#not because I think it’s a bad end for 14 or Donna. I just hate 15 being overshadowed AGAIN
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Something vindicating about all this IS that I’ve been saying since 2020 that tentoo should have been Donna’s ending, not Rose’s. I love being right
#and I still didn’t like it :3#not because I think it’s a bad end for 14 or Donna. I just hate 15 being overshadowed AGAIN#Russell T Davies write black characters with interiority instead of as emotional support for David Tennant challenge
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now im shutting up
murray gold about to remix segun akinola's thasmin themes and you know david like to pull at heartstrings FUCK WE GONNA SEE 14 LOOK BACK AT YAZ AND HIM WITH THOSE EYES? FUCK IM GONNA CRY
everybody complaining about rtd trying to do an uphaul and im like: he better! DO YOU HONESTLY THINK YOU AND I CAN HANDLE 14 LOOKING AT A PICTURE OF YAZ AND INSTEAD OF LOOKING AT IT IN REGRET FOR WHAT WASNT SAID, HE JUST. strokes it with his thumb. with that small lovingly smile, a slight tilt of his head, eyeline starting to redden. licking his upper lip as if still remembering the taste of ice cream, his hand reaching up tuck back what once was blond bob fring his hand shakes in remembering that he's not 13 anymore. before doing his ten's familiar one-hard sniff and blinking and sighing that familiar ragged 'ahhh' anywAY
with the murray gold? having now segun's pieces AT HIS DISPOSAL?? OH HELL NO IM NOT.
because we all know rtd like to reference and make. it. emotional. pain. you think doomsday is bad?? journey's end with donna bad?? wait.
no. hell no. turn those complaints into dread and fear and worry
AND THEN 15 COMES IN? ALSO WITH BAMBI EYES? no we are royaly fucked. and yall strong chibnall lover need to brace for it. because im bracing for it. for real im bracing it.
god what if 14 and or 15 pull out the yellow flower they had as 13 when officiating yaz's gran's wedding and sort of play with it in thought with a far away look in their eye? NO IM SCARED YALL NEED TO BE SCARED.
every time when rtd or bbc overrelease some bts or clips or shit we end up sobbing. then giffing then sobbing and then analyze.
i need to see some ppl bracing themselves instead of acting like he aint had yall by the throat 6 ft in the ground of hit after hit of emotional shit. yall we still talk about doomsday and journeys end anf last of the time lords and end of time pt 2. what you think rtd gonna do after seeing ALL THE SAME SHIT WE SAW WITH THASMIN LIVE IN FRONT OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIO AND AT HOME AUDIENCE? SEEING HOW YAZ AND 13 ALL OUT WITH THE BOOKS AND ALL OF IT?
he is gonna emotionally kill us. moffat he aint gonna do shit other than make us hate an ep, rtd gonna make new wounds. im glad the limit is three episodes. because yall. just. ooh. im tearing up oh god.
why was mandip the very last to leave?
because we knew jodie and chris was leaving. out the gate.
mandip took a brief but long as hell of a moment - and sacha never announced that that was his last as the master at all to this day unless i missed something - to say she leaving alongside jodie and chris.
and thats suspicious. why. so. long. and you know when they have a fantastic fashion photoshoot, they be popping up later as a surprise guest star. just like what billie did, what freema did, what david did, what pearl did, what jenna did. so.
so YES im scared. yall should be too
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So I’m petty at 14’s existence, I don’t like him in the slightest. I don’t like that he’s basically 10.2 and the fandoms characterization of 10, I don’t like that he’s still around, I don’t like that it feels like he’s back just to being the viewersI’m annoyed (bc my pettiness sparks other emotions) that he gets to settle down his Donna 3-5 episodes after 13 has to break yaz’s heart by saying she couldn’t attach herself to anyone.
Just- why does he get a happy ending? (I know why) why could they do it for him but not 13? 13 suffers so much in just power of the doctor. She suffers in s13 and s12. I haven’t watched the other drs but I do know they didn’t have to hear from their *enemy* that they aren’t who they think they are. That they aren’t from when they think they are, that they aren’t even the species they think they are. It’s just- 14 gets a happy ending but 13 doesn’t?
I’m sure They could’ve kept Jodie Whittaker around for a bit longer- idk exactly bc I’m worse than illiterate about how tv show making works but I know she loved playing the dr. Why not just- give her a happy ending? Hell you could still bring tenant back- make the forced regen fuck with their biology and stupid shit. And I’ve gotten off topic
Basically: hate 14 for still existing (srsly the biregeneration is SO DUMB), hate him for getting a happy ending.
15 is where my feelings get complicated. Because I love the characters. I really do, but the plots… and villains… and side characters… they’re unbearably boring and the biggest crime in entertainment is being boring. Not bad, not shitty. Boring. Because it implicitly fails at its job: to entertain.
The main reason I’m petty about him is that he gets to kiss a guy after knowing him for a few hours and thasmin didn’t even get to hug more than once, tbh. Other than that I like him well enough
Hi, I’m incredibly petty about 14 and 15 currently, plz ask me anything about them if you want me to rant or anything about 13 if you want rambles (I’m being so serious, I like talking about these things but have to many thoughts to pinpoint) ((will reply inbetween sleep and work tomorrow, probably))
#THIS IS PETTY#and not even the main reason I don’t like 14#doctor who#new who#15th doctor#14th doctor#ranting
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Okay as someone who: 1) 10 is my least favourite Doctor 2) RTD is my least favourite showrunner, I am not at all excited about his return, and I hate his writing - his plots, his characterisation. Getting rid of the Time Lords, turning the Doctor into an angsty whiny cuntstruck paedophile, deifying him and using Jesus allegory. Fuck offfffff m8, that’s not Doctor Who. Everyone’s banging on about Tennant at the end of that last episode, whereas I’m like “okay cool, I literally don’t care. They brought back Tegan, Ace, Ian, 5-8, of ALL the things that happened in that special, that is on the bottom of my list, beneath even the “dress for the occasion” callback. Oh yeah, and 10 was there too I guess. Whatever. I don’t give a shit.” Plus for everyone who engages in the online discussion and isn’t like “omg noooo, spoilers” it was. pretty obvious she was gonna turn into Tennant, a lot of people had already come to that conclusion. And I am FINE with her being 10. It’s a stunt casting for the 60th, a way to draw in viewers (incidentally, people who dropped off after Tennant, but come back now - or people who drop off after ANY Doctor; Smith, Whittaker, whoever - are NOT Doctor Who fans. They are Tennant fans, or Smith fans etc. They have entirely missed the point of the show). Not only that, but introducing a new Doctor in an anniversary special, which traditionally are a way of celebrating the past, not exactly a good place for Gatwa to start, while it’s focusing on all the history. So yeah, I’m fine with having a little odd regeneration fuckery going on to bring back 10 for the 60th. It’s a fun little scenario that’s been touted in fan circles for years, “Ooh what if they do a story where the Doctor reverts backwards through past regenerations and they have to resolve it and get back to normal” and I like that idea, that’s a great idea. HOWEVER, it was announced AFTER the airing of The Power Of The Doctor that Tennant is 14, and Gatwa is 15. LMAO, nah Russ, he’s not 14. Get fucked. Everyone’s already gotten used to saying Gatwa’s 14. It doesn’t feel right saying he’s 15. It ESPECIALLY feels wrong saying that TENNANT is 14. Seriously, say the lineup to yourselves out loud. Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor, David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor, Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor. Eurgh. It just feels dirty, doesn’t it to you? Ncuti Gatwa is the Fourteenth Doctor, ahhhh, now that’s nice, that suits him, that’s the right number. I suspect this may all be a publicity stunt, in the sense that actually these statements will be retracted down the line and that it’s all designed to play into the mystery, the appeal, the drawing in of viewers, hence Russell’s comments saying “Ooh how does it all tie in to Donna’s return?” I mean the way he looks at his outfit change, he’s surprised, so that’s no doubt a hint that he suspects some shenanigans going on. And the same way everyone thinks of Chibnall, that’s what I think of RTD; a hack, and I can’t help but have bad faith and assume it’ll be shite. I don’t revere him. I HOPE that, in a 60th, there’ll be other Doctors, and there’s obviously things filmed behind closed doors that we don’t know, the location filming was obviously only a limited part of the story. But what with it being RTD, if it ends up being just 10 back, well it’s not really an anniversary special if you only look back to one era, is it Russ? The era you happened to spearhead last time (Christ, what an ego. And people complain about Moffat’s holier-than-thou grandiosity. I do worry that fandom’s worship for RTD has, like Joss Whedon, inflated him to the point of delusion). So it may well be that this is, as we all suspect, an interim Doctor. But regardless, that’s what we should make him. Like the War Doctor, like the Fugitive Doctor. Because Tennant is NOT 14. Never. Gatwa’s 14. Call him the Fake Doctor, the Interim Doctor, the Technical Difficulty Doctor, the Interloper Doctor, the Glitch Doctor, the Locum Doctor. But Tennant. Is NOT. 14. That’s just that, Russ, no matter what you say. People won’t accept it.
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Fic Writer Review
Tagged by the lovely @picnokinesis (This is great. I love this!)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
40 (But 3 are published anonymously. Don’t worry about why.)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
313,378 (Good Lord)
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
Just Doctor Who. And just since 2020. The fandom bug got me!
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Biological Specificity (239) — The gateway drug to Doctor/Donna (and Interspecies Compatibility as a series)
It Has Been 0 Days Since the Last Incident (237) — This one probably gets a boost because it’s got Tentoo/Rose in the tags, but it’s really Doctor/Donna like always. Sorry bout the cat-fishing. Sometimes you just wanna write Ten, Donna, Tentoo and Rose all traveling around the Universe together!
The Best of Times (Amnesiac Remix) (236) — Just a classic fix-it where a bunch of aliens follow a mind-wiped Donna around. Bog-standard, really.
Acclimatization (234) — The second in the Interspecies Compatibility Series, or as I like to think of it, the beginning of the descent into Doctor/Donna madness
Survival Without Recovery (192) and Lazarus Taxon (192)— The official ending of the Interspecies Compatibility Series and an optional epilogue. Always impressed how many people make it all the way through that series. So much love for this fandom!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
Oh yeah I respond to ALL of my comments. If I miss one I’ll go back later and apologize lol. I’m so genuinely impressed that anyone other than me likes my writing— anyone who goes through the trouble to let me know they liked it gets all the love from me.
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I can’t help it, I like all of my fics to have at least a hopeful ending XD. But (It Breaks You Down) A Little Bit More Each Time probably involves the most angst overall.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Nah, I can barely read them.
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
Nope! If my fics are ruining people’s days they’re successfully keeping it to themselves lol
9. Do you write smut?
OH, YES! More than I mean to, if I’m honest. (When did THAT happen?)
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know!
11. Ever had a fic translated?
Nope, I’d imagine it’d be a nightmare considering how many colloquialisms I just throw around.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I’ve collabed with the brilliant @fritzmetzger and @denzikken on three fics (One of which is coming out this week!)
I might've also accidentally co-written a fic with @theoreticalabsurdity @echo84 @krebkrebkreb and @picnokinesis that I think is on schedule for next week. (My part is done anyway!)
13. All time fav ship?
SHOCKINGLY it’s Doctor/Donna. I just love their dynamic so much! Even when I multiship it just ends up poly so I can get my Doctor/Donna fix.
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
OK all of my WIP’s live in secret shame files on my computer because the pressure of having a WIP out in the world might literally kill me. But within that… I was thinking of doing a follow-up to The Volatile Nature of Binary Stars with more Doctor/Donna/Master vibes. Considering I might be the only person on the planet who would enjoy that though... it keeps falling to the end of my very long list of random inspirations.
15. Writing strengths?
I seem to be good at humor. So that’s something! I also like to slide genuine emotion in, but make it sNeAkY so it hits with maximum impact. That seems to go over well, based on the number of reviews I get with phrases like “gut punch” XD. Also every time someone compliments me on my characterizations I definitely get that ’swallowed a hamster’ experience.
16. Writing weaknesses?
Endings! I’m so bad at endings, fam. I love setting up a whole elaborate setting and then I just kind of get too into it and forget I was supposed to be going somewhere or building to something. I just want to keep going! So I have to keep track of all my loose threads and make sure I’m actually doing something with them lol. (This is why most of my fics cap out around the 30K mark max. Keeping track of plot after that is just a bridge too far.)
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I usually just end up doing it in English or explaining my way around it instead of trying to type out another language. Though in my case they’re mainly alien languages that I’d have to make up. And that just seems like A Lot.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who, baby! I’ve literally only been in this game since 2020. Lockdown GOT me.
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
This is hard because I become emotionally attached to all my fic monsters, but my favorite monster is… Oh, damn it’s a tie. I can’t decide between The Noble Neverwere and The Volatile Nature of Binary Stars.
The Volatile Nature of Binary Stars was fun for me because it has Angry!Donna AND the Master. And I just kind of want there to be more Doctor/Donna/Master dynamics out in the world. Especially when Donna’s (justifiably!) pissed at the Doctor for abandoning her.
The Noble Neverwere gets a special place in my heart as a fic that I actually plotted out and painstakingly put together. (If Donna seems a little OOC at first that’s part of the plot, not because I lost my damn mind. Though that second option is definitely a risk.)
But yeah, really I love all my fics a little too much. I’m in the camp of “I wrote this for me, but you can read it too,” and I’m always so happy that so many people take me up on that XD
20. Tag!
This was great fun! I definitely recommend it. I'm going to tag a handful of writers (not including the ones who were literally just tagged with me): @nostalgia-tblr @raywritesthings @lilsum4 @veraynes-blog @colorofmymindposts and anyone else who wants to do it!
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ty sm arlo @throwing-roses-into-the-abyss for tagging me :D
1- how many books are too many books in a series?
i need a lot of convincing already to agree to the commitment of any series but i think if i fall in love with one then i’d be happy if it’s pretty long. but i think 4 books is a good number for a series
2- what do you think about cliffhangers?
hhhhh i want all books to be rounded out satisfactorily, but a bit of a cliffhanger can be fun
3- hardback or paperback?
paperbacks, with a passion! they’re cheaper, smaller, lighter, easier to hold/bend into position, i hate hardcovers where the sleeves are slippin and slidin, and i dont mind the look of worn books at all in fact i think it’s pretty cute (which i might just be saying bc i wreck all my books ok im gonna shove them in my backpack it cant be helped) and i want my bookshelf to be consistently paperbacks so i get Angery when new books only come in hardcover and i have refused to buy books for that reason. but i have a few used and gifted hardcovers
4- least favourite book?
i can’t say that i hold any real grudges against any books, but there is one book “in the name of the family” that my parents gave me for christmas, maybe bc i had a GoT phase? and it’s my only 1 star book. it’s probably not a BAD book but oh my god i could not get through it, every paragraph was torture because it was just so fucking BORING and i didnt understand the historical context or what was going on, nor did i care at all
5- Love Triangle, yes or no?
i feel obliged to admit that i will still go ham for the twilight love triangle if prompted, even if some (a lot) of it annoys me i fuckin love that drama so alas i cannot claim superiority in my tastes, but usually these days if i see a love triangle i scream at my book “JUST BE POLY!”
6- the most recent book you just couldn’t finish
star eater, which made me sad to abandon! it wasn’t even bad, hell it was about cannibalistic zombie nuns so it was right up my alley, but something about it fell so flat and i didnt care at all and i had another book that i wanted to read so i DID. bc i want to dnf more easily instead of forcing myself to suffer through books im meh about. but it still made me sad to not give it a full chance, even tho i think if it’s not great for the first bit, there’s not a big chance it’s going to turn around
7- book you are currently reading
the ocean at the end of the lane by neil gaiman! i am enjoying it
8- last book you recommended to someone
the secret history by donna tartt to a couple of friends! have already promised to lend it out once i buy a copy lmao. loved ittttt SO MUCH
9- oldest book you read
maybe frankenstein, 1818? i dont read many classics, and i also dont know when they’re from usually so i could be forgetting something, but probably isn’t that likely that i’ve read anything before the 1800s
10- the most recent book you read ?
(most recently published?) probably the final volume of attack on titan!
11- favourite author?
ahhh i don’t have a favourite and that seems like a lot of pressure to choose, i just have authors that i enjoyed enough to want to try more books by. some of those authors (not in order) are patrick ness, emily st. john mandel, shirley jackson, haruki murakami, benjamin alire saenz, stephen king, maybe donna tartt now. idk none get Master status in my books that ill read anything they write and i have big issues with some of these even ghdfjs and i have the feeling that im missing some
12- buying books or borrowing books?
was just talking today about how cute it is to borrow books! but im probably the biggest reader of my irl friends so it’s usually me buying all the books and then lending them out instead of the other way around lol….
12- a book you dislike that everyone else seems to love
didn’t HATE these but just wasn’t a big fan: jane eyre, the night circus, difficult women, couple books by akwaeke emezi that i wanted to love
14 - bookmarks or dogears?
bookmarks! ahhhh dog ears stress me out no creases!! im always smoothing out creases. sidenote: someone once bought me a metal bookmark and i was like wow fancy and then it ruined the pages lmao never again
15- The book you can always reread?
i rarely do rereads, id probably get sick of any book. excited to reread the haunting of hill house tho maybe that will become mine
16- can you read while listening to music?
sometimes i need it, sometimes i have to turn it off in order to see lol
17- one POV or multi POV?
one pov preferably but multi pov can be done so well
18- do you read book in one sitting or in multiple days?
ive only ever read one book in one sitting and that was eclipse lmao. i definitely don’t have that focus anymore, it always takes me a while just because my mind wanders
19- who to tag:
ill tag @realisaonum @uttermywish @overcapitalized @natigail @tarredion if you guys want! :D
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Fanfic recommendations part six: 100% Alternate Universe stories.
Hey! It took me a while to post this and I’m sorry, got too caught up with, well, you know, life (ew). But I’m back!
All the stories listed in this are stories are 100% AU (yes, I’m including the Soulmate AU’s in this category). I’ve read and enjoyed them all.
Accidentally In Love by the bohemian flow.
Rachel Hyde was a witness to a strange romance that blossomed between her twin brother, Steven, and Jackie Burkhart, of all people. Her and Steven weren't the biggest fans of Jackie, but now, he loves her. How could Rachel possibly put up with her brother's girlfriend?
AU where Hyde has a sister. Not 100% focused on J/H, since it’s from Hyde’s sister POV, but it’s still pretty good.
This story is a WIP and it’s being updated constantly.
109k words, 28 chapters so far.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, OC/Kelso, OC/Eric, Eric/Donna.
A Different Start Could Lead to a Better End by SoftBubbles
Instead of Hyde meeting her as Kelso's annoying girlfriend, what if he met her as his annoying English partner, whom he quickly learns is more than she seems.
This story is not complete, it was last updated on July of 2020, and I pray for the author to come back to it one day, it’s a really good story.
Trigger warning for child abuse.
13k words, 14 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Bad Moon on the Rise by Badfanfic
Set around season 2. Jackie starts to develop feelings for Hyde, even though its the last thing she wants. Hyde is just trying to survive but is having difficulty controlling himself, especially around a certain cheerleader.
Hyde is a werewolf in this story. And THIS IS GOOD Y’ALL, I’ve read this like 10 times already.
Unfortunally, I think this story is abandoned, the last time the author updated was in June of 2020, but I still have hope, it’s really good and I’m DYING to read more. I absolutely adore stories with supernatural elements, and it’s so hard to find good ones in this fandom. Please read this.
13k words, 9 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Focus by Jenny7
After a metaphysical awakening, Hyde develops the ability to telepathically connect with a single stranger. What he doesn't expect is that the girl that he shares the connection with, a rich cheerleader with a complicated past, will forever alter his views on life and love.
SO GOOD. It’s complete and it has a sequel (that’s not complete but still worth the read), called Darlin, Walk Awhile With Me.
2k words, 19 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde.
History Rewritten by kezztip
What if Hyde got his Season 1 wish and stole Donna away from Eric? And then what if Eric had turned to a certain tiny cheerleader instead?
This story is complete, and if you have a soft spot for Eric/Jackie, than you might like this a lot.
81k words, 25 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Jackie/Eric, Hyde/Donna, Eric/Donna.
(I absolutely hate the Hyde and Donna pairing but it’s temporary so it’s okay).
Playing Pretend by isnotme
Caught up in her teenager concerns – and some wounds to heal, Jackie didn’t realize that her parents' marriage was crashing down for real, causing a major turnaround in her world.
In the edge of seventeen, Hyde had too much on his mind. With graduation coming so soon, he knew too well he was about to be kicked out of the Forman's home. But when Bud’s illegal activities came to knock on his door, Hyde saw his plans falling apart once again.
An AU where Jackie and Hyde get themselves in one of those fake relationship situation and somewhere along the way, they find somethings in commun. Highly inspired in every cliché Rom Com ever made, including Netflix's most recents TATBILB and Isi and Ossi.
This story is a WIP and it’s being updated often.
33k words, 13 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Pretty in Wisconsin by BelleBae
Jackie Burkhart has a lot to deal with. Her dad is in prison, her mum can't get it together and one of her best friends is in love with her. Will she be able to sort everything out by Prom? Inspired by Pretty In Pink.
Cute and complete.
20k words, 23 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Rock You Like a Hurricane by zeppelinandunicorns (yours truly)
Alternative universe where Donna met Jackie before meeting Eric and the rest of basement gang.
Jackie and Donna are 16 and 17 when they finally met the four basement misfits after a Fleetwood Mac concert.
This story is a WIP, and I do not plan on abandoning it, I love it too much to do that.
77k words, 15 chapters so far.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, background Red/Kitty and eventual Fez/Laurie and Kelso/Brooke.
Also Available on AO3
She Belongs to me series by QueenBookBuff
A universe where Kelso cared a lot more about Jackie and Hyde getting together and implications of a deeper background for both Jackie and Hyde and Kelso and Jackie.
This got me hooked, it’s really good, please read it.
It’s complete and there are sequels! They are called All Our Tomorrows
and The Scarlet and SJ Chronicles.
27k words, 7 works in total.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Summer Music Series by Wickedfetch
What if Hyde and Jackie didn't meet until 1985?
7k words, 3 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
That 70s show by Zenmaster21
What if Jackie had dated Hyde from the beginning instead of Kelso? This is simply a re-write of the episodes had Jackie and Hyde always been together.
One of my favorites stories from the entire fandom.
Not complete, but please read it, it’s worth it.
Trigger warning for child abuse.
152k words, 37 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
The Fifth Forman by BlueZeppelin
What if it wasn't just Eric and Laurie? What if they had another sibling? Like...Jackie? What would happen with Hyde? Would Eric be happy with his sister dating his best friend? Would Red like his daughter to be with one of the basement dumbasses?
This story is complete!!
52k words, 18 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
The One Where Jackie Moves In by Floweerchild96
Jackie has been living in New-York with her family but after her father goes to jail and her mother abandons her, she is forced to return to a town she thought she was done with for good. How will Jackie's reemergence in the basement effect the gangs lives?
A really good story, but unfortunally, it’s not complete. Still worth the read.
103k words, 20 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna.
Wall Around Your Heart by ourinvisibleink
Jackie Burkhart-Forman was adopted at almost ten years old by Red and Kitty, after her parents flee the country for drug trafficking crimes. Laurie grapples with addiction, Eric is messed up because of Red’s verbal abuse, Steven’s arrival is brought on by Jackie, Kelso is neglected, Fez is victim to racism, and Jackie befriends Jason, the new kid who happens to be gay.
This story is really good, but it deals with some serious stuff. I still love it.
Complete and it has a sequel called Plastar and Mortar.
52k words, 26 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, Fez/Laurie, Red/Kitty.
A Little Less 70s, A Little More Modern AU by fairytalesandfolklore
A modern AU where the characters from That 70’s Show grew up in the 90’s x early 2000’s instead.
Cute as hell!!! Worth the read!
1k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
found a wife and a home (and a family that matters) by blackorchids
Hyde’s been part of the Forman family for years before they make him move in.
I placed this in the AU category because apparently Jackie and Hyde always dated, it doesn’t specify much.
1k words.
Rated G.
Pairings: background Jackie/Hyde and background Red/Kitty. This is not focused on the couples, but on Hyde’s relationship with the Forman’s.
Lady and The Tramp by soobeans
'See, I, myself, don't like you. I find you abrasive. But if I didn't know you, and I'd never talked to you, I'd think you were totally hot.'
In Point Place, Wisconsin, there are only three distinct areas. The Western area consists of the burnouts, thugs, outcasts, hopeless dreamers, poor people, and overall, tramps. The Eastern area holds the classy, rich, and more fortunate ladies and gentlemen. In between is where the two are forced to intermingle, but of course, they found a few ways to separate themselves.
8k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, some minor background Eric/Donna moments.
That Disco Episode: Zenmasters Style by springsteenicious
What if Hyde had learned how to dance to impress Jackie instead of Donna? And what if Jackie hadn’t been dating Kelso?
That Disco Episode, rewritten for Jackie and Hyde.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Bonus: Soulmate AU’S:
I am so in love with Soulmate AU’s that I’m currently writing one, I wanted to make a special post just for this category but it would be too small so I just included it in here.
Finders Keepers by nannygirl
It's said that before you find your soulmate you will find one of their lost items first, so what happens when Hyde finds a gold bracelet in The Formans' backyard? Will it lead him to his soulmate, someone who he's sure probably doesn't even exist?
This story is not complete, but worth the read.
5k words, 2 chapters.
Rated K+.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, some background Red/Kitty
It Takes Time to Fall in Love by yabookreader96
Jackie can't wait to meet her soulmate, but a dire mistake on her part leads her to mistakenly identify him as Michael, while Hyde watches his soulmate clock hit zero and immediately knows that it's Jackie. Years pass, Jackie with Michael, Hyde saying nothing as he knowingly watches from the side. Will this dynamic be permanent or will destiny bring the true soulmates together?
This story is complete.
18k words, 12 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, temporary Jackie/Kelso.
Mistaken Messages by MistyMountainHop
Jackie longs for her soulmate to accept her, and Hyde hopes his will leave him alone because he's in love with someone else. A stack of mystical index cards lets them communicate with their as-yet unidentified soulmates. But the more their soulmates write, the less control Jackie and Hyde seem to have over their fate.
This story is complete.
23k words, 5 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Also Available on AO3
Until We Get There by poetdameron
Running away from their own wedding is the craziest thing Hyde and Jackie have ever done together. But the tug he feels at his heart when realizing she doesn't want to marry him? The worst.
This story is complete.
39k words, 8 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
Voodooized by mc_1
Eric’s been noticing something weird going on between Jackie and Hyde. At a party one night, all of Eric’s suspicions are confirmed when the two become love-marked- an event that occurs when soulmates are ready to be together, resulting in a mark on the skin that bonds them together for life. The unlikely couple puzzle over how they could possibly be paired together as they struggle to understand each other.
This story is a WIP.
14k words, 4 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde. Eric/Donna
Where It Wasn’t Supposed To Be by moved-ao3
Jackie thinks it's a blessing, Hyde a curse. Set in an alternate universe where characters receive a list with their soulmate's worst qualities, Jackie and Hyde struggle to navigate their feelings for each other when everything else seems pitted against them.
Not complete, and it makes me want to cry, but it’s really good.
15k words, 5 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
all i need by orphan_account
"When he is six years old, the words 'Pudding Pop' appear on his wrist in the curliest, loopiest handwriting he's ever seen. There's even a little heart dotting the 'i'."
1k words.
The author didn’t rate this one, I would rate it as T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Blush by springsteenicious
On a person's eighteenth birthday, they swap bodies with their soulmate. Hyde doesn't have high hopes for his soulmate, but when he wakes up in a very pink room with posters and painted nails, his life is changed for the better.
4k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
I believe this is all!
I’ll repeat this at the end of every single post (seriously, I literally copy and paste this every single time): Speaking as someone who writes, it would be really cool if you guys decide to leave a review (or a comment, if the story is on AO3) in the stories you read, especially the unfinished ones. It really motivates the authors, and receiving a compliment is always a mood lifter. I’ve seen some authors updating stories after years because of nice reviews, so… yeah, this is just an idea.
Feel free to reply to this post if you think I left out a good story!
Next category: Christmas fics!
#jackie x hyde#jackie and hyde#zenmasters#fanfic#fanfic rec#that '70s show#that 70s show#alternate timeline#soulmate AU#fanfic recommendations
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I’ve not watched spn since season 9 (either for the plot or anything else!). But I have been reading fanfic again. Do you think I should start watching it again?
It would help to know what you did and didn’t like and why you stopped watching.
A lot of people left because of 9x03 specifically (the terrible episode where April tricks Cas into sleeping with her in a situation where consent on his part is just not possible for multiple reasons, kills him, then Dean tells him he can’t stay in the bunker without the slightest bit of explanation). It’s a terrible episode, and while I’m sad to say there are equally or more traumatic episodes after it, there’s really only a handful of them. A lot of people would probably say only two. So if that’s your sticking point, you might be fine if you do a bit of research to find out which episodes are similarly traumatic and skip them. (Edit: I thought Kevin died in 9x03 too, but mittens points out that’s in a different awful buckleming episode.)
If you just didn’t like the plot of S9 in general, again I’d probably need more details? Because other than that shit, overall I really like S9 and so you will probably have different opinions than me on other seasons as well. If you’re hoping for the show to go back to the “feel” of older seasons, that never happens. I think from S8 on out it’s a fairly distinctly different show.
Obviously, I kept watching so I think there’s stuff worth watching for - not uniformly, though. The show almost lost me for a while. The end of S10 is hot garbage, S11 wasn’t bad-bad but I didn’t like it either, and then I had no interest in one of the major plot lines of S12. But 13 got me back, and I think it’s a fairly solid season. I also like 14 other than one particular plot arc and a few specific episodes, and I thought S15 was fantastic other than episodes 2, 19, and 20.
The finale was so bad that if I weren’t doing my podcast I would likely have never watched the show again. Don’t watch the finale.
There are a lot of really wonderful characters in the later seasons that I personally think the show is overall worth watching for. Rowena, Jack, Eileen, Billie, Donna, Claire - I am excited for my sister, who I’m watching with for @season14podcast , to get to the later seasons just so she can meet these people! Some are killed too early. Some, of course, come back, though that doesn’t always erase the pain of their deaths. Some are treated unfairly. So even there it’s not all smooth sailing, but again, for me it’s worth it.
If you would be watching purely for destiel content.... well idk. Obviously I’m assuming you know how that ends. It’s up to you whether you want to watch seasons and seasons of Cas being Canonically In Love With Dean knowing that the show will never, never admit that Dean is also in love with Cas, no matter how obvious it is. I was not really watching for destiel reasons past S10. I got my destiel fix in fic. In fact, sometimes I really hate how Dean treats Cas and one of my favorite moments of S15 is when Cas has had enough and walks out on him. So uh take that as you will I guess.
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a lil smut
It’s almost 4 in the morning and instead of working on stories that need to be posted, I decided to write a lil DamiRae smut. do i regret? No, No i don’t. At least now I have a sense of what writing smut it like. and wow is it over powering.
“These criminals keep popping up, they’re practically begging to be caught now.” Damian declared peeling off his domino mask when entering the Tower with Raven after their late night patrol.
“Lucky! You always get some fun on your night patrols. So who’d you guys capture?” Donna questions interestingly, laying her head on her palms waiting for Raven to answer.
Raven stirred her tea reverting back to the night patrol she just went on with Damian. It was a quite coincidence capture that actually helped solve the case that the team had been working on for the past week. Activating the transmitter to reveal the full information about their little vigilante they captured she began tapping keys to get the proper summary about the man.
“Alex Samson, 19 year old boy who has been a drop out since the age 14, living on his own in San Francisco. Apparently he’s the reason these dead civilians that have been showing up in alleys. Although when we took him, he wasn’t resisting.” Raven paused on her story recalling the words of their new captive. “He was just calmly saying they were bad people who ran along the streets doing horrific deeds as the police did nothing knowing what they were.”
Sure she had empathic abilities but that didn’t normally mean she could tell what he was saying was true or not. But something about his strong willed words seemed honest, she could feel the sincerity in not just his voice but in his mind.
“Helloooo Earth to Raven, you okay?” Donna hollered waving a hand in front of her to bring her back to reality.
Raven took notice of Damian's sudden head movement towards her from the corner of her eye. Oh how he was always so attentive when she was brought to the subject. Yet paying no attention to it, she lifts her teacup towards her mouth “Yea, this might seem strange but what if he was telling ...the truth.” she mumbles into her cup looking up at the two waiting for their response.
Damian’s eyes narrow down at and lips pressed into a thin line, “What are you assuming?”
He has to admit after capturing any criminal he didn’t like to focus on them anymore just continue on new missions. He didn't want to think whether or not this man was right for his wrong doings.
She knew from his voice that he didn’t want to dwell on the subject but only asked because he was interested in what his girlfriend had to say, “His emotions were not like any other person we’ve detained before. His were different.,” she purses her lips trying to find the proper word, “I could feel it almost like I knew what was going on in his head, it felt almost heroic and truthful. I can feel the genuine emotions he was feeling. But I felt something similar towards him like I know how he feels or what he’s been through. I can't say for sure though.”
Something stung when Damian heard her words. He didn't want to admit to it but he liked knowing they were correspondent to one another.
He felt ridiculous even thinking this.
It might sound peculiar but knowing that they can understand each other perfectly with their abnormal background, it made him feel fortunate having someone to know the angst and grief he’s felt in his life. He didn’t like it knowing that Raven can simply say she felt similar emotions to someone when they both had hardships in their life. No one could compare to them. He liked keeping Raven to himself. Knowing that he can understand her better than anyone. Now some new fucking vigilante comes in as she claims she feels a related bond, it pissed him off.
“Raven, he killed those people, in no way that results in a heroic action.” His voice sharp and stern almost came out as harsh towards her.
Was he kidding her right now? Did he forget that he was part of the league of shadows, where he would kill people, sometimes even the innocent. His reasoning angered her and she recently has never been one to be objective by his remarks.
“Your here after you were part of an assassination group. What are you to say that your past life doesn’t measure to his, maybe he was doing it for a reason. You can’t just think that every criminal doesn't have some good in them, Damian.”
Goddammit unable to get the next word out she storms out of the room putting him in an uncomfortable position in front of his teammate.
“Awkwarddd” Donna lightly sang exiting the kitchen table leaving him ponder on the situation he had just caused with his beloved.
He and Raven have been dating for more than a month now, secretly keeping it hidden from their teammates. They both stated that it was best to keep their relationship concealed avoiding any sort of teasing from their teammates but mainly because of Dick. They were never one to get infuriated with each other considering she made him feel not just some ex-league of shadows vigilante but she made him feel whole. He adored her more than anything, if anything the relationship only caused him to become more attentive towards her. Willing to protect her even more, to keep her close within reach. He became more possessive of her. It might’ve sounded like a dreadful desire but she was his.
His shoulders dropped seeing her no longer in sight cutting back a curse, “I’m going to train,”
Donna’s eyes followed him walking past her, “But it’s like 1 in morn--” she was cut off by the loud slam of the door. She sighed shaking her head, “Just like a married couple,”
Why did he have to be unreasonable? He never questioned her about her abilities which surprised her when he wasn’t letting her explain what she felt. Which not to mention she was right about, considering Kori did some digging. Turns out the young criminal was telling the truth, even though killing is wrong. He killed them because they had a crucial horrific record that ended up getting erased due to having friends in the precinct that made it all go away letting them run free in the world. She wondered if Damian heard about it but soon realized if he did he would’ve been up in her room by now possibly apologizing for questioning her assumptions.
Raven’s eyebrows knitted together as she stared at her ceiling missing the soft warmth of Damian who would’ve sneakingly come into her room at times to just cease her skin. she craved it. No! She should be angry with him, not missing him, not missing his touch, his lips on hers, their bodies pressed skin to skin on one another. Damn it
“May I come in?” raven lifted herself up to the sudden familiar voice coming from the entrance of her door. How long has he been standing there that she didn't even notice him opening her door.
She sits on edge of her bed nodding towards him not wanting to seem like she was just thinking about him. He could tell she was just thinking of something that she wasn’t supposed to by the way her cheeks looked lightly redden avoiding eye contact with him. God she looked beautiful with her hair slightly messy considering the longer length it has now put on. Her body was hugged by her small lavender shorts followed by a matching camisole that straps were so thin and delicate that they fell onto the side of her arms.
His mind drifted to wanting to rip them off to reveal her perfect round breast and just show her who she belonged to. That’s what he wanted. To claim her. He wanted to bend her over. Making her take all of him deep inside her. He wanted to fuck her. Right now. No matter what situation they needed to mend first.
“Damian?” her delicate voice came out tilting her head as she noticed he was standing there with eyes just glued to her fantasizing on what he could do to make her scream.
He cleared her throat focusing back on why he came here, “You were right. Kori told me. I wanted to apologize.”
There we go just what she wanted.
He walked towards setting his presence next to her on the bed. Their eyes meet, his vibrant emerald eyes meeting her translucent violet ones. Damian glanced away, becoming already bothered by the next thing he was about to say, “I wasn’t happy when he said you felt similar to that guy. In fact I hated it. Knowing that you feel a bond towards someone other than me.” tightening his fist meeting his glaze with hers, “I like knowing we understand each other better than anyone. That we share a bond that it kept only to ourselves.
To hear Damian so admittingly confess what he was feeling she understood what he meant. Understanding that he didn’t get angry because she didn’t agree with him but because he felt rather lonesome when she said those words that were only meant for them. Damian reached out to place his hand on her thigh, placing the other cupping her cheek. He pressed small kisses on her jaw trailing down her neck, bringing her closer with each one.
His face burying into her neck stopping to suck at her sweet spot on her neck below her ear, “You need to remember, your mine Raven”
She tilted her head letting out a breathless sigh at the sound of his hot hoarse voice on her skin that would drive her mad. His hand gliding under her loose lavender shorts rubbing up and down her thigh careful to not bring it close to her wet clit yet. The anticipation was aching her so much she just wanted his lips on her, more than that even. She wanted him to be inside her, being rough with her like always. Fucking her senselessly covering her mouth with his palm so the team wouldn't hear her pleading as his cock would ram into her with every thrust.
“How will you make me remember?” ready to play the game with her innocent voice knowing she was playing with fire, but that only excited him more. He smirked against her skin pulling her hips down roughly to the bed. His body towering over him smirking at the sight of his beloved.
Her arms fell onto the side of her head. She felt the cool air glide through her inner thighs when she felt Damian’s rough fingers pulled her shorts off leaving her in her white lacy panties.Pulling her thighs roughly towards him, wanting to take the full sight of her. The straps of the camisole falling onto her mid arms, her nipples peeking through the soft fabric. Her chest rising trying to maintain her breath not wanting to reveal how weak she already is with him. But it didn’t help whatsoever.
Gods she was a perfect mess right under him.
Damian's fingers lingered on to her hem of her underwear pulling it down ever so slowly exposing a chill down her clit. “Beloved. I can already tell your pussy is aching to be touched.” gripping his hands on her inner thigh right below her dripping pussy, rubbing circles, teasing her not wanting to fully satisfy her just yet.
She winced under his touch, partially begging for him. “P-please.” Smirking at her hesitant words he lifted her shirt grabbing her full round breast, fiddling with her hard tit. The room filling with the sound of her pants. Wasting no time swiftly removing his shirt exposing his hard tight chest with every scar that had to her.
“Tell me what you want.” his horse voice that she loved every time as he continued the small circles below her pussy wanting her to beg for his cock.
Oh fuck
Damian’s eyes widen watching Raven’s hand glide down her precious body pressing her own fingers against her dripping clit, rubbing herself. Soft wincing escaping her lips, never breaking contact with his hungry emerald eyes. She was playing the game and by gods did that make drive him crazy, she was fucking teasing him now.
“F-fuck!” Shock fell into her body feeling Damian’s fingers go deep inside with no warning. Thrusting his fingers in and out nonstop with his thumb rubbing against her clit. He needed to taste her. He was hungry for her, whenever he would stare at her naked beauty that feasted right before him. Spreading her legs wider continuing his motions with his fingers he bent his head coming to full view of her dripping wet pussy “You’re such a damn beautiful mess for me, Habibti.”
Her head fell back when she felt Damian wrap his lips around her clit sucking hard. Curling his fingers against her thriving sweet wet with his tongue still causing pleasurable desires to her pussy. Her soft moans were going to get louder if he continued this process. He was practically feasting off of her as if he’s been craving her the whole day.
In return she reached to clench his hair wanting more, wanting him to go deeper inside her that it pained her. She felt his rough hand grasp her breasts teasing her hard nipples. Every muscle in her body tensed feeling a rush of heat consumed over her by how much he was teasing her still.
“You taste so fucking good,” Pressing his tongue and lips further he sucked harder at her clit when he put her hands push him further in her. Grabbing her thighs for a moment, lifting them up to bring her lower body to the air, one hand still massaging her breast as the other wrapped around her thigh keeping her in position.
Her thrusts were partially burning him by how much she needed him. “Fuck right there please, Damian” Her words came out breathy. Lips parting letting moans escaped her lips when she felt her cum dripping down her. It felt like electricity ran down her spine, feeling Damian’s tongue glide down behind her thighs tasting every drop of her, leaving none to waste. But he wasn’t finished with her.
Releasing her legs his grip turned to her wrist pinning them above her head. His lips reaching hers stealing a fervor kiss that made her ache to touch him. But she couldn’t with Damian’s tight grip against her wrists. A low growl escaped him, feeling her bit his lower lip and tracing her tongue along it. He was going to lose his mind if he didn’t go inside her.
“Stay quiet, Beloved. Understood?” That command only made Raven ready to cum again by hearing his rough sharp growl. Before she could even answer a loud whine came out feeling his cock stretch her pussy. Fuck she felt amazing. His thrusts only became harder, echoing the sounds of his balls slapping her soaking skin. Raven’s back arches causing her breast to bounce with each thrust he brought himself into.
“You’re mine. Tell me it, my love” His lustful hoarse voice dropping to her ears making Raven cum quickly just by hearing his demanding voice. Her lips parted wanting to answer him trying to control the moans that came out of her. Taking the moment to release one of his hands to rub her clit in fast pacing circular motion.
It was like seeing stars having her eyelids slowly drift shut by the scrothing amount of pleasure riding through there body. She never felt this helpless under him when took control over her like this but azar she loved his new side to him.
“Your mine too keep all to myself. Your mine to touch.” his thursts and fingers were only going rougher on her skin, that it drove her to the edge.
“I’m yours, Damian. I’m all yours. I belong to you.” Raven’s voice was loud and raw that it was filled with winces as Damian sunk his cock deeper inside her. It drove him mad like electricity being driven inside him when she added words all on your own. Feeling those words excited him even more it only brought his hips rougher to her.
Holy shit she couldn't keep up he was going to make her come again. Her vision became blurry when his thrust became faster and faster, his hips became a blur that it caused Raven to tighten around his cock every time he hit her most pleasurable spot in her pussy. She was cumming. Hard. Releasing his grip on her wrists her hands immediately clawing his back, which made him reach his point. The small stings caused him to join her in pleasures as heat thrived up his body, letting out a loud growl burying himself in her once more, having their hot dripping cum collide with each other’s.
Both their moans bouncing through the walls echoing, by now he would’ve brung his hand to cover her mouth so the team wouldn’t know their dirty little secret but he didn’t care anymore, He wanted the whole world to know that she was his dear fuckin life that he wouldn’t give to anyone, ever.
Tossing his body to her side on the bed both trying to control their breaths. Raven wrapped her arm over his chest drawing herself to him, “Your mine, too you know.” she pouted lifting her head up to meet that playful smile of Damian’s, who was running his fingers in her purple locks. “I love you a lot.”
“Of course beloved. I love you always and forever” his voice a gentle whisper, placing a kiss on her forehead. That only made her bashful burying her head to the crook of his neck.
Always and forever, she liked the sound of that.
Extra scene
“You have to believe me I heard Raven and Damian boneing last night.” Jon brought his hand over to Donna who had barely woken up from her deep sleep. “They were so loud, how couldn't you have heard it!”
Groaning at his loud voice in the morning she brought her body to face him, “Babe, you were probably dreaming it or something. No way are Damian and Raven were having sex. Besides--” She brought her hand to caress his jaw drawing her lips near his, “they wouldn't be the only ones hiding secrets.”
Planting small kisses at the corner of his mouths trying to build up the mood.
“But still! Damian, my best friend! Isn’t telling me he’s having sex with Raven. Now that is just hurtful. I have to tell Dick.” Lifting the covers off his body heading straight to the door leaving Donna in the midst of his bedroom.
Yup, that was her boyfriend. Secretly more interested in Damian’s life than his girlfriend’s. Oh boy did she have to tell Raven that her little secret with Damian was now dead because of their loud crucial love making and her super hearing loud mouth of a boyfriend. God help them when Dick finds out.
#raven x damian#demonbirds#rachel roth#raven roth#damian wayne#justice league apokolips war#smut smut smut#i tired man#donna troy#teen titans#its 4am and i cant sleep#i need more practice#ahhhh thanks for reading#fanfiction#damian x raven#damirae#ahhh sorry bout this lol
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dw ask game 1-36 and 38-100 DON'T ANSWER NUMBER 37 I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT CRYING
DaThanks, anon who is probably @truestoriesaboutme!
1. Did you like DW as a child?
Depends. What do you consider a child? I saw Doctor Who for the first time when I was 16 or 17. Does that count? Let’s say that it does. I did enjoy it.
2. Your age at the time of the revival?
3. First DW episode you ever saw?
An Unearthly Child. I wanted to watch it all in order! Still do! My first New Who episode was “Blink,” as forced upon me by @raisegrate. I did enjoy it.
4. Did you have any of the toys?
I didn’t at the time, but I do now. I have a couple of screwdrivers, a Fourth Doctor, an Ice Warrior, and not-quite-Legos of Doctors 1-11. (-WD)
5. Which DW character did you play on the playground?
6. Monster(s) that scared you most as a child?
N/A. Nothing scares me.
7. Joke/story you didn’t get as a kid?
N/A. I get all jokes/stories.
8. DW opinion that has changed since you were a kid?
That the only way to watch it was from the very beginning. I eventually gave in and watched New Who before finishing Classic Who.
9. Who introduced you to DW?
Pretty sure I heard about it initially on a forum I went to called The Douglas Adams Continuum. That’s when I started watching the First Doctor. Again, @raisegrate showed me my first New Who. Eventually, I started watching New Who in its entirety with @catastrofries and they started watching Classic Who with me for @rassilonwatchathon.
10. Did you like Sarah Jane Adventures as a child?
Didn’t even know it existed as a child. But I liked it as an adult.
Read more under the cut. There’s a lot!
11. Who is your Doctor?
One. He’s the first I saw and I’ve went through some of his more than once, due to the podcast, so he has a special place in my heart.
12. Your favourite Doctor?
It varies depending on the day. I quite like Two, Eleven, and Twelve, though.
13. Least favourite Doctor?
Possibly 5 or 13? More because they don’t get a whole lot to do, than them being bad.
14. Best regeneration?
Technically speaking, there’s something about that first one that is still so good. Emotionally speaking, Two’s regeneration is terrifying and I quite like Twelve’s speech before regenerating.
15. Do you like “Doctor-Lite” episodes?
Yeah! They’re all pretty good! Even “Love and Monsters!” Yeah, I said it! (The end is bad, but the rest is good.)
16. Who is the most human Doctor?
One calls himself human a handful of times. Does that count? If not, definitely Five. He seems the most like a regular guy in a weird situation out of all of them.
17. Best multi-Doctor story?
The Day of the Doctor, for sure.
18. Best Doctor monologue?
Eleven’s speech to young Amy in “The Big Bang.” That episode is just solid all around.
19. What do you think TenToo/MetaCrisis Doctor is doing now?
He’s definitely fucked off somewhere and abandoned Rose. He runs a cat cafe that is definitely a front for something, but no one can quite figure out what.
20. Best Doctor/companion pairing?
One/Barbara, Two/Jamie, Three/Jo, Four/Leela, Five/Tegan, (haven’t seen enough of Six, any of Seven, and I honestly don’t remember the companion for Eight), Nine/Rose (that’s the only option!), Ten/Donna, Eleven/Amy-Rory, Twelve/Clara, Ruth/Thirteen.
21. Favourite companion?
Classic Who: This is hard. Jamie? Sarah Jane? Leela? New Who: Donna Noble.
22. Favourite secondary companion?
Not sure what this means exactly... My second favorite? If so, I gave three for favorite Classic Who, so one of them. New Who: Rory.
23. Least favourite companion?
Classic: Ben Jackson or Peri. New: Ryan.
24. Best TARDIS Team?
Classic: Two, Jamie, and Zoe. New: Eleven, Amy, and Rory.
25. Most underrated companion?
I love Steven Taylor. I feel like he doesn’t get mentioned enough.
26. Most overrated companion?
Probably gonna get some hate for this, but Romana II. She’s good and I like her, but I was expecting a lot more. I honestly prefer Romana I.
27. Favourite companion’s family?
I love Rory’s dad.
28. Who should have been a companion but wasn’t?
Kamelion. AM I RIGHT? But seriously, Amelia Rumford from “The Stones of Blood.”
29. Favourite (canon or non-canon) DW universe relationship?
30. Who did you not used to like, but really like now?
I hated Tegan when she first came on, but now I love her.
31. Favourite episode ever?
“Heaven Sent.”
32. Least favourite episode?
“Time-Flight” gave me a literal headache.
33. Which episodes do you skip?
NONE. Of course, I’ve not done any rewatches. YET.
34. Best two-parter?
“The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances” are the first New Who episodes that fully sold me on the show.
35. Historical, present day or futuristic episodes?
Give me the future and make it weird!
36. Episode that will always make you smile?
“The Myth Makers.”
38. Best run of episodes?
“Vincent and the Doctor” through “Day of the Moon” is pretty solid.
39. Best cliffhanger?
“Vengeance on Varos.” Hands fucking down.
40. Favourite Christmas special?
The answer to question 37. “A Christmas Carol.”
41. Classic Who or New Who?
Yes please! (Though New Who will take this a little just because the pace is generally a lot better.)
42. Favourite series?
I’m not sure about Classic (I have a harder time thinking of them as different series), but New is definitely 5.
43. Least favourite series?
44. Which series do you skip?
See 33.
45. Favourite series opening?
“The Eleventh Hour.” It’s just a lot of fun.
46. Favourite series finale?
“The Big Bang.” IT’S A GOOD SERIES.
47. Best series arc?
So I don’t sound repetitive and say Series 5 again, Clara’s arc in her last season is great.
48. Thoughts on series 11/12?
I find it largely boring and not well-written. Though there are some things I like! I love Ruth a bunch.
49. How much of Classic Who have you seen?
I’ve seen from “An Unearthly Child” to “The Two Doctors.” And the movie.
50. Who should have had another series?
Doctor: Nine. Or Eight. Or Ruth. Companion: Kamelion, but done better.
51. Favourite monster/villain?
I love them Fuzzy Chicken Nuggets. (The Yeti.)
52. Most creative monster?
The Silence are an interesting concept.
53. Monster(s) that scares you most?
OAK AND QUILL from “Fury From the Deep.” Fuck those guys.
54. Monster you think is too easy to defeat?
I hate power level questions. Next.
55. Least favourite monster/villain?
I get really tired of the Daleks sometimes, y’all.
56. Monster you want to return?
Chumblies or quarks.
57. In your opinion, what makes a monster good?
The writing. You can do great things with most of them. Even the ones you dislike. Like, I hate the farting aliens, but they are occasionally used well.
58. Daleks, Cybermen or Weeping Angels?
If I had to pick, I’d say... Cybermen. Daleks are very samey and loud. Weeping Angels get less interesting every time they are used. But there’s a human element to the Cybermen that, when utilized, can be very effective and unsettling.
59. Best Dalek story?
The one where Two rides around on ones he made nice.
60. Best one time villain/monster?
I don’t know what it is, but whatever it is in “Midnight.”
61. Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures?
SJA is more consistent, but the highs of Torchwood are higher.
62. Favourite Torchwood Team member?
Owen. But like... not season one Owen.
63. Which Torchwood death made you saddest?
See 62.
64. Do you rewatch COE or MD?
I haven’t rewatched anything yet. But I would rewatch COE before MD.
65. Favourite SJA Team member?
66. Mr Smith or K-9?
Mr. Smith is way more interesting. He had a villain arc!
67. Maria or Rani?
68. Do you read the comics/novels or listen to Big Finish?
Some. I’m doing them as Patreon bonus episodes for @rassilonwatchathon. I haven’t done much though.
69. If you do, your favourite additional stories?
“The Chimes of Midnight.” I’ve listened to it twice.
70. Do you like DW analysis (video essays, fan theories, etc)?
I do DW analysis for @rassilonwatchathon AND The Dipp. So yes. My fave is TARDIS Eruditorum, though.
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Billboard #1s 1978
Under the cut.
Player – “Baby Come Back” -- January 14, 1978
Apparently I'm positively disposed to what's called "yacht rock"? I'd have called it 30-something dinner party rock. Anyway, apparently this is an example. Like all of that genre, this doesn't feel deeply emotional even when the words are. "I was wrong, and I just can't live without you." It's basically calm, and I'd even call it kinda groovy. It's not slow though. It's not going to change the world, but it's good background music for a party among people who have to get home before the babysitter needs to leave.
The Bee Gees – “Stayin’ Alive” -- February 4, 1978
I don't like the movie Saturday Night Fever at all. And I don't like its biggest breakout song either. The lyrics -- who cares, the lyrics are an excuse for Barry Gibb's falsetto to pierce your brain. I was going to clubs during the short disco revival of the 90s and I don't remember this song being played much.
Andy Gibb – “(Love Is) Thicker Than Water” -- March 4, 1978
This guy was a teen idol. I didn't understand the popularity of the teen idols when I was a teenager either. To me, they almost always have the sex appeal of a potato. As for this song, musically it sounds like a TV theme, and the lyric "love is thicker than water" gives me the giggles.
The Bee Gees -- "Night Fever" -- March 18, 1978
Barry Gibb's falsetto. Nope. The lyrics make this technically a love song, but they don't matter, this song exists to be danced to. Badly.
Yvonne Elliman -- "If I Can't Have You" -- May 13, 1978
This was written by Barry Gibb. Obviously I don't like it, though thankfully Yvonne Elliman's voice is fine. It's about how if she can't have you, she doesn't want anybody else. She sings in a kind of weird breathy way. And, as it's a Barry Gibb song, the second half of the song consists of the chorus repeating 50 times with some boring instrumental stuff.
Wings -- "With A Little Luck" -- May 20, 1978
That's quite the synth blast. Some of the lyrics are nice: "There's no end to what we can do together." But others are terrible: "The willow turns his back on inclement weather" and "with a little luck" repeated at least two dozen times. The message seems to be that you should pretend difficulties aren't there and just chant a bunch or something. But willows don't turn their "backs" on the wind. They bend with it, and that's how they avoid breaking. So this song's message makes no sense and it is musically boring except for the first couple bars.
Johnny Mathis and Deniece Williams -- "Too Much, Too Little, Too Late" -- June 3, 1978
Musically this sounds like a parody of the late 70s. It's weirdly peppy and sounds like a commercial jingle, but it's about breaking up. My brain keeps trying to mash these things together and returning a divide by zero error. These two paired up again later to sing the "Family Ties" theme, which is actually a better song, and I'm not saying the "Family Ties" theme is great.
John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John -- "You're the One That I Want" -- June 10, 1978
I confess: I like Grease. The musical, not the substance. Yes, it's nostalgia-bait, and it's goofy as hell in many ways. And yet I can't resist it. I also like this song. It's been picked over and analyzed to death, about how Sandy's changing for Danny how awful blah blah blah. Well, he was wandering around in a letter sweater before this song, planning to become a square for her. Then Sandy sings at him "You'd better shape up," and he ends up following her around in public on his knees. Sandy wouldn't have wanted Danny in the first place, and become friends with the Pink Ladies, if there weren't a "bad girl" in her screaming to get out. What can I say -- I identify. Also this song is catchy and fun, Olivia Newton-John is excellent at acting a song, John Travolta was excellent at cheese, and they had great chemistry.
Andy Gibb -- "Shadow Dancing" -- June 17, 1978
Andy Gibb died young because massive amounts of cocaine and alcohol wrecked his heart, so I feel bad about disliking all his songs. But feeling bad about his short life doesn't mean I feel good about his music. This was written by Barry Gibb, so of course I want nothing to do with it. Also Andy Gibb's voice is incredibly weak. The lyrics are about sex, whatever, I don't care because musically this song is pretty appalling to me.
The Rolling Stones -- "Miss You" -- August 5, 1978
It's interesting hearing Mick Jagger try to weaken his voice to sound like other male singers of the time. This is disco. With a rock edge, because it's the Stones, but still... disco. Specifically, Bee Gees-inspired disco. Including the falsetto interludes. Nope nope nope, I do not accept this from The Rolling Stones.
The Commodores -- "Three Times A Lady" -- August 12, 1978
I can't hear this song without hearing Buckwheat. So um. Lionel Richie is the lead singer here, and I don't like any Lionel Richie song I have ever heard, and this is a Lionel Richie song. Eddie Murphy's version as Buckwheat is better.
Franki Valli -- "Grease" -- August 26, 1978
Grease, the musical, is a not-really-guilty pleasure of mine. "Grease", the song, isn't. It's the worst song on the track. It's about nothing, it sounds 70s and not even 70s pretending to be 50s, and it's Franki Valli. Thankfully he doesn't do falsetto, but I still find his voice unpleasant. Also the song has almost nothing to do with the musical.
A Taste of Honey -- "Boogie Oogie Oogie" -- September 9, 1978
Disco, but disco with actual oomph, unlike anything that came anywhere near Barry Gibb. It's one of those dance songs commanding you to dance, and it works. It's got an interesting, and existent, bassline. Hazel Payne's voice is good. The song changes up a bit musically throughout. It's excellent, even if "boogie" sounds a little silly these days.
The Exiles -- "Kiss You All Over" -- September 30, 1978
I said "ew" when I saw this song on the list and I stand by that. There's a lot worse, certainly. I can't even pinpoint exactly why I feel "ew" about this song. The sentiment is fine. The music is fine. It's not a song where the guy demands something of the woman he's singing to without thinking of her feelings. I dunno. It's probably fine. Maybe it's the whole "fine" thing that makes me feel somewhat creeped out. It should be a sexy song and it's just not.
Nick Gilder -- "Hot Child in the City" -- October 28, 1978
This guy looks like Tom Petty. But he's no Tom Petty. The song's about a teenage sex worker, so uh, there's that. The singer doesn't sound too upset about it, but he doesn't sound too anything about it. This song should have some kind of grit one way or another, but it doesn't. It's nothing. And that's particularly bad when it's such a heavy topic.
Anne Murray -- "You Needed Me" -- November 4, 1978
Anne Murray has a beautiful voice. This song is about having been at the absolute bottom, then someone comes along and loves you, which is a great sentiment. But it should soar and never does. It lacks a chorus, and it needs a big blowout of a chorus. As-is, it feels unfinished and unsatisfying.
Donna Summer -- "MacArthur Park" -- November 11, 1978
Donna Summer is an amazing singer. But wtf is this. "Someone left the cake out in the rain" sung with incredible sorrow is just odd. And then it goes disco, because of course, but -- what? Show me someone's master's thesis on this and maybe I'll understand the song. As it is I am simply confused.
Barbra Streisand and Neil Diamond -- "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" -- December 2, 1978
One singer whose singing I despise, and another singer whom I forget exists when I'm not reminded of him. Looking up the lyrics after trying to listen to the song for about 20 seconds, they're lamenting about a failing relationship. With the reasons apparently being "you don't bring me flowers/ you don't sing me love songs." Yeah, uh, if you want the same exact kind of romantic effort put into a long-term relationship as was there in the beginning, you will be disappointed. She doesn't bring you flowers, but what about that dinner she cooked? He doesn't sing you love songs, but how about the fact that he does the dishes and puts the kids to bed? No wonder divorce rates were so high in the 70s. Yep, I hate it.
Chic -- "Le Freak" -- December 9, 1978
This one was played a lot at the clubs I went to in the 90s. It's a good funky dance song with a memorable bassline.
BEST OF 1978: "Boogie Oogie Oogie" by A Taste of Honey. WORST OF 1978: "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" by Barbra Streisand and Neil Diamond, but also anything with Barry Gibb's fingerprints on it.
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Doctor Who Tag
yes im a nerd...
1. Did you like DW as a child?
I was 10 when it came back on telly with Eccleston and the first episode with the autons scared me so much my mom wouldn't let me watch it again until a couple years later, but yeah my teens I was obsessed with DW... still am at age 25
2. Your age at the time of the revival?
3. First DW episode you ever saw?
4. Did you have any of the toys?
I still have the eleventh doctor’s screwdriver... I used to have some of the figures but there in storage now somewhere
5. Which DW character did you play on the playground?
didn't play it on the playground
6. Monster(s) that scared you most as a child?
all of them! the ones that still scare me now are the Cybermen and the Autons... genuinely cant walk past a shop mannequin without being suspicious
7. Joke/story you didn’t get as a kid?
as a kid, any of the innuendo type jokes
8. DW opinion that has changed since you were a kid?
idk I think I still have the same opinions
9. Who introduced you to DW?
10. Did you like Sarah Jane Adventures as a child?
I LOVED SJA!! I miss that show, and Elizabeth Slade :(
11. Who is your Doctor?
Ten was the doctor that made me fall in love with Doctor Who
12. Your favourite Doctor?
omg why not just ask me who my favourite child is... (I don't have kids but you know what I mean) if I had to chose my top three are ten, eleven and thirteen
13. Least favourite Doctor?
purely just because he doesn't have enough episodes... nine...
14. Best regeneration?
none of them I hate regenerations :( they make me sad, im too emotionally invested in every single one
15. Do you like “Doctor-Lite” episodes?
they're not my faves
16. Who is the most human Doctor?
I think nine maybe? or twelve?
17. Best multi-Doctor story?
the 50th anniversary special
18. Best Doctor monologue?
“Hello Stonehenge! who takes the pandorica, takes the universe. but bad news everyone, cause guess who? HA! You lot you're all whizzing about- its really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a minute because I AM TALKING. Question of the hour is, who's got the pandorica? Answer, I do. Next question, who's coming to take it from me? Come on, look at me! No plan. No backup. No weapons worth a damn. oh and something else, I don't have anything to lose. So, if you're sitting up there in your silly little spaceship with all your silly little guns and you've got any plans on taking the pandorica tonight... just remember who's standing in your way. remember ever black day I ever stopped you and then- AND THEN- do the smart thing... let somebody else try first.”
not copied and pasted, remember that from the top of my head... its always there waiting in my mind incase I ever need an epic monologue :’)
19, What do you think TenToo/MetaCrisis Doctor is doing now?
hopefully living his best life with Rose
20. Best Doctor/companion pairing?
ten and donna
21. Favourite companion?
Donna, Clara, Amy
22. Favourite secondary companion?
is Mickey classed as secondary? idk
23. Least favourite companion?
24. Best TARDIS Team?
Doctor, Amy and Rory
25. Most underrated companion?
Graham, but that may just be cause I love Bradders
26. Most overrated companion?
Rose... I like her but idk, I think she gets more hype than she deserves.. don't @ me
27. Favourite companion’s family?
Rose’s mom
28. Who should have been a companion but wasn’t?
idk I cant think of anyone
29. Favourite (canon or non-canon) DW universe relationship?
Amy and Rory
30. Who did you not used to like, but really like now?
wasn't keen on Bill at first but by the end I really liked her, same with Rory
31. Favourite episode ever?
girl in the fireplace
32. Least favourite episode?
most of Chibnall’s episodes tbh sorry not sorry
33. Which episodes do you skip?
the regeneration episodes
34. Best two-parter?
Human Nature - Family of Blood
35. Historical, present day or futuristic episodes?
I like them all in there own way but I think present is fave, then historical, then future
36. Episode that will always make you smile?
all of them
37. Episode that will always make you cry?
Rory and Amy’s last episode :’(
38. Best run of episodes?
ugh I cant answer this theres too many
39. Best cliffhanger?
the end of Spyfall part one when the Master reveals who he is... I was SHOOK
40. Favourite Christmas special?
Voyage of the Damned
41. Classic Who or New Who?
new who
42. Favourite series?
four or five
43. Least favourite series?
eleven, I just cant with the writing
44. Which series do you skip?
45. Favourite series opening?
eleventh hour
46. Favourite series finale?
47. Best series arc?
Bad Wolf
48. Thoughts on series 11/12?
I adore Jodie Whittaker and her doctor, and although I think 3 companions is too many I do love Yaz and Graham (Ryan is hit & miss). I just think theyve been massively let down by the stories/writing... they’ve tried to hard to tick certain boxes and completely missed what Doctor Who is about for a lot of people.. an escape from the real world into these outrageous unbelievable but lovable fun alien adventures
49. How much of Classic Who have you seen?
not a lot
50. Who should have had another series?
51. Favourite monster/villain?
the master
52. Most creative monster?
Weeping Angels, whoever came up with monsters that look like statues and only move when you're not looking at them is genius
53. Monster(s) that scares you most?
Autons, Cybermen, the creepy dolls from Night Terrors, the ones from Waters of Mars, Weeping Angels
54. Monster you think is too easy to defeat?
55. Least favourite monster/villain?
56. Monster you want to return?
The Master, I really hope that isn't the last we see of Dhawan
57. In your opinion, what makes a monster good?
being genuinely scary,
58. Daleks, Cybermen or Weeping Angels?
Weeping Angels
59. Best Dalek story?
Daleks in Manhatten
60. Best one time villain/monster?
my brain has gone blank I cant think of an answer right now
61. Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures?
62. Favourite Torchwood Team member?
I haven't watched it all so I couldn't say
63. Which Torchwood death made you saddest?
again, not watched it all
64. Do you rewatch COE or MD?
65. Favourite SJA Team member?
Sarah Jane
66. Mr Smith or K-9?
67. Maria or Rani?
68. Do you read the comics/novels or listen to Big Finish?
69. If you do, your favourite additional stories?
70. Do you like DW analysis (video essays, fan theories, etc)?
71. Favourite piece of alien tech?
the sonic, I love how it is so multipurpose except for when it comes to wood
72. Favourite piece of Murray Gold music?
I am the Doctor - gets me pumped every time
73. Favourite TARDIS design?
Ten’s Tardis
74. Has the 2005 era CGI aged well?
actually yeah, I was rewatching the ‘are you my mummy’ episodes the other day and my God when the gas masks emerged from the faces... ooooooof I was like omg how
75. Favourite Doctor outfit?
eleven or thirteen
76. Monster with the best design?
not really a design more of a costume.. I live Dhawan master’s costume. that shade of purple, oof he so stylish
77. Best show runner?
78. Best writer?
79. Best opening titles?
eleven’s titles where the Tardis is flying and being zapped is cool but thirteens music hits different
80. Will DW age well/stay popular in the future?
I hope so, I feel like its lasted this long surely it can last forever.. if the writers don't fuck it up...
81. Time period you’d want to go with the Doctor?
whatever time means Id get to wear the most beautiful costumes
82. Planet/place you’d want to go with the Doctor?
Galifrey, pre-desctruction
83. Doctor you’d most like to travel with?
any of them, please and thank you
84. Companion you’d most like to travel with?
donna, sceso a good laugh but also I feel like she’d look after me
85. Monster you’d like to defeat/fight?
The Master
86. If you could go back on your own history (like Father’s Day), where would you go?
back to when I was a toddler, I wanna see what I was like
87. If you could ask the Doctor anything, what would you ask?
theres too many to ask
88. Historical figure you’d like to meet?
89. How do you think you’d meet the Doctor?
id probably be rescued from doing something stupid and then the doc would be like you know what the bitch clearly needs supervision she's coming with me
90. Would you travel forwards or backwards in time first?
91. Historical event would you like to see in DW?
92. Issue you’d like to see addressed in DW?
93. Who would you completely erase from the DW universe?
94. One unanswered DW question you’d love to know the answer to?
where is Clara now?
95. Actor/actress you’d like to see play the Doctor?
Phoebe Waller Bridge (or Lin Manuel Miranda)
96. Actor/actress you’d like to see play a companion?
Andrew Scott (yes I did just basically recast fleabag and hot priest)
97. Is DW “too political”?
series 11 got a bit like that
98. Which characters fate would you changed?
Danny Pink
99. What about DW could be improved?
I think ive made my options about Chibnall pretty clear...
100. If you could write an episode of DW, any ideas for what you’d do
bring back Jenny, the Doctor / Daughter adventures they would have. I’m actually writing a fic about it if you wanna read.... here
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Titans: Deathstroke (2X5)
1. i really wanna roast dr. light’s costume but in 5 years everyone’s costume’s stayed the same
2. wtf... why was it that easy for Jason to escape his “shackles”. y’all i’m sorry but wtf is that?
3. Hank is the perfect sarcastic asshole i need for this gloom. and thank goodness dawn is there to shut hank the hell up on occasion😭😭😂
4. I just have to say Slade sitting there and dr. light freaking out is soo fucking meme-able

5. bro what if slade shoots dr.light with Jason’s tracker??
UPDATE: welp... idk i didn’t think he was gonna kill him, just shoot him in the arm or something...
6. bro rose fucking knows about jericho, I FEEL IT YALL. i need a jericho backstory ASAP
7. “black cloud of razor blades” DEAD bc it’s the truth but daaamn sis came back with “what did you do, Gar? Did you growl at him?” IM HOWLING!

but i need my baby’s to make amaends IMMEDIATELY

9. what did I tell y’all? Hank and Jason is love/hate! He heard Jason’s ass getting molly whopped and said, post up with someone your own size!! he is really riding for Jason and we love to see it
10. Mom and daughter bonding sesh, I LOVE IT! I am loving learning more about Kory and her backstory and life pre-Earth! FIRST TIME STARFIRE IS MENTIONED!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾
11. I can’t wait for Kory and Dick to see each other! UPDATE: Dick went “Jason who?”. Home skillet was geeking mad hard! haha, we love to see it!!

12. damn I was hoping Gar would barge into the training room with rach and demand not to be let out of the loop
13. don’t y’all think it’s interesting Rose said “aren’t y’all tired of being lied to?” biiiiiitch I got my 20/30 on your ass
14. AAAH THEY JUST SAID “USING DEATHSTROKE’S KID AGAIN” if Rose’s didn’t know about Jericho then, she definitely knows now
15. hank said cookies and milk AAAHAHAHAHA
16. EEWWW the way Rose’s body is contorted 🤢 Rose ain’t dead.... no fucking way!
UPDATE: i can’t believe i just watched rose crack and pop her body back in place. that was the most grossest/coolest thing i’ve ever seen (i mean i get it, slade’s dna “mirakuru” is in rose and all but still dis-cos-tin)

17. i feel bad for kory, either she takes the throne or her corrupt sister does.
18. okay... i am annoyed at Dawn strong arming Dick into dismantling the new Titans just because deathstroke came back, she shouldn’t put that on the new team or dick. what, they shouldn’t fight crime? or they shouldn’t fight crime in the same name? I think it’s very selfish of her to say that imo considering she is still kicking ass on the streets too! The og titans is obviously not the same as the new one. the only thing that is the same is the name and them fighting as a group. HOWEVER I don’t blame her for being upset, this deathstroke shit is ridiculous and it’s obviously is bringing up upsetting feelings. i just think “burning the whole place down” is extra as hell

19. dick and kory crummmbs 🥺😍
20. why is dick wearing a bullet proof vest? it’s the same argument i make about police officers. but especially with this! deathstroke is a known expert marksman, he will shoot his ass in the head in .2 seconds!
i know deathstroke is mad about jericho but he started this shit sooo...

21. @ Showrunner: I KNOOOOW YOU ARE LYING WITH THAT ENDING!! I KNOW YOU ARE FUCKING LYING!!! ME AND YOU NEED TO SQUARE TF UUUP ASAP!!! And you know what would be really foul is if the next episode was another flashback with Jericho or we just focus on Conner’s storyline all together and forget about Jason... FOUL

As a writer however, I think that ending was fucking brilliant! I mean wow! I have so many emotions and theories!! The showrunner has me right where they want me as a viewer and i could only aspire to have that effect in the future!

Here are my theories: I really thought we were gonna see Kory jump over Dick and do a super dive to save Jason and start flying (🥺) but if that doesn’t happen I think Donna will lasso Jason and save him? Hank could possible save him and further hurt himself because of how fast Jason is falling and the weight of gravity? Or Dick could do a dive and save Jason? Or is this how Jason dies? We know his death is inevitable according to the comics but is this how he’s going out? Multiple theories guys. Let me know what y’all think bc i’m stumped!!
#titans dcu#titans#titans season 2#brenton thwaites#dick grayson#nightwing#anna diop#kory anders#koriand'r#starfire#teagan croft#rachel roth#ryan potter#garfield logan#curran walters#jason todd#red hood#conor leslie#donna troy#wonder girl#minka kelly#dawn granger#alan ritchson#hank hall#slade wilson#deathstroke#rose wilson#chelsea zhang#esai morales#dickkory
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Au where the batfam are gender bent. Only the batfam.
Bruce as Bryce Wayne. She is a openly bisexual woman. At first she was 'straight' but after a few too many guys asked her out she said, and I quote: "My girlfriend wouldn't wouldn't like it if a man was so openly flirting with me" and to prove her point, she asked a woman (Selena) to be her date to a gala and to put the cherry on top, she decided to give Selena a kiss in front of a poorly hidden camera and she felt that she liked it. A lot. Also........ Bryce found out that she was pregnant and went to the league of assassins for two years. She didn't want to kill and innocent child so she decided that she would leave the baby there and asked Ra' Al Ghul to make her child into a strong fighter and bring her the child after ten years.
Alfred is still male because he is perfect the way he is.
Dixie is Dick and she, like Dick, is a pansexual slut but not in a bitchish-whorish kind of way. She is struggling with with the fact that she is in love with her best friend wally but she can't date him because of Artemis. She tries to ignore the happy couple and date other people but it never works out. Then one day, wally shows up at her apartment, upset. He explains that Artemis broke up with him because she had stronger feelings for Zatana. She wants to feel bad but is fucking ecstatic.(She might have a chance). They go to a bar so that wally can drink his problems away. She gets drunk and ends up seducing him and things get physically intimate. He apologizes the next day and ignores her for a week. But Jasmine holds him at gun point and threatens to freeze him if he doesn't talk to Dixie. He does and then they are celebrating an anniversary together two years later.
Jasmine or Jay is Jason. She is just as badass as Jason Todd but is a hell of a lot more dangerous when she is on her period. She once stabbed a guy because he leaned in too close to her. She is dating Kory and Roy. When Roy pissed her off she hand cuffed his hands to a chair and forced him to watch her and Kory getting it on while he couldn't touch........ He might have also had a cockring on.
Timia is Tim and she is a princess. A depressed princess but still. If Stephen didn't bring her out of her shell, she would have been living on work and coffee. They broke up but Timia is now dating Conner. Bryce trusted her enough with one of her credit card numbers, so when she had enough sleep and has no work, she basically drags Conner and the batfam(-bryce) to go shopping. She spends almost a hundred thousand dollars before feeling satisfied. She finished college by 18, was the CEO of Wayne Enterprise for about two years, made about 100 or so million before throwing in the towel. (Which sucked because Bryce was literally just laying naked on the, on her private Island with her alien fiance when she was alerted that her daughter resigned).
Dami is adorable but she hates it when people call her that, especially her "annoying idiotic boyfriend that is too stupidly attractive". Jon is 12 and she is 13 {I know that's not the actual age difference but whatever}. They get into loads of trouble together. Bryce literally flew out to Metropolis as bat woman and punched Superman in the face with kryptonite brass knuckles, publicly. She she scolds and threatens him in 5 different languages because she heard Dami ask Dixie how to kiss with tongue. (Superman might have exposed their relationship by kissing her in front of the entire world[because obviously people are going to record batwoman scolding superman] just to shut her up and asked her if they could go somewhere private.)
Bobby/Robert is Barbara. He is exactly the same and he would have been jealous of Wally if Donna Troy wasn't such an amazingly beautiful, intelligent and independent woman.... And a good rider. He and Dixie is still best friends, though. Their past relationships probably made there friendship stronger.
Stephen is a bi disaster who is dating an adorable little asexual named Cass( Castiel). He and Cass are happy. And Stephen is more than happy to have the only sexual release be done by his own hand if it means be and Cass can be together.
Cass is... Cass? In other words... A quiet adorable cinnamon roll that should be protected from the world but is perfectly capable of ending the world himself.
Kate is Kain and he is dating a genderbent Kara (Kevin/Superlad[?]). He is gay and I mean gay. He experimented with Dixie once, barely even experiment actually since they kissed and then tongues almost touched but Kain pulled away because it just felt wrong.... They were like 13 at the time and since then he couldn't think straight. Fun fact though: he was 14 when he came out as gay and some random homophobic kid called him a "Fagish fairy"........... He broke the kid's jaw............. Dixie kicked him in the balls.............. They almost got expelled from school.
Duke.... His female name is..... Duchess. She is basically the big sister... Even though Dixie is older (by afew months) they all for to her if they want to talk about something that they can't tell Dixie.
....... IDK.
Reblog and add on.
#Genderbent! Batfam#DC comics#Batman#superman#nightwing#red hood#batgirl#red robin#batwoman#batfams!
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1. What’s your favorite season and why?
Murder House. The feeling of it, the aesthetics, the characters, just everything. It’s just so good.
2. What season is the worst in your opinion and why?
I don’t actually think there’s been a bad season but my least favourite is probably Cult or Roanoke. I absolutely loved the writing and the concept but I wasn’t super attached to any of the characters in Roanoke (apart from Sophie & Audrey, really) but I did love it. Cult was amazing with what it stood for and the whole story and everything, the only reason why I’ve put it here is becasue it’s the one season I’d struggle to want watch again.
3. Have you ever had a dream about AHS character? What was it about?
Not that I remember, but I had a dream about Evan Peters’ character Quicksilver from X-Men. I don’t remember it though because it was like three years ago.
4. If you could play any AHS character, who would it be?
Definitely Violet because I’m good at pretending to be pissed off when I’m actually sad. Also Zoe because I just really want to like become her. Also I’d steal their outfits.
5. What theme should the next season be?
I know it’s cliche but I’d really love a zombie apocalypse theme. Like the same vibe as 28 Days Later but with Evan Peters, Taissa Farmiga, Billie Lourd & Angelica Ross playing the main characters.
6. Pick a character to dress as on Halloween.
7. Your most favorite charater of all & why.
Zoe, Kit & Violet due to the fact that i either relate to them, want to become them, adore them, want to date them, want to steal their clothes or all of the above.
8. What character do you hate the most?
Kai probably. Would beat the shit out of that little inc*l, racist bitch.
9. Your first AHS crush.
Violet for sure.
10. Your current AHS crush.
Zoe & Kit mostly.
11. If you die at the Murder House, what death it would be?
I mean Violet’s death sounded like something I’d do when I was 9 and suicidal but now I feel like Hayden would kill me for fun or something. Or maybe that freaky ass baby thing in the basement.
12. You’re in the Asylum. What for?
Being bisexual lol.
13. Mary Eunice or Misty?
Misty! I don’t talk about her enough, I love her.
14. Oliver Thredson, James March or Dandy Mott?
I think Dandy is the most interesting villain out of the 3. James March do be kinda hot though ngl. Thredson’s just fucking terrifying
15. Describe your feelings about the Countess in one gif.
16. Your AHS OTP?
zyle, violate, zadison, brodonna & gritma
17. What would you change in “AHS Apocalypse”?
I’d give Zoe more screen time and emphasize how powerful she is, make Kyle actually be there and be happy!!!, not make those boring straight kids have the next anti christ, confirm that time doesn’t affect ghosts so Violet & Tate are still together even after Mallory reversed time, show us more about Gallant and tell us his fucking last name, have Mallory free Madison from hell, tell us Queenie’s last name and give her more screen time, more Marie Laveau
18. Favorite Evan Peters character?
19. Favorite Sarah Paulson character?
Lana Winters 1000%
20. Favorite Jessica Lange character?
Jude! I loved her character arc and her relationship with Kit, Julia, Thomas.
21. What was the most brutal death of all in your opinion?
Pretty much all The Butcher’s kills in Roanoke
22. What was the saddest scene of all?
The scene when Zoe and Queenie die in s8, Kyle’s reaction to Zoe’s death in s3, Violet finding out she’s dead, and any scene where Kit’s being hurt gets me as well
23. The most annoying character of all.
Ivy Mayfair-Richards & John Lowe
24. Lana Winters or Ally Mayfair-Richards?
Lana, definitely.
25. The most dangerous character of all?
Probably Micheal since he’s the literal anti-Christ
26. What’s your favorite witch?
27. What character are you gay for?
Literally all of Angela Basset’s characters, Zoe, Violet, Brooke, Donna, The Countess and a lot more lol.
28. Tate Langdon or Michael Langdon?
Tate 10000000000%. Micheal WANTED to hurt people and did for fun. My boy Tate was just a sensitive teenager who got controlled by evil forces.
29. What character’s destiny would you like to change and how?
Kit, Grace & Alma’s. I want them to all have lived happily ever after together with their kids, all three of them in love, no one gets cancer, no one gets abducted again, no one gets murdered, no one gets sent to an asylum.
30. Which one of all characters is most likely to become your friend?
Probably Violet. She’s a cool, broody teenaged girl with good taste in fashion and music.
31. Favorite Naomi Grossman character?
32. Would you rather end up in Asylum or in Murder House?
Murder House for sure. I can get Tate & Violet to date me as well each other. Also at least Murder House is a gorgeous building filled with some nice people. Briarcliffe is just a miserable torture chamber filled with murderers and people with serious mental illnesses that hinder them from functioning properly.
33. Favorite gay character?
Definitely Lana.
34. Who’s worse: Elsa Mars or Constance Langdon (and why)?
I love Constance’s character because she’s so interesting but she’s said some racist and homophobic things were as Elsa was just vibing.
35. The most repusling character of all?
Kai & Thredson. They‘re literally so disgusting.
36. Describe your feelings about Michael Langdon in one gif.
37. Your favorite opening titles?
1984 & coven
38. Which one of all characters is most likely to become your enemy?
Kai. He’d argue with me on the internet and then I’d block him immediately
39. Would you rather have sex with Twisty or end up in LaLaurie’s basement?
LaLaurie’s basement. I’ll just kill her and free everyone.
40. Jeff or Mutt? Why?
Jeff becasuse Evan Peters
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So every year on my birthday I kind of like to recap my year, and since I'm turning 29, I decided to model this year's after the Elle article Taylor Swift did at 29 entitled "30 Things I Learned Before Turning 30."
@taylorswift @taylornation
1. It's okay if people don't get my interests.
Over the years, I sometimes tried to hide my interests because I was worried people would think they were weird or wouldn’t understand them. It always seemed like a lot of my interests fell out of the “ordinary” interests of those around me. But I’ve learned that’s okay, and it’s okay if people don’t get it. If I enjoy it, that’s all that matters. Like the song says, if it makes me happy, it can’t be that bad.
2. I can love my body while also wanting to make it healthier/look better.
I have struggled with body image and my weight for the majority of my life, and I have always believed the biggest struggle was the mental aspect of it all. I thought I could only appreciate my body once it got to how I wanted it to look (which, it never has). I hated it. However, I realize now that the best way to improve it, is to love it, and appreciate it for what it does for me already.
3. It's not malicious to cut out toxic people.
Cutting out toxic people is hard, but necessary. I’m not calling someone up and saying, “I’m never talking to you again,” or completely ghosting them, however I no longer involve them in most aspects of my life. It’s freeing and better for my mental health.
4. Traveling is so important.
It’s no secret that I love traveling. I want to visit every continent (minus Antarctica), experience different cultures, see history, and experience new things. It’s important to open up my mind and broaden my horizons, and something I recommend everyone to do. It’s good to meet people from all over the world who live different lives and come from different lifestyles and philosophies. Plus, traveling is just so fun! Like Donna says in Mamma Mia 2, “life is short, and the world is wide, I want to make some memories.”
5. My path can and will change often.
When I first started trying to decide on a major for college, I seriously thought about at least 12 different career paths. And what I chose wasn’t even included in those at the time. Point is, my path will change often. My dreams will change often. And that’s okay! It doesn’t mean I failed, it just means my path has shifted onto something different. My initial dream may have just been setting me up to go down a certain path.
6. My life isn't on a timeline.
Honestly this is probably the hardest lesson I had to learn. Everyone, myself included, seems to put life on a timeline. I thought by a certain age I had to have a degree, I had to be married, I had to have kids, I had to have traveled to a certain amount of places, etc. and if I didn’t then it just wouldn’t happen. I hear people talk about other people and where they are in life. But no one’s life is on a timeline, and everyone’s big moments will happen differently. The only time it’s ever really “too late” is when I’m dead. And I’m not dead. I’m very much alive.
7. I need to be able to look forward to things.
Sometimes life can seem monotonous. Every day looks the same, and it can really wear me down. I always try to make sure I have something to look forward to. It could be something big, like a trip or Christmas, or something small, like watching a new movie. Either way, I keep a countdown app in my phone, and I look at it on days I feel like my life is doing nothing. I always make sure there’s something I can look forward to.
8. It's possible to be both brave and terrified.
My mantra in life has always been “Fearless.” I got it from a Taylor Swift quote when I was about 17 years old that says, “Fearless is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.” While I’ve always loved that quote and have used that word to overcome fears, it took me awhile to actually be able to fully embrace the idea of being fearless.
9. Water is good for the soul.
Drink water. It’s not only good for the soul, it’s good for staying alive. Hydrate before you die-drate. There’s nothing more satisfying then getting a big gulp of cool water.
10. I shouldn't care what people think of me.
This is something we’re preached our entire lives, yet often we still worry about the people who judge us. And that’s crazy. I only get one life and going through it worried about what someone thinks of me is a stupid way to live.
I think I can best sum this lesson up with the words from Sebastian Stan in Houston, “Don’t care about what other people say about you, just really don’t give a damn…you have to ultimately go ‘I’m doing this’ and people aren’t going to like that. Not everyone’s going to like what I do. So…who gives a f***? You know, if it feels good to you, and you’re helping somebody, or you’re not harming anybody, you’re being kind, you’re being considerate, then that’s it. That’s all you need.”
11. If someone judges me for my appearance, they are the ones with a problem.
One thing that has hindered me through the years is my fear of someone judging my appearance. I’ve let it affect every aspect of my life. For so long, I wouldn’t go to certain events, talk to certain people, participate in certain activities, travel certain places, date, go to restaurants, do fun things like dancing or swimming, etc. (and some I still don’t) because of being afraid people would judge how much fat is on my body. And I recognize that’s not a good way to go through life, and if someone judges me for that, they are the ones with the issue, not me. In the words of Brianna Wiest, “Focus on what your body does more than what it looks like doing it.” And I’ve been trying to live those words.
12. I need to live in the present, not the future.
I tend to freak myself out by thinking either too far ahead or about things that haven’t (and might not) even happen. I think about what age I’ll be in 10, 20, 30 years. I’ll think about what might go wrong with something at some point. It’s not healthy, I will drive myself crazy overthinking about this. One of the biggest things I’ve learned is to live in the now. It’s good to have future plans or be prepared for the future, but never forget to live in the present. Focus on the now. Live now.
13. It's good to try different things to figure out if I'm interested or not.
It’s so good to try different things out to discover if it’s something I enjoy or not, something I want to pursue or not, etc. It’s so easy to sign up for a class, look up a tutorial, or just get out and try. I have tried a lot of things in my life that ended up not being what I decided to put all of my energy into, but that’s a good thing. I don’t have to ask myself “what if?” and some of it I still enjoy doing as a hobby.
14. Writing is good for my mental health.
If you follow me on any social media, or are reading this right now, then you probably know that I tend to write things out often. I enjoy writing. It’s one of the ways I express myself, and it’s good for me. It’s therapeutic. I write when I’m excited, happy, or sad. I write out poetry or songs or just short little essays. I enjoy it, a lot, and I’m glad I’ve embraced it.
15. Read as much as possible.
Reading is good for so many reasons. It makes me smarter, it makes my brain more active, and it takes me into different worlds. It also lets me experience things or understand things I might not have otherwise. It helps to stop my mind to slow down and focus on one thing. Reading is important for everyone. It can be a novel, a short story, a magazine, whatever. Just read.
16. A good night's sleep can make a huge difference.
Trying to get a good night’s sleep just makes the next day better and is good for my mental and physical health overall. I’ve had crazy sleep schedules, sometimes from work hours but mostly because I’m an anxious night owl who pushed myself to stay awake and watch movies rather than going to sleep. I honestly feel better now that I’ve got myself on a better sleep schedule.
17. I should push myself out of my comfort zone but also know my limits.
I would have missed out on a lot if I hadn’t pushed myself out of my comfort zone, and I hope to do it even more in this next decade. It’s good to run towards some of the things that terrify but fascinate me. However, it’s also good to know that everyone has limits. It’s good if I can recognize situations or places that always make me feel uncomfortable and to try and keep myself out of that environment.
18. Music and concerts are therapeutic.
Music has been a part of so many aspects of my life (as it is for many). It’s played on road trips, at parties, at big life events, in my room, in the movies I love watching, and the list goes on. It’s no surprise that music is therapeutic and something so many people can relate to and love. One of my favorite parts about music is getting to go to concerts. Taylor Swift, Julia Michaels, Aly & AJ, Miranda Lambert, Britney Spears, Demi Lovato, and Selena Gomez are just some of the artists I’ve been lucky enough to see in my life, and whose concerts let me really let loose, and just be in the moment and feel all the feelings. And that’s great, and something I hope I get to experience quite often in the next decade and beyond.
19. It's important to be knowledgeable about the world.
This can be looked at in two different ways.
On one hand, learning about other cultures and places is interesting and important on opening up the mind and broadening horizons (kind of like what I stated about traveling). It’s cool to see how people live, talk, what customs they have, etc. and to recognize that while we’re all different, we also all have a lot of things in common.
On the other hand, it’s important to be knowledgeable of the issues in the world. It’s good to know what big concerns there are and learning about them so I can see where I stand on it as well as knowing what I can do to help people. For example, with refugee crisis, knowing what is going on in their country and what they are facing so I can look into what I can do to help provide assistance (such as donating, raising awareness, praying, etc. We can all do something). It’s important.
20. Be active in politics and be respectful with politics.
Being active in politics is vital to helping shape the present and future. Being educated about issues, empathizing with people, being aware, opening up my world to be bigger, and having an open mind is all important when approaching politics. It’s also imperative that I make sure I am always respectful when doing this. If I disagree with someone, I don’t attack them. If someone attacks me, I ignore them. If you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Don’t play stupid games.
21. Dog videos and cat videos will always make me feel better.
There’s not much to say about this except it’ll always make me happy and dogs and cats are so cute and deserve all the best things in the world. Also please send any and all dog and cat videos my way.
22. It’s so good to get to meet people from different backgrounds, lifestyles, cultures, etc.
Through traveling and living several different places, I’ve been lucky enough to meet people from all over the world. This has opened up my mind and has helped me to be able to recognize the different issues people face. It has helped me see so many lifestyles and values and I have learned a lot about the world through these people. I am thankful for them.
23. Being open about mental health is so important.
I have social anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder, AKA anxiety and depression. I’ve talked about this a lot in the past few years, however it took me awhile to get to that point. I was first diagnosed at 17 and it wasn’t until I was about 25 that I finally was able to be open about it and talk about it (and I have to thank Jared Padalecki for being a huge reason I was able to do that through his words and Always Keep Fighting campaign).
Mental health isn’t just about diagnosable disorders, though. Everyone has mental health, just as everyone has physical health. Mental health is just as important as physical health and should be treated as so. It’s okay if a couple days need to be taken to feel better. It’s okay to not be okay, as cliché as that sounds. The more open people are about mental health, the more awareness there will be, and that will lead to healthier minds.
24. Encouraging friends is something that should be done daily.
Let me repeat that, ENCOURAGING FRIENDS IS SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE DONE DAILY. Everyone needs encouragement. Uplifting others is the easiest thing a person can do that can make such a big impact. Uplift them, encourage them. I am genuinely so proud of so many of my friends, and I try to tell them that often.
25. Watching movies will always be my joy and therapy.
I watch a lot of movies. A lot. And it’s because I genuinely love them. I find so much joy and entertainment being able to escape into different worlds and lives and situations for a couple hours. I also turn to them when I am sad or dealing with anxiety and depression and need something to help me. They are therapeutic. They are fun. I am thankful they exist, and I don’t care if that sounds weird to someone (see #1). I also love learning about them and knowing different aspects of them, such as how a scene was filmed or how an actor approached the character. Random challenge: when watching one of your favorite movies, take yourself out of the story for a minute and just watch the characters on screen as actors. It’ll blow your mind on how talented they are.
26. Creativity can be expressed in a lot of ways.
I’m a relatively creative person and sometimes it feels like I can’t find a way to express that, which makes me go crazy. I used to think I had to have a specific and grand outlet in order to express creativity, but that’s not true. I can express my creativity in the clothes I wear, the things I write, in painting or making bracelets, in photography and videography, or even in every day conversation. There are so many ways to express it, and none of them are wrong or not enough. I’ll do me and you do you.
27. It's good to have people who inspire me, but I shouldn't put them on a pedestal.
A lot of different people inspire me. Some are family, some are friends, some are musical artists, some are actors, some are YouTube creators, some are activists, some are just random people on Instagram or Twitter or wherever, and the list goes on. And it’s great to be inspired by other people. It’s nice to have people to look up to or who inspire me to be myself or express myself. However, it’s always important not to put them on a pedestal. Nobody is perfect. We’re all people.
28. Be kind, be empathetic, be patient, but stand up for myself.
Kindness, empathy, and patience are all things we should strive to have. I always try my hardest to be kind to everyone (sometimes I fail, like everyone, but I try). I have realized I have a lot of empathy, which is great and I’m thankful that I have that. I’m working on patience with myself, but I do try to be patient with other people. However, I also need to know when to stand up for myself. Sometimes people mistake kindness for weakness and try to push me down; I shouldn’t let them do that. I can still be kind while standing firm.
29. I may never understand a struggle someone's going through but that doesn't mean it's not real.
Often times when people talk about their struggles, I see others say, “well I have never experienced that or have seen that so it must not be true.” And that’s a poor way of thinking.
For example, as a white person, I’ll never fully understand the struggles and obstacles that racial minorities face. But it’s so, so important I still recognize that those struggles and obstacles exist and do my part in trying to help improve them. Another example is that a man will never fully understand the struggles and obstacles I face as a woman, but they should still recognize that those things are real.
30. I know that age is just a number and turning 30 next year just gives me a new decade to look forward to.
And last but not least, turning 29 shouldn’t be a scary thing. Age shouldn’t make anyone sad or feel like they have failed at life or something for not reaching a certain point (see #6). People put too much emphasis on age sometimes and it’s ridiculous. I’m 29. I’ll be 30 next year. It doesn’t mean anything except that I’m given a new slate to start a new decade of my life, and that should excite me, not scare me. So here’s to 29, I hope my last year in my 20s is great…but I have a feeling my 30s will be even greater.
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