#not explaining this well but !!!!
hjartasalt · 1 year
One time I was working as a waiter at a burger joint where the fries were tossed in salt and coriander and as I was bringing food over to the table for these two huge beefy guys one of them asks what the green stuff is so I go "it's coriander" and his friend goes very seriously "he can't have coriander" and I'm thinking shit ok maybe he's allergic and guy 1 starts pulling up his sleeve to show me something and I'm thinking shit shit shit he's probably breaking out in hives rn and it's my fault but he just shows me his arm and he has this huge cursive font tattoo that just says "I fucking hate coriander"
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starbuck · 10 months
i say i like tragedies and everyone’s all like ‘why do you like sad stories? are you depressed?’ and never ‘how was the catharsis? was the catharsis fun?’
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buddieinmybeddie · 2 months
LGBTQ+ folk what was your gender/sexuality pipeline?
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stiffyck · 4 months
Good luck during pride month to all the aroaces who are gonna be blasted with "love is love" everywhere
This post includes aplatonic people, loveless aros and any other people who fall anywhere on the aro and ace spectrum.
Stop saying "but theres platonic love and familial love-"
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yesokayiknow · 9 months
i hope that sometimes fifteen's psychic paper shorts out and shows what fourteen's thinking back on earth. he tries to sneak in somewhere and the guard's like this just says 'need to pick up cat food'? and fifteen's like 🥺 they got a cat
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destiel-news-channel · 5 months
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A win for trans rights!!!!!! 🏳️‍⚧️
The Selbstbestimmungsgesetz (self-identify law) allows trans and intersex people to change their name and gender in the civil registry much more easily than before by submitting a self-disclosure form. This will be possible starting on the 1. November 2024 while the self-disclosure forms can be submitted as early as 1. August 2024 because of the 3 month waiting period in the law. After a name and gender change the person will be barred from changing it again for one year. People of ages 14-17 will need the approval of a legal guardian to change their gender and name while for children under 14 the legal guardians can submit a form for the change.
[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'The Selbstbestimmungsgesetz has passed in the German Bundestag' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
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hymnsofheresy · 1 year
everytime i tell europeans my favorite cuisine is texmex & sonoran they are like “American bastardized Mexican food?” and i feel like im going insane. its not bastardized. its their fucking cuisine.
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thy-valhallen · 5 months
Cass, pointing at Jason: we're twins
Jason: *6'3" 200 lbs of Latino rage and muscle*
Cass: *5'1" 120 lbs of Chinese murder and love*
Tim: you're just not
Cass, patting his shoulder: it's okay. easy mistake. we're fraternal twins
Jason, holding up a gun: yep. twins.
Tim: ... good for you
Cass: :D
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mumblesplash · 9 months
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in honor of last season’s poem being called “”end poem”” (all quotes mandatory) this season i made one out of pieces of the actual end poem
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sidsinning · 3 months
I'm crying at Gege drawing Toji with a halo???? like this mf is not going to heaven
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Look at what this menace did to some damn teenagers with 0 remorse 😭
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Then comes back to life and beats on another teenager who happens to be his own kid before peacing out again
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Megumi's horrified confusion man I can't cxsdffdsd
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inkskinned · 3 months
one of the things that's the most fucking frustrating for me about arguing with climate change deniers is the sheer fucking scope of how much it matters. sweating in my father's car, thinking about how it's the "hottest summer so far," every summer. and there's this deep, roiling rage that comes over me, every time.
the stakes are wrong, is the thing. that's part of what makes it not an actual debate: the other side isn't coming to the table with anything to fucking lose.
like okay. i am obviously pro gun control. but there is a basic human part of me that can understand and empathize with someone who says, "i'm worried that would lead to the law-abiding citizens being punished while criminals now essentially have a superpower." i don't agree, but i can tell the stakes for them are also very high.
but let's say the science is wrong and i'm wrong and the visible reality is wrong and every climate disaster refugee is wrong. let's say you're right, humans aren't causing it or it's not happening or whatever else. let's just say that, for fun.
so we spend hundreds of millions of dollars making the earth cleaner, and then it turns out we didn't need to do that. oops! we cleaned the earth. our children grow up with skies full of more butterflies and bees. lawns are taken over with rich local biodiversity. we don't cry over our electric bills anymore. and, if you're staunchly capitalist and i need to speak ROI with you - we've created so many jobs in developing sectors and we have exciting new investment opportunities.
i am reminded of kodak, and how they did not make "the switch" to digital photography; how within 20 years kodak was no longer a household brand. do we, as a nation, feel comfortable watching as the world makes "the switch" while we ride the laurels of oil? this boggles me. i have heard so much propaganda about how america cannot "fall behind" other countries, but in this crucial sector - the one that could actually influence our own monopolies - suddenly we turn the other cheek. but maybe you're right! maybe it will collapse like just another silicone valley dream. but isn't that the crux of capitalism? that some economies will peter out eventually?
but let's say you're right, and i'm wrong, and we stopped fracking for no good reason. that they re-seed quarries. that we tear down unused corporate-owned buildings or at least repurpose them for communities. that we make an effort, and that effort doesn't really help. what happens then? what are the stakes. what have we lost, and what have we gained?
sometimes we take our cars through a car wash and then later, it rains. "oh," we laugh to ourselves. we gripe about it over coffee with our coworkers. what a shame! but we are also aware: the car is cleaner. is that what you are worried about? that you'll make the effort but things will resolve naturally? that it will just be "a waste"?
and what i'm right. what if we're already seeing people lose their houses and their lives. what if it is happening everywhere, not just in coastal towns or equatorial countries you don't care about. what if i'm right and you're wrong but you're yelling and rich and powerful. so we ignore all of the bellwethers and all of the indicators and all of the sirens. what if we say - well, if it happens, it's fate.
nevermind. you wouldn't even wear a mask, anyway. i know what happens when you see disaster. you think the disaster will flinch if you just shout louder. that you can toss enough lives into the storm for the storm to recognize your sacrifice and balk. you argue because it feels good to stand up against "the liberals" even when the situation should not be political. you are busy crying for jesus with a bullhorn while i am trying to usher people into a shelter. you've already locked the doors, even on the church.
the stakes are skewed. you think this is some intellectual "debate" to win, some funny banter. you fuel up your huge unmuddied truck and say suck it to every citizen of that shitbird state california. serves them right for voting blue!
and the rest of us are terrified of the entire fucking environment collapsing.
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r1ver-6 · 2 months
Say what you will about committing to the bit, but no one does it better than Burton Guster. Shawn does it because he has to and it comes naturally to him. But Gus? Gus does it because he gets to. And he can always perfectly follow Shawn’s hints. He doesn’t have to but he does. Every time. For years.
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
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As much as I love angst I think it would be funny if he just didnt give af
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keferon · 2 months
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Monster hunter au part 9
I wanted to cook a bit more fluff before I get back to drama hehe
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astralleywright · 1 year
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spent like an hour trying to find a post abt the disparity of origin companion's content in bg3 and couldn't so, hey, this fucking sucks
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monstermonger · 1 year
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A Night Sky in the Woods
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