#not at home)
awesomefringey · 6 months
By your side
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theworldsoftolkein · 6 months
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The Lonely Mountain - by Soni Alcorn-Hender
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diavolaangelica · 11 months
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Not home. Sometimes I look at myself when I'm out in public, and wonder if the makeup is a bit much... Then I think about how much. I love bright colors... and think of course not! 😁❤️🌹
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
The room I know so well had somehow become a fake room. I wasn't myself and I wasn't at home. My fear and pain have infected everything. I want to go home. Please, lift this enchantment and let me go home.
Siri Hustvedt, from The Blazing World
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nnagicshop · 1 year
also apparently i've memorized the sound of my neighbor's truck (he's done some work to it) cause i heard it and was like lol there he is and then he pulled up next to me and we're not even at home
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to be continued (maybe)
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lambergeier · 26 days
the real danger of spending too much time with friends is you stumble out of ten days of happiness and good food like oh my god THAT was real life. my job means NOTHING
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theriverbeyond · 9 months
i must not get takeout. takeout is the wallet-killer. takeout is the little-death that brings total obliteration. i will face the kitchen, fridge, and pantry. i will make choices about what to cook and then execute them. when hunger is gone there will be nothing. only i will remain.
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sabertoothwalrus · 3 months
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girldad mode activate
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landsccape · 2 months
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slavicafire · 6 months
sobbing into my plate after overhearing a conversation between a mom and her tiny daughter in this shopping centre food court
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katsigian · 5 months
Changing my belief system from "this is the hill I'll die on" to "this is the hill I'll kill you on" has done absolute wonders for me 10/10 do recommend
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aximili · 3 months
tbh the fact that cats purr was an unnecessary bonus we don't always acknowledge. they're already cute and baby and little and soft and make silly noises and do funny shit. but they also like to cuddle and make a soothing pleasant noise to indicate they are happy when they cuddle you? huge. huge for the human race.
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Since you guys liked Marcille as Kermit that much, it seems fitting to thank you for my 12k milestone with MORE Kercille. And this time, Miss Falin is also here.
Thank you so much again everybody! MWAH 💗
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emberwritesinsight · 10 days
The discussion around Ariel TheLittleMermaid baffles me bc if my dad literally destroyed a bunch of stuff I collected in front of me in a terrifyingly violent display of anger and I had a witch offer me an out if I could score the boy I thought was hot, my name would be on that dotted line before you can say "poor unfortunate soul". What do you mean she's stupid, her dad ravaged her Special Interest Cave like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, I would also run the fuck away
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blazeball · 4 months
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"okay kid, i have a doctors appointment, you can handle this big fuckoff bus, i believe in you, keys are in the ignition, this thing DOES NOT HAVE INSURANCE so DON'T GET PULLED OVER, have fun"
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