echo--writes · 9 months
Lestat x Louis x male OC
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a fanfiction on Lestat x Louis (the series version) x male OC. Where Corey's sister writes a letter to Lestat and Louis responding to a rumour that there looking for a romantic companion, in which she explains that her brother (the OC) has a crush on them, but he's too introverted and shy to do anything about it, and that he's a trapeze/acrobat in the local circus.
Lestat's POV
As I unlock the gate to the townhouse, I notice an envelope neatly tucked under the welcome matt to prevent it from blowing away. I tear it open and read the contents. In spite of myself, I can't help but smile smugly. I stuff it into my pocket before getting into my car to pick Louis up. I drive quickly, eager to tell him the good news. When I finally arrive, Louis is waiting for me with a huge smile on his face. I hand him the envelope he furrows his brows at me in confusion, but proceeds to read it, his eyes sparkle and a warm smile graces his plump lips, he finds the tickets and says:
"We better get going". I grin in response and we make our way to the circus.
There's an excited chatter of children and the upbeat music humming in the background gets louder as the lights dim.
(Imagine Zendaya's character as a male with fluffy hair, but with more trapeze parts)
Corey's POV
The first part of the show finishes and I'm already tired. There is lots to go, but if I'm being honest all the attention is making me... uncomfortable, perhaps that's the introvert in me talking but I just want to go home and climb into bed.
The show goes on for another 2 hours before I can get out of my costume, although it looks great and the colour accentuates the violet in my eyes it's so itchy!
After I've changed back into my suffocating suit I meet my sister outside the tent, I spot her talking to two men, both quite a bit taller than me one of the men possesses blond hair that just touches his shoulders with a slight waviness, he has an enigmatic and youthful appearance. His striking features and mesmerizing eyes captivate those around him, making him a captivating figure. It seems that he often dresses in an extravagant and flamboyant manner, further enhancing his allure. He carries himself more confidently than I've ever seen someone else do so before. Whilst the man beside him has an ethereal and otherworldly quality, with his dark complexion and piercing green eyes, that seem to be shielding a raging sorrow. His hair, dark and coily, and his figure is tall and slender, with a well-defined jawline. He wears a tan, tailored suit, effortlessly blending in with the rest of the upper-class society.
Neither one of them has noticed me yet so I use that to my advantage. I know I shouldn't but I try to tune in on their conversation, but I'm soon caught. My sister grabs my arm pulling me over.
"Corey this is Mr De Lioncourt and Mr Du Lac, the owners of the Azaela." I smile with a tight lip, hoping they don't ask me questions.
"Your sister has told us much about you, I take it you asked her to write the letter?" I frown, raising my brow at my sister, she nervously chuckles. Mr Du Lac takes out an envelope from his pocket passing to me, I only skim-read it but I get the gist. I glare at my sister.
"If it helps mon cherie, it's true and you definitely suit our taste". I blink in surprise but I'm still processing the 'mon cherie' part, and I know that I'm definitely blushing. Both men chuckle. "Oh and Corey?"
"Just call us by our first names."
"Uh ok... what are they?" Lestat chuckles amused.
"That's Louis and I'm Lestat. Your sister said you had a crush on us yet you don't know our names?"
"I only ever watched- from afar." They both smile at me, and they look at each other before grinning, I tilt my head which was a mistake because the second they notice Lestat grabs my arm and pulls me towards their automobile.
Let me know if you want a part 2!
And here's the pinterest board as well!
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