#not for major Sam fans
insanesonofabitch · 10 months
Kind of funny. SPN was supposed to end in s5, with Sam in Hell, Cas in Heaven, and Dean on Earth, living with a wife and a son. But it ends after ten more season later with Cas in superhell, Dean in Heaven, and Sam on Earth, living with a wife and a son. Like some fucked up game of musical chairs. Except the chairs are never taken, the song remains the same, and they’re just going in circles. Anyways, Happy November 19th.
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mellohd · 6 months
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sam winchester is a millennial guys.
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more milli-chester coming soon 🔥🔥😈 anyways i had to pose for the coffee and other drawings i havent made yet so be GRATEFUL it was a traumatic and scarring experience that i will carry with me for as long as those tainted images remain in my camera roll…
this is the stupidest thing ive ever made(and ive made some really stupid stuff, like stupendously stupid and thats double stupid so you know its stupid), click below for image without the mug and bonus goodies
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hatredmadeofgold · 1 year
Revenge with a vengeance — The tragedy of Sam and Raiden’s canon relationship dynamic
Alternate title: SamuRaiden is THAT deep, actually.
Side note by author: This essay will get an update eventually since I wrote it before playing the Japanese version of the game.
Although MGR does not have as complex or well researched character lore as the main series, Samuraiden as a relationship is a lot more complex than common fandom tropes and interpretations of their relationship suggest. I don’t mind it when people make funny/meme content about these two, since MGS/R does come with its own flair of humour, it’s very exhausting for me as well as a few others I know who enjoy this ship for it to be reduced to just that — a joke. MGR being perceived as ‘goofy’ is mainly due to how poorly some of the character lines translate from Japanese to English, as well as it being more or less evident that either budget, time or both ran out over the course of development, hence the second half of the game feels rushed and underdeveloped. In fact, the great majority of MGR fans do not understand how serious, dark, hopeless and dystopian its message really is and that is saddening.
The world isn’t black and white, neither is it in MGS/R. Sam isn’t the just the villain (never has been, by the way), Raiden isn’t the just the hero (never has been either, by the way), I’d say it’s rather “depends on who you ask”. They are on opposite sides due to the circumstances of how they meet and not because they wouldn’t get along. Quite the opposite is true, in fact, if they would have met before 2016, they might have become friends based on the fact of how much they can actually relate to each other in many different aspects of their personalities, interests and experiences.
Before we get to fight Armstrong as well as during the Sam DLC (also through very subtle hints during their first fight on the train) we learn that Sam is just like Raiden and that Desperado forced him to become a shadow of who he once was, going against his own morals and values and only Raiden reminding him of who he truly was before Armstrong defeated him 2 years prior, ultimately crushing his spirit — he had no other choice, either die there as a failure or continue to live and become Desperado’s/Armstrong’s puppet [until someone would eventually defeat Armstrong and free Sam from his never ending nightmare — Did I already mention that Sam is a really fucking tragic character?]. Sam joining Armstrong’s laughter at the end of DLC is a reaction of fear, not agreement with him or enjoyment. And if there’s one thing that both MGS and MGR are really good at, it’s the accurate and very realistic portrayal of the human psyche under stressful and traumatic situations.
On the other side we can tell from Raiden’s reaction when holding Murasama after killing Sam that he, for once in the entire damn series, questions if that was the right choice he made. We know that Raiden enjoys inflicting pain and suffering onto others, he enjoys murder — but he did not feel that way when he killed Sam. It’s quite the opposite. It’s very subtle and if you’re not very observant like me, easy to miss. But the way his voice turns a bit softer, how his eyes look listless, almost sad; he regrets it. When Blade Wolf asks Raiden if that outcome was really necessary, he does not answer him, because he knows that Wolf is right, it wasn’t. And Raiden pretty much hates himself for it. To his team he confidently says that Sam isn’t a problem anymore since he killed him, but that’s not the same Raiden that he’s that moment in the badlands (which is another implication to me that Raiden doesn’t fully trust his teammates, although they are friends; he has major trust issues and the only emotions he shares with them is either anger or amusement but nothing outside of that). The way he sheathes Murasama is a way to honour him, and as far as I remember this is a ritual to honour a samurai’s defeat or death.
I believe that there has been a silent understanding between the two swordsmen that they respect each other from the very beginning, but they do not say it out loud. This is a case of “show, don’t tell” but also something I suspect has something to do with the game being written by Japanese authors, and Japanese is a high context language, meaning, very little words are needed to get the meaning across, and I think this may also translate into the words these two exchange with each other compared to how they truly feel about the other. Besides, they probably couldn’t truly speak honestly with each other in the first place because of the unfortunate conditions of how they met and were (more or less) forced to fight each other until one of them would eventually succumb to the other’s blade. Codecs and conversations were most likely recorded by their respective employers, and I highly suspect that in Sam’s case, he was even monitored 24/7 by Desperado since he never was an official member of the Winds of Destruction in the first place, and they didn’t fully trust him either.
At the very end of the game during the fight with Armstrong, Sam’s message plays, and we can hear how Sam also speaks with a different voice to Blade Wolf compared to everyone else (and technically, indirectly to Raiden but I cannot confirm or deny that Sam was aware that Raiden would ever hear this playback), it’s a note softer; Raiden learns the truth, which confirms to him that he was right about Sam after all, that they are alike, that they respect each other, and that there was more to Sam’s story than him being a part of Desperado, he doesn’t know what exactly, but he knows now for sure that Sam was not the person he originally believed he was (and lets his team still believe he thinks that way).
Would Raiden truly say Sam’s catchphrase “Let’s dance” before fighting and ultimately killing Armstrong, if he wouldn’t have been going through a gradual process between originally hating Sam to respecting and liking him but unable to ever express that to him or anyone else?
Would he ever admit to anyone what kind of emotional impact Sam had on him, besides the anger and hatred he openly expressed towards him?
Doubt so. Highly fucking doubt so.
Because sharing his true feelings is a liability to him, and Raiden learnt as a very young child that vulnerable feelings such as sadness or guilt would be used against him, so his psyche is conditioned to discard them immediately. But Sam made him feel those things in their full extent and Raiden is fully aware of that, but he would never share with anybody that he ever felt that way about Sam.
He may or may not take those feelings to his grave.
From Sam’s side, we can only guess how he truly felt about Raiden, but we can only guess by the way he hesitated to finish him off on the train during the prologue, the way he smiled at Blade Wolf before his death (which might be likely another case of a silent understanding between Sam and Wolf that the latter would share with Raiden what he knows about Sam or the playback of their conversation itself, if not both) as well as everything he says with giving Murasama to Raiden. Of course, Sam couldn’t even say out loud to Blade Wolf or Raiden that he planned to give Raiden his sword to take down Armstrong, and he had to be as vague as possible with the information that he shared with the robot dog. Not by choice, no. Most likely because he was being watched 24/7, he knew that Desperado nor Armstrong didn’t fully trust him and if they knew about his plans, they’d make sure to finish him off before Raiden had the chance to do so. Sam knew he would die, and that it would be the only way he would ever be free from Armstrong’s grasp. So he chose suicide through Raiden’s blade, and gave him his sword to finish what he could not back then.
The game’s title is REVENGEANCE — Revenge with a vengeance.
They both translate to the same thing in my native language German, but there’s a subtle yet important difference between these two nouns.
“Revenge means when you get back at your enemy who is responsible for hurting you and vengeance is the punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.”
But it was never Armstrong who hurt or wronged Raiden in the first place, and we know he’s an essentially selfish person who does not really care all that much about politics, religion or anything like that and he only fights for himself (I wrote in my essay about Raiden’s ASPD that his motivation to save these children from becoming cyborg child soldiers is a trauma response first and his rather lose and grey morality second) and the few people he cares about, so Armstrong being the one one who ordered to get N’mani killed is not the reason Raiden went after him or was that passionate about getting revenge or retribution on him either.
It was Sam who hurt him — wounded both his body and soul during the prologue — but when Raiden got his revenge, he realised that revenge is empty, that he didn’t feel better, and that he regrets killing him, then we get to the vengeance part. From the moment Raiden held Sam’s Murasama in the badlands, he felt no more hatred towards him and the emotional impact his death had on him made Sam transition from a person he hated to one of the few people Raiden truly cares about.
Armstrong may be the villain of the story, but the person who wanted revenge on him never had been Raiden. It was Sam. Always had been Sam, because it was Sam who got hurt by Armstrong, it was Sam who wanted to get revenge on Armstrong for defeating him and crushing his spirit, it was Sam who wanted to punish Armstrong for making him into a shadow of who he once was, making Sam speak about ideals he didn’t truly believe in (like, who the FUCK even thinks that Sam truly believed a single fucking word of that, because I for sure as hell can tell he never did, he either gaslit himself into believing that for 2 years until he met Raiden or only parroted whatever the fuck Armstrong wanted him to say so he would not get killed on the spot).
Revenge and vengeance are very deep feelings and actions of hatred, feelings that are too deep and complex to be associated with morality, hence why I highly doubt that the title of the game is directed at Armstrong from Raiden’s side at all. That between Raiden and Armstrong is not nearly as personal as it has been between Sam and Armstrong. Raiden eradicating Desperado and Armstrong had been about justice [for the kids being killed and their organs sold], not revenge.
"I said my sword was a tool of justice. Not used in anger. Not used for vengeance. But now… Now I'm not so sure. And besides, this isn't my sword."
But when he says this, followed by “Let’s dance”, it became deeply personal for Raiden as well. Because he could confirm that his feelings about Sam had been right, and that Sam wanted to get revenge on Armstrong.
Raiden decides to avenge him, because Sam couldn’t get revenge himself.
Although Sam never told him directly, Raiden understood him from his actions alone, those subtle hints, reading between the lines what the other truly felt and wanted the whole time, eventually passing the “torch” — his sword — to Raiden, to finish what he could not. So while Raiden’s own reasons to finish off Armstrong were (mostly) justice for the innocent lives he destroyed and planned to continue to destroy, they also became feelings of hatred and anger — Sam’s feelings towards Armstrong.
In the end — revenge with a vengeance — is what Sam could get on Armstrong only through Raiden, after Raiden enacted his onto Sam.
Now the question is — if Raiden would’ve never killed Sam, by the chance of him recognising earlier than in canon that revenge is empty and that he won’t feel better after killing him, would Sam go by his example and abandon his revenge plans on Armstrong as well? Or would they fight Armstrong together and get justice?
We unfortunately can only speculate (or write stories about it).
What we can tell from canon though, is that Raiden’s (= Sam’s) passionate feelings of hatred towards Armstrong quickly vanish the moment he finished him off, and he looks into the camera with an empty expression, covered in blood and a crushed cybernetic heart in his hand.
And I think that is exactly what he feels — empty.
Because again, he got revenge and avenged Sam, led by what Sam felt, Sam’s feelings became Raiden’s feelings during that fight with Armstrong. But once that was gone, there’s nothing left. In the case of killing Armstrong, he doesn’t feel remorse or guilt. There’s nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Because revenge is empty.
Raiden defeated his enemies — but at what cost?
By killing Sam, he realised what he had actually lost — a potential friend (or more), someone who understood him in a way that no one else did. Perhaps he thought or felt that, if he avenges Sam, making Sam’s feelings towards Armstrong into his own, he might be able to deal with that loss better, but to no avail.
Because, and I can speak from experience as a person with the same mental health issues as Raiden, that emptiness is worse than regret.
MGR’s ending also implies that Raiden abandons his family and friends to fight his own war; essentially taking the same path that Sam once took in his past, ending up in a personal war and revenge act that knows no end, making one bad choice after the next. If Raiden hasn’t already become the villain of his own story by the end of MGR, then it’s just a matter of time until he becomes that.
And the cycle of violence continues, until the story repeats itself, over and over and over and over and over.
Did I mention already that there is a myth around Murasama being a cursed sword, that will drive its user either slowly insane or make them commit suicide if it doesn’t get a regular ‘blood sacrifice’?
“I really enjoy murder, but that one, that I will regret for the rest of my life.”
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revvethasmythh · 1 year
An idle thought, really, but I think it's interesting to see fandom latch on the metaphorical interpretation of things like Laudna's relationship with Delilah as a metaphor for addiction or Imogen's psychic powers as a metaphor for either chronic pain or queerness, but there's much less attachment to or discussion of the characters who explicitly, canonically dealt with exactly those things. By which I mean Scanlan's substance abuse, Veth's alcoholism, and even Ashton's chronic pain (which feels like it was discussed much more before it was confirmed canon, and seems to be brought up mostly just as ship fodder these days). I suppose one could argue the devotion to the metaphorical interpretations lies in the fact that it's an interpretation of canon as opposed to being explicitly so, meaning there's more wiggle room to project a personal interpretation onto it. Explicit canon is more concrete, less malleable to the individual viewer. Still, if we're going to talk about addiction now in a metaphorical sense via Laudna, it leads me to wonder if we will see further discussion of the characters who explicitly dealt with addiction (Veth and Scanlan), as opposed to Laudna's purported allegorical version of it
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ardentpoop · 1 month
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another common take that really irritates me. like no they didn’t “ruin” him he was always going to end up exactly how he ended up. the seeds for his future behavior were planted as early on as s1 and s2 (especially following John’s death) if you know what to look for.
the character isn’t “ruined” or behaving OOC because he’s doing things that are harmful and difficult to understand. you guys just don’t know how to engage with abusive characters.
when I show you a bunch of moments spanning several seasons you’re supposed to see a pattern of behavior, not take the one “feel-good” moment from s1 in contrast with the abundance of painful moments from the seasons that followed and say “this is the only one that represents The Real Dean.”
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Please having a friend who doesn’t like Robby’s hair in the earlier seasons and prefers his later seasons hair literally pains me like he’s so babygirl what do you mean? 🙁💔
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ikamigami · 8 months
Someone needs to say this.
Stop policing what is canon and what is not canon in sams or any of these shows.
If you're not a showrunner your words mean not more or less than anyone else's.
"You can't interpret that piece of dialogue like that cause it's saying this and that and not whatever you're trying to say"
Well, that's not how dialouge (I mean characters' statements) works cause imagine that everyone would take your words as your true opinion on certain matter no matter in what circumstances you said that.
For example: you're very tired and stressed out "I'd gladly kill this stupid neighbour of mine cause they're getting on my nerves" everyone else: "wow.. that person may kill someone better call 911"
How would you like that? Wouldn't it be funny if everyone always thought that you 100% mean your every word?
It would be horrible, wouldn't it?
That's why taking everything, every word at face value it's not always 100% right.
I really hope that some people in this fandom will realise that people can interpret things however they want and others can agree or disagree with whoever they want.
When you're policing the show you're acting like Karen. You're a killjoy. You're ruining fun of being a part of this fandom.
If showrunners felt the need to clarify something they would do that because many authors clarify things when confusion appears. If they're not doing that that means that people can interpret things however they want. Period.
If my words aren't convincing that much to you yet, I'll give an example of the fenomenon that is hugely known in sams fandom.
People claimed that KC loves his sons BM and Eclipse. However his love for them was never that much shown and later he did not only helped to kill one of his kids but he also was very harsh towards his other sons. He later never even called them his sons. And yet it didn't stop people from seeing KC as a dad type.
And this is the best part. No one cares about it. No one cares if it's accurate to canon or not. Probably because it's hugely accepted in the eyes of majority of the fandom.
On the other hand we have other interpretations which aren't popular and majority doesn't agree with them. And yet these not so popular opinions are making people so mad that they start policing what is canon and what isn't canon in the show.
Why? Why are you doing this?
Let people engage with these shows however they want.
But if certain opinions or certain person who states those opinions really gets on your nerves you can always block certain tag or certain person. It's completely okay to do that. And you're definitely feel better after doing so.
Also continuing this hard policing creates toxicity in the fandom. I bet that's not intentional but I want you to know that it may cause more harm than good in the long run.
I'm not only talking about Tumblr part of this fandom but also a part from Discord server.
I saw that someone stopped showing up on Discord server for sams because many people were mean them for being just a little bit odd. They weren't harming anyone with things they were saying and yet people felt the need to act rudely towards them. I felt really sorry for that person. I hope that they're doing okay.
I also stopped showing up on Discord because I felt attacked for having different opinions from majority of fans there.
At the end I'd like to add that many things that are stated in sams are vague and can be interpret differently. For example: Solar once stated that Sun may have schizophrenia. Is this true and canon? Maybe. This statement was vague. And symptoms of schizophrenia don't fit Sun's mental state that much. It's not only my opinion by the way because I've seen other people who also think that Sun doesn't have schizophrenia. But he may still have it. Or he may have something completely different. Who knows?
So does it really matter if people interpret Sun's mental state differently than majority of fans? I don't think so.
Same was with Eclipse. Eclipse's fans kept saying that he actually cares about Lunar and has remorse for his actions. And it actually seems to be true. He seems to regret things he had done. But remember how majority of fans couldn't care less about Eclipse and what Eclipse's fans were saying?
Now we can see that people start to feel sympathy towards Eclipse.
So maybe we shouldn't policing so hard about what is canon and what isn't canon in these shows.
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darkodomain · 3 months
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CHAPTER 7 :: Yes I'm Changing
" “We’ve spent the last couple of weeks collecting data to do an updated formal reading of Phantom’s ectosignature–”
Danny inhaled so sharply, the rest of his pancake lodged in his throat and he started to choke. Jazz hurried to slap him on the back a few times until Danny was able to swallow. He cleared his throat and leaned his elbows on his thighs, squinting at his parents from where he sat on the counter through the tears in his eyes.
“You’re doing what? Why!?”
As conspicuous as his choking fit must’ve been, Danny’s parents seemed the furthest thing from suspicious–perhaps they really were that tired. “The last time we encountered Phantom personally there was something different about him. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I lost sleep over it,” mom said, accepting an empty plate from Jazz and proceeding to stack it with pancakes. Danny tried to ignore the look Jazz shot him over her shoulder.
Danny remembered that encounter quite clearly. He, too, had lost sleep over it, primarily because every time he’d closed his eyes, the nightmares would remind him just how close his mother had come to blasting a hole straight through his chest.
“So he got a new haircut,” Danny said lightly, trying to chuckle convincingly, “What’s so interesting about that?”
His comment did earn a short but genuine laugh from mom. “Good one, sweetie! But you know ectoplasmic entities’ physical forms don’t have the molecular stability to hold alternate appearances on a permanent basis.”
She said it with the air of a mother reminding their toddler that dinner comes before dessert.
“So what have you figured out from your research, mom?” Jazz interjected, giving Danny a hard glare that clearly said don’t patronize them or it’ll just make things worse . "
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danlous · 1 year
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Sam Reid himself would get called a gender essentialist by some people in this fandom
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rodrickheffley · 5 days
thing about sam supernatural is no one understands him but me. thank you
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error-dark · 7 months
Gonna start off by saying no I haven't been watching the lore lately, but I have been paying attention to the titles and thumbnails. The reason for not watching lately: the titles sums it up for me plus haven't been in a watching mood.
However, Lunar killing Eclipse ONLY for the fucker to come back the very next day made me laugh. I think that was very predictable that Eclipse wouldn't actually stay dead but still.
Anyways, drew the bitch and Lunar because yes.
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Bonus: what Bloodmoon was really doing during February (and not even the lore can convince me otherwise)
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mazzy-rockstar · 5 months
Seeing two moots from different fandoms interact
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Damage Control - 2x21 All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 1
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Bobby feels his age when he runs after the black kid in the camo fatigues. He’s losing ground quickly and his heart is hammering in his chest, but it doesn’t seem to give out on him until he hears Dean’s scream somewhere behind him.
It’s a desperate scream, raw with anguish, and it stops Bobby in his tracks, chilling him to the bone. The eerie silence that follows doesn’t make it any better. All Bobby hears are the black kid’s boots splashing through the mud, away from him, as he disappears in the foggy darkness. 
Please, God, no. 
Bobby turns back around, no air in his lungs, pulse thrumming in his ears, and, in the distance, he sees a crumpled silhouette - two entangled bodies, kneeling in the rain. 
No. Please. 
Bobby wills his legs to move. Coming closer, he hears Dean sob. Sam is in his arms, limp, his too-long arms dangling lifelessly at his sides, a dark red spot glistening on the back of his jacket. Dean is cradling him, inconsolable, rocking back and forth, face buried in the crook of his baby brother’s neck. 
“Dean?” Bobby asks, although there is no point. There’s also no point in taking Sam’s cold hand and searching his wrist for a pulse. Sam’s face is slack against Dean’s quaking shoulder, blood oozing from his open mouth, and his skin is already taking on the gray, translucent hue of death. 
Bobby, too, sinks onto one knee, the mud immediately soaking through the faded denim of his jeans, and the rain falls harder now, dripping from Bobby’s trucker cap and running down the back of his neck. Dean is still rocking Sam in his embrace, his fingers white-knuckled where he’s clutching Sam’s jacket, the brown fabric in his grip dark with rain and even darker with blood that has stopped spreading now that Sam’s heart is no longer beating.
“Goddammit, Sam…”
Tears pushing up his throat, Bobby brushes one gentle, shaking hand over Sam’s hair, wet and too long for his own good. Then he slings both arms around his boys - one dead, one broken in grief - and holds them as best as he can. 
It takes a long time to pry Sam’s body out of Dean’s arms. They’re all drenched and ice cold when Bobby can finally convince Dean that it’s time to move, to at least get Sam’s body out of the rain and into one of the vacant houses of the farm. Sam’s corpse is heavy and unwieldy with his freakishly long limbs, now boneless and threatening to drag in the mud as they carry him inside and put him on the bare mattress of a long-abandoned bed. 
Dean’s a mess. He’s sitting on the bed beside Sam, one hand on his brother’s still chest, tears silently rolling down his face as he stares at him with big, bruised eyes. The kid’s soaked and shivering so hard Bobby can hear his teeth chatter. He needs to get him out of his wet clothes and warmed up, but if Bobby has learned one thing about Dean in the last twenty years it’s that touching him in a state like this will earn him a bloody nose or a broken jaw. 
At least there’s a fireplace in the room, so Bobby uses some of the rotting furniture as firewood. The room lights up in an ominous play of orange light and pitch-black shadows as the flames start to dance, and Dean’s profile looks absolutely feral in its rippling glow, his tears a stark contrast to the set of his jaw and the gleam in his eyes.  
Bobby knows the kid. A tough shell - near impenetrable - hides a soft core in this one, vulnerable particularly to guilt and failure, and he protects it with a thick layer of anger. Dean’s shoulders broadened early in his life after John placed too much responsibility on them - the responsibility for Sam. Although Bobby tried to lift the weight off Dean whenever the boys landed in his care, it was no use. Dean never let his little brother out of his sight, like a soldier on eternal watch. 
Sam going to Stanford, Bobby had thought, would give both boys a chance to go their own way. And for a while, it had seemed that way, even if Dean had seemed to drift after their separation, copying John for lack of purpose. Sam had thrived; Dean had been a work in progress. 
The two of them banding together again had brought that process to a hold - and started a new one. With joy, Bobby had watched these two chuckleheads squabble while gradually redefining their roles and their relationship. But one thing never changed: Dean kept looking out for Sam. It was his purpose - or at least what John had made him believe -, and losing his little brother like that… 
Looking over at Dean, Bobby sees those broad shoulders slumped in failure, and he feels guilt and self-loathing roll off the boy in dark and heavy waves.
A puddle of rainwater and mud has formed around Dean’s scuffed boots. He’s still shivering but doesn’t even seem to notice. 
This has got to stop.
No reaction.
“Dean!” Bobby steps closer, probably risking life and limb as he reaches out one hand to gently put it on Dean’s shoulder. He’d expected Dean to whip around and snap at him, maybe even punch him. It’s what the kid does when he’s hurting - lash out. Not this time, though. Dean flinches under his touch, spooked, as if he’d forgotten someone else was in the room. Then he turns a gaze on Bobby that makes the hairs at the back of his neck stand on end - it’s the dead gaze of someone who is past saving.
“What,” Dean says, voice flat and empty. 
“You’re soakin’ wet,” Bobby tells him, his own voice not as steady as he’d like. “And it’s cold. I got some spare clothes in my car. I’m gonna go and get them for you.” The faded pair of jeans and worn-out flannel from his trunk will be too wide and too short for Dean, but at least they’ll keep him warm. There’s a blanket, too.
Dean eyes him, unblinking, then trains his gaze back on Sam. “I don’t care.”
In the orange glow of the fire, Sam’s body looks less ghostly and ashen. You could almost believe he was only asleep if it wasn’t for the utter stillness of his chest. Dean’s hand is still resting on his heart, as if waiting for a rekindled beat. But in Dean’s eyes, Bobby sees the horrific depths of all hope lost.
Bobby takes a shaky breath and rubs his beard. “I know you don’t care. But I do. And I’m not gonna sit here and watch your stubborn ass go into hypothermia. You stay put! I’ll be right back.” 
He doesn’t like leaving Dean alone like this. Doesn’t like the pearly glint of Dean’s gun peeking out of his waistband, or the feeling in his gut. Regardless, he turns around and steps outside again, into the pelting rain, trusting that Dean is too out of it and too paralyzed by grief to do something stupid.
As fast as his legs will take him, he treks through the mud, icy rain dripping from his hat, hoping no single gunshot will break the eerie silence of this dark, dark night.
The Damage Control Series - Masterlist
Read the whole series on AO3 here:
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naruthandir · 2 years
i may be the only person on this earth that dislikes blond samwise i don't care this is a hill i will die on he has brown hair and brown skin and brown eyes he is so hot and i will fight peter jackson with my bare hands for making him white
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nehswritesstuffs · 2 years
TTOU Big Finish Snippet: Workplace Security
A lot’s been going on since I last updated this series. For posterity’s context, I posted chapter fifty-seven almost twenty-one(!) months ago. Since then (while not suffering a relapse in manga brainrot) I’ve been trying to light a fire under the ass of my beta reader to actually get caught up to date so I can start throwing things around. We’re a little over halfway right now. PLUS, there is a certain individual, @fajrbismuth who has been writing me fic, and since I need to get back to writing this anyhow, I feel like gifting some fic is a great way to do it.
1878 words; another audio-only script fic like Inspections and Prototypes was, because I don’t write enough scripts; let us all pretend I would ever know what the inside of the Mecca Wishaw looks like, which will likely never happen even if I lived in Wishaw (oh and there is a bit about how shit of a name it is so yeah); oops sorry new OC just dropped; takes place in some nebulous time in 2016, around chapter 51/52; just kinda ends like the other one does, which is why it’s a snippet lol
Footsteps in an office building—it’s the general ringing of phones and shuffling of papers and indistinct chatter that only middle-management and pencil-pushers can accurately replicate. A door opens up and SAM chuckles.
SAM: Now what do we have here?
JAMIE: Don’t you say it, Sammy—don’t you fucking say it.
SAM: It’s good to see you haven’t changed.
JAMIE: You wound me… and after I got you in here, gave your lad an opportunity to grow up in a fucking sane environment?
SAM: There are worse places than Aylsham.
JAMIE: You had the commute of a bloody American.
SAM: My uncle’s had worse.
JAMIE: My point proven.
A knock on the door.
JAMIE: Fuck in or fuck off!
The door opens.
JAMIE: Oh, Bismuth, great timing! Nothing in this bloody place is fucking set up right.
BISMUTH: That is… sort of why I’m here. At least you know what Wi-Fi is.
JAMIE: You sound troubled, pet. Who do I need to have a fucking shout at?
A beat.
BISMUTH: I’m… not a… pet…? What…?
SAM sighs, exasperated.
SAM: You don’t have someone like Jamie in your department, do you?
BISMUTH: I’ve been told it’s a blessing.
JAMIE: Ha! I’m sure Malc’s been talking me up like I’m the Third Coming, with him as the Second.
BISMUTH: Actually, no. We are here to secure your new offices, as well as your homes. You are going to be allotted two members of Security and one member of IT. Until we can get your permanent setup, some of us from the Mainframe shall be here to configure everything.
JAMIE: Huh. Sounds like a lot of fucking trouble to go through. Can’t the shits you hire for this joint set it all up?
BISMUTH: You require what I understand to be a “litany” of upgrades that need to be done, and none of them should be done by new hires. It’s no different than needing to inspect Kernow when they integrate new technology.
JAMIE: …and yeh can’t just, I dunno, delegate? Just inspect the job later?
BISMUTH: Protocol is protocol and this is what happens when we set up a new office branch, due to expansion or renovation.
A mobile pings. Keys on the screen are tapped.
SAM: That’s not a good look.
BISMUTH: What’s not a good look?
JAMIE: Your face, pet. Human expressions give away a lot, you know.
BISMUTH sighs.
BISMUTH: What is a Mecca Bingo?
JAMIE: M’neighbor’s only real reason for not offing herself once her husband kicked it. They don’t open for three more hours… though I don’t think you’re gonna get a game in with fancy lads until later in the evening…
BISMUTH: We still have to go there. Now.
JAMIE: And why’s that?
BISMUTH: This is why.
There is a pause, during which both JAMIE and SAM audibly cringe.
JAMIE: Thought I told Malc I had enough of playing Scotsomer Shitesteries for the rest of the decade.
BISMUTH: We don’t get to decide that. Now are you the one in charge here or are you going to let what I’ve heard described as a “circus” occur?
JAMIE groans.
JAMIE (grumbling): Ah, feck.
The soft rumbling sound of being in a moving car now can be heard. There is also the shuffling around of clutter.
SAM: Don’t worry; it’s not that far now.
BISMUTH: Thank you again for the lift.
SAM: Any time.
She pauses.
SAM: You alright back there?
JAMIE: Why is this your bairn’s fecking garbage dump? I feel like we’re going to get there and I’ll pop out the Toxic Avenger.
SAM: You’re just a big baby. (She puts the turn signal on.) I’ve seen your office, you know.
JAMIE: That’s organized! It makes sense!
SAM: Mmmhmm… oh… shit…
SAM puts the car in park and kills the engine. Soon as the doors open, there is a large commotion of sirens idly warning people to stay back and said people talking. The three shut the doors and make their way through the crowd.
JAMIE: Oi, we need to get through!
OLD WOMAN 1: Keep your fucking shirt on, lad. Not like we can get through.
JAMIE: Except that’s our job. We need to get through.
OLD WOMAN 2: Well, so’s that for us, but it’s not like we’re getting in any time soon.
JAMIE: Aye, you’ll get there; now just let us pass.
BISMUTH: Ma’am, the sooner we can get our jobs done, the sooner you can get to yours.
OLD WOMAN 2: Mmm, right, but you’re not going to get told off because the toilet’s not cleaned.
OLD WOMAN 1: At this rate, we won’t get in there until half-twelve, and…
SAM: Don’t worry! We’ll have it all under control! Our colleagues are taking care of things as we speak!
OLD WOMAN 1: They better!
The three make their way through the crowd. A siren whoops and there is plenty of murmuring.
BISMUTH: Ketja! Think we can get through?
There is now a new voice, deep and masculine and vaguely Slavic.
KETJA: Oh! A pleasant surprise, Director! Oi, look alive; we’ve got Mainframe brass!
The crowd gets fainter as KETJA brings them towards the building.
KETJA: What brings you up this way, ma’am?
BISMUTH: I’m here to set up the new communications hub, but when I got a text from Arwell about the situation…
KETJA: Understood. Are you the new local Communications Director?
SAM: I’m flattered, but…
JAMIE: That’s me; now who are you and what sort of fucking mess am I explaining away?
KETJA: I’m Major Ketja, the military liaison for the Glasburgh Auxiliary. That must mean you are Jamie and you are Sam. Apologies, but I’ve been a bit busy to hang around the base and meet people.
BISMUTH: Ketja has taken over a series of cases from the local authorities, which is why UNIT has responded to the scene.
JAMIE: …and why I gotta be here if all I need is some photos and details passed my way? So that there’s someone on-site to handle the fucking cunts that come sniffing about?
KETJA: It would be nice.
They go through an automatic door, the noise from outside fully being left behind them as they enter the casino. Idle slot machines on the far side of the room chirp cheerfully their wee slogans while UNIT members mill about.
JAMIE: Sweet Mary, what the fuck is that?!
KETJA: It used to be a Silurian who worked on the machines and cleaned overnight. As you can see, can’t really say its such anymore.
JAMIE: That wasn’t the photo you fucking showed me!
BISMUTH: I needed to make sure you’d come.
JAMIE growls in irritation.
SAM: …and you said this is the latest in a series?
KETJA: Correct. Arwell’s been doing a decent job of keeping it under wraps for us, but this is the most public one to-date. I believe you were there at the first one, were you not?
JAMIE: That time Malc stole m’car and took off to fucking Sterling with me still inside? Thought that was a Zygon, not a Silurian.
A beat.
JAMIE: Should that bit be that color?
BISMUTH (deadpan): Yes.
JAMIE: Fuck. I gave up smoking for this?
KETJA clears his throat.
KETJA: Victims have all been non-Human Tripartite, all who were occupying spaces they normally would alone, all having been viciously and repeatedly stabbed and mutilated. Ma’am, I’m going to need you to assist with authorizing and initiating security protocols, as this might require getting the Tripartite fully involved.
BISMUTH: All while MacDonald runs damage control?
KETJA: Precisely.
JAMIE: I’m on it, pet.
BISMUTH: You willingly let him recruit you, knowing he’s like this?
SAM: Pays well and doesn’t treat me like garbage. What can I say?
BISMUTH sighs and we hear her and KETJA walk away, their footfalls heavy with their boots on tile. JAMIE harrumphs.
JAMIE: I thought His Malcness said she was one of the more normal ones. Oh… yeah… that’s right… we can grab a wee bite here when the place opens…
SAM: Focus… we need to figure out what we’re going to tell the paps outside, as well as the Mecca corporates.
JAMIE: As far as they’re concerned, any publicity is good publicity, especially since the poor bloke didn’t die during business hours.
He hums thoughtfully.
JAMIE (shouts): Oi! Was this a bloke?
FORENSICS YUTZ (far off, bored): Signs point to “yes”.
JAMIE: Okay, so, the bloke wasn’t vivisected during business hours, so they won’t give a fuck in the end. They probably wouldn’t even give a fuck if he was, since he looks like he was the overnight caretaker, despite the fact those are some of the ones they need to give a fuck about the most…
SAM: Do you think we can spin this as an anti-immigrant attack if the paperwork’s right? Make it look like some arse got a bit carried away?
JAMIE: For now… bloody fucking Tories wouldn’t blink twice calling it an isolated incident. We can run with that as the prevailing theory. Oi, you; yeah, I’m talking to you, Brown Eyes. You got a report for me to run off?
BROWN EYES: Uh… yeah…
JAMIE: Thanks—you’re a peach.
Papers rustle.
JAMIE: Oh, good; Kate’s lot had him down as being a recent immigrant from Hyderabad with no family. This makes my life a piece of fucking cake. Might even be able to get this out of the news cycle by teatime AND not terrorize the Desis, since they have enough to fucking deal with.
SAM: Shit… yeah… anything else we can pull instead?
JAMIE: That’s what we got—might not be completely ethical, but it’s the best we got to work with. The fact he worked here might keep any nosy fucks from poking around too much.
A pause.
SAM: Okay, you actually lost me this time.
JAMIE: When was the last time you saw a headscarf in a Mecca?
A much longer pause.
SAM: Do we need to go over how many layers of stupid that was?
JAMIE: Well, do yeh?
SAM: It’s got it’s own orogeny named for it, Jamie! There’s striations! Should I go on?
JAMIE: Well, it’s not my fucking fault that the cunts couldn’t name the business for the life of them!
SAM groans loudly.
SAM (quietly): I gave up Broadland for this for fuck’s sake…
JAMIE: You’re playing Motherwell Rules now, mate.
SAM: I bet if we looked up “Motherwell Rules”, there’d be nothing about acting like a knob.
JAMIE: Look at me, Samantha… I’m a wee fucking cunt. If I don’t play the part, then I’ll be considered to be scheming, and that’s at-best. You really think I want to put ideas in their fucking heads?
SAM: Well, what would worst-case be?
JAMIE: That I’ve gone fucking soft. I plan on making this gig where I turn into the fucking bogeyman, and what sort of bogeyman’s softer than a geriatric tit?
SAM: Still, I want you to be careful, because you have the ability to insult hijabi and Irish grans who protect their permanents at the same fucking time. Jesus Christ.
JAMIE (smugly): I’m just that talented—you know that.
SAM (groaning): I guess.
She pats his shoulder.
SAM (strained): Go get ‘em. Yeah.
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ardentpoop · 3 months
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thats bc dean is objectively a douche. putting it extremely mildly to be frank. hope this helps
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