#not much girlboss gatekeep gaslight going on here
playerkingsley · 2 years
a piece of Delilah lingering in pâté would definitely be the next feasible step on long and storied career of failing significantly downward
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reel-fear · 1 year
one day I'll go insane and release a 234 page essay on why I love Wheatley X GLaDOS so much and its underrated and Love as a construct [link] is the best fanfiction I've ever read as long as u stop reading After chapter 26 bc imo after that it gets a bit repetitive and jumps the shark a bit and if u see the tags u might understand KJNSDFGKJNFDSD
but the very basics of it, is it's that two very bad people with a ton of truama learning to become better via each other <3. Also its weirdly disliked by a lot of portal fans for being... Abusive,,, which is hilarious considering both Wheatley and GLaDOS are canonical abusers who may regret their actions by the end sure but are still on some level very abusive people to Chell. I think that's also one of the reasons I love Gladley just bc it doesn't feel like Chell has to get into a relationship with these two people that canonically I think she's absolutely had enough of dealing with.
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solsays · 8 months
Lifers x Crane Wives
I saw someone comment on a life series TikTok or something to try and pair all of the lifers to a crane wives song, without repeating songs. so obviously I spent an hour doing it
Grian—Tongues & Teeth (self explanatory if you’ve EVER heard this song)
Scar—Steady, Steady (this whole song is about how their partner is walking out but they still want to be “wild and free” which is just SO Scar coded)
Tango—Ancient History (he keeps teaming up with Skizz and I feel like this song vibes with that, it also just feels very Tango)
Skizz—Icarus (this man always gives himself up for his teammates I swear, and he fuels them to keep going. It also says “oh brother, brother” which feels like Skizz talking to any of his teammates to me)
Impulse—Allies or Enemies (Impulse has been very iffy on a lot of his alliances throughout the seasons, especially in third life and with the amount of playing all sides that man has done this songs feels right)
Cleo—The Glacier House (this. this is literally just her leaving Fairy Fort. The song is talking to/about her from probably Lizzie’s perspective, but like the last line is 100% as if Cleo was speaking)
Bdubs—Unraveling (Bdubs relies so heavily on his teammates, and when he doesn’t have that stability *cough* Etho *cough* he just kinda doesn’t know what to do so this song fits)
Mumbo—Keep You Safe (this man is by no means an aggressive/reckless player [see: Joel or Martyn] and he feels like he’s just here for the vibes and honestly? Love that for him. This song is about fear not keeping you safe and watching your friends run high risks, which just is very accurate to how Mumbo plays this series. I also feel like he could fit Rockslide when he goes red cause he goes from standstill to “drop dead sprint” in terms of aggression)
Lizzie—Shallow River/New Colors (Lizzie is the only one I put as two because both of these songs are just so fitting. Shallow river—“wasted all for the title, wasted all for the crown” reminds me of Lizzie trying to kill Scott and ending up dying herself instead. I also feel like parts of it could be dead Lizzie talking to Joel, the only person who is really mourning her. New Colors—“don't tell me that I can't, I need this“ and “I give up my air, to breathe” also feel very accurate with how she is trying so hard and just keeps failing )
Jimmy—Canary in a Coal Mine (no further context needed, we all know Timmy)
Scott—Little Soldiers (this is very flower husbands, but also just feels like Scott looking back on the last seasons including Pearl, Jimmy, Martyn, all his reluctant exes. Also this man is the watchers’ like least favorite person ever and this gives that vibe)
Pearl—Ribs (i changed this from New Discovery because Ribs is entirely about somewhat angrily protecting and helping yourself because nobody else would, and it really strikes me as Pearl with the some things having been good (Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss) and some being bad (divorce quartet))
BigB—Not the Ghost (this man is so incredibly odd, he just constantly feels like he is being haunted by the watchers and just going about his life, he is the human personification of gaslight and we love that for him)
Martyn—The Hand That Feeds (he HATES the watchers with every ounce of his being, and with Ren gone I think this guy’s only purpose is just to spite them)
Joel—Sleeping Giants (go listen to it. That’s all there is to it, it just feels very Joel-ish, this lad is absolutely fucking mental)
Ren—Once & for All (this song feels like war and being betrayed, and Ren has been betrayed so much so it just fits. I mean come on “my blood’s forever on your hands” tell me that isn’t 100% something Ren would say)
Gem—Show Your Fangs (Girlboss moment, we love Geminislay. This woman is not someone to be underestimated and this song very clearly says that so it’s very Gem in my head. She doesn’t have enough lore yet to make it angsty but ONE DAY)
Etho—Never Love An Anchor (I can’t explain it, this song just has Etho vibes. I mean “It’s a secret I keep tucked inside my chest” just seems very him, I can’t really tell you why)
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shinjisdone · 7 months
When You Have An Secret Admirer - And Everybody Thinks It's Them (3; Octavinelle)
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A love letter was left at your door and now you are searching for that ‘secret admirer’ - everyone wants to help you out…but have their own reason for it. Yet now, it seems like there are quite a few misunderstandings on campus...and everyone thinks they have finally found that secret admirer.
Spin-off of the first 'secert admirer’ series + form of headcanons
note: reader is gender-neutral but mostly mentioned in 2. pov; a series of everyone being mistaken for the secret admirer. headcanon will follow each char. own thoughts on the situation.]
“Hey…you think he could be the famous admirer of the Ramshakle prefect?”
Tag list: @justm3di0cr3 , @a-small-tyrant , @twistedcece , @savanaclaw1996
2; Savanaclaw
Azul Ashengrotto:
Euxkrbwöaöwlfffhsk - ???
UHM - wh-what a silly, little rumor! Ho-How, why would anyone think that???
There he goes, laughing awkwardly (almost like a sea witch)
He becomes a bit of a fidgety, awkward mess. Wherever he goes he really tries to uphold his 'cool, poised manner' but it simply fails time and time again when his own dorm theorizes about him being the secret admirer!
They aren't even rumors anymore! People wholeheartedly believe it!
After all, who else but the Azul Ashengrotto would be capable to plan and scheme to such extends? He is a schemer. It is in his nature after all.
If the many infamous tricks up his sleeves does not convince one, certainly his obvious pining for the perfect does.
Azul splutters- wha-wha- whatdoyoumean????
P-pining?! Ah - ahahahHAHAHAHA-JDKYJkekcislfks...
*heavy breathing as he hides himself in his pot*
Jade and Floyd may have just 1% of pity for him but the remaining 99% is spent on laughing at his misery. They are well aware that he is not the secret admirer - after all, the arguements of him being the one are solid, so they checked (not even Azul will take Shrimpy away from them) but kind of knew that he was too much of a coward to even display his affections for you, anonymous or not.
"No! This can't be!" Azul dramatically pants inside his pot, "I-I have to set this right!"
So here comes his plan to convince you that he is not the secret admirer.
Even though "convincing" is an overstatement. He would just be telling you the truth.
He likes you, yes...but Azul wouldn't ever have the courage to do the things the admirer did for you...
Maybe he doesn't deserve you, being the coward that he is...
So, he approaches you in a rather big crowd. Many hoop that Azul is finally going to reveal the identity of the admirer - he himself!
Yet, there is confusion and disappointment. The scheming Ashengrotto, pathetically putty in your hands, is not the one confessing in secret to you?
Azul is flustered beyond belief. Face a sweating, flushed mess as he stutters out the truth.
Well, the one truth besides his feelings for you.
"Ah, prefect...simply to make things c-clear. Your precious, dear s-secret admirer is not me. I can't have such reput-tation on me, for the sake of Mostro Lounge, you understand...I..."
He falters before forming a smile on his pained, red face.
"...I wouldn't do these things for you."
It hurts. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts but it has to be done.
He doesnt deserve you. Not a coward like him...but more like a brave hero.
Jade Leech
Oh my...is everyone this stupid?
Finds the whole ordeal funny. It is flattering in a way to be compared to the secret admirer, the one who seems to have your heart in their hands, but his dorm truly couldn't be that dumb, right?
No evidence whatsoever...just basing it all on his almost picture-perfect attitude.
Which is as flexible as the waves.
Definitely messes with the rest of the school. Oh, is he the admirer now or not? Hm, perhaps. Perhaps not.
Jade finds pleasure in tricking everyone in his usual fashion. However...
He'll have to realize that all good things come to an end. He will absolutely girlboss gatekeep gaslight mess with everyone but he cannot give you any doubts.
No, no. Jade likes to tease you but this whole ordeal of keeping a false identity would just hurt you. And Jade would never hurt you.
"My, my, Prefect...seems like everyone in the school caught the fungi. They believe me to be the secret admirer...flattering but I assure you, if I wanted to, I would have long conquered your heart."
Floyd Leech
Are you serious? Really, really serious?! Oh, this is hilarious!
You must be so dumb!
Floyd cannot stop laughing - guffawing, cackling, snickering, giggling- the whole stick. It is beyond funny that not even one, not two, not three but the majority think him to be the secret admirer!
Wjajfkwnq? Are you stupid? No, seriously, are you?
Have you seen Floyd? Experienced Floyd? The guy's a ticking time bomb full of unpredictability! He may do many things commit crimes if only he could :( but anyone with a brain knows he would not ever pull a 'secret admirer' stunt!
Floyd holds no secrets. His feelings are not secret. Especially his admiration for you.
Well, admiration is a strong word. More like, adoration? Fascination? End to his boredom???
Is it love when he tackles you from behind and hugs you so tight your spine threatens to snap?
Is it love when he lets you off the hook though and protects you from unwanted attention, students and situations? By becoming the bigger problem
It's a bit of a mystery...but what is sure is that unlike his brother, Floyd laughs at the faces of those who believe instead of taking it to his advantage to mess with them.
He won't even really bother to correct any of them, let alone give you any reassurance. He might break it to you unprompted and rather involuntarily.
"Ne, Shrimpy...these guppies are super funny but so dumb. They seriously think I did all that lovey-dovey stuff for you! Kyehehe! Don't they know that I already love you~?"
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ok consider:
by the time Jason is back with the batfam
he’s been dead for a while
the public might not recognize him
what if they just said that he was a family friend called Jay? That got adopted later on?
What if they just didn’t tell the public about the new adoptee because it’s objectively funnier to just reveal another brother years down the line in like a picture or smthn
and just be like “damn you didn’t know? He been here the whole time”
I picture this as Tim introducing Jason to the wonders of Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss and Jason having Concerns but going along with it because it is, in fact, objectively hilarious.
Jason comes to appreciate Tim’s ability to be absolutely feral at times. He had forgotten how much of a menace Dick could be, but seeing his older brother cackle and start adding to the scheme showed him just what he’d forgotten. Damian comes along and there’s not a problem because they all instantly bond over being menaces to society.
Steph just laughs at them all but also adds fuel to the fire at any available opportunity. She ends up being responsible for at least half of the “lore” surrounding “Jay Wayne’s” history with the Wayne family.
And everyone lives happily ever after. The end.
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nobody-nexus · 7 months
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Ya know I WAS going to make a cool comic before revealing the design, but I can't hide this yummy color palette, so here's another crossover character for the Sinful Circus AU! Thanks for the given permission from @ask-the-rag-dolly, the influencer has now infected this AU as well!
I'd like to this that the reason she resembles Ragatha is because she wants to torment the ragdoll due to her being the most innocent prisoner within the circus. The Influencer had taken a multitude of forms, even once being Jax and Caine- however Ragatha's her favorite one to torment. Not to mention, she knows how much her servants appreciate her recent form as well
Being basically a wanted criminal AI, of course she's not as strong as she COULD be. She avoids the other AIs due to the wanted poster. Also her and Pomni have a very complicated relationship (and she often flirts/teases with the jester)
Abilities she has (inspired by @ask-the-rag-dolly's general blog ^^)
-Can shapeshift her hand into things -Makes grayish bland mannequins with sunglasses as minions -If you're insane enough, she can basically mind control you Bioshock style by asking politely for you to do something, and you'll just do it no question -Give you D I G I T A L H A L L U C I N A T I O N S if you piss her off enough
We love gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
hi, thank you sm!!🤍 this was really fun to write, hope you like it!
i’m so chill, but you make me jealous — jack champion
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word count: 1,059
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n and jack are invited to read thirst tweets and jack gets a little jealous of the compliments his girlfriend receives.
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“HI! I’M Y/N Y/L/N AND I PLAY JULIET ON SCREAM 6” the girl said to the camera with a big smile.
“And I’m Jack Champion and I play Ethan Landry on Scream 6” he did a little wave while showing his perfect white teeth.
“And today we’re here with Buzzfeed to read…” Y/N said, waiting for his boyfriend to finish the line.
“Thirst tweets! I’m scared, Twitter is one wild app” Jack chuckled.
“I love twitter” Y/N told the cameras, emphasising the word ‘love’.
“She really does, she spends hours on it. And sometimes I can hear her laughter from the bedroom when I’m in the living room” he smiled, looking at her in adoration.
“People are very creative in there!” she defended herself. “Anyways, let’s start this!”.
it’s just rude how jack champion walks around being cute and i’m not there to witness it
Jack smiled “That’s actually really adorable. Thank you so much!”
“It’s honestly ruder when you actually witness it because you can’t just comprehend how someone this cute exists” Y/N said faking annoyance.
“Aw, stop it. You’re making me blush” he let out a nervous laugh, covering his face.
“My favorite hobby: making my boyfriend blush” she’s smiled proudly.
“I just love how supportive people are about our relationship. Like, especially the fans, they’re always sending us adorable messages and commenting how we make them happy. Honestly, thank you so much” Jack said in a grateful way.
“Yes, they are awesome! And you don’t have to do that to makes us happy. Just send us fan edits of us with Taylor Swift songs, and we’ll be the happiest!” she winked at the camera.
y/n y/l/n in scream 6 is so fine, like she could gaslight gatekeep and girlboss me and i would let her
“Thanks! I guess… man I love this! My self-esteem is going to be on the fucking sky once we’re finished!” Y/N laughed.
“I don’t know how I feel about people thirsting over my girlfriend… but at the same time I get it, look at her!” Jack said, turning his face to look at her profile. She truly was an angel—inside and out. And he honestly, even after a year of dating, still can’t believe how lucky he is.
jack champion has the cutest smile ever i cry forever
“I feel you!” Y/N said loudly. “He says he never had braces but I don’t fucking buy it. No one naturally has that million dollar smile”.
“Thank you for the compliment. And I swear, I never had braces”
“I don’t buy it, but okay. I love you so I’ll let you gaslight me”
y/n y/l/n could stab me 781 times and i would still be screaming thank you!
“Woah! You have some serious kinks, but I won’t judge you” Y/N laughed.
“Y/N! Oh my god” his boyfriend laughed. “I honestly don’t know how to take this tweet, let’s just quickly move on”.
if you don’t find jack champion hot, you’re lying!
“I mean, everyone has a different type, so” Jack shrugged.
Y/N rolled her eyes “Bullshit. You’re everyone’s type. If you know someone who doesn’t find him hot, send me their address, I just wanna talk”.
“I love you” Jack laughed, kissing her knuckles.
“I love you too” she smiled.
no one talks about scream 6 without mentioning how hot jack champion is
“I mean, it’s true! I think we all felt some type of way during the train scene… and when he took his mask off???? I forgot how to breath” Y/N said. She will never shut up about how gorgeous his boyfriend was, because his factions were just too good to not be talked about.
“I’m starting to think you sent these tweets, love”
“I didn’t. But you know what? I’m opening a Jack Champion fan account to tweet about your pretty face every day”
“I’m honoured” he laughed. Jack just loved how she was always complimenting him, it made him feel really loved by her.
i would let y/n y/l/n split me in half like a pistacho send tweet
Jack widened his eyes “Can we leave now?”
“No!” Y/N laughed.
“I feel like every tweet gets dirtier and I won’t be able to handle it”
“Are you seriously jealous about some random people on the internet?” Y/N chuckled “You’re so cute. Thanks for the tweet, by the way! But I have a lovely boyfriend who would definitely not appreciate me doing that!”
“That’s better” he smiled proudly.
i want someone to look at me the way y/n and jack look at each other
“That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard” Jack said, touching his chest.
“We really are part of those annoying couples who can’t keep doing heart eyes to the other. And honestly, I’m not even embarrassed by it, I love loving my boyfriend”.
y/n is so fucking fine i hope her cheetos are FLAMING HOT like her
“And we’re done!” Jack said, doing one big loud clap. “Thank you for watching!”
“Thank you for the compliment and sorry about my jealous boyfriend. Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and suscribe!” Y/N gave one last grin to the camera before it stopped recording.
“Everybody wants you” Jack frowned, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Y/N laughed “Sorry for them then, because I only want you. Now, can we go to the dressing room so we can make out?”
Jack nodded, and Y/N swore she had never seen him run so fast.
buzzfeed here you go! your favorite couple reads thirst tweets! ❤️
y/nxjack this should be called “y/n and jack read thirst tweets while thirsting over each other” tbh
y/nslover omg the cheetos tweet is mine!!! y/n.y/l/n you are the love of my life
jackchampion no she’s not she’s mine🤬
y/nslover jackchampion can you fight??
y/n.y/l/n i love you you’re a sweetheart y/nslover 💕 JACK STOP IT OMG
devyn_nekoda i love how jack’s jaw clenches more and more as the video goes on😭😭😭 by the way, the pistacho tweet… i relate
y/n.y/l/n tell me time and place gorgeous :)
jackchampion we are over y/n.y/l/n
y/n.y/l/n okay jackchampion
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defty-picklez · 8 months
If Scar was to win (ScarsweepScarsweepScarsweep) I think he should be the Earth. Grian and Scare are so Sun and Earth coded. The Sun and the Earth circle around each other, Sun will kill the Earth eventually but he stays. The Sun flares but he stays.
The Sun gives warmth, the Sun burns. The Earth is charismatic and beautiful, the Earth kills and consumes. Scar-Icarus parallels from 100hours fits so well too.
He has green eyes and Convex based of of vexes are blue and ofc the brown hair. It's also a funny to think that the guy who symbolizes the Earth is a capitalist. Cub can be Kepler and should be in my opinion.
Mumbo could be Black holes. No explanation.
I think Tango would be Comets, the visual of his fire hair fits and I feel like there's probably some symbolism but I don't watch Tango that much sorry.
Joel needs to be Jupiter because of his inspiration from Zeus. Bigbeans being the biggest planted is also funny.
Also, if Grian is the Sun then how about Bdubs? The next best thing I could think of is either Time or Light. Personally I think he should be Time, it's thematic. If I remember correctly, he's killed people because of clocks, the moment he gets the clock someone's death is inevitable. Time makes death inevitable.
So Etho is the Void right? Like canonically if I remember correctly? I'm not sure. So like the Void/Space? Etho and Bdubs being Space/Void and Time is cool.
Cleo is fit to be Death, no explanation too.
Bigb being Mercury would be funny because Mercury is the god of communication and he gaslights gatekeeps and girlbosses. He's also closest to the Sun so blud gets burnt like a cookie.
So like- Neptune the god is related to Jupiter the god but we're NOT PUTTING that in the symbolism here. Anyways, Lizzie could be Neptune because of her being the blue axolotl in Empires season 1 because Neptune is related to the sea.
Maybe Gem could be Pluto because she's new?
Jimmy, canary boy, he was fated to die so maybe that's his thing. Fate itself was Fated to die. Also, fortune telling by using the stars, Astromancy, is a thing so Flower Husband fans there you go.
Ight, hear, me, out. Skizz. As Venus. Because love island. Think about it.
Sorry I really don't know what for Ren and Impulse. Please tell me if you have any ideas, I would love to hear them.
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starberry-cupcake · 3 months
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Hello, I haven't had time to read as much as I would want but I'm here with an update regardless, because if I don't keep these constant, I'm gonna forget things and this, so far, seems like a book in which I don't wanna forget things.
previously, in harrowbean the ninth:
this happened
currently, after "parodos" and ch. 1:
so I'm making up a timeline in my head with the information at hand
which is never straightforward
that'd be too easy, here in tlt we like to be kept on our toes
we like to be punched in the gut when we least expect it
so get ready for bad math
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this would probably make our good friend palmolive atreides weep
I'm sorry palomilve's force ghost, I'm doing my best
the first entry was the night of the emperor being terminated
the "parodos" bit (we'll get to that) is 14 months before the emperor is snuffed out
ch. 1 is nine months before the emperor kicks the bucket
I believe act 1 is going to be happening around that time, since ch. 2 seems to be following without another indication
because of what happens in "parodos" aka flashback, aka prologue 2: elecric bogaloo, we can attempt to estimate when the events of gideon happened
harrowbean tells ortus in the flashback that he's gonna train with aiglamene for 12 weeks
let's assume that's kind of the amount of time gideon trained, plus the time it took harrow to plot how to girlsplain, gatekeep and gaslight gideon into it
the only one girlbossing here is camilla, I don't make the rules
so, if gideon and harrow were ready to leave the ninth somewhere around 2-3 months after the flashback, it'd be circa 11 months before the events in the prologue
and ch. 1 starts 9 months before the events in the prologue
so gideon might have happened somewhere around 11-10 months before the prologue
I can't tell how long they were in canaan house (it felt like 12 years and 5 minutes at the same time) but I think about a month is mostly right, given that once bodies start dropping, things are all happening together
all of this is relative, since time in space is ????
but I need to do this for my own peace of mind
if you give me time measurements I'm gonna measure, ok?
I need to organize things
I know I will end up making a graphic at some point I just know it
this is what I get for calling palmolive a turbonerd
or, moving back, since we're in prologue 2: electric bogaloo aka flashback time
here we have ortus (the one we knew, not the one we will get to know, according to the characters list) telling harrow he doesn't wanna go to the field trip
this is ortus
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if you're wondering why I don't nickname ortus, I'll repeat myself but "orto" means "ass" where I'm from, so that's enough to remember him by
harrow is like "I know you're underqualified but we're understaffed, so it is what it is"
the important part is that harrowbean says she sees the barbie in the freezer walking about
like a ghost or whatnot
she refers to her as "the body" and I assume that's barbie in the ice cube because someone reblogged my recap where I mentioned her and tagged
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ever since then I've been wondering why she was referred to as The Body and now I'm gonna assume this is it
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so harrow tells ortus he needs to hide the fact that she's mentally unstable
[non funny side note: masking is unbearable and it's awful we live in a social and cultural environment where we feel pressured to do it, especially when you're an adult having to fulfill expectations of supposedly "age-specific" activities and responsibilities, it's exhausting and I cried about that in therapy a mere week ago so, hitting hard, this bit
don't let people make you feel "less than" because the way in which you navigate the world and your experiences is different from what's expected in some theoretical socially constructed category
and fuck everyone who, in order to put people down in arguments online, ever make fun of those who aren't mentally, economically or socially as independent as what the category of an adult is supposed to be to them
argue with concepts, argue with opinions and facts, don't tear people down in the name of "moral upper hand" by telling people they're losers for needing help
side note done]
so, harrow entered the whole canaan thing not only carrying the weight of her house, her family and her entire people
she also came into it believing she's not mentally sound and seeing The Body walking around unnoticed by other people
whether or not her visions are mentally unsettled or something that actually happens because she opened the tomb, just the whole situation of her birth is enough to make anyone collapse, so we got you, harrowbean
we're here for you
and all that without mentioning what it'd be like seeing your girlfriend cavalier impale herself in front of you
I'm taking liberties with the 'girlfriend' bit but idk
so, next we know, 5 months have passed from that and harrowcita is struggling in her new environment of the clown emperor's ship
she is made to carry gideon's sword and she can't
she can't seem to know what to do or to communicate with said knowledge and she's throwing up a lot
I mean, it's not great that she's suffering
but it's GREAT because if she can't communicate with gideon's slurped soul, maybe it means gideon's soul has not been slurped AT ALL
more fuel for my wishful thinking of gideon's soul returning to her and getting regenerated and saved and being alive
I also like very much this situation in which harrow sees the sword as personified and they hate each other without gideon
it's like prim's cat in the hunger games with katniss
but with an inanimate object
I'm really liking that dynamic
is like they both miss her and can't relate to each other
ALSO barbie body ice cube is still there
just chillin' and being silently supportive, I think
not sure what her deal is but what if she's not the bad one here? because this emperor kind of sucks tbh
not in a 'he's evil' way but in a 'idk if he know what he's doing' way
I don't know about this guy tbh
so we're leaving off with harrow being mentally and physically struggling, ghost barbie roamin' the rooms, voices of people organizing stock and gideon in my head like this, walking in limbo to get back to us
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also, another day without camilla
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I thought I wasn't gonna have much to say and this is so long, I'm so sorry...
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Hello! I'm not sure if your open for requests or not but recently I just watched Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
(I'm pissed at myself for not watching that movie sooner it was amazing)
And I was wondering if I can request a MC who somehow befriends a wild horse that was put in the equestrian club and now they basically have a bodyguard that follows them around
(Horse girlbosses, gaslights, and gatekeeps)
And what would the dorm leaders (or if it's not too much everyone's) reaction to MC's new body guard?
(Btw i love your writing btw 😩👌🏼)
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Spirit Stallion Guardian vs Yandere Twisted Wonderland 
Mysteriously coming home with a beautiful stallion in tow the only way Crowley will let him stay is if he stays in the stables. He and everyone soon realizes that latches and chains are no barrier to being by your side. Oddly enough you don’t ride your horse friend as much as your friends would expect, but everyone will soon know that you two are practically inseparable. What should be a wonderful thing for the non-magical prefect proves to be quite troublesome for some, especially the dorm leaders of Night Raven: 
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Riddle Rosehearts
“Grrr this stupid mule is utterly untamed! He should be put down!” 
Riddle has a short fuse 
But he’s especially patient when dealing with horses
So it takes a lot before riddle is sure that this horse has it out for him
Kicks his shins
Practically running over him when you come to the stable
Eating his ties 
or grabbing his crown and throwing it a distance away
Crashing his unbirthday parties even when you are not in attendance
But eventually, he snaps, and somehow its in front of you
Perfect for him to be scolded by you for wanting to bring harm to your stallion-friend
He gets really fired up at the mention of your dear Spirit
“Do. Not. Mention that…hazard on four legs! He’s just playing off your tainted view of him I’msojealous”
He gathers the only way to win you is to finally tame this beast
He’s the prodigy of prodigies this will be a small task 
But should he have trouble…taming your guardian 
Well it wouldn’t be bizarre if he left large amounts of chocolate out before your guardian came to trot on his unbirthday party
“That donkey is getting in my way! Off with his head!
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Leona Kingscholar
“Seriously? Do you have an actual herbivore to follow you around?! Might as well stick with me if you're going to stoop so low.”
Cheap tricks are done, similar to how Spirit treats Riddle
But Leona is a predator and while he may not be a hunter he can wait long enough
But your dear Spirit is just as smart
Aware of the carnivore’s threat level he ups the ante
Somehow releasing all the other horses from the stable to stampede into the botanical garden…where Leona is sleeping 
But he gets accusing glares/questions when he’s caught trying to use King’s Roar on the horse 
“It was asking for it…but if you feel so inclined to deter me from ever trying this again I could use a living pillow"
When he ultimately gets the true prize of you snuggling up to him 
He still ejects his claws to pierce into the stallion’s behind before getting away
When you do find it, you chalk it up to an injury created in his many escapes
“Man, that is one clumsy herbivore…I say you should get a deadbolt for his stable.”
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Azul Ashengrotto
“Oh…it came too.”
He’s not particularly fond or familiar with horses
All he knows is that it's a land animal that's much more powerful than him in this form
Thus he is an obstacle in his love for you
Contracts goading the strongest students and those  with the best access to the stables are flying out of his office
He can’t attack head-on 
Not here anyway
“This really would be so much easier if we were back in the coral sea…wait that gives me an idea!”
Because he can tell when the horse puffs with pride when you leave the Monstro Lounge
Or dismissing yourself to brush the stallion instead of talking to him
He gets your attention in a better way
“It’s a shame your horse can’t come with you to visit our Coral Sea location. So let’s have enough fun for him, shall we?”
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Kalim Al-Asim
“That’s so cool! Do you think he can fit on the magic carpet?”
He cannot but Kalim doesn’t mind
He’s plenty friendly and willing to entertain a horse
Especially when it has you smiling like it does
In fact, you’ll come over more if your horse is here right?
So maybe getting your stallion guardian hooked on Jamil’s cooking is a good thing
“Here you are Spirit, have all you want!”
“Kalim! Don’t give him too much sugar!”
“I’m sure it's okay! My pet elephant loves these sugar cubes.”
He doesn’t do much with ill-intent
He loves you more than ever and your pet is just an extension of that
He could never fathom being rivals with such a cute pet
“(Y/n) can we ride on Spirit together? I want to be close to you!” 
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Vil Schoenheit
“An equestrian’s wild dream. Perhaps for perfume commercials, maybe even movie-worthy.”
He wants him out 
Maybe it's his flowing locks
Or the majesty that has everyone’s jaws drop when he trots towards you
So he can’t help but compare
“(Y/n). Come. I saw how you brush hair on the stallion, I’ll show you how to do this properly.”
When he feels like ultimately he can’t compete he tries a different method
He’s aware of this horse’s mind and awareness
So he uses that protective instinct against him 
He knows the right people to work with a horse like that
All he has to do is sell the…hay if he would call it that
“Don’t you want to help them..Spirit? Help them raise money for their hovel?”
By the time he’s done, you will be left with him to comfort and your beloved Spirit will be the next show pony
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Idia Shroud
“I’ve seen a movie like this somewhere before.”
This is no different than having your bigger extrovert roadblocks friends blocking his way
But he’s also interested because of his favorite movies centered around taming wild horses
He’s smitten anyway with the sight of you in that position
He only really gets annoyed when Spirit takes a direct attempts to stop him
“Uhm S-spirit c-can you move…Please!?”
He gets irritated real quick when he finds that the times he’s courageous enough to face yourimmaculateperfect you is being thwarted by the horse
Don’t stop him 
When Ortho starts up with a horse tranquilizer 
Idia’s not all that keen to stop him 
Even going so far as to purposely word out his desire before conveniently leaving his AI brother to make the decision 
“Hishishishi, to think you thought you could get in the way of me and my love interest! Ha, now you’re going to be pulling some wagon or maybe becoming an experiment!...(Y/n) is mine. I have enough normies leeching off of them, already.”
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Malleus Draconia
“Your stead is awfully valiant and especially brave to guard you against me.”
The way he says it makes it sound like one of those weird comments he just says
But he’s genuinely upset
He already feels like he doesn’t get to spend time with you enough 
And now he has to share with a spoiled horse you don’t even invite him to ride on
“You don’t ride it? What good is it if it doesn’t have a use? I could give you a ride and so much more…”
This is one of the only times he wishes this animal was scared off by him 
To see you out late at night with this beast instead of him
It’ll be a shame when a random thunderstorm is burning the Night Raven stables
Specifically, the one that your dear Spirit is in
“My condolences for your stead; shall I accompany you in your grieving process. I will no doubt be more than enough than that thing could ever have been.”
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
Idk bout you but I’m a sucker for possessive men, so I’d like to ask for some jealousy HCs for the JJK men. Thank uuuuuuu muah
My darling, I'd like nothing more than to give them to you 💜
Now Presenting...
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Starring Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and Ryomen Sukuna
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Satoru Gojo
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Gojo likes to think he’s not possessive at all. Key word: Think.
In reality, he’s deeply insecure, convinced he’s not good enough for you, and is obsessed, extremely concerned with not losing you.
This unholy concoction has led to an extremely possessive man.
Now, to be fair, He’s pretty good about keeping it in check. He’s not going to lose his mind cause he saw some asshole checking you out at the supermarket. He’s better than that.
Now, if said asshole tries to talk to you, that’s a completely different story. Then he’s literally grabbing you, arms around your waist and actively trying to give you a hickey while you talk to his new number one enemy.
And good fukin luck to you my friend if you call him out on it, cause now he’s convinced you liked that guy too.
Especially early on in your relationship, when he’s still guarded because he’s scared of getting hurt, he’s going to be straight up toxic about it. 
“No, it’s fine, really. If you like him so much, go talk to him. I just wanna know when you stopped caring about me.”
Honestly, you’re better off leaving him alone to let him work out his own shit. He’ll realize he was being an idiot, no doubt helped by the fact that you’re still here, but it’s gonna take 2 hours minimum. 
Gojo is not about to start a fight over some douche bag flirting with you. Mostly because he can not catch another a case. But that doesn’t mean he’s just going to sit by and let it happen, nay nay dear reader.
No, he’s just also going to also talk part in the conversation. Wrapping an arm around your waist and finding any excuse he can, no matter how weak, to drop the fact that he’s your boyfriend.
The exception being the moment the other person puts a hand on you. The moment that happens, all bets are off, and I hope you have bail money. He’s not going to murder them probably but you’re for sure going to be dealing with assault charges. 
Also, not to get NSFW, but the sex after? When He feels like he has to prove to himself he’s good enough for you and remind you that you belong to him? Good luck bestie.
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Suguru Geto
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This man is nothing but jealous all the time. If he had it his way, you would never leave the bedroom. . 
He’s quick to lay his claim on you. Holding you close to him and kissing you mid sentence so that whoever the person flirting with you is get’s the point. 
Afterwards though? On the way home? Silent treatment. When you do get him to talk?
“I just don’t understand. Why don’t you love me anymore?”
Yea, he’s gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing YOU into apologizing to HIM. 
I really can’t see this man as anything other than toxic, my god. 
Still, he doesn’t put up with anyone playing with his toys. If he sees you talking to anyone while out, he’s hugging you from behind, kissing your neck and loudly asking “Hey Darling, Who’s this?” 
That Who’s this is dripping in condescension and hatred. Because he does hate them. He hates anyone that could take you away from him.
Your friends are not immune to this btw. 
Slowly he starts to pull you away from your friends and integrate you into his friend group.
Not that he trusts them either. Nay nay, It’s just easier to keep an eye on you this way. 
He’s always reminding you that you’re his. Marking you, draping his jacket over you, conveniently forgetting to buy you more body wash so you have to use his, literally anything to get the point across that you were his. 
Like, this man has deemed himself your chair, cause if you're going to be together, he’s going to find any excuse he can to sit you on his lap.
Now, Suguru is not the type to get confrontational or physical. That being said, if you express that someone is making you uncomfortable, it's game over for them.
The upsides are: no silent treatment! Instead he’s dotting on you and himself apologetic for letting you be put into that situation.
The downside is now you have to clean blood off of him. Again, probably not murder, but for sure an assault charge.
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Kento Nanami
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Nanami honestly doesn’t have the time to get jealous. 
He trusts you more than anyone else. He has to to date you. So, he’s not normally worried about other people. 
If he starts to feel jealous, he’ll normally just talk to you about it.
The exception is when it comes to your friends. 
He’s not worried about any of them taking you away from him romantically, that thought has never crossed his mind. And for the most part, he likes your friends.
But he does get jealous of how much of your time you spend with them. And of course he doesn’t want to say anything because he knows it's ridiculous. 
But when he comes home from a long day of work to see you have your friends over, meaning he has to share you when his emotional capacity has already been filled? Yea, he's not happy.
And he doesn’t try to hide how possessive he feels in that moment either, he’s stealing your seat and placing you firmly on his lap for after work cuddles.
Oh, he’s embarrassing you in front of your friends? Oh well. Send them home then. 
He’s going to, discreetly,  kiss your neck, and rub your hips until you’re hot and bothered enough to send your friends home.
He just wants your time. It bugs him when other people preoccupy it, when he feels like you’re prioritizing other people over him. 
He can recognize that this is probably his most toxic trait, and he is working on it. 
But you’re still going to have to deal with him while he is
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Ryomen Sukuna
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Everyone else is an amature when it comes to being possessive/jealous Sukuna OWNS that shit
It’s literally his baseline. Other people can’t look at you without pissing off your guard dog.
He’s your guard dog btw. 
They don’t even have to be flirting! If someones talking to you, he is holding you close and actively glaring at them until they leave you alone.
And if they are flirting, well I hope they're cool with whatever god they worship. Cause they’re about to meet said god. 
Sukuna is insistent that you are his and his alone. It’s why he even takes the time to mark you up all pretty like he has. So other people can see that.
So if someones dumb enough to see your lovingly bruised neck and still flirt with you then as far as he’s concerned, he’s doing the gene pool a favor by taking them out of it. 
God forbid he thinks you’re into it. 
He will slaughter your new toy and fuck you until you can’t walk in front of the corpse. You won't be able to walk for weeks if ever again from the punishing he’s going to put you through.
Ideally, your best bet is to tell him the moment that you realize someone is flirting with you. Even if they’re not necessarily making you uncomfortable, better to keep your life than theirs, right? 
Hell, you might even get a reward for being so vigilant. 
Honestly I need to write an entire Yandere Sukuna fic cause he is made for it. He is THE most Yandere character.
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lilianade-comics · 1 year
Do you think Vlad would make a great/horrifying PTA dad?
Ohh, anon. It's so funny you asked this, because I've had a dumb scenario in my head for MONTHS that is pretty much exactly Vlad being an unhinged PTA dad.
So, Dani's elite private school wants to hold a Very Important Charity Bake Sale. This school is attended entirely by children of VIPs of all shapes and sizes, and the parents are very encouraged to help out and set a good example. Now, Vlad's investment in charities is gasping for breath somewhere in the negatives, but he cares A LOT about ensuring Danielle's success in everything she tries AND making sure that everyone around her recognizes her inherent superiority. So she's going to be selling the best cookies at the entire sale, and he'll gaslight gatekeep girlboss through anyone who gets in her way.
Enter Rich, Over Controlling PTA Mom. This woman is a wealthy socialite, entitled, and has a giant ego that rivals even Vlad's. She also doesn't really care for Dani for one reason or another. This is very unfortunate, because Vlad is, well, Vlad, so she chose the worst possible parent to make an enemy out of. He bides his time, though. Plays dumb. Gathers intelligence. Helps Dani with her cookies. Little does Bake Sale Mom know, there's a reckoning coming.
It's the day of the bake sale. Dani got put in a dark corner of the gym out of spite, which hasn't dampened her spirits much, and is only going to make Vlad's plan more amusing. Many, many wealthy individuals are in attendance. Once the gym is bustling with activity, something in the air shifts. Something distinctly malevolent saturates the room. Then, one by one, every customer in the school turns and stumbles over to Dani's table and practically empties their wallets in her lap.
Now, is overshadowing everyone at the bake sale a complete overreaction? Yes! Does Vlad care? No, not at all! Everyone is here to donate money, and donate they will! To his daughter, specifically. He makes sure Bake Sale Mom has a nice view of the stampede and waves at her, smiling insufferably the whole time.
All in all, a record sum of money was collected for charity during that year's bake sale. The most successful in the school's entire history. Apparently one girl in particular made some really good cookies.
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sanaexus · 6 days
please please please- "i don't know i'm panicking but i'm too hot to worry"
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as you give yourself a small pep talk looking in the mirror. "you can do it (name) gaslight gatekeep girlboss he's just a man." walking out the door, trying to feel confident. you realise he isn't there. you could do a happy dance but to save some face you didn't.
running over to the arcade to meet with hiori, looking around searching for him, two palms cover your eyes "guess who"
without skipping a heartbeat you say "the new murder case that'll be all over the news." pulling away from him, you glare at the taller man, "you fucking ass i go to piss and you ditch me, talk about friendship."
"hey! no fair i needed to shit, a man gotta do what he gotta do."
"anyways we should play something oh my god! how about that game?" you say pointing at the game that has a claw machine to pick up chocolates.
"ew, you dork i'm gonna go play something else we'll meet here after we get the tickets i mean i get the tickets and you hopefully the chocolates that's alright?"
"yeahhh sounds good, wait what do you mean 'hopefully', do you not have faith in me?"
"i don't nor do i want to trust bye" he curtly before turning around and in your opinion walking away in a goofy ahh way.
"asshat" you quietly muttered before skipping to the game.
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"motherfucker. i'm gonna fucking cry, this game is a fucking shit show" you curse before kicking the machine lightly and going to some other game that gave tickets which you figured you'd later just trade it for chocolate. surprisingly you were pretty good at the game and won a fair amount of tickets. as you wandered back where you supposed to you realise hiori isn't there, looking around to see where he was, you realise he wasn't there instead he was surrounded by a bunch of people at some game. you sigh realising it'd be better to just let him be.
happily walking to the ticket trading counter, you see there's a bit of a line but it's not like you had anything better to do. waiting in line you open your phone to take a quick snap but when you look at the screen you realise just who is standing behind you.
"motherfucker this better be a fucking joke"
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name likes potatoes so much, for her 12th birthday she had asked people to get her a potato, sadly she didn't get any
name loves hamster, sadly for her all of her hamsters died in a questionable way, the one that survived for more than 3 weeks was sold by her then bestfriend, they no longer talk.
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please please please ¡! - an isagi yoichi social media fic
synopsis modeling was fun, especially when you go to make friends and what happens when that exact friend goes to the same high school? the friendship of course continues into college. where you get your heart broken and the internet gets to know but then you meet a certain someone that makes you fall for them. so what happens then? chaos.
taglist is open¡! : @fairlyfuji , @semisutopia, @someprettyname , @csbnova , @ashlovelys , @chateaaa , @yeurisstuff , @starchivves , @m3gitsune ,@muffin-0 , @gojosexpiredcum , @bbmsxlene , @profesionalglazer
divider by @/xxbimbobunnyxx. all credits to her!
can you guys guess who the ex is 😝👀
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frayazicat · 4 months
what if Triplets Dan, Danny, and Ellie?
like, people like to make at least Dan and Danny twins, but why not all three?? i never see that happen.
here's what i'm thinking. Reveal Gone Good, but Danny now has to tell his parents about the OTHER TWO biggest secrets he's kept from them; Dan and Ellie. he's a little hesitant cause this is not Phantom Planet compliant so they don't know about Vlad.
Dan's still in his thermos timeout thinking about what he's done and Ellie is...somewhere.
so, he tells them about his clone and his future self. this includes what Vlad has done to him. does it include who did this? maybe, i don't know. dealer's choice. anyways, the Fenton parents want to meet their new kids.
Team Phantom gets in touch with Ellie to get to FentonWorks as soon as possible while Danny introduces them to Dan.
it..might not go as planned, might end up fine, that's also dealer's choice. but! in the end, they somehow redeem Dan. Ellie arrives and the duo are welcomed into the family!
but, there are two problems now.
1) how do they explain away their new children?
and 2) Dan is full ghost (and adult-sized, i'm not sure the parents are old enough for a kid his age) and Ellie is an unstable clone - both half Vlad, and really not wanting to be half Vlad.
their solution to the second problem? make new bodies for them! they made two fully stable Halfa clone bodies from Danny, had Ellie and Dan fuse their cores inside these clones near the end of making them, and waited for them to pop out of the tubes at the same age as Danny! this might take some help from Clockwork and Danny to pull off without more melting clones..
anyways! now, they have three Halfa children. all they have to do at this point is find a way to explain the sudden appearance of TWO MORE KIDS!
their solution for THAT problem? hack into the database and change the medical files so it showed that THREE kids were birthed instead of one; Danail Jack, Daniel Jackson, and Dannielle Jacklyn Fenton. Dan, Danny, and Ellie.
but the parents take it SO MUCH FURTHER. they bribe the local schools and hospitals, they make fake receipts of things bought for them and fake records of government child support, and they even photoshop younger versions of Ellie and Dan into the family photos to make it legit. heck, they might have even gone back in time via Clockwork to add the birth certificates! they're THAT committed!
so, we got a new family of six gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing their way into legitimacy.
"What do you mean we only had two kids this entire time? Look at these records! Look at how similar they are to their triplet brother! The evidence says otherwise!"
"Listen, if you just play along and say nothing contrary to anybody who asks, we'll stop ghost hunting or driving for one month every time you do so. Sound good? We'll even put in some money to sweeten the deal."
"If we never had these children before, then why do we have memories of Dan viciously beating up Danny and Ellie's bullies at school?"
that sort of thing.
they're COMMITTED. it's INSANE. the town is going CRAZY.
where did these kids come from?? did we seriously forget about two teen kids for sixteen years??
(things go off the rails when Sam and Tucker get in on the action.)
now, i'm putting this under DCxDP, cause of just ONE little detail. Ellie's obsession involves moving, right?
well, what if the Fenton family becomes a wandering family of crime-fighters/mad scientists with an interest in the occult?
what if they get on the JL's radar because of one too many supernatural cases being solved by the Fentons in the JL's local cities?
they're at Gotham? suddenly, it feels as if the air is lighter and that it's not as drenched in evil and insanity as before. what did they do? fought the curses in the local Lazurus Pit like someone wrestling a pig in their mudpen.
they're in Metropolis? Lex woke up one day to find his entire stash of Kryptonite was missing with no trace. what did they do? the triplets broke in after sensing the gems and ate them like candy, their natural ghostliness shorting out the security feed as they do so.
they're in D.C.? all of the ghost relics in the local museums have been stolen with only a note saying, "Sorry for the disturbance! These were too dangerous for the living, so we put them somewhere safe! Don't worry! :)" left behind. what did they do? they took them and chucked them into the ghost portal where some allies on that side put them in safe places.
and that's all i got.
TL,DR; Fenton family goes full mad scientist in order to welcome Dan and Ellie into the family before packing up and wandering the states, effectively gaining the JL's attention with their suspicious and crazy appearances.
(i hope i didn't accidentally steal this idea from another. if i did, i'm sorry. feel free to smack me or something if that's the case.)
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kookidough · 5 months
i know world tour rewrites are probably overdone by now but i wanna see an alenoah world tour rewrite where pretty much everything is the same but (predictably) it changes at/around i see london
so in this rewrite, pre-london, similarly to canon alejandro is flirting with other teams to get them off their game and eliminate them (cough cough bridgette, leshawna, etc) but he thinks it’d be a good idea to flirt with someone on his own team- not to throw them off their game, but to get a closer bond with them and hopefully a steady alliance once merge rolls around. after all, it’s easier to get closer to a team member than an enemy right now.
he’s weighing up his options and he Hates owen, izzy is Insane, and tyler serves no use to him, which leaves noah.. alejandro thinks he’ll be a good choice since while noah is weak he does somewhat try in challenges and he is very smart, so having him as an ally will benefit alejandro, also he genuinely enjoys noah company, viewing him as being on the same level as him in levels of wit/intelligence/humour, so boom it’s settled, noah will be his ally post-merge
anyway back to i see london, the episode goes the same up until the elimination ceremony, alejandro yaps in the confessional about it being unfair that chris let team amazon win since his team were the ones that actually caught the ripper-type guy. he also knows that since he was caught before the challenge even started, he’s probably going home !! so he needs to figure out a way to gaslight gatekeep girlboss everyone and stay in the game
he, like in canon, is of course irritated at noah for talking about him behind his back and thinks about eliminating him, despite previously thinking he’d be a good ally. this is where i diverge fully from canon and say he can’t really risk losing an ally here and maybe, without noah having the influence of anyone else, he’ll be able to turn things around with him. izzy is already gone so if alejandro eliminates owen, then noah will have no other allies and most likely be searching for one, so this is where alejandro can swoop back in and continue to ally with him (while definitely planning to use him for his intelligence and double cross him later as revenge for gossiping about him, and also because alejandro wants to win)
so with 2 votes for ale and 3 votes for owen, the big guy is sent packing and things are playing out the way alejandro wants them to. when he approaches noah for an alliance he’s surprised at how little convincing it takes, and he thinks this plan will be easier than he thought
hoooowever noah is also planning to double cross him and he approaches heather, despite disliking her, because he knows shes currently the only other one that can see through alejandro. he may not like heather but he knows she’s smart and a very capable player and hey, if things go south then it can’t be that hard to get her eliminated, because she’s literally heather
so just . AUFHHR i need this dynamic of noah and alejandro thinking they’re one step ahead of each other and they’ve got each other all figured out but they’re actually both just playing each other’s game and they have all the stupid flirty rival banter while they tango around their feelings for each other it’s great
and they dont even have to be final 2 !!! maybe their plans crumble and they end up voted off and get into some tense aftermath segment and have a very chaotic game of “truth or volcanic eruption” !!
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sevikasangel · 1 year
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ミ☁︎ ❝ 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞: 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚
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— contains: f!reader, sfw and nsfw content, possessiveness, gaslighting, girlbossing, gatekeeping, light blood mentions, manipulation, kidnapping, light bondage, mistress, pet play, stockholm complex.
— a/n: my first post of my wife! i love carmilla so much ughhh. also, this is the first post of my new upcoming event to celebrate 1k of us!
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₊˚✧ ₊˚੭ 𝐬𝐟𝐰 ‧₊˚✧ ₊˚੭
♡ carmilla's obsession would begin when she firstly laid her eyes on your terrified, shaky form. you were a helpless, small little human being surrounded by Bloodthirsty vampires who apparently hadn't had anything but pigs as meals for ages.
❀ "well, well...what do we have here? hmm, i see...a pathetic little nothing of a girl...brought to get her blood drained by us, vampires...just like humans are meant to."
♡ elegant, slender hands comes up to cradle your face and the vampiress leans in to sniff your neck. you whimper at the sound of her quiet, nonchalant chuckle.
❀ "this one's the finest human i've seen, doesn't look so disgusting to me. how can you still be beautiful...have little useless accessories, well presenting clothes, soft hair...when your species is being slaughtered in war? is it really that important to you to show off, little human?"
♡ there was a hint of possessiveness on her tone. the thought of your own race laying eyes on such a fine specimen made carmilla's skin itch. inferior animals shouldn't have the right to have you. a perfect pet.
❀ "so beautiful this little pet is, eh? this one's mine. find something else to feast on."
♡ carmilla decided to take you with herself. you didn't know if you should consider her your saviour, since her true intentions seemed to be slavering you. the first thing she did was stripping you from your clothes and into a white, short dress with nothing beneath. she claimed it'd be for easier access when she needed. then she collared you with a chain choker, a little hook that would be used when a leash needed to be attached.
❀ "do not hide yourself from me. your body is mine to see and touch as i please. you are my pet from now on. you do as i say, when i say. and do not forget...because i hate repeating myself."
♡ carmilla would constantly drink from your blood. it was never enough to kill you, though enough to make you dizzy and light headed. however, if she was punishing you for disobeying, she'd do it until you pass out, causing you to be terrified that she was actually going to murder you.
♡ you are her darling. she is completely obsessed with you. perfect, perfect little pet...she would not allow you outside on your own, or around anybody else if she wasn't present. during meetings, she'd have you perfectly seated on the floor besides her chair with your leash in her hand.
♡ if another vampire ever attempted to drink from you or cause you harm, she would gruesomely kill them. you are hers. she's the only one who is ever allowed to hurt you. attacking you is a direct offence at the queen.
♡ she'd constantly be stalking you through the shadows in the palace. you'd feel her eyes on your preventing you from misbehaving. she's obsessed with her pet in the sickest way possible.
♡ carmilla would always talk about the cruelty and dangers of the world, ruining any ideas and hopes of escaping you had. with a hand to your hair and the other holding your throat, she'd look into your eyes and talk about how safe you are, and how grateful you should be for the protection and care of your mistress.
❀ "little pet...you know the world would lacerate you into pieces, don't you? such a fragile thing you are. you are so lucky you have a kind mistress to yourself...see, you owe me your loyalty and undying, everlasting love. i keep you safe, i give you everything you need. i would haaate it if you made me hurt you. if you aren't mine, you aren't anybody else's."
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‧₊˚✧ ₊˚੭ 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 ‧₊˚✧ ₊˚੭
♡ carmilla is a top. she isn't ever going to be a bottom ever. she has this need to be in absolute control of you, in every way possible.
♡ definitely a hard, strict dom who will demand discipline and obedience from her submissive little human. she doesn't tolerate bratty behaviour at all.
♡ the only time you decided to be a brat, carmilla made you regret it profusely. she had you completely tied up in a tight hogtie position with all your holes filled, nipple clamps on your nipples as she flogged your back and ass.
❀ "little pet desires to act like a savage...you wanted to get on my nerves, didn't you? i will make you regret it. cry all you want, i don't care. your pathetic self needs to be put in its place. i am your mistress! you are a little human who owes me your soul. you are all mine to do as i please!"
♡ definitely has a blood kink. she loves drinking from your blood while her cold fingers toy with your clit and push into your dripping hole. you feel ashamed of yourself out of how much you enjoy this.
♡ carmilla likes tugging on your leash while she takes you from behind with her strap. her face always has the same small smirk and evil eyes.
❀ "aren't you embarassed, pet? you should be...can you hear how wet and sloppy your pussy is for your captor? this makes your mistress very pleased, my dirty little pet human."
♡ carmilla makes you straddle her foot, completely naked while she's at her office. she commands you to make yourself cum and not dare stop while she finished her paperwork, her free hand stroking your hair as she throws a praise here and there like you're an obedient pup.
♡ if she is feeling generous and you earn it, carmilla will let you eat her out. she will be sitting on the edge of the bed with you on your knees between her thighs. your hands are tied behind your back as she doesn't allow you to touch her. her grip on your hair is tight and she tugs on it, riding your face however she pleases. her moans are breathy and quiet. even like this, the queen doesn't lose her posture.
❀ "that's it, pet. please your mistress...hmmm...you're the best toy i've ever had...ugh...i will let you taste my cum as a reward...good pet...good pet..."
♡ carmilla always gives you aftercare following rough sessions. she'd prepare a hot bath for the both of you. the vampiress allows you to rest your head on her chest while you're both inside and she scrubs your body until it's relaxed and clean.
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