#not even being customer service wise just like in general
shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
ahem happy happy birthday i know you're having an absolutely miserable day but know that you are one of my oldest and dearest friends and you mean so much to me. i would give you the biggest hug were i across the country and i hope that things start to get better for you because you deserve better especially on your day. love you lots and i am thinking of you xox
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im a month late responding to my own birth messages i'm a fRAUD howdy milove! thank you v v much! it got better a few days later overall (b/uild a b/ear ftw) but boy howdy was december a wild month thank you thank you thank you!!!!
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rainbowsillz · 1 year
Could I maybe ask for your take on how the dorm leaders react to their SO playing with their hair (and their ears/horns when it comes to Leona/Malleus)?
I love your writing! 💜
“How are you so carefree with this? I swear you are full of surprises..”
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Pairings: Multiple Characters X GN! Reader.
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Note: Sure! Thanks for this request(*^o^*)✨ I admit I got a bit lazy so no Vil and Idia qwq.
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RIDDLE was near to conjuring his signature magic with you, and he was very tempted to it when he felt a hand tucking a strand of his ruby hair behind the back of his ear until his eyes met yours. The howling snarl in his mind settled when he downed his cup of tea. In an attempt to remind himself. What kind of person would he be if he loses his conduct with a spouse of his because of his mania? And because you informed him how much he was as exquisite as if he was a prince from a mythology you heard from.
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LEONA was generally meh with it. Just don't touch his tail, 'kay? Or else, he'll be making you his pillow for the rest of his evening. Let's say, you're lucky to be his mate because if it's the others, he'd probably flip with this blunder, deemed it as an annoyance for him. He's also extremely prideful with your display of affections and reassuring words, it somewhat feeds into his ego that at least he's number one in your opinion (unlike that damned lizard). It means a lot to him even if you are as dense as a rock or something too.
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AZUL has an intriguing reaction. Internally, he's kicking his feet and beaming like a high-school boy interacting with his crush, how about external wise from your point of view? Gripping his coat, as he forced another customer service smiling face (that looks unnatural) as if he wasn't on the urge to hide himself in his octopus pot. Does that mean you'll marry him? Is this a yes? He's delusional. Not that I would blame him, he's overjoyed after all. From his tone, he seemed to be okay with these gestures...?
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KALIM behaved as you'd guess. Zero hesitation. Poke his forehead? Go ahead. Hold hands? Wonderful. I wholeheartedly believe that he would encourage you to because it means that you were at ease with his presence. Easy to talk him into your sort of thing (while Jamil suffered). With how dazzling and happy-go-lucky he is, you wouldn't have the heart to refuse him either. He jumped up and dragged you to his drawer as he motioned you to pick out a brush so you could use it on him as you wished.
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MALLEUS was ecstatic, that wouldn't be enough to describe him. For you, it may be due to your own curiosity or you being adventurous with the said fae, his pupils intently gazing into you. Is this how humans express their emotions? What's the underlying meaning? Too invested in his thoughts at this time. You ran your fingers along the curve, sturdy and bony sprouts on his height. Amusement was creeping on his features as he let out a chortle at it. How brave. You differ from everything he knew of, aren't you?
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bomberqueen17 · 7 days
Liveblogging the Aubreyad: Book 3, HMS Surprise (part 1)
This one, I made notes on my phone while listening to the audiobook, so we shall see how well I distill them.
The series is hitting its stride now as a series, I think. M&C was kind of oneshottish, no real expectation of continuation; Post Captain was the pleased "oh! i get another one? great!" where he then crammed in three books' worth into one, and now HMS S is "ah. this is a series! Settle this plot down, then." pacing-wise.
So we pick up with politicians wrangling over the aftermath of the previous book, which had seemed to end so tidily and on such a happy note. Of course that is not the end-- there's a series now.
So at the end of the previous book, Jack was one of five captains sharing out a prize of some several million pounds, and this would have made him enormously wealthy and guaranteed his marriage. Of course.
In the opening scene of this one we hear that, legally, Spain had not declared war on Britain at the time, so legally, that money is not prize money, so legally, it should just be kept entirely for the government and not distributed to the sailors and officers who actually did the fighting at all, despite that being the well-established custom of the day. Legally, see, they don't have to hand it out, even though the people who designed the mission, and the people who executed the mission, all felt certain that it was a legit prize at the time and acted accordingly.
Stephen's friend Sir Joseph, head of Naval Intelligence, is arguing that of course it should be prize money, for large numbers of very good reasons, not least that he designed the mission with that in mind.
But the new First Lord of the Admiralty is a civilian politician. And he openly mentions Stephen Maturin's name, despite the fact that Sir Joseph had stressed to him that the man is a confidential agent. The First Lord does not catch the hint. And then he asks who the captains are, and remembers that Jack Aubrey's father is an opposition member in Parliament, and immediately Sir Joseph knows that it's over; this is political wrangling now, and this man will make a decision that harms the national interest and the morale of the service and everything else simply because General Aubrey is a politician he does not like.
So there is no prize money. And Jack is not out of debt. And cannot marry Sophie. And, far far far worse, Stephen's name is now exposed to a crowd of non-confidential people of no particular discretion, particularly marked as a secret agent with knowledge of Spanish affairs.
Anyway-- zooming out from that crackerjack first scene, and it is despite how it sounds, it's really well-told political intrigue with a very good layering of easy-to-understand, easy-to-deplore bullshit (and Admiral Harte gets his shitty little nose in there being a massive hypocrite, have no fear) -- the general situation is thus:
Jack, still in the Lively, is in the Med bottling up the French fleet in Toulon, and is engaged to Sophie-- legally, with all kinds of avaricious wrangles from Mrs. Williams, all the terms and conditions he acquiesced to unprotesting, so that Sophie will legally own most of their joint property. Diana has run off to India with Canning; Stephen has been collecting intelligence on them, though mostly it seems for the purpose of hurting himself with it. Stephen is to go to Minorca to do more intelligence stuff despite the fact that his name has been exposed-- the news will not have reached them, Stephen says coolly, declining to cancel the mission.
The Lively has a schoolmaster to oversee the young gentlemen's lessons. (Prior to being a midshipman, a young gentleman will be expected to have served three years of sea time, with the status of First Class Volunteer; many are listed as servants during this time, and many of them do not actually report to the ship during this time-- entering a friend's son on one's books to say he was on a ship long enough that when he joins he can just start as a midshipman with no waste of time is a perfectly accepted kind of little fraud, very common in Jack's social circles. "Young gentleman" as a category seems to include both the volunteers and rated midshipmen. But the Lively has a number of quite young gentlemen actually aboard, including the five-year-old [or, seven. he was five in the previous book but in this book, some weeks later, he is now seven] son of one of the lieutenants, as he came home from a voyage to find his wife dead and no family remaining to care for the child, so the little boy has been onboard ever since. Apparently Babbington may actually have still been a volunteer during some of the events of Master and Commander, but of course this is not consistently represented. I fully support an author doing whatever the hell he wants with timelines, and it is absolutely consistent with the inconsistency of historical records, LOL.)
Anyway-- Jack also actually went to sea as a volunteer very young, and the ship he was on did not have a competent schoolmaster, so he has suffered his entire life from not a very good education. He is sitting in on the young gentlemen's lessons ostensibly because he is concerned for them and wants to ensure they learn what they must, but in practice, he is taking advantage of this opportunity to get a proper thorough grounding in his own education, belatedly, and is thereby unlocking a real true love of mathematics, heretofore only instinctively guessed-at.
The Lively has seen long prior service in the South Pacific, and as such has a number of Asian crew members aboard. (So we do now see the word Chinaman occur, which unlike Indiaman does refer to humans, but is used as a neutral descriptor; I will nevertheless henceforth be avoiding its use, though to be fair I think it only occurs once in the book anyway.) Jack is pleased with the Chinese and Malayan crewmen, largely, as they all are unfailingly polite and have a number of useful skills, and are excellent seamen. But he finds out during an elaborate cutting-out expedition that many of them had formerly been pirates; they slaughter their opponents with absolutely stunning efficiency in a quite practiced manner despite how little combat the Lively itself has seen.
They make for Minorca to pick up Stephen but he does not make the rendezvous. Another Catalan man appears, and says Stephen has been taken, and is being tortured by the French in Port Mahon. Jack knows the city. With the Catalans, he sets up a rescue mission, and frees the prisoners, burns the house (coincidentally, the house where Captain and Molly Harte used to live), and rescues Stephen, who has had all his fingernails pulled out and has been stretched on a rack. (Touchingly, he has hallucinated Jack coming in to rescue him before, and so when it truly happens, is surprisingly calm, mistaking it for another hallucination.) It is a taut little action, badass as fuck. The officers of the Lively are disappointed when Jack won't take them, but this is not an official sanctioned expedition and there will be no glory, no report, no credit, no advancement of career-- it is simply a pragmatic necessity, and he wants only people who know the ground (his own people, Killick and Bonden) plus enough to pad out the numbers to make it work, so he takes those of the Chinese and Malay pirates who choose to volunteer, since this is just the ticket for them. (All of them volunteer.)
(A side note. The Catalan who helps them is named Joan. The audiobook narrator pronounces this Catalan man's name, which in Spanish would be Juan, and is pronounced the same, as the English woman's name Joan. Come on Simon. I believed in you.)
They get Stephen and get out, and we resume the tale in England with Stephen staying at an inn in Portsmouth. The Lively has been handed back over to her real captain, Hammond, at Gibraltar.
Jack is immediately arrested for debt as he tries to get the invalid Stephen into a carriage to go from Portsmouth to London, so off he goes to a sponging-house, hero or no; he goes quietly and resignedly. Sir Joseph Blaine is shocked to hear that heroic Jack is imprisoned; he had arranged for at least a consolation, an ex gratia payment, for the captains who were denied prize rights over the Spanish treasure, but it comes out that the agent has been slow in paying it out, and Jack is helpless without it. Blaine resolves to see it settled, at least, and does-- Jack is released. At least provisionally; there are other debts.
Sir Joseph, in his gratitude for Stephen's rescue, gets Jack another ship-- HMS Surprise, on an errand to carry an emissary to Kampong. It's a good long mission in a lovely ship (in which Jack served as a midshipman long ago), and he hopes it will give Jack's affairs time to settle.
Stephen turns to Bonden, asking him to write a letter for him, since his hands are so injured, and it comes out abruptly that Bonden is illiterate.
'Bonden,' cried Stephen, 'take pen and ink, and write -' 'Write, sir?' cried Bonden. 'Yes. Sit square to your paper, and write: Landsdowne Crescent - Barret Bonden, are you brought by the lee?' 'Why, yes, sir; that I am - fair broached-to. Though I can read pretty quick, if in broad print; I can make out a watch-bill.' 'Never mind. I shall show you the way of it when we are at sea, however: it is no great matter - look at the fools who write all day long - but it is useful, by land. You can ride a horse, sure?' 'Which I have rid a horse, sir; and three or four times, too, when ashore.'
Bonden takes the message on foot, and goes and fetches Sophie and Pullings, Sophie to write the letter from Stephen to Jack, and Pullings to carry it. This allows them to arrange for Sophie to come along to the rendezvous, so that she can see and speak to Jack briefly without her mother's knowledge. Jack had tried to release her from the engagement when his renewed troubles with debt became apparent, but she wished to refuse, but could not speak to him directly about it, so this is their chance.
She sneaks out at night and goes in the coach with Stephen, and there gets a half an hour (well, forty-five minutes; Stephen with the timepiece is soft-hearted) of conversation with Jack before they must part ways, her to go home and sneak back in to her house, Stephen and Jack to go on to the Surprise, waiting in Plymouth.
The Surprise makes her way off around the world, saddled with a moderately ineffectual but amiable first lieutenant named Hervey who has influential friends, and a second lieutenant named Nicolls who is inoffensive if clearly suffering from major depression, but with Tom Pullings as the third lieutenant, competent and familiar. They are becalmed awhile, and Jack teaches Stephen to swim-- badly, but at all, which is an accomplishment.
'Did you see me?' [Stephen] cried as Jack came nearer. 'I swam the entire length: four hundred and twenty strokes without a pause!' 'Well done,' said Jack, swinging himself into the boat with an easy roll. 'Well done indeed.' Each stroke must have propelled Stephen a little less than three inches, for the Surprise was only a twenty-eight gun ship, a sixth-rate of 579 tons - the kind so harshly called a jackass frigate by those not belonging to her. 'Should you like to come aboard? Let me give you a hand.'
Some of the men get scurvy. They run short of supplies and are down to eating rats, which they euphemistically term "millers" out of absurd delicacy. Stephen has pet rats, he is feeding them madder as an experiment.
They find St. Paul's Rocks, where Stephen begs to be put ashore for a moment to study the birds. Jack declines, as it is Sunday and one cannot ask the men to work on Sunday, but the second lieutenant Nicolls volunteers to take him over in the little rowboat for a few hours.
A sudden squall damages the ship and washes poor depressed Nicolls away, along with the little boat; Stephen survives, but is stranded, and the Surprise driven away by the wind. Some undefined time later (two days?), Babbington comes in the barge with Bonden and others rowing double-banked in a great hurry straight into the eye of the wind where the ship herself could not come, certain the Doctor must be dead but hoping against hope to find him. They do, alive, and bring him back to the ship.
Stephen claims that the extreme heat on the shelter-less rock has worked miracles on his torture-twisted tendons.
'I wish you joy of your rescue, Doctor,' said Mr Atkins, the only man aboard who was not pleased to see the barge return: Stephen was attached to the mission in an artfully vague capacity, and the envoy's instructions required him to seek Dr Maturin's advice; Mr Atkins's advice or indeed presence was nowhere mentioned and he was consumed with jealousy. 'May I fetch you a towel or some other garment?'- with a look at Stephen's scrofulous shrunken belly. 'You are very officious, sir; but this is the garment in which I shall appear before God; I find it answers pretty well. It may be termed my birthday suit.' 'That has choked the bugger off,' said Pullings to Babbington, just above his breath, out of a motionless face. 'That is one in his bleeding eye.'
During Stephen's absence, however, he finds that someone has stolen his rats, and he is furious.
Babbington is given an acting promotion to lieutenant to replace Nicolls. His perfect delight in this is marred only by his guilt at having, along with the rest of the larboard midshipmen's berth, eaten Stephen's rats, and he blubberingly confesses. Stephen revenges himself only mildly for this offense.
Jack wished to avoid putting ashore in Brazil, to avoid official delays, but Stephen suggests they just find a village and buy green stuff there, which works. Stephen of course has to go ashore. He promises not to return with any vampires, but in the event comes back with a three-toed sloth, which does not like Jack. Jack wins it over by giving it grog, in time-honored sailor fashion. Stephen discovers this and is indignant, leading to possibly the funniest line in this book:
Stephen looked sharply round, saw the decanter, smelt to the sloth, and cried, 'Jack, you have debauched my sloth.'
The dignitaries aboard are annoying and take up an enormous amount of space, including Jack's entire great cabin, so that he must room with Stephen in a smaller space. The envoy himself, a Mr. Stanhope, is dignified and kind (though a bit remote: "Once he had established that Jack and Hervey were connected with families he knew, he treated them as human beings; all the others as dogs - but as good, quite intelligent dogs in a dog-loving community"), but his head secretary, Mr. Atkins, is an officious, self-important, tale-bearing busybody universally loathed onboard.
Stephen teaches Bonden to read and write. They have their lessons up in the top, for privacy-- Bonden is not keen to be mocked on his scholarly habits, and hides the book when the midshipman Callow comes up to deliver a message. Stephen doesn't notice this.
They get, finally, to the high latitudes, where there is a huge blow, though Stephen is consoled by finally seeing the albatross. The dignitaries complain that the ship leaks and demand better accomodations. Stephen refuses to pass the message and tells the officious secretary to go tell Jack himself. The man declines to do this, as Jack is currently lashed to the wheel in the driving rain working like hell round the clock with all hands to keep the ship from broaching-to and foundering, and indeed shortly after winds up clinging for his life to a broken mast in the front of the ship trying like hell to keep the sea from overwhelming them. Surprise is damaged internally, her timbers strained, and they have to limp the rest of the way. Not a single rat is left in the ship, the stores are dangerously low.
I wasn't going to do this but I'm going to divide this. I swear I'll get better at making these short. I'm kind of doing a... rehabilitative exercise on my ability to write, here. Coming up is part two, Bombay! With critical updates on How Many Indiamen Tom Pullings Has Been In! And you'll never guess who gets the clap!
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ooops-i-arted · 2 months
I went to Gina Carano's panel at Fanboy Expo today too. I was hoping for a scrap of Cara content and honestly curious what she was like irl. I did my best to go in with an open mind. (If you've been following me you'll know I am a former fan - loved her as soon as I saw Cara Dune, dove into her other stuff and loved her as a performer and found her MMA career awesome, will not stand for her bigotry and spreading misinformation.) I took notes so everything in quotes is directly what she said, brackets to add context or when I missed exact words.
Panel started with a review of her fighting career, nothing that hasn't been covered before. She was asked "Where would you be [career wise] if not for fighting and acting?" and she said "I don't know, I wouldn't be here." She says she actually dreamed of being in romance movies and wearing pretty dresses, and now she's in action movies, which was actually pretty cute. She always liked sports. The panel person asked "How did you know you were good at fighting?" and she just said "I always knew."
She then talked about being cast in Haywire, Steven Soderergh and his wife saw her fight Cyborg and thought about making a movie around her. She said "They didn't give me an acting coach. They just put me in with all these people. [....] Michael Fassbender gave me a whiskey and sat down and went over the lines with me." (Almost all of her lines in that movie were dubbed over. Her fight scenes in it are amazing.)
About Fast and Furious 6 she said "Now I have to watch all of them? .....I didn't." Which was genuinely funny.
For Deadpool, "Let me tell you about the superhero landing. I'm going to ruin it all." She filmed it by just jumping off an apple box apparently lmao. "The first time I jumped and landed I just heard this wailing of laughter. [The director] said "That was the most anticlimatic thing I've ever seen." She also said Ryan Reynolds would riff and sometimes she'd forget she was in the scene/on camera and break character by laughing.
Mentions of her beef with Lucasfilm/Disney were peppered throughout the whole panel. She said "I have no intention of not doing what my heart desires." Which... okay, if you're a toddler. I wanna punt the principal I had last year into the sun but I remained professional and am now getting a new job. A loooooooooot of the way she said things/her general vibe reminded me of kiddos I got when I worked at an expensive summer camp whose population was mainly rich white kids - kids who had never before been denied anything in their life, and being told no, no matter how kindly, was treated as devastating. (And then they figured it out in a few days when tantruming at me didn't work. Gina, apparently, has not figured that out yet.) (Also for context, if you didn't know, she is a trust fund baby and her family is in Vegas casinos. I highly doubt she is hurting for money.)
Also after seeing Giancarlo Esposito's panel, and how well-spoken he is and how thoughtfully he chose his words even while discussing things like voting and the current state of the world, it just really stood out how she doesn't know how to conduct herself professionally. She's said herself she isn't good at public speaking, which fair, she was a bit soft spoken and shy but I don't just mean that. She doesn't have a "customer service" face like us normal people have to put on at work. She doesn't seem to think she has to. You can be genuine while still being polite - I do it all the time at work, I did it at this panel while asking my question to her, and I'm sure you all know part of life is putting on different "attitudes" for different situations.
She is starting her own production company. She wants to write, star, produce, and direct apparently (unclear if all at once or on different projects, I sure envy her blind confidence tho). She wants to do this because "She's seen where it's gone wrong." (See what I mean about beef peppered throughout?) When asked what her ultimate passion project would be, she said "It's not so much if it's a drama, comedy, or action, it has to have heart and it has to have meaning. It has to have a good story." She mentioned she was working on a movie and series and had some ideas and stories, but no specifics.
She wouldn't stop mentioning God or Jesus either (so I'd bet money she's That Kind of Christian*) and someone asked her "How do you practice choosing roles with discernment [regarding your faith]?" Her answer: "Oh I never think about it." She says she's not a prude but wouldn't do certain things, but she decided this in 2020. She did not elaborate, but apparently "God will let her know when she crosses the line." So I guess we aren't getting any more topless Insta pics lol.
(*I'm trying not to be an ass but as a queer woman, I know That Kind Of Christian when I see it, and she clocked like that hard. Ymmv.)
Finally a Mandalorian question, her favorite and the hardest scenes to film on The Mandalorian. She said the season 2 final scene was the hardest, because it was emotional "and there was more going on the scenes than people realize." The other was when Grogu was choking her. She was holding her breath too hard and passed out. (I honestly thought she was choking when she said that when the episode originally aired.) Brendan Wayne was in the scene with her and was worried, and then she did it again.
I was next, and I first (truthfully) told her that I appreciated seeing someone like her onscreen, because I hadn't looked like Rey/Padme/Leia since I was 16. I then asked "Where do you see Cara's character going in the future, and what detail about her backstory didn't make it onscreen?" She said she thinks Cara is still floating around with special forces, and "Disney could do more with that if they got their head out of their ass." Everyone clapped, I didn't, I kept my hands clasped and said thank you. She did not answer my other question. So unfortunately, no character tidbits about Cara.
Next person asked if Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson [and some other "canceled" actor, I can't remember] know about her and if they'll work with her in the future. She said maybe, she's open to it. "I'm not into chasing people to work." I had to bite my tongue because GIRL YOU ARE CHASING DISNEY DOWN TO REHIRE YOU.
She was asked about the lawsuit and if she'd take the role of Cara back if it was offered. She said "I loved playing Cara Dune" and Jon Favreau "really got into her brain" and was happy to see her at Carl Weathers' funeral, but ended with a wishy washy we'll see/God will work in his own way. She did say she still keeps in touch with Bill Burr and "He's my favorite. He's so funny. Gina, we gotta go to a UFC fight some day."
She was asked "Do you have a fight you look back on with fondness?" She said there's only one she doesn't look back on fondly (presumably Cyborg) and rambled a bit about her fights. The person asked the same question again, and she again answered "There's only one I don't look back on fondly."
She did say she's focusing again on getting healthier and training again. She says she was "the only girl they couldn't chase away" back in the day and "I'll be in my 80s shadowboxing in the basement saying I can still fight" which was genuinely cute. She also talked about how she had to figure out eating and weight control on her own, nowadays trainers have nutrition services as sponsors. She said it was tough to drop the weight, it was like losing part of her body. (She didn't always make exact weight in her MMA fights and back then, they didn't have a class heavier than 135 lb iirc.) Muay Thai was her favorite. She recommends jujitsu for women looking to protect themselves, since you end up on the floor, but "I just love to punch. They tell me I punch like a trucker."
She ended with another jab at Disney (she did have people kissing her ass the whole time about Freeze Peach and encouraging this) and "When is someone gonna stop them from treating people the way they've been treating people." Also, God is using Elon Musk, which is one hell of a sentence. And that was the panel. (Terror on the Prairie, her big comeback, was not mentioned once.)
She was very nice and sweet and all, but what really stood out to me was a complete lack of creativity. Her answers were very canned, there was very little I hadn't heard in another interview. She just sounded kinda dim, to be blunt. She didn't elaborate on her answers (she couldn't imagine another career she'd like, for my question she just repeated what Disney had already established, she had no specifics for a passion project/idea, she couldn't recall a specific fond moment from a fight or anything, so on). A lot of Disney bad, God good, I should be able to say what I want, rinse and repeat. She's said for a long while she's passionate about art and telling stories. I am too, so I relate - but I've put in time and practice to be able to make what I do. My impression is she wants the praise and adulation, but without the hard parts that go with it. (Honestly I also think CTE may be a factor. She does NOT sound like she did in interviews years ago. Like after she found out Cyborg (the only fight she lost) was on steroids her response was very graceful and kind.)
This is long and I know you're probably thinking why do you care, but I truly admired her. She was a MMA champ in a time when women weren't seen as being able to do the sport. She was positive about her body and I started getting serious about the gym and being healthier because of her onscreen on Cara Dune. She literally made me realize I'm more than a little gay because she's so gorgeous. Ironically, her behavior nowadays inspires me to be brave and speak up for what I believe in despite being naturally shy. I would still be her biggest fan if she hadn't mocked the queer community and spread misinformation and tantrumed when she was called out on it. I even have some empathy - 18 year old me would have been 100% behind her and supported her. But I listened to other perspectives and learned and grew. She clearly has no desire to change herself, or even try to listen to others. I've made the decision to go no contact with my paternal family since I came out because they're the same way. So it stings to see someone so loudly and proudly be like them and be praised and accepted for it. To look around an entire room and wonder who here is happy with people like me being legislated into silence, or worse. For people to clap when Gina says she won't be forced to be "woke" - aka to respect people who are different, like me. Remember, Disney never asked her to stop believing her MAGA stuff, they just wanted her to act professionally while she was their employee.
In any case, nothing will stop me from loving Cara Dune, and I will proudly wear my new cosplay tomorrow.
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apompkwrites · 3 months
Nanami!Older!Bucchi is a very wise and reserved kind of hynea beastman, often appearing so calm and indifferent that he comes off as stoic and aloof. He seems like the kind of person who's too serious about his work, but Nanami!Bucchi just knows how to separate sentimentalism from service. He also fond of baked goods and is usually the last customer for the pastry chef due to his work schedule which usually ends with them talking for hours about how they overworked they are. It's been joked by Keiran, Venus!Diamond and Mirajane!Silver that he and the pastry chef are in love with each other.
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Qin!Viper is extremely confident in himself despite his status as a servant to Al-Asim. He's also quite fearless especially when calling out the dorm leaders for either teasing or making fun of Yuu who he's quite fond of. He's described by Jamil to be "The Cursed Viper who has his freedom" due to his friendship with Sinbad!Al-Asim who actually treats him like a person and the fact that the only reason Sinbad!Al-Asim has Qin!Viper as a servant was the fact that Qin!Viper often calls him out more times than not which was something Sinbad!Al-Asim respected. His unique magic was definitely sealed away during his first year due to him collapsing when he first unlocked it which led to him being transferred from NRC to RSA first then back to NRC when he finally gotten it under control. Despite what happen to him, he's remained as Sinbad!Al-Asim's servant ever since.
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Sinbad is a very laidback and fun-loving person. He can be quite a flirt and is not above using his charm to get what he wants. He has flirted with a lot of people. Despite all this, he can be serious when needed and is a great and honorable noble who is respected by everyone he meets, especially his servants. He has been called out by Qin!Viper for his arrogance when they first arrived to NRC.
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Barbie!LeBlanche (Based on Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse Barbie, not Movie Barbie)
Barbie!LeBlanche is a very passionate, bubbly, kind-hearted person and never has any bad intentions or will. They always helps others, even despite Vil's evil schemes towards their sibling. They are shown to be a social butterfly and outgoing, easily making friends, as they are  loyal, friendly, generous, and tries their hardest not to upset them. Barbie!LeBlanche is a fashion enthusiast, even owning their own giant boutique and is usually prepared in case of a fashion emergency/disaster.
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I can see Nanami!Bucchi being someone Ruggie looks up to. Maybe that's where he gets his work ethic from. Either way, Nanami!Bucchi would 100% drop by Savanaclaw given permission and time to deliver food for Ruggie. And only for Ruggie, he tells his brother he's not allowed to share. He'd get Ruggie donuts from that pastry chef, but he'd definitely have to convince himself to give them up because he loves those donuts too.
Qin!Viper and Sinbad!Asim are definitely... characters compared to their brothers BAHAHAHA. I can see people expecting Sinbad!Asim to be the same as Kalim or vice versa depending on who they meet first, only to be met with an absolute curveball of a personality shift between the brothers. Meanwhile, Qin!Viper and Jamil would share some similarities (according to Azul at least, who finds both very amusing and fascinating) but Jamil would absolutely hate the fact that Qin!Viper draws so much attention to them. Like, his brother is ruining his plans PLEASE--
Barbie!LeBlanche would be just as loved by everyone as Neige is ajkdfhskj... OMG imagine Rook being a LeBlanche sibling fan. Vil would riot when he finds out 😭
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smsprovider · 1 month
Bulk SMS Provider in UAE
Bulk SMS Provider in UAE
UAE Bulk SMS Provider Forwardvaluesms.com With the ever-increasing competition in the business world, it is more important than ever to invest in area marketing systems that give you an advantage. In the meantime, the rise of the mobile age and the expansion of the media transmission industry have made it possible for nearly everyone in your target segment to own a cell phone. Because of these factors, it is now extremely reasonable and essential for marketing strategies to incorporate selecting mass SMS services. Utilizing a robust Mass SMS framework, developing a product, or outsourcing these services all play a significant role in expanding your business. Reaching Out to Specific Groups of People:
1. The fundamental benefit of realizing a Mass SMS application is preparing to be to unendingly attract with productive clients and snare them back to your thing or organization line.
2. The probabilities of successfully correspondence your message is a significant measure use, by virtue of choosing mass SMS plans, basically considering the way that the gatherer will without a doubt go through it later whether or not his versatile is switched off at the time of passing on the message. Cost-effective and productive: 1. In addition to being more cost-effective than calling each person on your database individually, sending a mass SMS is also more effective. 2. Additionally, because the framework is electronic, it is a cost-effective method for contacting global audiences.
3. By integrating mass SMS benefits with your company website, you can further reduce costs. This project also does not require any upkeep.
Relevance in Reaching Advertising Objectives:
1. Compared to mass emails, which are more likely to end up in the recipient's spam folder, SMS messages have a much higher degree of credibility.
2. Organizations often find that mass informing makes it simple to spread information about new advertising campaigns, limited-time offers, and even invitations to special events.
Ineffectiveness in General Correspondence and Execution:
1. Mass SMS services are just as useful for internal communication as they are for outside correspondence, particularly with representatives who are typically out in the field.
2. You can effectively maintain contact databases for future correspondences by investing in a mass information framework.
3. Mass SMS arrangements are easier to put into action than you might think. All you need is a good internet connection. You wouldn't need to hire any specialized staff because this is a mechanized programming program that is incredibly simple to use.
Basically doling out the ability to a current specialists part is good. In a matter of minutes, you can immediately convey each of your messages. Investing in this strategy is a great way to ensure customer satisfaction and keeps target audiences fully informed with relevant information.
It is basic to check that your expert center for conveying your mass compositions is strong and not a fake. This is to moreover ensure that your data sets are not abused and the legitimacy of your correspondence is kept up. Use these services wisely to grow your business and implement an effective mass SMS advertising strategy!
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 17, "Dead Uncles and Vegetables", Part I
I have little to no recollection of what happens in this episode except that it involves Luke's dead uncle (duh), which probably means it's filler. Glorious, glorious filler. And I can be free to be SILLY! This one will be silly. Read my reviews of all previous episodes here. The episode opens with Lorela growing irritated as she listens to an excessive amount of answering machine messages left by her mother. Oh, but when Dean does it, its cute?
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I feel like I should put this screen capture in my pocket for later use, it might come in handy.
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Oh Michel, how I've missed you.
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I hope this is one of those episodes where everything is calm and I can just bask in references to outdated technology. Luke calls Lorelai at work because his uncle his dead and he needs to book the inn.
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She found 9 available rooms that quickly, business must be slow.
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"Today's Desserts" haven't changed in 2 years.
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Haven't seen this guy in a while.
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Sure, it's bad customer service, but I think Luke should tell more people to shut up. The citizens of Stars Hollow need to be humbled. Where's Jess to help juggle all those orders? Is a little bit of child labor too much to ask for?
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I love how Stars Hollow in general is always behind techology wise (I'm not convinced they even have dial up internet yet) but Luke is always even further back. While the citizens are enamored with this new technology called a "cellular phone" Luke has banished them from his establishment and hasn't even caught up to "cordless landline" yet.
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Okay, but Luke asking you if you know how to make coffee is a reasonable question. You are in here every morning, afternoon and night where Luke makes your coffee for you. I never see you brew it at home.
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The answer to this question is always "Upstairs, jerking off."
If Jess should be at school, then why aren't you at school? Just sayin.
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Rory dared to go upstairs alone to look for Jess and Lorelai didn't follow behind her and lasso her with the Rope of Sexual Abstinence? What is the urgent and pressing business that Rory needs to discuss with Jess? Why does she sound, idk, angry? This is puzzling.
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Whoa, mama! He looks smoking hot here! His hair is gorgeous and that shirt looks great on him! I'm a slut for rolled up sleeves! I have no memory of this whatsoever. What a nice surprise.
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Listen Rory, I like you, but like, why don't YOU get a job? Luke is the Kingpin of Teenage Labor. He's employed Jess, Lane, Zac, and April and he's even had his own girlfriends pitch in and wait tables. He wouldn't be against employing his future stepdaughter.
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Rory never worked a paid job in high school except supposedly, working at the Inn in season 1, which I don't believe was a real thing.
Blah blah, she's focusing on academics, blah blah.
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Love the bright orange dildo lamp complete with balls.
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"I'll be down in a minute, the Spice Channell just unscrambled for a few seconds and I thought I saw a booby."
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"I was just about to take my pants off." "Just assume that Jeannie's going to get Major Healey out of whatever scrape he's in." I've never seen that porno. #IDreamOfWeeny #ICreamOnJeannie #OkayOkay #IllStop
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TOMATOS SIGN! MY BELOVED! I MISSED YOU! Lorelai's shirt says "For good luck rub my tummy." Lorelai accuses Kirk of hoarding packets of sweeteners to bring home, as if Luke didn't just offer Lorelai a gigantic no strings attached loan some episodes back and he couldn't afford to lose a few sugar packets. Jess emerges from upstairs with Rory close behind him after being out of sight and alone with her for several minutes and for once Lorelai doesn't seem all that concerned that Jess could have been having 2 minutes of raw unprotected sex with her daughter. Remember when she said Christopher got her pregnant in under 10 minutes (lmaaaao, what a sick burn) so she can't leave Rory and Jess unsupervised?
She's even being suspciously nice to him. Huh. Weird. Oh, right, Teach me Tonight is coming up so she's just conserving her energy.
Jess says Rory is gonna break his neck and Rory replies at least it's not his arm.
J: "I need my arm for jerking off." How many masturbation jokes can I fit into one post?
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To be continued.
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anantaru · 7 months
My icks about people are pretty normal I think? Like not tipping the server or being THAT needy customer to me is embarrassing, like bro just give them a break!! Money wise is when they rely on their parents without thinking, like obviously relying on your parents isn't bad but why are you spending $500 with a card that isn't yours???
Also expecting one person to pay for EVERYTHING!! Like, I don't mind paying for dinner or a gift from like a mall, but I did NOT say I would pay for our ENTIRE trip to the mall. Don't even get me started on people who will make the quickest assumptions without fully knowing the person 😒
hello love 💓 omg or like if they're mean to service staff like why 🧍🏻‍♀️ WHY, the moment i see someone be downright mean to them i just 🗿 give them that look 🗿 it doesn't take you anything to just be kind especially to waiters or service staff in general 🥲🥲 and yeah people using your money or thinking you'd pay everything for them, i've been in that position and it's just icky, like i don't mind spending money on my loved ones and love treating my friends to cake or lunch but the moment i see that they're using me for money it's sad and then i distance myself immediately🧚🏻‍♀️
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tianshiisdead · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
thank uu @astrophilic-soul ilu!!
What book are you currently reading?
Bouncing in between 'Beyond Suffering: Recounting War in Modern China', 'Britain and China: 1840-1970 Empire Finance and War', and 'An Epitome of the Reports of the Medical Officers to the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs Service from 1871-1882' rn! First two are history books, second is a primary source recovered from 1884, they are about exactly what the titles say and so far all are very good and enjoyable <3 tho Britain and China has some... Interesting points sometimes (each chapter is by a diff author tbf)
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theatres this year?
Haven't been to the theatre that I can think of lol
What do you usually wear?
All sorts of things loll but almost never pants u.u my 2 fav types are (generally) long flowing dresses and short little skirts/dresses with cropped sweaters! But I also like hanfu and hanyuansu too, and I have some jp/cn street fashion that I wear out, and some weird fits from Taobao. basically, I'll wear anything I find cute whether its fashionable or weird and I do get lots of comments, good ones and sometimes weird ones too LOL
How tall are you?
165 cm uwu
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Aries! Apparently Ireland became a republic on this day which is pretty cool
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
What's considered a nickname? I go by my English name which is kind of a nickname in that it's not really my name to me, but I also go by a 小名 at home, and 'Tia' online, so I suppose usually a nickname.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
I wanted to be an assassin. I won't elaborate anymore tho : )
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
@peoniibud is my darling
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I'm good at lots of things. I'm bad at being humble
Dogs or cats?
What’s something you would like to create content for?
Everything I like. I make almost nothing bc school is sooo busy and I'm soooo bad with procrastination :'))) but if I had to say I wish I could make Babel (R.F. Kuang) content, it's a newer interest and I'm sad I got into it right when I was too busy to make anything
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
I haven't made all that much this year tbh? It's not really a line but I realize I've repeated in several fics some sort of mention about how when Arthur gets truly started (talking) he'll never stop bc he kind of loves the sound of his own voice even though he'll never admit it, and I enjoy that, it makes me giggle fjkldgh I think Arthur having that dash off irritating arrogance is rlly the whipped cream on top of the pie. paired with how he's kind of plain and dislikes showing softness or weakness even while troubled (stiff upper lip... but also sometimes tsundere) and is kind of defensive and you can sort of see an old inferiority complex peek through even with all of his *everything* esp during the centuries past, ugh I could go on I genuinely love that character so much What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
fandom wise: Babel by R F Kuang
Otherwise: the building of informal empire in China 1800s-mid 1900s and its lasting effects... I've always liked history and Chinese history in particular but the search for the seeds of modern national identity through post Opium War history is surprisingly difficult and has consumed me
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
School... I hoped to be on top of things but my Mental Health (tm) and physical health took over again : ( I resent being so weak tbh I want to be energetic but instead I'm just trapped here constantly sick and easily feverish and barely able to function. It really hurts.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
Uhhh I don't think I hide any talents? I don't do many things outside of what I know ig. I'm classically trained in ballet, piano, violin, and flute, and can read basic Manchu, so I guess those are hidden. I also have hidden british etiquette knowledge that I never use bc my mom's mentor at work (shes a scientist) was an old Scottish gentleman and I went to his house a lot to play with his granddaughter and learned how to properly act and eat the old British dude way ig dunno if thats a talent tho
Are you religious?    
Not... actively, my parents don't practice so I never had much, and I was raised pretty nonreligiously. But I make sure I'm eating only Halal food and follow the same habits my mom (hui Muslim) follows and my grandparents are very devout so I guess it's like... someday I'll come home (to Islam) but I don't know when that will be... I guess. It's something personal I guess.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
(quoted from @/astrophilic-soul bc sooo tru) The ability to not procrastinate
@peoniibud @m3hwhateverworks @irithnova @lightpinkstuff @erubento @irithnova @stormsfolloweagle and anyone else who sees this etc!
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onlyfansadvice3 · 1 year
Steps to create Money On OnlyFans
promote onlyfans to make money
What is OnlyFans?
In the case you’ve been experiencing under a small gravel, OnlyFans is the subject material subscription service that will boomed over lockdown. Yet despite genital herpes virus treatments might have heard about the idea, OnlyFans is not just about all adult content. That service was launched as a way for fans to obtain exclusive access to information from their favorite influencers. You can even find stars like Beyoncé together with Cardi B spreading their music truth be told there.
promote onlyfans to make money
So it’s you cannot assume all adult content. Nevertheless a lot of it is. The vast majority of it is, in fact. And a few people make major money making this content. Along with the current cost with living crisis, lifetime is expensive AF right now. So should you be looking for an extra mode of income, it's wise to consider OnlyFans for an option.
Like any sort of small business, creating subject matter on OnlyFans is not really a get wealthy quick scheme. Although there are plenty of tips and tricks you may follow to boost ones following and eventually get started making big bucks.
Intimacy work is proven work (when it’s free from exploitation), nevertheless this should go without the need of saying. Thousands of People use OnlyFans being a extra stream involving income, and builders generally make from around $500 to $1, 000+ a month. Clever, especially with electrical power bills being which means that high right now.
The amount of does OnlyFans get?
They take 20%, which is one of the best premiums out there for an older content platform.
OnlyFans is popular with inventors because it puts the strength in the creator’s wrists and hands. So whether you’re looking to post person content, cooking training or good old-fashioned ASMR videos, it’s best to know how to benefit from the platform.
Wanna find out everything from ways to create an OnlyFans account to principles for making money relating to the platform? Keep scrollin’.
How does OnlyFans succeed? (By selling material to FansOnly)
There are actually multiple features which allow you to make money with OnlyFans.
This is how people work:
‍Subscription Product
One of the most popular ways of make money on OnlyFans is to put ones own account behind some sort of paywall, aka help it become pay-per-view.
This way, people charge subscribers some monthly fee to look at your content.
This product encourages loyalty out of your fans and yields a steady source of income.
‍Paid Posts
If you don’t want to put the whole account behind your paywall, you can nevertheless make money by applying some of your discussions behind a paywall as paid reports.
Whether a account is 100 % free or paid, you can create money from recommendations. As long as you have a few posts or more on the page, viewers may well tip your account, posts, direct emails, and live approach sessions by going to the tipping well known.
Paid messages
It’s really easy to give messages to your people. You can set up a person's account so that potential customers can tip to help message you. Additionally put your information behind a paywall so viewers ought to pay to see these.
Live streaming
Which includes a live stream, audiences have the option to rule you throughout ones session. You can even arranged a tip purpose if you want to raise a great amount of money. If your bank account is free, it is possible to set up a system consequently viewers have to pay for a fee to look at the live movie.
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sonaligaur22 · 7 days
Stay Ahead in 2024-2025: Must-Know SEO Trends and Winning Strategies
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If you still believe SEO is just about keywords and backlinks, you need to catch up on a rapidly evolving game. Modern SEO is all about adapting to shifting search behaviours and harnessing the power of new technological advancements. Picture a world where voice and visual searches dominate, personalized content reigns supreme, and AI predicts search trends before they even emerge. This is the current landscape of SEO! To keep you ahead of the curve, we've gathered the key SEO trends for 2024-2025."
The Latest SEO Trends
Leveraging AI to Create and Rank Content
AI in digital marketing is shaping the future. It is primarily transforming the SEO landscape in several ways:
First, AI-driven tools are helping marketers create high-quality, SEO-optimized content.
It is helping them identify trending topics and popular keywords.
Making your SEO and content strategy more personalized is another way you can leverage AI. Here’s how — AI processes user data (browsing history, past interactions, and demographic information) and suggests specific content/ products/ services that are more likely to resonate with the user.
You can also leverage AI for competitor analysis and link building. Talking about the former, AI tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and SpyFu can help you monitor your competitors’ websites and track changes in their content, keyword strategies, and SEO performance. When it comes to backlinking, AI can help you identify potential link opportunities and evaluate the quality of backlinks.
Now, while you follow these AI-in SEO strategies to generate content, remember that AI-driven search algorithms are becoming more sophisticated in understanding user intent and context. Earlier, Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines emphasized E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness).
Recently, Google introduced a new “E” that stands for ‘Experience.’ E-E-A-T and SEO trends are closely interconnected as Google aims to prioritize content that demonstrates firsthand experience or practical knowledge of the writer. This means search engines are evolving to identify AI-generated text. 
So, should you use something other than AI tools for content generation and optimization?
Well, you should, but wisely! Make sure that the content speaks of your expertise, remains genuinely relevant, and provides value.
Search Generative Experience (SGE) Is The New Normal
Search Generative Experience is a feature introduced by Google, where AI takes into consideration the results of different websites and generates a synthesized answer to a user query. For instance, do a search on Google: “Which place is better to travel with infants, Bali or Thailand?” You’ll understand what is being talked about here.
Does this mean Google is going to take away your potential traffic? Well, no! SGE also provides the webpage links they used to generate the response, and these pages have well-crafted and in-depth content that aligns with user queries.
This means you must maintain content quality!
Search Intent Will Take The Front Seat
As the name suggests, search intent means the intention or purpose with which the user is searching. This is more intimidating than it may sound. Let’s understand this through the four types of search intent:
This is when the user seeks information or answers to specific questions. Example- “What is AR & VR?” or “What are the best practices of SEO?”
This is when the user is trying to find a specific website or webpage. Example- “HP Home Page” or “Myntra Login Page”.
This is when the user is willing to make a purchase. Example- “Buy iPhone 15 online” or “Order custom nameplates”.
Commercial Investigation
This is when the user researches products or services before making a purchase decision. Example- “Compare iPhone 14 and iPhone 15” or “Top-rated marketing agencies”
So, how can you leverage the concept of search intent to optimize your SEO strategy? 
Use keyword research tools to identify common search queries. (Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, etc.)
Write clear, relevant titles and descriptions.
Ensure that your content is easy to read, navigate, and engage with.
Create content that directly addresses the intent behind the search queries.
For informational intent, draft content that has clear headings, bullet points, and detailed explanations.
For navigational intent, optimize your site’s navigation and ensure your website’s branding is clear. Use accurate and descriptive meta tags, titles, and URLs to help users find your pages easily.
For transactional intent, optimize product pages with detailed descriptions, pricing, and a strong call to action and make sure the page is user-friendly.
For commercial investigation intent, provide detailed comparisons, reviews, and buying guides.
Voice Search Optimization Will Only Grow
Would you believe it if we told you that you could order your pizzas via voice assistants? Yes, Domino’s made their website voice search-friendly. With increasing voice-activated gadgets like smartphones, smart speakers, and even cars, voice searches are only bound to grow!
Here are some tips for aligning your strategy with the voice search SEO trends in 2024 and 2025:
Focus on long-tail keywords as they are more “conversational.”
Structure your content around ‘questions’ related to your niche (what/when/ how).
Optimize your content for featured snippets.
Implement schema markup to enhance the visibility of your content.
It might sound too much, but consider optimizing your content for different languages, especially if you’re targeting a global audience.
Voice searches are often used for local queries, so optimize them for local SEO.
Local SEO Is Here To Stay
Local SEO will continue to be one of the most important SEO Trends in 2024, especially when 76% of consumers are searching for “near me” within a day. (1) Here’s what you need to know for the coming year:
Google My Business (GMB) has come up with new features like more interactive posts, richer media options, and enhanced customer interaction tools. Utilize those new features and keep your profile updated with accurate information, regular posts, and high-quality images.
Create content that targets specific local events or updates.
Ensure your website is fully optimized for mobile, as mobile-first indexing impacts SEO significantly.
Engage with other local businesses or sponsor any community events to build high-quality local backlinks.
Optimize for featured snippets.
Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and make sure to respond to all reviews, even if they are negative.
Video SEO: Creative And Effective
The world of digital content is exploding along with video content. According to Cisco, by 2024, video content is expected to make up 80% of all internet traffic. This emphasizes how important it is to use video SEO techniques in your marketing campaigns.
You can ace the video SEO trends for 2024 with the following tips:
Make good quality videos and include relevant keywords in your video titles and descriptions- OF COURSE!
Use eye-catching thumbnails, but make sure they highlight the video’s main message.
Tailor your video content to address the specific needs and questions. Keep in mind the “search intent.”
Provide closed captions not only to help people but also to help your SEO — search engines can index the text in captions.
Add polls, quizzes, or clickable links within your video to boost engagement.
Embed your videos on relevant pages of your website to improve SEO.
Promote your videos across multiple platforms- social media and newsletters.
Topical Authority Is Important
For Google to rank your website high, it must see your website as an “authority” in your domain. Simply creating content related to your niche is not enough! Develop detailed content that showcases your expertise and builds trust.
Here’s how you can do that:
Highlight your practical experience, include author bios, and cite reputable sources.
Create a series of related blogs or articles and interlink them. This way, you will have a digital hub for each topic.
Incorporate interactive elements, multimedia, and compelling visuals to boost engagement and increase ‘time on page.’
Backlinks from authoritative sources always help in building topical authority.
Update your existing content periodically with the latest data and insights.
Zero Search Clicks Will Continue To Dominate
A 2024 Google search study reveals that almost 60% of Google searches now result in no clicks. Clearly, zero-click search is here to stay! Zero-click searches are the ones where users receive answers directly on the search results page without clicking through to a website. These are featured snippets, knowledge panels, and local business information.
Search engines will continue to enhance rich results. Here’s how you can adapt your strategy for SEO for featured snippets in 2024:
Structure content in a way that is easily extractable for snippets by using clear headings and sub-headings, bullet points, numbered lists, and FAQs.
Make sure to address the “how,” “what,” and “why” queries your audience is searching for.
Most local searches end in search results. So, focus on local SEO by maintaining an up-to-date Google Business Profile and ensuring consistent information across local directories.
Implement relevant schema markup for your content. (Example- FAQ, HowTo, or Article schema) They help search engines understand the context and relevance of your content.
While this means that zero-click searches reduce the number of visitors, it also means that you need to optimize for visibility in snippets to increase brand awareness, credibility, and, eventually, presence. OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND!
In conclusion, the SEO landscape in 2024-2025 is more dynamic and multifaceted than ever. Embracing these trends—leveraging AI for content creation, optimizing for voice and local searches, and enhancing your topical authority—will be crucial for maintaining visibility and relevance. By focusing on understanding search intent and optimizing for rich results, you can navigate this evolving landscape and ensure your brand remains at the forefront of digital discovery.
What’s here to stay forever is understanding user intent and delivering high-quality, relevant content!
The future of SEO is bright and full of exciting possibilities. Stay agile, keep experimenting, and ensure your SEO strategies are always aligned with the trends!
Are you looking for SEO Services in India? Get in touch with Channel Technologies to boost the quantity and quality of your web traffic!
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aijustborn · 9 days
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aarushiimittal-blog · 22 days
Stay Ahead in 2024-2025: Must-Know SEO Trends and Winning Strategies
If you still believe SEO is just about keywords and backlinks, you need to catch up on a rapidly evolving game. Modern SEO is all about adapting to shifting search behaviours and harnessing the power of new technological advancements. Picture a world where voice and visual searches dominate, personalized content reigns supreme, and AI predicts search trends before they even emerge. This is the current landscape of SEO! To keep you ahead of the curve, we've gathered the key SEO trends for 2024-2025."
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The Latest SEO Trends
Leveraging AI to Create and Rank Content
AI in digital marketing is shaping the future. It is primarily transforming the SEO landscape in several ways:
First, AI-driven tools are helping marketers create high-quality, SEO-optimized content.
It is helping them identify trending topics and popular keywords.
Making your SEO and content strategy more personalized is another way you can leverage AI. Here’s how — AI processes user data (browsing history, past interactions, and demographic information) and suggests specific content/ products/ services that are more likely to resonate with the user.
You can also leverage AI for competitor analysis and link building. Talking about the former, AI tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and SpyFu can help you monitor your competitors’ websites and track changes in their content, keyword strategies, and SEO performance. When it comes to backlinking, AI can help you identify potential link opportunities and evaluate the quality of backlinks.
Now, while you follow these AI-in SEO strategies to generate content, remember that AI-driven search algorithms are becoming more sophisticated in understanding user intent and context. Earlier, Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines emphasized E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness).
Recently, Google introduced a new “E” that stands for ‘Experience.’ E-E-A-T and SEO trends are closely interconnected as Google aims to prioritize content that demonstrates firsthand experience or practical knowledge of the writer. This means search engines are evolving to identify AI-generated text. 
So, should you use something other than AI tools for content generation and optimization?
Well, you should, but wisely! Make sure that the content speaks of your expertise, remains genuinely relevant, and provides value.
Search Generative Experience (SGE) Is The New Normal
Search Generative Experience is a feature introduced by Google, where AI takes into consideration the results of different websites and generates a synthesized answer to a user query. For instance, do a search on Google: “Which place is better to travel with infants, Bali or Thailand?” You’ll understand what is being talked about here.
Does this mean Google is going to take away your potential traffic? Well, no! SGE also provides the webpage links they used to generate the response, and these pages have well-crafted and in-depth content that aligns with user queries.
This means you must maintain content quality!
Search Intent Will Take The Front Seat
As the name suggests, search intent means the intention or purpose with which the user is searching. This is more intimidating than it may sound. Let’s understand this through the four types of search intent:
This is when the user seeks information or answers to specific questions. Example- “What is AR & VR?” or “What are the best practices of SEO?”
This is when the user is trying to find a specific website or webpage. Example- “HP Home Page” or “Myntra Login Page”.
This is when the user is willing to make a purchase. Example- “Buy iPhone 15 online” or “Order custom nameplates”.
Commercial Investigation
This is when the user researches products or services before making a purchase decision. Example- “Compare iPhone 14 and iPhone 15” or “Top-rated marketing agencies”
So, how can you leverage the concept of search intent to optimize your SEO strategy?
Use keyword research tools to identify common search queries. (Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, etc.)
Write clear, relevant titles and descriptions.
Ensure that your content is easy to read, navigate, and engage with.
Create content that directly addresses the intent behind the search queries.
For informational intent, draft content that has clear headings, bullet points, and detailed explanations.
For navigational intent, optimize your site’s navigation and ensure your website’s branding is clear. Use accurate and descriptive meta tags, titles, and URLs to help users find your pages easily.
For transactional intent, optimize product pages with detailed descriptions, pricing, and a strong call to action and make sure the page is user-friendly.
For commercial investigation intent, provide detailed comparisons, reviews, and buying guides.
Voice Search Optimization Will Only Grow
Would you believe it if we told you that you could order your pizzas via voice assistants? Yes, Domino’s made their website voice search-friendly. With increasing voice-activated gadgets like smartphones, smart speakers, and even cars, voice searches are only bound to grow!
Here are some tips for aligning your strategy with the voice search SEO trends in 2024 and 2025:
Focus on long-tail keywords as they are more “conversational.”
Structure your content around ‘questions’ related to your niche (what/when/ how).
Optimize your content for featured snippets.
Implement schema markup to enhance the visibility of your content.
It might sound too much, but consider optimizing your content for different languages, especially if you’re targeting a global audience.
Voice searches are often used for local queries, so optimize them for local SEO.
Local SEO Is Here To Stay
Local SEO will continue to be one of the most important SEO Trends in 2024, especially when 76% of consumers are searching for “near me” within a day. (1) Here’s what you need to know for the coming year:
Google My Business (GMB) has come up with new features like more interactive posts, richer media options, and enhanced customer interaction tools. Utilize those new features and keep your profile updated with accurate information, regular posts, and high-quality images.
Create content that targets specific local events or updates.
Ensure your website is fully optimized for mobile, as mobile-first indexing impacts SEO significantly.
Engage with other local businesses or sponsor any community events to build high-quality local backlinks.
Optimize for featured snippets.
Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and make sure to respond to all reviews, even if they are negative.
Video SEO: Creative And Effective
The world of digital content is exploding along with video content. According to Cisco, by 2024, video content is expected to make up 80% of all internet traffic. This emphasizes how important it is to use video SEO techniques in your marketing campaigns.
You can ace the video SEO trends for 2024 with the following tips:
Make good quality videos and include relevant keywords in your video titles and descriptions- OF COURSE!
Use eye-catching thumbnails, but make sure they highlight the video’s main message.
Tailor your video content to address the specific needs and questions. Keep in mind the “search intent.”
Provide closed captions not only to help people but also to help your SEO — search engines can index the text in captions.
Add polls, quizzes, or clickable links within your video to boost engagement.
Embed your videos on relevant pages of your website to improve SEO.
Promote your videos across multiple platforms- social media and newsletters.
Topical Authority Is Important
For Google to rank your website high, it must see your website as an “authority” in your domain. Simply creating content related to your niche is not enough! Develop detailed content that showcases your expertise and builds trust.
Here’s how you can do that:
Highlight your practical experience, include author bios, and cite reputable sources.
Create a series of related blogs or articles and interlink them. This way, you will have a digital hub for each topic.
Incorporate interactive elements, multimedia, and compelling visuals to boost engagement and increase ‘time on page.’
Backlinks from authoritative sources always help in building topical authority.
Update your existing content periodically with the latest data and insights.
Zero Search Clicks Will Continue To Dominate
A 2024 Google search study reveals that almost 60% of Google searches now result in no clicks. Clearly, zero-click search is here to stay! Zero-click searches are the ones where users receive answers directly on the search results page without clicking through to a website. These are featured snippets, knowledge panels, and local business information.
Search engines will continue to enhance rich results. Here’s how you can adapt your strategy for SEO for featured snippets in 2024:
Structure content in a way that is easily extractable for snippets by using clear headings and sub-headings, bullet points, numbered lists, and FAQs.
Make sure to address the “how,” “what,” and “why” queries your audience is searching for.
Most local searches end in search results. So, focus on local SEO by maintaining an up-to-date Google Business Profile and ensuring consistent information across local directories.
Implement relevant schema markup for your content. (Example- FAQ, HowTo, or Article schema) They help search engines understand the context and relevance of your content.
While this means that zero-click searches reduce the number of visitors, it also means that you need to optimize for visibility in snippets to increase brand awareness, credibility, and, eventually, presence. OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND!
In conclusion, the SEO landscape in 2024-2025 is more dynamic and multifaceted than ever. Embracing these trends—leveraging AI for content creation, optimizing for voice and local searches, and enhancing your topical authority—will be crucial for maintaining visibility and relevance. By focusing on understanding search intent and optimizing for rich results, you can navigate this evolving landscape and ensure your brand remains at the forefront of digital discovery.
What’s here to stay forever is understanding user intent and delivering high-quality, relevant content!
The future of SEO is bright and full of exciting possibilities. Stay agile, keep experimenting, and ensure your SEO strategies are always aligned with the trends!
Are you looking for SEO Services in India? Get in touch with Channel Technologies to boost the quantity and quality of your web traffic!
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officialprimeawards · 26 days
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Why International Business Awards Should Be Part of Your Business Strategy
In today’s competitive global market, businesses are continually seeking ways to differentiate themselves and gain a competitive edge. One powerful strategy that often gets overlooked is participating in international business awards. These prestigious accolades not only recognize excellence but also offer a range of benefits that can significantly enhance your business's growth and reputation. Here’s why integrating international business awards into your business strategy is a wise decision.
1. Enhancing Brand Visibility and Recognition
Winning or even being nominated for international business awards can dramatically boost your brand’s visibility. These awards attract attention from global audiences, including potential clients, partners, and investors. By highlighting your achievements on a global stage, you increase your brand’s reach and establish yourself as a leading player in your industry. International awards help position your brand as a credible and innovative leader, making it easier to attract new business opportunities and partnerships.
2. Building Credibility and Trust
International business awards serve as a stamp of excellence and credibility. They provide third-party validation of your company’s achievements and commitment to quality. This external recognition can significantly enhance your brand’s trustworthiness in the eyes of customers and stakeholders. When potential clients see that your business has been acknowledged by a respected international body, they are more likely to trust your products or services, which can lead to increased customer acquisition and retention.
3. Boosting Employee Morale and Engagement
Awards are not just beneficial for external recognition; they also play a crucial role in internal morale. Winning international business awards can be a powerful motivator for your team. It validates their hard work, dedication, and creativity, leading to increased job satisfaction and motivation. Recognizing and celebrating these achievements can foster a positive work environment, improve employee retention, and encourage ongoing innovation and excellence within your organization.
4. Attracting Top Talent
In a competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is essential. International awards can enhance your company’s appeal to prospective employees by showcasing your business as an industry leader with a track record of success. Talented professionals are more likely to be drawn to companies with a strong reputation and proven excellence. By highlighting your award-winning status, you position your company as an attractive employer, making it easier to recruit and retain high-quality talent.
5. Leveraging Marketing and Public Relations Opportunities
International business awards provide excellent opportunities for marketing and public relations. Winning an award can generate significant media coverage, which can be leveraged to promote your business through press releases, social media, and other marketing channels. This increased exposure not only reinforces your brand’s reputation but also attracts potential customers and partners. Additionally, the awards’ logos and accolades can be featured on your website, marketing materials, and business communications, further enhancing your brand’s visibility.
6. Encouraging Continuous Improvement and Innovation
Participating in international business awards encourages businesses to continuously strive for improvement and innovation. The application process itself often involves a thorough review of your business practices, achievements, and strategies. This self-assessment can provide valuable insights into areas where you excel and where there is room for growth. By setting high standards and aiming for international recognition, you create a culture of excellence and innovation that drives your business forward.
7. Strengthening Competitive Advantage
In a crowded marketplace, differentiating your business from competitors is crucial. International business awards provide a unique selling point that sets your company apart. They highlight your achievements and successes in a way that is recognized and respected globally. This competitive advantage can be instrumental in winning new contracts, securing investment, and expanding into new markets.
8. Fostering Global Connections and Networking
The international business awards community is a valuable network of industry leaders, innovators, and professionals. Participating in these awards allows you to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations from around the world. These connections can lead to strategic partnerships, collaborations, and business development opportunities. Networking with other award-winning businesses also provides insights into industry trends and best practices, helping you stay ahead in your field.
Call to Action
Ready to take your business to the next level? Integrating international business awards into your strategy can open doors to new opportunities and elevate your brand’s global standing. Start by exploring the categories that best align with your achievements and begin preparing your submission. Don’t miss out on the chance to gain international recognition and reap the benefits of award-winning status. Visit Official Prime Awards today to learn more and start your journey toward global success. Apply now and let your business shine on the international stage!
Feel free to adjust or expand upon any sections to better fit specific needs or target audiences.
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eldmandate339 · 1 month
Top Reasons to Contact the ELD Mandate Customer Service Number
In the trucking industry, Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) have revolutionized the way fleet management is conducted. These devices are essential for maintaining compliance with federal regulations, ensuring driver safety, and optimizing operations. However, navigating the complexities of ELDs can sometimes be challenging. Whether you're dealing with technical issues, compliance questions, or general inquiries, reaching out to the ELD Mandate customer service number can be your quickest path to resolution. In this blog, we'll explore the top reasons why contacting the ELD Mandate customer service number is crucial for trucking professionals.
. Technical Support
ELDs are sophisticated devices that integrate with various systems within a truck's operating environment. Like any technology, they can sometimes encounter glitches or require troubleshooting. Whether you're dealing with connectivity issues, software malfunctions, or device updates, the ELD Mandate customer service number is your go-to resource for technical support. The customer service team is equipped with the knowledge and tools to diagnose problems and guide you through the steps to resolve them. This ensures that your ELD remains functional and compliant, minimizing downtime and disruptions to your operations.
. Compliance Assistance
One of the primary functions of ELDs is to ensure compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations. Non-compliance can lead to hefty fines, penalties, and even out-of-service orders. If you're unsure about whether your ELD is configured correctly or if you're meeting all regulatory requirements, contacting the ELD Mandate customer service number is a wise decision. The customer service team can provide guidance on compliance matters, helping you avoid potential legal issues and ensuring that your fleet stays on the right side of the law.
. Driver Training and Education
For many drivers, especially those new to the industry, understanding how to operate an ELD can be daunting. The ELD Mandate customer service number is not just for troubleshooting; it's also a valuable resource for driver training and education. The customer service team can offer step-by-step instructions on how to use the device, interpret data, and maintain logs. This support helps drivers feel more confident and comfortable using ELDs, leading to better compliance and more efficient operations.
. Billing and Account Management
Managing your ELD subscription and account is another area where the ELD Mandate customer service number can be invaluable. Whether you have questions about billing, need to update your account information, or want to review your subscription options, the customer service team is there to assist. They can help you understand your billing statements, make changes to your account, and ensure that your subscription meets your needs. This level of support is essential for maintaining a seamless relationship with your ELD provider.
. Product Information and Upgrades
The ELD market is continually evolving, with new features and upgrades being introduced regularly. Staying informed about the latest developments is crucial for maximizing the benefits of your ELD. By contacting the ELD Mandate customer service number, you can get detailed information about new products, features, and updates. Whether you're considering an upgrade or just want to learn more about how to get the most out of your current device, the customer service team can provide the insights you need.
. Warranty and Repair Services
Like any electronic device, ELDs are subject to wear and tear. If your device is malfunctioning or damaged, it's important to know what your warranty covers and how to get repairs. The ELD Mandate customer service number is the best point of contact for all warranty and repair-related inquiries. The team can guide you through the warranty process, help you understand your coverage, and arrange for repairs or replacements as needed.
In the fast-paced world of trucking, efficiency and compliance are paramount. When you encounter issues with your ELD or have questions about its operation, the ELD Mandate customer service number is your lifeline. From technical support to compliance assistance, driver training, and beyond, the customer service team at eldmandate is dedicated to ensuring that your ELD experience is as smooth and trouble-free as possible. Don't hesitate to reach out to them whenever you need help; it could make all the difference in keeping your operations running smoothly and your fleet compliant with the latest regulations.
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The Importance of Choosing the Right STP Plant Manufacturer in Delhi
As urbanization continues to accelerate, managing wastewater has become a critical concern, especially in densely populated areas like Delhi. Effective wastewater treatment not only safeguards public health but also protects the environment from pollution. A high-quality Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) plays a vital role in this process, ensuring that wastewater is treated and recycled efficiently. Choosing the right STP Plant Manufacturer is crucial to achieving these goals.
Understanding the Role of an STP Plant
An STP Plant is designed to treat sewage and wastewater generated from residential, commercial, and industrial sources. The plant removes contaminants, solids, and harmful microorganisms, transforming the wastewater into water that can be safely discharged into the environment or even reused for various purposes like irrigation, industrial processes, or flushing systems. With increasing water scarcity, the importance of treating and reusing wastewater cannot be overstated.
Finding the Right STP Plant Manufacturer in Delhi
Delhi, being one of the most populous cities in India, faces significant challenges related to wastewater management. This makes the selection of a reliable STP Plant Manufacturer in Delhi all the more important. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing the best manufacturer for your needs:
Experience and Expertise: An experienced manufacturer with a proven track record in designing and implementing STP plants is essential. Their expertise ensures that the plant will be efficient, durable, and compliant with environmental regulations.
Customization: Different sites and operations have unique wastewater treatment needs. The ability to customize the STP Plant to meet specific requirements is a vital consideration. A good manufacturer should offer tailor-made solutions based on the type of wastewater, space constraints, and budget.
Technology and Innovation: The best manufacturers use state-of-the-art technology to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of their STP plants. Look for companies that incorporate the latest advancements, such as biological treatment methods, advanced filtration systems, and energy-efficient designs.
Regulatory Compliance: In Delhi, STP plants must adhere to strict environmental and safety regulations. A reputable manufacturer will ensure that their plants are fully compliant with all local and national standards.
After-Sales Support: Ongoing maintenance and support are crucial for the long-term operation of an STP plant. A reliable manufacturer will provide excellent after-sales service, including regular maintenance, troubleshooting, and technical support.
STP Plant in Delhi: A Growing Necessity
The demand for STP Plants in Delhi is increasing as the city continues to grow. With water resources under pressure, the ability to treat and reuse wastewater is not just an environmental necessity but also a cost-effective solution for businesses and municipalities. A well-designed STP plant can significantly reduce water consumption and lower operational costs, making it a wise investment for any organization.
Why Choose the Right Water System?
When it comes to selecting an STP Plant Manufacturer in Delhi, Right Water System stands out as a leader in the industry. With years of experience and a reputation for excellence, they provide high-quality STP solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of their clients.
Right Water System offers a comprehensive range of STP Plants, from small-scale units for residential buildings to large industrial plants. Their systems are designed with the latest technology, ensuring efficient treatment processes and long-term reliability. Additionally, Right Water System is committed to providing exceptional after-sales support, helping clients maintain and optimize their STP plants over time.
Investing in a high-quality STP Plant is essential for effective wastewater management, especially in a bustling city like Delhi. By choosing the right STP Plant Manufacturer in Delhi, you can ensure that your wastewater is treated efficiently, safely, and in compliance with environmental standards. Right Water System offers top-of-the-line STP plants backed by years of experience, advanced technology, and reliable customer support. For anyone in need of a dependable wastewater treatment solution, Right Water System is the ideal partner.
Protecting our water resources starts with responsible wastewater management. Make the right choice today for a sustainable tomorrow.
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