#not because azaela
ink-leaf-cafe · 14 days
Oc Incorrect Quotes P1 (MC Edition)
DAISES: If we don’t get out of this alive… If we’re both about to die… I love you, Alina! Neither of them die Alina: … DAISES: … Alina: So do you wanna talk about somethi- DAISES: No thank you.
Zia: Have you done this before? Alina: Well, Zia, it's like if you read the script you come better prepared. Vinni: That's not what we do in the US, we don't read things. Zia: I don't read, Alina.
Zia: Wow, I feel happy and I’m having so much fun! Zia: Zia: narrows eyes Something’s wrong here.
Azaela: Wow, great work on the Halloween decorations. Where did you get the fake skeletons? DAISES: Fake?
Azaela: I have a 1:30 appointment. Meridian: Which doctor? Azaela: No, I want the regular doctor.
Alina: We need a plan to beat them. Vinni: Okay, listen up. First, we fill their shoes with wet cat food. Alina: Vinni: Judge me all you want, I get results.
Leith: What’s the straightest thing you’ve ever done? Alina: sighs Alina: I killed a man.
Vinni: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river. Leith: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference.
Azaela: Happy Scorpio season. If you have to burn a bridge, do it safely! Leith: With NAPALM.
Leith: What do we think of Zia? pause DAISES: sighs Nice pal. Meridian: I think they're gay.
Meridian: There. How do I look? Vinni: Like a cheap French harlot. Meridian: French?!
Vinni: I wish I had acid. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.
Meridian: Who the fuck- Azaela: Language! Meridian: Whom the fuck- Azaela: No.
Leith: Are you tall enough to play basketball though? Alina: Are you calling me short? Leith: I'm calling you vertically challenged.
Meridian: Hey DAISES, Vinni just broke my seashell lamp. DAISES: Neat. I’m gonna die alone. Meridian: Okay, you win.
Vinni: I have lots of friends! Zia: Name one. Vinni: Well, there’s- Zia: Name one you haven’t gotten incredibly angry at. Vinni: Hey, that’s not fair, then there isn’t any!
Zia: I came out here to attack people and I'm honestly having such a good time right now.
DAISES: We are gathered here today because someone- glares at Zia’s coffin -couldn’t stay alive!
Azaela: Meridian! Vinni got that thing on the control panel working! Meridian: Wow! That looks pretty impressive. Azaela: Yeah! Meridian: Any idea what it does? Azaela: Not a clue.
Leith: Shh, here comes Zia! Alina: Quick, DAISES, start talking about boring nerd stuff! DAISES: You know, nerd culture is mainstream now, so when you use the word “nerd” derogatorily, it means you’re the one that’s out of the zeitgeist. Alina: Yes, that’s perfect. Just like that.
Zia, on the phone: Oh, hey man! Sorry for accusing you of murder last week.
DAISES: We have a problem. Alina: No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them.
Alina: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan. Leith: We could attack them with hummus. Alina: I stand corrected. Leith: Just keeping things in perspective.
Zia: Did you just refer to a knife as a “people-opener”? Vinni: Vinni: …Should I not have?
Zia: We can’t tell you because you’re not a member of the club. Vinni: What club? Leith: The hating Vinni club. Vinni: …The fuck? I should be the leader of that club!
Vinni: I like wearing oversized sweaters. Not just because they're extremely comfy and cuddly, but because whenever the sleeves are really big, I get to flop them around and smack people.
Vinni: I’m this close to falling in love with Leith. Zia: Your fingertips are touching. Vinni: Exactly.
Meridian: Hey DAISES, can you give me the opposite of these words? Meridian: Always, Coming, From, Take, Me, Down. DAISES: Never, Going, To, Give, You- DAISES: The fucking satisfaction.
Vinni: There are no friends when playing board games. I am here to win.
Zia: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us. Alina: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
( @minnesotamedic186 )
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beantothemax · 11 months
fun fact: right before fighting the Godking, all of the travellers see whoever they loved most in life (aka they see dead people that they loved)
oliver sees his mother
circe sees rider and eileen
theo sees his sister (she's not dead, but magic just makes her appear anyways because theo loves his sister)
oris doesn't see anyone. the people he loved are all beside him.
paloma sees her father
ares sees master azaela and avery (his mother)
thalia also doesn't see anyone. she thinks she sees a flicker of her mother, but hopes she didn't.
hellenath sees an old friend and his sister. james and sally.
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photogirl894 · 2 years
"The Flower of the Lanes"
Chapter 4
"A Jinx In the Plan"
An "Arcane" fanfic!
Pairing: Silco x fem OC, Viktor (friendship/platonic)
A/N: Good grief, I am so sorry, everyone for taking so long to get back to this fic! I had a bit of block with this one for a while and I also ended up concentrating more on my other bigger Star Wars fic, so my apologies!
There's a new player in Azaela's game of back and forth! 😜 This one will be interesting, for sure!
Taglist: @darthzero22 , @oneshot-one-kill , @ilikemymendarkandfictional , @tech-deck , @crazytookalady , @ladykatakuri
《 Chapter 3
》 Coming soon!
All chapters
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Explanation: After an alluring first encounter with the Eye of Zaun, Azaela can't seem to get him off her mind and returns to the Undercity once more...only to find herself in the company of a young, blue-haired girl instead.
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That damn Silco just would not leave her mind!
Since meeting him for the first time, Azaela found her thoughts drifted to him constantly over the following couple days. She was spacing out at the dinner table with her parents to where her mother finally asked if she was paying any attention. Naturally, her excuse was just that she was tired and having trouble focusing.
She'd also received a message from Viktor asking for her to look over some of his notes for another upcoming Hextech project, so she met with him on the bridge between the two cities, where she found him sitting on a bench. He greeted her warmly like always and she sat down beside him as he handed her his notebook. She started to glance at his notes...when the orange and black void of Silco's deformed eye came to the forefront of her mind again. His smooth voice sounded in her ear, repeating the words he had whispered into it:
"It's going to get you into trouble one day."
Why was that haunting her? The man was just so beguiling and she couldn't understand why. After all the signs she'd been given or told, she should be scared of him, but she wasn't. She was fascinated by him and she couldn't fathom why. He was just unlike anyone she'd ever seen or met. He was dangerous yet exciting, scary yet enticing, trouble yet a challenge and fierce yet charming. He was a mystery that she was more than determined to solve.
Viktor's voice saying her name broke Azaela's thoughts and her head snapped back into reality as she looked back up at him. He had a puzzled but also concerned look on his face.
"Are you okay?" he asked. "I asked you a question and you were...quite out of it."
"I--I'm sorry, I was...distracted," she responded.
"Coin for your thoughts?" he inquired.
Azaela really debated on whether or not she should tell Viktor about her recent ventures to the Undercity. More than likely, he wouldn't react well, but at the same time, he was her friend and she trusted him. It would be hard to keep something like this from him for long.
Clearing her throat, she then said to him, "I...I went back to Zaun a few days ago...and I met Silco."
Viktor closed his eyes and sighed quietly. "Why am I not surprised?" he asked rhetorically, shaking his head. Then he followed that up with, "So what happened?"
"It went all right...I think," she answered with uncertainty. "He remembered me and let me speak to him alone. I did something stupid near the end and I left after irritating him, but before that...he seemed almost intrigued. He was surprised at how open I was with my thoughts."
Viktor snickered. "Everyone is usually surprised by that," he countered.
She gave him a small, teasing sneer back. "I know you warned me against him, Vik, but I honestly didn't feel in any danger around him. He didn't want to hurt me. In fact, he gave me a replacement canister for the breathing mask and told me to keep it."
"Does he know you're from Piltover?" he asked.
"Uh...no," she admitted sheepishly. "I'm pretty certain he thinks I'm from the upper levels of Zaun...and I gave him a different name."
Viktor seemed to contemplate that briefly before saying, "Well, that won't matter because you're not going back again, right?"
Azaela averted her eyes and chuckled nervously. "Um...actually...I was hoping to go back and...maybe see him again."
"Z, that's only going to get you into more trouble," he warned.
"I know and yes, I lied to him, but if he knew my real name, then my cover would've been blown immediately and things would've gone differently."
"And how do you expect things to go when he learns the truth?"
"I...I haven't thought that far ahead."
"You never do."
That struck a nerve in her. "Viktor, I know what I'm doing," she spat.
He replied, "You don't know what you're getting yourself into."
"You didn't know what you were getting into either when you trusted Jayce and his Hextech, but that didn't stop you." she fired back. "You still took the risk, even though you didn't know him or if you could trust him."
Shaking his head, Viktor refuted, "That is not the same thing, Azaela. Jayce, I could tell was a brilliant scientist whose ideas were revolutionary to me. Silco is also a brilliant scientist whose ideas are dangerous and he is a violent criminal. The risk I took with Jayce is far different than any risk you take with Silco because they could all result in you getting hurt or worse."
"I don't doubt he's dangerous," she said, "but I get the feeling he's only dangerous when necessary. I wasn’t in fear for my life when I was in his office. There were a couple times I thought he'd be angry, at least, but he wasn't. I'm just...fascinated by him."
He groaned and put his fingertips to his forehead. "Why couldn't you have been fascinated by Hextech like me?"
Azaela snickered. "My mind works differently than yours, Viktor," she said. She glanced back down at his notes in her lap, skimming back over them. "Though not that much differently to where I can't tell you that your notes look well in order to me." She closed the book and held it out to him. "I think your next project is looking promising. Keep me informed of the progress."
Taking the notebook back begrudgingly, Viktor said back, "Only if you keep me informed of things with Silco. If there is even the slightest hint that you could be in any danger, I want to know."
"I will," she said.
After that, Viktor took up his cane, stood up from the bench, slipped his notebook into a satchel and declared, "I'd best be getting back to the lab. Jayce is expecting me Please, take care, okay?"
She nodded. "You too."
He started to walk forward, but then stopped to lay a hand on her shoulder. They exchanged smiles between good friends and then Viktor went ahead and moved along, leaving Azaela alone on the bridge.
For a moment, she watched him hobble away. One of these days, she hoped that maybe his Hextech would be able to cure his disability and he could walk again. He didn't seem to mind, but she had a feeling that it was still something he thought about in the back of his mind.
Her gaze shifted to the other side of the bridge that led to Zaun. Despite Viktor's warnings, she just couldn't help but feel drawn back to that place.
Back to Silco.
It had already been a couple of days since she'd been back and the pull was getting stronger. She wanted to see more and learn more about the Underground...and Silco, too. No amount of research or technology had ever bewitched her as much as he had.
Though, would he even want to see her again after how their first meeting had ended? He hadn't seemed too happy with her. She could always try apologizing, but would he even care?
"Well...guess there's only one way to find out," she thought to herself.
With a turn on her heel, she walked back in the direction of the Undercity.
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Even though she didn't have her cloak with her to conceal her normal attire--which she knew Viktor would be frustrated with her about--she'd at least had a mind to bring the breathing mask with her, knowing she was bound to return to Zaun eventually. She was following Silco's advice and using it as sparingly as possible so she could get acclimated to the Underground atmosphere, though it was a very difficult thing to do. The air quality was incredibly bad, it was a miracle that people lived in it.
Azaela continued winding her way down into Zaun, keeping her head low so as to avoid eye contact with any unsavory characters and to take quick breaths from the breathing mask. It amazed her how quickly the sunlight faded the further down she went, even though it was mid-afternoon. She could tell people were watching her as she walked by, but so far, no one was really paying any mind to her.
Surprisingly, she got down to the Lanes without anything happening. It seemed too easy and she even kept stopping and checking over shoulder, paranoid that maybe she was being followed, but every time she looked, there was no one that could see following her. Eventually, she came around a corner and found a small courtyard in the middle of part of the city block and saw a statue was in the process of being built out of scraps of metal. It looked almost finished, from what she could tell. It was a large man holding a pipe that had embers inside of it standing on top of what looked like a wagon in pieces. Whoever this man was, he had to have been important to Zaun to be memorialized like this. He looked intimidating, but he he had a kind face. A very curious thing. Not wanting to get in the way of the builders, she continued on her way.
"Maybe I should head to the Last Drop now...," she thought on her way out.
However, she'd only been walking a few more minutes when she heard yelling nearby and it seemed to be coming from an alley up ahead. Just as she came to the entrance of the alley, someone slammed right into her with a loud "Oof!" and they both went sprawling to the ground.
"Watch it!" she heard a younger voice say.
When Azaela looked up to see the other person getting to their feet and putting their back to her, she saw it was a young teenage girl, probably around thirteen or fourteen, with two long, blue braids running down her back, ending just below her hips. She was in a black crop top, striped purple pants cut off below the knees, loose boots and long leather gloves on her hands. There was a leather bag slung over her shoulder that was clearly filled to the brim with a few things. On her belt, she had what looked like weird metal contraptions as well as a gold pistol.
"Good luck finding me!" she jeered at the people Azaela could now see coming up the aisle. Then all of a sudden, she pulled one of the contraptions off her belt, pulled something out of it and threw it into the alley. A few seconds later, it exploded in a cloud of pink smoke.
The girl then whipped around and looked down at Azaela. "Come on, let's go!" she said, grabbing Azaela's arm and pulling her up off the ground.
Before Azaela could protest, the girl was pulling her along down a few winding streets before ducking back in another small alley. The girl shoved her into the wall and covered her mouth, shushing her. It was then Azaela realized the girl had big, bright blue doe eyes outlined in heavy black eyeliner, dark painted lips, long bangs that fell over her face as well as blue cloud tattoos along her arms and exposed sides. The two of them stayed pressed up against the wall quietly as they heard voices approaching.
"Where did she go?" one voice demanded.
"Damn it, I think we lost her!" cried another.
There was a frustrated groan. "Can't believe she got away with our stuff! We'll get her eventually."
A minute later, they heard footsteps running off. Whoever was chasing them was gone.
The girl removed her hand and stepped back, snickering and grinning to herself.
"Ha, those suckers!" she said with triumph. Then she glanced at Azaela, looked her up and down and stated, "Sorry I had to drag you along for that. Those guys were the biggest jerks."
Still taken aback by everything that had suddenly happened, Azaela stuttered out, "Uh...n--no, no problem. Why...were you running from them?"
"Oh!" The girl revealed the inside of her bag, showing a bunch of different metal parts, and giggled. "I stole all of these from them. Pretty neat, huh?"
"I suppose so," Azaela replied. "Though, it's also pretty dangerous, too."
The young girl got a mischievous look on her face as she flashed a toothy grin and stated excitedly, "I know. That's what makes it so fun!"
To Azaela, this girl was incredibly peculiar. Though, knowing where she was, she wasn't all that surprised to have come across someone who found stealing fun.
The girl looked her over, put a hand on her hip and said, "Don't think I've seen you before. What's your name?"
"Zaeli," she responded. "Who are you?"
Gesturing to herself with her thumb, the girl said back, "The name's Jinx."
"And what are you doing with all of those parts you stole, Jinx?"
"I make things with them. I'm pretty big into gadgetry and stuff like that."
"Is that so? How interesting."
Jinx gave her a grin and inquired, "You wanna come with me and see what I'm working on?"
Zaeli was a bit taken aback at such an offer from this young girl that she'd only just met. Jinx certainly seemed very open and friendly, which was a change from just about everyone else she'd seen in the Undercity, sort of apart from Silco.
"Uh...sure," she answered hesitantly. "Though, why, may I ask? You only just met me."
With a shrug, Jinx just said, "I don't know. You seem cool and you're the first person who didn't yell at me for running into them."
As she listened to Jinx's answer, Zaeli took notice of the young teen's eyes. There was a sadness in them that it seemed that she was trying to hide with her words. Zaeli figured out the meaning behind it almost right away. While she believed Jinx's answer was truthful, there was more to it.
The young girl was lonely.
Something about this realization made Zaeli suspect that Jinx probably didn't have many friends, which tugged at her heartstrings. While there was a bit of an age difference between them, it appeared as though Jinx didn't care. She just wanted some company and wanted to share her gadgetry with someone. Zaeli didn't think she could say "no" to that.
"I think you're cool, too, Jinx, and I'd love to see your projects," she told her.
Jinx's eyes lit up in response and she clapped her hands with glee. "Oh my gosh, nobody ever wants to see what I work on! This is the best day ever!"
Zaeli chuckled at Jinx's reaction, pleased that she was able to make her smile.
Jinx grabbed her by the wrist and cried out, "Come on, let's get going!" Then she proceeded to pull Zaeli along behind her excitedly.
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It didn't take terribly long before Zaeli found herself in what seemed to be an abandoned mining shaft in one of the lower parts of Zaun. Not only that, but the area Jinx led her to was one giant set of flat propellers suspended over a deep chasm, which made her incredibly nervous. Though, Jinx didn't seem to mind as her entire set up was on these propellers. She had a work station near the center and other furniture and decorations spread out on the rest. It seemed as though the girl lived here. Personally, Zaeli couldn't imagine ever living in a space like this, but then again, there were plenty in Zaun that she was sure weren't lucky enough to even have a small apartment or house. There were still many that lived on the streets or in improvised spaces like this. If Jinx seemed comfortable here, then she supposed that was all that mattered.
As they were walking in, Jinx informed her, "Just a heads up: my old man's also probably coming by here soon. Hope you don't mind."
"Not at all. I can get out of your hair before he shows up," Zaeli replied.
With a dismissive wave, Jinx said, "No, you don't need to do that!" Then she got excited again as she added, "You should stay and you can meet him!"
Zaeli chuckled. "Sure, all right."
That being said, Jinx jogged over to her work station and gestured to a large metal contraption laying on the ground that had a couple metal tubes sticking out of it.
"I'm making my own rotary cannon," she told Zaeli. "It isn't done yet, but that's what I needed the parts for."
That was definitely not what Zaeli was expecting to hear was one is Jinx's projects. "Wow...that's quite an undertaking," she commented.
"Oh, I know," she groaned. "You won't believe how long I've been working on it."
Out of curiosity, Zaeli started walking around the work station to the other side of the giant propeller, wanting to see the rest of Jinx's area, as Jinx was explaining how she was building her cannon. It was such a peculiar place with a bit of a chaotic aesthetic. Seemed to fit the young girl well.
A few seconds later, she then heard Jinx call out, "Hey, old man! You got here quicker than I thought."
"Hello, Jinx."
The voice that responded to Jinx on the other side of the propeller was one that made Zaeli freeze up. She recognized it and it was the last voice she thought she would hear there.
"Oh shit...!" she thought in a panic.
Then Jinx exclaimed, "I have a new friend I want you to meet!" Before Zaeli could protest, Jinx came around from the other side, grabbed her arm and yanked her forward excitedly. They moved around the propeller and Zaeli found herself once again face to face with Silco. He didn't have as shocked of a reaction as she expected. His eyes widened ever so slightly, but he kept a still demeanor in his face.
"Zaeli," he simply said in greeting.
She bowed her head nervously. "Silco," she replied.
Puzzled, Jinx looked between them. "What? You didn't tell me you already knew each other!" she stated.
"I didn't know he was your dad," Zaeli said in defense.
"That and we only just met a couple of days ago," Silco added.
"Well, at least we can skip the introductions, then. Those are always so awkward," droned Jinx. Then all of a sudden, her eyes went huge and she cried out, "Ooh, I need to get some drinks! Don't you guys go anywhere! Be right back!"
Before either Silco or Zaeli could say anything, Jinx darted off somewhere, they weren't sure where, leaving the two of them alone. Zaeli was unsure of what to say and just stood there, awkwardly holding her arm.
Finally, Silco broke the silence, stating "What a surprise to find you here."
"You're surprised? I just found out you have a kid and it's that blue-haired spitfire who I just came across on the street!" she said back in disbelief.
He hummed in agreement. "An apt description of Jinx," he said, looking back in the direction Jinx had run off.
Feeling as though she was now intruding, she suggested, "I can leave if you'd rather not have me here."
Turning back to her, he asked in response, "Did I give any indication that I wanted you to leave?"
"Well, no, but...this is time I'm sure you want with your daughter and our last meeting didn't exactly end on the best note, so I thought--"
"It was an unfortunate misunderstanding, one we can both leave behind us. Do you agree?"
That wasn't the response she was anticipating. She thought after how she'd left things in his office before that he wouldn't want her around, but he didn't seem to think too badly of her because of that incident. That at least brought her a sense of relief.
"I guess I do," she said back, a small hint of a smile on her face.
Silco simply nodded in return.
"Now that I know he has a kid, this would explain the chalk drawings I saw in his office," she thought in her head. Then she spoke out loud, moving back to the previous conversation, "Jinx is quite the character. Probably the most charismatic and outgoing person I've ever met."
"That, she is," he agreed.
"With her firecracker attitude, I assume she takes after her mother," she said, starting to feel more comfortable with the situation.
However, he said back to her, "There is no mother."
"Oh damn it!" she inwardly cursed, now thinking she'd messed up yet again.
Though, he went on to explain, "She isn't my daughter by birth. I found her and adopted her a few years ago."
"I see. Ugh, I'm sorry. Me and my big mouth again," she said, embarrassed once again.
"You're not the first to make that assumption," he simply assured her, seemingly unbothered.
She slightly shrugged her shoulders. "That makes me feel a bit better, I suppose."
All of a sudden, Jinx reappeared between the two of them, having dropped from somewhere above them and making them jump back. "What makes you feel better?" she questioned, handing the two of them cups of something.
Taking the cup from Jinx, Silco lightly chided her, "A conversation between two adults is not any of your business, Jinx."
The young teen scrunched her face at him and whined, "I'm almost an adult!"
Unfazed by her whining, he just took a sip and said in reply, "You still have a few years."
"Ah, whatever. You're no fun," she droned. Then she whipped around to Zaeli and asked with begging puppy eyes, "Zaeli, will you tell me?"
"Nope. Not if your dad says otherwise," she countered, not even taking a chance at going against Silco.
Jinx rolled her eyes and let her head fall back, frustrated. "Ugh, you’re supposed to be my friend!"
After taking a drink, Zaeli replied to her, "Who says I can't be both your friend and his?"
Zaeli glanced at Silco and saw he had a bit of a taken aback look on his face. She supposed he hadn't expected her to refer to him as a "friend".
Jinx bobbed her head back and forth in contemplation before rambling off, "I guess I can live with that. Though, most of my dad's friends don't like me. Then again, a lot of them aren't girls. I mean, there's Sevika, but she's a miserable troll and she definitely doesn't like me, so she doesn't count. It's nice to meet another girl who isn't incompetent."
"Jinx...!" Silco scolded her with a warning tone of voice.
Hoping to move past that little snag, Zaeli told Jinx, "I don't have a lot of girl friends either."
"Well then, you and me, Zaeli! We gotta stick together!" declared Jinx, nudging Zaeli with her shoulder.
Chuckling, Zaeli told her, "Sure thing, kid. Though, I really should go. I don't want to impose on your guys' time and I should get home."
"Oh, all right...! Promise you'll come visit me soon?" Jinx held up her pinky to Zaeli, a serious look in her face.
Zaeli hooked her pinky with Jinx's and said, "I promise."
Then she was surprised by Silco stepping forward and stating, "I'll walk you out."
Though she hadn't expected such a gentlemanly move from him, she wasn't going to refuse, so she gave him a bow of her head, waved one last time to Jinx and then walked out of Jinx's hideout with Silco in tow.
As they made their way down the tunnel back to the lift that brought them to Jinx's hideout, Zaeli commented to Silco, "I suppose I should make sure it's all right with you first if I can spend any time with Jinx."
He answered nonchalantly, "She is free to do whatever she wants as long as it doesn't interfere with my work or involve me getting her out of trouble."
"And how often does that happen?" she asked.
With a small groan, he told her, shaking his head, "More than I care to admit."
She snickered. "I would imagine."
Almost a minute later, they could see the lift up ahead and Silco said to her, "I had wondered if you would return to the Last Drop after last time."
Zaeli looked down as they walked, a nervous pit forming in her stomach. "I won't deny, I certainly thought about it," she admitted to him. "I figured I might make a better impression this time instead of coming in and immediately passing out in the doorway. I was considering going there before I ran into Jinx." As she said this, they reached the lift and she pulled the gate to it open.
"Do you still wish to?" he inquired.
She shrugged. "Maybe." Then she stepped inside the lift, but then halted when she heard him say behind her:
"Then come back to the club tonight."
Her heart pounded in her chest, threatening to burst it open at the Eye of Zaun's statement. He wanted her to come back to the Last Drop, even after last time. She supposed that maybe their last encounter hadn't really irked him as much as she thought after all. As anxious as she was, though, she had to play it cool in her response.
Turning back to face him, she smirked at him and asked in reply, "Is the infamous Eye of Zaun extending me an invitation?"
He frowned slightly. "With that attitude, I may just withdraw it."
"Oh, what a pity," she said, feigning disappointment. Then she grinned and stated, "I'll be there. Give me about four hours."
Silco folded his arms across his chest. "Three," he countered.
Zaeli raised her eyebrows challengingly. "Three and a half."
His nose turned up at her and his eyes narrowed, seemingly weighing his options as he surveyed her, before he finally responded, "Very well. Until then."
Satisfied, she closed the gate in front of her, pressed the button to activate the lift, gave a small wave to the Eye of Zaun and said, peeking at him through the bars, "See you soon, Silco."
He watched as the lift raised up until it disappeared from view with the peculiar lavender-haired woman inside. There was something about her that he still couldn't quite place. Any other time, he would've never invited a random woman he barely met to his office. He wasn't that quick to trust. Then this woman...Zaeli...something about her was different and somehow, it intrigued him. That and he couldn't deny, he was moved by how much Jinx seemed to like her, even after barely meeting her. That was definitely a contributing factor to it all.
Soon, he made it back to Jinx's room in the cavern and she was sitting cross-legged on her desk, her head propped in her hands and grinning deviously from ear to ear.
"Ooh, did you just ask Zaeli on a date?" she asked eagerly.
Supposing Jinx had followed them somehow and overheard the conversation, Silco cast her a warning look and clarified, "It is not a date, Jinx."
However, Jinx wasn't convinced and she let out a laugh. "You invited her back to the club and I assume you're both just going to be alone in your office. Sure sounds like a date to me," she teased.
"It'll just be two acquaintances having drinks and conversation. Nothing more," he told her.
She narrowed her eyes and smirked, still not buying it. "Mmm-hmm, sure, whatever you say." She pushed off of her desk, put her hand behind her back and said as she walked up to him, rocking back and forth, "She is pretty, though."
"Enough of that," he stated sternly.
Jinx simply giggled, wagged a finger at him and replied in a sing-song voice, "You didn't deny it!"
Silco rolled his eyes and was about to lecture her, but she quickly changed the subject by taking his hand, pulling her to her desk and stating that she wanted to show him her newest project. He relented easily enough and paid close attention to what she said as she went on. Jinx held a lot of influence over him that sometimes he feared it would end up being his own undoing.
He would spend a little time with Jinx and then return to the Last Drop to prepare for his rendezvous with Zaeli...which, deep down, he had to admit he was actually looking forward to.
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parker-d-bloodrose · 1 year
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I just realized I never posted my most recent art here! This is “The Mystic Araza.” She’s from Alkenstar and as much as I love Azaela, I love Araza too. She’s got a fucking bicycle because Pathfinder 2e is cool like that and said “What if we let our players have cool things because technological advances aren’t linear?” She is a Vishkanya (a snake person). I didn’t base her markings off any particular snake, because every time I tried to it ended up looking wrong. But I *think* I got the feeling correct with her. I haven’t quite figured out Araza’s personality yet, but I think she’s definitely the kind of person who would show off her abilities and is maybe a bit of a clown. She *loves* to juggle too. 
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amor-immortalem · 2 years
When Azaela was kidnapped Arella nearly lost her child, mother's worst fear. In your fic you didn't really focus on that after her child was saved. A fic about that!
A/N: thanks for the idea! As always I do too much and that’s what kept this in drafts for so long… also I had to go and re-read that fic since I wrote it so long ago. And now that I’m re-reading 30 Miles North I noticed I never really touched on Arella and what she was doing much before Azalea was saved either…
There’s a reference to the fic The Dangers of the Human World as well in here too which now that I think about it I never really posted the wrap up chapter for…
You can read 30 Miles North here if you’re interested
I can’t think of anything that requires a content warning but if you see anything let me know
Edit: its like 2pm and I just got up and saw this never posted last night 💀
Word Count: 4.2k words
Every mother’s worst fear is losing one or all of her children and Arella’s come close- multiple times. She knows her children are strong-spirited individuals- especially her only daughter- but that still doesn’t stop the nervousness she feels when they get themselves into any kind of life-endangering trouble.
So, when she learns from her husband that Azalea was currently missing, that nagging fear settles nicely into the pit of the human’s stomach. She’d already had one child go missing for fifteen years. She wasn’t about to let it happen again with another. It takes her all of five minutes to teleport back to the Devildom- RAD more specifically- which takes the other six Avatars by surprise.
“Was no one going to tell me my daughter’s gone missing?” There’s a quiet anger in her voice as she speaks before any of them can ask why she returned so suddenly.
“It’s not something we couldn’t handle on our own.” Lucifer replies first in an attempt at assuaging the sorcerer’s anger.
“Would you appreciate not being informed if Solaris had gone missing, Lucifer?” Her green eyes lock with the Avatar of Pride’s, “I’m going to help look for my child this time, so you all had better fill me in on what you already know. Honestly, I can understand why Diavolo and Barbatos wouldn’t think to tell me, but the six of you? As parents yourselves, you should be able to understand why I’m so peeved.”
“No, I suppose I would be quite miffed if the roles were reversed…” is all the eldest says in retort.
“We won’t stop you from helping this time,” Satan says as he places the pendulum in his hand back down on the table. “And while I can’t speak for the rest of us, I chose not to contact you because I thought my idiot of a brother would have done so already… I tried tracking her magical energy down but as you just saw the results always come back inconclusive.
The rest of the demons seem to be in agreement with the Avatar of Wrath’s statement.
“Diavolo is having Barbatos pull classmate records as we speak so we can get in touch with any acquaintances Azalea might have.” Lucifer says. “I know Azalea’s not the most well-liked student on campus, but neither was Mammon and he still had plenty of ‘friends,’ if you could call them that.”
“Do you think this could be pay back for something?” Asmo asks. “Knowing the girl, it wouldn’t surprise me if she pissed off the wrong demon and they orchestrated this… or it could even be any number enemies Mammon’s made from just being…”
“Mammon?” Levi finishes the question, “We can’t rule that out either. I got Diavolo’s permission to pull the video from the street cameras all across the city. Isabella’s helping me sort through it at home and once we get eyes on her we can get an idea of where she was going and what exactly happened.” His orange and purple eyes are glued to a laptop monitor as he speeds through video footage.
“There’s that much footage?” Beel asks.
“A whole city's worth,” Levi comments as he takes a sip from the water bottle he had beside him. “So, it’d just be easier if Isa helped too. This would be easier if she’d taken her phone with her, but Mammon said she left it at home so that option’s out...”
“Are we still sure she didn’t run away just to get back at Mammon?” Belphegor says as he peers at the laptop’s monitor. “She seems to enjoy raising his blood pressure like that. Plus, it would explain why every tracking spell Satan’s used so far has turned up a dead end... if she doesn’t want to be found not even magic would help track her down…”
“Azalea? Running away?” Arella deadpans, “I doubt it. She’s pulled a number of crazy stunts before but running off just because she’s mad at her father is not something Azalea’s known for.”
“Well, I did talk to Max to see if Azalea had ever made any plans on pulling something like that before and she said no so until proven otherwise we should treat this as an abduction...” Asmo says, moving a lock of hair behind their ear. “Zulima and Aurelius said the same thing as well. I reached out to Solomon too- asked him to keep an eye out in the human world magical districts in case we have another situation like the one with Cyrus...”
Arella only nods grimly at the Avatar of Lust’s words. There’s a small part of her that wants that to be the case- at least they would know she’s just being held captive somewhere. It’s better than the alternative- better than the thought that her little girl might be heavily wounded somewhere.
As the day wore on, Barbatos had finished pulling all the records of which students had shared classes with Azalea. Lucifer and Satan had gone to start investigating any possible leads on that front while Arella and the rest of the Avatars took to searching the city’s individual districts looking for leads. Arella had taken to searching the area around RAD’s dorms when she was joined by Mammon.
“Hey,” The demon’s voice is quiet as he lands next to the human, “Any leads?’
“No...” Arella frowns, “Mammon, how did this happen? We’ve now had two children go missing on your watch, which is two more than I would have liked to have happen.”
“I’m sorry, okay?” He shoots back, “I don’t know what ya want from me. She got in a fight at school, and I tried to deal with it and the whole thing blew up in my face. If you weren’t bouncing back and forth between realms so often, maybe this wouldn’t have happened, yeah?”
“Oh, so you’re blaming me, are you? Well, I’m sorry my job is so demanding, and it keeps me from being home more often but the balance between the three realms isn’t going to happen on its own. You’re her father, you should be able to hold the fort down until I get back.”
“I can’t do this alone, Arella!” He throws his arms up in exasperation, drawing the attention of other passing demons. “I get next to no help from Thirteen in the spare moments she’s ever home and I have a nearly two-year-old that I have to run around after as well as keepin’ the house up and work on top of it all. I don’t have enough time in the damn day to be micromanagin’ a fifteen-year-old that wouldn’t know impulse control if it bit ‘er in the ass! She’d been pressin’ my buttons all day ‘n I snapped. I didn’t think she’d run off and get ‘erself kidnapped.”
“Mammon, this isn’t the time or the place to be having this argument.” The human’s voice is hushed- not out of a want to keep up appearances but more so to avoid this getting out onto the internet and having their sons stumble upon it. “We can fight all we want when we get home but for now, we need to table this discussion and focus on tracking down any possible leads on where our daughter could be…”
The demon only huffs and shoves his hands in his pockets as they walk down the street.
Hours passed by and they still were no closer to tracking down Azalea. Arella had taken to stress cleaning the entire house and rearranging the furniture with her magic. She knows this isn’t going to end in tragedy, but the freckled human just can’t help but to be worried. For as strong as she knows the teenager is, it’s one thing to be able to fight against demons that are physically in the same age group as her but another thing entirely to face off against a fully matured demon.
“Mum?" She looks up, locking eyes with her middle son. “When did you get home from the human world? Also, what’re you doing in my room?”
It gives the human pause. What was she doing in Aurelius’ room? Had she gotten that caught up in the mindless cleaning that her brain had just gone into autopilot? After a few more moments of silence, it dawns on Arella that Aurelius is still waiting on her answer. She can see the irritated look on his face- he dislikes having his personal belongings touched and even though she’s his mother, not even Arella is exempt from this rule.
“Sorry, I was cleaning, and my mind must’ve gone on autopilot…” she’s quick to step out. “I came home after hearing from your father about Azalea going missing.”
“I should have stopped her- I knew she left, and I didn’t do anything. I just thought she’d run off back to the dorms to sulk after she and Dad had that horrible yelling match… it’s what she always does…” there’s a guilty look in her emerald-colored eyes. “What if she died because I didn’t do anything to stop her from leaving?”
“She won’t die- that I’m sure of,” Arella smiles. “And we’ll find her. It’s only a matter of time so don’t worry too much alright? Dad dispatched his crows to help search as well since they’ll be able to cover more ground than any of us.”
And the half-demon can only nod. He’s not sure what his mother meant when she said she was sure his sister wouldn’t be found as a corpse, but he decides to withhold from absolving himself of any guilt just on the off chance that she was wrong.
Day by day, nearly all leads turned up empty-handed. There was one lead that was promising- the street camera footage Levi and Isabella had so painstakingly sifted through. It showed the exact moment when Azalea had gone missing. Now it was just a manhunt for the perpetrators.
Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into three months and yet there was still no sign of either Azalea or her abductors. Arella was panicking. If they had somehow managed to smuggle her daughter out of the Devildom then they would have a whole new problem to deal with. Arella would give anything for that not to be the case. In fact, the human would trade what’s left of her soul just to have her daughter home with her.
“Babe, have ya seen my keys?” Mammon says as he comes into the kitchen where Arella was washing the lunch dishes. When she doesn’t answer, the demon turns to her, and notices the way her body sways from side to side gently. “Yo, ‘Rella, you good over there?”
“Hm?” Her tired green eyes look up at Mammon, “Did you say something, Love?”
“Yeah… but it can wait… I asked if you were okay… ya don’t look so good right now.”
“No… No, I think I’m alright. I have a bit of a cold but I took some medicine earlier so I should be fine…” she steadies herself against the counter as the demon places a hand against her forehead.
“You feel a little warm. Go lay down or somethin’...” He thinks she’s hiding how she really feels.
“No, I’m fine.” Arella swats his hand away, “I promise. There’s too much to do while the baby’s napping for me to be lazing about anyway...”
“Yeah, but if you collapse, then ya ain’t gonna be able to do much of anything. Go lay down until Mahlon wakes up.”
“I’m not going to collapse. I said I was fine. You don’t have to-“ She’s interrupted when Mammon picks her up and throws her over his shoulder none too gently. “You put me down this instant, Mammon!”
And he does just that, unceremoniously dropping the sorcerer to the ground in compliance with the order she’d just given him. She lets out a few grumbles and curses as she stands and brushes herself off.
“When I said put me down, I didn’t mean ‘drop me,’” she hisses as she rubs the back of her head.
“Sorry, yer the one who gave the order though.” The white-haired demon shrugs, “Call it malicious compliance if you want… y’aint hurt, are ya?”
“I’m fine… at least physically anyway.” Arella runs a hand through her hair as she looks away. “I could be better mentally, though.”
“And frustrated…” she sniffles, unsure if it's because of her nose being all stuffed up from this cold or if she’s just fighting the need to cry. “Another one of our children is missing and I still end up relegated to the sidelines when it comes to searching for her. I thought… I thought this time for sure I’d be able to do more- be able help you all more than when Cyrus went missing but I still can’t do anything…”
“I know this is hard for you ‘n I know ya wanna do more,” His voice is soft as he pulls her into a hug. “But the fact of the matter is that you just can’t cover the same amount of ground that my brothers and I can.”
“I know...” Her response is soft as she leans into him. “I just wish things were different...”
And without much else the human walks off, headed upstairs toward the bedroom. For a moment, Mammon wonders if he should follow her, but he’s already late to join the search party and he can’t afford to lose any more time.
Over the coming weeks, Arella slowly declined until she found herself rushed to the hospital one night after collapsing while she had been home alone. She had been struck with a fever she just couldn’t sweat out.
Initially, there had been some question on whether any hospital in the devildom would be able to treat a human- their immunes systems were so different from demons that there was some fear that any medicine made in this realm just wouldn’t suffice in helping a human recover but after some discussion amongst the medical professionals and influence from Solomon, the decision was made that Arella would remain in the Devildom for treatment.
While treatment was aggressive, her recovery was slow. Her fever just refused to break- dangerously holding at a steady 105 degrees even while still being packed in ice. For a while, Arella begins to worry this may be the end for her. She definitely feels as if she’s on death’s door.
Her husband doesn’t help much, not with the way she can feel his anxiety flooding in from the pact mark they share. Part of her wants to tell him to just go home and rest- after all, he’d been pretty much camped out here on and off for the past couple of weeks while their older sons had Mahlon with them but the chances of Mammon actually listening to her at this point were slim.
“So, I had m’birds start searchin’ the areas further out than what Lucifer drew up as our initial search radius.” The demon says as he lays his head on the bed, the exhaustion in his voice evident as he tries so hard to keep his eyes open. “I’m still waiting for them to get back to me, but this has to be it... If it’s not... I dunno what I’m gonna do...”
The human doesn’t say anything as she quietly grasps his hand. Arella doesn’t know what she can say to make him feel better. She knows he’s trying his best but sometimes someone best just isn’t enough.
It’s quiet between them as she feels the demon’s grip on her hand tighten before it loosens, and the sound of his soft snoring can be heard. She only picks up the book that was set beside her and begins to read to pass the time.
“And so I told her if she destroys my kitchen one more time with one of her school projects, I was shipping her off to go live with her father in the human world!”
It’s been a week since Arella was admitted to the hospital. There was still no news on the whereabouts of Azalea or her captors despite the active search for them. Arella feels like she could cry. She knows she shouldn’t give up- her daughter can’t die so the human can rest easy in the knowledge that whatever the condition they get Azalea back in, it won’t be as a corpse- but surely if she were still in the Devildom they would have found her by now.
For now, she’ll just have to wait patiently as she listens to Asmo regail her with the goings on in their very large family.
“And what did Zulima say in regards to that?”
“She promised to do her best.” the Avatar of Lust sighs, “I’m not so convinced it will change anything. I’m just tired of remodeling my kitchen every six months.”
“Perhaps she’ll surprise you. You never know with that one.” Arella hums as she looks out the window. A faint booming sound can be heard off in the distance.
“I don’t think I can take another one of that girl’s surprises,” the strawberry-blonde demon says, returning to the conversation after looking to see if he could find the source of that booming sound, “between her magical experiments and her father ‘surprising’ me by cooking dinner for us every so often, I’m amazed how I don’t have a head of hair as white as Mammon’s yet…”
The pair laughed softly about it however their jovial mood was about to be squashed as a scorpion crawls through the open widow. Asmodeus extends a finger to the tiny arachnid as it scales his arm. It waves its little pincers around as it communicates a message to its master.
Asmo goes hauntingly quiet at whatever their familiar is saying as their champagne-colored eyes widen into the shape of saucers.
“What’s it saying, Asmo? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” The human only tilts her head like a confused puppy.
“I… I have to go.” And without much explanation, the demon is gone leaving Arella to wonder just what has them so freaked out.
It turns out, the human didn’t need to wait long to find out what had sent the fifth-born rushing out in the way that he had. Within a couple hours, Asmo had returned with the news Arella had been waiting to hear since she’d first gotten word that her daughter was missing. Azalea had been found.
The human finds a wave of relief crashing over her only for it to be dampened by the grim look on Asmo’s face. Had the impossible really come to pass? Was Azalea…?
“She’s not dead… at least not yet- which is the good part.” There are tears in his eyes, “But the doctor is only giving her a few hours at most… I’m sorry…”
“She won’t pass.” To anyone not in the know, the human’s words sound sound almost as if she’s in denial. The Avatar of Lust certainly gets that impression.
“Arella… I know Azalea’s strong but she’s in a critical state. She’s got a massive infection and she’s had it for so long-”
“She’s not going to die, Asmo. Just trust me.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because Thirteen froze her life candle years ago…” the explanation is hushed, “The last time Mammon and I took the twins to the human world, a religious group abducted the three of us while your brother was out trying to gather any information about what had happened to Cyrus. In an attempt to protect me and her brother, Azalea was stabbed in the back with a dagger made from celestial gold. My daughter shouldn’t even be alive today but at the last possible moment, the flame on her candle was frozen before it could burn out.”
It’s quiet between the pair as Arella’s revelation sinks in.
“You can’t tell a soul about this, Asmo. I’m sure you know what happens to those who tamper with lifespans- not even Mammon knows about this or if he does, I’m not the one who’s told him.”
“Your secret is safe with me.”
The week passes by quickly and before she realizes it, Arella finds herself discharged from the hospital. Even better news, Azalea had woken from the medically induced come she’d been placed under while her body fought off the infection from the numerous burn wounds littered across her body.
From what Mammon had said when he’d arrived home later the night prior, Azalea didn’t remember anything from her time with her captors which Arella is more than greatful for.
Its mid morning by time the human arrives at the hospital to keep her daughter company. As she walks onto the unit, she can already hear the fuss the half-demon is kicking up.
“I said don’t fuckin’ touch me! Just gimme the bandages ‘n I do it myself!”
Arella finds her footsteps quickening at the sound of her daughter’s yelling and the call of a code for staff assistance going off. She gets to Azalea’s room just as the white and black haired girl rears her one good arm back to throw a punch.
“Azalea Morningstar, think that through!”
The teenager freezes at the sound of her mother’s voice. After a few minutes she puts her arm down, glaring daggers at the poor hospital staff that had been assigned to care for her today.
“Yer still not puttin’ your damn hands on me.” Azalea growls.
“He will be doing his job,” Arella steps further into the hospital room, hands on her hips, “you don’t have to like it, but I won’t have you assaulting these poor hospital workers for just trying to do their jobs.”
The pair lock eyes for a moment before Azalea backs down.
“Fine,” is all the tan girl huffs, “but I want a woman changing the bandages where the sun don’t shine. Ain’t a snowball’s chance in hell I’m lettin’ a guy touch me anywhere near there.”
“We can arrange that,” the hospital staff scurries off to the nurses desk in a hurry while Arella just sighs and takes a moment to set her things down.
“I brought you some loose-fitting clothes from home. I’ll help you change out of your gown after you’ve had those bandages changed.”
“Where’s my jacket? That’s the only thing I want.”
“They threw it out, dear.” The black-haired human frowns. “It was caked with so much blood and other bodily fluids that all of those clothes that you had been wearing when you were brought in were unsalvageable.”
“But that jacket was a gift from uncle Lucifer… ya can’t just throw it out like it was trash!”
“I know how important that jacket was for you, dear, but you would have never been able to wear it again. It was too heavily stained.”
The girl looks crestfallen as she leans back against the bed. The quiet moment is ruined by another hospital staff- this time a female- here to change Azaleas’s bandages.
As the hospital’s visiting hours draw to a close, Arella starts to pack up some of the things she’d brought with her and clear away some empty snack containers.
“I’m sorry.” The half-demon says as she curls into herself.
“Sorry? Sorry for what, Sweetheart?”
“For all the trouble I caused. Were you worried?”
“Yeah, we were.” She reaches out to brush back some of the girl’s hair behind her ear. We almost lost you once… it’s hard to believe it almost happened again.”
“‘S like the universe is tryin’ to get rid of me or somethin’…”
The human freezes at those words. Does she know?
“Can I talk to Thirteen- I know she’s busy more often than not but I wanna ask ‘er about something… a story she told us a while back.”
“What story?” Arella’s curious.
“It probably doesn’t matter… can ya just reach out to her for me. I’d do it myself but my phone’s at home- probably dead.”
“Alright, do you need anything else before I go for the night? Do you need to use the bathroom or need me to get a nurse for you or anything?”
“I’m alright, Mum. Thanks.” The freckled half-demon smiles.
“Then I’ll be off.” She leans over and gives her daughter a kiss on the forehead before taking her leave. “I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Love you too.”
In the coming weeks, things seemed to go back to normal for the most part. Arella had taken extended time off from her job as ambassador to the human world with Solomon and Isabella doing the most to pick up the slack for her so Arella could focus on caring for Azalea.
Things were progressing smoothly for the most part. Once the teen had healed from the surgeries to reset her legs and arm, she seemed to go right back to causing trouble- even if only at a smaller scale. The worry is back but this time it’s subtle- like the hum of an idling engine and Arella doesn’t seem to mind it now. In the end, it just serves to remind the human that with a child like her daughter, she’ll always be worried.
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gaga-cc-finds · 2 years
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M I L E Y ♔ C Y R U S - We Can’t Stop
I’m so proud of this one because this gotta be my most realistic swimsuit texture yet and it’s still transparent! It’s the Minimale Animale Golden Triangle Swimsuit that was born by MILEY & IGGY AZAELA
Y/A Female
Everyday ++ Swimwear
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myforrest2 · 1 month
Comedy ideas
Slave robots
Price to let me fuck your wife
Dating dos and don’t and questions
Pro-nouns- trans
Crying over your favorite vagina
Women are expensive
Date when I have leverage
Tik tok physically abusive ps
black women giving u add
grieving and gettin pussy
nobody takes light skinned niggas seriously
i hate beige niggas with good hair
the short dude of the beiges
living a lie
gotta know how to fight
i'm over qualified to date
AA meeting
so much so i became a social worker
coworker said i dated white women
waist bead killa
ask your homegirl about the last nigga that scammed her
progressive women
1. the apps (virgos, spelman women, big titty taurus
2. vasectomy before it was fashionable
3. kids have and want more
4. meeting (questions)
5. aids commercials during hulu and chill
6. dog in bed
7. stress and ED
8. being 19 and 40
9. learned all the words women use capacity
10. i got a dick but i got feelings 2
11. munch love myself too much
12. divorce how they really feel
13. dv abd blueface show
14. quantum leap
how many dicks would u suck to get your student loans forgiven
my friends have kids and i dont have stufent loans . latest flex
off and on the apps
only reason im tryin to date again is cuz i heard my upstairs neighbor having sex
dr umar shaking head whenever i swipe right on a white girl
Apache open mic
2friday comedy at 9
tuesday at 8
wednesday 9
Dark Humor. Button up, Buttercup
Hershel Walker hit his wife using his hands.
Raphael Warnock hit his wife with the car and ran over her foot.
Raphael currently has a 48% to 45% lead amongst polled college students in Georgia.
This does not surprise me because today's young students do not support employment using their hands.
emotionally unavailable BW
to women with low self esteem
but too shallow
in 2023 i am giving up emotionally unavailable black women
Waffle house reality show
football now like watching condom sex
africa sex with condom
bag of vaginas to make life easier
interview grandmas that fucked wilt chamberlain
i dare you to ask your granny if she fucked wilt.
moving to ghana off 30k
chlamydia the bv of stds
fucked 3 in one day
them/they pussy
trans vs cis
price of pussy
bag of pussy
quantum leap
tik tok
snow on the bluff
yoga nude
yoga teacher
RIP t-shirt with my dad air brushed
big scarr's funeral. shot a video
dated a bitch 2 abortions
bitch cried during sex
vasectomy . i am the plan b
laughing skull gay niggas
autistic gay phase
trans men
trans women cut ur dick off
gay niggas walk like spike lee movies
booty os
roaches in atl
child support
harvey weinstein had sick dick
3some etiquite
better pussy
retarded brother
fought white boy in 6th grade
tyrone's brother
dating a virgo
being terrified on stage
played sax in the church band
black moms
kamala harris ending unemployment
my aunt was drooling on herself had diabetic dimensia
had maw maw shook
having to ask mom if i could spend the night
cousins house
women hate the truth kryptonite
low self esteem pussy
dad's heart attack/chest pains
dj pauls arm
being a black vet is hard
prisoners get more respect
iraq was like work release abroad
people that watch who follows who
hamlin scam. i need more friends. loner
andrew gillum cau/morehouse grad
cuckold stories. police officer
switching genders
iggy azaela earned 307 k in 24 hours. if inwas a woman i'd never b broke
trans men going thru puberty
Critical race theory should have been called cool race theory
the truth/accountability is pussy kryptonite
walk thru meg/tory kelsey shot meg. who had more of the motive. women lie like dudes. Meg is OJ for Black women
men tell little lies. women tell BIG Lies
ask who is paying child support
how much
dude that made 7.50 and hour paying 1.49 a month
dude that killed his wife
CS a scam
happy wife happy life
i miss my work wife
memphis cops
picking a trauma
bacterial vaginosis for men
asian on asian crime
gook on gook crime
being a husband is like being a post op trans woman
cool race theory
happy wife happy life
Unfaithful movie
SK victims homeless Black women
plotting m*****
plantation game
harriet tubman 360 deals
who got better pussy? (ask women sitting next to each other)
lazy white people
slavery a pretty cool concept
having a white slave in the army
whole skit on asians
y we hate canada y canada hates us
first nigga to die in a chicago winter
eastern and western borders
god b scammin trans people
levels to lgbt self hate
ye and cudi fuckin
dv jokes
got dad's pocket pussy bronzed
next to vet flag
bronze shoes
dad was a shooter
cps stories
fuckin kids' teachers
the trans people of black folks being light skinned
the brotha darkness show interviews with comics
fight haven wheelchair
vday wish i ckuld get somebody pregnant but cant
cjild support but wont pay for pussy
dfcs stories
pet store kid in kennel
broke up white family extended stay
teachers getting beat up by students
Ms. Ringo 7th grade science teacher
teacher killed by school principal
praying grandma
got more respect for the post op trans
uber beats
dabrat pregnant at 48 touch of downs
aint smelled a cig in years. vapes keeping the cancer to yourself
women get to be honest men cant
women live lies
i hate being light skimned. the kind that keeps me alivle
abortion. women fucked it up. covid amazon then war
deaf people doin stand up
aaron rodgers darkness retreat fancy solitary confinement
favorite vagina cry after i jack off
synthetic vagina
dd214 is out paper work
my skin is light but my comedy is dark
church revival
vasectomy like having a slorts car
michael jackson live vocals
domestic violence turns me on
alex murdaugh
xylazine addicts zombie drugs
medical studies
sou sou circle
it's cool to be retarded now
ol girl asked about student loans. should have asked if she would have sucked me off
joined the army cuz i was poor and had a cavity
how do u want to b murdered? true crime hoes
keith lee cholesteral
eating videos
molested by neighbors daughter
have u been molested?
coochie is an acquired taste like beer
reparations what would u b willing to trade?
part white so i look at black people how straights look at the pronoun gang
killing your kids
shamiya hall
cps ptsd
are men softer. evolution
rose party
first pussy i ate
work release abroad
kidnapped in mexico
conjoined twins
pull all the genders
lt dan
dad no indoor plumbing
mom killed autistic son threw in lake
pussy on the block chain put the bitch on the block chain
me too made niggas do an audit of their sexual history
baby holocaust
keepin a bitch happy is stressful
crying on tiktok
chris rocks goal was to keep his daughter off the pole mine is to not see my daughter on reddit
grocery store the special alympics
no relationship no raw
slap fights
do people still get crabs?
alien pussy
gender trades
utah cabin murders
da brat's baby gonna have a touch of Downs
do synthetic coochies get stds
how big of a screen do u watch porn on
roe v wade
cant b gay if u axe throw. no limp wrists
if she's good at axe throwing, she will kill u
ms cleo brand tarot cards
retard beef . downs vs. Non verbal autistic kids
black men got the early trans struggle . django scene cut dick off . we can relate
good blood pressure
levels to the gay
race play
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echo--writes · 9 months
Lestat x Louis x male OC
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a fanfiction on Lestat x Louis (the series version) x male OC. Where Corey's sister writes a letter to Lestat and Louis responding to a rumour that there looking for a romantic companion, in which she explains that her brother (the OC) has a crush on them, but he's too introverted and shy to do anything about it, and that he's a trapeze/acrobat in the local circus.
Lestat's POV
As I unlock the gate to the townhouse, I notice an envelope neatly tucked under the welcome matt to prevent it from blowing away. I tear it open and read the contents. In spite of myself, I can't help but smile smugly. I stuff it into my pocket before getting into my car to pick Louis up. I drive quickly, eager to tell him the good news. When I finally arrive, Louis is waiting for me with a huge smile on his face. I hand him the envelope he furrows his brows at me in confusion, but proceeds to read it, his eyes sparkle and a warm smile graces his plump lips, he finds the tickets and says:
"We better get going". I grin in response and we make our way to the circus.
There's an excited chatter of children and the upbeat music humming in the background gets louder as the lights dim.
(Imagine Zendaya's character as a male with fluffy hair, but with more trapeze parts)
Corey's POV
The first part of the show finishes and I'm already tired. There is lots to go, but if I'm being honest all the attention is making me... uncomfortable, perhaps that's the introvert in me talking but I just want to go home and climb into bed.
The show goes on for another 2 hours before I can get out of my costume, although it looks great and the colour accentuates the violet in my eyes it's so itchy!
After I've changed back into my suffocating suit I meet my sister outside the tent, I spot her talking to two men, both quite a bit taller than me one of the men possesses blond hair that just touches his shoulders with a slight waviness, he has an enigmatic and youthful appearance. His striking features and mesmerizing eyes captivate those around him, making him a captivating figure. It seems that he often dresses in an extravagant and flamboyant manner, further enhancing his allure. He carries himself more confidently than I've ever seen someone else do so before. Whilst the man beside him has an ethereal and otherworldly quality, with his dark complexion and piercing green eyes, that seem to be shielding a raging sorrow. His hair, dark and coily, and his figure is tall and slender, with a well-defined jawline. He wears a tan, tailored suit, effortlessly blending in with the rest of the upper-class society.
Neither one of them has noticed me yet so I use that to my advantage. I know I shouldn't but I try to tune in on their conversation, but I'm soon caught. My sister grabs my arm pulling me over.
"Corey this is Mr De Lioncourt and Mr Du Lac, the owners of the Azaela." I smile with a tight lip, hoping they don't ask me questions.
"Your sister has told us much about you, I take it you asked her to write the letter?" I frown, raising my brow at my sister, she nervously chuckles. Mr Du Lac takes out an envelope from his pocket passing to me, I only skim-read it but I get the gist. I glare at my sister.
"If it helps mon cherie, it's true and you definitely suit our taste". I blink in surprise but I'm still processing the 'mon cherie' part, and I know that I'm definitely blushing. Both men chuckle. "Oh and Corey?"
"Just call us by our first names."
"Uh ok... what are they?" Lestat chuckles amused.
"That's Louis and I'm Lestat. Your sister said you had a crush on us yet you don't know our names?"
"I only ever watched- from afar." They both smile at me, and they look at each other before grinning, I tilt my head which was a mistake because the second they notice Lestat grabs my arm and pulls me towards their automobile.
Let me know if you want a part 2!
And here's the pinterest board as well!
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apileofmoss · 2 years
which oc can cook? what’s their favorite thing to cook?
Oo okay so i think Emily, Esmeray, Juniper, Ezra, and Zakael can all cook . Amara can bake and make candies but she sucks Ass at cookin,, Emily's oldest brother taught him to cook when they were young because he was always in the kitchen with him and the first thing they learned was Arepas, which continues to be their comfort food. Esmeray's mom taught her how to cook and she had to do it from a young age. She really enjoys making Yaprak Sarma and Menemen <3 Juniper doesn't cook all too much, but her favorite thing to make is traditional Japanese ramen. Zakael loves cooking So much and often cooks for Azaela,, He favors fish dishes especially stews and curries ! Ezra doesn't enjoy cooking all too much but she is fuckign Bomb at makign pancakes and makes them all the time
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blacky-nikki-art · 4 years
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Azaela is a bit problemtaic character for me. I love my daughter but create for her personality uh-oh...
Every tenno is a child/teenager but this doesn't change the fact probably they're the most skilled warriors in our galaxy + super duper void powers. What I mean? Teenager is a bit crazy time in life. Many psychic and biological changes. I'm not at this age anymore so my operator is an next challenge for me.
The easiest way would be to make her as a young adult but I don't want to. I preffer her in the 'canon age'. I know, I know. I used to draw her a lot but it was more just for stupid fun than something serious. But now it's time for something serious and create a real story.
Azaela alignmet is almost black (mon). Warframe wiki told me it's mean she is pragmatic and idealistic. For the first one I don't have any problem cuz it makes sense for me but idealistic...? Nah. meanwhile the white (sun) meaning kind yet vengeful.
I can make combo.
Also, if we talk about NOT alignmets. Not warrior stuff. Azaela is an teenager so I wanna let her make stupid things just for fun, let her be a normal chuman child for a while.
In the conclusion.
Tennos are problematic as fuq for me. I adore Warframe's lore and the AU 'cuz is just amazing! Strange but amazing. Where you can see fishing flying fish? Be super cool space ninja? Flying archwing or use k-drive? Make and chose one of 76 playable characters?
Why just don't create a strange character like this strange universum?
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musesbymeri · 2 years
Headcanon/Worldbuilding: Life Before Hoenn
Caroline didn't like living in the city, preferring smaller towns - she was born and raised in Mahogany Town, and went to Olivine for a vacation, where she met and fell in love with Norman. Norman worked on the docks, and was very good at his job, so Caroline agreed to move to Olivine to be with him.
She brought a Jolteon with her, while Norman had a Chansey. The two Pokémon... tolerated each other (well, it was more Jolteon tolerating Chansey while Chansey tried to be friends but gave up after a few weeks).
Jolteon did not like May. At all. Still doesn't. No one can figure out why. Jolteon would spark if May got too close to her, which would, in turn, scare the shit out of May.
In order to teach May that Pokémon were not inherently hostile, Norman would take her for walks on Routes 38 and 39, where she could observe trainer battles and docile wild Pokémon. On special father/daughter days, he would take her to the Battle Frontier. These special father/daughter days were the true ignition spark for her love of Pokémon battling.
Max would eventually join them on walks, and Norman reserved special father/son days for the Battle Frontier as well.
Caroline was not too pleased with this, as she dislikes Pokémon battling, but didn't want to stand in the way of her children's happiness.
Norman and Caroline raised their kids with a deep respect of traditions in Johto, which they would carry with them even after the move to Hoenn.
May and Max would spend their days in Olivine running along the docks, climbing up to the top of the lighthouse, and meeting people and Pokémon from all over the world.
When she wasn't with Max, May had a best friend named Aiko.
She and Aiko would stop by the Olivine Gym to watch trainer battles, eagerly planning out their strategies to defeat the gym leader.
May and Max were both worried about Team Rocket. Norman calmed them by telling them about the new strong Pokémon he was raising for a friend in Hoenn - that Team Rocket wouldn't be able to overcome. Thankfully, Team Rocket is taken down before they could expand to Johto, and Lance is - shockingly - defeated by a trainer named Red.
Two years later, when May is eleven years old, Aiko's family quietly and quickly packs up and leaves Johto. Strangely enough, Team Rocket strikes Azaela Town only a few weeks later.
May and Max heard the Rocket executives plea to Giovanni on the radio.
When Lance is defeated by a trainer from New Bark Town, May begins to plan her strategy around defeating them.
Only a few months before she turns twelve, Norman gets the call about the gym leader job in Hoenn.
May is devastated at the thought (because she really, really wants to defeat the champion). To cheer her up, her parents contact Professor Elm and ask if she would be allowed to take one of the Johto starters with her to Hoenn. He obliges, and May selects a Chikorita, whom she names Clover.
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blackcatarts · 2 years
don't know why this popped into my brain but what would luna and azalea be like in a d&d au? i think druid azalea sexy
DRUID AZALEA SOOOO TRUE something something communing with natural life around her and luna being smitten but also it playing into her Problems because everyone and everything is in love with azaela and she is. as always. Walking Behind Her
i think luna would be a wizard because like her whole thing is trying to escape the situation she's in through any means necessary- and in a fantasy universe she would do that by studying magic... i do think its almost more poetic for her to fail at learning it and become like a monk or a rogue though, partially bc of the parallels to wba
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photogirl894 · 2 years
"The Flower of the Lanes"
Chapter 2
"A Friend's Warning"
An "Arcane" fanfic!
Pairing: Silco x fem OC, Viktor (friendship/platonic)
A/N: This one definitely has more dialogue than the last, but this was a fun one! I just love Viktor, he's a sweetheart 😊
Taglist: @darthzero22 , @oneshot-one-kill , @ilikemymendarkandfictional , @tech-deck , @crazytookalady , @ladykatakuri
《 Chapter 1
》 Chapter 3
All chapters
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Explanation: After narrowly escaping with her life, Azaela goes to her friend, Viktor, for possible information on the man who saved her in the Undercity.
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"Azaela, what in the world were you thinking?"
Needless to say, Viktor's reaction to hearing about Azaela's solo venture down to Zaun was exactly like she predicted. Her friend was not pleased with her.
She had gone to his home up in Piltover, where she had found him in his lab, naturally. Over the last few years since finishing at the Academy, he had been a busy man working on something called Hextech that he'd started with his work partner, Jayce, so he practically lived in his laboratory these days.
"I don't know, I got ahead of myself," she told him. "I just really wanted to see the city with my own eyes."
"I understand that, but you don't go down there alone. It's dangerous if you're not familiar with the place," he told her from the chair he sat in. "You could have been seriously hurt or possibly killed."
Azaela put her face in her hands as she sat next to him. "I realize that now. I know I made a mistake, but I know better now."
"How did you get away?" he inquired.
The image of the mysterious man with the fiery eye returned to her mind and she could almost feel the heat of his intense gaze. There was just something about him that struck her to the core in a way she couldn't quite determine was good or bad.
She then told Viktor, "Someone actually saved me. I was wondering if you might know who he is."
Viktor chuckled as he then stood up and shakily walked with his cane over to his work desk, where a glowing blue hexagonal cube hovered above it. "You know, just because I'm from the Undercity doesn't mean I know everyone, Z," he said, calling her by a nickname he'd given her.
She rolled her eyes slightly and grinned. "I know that, Vik, but this person was...unlike anyone I'd ever seen. If you know him, I'm certain you wouldn't forget him."
He examined the hexagon for a few seconds and then started jotting things down into a notebook. "Very well. Describe him to me."
"Well, he was thin, a little older, surprisingly well-dressed and...he had an orange left eye."
Suddenly, Viktor stopped writing and held his pencil just inches above the paper. His eyes were wider than they had been a moment ago. His silence made Azaela apprehensive.
Finally, he looked to her with a concerned expression and asked, "You are certain he had an orange eye?"
With a nod, she replied, "It was glowing and was the only thing I could see clearly in the dark alley." She narrowed her eyes at him. "You do know who he is, then?"
He turned to face her directly. "Z, tell me exactly what he did," he said in a serious tone.
Feeling now put on the spot, she stammered, "Uh, w-well...he came into the alley and simply warned the men who had cornered me to leave me alone. He warned them three times and they wouldn't listen. The next thing I knew, one of them had a knife in his chest and...." Her voice faltered briefly, recalling the image of the dead man on the ground. She'd never seen anyone get killed in front of her before and it was something she knew she wouldn't forget anytime soon.
"Did he do anything else?" Viktor then inquired.
"After the other two men ran off, he came over and gave me a breathing mask because I was struggling to breathe," she went on, pulling out the mask she still carried. "He asked me if I'd been hurt and told me 'don't forget a breathing mask if you're not used to the air yet'. I get the feeling he didn't know I was from Piltover, given he said 'yet' to me like I would get used to the air eventually. I didn't get the chance to thank him because he then disappeared."
"Yes and you won't get to," he stopped her sternly.
Stunned, she asked back, "Why not?"
"Because he is perhaps the most dangerous man in all of the Underground," he replied.
That definitely was the last thing Azaela expected to hear. Though now it sort of explained why she'd felt like she should be troubled by him.
"Who is he, Viktor?" she inquired.
"He's an Industrialist and a drug kingpin; the rising leader of the chembarons," Viktor explained. "He manufactures Shimmer down in the Undercity, which makes the streets far more dangerous."
Knowing her mysterious savior was the leader of the chembarons definitely explained the attire he had worn. He would certainly have the money to afford some more expensive clothing.
Then Viktor said to her, "His name is Silco."
Now, Azaela had a name to attribute to the man who'd saved her life down in the Undercity.
Lastly, Viktor added, "He's also known as the Eye of Zaun."
"Hmm...fitting," she commented.
That, however, didn't amuse Viktor in the least. "Z, this is not funny," he scolded her. "Silco is nothing but trouble."
She then asked him the question that had been lingering in her mind the whole time: "If he's so dangerous, then why did he risk saving me?"
Viktor was unable to answer that question right away as he heaved a sigh and ran a hand through his brown hair, leaning onto his cane for balance. This knowledge about Silco seemed to really bother him and Azaela didn't like seeing him this way. The poor young man didn't need anymore stress and worry on his shoulders, so this all fell on her.
"Vik, I trust your knowledge, I do," she started telling him, "but I don't fully believe he's quite as bad as you say. Otherwise, he could've left things alone or he could've killed me himself. Why would he step in and help me?"
"That, I can't answer," he responded, "but I don't trust it."
"He could've left me to those men or, better yet, he could've left me there to choke myself to death on the tainted air. He didn't have to give me his mask," she said back.
He huffed in frustration. "It doesn't make sense to me either, but that doesn't mean you should trust him."
"At least, I want to know why," she said. "If he's such a bad person, why did he help me?"
"Azaela, you'd be getting in way over your head," said Viktor.
"You of all people know that certain things in life take risks," Azaela told him back. "That's what everything in Piltover is built upon."
Viktor took up his cane and walked over to her, saying insistently, "Yes, but not at the cost of your own life." He sighed loudly. "Look, I understand you want to know more about the Undercity, where I come from, but Silco is the last person you want to know down there."
Azaela went up and put a hand on his shoulder. "I know you're looking out for me and I appreciate it, but I can't just let this go. Like you said, I could've been hurt or killed, but I wasn't because of him. I have to thank him for that."
"He may not want your thanks. Maybe he just happened to be in a good mood," he replied with a shrug.
"Whatever the reason, I most likely wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for him," she responded.
"Z, you're playing with fire."
"And I'll take the consequences if I get burned."
"Even if it costs you your life?"
"It won't, Viktor. I really don't think it will. I just...have a feeling."
Viktor let his head fall back and he groaned, irritated. He knew arguing with her when her mind was set on something was pointless.
"You're really going to be stubborn about this, aren't you?" he asked, looking back at her.
She shrugged, though the look on her face pretty much said "you better believe it".
"Then I'll go with you," he insisted.
Shaking her head, she said to him, "No, you've got more important work to do with the Hextech. I can't pull you away from that, though I do appreciate your offer. I'll be more cautious, I promise."
Viktor opened his mouth to say something back, but then stopped himself. He knew she made a point. He and Jayce had ideas they were working on with the Hextech and it required a lot of their attention. While he valued her friendship, he knew his work was also important and she respected that, too.
Finally, he said, "I don't like this at all, but I can see there's no talking you out of this."
"Vik, I need to also see more of Zaun," she replied. "What I saw in just the first and part of the second levels were devastating."
"It gets worse the further down you go," he informed her.
"I honestly think that we should be helping those people; that Piltover should be doing more with our wealth and technology to improve things in the Undercity," she declared.
The look in Viktor's eyes in that moment was one of pleasant shock and he couldn't hold back a small smile. "Azaela, I admire your passion and it means a lot to me that you want to help my home...but you know no one will agree to that outright. No one thinks the Undercity is worth helping. Piltover is above them, literally and figuratively."
"Well, they're wrong," Azaela replied.
"That's also a very thin line you're treading on," he warned her. "Speaking in such a way could get you in trouble with the Piltover Council." He held up a defensive hand and went on to say, "I want to help the Undercity as much as you do. We just need to take it one step at a time and gradually coax the Council to that idea. Jayce and I are hoping that the continual growth and success of our Hextech will one day bring about power and technology that can be shared in both cities. Eventually, the progress of Piltover will make its way to Zaun. We will make it happen, you'll see."
She offered him an encouraging smile. "I have no doubt you'll figure something out. You've always been the smartest of the two of us."
He snickered. "And you've always been the most stubborn of the two of us. I've known for a long time that there's no persuading you against something you've got your mind set on."
"It's part of my charm," she said as she feigned an innocent grin.
Viktor shook his head and smirked.
She then went on to ask, "Now, where can I find Silco?"
His face turned somber and a sense of nervousness flashed in Viktor's eyes at the question. He didn't want to answer, but he knew there was no getting out of it.
He said, "I strongly urge you to not return to Zaun on your own...but if you do, which I imagine you will, take that mask with you and wear a cloak to cover your clothes and your hair. It draws too much attention." He started to turn away and head back to his desk, speaking as he stumbled over, "You'll find Silco in the Lanes, in the lowest level called the Sump," he said. "He runs a club called the Last Drop. It has a big neon sign of an eye above it. You can't miss it. It's most likely not going to be easy to get to him."
"I'll see what I can do," she said back.
"You must know, though: he despises Piltover," he stated, turning back to her as he sat down in his chair. "There are many reasons why, most of which I do not know, but he hates the Topside. If he knows you're from here, he may not be so kind."
She bobbed her head. "I had a feeling. Most Zaunites don't like us. If he's the leader of the chembarons, then I'm sure he definitely doesn't like us." Then she smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you, Vik. I owe you one."
"By now, I've started a tab on what you owe me," Viktor teased her.
Azaela crinkled her nose at him back.
"Z...be careful," he urged her.
"Don't you worry. I won't go back right away and I won't do anything stupid," she said in return.
As she moved to leave his laboratory, Viktor couldn't help but think to himself, "Famous last words."
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Two nights passed since Azaela's excursion to Zaun.
In that time, she'd been busy with her own work, helping her family and sometimes helping Viktor. Every so often, if Jayce was indisposed, Viktor asked for her input on his research for the Hextech or, if anything, he just needed someone to voice his thoughts aloud to and talk things out, which sometimes helped him figure out a problem he was stuck on. He hadn't brought up her pending trip back to the Underground, so she figured he either didn't want to talk about it or just didn't have the time to think about it.
Also in that time, she'd gone out and purchased a black cloak big enough to cover most of her body and with a hood she could tuck her thick head of hair in. Unfortunately, she didn't have any clothing that wasn't expensive and had no way readily available to her to get clothes that weren't or else that's what she would do instead of just hiding her normal rich attire. The mask Silco had left her had been hidden in her nightstand by her bed, ready to be used when she decided to go.
On the third night, Azaela found herself lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. She wanted to sleep, but her mind was reeling so much, it wouldn't let her. Things had been that way since going to Zaun. Her dreams the last two nights had been...interesting, to say the least.
They had started off unpleasantly as the three men who had pursued her appeared and started chasing her again. She was caught, there was the flash of a knife before her eyes and then the man who had been killed laid dead on the ground. Then everything would turn dark and she could see nothing around her, trapped in a seemingly endless void...until suddenly a small ember of fire would appear in the darkness and gradually swirl and morph into an eye.
Silco's eye.
The glow of his eye would illuminate the shadows enough to where she could see the outline of his face, his sharp features coming into view. There was danger in his gaze that made her nervous and on edge and yet...there was also sincerity; the same type of concern she had seen in his face the night he'd saved her from an uncertain fate. Everything she could see in his eyes pierced into her very soul. His entrancing eye seemed to occupy much of her thoughts. She couldn't shake him out of her mind. His appearance alone was too intriguing for her to forget. She had to meet him officially at least once, even if it was just to thank him for helping her and that was all.
There had to be more to him than just what Viktor told her. Otherwise, why would someone so vile and threatening as Viktor made him out to be take the time to save a defenseless woman and offer and leave his own breathing mask to help her? Surely, the man had to have some morals or else he could've just left her to her own devices, which would not have ended well. No...he had followed her pursuers into that alley to stop them...but why? Why would a chembaron with possibly the greatest influence in Zaun take the time to do such a thing? Viktor's information and her personal experience weren't adding up and she hadn't been able to stop thinking about it for three days. It was maddening!
Azaela had to find Silco and speak to him.
Finally, she couldn't stay in bed any longer. Everything inside her was screaming at her to go. She took up her cloak, grabbed the breathing mask and snuck out of her room through the window so she wouldn't wake her parents.
Before long, she found herself back in the elevator going down to Zaun. She put the breathing mask up to her face and inhaled a big, deep breath of the cleaner air inside before stepping out, pulling her hood just a bit further forward to cover her face. She kept her head down, but her eyes up to see where she was going and to avoid any scuffles with anyone. Even later at night, the streets were still busy. It was almost as if time didn't exist in Zaun.
Soon, she got further into the second level, farther than she had gotten the first time and she could feel the air getting thicker, so she discreetly brought up her mask again, inhaling as deeply as she could.
"Watch out!" suddenly cried a voice.
Before she could react, a young boy bumped into her, sending her lurching forward and the mask flew from her hands. The kid too stumbled after colliding with her and he accidentally stepped on her mask, tripping a bit over it.
"Sorry, ma'am!" the boy called out as he continued to run and a few seconds later, a group of three more boys zoomed past her, most likely chasing after the first one.
Once they ran past, she stooped down and picked up the breathing mask, but she could hear a light whistling sound coming from it. When she turned it over, she saw part of the learner in the front had been torn and the canister of air inside had been punctured, leaking the clean air out of it.
"Oh shit...," she groaned. This just made her outing even more difficult. "Well...guess I better hope the last breath I got is enough to get me to the Lanes," she thought. It was after that happened, she was going to have a harder time figuring out. She put the mask back in her bag she had with her and kept going.
As she walked, she took small breaths, trying to breathe in as little of the thick, dirty air as possible so she didn't start suffocating again. It still amazed her how anyone could live in such conditions. However, despite her best efforts, she could feel her lungs getting filled with the bad air and it was becoming a difficult challenge to keep herself from coughing her lungs out. It became nearly impossible once she found herself in the Sump.
There were definitely a lot more shady-looking people in this area of the city. This had to be the slums of Zaun, given the even poorer conditions. Why would someone as successful as Silco take up residence in a place like this? Azaela felt like he'd be better suited in the first or second level of the city where the richer Zaunites lived.
The Lanes were dark yet bright at the same time from the abundance of glowing neon lights and signs from the various clubs in the area. She could hear music faintly playing from some of the clubs she passed by. She saw scantily-clad women leading men or women into one building, which she discerned was a brothel. Finally, her lungs and chest couldn't take it anymore and she began violently coughing and choking as she walked, covering her mouth with part of her hood to muffle the sounds.
Finally, she came around a corner and saw a huge neon green sign of an eye and where the iris would be was a circular sign that read "The Last Drop".
"Found you," she thought triumphantly.
Her balance faltered a little as she kept going towards the club and her vision was going slightly blurry, her choked coughing getting worse. The atmosphere was so bad down in the Lanes, it was almost unbearable. Maybe things would be better once she got inside the building; maybe the air would be more filtered in there. Her hood wasn't doing anything to block the air from getting inside her system. From how she stumbled along, she had a feeling anyone watching her probably thought she was drunk.
Azaela got to the door and pushed it open with what little strength she had, loud music blasting and invading her ears so much it almost hurt. The world around her was spinning and hazy and she bumped into the doorframe as she walked in. She couldn't make heads or tails of anything or anyone in front of her and just stood in place, trying to focus and get her bearings.
She heard a gruff female voice speak up, "What do you want?"
Through labored breath, she gasped out, "I'm...looking...for...Silco."
The next thing she knew, she was falling and everything went black.
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Her eyes fluttered open weakly and her body felt as though she'd had a boulder resting on her chest. She was lying on her back and looking up at a wooden ceiling. What surprised her even more was, when she began to stir, she felt warm leather beneath her. She turned her head slightly and saw and realized that she was on a leather sofa.
Where was she? How did she get here?
She took a slow inhale through her nose and found it was easier for her to breathe now. However, that didn't make up for pounding headache she had. With a moan of discomfort, she sat up and clutched at her head. She noticed there were bookshelves and a couple of tables in the room. It looked like she was in an office of some kind.
All of a sudden, she heard a familiar, intimidating voice speak, "Did you even bother to heed the advice I gave you?"
Azaela turned her head and saw, swerving around in a big chair behind a desk on the other side of the room, with a lit cigar in his hand and the gaze of his ember eye trained on her, Silco himself.
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rookvonhunt · 3 years
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Hi tenko ❤️ i hand you a pancake
So.. Hazel, he's a robot boy that likes making tea, very kind and hates violence but can be violent if he needs to defend/protect himself he likes long talks especially talking about very mundane things or philosophical talks, not naive but gets attached really easily
Really bad image mercie. Anyways : What if I diagnosed hazel with one of my few non nrc ocs :)
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Aka : I give him Carnata Azaela. She is a very peaceful person by nature, and only fights because ignisield asks it of her. Despite her past... Carnata is highly devoted and like hazel , quick to get attached. Possibly due to her isolation. And because of said isolation , Carnata is very lacking in her social skills. But she does enjoy chatting about the finer things in life , much like him! And getting to know one another over tea... How romantic!! However unfortunately, carnata is VERY naive. And it's probably for the best that he's the one she ends up with JRJRJRJ.
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quinnfebrey · 4 years
ok so fandom complains when people calling them toxic, but this same fandom cant just leave alone family and friends of the cast? like leave them alone is not your bussines not your family or your friends, respect boundaries, like yes what they said is wrong but just leave them alone, then you all start complaining when cast leave the fandoms and cut ties like you kidding me? just stay in your own fucking lanes and leave them alone, yes the wilds fandom is toxic as hell what a surprise.
so basically what you’re saying is “they were blatantly racist but just let them be racist cuz i don’t want the cast to get mad” bc that ain’t it
calling people out on literal racism isn’t “toxic” and no offense but you really need a reality check if you’re more concerned about the cast distancing themselves than actual racism. if the cast is willing to distance themselves because they don’t like that we said someone was being racist then idk about you but they can go lol
also eyob has 7k followers and literal azaela banks reposted the story. we hardly went off and searched within some random person’s account. this was a public message and a public apology is deserved
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tiredassmage · 3 years
Does your muse like to dance? Would they dance with another?
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It is, unfortunately, not something Astor often finds he has time for, but it is something he has a bit of a secret adoration for - more the part of sharing a quiet, intimate moment with someone he cares for than the stately, showy kind of dancing, in particular. It's one of the things he's sort of allowed himself to romanticize in his head, something he'd consider so domestic after the many stressful demands of being a Warrior of Light. And it's those kind of small moments he silently aches and craves for under the constant pressure to save the world, again.
If god hands me a context in which him and Gaius can share a dance, I will absolutely lose my mind. I'm very much about it and I want them to stare across the room at each other and for Astor to hopelessly blush because he's an idiot and still something of a clueless maiden when it comes to love. Right down to the fact that he'd actually delight in the excuse to wear something pretty and dressy and. Just actually a dress. He might distress for bells about anyone taking such a long time to do something like a full Fancy Affair treatment on him, but he'd also... secretly love it. And he’d also be absolutely flustered if some stranger asked him to dance. He’s maybe been a Warrior of Light for several years now, but he is no more used to the fame and recognition than he was in the early days when the biggest problem they had was fiery lizard primals.
He has learned at least an understanding of the martial art of a Dancer from his adoptive daughter and fellow Warrior of Light, Kiana, as it is one of her main combat specialties, though Astor will say his talents remain more firmly in the magical and arcane than physical.
In a completely different timeline/version of events in which he is very happily with my friend's lovely Eden Azaela (@eden-azalea), I will not be swayed from the fact that they dance and sway in their kitchen together and absolutely delight in it because the theme of desiring those small, intimate moments away from the constant battle is common in both editions and they are inCREDIBLY soft and I love them. uwu.
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And, as if I haven't gone on enough, I've been thinking so much about Shay lately, and it is the month of elves, so he gets to feature, too. Being raised in Ishgard, Shay is familiar with the idea of dancing in such circles as one would find the High Houses, but, for the longest time, had no reason to after leaving his life in Ishgard far behind him. If asked, Shay would say it's not really his thing and would brush off the idea that he could outright. But a certain banquet did allow him at least one dance with his soulmate before it all went to shit, and she was pleasantly surprised to find he could dance quite well. Now, if the world would be so kind as to allow him another opportunity that does not end with him being accused wrongly of regicide... He would consider it. Only for Airi, though.
Answered from the Soft Headcanon Meme
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