#not necessarily have to read it to find out. reviews are available for a reason
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sevicia · 1 year ago
It really does feel like a lot of people are unable to (or don't want to) make the distinction between "nasty themes because we find it fun" and "nasty themes cause we have shit to say". Most books considered disturbing will fall into either category. "Like Porno for Psychos" falls into the first one perfectly, it has no purpose other than to entertain you for however many hours you read it, and the violence in it is just violence. I have not read many if any books that fall into the second, but I'm certain that many, many classics do and they are revered because they explore the topics well, but there is this weird attitude where the only books allowed to have "disturbing" themes are either classics or nasty for the sake of being nasty. I'm not saying we've gotten the next "Crime & Punishment", or "Perfume", or "Lolita" in recent years, because I can't possibly know that, but that people have become quick to spit at and step on anything they deem too extreme or too cruel and ignore any possible ideas the book may be trying to convey, whether they are "good" ideas or not, or whether it succeds at conveying them or not. It just feels like you can't enjoy this kind of fiction without being looked at as "weird" by most people, and I am not saying that having "darker" themes makes one work deeper or better than one that doesn't, but that people in general need to become more comfortable with being uncomfortable. I am so sleepy. Can u tell.
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year ago
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𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐀 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐝: 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫 !
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From left to right, top to bottom: Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3, Pile 4, Pile 5, & Pile 6!
Instructions: Use your intuition to pick a card that calls to you most, then scroll to the bottom underneath the read more and find your pile(s) to receive your message!
Disclaimer: take what resonates, leave the rest of what doesn't & don't force anything if it doesn't fit your situation, keep in mind that energy and outcomes can always change & nothing is forever set in stone, you have free will in every choice you make !! keep in mind that this is a general collective reading so the messages here may not apply to everyone. as a general message: my readings are for entertainment purposes only and don't replace professional medical/legal/business help. feedback and a review after a reading is given, whether public or private, is obligatory. you can do that by reblogging ( only if the reading was made for you specifically ), dming or emailing us privately on the matter. if you do not provide this, you will be added to my greylist and won't be given anymore readings, free or paid, until you give feedback. keep in mind it's more than okay to pick more than one pile if you feel you have messages in other piles! don't just leave this in the likes, reblog and support your tarot readers, my time and labour aren't for free. while it isn't necessary, if you'd like to tip, here's my p/ayp/al. I have personal paid readings available which you can fill out the form here so tips, bookings & feedback are highly appreciated considering i plan to do this for a living!
decks used: Disney Villains Tarot & Dark Wood Tarot & Pink Tarot & Killstar ( or as we lovingly call it Memento Mori ) Tarot & Horror Tarot & GANGSTA. Tarot.
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Pile 1: You have Justice! First things first is the most obvious in terms of synchronicities: the movie Big Hero 6 may have some significance to you, or East Asian culture, particularly Japanese culture. You may either live in Japan or have traveled to or plan to travel to Japan. You may be born in San Francisco, California, or California as a whole may also be significant to you or you may be American. When I look at this card, my first intuitive thought is that you may be worried about the state of the world right now, and honestly, I wouldn't even blame you, so am I, but I need you to know that things are not hopeless. If you raise your voice and spread awareness to things that matter to you like the way things are going right now and you genuinely care about other people, then you're doing the right thing. You yourself could be an activist or at the very least if you're not officially one, you could care greatly about social justice. The number 11 could be significant to you. Justice is ruled by Libra so you may have those placements or someone you know or someone important to you could have those placements. On a less grander scale, I can see something being made right for you in a situation that's been going on in your life, I'm specifically seeing for a lot of you this could be a relationship - I'm mostly getting romantic relationships here but it could be a friendship dynamic - gone wrong or someone who refused to hire you for whatever reason. You'll likely either reconcile with someone or alternatively for some of you, you could be getting a better offer. Regardless, though, if this resonates with you, congrats, Pile 1, I'm so happy for you!!
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Pile 2: You have The High Priestess! You may be intuitively drawn to the occult or your faith, should you have one, right now, and you may be isolating to look at the situations in your life introspectively. The color green may be significant to you. A feminine energy may be significant (it doesn't necessarily have to be a woman!), whether it's a mother, a sister, a girlfriend, an elderly woman, an ancestor of yours or maybe even a feminine deity who wants to reach out to you. You yourself may be interested into getting into tarot and I say if that applies to you, go for it! The number 2 may be significant, it may be a date of the month that's significant, something could happen in 2 days or 2 weeks or 2 months, or, alternatively, since February is the second month of the year, something important could be happening this February! Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces may be significant, you may have those in your placements or someone you know may have those placements considering its ruled by the Moon.
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Pile 3: You have Strength! This is completely random but I'm getting that at least some of you who get this card and picked this pile are furries, otherkin, alterhuman and/or someone who has animal deities that they follow. Some of you may literally be lionkind if you're otherkin or you may have a lion as a fursona if you're a furry or if you are a system, you may have a system member who's a lion. You may also be neurodivergent, I'm getting for a lot of y'all autistic specifically, considering the infinity symbol. The color pink may be significant to you because this is my pink tarot deck. I'm getting that if you practice and believe in crystal healing, get some rose quartz, especially if you want to attract love, especially romantic love, into your life. Lions may pose some significance to you, and if not lions, then felines. You yourself may have a cat. You may be spending more time with your cats. The Lion King may be significant. For very few of you you may actually work with wild animals, especially big cats, which if that's the case that's literally so cool! This was what I read for someone last month when I told y'all that you'd have to be resilient in something you're doing because someone may be testing your patience and I'm getting that again. Make sure to set healthy boundaries with someone if necessary! Leo may be significant, whether you have those in your natal chart or someone you know has those placements. The number 8 could be significant, something could happen in 8 days which is little over a week from when you're reading this. This is random, too, but I'm getting an intuitive hit to buy flowers for yourself if you're alone by yourself on Valentine's Day if you're reading this by the time this post is written. Someone may want to give you flowers, or flowers in general may be significant to you. Regardless, though, I know for a fact that you'll be slaying anyway no matter what you do! SLAY!
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Pile 4: You have The World! I'm immediately getting that you're about to or already have completed a cycle in your life and to that I say congratulations, Pile 4!! I'm getting a ringing in my right ear so that just confirms it!! Maybe you've FINALLY managed to achieve something you've wanted to do, maybe you're feeling a little more at ease in this new chapter in your life. For some of you I'm getting that you may have moved to a new place! If that applies, that's awesome, Pile 4!! The number 21 could be significant, you yourself could be 21 or something could happen on the 21st of a month. The Earth element rules The World may be significant, so Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn may be significant to you, and since Saturn rules The World, Capricorn and Aquarius may also be significant to you, whether you have any of those placements yourself, or someone else you know may have them. The symbol of Ouroboros may be significant to you, too. Regardless, though, I say y'all are doing wonderfully and I'm hoping y'all will stay on the top of the world !!
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Pile 5: You have The Chariot! You may be struggling to move forward with a decision you've made or maybe even debating on what to choose. Usually in the traditional Rider Waite tarot there's two horses representing two choices, that isn't present here as there's only one horse here. To that I say follow your heart and your intuition most of all and it won't lead you astray. I'm getting this... very specific message for a lot of you, but I need y'all to know this, okay? It's okay to leave the past behind. It's okay to let go. Horses may be of significance to you. For very few of you I'm getting you may be equestrians or have ancestors who were equestrians, notably Mongolians and Scythians or any of the Plains Turtle Island Indigenous Nations, but that definitely won't apply to everyone. For some of you the Celtic deity Epona or perhaps even The Legend of Zelda may be significant because I'm getting The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker's opening theme playing in my head ehehe. The Chariot is ruled by Cancer so Cancer may be significant to you, and the number 7 may be significant, something could be happening a week from now when you're reading this which is what I'm getting for a lot of you and for others your birthday could be the 7th of a month, alternatively, you could be born in July. You've got this!
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Pile 6: You have The Empress! HOOO BOY I'm getting for a lot of you who picked this pile, y'all may be lesbians and/or sapphics of some kind because I just got, like, psychically blasted in the face with some really gay shit and specifically sapphic yearning LMAO. I don't know, I'm just getting that vibe and not just from the character Gina Paulklee from GANGSTA. herself who she herself is canonically a lesbian/sapphic. For a few of you, the animanga series GANGSTA. may be significant to you, or you may want to read/watch it as you may find some messages in there that may be important to you. For some of y'all, a strong maternal figure could be significant like a mother, an aunt or even a deity who's really powerful who may be trying to reach out... I'm getting Athena (Hellenismos) and Sekhmet (Kemeticism) for a lot of y'all, and for fewer of you, I'm getting Amaterasu (Shinto), Hera (Hellenismos), Hathor (Kemeticism), the Morrigan (Celtic Paganism), Freyja (Asatru), Oshun (Yoruba Ifa, Candomble & Santeria, Black/Afro-Latine exclusive, if you're nonblack don't touch!), and Sky Woman (Huron-Iroquois/Haudenosaunee, if you're nonnative or not a member of any of these nations don't touch!) so any of these deities may be significant to you. If it doesn't apply, let it fly. You could be in your divine feminine energy (everyone has this energy inside them regardless of gender, sex, orientation or presentation!) and stepping into your own personal power. Some of y'all may be exploring sensuality and your own sexuality or for any of my lesbians/sapphics in this pile, you may be getting a girlfriend. This my baddie pile and I don't necessarily mean in an Instagram baddie way (and you don't have to be a woman to be a baddie!) although you could fit or like that aesthetic, but I moreso mean in the sense that you're gaining confidence in yourself and what you do, and in other words, you really are That Bitch TM & I'm so happy for y'all if that applies !! The Earth element rules The Empress so that may be significant, so Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn may be significant to you, and Venus rules The Empress and for some of y'all I'm getting that Aphrodite (Hellenismos) and/or Venus (Religio Romana) literally may be wanting to reach out to you to work with you if you don't already. The number 3 may also be significant, so something could be happening in March as its the third month of the year and as I'm posting this the month after this month, alternatively, the 3rd of a month may be significant, or something could be happening in 3 days from now, or weeks or months, but I'm getting for y'all it's likely 3 days. With that said, that's about all I have for your reading, thank you so much for being here!
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wutheringmights · 7 months ago
hi! i’ve read in the dream house and speak bc of your reviews and Loved them. i find your analyses to be really insightful, i trust that when you recommend something theres Something of value i’ll get out of reading it. are there any books you’ve loved that you haven’t posted abt here yet? and how do you find new books to read? thanks for being so thoughtful abt your own writing and the books you read that it inspires me to study and improve my own work 🫡💞
Aw thank you! I always feel like I am yelling into the void whenever I make posts about the things I'm reading, so I'm glad you enjoy reading my thoughts <3
For books I haven't posted about yet... I just finished Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid (and will make a post about it soon). It's not a perfect read, but if you like horror and fairytale tropes, you'll get something about this.
Besides that, I recommend The Bell Jar by Slyvia Plath, and the works of Robert Cormier (I Am the Cheese and The Chocolate Wars are two of my favorites). If you like war stories, All Quiet On the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque is required reading.
I really enjoy the works of Octavia Butler. Kindred is my absolute favorite, but Parable of the Sower is very relevant to the current political moment. Future Home of the Living God by Louise Erdrich also scarred the fuck out of me, but is a great work on reproductive rights.
I did an entire seminar on Virginia Woolf. Besides Mrs. Dalloway, I think Into the Lighthouse and Orlando are very good.
For the classics, I love Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. One of the first classics I ever fell in love with was Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, though Great Expectations is also exceptional.
One of my favorite books of all time that I never discuss with anyone anywhere is Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, for obvious reasons. Read this book for two reasons. One, it will fuck you up. Nabokov's work with perspective and unreliable narrators is fucking insane. Second, Nabokov does something with the English language that I have never seen before and will probably never see again. If anyone has a command of the English language, it's him.
How do I find books to read? Some of the books I read before they are recommended to me by friends or by someone online. As long as you avoid romance/romantasy, BookTok/BookTube/Bookblr is a great place to get recs. I watch a lot of CariCanRead on Youtube because she reads a massive amount of books I have never heard of and is generally really honest about what books she liked/hated and why. I also windowshop at bookstores and libraries and just check out what is available on the shelves.
Honestly, the best advice I can give you is to let go of the idea of every book being impeccable art. You do not have to always be reading the Great American Novel. You can read books that are silly and outright trash. Once you shed the idea that books are some higher form of art, you remember that they are made to be entertainment. Like movies, there are going to be days where you want to watch post-modern French films or Oscar-winning movies about the turn of the century. There are also going to be days where you want to watch a silly comedy, or a trashy reality TV show, or you just go to the movies for something to do.
It's healthier for you if not every book is life changing. I have read some really bad books (some on purpose), and I have read some books that were just aggressively mediocre. Even if they didn't transform me into a better writer/reader/person, they were still worth reading. And when you give yourself permission to read books you might not necessarily like, it gets easier to try new genres and take risks on unfamiliar works. That's where you get new experiences. That's where a book sneaks up on you and smacks you on the back of the head with something that will absolutely make you change the way you see the world.
If anything, just try reading things you normally wouldn't read, be it sci-fi, memoir, historical epic, classic romance, etc.
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mediaevalmusereads · 19 days ago
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The Death of Jane Lawrence. By Caitlin Starling. St. Martin's Press, 2021.
Rating: 3.5/5 stars
Genre: horror, supernatural, Gothic
Series: N/A
Summary: Practical, unassuming Jane Shoringfield has done the calculations, and decided that the most secure path forward is this: a husband, in a marriage of convenience, who will allow her to remain independent and occupied with meaningful work. Her first choice, the dashing but reclusive doctor Augustine Lawrence, agrees to her proposal with only one condition: that she must never visit Lindridge Hall, his crumbling family manor outside of town. Yet on their wedding night, an accident strands her at his door in a pitch-black rainstorm, and she finds him changed. Gone is the bold, courageous surgeon, and in his place is a terrified, paranoid man—one who cannot tell reality from nightmare, and fears Jane is an apparition, come to haunt him.
By morning, Augustine is himself again, but Jane knows something is deeply wrong at Lindridge Hall, and with the man she has so hastily bound her safety to. Set in a dark-mirror version of post-war England, Starling crafts a new kind of gothic horror from the bones of the beloved canon.
***Full review below.***
CONTENT WARNINGS: blood, gore, disturbing imagery, child death, drug use, description of medical procedures
OVERVIEW: I didn't have any reason for picking up this book other than it was available at the library and I was in a Gothic mood. But once I started reading, I felt like it was hard to stop. So much was happening! It was weird! There's math! Ultimately, I gave this book 3.5 stars because I do think there was a bit too much, but at the end of the day, I had a good time. Maybe this isn't the traditional Gothic one expects, but it was so weird that it's hard to say it isn't memorable.
WRITING: Starling's prose and structure reminded me a lot of the romance genre - at least for the first phase of the book. That's not a bad thing. By setting up a marriage of convenience and then a quick descent into Real Feelings, Starling establishes emotional stakes and makes use of the romance part of Gothic romance.
As the book continues, the prose more or less stays the same but feels less and less like romance. Sentences are still quick and simple, so if that's the kind of style you like, you'll have an easier time with this book.
Personally, I think the atmosphere of the house could have been pushed just a bit more. But more than that, I think Starling could have drawn out the tension to make a more unsettling plot. More on that below.
PLOT: The plot of this book follows Jane, a twenty-something year old woman who decides to marry rather than be a financial burden on her guardians. Jane proposes a marriage of convenience to Dr. Augustine Lawrence, the town surgeon: she will use her math skills to keep records and balance his accounts so that he can focus on being a doctor. As part of their agreement, Augustine mandates that Jane live at the surgical center in town and he live at his family home, Lindridge Hall. Jane is never to spend the night there. The two accept but soon find themselves genuinely attracted to one another. Moreover, Jane finds herself at Lindridge Hall, where something not quite right is happening at night.
I'm a Gothic girlie, and the first section of this book was everything I wanted it to be: marriage to a man with dark secrets, a dilapidated old house, possibly ghosts. I was very excited to figure out what had happened in the past, so the mystery was what kept me reading.
Around the 30-40% mark, the story shifts a bit. We get a lot of info dumped on us that changes the narrative from your traditional Gothic to something more. I wasn't necessarily displeased, but I did wish the shift had come from Jane's own powers of logic and discovery rather than things being revealed by other characters.
The last leg of the book follows Jane through an intense trial (of sorts). Without spoiling anything, I will say that part of me found this section too drawn-out, but part of me liked the psychological weirdness that I think was the point.
Moreover, this book takes place in a 'dark mirror post-war England,' and while I appreciate a bit of alternate history, I don't think the setting added much to this story. There wasn't really a reason for this not to be set in our world, and the 'dark mirror parts didn't necessarily influence the narrarive in ways I found significant.
I don't know - I had a great time, but I also felt like there was just a bit too much.
CHATACTERS: Jane, our protagonist, was interesting in that I appreciated the way Starling filtered her thoughts through mathematics and logic. Jane is proficient at these things, and I've read books in the past where character skills don't necessarily have any bearing on their thought patterns or actions. Jane, by contrast, actively uses math and logic to try to understand what is going on around her (and to challenge her own perceptions and feelings), and I found that satisfying.
I also liked how Jane has a sense of agency even through parts of the plot when she is terrified and in over her head. For the last leg of the narrarive, Jane's willpower and sense of agency kept me from finding her trials too repetitive or terrorizing. Instead, I admired the way she made decisions for herself and held a singular goal in mind.
Augustine, the surgeon, was also interesting in that Gothic-hero kind of way. I was totally invested in figuring out his secrets and learning if his past was in contrast to his present. As the book went on and his secrets were revealed, I liked how Starling pivoted to thinking about the difference between self-loathing/shame and humility. Jane has a bit of this journey too, but Augustine is the main vehicle, and I liked how it was combined with his supposed ghosts, visions, amd obsession with [redacted].
Supporting characters were fine, though I do think some of them were used to conveniently provide Jane with the information or materials she needed. I think if Jane had put more things together herself, the narrarive would have been more tense and so many random side characters wouldn't have been needed, or else more time could have been spent building up characters with emotional impact (such as the Cunninghams or Jane's mother).
TL;DR: The Death of Jane Lawrence is weird. If you're looking for your typical Gothic novel, you'll only find that for about 30% of this book. After that, it's a wild ride of horror that is all at once fascinating and perhaps trying to do too much. I still had a good time, though.
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years ago
Mint Reviews: Eureka Investigative Urban Fantasy, by @anim-ttrpgs
The following is a review for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, a game currently in playtesting, set to be put up onto Kickstarter later this year. I received the playtest copy of the game in exchange for this review.
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Eureka is a game about solving mysteries in an urban fantasy setting. It's meant to be dangerous and constantly keeping you guessing. The copy that I reviewed is a playtest copy, which is important to keep in mind for two reasons. One, because I was reviewing it before it's been subjected to proper layout, and addition of art. Two, because there may be changes to the game that alter the play experience that I would be expecting from this initial read-through. I certainly expect the authors to change or include new things before releasing the final version.
The mechanics of Eureka centre on rolling 2d6 and adding a modifier somewhere between -3 and +3. Your result will be one of three options: a Full Success, a Partial Success, or a Failure. Characters are made up of composite parts: you will have traits that give your character modifiers or special abilities, as well as two different health tracks, an Investigation Points Track, character morale/composure, and a list of gear.
Some of the central mechanics outside of the graded success of action roles involve Character Truths and the Investigation Track. Character Truths are personality quirks that tell you something core to your investigator, and reward role-play that is true to the character even if strategically it's a bad option.
As your characters look for clues, they will collect Investigation points every time they uncover a clue or fail a roll. Once they fill their Investigation track, they get something called a Eureka - a resource that gives the player the chance to tilt the narrative in their favour.
Damage in this game is layered: your characters have Superficial HP, and Penetrative HP. These tracks work interdependently of each-other, with Superficial HP bleeding into Penetrative HP if it fills up first. If you are familiar with the bashing damage and lethal damage of World of Darkness games, this system should be very familiar.
The setting is very interesting and flexible, which means that if your group is very interested in urban fantasy, but you don't want to learn all of the big systems out there, Eureka is an option that only requires you to learn one system.
The game is designed to elevate suspense; the GM and the players are encouraged to keep secrets from each-other, and combat is often lethal.
The Woo Roll: a mechanic in gun combat that gives your characters some interesting moments when shooting a gun: after all, bullets don't just hit people, they also hit leaking pipes, fire extinguishers, innocent bystanders....
This game has a lot of rules (which is not necessarily a bad thing). There are three chapters dedicated to different kinds of combat and 2-3 chapters that need to be read to understand how characters work. As a result, however, I wish there was an index, to make finding pieces of information easier.
I wish there were more safety tools available in this game. I'm in the camp of preferring safety tools regardless of table or genre, but especially in horror games and games with suspense, there are elements of Eureka that could very easily trouble players who don't know what they've signed up for. The game encourages players to keep secrets from each-other, and prompts the GM to surprise the players with the kinds of horror that could be just around the corner. This isn't to say that a horror game shouldn't have some kind of surprise involved, but having a detailed Session 0 to talk about what is or is not on the table for everyone involved, as well as a method to signal that something in game is crossing Lines, would go so far here.
There are recommendations about what the characters should avoid playing (cops, FBI agents, etc.), but I found very little guidance about what kinds of characters should consider. I'd have loved to see some pre-generated suggestions for reasons as to why the characters are working together, especially because players are asked to create characters that want to work together, not characters that are ready to fight each-other given the opportunity.
Other Notes:
This is not Powered by the Apocalypse, and I think it's important to recognize that if you're thinking about buying Eureka. The rolls take inspiration from many PbtA games in that you roll 2d6 and get a staggered success, but the game is not designed for generative play. PbtA games ask you to play to find out what happens, but Eureka is designed to run pre-written modules, where the clues are thought of beforehand and the answers have already been determined. I read the dice rules and thought this game was PbtA, but once I saw the detail to which the authors explained how to use skills and handle combat, I felt like this game was actually closer to something like Chronicles of Darkness.
This game requires a lot of preparation, especially for the GM. If you are running this game, you will need to co-ordinate the character creation for each player separately, as the game recommends that the players not know what is going on inside other character sheets. It also requires you to convert the NPCs and villains from other adventures into Eureka's stats, because NPCs in this game roll just like PCs do.
This game lives on secrets. There are fantastical options in this game but the author recommends that the GM keeps much of the magical elements secret from the players. If there is a monstrous character, they are expected to keep that secret even from other players at the table - at least until a dramatically appropriate moment.
For me, I don't think I am the target audience for Eureka. There is a lot of guidance in this book for specific situations and expected problems at the table, which might be helpful for GMs that prefer planning to improv or for GMs that are unsure about how to adjudicate certain questions at the table. However, I feel like the 2d6 mechanic feels so close to PbtA for me that I think I would have a hard time separating my play patterns cultivated from PbtA play in order to run this game the way I would run a game like Chronicles of Darkness.
I understand why pvp conflict in a horror game might not be what the party wants, especially if the entire group needs to be on the same page to defeat a larger horror, but if the characters are discovering as they play that one of them is using very different talents and skills, the response to react with distrust or hostility is a very likely event - and the lack of moves to play through interesting character conflicts would make resolving those reactions very tricky for me.
If you are interested in games that encourage secret keeping and hidden agendas, and if you like games with a bit of crunch and freedom to character creation, Eureka might be worth checking out. If you prefer Powered-by-the-Apocalypse style games that focus on generative play, I recommend looking at something a little different.
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readingaway · 1 year ago
Danielle Babbles About Books - Deerskin by Robin McKinley
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Why did you read this book? - I'm slowly reading most of McKinley's works, not counting the ones I've already sampled and absolutely did not care for (which would be both B&tB retellings). So this was available from my library and wintery.
What about this book will stick with you the longest? - The setting, the dogs. The very detached narrative voice is also something that I still wonder about.
Some thoughts - On the topic of that narrative voice, there is a part where I'm honestly confused about what happened, really. It might be that I zoned out for a few minutes, as that happens. But the voice did not help during that part. The opportunity to review that part is one of the reasons I went and bought a (used) copy.
Sidenote: it's sad that this book is so hard to find.
On another note, I'm familiar with the Donkeyskin fairy tale because it was in a book of fairy tales that I got as a gift when I was a kid. From that I knew approximately what to expect in terms of content and plotline (this includes the major content warning that is necessarily attached to this book.) However, the addition of the dog affinity and the change from donkey-skin to deerskin is... well. I suppose the actual donkey skin doesn't have a big role in some versions of the tale.
Another plug - if you haven't seen it, I encourage people to watch Peau d'ane (1970) which is freely available for viewing online. It is too (wonderfully? terribly?) weird for me to describe it. Just watch.
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chronicdelusionistsreblogs · 2 months ago
That is a false framing of the discussion at hand. These two are not mutually exclusive; I hold both positions you listed. It is both true that comments are really cool (and often that it can kickstart a writer to get the motivation to keep going) and also that you shouldn't be writing for engagement in the sense that you beg for kudos and comments or else you have no will to go on.
I fundamentally disagree that meaningful community and the engagement that you describe, the reading back, can be achieved in a healthy or sustainable way via asking strangers on the internet for it. If you are asking that of people, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. The people who are the most caught up in this mindset, those who make posts that to one varying degrees guilt the reader for not engaging with every fic they like and make them out to have wounded the author with their lack of engagement, are the ACTUAL target of the "fic writers shouldn't be writing for engagement" argument.
It's fine to need people invested in your work to write. I understand that. But it is much more reliable and it is much more of an act of community building if you put effort into making a small group of friends that match your freak, people who can laugh at your draft and cry at your draft and react line by line. And if you do have that, and you ever find yourself thinking "those people don't count", I'm sorry, but that's a problem where you need to look inside and ask yourself why it isn't enough. And if you're going to be able to do this longterm or if you need to work on some mental health issues to continue without hurting yourself or lashing out at others for their perceived shortcoming in giving you the attention you wanted.
Aaaaand this is where the comment would stop if I believed that alone would solve it.
But like. This is just fundamentally not a binary issue. I, for instance, fucking LOVE commenting on fanfics. I love giving authors I like a little boost and I love mentoring people and I love when my friends give me snippets of their fics. I don't very much appreciate the implication that in order to think that fic authors are being unreasonable for wanting numbers from the void, that one has to view fic as a content mill, just as I'm sure you don't appreciate feeling like someone is telling you to go to therapy for liking to receive comment emails, which is how this position I hold is often taken. The truth is, you're right. In order to understand the real reasons this debate happens, we must learn to look past oversimplified framing and delve into the circumstances that brought rise to it.
In fact, I think this all has much more to do with the sheer volume of fic that is available via ao3, surrounding patterns of social media use, and the different scale of fan communities that existed before compared to now. I think that more or less the entire modern form of this entire debate can be explained by the cultural differences of moving to a big archive for solo perusal and the loss of forums and other intermediate-sized fan community spaces.
Like, yeah, people have always been holding the next chapter hostage for "reviews" since the days of old, but it was seen as immature to do that. People thought those people were the most annoying people in the world. Why is there a massive shift towards that mindset now, then? I think it's fair to think that I'm in the minority position here given these posts about comment starvation circulate to the tune of thousands of notes. There IS an actual drop lately, from what I've gathered.
I'd hypothesize that instead of going to communities and sharing there first, people are expecting to build communities out of a point of contact on Ao3 itself with no backup. To be clear, I have met lots of friends like this, but they were never my ONLY writing community. And that's not necessarily an attribute I have as an individual, but a symptom of growing up with forums and stuff. And more and more people nowadays grew up with social media and particularly its onesided nature and addicting models of interaction. And the internet is just shaped like that, now. It guides our interactions with everything online, now, these fenced-in, monolithic entities. You can't fault the individual for looking at the online world through this everpresent lens.
And this is interesting because it means that you and I have essentially the same problem with modern fandom, OP: we both have a problem with fic as "content". Neither of us are happy with a landscape where you feel like you have to shout into the void for connection. But to me, it's a problem of systemic particulars and how we teach people to interact with other people online, not a failing of the individual on either "side" but a symptom of the mind-boggling scale and centralization of the modern internet.
How to solve it, though?
uhhhhhhh yeah sorry all of my fixes are really on the individual level because that's all most people have control over lol but I would be interested to see what people who are better acquainted with the reclamation of the internet have to say
what the whole "please comment on fic you like, it will encourage more writing" vs. "fic writers shouldn't be writing for engagement and validation" debate fails to really grasp, for me, is that comments shouldn't be boiled down to "engagement and validation" in the first place. by which i mean: comments aren't payment for a service, they are communication and connection. they represent the audience reaching back.
i don't write just for myself. are you kidding me? the point of storytelling, to me, is to present certain narrative arguments and produce or encourage an emotional response to them. That communication is essentially useless if there's no endpoint, no listener. To me, there is no point if I'm not communicating with someone. When I write, I am talking to a reader. If you've read anything I've written, then I was talking TO YOU.
you are well within your right to consume fic as ~content~ and withhold your "payment" out of a sense that the writer should be satisfied at having created anything at all in an unresponsive void. but please be aware that it feels really good when you talk back.
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phantomdialogue · 6 months ago
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˗ˏˋ. ݁₊ ✶ ˖ 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐛𝐲 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 - 𝟑.𝟕𝟓/𝟓 ☆ . ݁ ˖ˎˊ˗
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chestnut springs book three
premise: sloane winthrop is about to enter a business transaction of a marriage when her best friend of 18 years agrees to be her getaway ride. jasper gervais has been reeling since meeting sloane's sad excuse of a fiancé and starting to wish it was him she was marrying instead. she's been painfully in love with him for the past 18 years and now he just has to figure out if he feels the same way.
couple: jasper gervais and sloane winthrop
tropes: hockey player x ballerina, childhood friends to lovers, runaway bride, age gap, small town romance
available on kindle unlimited
review below!
i'm going to be honest... i think this was this series' version of the second book blues. don't get me wrong. i still loved it. there's many reasons why it still is 4 stars but it just felt like the middle book. anyone who watched season three of bridgerton knows what i mean when i say that i feel like there was a lot going on with side characters while not as much going on with the literal main characters of the book. obviously it's centered around jasper and sloane but i feel like the way that the plot and driving force of a lot of the first half of the book was around beau really took away from the romance until it hit the second half and by then, we're already in the "together and hitting road bumps" phase of the book, ya know?
despite that, i enjoyed the hell out of it. i think jasper and sloane are cute as hell and i love a good childhood friends to lovers trope. i wish we had a slightly fluffier pining but i really liked the angsty pining that we got from both sides as well. jasper was such a wonderfully complex character and i loved how his trauma and internalization of everything that happened to him really played into every single relationship he had and how he acted. i honestly wish we got a bit more about what happened after the accident that he has trauma from (no major spoilers in my reviews) but even without it, i think there was just enough to still have you clutching your chest just feeling so terrible for him and what he went through.
i love me a good "she realizes her worth and starts to stand up for herself" arc and so i really loved sloane's arc in this book. i feel like one of the strongest things about her for me was how she stood up for what she wanted from jasper. she loved him for 18 years but she didn't just roll over when he started to show her love back too. she was fully ready to walk away if she couldn't get what she needed and i respect the hell out of her for it.
overall, despite it dealing with some of the "middle book blues" in this case, i think it was a really fun read and i loved the couple in this and the connections it made with the past books and the set up it made for the next two books.
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q & a:
are they endgame? - i want to say yes. i think so far out of the chestnut springs couples, they could be the one that needs therapy but i don't think it would necessarily stem from their relationship specifically. i feel like they'd need to go to therapy to deal with their own stuff and use that to strengthen their relationship. like there is a lot for each of them that they need to work through to stick together long term and i'm not confident they can do that without seeking therapy. but if they do get therapy, i'd say yes they are endgame.
did i cringe? - i am happy to report that i did not cringe. i feel like elsie silver is starting to come into a more comfortable pace with the books now and finding her footing with the dialogue and such.
favorite part? - i think that it's probably the way that jasper and sloane communicate in this book that is my favorite. they just have such a deep understanding of each other and of what the other has been through that (even if i do still believe they need therapy) it's like they know what buttons need to be pushed to talk about what's going on. this does fail once for them but otherwise, i feel like there is a really good push and pull between the two characters that is nice to read.
least favorite part? - i said it above but i really think i was just a little bothered by excessive inclusion of the side characters. while i understand the effect that beau's storyline had on jasper in this book, i feel like it still could have been handled in a way that kept the focus on jasper more. the way it was written had me wanting to leave jasper to read about beau and i think that was the main problem with it.
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favorite quotes (some spoilers here, of course, but minimal):
And for Sloane I keep every promise, no matter how badly they hurt.
What kind of man stops in the middle of breaking me out of my sham of a wedding to rub my sore feet?
But as usual, she doesn’t shy away from my darkness—after all, she’s my Sunny. She chases away the dark just by being herself.
It’s more like it pains him to wrench them from himself. Like staying quiet and introspective is his best defense mechanism.
“Hell might actually be alright if we’re stuck there together, Sloane.”
But seeds grow and now the roots of him and that night are wrapped so tightly around my heart that I’ll never be able to extricate myself from Jasper Gervais.
“I feel like I could crumble under the weight of not wanting to disappoint you. I’m paralyzed by my fear of losing you.”
You’re not just tattooed on my skin. You’re branded on my heart. Woven into the fiber of my being. The most constant and reassuring person in my life.
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implycatoor · 8 months ago
The Ultimate Guide to Affordable Leather Handbags
Leather handbags are a timeless accessory that exudes style, elegance, and sophistication. They have been a staple in fashion for decades and continue to be a must-have for fashion-conscious individuals. However, finding high-quality leather handbags that are also affordable can be a daunting task. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of affordable leather handbags, providing you with insights on how to find the best deals, what to look for in a leather handbag, and how to care for your purchase to ensure it lasts for years. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast or just looking for a reliable, stylish bag, this guide is for you. And remember, for a wide selection of affordable leather handbags, check out Implycart.
The Appeal of Leather Handbags
Leather handbags have an undeniable charm. Their durability, classic look, and versatility make them a preferred choice for many. Unlike synthetic materials, leather ages beautifully, developing a unique patina over time. This means that your leather handbag can look even better as it gets older, making it a wise investment for your wardrobe.
Why Choose Affordable Leather Handbags?
While leather handbags are known for their quality and longevity, they can also come with a hefty price tag. However, affordable leather handbags provide a way to enjoy the benefits of leather without breaking the bank. Here are some reasons to consider affordable leather handbags:
Cost-Effective: Affordable leather handbags offer the luxury of leather at a fraction of the cost of high-end brands.
Wide Variety: There are numerous styles, colors, and sizes available in the affordable range, giving you more options to choose from.
Quality: Affordable doesn't necessarily mean low quality. Many affordable leather handbags are made with excellent craftsmanship and durable materials.
Accessibility: With more brands offering affordable leather options, it's easier than ever to find a bag that fits your style and budget.
Finding Affordable Leather Handbags
When it comes to finding affordable leather handbags, there are several strategies you can use to ensure you're getting the best deal. Here are some tips:
Shop Sales and Discounts: Keep an eye out for sales events, discount codes, and clearance sections. Many retailers, including Implycart, offer significant discounts during seasonal sales or special promotions.
Buy Pre-Owned: Second-hand stores, online marketplaces, and consignment shops often have gently used leather handbags at a fraction of the original price.
Consider Outlet Stores: Many high-end brands have outlet stores where they sell overstock or last season's items at a discounted price.
Look for Lesser-Known Brands: Lesser-known or emerging brands often offer high-quality leather handbags at more affordable prices compared to established luxury brands.
Compare Prices Online: Use price comparison tools and websites to find the best deals on leather handbags.
Features to Look for in Affordable Leather Handbags
When shopping for affordable leather handbags, it's essential to consider certain features to ensure you're getting the best value for your money. Here are some key features to look for:
Quality of Leather: Look for genuine leather, which is more durable and ages better than faux leather. Full-grain leather is the highest quality, followed by top-grain leather.
Craftsmanship: Check the stitching and construction of the handbag. High-quality bags will have even stitching, reinforced seams, and sturdy hardware.
Functionality: Consider the bag's size, compartments, and overall design. It should be practical for your needs while still looking stylish.
Style: Choose a style that suits your personal taste and complements your wardrobe. Classic styles tend to be more versatile and timeless.
Brand Reputation: Research the brand's reputation and read customer reviews to ensure you're buying from a reliable source.
Caring for Your Leather Handbag
Proper care is essential to maintain the appearance and longevity of your leather handbag. Here are some tips on how to care for your leather handbag:
Regular Cleaning: Wipe your handbag with a damp cloth to remove dirt and dust. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.
Conditioning: Use a leather conditioner to keep the leather soft and supple. Conditioning helps prevent cracking and drying out.
Storage: Store your handbag in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Use a dust bag or pillowcase to protect it from dust and scratches.
Avoid Overstuffing: Overstuffing your handbag can cause it to lose its shape and put stress on the seams. Carry only what you need to maintain its shape and structure.
Handle with Care: Be mindful of where you place your handbag and avoid exposing it to water, heat, or sharp objects.
Popular Styles of Affordable Leather Handbags
Affordable leather handbags come in various styles, each offering unique features and benefits. Here are some popular styles to consider:
Tote Bags: Tote bags are spacious and versatile, making them perfect for everyday use. They often feature multiple compartments and sturdy handles.
Crossbody Bags: Crossbody bags are convenient and hands-free, ideal for those who need to move around freely. They come in various sizes and designs.
Shoulder Bags: Shoulder bags are classic and elegant, suitable for both casual and formal occasions. They typically have a single strap that can be worn over the shoulder.
Satchels: Satchels are structured bags with a top handle and a detachable strap. They offer a sophisticated look and are great for professional settings.
Clutches: Clutches are small and stylish, perfect for evening events or special occasions. They can be carried by hand or with a detachable strap.
Affordable Leather Handbags at Implycart
Implycart is a trusted online retailer offering a wide range of affordable leather handbags. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Implycart provides stylish and durable handbags that cater to various tastes and budgets. Here are some reasons to shop for leather handbags at Implycart:
Diverse Selection: Implycart offers a vast collection of leather handbags in different styles, colors, and sizes, ensuring you find the perfect bag for any occasion.
Affordable Prices: Implycart is dedicated to providing high-quality leather handbags at competitive prices, making luxury accessible to everyone.
Customer Reviews: With numerous positive reviews from satisfied customers, Implycart has built a reputation for reliability and excellent service.
Easy Shopping Experience: The user-friendly website makes it easy to browse and shop for your favorite leather handbags from the comfort of your home.
Secure Payment Options: Implycart offers secure payment methods, ensuring your personal and financial information is protected.
Top Picks for Affordable Leather Handbags from Implycart
To help you find the perfect affordable leather handbag, here are some top picks available at Implycart:
Classic Leather Tote Bag: This spacious and stylish tote bag is perfect for everyday use. It features multiple compartments and sturdy handles, making it practical and elegant.
Chic Crossbody Bag: The crossbody bag is designed for convenience and style. It comes in various colors and sizes, allowing you to find the perfect match for your outfit.
Elegant Shoulder Bag: This shoulder bag combines classic design with modern functionality. It is suitable for both casual and formal occasions, offering versatility and sophistication.
Sophisticated Satchel: The satchel bag is perfect for professional settings. It features a structured design, top handle, and detachable strap, providing a polished and refined look.
Stylish Clutch: The clutch bag is ideal for evening events or special occasions. It is small, sleek, and can be carried by hand or with a detachable strap for added convenience.
Finding affordable leather handbags doesn't mean compromising on quality or style. With the right approach, you can enjoy the luxury and durability of leather without breaking the bank. Remember to shop sales, consider pre-owned options, and look for lesser-known brands to find the best deals. Additionally, proper care and maintenance will ensure your leather handbag remains a timeless accessory in your wardrobe for years to come.
For a wide selection of affordable leather handbags, be sure to visit Implycart. With their diverse collection, competitive prices, and excellent customer service, Implycart is your go-to destination for stylish and durable leather handbags.
By following the tips and recommendations in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to find the perfect affordable leather handbag that suits your style, needs, and budget. Happy shopping!
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autoversemobility · 10 months ago
Things to Know While Buying Car Spare Parts Online
More and more individuals are satisfying their requirements through internet purchasing as the world gets more digitalized. This is also the case for people who own cars and need to buy replacement parts. On the other hand, purchasing auto parts online could be tricky if you need to become more familiar with what they are for. Here are some things to remember when you buy car spares online India.
Get the Precise Component You Require
Step one when shopping for auto parts online is to order the correct part. This is because several parts are available for various car models and manufacturers. You must acquire the correct component that is an excellent fit for your vehicle. To accomplish this, consult your vehicle's handbook or consult a professional mechanic. You can find the specific component on several online markets if you know what it is. 
Verify for Genuineness and High-Quality
Authenticity and quality are significant considerations when you buy car spares online India. Ensure you're obtaining the genuine article because there are a lot of fake and low-quality replacement components out there. When shopping online for auto components, research the vendor thoroughly, read reviews written by previous customers, and keep an eye out for certifications and guarantees. All items sold on reputable online marketplaces undergo a rigorous quality control process to guarantee authenticity and excellence.
Evaluate Values
Always check the pricing of similar products offered by other vendors before you buy car spares online India. This ensures you only pay what is necessary for a part, as pricing might differ significantly among vendors. Several online marketplaces and price comparison websites are at your disposal. But remember that the least expensive choice isn't necessarily the best since it may be of inferior quality or even a fake.
Review the Return and Shipping Policies
Before completing a transaction, you must verify the seller's refund and shipping policies. You should guarantee the part's timely and undamaged arrival. You should also know the seller's return policy if the component arrives broken or isn't what you expected. Customers may easily make informed selections when dealing with reputable online marketplaces because their shipping and return procedures are straightforward and transparent.
 Seek out Customer Service
Lastly, be sure the customer service is decent when you buy car spares online India. Verify that the seller's contact information is easily accessible for inquiries or complaints. Try to find an online marketplace that offers a variety of ways to get in touch with customer service, such as phone, email, and live chat. Check the seller's reputation for swift and effective problem resolution as an additional factor.
Make Sure It Works with the Year and Model of Your Vehicle
Ensuring the part is compatible with your car's model and year is just as crucial as understanding the item you need. Even though they may appear identical, the parts' specs could change, which could impact how they fit or work in your vehicle. To ensure you get the right part, carefully read the product details and specs before buying.
Finally, it's crucial to be cautious and conduct your homework before you buy car spares online India, even though it can be a convenient and inexpensive option. Be sure you have the item you need before you begin your search. Verify the part's legitimacy and quality. Compare pricing. Verify the shipping and return policies. Search for a company with reasonable customer assistance. Following these guidelines, you may shop online with confidence and knowledge.
0 notes
officewebmaster415 · 1 year ago
is tradevtech legit
In the ever-evolving landscape of online trading, platforms like Tradevtech have gained substantial attention. With a surge in interest, it’s essential to address questions and concerns that potential investors and traders might have. This article aims to provide valuable insights into Tradevtech, its legitimacy, and how to deal with potential complaints and issues.
Tradevtech Overview
Tradevtech is an online trading platform that offers services for a variety of financial instruments, including stocks, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and more. It prides itself on providing an accessible and user-friendly interface, making it attractive to both novice and experienced traders.
Is Tradevtech Legit?
The legitimacy of online trading platforms is a legitimate concern. To determine if Tradevtech is a reputable choice, it is crucial to evaluate its credentials. Tradevtech holds a valid license, and its services are regulated. The company complies with industry standards, adheres to Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) protocols, which are indicators of a trustworthy platform.
However, due diligence is crucial before investing. Research and verify a platform’s legitimacy by checking regulatory authorities, reading reviews, and ensuring they have a transparent track record.
Tradevtech Company and Address
Tradevtech is operated by a legitimate company, and its contact details are available on the platform. This transparency is a positive sign. You can find the company’s address and other pertinent information on the Tradevtech website.
Addressing Complaints
Like any online service, Tradevtech may receive complaints from users. It is important to address these concerns promptly. If you encounter an issue, you should reach out to Tradevtech through their provided contact methods, which include email and a contact number. Many issues can be resolved through communication, and their customer support team is generally responsive.
Recovering Money from Tradevtech
If you believe you’ve been a victim of fraud or an unauthorized withdrawal of funds, there are steps you can take to recover your money. Start by contacting Tradevtech’s customer support to report the issue. If the matter remains unresolved, you can escalate your concerns to relevant regulatory bodies or financial authorities. Ensure that you have documented evidence of your transactions.
Tradevtech Domain Changes
It’s worth noting that Tradevtech has undergone some domain changes. The switch from tradevtech.io to tradevtech.online was made for various reasons, but it is not necessarily a cause for concern. Many legitimate companies make such changes for branding or technical reasons.
Tradevtech is a legitimate online trading platform that provides services for a range of financial instruments. While it is regulated and compliant with industry standards, due diligence is essential when considering any financial investment. If you encounter issues or have concerns, the company provides contact information to address them. Recovering money from Tradevtech, if necessary, can be achieved through communication and, if needed, escalation to regulatory authorities. Always exercise caution, and be aware of the risks associated with online trading.
In conclusion, Tradevtech is a viable option for online trading, but make sure to do your research and act responsibly when engaging in any financial activity.
is tradevtech legit
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anjaliraval18 · 1 year ago
8 Questions to Ask Before Building a Swimming Pool
Seeing so many property owners investing in swimming pools, you might also feel tempted to have one for you. But just because your neighbour has a pool does not necessarily mean that it would work for you, too. So before you plan to have just about any type of swimming pool, the smartest thing you can do is ask yourself some relevant questions. Here's what you can think of.
Should You Need A Spa, A Hot Tub Or Pool?
Consider your primary need to consult a swimming pool construction company. Do you need a secluded, private place with your partner, family or friends? Ask your people to jot down their reasons for having or not having a pool. Building a pool can be expensive and time-consuming. So, if the people concerned would find a more compact solution in a hot tub or a spa, then constructing a pool might not be the right solution for you.
Why Should You Use It?
Are you an ardent swimmer? Do you want to train your children on swimming laps? Has your doctor recommended swimming as a part of fitness? Do you want to have your private poolside entertainment area? Decide on your need to build a pool before proceeding with the design.
What Type Of Pool Should You Need?
You might find it overwhelming to choose from the plethora of design options out there. There seems to be something special to suit almost all aesthetics, combinations and sizes. And there is no single source to draw inspiration from. For example, you can choose from various magazines, research books, online catalogues, and other sources. You can also get some help from your local pool architects for practical inspiration.
What Is The Best Shape And Size?
Simply put, this all depends on the space available in your property. If you have sufficient room, you can add several features, ranging from children's parks to backyard fire pits. However, with a smaller lot, you might need some professional guidance for a smart and practical design.
What Can Be Your Budget?
Most of the swimming pool companies in India tends to give assurance that there is a pool for all types of budget. This might be music to your ears. However, just as it happens with any home addition, some extra expenditure will go beyond your original budget.
How to Choose Your Pool Designer?
That seems to be an easy question. Yet, finding your pool designer can be tricky. It all involves some research. Check the portfolios of the local services. If you like some of the works of some particular companies, you might want to compare the prices and services and read the reviews before sealing the deal with any company.
What Should Your Pool Look Like?
Your pool is a visible and decorative addition to your property. Hence, apart from the shapes and size, you must consider pool features that add practicality and aesthetics. Choose from features like tanning ledges, diving boards, fountains, and liner colours.
What Should Be The Best Materials For Your Pool?
While vinyl, concrete and fibreglass are popular for pool building, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Judging your individual needs, your pool manufacturer can suggest what would work best for you.
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fussyspace · 1 year ago
As this is my first review for the SPSFC, I'll explain my process before diving in. I'm going to try to give my thoughts on the covers and blurbs as well as the content of the books, as some people seemed to be interested in this. I'm trying to be as objective as possible in both my ratings and my reviews, but of course some personal variation is bound to creep in somewhere. This is why we have multiple people in our judging team – my views won't necessarily reflect the whole.
I'm reading these all as ebooks to ensure a level playing field, though some are available as audiobooks. It would be particularly difficult to tell how well edited a book is without seeing the words, after all.
Anyway, on to the review.
To Climates Unknown, Arturo Serrano
I'd actually had this one on my wishlist for a while after seeing it (I think) in last year's SPSFC, my eyes immediately caught by 'a world without America'. (Look, I'm sorry guys, it's nothing personal.)
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Word count: ~ 93,600
Cover: Nice and professional, does what it needs to do. Makes me curious about these unknown climates. I find the composition satisfying for some reason. The ship also seems reasonably accurate to the Mayflower, to my Plymothian eyes. Having read the book, the tagline doesn't really fit, but I'll explain why when I get to the content.
Blurb: This starts off by saying that the United States were destroyed in 1620. For reasons I'll go into in the content section, that's probably not the best way of phrasing it. The following paragraph clarifies that it was just the Mayflower that went missing, but by this point we've had the idea of 'world without America' cemented twice in our heads. The rest of it sets the stage for some interesting happenings far removed from the events of our timeline.
Vote: I voted Yes to continue at the 30% mark (my personal vote, not necessarily team vote) and carried on to read the full book.
Note: The following review does contain some spoilers. A lot of things happen in the book, so there are many things that remain unspoiled, and I believe I've only mentioned events in detail from the first half of the book, but my memory is patchy enough that I could be wrong. So if you're planning to read the book yourself, be aware before reading on.
Content: There is nothing that stands out more in To Climates Unknown than the fact that it has been meticulously historically researched. The narrative takes us from one relatively minor inflection point through multiple facets of history before reaching its conclusion. Historical figures, events, philosophies, religions... they're scattered in bucketfuls throughout the story.
Unfortunately, committing such a wealth of information to the page doesn't make it any easier to read. The writing style already boasts incredibly long paragraphs and sentences that can be difficult to get on with. At first I thought this might be a deliberate attempt to emulate the style of the period, but given this book stretches almost to the present day, I'm less certain. In any case, coupled with all the historical name dropping, it feels like a bit of a chore to get through, with a nagging feeling you need to google something every time you come across a new name.
The book splits its narrative into several parts, each focussing on a different set of events in its altered timeline and a different collection of characters. This was an incredibly large and diverse collection, from stubborn Mayflower descendants to ambassadors, from teachers to women disguised as eunuchs. I found a character from the ojibwe tribe quite interesting, though explaining they were two-spirit (or words to that effect) felt a little anachronistic given the term was only coined in 1990 with no historical precedent as far as I can tell. Given the use of the wiin pronoun taken from their language, it would have been neat to see the tribe's own terminology used here. But this is more a suggestion than a complaint, about something I have absolutely no expertise in.
The problem, character-wise, is that there are just so many of them, presented in a third-person omniscient point of view that can leave you feeling a little confused when it dips into other characters' brains. (With a more defined narrative voice, perhaps it might have avoided this problem.) By the time you're starting to enjoy their story and appreciate a character, they're gone. It's the next character's turn. It's obvious the book's focus is on the long, overarching story, but this problem also translates to events. Because of the length and scale of the narrative, no event or character is really focussed on long enough to care about. Some events that feel massive are resolved in a single sentence i.e. 'we won the war'. I would have very much liked to spend more time there and see how they won it.
Now we get to what is really the core of an alternative history book: the plausibility of the inflection point and all the events spilling over after it.
This is where To Climates Unknown fell down for me – or at least left me feeling ambivalent. I admit that as I was never quite able to suspend my disbelief, it's possible I found more things implausible than actually are.
At the beginning, it was quite difficult to work out what exactly had changed. The Mayflower hadn't reached its destination, sure. Of course, there were still colonies in America from other countries, but in the first few chapters I didn't spot a clear reference to what had happened over there. I didn't actually notice until several paragraphs into one chapter that the characters were now in America. This came as quite a surprise, given the tagline of 'a world without America'. (The chapter did begin with a location of New Amsterdam, I think, but not everyone knows that's what New York used to be called. This follows a trend of location tags not including a country, which can make it difficult to follow where things are if you don't immediately recognise the name.) 'A world without the United States' might have been more specific to the theme, and 'The United States as we know it never came to be' (or similar) would have been more accurate in the blurb, if less punchy.
The fact that the English pretty much gave up on settling America after the Mayflower disappeared seemed odd to me. It was still a land rich with resources. They still had ships (for a while). But they just let it sit there while everyone else took pieces of it rather than diving back into the race.
The true inflection point – the death of William Adams – had somehow led to no one developing the shipbuilding techniques to easily travel long distances. This supposedly explains the colonisation difficulties. I find it difficult to believe that no one else would have filled the gap. Instead, one empire ends up with submarines (seemingly well enough insulated/heated to travel beneath the arctic sea ice and not freeze everyone). One empire ends up with steam carriages. One empire ends up with airships. Most implausibly of all: at no point in hundreds of years do any of the other empires acquire their opponents' technology. It's like the setup for a game: each empire has their own special unit. In reality, that technology would have spread. Sure, one empire might have better submarines. One might have better airships. But they wouldn't have sole control.
This 'one technology' pony extends to another problem: warfare. Early in the book, one of the empires forms by knocking Britain out of the game... with submarines. But you can't occupy land with submarines. For that, you need troops. The empire had the Scots on board, but it would have been a much more protracted civil war than what seemed to happen, which was waltzing into London and taking out everyone important. I got the same sort of 'rock up with special technology and capture stuff' feel for the rest of the book – a sort of wishful-thinking picture of technology and warfare that extended all the way through to the end. I can't say all the decisions made sense, either. One of the empires wanted to melt both ice caps simply to make travel easier and gain more land by keeping constant fires burning nearby. That's such an incredibly stupid idea that I might put it past a ruler from, say, the 11th century at a (very big) push, but certainly not the 17th. They wouldn't even have needed to if they'd pinched the airship technology. And it's one of those plot lines that feels like it should be huge but just sort of peters out and pops up every now and then later.
Overall, I did find To Climates Unknown interesting and its individual events and characters compelling. I appreciate the sheer amount of research that went into it (including visiting some of the locations, according to the acknowledgements) and I liked the point it ended up making about America to bring the thing full circle. I just didn't find the route it took to get there particularly engaging or believable. Perhaps if it had spent more time in the sunset of the empires rather than their foundation, or split each of its parts into separate books where we could spend more time with the characters and events surrounding them, it would have been more cohesive.
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thedisneychef · 2 years ago
Top 5 Best Charcoal Grills Under $200 for Delicious BBQ
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Charcoal grilling is a beloved tradition among outdoor cooking enthusiasts, known for its smoky flavor and versatility. However, many people assume that high-quality charcoal grills come with a high price tag. But that's not necessarily the case. After conducting extensive observations on a range of models, our team has discovered that there are some fantastic charcoal grills available for under $200. These grills may not have all the bells and whistles of more expensive models, but they still offer excellent performance, durability, and value for money. In this article, we'll introduce you to the best charcoal grills under $200 based on our observations. We'll explore the top features and benefits of each model, as well as any potential drawbacks, to help you find the perfect charcoal grill for your budget and outdoor cooking needs. Whether you're a seasoned grill master or just starting out, our top picks will help you cook up a storm for your family and friends without breaking the bank. Top 5 best charcoal grill under $200 1. Best Overall: Weber Smokey Joe 14-Inch Portable Grill, Black You can get a smaller version of the Weber Kettle Premium grill, which we placed as our top overall pick, with Weber's Smokey Joe. This grill offers you all the quality and simplicity of cooking that the traditional Weber design offers, but in a more portable form. This grill is significantly smaller than the Kettle Premium, which has a 22-inch diameter and is 14 inches wide instead. This makes it far more ideal for recreational uses. You have a grill you can use to bring delicious flavors on your next camping trip or that may be the focal point of your next tailgating party. It will also work if you simply want an additional room in your yard. Customer Reviews Aluminum dampers offer dependable and simple temperature control, while an aluminum ash collection makes cleanup unnecessary. One of the best grill covers will keep your barbecue safe. The bowl and lid are porcelain-enameled, so you won't experience the peeling paint that you frequently see on less expensive grills. The grill still has all the luxury features we've come to expect from a Weber grill. Before talking about luxury grills, why don't you read our reviews of the Best charcoal grill under $500 ? These are great additions to your home as well. Reason to buy: ✅ Holds up to five burgers made with a Weber burger press ✅ Compact and lightweight for grilling on the go ✅ Porcelain-enameled lid and bowl retain heat, and won’t rust or peel Reason to avoid: ⭕ It would be challenging to cook on this grill for larger groups. You should consider whether or not you can tolerate the 147-square-inch cooking space. 2. Best portable grill: Char-Griller E06614 AKORN Jr. Portable Kamado Charcoal Grill, Red It is obvious that it is built to survive a long time because its body is made of cast iron and steel. This charcoal barbecue has an inner porcelain-coated steel finish and a powder external coating, which together contribute to its durability. The built-in temperature gauge and ash pan of this charcoal barbecue make it easier to remove the used charcoal. Hot spots are even less likely thanks to the circular design, which also encourages equal heating of the grilling surface. Customer Reviews Additionally, the grill has some contemporary convenience features, like two sizable handles on either side of the grill to make moving it easier and an ashtray for simple cleanup underneath. Reason to buy: ✅ It is practical for multiple grills and provides the space to hold a large number of grills. ✅ This model's watchword is fuel efficiency due to its superior fuel maximization and cast iron construction. ✅ The presence of a temperature-regulating mechanism makes it simple to control temperature and heat. ✅ Any form of cooking may be done conveniently in the kitchen, and there is a one-touch cleaning system. Reason to avoid: ⭕ It permits the waste of charcoal. 3. Best value: Weber Original Kettle Premium Charcoal Grill, 22-Inch, Black This best charcoal grill under $200 is equipped with a variety of features that make using it a delight. Although the design of this grill is based on the traditional Weber kettle grill, Weber has not stood still. To keep the Weber Original at the top of the field, the grill expert has consistently improved on their original design. One such feature is the one-touch cleaning system, which directs food scraps and soot into an ash pan made of aluminum and located underneath the grill. It is simple to remove, making grill cleanup easy. A convenient hinge on the grill's cooking grate enables you to open it up and add charcoal. Customer Reviews This implies that if you have a separate location for lighting your coals, such as a chimney starter, you may continue to cook without stopping while your grill is running to feed all of your visitors. You may still get all the same high-quality building materials that you would expect from a Weber barbecue. Steel that has been porcelain-enameled for the main firebox gives you strength and rust resistance. Moreover, you can read the post Best Charcoal Grill Under $100 to learn more about the best cheap grills. Reason to buy: ✅ The materials used to construct the Weber charcoal grill make it strong and long-lasting. ✅ Its wheel makes cooking comfortable and convenient from anywhere in the home, and because of its sizable cooking surface, outside cooking has become much simpler. ✅ A cast iron insulating handle that diverts all heat away from the handle and facilitates grilling is one of the materials it is constructed of. ✅ Because grilling requires cleanliness, the Weber charcoal grill's ash catcher is a great feature. Reason to avoid: ⭕ Undoubtedly, everything wonderful has a negative aspect. The damp knob on this machine might be worn out over time, which is a drawback. 4. Best price: Lodge Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Sportsman’s Grill with Coal Door, Black Customer Reviews Lodge Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Sportsman’s Grill with Coal Door is a great option for those who are looking for a grill that is both durable and easy to clean. The Lodge Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Sportsman’s Grill with Coal Door comes pre-seasoned, which means it will not require seasoning before its first use. It also comes with an attached coal door that will allow you to add more coal as necessary. This grill features a sliding mechanism that enhances airflow, which allows the food to cook evenly. It has an easy-to-use coal door, which makes it easier to add more coal without opening the lid of the grill. This grill is a great way to cook outdoors. The grill provides superior heat retention and requires less charcoal due to its coal door design. Reason to buy: ✅ Temperature control just becomes very easier and can be used to control the temperature easily. ✅ Heat is distributed evenly, and also ensures that all food stays on top as it is made of cast iron. Reason to avoid: ⭕ Even though this Lodge charcoal barbecue is composed of cast iron, if left outside without a grill cover, it gradually rusts. 5. Best charcoal grill: Weber Original Kettle Premium Charcoal Grill, 22-Inch, Copper These Weber charcoal grills are simply wonderful and excellent, with great features that fit best charcoal grills under 200 like a nice 363 square inches cooking area or cooking surface. This grill has a bowl and a lid is entirely made of porcelain, contributing to the grill's longevity and durability. Without ever raising the grill lid, the temperature of the charcoal barbecue may be simply changed. You just simply turn the damper knob till it suffocates the oxygen flow when it is off. More charcoal can easily be added while grilling without interfering with the operation of your barbecue. This is feasible because the Weber charcoal barbecue has a cooking grate that retains heat and is always hinged to make it simple to add more cooking charcoal when necessary. Customer Reviews This sort of grill is ideal for outside cooking since it is equipped with sturdy wheels that enable easy movement. The wheels are all fine because they are sturdy and constructed of high-quality alloy. Reason to buy: ✅ Aluminum-coated steel with a removable, large-capacity aluminum ash catcher, the one-touch cleaning system ✅ An aluminum damper that resists rust, along with two glass-reinforced nylon handles with tool hooks ✅ The free BILT app offers 3D interactive assembly instructions for this product. Reason to avoid: ⭕  The damp knob on this machine might be worn out over time. 1. How do I get the best value for my money when shopping for a charcoal grill? When shopping for a charcoal grill, look for features that match your needs and budget. Consider brands with a good reputation for quality and reliability, and compare prices to make sure you're getting the best value for your money. Don't overlook budget-friendly options, as many of them offer great features and quality at an affordable price. 2. What is the best way to clean my charcoal grill grates? To clean your charcoal grill grates, start by brushing off any excess ash or debris with a grill brush. Then, heat up your grill to a high temperature and use a crumpled piece of aluminum foil to scrub the grates. Alternatively, you can soak the grates in a solution of hot water and dish soap for a few minutes before scrubbing them with a brush. Rinse the grates thoroughly and dry them before using them again. 3. What is the difference between direct and indirect cooking on a charcoal grill? Direct cooking on a charcoal grill involves placing food directly over the heat source, while indirect cooking involves placing food away from the heat source, with the lid closed. Indirect cooking is ideal for larger cuts of meat or foods that need to cook slowly and evenly, while direct cooking is best for smaller cuts of meat or foods that need to cook quickly. Conclusion In conclusion, our investigation into the Best Charcoal Grills Under $200 revealed that there are several great options available for those on a budget or just starting out with charcoal cooking. While these grills may not have all the advanced features of more expensive models, they offer reliable performance and a great value for their price point. Our top picks for the Best Charcoal Grills Under $200 all offer a durable construction, a range of cooking options, and easy-to-use features such as adjustable vents for temperature control. These grills are perfect for those who want to experience the traditional smoky flavor of charcoal cooking without breaking the bank. While more expensive charcoal grills may offer additional features such as larger cooking surfaces or advanced temperature control systems, we believe that these affordable options provide an excellent introduction to charcoal grilling and a great way to enjoy delicious outdoor cooking. With proper care and maintenance, a high-quality charcoal grill under $200 can provide many years of enjoyable outdoor cooking experiences. Read the full article
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slotgacorhariini2 · 2 years ago
Situs Slot Gacor Hari Ini
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When you are searching for situs slot gacor hari ini, it is important to find a reliable site. In addition to finding a trustworthy site, you also want to make sure that the site offers good customer support.
One way to do this is by checking out the reviews and testimonials of past players. These reviews can help you decide which online slot games are worth playing.
Free spins
Free spins are a great way to try out new games without having to risk your own money. This is especially true if you’re trying out slots from a new developer. In fact, many online casinos offer free spins to new players as a way of introducing them to their site and helping them get the hang of things.
Slot gacor hari ini is a popular slot game with plenty of different features to keep players interested. For example, it offers a high RTP and a variety of bonus rounds. In addition, it has an interesting theme and a fun design.
The slot game is also available in several languages, making it easy for players to play from anywhere in the world. In addition, it uses NetEnt’s software, which is a well-known name in the industry.
The game offers a wide variety of features, including a high RTP and a jackpot. In addition, it has a unique design and features graphics that are sure to appeal to players of all ages and backgrounds.
Scatter symbols
Scatter symbols are a common feature in slot games, as they can offer payouts in any position on the reels. They don’t necessarily need to appear on a payline to award a win, and they can also be used to trigger bonus rounds.
Some slots even have scatter symbols that multiply your payouts, which is a great way to boost your chances of winning big. However, you should always check the paytable to make sure that they’re active on your machine.
Typically, the bonus round is activated by landing three of the same symbol on a single spin. Often, these symbols can be retriggered, so you could end up with many more opportunities to hit the jackpot! The bonus game will usually have a different theme to the base game, and will be filled with additional features and special symbols. The bonus round will also have a different number of spins and a higher RTP.
The RTP offered by slot gacor hari ini is an important factor when choosing a site. This is because it allows players to know how much money they can expect to win.
For example, if the slot has an RTP of 98%, that means that you will receive 89 percent of your winnings back. This can help you avoid losing all of your money.
There are many different factors that go into the RTP offered by slot gacor hari ni. These include the type of games, the amount of cash that is being paid out, and more.
In addition to these factors, you also need to make sure that you’re playing in a safe environment. This is especially true if you’re dealing with an online casino.
For this reason, it’s important to choose a casino that offers high-quality security and customer support. This will ensure that you have a positive experience. In addition, you should also take the time to read the terms and conditions before making a deposit. This will ensure that you’re aware of all of the important details before you begin to play.
Bonus rounds
The bonus rounds offered by slot gacor hari ini are a great way to boost your bankroll and win big. These rounds offer a variety of rewards, including multipliers and free spins.
In addition, you can also use them to test your strategy before betting real money. For example, you can use a free demo account to practice before you start playing with your own money.
If you want to make the most of your free spins, then it is important to choose a casino that offers high-quality games with plenty of bonuses. Many slot providers offer a range of different promotions and incentives, so it is important to find the right one for you.
Some of the most popular online casinos have bonus rounds, so you’ll want to check out their list before depositing any money. Some of these bonuses include free spins, reload bonuses, and more. It’s also worth checking out their paytable, as it can help you figure out how much you should be betting to win big.
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elenajohansenreads · 2 years ago
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Books I Read in 2023
#9 - Solitaire, by Alice Oseman
Rating: 2/5 stars
I came to this having read all of the currently available Heartstopper in webcomic form, twice, and watched the first season of the show. It occurred to me that Oseman had written other things, I had in fact been hearing about them for years and could be reading them, so I put them all on my TBR and chose this one as a starting point because it was the first one published.
The good: I am impressed that a teenager wrote this, because it's far better than my own writing at that age, and other similar works I've read by teenage or young 20-something authors. (Yes, even though I only gave it two stars for other reasons, it's still a far more coherent, thematic, and sincere work than I expect from a writer so young.) On top of that, I'm impressed with the consistency of the narrative universe; I already know Nick and Charlie and Ben and Tori, but despite meeting them in a work written later, it all felt "real." My impressions of these characters would be different if I had read this first (except for Ben, who is a jerk no matter when and where,) but they are mostly the same people I expected them to be, more on that later.
The bad: As a mystery/thriller, it's a weak plot at best, and Tori's incredibly depressed and disengaged mode of interacting with the world doesn't do it any favors. The romantic subplot (which does exist, despite the tagline to the title) is even weaker; I'm all for two weirdos finding each other, but Tori and Michael spend the entire book trying to figure out if they're even friends or not, and then at the end they're in love? No, sorry, even in the fog of poor mental health, I'm not buying that one, I don't feel like it has a proper, believable progression, especially as Michael doesn't have a lot of development beyond "hey look he's basically a manic pixie dream boy, except we're subverting our subversion of that trope by giving him anger issues."
The not-necessarily-good-or-bad: this is a much, much darker work than Heartstopper, even when it's dealing with the same things. Charlie's issues with eating disorders and self-harm aren't the focus of this story, but when they show up they're depicted far more explicitly here than they are in his own story. Being inside Tori's head reveals her as a vastly different person than the supportive-sister side character I met her as, and I'm not saying the two of them are so far apart that they couldn't possibly be the same person, but it was still a bit of a shock.
I see in other reviews that the general opinion is "this isn't as good as her other non-Heartstopper works," so I'll keep the others on the list, but I'm glad I got this from the library because I feel no need to ever reread it.
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