If they knew of our arrangement, they might..." Blushing engulfs the glutton's entire face, as she realises - as if for the first time - that she has an indecent arrangement with her own sensei, of all people. Up until now, she's just pretended they had some sort of healthy, teasing relationship - but no. She's been fattened beyond belief, on purpose, by her teacher. The thought nearly makes Minori explode with every emotion imaginable. "They'll think-- I'm a pig... They'll think I'm some bourgeoise hog, laughing at them all behind closed doors..." The shame begins to eat the girl up, and she tries to wrap her arms around her chunky belly. "E-Eating premium pudding, and-- and limited-time snacks..." Wanting to wail her woe away, Minori can't do much but bite her lip, her brow knitting as she admits that she'd been doing most of those things already.
"You can't tell them otherwise?" Your head cocking to one side, you're only a little glad to find that for once you don't have any snacks for Minori to gobble up. Nothing for the greedy girl to stick her fingers into and snack on, purring and humming the whole time as she wilfully transforms herself into a fat pig of a protestor. She'd burst out of every shirt from S to XXL, and watching her chunk up had been enough to send you into a sweaty panic each and every time you had so much as thought of her.
"But I... I can't lie to them..." Minori mewls, admitting the truth as every last microbe of pride and pompousness drains from the corpulent communist.
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mossyscavern · 2 years
A friendly face.
“Ugh... where.?”
Sam said as he sat up and groaned at his head pounding, once it was gone he looked up and got confused. For the record he didn’t expect to be in a cozy place with room, furniture and on a soft bed he expected... more
“Oh, you’re awake!” He heard from his left.
He turned to his left and jumped when he saw who spoke to him. It was the same guy he helped out, only he isn’t wearing his navy blue jacket, his black buttoned up shirt’s sleeves are rolled up.. yet he kept the spider like bow tie too.
For a dead guy with blue rotting skin... he’s quite polite. “Uh sorry about before, I’ve been buried for a long time...” He said awkwardly, walking towards the bed, he held out a cup of golden liquid.
“Tea?” He asked
Very nervously he nodded and thanked him as he took the cup in his hand, he took a sip of the warm drink and was so surprised by how sweet it is he didn’t feel as nervous as before, until he remembered something important.
“How long was I out for? What time is it?!” Sam asked, a bit panicked at the thought “For about... 20 minutes, also it’s 11:40 so-.”
“WHAT?!!??” Sam yelled, while the undead male jumped at the vocal change. “I-I’ve gotta get home! My dad will be so worried-!!”
He rambled, pacing back and forth as the other male listened... he needs to have a serious talk with his twin when he gets home. After a long and fast ramble the red head began to hyperventilate.
“H-hey Don’t worry.” The undead male ushered as he placed a hand on the red head’s shoulder. “If you want I can get you home.”
He offered, making the red headed male turn his head to look straight at him. “Wait, really? You’d do that?” He asked, calming down a bit.
“Yep! I go here a lot because of the orchard, how else can I make candy apples, hope I still have the recipe?” He added, giving Sam an idea which one of the twins he is.
“We should go, time is ticking.” The dark brunette said as he rolled his shirt sleeves down and grabbed his jacket. Sam finished the drink in his hand and placed the cup down.
Sam found and picked up his bag back. The undead male opened the wooden door and let the red head go first. After he closed the door behind him he held out his hand towards the red head.
“I’m Tomothy weaver, some people call me Tom though.” He introduced himself. Sam isn’t too sure if he can trust Tom, but if it’s to get him back home, he doesn’t really have a choice.
“I-I’m... sam.” He told the brunette as he shook the undead male’s hand.
“Alright Sam, let’s get you home.”
just a little comment I did on @vinehasnohopeleft’s page on the Halloween corpse au, because the writing I did on their page was super rushed.
Since it’s on October I thought I’d do this Au again. Hope you all like it.
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cyberrat · 2 years
66th Batch Of Fics: 11th Fill
Bruce/Jason – cont B65F13 – Part 3/? – Bruce is just immediately sussed out but doesn't know about it.
Jason has sat up abruptly once he’s scrolled through B’s virtually non-existent bio and noticed the first picture. By now he is sitting hunched over with his elbows on his knees, feeling queasy in a weirdly good way as he wonders for how stupid Bruce takes him for.
Had he thought he wouldn’t notice the stupid marble counter he’s got in his bathrooms all over the manor? Or had he thought he wouldn’t notice just how perfectly toned his abs were?
Had he thought Jason would not recognize every single goddamn scar littering his body?!
“He thinks I’m an idiot,” he whispers again and again, his finger feeling a little shaky as he slowly scrolls through the pictures. Picture after picture of Bruce Wayne posing like a fuckboy and not even trying to hide the graying fur on his chest.
How, just… how?
“Did someone help you, you absolute disaster?” he whispers at the screen. “Did you make Alfred take horny pictures of you so you could do… whatever it is you’re doing right now?”
What is he trying to do? Spy on him? It’s not like Jason made a secret out of his account. It’s not like he’s… embarrassed or anything. He just elected to tell a very small circle of friends to which Bruce goshdarn Wayne did not belonged. So someone from that small circle-
It’s Barbara. Who is he even kidding? Barbara is the snitch because she’s been trying for ages now to get them together which is still weird and stuff.
And stuff, yeah. Yeah…
“Fuck, why’s he so hot?” he groans under his breath, curling his back even further until his head is almost between his knees. He tries not to hyperventilate or something, eyes fixed on the pictures he keeps scrolling through.
For someone so devastatingly brilliant, Bruce could be surprisingly dumb. Jason keeps rolling the question of why around in his head but the most apparent answer (he wants to… like… date) is something he doesn’t really want to consider.
Not like he hates him anymore… but they’ve had their differences, right? They butt heads more often than not, right? Ugh but he’s hot…
Jason has to admit that Bruce just is exactly what he’s looking for. Maybe staying at Wayne Manor in his formative years and seeing him in all kinds of compromising situations had left a mark on him. He’s not too proud to admit that. Could something be done about that now? Maybe. But he doesn’t want to.
“What is your angle?” he whispers at his phone, pausing at one picture that Bruce has most likely taken with a mirror because that infernal bullet hole Jason has pressed his hands against once to keep the guy from bleeding out goddamn it is on the wrong side.
Yeah, the longer he thinks about it, the more he feels offended that Bruce would think that he wouldn’t recognize him immediately.
Which does beg the question… maybe the person behind this profile isn’t Bruce at all, but Barbara.
Jason narrows his eyes and sits up straight again. He doesn’t feel quite as lightheaded anymore. He pulls up their chat and types out a message before he can chicken out.
The Hell is your problem? Do you think this is funny or something?
Hmmm? Whatever do you mean?
He narrows his eyes but starts to hesitate more. Maybe he’s barking up the wrong tree after all…?
That stupid profile. On the app. Bruce isn’t that dumb.
Oh wow he already contacted you? That was much faster than my predictions simulated.
Jason feels faint again so he curls over once more and types while blood rushes to his head: What????
I thought I’d give the both of you a little shove. Didn’t take much, but I didn’t anticipate it would. You’ve both been ogling each other for aaaages, it’s kind of cringey to watch at this point.
He is still staring at the text, brain not quite able to compute what just happened when she shoves a little ‘you’re welcome’ in at the end.
What am I supposed to do now?! He’s got pictures on there!
Let me see.
Jason gets up and starts to power walk through his apartment. Since it isn’t that big, the walking doesn’t satisfy him the way he wants it to. He feels nervous, but… good nervous. He keeps re-reading Barbara’s text. Had they been ogling each other? Well he knows that he ogled Bruce, but the other way around? Ugh this is all just so weird.
Finally, Barbara texts him again.
Oh wow. He went all out. I didn’t think the old man had it in him.
They’re borderline erotic, Barbara. What do I do?!
Whatever you want, I think? The ball is in your court. I think he didn’t expect you to immediately suss him out. Either tell him you know it’s him, or don’t. Or don’t contact him at all.
It’s up to you.
He hates that she is right. It is up to him at this point. His instinct is to immediately reply and let him know he’s been found out but thankfully he halts himself before he can do anything stupid.
He grabs his jacket and his helmet and heads down to the garage. If he needs to think, a leisurely ride on his bike is just what the doctor ordered.
He drives out of Gotham and into more of the countryside which is more of a ‘trip’ than he anticipated but the cool air is refreshing and lets him think much better than the cramped space of his apartment.
However, all his thinking comes down to one point over and over again: Honestly; why not have fun with it?
Jason has a habit of getting too much into his own head, he knows that better than anyone else. He shouldn’t overthink it. Especially because that could fuck everything up real quick.
He should just run with the whole thing and see where it goes. Suss out what Bruce is really after. Preferably before someone else finds his account and… contacts… him…
Fuck he hadn’t even thought about that possibility until now.
He just has to be the first. He just has to.
Bruce spends an agonizing day trying to pretend that he is not checking his phone every few minutes. He holes himself up in the Cave just so the others don’t have to witness his shameful display. What is he even waiting for? What does he hope will happen?
Ugh better not think about it. He’s turning into a pervy old man at this point… he’s not getting younger.
His depressing thoughts are thankfully cut off by the sound of his phone. He forces himself not to be too eager grabbing for it, instead slowly dragging his sweaty palms against his pants before reaching out.
He’s half convinced himself it is someone else, but no… there is a message from Jason.
Hey there. You matched me, right?
Innocent enough. So he’s interested, isn’t he? He has to be. Bruce groans softly and sits down. His knees have gone a little weak. When was the last time his knees had been weak?!
‘Stop being an idiot and just answer,’ he thinks to himself. He stares at the message a moment longer before years of idle chit-chat and flirting kick in and he replies: I did, yes. I found you very fascinating – and you got a nice bike.
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Entry: 004
Date: Mon, 08.19.2277
Ugh it’s only been a day or so but I already feel starved, I suppose today has been, demanding, so that’s probably why. I never was the most physically enduring person, I mean sure I could swing a bat like nobody else back in the vault, but I still could barely make it around the bases without keeling over in a hyperventilating mess. Well, ok, that’s a little bit of an exaggeration but you get the point right?
At least Sierra gave me a free bottle of Nuka Cola. To be honest, I was just happy that they didn’t shoot at me the moment they saw me like those other people did. Ronald ans Sierra seem like good people, all be it a little, odd. I suppose in many ways there no more weird than some of the people back in the vault, like Alicia with her obsession of trying to make those mutant cockroaches from the lower levels actually taste good. Yuck I still remember when she put what she called poached roach with a sugar bomb glaze on the menu, makes me queezy to even think about it. Although she did use to make the best mac n cheese.
Sierra said they call this little place of there's Girdershade, apparently other than her and Ronald, just a road away there is a small shack where a man named Haskins lives. Being this far north they don’t get many visitors so they where actually quite happy to see a friendly face. Sierra is a little, qwerky though, she seems to think she is the president of some Nuka-Cola fanclub, she does however have an impressive collection of the stuff. Honestly I never knew that Nuka-Cola came in so many flavours.
Back in 101 the bulk of the Nuka-Cola supply ran out long before I was born, there was only the odd few left for me to even try, like the one that Amanda gave me for my 16th birthday. I did however see it plenty in the magazines we had, advertisements for America's number 1 beverage, but the advertisements only ever showed the normal flavour. Who knew there where so many, from cherry to grape to a glowing blue kind called Quantum. Apparently this quantum stuff is really rare to find though, Sierra said that if I find any she will pay me or trade me supplies for it.
On top of that Ronald said that he will pay me to clear out some pests. Being out in the middle of nowhere they supposedly have problems with bugs, the ones he wants me to deal with are called bloat-flies, they are a similar size to the roaches I already know about, but they fly around and cause havoc to there crops. I just, well I just hope *sigh’s*.
Well ok I have been pushing it aside, talking about Nuka-Cola was a great way to take my mind off of it but, I’m, I’m just not use to this, to, having to kill even if its bugs. On the way here, I was attacked by a pack of dogs. I *sighs*, I thought they would be nice, I mean all I knew of dogs where from the books and the stories and the holo-movies. Man’s best friend, a faithful companion, loyal, doting and like belly rubs.
I… I can see the bite marks they left in my baseball bat, it’s it’s looking a little worse for wear now, just like me I guess. I, I tried to run away but they kept coming, the, the teeth, the biting, the barking, I still hear it when I close my eyes. They, they where going to eat me, so, I just started swinging, and swinging, and swinging, and swinging until, until it stopped. I tried to clean off the blood from my vaultsuit but, just like old lady Palmer told me once when a baseball players suit got muddied by a cut, only a good soak in abraxo get’s those stains out.
Is the whole world like this? Sierra and Ronald seem nice but, the whole world seems, warped. Nothing, not one damn thing is like vault-tec said it would be in the manuals, it never was in the vault and up here? Up here is another thing entirely. May, maybe someday I will get use to this, maybe someday nothing will surprise me, maybe at some point I will be just like Ronald and sierra, settled down in the middle of nowhere, finding something, just something, to be obsessed enough about, that life feels even remotely worth continuing. I hope, I hope so. Until then, all I have is my will to stay alive, an-and you Mr Patches of course, at least I have you.
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reactivatedrockstar · 10 days
[Rabbit Ears] [This is just an excuse for you to write something lol]
Bonnie can feel his fingers slipping off the wire. He can feel the thin metal digging into his skin as it slides, dragging along with enough pain to make him loosen his grip instinctively; more... and more...
Until it slips past the tips of his fingers, scraping along quickly, like there was never anything stopping it from doing so at all.
And then he's falling. ...And falling... The air rushing and lashing into him while anything he could have seen disappears from sight. The wire disappears almost immediately, like he'd gone 0-100 the moment he had begun to fall in the first place.
After what could have been hours of watching the sprawling sky, watching the empty blue sheet, he finally stops. The waiting cut off by him hitting pavement.
He feels every inch of what happens- his legs and arms turned to red paste, ribcage pulled down and collapsing into itself and bringing his lungs with it. Then, his head, the back of his head smacks the concrete, and he sees stars-- then nothing at all, as if it had killed him.
But it hadn't; it had only woken him up, and quite violently at that.
Send my muse a nightmare. Horrify them. Keep them up the rest of the night. Make them jump at shadows! (Accepting)
It's a full second before Bonnie can actually breathe upon waking up. In that amount of time, he scrambled to get out of bed, hit his brow on the bunk, and tripped over the entanglement of his bedsheets. He gasps for air, as if his lungs finally unlock. There's a pain in his chest, one he's all too familiar with by now, it flares to his wrists and causes his fingers to tingle. He's so disoriented that he has to crawl, but his legs feel almost numb, so much so that he struggles to stand. He's nauseous. So nauseous. Bonnie quickly covers his mouth and stumbles his way into the bathroom where he can empty the contents of his stomach.
Hurling like that leaves him weak in the knees, and causes him to collapse, and what's worse is that it doesn't stop. Once, twice, three times he wretches into the toilet before he's allowed a moment to breathe. This is officially the only time Bonnie was greatful for short hair.
He doesn't bother looking. Not only because it's disgusting, but also because he's terrified he'll see blood and start hurling all over again. He closes the lid but his hand trembles as he reaches to flush. He's confused when there's no blood on his hand. He can't stop hyperventilating, and he feels what has to be blood rolling down his face and he can't stop shaking and he doesn't know where he is-
"Bon?" A voice whispers from the bathroom door. Bonnie looks up, skin so pale that it might as well be translucent, pajamas drenched in sweat, eyes wide and reddish-brown hair clinging to his face... but no blood as far as Brent can see. Bonnie feels nauseous again, Brent quietly closes the bathroom door behind him and quickly wraps his baby brother into a hug. "It's alright, just breathe." He soothes. Bonnie clings to his arms, it's the only thing grounding him.
"Bren- I- I-!"
"Shh, I know Bonnie. It's okay, just breathe." Brent tries, rocking him slightly on the bathroom floor. It worked when he was a kid.
Bonnie starts sobbing into his brother's chest, holding onto his shoulders and letting himself be rocked. It doesn't take too much longer for him to calm down.
"Want to talk about it?"
"I don't know. I fell and died, I think."
"That's nothing new."
"The dying part is..." Bonnie mumbles. Since the incident, Bonnie's dreams were primarily of that night, but if they weren't, he'd still be thrown or be falling in some way. Brent ruffles his brother's hair.
"Well there's no death tonight. Not in our giant family." Suddenly Bobbi starts crying from another room, followed by Bibi screaming.
"Ugh! I'm going to kill that little monster!" The two chuckle at their sister's response.
"Spoke too soon." They joke in unison. Bonnie pulls his face away from Brent's and Brent whistles.
"Damn, boy! You hit my bed hard!"
"Is there a bruise."
"Nasty ass one."
"How come you get to speak like that without getting into trouble?"
"Mom and dad gave up, that's why. Now you go back to bed, and I'll get you an ice pack. Or one of Bobs' teethers. Whichever I put my hand on first."
"Yeah, okay, I'll try."
0 notes
nobleclover · 2 months
Ross had been driving around Dublin city all night looking for Maureen. She had turned while he went to buy some lamb chops for her but got delayed. When he returned, the entire living room looked like a bomb had gone off from outside the window.
Contrary to what some people believe, purebred werewolves usually transformed on the moon they were born under. Plus, metamorphosis doesn't kick in until puberty, so growing pains were more painful for werewolves than humans. Tonight was a half moon (Maureen's moon), and it was lashing rain. Of course, an incident like this would happen on a miserable night like tonight.
He was driving past a small housing estate when a large mass of fur bounded out in front of his car, causing him to slam on the brakes in a panic. The creature's blonde fur glistened in the blinding headlights as she began to face a startled Ross. Relief washed over him as the creature's familiar soft green eyes sparkled as she recognised him back. Her ears drooped morosely, as if a stream of shame was washed upon her. Ross reassuringly shook his head and motioned for her to move out of the way, to which she obeyed.
Driving slowly out the way he came, Maureen crept after him, slinking into a hedgerow to avoid being surveilled by any nosy residents. Once he was parked a little ways away under a street lamp, he opened the back door of the car and motioned for her to get in. She cautiously looked around before running towards the car and squirming into the backseat. Ross gently tucked her long tail in with her before closing the door and driving her home.
The silence between the two friends was really awkward, especially since the journey home was quite long. Plus, Maureen could be heard wincing and hyperventilating as she regained her human form. Breaking the silence, Ross sheepishly admitted, "I got delayed getting those lamb chops. There was a large queue and a traffic jam before I went to your place."
Maureen slowly lifted her head as she was partially human again, her blonde fur now coating the entirety of the backseat. She could only manage a shrug and replied, smiling, "No worries, I'm still up for them."
Then she realised..."Oh god, did I make a mess?"
"You destroyed the front living room and burst through the window."
"Ugh, I'll have to call my cousin about it in the morning. Thank god I live out in the sticks. Thanks for fetching me, by the way."
"Any time!" Ross chuckled
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princehrry-writings · 3 years
Legal Guardian
ugh this took way too long lol, but here it is!!! i forget exactly that sparked this but i thought it was a cute idea.
warnings: injuries (nothing major), hospitals, cursing, harry being a protective dad 🥺, talks about adoption and legal guardians, crying
wordcount: 2481
harry styles x reader, stepdad!harry x reader, stepdadharry x oc!stella
Stella gets hurt and Harry is the only one there- but he has no legal jurisdiction…
It all happened really fast. Harry can’t even recall how it started, but he knew very well how it ended. A sobbing Stella strapped into her car seat as he raced to the emergency room, frantically calling Y/n who was in a different state on a work trip.
The 5 year old didn’t understand what was going on, she just knew she was hurting… really bad. And that she wanted her mommy and daddy.
The traffic seemed to be working against him, getting in his way at the most inconvenient times, all the while he was trying to console his weeping daughter, crying out “Daddy it hurts so bad!” effectively shattering his heart into a million little pieces.
Stella had been playing happily in the backyard at home, showing off her wonderful dance moves to Harry who watched with an adoring smile on his face, taking little videos to send to his fiance, when suddenly she was laying on the ground, clutching her ankle, and crying for him to come get her. He rushed into action, not having seen her take the fateful step into what must have been a hole in the ground or something.
Screeching into the hospital car park, he stops somewhere he obviously wasn’t supposed to but he couldn't care less. His mind was racing. What if she broke her ankle? Or tore a ligament? What if she has to get surgery? All of this is what he worries about as he flings the back door of his car open, trying his best to appear calm for his daughter (but it’s not really working), and scoops her carefully into his hold, bringing her inside and shouting for someone to please help him.
A few nurses rush to his side, asking him different questions and asking for someone to “Page Dr. Robbins, tell her we need a peds consult.”
Stella is whisked away from him and before he can start to follow after her, a hand is placed on his chest, stopping him in his place.
“Sir, we can’t have you in the room with her. You’re not on her file as a legal guardian!” A doctor tells him. In that moment, he sees nothing but red, steam pouring out of his ears.
“The hell I can’t, I’m her father! I’m not going to let her sit in there all alone while strangers poke and prod at her!” He all but yells at the man. Harry is not violent. He really isn't. But he’s not afraid to lay somebody on their ass when it comes to his girls. With kindness or course. And maybe a black eye.
From the room she was taken into he can hear her crying for him.
“Wan’ my daddy! Daddy!” Harry didn’t think his heart could break any further than it already had but he was proven wrong by the ache in his chest that only grew stronger the longer he was kept away from his lovebug.
“Doctor, respectfully- if you don’t move the hell out of my way, I will move you myself. That is my daughter, and my fiance is in a different state right now on a business trip so I am the only parent she has right now. If you try to keep me from my child I will take legal action against the hospital and sue for everything you’re worth. Now if you’ll excuse me.” Harry is seething, trying to move past the man in the white lab coat and light blue scrubs. Again, he is stopped.
“I will call security, sir!”
“DADDY!” Stella is now screeching, her little voice hoarse from all the yelling and crying.
“Don’t you fucking hear that? She needs me, and you’re telling me I can’t go be with her! What the hell kind of doctor are you?” Harry is in the man's face, pointing at him vehemently. He doesn’t care that people are starting to watch the scene. Doesn’t care that some people have recognized him and are recording the ordeal. Let the people see him fighting for his family. He doesn’t give a rat's ass if his “image” takes a hit. His daughter is on the line and he won’t back down.
“She’ll be fine-”
“No she won’t! Go ahead and call security. My daughter needs me and you’re not going to stop me from being in that room with her.” With that he pushes past the doctor (who must be an intern or something with how he’s handling this situation) and rushes into the room where his baby is screaming for him. He’s at her side in a matter of seconds, wiping the tears from her face, peppering kisses onto her head, petting her wild hair back from her face, just consoling her in any way that he can.
How fucking dare they try to keep him from her, especially when she’s in a state like this.
“It’s ok baby girl, daddy’s here now. I’ve got you. You’re ok, you’re ok!” He mumbles into her hair, doing his best to stay out of the way of the people examining her but still close enough so she knows he’s right there with her.
Little tears still streamed down her face but she was much calmer now, her breathing more even and body less tense.
“Mr. Styles we’re bringing in the portable x-ray to take a look at her ankle, so you’re going to need to wear this.” He nods and takes the vest given to him, putting it over his shoulders like he sees the others do. A similar article is placed over Stella, who is clinging to Harry’s hand, fearing that she’s going to have to be without him again. But he promises he isn’t going anywhere.
As they’re taking the x-ray his phone starts ringing in his pocket and he checks to see that it’s Y/n calling him back.
“H, what’s wrong, is she ok?” Her panicked voice rushes out as soon as the call connects.
“We’re in the ER right now and she’s getting an x-ray to see what’s going on with her ankle-”
“You’re in the room with her right? She’s not alone?”
The little shards of his heart keep breaking into smaller and smaller pieces as her voice breaks.
“Yeah, I’m right next to her. Don’t worry m’love, she’s not alone!” He glared at the doctor that tried to keep him out as he said that, letting him know he hadn’t forgotten.
“I’m gonna facetime you so I can see her.” She said and he nodded, waiting for it to come through. When it did he quickly accepted it, seeing the love of his life’s face on the screen, with her puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks as she wiped away the remaining tears so she didn’t freak out her baby.
“Stell, mumma’s on the phone, she wants to talk to you.”
“Hi baby girl!” Y/n said as soon as Harry held the phone so Stella could see her mom. The little girl's tear stained cheeks looked exactly like her moms, and her heart broke for her baby.
“Hi mumma,” Stella pouted into the camera, clutching onto her daddy as tight as her little hand could. Harry was a little uncomfortable but he would take this over not being in here at all.
“How do you feel, baby? You ok?” She asked.
“My foot hurts and they wouldn’t let daddy in here and I was scared, but he’s here now so I’m ok.” The little girl rambled off. Y/n almost missed how she said they wouldn’t let Harry in the room but when it finally registered, she was fuming. Absolutely, royally pissed.
“What do you mean they wouldn’t daddy in there?” Stella shrugged and looked up at Harry for an answer. He brought the phone back so he could see her after looking around at the doctors in the room, all doing their job and pretending they weren’t listening to this conversation, but a few of them winced when Y/n asked her question.
“Some bloke tried to keep me out of the room while Stella was being examined but she was on the verge of a whole breakdown. It was like Disneyland in Paris all over again.” He said, referencing the time Harry took his girls to Disneyland while they were in Paris and Stella got separated from her mom and dad. She had never not been able to see at least 1 of her parents before. Needless to say… she didn’t handle it very well. Screaming, crying, and hyperventilating (which freaked her out even more- causing her to scream louder and cry harder) ensued very shortly, disturbing every person around her. But it made it easy for them to find her and she spent a very very long time clutching her tiny arms around her daddy’s neck, not letting him set her down for anything. That was an interesting trip to the bathroom …
“Why would they try to keep you out of the room? You’re her father!” Y/n was on the verge of popping a blood vessel. Of course the one time her baby really needs her, she’s hours away.
“Uh, Mr. Styles, I’m so sorry to interrupt! But the x-ray is complete. There’s no break, it looks like a sprain at worst. Also, about why my intern was saying you weren’t allowed in the room, not that I was listening to your conversation, with ped’s cases we typically only allow legal parents or guardians in the room and your name isn’t anywhere on her file or on her records so he was just trying to follow safety protocols. He didn’t go about the situation as well as he should have because we always want to make sure our patient has what they need and that was obviously you- but that is the reason why you initially weren’t let into the room. You’re not a legal parent or guardian. Based on your situation- you’re legally considered a step-parent and that title doesn’t come along with any legal jurisdiction.” Dr. Robins explained, in quite a few words Harry thinks, but he doesn’t say anything about it. Just sits and realizes that while for the better part of a year and a half, he’s been calling himself Stella’s dad but the whole he’s not been anything… not legally anyway.
Y/n realizes this too and makes a mental note to call their lawyers to do something about that.
“That makes sense… Thank you, Dr. Robbins! I have her mum on the phone, but you knew that, so if there’s anything else I legally can’t do, she’ll have to take care of it like thi-”
“Mr. Styles, we won’t tell if you don’t! Anything else that needs to be signed, we’ll just go ahead and have you do it. Save the hassle for everyone.” Dr. Robbins interrupts him and he smiles, silently thanking her.
“Daddy, what's a legal guardian?” Stella asks after a quiet moment.
“A legal guardian is someone who takes care of you because the law says they can. So because I didn’t help mumma make you and I came into your life a little later, I’m not a legal guardian of you. Not yet anyway.” He mumbles the last part but Y/n catches it.
“Does everyone have a legal guardian?” She hiccuped, rubbing at her eyes with the hand that wasn’t clutching Harry’s.
“At one point yeah, but once you get older you don’t need one anymore because you can take care of yourself.”
The girl pauses, thinking about her daddy’s words before muttering “Don’t wanna take care of myself. Wanna stay with you and mumma forever.”
All the little shards of his heart slowly start to piece back together.
“I want you to stay with me and mumma forever too lovebug.” He cooes. Y/n’s eyes light up, her gaze filled with adoration for her little family.
. * .
“The documents are all drawn up Mrs. Styles, everything is ready for your husband to sign.”
“Thank you so much Ben!”
. * .
“Baby, c’mere. Wanna talk to you about something.”
“Yeah mommy?”
Y/n took a deep breath, trying to quell the tears she could already feel threatening to fall. Her newly wed husband sat beside her on the couch, running his hand along her back and squeezing her shoulder and letting her know he was there if she needed him.
“Do you remember when you and Daddy had that conversation about legal guardians?” The woman asked, pulling her baby into her lap, brushing her hand over the girl's hair affectionately.
“Uhhh, kinda.” She murmured, curling into her mom.
“Do you remember what a legal guardian is?” Y/n rephrased, hoping to jog the girl's memory. Stella nodded and when prompted by her mother explained that “It’s someone who takes care of you until you're old enough to take care of yourself.”
“That’s right baby, very good!”
“And do you remember when we were at the hospital and that doctor was being mean, not letting Daddy into the room with you?” Harry chimes in, scooting closer to his girls. She nodded with a roll of her eyes and a huff of breath, causing a little giggle to erupt from her parents. She really is her mothers daughter.
“Didn’t like him.” She mumbles.
“Do you remember why they didn’t let him into the room?” Y/n asks, knowing she should probably get to the point before her little one checks out and gets bored.
“Cause daddy’s not my legal guardian.” Stella huffs again, rubbing her eyes and nuzzling further into her mom.
“Do you want him to be?”
Stella’s quiet for a moment, tapping her little finger on her chin like she’s thinking hard. “Yeah.”
“Yeah? You want that baby?” Harry asks, pulling her into his lap. The girl wraps her arms around his neck and lays her head on his shoulder, nodding.
“Yeah, Daddy. Want you to be able to come to the doctors with me.” She mumbles sleepily.
The tears Y/n had been fighting off finally broke through, despite her efforts. It’s official. Harry is going to adopt Stella and they would be a family in every sense of the word. No one would be able to take Harry's little girl away from him. All he had to do was sign the paper. Harry felt tears spring to his eyes as well, smoothing his hand along his baby’s back.
“You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that…” He says, squeezing her a little tighter. Y/n snaps a quick picture before she snuggles into them.
“Love you Mommy, love you Daddy.” She murmurs before falling asleep in Harry's arms. Something that isn’t new, but feels different now for some reason. Things felt a little more official and he hadn’t even signed the papers yet.
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ninetailedfoxmanchi · 3 years
Mafia! BTS! Yandere: How They Punish You
Warnings: intense yandere, incredibly toxic and triggering, Stockholm Syndrome, abuse, profanity... the lot basically - read at your own risk!!!!!
A/N: I know this is fiction because of course I write it, but honestly, these characters scare the living shit out of me. I'm still not quite sure how comfortable I am writing this... Still, please let me know if this is anything like what you wanted in the asks (be that anonymously or in the comments, thanks).
You woke up late in the morning. You were sat up in your bed, your heart beating fast. A dream about your parents made your eyes water as you suddenly began to miss them. All the bad memories vanished behind the curtain of a loving memory you had dreamed about. It was one of your earlier birthdays when you did not even know what was truly going on in their lives, when they were still trying to be good parents to you.
A terrible sense of nostalgia filled your insides as you swung your legs off the bed.
'It can't harm to ask, can it?' you thought to yourself as you slowly made your way towards the living area.
"How did you sleep?" asked M/N when he saw you awake at last. You were pacing from one foot to the other and picking at your fingers.
"I, ugh... I was wondering..." you began, a bad feeling in your gut foreshadowing what you thought might happen, however the words flew out of your mouth out of your control.
"I was wondering if I could see my family."
Jin was parading around the kitchen, busy making breakfast, yet when he heard your words, he stopped on his tracks immediately. You waited patiently for his answer and observed his reaction.
The plate of food in his hand began to shake like a leaf and your eyes caught it. Jin was not even blinking. Suddenly, the delicate ceramics broke off and it all came crashing to the floor. You jumped as the shards cracked and Jin let go of the one remaining in his hand. He took off his apron and threw it across the kitchen stool. His glare met your eyes.
"Clean it up," he ordered bitterly. Your lips parted as another side of him came into vision. A side you caught glimpses of but had never seen it in totality.
"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear me, princess?" Jin repeated himself as he made his way towards you. You couldn't even find the strength to back away. Jin was towering over you with such power, you wanted to cower and drop to your knees. Your eyes watered but you did not let yourself blink, only look down.
"Look at me," he spat without a warning and flicked your chin up. "Clean the fucking mess that you made, princess, and then come to the bedroom if you know what's good for you."
Tears fell down your cheeks as Jin walked right past you and disappeared in the hallway. Your hands were shaking and the back of your neck was soaked with sweat. You scrammed to the floor and picked up the shards and the food, cleaning as fast as you never have before. Your tears were soaking the ground as you could not possibly understand what was so bad about asking to see your parents.
When you finished, your took small steps towards the hallway and peaked down to the last room - the bedroom. The door was cracked open but you could not see anything. However, you knew that if you did not go as Jin ordered, things would get even worse.
You slowly pushed the bedroom door open but nothing was different. Jin was nowhere to be seen either. At least until you took a few steps into the bedroom and his grip caught you against his chest. You struggled but you were helpless against his lock on you. All you could see was a shiny leather thing in his hand - a belt. Your quiet squirms turned into loud whimpers at the sight of the thing and you began hyperventilating but Jin could not care less. He had you laid across his lap and hit you several times.
"Don't ever mention your fucking family to me again."
By the time he decided it was enough, you were lying almost unconscious on the bed. You were feeling sick to your stomach, but you could not even get up to go to the bathroom.
Jin was leaning against the doorframe, studying your trembling, bruised body. He felt bad for what he did to you, but it was necessary. It was the only way you were going to learn to think of him and him alone.
Namjoon looked up from his coffee, quite certain he heard you wrong. Yet the expression on your face told different as you waited patiently for what he was going to say.
"Come here," he ordered solemnly and pulled the stool beside him open for you. You slowly sat down, looking at your hands. This was not a good sign to begin with.
"I'm sorry," you cut him off as he wanted to say something. "It was j-just an... an i-idea..."
The tip of Namjoon's tongue poked the inside of his cheek as he nodded. "And where did you get this idea?" he asked you patiently, although inside he was burning with anger you could not even imagine.
You told him about the dream and how it made you feel. "It would just be to say hi, nothing else," you tried to reassure him.
"Maybe I should just take you back for good. Then the memories would be fresh," he glared at you thoughtfully. Your heart dropped to your stomach and small droplets of sweat gathered on your forehead.
"N-no, please," you began but it was far too late. Namjoon's fingers were wrapped around your throat, pressing down on your veins and cutting the oxygen off before it could reach your brain. He suddenly got up and easily towered over you.
"I'll do exactly that. And then maybe you'll appreciate me more and all that I do for you," he growled, his forehead nearly touching yours and tears fell from your eyes.
It was exactly a week that you spent back at home, but you did not tell anyone where you were. Not that you could say anything because all you knew of your kidnapper was his first name. For the first two days, your parents were nice but then they forgot all about your disappearance and the abuse began again. You searched for Namjoon everywhere but it was like he disappeared into thin air. That's what you thought at least. In truth, he was always watching you from a distance.
Exactly a week later to the minute when you were on your way to school, you looked up from your feet and Namjoon was right in front of you. You froze on the spot, your eyes watering with heavy tears that slipped down your cheeks without the slightest hesitation. You ran into his arms and locked your hands around his neck. He supported your weight enough so that your feet were off the ground.
Beneath your clothes, you were black and blue from all that had happened in that week, and Namjoon knew perfectly what he was sending you into. But it was better for them to do it than him when their actions would only push you further into his embrace.
Yoongi stared at you for a bit, holding onto his coffee cup. Your heartbeat quickened as you watched his reaction but he barely seemed to be breathing, what more, showing another emotion.
Yoongi burst out laughing, shaking his head to himself. You winced at his laughter, unsure of what it meant. He got up from his stool and made his way towards you. Suddenly, the cup flew from his hand as he threw it against the floor, all of his laughter quieting down. You winced backwards but it was not long before he slammed you against the wall and trapped you between his arms.
He glared into your eyes, not allowing you to look away.
"I.don't.want.to.fucking.see.you.right.now," he spoke each word individually. You were looking down at his bare chest.
"Do you hear me?" he snapped and grabbed your throat, making you look up at him. Tears fell from your eyes as you found his gaze. "You fucking disgust me when you say shit like this," Yoongi growled so close to your face that goosebumps appeared on your arms.
He grabbed your arm and dragged you to your room, locking you up without another word. You called his name and banged against the door but it was no use - not that hour, not that day or the two that followed.
On the third day, Yoongi unlocked the door to your bedroom. He leaned against the doorframe and studied your body lying motionlessly on the floor. You were completely drained out of energy, hungry and thirsty. When Yoongi knelt in front of you and pushed the hair off your face, you stirred awake. What little water was left in your body turned into tears.
"I'll take that as an apology," said Yoongi and scooped you up into his arms.
Hoseok was cutting up some fruits at the counter when you expressed your request. He stopped on the spot and squeezed the small knife in his hand. Although when he turned around he was still smiling brightly.
"I really hope you don't mean that, baby," he spoke slowly as he made his way towards you. You glanced at the knife in his hand and took a step back for each he took forward. "Please don't make me carve out your tongue for saying stupid fucking things like that," his voice changed drastically like you had never heard it before. Your eyes widened and tears slipped down your cheeks as your back hit the wall.
"I really like your voice, tho..." Hoseok spoke to himself when he rose the fruit knife to your lips like a finger to silence the words that could come from your mouth. "Why would you say that though?" he kept on talking to himself as happiness drained from his brown eyes. You were shaking uncontrollably, your stomach twisted into knots and your chest unable to let in a single breath of air.
As he pulled the knife off your lips, he left a small laceration across them, leaving a bitter taste of iron in your mouth. A warm trickle dripped down your thigh and onto the floor - you peed yourself out of fear.
Hoseok looked down at your legs and tilted his head aside.
"What are you doing? You know I don't like filth," he said as his gaze flicked back up to your eyes. You could not even move beneath his glare, only tremble uncontrollably.
"Go clean yourself up. I made breakfast," said Hoseok heartily and brushed his thumb across the laceration on your bottom lip. He tasted his thumb and smiled before he returned to making breakfast.
Jimin stared at the glass of orange juice in his hand. His eyebrows formed into a frown without giving off any particular sense of movement. His jaw clenched and so did his fists. The crystal cracked in his palm, cutting it everywhere as blood and juice splattered all over the counter.
You gasped and tried to wrap his palm with a clean kitchen cloth but Jimin's hand caught your throat before you could do anything at all. He slammed you against the fridge, his forehead pressed down against yours. He stared at you without blinking once.
Tears rested on the edge of your eyes as you tried to look away, but he would not let you.
"Fucking look at me," he growled and grabbed your chin with his bloody hand. You whimpered and let the tears escape your eyes.
"If you ever, ever say anything like this again, I'll fucking kill you," snarled Jimin against your lips before he roughly let go of your chin. You tried to wipe his blood from your mouth but he yanked your hand away.
"Leave it. You're mine, do you understand that?" he spoke so lowly that you struggled to keep control of your bladder. You stared deep into his eyes as you nodded, tears blocking your vision.
Jimin did not let you wash his blood off your lips until the evening when you could take a shower. He made sure to keep an eye on you, giving you no privacy at all, because you sowed doubt into his soul with your request.
"Aish, jagi... I thought you were doing so well," said Taehyung as he took a long sip of his coffee. "But I see I was wrong."
He got up from his chair and slowly made his way towards you. You backed away until you hit the wall, Taehyung towering over you easily. He picked you up like you were no heavier than a feather and threw you over his shoulder. You screamed and banged at his back but it was useless.
"Shh, jagi, I'm doing this for you," he said as casually as talking about the weather.
Taehyung tied you down to your bed, unable to trust you roam his apartment on your own while he was away at work. There were just so many knives in the kitchen...
"You're going to stay here now while I go to work," he explained seriously, "You can think about what you said and maybe when I come home, you'll be ready to say sorry?"
"I'm sorry!" you cried immediately but Taehyung only smiled gently as he got up.
"That is not an apology, jagi. I'll show you what an apology is," he spoke tenderly before he closed the door behind him and disappeared.
It was not until late in the evening that the door to the bedroom opened. Your body was sore and in knots, you could not even move your limbs because they were so stiff. You were hungry and thirsty but the ache in your body was the worst of all.
When Taehyung leaned his arms against the foot frame of the bed, you could not even raise your head without tears falling down your cheeks. Taehyung smiled.
"See, jagi, this is an apology," he explained to you and slowly untied you. You whimpered with every move of your limbs as Taehyung picked you up into his arms and drew you a warm bath.
Jungkook put down his piece of toast as he slowly chewed on. He did not say anything for a while, although you were waiting for his reaction, any reaction, anything at all.
He patted the corners of his lips with a napkin and got up from the chair before he made his way to you. Before you had the time to respond, Jungkook had you already thrown over his shoulder and took you to the living room.
You begged him to put you down but he was not listening. In an instant, he had you bent over his knee, his palm smashing against your behind as you cried out in pain to the point of tears.
"Shut up," he growled against your ear as he pulled on your hair. "Talking is what got you into trouble in the first place."
You tried to escape his grip and his hits but it was impossible. Whenever you'd squirm away, he'd pull you right back to him and hurt you even worse than before until you finally gave up and took the punishment. You were completely in his control.
"Will you stop talking fucking nonsense from now on or should I go on?" asked Jungkook harshly and pulled your hair so that you looked him in the eye.
"I-I'll s-stop," you stuttered so quietly he could barely hear you, but he did hear you. He let go of your hair, this time easily and caressed your head. The contrast between his harsh slaps against your bum and the gentle stroke of his palm against your hair made you dizzy.
You cried and sobbed in pain long after Jungkook was done with you. Your lower body ached so much that you doubted you could ever sit properly again.
"It's okay, kitten. I forgive you now," said Jungkook darkly as you whimpered, still lying across his lap.
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boxofbonesfic · 3 years
here’s lookin’ at you, kid
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Title: here’s lookin’ at you, kid
Pairing: Chef!Bucky x Aspiring Chef!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Kitchens are loud and hot, but you’ve never minded that. Never minded the burnt fingers, and cut hands. What you do mind is Chef Barnes, the cocky talent that put Black Adder Brewery on the map. You’re even less used to hating someone quite this much, but you’re sure, somehow, you’ll manage—if you don’t stab him first.
Warnings: No smut, but...heavy innuendos, kitchen typical misogyny, Bucky being way too full of himself, light hazing, enemies to lovers, fluff, a little angst, eventual smut (gimme like three chapters y’all, I beg) 
A/N: inspired by this headcanon i wrote!! I’m actually really excited for this, because I don’t normally write fluff, so... here i go, lol. this will be a multi-oneshot series, so please keep an eye out for the follow-ups. thank you for reading, and please let me know what you think in the comments and reblogs ❤️
This is a work of FICTION, and there will be ADULT themes and content included therein, so I assume once you’ve clicked through the link that you are comfortable with that. I do not give consent for my work to be copied, translated, or posted elsewhere, even if I am credited. This work is entirely mine, and unbeta’d, so read at your own risk! MINORS, DNI!
🔪 The one where you throw a tomato. 🔪
Success tastes like lavender, floral and sweet and just a little bit earthy. You imagine you can taste every drop of rain, every golden sunlit morning that these silk-soft petals have seen when you pop one into your mouth. 
 “Three bunches please.” The young woman behind the wooden table in the stall wraps three perfectly sized bunches of lavender in butcher paper before handing them to you. 
 You know what failure tastes like too—not sour, like everyone thinks. It’s more… bitter. Like overcooked caramel, left just a minute too long on the burner. 
 The farmer’s market is crowded, but it’s Saturday in Prospect Park, so you know not to expect otherwise. You can smell everything, citrus, flowers, fresh baked bread—you’re not sure where to go next. You’re celebrating—in your own way, of course. The email you'd received this morning was the cause of your good mood, why you didn’t mind forking over forty of your hard earned dollars for the fresh herbs now tucked safely away into your tote bag. 
Subject: Availability
 You’d practically hyperventilated your way through babbling the good news to your roommate—who was distinctly not pleased with being woken up at 7am by your excited scream. And now, you were treating yourself before it was time to pin your wild curls into order on your head, strap your knives into the sleek carrying case your mom had gifted you for graduation, and throw yourself into the lion’s den. 
 Good morning, just reaching out to see what your availability looks like for Sunday night? It’s a relatively low-pressure night, only 35 reservations on the books, and we’d love to see how you do. Service starts at 6, so if you can be here at 3, that would be amazing. 
S. Rogers
 You couldn’t be more excited. 
 “Which should we try first, Kara? The sourdough strawberry donuts, or should we go over to that stall with the eggplant parmesan pizza?” Your roommate was currently lagging tiredly behind you, her bloodshot eyes hidden by the prada sunglasses perched on the edge of her nose. 
 “Ugh, I don’t care,” She groans petulantly, and you giggle. “I was promised a bloody mary after this, and that’s all I’m here for.” She runs a heavily manicured hand through her thick blonde hair irritatedly. “I don’t know why you always make me—”
 “I told your parents I wasn’t going to let you drink and sleep your weekends away,” You reminded her. “Doesn’t the sun feel nice? It’s so gorgeous out, and you were just going to sleep until four and get up and go partying all over again.”
 ���I’m still going to do that.”
 “Which is why I dragged you to the farmer’s market with me.” You say snippily, turning on your heel. Your pale yellow sundress swishes around your legs, and you can’t help but bask a little in the warm summer sun. You know you’ll go home laden with far too many things for the six block hike back to the apartment, and you know half of the vegetables you buy will probably go bad in the fridge before you have enough time to make your lofty ideas for recipes into a reality, but that’s okay. Because right now, it feels good to buy two bunches of fresh asparagus, and put them in your bag next to your treasured lavender. 
 It’s joined by a dozen sourdough donuts with fresh strawberries and a sickly sweet glaze on top, and then by a half pound of fiddleheads because you just can’t help yourself, and a litre of strawberry cider because why the hell not? 
 “Okay, time out,” Kara says, wiping at her forehead, frowning. “I”m sweating off my foundation. Can we please go get drinks now? It’s after 12, so technically it’s drinking hours.” Even though she’s whining, you laugh anyway. 
 “Fine. But first, I’m going to grab some corn from over there. We can grill it in the yard later.” 
 “And by ‘we’ I assume you mean you, alone.” 
 “I did mean that, yes.” 
 Your bag is practically overflowing, but you’ve got room for a couple more things. And those golden yellow corn ears are just calling your name. You reached for them—your hand bumping into someone else’s. 
 Huge fucking hands.
 The thought makes you swallow a little thickly as your eyes move over the offending appendage. There’s a simple knife tattoo on his left index finger, and on his knuckles, the word YES is printed in slanted, gothic text, and CHEF in the same sprawling script on his right. God, you could have looked at his hands all day, flecked with silvery scars made of clean, straight lines from years of quick knifework, and smooth, too-shiny scars from touching a too-hot flat-top, or grabbing the searing handle of a pan. Your gaze moves up the thickly corded, veiny muscles in his forearm, to the maroon shirt bunched at his elbow. A broad chest—jesus, you could land a plane on that—with just a couple of thick chest hairs poking tantalizingly out of his collar. 
 And then there’s his face. 
 Sculpted, angular cheekbones and a scruffy jawline that looks like goddamn Davinci pounded it out of marble himself. Steely gray-blue eyes that made you both want to look nowhere else, and everywhere else all at once. Deep, chocolaty brown hair that’s cropped close by his ears, and longer at the top. You kind of want to run your hands through it, see if it feels as soft as it looks. 
 It’s too bad he has to ruin it all by opening that perfect looking mouth.  He runs his tongue across lips you just know are pillow soft, dragging his teeth across them irritatedly before sighing. “You’re in the way.”
 “W-what?” You sputter dumbly, and suddenly the angels singing on your shoulder turn into shrieking devils. 
 “You’re in my way,” He repeats, pushing past you to pore over the corn like you were just doing, turning them over in those fucking hands. The spell was broken now, though, and you scowled at the back of his head.
 “Nobody else seemed to have a problem navigating around me.” You fired back. Kara grabs your arm, laughing nervously as she tries to pull you away from the inevitable confrontation. 
 “Come on, let’s just go—”
  “Everyone else seems to know how to wait their turn.” You watch the muscles in his back tense and release deliciously—who the hell wears shirts this tight?!—before he peers coldly at you over his shoulder.
 “What did you say?” He shouldn’t have looked so threatening, brandishing an ear of corn in his left hand, but you swallowed thickly at the weight of his ire anyway. Your mouth was always getting you into trouble, and it continued firing off without your brain’s express permission.
 “I said you need to learn to wait your turn. I know they probably don’t value civilized interactions in the cave you were clearly raised in, but you could still at least make an effort.” The biting retort was past your lips and in his ears before you could will your trap shut, and you saw him flex angrily. 
 “God, can we please just go?” Kara pleads, her big green eyes darting nervously from you to the beefy man holding the ear of corn you were going to buy for yourself. 
 “Christ, you’re a bratty bitch, aren’t you?” He smirks at you, and you hate the way it makes your stomach do a needy little flip, even as you feel hot anger creeping up the back of your neck. “Your friend’s right, you should go. Try to get some dick to scratch that itch.” 
 You sputtered angrily at the insult, and you hear Kara calling your name,  but it sounds like she’s a million miles away, underwater, and all you can see is that god-forsaken smirk on his stupid face—
 Time slows as the tomato splatters wildly against his chest, and you feel momentary satisfaction as the smile drops off, replaced by shock, and then rage. You hadn’t even realized you were reaching for it until your hand closed around the beautiful heirloom in your bag. It was a little overripe to be sure, but you were planning on grilling it anyway, and the extra juices would only make it that much better. Instead, your perfect tomato was now a cruel looking exit wound on this asshole’s chest. 
 Godspeed, tomato. 
 Someone laughs behind you, and Kara’s hand loops around your wrist as she drags you forcefully backwards into the crowd of onlookers. You watch as King Asshole tries to wipe the juice and seeds from his sinfully tight shirt, glaring at you as you beat a hasty, forced retreat. 
 “He looked like he was going to punch you,” She says over her bloody mary when the two of you are finally settled at her favorite little brunch spot. She didn’t help you put the groceries away, and though you’d threatened not to let her eat a single one of the spoils of your battle at the farmer’s market, you knew you would cave the very instant she asked sheepishly if she could try some. 
 “If he did, he’d have gotten a whole lot more than a tomato.” You growl darkly, sipping your mojito with a scowl. 
 “He was pretty hot though…” She smirked, elbowing you. Your cheeks flush with heat, and you pat them while glaring defiantly at her. “What? A girl’s got eyes.” 
 “Yeah, and low standards, apparently.” 
 “I don’t need standards, I need a hard dick and a stiff drink.” She quips, and you can’t help but laugh. “And, well, you know. He was a total dick, don’t get me wrong, but I mean…”
 “What?” You snap, pursing your lips. 
 “Well, maybe he’s right. I mean it’s been a while since Chuck.” 
 “Kara! You swore to me we would never speak his name again,” You spat dramatically. That was certainly something you didn’t much want to dwell on, especially considering that during the course of your six month relationship, you hadn’t cum. Not once. Not a single, solitary time—excepting the pitiful completions you brought yourself after he’d rolled off of you. “May he burn in hell.” 
 “May he burn in hell,” Kara echoed, draining her glass. “I’m just saying. Maybe you should come out with me sometimes, instead of staying at home in that t-shirt and ratty ass bandanna.” Your face heated again—you couldn’t help it. Wearing one of the t-shirts you’d pilfered from one unnamed ex or another, your kinky curls pulled back securely out of your face as you danced, pantless around the kitchen was your you time. 
 “I like my ratty ass bandanna.” 
 Though delivered in a sarcastic, biting tone, you had to admit Kara might be right. After all, if just the thought of King Asshole’s hands was enough to make you a little sticky between the thighs, maybe it had been too long since you’d last had a good roll in the sheets. You finished your drinks—and a second round insisted upon by Kara—and by the time you returned home, alcohol warm in your belly, you were feeling far better than you had about the encounter at the farmer’s market. Hopefully Javi would still let you buy his tomatoes at a discount, even if you were busy smashing them against the fine, sculpted chests of random, badly behaved strangers. 
 And at the end of the night, when you sat in front of your laptop as you twist your hair down for the night, you lean forward to inhale the sweet scent of the lavender you’d put on your desk. Two bunches were to experiment with, but this one… was just for you to enjoy. You grin widely to yourself and take another deep breath.
 Yeah, success definitely smelled like lavender.
 You’re thirty minutes early to your trial-run shift, and as you got out of the taxi, dusting your hands off on the loose-fitted cotton pants you wore. Your chef’s jacket was slung over your shoulder, and clutched under your arm was your knife bag.
 As much as you’d read about Black Adder Brewery, this was the first time you’d ever been inside. The brew equipment is all on display by the massive bar, being tended to by the bartenders and brewers alike. Everything looks somehow both incredibly simple, but also expensive, like it costs money just to stand here breathing the air. Probably does. This is the big leagues. 
 “Can I help you?” The rich, smooth voice makes you jump, grabbing at your chest. The man to your left is tall, and as he smiles at you, it’s like fuckin’ God himself has pulled back the curtain on the overcast day outside—and a single beam of sunlight falls across his dreamy brown eyes, turning them molten amber. You swallow the stupid stuttering—and ultimately meaningless—apology that threatens to spill from your lips. You’re not a child, and you don’t need to apologize for your presence. 
 “Yeah, I’m staging* today,” You say brightly. You offer your hand and he takes it, unable to hide the surprise on his features. “Nice to meet you.” 
 “Sam,” He says, shaking it even as a look of uncertainty crosses his features. “In...the back?” He asks quickly, and you raise an eyebrow, cocking your head. “Not waitstaff? Sorry, I just didn’t realize we were, um, hiring back there.” A spark of panic blooms in your chest. Unless getting the email was just some strange fever dream. No. Impossible. I read it eighty thousand fucking times. 
 “Yeah,” You reply slowly, unsure of what to make of the curious glance he shoots in the direction of what you assume is the kitchen. “Mr. Rogers emailed me yesterday about coming in.” His eyebrows fly up, and a knowing smirk spreads over his mouth.
 “You’re the fresh blood in the kitchen Steve’s been raving about?” He asks, a booming laugh bursting from his chest. “Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting someone so young. How old are you, kid?” He asks, snapping shut the menu he’s cleaning behind the host stand. He steps out from behind it, and jerks his head toward the back of the restaurant. “I’ll show you back.” 
 You snort. “Twenty four. And I’ve been in enough restaraunts, I think I can find my way.” He laughs at this.
 “Oh, don’t I know it,” And when you glance over at him, he winks. “But I don’t mind.” You almost don’t catch his quickly exhaled mutter—“And I want to see this.” Your stomach quickly turns to acid, and the coffee you’d hurriedly gulped down before heading out of the apartment is now a sour regret. You want to pause before you push through the shiny, swinging metal doors into the clean, bright kitchen. You want to steel yourself, take a deep breath, and walk in like you fucking own it. Instead, you take a rushed step just inside—
 —and duck as someone carrying a tray skirts just out of your way. You narrowly avoid having who-knows-what spilled over your head as you jump back, colliding with Sam with a soft oof. “Watch yourself,” He says quietly, and his voice is so close to your ear that you jump again. 
 “How many fuckin’ times do I have to tell you to say door when you swing that shit open?” A gruff voice yells from the back. “I just made that goddamn pasta, Sam!” 
 “Sorry chef!” Sam shouts back, raising his voice to be heard over the cacophony of dishes, pans, and knives on cutting boards. ���Just showing the newbie in.” He leans against the doorframe, that sinful smirk still on his lips. “Go” he mouths at you, making a shooing motion with his hands. You’re torn between laughing and being irritated, so you choose the former, a small smile worming its way onto your lips. 
 The kitchen is pure chaos in the way that you’re most familiar with. It’s hot back here, but then again, it always is. “Behind!” You call as you begin to move down the prep line, unable to stop yourself from peering over every couple of shoulders, eager to see what’s being worked on. 
 “Ah, there you are.” Your head snaps up, and immediately your cheeks heat. You know this man—but only because you googled the hell out of him. Steve Rogers, investor turned restaurateur, owner of the so-called jewel of Park Slope—Black Adder Brewery. He smiles at you warmly, and you can’t help but return it. “Early, I like that.” He motions for you to follow him, and you do, clutching your knife bag with trembling fingers. 
 It’s okay if your hands shake, You tell yourself. He can’t see your hands. 
 He leads you to an office, sliding back a rustic looking barn door to reveal the hidden room. It’s just as well decorated as the rest of the restaurant, the same raw wood and dark wrought iron carrying through into his desk, and the shelves lining the walls. You peered around curiously counting—is that a James Beard award?!—as many awards and accolades as you had fingers and toes.
 “Sit, please. Did you find us okay?” He asks, and he sounds genuinely concerned, which makes you feel dizzy and warm. Did I find it? The most famous restaurant in Brooklyn? Arguably all of New York? Oh fuck yeah I found it. 
 “Oh, yeah, of course. I don’t live that far, actually.” 
 “A Brooklyn girl?” He asks, smiling charmingly at you. Your tummy flutters. 
 “Y-yeah. I left to study—”
 “I saw that on your resume.” He isn’t sharp when he cuts you off, but it makes you stop abruptly anyway as he leans forward with his fingers steepled, elbows resting on the desk. “Germany?” Steve’s voice is interested, though you know he already knows the broad strokes. 
 You had fantastic references. A three star michelin restaurant in Berlin for six months, an up and coming fusion spot in the lower east side—and those were just the places. You were as greedy for experiences as other people were for food; you dipped your fingers into as many proverbial pies as you could. Pastry, saussier, french, italian, morroccan, ethiopian—you sopped up recipes and techniques like a sponge. For someone who’d never been good at studying, your patchwork knowledge made you a formidable asset. 
 One you hoped Steve Rogers would want on his team. 
 “Yeah, West Berlin.” You nod. “My German was pretty shit, though.” He laughs at this, and it puts you at ease. His mirth seems to let some of the tension out of the room, and your shoulders sag comfortably, just a little. 
 “Kalvin said to tell you hello.” You’re caught off guard by the name-drop, but you try not to let it show on your face. His expression remains kind, but you see it now—the calculating look in his eye—and suddenly you’re not at all sure of your acting skills. You know the purpose of this tiny barb; it’s to let you know that he’s checked you out, that he’s thoroughly researched you. 
 You just hope he likes what he’s found. 
 “O-oh. Yeah, he’s like my weird German father that… makes me eat duck tongues.”
 “Did you like them?”
 “Pretty good, can’t cap.” 
 He laughs again. 
 A knock sounds, and you stiffen right back up. A young man—probably the person closest to your age you’ve seen—pokes his head inside. He’s cute, in a boyish kind of way, with a sweet smile, and impetuous eyes that sweep appreciatively over your face before he addresses Steve. “Peter.” 
 “Hey, boss. Chef’s, well… hear for yourself.” Is it just like… a requirement to be hot as goddamn sin to work here? You think wryly to yourself, watching the exchange with interest. You listen, and you hear—
 “Hired someone? The fuck you mean he hired someone?” You’re not sure if he’s yelling on purpose, or if his voice just naturally carries on the same decibel as an ambulance wail. Wait, now that you think about it…
 That voice sounds kind of… familiar. 
 “Do I keep stalling?” 
 “No, Pete, it’s alright. I mean, he was going to find out in ten minutes anyway.” Steve sighs, and looks back at you. “James—Bucky—means well, but he’s… passionate.” You grit your teeth. You’ve heard nothing but good things about Chef Barnes, but that’s only to be expected—you don’t bite the hand that feeds. You’ve worked some shit-shows, with old-school chefs that yelled and threw things, shattering dishes above your head when you fucked up—so you’d learned quickly not to fuck up. 
 You hoped to God his bark was worse than his bite. 
 Peter scoots out of the way just in time for angry footsteps to come down the line. “Behind.” Someone says gruffly, and you hear murmurs of “yes chef” and “heard” in response. Another face appears in the doorway before it’s shoved roughly open, the wheels squealing loudly. “Steve, we agreed you don’t make hiring and firing decisions in my kitchen.” He speaks without preamble, barely sparing you a glance. 
 Which is a good thing, because you are fucking shitting yourself. Even with the gray bandanna folded and tied longways around his head, and his white sleeves stained and rolled up, you would recognize him. Well, that, and the dead giveaway YES CHEF tatted loudly across his knuckles. 
 King Asshole is Chef Barnes?
 “We agreed that you would have final say on hiring decisions,” Steve agrees, glancing at you apologetically. “But not on interns.” 
 “Interns.” Bucky says incredulously, rolling his eyes as he slams the door shut behind him, marching past you to lean hard against the desk. “Steve, I don’t need anyone new in the kitchen.” He looks at you. “Sorry kid.” He looks back at Steve like he’s going to start talking, and then the lightbulb flashes behind his eyes and his head swings purposefully back in your direction. “You’re fucking kidding me. Tomato girl?” 
 Silence reigns between you, and Steve is the first to break it with a surprised laugh. “She’s tomato girl?” He looks at you. “If I could hire you twice, I would.” 
 “No fucking way,” Bucky snarls, jabbing his finger in your direction, “is she working in my kitchen.” His eyes flick down to the knife bag in your lap, and a derisive sneer appears on his handsome face. “Cute toys. Mommy buy you those?” 
 “Buck.” Steve’s voice is authoritative, and a note of warning hangs in the air. You can see Bucky doesn’t like being heeled, doesn’t like being made to cow in front of you—it smarts. 
 “Not in my goddamn kitchen. You hire her, I—”
 “You’re not gonna walk, Buck, so don’t even try it. Adder’s your baby too.” Steve sighs, rolling his eyes. “Besides, she’s an intern.” He winks at you, and you hope that that wink translates into pay for you, because you can’t eat experience, as much as you’d like to. “She’s here to learn.” You stop yourself from rolling your eyes at that—you’ve learned more than enough to stand on your own, but you know the additive is for Bucky’s sake, not yours. 
 Bucky grimaces, and jerks a quick nod. “Fine.” He looks down at you coldly. “You got a jacket?” 
 “Yes.” The irritating smile you remember ghosts across his face as the correction comes whip-fast. 
 “Yes Chef.” He juts his chin out, daring you to say a word—anything. You know if you complain now, you’ll never be in, not the way you want to be. 
 “Yes Chef.” 
 “Good girl.” You want to scream at the way your pussy clenches hungrily, and the way his grin widens just a little, you think somehow, impossibly, he knows. “Let’s go.” He strides out of the office without waiting to see if you follow. You look at Steve questioningly.
 “Am I… hired, sir?” 
 “Oh, of course. Let’s just say it’s unofficial.” He winks again. “I’ll pay you cash under the table if you stick it out.” Your mouth drops open, but you don’t have any time to process it as an angry shout echoes out behind you. 
 “Let’s go, short-stack!” He yells, and you clench your fists. 
 You’ve been hazed by worse—hell, in Berlin, they stole your shoes. You had to go home without them—Though you’d gotten Johann back for that by filling his pockets with toothpaste—you could deal with his royal assholeness. You shrugged quickly into your chef’s jacket as you slid quickly down the line behind the prep-cooks. Bucky was tapping his foot impatiently, waiting for you with a frown. 
 “You can put those in the lockers,” He spits, gesturing first at your knife bag, and then toward the gray lockers in the far corner. Maybe they have knives here they want me to use instead. You walk quickly over to the lockers, selecting an empty one before carefully placing your bag inside. You stuff your street clothes in there too, before you button up your jacket and check that your hair is still contained before you go back to stand expectantly in front of Bucky. 
 “Where do you want me, Chef?” You ask, and a sinfully sweet smile turns the corners of his pretty mouth upward. 
 “Dish, with Parker.” He points to the opposite end of the kitchen, where the sweet looking boy you’d seen earlier is straining to keep up with the constant flow of dishes. “I’ll call you when I’ve got a job for you, kid.” He sees the distressed look on your face, and the smirk grows larger. “What, too good for dish? In my kitchen, we all do every job. Including scrubbing the sludge off the pans.”
 “No, Chef.” You say tightly, ashamed of the angry tears that grow hot behind your eyes. You hold them back as you march over to Peter, grab the other clear plastic apron and begin spraying the grease off of a sheet pan. 
 “Hey, don’t worry about it. He’s always hard on new meat,” Peter says encouragingly on your break, handing you his cigarette when you ask for a puff. “You’ll be holding a knife in no time.” He lets you finish the cigarette and goes back inside to finish up, which you’re glad for, because it means he doesn’t see you cry. And when you walk back inside, your eyes red and watery, he doesn’t say anything either. 
 As you’re leaving, sore and sweaty and still angry, you pass by a gang of your new coworkers out front. Bucky is there, enthralling everyone with some amazing story or other, and you try to scoot past without him noticing you. You think you’re successful, when halfway down the block, his voice rings out. 
 “See you tomorrow, short-stack.” 
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