#not based on anything real
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cillianmurphysdimples · 2 months ago
Female Y/N x Cillian fanfic (Part Seven)
Absolutely not based on anything real at all, all totally fictional, fanciful and all total bollocks.
Warnings for sexual references and language. Adult themes so not suitable for under 18s
Gif credit - @remembering-angels
We Got Issues
Part Seven: Y/N and Cillian attend a dinner at a London restaurant with Steven and some of the cast of the upcoming Peaky Blinders film before filming begins the following day. Y/N feels anxious and insecure, but Sophie offers her a shoulder and some advice. [Anxiety/Insecurity themes]
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@remembering-angels @dragonsneversharetheirtreasure @aesthetic0cherryblossom @lavender-haze-01
You keep your hand laced tightly in Cillian's as you walk together into the intimately lit restaurant. It's cold outside and raining, and as you step through the doors into the restaurant, you feel a sudden gust of warmer air that instantly banishes the chill of the London evening. Cillian looks back at you, wiggling his hand in yours, as he walks through the scattered chairs and tables towards the back of the large space where you can see Steven clearly on a chair at the edge of a long table. As you both approach, and those seated finally spot you, Cillian's eyes light up at the friendly calls of hello and jovial whoops at your arrival. You're relieved to see Sophie and Matt sitting together, and that there are two empty chairs opposite them that you and Cillian can claim. You wave as Sophie smiles, and Cillian pulls you down towards the waiting chairs.
“Hello brother,” Sophie says cheerfully, getting to her feet as you and Cillian reach the end of the table. Letting go of your hand, Cillian walks around to meet her and takes her into his arms in a loving hug.
“How's it going, sister?” He says, continuing the joke. He rubs his hand up and down her back twice before breaking the embrace. “Well, Matt, howeya?” he says, tapping his hand to Sophie's husband's shoulder before he comes back around the table to where you're hovering nervously. He pulls out the chair that is opposite Sophie's and gestures for you to sit down, lovingly placing his hand between your shoulder blades as you lower into the chair.
You shrug your leather jacket from your shoulders and turn awkwardly on the chair to throw it over the back, then place your handbag by your feet. Dressed in a Peter Pan collared, black blouse and wide legged black trousers, you feel elegant without being overly dressed up, and Cillian's relaxed suit and shirt without a tie mirrors the smart but not too overdone look. Sitting beside you, he rests his arm behind you over the back of your chair, and his fingers move gently against your shoulder and bicep. The table is awash with many different conversations, but you're grateful that Sophie immediately pulls you into hers as Cillian, Matt and Packy are absorbed in conversation beside you.
“You two flew in today?” Sophie asks you, picking up her glass of white wine from the table before her.
You nod your head, eyebrows raising, “Yeah, got to the hotel a couple of hours back.” You smile. You turn your head as Cillian wiggles his fingers against your arm, and he's smiling at you brightly with a waiter standing to his left. “What?”
“Drink?” He asks you, stilling his fingers against your biceps. “Red?” You nod, smiling softly at his immediate assumption being right, and when he turns his head to speak to the waiter, you look back at Sophie again.
“You got a babysitter for the boys then?” You ask, smiling as she nods.
“My mum,” Sophie laughs a little, “They're staying with her for the night, and then Matt will get them tomorrow when I'm at a meeting, then Saturday I head to work.”
“How're you feeling?” You ask, and part of you wonders if she undergoes a massive change like you've been witnessing in Cillian for the last week. “Excited?”
“I am, yeah. Bit nostalgic, bit sad, but I'll be great spending time with that little bugger again.” She nods towards Cillian, and you laugh a little. “Has he been moody with ya?” She asks, “I remember filming series six, I'd seen him a couple of weeks before for a meeting with Steven, and by the time we were here for the first few weeks of filming, he was quieter, moodier, I wanted to hit him some days.” She laughs, and you know Cillian is listening when he suddenly moves close to your left ear.
“Don't listen to a word.” He says, then laughs as he straightens up. Sophie laughs too, and pokes out her tongue. “No Rebecca?” Cillian asks, looking first at Sophie, then at Packy, then to Steven. You feel a flutter of anxiety at the prospect of meeting Rebecca, but you're not entirely sure why.
“She said she'd come, Ned did too.” Steven replies, lifting his glass to his lips.
“Ah, Ned, good man.” Cillian smiles; you know he's fond of Ned Dennehy. Cillian shifts a little on his seat, drawing his arm from around your back, and you realise the waiter has returned with your drinks. Taking it from him, Cillian hands you your glass of wine before setting down his own drink before him. You're almost surprised to see his preferred Guinness has been sidestepped for a glass of wine too. “Packy,” he says, and rests his elbows onto the table as he leans forwards on his chair, “You get in today?”
"I did, aye," Packy nods his head, eyes wide and animated, and you remember why you like the man so much as he and Cillian flutter of into a series of facial expression, head nods, sighs and inhales that all mean something but, to those outside of Irish culture, might seem like they're barely saying anything at all.
“Y/N?” Sophie calls, and you look around at her. “How was your birthday?”
“Nice, yeah,” you say, then wrinkle your nose. “Just another day, mostly, but we had dinner in town.” You smile.
“Any stand out birthday gifts?” She asks, and you immediately realise she's suggesting that there was an engagement announcement to be made.
“Well, Cill got me a ring,” you say and hold your hand out across the table, and you laugh to yourself as her face goes from shock, to confusion, then a soft smile as she realises it isn't an engagement ring. Drawing back your arm, you chuckle. “There's no plans for marriage,” you tell her, and she sticks out her bottom lip.
“You don't want to?” She asks and Matt seems suddenly intrigued by the conversation too. “A wedding, babies?” She grins.
You shrug your shoulders, “If he asked, I don't know what I would say at this point in time.” You answer and hope you sound honest. God, you'd marry him in a heartbeat, you think, and you'd finally reached the point in your head where you'd bear his child and yet here you are - with a promise ring and a man who no longer wants more kids. You wrinkle your nose and smile a little, “But he's done it once before, does it have the same meaning if you do it a second time?”
“Why wouldn't it?” Sophie asks, looking at you a little concerned by your view.
You shrug your shoulders again, “I don't know,” you say, and you realise you don't know how you feel about the subject, not fully. Considering you both have different views about what proper communication is - and there is a niggle in the back of your mind if he has considered what the implications could be of the sex around the time of your birthday - you don't know how life will pan out for you in the future. Your stomach turns over and you feel a little warm and uncomfortable. It must show on your face as Sophie reaches out across the table and touches your hand where you have it cupped around the stem of your wine glass. “Sorry,” you force a smile and you can see she doesn't buy it. “I feel a bit warm. So many bodies.” You lie, hoping it sounds convincing. Sophie draws back her hand.
“Oi, big brother,” Sophie calls out playfully to Cillian, and after a moment he turns his head away from his conversation and raises his eyebrows at her. You feel awkward, severely out of place, and like you've forced yourself to start thinking back over all the things you'd glossed over since the weekend before your birthday.
“What?” Cillian is smiling at her with a sparkle in his eyes, and it goes a long way to soothing you to see him so animated.
“Give Y/N a hug, will you!” Sophie thrusts her hand towards you, “She's not used to all these people.”
When he turns to look at you, there is concern in Cillian's eyes and you shake your head with a small smile. “I'm fine,” you say, but as he reaches his arm out and rests it behind you again, like he had when you sat down, and cups his fingers around your arm, you do feel an immediate sense of security, an immediate rush of relaxation through your body, attempting to put out the fires of doubt in your gut. He pulls you in a little, and you rest your shoulder into his chest.
His voice is low and quiet, as he whispers his words into the top of your head, and his accent is thick and comforting. “Are y’alright?”
“I'm fine,” you say quietly, your head under his chin, “it's just a bit warm in here, that's all.” You lie easily. He rubs his hand up and down your bicep, and you inhale the smell of his skin and aftershave from the material of his shirt. He's home for you, for sure, and his mere presence is an antidote, but he's the catalyst of your anxieties, too, and you hate the contradiction. He doesn't remove his arm, and you don't pull yourself away. Despite Sophie looking back once or twice, you stay close and comfortable in his embrace. It's only when the table erupts into hellos ten minutes later that you both begin to separate.
Cillian looks around and offers a cheerful smile to the woman who has approached. You recognise her as Rebecca, though you've only seen her on that Zoom call, and you feel that twisting in your stomach again. She takes the vacant seat to Cillian's left, and you peer around him to offer her a smile as she says hello. For a moment your heart drops in your chest and you can't explain why. Cillian leans towards her slightly, talking to her quietly in the midst of the loudness around them, and when she laughs at whatever it is he's said, you have a brief moment of wanting to scratch her eyes out. You berate yourself silently. What are you thinking! You don't know her, and she's clearly just a colleague here. You scold yourself for your possessive stupidity, but you can't turn it off, either.
“Y/N,” Sophie calls out. You look up, and fix your expression to a smile. “I need the loo, fancy a chat?” You don't know if she's intuitive or just desperate form company, but you nod and stand up from your seat as she does. You sidestep awkwardly, to move from between your seat and the table, and crouch down for your bag on the floor. As you straighten back up, Sophie is behind you and rests her hand on your back. You're surprised, somewhat, that Cillian doesn't even seem to have noticed you've moved, and you walk away with Sophie without letting him know you're disappearing for a moment. The noise of the busy restaurant slowly filters back and you follow as Sophie leads off down a carpeted, low-lit corridor, behind two sets of double doors, before she finally indicates that the ladies toilets are ahead. “Good old trek in this place. It's like a bloody Wetherspoons; marathon distances just to have a wee!” She laughs lightly, and you chuckle. She stops outside of the door into the ladies, and turns as you come to a stop a step back from her. “Is everything alright?” She asks gently. “You seem a bit lost this evening.” She gives you such a look of understanding, you're almost ready to open like an unlocked box.
“No, everything's fine, Soph, really.” You play it cool. “Work has been heavy this week, you remember what to do, yeah?” You say, and while it's not a true lie, it isn't the whole truth. “There's been some hard stuff this week, and it can be hard to shake. If I pulled a face or something, it wasn’t meant!” You add a slight laugh, hoping it's convincing.
“I told you, didn't I, he gets into the mindset for filming and his demeanour changes. You'll get used to it, and you'll see which parts he's doing on purpose and which he can't switch off. And that's me speaking as someone who didn't go home with him at the end of the day!” She says gently. “Do you worry?” She asks and you frown deeper.
“Worry?” You repeat. “About what?”
“That he'll - and tell me if I'm speaking out of turn, but that he'll…” you watch as Sophie tries her hardest to voice her view without being offensive.
You take a deep breath, “That he'll do to me what we did to his wife?” You say, and first you see her look back at you in shock before she nods her head coyly. You shrug your shoulders, “Sometimes, maybe.” You say. But inside your head you scream ‘always’.
Sophie smiles at you and reaches out her hand, cupping her fingers around your upper arm. “The last two years, before he and Yvonne separated and then divorced, I know you two knew one another and things were quiet. He was really low, so unhappy. I mean, he wasn't rude - he never is, is he?! But Y/N, when I say he's happier than I've seen in forever, since the two of you are settled and happy, I mean it.” she says and you find yourself smiling at her conviction. “As for the next little while…Tommy sometimes seems to take him over,” she says with a little smile, “It's a heavy role, so just remember Cill is in there and he'll be back, don't think that it's because he's feeling a different way.” You find her words actually kind of comforting, and you stay outside, in the hallway, as she disappears into the ladies toilets. You step back, away from the door, and lean yourself against the wall, easing the weight off your feet and the painful heels you'd picked out. Directly in front of you is the door into ladies, and to your right is the doorway into the mens. You shuffle yourself down the wall a little to your left, just to give some space between yourself and the doorways.
As the door at the far left end of the corridor swings open, you turn your head and instantly you smile when it's Cillian walking towards you. He smiling as he walks closer. “I didn't know where you'd gone.” he stops before you. “What're you loitering out here for?” He asks, amused, with a single eyebrow raised.
“We travel in packs,” you tease and watch him smirk. “Sophie's in the loo, I'm just waiting for her.” It's nice to see him, and you feel absurd for that feeling when you've been gone for five minutes! But your mindset has changed with Sophie's words, and your heart feels a little lighter somehow. You just hope it lasts.
He nods towards the men's toilets. “I'll be back,” he says, and vanishes through the door.
You're about ready to remove your shoes when Sophie finally emerges, and she smiles at you brightly. She's refreshed her lipstick and her eyes sparkle a little as she grins. “Coming back?” She asks, nodding down the corridor to the doorway.
“Cill’s in there,” you thumb towards the toilet door. “I'll wait for him.” You say, and realise you probably sound like a lovesick teenager with that response. She smiles at you, then wiggles her eyebrows before giggling a little. “What?” You laugh back at her.
“You know they lock the accessible toilets in places like this?” Sophie grins, “You can't dip in there for a quickie.”
You gasp before you laugh, and she laughs louder at your response. “Stop it!” You shake your head.
“You're telling me you two have never…you know… somewhere risky?” Sophie asks. “Matt and I, just once, pulled over at a rest stop area, on a drive up to Scotland…” she says, laughing. “Put back the driver's seat…” she says, and then shrugs before she laughs even harder.
You find yourself completely enthralled as she begins to give you details, without the gory details of course, of her tryst in a lay-by and all you can do is laugh. “Sophie!” You shake your head, covering your mouth with her hand as she trails off.
“So you've never?” She asks.
“No!” You shake your head, then bite your bottom lip. “Well...not in a lay-by anyway!” You both silence abruptly, your heads turning in unison as the door to the men's toilets drags open and Cillian steps out, first completely expressionless then a little bemused as to why you're both staring at him. Sophie breaks first, tittering quietly as she turns her back, laughing more loudly, and begins to walk away. You hold your hand out to Cillian and shake your head with a smile, “Don't ask and I won't lie,” you chuckle as he clasps his fingers around yours.
“Right!” he shakes his head, but there's a smile on his lips that lets you know he's just happy you're happy. “Are you finding it a bit much?” He asks, pushing open the first set of doors.
You shrug, “I was, but I feel better now.” You say, and you feel like it's an honest answer.
“Tell me if you're not. I'll mind you, you know that, or we can go.” He says, looking at you for a moment before he reaches out his hand and pushes through the second set of doors, back out into the noise of the restaurant.
“I'm fine, really,” you say, and squeeze your fingers around his. “It's nice seeing everyone properly, you know? In the context you met them all originally. They're lovely.” You say, and he gives you a lopsided smile, his cheek bending into a deep dimple. “It's nice seeing you in this context, too.”
“What context?” He asks, looking a little bemused.
“Tommy fucking Shelby,” you laugh, and he rolls his eyes at the level of amusement you take from your own joke. A few steps from the table, you turn towards him fully and gently push a kiss against his cheek. You're not sure if you're stamping your ownership in front of people, or if it's simply because you wanted to kiss him, but when he squeezes your hand at the gesture, you're sure it was the right move.
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merrigel · 1 year ago
I want it back = I drag its dead weight forward
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ellifromspace · 6 days ago
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these are the murderbot artworks Tommy Arnold did for the Subterranean Press omnibus editions of the series, and a photo of Kevin R. Free, who narrates the murderbot audiobooks. when fans complain about the casting for the tv show, there is a very real basis for it in these past official/canonical aspects of the book series
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trixxedheart · 2 months ago
It is amazing how the "people that love and uplift transwomen" website will instantly fucking maul a transwoman if she even remotely insinuate that using radfem rhetoric harms trans people
#this is about punkitt making a post literally just saying ''you shouldn't treat masculinity as a threat because it harms trans people''#and straight up getting death threats over it#how is it so hard for people to understand that treating masculinity as a threat directly harms transwomen#that it treats transwomen who show any sort of masculinity as a failure#it reminds me of trans people on 4chan because it enables so much self-loathing#you cannot argue ''men/masculinity are inherently evil'' and claim it's different from radfem/TERF rhetoric because you're trans#it just projects unrealistic body standards onto women#many women including cis women have masculine traits. I know women who have stubble and grow shittons of body hair#like—''biological sex'' is NOT a binary it is a social construct just like any other#and also only hyper focusing hate on masculinity because of patriarchy isn't an effective way of addressing patriarchy at all#hating a group of people based on their traits is not the same as being progressive. acknowledging—and more importantly. teaching people—#—and how it gives them certain privileges over others and to call it out and dismantle those systems is so fucking powerful you have no idea#also I'm going to be so for real with you. the vast majority of transmen do NOT have the privilege you think they do#it's the privilege of being able to pass more than anything. which any trans person would know thats really fucking hard!!!#I love rambling in the tags so much it's so great#sorry for this lol#queer discourse#also addendum: when I say 'women' it's all encompassing. if anyone gets pissy at me for saying 'women' and thinking I'm not including —#—transwomen in that then I'm killing you! you are the problem!
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puppppppppy · 11 months ago
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id fumble him so bad
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 1 year ago
Audio source
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egophiliac · 6 months ago
Sorry, most likely my memory being poor, but I thought Malleus' mom (don't know how to spell her name and too lazy to check how to spell it) was already an adult when Lilia ""proposed""?? Like I was always under the assumption that it was like a one-sided child crush on somebody completely out of your league you tend to have as a kid 💀
I don't think they say how old she was? although it's entirely possible I just misunderstood; my Japanese is...shaky. :') the actual line is "幼い頃に私に求婚したのは偽りか?", which I read as "isn't it true that you proposed to me as a kid?", and took as her being older than him, but not necessarily an adult (like, I was thinking of Lilia as being not quite a preteen and Mel being preteen/young teen). although I don't know if there's a connotation or something I'm missing that implies a bigger age gap, if that makes sense!
(and of course, I might also just be forgetting some other line -- if someone else knows, then please correct me! I need to know which headcanons need adjusting 👀)
BUT YEAH in a canon-y sense, Malleus is 178 and around the third-years developmentally. which makes me think that even though dragons have a way longer lifespan, they go through childhood at about the same rate as most fae (or at least the kind that Lilia is) and just kinda...slow waaaaay down once they hit adulthood. so it makes sense in my brain that he and Meleanor could've basically grown up together!
...it makes it angstier that way, anyway. :)
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dykedvonte · 4 months ago
Honestly a sorry from Curly would mean nothing to Anya.
I’m not saying she wouldn’t want to hear it, it’s a hollow vindication. She told him and he couldn’t hear her. He saw it and he couldn’t understand it. They both experienced it and he should apologize that it took that for him to get it. She already knows he’s sorry but what’s the point if neither of them can do anything about it? It’s earnest but at the same time what she wants an apology for is what Curlu can’t apologize for.
He can’t be sorry for what happened to her even if he is. Even if he carries that guilt with him until the day he dies it’s not all his to bare. The most heinous parts aren’t his weight even if he tries to balance it. A part of her bitterness is the fact he can’t be sorry for it all. She can’t just direct it all towards him even if she wants to. She was failed in so many ways by all of them. It hurts with him the most cause he had the power but they all did nothing in the grand scheme of things.
The one person who should apologize would never and could never, it’s not something you can be sorry for. She wants an apology, she needs one but what would it fix?
#my two scents on apology scenerios cause like if she heard it I think it would just make it worse#likes she’s happy in a bitter sweet way like I don’t know why people need Anya to be actively resentful and mean about it like that’s nots#satisfying none of this story is satisfying in anyway shape or form and I want to write scenerios that really aren’t that like it’s real#it’s raw it’s in character for her to sort of forgive Curly but not accept his apology cause it’s worthless and that’s the tragic part of i#in a world where they escape and he apologizes he’s forever haunted by the fact she’ll never accept his sorry and she’s forever haunted by#the justice she didn’t really receive like for those that like them together it’s alway the unspoken bitterness of all his actions carry an#act of apology while she will never accept it as such cause he can’t say it and do anything about it nor what he’s apologizing for she can#learn to forgive him for the mistake understand the circumstances even if she doesn’t agree or wishes he’d known better but it’s forgivenes#based on she wouldn’t do that to herself to hold it against him forever he’s paid for his sins in watching the effects of his inactions and#having so much taken just like her but it didn’t have to happen and that’s why she can never accept the sorry#there shouldn’t be a reason he has to be sorry but there is idk they are so much to me like platonically#the only way I pair cishet straights together#mouthwashing#mouthwashing game#anya mouthwashing#nurse anya#captain curly#curly mouthwashing
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sweepingboy · 8 months ago
usually feng xin drives pretty safe but not with mu qing around. he swears their argument are always the reason he gets a fine or even ends up in accidents! still he picks him up each time he asks.
"you really never learned to drive? your parents never even let you try?"
"no", mu qing is fixing his look in a little mirror.
the other man side eyes him, "mum has never had a car and i never thought i'd afford one"
feng xin bites his tongue.
"but what if your partner has one?" he says after some time, "would you like to learn?"
"i suppose" mu qing answers after a brief pause.
"... would you like me to give you a lesson?"
mu qing stares him in the eyes as a faint blush roses up his cheeks. the moment between them is beautiful and fragile.
then feng xin crashes into the bumper of another car.
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cillianmurphysdimples · 2 months ago
A female Y/N / Cillian fic. (Part Four)
Absolutely not based on anything real at all, all totally fictional, fanciful, and is all total bollocks.
Warnings for sexual references and language. Adult themes so not intended for under 18s.
We Got Issues
Part Four: Y/N knows how much it means to Cillian to see his sons, and she feels for him when the day doesn't entirely go as he'd wanted it to. Something he says stirs yet another concern in her mind, but she's keen to do as he says and not focus on her anxiety. Not only that, but she's desperate to ensure he knows he's got her support. By the time her birthday arrives, he shows her in a sweeping gesture just what she means to him. [Bonding/domestic chapter, nothing sexual]
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@remembering-angels @dragonsneversharetheirtreasure @aesthetic0cherryblossom @lavender-haze-01
“Back!” From the kitchen you have a clear view to the front door further down the large space, and you look up from the hob as Cillian closes the front door with Aran trailing beside him.
“Hiya,” you call out. “How's it going, Aran?” You ask as he walks slowly towards you.
“Yeah, alright,” Aran replies with a slow nod. God, he's getting like his father more and more each time you see him, you think. He stands at the edge of the kitchen island with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.
“Your Dad said Malachy’s at his girlfriend's?” You raise your eyebrows, looking for anything to make conversation with the lad. He'll take his time warming up to being here - he always does.
“Barely leaves her these days,” Aran says quietly but there's an amused smirk on his lips.
Cillian laughs as he reappears, having been throwing his coat and shoes into the under stairs cupboard. “What's her name?” he asks, standing beside Aran in an almost identical stance.
“Aoife,” Aran says.
“What happened to Laura?” Cillian raises one eyebrow and Aran cracks a genuine smile.
“They only went on a few dates,” he says. “Anyway, I know Aoife. She's alright. Her sister's in my year at school.”
“Youse didn't fancy double dating?” Cillian teases and you can see the slight awkwardness that takes over his son's face.
“You've plenty of time for girls, Aran.” You say gently. “Do you want a drink?” You offer, “Help yourself in the fridge.” You gesture behind you. “We got those water things you like.” You always feel awkward for the first little while when the boys come around, and you know they do too, but by the time it came for Cillian to be driving them home again, you were all usually slagging and teasing like the best of friends. “Cill, where's the gravy jug?” You ask, peering around in the cupboard above your head. Before you've even turned to look at him, Cillian draws up behind you with his hands on your hips, and his head on your shoulder, and he stares into the cupboard along with you. “Two heads are only better than one if the other one looks elsewhere.” You joke, tapping against his cheek with the flat of your hand. “It isn't in there.” You nod towards the cupboard.
“Must've gone into a different press last weekend.” Cillian suggests. He turns to kiss your cheek before releasing you. He wanders the kitchen, opening doors and searching for the aforementioned jug.
As you close the cupboard door you catch Aran's expression and feel bad - he looks out of place, somewhat disgusted even, and you know it's because Cillian had been affectionate with you. You take a deep breath and turn to lean on the island countertop, smiling as you catch Aran's eye. “How is Malachy, and your mother?”
Aran's shoulders twitch up slightly, “Fine,” he says. He's not sharp or rude, but just very blunt.
“And Adam?” You press on in trying to dispel the awkwardness.
He raises his eyebrows. “Yeah, fine.”
He doesn't make it easy for you, even after all this time, but you remind yourself he's a teenager, too. You smile, false though it is. “That's good.” You turn your eyes to Cillian, who is crouched down at the cupboard beside the oven, digging around for the jug still. With his back to you, he doesn't know your eyes are silently begging him for help. “Don't stand on ceremony, Aran.” You say gently as you look back at him, “You're as at home here as you are with your mother, you know that.” You smile. “Help yourself to anything, go and put the TV on if you want, just make yourself at home. I think your Dad left his iPod on the speaker in there, too.” You nod towards the living room space.
He looks back at you blankly. He's a quieter lad, you know, but he's bordering on rude and standoffish at this point. “Dad?” He calls, and Cillian rises to his feet, brandishing the lost jug, and raises his eyebrows towards his son. “Can we do this next week, or during the week or something?” He asks and you look at Cillian instantly.
Cillian's face is a mix of confusion and disappointment. “What's wrong?” He asks, walking towards the island. He sets the jug down and keeps his eyes on his son.
Aran shrugs his shoulders, “Please, Dad?”
“Did I say something wrong, Aran?” You ask nervously. “If I did, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.” You feel Cillian's arm around your back and his hand cups against your hip.
“Dad?” Aran's eyes are fixed on his father and you get the sense you've put your foot in it, even though you don't know how.
“If you want to go, I'll take you home, but I'd like to know why first.” Cillian says. His voice is calm - a more gentle form of parenting had been his style from the start - but it is still authoritative enough to command respect. “Sure you were grand in the car.” He pointed out. “Just explain what's going on, will ya?”
“Mum told me she talked to you this week.” Aran says slowly, and Cillian nods his head.
“She did, yeah.” He says.
Aran looks at you for a moment, then back at his father. “She said you two were looking at houses back over in London.”
You frown instantly, “Aran, we're not looking at houses in London.”
“I told your mother I've to go over to England for a while, for work. I think I said it would have been handy to have our old place, maybe, but I didn't say we were going to be moving over there or anything.” Cillian refutes the claim immediately. “Son, why didn't you mention this before? Have you been stewing over this all weekend?”
Aran shrugs his shoulders, “She said you were looking at places there. And she said that youse are talking about having kids.”
“Aran, why didn't you ring me? Or send a fucking text? Why sit going over all this and worrying your head over it?” Cillian removes his arm from around your back. He leans his arms on the island countertop and looks at his son with a gentleness in his entire expression. “We're not moving to London, I couldn't do that. I'll be there for work, but this is home. I wouldn't move a plane ride away from you two, you should know that.” He turns his head and glances at you, then looks back at Aran. “And Y/N and I talked a bit about things, yeah, but there's been no plans made to have more kids. I have you and Malachy, and Y/N knows how important our relationship is to me.”
You appreciate the diplomatic way he words his replies, and you smile softly when Aran looks at you, and you notice how much more comfortable he looks having been given his Dad's explanation. “So you're not pregnant?” Aran asks you, eyebrows wrinkled between his nose.
You laugh as you shake your head, “I am not pregnant.” You reassure him.
Cillian stands straight again and holds his hands out at his sides, “So are you staying, or what?” Aran nods his head. “Good,” you watch as he smiles brightly at his son and part of you wonders why he wouldn't want that same feeling again with a child with you. You remind yourself that children aren't everything, but does that mean you're doomed to be on the outside of something that clearly means a lot to him as a father?
It is almost seven pm when Cillian returns from dropping Aran back at Yvonne's house. He comes through the door with less gusto than he had earlier on and you know he's feeling the distance between himself and his kids. From the sofa, you call out to him as he rustles around by the front door. “Cill?”
“Hmm?” He hums back.
“You okay?” You ask.
He appears around the wall, hands in his pockets and face a little firm. “Yeah,” he nods.
“Aran get off okay?” You ask, swinging your legs down from your lounged position. You sit up, and open your arms out to welcome him in for a cuddle. He walks slowly towards you and drops onto the sofa dramatically, instantly resting against your shoulder. You wrap your arm around him and place your cheek on the top of his head.
“Yeah, flew in. Adam was there, Malachy was back but, um, he didn't come out.” Cillian says quietly and you feel your heart drop a little.
“Oh, love, I'm sorry.” You say softly, and you move your fingers up and down his arm lightly. “They're teenagers, they're supposed to be avoiding their parents and locking themselves in their rooms.” You say, “Go and call him - Malachy - and just talk on the phone. Just touch base with him. Especially if he's got the same worries in his head as Aran had.”
Cillian scoffs. “Why would she say we were looking at moving to London?” He tuts and sighs loudly. “I didn't say anything like that. It just feels out of character for her to even lie like that, but there's no way that Aran would be in that mood if she hadn't, nor would he make it up.”
“She probably just misinterpreted what you said to her.” You rationalise his fears like he so often does for you. “It's easy to mix up conversations at times.”
“I want to…” Cillian trails off and you frown.
“You want to what?” You press, encouraging him to speak up.
He shakes his head, “Ah, nothing.” He sighs and extracts himself from your arms. “Drink?” He offers as he gets to his feet.
“No, thanks,” you smile softly as he stands at the edge of the sofa, looking at you. You can see he feels lost, sad, and you know it's something he has to work through, but you hate it. “Unless you want to open a bottle of wine, early birthday celebrations?” You suggest, raising your eyebrows playfully, hoping he takes your lightness not a disregard for his feelings but as a way of being sweet.
“You've work tomorrow,” he reminds you, but there's a smile tugging at the left side of his mouth, pushing in a dimple on his cheek.
“It's just one bottle!” You laugh, “Between the two of us. Go on!” You coax and then, pushing on your best imitation of his softened Cork accent you add, “Sure it'll be fun!”
He scoffs, but it's a genuine smile that takes over his face afterwards. He rolls his eyes and sighs, the smile still there, and when he nods his head you know you've at least lightened his mood a little. “Red or white?” He asks as he walks towards the kitchen.
“You choose,” you say, picking up the remote control to the TV. “What are we watching?” You call back to him. “Film or series?”
“Can we not just put on some music?” He asks, his voice raised slightly as he digs in the cupboard in the corner of the kitchen for wine glasses.
“Music and wine,” you tease, “What are you proposing, Mister Murphy?” You giggle.
“Not marriage,” he mutters, but you hear it clearly.
You take a moment to work out if you're offended or not, if there's true intention behind his words or if it's another of his satirically delivered lines. You can't hear him shuffling about in the kitchen and you know that he's waiting to see how his words have landed. You let it fly, but you file it away in your mind bank, vowing to bring it up should you need to. To let him off the hook of tension you know he's poised on, you say, “I'd say no if you asked, anyway. Sloppy seconds husband? No thanks.” When he laughs, you know his intentions clearly. Flippant and silly, that's all it was. Don't take it to heart, you tell yourself. It's just your mind. You look around as he returns with two glasses of red wine in his hands. You take the one he offers you and hold it tightly to prevent it spilling as he flops onto the sofa beside you. Without a word, you hand him the remote control to the TV before you reposition yourself on the sofa, turning so that you're lounging comfortably and are able to throw your legs across Cillian's thighs. Instantly, he places his free hand out across your limbs. It's comfortable, loving, and exactly what you want. But he's quiet again and you feel the tension without even searching for it. “Go and ring Malachy,” you say, moving your legs from his lap. “Cill?” You raise your eyebrows when he doesn't move.
He sips his wine and when he draws the glass from his lips, he turns his head to look at you. “I was outside the house and he didn't come out.”
“You didn't go in,” you counter.
He sighs, “No.” He concedes.
“So go and ring him, ask about his dinner with his girlfriend and see if he got the same story as Aran. If he did, put him right.” You look at him seriously for a moment, then give him a gentle smile. You sit forwards and set your glass down onto the floor carefully, tucked in by the sofa to avoid a spillage. “I'm going to hop in the shower. Ring him, and then when you've made sure he's okay and you feel better, you can come upstairs and you can take me to bed. If you're lucky I'll let you you fuck me into my birthday.”
You watch his cheeks flush slightly, and he fights a smile but cannot hold it off. He looks at you, shaking his head, then stretches closer to you and presses his lips to yours. As he sits back, he swipes his tongue over his lips and nods his head. “G’on up and get your shower,” he says with his eyebrows raised. “I'll call this lad and then I'll come up.”
It's your alarm ringing loudly that wakes you at seven am on Monday morning. The bed is empty, but isn't it always when he's close to working again? Cillian will be out running, or hunched over a mug of coffee in the kitchen. You groan as you reach over to the nightstand to silence the buzzing and singing phone, and begrudgingly you sit up on the edge of the bed. The room feels cold in contrast to the duvet and you groan again as you search for your slippers and hoodie to pull on over your pyjamas. Yawning, you make your way down the stairs with heavy, sleepy steps, and the sound of the TV playing gets louder as you reach the bottom. So, he's home at least. You shuffle your feet across the floor as you approach the kitchen island and smile softly. With his back to you, even if he was paying attention, Cillian's full attention is on whatever it is he's doing at the cooker and you know that when you speak you'll make him jump. But he does turn, clearly he's heard your movement, and his hair is mussed and his face is sleepy but he smiles at you sweetly and holds out his hands, offering a plate of buttered toast and a mug of coffee.
“Morning,” he says, huskily, and you realise he's only been awake a few minutes before you. “Happy Birthday.”
You smile back softly, “Thank you,” and walk towards him. He sets your breakfast items onto the island and instead wraps his arms around you. He kisses you softly, first on the lips, then on the forehead as he hugs you close. You keep your head against his chest, and while he initially goes to draw his arms away, he tightens them around you again when he realises you're searching out affection.
“You want your present?” He asks, his chin resting on the top of your head until you move a little, looking up at him.
You smile, like an excited child, “What is it?” You allow him to extract himself from your warm cuddle and watch as he disappears into the laundry room at the back of the kitchen. You reach for the coffee and gratefully sip at it, watching the doorway for his return. When he reappears, he's carrying an envelope, a small wrapped gift, and a pale blue helium balloon. You smile at the cute offering - he's such a romantic. He places everything in front of you on the island, and the balloon immediately floats slowly up towards the light. You set your coffee back down and reach first for the envelope, you feel awkward as he stands staring at you, his own mug of coffee beside him. Drawing the card out from inside of the red envelope, your eyes scan over the front. It's clearly been made to order, with a photograph of yourself and Cillian on a trip in Rome the previous year. You feel your stomach twisting at the nostalgia of the trip, and you open the card to read the inside.
“Mo ghrá, you've been everything I never thought would come in these last few years and I cannot thank nor celebrate you enough for everything you've brought to my life. I love you, you deserve the happiest of birthdays. - Cill. X”
“Oh, you big softy,” you look at him, sticking out your bottom lip. “Thank you.” You lean forwards and gently kiss him, your right hand cupping his cheek. He looks a little embarrassed, but smiles at you lovingly. “I love that photo,” you say, looking back at the front of the card. “That was such a lovely week.”
“It was,” he nods his head. “Open your present there.” He points at the small, wrapped box before you.
For a moment your mind runs over the possibility of it being an engagement ring - it's the right size, the right shape, but surely not? You smile at him as you reach out for it, and you carefully remove the wrapping paper from around it. Discarding the wrapping, your heartbeat quickens in your chest. It's definitely jewellery of some kind. You look up at him, frowning slightly, then slowly lift the lid on the small box. Inside, sitting on a navy velvet base, is a silver ring with a crystal blue stone set in the centre. Your eyes dart back up to him again. “Is…this…,” you stammer.
“It's not an engagement ring,” he says, softly and gently, “But it is…I don't know, a promise ring? I had it bought before Friday, but especially since the weekend I want you to know I love you, and whatever happens or doesn't happen, or whatever plans we have or change, I need you to know that I love you and I don't want to find any reason, ever, for us to change who we are, what we have, what we've been building these years.” He sounds nervous, timid, and like he might be scared he's saying the wrong thing but every word lands with love and gentle reassurance against your heart.
“Oh, love…” you feel the heat begin to rise in your eyes as tears start to pool in your lower lids. You set the box down and open your arms, moving towards him. “Thank you,” you whisper against the crook of his neck as you hold one another tightly. “It's beautiful, you're beautiful. Thank you.” for a moment, the back-burning resentment of the weekend falls away almost entirely. Almost.
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aesthetic-gem · 1 year ago
so the american streamer decided to teach the brazilian egg about the american school system, so then the brazilian egg in turn decided to teach him about the brazilian school system, and in the middle of that the french egg showed up and decided to teach the both of them about the french school system. that’s what qsmp is all about baby
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ra-vio · 2 months ago
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this blog is 11 years old now 🎉
I drew the siblings ever to celebrate as usual
#loz#wind waker#legend of zelda#toon link#aryll#I wasn't gonna draw anything but then I sketched link real quick and I was like okay wait i can do this#and then my brother dragged me outside ☠ but i still got it done today!#the anniversary is today. tumblr sent me a notification like ravio is 11 years old now! ravio the character is actually 11 years old.#albw released in2013. i received two reminders this morning. ravio drawing soon maybe. coming this year definitely. maybe#arylls like big brother use a damn fork#<- that was the tag when I first started drawing them in 2018#also i noticed when I draw aryll i always draw her in her blue dress so i decided to change it up. i only play 2nd playthroughs of wind wak#r because fun fact: i hate link's green tunic and hat. i finished a first playthrough years ago with a finished nintendo gallery#and then when i want to start a new playthrough i fight ganondorf again go through the credits cry and then BAM new game no-plus#i miss link's green tunic now though. its been so long. im so sick of champions garb...............idk the green is iconic idk#im not a huge fan of it but i think his base form should be green again. with the hat. let him look doofy as a default again#he was green in echoes of wisdom but i need them to follow through after again.#i didnt finish echoes of wisdom yet (SOON IM TRYING IM STUCK I NTHE SONIC ADVENTURE 1 WEB HELP) but what I saw of Link there?#he was kinda terrifying lmao its always funny to see that link is so extremely competent because i am not. that boy efficient#im stuck in the sa1 web because everyone is always talking about how good it is. so i played the pc port and. its apparently awful idk it i#thats just what sa1 outside of emerald coast plays to me tbh. but the dreamcast is supposed to be better. and i own a dreamcast. free me#i played on gamecube too. 12 years ago. it made me sick. maybe one day i'll install some mods that make it play better#why does it feel like the month is over when its only january 6#i played sa1 as a kid btw. just emerald coast tho. ALSO I DIDNT BUY A DREAMCAST FOR THIS I ALREADY OWNED ONE
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novelconcepts · 3 months ago
It really frees up so much mental real estate when you start thinking of sex as just: a thing people sometimes do. Some people are super into it! Some aren't! It's for fun! It's for intimacy! It's the deepest connection some people will ever feel and totally meaningless to others! It's hot! It's boring! It helps some people sleep! It exists as an exciting construct solely in fantasy for others! What it isn't is some complicated moral ground that needs to be fought against at every turn. It's just A Thing. Which means people who have a lot of it, or none of it, or whatever in between are all worth the same. Which means stories that have a lot of it, or none of it, or whatever in between are worth the same, too. Smut isn't less valuable than "clean" stories. People who have a high "body count" aren't less valuable than those who have never had sex at all. It's just A Thing. Making peace with sex as just A Thing that is natural to consentingly have or not have, want or not want, really is a great adjustment to your brainspace.
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puppppppppy · 1 year ago
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beep beep im a sheep
speeddraw below the cut (audio warning)
song: "Cult of Dionysis" by The Orion Experience
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spiderziege · 2 years ago
potential builds to draw: maybe mumbo's vault from this season? or etho's s7 monstrosity?
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i went with the monstrosity which ended up being a lot more difficult than i thought lol. i have a couple more screenshot i wanna draw too so i might add to these at some point
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sludgekludge · 9 days ago
kind of surprised you didn't talk more about valentino getting merch, honestly. but yeah, totally insane how viv treats her fanbase. /gen
i don't find the way he's handled in the show (or the posts vivzie makes/likes about him) to be any more distasteful than making merch of valentino to be honest. i'm not saying i don't think it's weird or offputting, but stella (at least according to the show) is intended to be this turbo abusive violent husband beater and she consistently gets sexy merch all the time. there's one (maybe more) old valentine's art of her literally featuring impact play gear. the woman who apparently hits her husband enough that he can expect it enough to effectively intercept it
there's 0 tact when it comes to earnestly attempt to depict abuse in these shows and i'm not really surprised they get merch. tasteless but not at all surprising
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