#not in a fun way :(
hisbucky · 2 years
*in regards to 6B trailer*
Buck, giggling: I'm in danger.
Eddie, pained: Why are you laughing. Stop laughing. This isn't a laughing matter.
Bobby, arguing with the writers: Why are you doing this to me! I need him to be safe!! This is not safe!!!
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gilverrwrites · 1 month
Visiting family today 🙃
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sadtimesnorhymes · 2 months
I hope no one ever has to feel the feeling of longing for something for 15+ years. To crave a type of love for 15+ years and be denied it at every turn. To put yourself out there time and time again only to be rejected and told you’re not good enough. To be made to feel wrong for existing. For being told that you have no place in a scene because of your body. To be made to feel inferior because you don’t meet the cookie cutter. To have the constant feeling of rejection and disillusionment crush your soul day after day for over 15 years. To take the desperate scraps of what you are given and say thank you for tolerating my disgusting body enough. To be made to apologize for being yourself and it not being good enough.
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linuxealcipher · 3 months
Me oh yeah yeah I'm fine not going to explode at all
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shift-shaping · 3 months
next enaste ficlet is i think the longest one yet and also kind of a doozy
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sagittariangirl27 · 1 year
Apparently I found out tumblr brought back porn 9 months after the fact. So that's how up to speed I am on current events, just in case anyone is wondering...
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*This is my favorite gif, probably forever.
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thirteenemeraldcats · 8 months
Is anyone else getting their butt absolutely kicked by work this week?
I feel like I'm melting
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youre-dizzy · 8 months
Is anyone else actually physically incapable of liking things normally to the point where it literally sucks the life out of you and consumes you 👍👍 like I do not know anything other than painful obsession over things I enjoy
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floral-hex · 1 year
Denim jacket soaking in bleach and water overnight and now it’s the color of piss.
Good thing I love piss 😏
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
For the curious...Not that I need my own chart explained to me, so I'll do a very quick rundown of my placements for funsies! And see how astrology compares to my actual House Sorting!
Personal/Inner Planets:
Sun - Taurus - earth - 9H - fire - Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Moon - Leo - fire - 12H - water - Gryffindor/Slytherin
Rising - Leo - fire - Gryffindor
Mercury - Aries - fire - 9H - fire - Gryffindor
Venus - Taurus - earth - 9H - fire - Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Mars - Aries - fire - 8H - water - Gryffindor/Slytherin
Chart ruler & dispositor of the moon are both the sun. Sun is in Taurus, so dispositor of the sun is Venus. Venus domicile in Taurus. Mars domicile in Aries.
Other placements:
Jupiter - Virgo - earth - 1H - fire - Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Saturn - Aquarius - air - 6H - earth - Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff
Uranus - Capricorn - earth - 5H - fire - Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Neptune - Capricorn - earth - 5H - fire - Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Pluto - Scorpio - water - 3H - air - Slytherin/Ravenclaw
Chiron - Leo - fire - 12H - water - Gryffindor/Slytherin
True Node - Capricorn - earth - 5H - fire - Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Saturn domicile in Aquarius (traditional.) Pluto domicile in Scorpio (modern.) Jupiter detriment in Virgo.
Sun & Venus conjunct. Sun square Saturn. Sun opposition Pluto. Moon square Venus. Moon conjunct Chiron. Mercury and Venus both trine Jupiter.
Sun & Venus
Taurus, the fixed (stubborn) earth sign (stability, security.) Taurus is the Bull, ruled by Venus. Based in the material, physical world. Hard working, reliable, loyal. Sensual, romantic. Focus on comfort and safety. Life is about the little pleasures. Sun (ego, core) & Venus (love) are here. Taurus energy in the Self. Taurus vibes in relationships, hobbies, interests. Creative, crafty. Likes music, the outdoors, animals, cozy comfort, good food, good music, etc.
Both in the 9th house, House of Spirituality. 9th House is higher learning, long distance travel, philosophy, religion, etc. 9H sun implies optimism and focus on ideas. Questions things, tends to be curious. Do good, spread good. 9H Venus implies being drawn to people with different ideas, from different cultures, different religions and experiences. Wants to learn from others. Wants a sense of freedom and adventure with loved ones.
Sun conjunct Venus. Taste for the finer things in life. Focus on pleasure. Enjoys helping others.
Sun opposition Pluto. Inner turmoil, inner conflict.
Venus square Moon. Easily pleased by affection. (Hahaha. Words of Affirmation. It fits.) Deep need for love and affection. (Haha ouch.) Sensitive and self-indulgent.
Moon & Rising
Leo is the fixed (stubborn) fire sign (energy, spirit.) Leo is the Lion (and is King/Queen), and is ruled by the Sun. Fire + Sun means Leo is bright and warm. The Sun, the Queen, draws attention (and craves it.) Leo is loyal, generous, and creative. The Moon (emotions, subconscious) and Ascendant (reaction, perception) are in Leo. (Bonus: also Chiron, the planet of Old/Inner Wounds.) Leo Rising is magnetic, appears warm and friendly to others. Leo Moon is warmth; deep inner need to be seen, and understood, and accepted. Very optimistic and hopeful (fire) in a tender, vulnerable place (Moon.) (Bonus: Leo Chiron is called "The Wound of Recognition.")
Rising relates to the first house, and doesn't need mentioning.
The Twelfth House is the House of the Unconscious. The Twelfth House represents: fantasies and dreams, nightmares, secrets and fears and inner desires, shadows and sorrows, invisible enemies, surrender and endings, self-undoing. It is also called The House of Reckoning. Moon (center of emotion) in the Twelfth House (Unseen Realm) indicates someone very intuitive and perceptive; particularly on an emotional level. Very sensitive and understanding of others. Can imply psychic ability. Indicates someone very sensitive and easy to hurt. Attracted to the unknown and the occult.
(Leo Chiron in the 12H indicates an inner wound around recognition, feeling invisible, wound to the inner child; and that the wound resides in the psyche.)
Anyway, when you hear me crying about the 12H this is why. It sucks. 0/10 do not recommend. On the bright side: it sure makes me imaginative! We can thank this horror show hell house for my writing LOL.
Mercury & Mars
Aries is the cardinal (forward moving) fire sign (energy, spirit.) Aries is the Ram and is ruled by Mars. Aries is the Warrior. Impulsive, bold, reckless. Mercury in Aries lends to speaking without thinking. (Not me calling myself out.) Quick and candid (at times crude) in communication. Aries plows ahead when it comes to learning new things. Quick thinking. Flashes of insight. Mars is domicile in Aries. Indicates energy, movement, stamina. No patience. Ready to go, go, go! Action-oriented. Do before thinking. Tends towards temper and irritability when faced with others' indirectness and indecision.
Mercury in the Ninth House (re: Spirituality) indicates hunger for knowledge, curiosity about the world, interest in learning philosophies and cultures from others.
Eighth House: House of Death. Represents taboos, secrets, death, rebirth, transformation, inheritances, legacies, and intimate connections. Mars in the eighth house is very ambitious and passionate. Big survival instinct. Powerful desires. Strong drive to get what they want. Good at reading others (8H connection to psychology, intimate connections, and secrets.) Tend to become very attached to people (passion + intimate connections.)
Ya girl has way too much fire for her own good, I stg.
Jupiter & Saturn
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, fortune, generosity, and excess. In fall in Virgo. Excess of perfectionistic and critical tendencies. Too routine and organized to let go and expand. Virgo is the mutable (changeable, adaptable) earth sign (stability, security.) Virgo is the Maiden and ruled by Mercury. Tend to be very hard working and knowledgeable. Have the best luck leaning on their methodical, practical nature.
First House is the house of the Self. Jupiter here implies positive outlook, and a do-gooder nature. Ideological. Strong sense of own morals. Focus on self-growth. Very emotional nature. Very sensitive to others' wants and needs. Generous. Tends towards self-indulgence. Lends positive light to planets it touches. (Here, Jupiter trines Mercury and Venus, so fortune in the realms of learning, communication, and love.)
Saturn is the planet of restriction, discipline, and life lessons. Aquarius is the fixed (stubborn) air sign (intellect, sociability.) Aquarius is the Water-Bearer and is ruled by Saturn (traditional) and Uranus (modern.) Aquarius is the humanitarian, the rebel, and the oddball. Aquarius is progressive and innovative. Aquarius Saturn is organized and connects to others. Very capable, focus on "problem-solving the world." Others are drawn to Aquarius Saturn's usefulness, which the native finds draining.
Sixth House is the House of Health, Wellness, Routine, Odd Jobs. Saturn in the Sixth indicates a workaholic nature. Need to be (or at least feel) useful. Pressure to be perfect, anxiety. Self-disciplined, service-oriented. Loyal, stubborn, tend to stay the course.
Saturn square sun. Relentless determination to overcome obstacles. Faces challenges in self-growth and self-expression.
Saturn square Venus. (Ugh.) (I don't wanna talk about this one.) (But anyway.) Desire faces challenge and restriction when squaring the sun. Self-denial and loneliness. Love + Fear go hand in hand. But Saturn means life lessons so...hope in the end? Idk.
12H Moon I've accepted. Saturn Square Venus not so much.
Saturn square PLUTO. Big goals. Big pressure. Overwhelmed.
And now that I'm done outing myself on Tumblr. I forget how called out I feel by astrology sometimes, damn. ANYWAY.
To the question of Sorting. Looking at the inner planets. Gryffindor wins by a lot. 4 sign points, 2 house points. 2 sign points to Hufflepuff, 2 house points to Slytherin.
I was inclined to give Hufflepuff an extra point for having 3 planets in the outer planets, but all of my earth-signs are in fire-houses so...aha. If we took the houses out of the equation, we'd be looking at 4 Gryffindor points and 3 Hufflepuff points (if we added the 1 for the outer planets.)
We can maybe argue that the chart ruler and the dispositor of the sun are both in earth signs, and that Venus is domicile in an earth sign. If we were being generous we'd give Hufflepuff an extra point there, but that would even out Gryffindor and Hufflepuff at best.
So my horoscope would imply a more Gryffindor Sorting. But my horoscope also implies some Slytherin leanings, which historically I rank very low in. (The percentage quizzes are always like 0-1% Slytherin LOL.) And while I do appreciate Gryffindor, I relate too strongly to Hufflepuff to agree with it.
I used this as an experiment to see how I felt about including aspects in this, but I don't think they provide much by way of sorting, which means I hurt my own feelings for no reason. (Rude.)
This was also pretty simplistic in nature (even though it feels like a lot), so I do wonder if a full, detailed chart reading would more accurately align with a Hogwarts Sorting. Instead of tallying points, examining the details then viewing the chart as a whole and making a determination that way. That would be supremely time consuming. The small snippets I do now are time consuming LOL. A full analysis would take me all day or longer.
Now wondering if I could make "fandom astrologer" a full time career LOL.
Anyway if you made it this far, 10 points to your house of choice.
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missmamibee · 1 year
Feeling really ugly lately
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cartoonbird · 1 year
i don’t think i’ve ever felt as visceral a hatred for a fictional character before as i do for lukas mattson, making strangling motions at my laptop screen
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arealcrow · 2 years
cant sleep and the horrors are getting me
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dokyeomini · 2 years
im reading a lot of older books rn bc the audiobooks are conveniently on spotify hdgof
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fungi-maestro · 2 years
I don't really think the goncharov joke is very funny but it is pretty hilarious that Lynda Carter of all people is playing along
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puppyeared · 24 days
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filipina miku!! my mom helped me with her outfit ^_^
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