#not every other music artist ever is horrible just because you like him
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oh myngod i habe a friend and shes like. a hardcore nettspend glazer. like oh my god i cant stannd it☹️☹️ his music is so cheeks and him as a person.,. .... . imma ily but jesus fucking christ
#not every other music artist ever is horrible just because you like him#theres a few things i wanna speak with jer about.. ノ)゚_゚(ヽ
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Summary: After four years, your sister's ex-boyfriend comes back into your life. Can you keep your entanglement a secret? Will the guilt eat you alive?
Pairing: Sisters ex Yoongi x Insecure F. Reader.
Genre: SMUT, angst, hurt - comfort, romance.
Warning: Explicit sex, fingering, Possessive Yoongi, swearing, reader is insecure, jealousy, punishment, unprotected sex, drinking, dirty talk, praising, degradation, spanking, teasing, hair pulling, arguments. Overuse of the name, baby.
A/N: I know nothing about the production of music. Soooo…. just go with it.
Smut free chapter because I actually have to try and build a plot.
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Monday morning, you found yourself at your desk at work. You work in accounting and your days are long, boring and your boss is horrible. Numbers eventually start to all run together the more you stare at your screen all day. This is not what you had wanted to do in life. Art, you had loved art ever since you could remember. Yoongi had been supportive when he found out. You had been seventeen when he caught you drawing in your closet. Your mom hated that you loved it. Saw it as a useless hobby. She did everything she could to dissuade you from it. You always wondered where it could have taken you. It wasn't even just drawing or painting. You loved learning about it, reading about it. You always thought maybe you could be an art teacher or maybe do work on commission if you could get yourself good enough. Yoongi, though, wanted to hear about your projects. He encouraged you to apply for art school. He shared your happiness when you got in. He was also there when it all fell apart. Every day for you was always the same. Work, hang with Lisa and Jisoo, home and bed. Then dinner with your parents once a month. Repeat. A very beige life with no change, no color, your pigments were bland…dull. You missed the color that art brought you. Yoongi, however, has now interrupted your monotonous, beige cycle. A happy, colorful change to your life that you are still trying to navigate.
You didn't run away this time. When you woke up with Yoongi the morning after he dragged you out of that party, he suggested breakfast. After some innocent and then not so innocent kissing, he took you to a little hole in the wall diner on the other side of town where the food was a little too greasy. It was great. You learned a lot about the new, older him. He changed his major in college from business to music technology. He works for his friend Namjoon, a music producer and owner of Persona Records. While Yoongi did produce songs, he preferred writing songs. Telling you that was where his passion truly lied. He said that he really didn't have to deal with the artist's bullshit. Namjoon and another guy Hobi were the main producers and the “people pleasers” of the company. While they dealt with demands and problems, he had his own quiet sanctuary. Namjoon wants him to be a partner in the company. He said financially he would make a lot more, but he doesn't want all that responsibility or the paperwork. When you asked where Jimin fit into all of that, he said Jimin mainly dealt with event organizations, like concerts and promotions. It all sounded so extravagant. You're just an accountant, reading blurred numbers all day long. You were so inferior to him.
A body slipped into the chair next to you, a bag dropping to the floor by your feet. Lisa sent you a knowing look. When you turn to look back at your screen, you swear you can practically hear her roll her eyes at you.
“Did your phone stop working this weekend? Did you change your number?” She asked while logging into her computer, gum smacking away in her mouth. Her perfectly manicured fingers typed away. “I tried calling you all day yesterday. ALL DAY.”
“My phone died, sorry,” you lied. You knew exactly why she was calling. You didn't want to face the reality of sleeping with your sister's ex-boyfriend, not once but twice. If people didn't know, then did it really happen?
“Yoongi huh? I didn't believe Jimin at first but then Kai gave me an earful about not telling him that you had a boyfriend. Boyfriend? Boyfriend? This is brand new information to me. Yoongi, Y/N? Are you kidding me?” Her voice raised a little. “Min Yoongi! I'm your best friend, why didn't you tell me? I only found out because Jimin saw Yoongi leaving with you. Were you ever going to say anything?”
“SHHH!” Your other cubicle mate, Seungkwan, glared at you and Lisa.
“Does your family know about this?” Lisa asked, ignoring him, and you shook your head no. They could never know. You would be more ostracized than you already were.
“SHHHH! You are very distracting. I am asking you politely to keep your personal affairs to a minimum. “ Seungkwan looked serious, and you apologize. He was intimidating. Lisa doesn't care, though.
“I'm not going to let this go,” she whispered. “Jisoo is going to meet us at your place after work…with wine.”
“Great, can't wait,” you mumble.
Jisoo did indeed show up with wine. She and Lisa fluttered around your kitchen as you sulked on the couch. Your finger toying with a loose, frayed thread on the arm. You bought it second hand when you moved out of your parents. It was an ugly pea green. You thought it was quirky. It was also all you could afford, but you were proud of your first adult purchase. It's probably time you should get a new one. They soon entered the living room and placed the wine glasses on your coffee table. The two women squeezed themselves together on your oversized chair across from you. You picked up your glass and filled it almost to the top, and Lisa laughed at you.
“Was the sex that bad,” she continued to laugh at you. “I could give you some tips.” You rolled your eyes and blushed a deep red. “Or….was it that good? Everything you dreamt about?”
“What’s going on,” Jisoo asked softly, ignoring Lisa's comments.
“I told you,” Lisa said. “She's fucking Min Yoongi.” Leave it to Lisa to be so blunt about the situation. “How big is it?” Jisoo elbowed Lisa to be quiet.
“Do not answer that. When did this start?” Jisoo asked. “I thought he left town a while ago. I don't even remember seeing him after he kicked your sister to the curb.”
“My birthday,” you answer and swirl your wine around. “Lisa left me alone after she met Jimin. I ran into Yoongi outside, and he took me home. There's not really much to tell.” You will never tell them about how he spanked you.
“I'm sorry about that. However, I think you're lying. Kai literally said Yoongi's eyes were on kill mode. Have you seen how tall Kai is?” Lisa sighed. “I just want to make sure that he didn't take advantage of you. You know, because of your crush on him.”
“I never told him about my crush on him,” you say, shaking your head.
“Oh, sweets,” Lisa said. “Everyone knew of your crush on him. It was kind of obvious.”
“What!” You exclaim, and your eyes move to Jisoo, who was giving you an apologetic smile. “This is awful. I'm so embarrassed. He never said anything…do you think he knows?”
Is that why your sister pretty much started ignoring your existence? Could she see that you were in love with her boyfriend? It would explain a lot. She stopped looking you in the eyes. Only would talk to you if your mom or dad made her. Why she was in such a hurry to move out of the house. Maybe it didn't really have anything to do with Yoongi. Maybe it was all you. There was no way your sister was threatened by you…absolutely not. Yoongi definitely did not reciprocate your feelings back then. He was just nice. You were just Y/N, his girlfriend's kid sister. A knock at the door disturbed your thoughts. Lisa got up and went to open the door. She always acts like she owns your place.
“It wasn't that obvious,” Jisoo said, trying to calm you down. “You just always lit up when he was around. We just noticed it since we were close to you. Is this going to be serious? What are you going to tell your parents? Are you okay?”
“He didn't do anything I didn't want,” you assured Jisoo. “My mom will flip out on me if she finds out. She's hated Yoongi since he broke her “baby's” heart. My dad probably wouldn't care one way or the other.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Lisa called out. “Lover boy is here.” FUCK HER!
You watched as Yoongi steps into your living room. He hasn't been inside before and kind of looks out of place. The first time he took you home, you made him drop you off down the street. Your mom has been known to show up unexpectedly, especially around your birthday. She wouldn't hesitate to cause a scene even if it were outside. She would probably prefer an audience. The second time, he insisted he walk you to your door but never tried to enter. You watch him as he sets his glare to Lisa. You don't think he was ever a fan of her. If you ever got into trouble, she was always somewhere close by. You were just kids then. Lisa, she just seems amused by it and smirks back at him. She was never intimidated by him. It always seemed like she knew exactly what buttons to push. It was her favorite hobby.
“Welcome, Yoongi. What a wonderful surprise,” Lisa teased as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“Hey, thanks. Oh, by the way, maybe you shouldn't ditch your friends alone… at night… at bars anymore.” He snarked. “Jisoo,” he greets with a head nod. He turns to look at you. “I brought some food. Thought we could have dinner.” He holds up the bag of takeout. It’s chicken from your favorite restaurant. Did he remember that? Did he get the rolls, too?
“Hello, Yoongi,” Jisoo greets.
“That's great,” Lisa piped up. “I’m hungry. Though, you should thank me for doing that. It worked out for you, right? Heard you wore her out,” she teased. Yoongi glared harder, and she smiled innocently. “Kai says hi.”
“Yeah, you two should have dinner. We can finish this another day,” Jisoo said, standing up. Lisa was about to open her mouth. Jisoo grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the apartment without so much of a goodbye. The two bickering friends could be heard even after your door closed.
“Why are you friends with her?” He said, glaring holes into your door.
“Um, yeah, this is great, thank you,” you say softly. You lead him to your kitchen and grab some plates and him his own wine glass. “It's my favorite.”
“I know,” he said with a smile. Yoongi leaned into you and kissed you on the lips. “Sorry, baby, I didn't mean to interrupt your time with them. I should have called first.”
“You didn't interrupt anything. I see them all time,” you explain, stepping away, placing the plates on your counter. Yoongi takes the wine glass from you. This feels a little weird. Him in your place making casual conversation. It feels very domestic. You like it, you like it with Yoongi. Your family won't let you have him if they find out. You take the bags from him, smiling when you look inside. There were extra rolls. “Let's eat.”
You settle down on the floor at the coffee table. Eating in a comfortable silence with backs resting against the pea green couch. Yoongi makes sure to keep your plateful until you tell him to stop. This was something you always appreciated about him. The silence and no pressure to have any sort of conversation. You would often do your homework next to him in high school while he did his own thing. Your sister would often complain that he needed to take her out or spend more time alone together. He would always wait until you were done. Just in case you needed help. It was mainly because you would often space out, and he would have to remind you to finish. You didn't care at the time. You liked that he never made you feel inferior to her. Like you never came in second to her. His presence was comforting and serene. Unfortunately, you need to break the silence and have a conversation with him. He declared you as his this past weekend. Honestly, you weren't sure at all what that entailed. Were you dating? Fuck buddies? Did he want a financial advisor? You couldn't help with the last one.
“What’s on your mind,” he asked as he finished his plate. He drapes his arm around your back, resting it on the couch. “Is it Lisa? She puts me in a bad mood, too.”
“No,” you say with a laugh. “This is going to sound stupid. I'm just confused…. just a little bit.” Yoongi looks at you patiently. “Are we dating…or..” You trail off. He starts laughing. This motherfucker is laughing at you. Your face heats. “Stop, don't make fun. You said some things in a ... .very heated moment. You probably don't even remember saying them.”
“I'm sorry,” he says once he gets a hold of himself. “That’s what's bothering you?”
“Jisoo asked me if this was going to be serious. Obviously, I'm not asking for anything, but she made a good point. My family…” you start, but he interrupts you.
“I don't care about what your family thinks of me. I'm not stupid. Your mom called me plenty of names when… you know after. You know damn well I’m not a fan of her either. If you want me to officially ask you to be my girlfriend, I will. Baby, you need to understand I considered you mine when I first took you home on your birthday. We will deal with your parents when it comes time.” Yoongi explains. You nod silently. Maybe this doesn't have to be super complicated. “Don't stress yourself out over this. Come here,” he pats his lap. You climb carefully into his lap, and he helps you straddle him. Yoongi takes your face in both of his hands. He doesn't let you look away. “I know that us being together is not the most ideal of situations, but we're here….together. I won't let you face anything on your own. Trust me, I remember everything about that night. About both nights.”
You nod your head in understanding. He lets go of your face and brings you into his body. It's the gentlest of hugs. It feels warm and safe, but there is still a part of you that can't give in fully. You still have some questions answered , but at the same time, you can't bring yourself to ask them. Why did they break up? Did he ever love her? How do you compare to her? You feel like you're going to have to hide him away forever. Can you live with such a heavy secret?
“Why don't you hop in the shower while I clean up?” He suggests. “I’ll take care of everything.”
"You don't know where anything goes,” you whisper into his neck.
“I'll figure it out,” he whispers back. You pull back and look at him. You believe him.
The hot water cascaded down your body. You liked the temperature as hot as you could get it. The bathroom was almost pure steam by now. A light fog that dimmed the harsh bathroom lights, making it almost seem like a dreamy haze. It especially relaxed you after sitting hunched over at your desk all day. You are so caught up washing your hair, thoughts drifting into nothing, you didn't hear the bathroom door creak. Nor did you realize the curtain opened or how the extra body slipped in. It was only when Yoongi's hands landed on your hips that you jumped and let out a startled shriek. Your hands covered in shampoo go to cover your naked breasts. He just smirks at you.
“Why are you coving yourself?” He wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer. Your skin reddened by the water looks even redder against his own pale skin. “You do realize I've seen you naked before. That I have done some….risqué things to you.” He kisses your shoulder.
“That's…that…that's different,” you stutter. The shampoo from your head is starting to fall in your face.
“Why?” He asks you with a chuckle as he wipes it away from your eyes.
“We were doing things then,”you mumble. The memories bring fluttering to your stomach. Those butterflies, their wings flapping away. You look at him, memorized by the way he pushes his wet, silver hair out of his face. He looks ethereal, exquisite, like he can have anyone one he wants, but he's here with you. His eyes meet yours, and you feel those nerves all over again. You bite back a whimper. Yoongi hands go to your hair, taking his time to help you rinse the shampoo from your hair. Fingers massaging the base of your skull, gently pulling them through your wet, darkened strands. You sigh in pure satisfaction.
“We are doing things now. We are just showering together,” he shrugged. He takes both of our hands that cover yourself and clasps them together with his own. Your bare chests pressed up against one another. Leaning down, he kisses you. It's the gentlest of kisses, just the slightest press of his lips against yours. Yoongi pulls away and sighs. “I noticed that you don't have any of your art up.”
“What?” You ask and lean up, trying to chase his lips. However, he wouldn't let you. He unlaces one hand and brings his thumb up to your bottom lip, gently rubbing it. The urge is strong to lick his thumb. “My art? No, I haven't done anything since….” you trail off. “I don't even have supplies anymore.”
Yoongi hums at that. “I unfortunately have an ulterior motive for being here. Namjoon needs me at a meeting,” he said. That completely woke you back up. He wants to talk about Namjoon…now! “I'm going to be gone for about five days. A week tops. He's been stressing out so much that it's stressing everyone else out.”
“Oh,” you say softly. You don't think it's fair. You seem like you're finally on track, and he has to leave. “A week?”
“Just a week,” Yoongi confirms. He reaches for your body wash. Lathering his hands. He gently rubs your shoulders, gliding his hands down your back and up again. “I don't want to go. Namjoon says this is important, and hopefully, I don't have to leave again. I don't want to leave you.”
“Will you call me?” You ask. Your eyes close. His hands are working miracles on your body. It's intimate, not sexual. They never stray and stay above your waist. Your heart, though, it still beats just as fast.
"Everyday," he promised. You believe him.
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《Chapter 5》
@unicornbabylover , @marimarvelfan
#min yoongi smut#bts smut#yoongi smut#yoongi x reader#yoongi x you#bts suga#bts fic#yoongi fanfic#yoongi au#bts#suga smut#suga#min suga#bts min yoongi#bts yoongi#min yoongi#yoongi#bangtan#bts imagines#yoongi imagine#bts fanfic#bts fanfction
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I am a therian who fully identifies as non human. The ONLY part of me that is human is my physical vessel, otherwise I am not human at all. Because of this, I have kinsidered fictionkin many times in the past, and every time I have, I pushed it aside since the characters I were kinsidering were human when I don't feel human at all. That was until it occurred to me: both the characters I am kinsidering are characters I headcanon as therians. Therfore, it would still make sense for me to feel nonhuman. So now I have been kinsdering them all over again.
I could not find much info online since all the info about fictionkins I found was past life stuff. I personally do not belive in the multiverse (I find it a cool concept and respect anyone who does), and I don't feel like I had a past life as any characters at all. Because of this, I came to the fictionkins, nunhumans, and alterhumans of tumblr.
I am kinsedering two characters. I will post here my experiences with both.
Jade Harley
Well, from the time I first got into Homestuck I always said "She is literally me!" And it always felt far more serious than just a fun joke. I feel so connected to Jade in so many ways. I really sometimes feel like her. My friends even call me Jade for fun, but it feels more serious to me, and I am happy going by the name. I relate to her a ton, for example, not just my therianthropy headcanon, but also her personality (both good and bad), her mannerisms, and even down to the way she types with the emoticons. Maybe that's not enough to mean anything, though.
It gets a little more complicated with the second character.
Mayra Tikuna
Mayra is a character from The Post Traumatic Manifesto by vocaloid artist Weevildoing. My Weevildoing hyperfixation only started about a week ago (on December 20th, when the series ended), but I knew their music and was a part of their fan base for way longer.
From the first time I heard Taxidermy Girl, something felt extremely off about it, in a good way I mean. I am not joking when I say I listened to it 10-15 times in a row after hearing it, trying to determine what it was I felt. I couldn't tell if it was the oddly haunting melody, or the fact that I heavily relate to the song, but either way, it stuck with me a lot even before I began to actually hyperfixate on the series.
I am in countless fandoms, and within every fandom, I have a favorite character that I will go crazy at the mention of, and my obsession with them always seems so exaggerated to others. Out of all the fandoms I have been in, there are only ever very few where I have related to the characters this much, and only ever these two characters have i felt THIS attached to in this context.
Because of how much I, once again, relate to the character in many ways (Again with the ties to therianthropy, the character's gender identity, their negative experiences, etc.), I have kinsedered him as a kintype. Though, I am unsure if it is too soon to tell. It's only been a little over a week, but I still feel as though something is stirring up here.
What do you all think? If there is any guidance or advice you can give me, I'd greatly appreciate it. Anyone who reads this far, have a wonderful day :3
(Also, go support Weevildoing, their music is incredible and has helped me through struggling with horrible intrusive thoughts many times)
#alterhuman#therian#nonhuman#therianthropy#alterhumanity#therian community#therian things#therianthrope#alterhuman pride#fiction kin#fictionkin#fictionfolk#kinsidering#mayra weevildoing#mayra tikuna#taxidermy girl#tptm mayra#tptm#the post traumatic manifesto#weevildoing#english vocaloid artist#english vocaloid#vocaloid#homestuck#jade harley#jade harley homestuck#homestuck jade harley#homestuck jade#jade homestuck#witch of space
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Hayes Campbell x Fem!Reader: He’s Clingy
I haven’t even seen the movie, so this is just based on gifs of the movie and the trailer. *** I do not own the characters from The Idea Of You *** Y/N = Your Name Gif from @roseapothecary in case it doesn’t show;)
Your POV
Your boyfriend is Hayes Campbell. It still feels crazy to even think that. You liked August Moon before you met him then met him at a festival because you were in the band before his. You’re the lead singer of Juniper, a rising alt-pop band. You haven’t amassed August Moon’s success yet, but because people know you’re dating Hayes, you have gotten more fans and more streams.
You haven’t seen your boyfriend in 2 months because you’ve both been on tour separately, but you’ve texted every day and called at least twice a week (usually more). Hayes calls you any hour of any day and he loves to talk on the phone. You like talking on the phone with certain people, one is your mom and the other is him. You go through times when you’re not in the mood to talk on the phone, so you just don’t pick up the phone and then you feel bad. You feel bad for declining his call when he’s literally the sweetest boyfriend ever and he just wants to talk to you and hype you up. You just don’t like dealing with people on certain days and life gets overwhelming. You don’t want to bring him down worrying about you…. Tonight, August Moon is performing at the same festival as Juniper at ACL in Austin, Texas. (Real festival and fake bands) You have been a few times before you were in a band and you loved it.
Your van pulls up to the festival and you park in the lot. You all go to your trailer and eat an early lunch. Then you all do press interviews!!!!
August Moon is after you at the same stage tonight!!! Yay!!! Surprisingly, you and Hayes still have yet to see each other … he texted you about soundcheck 2 days ago then hasn’t texted since. It’s really weird that he is the one distancing himself right now.
You: Hey! I’m at ACL between press interviews. We’re about to go warm-up… are you at the festival already? I was hoping to see you before.
Hayes: Hi baby, we’re on the way. I’ll try to see you before, but traffic is horrible. If not, I will be backstage cheering you on, I promise.
You: Ok, I love you baby.
Hayes: I love you too.
Aw :( You close your phone and head into the next interview.
The interviewer asks, “So you and August Moon are playing the same stage tonight? Any surprises, Y/N?” You answer, “You’ll just have to see! I can’t give anything away!” Everyone thinks that because you’re dating Hayes Campbell that he will come on stage with Juniper or you’ll go on stage with August Moon. It’s never happened or ever been discussed. Your band is bringing The Blond Beauties, an alt-pop girl band that played earlier in the day out for a song together because we want to uplift smaller artists. It should be fun! I love their music and our soundcheck together was so fun!!! The crowd will hopefully eat it up.
After last checks as a band, you all head backstage and you feel someone tap your shoulder. You turn, see Hayes smiling, and you both kiss. He exclaims, “Hi, I’m sorry I couldn’t be here earlier. We just finished press and I ran here to see you before you went on. I’ll be backstage watching the whole time. I know you’ll kill it. I love you.” You reply, “It’s so good to see you again. I love you and missed you.” You hear someone call your name to get your microphone so you kiss Hayes one more time on the cheek before running off. You get your microphone and the pre-show video plays. Then the band runs out and the screams begin. You wait for your queue and you strut out.
Hayes’ POV
I love my girlfriend probably too much. After press, I pretty much sprint from the band trailers to the main stage to see her before she goes on stage. She is so happy to see me and I get to kiss her. She is so cute and she looks so hot in her stage outfit.
I watch as she struts on stage and I hear the screams increase. I make my way behind this makeshift wall to watch her, so no one sees me. I take pictures and videos as she sings and dances across the stage. God, she’s compelling. I don’t like how she leaned against the other guitarists as she played … it made me a little jealous.
I hear talking and see one of the opening bands, The Blond Beauties, getting microphones. I remember them because Y/N likes their music. I wonder why they’re getting microphones.
I then hear my girlfriend announce, “ACL… you’ve been pretty amazing today. We want to keep those good vibes going, so we have a little bit of a surprise for you.” I hear screams and laugh. She’s such a tease. She continues, “This festival brings together artists from every age and from every stage on their musical journey. As a band, we want to uplift smaller artists and spread their music to larger crowds, so they get the recognition they deserve. So please help me welcome the stunning and beautiful Blond Beauties back to the stage!” I watch the band excitedly run on stage and I watch Y/N hug their lead singer. They then play one of Blond Beauties’ songs mashed up with one of Juniper’s songs and why did we not think of that? It sounds so good live. The mix of voices and instruments is giving me chills right now. The whole “uplifting smaller artists” is another thing that we should have done. Sh**!!!
I really need to start talking to Y/N more about the band. I tried distancing myself this week because we would see each other this week. And, I’ve been told by friends that I seem clingy and my bandmates said girls don’t like clingy. I want to keep Y/N in my life, so I decided to change a little. I stopped calling all the time and tried not texting as much either. I wonder if she noticed. I also cannot wait to cuddle with her tonight. I know it makes me seem clingy, but I missed her. Once I’m done tonight, I just want to wrap myself in her arms for the whole night. I also want to dance to music at the festival tomorrow with her because my manager said all artists get VIP passes after their performances to enjoy the rest of the festival. I just want to be near Y/N as much as I can be.
The Blond Beauties finish and run off stage. I walk over and say, “You all did great tonight. I love your music. I listen to it with Y/N all the time.” One of them says, “Omg, Hayes Campbell has heard our music! Wow, this is insane. We’re glad you like it. Y/N is amazing.” I reply, “I agree, Y/N is the best. Should we take a picture together so you can post it and tell people that I’m a fan? I don’t mind and I'll even share it with my fans.” They all nod and I post with them. They head out and I continue watching Juniper. Y/N is belting out high notes while dancing … insane … I love her. She’s perfection … truly perfect.
You finish your last song, bow with your band, and run off the stage. You pass the microphone off to the sound tech and you run to Hayes. He smiles and hugs you tightly. He kisses your head and says, “You were amazing up there. I’m constantly stunned by your talent.” You reply, “Thank you baby.” He replies, “I have to run back and get ready, but promise me, you’ll be here for my set.” You reply, “I will. We’re going to our trailer soon to get changed. I’ll be back to see you.” He nods, kisses your head, and heads out.
You walk back to your band and your band manager informs you that the headliner tomorrow wants to collaborate. Someone in their band saw you bring the Blond Beauties out and they loved it. They want to play Juniper’s #1 hit and one of their songs together tomorrow. You’ll meet them tonight after the festival ends to practice it together at a studio. Your band manager informs you that he’s already agreed on Juniper’s behalf. One of your bandmates complains about sleep and wants to see other sets tomorrow. You find out that you can still catch the rest of the festival until 6 pm when you need to be at the trailer getting ready to be on time. If anyone is late, then they won’t go on stage with the rest of the band. Seeing as how you’re the lead singer, your band manager seems to be threatening you directly and staring into your soul. Wtf?! You can be trusted.
You head to the trailer with your band and you all change to watch August Moon. They all want to see them perform too. You all walk over as they complain about your band manager. You can’t help but laugh. Your band manager really does suck sometimes.
You see Hayes backstage and he sees you. He waves and motions for you to walk over. You walk up to him and press a kiss to his lips. He says, “Hi, thank you for being here.” You reply, “Of course, love. I’m excited to see Hayes Campbell playing his heart out and stealing the hearts of many girls.” He laughs and says, “I only ever want to steal one girl’s heart.” You laugh and kiss him again. You say, “Good luck tonight. You’ll be amazing.” He thanks you and goes off to get his microphone.
You and your band watch backstage as August Moon is announced. The screams are high pictured and loud. Wow.
As they play, you see so many tears and so many screams. You also see lots of signs asking the boys to marry them or ones related to the band’s songs. You love that. You take photos of some of them then take photos and videos of Hayes performing. He’s so fun to watch live because of his energy and personality. Most of the world is in love with your boyfriend, which is a hard reality. You know that someone could steal him at any point and you also know that if you were to ever break-up, everyone would be on his side. He’s more popular, very attractive, and male. Most of August Moon’s fan base is females. Some of these females buy tickets for meet and greets, stalk the band after the shows, and follow them from city to city to be noticed. Hayes is in the public eye and so his private life. You don’t have anything to hide, but everything you do is shared by several sources who search for a tie to Hayes. You’re not even just you anymore. You’re Hayes’ girlfriend. It sucks sometimes. But deep down, when you ignore that, you’re just a girl in a happy relationship with a boy.
The show finishes and the boys are off stage. Hayes immediately has his arms wrapped around you and he’s holding you tightly while saying, “I’m never letting go of you again.” You laugh and hug him back. You say, “I love you too. You’re the best boyfriend and the best lead singer I know.” He smiles and says, “You’re the best girlfriend and best lead singer I know… I can’t wait to be with you this weekend.” You reply, “Right about that… let’s walk and talk.” You notice the rest of your band has just started walking back to the trailer so you walk hand in hand with Hayes. You say, “You have to promise not to share this with anyone.” He nods and says, “OK.” You reply, “The headliner tomorrow liked our duet with The Blond Beauties, so they want to collaborate tomorrow. We have to go to the studio tonight to practice with them and then tomorrow, I have to be changing at 6 pm to be ready for the night performance. If one of the band is not getting ready at 6, then we can’t go on stage with the rest of the band. My band manager kind of stared me down at that last part.” He replies, “Wow uh that’s great … Cool. I still get to see you after you’re done tonight and all day tomorrow, right?” You answer, “Yes my love. I am all yours.” He smiles and says, “Good, I’ve missed you and your cuddles.” You smile and say, “I’ve missed you and your cuddles too.” You kiss him one more time before leaving with your band.
Practice with the headliner goes well. They admit they are huge fans of Juniper and love seeing you all uplift other artists. They try to collaborate as much as they can at festivals and Juniper was the first choice for ACL. Combining the songs is fun especially because they typically only do heavy metal so they get to play with alt music a bit.
You all finish after only 2 hours and you go to the hotel. Lights flash on as the cars pulls up and you see paparazzi. This is no fun.
You all head inside and you rush to the elevator. You make it to your bedroom with Hayes and you unlock it. The lights are dim and you see the TV is on. You walk in and see your boyfriend watching a show on home renovations. He sees you causing him to smile widely. He asks, “How was work, honey?” You laugh and answer, “Oh it was good sweetheart. I do hate the paparazzi though. I didn’t think you were a home renovations guy.” He smiles and answers, “It looked interesting... but about the paparazzi, did they do anything? Are you okay?” You reply, “They're just overwhelming. I'm going to shower, so we can cuddle.”
You shower and rinse out all the product on you. It takes a lot to look this good, ha!
You climb into bed next to Hayes and wrap your arms around him. You exclaim, “I’ve missed this.” He kisses your forehead and says, “Me too.” You ask, “Can I be honest about something? Can I let my guard down?” You love referencing his songs. He lets out a little laugh and answers, “Of course. You can always be honest with me. ” You say, “When we were on the road, my anxiety picked up and it got bad a few times. I didn’t want to worry you, so if you ever called on a bad day, I let your call just be ignored even if I was free. I couldn’t talk to you because I didn’t want to worry you and cause you to have a bad day. You're one of the two people I like to call, but sometimes I get too overwhelmed. I didn’t want to tell you, but seeing you out there with lots of fans and people who would love to be with you, I knew I had to tell you because what if you break up with me because of this? I know how important communication is so I understand if we have to part ways.” He holds your hands and says, "I would never break up with you. Especially because you're being very honest right now. I know it took a lot of guts to speak to me about your feelings. And if we're being honest, I called you to calm my anxiety. My days get stressful and I like hearing your sweet voice. You don't have to worry about worrying me. I want to be there for you during your good anxiety days and your bad anxiety days." You reply, "OK, I'll start answering on those days and I'll be honest with you about it... Why didn't you call me this week? I tried calling. I was worried about you. Were you busy?" He answers, "My friends said that girls don't like clingy. They said that my constant calling and texting was clingy behavior. I didn't want to run you off." You reply, "I like how clingy you are, Hayes. I like how much you like physical touch too. Keep calling me baby. If anything now that we're being more honest, our calls might be longer." He replies, "Stop, don't tempt me with a good time... Are you sure that you like how clingy I am?" You answer, "Yes, I'm sure. I'll even admit that seeing you for the first time after two months and our performances, all I could think about was hugging you forever and cuddling and kissing you." He replies, "I wanted to hug, cuddle, and kiss you a lot more too. My only dream this weekend is to be as physically close to you as possible at all times." You smile and reply, "That will be hard when we have to use the bathroom and when I have to go on stage tomorrow." He frowns and says, "That's okay. I'll try to live." You laugh and then kiss him.
#the idea of you#the idea of you movie#nick galitzine#nicholas galitzine#hayes campbell#hayes campbell fanfic#nicolas galitzine
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WTF?! AKA girl that studied Advertising doesn't understand how this happened.
Sooooo, Neil Gaiman, huh?
Disclosure: I started this in the following 2 weeks after the news broke (maybe earlier than that, I don't remember) but, hey, my job sucks and more often than not my brain was just too dead to even try and get back to this. And then even more claims appeared and Vera Wylde (AKA Council of Geeks) made 2 videos that pretty much alligned with my mindset (fun fact: now there are 3 videos now), still I had a few points that I wanted to address... and life got inbetween yet again... and now I'm done, I need to finish this otherwise it'll sit on my drafts for ever.
Fandom's still ablaze, people asking for more info are inmediately labeled as "SA supporters" other alleged claims surfaced and I wonder why none of the companies associated with the author are saying a thing about it... not even him has stepped foward to say anything and that is super odd.
In case you didn't know I've studied Advertising but decided against following a career in it because 1) my classmates work-ethic (or lack of) traumatized me, 2) I never really liked it (I just wanted to live off my Creativity), 3) because after spending 3 years learning every little thing that can make a person tick to buy something I can see certain patterns everywhere and 4) it is far too easy to make anyone believe anything and the idea of doing it and screwing people's lives as a job does not fit my own moral criteria.
That being said, don't you dare to think that this post is taking any kind of side or that I'm trying to push my career because I already gave you those 4 points of why I am not activately working on this field. All of this will be a head-first delve into how those 3 years in College shaped my way of thinking (basically a "no feelings, just bussiness") and trying to have a somewhat broader picture.
I just have a perspective that most of the fandom doesn't have and I wanted to share it.
Just in case, I am not looking foward to whatever conversations could occur from now on and most likely won't interact with any of them if I sense any kind of bad blood.
Full disclousure: even though I am a casual enjoyer of Neil Gaiman's stories I have zero idea of how he is or was back in the day. Everything I say is based off on my observations both in-fandom and from what I can see from my country (Argentina) that is located at World's End quite literally... we don't get much gossip here unless is something BIG.
First off, lets clear some air:
1. Writing about horrible things doesn't mean that someone a bad person. I mean....

(Disclaimer: even if I do find the meme funny... I have 0 knowledge of anime or how this two artists interact with life and their fans).
But in all seriousness... how many crime shows exist/existed and will keep on existing? How many gory horror movies? How many books, comics, operas, musicals and so on that portray horrible crimes? Do all of those authors have a secret life as criminals? I don't think so.
Yes, having an affinity to the subject might give you a better know-how but is not mandatory... writers investigate a lot as well.
Art is meant to be an exploration and more often than not artists will take universal fears and turn them into something good and innocent or take something pure and turn it into a bloody nightmare... is supposed to show another perspective without any predjudice and allow us play with the weirdest and commonly frowned upon things in a safe and contained space.
If you are not an artist, you can still use the art as a conduit for this... but please don't turn into an Inquisitor, you're no better than us I swear.
2. If a person is anti-censorship... is against ANY kind of censorship. You can't pick and choose what should be "good" or "bad" because that is also a form of censorship. Are there disgusting things out there? Yes. Do any of us have the right moral compass to condemn and/or ban something just because? No. (And even if I'm not very well versed in manga I can tell the difference between a work of fiction that has been drawn and actual p*rn that could've been produced by harming someone. Those things are not on the same level. Sick? Yes, but still unreal just like a lot of the NSFW drawings that I've seen in here).
3. The Zionism: many people came after Gaiman accusing him of supporting Israel because of some letter that was signed right after the Hamas' attack. Siding with the civilian victims is always the first reaction even if as a jewish he is supposed to know better the reality of things, this is not mandatory because maybe he doesn't engage in religion or geopolitics that much. Later he did posted on Twitter (according to some) a few links to assist people in Palestine, I know he did shared one or two Instagram stories with this as well and of course, lately posted about a friend that got jailed for protesting against Israel. However many still support the "he is a Zionist" because he -as many others- said that the solution would be for both countries to live at peace. So... it was an easy neutral response trying not to cater to either side whether if it conveys his real sentiment or if he did it to secure his position among his followers or because he didn't wanted to upset someone he might know/work for that thinks different or didn't wanted to get into a polemic bigger than himself is up for debate.
OK Lets put the little grey cells to work
Many claims that started to populate Reddit (mostly) seem to go all the way back to the 90s where stuff like this wasn't talked about mostly because he was just another DC writer and social media + cellphones with camera didn't existed.
I do wonder how did he presented himself back then.
Even if Sandman was a huge success, both comics and mixing them up with greek mythology makes it very niche (niche is an official Advertising word, I swear). So even if DC properties like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and others were very well known and bought... I don't know how many of those readers jumped into Gaiman's Sandman and stick to it (I've even seen people in Tumblr complaining of "Gaiman's atrocity called Sandman") let alone how many thought of him as a genius.
Apparently he did had people showing up in signature events (were conventions a thing back then? I live in the other side of the world and have no idea) and apparently almost like a rock-star he had groupies following him. I am a rocker at heart, we all know about groupies but I really didn't needed to know that the literary kind existed as well, thank you very much.
There are two things I'd like to address here.
First of all that, given the nature of the movement, these girls were throwing themselves at him. It is still wrong to take advantage of it, but as we know men are needy AF so it only takes for one woman to be kind to them and they'll see how to get her to bed. Manly nature 🙄 That being said, considering that these were basically one-night-stands I don't think that he would've gone too far with any of them. Still...
The second point is... WHAT THE HELL WAS DC DOING? Probably many of you think "well, probably they are all perverts" and yeah, you have a point... but still you need to save face. You can't have one of your key writers (?) picking up girls in official events that you organized and take them to bed. Even with its ups and downs on the industry, DC had (and has) a prestige to keep. If we are thinking about late 1989 and early 90s they were riding the crest with Burton's Batman you can't have a scandal like this about to burst! It was just a matter of time till someone picked up on it and did something about it (think of a girl's family, group of friends, partner, what-have-you).
And even if Sandman was too niche it was still making good money for them... the possible movie rights were probably always in talks back then... and you'll risk that just because "men will be men"? WHAT KIND OF BUSSINESS DO YOU CONDUCT? Even if it is the 90's... you don't want to be associated with a sleaze bag. Not to mention that even with all of this he wasn't perceived as a "winner" among men as well... you know the type "oh, look how viril and manly he is... all the girls want him" kinda thing. So just why?
Did the publishers see it coming?
As I said the Reddit claims seem to be from the 90s (or at least from The Time With No Virtual Fingerprints) I've got yet to read anyone saying that he did a pass on them on a recent Comic-Con or book signing. (N: I started to write this before the third and fourth & fifth women came foward. However, the point sort of still stands)
This could be because 1) technology made it almost impossible to keep a secret or 2) because the publishers decided to open the umbrella before it started to rain.
If his reputation was well known it wouldn't surprise me that other companies might've put a clause in their contracts about his behaviour. Even we, working-class ants, have Codes of Conduct and Ethics in our mundane jobs... so OF COURSE this also exist in celebrities' contracts as well.
A publisher would never want to be involved into a scandal let alone a possible sex scandal with an author that doesn't just write "dark fantasies" but children's stories as well. You can't market a sexopath as a"kind and gentle uncle-like figure" that will read stories to your kids. I mean, with the right Ad team you can totally pull it off but it is A LOT EASIER if he just behaves.
Still you can't control a person's actions outside the professional enviroment AKA their personal life, and even if you must have a Ad team in case of any possible disturbance... they will focus more on the Company's Image than the person's.
In this case, Gaiman should have a personal Publicist. And for what I've seen I do think that he has a team but not necesarily a Publicist ready to tackle on a scandal, just a regular one that "gets him out there" and probably throws some ideas for posts and secures the Ads for any convention or media related project.
When you work with a public person you must work as Communitty Manager as well but the real trick is finding the right balance between your posts and your clients'.
The CM's posts will be very basic info for appearences in different events/media or new releases. What people really wants is a sneak-peak on a person's life and unless you are someone that is with them 24/7, it depends on this person's to do those posts (more often than not those who took those candid videos or photos are either friends/family or a super personal and close assitants). We do know that Gaiman has at least one assitant (plus representation for USA and UK, maybe someone else) how ever I have my doubts about him having a Publicist for his persona. Why would I say that?
Neil Gaiman has no socials
The joke has being going on for ages, regardless of how it was born it tells us that it is him who manages his own socials (at least the most "intimate" posts because with the whole Twitter/X/Xitter fiasco he did established that in that network he'll "be present" either by automated posts that depend on other socials or because someone who works for him will post tour dates on his behalf). The easiest one to pin point is Tumblr... nobody cares about Tumblr.
In light of all that has happened one of the most recent asks came to my mind: Someone once asked him if he was in a kink party some years back. Many rushed into explaining the Rules of Kink to the asker, some nicer than others but what stood out for me was... why answering this? Even with a "not really my thing, I left without participating" it was a lot easier to just leave it unanswered. He has stated that even if he had thousands of asks he'll pick a few of the newest ones and answer only if he thought they deserved to be answered. So why shooting yourself on the foot? Especially under the assumption that someone could say a thing or two about it. Like, fair enough whatever happens in there remains there... but if you are in it and you leave the door open with a half-assed answer... people will talk.
No Publicist in the world would've let that fly (not even in a niche site like Tumblr)... our job is to avoid this kind of loose threads that might be spun into something completely out of our control and opposite to the narrative we are aiming to.
Was he panicking about someone that saw him many years back in this gathering? Did he thought it gave him "cool points"? Did he thought that it was better to address it than letting the rumor running (and eventually die)? Was he half asleep and thought that he dreamt having answered and then forgot?
Why putting your neck on the noose?
Men 🤦🏻♀️
This little slip made me realize that he doesn't have a propper Publicist so the chances of them prepping some letter or statement about the situation are very slim. I'll talk about this later.
The Podcast
I can't really move foward without giving some space to Ground Zero.
But as I was writing this, Council of Geeks, (hosted by Vera Wylde, someone I've been following since long before their comming out and more often than not found to be very like-minded) a channel that I was hoping to tackle this, made a very well thought out video that I highly recommend. There are a few things for which I have my own hypotesis and if I remember, I'll write down in here.
Back to the first podcast I must admit that I did not listen to it because I have no time or will to do it (burnout from work is great!) and I am a better reader than a listener (my mind usually drifts off when I listen to anything even if I'm interested in it -doesn't happen with in person conversations, luckily probably because there is a face attached to the voice-). I did read several posts about it and the Rolling Stone article some cite as well. Aside from some personal observations, the core information remains the same reason why I trust that I can actually talk about it.
I will not discredit the testimonies since I have no reason to do so but I can talk about other stuff like how media dehumanizes terrible things and about some things that do cause some noise to me (noise in Advertising is when something disturbs the message and doesn't make it clear).
I know that all of you are moved by both stories regardless of how they were presented but the True Crime genre is sensacionalist AF and it thrives because people is morbid, and that's a fact.
When I had cable mom watched a few True Crime shows every now and then and I've always found them distasteful. The quick editing with effects, dramatic narration like "When Margaret woke up that morning, she could've never imagined that all her nightmares would come true" *cue to dramatic music* is very f#cked up. These are real cases, with real people involved, with people suffering for their loved ones... but for the networks is just entertainement, hours and hours to fill in their schedule + ad revenue. How many cases were actually solved after being on TV/a podcast? How many more people started to plead for justice after it was aired? These kind of shows are empty and milk on someone's suffering for a few bucks, it is never about justice, is never about exposing something/someone. Is all about money.
And for what I can see... this podcast is no different than others. Even the title "Master: The Neil Gaiman Allegations" is some Fifty shades of Grey sh!t that sounds attractive but considering the content it is in very poor taste to say the least.
When people (and I include myself) ask for a more serious take on the subject is because of this... we need information that is not meant to be consumed while eating popcorn and soda with a few breaks to clutch pearls and then move on with our lives.
If this was the only media outlet that opened the doors to both women they should've done better. It is a serious matter... a special report, lets say a 2 hr youtube video captioned "The True face of Gaiman" or "Gaiman's dark side" (or being 100% honest and title it "Gaiman's victims speak") would've erased any kind of doubt among ocassional listeners but no... they named it "Master" because it conveys BSDM, sex and trivializes the story to make it sound like erotica, not a real story. This wasn't an accident or a bad idea caused by inexperience... the name was chosen on purpose. They needed to get people's attention and get them on this "dark" and "taboo" world where this kind of practices (BSDM) is frowned upon. They wanted to predispose you to start this on the wrong foot.
But the stories are real! Don't try to silence the victims!
I'm not denying this, I'm just saying that Tortoise Media's Podcast doesn't care about the victims as much as you all seem to think.
They saw that Gaiman was involved so they picked up the story because they wanted clout, other media outlets (so far) passed on it because is a he said/she said case that is very hard to prove, reason why the police itself alledgedly decided not to move foward with it either. Does it suck? Yes. Does it mean that Tortoise is brave for bringing it up? No, they could've been... had they not give up to the need of making a freakshow out of it to get people's attention.
And like that Advertising trained me to be a Devil's Advocate.
The easiest way for me to show you how any Publicist out there would get things going to save his reputation is by using the tools that could (or eventually will) be used. So let us begin.
Missing context: Aside from the whole issue with the power dinamics (that we'll talk about it later) we don't really know how any of their first meetings really went. We know that it was the first day of work for the nanny... but was it really the first time they've met? If she was around Palmer, most likely they've seen each other before, maybe they've talked and hit it off... we don't know. Same with the first fan, they were writing each other for a year, we don't know what they ever talked about or how their relationship evolved. And this is aplicable in all cases. We were told the story from the first moment he became physical, not the real first contact. What does it matter? He's still a perv! Yeah, until context can tell you that he isn't... I've seen so many takes that all the sudden turned him into a scary monster lurking in the dark, preying on young little innocent girls... and never before he was ever addressed like that even by people that probably knew about his reputation or just plainly hated him for whatever reason. This is all made up by the narrative shown in the podcast (I mean the editing and narration) and the masses' imagination.
He stops when rejected: Three claims say that he stopped at the moment the woman/girl said no: the fan at the bus (even with his "I can get whatever I want" or whatever he said he did let her go when easily could've forced himself on her), the publisher that got kissed (or almost kissed) and the first fan coming foward that rejected his suggestion of a threesome... that one, yes is the same one with the UTI. I wouldn't be surprised if he convinced her that he would be careful or something like that just to get her on bed. It is very shitty and selfish of him... there is no justification there. Whether this stems from self-preservation (not wanting to be known as a r*pist) or because he does care about consent or maybe because he wasn't *that* horny those times and could let it go... the truth is that he did stopped when asked to.
Mental health. The whole "she's unstable, her memory isn't the best" kind of comment came out of his lawyer (the one that the podcast keeps on mentioning as "Gaiman's side" and probably they knew from the begining what lawyer it was but delivered his name a lot later to shock audiences once more that he has the same lawyer that many other men in the same position hired. As if a lawyer's reputation couldn't grant him a good starting point to get new clients whether they are innocent or not) so it is a case of a lawyer being a lawyer. But yes, people tend to remember things differently, ask any family memeber or friend about something that caused a major shock on you and you'll see that they might not even rememeber it at all, and if they do, probably they'll say that you overreacted or something like that. It sucks, but it happens. There is a possibility that what was perceived as an innocent flirting by Gaiman is also something more sinister by any of those women. Maybe the years changed the light of the events and something that they considerated "ok" back then is a "well... actually" now. People change. One thing I did wanted to bring up was the su!cide comment. It is poorly placed in the conversation (or in the part of the conversation we were allowed to see, again: lots of missing context) and does sound heavily manipulative... until you realize that he has spoken about his su!cidal past any time he got asked in Tumblr, interviews or other... and if he's willing to speak about it with a bunch of strangers online, he has spoken about it with people close to him and if she was going through it he most definetly brought up his experiences to talk to her. Still, we don't really know, maybe is a 50/50 situation. His Autism: I'm not a psycologyst, can't confirm or deny if he has it or not, but as a human (and a Publicist) I can say that is the lamest and worst excuse he could've possible thrown. Is just as bad as anyone excuses their behaviour based on their zodiac sign. Maybe he does struggle to notice tones of voice or intentions behind interactions but acting on those fake cues is a lot more related to being a man than autistic. Man think that if a woman is nice to him is because she loves him, man take the first chance to make a move just because she smiled at him. Let's not mix things up.
The Power Imbalance + Age Gap Let's address the Age Gap first because there isn't much to it either way. I was the kind of girl that would be repulsed at age gaps but eventually I realized that, as long as they are consenting adults and there are real feelings behind it... I don't care. I do feel nauseated when a 20 year old dates or marries a 80 year old "sugar daddy" because I can't conceive in my head the idea of a person wilingly turning themselves into a blow-up doll for a mummy only because the later is richer than God. It is disgusting and I do not endorse it. Any other case... ok, whatever, live and let live. The Power Imbalance is another story. You can't date someone you work with or work for. Every single company has this rule not just to avoid dramas but also to avoid any misbehaviour in the premises. But what about when is not for a private company, like in this case? It is still a no, because the "if you don't make me happy I'll kick you out" ghost shows up creating a hostile enviroment for at least one of you... what kind of relationship can arise from it? (to be fair, some people maybe gets turned on by it, what do I know? I'm aroace). My suspicious mind... I see a pattern in Gaiman's behaviour aside from the one everyone made up in their minds (him preying on any girl close to him, even though two are around his age): The "cool" writer: from his break-out to somewhere into 2010 or so. His "groupie prime" if you will when he could get any girl that was interested in him (students, fans) because possibly considered himself some sort of idol and/or rockstar. This is between his 26 and 50 years old, that check's out, is when men usually think themselves to be the center of the world and the sole desire of any women. The "I need to fly low": in the last 20 years or so, when he already stablished a respectful reputation among peers and fans so he needs to stop sleeping around and be more selective and secretive about his partners because it only takes one tweet, one photo or one video to destroy everything he is. Enter NDAs. I dare to say that being with women from his inner circle (AKA people that either worked for him or some way or another depended on him) was another "brilliant idea" he had to try and keep his image and reputation out of harms way. Still one question remains... what kind of people could he date? Just those on his same circle/league? You could argue that Palmer was some-where there but I don't think that she has as many fans as him and she's nowhere as well known. Maybe other popular author (if any of them fancies him)? An actress? another singer? a politician? Options are quite narrow so he would go to the "commoners" and then, by mere chance, he'll be the all-powerful bestselling author dating a poor woman and some will see a power imbalanced relationship and to others yet another Cinderella story.
Just as The Tortoise Media took the stories, edited them and packed them for your shock and horror... it can be just as easily spun into something else. Anyone could get any of this points I've made and turn him into a misunderstood man looking for a love that would be into BSDM as he is and, unfortunally for him, some of his lovers realized too late that they didn't liked it so now he's seen as an ogre when he did nothing wrong.
Mulder said it first ...
What could possibly happen
Am I reaching the end of this essay today (November 29th, 2024)? Are those angels singing? Please, tell them that I'm Agnostic, but I appreaciate the gesture. (Laurita on December 25th says: Oh! what a lie!)
At this point in time, Gaiman shows no proof of life, and most likely won't for another couple of months (maybe even for another year). His silence is not necessarily an admission of guilt. If he comes foward and gives his side of the story, he'll be the rich-white-author throwing crap at all these women and calling them liars, so he'll be a villain. If he admits that he has a problem (sex-addict or something like that) some people might be a little more simpathetic others will call him a liar and he'll still be a villain. There is no good outcome so, what's the difference? Is better just to remain silent.
We already know that Good Omens has been shortened to a special episode, Sandman was shot and will be released sometime in 2025 (most likely won't have another season not just because of Gaiman but because it was a struggle to secure the 2nd season for starters. The only way we could have a S3 is if the S2 is AMAZING and blows up all the numbers). The Anansi Boys... remains to be seen, supposedly it was shot, edited and is ready to be released so it is a matter of whether Amazon will pull a Warner Bros Vs Batgirl (just scrap the whole thing) or if they will pressure Gaiman to step foward and speak... but I don't think so because they didn't do it for Good Omens which, for what I can see, is a far more beloved franchise that needed to secure its fanbase so S3 wouldn't be a failure.
He did said a few times that he was writing a book, so maybe that's why it was a lot easier to stay away from social media... the thing is... will it be published?
I dare to believe that he is back in social media, doesn't interact but is watching, Hell, maybe he even has a fake account to test the waters! There was a rumour of him hiring a PR team to have bots and alter Google search and bury the accusations... I'd say it is a possibility but I had a client that bought bots and those are not as effective as you may think. They help boost views and such but they easily fade away. Maybe he did felt like throwing money to the garbage, who knows? Maybe it wasn't Gaiman himself but any of his "bosses" (publishers, networks) because it does feel more like a corporate move than a personal one.
The most sensible thing would be to go to Justice, present evidence and then let not just the Court but the Public make a decision (that could or not be aligned). The main issue with it is that many will see it as Gaiman trying to bring down a group of women instead of showing his side of the story, what will keep on adding ink to the stain. Is tricky but is the only way to have a sense of what could've possibly happened (because, of course, the only ones that know 100% what really happened are the parties involved and even that is not a reliable source given that everyone has their own version of the story based in their own feelings, predjudices and emotional baggage altogether).
My personal take
If you are still reading and haven't burst out of anger and left a thousand "k!ll yourself" or "typical mysoginist" or "defendor of SA" comments and/or reblogs, you are probably wondering "ok, I can see your point but what do you believe?"
I'm not surprised... nor heart broken.
Granted I was never a huge fan, just in the last couple of years I started to enjoy the adaptations of his stories more... but still, he doesn't have a huge impact in me. No author or creator has ever had it and I love plenty of artists.
There's something on the way I was raised, I believe, that turned out in me never putting people on pedestals. They are all human and there will always be something that will let you down on them. Most of the musicians and/or actors I love had drug issues, got into fights (some very stupid ones, others not so much), groupies everywhere, off comments that maybe should've never been made, opinions I do not share... I still follow them because sometimes they mature and realize their mistakes and do make a stand about it. And if they don't I can go "yeah, cool thing... but still this other thing still sucks" because I was taught that you can criticize something/someone you like, it is not a sin to do so.
I know that a lot of you think that absolutely all the stories he came up with were deacoys to have free access to girls... but... really? Whether you like his writing or not, he is capable of coming up with good premises mixing up diferent cultural myths and original ideas. The books are well plotted and thought out (nothing is 100% perfect, but that's how things are). Had you tell me that his books are obvious cash-grabs than can be written in less than a month with the premise "Plot? what Plot? this is just smut" I would've believed you. Any of us that loves writing (either original stories or fanfic) know how hard it is to create something half-way decent. Yes, some care about their audience and even go like "ho ho ho they will love that" but others just write because it is fun. Others do a mix of both. Looking at Gaiman's works, I hardly think that his main goal was to attract "goth girls" as someone said. What was the point of writing kids' books then? Get goth moms in the mix too or not losing his female fans just because they have kids now? Also many straight men like his writting too... is it collateral damage?
To me he is just a writer that in the worst case scenario has a dark side (note: not the BSDM part but the way he treats some women). As many others before him and as many others will in the future.
I hope that he does come foward and start to talk about it. But it has to be an honest interview, or better yet a press conference. Not something that anyone could've scripted and rehearse over and over again. People needs to see him either squirm, turn red, be uncomfortable to decide if he is being honest or not.
If it is all true, he has to be responsible for his actions. Undergo a program or something, show signals that he is sorry and is (honestly) trying to improve. Then and only then he can aspire to go back to where things were before all of this.
Even if he's done cameos everywhere, he's not an actor and nobody can fake for so long. I believe that the causes he supported did meant something for him. Many celebrities don't ever take a stand for anything and still have their fans and the money keeps on pouring in... nobody was forcing him into doing any of those campaigns and he had nothing to earn that he didn't already had (his fans would love him a little bit more, but they were already loving him anyway).
Rowling vs Gaiman (This is the end, I swear)
A lot of so called "feminists" are spewing their conspiracy theory of how everyone was dog-pilling Rowling "for just stating the thruth" while many are trying to save Gaiman "even if he's a r@pist".
Presumption of innocence first comes to mind, not to mention that many people saw Gaiman as like-minded, down to earth, good writer. Rowling was thought of as such until she didn't stopped and even doubled down on her irrational hate, amplified voices, donated money and fully supported (and still supports) a train of thought that is causing more damage than good. She could've just been an ideology-blinded author going "trans women aren't women" and called the day... she would've been just another author with a dark side that distresseses some people. But no, she is pretty much the face of a movement that puts people's safety and lives in danger.
The damage an entire movement can do to other group of people has no comparison to what damage a single man can cause in private.
I'm not saying that Gaiman's victims aren't worth a dime... I'm saying that if you care about people for real it doesn't matter if is one, twenty, a thousand or even a million, you have to care for all of them too... and yes, if you are of the religious type you must love and protect even to those that are not like you or share your views.
There's a witch hunt in this site (or at least there was one last time I checked) where if you had in your profile either the rainbow flag, or said that you were trans, your pronuns or anything that would identify you as LGBTQ+ and you were trying to make sense of everything that was going on, trying to figure out how to move foward and even trying to see a larger picture... a screenshot was taken and then posted elsewhere saying "look how the perverts protect themselves" and this blogs were 99.9% of the times RADFEMS.
In "the real world" the one that is away from Tumblr and any social media: Gaiman lost. Big time. It's done, there's nothing left to do.
Rowling is still being published and her properties are still being adapted and comercialized, the park's still thriving and all the merchandise they sell as well. There is no signal of cancelling going on outside of this site. And WB didn't let her go as quickly as they did with Johnny Depp, or Ezra Miller or Neil Gaiman now.
She still has her life, she goes to events, she gives interviews, she still can write and sell a book quite well.
She's not "suffering misogynistic attacks" from a rabid group of "wokes". She's perfectly fine in her castle enjoying her money as she has stated before.
Most likely Gaiman can also live the rest of his days off the money he's got so far. He could disappear forever to a small island in the middle of nowhere and that would be it, aside from the alledged damage he's caused (and he'd be careful not to be caught again, if he has a working brain) his power ends there.
Hers continues.
She is more of an active threat than he is.
#neil gaiman#sometimes you sit down with an idea and many other things happen so you end up wondering if it should be published or not#but I know at least one person interested in reading this#as I said before - I won't interact with this post again#I know you all and I do not wish to fight
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Someone give Louis Tomlinson his flowers already!
I woke up early this morning, as I often do, thanks to years of working and horrible insomnia. And like most mornings these last few years, I grab my phone and begin to scroll my twitter feed. Louis had a show last night and I wanted to catch up on anything I might've missed once the show had ended and I headed to bed. Per usual, there is a lot of beautiful pics and tweets from concert attendees, waxing poetic about how good the show was and how proud of Louis they are. Typical fare for this fandom, nothing new to add.
I keep scrolling and I land an account, tweet sharing what looks like snippets from an "article" or "blog piece" (not sure which) from the "Medium". I stop dead in my tracks and read the multiple tweet thread of the most biased, vile drivel I've come across in a long time. And I've been here a while.
Firstly, opinions are just that, opinions. And this person's opinions are theirs and theirs alone but sadly, speak to a larger issue within music, the industry and the fandom experience itself.
This writer attended a Louis show with a friend who was a fan. Their only "knowledge" of him coming from this friend & any indirect knowledge because of his time in One Direction. But from the outset, the writing and pov, comes off immediately biased and judge-y.
"a sea of teeth in braces, puffy cheeks and pigtail buns" - commenting on the appearances of the young fans - note - very young fans "Most attendees are too young to drink legally". Because that's what matters about attending a show. Moving on.
"There are no dancers, there is no set piece, there is no stage show, no performance, no outfit changes"
Every artist curates their live show for themselves & their fans. To achieve the best possible experience and set expectations of how the night is going to go.
Louis has no illusions here. He is not "the greatest showman that ever lived" and HAS NEVER PRETENDED to be. He is a straightforward musician who's job it is to sing and engage with the fans. Which he does. For anyone paying attention, he's definitely come a very long way from those 1st early shows and is far more relaxed than he was back then. BUT and this is a huge but, to see and understand this, you have to know his journey and his story, which this person does not (though she does allude to knowledge of AOTV).
She even comments on it by calling him "the least memorable person in a lineup of five" the very criticism he levelled at himself. It's a gut punch to read a rando say something like this, which, we as his fans know, is something he had always been made to feel like while he was in the band, despite most of the 1D fans acknowleding the loved Louis, as did all the guys. Niall, calling him "the glue; the guy who made sure they didn't lose the plot". This is all surface, she doesn't know really know or see him or his lost potential. Nor is she likley to care.
The other thing that I find troubling, aside from her personal views of his singing talent and lacklustre show and personality, is the comments levelled at fans and their enjoyoment/appreciation of 'good music'.
I won't get into the 3 "types of fans" that she describes present at the show she attended because it doesn't matter to the point of my rant (though is it pretty basic & lacking nuisance but I digress). The one label that did stick out was the "cheerleader fan" and her opinion that these fans are only here to support Louis - who by her own opinion and pov, stated was the least successful/memorable and "is forever defined against his more popular former band mate" for unknown reasons. I'm assuming she thinks they are here because they find him cute? Not sure.
"For the Underdog Cheerleaders, it’s not about music so much as it is about identifying with... the least memorable person in a lineup of five" because identifying with an artist is problematic? Dumb? Unimportant? Allow me to show you the stadiums filled with Taylor's fans, who all identify with her and her music.
That is sort of the fan's job. To support and champion their fave, especially when they are not given their proper due. Now I'm not mentioning TS and comparing her to Louis or vice versa, that woman has GOTTEN ALL HER FLOWERS and good for her, but she goes on to claim that "his lines are almost comically generic" speaking about his songwriting. This clearly tells me she wasn't paying attention or was at the bar or bathroom & must've been absent when Copy of a Copy of a Copy was performed. Or when he sang All this Time or Holding on to Heartache. Because you would have to be dead inside to not have had a reaction to the bridge of HOTH & not hear the emotion in his voice as exhales those words, "Nothing's ever easy, to be honest, I'm not easy on myself". Those lines cut me and left me bleeding on the side of the road when I first heard them. But you know, comicially generic. Whatever.
This entire article reads like a hit piece bought and paid for by some industry insider. She literally lists every critiques antis, toxic Harries and Swifties and even Simon himself have levelled at Louis over the years. But this article doesn't require a conspiracy theory to explain. She doesn't like Louis. Or his music. She finds him boring, and apparently isn't a "deep enough lyricist" for her cold, cerebal mind to engage with.
"I’m left wondering what all these thousands of young fans really care about...it doesn’t really seem to be about the music...at its innermost core, this fandom is about itself."
Let me first say this, music, like most are is subjective. It's personal taste. Some fans love country. Some love rock. Some love Classic metal punk with a side of Beethoven. It's music and because it is one of the most uniquie artforms, its enthusiasts will engage and appreciate it for different reasons. And one of the most amazing things about being a fan of music in this day and age, is fandom.
I am old as fuck. And I can genuinely say that being a fan of music since I was 8 years old and first discovered what the radio did in my parent's living room, I have been a fucking fan. But I grew up in a time where there were no online fandoms. No one to scream about Simon's cute outfit or Billy's snarling at an interviewer that one time, or dying with when Jon BonJovi cut his hair. It was a different fan experience back then. There was no online community. No fandom family to go through it with you when Wham broke up.
Fandom has always been controversial because it has always mostly been made up of young women. And young women have had their taste in music disrespected and vilified for decades (starting with the Beetles). Research it. So I find it kind of sad this writer questions why these fans love Louis and his music so much. Because the reasons don't matter. There are many or none. They just are. That's sort of how art works. You feel it. You don't really see it with your eyes but your mind. Your skins senses it before your heart does. And that is how music is or should be. It should not just be about catchy pop one liners or streams or charting. It's about how it makes you feel. The memories it in invokes when you hear a song many years later. It's the way we still remember the words to that one song from the summer during our 3rd year of high school. How do you quantify that? You can't.
I grew up during a very rich and varied musical landscape, so when I tell you that I have loved almost every genre of music, I have loved it for many, many different reasons. Sometimes (when I was younger) because the lead singer was cute and dressed nice and other times because the beat/bop was too good to ignore to not want to sing from the top of my lungs. NEVER ONCE DID I CARE IF THE LYRICS WERE "GENERIC" or that it wasn't popular among my friends or that it didn't fill my head with mythical imagery. If it made me happy and it entertained me, then it was enough for me. Not every artist is going to be Bob fucking Dylan or Taylor Swift. And that's okay. But Louis IS a great song writer and he himself has said he's not big on writing metaphors and cares more about conveying an emotion and a moment in time and we find that engaging. We are still moved when he sings "Saved by Stranger" or Paradise or Change. Because they are good songs that convey a particular moment, sentiment or emotion we can all connect with.
Look, I respect that not everyone is going to 'get' everyone's fave. I don't get Taylor Swift, but I can acknowledge that she has talent but I don't fucking need a show to enjoy her music. But she does that because SHE enjoys that and it definitely helps justify the cost of her tickets. No disrespect, I blame TM for that, mostly.
"To his credit, he really doesn’t pretend to be more than he is — that’s all other people‘s doing"
And that is sort of the point of him. He is not pretending to be something he is not. He is geniune and down to earth and not full of himself like so many other successful artists are and can be. He earned the right to put on airs coming out of 1D and their success. But he doesn't. He says, "this is who I am, take it or leave it" and for his fans, they take it, in spades.
So go read the article for context (or don't - it's probably better for you blood pressure & mental health) but understand that this one person's pov, is not going change who we are as a fandom. We see something in Louis that resonants with us. Maybe it's the "underdog" mentality. Maybe it's the 'cute lad from the north of England' vibe. Maybe it's his no nonsense approach to song writing and performing, but there is no denying there is something about Louis Tomlinson that draws you to him. You want to engage with him. You want to sing his songs. And you do. We all do.
So please, someone give this man his flowers. They are long fucking over due.
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top ten men??
okay.....this is a long personal post BE PREPARED!!! to find me cringe after this
in no particular order and most are also gonna be fictional LOLOLOLOLOL starting with the real people tho
gerard way...what can i say..... just 10/10 who I'm trying to be. All my problems would be solved if I could 100% embody him body mind and soul circa mid 2000s because spiritually that's who i was born to be. also the music is good very good. does he even count as a man anymore everyone's a transgender nowadays. anyway i don't actually know anything abt him apart from the stage persona and that's the way I'm trying to keep it bc everything i learn about celebrities I learn against my will
manuel germanletsplay. god i was so obsessed with him as a teenager. for the americans: he was of the biggest german gaming/minecraft youtubers and national heartthrob among teen girls. everyone shipped him with his friends including me THE FANFICSSSS..... he inspired a lot of transgenderism in me due to his twinky nature and his piano talent and long hair and the fact he never (to this day) showed his face. his persona was like a real life creepypasta character when it comes to sex appeal
isak valtersen skam..... skam is like my longest running hyperfixations i first watched it circa 2017 and have been rewatching at LEAST twice a year since then. idc that it's a teen show.......... he contributed greatly to my transgenderism. I love manipulative teen guys who are just the absolute fucking worst when you look at it objectively. he was such a male manipulator the whole s1 arc rlly made him out to be such a mastermind supervillain it was so silly. and then he got rlly pathetic in s3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️ anyway awesome outfits also..And anger issues
mickey milkovich shameless.... don't feel like I need to explain. WHAT AN ARC !!! he's a terrible person but like somehow the most sympathetic character in the entire show. everything past s7 was such flanderization it made me mad as hell but before that waowwaow.....he deserved better. my meowmeow. would move mountains and literally kill people for the most average annoying guy ever (real mickey fans hate ian) (jk hes fine minus the last 2 seasons)
syd march antiviral. what a fucking freak. he's got everything. blood kink. appearance of a sickly victorian child. horrible daddy issues. bisexuality. a thinly veiled transgender subplot. he's just so slimy and greasy and you just wanna punch him the entire movie I love it. big fan. also a male manipulator..U never know how much of his weakness is real and how much is faked to gain people's trust. he's just like me when it comes to obsessing over random beautiful women!!
sven kretschmer from ich hasse liebeslieder. no one knows this book because it was posted in like 2015 on a german fanfiction website but it permanently changed my brain chemistry. wow. i love him so much. he's everything to me. eyeliner wearing bisexual emo with greasy black hair who canonically looks like gerard way and struggles with every mental issue under the sun. erectile dysfunction subplot. has an abusive father. my favorite band is only kj because that's HIS favorite band. you could trace back 90% of who I am as a person to sven. HE BECAME A TATTOO ARTIST ALSO THAT'S SO COOL!!! and he's the most loyal bastard ever just a kicked puppy kinda guy i love men who are really clingy in relationships. but at the same time he also has insane anger issues which I ALSO love in a man GRIN 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 ^^^^ see above faves this is a whole archetype of guy for me
jack as you are.... See profile pic!! you already knowwwww!!!!! he's just like me fr. sheltered/seen as weak and sensitive and longing to be rebellious and do things to impress other men (in a homosexual way). maybe transgender? maybe killed his best friend/brother/lover!! again...greasy long hair YAYYY!!! the whole movie could be a forcemasc fantasy
mirco from this sorta obscure book called landeplatz der engel....his mother rejected him. the woman who took him in is a prostitute.... he says ableist slurs but is the least ableist person in the whole book...he wears a ring with a jewel in the shape of a boar head how cool is that?? and he stole a car. and does illegal car races. and ditched his girlfriend for his new male best friend. and he's secretly really traumatized but never wants to be a victim and gets mad when you imply his past affected him 😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫 idk I just love how he never pretends to be a better person than he is, but the opposite of it. He never gives himself credit for how kind he is
will graham... What a fucking freak(2). proves that your life isn't over at 30 you can still find the love of your life and do really weird shit because you decided that the only thing you care about is what a freaky european cannibal thinks of you.
adam saw....what can i say. he's awesome. he's transgender. he's funny. he's tragic. he's in love with a man twice his age while his brain can't decide if it should see him as a father figure or romantic interest. relatable to me personally
my oc neph bell because he's awesome and basically me
steve harrington and eddie munson from stranger things bc i still ship it (there's zero canon moments but idgaf about canon its stupid anyway) bc 1. Tragic blond failson with daddy issues and 2. eddie gave me aesthetic aspirations fuel for like a full year before i figured out who i wanna be. so yeah. I'm only a little bit ashamed of this
tyler durden fight club because yeah. and by extension the narrator bc the moments where he acted like a proper weird fucker were so funny and also meeeeeeee x3
nezumi no.6 you edgy fucker
mo folchart inkheart bc i always wanted him to be my father
kurt cobain
my other oc cesar liehmann bc he embodies everything i like re: blond men with anger issues who have to compensate for their average height by acting more confident than they are
free space for whoever i might be forgetting rn. I always have a LOT of thoughts about fictional men....
max zerophilia... just completely embraces his sexuality and status as a Z. shamelessly in love with both luke and luca. HOT!!!! kind of bad at flirting but it works for him. AND HE'S ALSO HOT AS MICHELLE AND I'M BISEXUAL SO THAT'S THAT
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These Helluva characters that feel the same to me
I've been work shopping this since the Mammon episode came out. I just want other opinions on this so I can confirm if I'm crazy or if others see it too. Keep in mind this is how I see the characters and my opinion. I'm glad to see what you all think as well :)
Blizto and Mammon are the same character. Moxxie and Fizz share a good amount of qualities that are very similar and so do Millie and Asmodeus. Idk it seems like they feel the same sometimes. You would think Stolas, Biltz, Fizz and Asmodeus would have the most in common because they’re supposed to be parallels
But let me explain
Were we go
Mammon and Blizto
(I already when over this in another post so here's what I said)
They are practically the same character given what the show tells us. What Blitzo does to Moxxie is the same thing Mammon does to fizz only cranked up to nine. Mammon says things that make Fizz worry I.e. “ready to reclaim your win another year... I saw your competition and it's pretty stiff, right? You are going to have try extra hard�� remember in “The Harvest Moon Festival” ep where Blizto says “now just remember your rep with the in laws is on the line here so, no pressure at all you totally will not make an ass of yourself in front of everyone important in your life” he totally did that on purpose. How about when Mammon calls Fizz a “a bit chungo”? blitzo in seeing stars “you know it wouldn’t kill ya to put a salad in your body every now and then” and he says it meaner. He even encourages Loona to also call moxxie fat so while it’s still Loona doing it Blizto not telling her to chill out or something and there by condoning it, but he has the nerve to clutch his stupid little pearls (also blitzo isn't Wareing his mom little necklace thing in the Mammon ep) when Mammon does the same thing. Mammon says sexually charged stuff to Fizz that is very obviously making him uncomfortable but disregards it like its nothing? “they’ll want a piece of you they can home and fuck! Don’t you want that Fizzy? to be fucked?” Then Fizz said no, and he disregarded it. Blizto in Murder Family, Harvest Moon, Truth seekers, Ex's and Ohs when he makes a big deal about someone having sex with both Moxxie and Millie and then making a big deal at the fact that he, Moxxie and Millie have had sex with the same person also maybe Ozzie's when he says he watches the M&M get it on but it's hard to gaze if Moxxie’s reaction was surprise, disgust or both. Mammon calls Fizz a “a stupid little [HONK]” Blizto calls Moxxie “a fucking disgrace” in Unhappy Campers but to be fair I make it an active effort to forget that ep is canon so. Mammon puts Fizz in a situation he can't handle, which leads to a panic attack. Blizo in the first ep Murder Family where Moxxie doesn’t want to kill Martha because he doesn’t want to kill a mother and ruin a family and is openly hesitant and uncomfortable about it causing him to have a small panic and mess up the mission at first. Mammon tells fizz to get his shit together with the underlying threat of firing, terminating, or worse. Murder family Blitzo says “But if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I will fuck you and your wife”. Both Blizto and Mammon are openly sexist treat Fizz and Moxxie all buddy buddy when they do stuff, they want but when they don’t comply or might do something they don’t like they get mean or aggressive. They only main differences is that Moxxie can talk back to Blizto in a way and fizz can't and Fizz gets to quit and escape his horrible boss.
ok new stuff
Moxxie and Fizzarolli
Moxxie and Fizzarolii have a lot in common such as being into music and overall performance. Fizz, I think he is supposed to be a comedian (he’s a jester) but from all the performances he puts on is mostly singing so. They both like supporting new talent Fizz and the deft kid. Moxxie and the mixtape guy from seeing stars “you made this?... Millie! We need money to pay this talented artist... These artists put their hearts and souls into their work.” They both can be very awkward at times Fizz in Mammons Magnificent Musical Mid-Season Special ft. Fizzarolli (MMMMSfF) “Haha ignores him, Sir. He’s uh like this all the time” and moxxie in Harvest moon festal when Millies's dad talks about the flaming twister and moxxie awkwardly chuckles and says, “oh crumbs...” and they both seem to have a need to be good at what they do. Fizz and his performances saying he needs the pageant gig and Moxxie with being a good assassin his constant want to be stronger like in harvest moon. They both get called fat, and they both have a powerhouse SO. Both get wrapped up in their heads and won’t listen to reason if it means they get to prove themselves to a sucky boss or their own ego. I.e. the entirety of Unhappy Campers and the beginning of western energy when Moxxie must kill the pig thing and MMMMSfF when Fizz won't listen to Ozzie when he tells him “yo maybe not this year?” about the pageant. they both have exceedingly more screen time and character development than their SO. Both are kind of weak physically speaking Fizz can't fight and Moxxie can't really hold his own very often and needs back up when it comes to hand to hand combat. disregards they’re significant other’s worries for them I.e. when Asmodeus was worried about Fizz going to the Greed ring knowing something bad could happen to Fizz given his fame and flashy personality and when Asmodeus doesn’t want Fizz to go to the pageant because it takes a physical and emotional toll on Fizz. Millie when she’s worried about Moxxie entering the Pain Games, when Millie is worried moxxie is getting carried away with mission in Unhappy Campers. They need to be reassured Fizz when he says he sorry to Ozzie for getting kidnapped and Ozzie say she should need to apologize for it and when Ozzie says he loves fizz flaws and all alsothat he doesn’t need to be Mammon's cash bitch. Moxxie when Millie tells him doesn’t need to prove he’s strong to her parents, doesn’t need to hide his past from her. Damzel in destress
Millie and Asmodeus
Not a lot to say about them because they don’t get a lot of screen time and are often pushed to the side for the more popular SO. Seemingly perfect significant others who are only there to boot the other party of the relationship. ambiguous flaws such as Millie being hellhound racist and doesn't do/say anything about blizto/Loona/anybody abusing moxxie. Ozzie, a deadly sin who couldn't save is boyfriend from a villain who is 30000x weaker than him and blizto saved him and seemingly a little processive and kind of smothery. Comparatively to Moxxie and Fizz we know very little about them. The moral support and all around good/normal one. Being comply indifferent to Blizto despite how he treats/treaded Moxxie and Fizz. I understand blizto and Fizz made up, but wouldn't you still be a little skeptical of the guy who disabled your boyfriend even a little? even if it was on accident? Also, wouldn’t you want to speak to your so called friend and boss about how he treats your husband?
Is it just me? Fizz and Ozzie feel like the gay version of Moxxie and Millie. I feel like I have a sold case with Blizto and Mammon and Millie and Asmodeus, but I don’t know
what do you think?
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I’ve been thinking about this and looking at peoples reactions on the setlist and the biggest problem to me is not 1D songs but the fact that there’s THREE 1D songs and like genuinely if I went to the festival and I saw him then afterwards I’d left with a feeling of “he doesn’t have enough solo songs”& “he’s still stuck on 1D” when it’s not true and we as the fans know that but the gp doesn’t.
Also I do understand him putting the songs that the gp knows and blah blah blah but well the gp knows jho (or at least some people) so he could’ve sang it instead of another 1D song or a cover which no one knows anyway. But overall I think Louis is stubborn and he won’t listen to us (esp since we’re such a small group of people lol) buuuut I’m really glad to see that the fans are saying very loud that they want more solo songs on the setlist because Louis deserves to know that his solo songs >1D songs and that people love them more so I hope he sees all the complains lmao
Hi, anon. I agree with everything you said. No matter the angle you see it from, it's not looking good. At first, i was disappointed solely for the fact that all these covers are taking up the place that fitf songs should've had. Simply bc i believe in its potential, i believe that every fitf song is so much better than any one direction song. I believe that no cover (one direction or not) is the key to win people over, but fitf is. Not in i'm a solo louie only his solo songs are good kind of way but bc it's the truth. Everytime the transition between a fitf song and a one direction one happens, i feel the dip in the quality. It's frankly striking. Fitf is my favorite album ever but also, i always make all my family and friends listen to Louis' music (usually not in an obvious fangirl way) and never has anyone said that this song is bad or that they didn't like it. On the contrary, most are now casual fans/ listeners and get excited along with me when a new release of his aporoaches. I also know what i felt/ thought when i heard fitf for the first time and that's why i have no doubt in my mind that an artist could not ask for a better representation. Fitf is EVERYTHING. I just wish Louis believed that too 😔. Anyway, the more that i think about it, the more obvious it becomes that Louis is waisting a lot of potential with his setlist choices. First of all, it doesn't send the message of a solo artist that is confident in his work. It can frankly paint him as the ambitionless loser from a dead band who can't move on from the break that the media (and some of his so called fans) try so hard to make people perceive him as. When in reality, he's been up to SO much since the pandemic. People respect ambition, they respect hunger for success and validation so why put yourself in a position where you can seem to not care enough? Larries and ot5s are horrible we know that (see how they're celebrating fucking seven of all things and then they have the audacity to claim that they love him and it's the toxic solos who don't respect his previous work 😬) but i can't help but feel that somewhere, sometimes Louis is responsable as well. Fans take cues from their "idols" and Louis is not helping with the three covers. I don't even know what he's trying to achieve with it 😭. Bc he does sing an awful lot of covers even at the tour shows when he knows the crowd is mainly his fans. Like the directioners that do show up now will show up even if he reduces the number of covers to one (and everyone will be happy then ☺️). He also needs to stop thinking too highly of 1D and assuming everyone is a fan. A lot of people are not. A lot of people don't even know their songs. It's been nine years, people move on. Today was the first time that i was left feeling a bit underwhelmed and not on a high after his set. It's one thing to sneak 4 covers on a regular tour set (it used to be less rip 💔) it's a whole other thing to fill it with those and leave your own beautiful songs off in a tight set like he has on those festivals and he needs to understand the difference ASAP. And it's not that he doesn't have "popular" songs under his belt. Back to you, just hold on, miss you are more than enough familiarity for any audience. Also, as much as he cares about "popularity" when it comes to 1D songs, he doesn't seem to care for the same for his own. Hello always you has over 100M streams on Spotify with no promo or playlisting and it's not even a single. Hoth, Chicago, angels fly, bigger than me are the most popular fitf songs after waoyf but they're nowhere to see on the setlist 😃. Instead of wdbhg why not reward fans with a favorite? Megamix is a clear fan favorite. Or defenceless as a nod to the fans' dedication and effort in 2020 for example? Or maybe he does reward them... With one dead songs 😭😭😭
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Billy & Muse in the early days are so 'Superman' coded... I never realized that before.
"He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away / To save the world or go to work / It's the same thing to me"
It's his muse in the beginning before all the whole 'I hate you, we break up, you call me, I love you' shenanigans that ensue throughout the early days of the situationship (if you wanna even call it that/whatever ***That*** situation is called)
"I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him / I hang on every word you say"
Need I say more?
"Come back, I'll be with you someday / I'll be right here on the ground / When you come back down"
I feel like this can be taken as either when Billy leaves on tour and Muse stays behind for whatever reason.. or when Billy goes on a bender and the two fight, he tells her to leave, and eventually gets her to come back around when he's sober; gives 'when you come back down' a different meaning.
"He's complicated, he's irrational"
Poor tortured artist Billy :( (sarcasm) but since he has that duel complex of thinking he's some tortured artist but also the best fucking thing since sliced bread... and toss in his short fuse and well... complicated and irrational is he.
"'He's not all bad like his reputation' / And I can't hear one single word they say"
... so 'they' being Eddie... maybe Daisy too. But mainly Eddie. Mainly Eddie trying to convince her that Billy's no good for her (but simultaneously not being the best choice for her either—)
"And I watch you fly around the world / And I hope you don't save some other girl"
The heartbreak when Billy tells her for the first time that 'she's just some groupie' and that 'he has a lineup of girls who would be fine with just the bare minimum' and 'he's billy fucking dunne and she's just... a groupie'
And just that horrible horrible feeling Muse gets when she's away from him after he says those things to her because what if he really does 'save' some other girl after he kicks her out for a day or two...
But then here he comes with flowers and sweets and a half-assed verbal apology followed by make-up sex and...
Well, we know how the rest goes.
wait, you're so right
whatever is that he's doing is life altering for her, his music is life changing, he's an icon, so far above, and she's lost in the daze of it all. his songwriting, him playing the guitar, driving off to the studio before she started coming too. and he totally just starts consuming her thoughts from day one and then once she's got a taste she can't let go. every sweet thing he's ever said is engraved in her brain which is what makes it hurt so much more when he starts switching up.
yes!! he comes back down to reality, he sobers up and comes crawling back to her because he cares about her, he loves her, and he knows that when he's not letting the fame, the fear, take over. and it makes her realize he's much more than the rockstar she became infatuated with because he was endearing but also kind of an ass sometimes, but he can also fluctuate between being so caring to falling into a pit of ego. songs about not being enough (well thanks to daisy encouraging him to write that way) but then he's the shit and nobody can compare.
eddie, daisy, karen, her dad, I'm sure so many people have things to say about being in some sort of situationship with billy dunne. but she can't hear it when she knows at his best it just feels so right, so perfect.
okay and eventually she realizes there will always be groupies, but they're just sex to him (which makes the comments about that being her hurt more) but anyways when she's putting that aside it makes her feel more confident about her place, it's more than just physical. but god, when it's one of those rare times he's kicked her out instead of her leaving and then the thoughts of, 'what if he finds a new me? finds a new girl and then he won't need me anymore' and it's almost enough to make her call first (don't get me wrong there's a time or two when she does but that's for me to write about not in this blurb lmao) but then there's billy at her door and all those thoughts are shaken away because he's so sweet now. and the makeup sex would always be so good-
but we know the drill
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for the ask meme, top 5 photos of keith and charlie! 🥹
also! while you’re at it, top 5 keith songs (can be both the stones or his solo works)
This isn’t intentional, but every photo I ended up picking of them is from the last 30 or so years of the band.
In no particular order:



Also a bonus shout out to the best Keith and Charlie photo where Charlie technically isn’t in the picture:
For the top 5 Keith songs, also in no particular order:
Hate It When You Leave (Main Offender, 1992)
Most of Keith’s solo songs are either about getting screwed over by a woman (and deserving it) or missing somebody in a long term relationship. This is one of my favorite songs of that second genre, I admit partly because it reminds me of a very particular part of my life, but also just the lyrics, the beat, and his voice play beautifully together. It’s an aberration for me in that most of the Winos songs I enjoy are the ones where Charley Drayton is on drums, because he has a lighter touch that suits Keith better.
Alteration Boogie (Unreleased Voodoo Lounge Outtake, 1993)
Voodoo Lounge is a great album that also has a lot of outtakes from the studio sessions floating around online (there were 75 demos from the whole process which was an unusually large amount for them), but this is probably my favorite Keith solo piece. It’s a song about and sung to Charlie (who joins in on drums halfway through) and it’s the most unhinged thing you’ve ever heard. Keith composed an entire 5 minute song about Charlie’s personal, how his trousers hang, and his ass, among other topics, seemingly on the fly. It’s a really interesting insight into whatever is going on in his head.
How Can I Stop (Bridges to Babylon, 1998)
I think most of Keith’s best ‘solo’ music really comes from him doing his own thing as a vocalist within the Stones. Especially because he has a tendency to strip things down and do almost everything with just himself and Charlie, plus occasionally one or two other people (Stu, Pierre, etc). It’s an emotionally devastating song (“You look at me, but I don’t know what you see/A reflection, baby, of what I want to be/I see your face and I want to roll with it…”) and the music itself more than matches the lyrics for quality. Wayne Shorter guested on the song and the last minute, which is just Charlie and Wayne going back and forth on sax and cymbals, with a little piano backing, genuinely gives me chills. It also shows how Keith’s generosity as a musician and his love of Charlie works in his favor, because that duet between them makes the song.
Love Hurts (Tribute to Graham Parsons, 2004)
It’s a cover, not a song Keith wrote himself, but I think it really suits his style/content as a solo artist and he makes it really work with his voice here. Norah Jones also works fabulously as co-vocalist, I think he actually tends to harmonize better with women (Sarah Dash, Norah, Sheryl Crow, Lisa Fischer, etc) live than with Mick.
Losin’ My Touch (Forty Licks, 2002)
I’m a sucker for all of Keith’s ‘sad old man at the end of a long term relationship’ songs, like “This Place Is Empty”, but this song (which was one of two originals added to a 40th anniversary greatest hits album) is really lovely. It’s a very classic Keith only on vocals/no back-up, drums, piano, and a bit of guitar, and I think that’s often how he sounds best.
I wouldn’t put it in my top 5 solely because of how horribly the production of the song was mangled by Andrew Watt, but Keith’s one solo song off of Hackney Diamonds, “Tell Me Straight” has absolutely gorgeous, devastating lyrics. It’s almost certainly his Charlie song, and both more beautiful and sadder when you consider the writing in that light.
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I saw your matchup post and l've never done one so l'm not sure if I'll try my best to be detailed
I'm an infp-t! A virgo (September Virgo if that matters). My favorite colours of all time are definitely blue and pink! And my fav animals are dinosaurs and owls! I grew up in a Southern California so l absolutely cannot do the cold (despite loving snow) I love the beach and my favorite "sport" to do myself is swim! I play a bit of tennis and used to ice skate. I'm actually like I'm pretty laid back with everything and calm, until everything that annoys me kind of accumulates and I get really angry . It's the same with sad emotions too, I hate crying or anything like that because it makes me feel dumb but I definitely do it in private.
I'm pretty bad at talking to new people, I'm polite enough but usually won't start a conversation if I don't have too. Most of my now friends talked to me first, kind of the opposite of I was younger. I definitely had a habit of talking to everyone. Now, it just turned into a bad habit of overexplaining everything.
My favorite musical artists include Enhypen, Jaehyun, Cigarettes After Sex, The Weekend!
But honestly it changes a lot, I'm pretty indecisive like my music taste and often have
"phases" of hyper fixations.
I like art, but I'm not very good at it, and only paint (my favorite) when I get the urge to (every couple weeks. I also really love to cook and bake, I like to think I’m pretty decent at it and it’s my favorite thing to do for people I care about. And of course reading! I love books and manga!
My style of dressing varies day by day (I love fashion!), but my makeup stays pretty consistent, usually softer looks inspired by igari, douyin, and korean makeup styles and i looove manhua lashes!
I love going out, trying new restaurants, attractions, shopping, book stores! My sleep schedule is honestly horrible, on weekends I won’t fall asleep until 2-3, I just get so distracted by different things I’ll totally forget about sleeping.
sometimes I can be a bit of a do-it-my-way kind of person, and I like telling people what to do instead of being told what to do. sometimes it’s a problem.
A few fun facts to end!
- I’m planning to study international relations (to hopefully be a diplomat!)
- I speak 3 languages
- I’m super short (imo), 5’3!
- I have one younger brother
- dream is to own a bakery/bookstore when o retire!
- I was valedictorian for my middle and high school
- (☀️)
p.s. Srry if it’s a little much I wasn’t sure how much was enough! and I’m not sure if you have anon emojis but if you do I’d love to be the sun!
Your Blue Lock Matchup: Nagi Seishiro
Nagi Seishiro would be your match, you’re very good at taking the initiative and Nagi would thrive in your presence. He’s lazy we all know that, but as we’ve seen with his interactions with Reo he can be productive-ish, and if he’s already put in the effort of being in a committed relationship with you, he’ll most likely listen to whatever you tell him to do.
Nagi thrives in his own world and doesn't particularly enjoy being forced into a box, and that independence would work well with you, especially as someone who loves having the freedom to do things your way.
Your love of food and baking would create an excellent foundation for a relationship with Nagi. He's the type who loves being pampered just a little, and he cannot cook himself, I have no faith he ever bothered to learn. The fact you could cook and bake, while also enjoying it could go two ways, one he’ll beg you to cook for him in exchange for doing cleaning chores or he’d beg you to teach him.
As someone who is not fond of being overly emotional, Nagi would understand your need for space when emotions build up. He's emotionally reserved himself, though he's far less outwardly expressive than others. His way of handling emotions is often to retreat into himself, and this would create an unspoken understanding between the two of you. When you get overwhelmed, you could rely on Nagi to give you the space you need without making things awkward or forcing conversation. In fact, he'd prefer silence and calm moments over long emotional talks.
Nagi would likely leave the choice of where to go for dates or outings up to you, showing his laid-back approach to life. He’s not the type to get worked up over decisions, so he’d allow you to indulge your interests and preferences, especially when it comes to the food and fashion scenes you enjoy.
However, Nagi’s lack of drive at times might be a challenge for you. Your ambition and goal of becoming a diplomat and your dream of owning a bakery/bookstore could clash with his more “live for the moment” mindset. You might find his lack of forward momentum frustrating at times, especially considering your own energetic pursuit of your dreams.
At his core, Nagi values simple pleasures overcomplicated emotions, he might not always be as quick to engage with new people as you, but he’d be supportive of your desire to engage with different cultures and languages, especially as you pursue a career in international relations. His “chill” nature would help balance out your more intense, indecisive moments, providing you with a sense of stability and comfort.
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Since people seem to have a want for OC and Sona stuff, I shall drop it below the cut for anyone who wants that stuff.
I think the big thing I gotta start off with is saying that for me, Sona and OC are two different things; every Sona is of course an OC, but not every OC is a Sona.
So for the sake of explanation I personally define it as such (and if you define it differently, that's perfectly fine I'm just saying this is how I personally define it for the sake of explanation). An OC is simply an Original Character/Creation, it's a work that comes from myself and not an outside influence such as a video game, tv show, or other media. While a Sona is a "Personification" or a "Persona" of a thing, typically representative of myself, but sometimes it could be of an aesthetic, a concept, or a genre. An example of this would be that I used to have various Sonas for the different styles of music I made (which was a trend back in the day god I feel old saying that).
Okay now to actually get into the stuff people actually came here for. Kicking things off with Sonas I use to represent myself in various media we have first on the list:
Velvet has been and continues to be one of my main Sonas and a representation of myself that I use for things like VRC, while the outfits are generally in need of a lot of work (they're pretty basic with a very simple pixelation effect thrown on to give off that dreamcast vibe) the more defining features of their hair/eyes and such are based heavily on my OCs from various media and D&D games. Note that yes these are both intended to be the same character, I'm genderfluid as hell and appreciate being able to outwardly present as a more masculine or feminine design at times. The beanie that masculine Velvet wears is a sort of callback to a beanie I wear a lot IRL because it gives me a place to display my collection of pins, I will eventually update it accordingly however for the time being it works just fine.
For the spooky season I gave Velvet a silly ghost appearance where I decided to take some inspiration from the Jet Set Radio aesthetic of big ol' feet and slightly larger hands, I've always enjoyed the concept of playing around with anatomy in a stylized fashion, I however once again didn't go too hard on the outfit since I'm honestly still working on these characters and have a ways to go before I'm going to be happy with them. I however dropped the pixel look here that we see on the original Velvet design:
While some may argue that this isn't recognizably the same character, I would argue that variety is the spice of life and I am fucking SPICY.
I did do a little work on facial expressions to make sure they didn't horribly disfigure the face which was fun
Another Sona often used to represent myself, and one that I hold dear to me is Akito/Aki, probably the one I'm best known for:
I really did my best to throw more Native inspiration at this lad, and honestly I still have a long ways to go on them. They as well have a feminine design that looks wildly different I don't know why I'm like this but I enjoy it:
and as per usual I'm not 100% happy with how they came out so I'm gonna keep working on them because I love my dumb blorbos but I can never stop "improving" the designs lol.
I think my main issue with the current design for Akito is that the artist who drew the VERY FIRST ever commissioned piece of art for Akito did such a good job and no one has been able to capture the same vibe this sketch has this dude did it for like $5 and I gave him such a big tip because I was so annoyed that he was underselling his work because HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THIS and you want to know the worst part? I got blocked out of my twitter account recently and as I'm unable to access my twitter account I literally do not know what the artist changed his handle to though I remember him changing it before I got locked out, so I literally have no idea what the hell he's going by and I really want to give him a proper shoutout so I'm absolutely going to figure it out because he deserves credit for this piece to the point I'm salty he didn't like, sign it or anything.

This is art that never gets seen and it kills me because for those who don't know, the original design concept for Akito was a sort of mix of 3 things, Kallian (Xenoblade), Sandalphon (Granblue Fantasy), and general Space/Owl motifs given that the general concept design philosophy behind Akito was the idea that, Hihankaga The Owl Maker, a Lakota deity who judged Nagi on their way to the afterlife; was essentially retiring and had placed Akito in her place as the new Owl Maker. My main idea behind that was that people would come to the Owl Maker and tell her their life story the same way I was doing challenge runs in games that would typically follow a character (such as Chester from my Kenshi playthrough) and thematically it would be a sort of "retelling of their life" I was originally, and might still do this mind you; going to have a website dedicated to a sort of "Hall of Fame" where I would write a short bio for each character who's major arc has been completed on the streams and determine if they had lived a life fit for being worthy of an afterlife or whether I'd deemed them unworthy and cast them into the abyss. So basically Akito was meant to be this sort of cosmic owl spirit with wings and stars and the whole nine yards, but still be a more comfortable/easy going sort of individual. The key concept behind Akito as The Owl Maker was simply that Akito never wanted to cast spirits into the abyss so they specifically did everything they could to help people live a fulfilling life just so they could rightfully deem them worthy of their afterlife. Hence why I love the idea of them just wearing really casual clothes and like, a comfy scarf, also I like scarves. The red on the scarf is not just a gentle nod to the color of the four directions but also to the fact Native people are often referred to as "red skins" and generally when it comes to Native imagery such as the symbol for MMIW it's done in red. As a quick aside, if you don't know MMIW is for "Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women" and if you ever seen Akito wearing a red hand-print over their mouth, it's because of this:

(I believe the design on the right was created by Despertar1111 but don't quote me on that seeing as the only place I could find a credit for the image was fucking redbubble but I digress)
The thing no one talks about when it comes to doing Vtuber stuff is the fact that if you're poorer and you save up like $400+ for a model and rigging you'll still get artists who ignore half your design and riggers who generally speaking can't rig full motion so do your research and don't settle on a design/rig that's sub par, I know this now and going forward I'm likely going to make sure the artists and riggers I work with are quality, I already know my next model will be rigged by none other than Neapolitanrime and as for my artist of choice I have no idea because I don't even have the money to consider that sort of thing yet but SOME DAY!
One of my OCs and an old OLD Sona for my sort of Grunge Punk music days was such an edgy lad, I'm very like; closet edgelord but you know I mostly keep it to myself; that being said this dude is named Xploit and I love him to death:
General design philosophy here was very grungey street punk vibes, I did in fact slap the same exact beanie that Velvet wears on him but like again clothing is very placeholder with these and basically meant to give a general vibe. Xploit was originally made after my old band and I went downtown and saw some graffiti that was talking about the exploitation of lower class workers where the bottom of the letters were shaped like knives all pointed at a singular entity, likely the laborer in question. I ran with that design to create the logo for Xploit that mirrors his 3 fangs (middle tooth and side fangs) with the X, the L and I, and the T in his name.
Also because I'm 3edgy5u I made his eyes X's (I just thought it looked neat)
I still have a lot of work to do on the shading since I'm working with very simplified 3D model making software instead of making models from scratch in something like Blender like I should be doing to have as much control over it as I want to. That being said it's meant to give an illusion that he has no facial features such as nose/mouth until otherwise speaking, at which point his fangs are meant to be prominent. Everything about his outline from his eyes to his hair is intended to be extremely sketchy and rough.
and because I have a soft spot for making even my edgier characters silly little guys, I made it so when he gets surprised his eyes bubble up.
Since I know there's some controversy regarding characters with bandages and the like I'd like to quickly make mention that none of the bandages worn by my characters are ever intended to suggest self harm.
Admittedly this is far from the complete roster, but we're eliminating anyone/anything that sprung up from games (I do consider them OCs to a degree but I understand they are influenced by the media they were created from/in and I don't feel like that should be necessarily included on a list of original characters that I specifically defined as "not being from media") and these are the ones I've been working on most recently so they're more in the forefront of my mind; I have plenty more for things ranging from music Sonas to just various OCs I've used for D&D and the like. That being said I'll likely throw together another one of these for the other OCs when I have more time/I'm not as busy.
You can have these drawings though:

Akito and Nazo who is @the-sum-of-ones-parts' sona. They are also the one who drew this. They also drew this of Nazo and Velvet
They also drew Akito in a dress (they are giving Melia vibes and I'm all for it.)

and they ALSO drew Akito and Nazo for the Outlast 2 stream we did.

Note that Nazo is a shapeshifter.
Big shout out to @the-sum-of-ones-parts for drawing so many of my dumb OCs/Sonas (like you guys don't understand there is more but I'm trying to not make this post 10 miles long)
THAT BEING SAID I HAVE A BUNCH OF DUMB MEMES OF AKITO YOU CAN HAVE (if you can't tell Akito is my most public OC)
If you have any questions I probably have answers (hopefully) so ask away my friend.
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@blotthis tagged me for ten songs I am vibing with. I confess to having a relationship with music listening that some would call 'lame' as I have basically never built a relationship to an artist or their body of work (except for john themountaingoats darnielle). I blame my boomer father for burning out those receptors in my youth by inadvertently filling my head with the entire beatles discography, leaving no room for me to become a teen who liked music for cultural reasons (I became a ska kid but because of other reasons). sorry I don't have spotify.
yerbatero (2010) - juanes. I am basically always listening to this song.
washington square (2011) - the correspondents. if you look up the music video it's exactly what you think a bunch of nerds into burlesque would make. I think it's good when something is horny but also sopping wet lame about it. this is the number one song I'd sing at karaoke if they had it but they'll never have it.
the rockafeller skank (1998) - fatboy slim. I put on this song on two weeks ago via free association and have been studying it ever since, mostly for its use of sample as instrumentation. (I went and also listened to all its samplees, too.) two things about this: 1) crit about this alludes to the existence to a uk-based genre called 'big beat' but all the writing about big beat just refers back to fatboy slim. cycle of internet ouroboros complete. 2) I imprinted heavily on the digimon the movie soundtrack.
careful with that hat! (2009? 2010?) - citay
the story in your eyes (1971) - the moody blues. ethan has a horrible tendency to fixate on the phrase 'from the ashes of the old' when we discuss reform versus revolution and every time he does I have to put this on. and then bap him with a newspaper
communication with the dead (2013?) - unclear. I think I would be much more into gabber than I am if I had had more freedom (financial, personal) as a young person. this song was made available for free but the links are defunct. if you want it in 320 message me
acid disco homegirls (2015) - the hair kid. I spend a lot of time on soundcloud but am deliberately not including here all the 45-second-to-three-minute soundclowns I love to accumulate because I respect my followers' time.
cadaver sniffing dog (2019) - the mountain goats. this is my favorite song from this album. I saw him on tour when he was debuting this material. the concert went on for twenty years. man simply has insane stamina
extremely online (2019) - mc frontalot. noone told me that he had an album out after question bedtime until like january this year. what the fuck. damian I love you
call ticketron (2016) - rtj. I was gonna put legend has it and then I was like. well we just had that echolalia post and the cadence of the live from the garden sample has definitely invaded my phonobulary
bonus - current work loop
let's tag some mutuals! some mutuals blot didn't already tag. mutuals who only have a normal amount of emotions about ace attorney. mutuals who love, and dream, and kill. @literallymechanical @waywardking @blasphemous-lies-and-deceit @relia-robot @falindrith @efortmanteau
#now all of china knows I'm boring.#music#powstuff#these posts do make me happy because they remind me of old internet. we are having a fun time filling out our deviantart journals.#eating: rice bowl drinking: coffee listening to: etc etc#oh pretend walter reed is on this list. embarrassing to put it here during the great 2023 house md renaissance but i do own the house md os#and put it on all the time.#also I take it back what I said at the top of the post. john themountaingoats darnielle and damian mcfrontalot hess.
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Industry people voted for Harry to win AOTY, 18,000 industry people vote for that award every year. Whether they think he’s manufactured or not is irrelevant because they’re clearly buying what he’s selling so who really cares? I’m sorry but I’m tired of the self soothing “oh but he’s manufactured and people know it” like… let’s not lie to ourselves to feel better. It’s easy to fall in the trap of thinking that karma is actually real and things will rectify themselves eventually, that we just need a little patience because surely this terrible person is falling out of favor, and people are seeing through them, and their imminent fall from grace is inevitable.
In my experience, that’s self soothing BS. Undeserving people have stepped on my back to get job positions I wanted and needed. My friends would go “oh but I bet your boss will see it if you work hard enough” or “eventually the true face of this person will show” and years go by and things don’t “fix themselves”, karma doesn’t strike, justice isn’t made.
The same thing happens in the music industry, probably ten times worse. As someone who’s been observing the industry for a while, Harry has managed to reach an echelon that very few people have reached in history. I’m talking, Justin freaking Timberlake never won AOTY. 49 artists have won that award since the Grammys were created. Of today’s musical landscape, of artists that routinely chart and are popular, the only ones to ever win it are Billie Eilish, Bruno Mars, Adele, Taylor Swift, and Harry Styles. You can add Kacey Musgraves to that list if you feel so inclined (I don’t, she’s not actually mainstream imo). That is an INSANE lineup to be a part of, and the day I found out he’d won it (the day after the Grammys because I refused to stay up just to get pissed off), was when I realized he’d won.
He just won and people are running in circles trying to come up with excuses as to why, actually, he can still lose. This is what he wanted and he got it, to a degree that I don’t even know he himself imagined (and people can spare me the discourse about his team buying Grammys because you can buy nominations but not awards, and definitely not AOTY, there’s a reason so few people have won it). Sure, we all know everything he lost in the process, but I’m willing to bet he doesn’t care and it’s all worth it for him.
There’s no degree of “the industry knows” or “fans will drop him.” The industry embraced him and he has fans in a chokehold, as much as it makes me want to break things. I let myself be fooled by the reception of his award on twitter, and then I came across a post about it on Facebook. People were outraged… that Twitter was mad. I kid you not. He pops up in my for you page on tik tok all the time no matter how many times I pick “not interested”. The amount of videos defending him and outraged about the person shouting during his acceptance speech. The amount of comments saying that Beyoncé was overrated (freaking BEYONCÉ. Overrated!!!????), that he deserved the win (!!!). The comments on YouTube and even in articles defending him. I truly truly gave up at that point. This poor excuse of a man could kick puppies as a hobby and they’d still be lodged up his ass.
bestie trust me when I tell u that I know all this 😭 I understand you probably just wanted to let your frustration out and I'm glad u did but like I 100% agree unfortunately lol I've always been the most pessimistic when it came to that man, and when I said industry people think he's manufactured I mean they probably know but also why should they care lol the entire music industry is a big manufactured mess built up by horrible men so they will support each other no matter what
and I do agree karma doesn't exist lol Good people are always pushed out by oppressive systems bc otherwise those systems wouldn't work anymore (that's why there are no good politicians and no good cops) and if we're talking about universal karma then good people always die and bad people live to their 90s rip
If u ask any of my friends here like @weareonejazzhand she can tell u I've been saying that we'll never get rid of that man now and we'll still be bombarded with his stupid biopic in 2050 and by then he'll have rewritten history completely lol
money always wins
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Welcome to the LittleStar Center(2008)! Our lovely cast of friends are here at your every service, Kiddo! Ask us anything and you shall receive an answer!
Hello! I’m @callmeend ! And this is my Dandy’s World AU (technically) Where someone that saw the downfall of the Gardenview and went “Wait, why don’t I just make my OWN?”
I’ll try to make my own animations to post to this blog! I’ll also try to make art for asks!
LAST UPDATE: Jan 17th!
-3Special Tags!3-
Little Star ~ well whadda think? Anything Little Star related!
☆You’ve got Mail!☆ ~Asks to deliver!
☆Lost Mail…☆ ~Skipped asks :(
☆Keep this In mind☆ ~Semi interesting stuff that could definitely help you in the future
☆Lore☆ - …?
☆Video-Gif☆ ~Me struggling to make anything that happens to not be a still
☆Hall of Art☆ ~(Reusing this from my main) Art!
☆Event Asks☆ ~ Events created by Askers!
☆- Truth asks..
The Current characters you can talk to are..
(You can also talk to The Narrator!) You can also talk to Sunny, Though, he might not respond.
(Every 5 unanswered/skipped asks you will be blessed with the truth..)
Quick rundown for new comers except I’m not serious as I should be (autism)
Artesia ☀︎- She is a shy artist (at least she’s told) that carries around a small sketchbook and draws the most eye catching things she notices. Drawing is her everything! She is an easy target and very gullible, often having trouble standing up for herself.
Jack ☀︎- A trickster and has the confidence of a God, oftentimes pulling pranks on the others around him, despite being pretty rude and rough apon first meeting, he’d soften up if you give him a chance, probably has the energy and humor of a middle schooler with great (inappropriate) music taste. Even the most beloved creators has a horrible creation and it’s him.
Cambina - Watches carefully over everyone’s moves, is really vague and will most likely leave you in a state of overthinking. She just likes looking over people and can’t bare being alone, kinda wishes she was a real toon.
Gloria ☀︎- Most likely ate the food you told people not to touch but replaces it always. Author, burnt out but also has motivation. Likes singing as a hobby but she wouldn’t do it if you asked her too, 4th most likely to drown a child in strawberry syrup (what am I typing)
Stamps - Ever get a pop up ad? Would come out of thin air to tell you something, would talk a lot but would probably be bombed by Jax again. Would defend you better than a lawyer being paid 7 bucks a second. He would die with your secrets
Balloony ☀︎- (by my sister) he is playful + funny (can make jokes in Morse code (weird flex))
Yoyo ☀︎- THE MINOAUR. Doofus, if you asked him what 11x2 was He would still need a piece of paper, most likely has a to do list and yearns for badges. “Boy Scouts code number —“. ADHD. Needs glasses but keeps breaking them and 9/10 he has undiagnosed autism.
Connor ? - the baker (NOT COSMO) the cooker (NOT GAY.) “nice” is an understatement, being around him would make your day (mainly because he makes free food) no enemies, because he poisoned them all, has years worth of rage stored up inside of him but when he’s mad he thinks “why are you over reacting” before dancing to breakcore
Crispin ☀︎ - Everyone already said it, Western.(def lives on a barn) Somewhat sweet and tart, would load up his double barrel shotgun and put it in your mouth if you tried to drink him. Provides most of the food in the little star center!
Serena ? - This sorrowful siren isn’t technically apart of the little star center, disconnected from the others, she tries her best to get by. Normally she would have a snarky attitude towards you and would sing songs to hypnotize you, so watch out! Serenas jewelry is her most prized possessions! She is the only siren in her family (her 2 sisters and father). Sunny keeps close eye on her.
Dr. Crow ? - The Doctor of the toons, also a Potion-brewer! She has the power to heal most pains, emotionally or physically with the perfect mixture of ingredients. She lives in a hut and actually does have a crow companion! Sunny keeps close eye on her. Iris ☀︎- (The Minour part two!) this over curious, lovesick toon. There is no true purpose to her existence, but she gets along well with the others! She is fairly clingy and will often need reminders for personal space. She is the only toon with a diary!
Tee ? - Being her pushy obnoxious self is normal practice, This toons favorite person is herself! Even though she seems to not truly understand who she is yet, her friends will always be there to help and support her. With her inconsistent show running and her many skills, she is sure to leave a smile on your face!
Lucky ☆- Lucky is an Optimistic but yet very logical toon, her presence alone makes others feel fortunate! Born under a unfortunate but lucky star, she has been blessed with a power to make her planting and weather dreams a reality! Shes often a much calmer toon!
☀︎ Sunny ☀︎- Lovely all mighty.. He gatekeeps rather he's a witch or a Wizard, he would appear when someone had a problem, He would tackle tough topics, He doesn't spend much time with the others because he's a loner (he would if he did he just doesn't becaus-), He has once had a wife/love interest that is always brought up in very vague ways, He can fly by using clouds, he's the smartest in the team, He loves the water (just sitting in the sunset/sunrise, watching the water), He acts as a Guide since he knows most, he likes drawing and writing on walls. Worst person to have on your bad side. Keeps everything and everyone safe, after all, you need the sun right?
Friend Made Ocs-
Daria - ‘Daria is one adventurous gal! She loves to create fun quests for people to take up. Since she never backs down from a challenge, it means she can be a little overconfident at times—often saying things she’ll never actually do. But, either way, she’ll be your guiding light throughout any task.’ ~ @umaisho
Loucky the computer - MINOR - computer but unfortunately stupid as hell at times (damaged system). Yaps in python, responds in python ~ @machlover54666
Autumn the Pumpkin - Autumn is a young, energetic pumpkin. He enjoys doing lots of dangerous activities, and enjoys the thrill of it. Autumn inspires children to face their fears! (Rundown one)
Autumn - This kid’s got guts. Rushing into any dangerous situation without hesitation, he’ll do anything just for the thrill of it. In case something goes wrong, he’s always equipped with his water gun. He never really needs it though, because it’s just a water gun. He may seem fearless, but truly, he has a lot more worries than he lets on. (Rundown two) ~ @thatonewizard1806
Sparks and Carmella - Nobody knows where they came from. They just showed up one day. Sparks is excited and joyful almost constantly, running around recklessly and always getting into trouble, while Carmella is an elegant and refined one, who would rather stay inside all day. These two are commonly with Autumn when he’s not busy on some bizarre scheme. ~ @thatonewizard1806
Tara - Tara is often working on some dangerous experiment. She’s gone kind of insane and has some… odd theories, to say the least. To be completely honest, she’s probably the least trustworthy person in the entire center. ~ @thatonewizard1806 AGAIN.
Boomie - He is a chill and laid back dude who will stand up for and protect others whenever needed, despite this, he refuses to use physical violence of any sort ~ @a-rand0m-bl0g
Rhonda - Rhonda is your completely normal toon! For a radio, she isn't that talkative around other people. For some reason, she can't remember where she came from! She's too busy with her awesome radio talk show, "Radiohead Rhonda" to care about that. She's mostly found at the station. There'll be a chance she calls people "callers", don't read too much into it. ~ @i-ate-all-of-my-toes / @not-iaaomts-rp-blog (Is on break! Please refrain from sending asks!)
Icelyn - Icelyn is an egotistical ice cube. Who loves exploring Anywhere with snow! She isn’t the biggest fan of human interaction. But she does love someone. But NEVER under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. LET ICELYN AROUND IRIS. SHIT WILL HIT THE FAN. ~ @four-corners-dude
Collan - "Collan is one lazy too- ..wait, why am I even writing this..? I don't get paid for this!" ~ @jackoffalope-2
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ ꩜˚.Seeya₊˚𖤐~.
#little star#ask blog#dandy’s world au#☆you've got mail!☆#☆Keep this In mind☆#☆Lore☆#☆Video-Gif☆#☆Hall of Art☆#send asks#☆Event Asks☆#☆Lost Mail...☆#☆
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