#not pictured: op in shambles
minzbins · 2 years
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JUN CARAT LAND 2023 / DAY 1, 230310
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idksmtms · 28 days
HUNGARY GP 2024 (Lando Norris x reader)
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A/N: A short one to start things off! I felt way too many emotions after the hungary gp 2024 so I did what I always do: processed it through my writing 
(Also, requests for F1 are open!) 
Summary: The podium ceremony after the race was the first time you have ever been truly disappointed by your boyfriend, and you let him know it. 
Word count:  1,350 
Trigger Warnings: she/her pronouns, AFAB reader, the lando controversy post-hungary gp, like the slightest bit of OP x reader? But it’s platonic so it’s ok, couple arguing, angst bc I think we all felt it after that gp, disapproval, just you being annoyed at lando for taking his anger out on OP,  (please let me know if I missed any) 
Disclaimer: This is written purely for fictional purposes and for the sake of writing. No disrespect is intended to the real people portrayed/concerned in this scenario. 
Always appreciate comments, likes, and reblogs :)
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After the trophy ceremony and dealing with the press interviews that only served to make him angrier, Lando made his way back to his driver room in the paddock to search for you. He had seen you in the crowd during the podium ceremony but you hadn’t looked too happy and disappeared as soon the champagne had finished and they all got onto the top step for a picture. He had handed off the trophy to Will, mumbling something about showering and finding you before walking back out. 
He was upset, and he needed a moment away from everyone on the team to cool down lest he say something he regretted. Though they came away with a 1-2, everything else during that race had been a shambles. Everything from team orders to the fact that he was the one actually in contention for the championship and had been forced to give up a significant points haul was now playing on his mind on repeat and he needed a cold shower and a conversation with you to put everything straight. 
He found you sitting in the little communal area just outside his and Oscar’s driver rooms. You were on your phone with a little frown on your face and looked up when you heard his steps on the stairs. He gave you a tired smile but you simply looked back down at your phone. He stopped on the top step, frowning at you as you refused to look back at him. He came closer, rubbing a hand aggressively over his hair, still sticky with champagne, but you didn’t budge. He walked until his legs were touching yours and the top of his racing suit, dangling from around his waist, was hanging over your lap. He knew you’d be annoyed if the suit dripped champagne onto you but you simply shuffled over to the other side of the couch and he sighed, feeling the anger and frustration rise in his chest again. He couldn’t do this today. He couldn’t deal with this. He was too tired and all he wanted from his girlfriend was a little love and sympathy. Was that really too much to ask for now? 
“What.” He bit out finally, glaring down at you, and at first you only flicked your eyes back up to his face, one eyebrow raising at his tone. Just as you opened your mouth to respond, another pair of footsteps came trudging up the stairs and Oscar entered the little area. 
“Oh, hi you two,” he gave a little wave and that polite cat smile of his, but before he could disappear into his room, you were standing from the sofa with a wide smile, skipping over to him with arms raised. 
“Congratulations you!” You exclaimed loudly, wrapping him up in a hug as he chuckled against your shoulder, manoeuvring his trophy around you so he could return the hug. “First race win already! I’m so proud of you!” You let out a little squeal, rubbing his back as you pulled away to look at him and the trophy he now cradled in his arms. 
“Thank you, thank you,” he smiled the widest smile you had ever seen him give thus far, and you resisted the urge to reach up and pinch his cheek like he was a little kid. 
You looked down at the trophy, a bigger version of the one Lando had received, and gently touched the painting on the ceramic. 
“It’s beautiful! Perfect for a first win, don’t you think?” You asked him. 
“It really is,” he sighed, gazing at the trophy reverently. You pulled him in for another quick hug before lightly pushing his shoulder in the direction of his room. 
“Ok, now go have a shower, you’re disgusting and sweaty and I’m sure Lily would appreciate a clean boyfriend coming back to her.” He chuckled and nodded, saying a quick goodbye as he headed for his room. Before he closed the door he looked between you and Lando for a moment, the thundering look on Lando’s face and the frown slowly slipping back onto your features. He really hoped you guys would save your argument for Lando’s driver room, he didn’t want to eavesdrop on that particular conversation… 
After Oscar had safely closed the door behind him, you looked at Lando then went straight into his driver’s room. He followed after you with a huff and slammed the door shut behind himself. You began pacing in front of the bed, hands on your hips as you chewed on your lip and huffed out angry little breaths. 
“What?” He asked again, trying a gentler approach this time. 
“I’m trying to come up with calm and polite words for my anger, Lando,” you huffed out, crossing your arms over your chest but continuing your little path back and forth. 
“You can’t seriously be mad at me for decisions the team made,” he threw his hands up and let them fall back against his sides, looking up at the ceiling in exasperation. He shook his head and clicked his tongue but you paused your pacing to shake your head at him in return. 
“That’s not why I’m mad,” you told him firmly, walking a little closer. He frowned and dropped his head back down to look at you but you had begun pacing again already, gesturing angrily in the air as you spoke. “I’m mad because you went up on that podium, and completely ignored Oscar. I’m mad because Oscar is your friend and that was his first win. Lando, you of all people know how special a first win is in this sport, and you know the joy a person should feel on their first win. Instead, Oscar was apologising on the radio at the end of the race, and on the podium, when you should have been spraying him with champagne and celebrating with him, you basically ignored him the entire time.” You paused, face melting slightly as you walked up to him and gently cupped his face. He had been staring at the floor as you spoke, jaw clenched and an angry little frown on his face. He looked up when he felt your soft hand gently stroke his cheek and saw the pained look on your face. He leaned a little into your touch but didn’t bother even trying to open his mouth for a response. “Lando, babe, I get why you’re angry. And you have every right to be angry, but not at him. And not around him on this occasion either. He should be feeling elated and hopeful for the future, not worrying how someone else is taking his win or not feeling down because someone else is seething around him. He’s your teammate, your friend. Please,” you pleaded, and a long sight shot out of his mouth. He began nodding, eyes closed and mouth set in a straight line, before bending down so he could press his face into your shoulder. 
His entire body seemed to melt into you and you wrapped your arms around him, ignoring the dampness of his sweat and champagne. He kept his face pressed to your neck, slowly breathing in and out as his eyelids flickered against your skin. He loved the smell of your perfume, and you always dabbed some on your neck. It stayed there the longest so Lando had gained a habit of pressing his face there and just breathing you in. If you were laying in bed, he wouldn’t care about crushing you under him just to get into that position.
He circled his arms around you under your own and both of you stayed like that for a few minutes. Then, so quiet you wouldn’t have heard if he wasn’t pressed so close to your ear, he mumbled, 
“I know.” You gently threaded your fingers up through the short hair on the back of his head and into the mop of curls at the top. You tilted your head slightly to kiss the side of his head and simply hummed. And that was that.
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bonefall · 3 months
Hey! Are you ok with people tagging you in fanart they do/making fanart of your rewrite? Your Crookedstar rewrite has me in SHAMBLES and I need to make fanart for it like. Right now
I'm more than ok with it! I try to collect it as I get it over here on this post, which is also linked on my pinned. You should also check out the TVTropes page that @halogenwarrior maintains, I look at it myself time to time because she updates it pretty frequently and I like learning about tropes that way lmao
You can also feel free to ping me as you please on whatever thing you're making that I inspired! That thing on my pinned post asking people to not ping me on OTHER people's posts refers to people going to the personal works of others and making comparisons, asking me questions about my au in other people's replies, etc. Stuff that wasn't considerate to the OP.
All of BB's concepts are free to use and change as you'd like! Credit's not necessary, but I do like seeing what people are up to.
I only ask that you do not steal drawn art to pass off as your own, as I have collaborators you need to be respectful of, and would also personally like to consider doing commissions or adopts at some point. I don't want any mishaps about people thinking those would be free to use.
I stopped writing the draft where I did because I had written a lot and had wanted to share at that point, but with the new update on BB!Oakheart being BB!Crookedstar's adopted brother I've already accounted for the apple-leaf-shaped markings that are on his eyes.
("Applekin" cats come with these very subtle eye markings that aren't particularly noticed in-universe, as an artsy visual sign of them all being part of a family. They're going to show up on everyone from BB!Appledusk all the way down to BB!Frostpaw.
You can see them okish on this chibi I did of Silverstream, but unfortunately last time I drew Oakheart he was dadly weaning sunglasses so they're not visible. Here is a picture of the crabapple leaf it's supposed to look like)
They begin to develop the moment that Crookedstar betrays Mapleshade. Slowly, subtly, over the course of moons. So slowly that no one seems to notice it except Crookedstar.
At first, he thinks he's just crazy. Worrying too much, seeing things that aren't there. But his brother's previously creamy eyerims start to sharpen. At the back corner, a streak lines the lashes back. The smooth edges of the color spike, as if needle-sharp trout teeth are carefully being planted, one prickle, one week at a time.
No one else seems to notice it but him. But he gets the message. Mapleshade "gave" him this family-- and she wants him to know she's going to take it away, too.
So please, feel free to do with that as you will~
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blacklegsanjiii · 8 months
i love all of your sanji aus sooo much :D always makes my day to see one of your ideas on them!! i adore shirohige!sanji so much and trafalgar!sanji has been hoarding my brain like crazy and i keep imagining different scenarios for dracule!sanji and-- yeah, you probably get the picture. sanji really is such a versatile character <3 truly the all blue of men
is there anything about trafalgar!sanji you havent shared? that ones a fav of mine ^^ no pressure, but your ideas are all always gorgeous
Ahhh! Thank you so much! He's just a perfect little orphan to just slot into random families in the Blues that are just..unhinged(Dofla!Sanji for example).
I feel like it depends on when they find out Law and Sanji are brothers. If it's on Punk Hazard I feel like when the Heart and the Strawhat's meet up on Zou Nami and Chopper are bowing to Law and apologising and if Law goes to WCI his nose would bleed, he's a fucking nerd and Germa is real and they're his little brother's birth family! The escape plan includes Sanji letting Law take his heart, Law screaming about Sanji about flying(sky walking, you shitty surgeon!), screaming about fire legs, and Law juggling Judge's vital organs before telling him to fetch and quit shit talking his little brother. Wano is Wano but Law relents with Soba Mask. (Still finds out Luffy and Sanji are dating somehow)
If it's after WCI when everyone finds out they're siblings and Luffy and Sanji are dating there is definitely a talk between Law and Luffy that is like:
"you understand Black Leg is my little brother and I will do what Ace did for you for him, correct?"
"wrong, he won't let you and neither will I"
Law wouldn't be calling him Stealth Black on this either but I definitely feel like Zoro would tell him about what Sanji asked him to do and that if it comes down to it Zoro will follow through and I feel like Law would take Sanji's blood and just start fucking with his DNA to make sure it doesn't happen? Law who explains, against his will, that he's already thought Sanji died twice so he will not lose him again. Bepo who won't stop clinging to Sanji crying about leaving again to go after Black Beard.
Before they got separated though? When Sanji is 8 and Law is 13? Sanji is like, a willing but scared participant for the op-op fruit so Law is playing both doctor in training and also bi brother and Lami and Sanji are both extremely similar and vastly different. Lmao and Sanji both like/d to cook and when they smile it's so bright and joyous. They both hate bugs but fuck if Sanji's panic attacks and PTSD flashbacks aren't the most concerning thing to Law. Sanji won't talk about it and Law has suffered from losing his first family, Cora, and he needs to get revenge against Doflamingo and the Government for what they have done.
When Bepo comes along and is so huggy and touchy Law is kind of jealous but Law isn't and Sanji is touch starved so. Law deals with it at first but Bepo is warm dammit so he caves and they all sleep in a pile. Then Shachi and Penguin join. The pile grows.
Before the crews split up after Wano everyone found the five of them in a sleep pile. Nami uses this to blackmail the Heart Pirates for money, or tries to at least. Law and Sanji don't really care and point out that they'll think Sanji has just switched crews. That makes Luffy angry so he stops Nami but Bepo does pay for a copy of the photo. It is proudly displayed in Bepo's navigation room on the Polar Tang, Shachi and Penguin love it, Law does secretly but Kidd making fun of him for it makes Law wonder if he shouldn't shambles the man into the ocean.
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minkyutie · 2 years
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kino - 221116 vlive not pictured: op in absolute shambles
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
Oda packing the punches: Chapter 1086 spoilers
Okay, I'm not doing a long one like last week, but heaps to take in, and I adore the idea of all of the notorious, prestigious and sought after stowaways on the ships leaving the Marie Geoise shores.
The ones from the new world must do so with World Government (Marine) assistances, right?
And Tajine Kingdom (Bonney stowed away on their ship) and St. Aegis kingdom (Walpol and Vivi stowed away on theirs) were World Government member nations, and both rebelled. I wonder why.
My main reason for being here, though is:
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this!!!!!! 👆
Look at our bow-legged bird, even in seraphim form. Crocodile's beauty is as glassy-eyed (sad-eyed, dead-eyed?) as Boa Hancock's and Mihawk's, and Moria's looking pretty good too.
So, the seraphim are being employed to basically destroy their makers (the original Hancock, Mihawk, etc.—not that we've seen a Mihawk/S-Mihawk fight yet). There has to be a Trafalgar Law one. Oda wouldn't pass up the opportunity, I think. Although, if it will convolute the story, that one might be left to us fan-fiction writers.
Lots of other stuff. Massive catch up, lore drops. The destruction of Lulusia seems to parallel Marshall Island Atoll nuclear tests or Maralinga in the centre of Australia, or so many others, and more linearly (time-wise) the U.S. government's nuclear testing in New Mexico before the ultimate bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Robin has apparently told the revs:
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that the ancient weapons exist (as Ivankov lets us know above).
And more parallels here with the Einstein / Vegapunk thing, and what their research can be harnessed for, or what they might directly contribute to without and possibly with knowing the consequences.
Iva suspects that the attack has nothing to do with Vegapunk (although maybe I misread the panel—it seemed that Imu thought it was Vegapunk's work, but Imu might've been referring to the seraphim).
Iva suspects that Imu is
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Imu of House Nerona (one of the original founders of the Celestial Dragons / Word Government / Mary Geoise), so, from the void century and granted eternal youth through the ope ope no mi, although the fruit is not mentioned by name. Whether the revs' don't know it's granted from a fruit, or whether they're playing coy, is not apparent. It seems the former.
As a founder, they (Imu) could possibly have knowledge of the ancient weapons.
So, as an aside, considering the original granter of the eternal fruit would have died as per their fruit's power (Lili?) then there must be more people around with eternal youth too, right?, because others would have consumed the fruit, and 800 years is a long time.
Anyway, briefly onto Lili; if she had the ope ope no mi, she could've shambled the poneglyphs the world over as a very awakened form of the fruit, and maybe granting Imu eternal youth is what caused her death. I don't think that's my idea. I probably read it somewhere, but I can't recall where.
For the above, I love that Robin's dropping massive intel into the Revolutionary Army's lap.
Seems that Sabo will be a D. too, from this statement below 👇 . I'd prefer he wasn't, but, whatever!
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Sabo is definitely surrounded by them! And that 'checkered fate' line is used a lot. I know there are a few translations on it.
Lastly, and it's not only the last (like, for instance, Walpol won't tell Vivi about her Father, CPO are running around with pictures of Vivi and Sabo to folks in Mary Geoise, Sterry (Sabo's brother) doing a Sanji when sighting Vivi's picture, and Big News Morgans filling the reader in on how he managed to pick up Walpol and Vivi (we suppose)): BUT possibly one of the biggest pieces of news is:
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that Saint Donquixote Mosgard will be executed due to protecting Shirahoshi 👆 , thereby running parallels with Homing, except that Mosgard was effective with his compassion, but will also pay with his life, as did Donquixote Rosinante (and his father). And
The person tasked with the execution is the former king of God Valley, and I know there's a lot of Rocks D. Xebec info about God Valley that's basically all over my head at present (will read up on it later, or read someone else's meta).
But as importantly, or maybe more importantly, is this guy's name: Saint Figarland Garling. Shanks, was stated by the Gorosei in Film Red (although I missed this section, or forgot it) as coming from the Figarland family (he was discovered in a box that the Roger Pirates stole during the God Valley Incident).
Ahahahah. I love all the influences though: Good Donquixotes, and then Donquixote Doflamingo. Entitled Figarlands, and then good Shanks, or maybe not... (I believe he's good, but Oda always turns the tables on me, and everything's grey, even when characters have positive aspects).
So, yeah—there's a ton of stuff. Go have a read or wait for the official, but the scans gave the elders their names, so I'll just drop that too, and a translators' note that was interesting:
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Read below for their processes in naming:
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Okay as said, I didn't cover everything, but ALSO, look at this gorgeous cover (Oda can't be ignorant that it's pride month)
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I love the little frog. It's a reader's request: Chopper and a kitty crossing the reflection of a rainbow they see in a puddle. Cute! The reflections look great too.
Also, don't forget this guy:
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dysiver · 1 year
Oh Dys, I'm still in mourning. This is misery!! What is left in this world if my king didn't even get to go out with a bang. What the absolute shit? Gojo shouldn't go out like this man, this is disrespectful. GG, let me buy the rights to jjk so I can revive my bb boi and he can pull some shit with the fraudkuna/megumi mess and then he can rest with his bf by his own choice. If my king goes out, it has to be because he got bored of living in the world where he's already god and he wants to be romantic and shit and decides to die on his bf's anniversary death date, not some shit like this. Let him be the arrogant little asshole that I love even in death, not some fraudkuna bootlicking humbling shit like "he wasn't even going all out on me" And that picture haunts me. Doing him dirty like this man? I don't want to see my man cut in half GG. Now everything is ruined and I'm in shambles and I'm so angsty as fuck that I don't know how to bring myself to watch or read this week's issues 😣 As you can tell, I'm both a simp and I'm heated so I am sorry for the rant dys. I have already literally shaken my friend so badly in anger, betrayal, sadness, disbelief that she passed out on me and now I have noone else to rant to 😔 Thing is, she is even worse off then me. She is in denial and still hasn't processed Gojo got the Toji-outfit curse treatment and got cut in half. Man, You right. This week ain't it for Gojo si- fans. Even the anime? Idk how many episodes I have to wait until I see a glimpse of him again after the sealie-do has been done 😭 I'm in pain :'<
honestly, that's still what upsets me the most LOL the way they killed him. I was ready for Gojo to die since the beginning of the fight, all gojo fans knew this, but we were having fun and booing sukuna the whole time. It is just so damn disrespectful LOL to get a fucking off-screen dead, it is legit so fucking annoying.
Like for example, Rengoku is still my favorite Demon Slayer character, by far, no one has come close to him even tho some other characters are better written, and that's because of how he died, what he did, and how it went down and it looked even better once it was animated, it make everything feel so fucking whole and made me like him even more. The way he died, mattered a lot, it make his death sad, it make people sad.
I'm not even sad that Gojo is dead, I'm fucking pissed off LMAO! I'm pissed off because we got some afterlife speech with "sukuna wasn't even really trying." bullshit while sukuna was crawling around and crying for help the whole time, like ???? you expect me to believe that gege??? cuz that's not what the fuck you wrote LOL so quit trying to make me suck that dick cuz I'm not swallowing that bullshit.
I know a lot of people are saying Gojo isn't really dead, and there are lot of theories that have evidence backing them up but I'm still never going to get over how gege wrote an off fucking screen dead for one of his most hyped characters all cuz he doesn't know how to fucking write the fucker.
Do you know what other writers do? They cripple the fuckers to keep them from being so OP. All gege had to do was cripple Gojo (which technically is part of the theories going around) and if he DOES do that, I'm still gonna be annoyed that he wrote that shit off screen even if Gojo is alive.
Nothing will fucking make any Gojo fan get over the fact that this shit was done off-screen. It is so fucking cheap.
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intercoursefluids · 2 years
From Burning Petals To The Misty Breeze
I wrote this from 10pm to 2 am don't judge me for how it turned out
For as long as he could remember Damian had stuff brought to him by nature.
Occasionally, there would be something that he needed brought in by the sea, lakes, rivers, hell even in streams if he was near them.
He needed a container to hold fresh water? 
There is an old water jug, washed ashore before his very eyes.
Needed wood to start a fire?
A piece of driftwood bobbing gently in the current, somehow miraculously dry enough to build a fire from.
Damian supposed that these could be chalked up to coincidences like his mother would sometimes say if she saw it happen (she liked to say he was lucky).
That excuse stopped working as he got older.
Plants, usually flowers, would bloom holding whatever he needed in the center of its petals.
His mother had been there once when it happened, that's when she told him what was likely happening.
She told him of soulmates.
Two people that were made to balance on another. She said they could be anyone, from your lover, best friend, family, to your absolutely most hated EX, enemy, or that one family member no one likes.
Together they analyzed his bond with his soulmate, figuring out what triggered the bond and testing the limits.
At first they thought that the bond would only activate when in dire need but that was proven wrong when he needed a pen to draw a picture of a bird he saw outside.
Eventually his mother came to the conclusion that he was one of the “lucky ones”.
He had a soulmate that would help him with whatever he needed, watch his back when he didn’t know it needed watching.
Damian’s mother had been so happy for him that she told him to hide it.
She told him to hide his bond from his grandfather and pretend he was one of the few who never received a soulmate, like she was.
She spoke of how his grandmother had wanted nothing to do with the life of an assassin, how his grandfather killed her because of it.
Damian didn’t want his soulmate to be hurt, so he did as she asked.
He hid the med kits he would receive after a particularly brutal training session.
He kept quiet about the snacks that would deliver themselves in flowers by his bedside whenever he was hungry, sometimes, if it was a particularly tasty treat, he would share it with his mother, the only person to know that it ever came from the one on the other end of his bond.
He gave his mother the blankets and other clothes that he received, particularly the very large, very warm jacket that could not have possibly fit him, during his survival training in the mountains.
Unbeknownst to Damian, the night he had revealed his bond was the very night that Talia had started planning to take him away from the league and to his father, Bruce.
Slade’s attack on the league only sped up the process and gave her a good cover, leading her to where she stood on his front door step, face to face with Bruce’s soulmate, Selina Kyle.
“Well Hello there, we weren’t expecting you for another few months at least . What changed?”
Talia followed Selina’s lead into the manor, pulling a 10 year old Damian after her.
“There was an attack on the league, this was the best time to get him out of there.”
Selina was about to respond when Damian tugged on his mother’s sleeve, dragging her attention down to him as he yawned.
“Can I rest now? We have been traveling a lot.”
With a glance at Selina, Talia led Damian to a living room, gesturing for him to nap on the couch.
Both women watched as a large flower bloomed next to it, holding a large knitted blanket and a black cat stuffed animal.
Damian took both, climbing onto the couch and bidding his mother goodnight before falling asleep.
After Damian was out, Selina led Talia to the kitchen for some tea.
“You know you can stay here too right? We really don’t mind.”
Talia smiled tiredly at Selina, reaching out to hold her hand as she sighed.
“I know, and I wish I could, but the league is in shambles right now. I might just be able to change how it operates, steal my fathers followers from right under him. Change it for the better.”
Selina interlocked their fingers, stirring her tea with her other hand.
“You know I wasn’t joking when I said I was open to sharing Bruce right? Polyamory is a thing and I wouldn’t mind him being with you at the same time as me, hell I wouldn’t mind being with you myself!”
It was times like this when Talia was grateful for her darker complexion.
“Well, I do hope to come back one day. Maybe if the offer is still on the table we can act on it then.”
Talia unlaced their hands, kissing Selina on the cheek before going back to Damian and kissing his forehead goodbye.
She headed for the door, waving to Bruce as he walked down the stairs before leaving out the door.
She hoped her little boy would be safe from her father with them.
_7 years later_
Marinette awoke to her pillow on fire. Again.
Sure it worked better than her actual alarm clock and didn’t actually burn it.
That didn’t change the fact that it almost gave her a heart attack every time though.
Rushing around her room, Marinette sprints to get ready, rushing around her room and hoping she didn’t miss the bus to the airport.
Marinette sprints down the stairs and out the front door, kissing her parents goodbye along the way.
Marinette makes it to the school just as the bus pulls out of the parking lot.
Tightening her grip on her luggage, Marinette takes off running after it, feeling the wind as it picks up speed and strength around her before it lifts her off her feet entirely.
She loses her grip on the luggage as she is tossed around the breeze in the direction of the bus.
The first time it happened she had cried, she wouldn’t lie.
After she found out the fire and wind were probably part of her soulbond she calmed down significantly, now she expects it to happen so she can properly brace for it, such as constantly taking a brush with her wherever she goes.
As Marinette and her luggage near the bus she spots Kim’s open window, he probably left it open specifically for this reason.
Once she is close enough two more windows open, Adrien and Nino’s specifically, and they reach out to grab her luggage as Kim helps pull her through the window and into a seat.
After closing the windows and putting her luggage in the bus compartments Marinette sags against the seat, too high on adrenaline to even try talking.
“I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to seeing you Peter Pan your way places girl.”
Marinette looks over that cell phone camera that resides where her best friend's face should be and groans, weakly batting at it as Juleka steals her hair brush from her bag and starts fixing her hair for her.
“Oh yeah, sure. The wind is the weird part of Mari’s soulbond. Not the literal Fire .”
Marinette sagged against Kim in protest to that.
Her soulbond wasn’t weird.
“Oh yes, let's bully Mars for outing a liar shall we?”
Alya’s phone snaps around to film Adrien, who was more snarky than most of Paris actually believed him to be.
“She set her pants on fire! That was a little overkill!”
At this point most of the bus had either turned to join the conversation or were trying to sleep like normal people.
“Actually, Marinette didn’t set her on fire, that was part of her soulbond and she can’t control that. She just wanted everyone to know Lila was lying so her bond acted on it.”
Markov floated over the seat in front of them, defending Marinette and causing her to lift up her hand for a fist bump from the robot, before anging her fist towards Adrien.
“If nobody else has my back, I know Markov, Adrien, and whoever the hell is on the other side of my bond is, do.”
Alya snorted, turning the camera to Max who was talking to Alix.
“And what do you think about Marinette’s bond setting Lila on fire?”
With the most blank face Marinette had ever seen, Max looked directly into the camera and spoke his truth.
“Liar, liar, pants on fire.”
Alya choked, coughing so hard she ended up falling on Nino as Adrien lunged across his seat to give Max a high five.
Everyone was giggling, either laughing at what Max said, or Alya’s reaction to it.
It was true by the way.
The first time Lila tried to lie to the class in front of Marinette her pants immediately caught on fire and wouldn’t stop until she told the truth.
She ended up moving back to Italy which was pretty sad. If she had just stopped lying then and there then Marinette could have seen herself being friends with the girl.
“Alright class! Once we get onto the plane I recommend trying to sleep for the flight there, we will arrive around 3 to 4 in the morning so try to rest long enough to keep off the jet lag, alright? Once we arrive there will be an interview with the Gotham Gazette on how we were able to win the contest. Marinette? Are you, Nino, Adrien, Chloe, and Alya still up for representing the class there?”
Everyone agreed and soon (2 hours later) they were all aboard the plane and making their way to Gotham, New Jersey.
Marinette shifted on the uncomfortable interview couch she was sharing with her friends.
She had been antsy since she woke up in her hotel room and the blinking red dot from the camera was not helping.
She watched, mesmerized by it, tensing up ever so slightly the longer she started at it.
“... Uh, Mar? You good over there?”
A nudge in the ribs has Marinette jumping a good foot in the air from her seat.
Questioning and concerned looks cover everyone's faces, the interviewer included.
“Honey, if you aren’t feeling up to it we can postpone this interview, or we can just have your friends here fill in for you?”
Marinette jumps up, waving her hands in front of her face as a gentle breeze sweeps through the room, tossing her hair and scattering a few papers around the room.
“No, no there’s no need for that sorry. I’ve just been a little on edge today. It's not a problem really!”
The breeze picks up strength as she rambles, tossing her skirt and pulling her hair from her pigtails as everyone around her starts to take notice of it.
“Uh, Mar? Do you need something? Your soulbond is acting up.”
Marinette pauses in her rambled assurances, finally taking notice of the winds surrounding her.
“N-no? I mean, I don’t think I need anything? I’m not sure what it is doing- Hey! Put me down!”
Marinette is cut off as she is swept off her feet, tossed around in the swirling winds that are oh so fond of taking her places instead of letting her walk .
The interviewer’s panicked questions and her friend’s calm answers are both drowned out by the roaring winds surrounding her.
After a minute of just tossing her around the winds finally decided to actually move her somewhere.
The doors to the room are slammed open and she is moved through them and up the stairs, closely followed by her friends, the interviewer, and a camera man as they head to the roof.
As soon as she makes it out onto the rooftop the wind increases in strength before she is tossed over the edge of it, raising panicked shouts from her friends and pedestrians below her alike.
As Marinette is tossed about without rhyme or reason she manages to spot a few cellphones out, recording the entire ordeal.
Well, cellphones and someone being pushed towards her by a bunch of vines.
“Okay, seriously Little D, what the hell is going on? Why are we here?”
Damian groans, running his hands through his hair as he tries to organize his thoughts.
“I already told you! I don’t know ! I just feel like I need to go this way okay?! It’s not my fault all of you decided to follow me!”
Damian turns around, walking backwards just so he could glare at Jason and keep moving at the same time.
With a sigh, Stephanie moves forward from the line of his siblings who decided to stalk him today, grabbing him by the shoulders and forcing him to stop moving.
He hates it.
Usually being touched by his siblings doesn’t bother him, it's being forced to stop moving that is bothering him today.
He has to keep walking, and they won’t let him. This was the third time they had stopped him and he was getting sick of it.
“Damian, we are getting worried, you have been wandering around for over an hour now and we just want to make sure you are safe-”
Stephanie is cut off as the ground rumbles under them.
They look down, watching as a vine sprouts from the concrete, not breaking through it but obviously sprouting from under it.
The vine rapidly grows, pushing the two of them apart as more grow around the group.
“Is it Ivy? I thought she gave the whole villain thing up?”
Duke’s voice sounds from Damian’s left, followed closely by Timothy’s.
“She did, I don’t think this is from her- Hey! Damian!”
The vines start to push at Damian, forcing him to break into a run in the direction they are shoving him in as his siblings give chase.
Almost immediately Damian starts to feel better, the itchy feeling that had been lurking under his skin all day was finally gone as he picked up speed, the vines forcing themselves under his feet making him run up an incline towards the roof tops.
Looking up ahead Damian spots a figure above him, being tossed around by the wind in his direction.
As he gets closer Damian is able to see that it is a girl, she’s being thrown around every which way towards his general direction.
As soon as they make contact Damian’s feet leave the ground (vines?).
Looking down Damian sees the vines quickly fading into nothing as he is tossed around by the wind like the girl, who is now much closer to him.
They reach for each other at the same time, latching onto each other as what seems like an explosion surrounds them.
The previously harsh wind, now softened and cool, mixes with mist and makes the swirling vortex surrounding them visible to the naked eye.
Bright dots flutter in the misted breeze and as they float closer Damian is able to make out what seems like a flower petal on fire.
Damian stares around them in wonder, wrapping his arms around the girl before he looks down at her, meeting her eyes for the first time.
Immediately he loses the air in his lungs, he can literally feel himself falling for her.
… On second thought he might be feeling them actually falling from the sky and not just the metaphor of him falling in love with her.
The girl screams as she realizes what is happening, clutching onto his shirt and burying her face in his chest.
Damian has to remind himself not to enjoy that so much and focus on saving them more than he would like to admit.
His back makes impact with something a mix between being hard and soft before he rolls off of it and hits something else.
The girl feels it too, shifting just enough to catch sight of what they had hit.
A giant flower.
Several more cushioned impacts come, jostling them both every time, but slowing their fall nonetheless.
By the time they make contact with the last flower and roll gently, but not in any way gracefully, onto the concrete the girl is giggling and Damian can feel a laugh bubbling in his chest as she lays on top of him.
She moves first, sitting up to straddle him and pulling his upper body up with her so he is bracing himself on his elbows, staring up at the, very beautiful, girl in his lap.
“Well hello there, soulmate.”
As soon as the sound of her voice makes it to his ears Damian knows he’s a goner.
Well, he already knew he was a goner when she buried her face in his chest but this just solidified it.
He lays back down on his back, covering his eyes with his elbow as he laughs.
She shifts, no longer straddling him with her legs but now leaning over him with her hands planted to either side of his head. Her face directly over his when he moves his arm.
“Hello to you too. What’s your name, beautiful?”
She smiles, and for a second Damian swears the sun went out and was replaced by her.
“Marinette. What’s yours, handsome?”
Damian reaches up, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, before he gives up and pulls her down to him.
Rolling over onto his side on the dirty concrete so they are practically nose to nose with each other with her legs half thrown over his.
“Damian. My name is Damian.”
She lays her hand on his cheek, running her thumb just under his eye as she stares at him.
“I like your name. It’s very pretty.”
Damian reaches up, cupping her hand with his own.
“I like you. I already think you're amazing.”
She beams at him and Damian swears, on everything he has ever had and known, that he will do everything in his power to make her smile like that until the day he dies.
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Trafalgar D. Water Law Miscellaneous Info
Wiki: Trafalgar D. Water Law
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Name: Trafalgar D. Water Law Title: Surgeon of Death (Shi no Gekai) Nickname: Tri-guy, Traffy, Captain, Boss
Family Clan: Will of D. Family: Mom (Deceased) Dad (Deceased) Lammy (Little Sister) (Deceased) Donquixote Rosinante (Corazon) (Adopted Dad/benefactor)(Deceased)
Looks Age: 24-26 Hair: Black Black Eye: Yellow (Gray in Anime) Gender: Male Height: 6'3½" (191 cm) Weight: 187 lbs (85 kg) Tattoos: Hands/Back/Shoulder/Arms/Chest
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Personality Info: Status: Alive Blood type: F (B) Personality: INTJ or ISTJ Alignments: Chaotic Neutral Enneagram: 5w6 (The Troubleshooter) Enneagram Type: Type 5 (The Investigator) Enneagram Trinity: 584 Instinctual Variant: sp/sx Socionics: LSI Big 5 (SLOAN): RLOEI Attitudinal Psyche: LVEF Temperaments:  Melancholic-Choleric Hogwarts House: Slytherin/Ravenclaw Height: 6'3½" (191 cm) Weight: 187 lbs (85 kg) Birthday: October 6 (Libra) Personality: Law is a kind and compassionate person underneath his hard exterior. He will try to seem indifferent to a lot of things he enjoys (Robots and Ninjas). He is very cool and collected likes making plans before taking actions but can be reckless when his own emotions get the best of him. He can be callous from time to time and e is rumored to be called coldhearted and heartless due to the way he fights being merciless on his enemy but not actually killing them. While Law would rather not get involved in conflicts, he can be abrasive and doing rude gestures. Law is dedicated to the Hippocratic Oath as a doctor to save lives and has also been dedicated to becoming a doctor. He can be seen laid-back with a scheming smile from time to time though rare, his smirk often comes when he feels pleased with something. -Says "-ya" at the end of everyone's name and will use nicknames on people.
Affiliations: Occupation: Captain of the Heart Pirates Doctor Affiliations: Heart Pirates Worst Generation (SuperNova) Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance Seven Warlords of the Sea (Former) -Law was one of the youngest to hold the title of war-lord currently Donquixote Pirates (Former) Nationality: North Blue Flevance (former) Spider Miles (former) Germany (If in the real world) Bounty: 500,000,000Berry 440,000,000 200,000,000 Jolly Rodger:
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Ship: Polar Tang -Fanmade Layout
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Mis Hobby: Wandering around and collecting commemorative coins and reading Favorite Food: Onigiri and Grilled fish Least Food: Bread and Umeboshi Animal: Spotted Seal and/or Snow Leopard Favorite Super Hero: Sora, Warrior of the Sea -Hates Germa 66 Flower: Dutchman's Pipe Cactus (Queen of the Night) Transponder Snail:
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Character Type: Hero/Anti-Hero Episodes Appear in: I will add to this later. Quotes: There are things you can’t see unless you change your standing. – Trafalgar D. Law You can’t see the whole picture until you look at it from the outside. – Trafalgar D. Law
Fighting Abilities: Haki: Bushoku Devil Fruit: Ope Ope No Mi Type: Paramecia-type
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Abilities: Room: All of Law’s techniques take place in room, the size of the room can vary. People Caught in room are patients in an operating room. He cannot do anything outside of the room Amputate: Allows Law to cut and sperate within room. Doesn’t have to contact Kikoku. -Almost like Buggy’s Devil Fruit- Radio Knife: Advanced version Amputate. Chargers his sword with electricity that gives the enemy an electric shock after being cut. Shambles: Can switch places with any object inside of room. Jinakau Ishoku: Can switch souls/hearts in people's bodies. Switching their personality Takt: Can levitate objects in room moving his index finger. -Can also raise stone thrones from the ground- Scan: imbuing his sword with fruit energy. Swaps personal items from a person. Mes: Strikes with bare hands and steals people's hearts and keeps them in a cube. Counter Shock: Releases a strong electric shock using his thumbs. -probably doesn’t need room- Gamma Knife: Law’s strongest technique. It destroys a person’s organs with an energy blade. Sterben: Using his severed arm to make it spin and become a blade of death. Curtain: Creates a curtain that is transparent from attacks. Awakened Techniques Kroom: Similar to room but he can coat an object in a separate bubble. Anesthesia: This allows him to stab someone with harming the target. Shock Wille: After stabbing, someone will release an electric shock Skills Strong Will Fearless Superhuman Physical Prowess Great Endurance High Pain Tolerance Skilled in Martial Art Skilled Fist Fighter Medical Expertise (Even as a child) Surgical Skills (Might know more than just human body) Knowledgeable in Pharmacology High Intelligence Crafty Skilled Strategist Tactical Skills Quick Thinker Skilled Swords Men Skilled in Busoshoku Haki Weapon: Kikoku -Cursed Sword -Larger Version of Japanse Nodachi -Usually carries it over his shoulder
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Song: Dr. Heart Stealer Lost in New World Headliner Theme
Voice actor: JP: Hiroshi Kamiya EN: Matthew Mercer -His Japanese Voice actor sings a few songs acting like Law.
Pictures: Outfits
Punk Hazard Outfit
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Leaving Punk Hazard
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Wano outfit
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TBC (outfits)
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alottamoney · 3 years
Imagination Is Free
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The template for all anti-shippers, anti-Taekookers to be exact. The visual God himself finally taking a stand against those evil Taekookers, they had been crossing their limits with all their- well, I'm not sure what the majority of Taekookers were doing at the time, nothing notable had happened, a rather quiet month. I woke up to my Twitter timeline in shambles that day because Taehyung had put a “delulu” in their place, "ending Taekook", there was hashtag trending because of course there was. Taekookers on the other hand were in various stages of shock, some were apologetic, some mad at other Taekookers for being "embarrassing", some vowing to stop shipping because Tae was clearly uncomfortable. So what happened on 19 November 2019?
Taehyung had asked fans on Weverse (the only way to communicate with ARMY!) for advice because he couldn't sleep and ARMY promptly answered, and one of them said that they look at pictures of Jungkook whom Taehyung loves (translations vary) to which Tae had replied with the now-infamous line as seen below.
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I  didn't find the comment too scandalous, it might not be the best advice, maybe unnecessary, but surely not enough to earn the kind of response Tae gave (the very rude reality check, which the majority assumed it was). Why did Tae decide to pick on this unsuspecting fan? The consensus seemed to be that OP suggesting Tae look at Jungkook’s photos was too inappropriate, or was it that OP said that Tae loves Jungkook? How could they assume that?! It’s not like Tae has ever said that in those exact words. I guess love can only be romantic in this context and in all contexts if it involves Tae and Jungkook, because everyone thought so including Tae, right? (Which is interesting in itself.) OP must've been a shipper, no other fans think Tae could love Jungkook and hence they deserved what they got.
OP’s “vulgar” suggestion had everyone righteously fuming. OP had invaded his privacy and he did well by establishing boundaries. He was finally taking back his independence from the tyrannical shippers. While I agree that restraining ourselves on social media, to not make others uncomfortable is not a skill many of us have, was Tae really put on the spot here? Didn't he voluntarily log on to Weverse during his time off, knowing that the app has absolutely no filtering process? I'd also like to think that someone who is an adult, and part of BTS, who have one of the most rabid (I’m being generous) fandoms in existence, at least has the foresight to know that asking the question: "I can't sleep, what should I do?" to a bunch teenagers on a public platform would invite some unsavory comments. Could he not have ignored this comment like the many other shippy/shippi-er comments, which I was told were quite a few. I still don’t think the OP's comment was offensive or inappropriate or more inappropriate than the vast number of posts in Weverse where fans act too familiar with the members. I will also argue that this fan behavior has been cultivated by BTS and their label. Tae asking for advice like this, in my opinion, is an example of playing into this false sense of familiarity fans often feel with idols, a type of fanservice. I find it hard to believe that a millionaire couldn't find professional assistance that he had to resort to his fans on the internet? Not even Google? An elder family member perhaps? I emphasize this because I saw too many people acting as if Tae truly was asking for advice and that OP had somehow intruded on a serious discussion. Of course, everyone has bad days and makes bad choices, we shouldn’t rule that out either.
The perception of shipping culture is a recurring topic here and I've said in my previous posts too that idols are aware, and encourage shipping through fanservice, this does not mean all idols like shipping or have no reservations, but keeping ships aside, let's not act like this is the first “inappropriate” comment Tae has come across. Celebrities are subjected to bizarre questions and comments all the time. It's an industry that requires a thick skin to survive in. An occupational hazard, if you will. We can spend many hours discussing how right or wrong that is, but we’ll stick to the topic at hand.
What about OP’s comment threw Tae over the edge and not, say, the one asking him to cuddle with another member? Is this the one ship that he can’t stand? What makes this ship different? Why would Tae need to put an end to Taekook? Was he being bombarded with Taekook? Were Taekookers suffocating him with cute edits on Twitter? Were reporters asking him if he was dating his bandmate? As I recall, this happened a month or so after Jungkook had a dating "scandal". If anything, more people (of the non-shipper variety, maybe even some disenchanted shippers) were willing to believe Jungkook had a secret girlfriend whom he had to deny dating to keep the fantasy of the perfect idol alive. Even if that hadn’t happened, Tae didn't have to end Taekook because the fandom had already ended it for him with "Taekook drifted apart" (now company approved since In The Soop). Taekook had stopped being an important, but not unpopular, ship a long time ago. It wasn't even the most talked about ship within BTS, that would be another one, that also incidentally involves Jungkook. The one that had its shippers wish them a happy wedding anniversary by advertising it through the TV station of a foreign country; something like this upsetting idols would be understandable. It seems both the members and the fandom have a very high threshold for what is considered inappropriate and crossing lines, but not when it comes to Taekook.
So what did this outburst really achieve? the #taekookisdead? If we are to assume that Tae was so affected by what people have to say about ships, then I'm sure this brought great relief to him. If there’s one thing that prevents awkwardness between you and your co-worker, it’s seeing your fans celebrate the death of your already dead ship with the said co-worker, nothing uncomfortable or intrusive here. Tae, ironically, brought more attention to this ship.  
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As I am feeling nitpicky: this translation account asks, I assume, international ARMYs to refrain from posting shipping stuff where the members can see them but the OP was Korean, and they always claim Korean fans know better than international fans, so this PSA seems a bit misdirected especially since the members mostly reply to Korean posts. Some did say that it looked like OP used a translation app because the phrasing was strange. I am not Korean so I don’t have much of an opinion on it or a way to confirm this as it seems Korean fans are also divided on what was said and meant by both Tae and OP. If it is the case that OP is not Korean it still doesn’t solve the question of what Tae and OP meant. 
At the end of the day, I don’t know what OP's intentions were or if Tae is uncomfortable being shipped with Jungkook, I can only guess based on the things he says and does.
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This happened in January 2020, before someone screams damage control. Tae was crowned fanservice king for this. Some fans rationalized that sleeping is not romantic or sexual, especially not in the daytime(?) which it was in the USA, where Tae and the rest of BTS were. “Don’t get the wrong idea Taekookers!” Once again, the conversation was being led by people who were afraid Taekookers might cross some imaginary line. I understand their concern; you don’t want Taekookers printing out wedding invitations but Tae sure is careless for someone who seemingly cannot stand the thought of being shipped with Jungkook. He could’ve just said, “Jungkook is sleeping” or have Jungkook answer the question and leave minimal room for Taekookers’ rogue imagination to fill in the gaps.
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In March, Tae played a game with a few selected ARMYs and this person had entered uninvited and proceeded to disrupt the game. Tae kicks them out but not before commenting on their username, the troll replies with, “Imagination is free.” which is fair. Only if Weverse OP were this quick on their feet. The way Tae uses “Imagination” both times, I am going to assume he has a very specific issue with ships that involve Jungkook. Strange.
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Taehyung once again not seeming to care that he might be giving ideas to his delusional shippers. 
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Don’t get it confused with love or something.
What did you think of Tae’s comment? Are you a reformed Taekooker now? Have you found a reliable translator yet?
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decepti-thots · 3 years
either megatron or tarn if you’re still doing the character meme
i'm just gonna do Tarn for this one!
favorite thing about them: tarn is a really fascinating character to me because he's introduced into the narrative as a character who is awful for one reason, and then i feel like you find out his actual worst depths are completely different. the idea that the worst parts of Tarn are not the parts he created for the Tarn persona, but the parts that he retains because he is Damus, is very compelling to me. he's less a monster because of the awful things he does, and he's more a monster because he knows they're awful, and tries to excuse them with the comforting knowledge that he knows they're awful, and he does them anyway. the little point about how he wears the mask so noone can see he closes his eyes is great, because it's so much worse that he is fully aware of how disgusting the things the DJD does are, to the point he himself is very upset by them, because he is still the same person he once was... and he does them anyway, over and over, and the only thing that knowledge gives him is unjustified self righteousness.
least favorite thing about them: just what I said in this post, really. Tarn is a character that feels made to be a foil, and the narrative's failure to settle on who precisely he is a foil to works to his and its detriment quite a few times, alas. (my kingdom for the version where it's Drift, honestly.)
favorite line: don't have it to hand but the speech he gives to Megatron in DotL about how all this mess is his fault (including, implicitly, Tarn himself) and it's rich of him to call it wasting his life when it's Megatron who wasted it is good.
random headcanon: tarn has a really shit singing voice and pretends he's above caring about that but he does. he DOES care. it is extremely annoying to him, interferes COMPLETELY with his Aesthetic of being Dude With Weird Cool Voice Who Knows Music. absolute shambles.
unpopular opinion: i have. no idea. what people argue about re: tarn. i know like, three whole tarn fans lol.
song i associate with them: *deep breath* concerto no. 2 in G minor, op. 8, RV 315, summer (III - presto) - vivaldi. is that how it's formatted. fuck you vivaldi why are things TITLED like this.
favorite picture of them
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no talk him angy
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Fleet Street calls out schtum Tories
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If you think hyperpartisan media is unique to the internet age and yearn for the balance and sobriety of the golden age of newspapers, you have an unduly rosy picture of both the past AND the present, as the British press ably demonstrates.
Maybe you've noticed the odd North American paper with titles that reveal their partisan history, like the Whig Standard and the Press Democrat, or you've heard of old-timey papers like the National Republican. You might think of the WSJ as Republican and the NYT as Dem.
But in the UK, there's never really been the pretense of independence from political parties. The Daily Mail, Telegraph, Sun and Times are Tory; the Guardian, Observer and Mirror are Labour. The Independent is called that because it's notionally independent.
The papers are partisan and so are their editors and writers, who generally hate one another and pick at each other in columns like Hamilton and Burr going at it in the op-ed section.
So when the British papers all co-sign a statement, it's worth taking notice.
A new petition from Opendemocracy calls on the Tory government to end its stonewalling on freedom of information requests, and it's been signed by more than a dozen current and former newspaper editors.
As Mary Fitzgerald and Peter Geoghegan write, the government's "Clearing House" unit has been repeatedly caught lying about how it handles FOI requests, creating blacklists to deny access to journalists.
Under the Tories, FOI response rates have plunged to their lowest level in 40 years, with the Clearing House repeatedly implicated in conspiracies to bury information of enormous public import, such as documents relating to the infected blood scandal:
Last month, leaks revealed that Clearing House was advising local councils to illegally withhold information on which buildings were sheathed in the lethal "Grenfell cladding" that resulted in the deaths of at least 72 people.
The petition has been signed by peers and MPs, "human rights lawyers, journalists, press freedom advocates and global non-governmental organisations including Index on Censorship, RSF, Greenpeace, Article 19, PEN and Transparency International."
The Tory government has presided over a series of lethal shambles that nevertheless piled enormous amounts of public funding into cronies' pockets for government services in no-bid and secret contracts, transforming the UK into a chumocracy.
The gutting of FOI service was overseen by archvillain Michael Gove. He's not hiding how the government works from its people because he thinks they'll love what he's doing and doesn't want to spoil the surprise.
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Hi, Moosh! (New OP writing blog! Yay!) Can I request HCs for Law, Killer, Kid and Robin confessing to their crush after a dangerous situation? Maybe a battle or something? And their reaction when their crush reciprocate their feelings? Thank you!! Good luck with your blog! ♡
(With these all except Law's (which I'm ify on) I'm proud of but I still hope you like it!💙)
Now Law could admit most times he was in fact a stubborn asshole.
Not that he'd ever admit it out loud though.
Most of his 'loner' 'no I have no emotions, get away from me' attitude came from a dark place of deep riddled trauma and trust issues.
He promised himself from a very young age that he wouldn't let anyone else in, that everyone around him was destined to fail and die at some point. No matter  what he was determined to stick to his guns, use people as he needed and accomplish his own set of goals.
Yeah? All of that? All of that was thrown out the window once you came into the picture.
You were brought to him with anyone's pleas and begging to let you join the crew, and with about twenty against one, it seemed like he had really no choice.
He couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was about you, was it how you treated the others? How you seemed to smile no matter how dark the outcome looked? How your eyes seemed to light up every time you looked at him the feeling in his chest would-whatever it was, he knew what he felt would only end up into trouble in the end.
With every passing day it seemed he learned more and more about you; your relationship-more like lacking relationship-with your parents, your desire to see the sea, your hobbies, and your dreams. Law's not a forgetful man, everything of importance you tell him he makes a mental note of in the back of his mind.
Everything about you kept tugging on his heart, he couldn't get you out of his brain and until that day he tried his best to keep it suppressed inside until he couldn't anymore.
It was supposed to be a very short trip to that island, pick up the supplies and necessary information about the area then leave.
Oh how things went wrong so quickly.
The crew was split up into two groups: one led by Law for tract an information broker, and the other led by you to fetch supplies and return to the ship by sundown. Everything started out alright, Law got the information he needed in a reasonable time, just not the exact info he sat out for, instead he quickly found out that the town was actually ran by a pirate crew that pulled the strings of the town's mayor, and they were not happy the Heart pirates were on their territory.
His group ran into the market in search for your group, once they found you, you were already heavily battered while in combat, and Penguin was holding a very injured Bepo.
It didn't take a lot of Room and Shambles to quickly cut the confrontation short.
Once back on the Polar Tang you and Bepo were brought to the Medical ward. Bepo was treated to a few stitches and banged up limbs while you were diagnosed with a condition to blunt trauma to the head and a few removed bullets. Once Bepo fell asleep, Law brought up a chair to set next to your bed as you stared up at the ceiling.
"How are you feeling?"
"That's normal, you just need to rest it off."
He took a slow sip of his coffee before setting it on your nightstand.
"Penguin told me what happened. You were the first one to mindlessly charge at them. Do you realise how foolish that was?!"
"They already had their weapons drawn, the intentions were already established. There wasn't any reasonable way to deal with them, if there was I would have done it."
"That's no excuse to run in blind, (Name)!"
You closed your eyes as you remained silent. Law taps his foot a couple of times before letting his face fall into his hands.
"Look...you were protecting the crew. I get it, but…" You looked back at the surgeon.
"But what?"
"Risking your life isn't worth it!" A look of disbelief emerged on your face and you sprang to sit up.
"So what?! They can all die instead?! Law that's sick!"
"That's not what I meant-"
"Then what do you mean?!"
"(Name), please-"
"No! What do you mean?! Are you saying my life is more-"
"I don't want to lose you like the rest."
A true look of confusion fell on your face. What does that mean?
He looked up at you, tears barely visible in his eyes.
"I lose everyone I care about. I don't want it happening to you too."
Oh shit.
"Don't get me wrong, I want nothing happening to the rest of the crew too, but-" Law shook his head as he rose out of the chair onto his feet. "Forget it, I'm making it worse and you're not in the condition-"
You caught his hand.
He looked back at you, completely conflicted. You gave him the smallest yet loving of smiles.
His heart wrenched.
Stop it. Stop what you're doing right now. His legs felt weak as your grip on his hand softened. He gently sat by your bedside, you moved closer to rest your head on his shoulder, his breath felt uneasy as it rattled his chest, until your fingers started to trace his.
Touch by touch he felt himself start to calm down. He hesitantly looked back at you, his eyes widened at how soft and loving your eyes were.
Corazon, please forgive him what he's about to do.
One hand lifted up your face as your expression turned into confused shock. What was he doing? Oh. Well now he was kissing you.
Once he pulled back he nudged his head between your shoulder so you couldn't look at his face. But you hear the struggled out sobs. You wrapped your arms around his sides, silently encouraging him to let it all out.
He couldn't help how he felt about you, but he didn't want what happened to everyone else that was in his life happen to you.
No he wasn't going to let it happen to you.
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Despite his name, we all know Killer's a sweetheart.
He's not only a sweetheart, but he's level headed, very knowledgeable, isn't afraid to take care of his captain's bullshit, and he's absolutely head over heels for you.
Kid swore that his first mate talked about you more than anything else. Sure it did make the captain upset that you had his attention more than he did, but he was happy his friend had found someone to make him happy.
It didn't stop the gagging motions, the jokes and teasing, and the occasional: "Just fuck already!" outburst.
To Kid, it was very obvious that you liked him too, and very the very impatient man child he is, decided enough is enough and gathered the test of the crew to come up with a plan.
And not the: 'get them in a room alone to talk about their feelings' bullshit either! No! If his friend was going to get the love of his life he was going to do it fun and memorable.
And fun and memorable to Kid means dangerous.
Kid and crew purposely pissed off the group of marines in town.
They split up and purposely left you and Killer on your own defenses together.
Once the bullet grazed the side of your head, Killer picked you up (in those big beefy arms of his) and quickly dashed you off into the next alley, the following marines missing the two of you and continuing on down the street of town.
Once he sat you down on a box, he touched the area around your wounds, you instantly hissing in pain granting you a quick quiet sorry from him.
He looked around for something to use as a temporary bandage to stop the bleeding until the two of you could get back to the Victoria Punk.
A lightbulb went off in his head as he reached for his shirt.
Nope not like a: 'let me rip off a piece of my shirt to apply to your injury' a fucking: 'let me take off my whole deadass shirt and let me wrap around your head.'
You sat cheeks scarlet as he struggled to get the shirt off over his head without taking off his mask. Once he succeeded, he shook his blonde locks back in place behind him before he went to work tying it around you.
Once he finished he took a small step back, admiring his work.
Oh god the shirt smelled like him (that's going in the memory bank)
Killer took a step to look out of the alley before cursing to himself, going back over to you.
"Marines are still in the street, I don't see much of an opening." He whispered.
"Then what do we do?" You whispered back. He scratched his head.
"I don't see the rooftops being a safe getaway, I suggested we either wait here for Kid or for an opening."
You nodded, honestly you didn't want to get back to ship because then Killer's shirt bandage would have to be removed, and you wanted as much time committing it to memory as possible.
Killer slumped next to you on the box, your eyes darting to avoid him.
Time crept by, Killer asking how you felt from time to time, you told him you were fine but you did feel woozy, he seemed to be able to tell and would start to check for more openings more often.
You eventually looked over to him (trying to ignore the shirtlessness) and gave him a small smile, he looked back at you for a few long moments before looking to his lap, letting out a sigh.
"You know I trust you right? Like a lot?" You nodded.
You gave the blonde a nod.
He let another sigh leave his lips as he slowly and hesitantly went up to take off his mask. He looked back to you for the first time truly face to face.
Your heart caught in your chest as your mouth fell agape.
The desperate look in his eyes seemed to tell you he couldn't tell what your reaction meant and went to quickly put the mask back on, but you caught his hands before he could. He looked back to you as you lowered his hands to let the mask fall into his lap. You smiled.
"You look very handsome, Killer."
He felt all possible words caught in his throat. Your eyes softened as your hands left his and slowly lifted to touch barely his face, the look you gave him asking for consent.
He felt his face be held by your hands. Your fingers rubbed and took in every bit of him, he let his eyes close as his face either warmed up to your touch or in embarrassment, or both he couldn't tell. Once he reopened his eyes, you were much closer than before.
Moving on his own, it was only after the two of you parted that he realised that your lips had met. With that realization, his eyes shined in bewilderment. You giggled as you pressed your forehead against his.
With your arms wrapped around each other, taking each other in did you not hear the yelps and screams of the marines behind you (somehow. Because the power of love or smth)  neither did you hear the bootsteps.
"Hey guys! It looks like we were about to miss a whole show!"
The two of you quickly tore apart as Killer quickly scrambled to put his mask back on before turning around to see his captain laughing next to Heat and Wire who made their way next to him.
Killer sprang up, heat cheeks hidden behind the mask, as he helped you onto your feet. The sight of the vice captain's shirt on your head seemed to increase the captain's laughter.
Kid laughter died down as he watched as his friend pulled you by the hand in the direction of the ship. He knew his plan would work, why wouldn't they? He is Captain Eutass Kid after all. Knowing this would make Killer happy, sparked a sense of pride in him.
Doesn't mean he would never joke about the time he would've possibly caught the two of them possibly fucking in an alley though.
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There is many things Captain Eutass Kid is, but being stupid is not one of them.
Sure, reckless. But not stupid.
And he sure has a fucking temper.
Him and the rest of his crew sat quietly (ha, really? Okay Kid.) minding their own business in the back of the bar.
You sat next to him, drinking away having a nice laugh with Heat when this fucking idiot showed up.
He put an hand on the back of your chair and introduced himself as Captain Dickface (Dicksen) a captain whose made himself a big name (Kid never hear of him) and would just 'love' (fucking gross) to buy you a drink and for you to come over to drink along him and the rest of his men.
You turned down the offer (because you're fucking smart, that's why you're a part of his crew)
But here's the kicker.
As Captain Dickass went back to his table, Kid heard the names he called you under his breath.
So, Kid politely introduced his metal fist, to Captain Dickpiss' face.
And that's how he 'accidentally' destroyed the whole bar in a brawl.
The moment you brought him to the infirmary you cussed, yelled, screamed in every possible way how idiotic what the captain did was.
He sat on the bench, holding the ice pack to his face as he let you raise your voice at him (because you got special privileges)
You rolled your eyes at the amuse look on his face.
"What Dicksen said didn't bother me. What you did was totally unnecessary."
Kid scoffed. "Yeah right, like I was going to let anyone mock a member of my crew and get away with it!"
"You broke his nose."
"Dickface deserved it!"
You sat down next to him on the bench, gesturing him to let you see his hand. He hesitantly let you take ahold of it to start taking care of his bashed knuckles. With each dap of alcohol swab, he hissed.
With clenched teeth he studied your gentle facial expression.
What he did, yes he did because your a member of his crew (and no one fucks with a member of HIS crew) but also because he-what's that word Killer told him was the word for how he felt? Likes! He likes you.
Doesn't mean he has any clue what to do.
Once you got started with wrapping up the captain's hand, did Kid really think about things. He likes you? What was he supposed to do? Killer said something about sharing feeling but fuck feelings.
You stood up off the bench and went to go to your desk, telling him he could leave now.
You two were alone.
Kid figured, you know what fuck it? People press eat each other's faces to show 'liking' each other right? Why not now?
The ice pack that was originally on his face was left carelessly on the bench as he got up on and made his way toward you, you looked back about to repeat your early notion he could leave but found yourself surprised when he roughly turned you around to catch your lips sloppily to his, teeth clanking  together.
A big shitty eating grin doubled your confusion as he pulled back.
"Kid what the fuck what that?" His grin dropped.
"What do you mean? That's the gross way people show they like each other."
Instantly, the statement got you rolling which the redhead found himself angrily taken back.
"Why the hell are you laughing?! This is the way I'm showing you I like you, you fucking moron!"
You smiled as your hands found themselves on his face with a: "Oh, Kid." The captain raised an eyebrow in confusion before your lips softly met his.
Oh. Okay. His heart feels light, that's new.
When you pulled back, his bewildered eyes brought you amusement, his cheeks flushed pink.
"Ya mind doing that again?
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Robin is a talented woman with a lot of things.
Keeping things hidden about herself is one of them.
From the very moment she joined the Strawhats, she promised herself she wouldn't get attached. But as time went on, with Jaya and Skypiea...things got harder.
She absolutely refused to let innocents get caught up in her running from her past. She even refused to say anyone's name, just by their title just to lay double on that.
But in a moment she couldn't exactly pinpoint, she longed to be a part of this little makeshift family. And out of all of them, you made things so much harder for her.
You were so calm, level headed, smart, kind, passionate-just everything you did caught her attention.
Which made things even more difficult than it already was on Water 7. With every plea you cried asking her why she wanted out, she could feel her cold lonely heart break more and more. 
And when she cried out her plea to live for Luffy, the look on your face made her sob even more. She wanted to continue to journey on sea, and she wanted to continue to live to see your dreams come to fruition as well. 
It was after her talk with Aokiji that she set off to find you. She found you out on the very edge of the party, you sat against a wall with your bottle in your hand as you avoided her gaze. 
You barely spoke a single word to her since the crew escaped Enies Lobby. She stood in front of you, her eyes half lidded and her hands at her sides. 
"Aren't you missing the party? The rest of the crew's celebrating mostly for you anyway." You said, voice hoarse. 
Robin shook her head as she went over to stand next to you, her back hitting the brick. 
"It's fine. I am glad to be back though." 
You chugged down more of your bottle, the alcohol burning your throat. Tears pricked your eyes. 
"For the longest time on that train, I thought I was going to lose you, Robin. I still…"
"I'm not going anywhere," she assured. "You all are stuck with me." 
You looked up at the smile she gave you. You looked to the bottle in your hands before gesturing it to her. 
And that's how the two off you ended sitting in each other's arms, taking turns sipping from the bottle of sake, laughing at all the past events the crew found themselves in. 
Robin found her fingers playing with your hair as you leaned into her chest, her slow breaths reminding you that she is alive and with you now. 
You closed your eyes as you nuzzled against her, tears threatened to form in your eyes. 
"I'm so glad you're alive, Robin." 
Robin felt taken back. 
That's right...people actually wants her alive. 
Her finger in your hair stopped as you looked up at her first assurance. With one slow movement, Robin pressed her lips to yours. 
With your heart thumping in your ears and your head suddenly thrown up into the clouds your hands tangled themselves in her raven hair. 
Once Robin pulled away, she sobbed her arms tightly around you as she pulled you close. 
"I'm so glad to be alive." 
And she promised she would always be. For you and the crew. 
She was a Strawhat. 
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montparnassee · 4 years
Please don't feel inclined to answer if this is tmi or just weird but you said in one photo that your hair is naturally red and you dye everything, and in your scar update photos your armpit hair is dark (is it weird that i noticed?) Anyway... do you dye your armpit hair? Btw I'm very impressed with your post op update it gives me courage thank you for sharing 🙏🖤
My underarm hair is a dark auburn! Not tmi at all haha, it looks darker in pictures. Same with my brows and lashes- when I don't dye them, they are dark auburn. My beard is a brown/silver/ginger mix, too. Absolute shambles if you ask me.
And no problem at all 🖤
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theonceoverthinker · 5 years
My way-too-cocky attempt to predict the rest of Volume 7
This got long, so I hope you’ll join this admittedly probably far too extensive theory I have put together under the cut.
Tldr: Our characters might not end up so emotionally divided at the end of the Volume after all, even if they end up being physically so.
Say Ironwood does lose his seat on the council next week. 
What would happen next in the story?
Well, I have some thoughts, and they may very well paint the picture of the rest of this volume’s progression.
So let’s say Ironwood is unsuccessful defending his council seat and Jacques Schnee usurps him.
Jacques kicks Ironwood out of his office FAST. Like, maybe he gets half a day before he’s escorted off the premises. He has no time to leave any final orders for what should be done with Atlas’ resources. He barely has time to get a change of clothing. And it’s not just him who is dismissed but also the Ace Ops (If there is a traitor in the pack -- I’m personally hoping there isn’t though, especially Clover -- it would make sense to reveal them now), Winter, and Penny, too. After all, it won’t help Jacques to have those still loyal to Ironwood, even if they’re at his command, and he’d LOVE to get revenge on Winter for firing her from the job she left their family for. 
Lost and forlorn, Ironwood absentmindedly passes by our mains who ask him what his next plan is just as casually as if they were a part of the air itself.
After all, without his power and resources, what’s the point of having a plan now?
So he  instead walks into Mantle -- it’s the only place he can go now.
But the people of Mantle are not so welcoming to him. They scowl at him as he roams the street, shouting at him about how he ruined their lives. But many are scared, too -- this may be the first time they’ve ever known Atlas without Ironwood at the helm, and Jacques is...he’s Jacques. Or at the very least, Ironwood’s dread is enough to drag out some really dark and ugly emotions -- emotions like fear and panic.
So like whenever fear and panic show themselves, a Grimm appears.
Ironwood can't fight it off, and just as it seems like he’s about to lose, Robyn comes to his aid, slicing the beast to shreds. She says that even if he’s given her no reason to trust him, she won’t let someone die to a Grimm if she has the power to stop it.
But Ironwood is a little hurt, physically speaking, so Robyn takes him somewhere safe to heal up. They end up somewhere that shows Ironwood what Mantle’s had to deal with under his rule. Mantle is torn, and at the mercy of the elements and Grimm. Ironwood realizes just how poorly he treated the people of Mantle, and apologizes, lamenting his terrible decisions. 
The mains and Ironwood’s allies then walk in. They see he feels well enough to talk now.
So they go over just how bad everything is -- because it is bad!
Jacques -- and by extension, Tyrian, Watts, and Salem -- now have unlimited access to Atlas Academy’s resources, the Winter Maiden, and the relic (Possibly both if Ruby or Oscar weren’t able to save it). If the relic is removed, Atlas is going to fall out of the sky, and that means death and a LOT of it. Not to mention, the Winter Maiden is going to die any day now, and they have access to the machine that will transfer those powers to whoever they wish (If there is a traitor in the Ace Ops and that member is a female, then they will likely choose her to get the powers because someone is ending up with maiden powers by the end of this volume). 
Either way, we have a LOT of ticking time bombs going off here.
Ironwood laments on his failure, but Ruby tells him while yeah, he gummed up, it’s not too late. They talk about how while things were complicated, their individual bits of dishonesty never should’ve gotten to this point. Now, if they want to make things right, it’s time they make their front a united one. Now, with no power but the ones on their backs to speak of, EVERYONE bands together. Robyn’s Happy Huntresses and Ironwood’s forces join up together alongside our mains for a unified take back of Atlas Academy.
So, what else would we having going on?
As we saw in this episode, Penny was created in part by Watts. Watts likely has access to some of her programming, and he uses this as a means to spy on the group. If there’s no traitor in the Ace Ops, then this is how he’s been able to spy on the group, and this will fill him in on the fact that they’re planning a counterattack. I feel like this will provide the best setup for the Robyn and Qrow fight against Tyrian, since Watts will send him out to halt the extended team.
We also have Neo and Cinder coming up at some point, but they can just settle into somewhere in that battle smoothly enough.
How will the tone of the season end? I think it will be bittersweet, but like I’ll discuss soon, not unsalvageable. I can see Ironwood and Robyn (And possibly Ruby) saying something along the lines of “things got really bad -- thankfully, at least we could get in before they could get past the point of no return.” 
So why do I like this idea so much (Like, enough to write the bulk of this in less than an hour)?
I have a few reasons.
1. For as much as the narrative is showing that Ironwood is messing up and messing up badly at that, the narrative also doesn’t want us to hate him, nor wish him dead. They wouldn’t have given him that soft moment with Oscar if they did. And the line in the intro that matches up wit Ironwood, “you don’t have to dream, your life’s a masterpiece” shows nothing if not the fact that there’s still potential in Ironwood. Perhaps that will come through redemption, or a heroic sacrifice, or just letting Robyn take care of Atlas once everything’s done.
2. Volume 7 is...tough to get a read on, and I mean that as a positive. The theme song is a total bop, and as the theme songs usually do, they reflect the grander theme of the volume. BUT this season’s is clearly aiming to be darker. This idea might be a good marriage of the two ideas. We get the threat of true danger to Atlas’ wellbeing (And even the means to give Salem’s forces a partial win), but we get to act on the overall theme of unity and trust that the volume is also setting up.
3. Obviously, the team isn’t going to stay in Atlas, and if they leave, there needs to be a sense of closure for Atlas. Just leaving it in shambles doesn’t seem like something the team would do. Like, even under the darkest of circumstances, the CRWBY is not gonna kill a whole continent. Beacon got torn apart by the Grimm, but since it’s on land, it can come back together. A sky bound region like Atlas really can’t if it’s yeeted out of the sky, and I don’t think they’re going to leave Atlas in an unrepairable state -- an unstable one, sure, but not one that can’t be salvaged with a lot of hard work.
4. It just kind of works, doesn’t it? It has all the promise of a thrilling climax, a clean way to bring all of the season’s conflicts to a head by uniting them all, a neat bow to tie up all of the popular dynamics and ships under, and no matter the outcome, there’s some foundation for Atlas to exist on after the volume ends. 
...Wow, that was a LOT of feelings! Anyway, have a good day, and let’s get through the rest of this volume together!
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minkyutie · 2 years
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not pictured: op in absolute shambles
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