#not pronounced correctly just pronounced
Get handed an open summoning book but they forget I love trying new words and I immediately speak the ancient chant. No hesitation. No idea what it says or does. I just like the way unfamiliar words feel as I speak them. I mispronounce everything horribly. The demon is here and judging me.
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Fit: Pierre is French, he's wearing a baklava, the Spy from Team Fortress 2 is also French and wears a baklava, very interesting coincidence, hmm...
Pac: Hmm... Wait- in English you say "baklava"?
Fit: Yeah.
Pac: In Portuguese we say "balaclava."
Fit: Balaca- yeah, yeah, it's– you're correct, you're correct, yeah, yeah.
Pac: Like it's almost close, right? Oh, it's– I always keep saying "balaclava."
Fit: "Balaclava" well, it is– I think you are correct, it's supposed to be 'balacava'* but... us English speakers, we say "baklava."
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[Transcript continued ↓ ]
Pac: Oh, ohh, I see, I see, I see now.
Fit: Or– no no– actually no it is 'balacava,' I'm thinking of the food. I'm sorry. I'm sorry...
Pac: [Punches Fit and breaking into laughter] You hungry, Fit? You hungry– [In a teasing voice] You hu– you're hungry, you know.
Fit: [Hiding his face in his hands in embarrassment, completely off-screen]
Pac: Oh, oh baklava, I think it's a– it's a– it's a– I don't– Well, I don't know whats it is actually, to be honest. I don't have a clue.
Fit: I– yeah, 'balacava' it is a 'balacava' you are correct, I'm sorry... It is a 'balacava,' fck.
Pac: [Laughs] No no no, you don't need to be sorry for it.
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jula483 · 2 months
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boys 💜🖤
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cowboyshit · 4 months
just wanted to put this somewhere I could keep it 🥰💗
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skunkes · 3 months
I love how vampire media always has vampires with my birth name in em
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persephonaae · 2 years
Being Latino and watching bake off Mexican week like
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camellcat · 8 months
you ever realize you never properly learned how to say a character's name, so by the time you finally HEAR it, you have no idea who they're talking about? cause I feel like I keep doing this and it's very confusing to keep being corrected like that
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alxastrx · 1 month
We're not talking enough about how FUNNY Rook and Rollo's first interaction was.
Like imagine just wandering the streets and a little bitch named Rook comes to you and calls you in YOUR native language "King of Handkerchief" (even funnier if you hc Rook as absolutely BUTCHERING the french words because he can’t have a correct french accent for shit) and you're just like ?? What the fuck did you just call me ??? Like dude I'm not even mad Rollo almost overblotted I would've too 💀
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bishonenspit · 3 months
god does anyone remember when colleens manga recs saw like something vaguely resembling hypothetical critique of their shoujo history video on here and then had like a micro freakout on twitter about it and started talking about shoujo elitists or something
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"Tis a cohelen anf resable posst"
- Toffetarti Bittersweet, very sick right now and could use some hot choccy milk
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tallbluelady · 9 months
you don't even realize your impact, do you?
"What exactly were the pixies calling me back there? I'm a bit surprised that 'sapling' didn't catch on with them from Feo Ul," Rowan asked as she ducked with Urianger under an overhang to hide from said pixies.
"With thy blessing of the Echo, thou shouldst ascertain the meaning of their words, shouldst thou not?" He leaned out to check if they had given up on their harassment ploy.
Rowan shrugged. "Sometimes it wavers when I'm not paying enough attention. But it sounded like they were teasing you for having a... Ey-o Lie-ah?"
Urianger froze at that and Rowan saw a blush start to creep up his ears and cheeks. 
"Star Dream. Of all the things they recall of thee..." he muttered.
"You told the pixies about me?" Rowan asked.
He nodded. "Surely thou knowest of thine importance to m- to the Star. Tis only with the Blessing of Light and the Echo combined that thou mayest slay the Lightwardens. But beyond that, thy generosity and determination serveth as an inspiration and guidance to all that meet thee."
"Much like how stars and dreams guide astrologians?" Rowan asked, politely ignoring his slip up.
"Precisely. Fae runes are wont to not directly translate into our own tongue, so adaptations must be made."
She nodded. "It does sound rather pretty. I almost wouldn't mind being called that if the one calling me that weren't threatening to turn me into a leafman."
"They shan't get the chance. I shall render thee invisible once more, then we may regroup with our comrades."
Rowan nodded again, a little sad that she didn't get to hear Urianger speak it himself.
Thanks for the prompt!
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fiveredlights · 5 months
everytime nico rosberg pronounces zhou as zoo i am one step closer to flying out to shanghai and shaking him down in person 🤣
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fisherrprince · 1 year
ch’ari’s name is supposed to be pronounced with the ch kind of like a kh or a hiss, like how they pronounce khagan but hit a bit harder on the guttural click, but he honestly doesn’t mind everyone pronouncing it with a hard ch or soft h just because it’s kinda hard for eorzeans to make that noise
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blue-hi · 1 year
there are many things i am a fan of joey batey in the witcher for and being the first person to more or less correctly pronounce a welsh word is now one of them
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habijob · 6 months
Did you know that the word part "job" in my name is not based on the english word, but on the german letter sounds to form the pronounciation "yob"?
So, anyone, please pronounce my name correctly: "Hah-bee-yob"
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theghostofashton · 1 month
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