#not beating forneus . finding him
parasitoidism · 8 months
"the hardest boss in smt iii is matador" "the tower of kagutsuchi is so difficult to get through" The biggest challenge I faced while playing nocturne was trying to navigate the shinjuku medical center absolutely delirious with a fever not having realized that there was a mini map I could look at
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Well, this was to be expected, hehe! Good morning, Clanmom! ^^
So, remember me and another anon's requests about Forneus with a Kitten!Reader? Well, this time I had an idea... What would happen when Aym and Baal reunite with their mother - and find out they have a younger kit as a sibling now? Would it be a sweet ending for all four of them, as a big family?
If headcannons are easier, then go ahead! I just found this to be a perfect opportunity for a "sort of ending" to the small Kitten!Reader storyline with Forneus! ^^
-👻🐝 admits he cried, fr fr
Aw yeah this was indeed expected!! Imma give them the best ending <333
"Mama! The Sacred Lamb is here again!!"
"'tis alright, dear. Allow them a moment of rest. See if they're interested in any of our wares." You heard Forneus' voice call out from inside the caravan.
While she was busy putting together more trinkets to sell, you sat outside the little shop, having learned the ways of business thanks to her. You ensured the stack of gold nuggets were in a neat pile, and the gift box's red bow was perfectly placed.
Everything had to look perfect for your customers!
Today, you wondered what the Lamb was going to pick, as they were only permitted to choose one item for free.
However, when you saw them emerge from the clearing, your eyes wandered to the two floating brown-furred demons flanking either side of them. They were surrounded in a white glow, their yellow gazes sharp and piercing.
You were a bit familiar with many of the lesser demons they brought on their crusades. They took many forms: bows, hearts, blades, bombs...
But never the heads of felines.
Curious, you stood up and approached them respectfully. "B-Blessed Lamb...what demons are those?" You meekly asked, hands clasped together. "What do they do?"
The bearer of the Red Crown was about to respond to your inquiry, but then they saw Forneus emerge from the caravan and stopped. Instead, they whispered to you that they were "gifts" that your mother so dearly yearned for.
Although a little confused, you stepped aside so she could see them. You noted the demons' harsh stares softened significantly upon locking eyes with her--
And became a bit startled when she suddenly fell to her knees, as though knocked over by a strong gust of wind.
But there was not a breeze to be felt.
"A heart remembers..a mother shan't forget.." She muttered in astonishment, trails of tears already staining her face. Yet her smile was brighter than the sun. "O, generous fortune! Should I be dreaming, never allow me to wake!" She cried, holding her paws out. "Kit, fraction of my beating heart!"
One of the demons floated over to her, and in a puff of smoke it turned into a black cat adorned in white clothing. He wore a camelia flower upon his breast, and the warmest of smiles on his face.
'That...must be Baal..' You realized, watching as he hugged his mom, a single tear sliding down his cheek.
"Ah, Lamb! Praised Lamb! Blessed Lamb! My son returned, soul almost whole!" Forneus beamed in joy, looking to the other demon that remained beside Lamb, beckoning it over to her side.
And it did exactly that, turning into another black cat who wore red and black. He had some nicks in his ear, a scar running across one eye. Yet despite his scary appearance, he completely crumbled in the loving embrace of his mother, crying several tears of joy.
'And that's Aym.' You smiled sweetly, seeing that both of her biological sons have been returned to her.
This was a happy day, indeed. You had hoped to meet them sometime in your life..and here they were now.
After Forneus thanked Lamb by bestowing them with new relics to use on their journeys, they went on their way, wishing all of you the best. Although they never explained how exactly he managed to bring them back, it didn't matter.
She offered Aym a cookie to cheer him up, but just as he was about to take a bite...he noticed you standing there and blinked. "Mother, who is this?"
"Yes, who are they? Are they a kit you've taken in?" Baal questioned.
The air suddenly felt very heavy and tense as you just stared back at them, offering a nervous smile. Yet your heart was beating even faster than before.
Up until this very moment, you didn't even consider the fact that you were a complete stranger to them.
What did they think of you?
Did they see you as some random cat who tried taking their place in their mother's life?
If so, what was going to happen now?
"Fear not, my darling kits." Forneus soothed, hugging her sons close. "This is [y/n], whom I have fostered when I found them all alone in these harsh lands. My heart forever bled for you two when you hadn't returned...but they mended much of those wounds, keeping me company."
"...it's true." You spoke up, relieved that she defended you as you wrung your paws together anxiously. "She told me a lot about you guys. I know it seems strange, but please understand...I-I never tried to replace-"
"We understand." The brothers spoke in unison, smiling as they detached themselves from their mom and approached you.
"That blasted--erm...sacred Lamb.." Aym corrected himself. "..they brought us back, reminding us of many good virtues in the short time we've been in their cult. Understanding..forgiveness...charity...such foreign ideals I used to scorn. Yet here I feel...I can embrace them wholly again."
"I feel it, too." Baal chimed in, his smile never fading as he offered his paw to you. "How could we resent the one who helped our dear mother in our absence? We'd love to get to know you better....um.."
"[Y/n]." You felt your shoulders relax as you shook hands with him and Aym, grateful at their kindness.
Then, out of nowhere, Forneus swept all three of you into a loving embrace, squishing you against each other and her.
"What a blessed day this is! Such a blessed day! May we never part in this life nor the next!!" She cooed, with Aym groaning in embarrassment, Baal smiling bashfully, and you simply taking in this precious moment with your newfound brothers.
At last, this once severed family was made whole again.
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the-priestess-of-dawn · 9 months
Now I'm imagining Robin snagged by Those Who Slither, and barely managing to fight is way out-but he's now stuck on the other side of the world, on the wrong continent-and Rhea's looking at him like she knows what he is. (...That could potentially play into the idea of a resurrected Forneus as well: he met some Nabatean spies and managed to ally with them (since I doubt he'd side with the Grimleal)-so now he's in Fódlan as well, ready to create even more Horrors and slay his errant Creation.)
The Shepherds are scrambling to find Robin, while Robin is trying to find a way to contact his friends in this land without Divine Dragons. (He may detest them, but he also knows damn well that they're his best way back to Ylisse.) Meanwhile, Forneus is taking advantage of TWSITD's technology to continue his experiments-now with Crests, and all the technological know-how of the Nabateans.
Enjoy experimenting while you can, Forneus. Your Creation has loving friends now and once they reunite they are going to beat you up :::)
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Who was Ratoo's lost love?
There is an optional side quest involving Ratoo where if the lamb has a follower become the demon Hathor, it given can be given to him for a health upgrade.
Considering how hidden and easy to miss this interaction is, it got thinking about somethings. Like how did Ratoo lose his heart, how is he still alive, how did his heart become a demon? Who or what is Hathor, what exactly are demons in COTL. After some research and alot speculation here is my interpretation of it all.
(This headcanon is incomplete because I lost inspiration halfway through but already put alot of time into it sooo, here. I didn't want it to live in my drafts...)
Demons in COTL
I will expand more on this later but this is a small exert of what I learned. Demons in COTL are all named after IRL gods, as in, NONE of the demons are named after actual demons, of which there are many. I found this odd since there are characters that are named after demons, like Baal, Aym, and Forneus, the bosses at the end of crusade dungeons and all the witnesses. Why then would the only creatures specified as demons in this world be named after IRL gods? Irony, maybe? We'll come back to this.
Who is Hathor?
The IRL namesake of the demon Hathor is an Egyptian Sky Goddess of music, dance, joy, love, sexuality, and maternal care. Her nature was multifaceted as she could also be wrathful and bloodthirsty.
"Hathor was often depicted as a cow, symbolizing her maternal and celestial aspect, although her most common form was a woman wearing a headdress of cow horns and a sun disk. She could also be represented as a lioness, a cobra, or a sycamore tree."
"Hathor crossed boundaries between worlds, helping deceased souls in the transition to the afterlife."
This aspect may be relevent later.
In game the demon Hathor will fly away and returns with red hearts. If you are at max health then you will have no use for the heart it has brought you. In this way it acts very similar to The Hearts II tarot card. And the many hearts Ratoo has pulled through his summoning circle. Like Ratoo, it seems as though Hathor is also looking for hearts, for you, the player or for someone else...
Ratoo's Dialogue about Her...
"My love took my heart to the sea, the sea, she took my heart to the sea... 'Tis where my heart will be, will be, in her bed at the bottom of the sea"
"Welcome crusader, take a moment to join me in my search. I look for the heart that once beat in my chest. That is until it was taken by... her. I have been sitting here for so many years, even her face has faded from my mind, yet I keep searching. Always searching. I've a dozen hearts you see, but none of them are mine. They are yours if you wish to have them, crusader. They are worthless to me. I care only for the heart that was once mine... so that I might look upon her face one last time... sigh."
A moment of respite in the eye of the storm!"
"I'll trawl the depths, for the heart she took from my chest!"
"Crusader you have come to join me! I am glad for the company, for this can be such a lonely place."
"I need only find it and I will see her again. I have waited here for so long and all I want is but a moment together once more."
"Oh! Oh! I am happy and I am sad, I weep and I laugh, and I love! Thank you, crusader, for what you have done."
My analysis.
Ratoo seems to be under the notion that his heart is in the watery depths of... somewhere. Not the ocean though as we don't every find him near the piers. Instead Ratoo has etched a summoning circle to someplace unknown where lost hearts can be found but, not his. The circumstances surrounding the loss of Ratoo's heart must be different from the others that he caught if it could not be found by this method. Not that he knows this. The fact this his heart has been very obviously removed from his body could be a factor as to why it can't be found.
I feel as though Ratoo's situation is a metaphor made manifest. His heart was, physically and metaphorically, taken by someone he considered his lover, we do not know if these feelings were reciprocated. Ratoo's memories of his lover are seemingly kept in his heart, which he needs to remember her. His heart has somehow become a demon that finds hearts and brings them to it's summoner. The two are able to be reunited but nothing really changes. The player is still able to summon Hathor at the Demonic Summoning Circle (this is very likely just a game mechanic though).
Because of how open-ended and indefinitive theory crafting is, I couldn't settle on any one in particular that could explain who Ratoo's lover was so, these are the ones I liked best:
My theories
Ratoo's lover was once the goddess, Hathor, that he worshipped dearly. In an act of devotion he gave his heart to her, literally. Some time later, Hathor came into conflict with the old faith and was killed. Now all that remains of her is Ratoo's love for her in the form of the demon Hathor.
Demons in this world are remnants of deposed gods, Hathor being one of them. In this world Hathor is/was a goddess if love and preserving it. Hence Ratoo being drawn to a Hathor, demon of hearts.
Ratoo's in his feeling of love and longing for his lover, elevated his lover to godhood status after her death. Now empowered, she manifests hathors out of love for him. When we give him one in game it's like he is given a love letter from beyond the grave.
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indragonsaur · 2 years
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Forneus Ref
Forneus is a Great Marquis of Hell, and has twenty-nine legions of demons under his rule. He teaches Rhetoric and languages, gives men a good name, and makes them be loved by their friends and foes.
He is depicted as a great sea monster. He causes men to have a good name and to have the knowledge and understanding of tongues. He makes one beloved by his foes as well as of his friends. He is partly of the Order of Thrones, and partly of that of Angels. His name seems to come from "fornus" (oven). He can take many different forms but mainly prefers his human form.
Forneus was born as an Orphan who has no family, no siblings, Only god is the one who create him.
In a centuries, at age 12, Forneus encountered Pirate Overlord and his crew and asked to join them, a request that pirate overlord granted. In truth, Forneus was planning to sinking a ship by using his Goetia ability of Water from prince of Envy.
At the Age of 19 he begins starting to make his own Palace from some pirates ship and built it on his own for 20 years in the age of 39 he complete his 80 meter pirate ship and he needs some find his crew.
Travel to the Pride ring he went the 7 rings of hell jail called taurtus he encountered the guards and Murdered all of them. He met The chief executioner “Alastor” he beat him up knocked him out instantly and went of level 7 and met the prisoners and challenged them who be the only one in the cages, join his crew.
In the successfully beaten to the death in the Cages, Forneus could selected the Most dangerous criminals in hell and picked 7 of them (he has 4 of his crew) and start terrorizing greedy mafia neighborhood in a greed ring. And his last stop was a Envy ring and became a commander of Prince “Leviathan” and accepted his request what he wanted.
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rootbeergoddess · 4 years
Human Delicacies: Satan
This took so longer and I apologizeeeeeee. But Satan finally gets his chance for some sweet treats. Ao3 link is right here.
The alarm on his D.D.D woke Satan with a start. He rubbed his eyes and wiped away the drool from his chin. Ah, he had fallen asleep while reading again. Satan stood up, groaning as he felt the stiffness in his body. Yawning again, he looked at the time. Oh, it seemed like he slept through lunch. Only two hours until dinner, but he couldn’t really wait that long without eating something.
“I suppose I could head into the kitchen and see if I can find a snack,” He said. “Hopefully, Beel hasn’t cleaned out the kitchen.”
Lucky for him, the hallways weren’t busy, so getting to the kitchen would be no issue.
“Leave me alone, Forneus!”
Satan stopped; he knew that voice. He looked over to his right to see MC. There was a male student with her, but it was obvious MC didn’t want to be talking to him. Her school bag was clutched in her hands, and she looked ready to run. Usually, Satan would distance himself if he saw something like this. It wasn’t his job to intervene, he wasn’t Lucifer. Why did he care what the students did?
“C’mon MC, why are you being so cold? All I asked was for some lunch,” Forneus grinned. “You make lunch for Lucifer and his brothers.”
“Gee, why would I make lunch for them? Maybe it’s because they’ve been extremely kind to me, and I care about them,” MC avoided Forenus’ gaze. “Excuse me.”
MC moved to leave, but Forenus cut off her escape. Satan felt his anger flare up as he watched.
“You don’t care about me?” Forenus reached out and touched her hair.
“Stop it!” MC shouted. “Please, just leave me alone!”
“You heard her.”
Forenus nearly jumped out of his skin when Satan appeared behind him. He turned around to face the demon of Wrath, gulping when he realized who it was. MC ran over beside Satan, glaring at Forenus. The other demon began to back away.
“I was just teasing her, no big deal,” Forenus held his hands up in defense.
“Teasing?” Satan’s eyes went dark. “You think sexual harassment is funny?” “What? Sexual harassment? It wasn’t harassment, right MC?” Forenus looked at MC with pleading eyes.
“Yeah, I would call what you’ve been doing sexual harassment,” MC said. “Oh, did I mention that he grabbed my ass?”
“He. did. WHAT?” Satan’s glare turned murderous.
Satan grabbed Forenus before he could book it. Forenus tried to save his skin, but Satan wasn’t having any of it. MC followed them to Lord Diavolo’s office, where Forenus was forced into a chair.
“Lord Diavolo, we have a case of sexual misconduct involving two students,” Satan’s eyes stayed on Forenus. “I shouldn’t have to remind you that our school has a strict no harassment policy.”
“That’s true,” Diavolo eyed the whimpering demon before him. “And let me guess, MC was the victim?”
“Yes, I was,” MC finally spoke. “If it wasn’t for Satan, it would have continued. He’s my hero.”
Satan coughed, his cheeks turning red.
“I see. Well, I’ll have to take statements from all three of you, but don’t worry,” Diavolo said. “We will get to the bottom of this, and punishments will be given.”
“Is this really necessary?” Forenous asked weakly.
“Keep talking. Please, see where it gets you,” Satan growled. “I dare you.” Forenous was about to say something, but the look from Satan changed his mind.
Knock, knock.
“It’s opened,” Satan didn’t look up from his book. “Watch your step, don’t touch anything and---”
“If you want to borrow a book, you have to fill out a form, and the book must be returned within two weeks.”
Satan looked up from his book, seeing MC standing before him. She closed the door behind her and walked towards him. He noticed the basket in her hands.
“Are you delivering a meal to someone?” Satan asked.
“It’s more of a thank you,” MC placed the basket down. “Is it okay if I set this here?”
Had it been anyone else, Satan would have said no. MC? MC wasn’t just anyone. Satan nodded, and she smiled, making his heart skip a beat. She opened up the basket, and the warm smell of apples greeted his nose. MC pulled out a beautifully baked apple pie. The crust was adorable with little hearts and diamonds on it.
“So, since you’re my hero, I decided to show my thanks with your favorite dessert, apple pie! Vanilla apple pie, to be exact. This baby won me the blue ribbon at the state fair three years in a row!”
“Ah, I should be honored then?” Satan managed to smile.
“Oh, totally,” MC giggled. “But, I am thankful. Like super thankful. That jerk Forenous is in my Demonic Histories class, and he hasn’t left me alone for a week.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Satan asked.
“I didn’t want to bother anyone,” MC said with a shrug. “Yes, I know that’s dumb, but I just thought he’d move on. I guess I was wrong. Either way, this is a thank you. I also have some imported whip cream. Don’t tell anyone I’m sharing it with you. They’ll get jealous.”
“My lips are sealed,” Satan said. “Hang on, let’s set up over here.” Satan got up and moved to a small table covered with books. He moved the piles off the table and the chairs. MC placed the basket on the table and took out some plates. Once the table was set, she brought out the pie. The room became filled with the pleasing scent of vanilla and apples. MC cut two slices and placed them on their respective plates. She sprayed some whipped cream on her pie and then passed the canister to Satan. Satan added the smallest dollop he could.
“You know, I have some tea,” He said. “I could brew some.”
“Oh, tea would be delightful!” MC said.
Satan’s heart started beating faster, and he got up, trying to hide his blush. How could one human be so adorable and pure? The better question was why she bothered with him. Satan wasn’t the most popular demon, but MC didn’t seem to care.
Satan found his kettle and cleared away some books so he could prepare the tea. He decided on a nice Earl Grey. Once the tea was brewed, he poured it into two cups and gave one to MC. Then, he sat down in front of his pie. Satan took a sip of his tea before taking a bite of the pie. It was no surprise that the pie tasted fantastic. MC had a natural talent for cooking and baking. Everything she made was amazing. This pie was no exception.
“It’s perfect,” Satan said. “Like always.”
“You always say that,” MC blushed a bit.
“It’s true, though,” Satan took another bite. “You really have a talent. Thank you.”
“Again, I should be thanking you,” MC fiddled with a lock of hair. “You really saved me.”
“I just did what anyone else would do.”
“Not everyone is as nice as you are, Satan,” MC said. “There are a lot of guys like Forenous out there.”
“True,” Satan felt his cheeks turn pink. “Maybe just to be safe---I should walk you to and from your classes from now on.”
MC smiled. She nudged his foot playfully, making Satan’s face turn even redder.
“I’d like that a lot.”
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imthepunchlord · 4 years
What I wish for FEA
On the off chance Fire Emblem Awakening got remade for the switch (which can handle far more than the 3DS), things that I really hope for. I really would love if it did get remade for the switch, it was a lot of fun, a lot of great characters, an interesting set up that they could’ve done a lot more for. It’s not a perfect game, so a remake would be good to polish it up, and do the update that’s needed. 
And this is more for me, been holding this in since playing FE3H and finally decided to share it. 
- More supports for Chrom and Sumia
For someone who insists about standing for friendship, he doesn’t have a lot of supports, I also would’ve loved to see some other romantic options for him; like him and Flavia could’ve been great. I’d also be intrigued to see Lucina as a half taguel or manakete. And Sumia has no excuse for her small support pool. While I love Cordelia and Stahl, I also really wanted to see Sumia and Stahl, if they had a support. 
And set it up that, whoever Lissa marries, that opens up a support between Chrom and his brother-in-law, if he doesn’t have one open with them. My otp is Lissa and Henry, I’d love to see the support between Chrom and Henry, that could be so funny. And have this extend to potential aunts and uncles between Lucina (Lucy’s younger sibling) and Owain. There are interactions we’re not getting but should be. 
- Model edits for half races
Speaking of Lucina being half taguel or manakete; do actual edits of their models so they have those traits; I was bothered to see Morgan lack those traits. Also to see that Morgan is just a copy of her mother’s model. Taguel, ok, I can let fly since gender seems color coded for their armor, but manakete, seeing 3 different colors (yellow, pink, and white); its not hard to tweak the color. Morgan could’ve been black or purple (and on the off chance we ever get manakete!Lucina, blue for her). 
- Plegia
This is a big one. While FE doesn’t have the best history with their poc, 3H was a step in the right direction, I would like this added to FEA. 
Don’t make things so black and white, especially with Plegia and Ylisse. Plegia is overwhelmingly framed as the villains and Ylisse is just pure good. Never mind the fact that Ylisse did a mass genocide on Plegia that still effects it to this day. While it is acknowledged, it also feels swept under the rug too and Plegians are portrayed bad for responding as they do. And to my knowledge, Emmeryn didn’t do much to try and make up for her father’s actions outside withdrawing troops. Its a complicated situation I want to see addressed more, for there isn’t an easy answer to this. She’s not her father and shouldn’t be blamed for his sins, but she also can’t just bow her head and try to let things be, leave them to lick their wounds in peace; that allows anger, hurt, and resentment to fester that lead to Plegia lashing out. Actually one thing that could’ve been done is make use of Robin being Plegian and Emmeryn using them as a means to make up for how bad things got. Give us more on Emmeryn, and address that complicated situation. 
Also, really address Robin being Plegian. Aside from later story detail, its something very forgettable and its a huge disconnect from Robin and their character. Robin is an amnesiac, yet there’s nothing of them trying to learn of their past. I would love to see Robin delving into being Plegian, their culture, and what it means to them to work with the Shepherds. While the Shepherds has been kind to Robin and embraced them to be among the flock, Robin canonly does still face suspicion after serving Ylisse loyally (Frederick). Realistically, Robin should be facing far more prejudice in Ylisse, which can help break this black and white set up between Ylisse and Plegia. This would also be really interesting to see for Robin as a character, acknowledging their Plegian heritage, what it means for them, where does loyalty lie, do they want to go to Plegia and try to find their past? Validar even hints that Robin’s mother is alive (potentially); where’s Robin trying to find their mother? To learn of their past and see what Robin was like before losing their memories, what happened that got them separated from their mother? 
And not everyone will agree or like this, but remove being able to change up the avatar’s appearance. Because they want Robin blank for the player, this makes Robin lackluster as a character, and doesn’t work since there are actual conversations between the avatar and other characters that won’t match with the player’s views. Say you don’t like Chrom, but your avatar does and there’s nothing you can do to change this, its a set conversation between two characters. Let Robin exist as their own character, no changing up the design, and keep Robin as a person of color. I can say you can change the color itself  from light to dark, but no making Robin white. This extends to Tharja, Noire, Henry, and the Morgans. All Plegians that are “good” and that can recruit are white, which doesn’t help things. Keep all Plegians dark skinned, it will help remove that light skinned people are “good” and all dark skinned people are “bad”, especially when majority of Plegians are dark. So keep Robin, Tharja, Noire, Henry, and the Morgans all poc, and let Robin become their own character, for they are meant to be but also an insert for the player and they aren’t a good insert. They can do what they did with Byleth, have a potential reason why Robin starts out so blank; maybe Grima reaching out to Robin is what set that off, and the further into the story you play, the more of Robin’s true personality shines through. Tharja reveals that knowing someone’s true name allows for hexes to work, and its a wonder if Robin is their true name or if they have a true Plegian name. 
And what becomes of Plegia when you beat the game? Is Plegia left broken and never rebuilt, becoming part of Ylisse? Does Robin (and their spouse) go to store Plegia and become new rulers and help forge friendships between them and Ylisse? Or does Tharja or Henry go to become the new Queen or King of Plegia with their respective spouse? House does Plegian monarchy even work? Gangrel was a peasant that survived the genocide and stepped up, then Validar just took over and now we don’t know who rules or if Plegia is just left forgotten and broken. 
Speaking of Grima, lets get more into them and Plegian culture and religion. They’re a largely worshiped god that promises doom upon the world, why are they so worshiped when it means many Plegians will die as well? Are they based on the Egyptian culture, believing that there is an afterlife after death, and that it will be better than their present life? Do they believe this world is the actual hell? Is there more to Grima in worship than just death? To play off their old name, is Grima known as a creation god, for destruction is a form of creation, paving way to renewal or new things to rise from creation. Aversa mentioned “gods”, so Grima isn’t the only god that is worshiped. Who else do they worship? Are there believers of Naga? What other gods are out there? 
And Grima’s mention that they and Robin are one and the same, it doesn’t get addressed or explored as much as I’d like. To what extent are they the same? Is Robin just a human reincarnation of Grima? Could Robin become Grima without the possession? Are they a dark and light counterpart to each other? Does this mean that Grima is like Robin, started out good and open to the world and just wound up corrupted or went down a dark path, that Forneus potentially pushed Grima down? Or was Grima always evil at the start? Does that mean Robin actually started out evil and then the amnesia hit and they became good? 
Its said on the wiki that Robin often experienced nightmares, which we didn’t see in-game, Grima could be set up to play a similar role to Sothis, an inner demon sitting in Robin’s subconscious, trying to manipulate and scare Robin down a darker path. And if Robin can potentially explore their own mindscape, could use this to lay hints to Robin’s past and Grima’s. 
- Also go ahead and expand on the lore of the world
Plegia is the one I’m interested to see more of, but would like more on Regina Ferox, more on Ylisse and their views of Plegia presently, of Valm, of the taguel and of the manakete. 
But just expanding this world, for there are a lot of interesting things and details set up that are left unanswered. Actually there are some paralogue that can be doen to expand on characters and give a little on their history. 
Like, Nowi revealing that she was stolen from her parents. Are they possibly still around? Who stole her? Why doesn’t she have a support with Tiki?
Is Panne really the only surviving taguel or are there more? 
Is Donnel potentially part manakete since his father gave him a stone that has a “hidden power” and Nah can use it as her dragonstone to transform. So was his father a manakete or did he just find that stone? 
- Take the new features from Three Houses
One of the things I really liked about 3H was being able to explore the church and talk to characters, see what new thing they have to say for each month. I’d love to see the barracks explored and talk to characters in your army and see what new thing they’d have to say to you when you go about talking to them, what their thoughts and views can be. 
I’d also like to build up points like 3H does, have lunch or a drink with your army, do little things for fun and build up supports and stats. 
I also adore characters being fully voice acted and seeing the cutscenes play out. I’d love for them to stay and be used for FEA. 
And while very unlikely to be done, I would love them doing another take on divide paths. Two possible routes to go, there’s going with Ylisse, or going with Plegia. Have Robin decide if they want to stay and assist the Shepherds or go to Plegia and learn of their pasts, see more of characters we didn’t get to see much of, see Plegians’ life and potential struggles after that genocide and being under Gangrel and Grimeal’s rule. Maybe have a complicated goal of improving things for Plegia, work at becoming the new Queen/King of Plegia, see how things stay the same or play out differently with you there. 
It is very unlikely though, so at most I’d hope for an expansion on lore and culture, and make things far more grey than the black and white set up they did. 
- Update characters 
There are characters who haven’t aged well and require a major update in design and personality. Tharja is creepy but has a secret heart of gold, which clashes with what Noire tells us in the future. Inigo is a nice guy and is extremely annoying. Nowi has the mentality of a child and its extremely uncomfortable to pair her up with anyone, and I’d like to see her updated to be more along the lines of Flayn, still child-like in a sense, but also mature and wise in her own way. Her daughter Nah I don’t remember liking much either and would like to see adjusted. This is one of a few I think really need a tweak in personality and design. 
- Allow for same sex endings
Now, this is unlikely since female characters (minus Chrom and male Robin) are the ones with future kids, but I would like to see that some same sex characters could have endings together, though there’s the issue of no child from mlm pairs. This can be solved by adding a handful of future kids to certain male characters, and can open up more sibling supports. its also realistic for some parents to have more than one kid.
But that means adding more children and I don’t know if they will. I would love to see more child characters and more sibling interactions, but yeah I don’t know if they will... 
- Remove allowing Robin to pair up with a kid from the future
No. Just no. That should not have been a thing. 
- Allow me to have both my children 
Future Past dlc all but confirms that Morgan has a twin that exists, let us have them both. I adore them both, and I would love to see them work off each other. 
- Give Flavia and Say’ri their own kid 
Very salty that these two woc don’t have their own kid as well and a very small window of supports. Which ties into the next point. 
- Update supports 
It is very annoying that some characters don’t have supports with each other. Not just Chrom being picky about company despite boasting about friendship and bonds and Sumia being picky about spouses (for some reason); but Lon’qu and Basilio can’t talk, nor him and Say’ri despite coming from the same region. Nor any support between Nowi and Tiki despite Nowi having a fear of being alone, here is another manakete and yet no interactions between them? And on the off chance they keep in extra recruitable characters, why don’t Emmeryn have a support with Chrom and Lissa and Frederick? 
- Chrom 
So I know Chrom needs a wife for Lucina, but my god its the most annoying thing to deal with him till past a certain chapter, especially if one of his few potential wives I want to pair with someone else. I know its a must, but I would like it updated and adjusted. Because at the start of the play through, everyone has to avoid him like the plague less he goes and steals someone’s wife. 
Another issue is him being the Exalt, we don’t see him being the Exalt and most of his time is spent away from his kingdom, making him lackluster as a ruler and leader. Who is he leaving in charge of Ylisse when he’s about when his potential wife, Lissa, and Frederick are at his side? Is any of the people of Ylisse bothered or nervous about him being vacant to rule? 3H the heirs feel like actual rulers and leaders, Chrom doesn’t. I’d like that updated, see what he is like as an Exalt, and what issues there are for there is no perfect ruler. What are his goals and how will he act them out? Does he have any? is Ylisse ok enough that he hardly needs to actively govern it? 
And I think that about covers it for all things I’d hope to see added/polished up for FEA remake, if it ever happens for the switch. I really hope so, it got me into Fire Emblem, and while a lot of fun, it needs polishing up, and could use some updates and add ons. 
I hope one day I will get to see it on the switch, and to see it updated and improved upon. 
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oopsbirdficced · 7 years
@terresdebrume asked: I would love some Aphrodite and Deathmask and I challenge you to make the words on one of their wrists ‘you're the sweetest person I ever met’.
So in the US release, Deathmask's name was changed to Mephisto for reasons unknown. I have hence decided it's his actual name, though not his birth name. Deathmask is a nickname of sorts.
Paolo is a really boring name, he's decided. He's always sort of hated it, as his mother's attempt to “bless her albino child with an auspicious name”. As if having albinism was a disease, or his fault, or something. Sometimes he's glad she died a year ago, even if he had been roughing it as a beggar and a pickpocket for a year. It wasn't like living with his increasingly drug-addicted mother had been much better.
Master Dionisio, who had picked him up off the Sicilian streets about six months ago, had told him recently that his name had once been Cristiano. Paolo had eagerly asked if he could change his name too, and Dionisio had agreed. He is Paolo’s papa now, they had filled out stupid amounts of paperwork to make it possible. Paolo is still kind of nervous about the whole business, but Dionisio is kind, and an amazing cook. He's also going to teach Paolo how to use the powers he already uses to talk to dead people properly. If he wants to, when he's older, Dionisio says he can be the Cancer Saint, like he is. Paolo isn't sure about that part yet, but he likes learning how to fight for real.
Dionisio isn't here right now, off getting groceries for their guests. He'd told Paolo he could come too, but he hadn't wanted to. Maybe he should have, though, because now he's bored.
So bored.
That's weird and new too. He's bored. He's not worried about finding money or food, or a relatively warm and/or dry place to spend the night. He's not worried about whether or not he can outrun some of the older kids who like beating him up and calling him names (scrawny devil’s rat is a particular favorite of theirs). He's not even worried about whether or not old man Carlo is nearby, with his penchant for kids. Ugh, why'd he think of that creep? Paolo shivers, rubbing vigorously at his arms.
A name… He rubs an idle hand against his collarbone, where pink handwriting spells out words that had only just became actually readable. They're sweet and comforting. Someone out there doesn't think he looks like a rat, or is cursed by the devil.
Huh. The devil. A smirk curls his thin lips. That would be hilarious, but also kind of get back at everyone.
Lucifer is kind of a stupid name, and that would shorten to Lucy, so he tries to remember the names of other demons. Mother had had a book of them, and he taught himself how to read using that and her battered bible.
Abbadon, Astaroth, Beelzebub, Flauros, Forneus, Legion, Leviathan, Malphas, Mephistopheles…
Hm. Mephistopheles sounded nice. Kind of long, though. Maybe if he chopped a bit off? Mephisto. That sounded just about right.
"I'm home! And I brought our guests!” He scrambled back out to the living room, grinning at Dionisio, and curiously observing the newcomers. “This is Aurelien and Aphrodite, Pao-”
"Mephisto,” he interrupted. Dionisio blinked, nodded, and carried on.
"Mephisto. Aphrodite is about your age, and Aurelien sponsored and mentored me. He was like a father to me,” Dionisio smiles at the old man, hair more gray now than black, and wrinkly like a raisin. Mephisto is more interested in the tiny blond child attached to his leg, face hidden in a weird stuffed animal. He's never seen anything like it. Is it supposed to be a hippo? Aurelien nudges the other kid forward, and he approaches, hesitantly.
"You're really pretty. You look like a rose,” Aphrodite says softly, words heavily accented. Mephisto’s chest feels warm and buzzy, and he grins widely.
"You're the sweetest person I ever met,” he declares brightly, and tackles the blond over in a hug. They topple to the ground, and Dionisio is laughing and Aurelien is cooing, and Aphrodite squeaks is surprised distress, but Mephisto doesn't want to let go. “What is this thing, though? A hippo?” he asks, poking the stuffed animal. Aphrodite makes a tiny indignant noise.
“He's Moomin, stupid,” Aphrodite says, pouting.
“‘M not stupid! I just never seen one before.” He objects as they sit up. Aphrodite bites his lip and does something weird, scrunching his face up in concentration. Suddenly there's a bright red rose in his hand, and he offers it to Mephisto.
“Sorry I called you stupid.” He says, offering him the flower. Mephisto takes it a little dubiously, because wasn't giving flowers for girls and adults? But it's pretty, and Aphrodite looks hopeful, and it's like the same color as Mephisto’s eyes. He takes it.
"‘Sokay. Don't do it again, yeah?” He says, and they smile at each other.
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