#not as she was; not as rumors; not as her worst actions
ladyoftheblades · 2 months
aegontargaryen x aemondswife!reader
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synopsis: the war had caused a shift in aemond, brothel visits, questionable behaviour toward his family most of all his brother, and now news of his lover. his wife had had enough, turning her attention to a lover of her own,none other than the king
a/n: i really hate this but wanted to get it out of the way to focus on new things 😙i finished this drunk off of cosmopolitans and crying my eyes out about my fate, so maybe aegons breakdown is a little ooc.hope you enjoy anyway. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE and im dyslexic.
warnings: smut, p in v, dacryphilia, mutual cheating, descriptions of wounds and scars(not too much tho)
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it was a young and uneasy night, sunrays still gracing the sky, dousing kings landing in twilight. the princess sat at the library, the book in her hands long cast aside in favour of staring out of the window. it was a useless thing anyhow, having done little to ease her worries. today was the day she was excpecting news of her husband, aemond targaryen, to arrive from harrenhall.
she knew the rumors surrounding the castle, it was a cursed place, full of mysteries and withcraft. it was especially dangerous for targaryens, since the time of the conquest when aegon burned it down.
aemond had gone to claim it in his brothers name. but the hour ran late yet the messenger had not come. she sat and stared, all of the worst scenarios playing in her head, turning and swirling her thoughts, sending waves of nausea to her stomach.
truth be told, her husband had displayed some very unusual behaviour of late. since the murder of luke by aemonds own hand, he had taken to visiting a brothel in the city. her immediate reaction was one of anger but once her confidants informed her he was visiting the same madam, a woman named silvy, the one who lay with him for the fist time when he was but a child of three and ten, she understood. his actions were not born of lust but of trauma. he had always treated her with respect and love, so in spite of her initial anger she found it in her heart to forgive him, to overlook his slight.
but his strange behaviour had not ended there. the war was taking a toll on him, she could tell. he always had a violent streak, yet he held great mastery over it, always calm and collected, only rarely losing control. the war brought out those tendansies, warping him into a beast of unquenched anger. after the battle of rooks rest, due to his brothers injuries he had been named prince regent which only expedited the change in him.
the battle of rooks rest was the oddest of the ocuurances. princess rhaenys had passed, killed by the joined efforts of aemond and aegon, the king and his dragon sustained grave injuries, incapacitating them fully, yet aemond and vaghar came out of it almost completely unscathed. the lady attempted to coax her husband into talking about the battle, yet every mention of it caused him to break out in a fit of anger or storm out of the room immedietly.
not one soul but aemond could give a complete account of the events, for the king refused to speak with anyone, stating he needed rest. but the account aemond gave was....lackluster. something was off, piesces loose on the tapestry he had paited of the events. if one could poke at it it was sure to come undone, yet the regent allowed none of it. the small council could raise little question, he was -for all intents and purposes- their soveirgn after all.
time went on, the sun hiding behind the western sea, taking all semblances of light with it, the sky now completely black. quite an unpleasant sight. a knock sounded at the door, the princesses heart began to race with unparalleled anxiety "enter, please" she shouted.
she had excpected an envoy from harenhall, one appointed by her, yet none came, in stepped the master of whisperers, lord larys strong. "my lady" he greeted, giving his best bow. "lord larys. i excpected an envoy from harenhall, have you come in his stead ?"
"yes, my lady" he walked further into the room, slowly reaching her spot by the window, taking a seat with great effort. "i must inform you, the nature of the information...is quite sensitive" her anxiety shot through the roof, chest thumping at a hundred kilometers an hour.
"has something happened to my husband ?" she said urgently. "do not fret my lady, the regent is in good health" the air shifted, her anxiety had calmed but something else, something more unsettling took over. what could possibly be of such sensitive nature ?
"go on" she said. "my informats have made me aware of the princes recent behaviours, since taking control of the caste, maybe even pre-"
"oh quit your theatrics and spit it out" her tone was now damn near yelling. the man infrotny of her was stalling, but games of court had no place in the concerns of a wife at alarm. larys took a deap breath "your husband has taken a lover, her name is alys rivers. i am told she works as a milkmaid in the castle, though rumors have it she is a witch"
her heart almost stopped. a lover ? she could excuse silvy, they shared a certain history. a lover ? a paramour ? one that was unpaid, and there to whisper in his ears the gods only know what ? too far. she stood up suddently and began to pace back and forth infron of the window. she continued that way quite a while, not uttering a single word, only flailing her hands in erratic movements, trying to wrap her head around the information, attempting to make sense of the storm of information now revealed to her. larys remained calm. his composure was almost...unnerving.
eventually he attempted to pull her out of her trance "i understand this must come as quite a shock, shall i call for a maester my lady ?" she halted her movements immedietly, regaining contact with reality, yet ever in internal disarray. "no, that is quite alright my lord. who else knows of this ?"
"no one, of yet. i came to inform you first, though i doubt it will remain private for much longer" she looked to larys, a knowing look in his mischievous eyes. information was his trade, and he had provided elite services, a reward was in order. "i thank you for your service lord larys, you may take your leave, your loyalty will not be forgotten, i assure you" with that he was satisfied, giving a final bow, he exited.
with the bang of the door agains its frame announcing larys exit, the emotions hit her all the same. what was she to do ? this was not her husband. war changed the souls of men, bringing forth the worst of their humanity. the brothels she could forgive, the anger excuse, hells she could even overlook the lover, but all three combined ? an insult. a hurtfull, heartbreaking insult, one that could not go unaccouted for.
she had yet to bear aemond any children, if this whore were to come with child, if she was to have a son, it would put her position in danger. semblances of solutions to mend the problem, to find her an explaination at the lest, flew around in her mind, yet she was far too disturbed to give any of them proper consideration. still in that strange trance of betrayal, she began to walk.
her feet acted on their own, unattatche dand seemingly unaffected by the storm that was her mind. they took her out of the library, tracing a path around the red keep. she walked and walked and the more she walked the more she thought and the more she thought the clearer her head became.
power was getting to aemonds head but he was not the ultimate authority, the king was. the root of her husbands behaviour was the death, or rather the murder, of lucerys but rooks rest was the turning point. if he would not provide an explaination, his brother would.
she had shared few words with her brother in law, far and inbetween, aemond always coming inbetween them to root out whatever semblance of a relationship they began to create before it could sprout. but he was pleasant, a little inappropriate in his jests and brash to a fault. he spoke his mind, did as he pleased, with no mind for consequences. the only thing that kept him alive quite frankly, was his position as the fist son, now king. all those qualities, once considered faults, now sounded refreshing. a stark contrast to the lies and masked intentions of others.
the king had locked himself away from the world following the battle of rooks rest. she had heard the whispers of his state, his appearance made up to be groutesque and unnerving. "unlike anything come of our realm" she had overheard one maidservant say.
she traced a path to the kings chambers. security was never strong in the keep anyway and she had memorised the schedule of the changing guard. she reached the hallway of his chambers just as the guards were tuning the other end.
she hadnt much time, begining to advance when suddently three maids exited the chambers in coplete dissaray, clothes soaked and the king audibly yelling from inside the rooms. they began to run in the opposite direction, their voices somewhere between whispers and shrieks, full of terror. something was amiss with the king, even mose so than usual. no matter, she could use the opportunity.
slowly she walked to the rooms, quietly slipping through the door.
"I SAID LEAVE" shouted aegon imedietly upon sensing her presance. the sight infront of her was truly something... the king lay in his tub, his back to her, watter spilled all around, no doubt by whatever had transipired beforehand. his body had been badly burned, maelys managed to damage his body so much, armour melted into his skin. even with his back to her, tub obscuring his visage, the damage to his shoulder and neck was visible.
she took a step forth "im sorry to disturb your grace though i believe you never asked me to exit". upon hearing her voice aegon made an attempt to crane his neck and look at her, the tension to his burns making him wince in pain, immedietly turning back around.
"please, your grace, do not exert yourself" she said, tentatively approaching. she soon reached him, finally able to look at him whole. the water obscured his visage from the waist down but the sight of his face and chest made her heart swell with hurt. the burns consumed the entire left side of his chest, expanding to his neck, fully engulfing the side of his face, even parts of his nose.
thought what struck her most was not his gruesome burns, he was far from such. in spite of the burns his face held a certain beauty, even on the scarred side.
he moved, ignoring the pain, turning away from her quizical gaze. "please, leave, just leave..." none of the previous anger was present, voice laced with only sadness and embarassment. he was voulnerable, oh so voulnerable, exposed, completely at the mercy of the world and his surroundings. she took the kings aversion as a challenge. "oh your grace, please, allow me"
she fell to her knees, the fabric of her dress becoming wet at contact with the floor. "i have no need of your pity" he muttered, face still turned. "i do not pity you, your grace, the scars of war are to be worn as a badge of honor, as proof of your bravery"
she could not see his face still but something told her he did not share that same oppinion. his burns had healed in their majority, forming an angry red scar. some areas remained sensitive, mostly underneath his arm, must be the parts where metal melted into him, she thought. she looked to the desk behind her, an assortment of ointments placed atop.
she looked to the labels on them, spotting one which wrote "after bath". she took it and oppened the top, the smell surprisingly pleasant. "did the maesters instruct a certain ammount be used ?" aegon shook his head no. he was still somewhat uneasy, yet did not deny the assistance.
she put some on her hands and began to apply it to his torso. it must have worked instantaniously for the king eased, becoming accostumed to her presance, and moved his head to finally look at her. she did not return his gaze however, only continuing her movements.
he studied her hands with searing intensity, periodicaly giving satisfied hums. they kept like that a while, the king growing more and more comfortable as time went on. untill she reached his face.
by now it was near impossible not to look at him, yet she resisted. she completed his cheek, and moved to the area around his eye. before she could contunue though, he raised his good hand from the water and grabed hers. his fingers wrapped around her wrist threatening to leave a bruise. she paused, ever so cautious. "y-your grace, i cannot continue if-"
"Look at me." he comanded. she complied, finally looking in his eyes. they were absolutely beautifull, grayish blue hues morroring those of the sea on a moody day, color only accentuated by the candelight. they hid something, something intense yet he dared not reveal it to her, as if her learning of it would embarass him.
"what do you see when you look at me ?" he asked. she was somewhat taken aback by such a question, still she made no attempt to back away, in too deep already. whatever the king wanted she had to comply with. she took a moment to think, knowing the wrong answer might cost her her life. " a boy"
"is that how you see your king truly ? as a boy ?"
"my king is a fierce and brave warrior forged by fire and blood, the one infront of me named aegon targaryen is a boy"
his face began to change, the walls built around his soul slowly coming down, eyes verging on betraying their secret. he removed his hand from her wrist, allowing her to contunie apllying the ointment. she brought her hand forth to his eye, the king leaving a sigh of relief, tilting his head back. she turned around to place the jar to its place, by the time she turned to aegon once again he was looking right at her, head tilted back, eyes dark and playfull. if she looked closely she could even see a smile playing at his lips.
"comfortable, your grace ?" she said, attempting to match his playfulness. he gave a chuckle "very. you my lady ?"
"very" she mirrored his reply. she closed the distance between them, now putting her hand on the good side of his chest, begining to rub soothing circles on his alabaster skin. he enjoyed the contact, she could tell, the smile on his lips turning from one of mischief to one of satisfaction. she knew she could not keep it up for long, her visit was now devoid of purpose, she would have to come up with soemthing quick-
"i never did ask, why are you here ?" he broke her train of thought. she stopped the movement of her hand, moving it instead to play with his hair.
"i have been discarded by my husband im afraid and ... i understood you to be in a similar position. i thought... i thought maybe we could be alone together" she looked straight to his eyes as she uttered that, finalising her last word with an afectionate tuck of his hair beneath his ear. she waited, frozen, afraid of having said the wrong thing, the one that would set him off. yet as time passed, tortourously, kicking her gut harder and harder as it went on, his demeanor went unchanged.
"at first you think me a boy, and now discarded. i ought to have your tongue for that" he moved his hand, the scarred one, to cradle her chin as he delivered his words. yet his toutch was neither threatening, nor malicious. no, he was playing, he wanted a game but more than that.... he was looking for something in her. comfort she had provided already, trust, perhaps ?
she made no attempt to remove her face from his hand, the contact sending shocks through her body... it had been a while since her and her husband had been intimate... the sole attention of the king was something else entirely. "are you not, then ? discarded ? are you not lonely ?"
the game was on. he seized her up, looking to find what he wanted, she spoke again "if you have no need of company, should i take my leave ?" immedietly his fingers dug into her skin "i said no such thing" she gave a smile of satisfaction.
"you admit it then, you are lonely, just as i" her voice was laced with nothing but warmth, coaxing out of aegon his true nature, breaking down any remainants of walls around his heart. "just as you" he spoke, voice but a whisper, a glint of recognition in his eyes.
"we are one in the same. i see you as you are" her words rang true, they were one in the same, cast aside, stripped of their agency, starved of affection, all due to aemond. a wave of boldness washed over her. she moved closer to aegon, head resting on his shoulder, cautious not to disturb any parts not yet healed.
"why did you so rudely dismiss your maids ?" he took in a sharp breath "they thought of me as a beast. i saw it in their eyes, the disgust. besides, they knew not what they were doing, before they even began i could smell the incompetence. i could not allow they stay"
"then why allow me ?" she said, craning her head, looking now to his eyes. "i can trust you. as you said... you see me." she gave a small smile. he drank up the encouragement like a man starved.
"we may help eachother then. i see something troubles you, tell me my king, how may i be of assistance ?"
"my troubles are no secret, these scars trouble me, my face, my... my incapacitation." "oh aegon" she uttered quickly, moving from her spot on the floor, still on her knees, standing behind her king now, hands snaking around his shoulders unashamedly. her head went to his good side, chin toutching shoulder. "aemond may be regent but you... you remain king. ofcourse you are capable, you may rule from your own bed if you wish, council be damned."
a sob rattled his body. she pressed her arms further into him, attempting to stiffle his sadness for every tear of his shook her to her core. something about this man, with all the power of the realm at his fingertips being so voulnerable, putting his heart in her hands and trusting her to protect it, something aemond had not once done, it made her wish to hold onto him and never let go.
he began to weep openly, hiding his face in the crook of her arms. everyone looked at him and saw only what they wanted, be it a king, a rake, an incompetent fool... no one saw him for him, not even his own mother could recognise the pain festering in his body, the unfairness of the situation she put him in. he was given all the power in the realm with no say of his own fate. destined to live a life soely for the sake of others, faithfully serving the realm, his family, his mother, his counsil, never making a choice for his own. and then he was punished for it, punished for all he had no input in, by none other than his own brother, his own blood. ofcourse she knew naught of it, but the way she held him, so tight, so firm, as if she would take away all his pain and pour the love of the world on his skin the same way she had done that ointment, it only made him want to cry more, overwhelmed by the emotion.
she held him close and did not let go, not when the tears ran a salty stream on his face, not when the snot began to fill his nose,making his sobs sound all the more pathetic, not when his hands left bruising marks on her arms, possesively keeping them close, afraid they would be taken from him. she only endured, giving small tuts and shushes as well as little praises here and there.
eventually his sobs ceased, leving him sensitive, puffy faced and shuddering. she tennatively pulled her arms away, much to aegons disapointment, moving to the table once again,bringing a clean piece of cloth to his face. he took it greatfully and began to clean it somewhat.
"your grace ?"
"i just try so hard, all i do i do to please but-" tears threatened once again to spill from his pretty eyes, the princess would do anything to prevent such a thing.
"your grace, aegon, you neednt please anyone, you are far from perfect but you deserve to be treated well, to have your sacrifices recognised"
"they do not respect me"
"fuck them then. you are king, you may impose your authority over the council, you have a mind and a heart, and you can make as strategic a descision as any of them. i will be the fist to support you" his gaze fell to hers, blue eyes further acentuated by the redness brought about by his tears, mouth slightly open, heavy breaths escaping with great difficulty, his eyes from hers to her lips, to her eyes again. she moved her face forward, minimising the distance between them.
she thought of the correct words to say to comfort him, any plan of coaxing truth out of him long forgotten. she had come in with a plan, but his behaviour, his trust in her washed all of that away. she thought yet no words came to he
"aemond is a fool to hurt you"
"aemond is a fool to undermine you" his body reacted on its own, as if possesed by the emotions rooted in his chest so deep and so intense no logic could reach them, and so he kissed her.
his lips were so soft, having been spared, they moved on hers, full of raw intensity. practice attempted to prevail, aegons many conquests having taught him all he needed, yet could not, overrun by emotion. he had no control of his movements, kissing her now like a knight sworn to celibacy, unacustomed to the woea of women, wishing only to express his courtly love.
she pressed onto him harder, taking control of the kiss, hands falling to his face, one on his good side immedietly gripping his jaw, giving back the same desperation he had shown. immedietly upon the contact he oppened his mouth, leaving a whine and allowing her tongue acess. her other hand, ever so carefull not to hurt him, gently rested on his jaw, affraid of horting him.
he broke the kiss, speaking in between pants " my face is-is healed, do not hesitate just toutch me-" and so she did, ever so eager to please her king. the kiss deepened, all the sloppier, all the more desperate, all the more emotional, untill it was not enough to express their devotion.
"are-uh- are other... areas..healed, of yet ?" his face franticaly moving up and down, "yes, all the areas-" he chuckled, a hearty chuckle, such a lovely sound "all the areas of interest are healed, please "
she understood. she rose to her feet and began undoing her gown. aegon watched from his seat, staring patiently, adoration filling his beautifull ocean eyes. it took her a bit to undo the back laces of the dress, she hastily tore it from her body, heavy fabric immedietly falling to the floor, leaving her in only her small clothes, a sheer gown, off white in color, devoid of embelishments, but softly draping over her form.
her body was a painting, brought before aegon to feast his eyes upon. his patience was wearing thin. he moved his hand to toutch her, blocked by her stepping back "please, my king, allow me" he gave a small pout, obeying none the less.
she spared no time in giving him what he wanted, fulfilling finally their shared wish. one leg at a time, she entered the still-somehwat-warm water but faltered, hesitating to put her weight on him,ever so afraid of causing aegon pain.
he sensed her hesitation "its ok, just toutch me, please" desperation filled his body, threatening to chocke him, laced in every word from his lips.
she brought their faces together again, his mouth spilling desperation into hers with every kiss. her hands became unafraid, egged on by aegons words, resting on his chest, one of them reaching further and further down, tracing featherlike lines with her fingers, untill they reached where she wanted. she took aegons cock in one hand, halfhard already, leading him to release a pleading whimper. "good boy" she uttered.
caution thrown to the wind, the praise getting to his head, aegon moaned oppenly. as she began to stroke him, his moans got more and more desperate, each movement of her wrist sending waves of pleasure to his body. much like her he had been starved of affection, all sort of affection, he was desperate to take whatever she was willing to give. "oh gods-"
she shushed him by graciously placing her lips on his, resuming their previous kisses. but it was nowhere near enough for aegon. his hands found purchase on her gown, bunching up the fabric, tugging desperatly. he wanted, nay needed more. he began to tug the gown upwards, a pleading movement, asking of her to be as voulnerable as himself. she was oh so ready to provide.
she took his hands into hers, guiding them to take the gown off, finally it went up, revealng her stomach and breasts to him. immedietly he moved, taking her form into his arms, placing kisses on her colarbone, wasting no time to go lower and lower, reaching her breasts. he took a nipple in his mouth suching in tandem with her thrusts. the princess threw her head back, moaning with her full chest, uncaring of the world around them.
her hand never faltered, his cock began to twitch with his impending release. he detatched from her body, panting like a dog on a dry day, each inhale sending waves of equal parts oxygen and lust in his brain, making his vision hazy. he was not ready to give her up yet.
"p-please, please, im close"
she halted her movements. aegons disapointment traced a path from his abdomen all the way to his throat, releasing a pained whine. his hands moved on her back, clutching her sides for support, the pleasure so rudely torn from him and the previous exhaustion, leaving him stranded in the storm that is the haze in his mind.
"why my darling ? did, did i do something ?" it came out almost more as a cry than a question. "no, aegon, ofcourse not, youre perfect"
his chest fell in relief, lips immedietly finding hers, a kiss of graditude. a kiss of praise. "but im not done with you quite yet. i only wish to please my king after all"
her hand moved to his cock again, she pulled her hips down simultaniously, guiding it to her entrance. his tip barely teased her entrance and he was already a goner. he thrust his hips upwards, chasing the contact he craved so much. "patience, your grace"
she moved his tip forth, coming into contact with her pearl, sending jolts of pleasure to both of them. aegon was on the verge of becoming undone, barely clinging onto his sanity. she gave him a tutt, looking down onto her voulnerable king, his eyes already on hers, looking through his lashes, void of inhibitions and filled with unimaginable lust.
"please" he whispered, begging, such a man brought down by one woman, broken down onto the barest pesces of his soul by the world, pu to gether again by her toutch. "yes, your grace"
finally, finally, she brought her hips down. his cock entered inch by excruciating inch, untill finally she settled, having taken him whole. she resisted moving though, taking strands of silver hair on the nape of his neck, tugging his head to her chest, burrying it between her breasts. his desperatuon had reached a tipping point, this simple act sending him over the edge, sobs wreacking his body once again.
"ooh, my boy, did i pain you ?"
"it just, it feels good. youre so good to me" he muttered, head still buried in her chest and burrowing further, leaving sloppy kisses on her flesh and sucking marks surely with the intent to leave a reminder of him. "aww my darling, do not fret, i will take care of you, just you wait"
she gave his head little reassuring scratches, attempting to ground him somewhat, preparing the boy under her for what was to come. cautiously she began to move her hips. the sobs wrecking her own body just as much as his, only giving her more courage.
the water of the tub began to sway, more and more and more, she picked up her pace, moving her hands through his back, tracing the rough parts of his scars, the sensitivity of those areas adding to his pleasure. her pace picked up further, frantic hip movements rocking the entirety of the tub, the furniture begining to scratch against the floor.
aegon could take it no longer, amidst sobs and moans he began to move is own hips, matching the pace of the princess. his movements executed with no semblance of grace nor purpose, only focused on his own pleasure, seeking retribution for his lost orgasm.
the tub rocked, water splashing all around, aegons sobs turned to little whimpers, salty tears mixing with his spit on his ongoing assault to her chest. her movements began to falter, close to finishing, the white-hot pleasure in her abdomen threatening to burst. her body began to tremble lightly, yet she kept her composure, still in servitude of her king. he was in no better state, cock begining to twitch once again.
he was so so close, and not about to stand for this one to be taken away from him aswell. she took notice of the familiar signs he displayed "im close, aegon, so close"
he took this as a sign to let go, holding her body down with all the strength he could muster, forcefully, halting her movements, selfish for once, taking what he wanted. her orgasm hit her with that final forcefull push on his cock, pleasure exploding from her abdomen, rocking her body while from toes to fingers, face twisting in an expression of absolute extasy, brows knitted together and mouth slightly agape. aegon peeked from her chest, looking up to her face, illuminated by the candles, light softly cradling her features, exposing to his hungry eyes her beautifull expression, the mutters from his mouth a prayer to her beauty.
his own orgasm took over his body, sending a final sob through his mouth, a final wave of tears to his eyes, hot seed spilling inside of her.
they stayed that way a while, her hands cradling his head, his own softening on her hips, softly massaging them, attoning for the shelfish way he had taken his pleasure.
she craned her head down, giving a final kiss to his lips, soft and innocent, unlike any previously shared. he looked so utterly mesmerised by her, though he would not say it, she knew, the same as he did, she kew this meant so much to him. they remained that way, sitting in their understanding, she would do anything for her king and he anything for his lover.
she had come in search of answers to her husbands behaviour yet was left with something different, better. she had gained an ally, more than, she had gained her first genuine friend, her very own lover.
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cinnamonest · 2 months
Female-Targeted Doujin Masterlist
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Thank you anon! Sooooo, I have decided to compile a female-targeted/yumejoshi masterlist, I'll add this post to my main masterlist soon.
These were the one I could think of from memory, I’ll come back to this list and add to it if I get more, I'm sure I missed a few from my bookmarks. Feel free to add to it in the comments, and I'll try to find and update it! Also, several of these were recommended from anons in the past, so thank you all <3
FYI several links lead to nh*ntai dot net, so be aware of that.
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As per the post anon is referencing, Umekoppe is a doujin group that consistently puts out exclusively good content!
“The Yandere Prince Won't Let Me Slip Away”
(Part One)
(Part Two)
Premise: Isekai/pseudo-reincarnation trope, premise basically explained by the title, MC is isekai'd as prince's lost lover.
"The Sacrificial Maiden Corrupted by Coupling With an Oni"
Premise: Historical Japan setting, the "MC is an offering sacrifice to the Creature, but the Creature chooses to keep her instead" trope.
"Until the Trashiest Boy Toy Exorcist Ren-kun Crushes Me in His Embrace"
(Part One)
(Part Two)
Premise: MC is a girl that attracts malevolent spirits, exorcist-kun is obligated to help her ward them off (with orgasms, naturally).
"The Spy Who Ravished Me ~Reborn As a Mafia Princess in a Deadly Game~"
Premise: Isekai, MC reincarnated into a game where she knows who the guy who is most likely to kill her is, but in her attempt to avoid getting killed by him, ends up taking actions that make him grow into an obsessive love-hate instead. Top tier, this boy is probably the worst (in a good way) of how all the Umekoppe love interests treat the girl.
"Heibon Onna wa Downer Kami-sama ni Izon sarete Modorenai" (this one didn't have a translated title, sorry)
Premise: MC discovers her friend is a shrine god and wolf-boy. Wolfboy fun times ensue (and in the end she's apparently unknowingly trapped into being with him forever, so that's nice).
You’re Cutest When You’re Pathetic ~Obsessed Golden Retriever Boy Haru’s Disciplinary Sex~
(Part One)
(Part Two)
Premise: Softboy™ neighbor finds MC's phone with lewd stuff on it, gets her confessions in drunk conversations, turns out to not be so much of a Softboy behind closed doors.
Oniben Katze
Another group that also does a lot of fem-targeted stuff.
Serious Sex with my Brutish Boyfriend
Premise: MC's lover gets mad over rumors that she's a slut, decides to get possessive and rough over it.
Dog Eat Dog Era
(Part One)
(Part Two/Extras)
Premise: a personal favorite, an isekai'd witch adopts two dragon boys who grow up to have a strong fixation with her and noncon ensues.
Parasite Garden
Makes notably darker stuff that contains more controversial subject matter/themes, so be warned.
The Corpse of a Goldfish is at the Bottom of the Swamp
Premise: possessive brother wants to corrupt/mindbreak sister to keep her forever (spoiler: he succeeds)
The Neighbor in Room 203 Disappeared Leaving their Keys Behind
Premise: stalker girl meets her match, as it turns out the boy neighbor she's stalking pulls a spiderman pointing meme and has actually been her stalker for even longer and to a much greater, darker, and more more extreme extent, and is intent on not letting her go.
My Sweet Bunny Cage
(Part One)
(Part Two)
Premise: tiny girl is kidnapped by a crazed guy convinced she is the reincarnation of his lost pet rabbit.
(artist listed below titles)
If you wish, hypnosis ~Maki-san's secret love therapy~
Artist: Meeo
Premise: pretty straightforward, after she doesn't believe it's real, MC's coworker uses hypnosis on her for Certain Specific Purposes.
Sakaki the Lazybones Shows His Talents at Night
(Link) (Contains all chapters' links on the page, you might have to scroll down on the chapter list to see chapter one on some phones)
Artist: Potsunen Jin
Premise: (Another personal favorite) MC's younger coworker, peak innocent idolizing softboy, is in love with her and takes advantage of a situation while she's drunk after watching porn to "learn what girls like." Clingy, possessive relationship ensues.
Lady K and the Sick Man
(Chapter One) (site's menu is a bit awkward to deal with, but you have to click in the corner to view the menu to go to other chapters).
Artist: Rororogi Mogera
Yet another personal favorite, this one does have slight male gaze to it in that it focuses on the girl quite a bit, but it still focuses on the guy way more than the average doujin. Also the guy is an older bigger guy, if you ever tire of the twink/twunk standard in yumejoshi stuff.
Premise: guy moves into an apartment with a ghost lady and just kinda accepts it because he can't afford to live anywhere else, but quickly decides he’s down bad for ghussy.
I Became the True Love Object of Mr. Segawa, Who Has a Huge Attitude and Body
Artist: Haruo Haruyama
Premise: very straightforward office coworkers to lovers, coworker is a big guy who turns out to be kinda sadistic, which is good for the masochistic MC.
The Man Who Saved Me on my Isekai Trip was a Killer
(Part One)
(Part Two)
(Part Three)
Artist: Ahan Horihori
Premise: this one got kind of infamous and shock-valued the mainstream crowd due to an animated advertisement I believe, it's essentially self-explanatory from the title: isekai'd lady gets saved by a guy who turns out to be a violent murderer, dark and sometimes pseudo-incesty plot twists ensue.
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abbyromanoff · 8 months
hi!!! is it okay to request R (18) having a crush on her professor which is Nat (either 27 or like around 30s) then Nat heard about it because of the gossips so she confronts reader abt it although reader have the upper hand defending herself yet nat was able to pin her and they kissed—thats the last time they saw each other not until they had a reunion during reader's college years
sorry if this is kinda long😭
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PAIRINGS: Natasha Romanoff x reader
WARNINGS: all are 18+ teacher x student relationship, professor x student relationship, kinda stalking, angst, fluff, and some heated moments yall
You were fucked, to say the least. You had never been called to stay after by a teacher, but here you stood, eyes shot wide, lips slightly agape as you nodded slowly to Ms. Romanoff’s request.
“You’re probably wondering why I had you stay after with me today,” You nodded once again, and she chuckled while leaning forward on her elbows, unconventionally pushing her breasts further together in your view.
“Well, you’re not in trouble, sweetheart.” She helped ease the tension, and your breath of release caused your eyes to flutter shut, your hand coming to your chest as you feared the worst.
“But, there is something I’d like to talk to you about. There seems to be a rumor lurking around the school, and with your popularity, it only took a short time to reach me.” She suddenly stood from her seemingly comfortable chair and placed herself on the edge of the desk in front of you, leaning down to place a hand on her knee as the other found your chin. While you were both of legal age, considering that you were forced to stay back in the fifth grade when your parents had to move halfway into the school year for your father's work, this was still wrong. You were a senior, she was your teacher. And even though you were near graduation with your final week approaching, you were still hefty about the consequences this action could have.
“Uhm, Ms. Romanoff,”
“Call me Nat,”
“I- I don’t exactly think that is appropriate, I don’t think any of this is appropriate.” You began to stand but were quickly forced back down with her incredible strength, and you nearly whimpered at the contact.
“Shh, baby, no one needs to know, okay? It’s just me and you in here; besides, aren’t you the one with that little crush on me?” Your eyes shot wide, your stance faltering as you failed to explain yourself.
“C’mon, all I’m asking is one little kiss before I have to see my favorite student go,”
And that’s all it was, at first. It started with a small kiss. Only once, never again. But then it came again, and her lips drew you in again and again and again. Up until your day on the podium where you thanked multiple people, her being one of them. That’s where you ended it.
When your parents waited in their car and everyone began piling out, you dragged her behind the school, crying through small pecks as you two said your goodbyes. You expected it to be your last. But then you walked into your fourth class on the second day of college, you were yet to have this class the day prior. It was fresh, the faces were all new, except the professors.
“Nat?” She turned suddenly hearing your voice, smiling widely when seeing you.
“I didn’t believe it when I saw your name on my roster, but it’s true.” She began rushing towards you, thankful for your early arrival. You put your hands on her chest to back her away, causing her to hold a confused raise of her brow.
“What is it? I know we ended things but- but I’m here, and so are you, we’re back together again.” You shook your head with a scoff, your gaze falling to the floor before she lifted your chin to look her in the eye, and goosebumps ran down your skin as you recalled the previous encounters just like this moment.
“Y/N, we ended things because you were going to college and we would be too far. So I moved, and I got a job here, I’ve had the skills and degrees to be a professor and now it’s all finally working out for the best.” She paused, brushing the hair out of your face before cupping your cheeks lovingly.
“We can be together again, Y/N, we don’t have to fear it. We’ll have to hide it for a few years, but that’s all. Outside of these doors, we can be whatever we want to be, I don’t care about the age difference or the looks or the judgement, I only care about you. I love you, sweet girl.”
“Y/N? Y/N!” Your head shot up in a hurry, your mind quickly investigating the surrounding area until you registered where you were.
“You keep falling asleep in my class, and I’m beginning to grow quite concerned,” You faced the older woman who had a small smirk plastering her lips. She leaned in a little bit closer, and you hoped it did not look so promiscuous to others.
“Please see me after class, honey, we need to have a chat.”
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Can I request Ruby getting her period for the first time and her mom's not at home so Charles has to take care of her? If you're comfortable writing it ofc
we’re all girls here | charles leclerc
I know not everyone woman has the same period story (this is a safe blog and if someone starts judging about PERIODS I WILL COME AFTER YOU)
also i changed it up a little because surprisingly i had another story like this in my drafts before it was requested 😭
Y/n decided that a trip to her home country would do her some good. She hadn’t been back home in a while so she missed everything about it from her family to the delicious food. She missed home. Charles knew how much she wanted to have a vacation so he bought plane tickets just for her so she could have a stress and kid free vacation back home. She loves her kids to death, but it seemed like everything she sat on the sofa to take a break, one kid always yelled for her and with Charles gone, she just had to get up.
There was a month break from the season so Charles was home with his son and daughter. Arthur and Lorenzo were coming over soon. Ruby mostly spent her time in her room reading or watching some movie. But not this time. She was on a FaceTime call with her friend, Cassie, who was talking about the latest rumor in school.
“Don’t tell anyone I told you this but Elliot West has a crush on you. I heard Elizabeth from Art class say that. But don’t tell anyone!”
“Elliot? I thought he had a crush on you?” Ruby asked, letting out a low groan as her stomach began to hurt. All day she had been feeling sick, but she didn’t tell Charles.
“No, he likes you. His friend likes me. I think.” Cassie said.
Suddenly Ruby got a sharp pain. She never experienced it before so instantly her mind started thinking of the worst possible ideas.
“Are you okay?” Cassie asked over the phone.
“I don’t know. Bye, I have to call my mom.” Ruby ended the call before Cassie could even say bye. She quickly called her mom, but right when she needed Y/n the most, she wasn’t home. Immediately the call went to voicemail no matter how many times Ruby called. Ruby threw her phone to the ground in frustration and got up from her bed.
She paced around the room, holding her stomach in pain. She didn’t have a fever or felt like throwing up so she was extremely confused on why she had stomach pains.
Since Ruby’s door was opened, Mathéo peeked inside just to ask why she was pacing.
“Get out! You’re so annoying! Dad!” Ruby yelled, pushing her brother out the door and slamming it shut.
“Hey! Don’t slam the door! Be nice to each other!” Charles yelled back from his spot on the sofa. His brothers had arrived and now they were watching a movie on the tv.
“You’re such a dad.” Arthur laughed.
“Just wait until you have kids.” Charles teased.
Mathéo strolled into the living room with his toy car in his hand. He look unfazed by his sister’s actions. “Ruby is being weird.” He told his papa and uncles. He walked to his uncle Arthur and hopped onto his lap.
“Why’s that, Théo?” Charles asked.
“She looks like she’s in pain and I asked why she was going in circles and she kicked me out then she slammed the door.” Mathéo explained.
“Is she sick?” Lorenzo asked Charles.
“No, she didn’t mention anything. I’ll be back.” Charles said as he got up and walked to Ruby’s room. He knocked on the door several times, but got no answer so he opened the door and saw clothes scattered all over her bedroom door.
“Papa?” Charles heard Ruby call out from her bathroom.
“Baby, what did you do to your room?” Charles walked to the bathroom door. “Théo said you were in pain. What’s hurting, Ruby Jules?”
“My stomach. But . . . Papa? There’s blood on my pants.” Charles instantly knew what she meant by that. Sure, he didn’t have any sisters, but he did have girl cousins and a wife that went through it each month. (Unless she was pregnant, which she was glad she didn’t have to buy pads during that time)
“Okay, um . . I- shit. Okay, don’t panic. You’re okay, baby, everything’s fine. I’ll be right back.” Charles didn’t think his baby girl would get her first period when Y/n wasn’t present. He wasn’t exactly prepared for the moment. He left Ruby’s room in a hurry. He needed to call the only person who knew about periods that was still in Monaco.
“Is she okay? Is she dying?” Mathéo asked, still on Arthur’s lap.
“No one is dying! No!” Charles frantically looked for his phone all over the sofa. “Where is my phone?!” Mathéo pointed at the cracked phone on the coffee table. “Thank you, Théo.”
The three Leclercs watched as Charles looked like he was about to pass out. Was Ruby actually sick? They needed to know.
“Maman! You need to come over right now. Please, Ruby needs you. No, she’s okay, but Y/n isn’t here and I don’t know how to explain to her that she’s going to bleed every month without freaking her out.”
Lorenzo and Arthur both understood now. Ruby Leclerc had gotten her first period.
“Ruby is bleeding? Is she dying?!” Théo asked his uncle.
“No! Your sister isn’t dying!”
After what seemed like forever, Pascale had arrived to her son’s house. Charles led her to the bathroom Ruby was in. Unknown to them both, the other three Leclerc boys followed them.
Pascale lightly knocked on the door. “Ruby, amour, it’s grand-mère.”
“Hi.” She heard Ruby say in a whisper like tone.
“Your maman isn’t here to teach you about what’s going on, but I’m here. Can you let me in?” Pascale asked.
“But . . .”
“Amour, we’re all girls here. I promise you this isn’t something to be embarrassed about.” Pascale assured the girl.
Suddenly Mathéo laughed. He looked up at his two uncles and pointed at them. “Grand-mère called you girls!”
Arthur rolled his eyes. “She said all of us so that means you too.”
Mathéo stopped laughing. “This isn’t funny.”
Pascale sighed. “Ruby darling, unlock the door. You and I have to talk.”
“Can they leave first?” Ruby asked. She referred to all the men in her room.
Charles understood that his daughter felt more comfortable with his mother at the moment so he took Mathéo in his arms and left along with Lorenzo and Arthur.
While Pascale was busy teaching Ruby about periods, Charles was able to talk with Y/n. He caught her up on everything.
“You do know where the pads are, right?” Y/n asked.
“Can’t she use yours?”
“I forgot to stock up before I left. I didn’t think she would start early.” Replied the worried mother.
“Okay, no problem. I know which ones you get so I just need to go to the store. Should I get chocolate? Where do you keep your heating pad?”
It was safe to say that whenever Ruby would start her period and her mother wasn’t around, she was in safe hands with Charles. He was always a sweetheart whenever Y/n was on hers, bringing her all her snacks and letting her stay in bed. Ruby had nothing to worry about.
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Addressing The Tinhatters: A Statement in Solidarity With @dtmsrpfcringe And Others
I've been active in this fandom for a little over a year, and in my time here I've kept my slate pretty clean. I try not to involve myself in drama and discourse, and when I see something I don't agree with online, most of the time I keep it to myself. I've been aware of the blogs I refer to in this post basically from the onset, but I've stayed quiet, partially to not come across as disrespecting others' opinions and preferences and partially to protect my peace and my own life as a creator. But what started as mostly harmless, if a bit unhinged and delusional, behavior, has turned on some fronts into unimaginable cruelty the likes of which I never imagined this fandom to be capable of. As someone who it seems people in this fandom have come to respect, I think it would be unfair and selfish for me to stay neutral any longer.
Fanfiction has been a genuinely transformative force in my life. It has helped me discover so much about my own relationships to love and desire, and I would never want to tell anyone that it is wrong for any ship to be that source of inspiration for them, including RPF. Nor do I think, as I've said, that it's inherently wrong to have speculative thoughts about David and Michael's sexualities. As someone who has been lucky enough to interact with David several times now, and probably will again, I choose not to do so myself in a public forum out of respect, but curiosity doesn't have to be invasive, and David and Michael being in loving partnerships with women certainly doesn't mean they can't be attracted to other genders too. There's nothing wrong with liking the idea of a relationship between David Tennant and Michael Sheen, or even, really, with believing they might have feelings for each other. If that's all you're doing, this post isn't about you. What I absolutely cannot excuse is the proliferation of hypocritical, nonsensical, and nasty rumors about the women in their lives.
Nothing Georgia Tennant or Anna Lundberg seems to do is ever good enough. Every expression of positivity is curated and phony, anything that could be perceived as negative vile and mean. I see these women attacked on a daily basis as partners, as mothers, as actresses. Georgia is simultaneously presenting a false ideal of a perfect, happy family for her own gains, while somehow at the same time being too irresponsible and incompetent to be a proper parent. Anna, a still young and up and coming actress herself, is expected to perform the ideal of an affectionate partner on social media, is perceived as unsupportive of Michael when she doesn't, when in reality she may simply be trying to make a name for herself in the industry without people solely associating her with the man she loves. Both of these women share in David and Michael's advocacy for marginalized communities, sometimes in different, more or less obvious ways. David and Michael are always brave and sincere, while Anna and Georgia's actions are always self serving and performative, though no evidence is ever given to indicate that the things they post or charities they support are any sort of cover or deflection. Nor are there ever any reasons given for their perceived lack of onscreen talent, other than that they're "boring" or don't have as many jobs as their husbands- never mind that both of them are in an extremely competitive industry and get perfectly respectable amounts of work, especially for mothers of young children. Worst of all, I've seen them accused of things as awful as child abuse and rape, all for the crime of simply being married to the wrong men. It's all so horribly gendered too, David and Michael often referred to as the "men" while Georgia and Anna are reduced to negative stereotypes of nagging, shallow gold diggers. As a fandom populated with so many queer people, many of whom, myself included, have found freedom from gender roles with Michael and David's characters' help, I thought we knew better.
I've been lucky enough to meet both David and Georgia now, and have witnessed firsthand the easy, joyful affection they have for each other when no one of consequence is watching, the way they giddily hold hands on the street and make each other laugh while tenderly looking into each other's eyes even and especially after sixteen years together. Georgia when I met her was incredibly kind, down to earth, and approachable, and my partner, who's met her several times more than I have, gushes about her constantly- how funny, authentic, and intelligent she is, and of course, how much she and David love each other, how they look out for each other and adore each other's flaws and quirks. David of course still gushes about Georgia every chance he gets in speeches and interviews, her strength and brilliance as well as her beauty, and Georgia, while maybe not always as effusive, shows her love for David in plenty of ways, the beautiful candid photos she takes of him, for instance. There's such a soft, painterly tenderness and fondness in them, for the man, not just the dazzling star everyone else gets to see. Her David, gentle, devoted, goofy, aging, melancholy, imperfectly perfect David. Where would we be without Georgia giving us these little glimpses of him? I suspect the same people who deride Georgia's social media presence as try-hard, cringeworthy, artificial, would feel a bit differently if one day they stopped coming.
I can't speak as clearly on behalf of Anna and Michael, but the accounts I've gotten of her and Michael's relationship from eyewitnesses have presented it as no less loving than David and Georgia's, albeit in slightly different ways. Even then, why should I have to? She doesn't owe me anything. I doubt anyone who's made the posts accusing Anna and Georgia of being nasty baby trappers has ever had children. There's no such thing as a perfect mother, and even one child is a massive task. It's normal to not be a shining ray of affection all the time, and Georgia I know more than makes up for it with her fierce love and support for her children in all of their endeavors. Georgia is also a diagnosed neurodivergent woman, and so many of the remarks I see directed at her are clearly discriminatory and often directed at women with her diagnoses. Everyone coos over how charming David is when he shows signs of being AuDHD, but the second his wife does too, she's careless and cold. And don't even get me started on when photos of Michael and David looking anything less than beatifically happy get interpreted as them being miserable due to their wives treating them so poorly. THEY'RE HUMAN BEINGS!!! NEUTRAL FACIAL EXPRESSIONS EXIST!!! WOULD YOU BE A SPARKLING RAY OF SUNSHINE IF YOUR DISNEYLAND RIDE GOT STUCK!!!
I say all this now not even because I think I have any hope of stopping the people in question, but because one of the main fighters on the front of the opposition, @dtmsrpfcringe, has been both a wonderful online friend to me and dealt with even worse abuse than that which gets hurled at Anna and Georgia on the daily. When my blog was briefly overrun by TERFs in light of the Tennant/Badenoch/Sunak drama, Tori was the first person to stand up for me, and as she recieves more vitriol in one day than I've ever experienced in my entire life online, I think I've taken far too long to do the same for her. This woman has dealt with doxing threats, attacks on her character, and most horrific of all, wishes of death upon her and her baby. No one would blame her for stopping, but she has remained steadfast in her mission to call bs where she sees it, and she shouldn't have to do it alone. Tori, I think you are so brave, and I am proud to stand in solidarity with you against the misinformation, meanness, and misogyny that threaten to corrupt this fandom we call home.
Even after all we've been through over the past couple of months, I still believe the Good Omens fandom and David and Michael's individual fandoms to be places of kindness, empathy, and inclusivity. Which is why such cruel behavior (because there's no other word for it) is utterly disappointing and baffling to me. You should be utterly ashamed of yourselves. You're the exact kinds of people David and Michael speak out against on a weekly basis, and I guarantee that if you engage in the kinds of behavior I've highlighted here, they would be disgusted with you. Or maybe they'd simply pity you, because your lives are so empty that you've decided the only way to fill them is to sacrifice the reputations and peace of innocent women on the altar of a relationship that in all likelihood takes place solely in your own heads.
And if you read all this and find you still ship David and Michael, which even I do sometimes, well, there's always polyamory.
I'm sleepy! good night and kindly fuck off! - Lauren
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phantomnecromancer · 3 months
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪Female Geto Suguru⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
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2.2k words Content warning 18+, nsfw, smut, masturbation (f + f), oral (f! receiving), fingering (f! receiving) geto in this fic is a woman btw! pt2 soon Synopsis
you. In reality, Geto Suguru saw you as nothing more than a convenient tool, a pawn in her intricate plans to manipulate curses and bend them to her will. While you showered her with gratitude and adoration, she plotted and schemed behind that facade of benevolence, using your devotion to further her own dark ambitions.
Note from the author Oh my god, I'm so sorry for the delay, I completely forgot about this account. I've been really eager to write a fic inspired by a female version of Geto. It seems like there are lots of fanarts but no fics about her female version, so I decided to create my own. Like I said, English isn't my first language, so I apologize if there are any mistakes! I really plan to keep writing for Fem Geto in the future, and I even got inspired to write more about Cult Geto because there don't seem to be many out there. Anyway, enjoy, and see you in part 2!"
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―Geto suguru who was banished from jujutsu high
She is the worst curse user ever existed in the ultimate millennium
―The warm lights of the temple flickered to life. It seemed that it hadn't been in place for long; rumors circulated that the owner of the old temple frequently moved their residence. No one knew why they did it or if there was any malice behind his actions. The people didn't seem to care, as long as the burdens on their shoulders, forces they couldn't comprehend, were lifted from them. Those who visited said the owner appeared to be a very sweet person, asking for nothing in return for taking away the heavy sorrows and pain they carried.
The reason for your visit was a last grasp at hope. After consulting doctor after doctor, nothing seemed to alleviate your suffering. Gradually, you began to lose your sanity, reaching a point of no return. You felt watched, attacked, and even saw things that you knew were impossible in the earthly realm. Your pain was so intense that the thought of ending your life started to seem not so terrible.
Then, amidst the small talk of the village elders  you heard about someone who, according to their words, was a god reincarnated on earth. She could lift all burdens, and her noble soul sought nothing in return. You never considered yourself a religious person; you believed it was a complete scam, a mockery of human beings to strip them of their money while maintaining a pure image in the name of a higher power. However, what did you have to lose? Your last will, crying out for a reason to live, a reason to continue existing in this earthly realm. It seemed that the location was uncertain and constantly changing, but it appeared to be on the outskirts of the village, along a road whose name you did not know.
The soles of your shoes echoed with each step as you drew closer. There was no longer any doubt; this was not the idle chatter of the old ones you had overheard a few nights ago. The temple stood before you, immaculate and serene, its presence undeniable. The fragrance of incense and sacred wood wafted through the air, enveloping you in a scent that stirred a nostalgic echo within the depths of your memory.
It was spring, the season of blossoms, and flowers adorned every corner of the sacred place, their vibrant hues adding a touch of grace to the temple's tranquility. Despite your skepticism and lack of faith in such matters, you could now understand the profound solace this sanctuary offered to its believers. The peace it bestowed upon them was almost palpable, a gentle whisper of calm in a world filled with chaos.
Now, standing before the grand wooden door, your nerves began to fray. Even in a place where the energy was supposed to be gentle and benevolent, you couldn't shake the tightness in your chest. You couldn't tell if it was due to your past calamities, that darkness that seemed to follow you everywhere, or if this place simply gave you an uneasy feeling.
As you pushed the door, the creak of the wood flooded your ears, though it was no louder than the pounding of your heart or the white noise ringing in your ears. Stepping inside, your eyes were immediately drawn to the temple's interior splendor. The walls were a rich saffron hue, and the corners were painted a beautiful chocolate color, so polished you were certain they were cleaned daily. Some walls were a deep olive, adorned with protective amulets. Before you stood a small staircase leading up to a dais with a sliding door. Your eyes wandered for a moment, your gaze fixed on the curling smoke of the incense placed on one of the shelves. It seemed there was someone there, yet your sight did not reveal them.
”―You spoke almost in a whisper, feeling like a frightened puppy with its tail between its legs. Your hands were trembling and sweaty as you tried to dry them on the fabric of your skirt.―
Moments passed in a silence so profound that the only sound was the creaking of the wood beneath your shoes. Then, the sliding door opened, revealing a female figure. She was dressed in traditional Japanese attire, a "Gojo-Kesa." The woman was quite tall, especially compared to you, the difference in height stark and almost intimidating.
Her long hair was tied in a mid-bun, so black it could easily blend with the darkness of night. Her ears were adorned with black plug expanders, adding a distinctive touch to her appearance.
Her hands were clasped together, hidden within the sleeves of her traditional attire. She walked with such elegance that it was astonishing how she made almost no sound at all. As she reached the dais, she gracefully lowered herself to the floor, one arm resting on a red bench. A smile without showing her teeth spread across her face, radiating kindness and appearing entirely devoid of any ulterior motive.
"It seems I do not recognize your face, miss. You have never been here before, have you?"
 ―said the woman. Her eyes fixed intently on you, and you could feel her gaze as if she were trying to read you completely, peering into your very soul. All the while, she maintained that smile. Despite her persistent smile, which initially seemed kind, you couldn't help but feel it was turning into something more sinister. You couldn't shake the nervousness that gripped you; you wanted to speak, but your vocal cords seemed to be playing a cruel joke on you.―
Your voice came out almost in a whisper, your head spinning and feeling how your legs gradually weakened. 
"N-no, I've never been here before," 
you felt the urge to escape, the air was thinning, and a pressure on your chest assured you it wasn't just your minor issue weighing you down.
"Headaches, dizziness, feeling watched, hallucinations, and paranoia isn’t it?" 
she said, the smile creeping never leaving her face, almost as if she were mocking you. Her purple eyes stared at you as if finding amusement in your distress.
"H-how do you know that?"  ―you stutter, your hands now clasped tightly in front of your body. ―
"Come closer to me, darling." her voice flowed like honey, contrasting with the mocking tone of her voice. Her hand gestured for you to approach her, her body still laying lazily towards the bench.
The sound of your shoes echoing on the polished wood was the only thing audible in the room. Her eyes never left yours, making her intimidating, yet her physical allure was undeniable. You had never felt physical attraction toward a woman before, especially someone who, with just a gaze, could make your stomach tighten and your head spin.
Her arm lazily lifted, as if she were swallowing something with her hand. Gradually, the heaviness that had been tormenting your shoulders began to dissipate. Your eyes widened in shock, a look of utter disbelief spreading across your face. Meanwhile, the woman's expression turned to one of satisfaction as she held what appeared to be a yellowish orange crystal ball.
"Better?" she says with a satisfied smile on her face, as if she knew and took pride in her powers. It was as if she saw you as an inferior being to her, as if you didn't matter, an empty shell.
You felt completely liberated, the weight on your shoulders finally gone, and that feeling was enough to overshadow your doubts and fear of the intimidating woman before you. 
―Weeks passed, and it seemed you couldn't stop wandering around the same place whenever you could. You were so grateful to that woman that you felt you owed her your life. Her kind smile always thanked you for the small gestures, or that’s what you thought. Whether bringing incense or flowers to decorate the temple. You even stayed to clean and polish those chocolate-colored wood floors you adored so much.
Geto detested you, hiding that with her usual kind smile, applying sanitizer whenever she could, when you weren't looking or after you'd left. Yet, in her own words, you were the best-behaved monkey she'd ever seen. It seemed you genuinely believed she had made that gesture to help you, to help others, and to lift that weight from their shoulders. The reality was different: absorbing curses to store them and use them to her advantage for her new world.
"Miss Geto, I brought flowers! Where should I put them?"―
You say happily.  almost adorably, holding a bouquet of lavender, Geto's favorite. Her gaze returns to you, briefly eyeing your petite figure, that fake smile without using her teeth that she usually gave you. She shifts her usual posture, spreading her arms to point with her finger at a white vase adorned with blue decorations.
Happily, you place the lavender bouquet in the vase, your smile never leaving your face. You even came often to pray, spreading gratitude to the strange woman you believed enjoyed your presence. You are so foolish, thinking she enjoyed those little conversations you had with her or thought well of you. She saw you as nothing more than a mere toy to be used, just a simple monkey and nothing more.
As you sat down to pray as usual, your knees on the floor, you cursed yourself for wearing such a short skirt. It rolled up to your thighs each time you bow your head to the ground, showing those white panties that you carefully chose every day you went to the temple, like she was going to see them. The thin fabric barely covering your puffy folds that were already soaking wet— poor baby It wasn't your fault— she just looked so pretty every time and you couldn’t resist yourself. You just wanted to catch her attention. You wanted her to see you, to know you existed. You lived for her praise and that small smile that tugged every time you remembered her favorite flower or her favorite scent.
You didn't know why you felt this way; you had never felt any physical or emotional attraction towards a woman before, but with her, it was different. You wanted her to see you, your heart pounded every time you saw her arrive or whenever her eyes lingered on you for just a moment longer. 
And for mere seconds, you felt her gaze. Your head was on the ground, hands placed in front of you, and you deliberately shifted your hips forward, causing your skirt to lift, revealing the view of soaked panties, showing the thin fabric almost completely transparent with how wet your core was. You could feel how everytime you shifted yourself to sit down the friction in between bows, leaving a wet strip of juices all over the floor. 
This action did not go unnoticed by the dark-haired woman, and for the first time, a slight smile crossed her lips. Her purple eyes carefully examined the girl's figure. Of course, she noticed your advances, every time you blushed when she looked at you for more than a few seconds, or when she gave you empty compliments but your eyes seemed to sparkle every time she said them.
I wouldn't lie to you; she didn't deny finding the power difference over you fascinating. You might even seem adorable to her in her own way. She might even consider you deserving in her new world—the only monkey she wouldn't mind having by her side.
When she saw you innocently stand up after pretending not to notice that you had done that just to get her attention, a small smile graced her lips. You innocently adjusted your skirt, and it seemed you didn't even bother to wipe that spot in the floor where your wet pussy grazed. 
As usual, you bid her farewell with an innocent smile, lifting your head to meet her gaze, hands clasped together as you bowed slightly. Your eyes eager to take in every detail of the girl, hoping for her usual smile in return.
—She didn't deny it; she had spent a long time doing absolutely nothing since leaving the academy. Her world was her only priority; she needed nothing else, and nothing would give her more pleasure than the outcome of a world without monkeys. However, in the darkness of her room, it seemed to be the opposite.
Hand pressed into her sensitive bud, her index finger doing circular motions as she cupped one of her breasts pinching her nipple. Her forehead glistened with sweat, her mouth slightly open, and her back slightly arched. She felt ashamed to stoop so low—how could she, a monkey, wield such power over her? Days had passed, yet she couldn't stop thinking about her. She couldn't understand if it was her lack of intimacy in these past 10 years or simply falling for her charms. It was pathetic and it made her entire worldview shift—everything she believed was right, that mental state and opinion she had taken so long to accept, reduced to a mess of moans as she put two digits into her pussy pumping in and out. She could feel her walls clench more with the thought of her tongue inside your pussy, drinking your sweet juices. Her fingers finding that sweet spot that could make you see the stars in mere seconds. Her mind raced as she remembered you bending, showing that pretty cunt of yours, only serving to feed her thoughts further.
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Note author : This fanfic almost made my head explode! I'm the biggest hater when it comes to multi-part fics, but I swear I even fell asleep with the laptop on my legs. I hope to finish it soon, hopefully within this week, and not take a whole month just to complete one part.
©phantomnecromancer on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, modify or translate my works.
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kataraavatara · 9 months
No, Corlys and Otto did not do the same thing here.
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And this is in no way defending Corlys, so please don’t twist my words. These things are both awful, one is just worse.
Look at Laena and Viserys. Corlys and Rhaenys openly approach Viserys and say they have an offer of marriage. Laena and Viserys then take a walk outside, where they’re both visible to lots of people, including her mother.
However, Alicent is instructed by her father to visit Viserys “in his chambers” ie alone and without supervision. While Viserys is definitely a creep for marrying his daughters best friend, I (and I would also say Otto) don’t believe he would ever force himself on Alicent or that anything “untoward” would happen, and nothing physical did happen between them. But that absolutely would not stop the rumors that something happened from springing into existence, just like they did in F&B. There’s no way to keep these “meetings” a secret. In the best case scenario, Alicent marries Viserys and people whisper about the circumstances under which it took place. Worst case, Alicent’s reputation and chance to make a decent match is ruined.
Although obviously both these scenarios are disgusting, the Velaryons being very clear about their intentions and having it take place in a public setting is much more “honorable” in Westeros than Otto essentially telling Alicent to sneak around with the king and gain his trust. Although Laena is rejected by Viserys as a match, it doesn’t negatively affect her standing or reputation. This is not the same for Alicent.
Let’s go back to our worst case and say that Alicent’s “Vizzy Visits” become a scandal- while we, a modern audience, recognize fifteen year old Alicent is a victim, Westeros is a society that A) Regularly practices child marriages, at least among the nobility and B) Sees sixteen as the age of adulthood. Alicent would 100% be painted as an evil seductress who seduced the poor grieving king- hell, a lot of people in the fandom paint her that way in the 21st century! Otto, in an attempt to save face, could easily throw her under the bus. “Omg I can’t believe my daughter engaged in such scandalous behavior, things just haven’t been the same since her mother died :( poor me, pls don’t be mad, I had no idea.” If it’s Otto’s word vs Alicent’s, people will believe Otto.
Not to mention how aware he is of her friendship with Rhaenyra. And yes, Rhaenyra is just as much a member of Westerosi society as everyone else. She does not have the 21st century view of things we do. She at 14 has the responsibility of being heir to the Iron Throne with people swearing oaths to uphold her succession. Even if Alicent told her afterwards her father forced her into it, she just wouldn’t (and didn’t) understand- to her, Alicent and her both are becoming adults now and handling adult responsibilities and are accountable for their actions. Rhaenyra is headstrong, rebellious, and fiercely protective- “Because my dad told me to” is not going to cut it as an excuse. Otto knew this would ruin her friendship with Rhaenyra and didn’t care.
Now, the above analysis is mostly about the secrecy of it all. Rhaenyra didn’t seem to hold any ill will towards Laena in particular, which is why I believe her anger was as much about the secrecy of it as it was at the actual marriage itself. I think if Alicent was like “hey, my dad wants me to marry yours” there’s not much I can really do about it” she’d still probably balk but be much more accepting and sympathetic.
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Now, look how they’re respectively dressed. Laena just has much more fabric covering her, with the cape sleeves and two layered dress, while Alicent’s is pretty form fitting. Not to mention the creepy incestous undertones when Otto instructs her to put on her mother’s dress and says how much she looks like her mom.
While both fathers are disgusting for doing this, Otto put his daughter in a much riskier situation where the question wasn’t if there would be fallout, just how much fallout there would be. By never formally and publicly declaring his intention to present Alicent as an option for the new Queen Consort, he put Alicent’s reputation and livelihood at stake in a way Laena’s was not. And this is not to take away from how inappropriate Laena’s situation was for a little girl. This is just to say-
When the bar is literally in hell, Otto Hightower finds a way to keep digging.
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one-idea · 4 months
Hello… I just found your blog, and after reading some of your work, I decided to send you this idea, to know what you think…
It takes place on the Mobi Dick, before Blackbeard's takeover…
FemAce is sick, to the point that she has vomited on more than one occasion, they end up putting her on light duty and with restrictions on certain foods until further notice…
Well, it turns out that between gossip and misunderstandings, the rumor that FemAce is pregnant is spread… and then someone comments that they saw her arguing with a blond revolutionary with a top hat…
So a group of crazy Whitebeard pirates end up starting a war against the Rev because one of them got pregnant and left his little sister…
…… Or how due to lack of communication the pirates declare war on the revolutionaries, when their 2nd commander got sick to his stomach a couple of weeks after discovering that his older brother Sabo is alive and He is an amnesiac revolutionary.
Okay I am a sucker for a good gender bender. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I’ve always had a soft spot for it when done right.
I love this idea.
Because Ace went on a mission and ran into Sabo. Her brother who she’s though was dead for nine years (let’s they are 19 in this and it’s a year before the canon begins)
Obviously she is distraught. Even more so when she tries to talk to him and he doesn’t remember her. They get into a small fight because she’s desperate for him to remember and he’s there like “who is this crazy pirate??”
He slips away from her (he is a super secret spy) and Ace is heart broken. She’s lost her brother again. She has no idea where he is. She looked but she has to return to the Moby.
When she gets there she’s super upset. She won’t talk to anyone, and locks herself in her room. She’s barely eating and what she does eat she can’t keep down. She’s making herself sick over her thoughts on Sabo. Did he truly forget them? Was it just her? Was she not good enough to remember? Was he happier without her around? She’s making herself miserable with all her spiraling what ifs.
The crew is worried. Ace is normally a ball of energy, till she passes out. It’s not like their little sister to mope in her room. She hasn’t done that since she officially joined the crew. The Ex-Spade members are super worried as are Thatch, Marcos, and Haruta.
Ace isn’t letting any of them in. She’s not letting Marcos, Deuce, or any of the medic staff look her over. They know she’s sick so they put her on light duty.
But with a ship as big as that rumors are bound to start. You’ve got a young, beautiful woman, who has left home completely alone, and comes back heart broken. She’s also getting sick all the time. She can’t keep any food down and she’s avoiding the medical team like the plague. Could it be? Is she?
Rumors start.
And with rumors comes speculation. Marco wants to crush this so he sends some people he trusts to go talk to the people on the island where Ace’s last mission was. He’s expecting the report to come back with “there’s a virus sweeping through the island with the same symptoms.” Or something like that. Something that would allow them to take action to help Ace and also squash the rumors about her.
Imagine his surprise when the scouts come back with reports about how Ace was seen with a Blond haired Revolutionary. That she kept chasing after him and the two got into many verbal disagreements. That Ace, their darling little sister, was alone for mutiple days with this boy. And now she’s sick and heartbroken.
Best case scenario, she had a crush and he broke her heart. The Whitebeard pirates will break his bones if that’s the case.
Worst case scenario… Marco needs to talk to Ace.
The investigation does the opposite of quelling the rumors. They are more rampant than ever. And know they have a face to go with them. And an organization.
Marco is trying to figure out how to best approach Ace to ask these invasive questions.
The crew (mainly lead by Thatch, Haruta, Izou, and made of former spade pirates and division 2 members) are planning how they are going to find this revolutionary.
Deuce is the only sensible one here as he tries his best to get his friend to talk to him. He can tell she’s hurting and Ace has never been good with trusting people with her pain. But he’s known her the longest. He was her first mate. If anyone can get her to talk it’s him.
This is mostly him bringing her light meals and sitting outside her door waiting for her to open up in her own time. He’s heard the rumors and they upset him on many levels. One he hates them talking trash about Ace. Two he might still have the biggest crush on his ex-captain. He’s not expecting it to go anywhere or to ‘win her love by being the nice guy’ he’s got a crush but her friendship is more than enough. That doesn’t mean he’s not going to be furious and protective of his friend if someone knocked her up and then abandoned her (I will make everything AceDeuce if you let me. My boy just needs to tell her his feelings)
Sabo is having his own mental breakdown because the girl he met won’t leave his mind. He starts doing research and finally his memories snap back into place. And holy crap!!! He has a sister! He has siblings!!
This realization comes just in time for him to start looking for Ace and to run into some very upset Whitebeard pirates.
“I’m looking for Portgas D. Ace!” These are Ace’s crew mates! He’s about to see her again. He can apologize for not remembering her and they can have the reunion they should have. and then he can ask her about Luffy.
The Whitebeard pirates look at this blond haired boy. “You’re a revolutionary aren’t you?”
Sabo normally wouldn’t admit to that but maybe Ace told them about him. If it gets him to his sister faster than… “Yes I-”
That’s all he gets out before getting punched in the face. The fight is on. Sabo is so confused. The revolutionary army has no arguments with the Whitebeard’s. But they are yelling at him for “getting their little sister pregnant.” Which what???? He’s so confused right now. He’d remember that. Wouldn’t he?
So know you have Sabo running from the Whitebeard Pirates while also trying to sneak on to their ship. And Ace who’s just living in her own world completely unaware about the rumors and Sabo’s many near death experiences. Until he finally gets on the ship. He sees her walking and calls out. Ace turns and see him. She’s so happy to see him, and he recognizes her this time! “Sabo!” She starts to run towards him when he gets tackled by about 5 crew members. “What are you doing?” Because what is going on?
The crew are yelling about this being the guy who broke her heart. Which like yes but not the way you think. And then some fool yells something about Sabo being the father. And now both Ace and Sabo are dumbfounded because “that’s my sister/brother”
All in all a weird month or two for the Whitebeard pirates. Their hearts are in the right place but they need to fact check thing before they jump people
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palajae · 2 years
unfamiliar warmth. | season one
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PAIRING ▸ bad boy! heeseung x reader
GENRE ▸ college! au, s2ls?, romance, angst, fluff, humor
SUMMARY ▸ you’ve heard all sorts of rumors about the campus’s resident “bad boy” and his group of friends, but an accidental encounter with lee heeseung himself leads you to believe otherwise. 
AKA a bad rendition of the “i hate everyone but you” trope. 
NOTES ▸a very happy happy late birthday to heedeeung! 🥳🥳🎉parties, alcoholic consumption, mentions of kissing, drugs and smoking, slight injuries, i think that’s it?? // aaaaa here is the first “season” out of seven ;)
PLAYING ▸ different by woodz. | series masterlist.
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Yuna rolls her eyes, bobbing her head to the booming music while you sigh. It’s not like you could hear her well over all the noise and commotion. You found your spot on the couch to be perfectly comfortable- minus the couple making out about a foot from you. 
You don’t know why you came, why you made an effort to look nice for no one, not a single person in mind or sight.
“I’m going to get a drink,” you yell at yuna even when you know she can’t hear you. You silently get up and make your way past countless sweaty bodies to the kitchen. You spot a couple of familiar faces, meaning people you’ve recognize from your school that have probably never batted a single eye at you. 
You grab a new can of soda (boring, you know) and decide to get some fresh air. Whoever hosted this party, their house was huge. That meant you had absolutely no idea where you were going. But hey, when did that ever matter? 
The flashing lights as you walk down some random hallway make you feel dizzy. You stumble along until you find a door. With no one else around, you think you’ve hit the jackpot. Twisting the knob, you’re greeted by the fresh air. Jackpot, indeed. 
You’re not surprised that random doors open up to balconies in a house like this. But what you didn’t expect was someone already leaning over the edge, back facing you. 
You freeze, and they turn around. Okay, so maybe you were wrong earlier. 
Lee Heeseung’s cocked eyebrow greets you and you suddenly get flashbacks. It’s same face that somehow obtained the reputation as your school’s “bad boy,” the same one that could never escape the worst rumors along with his group of friends. Drugs, smoking, illegal activities, whatever you named Lee Heeseung and his group were most likely mixed up in rumors involving it. 
You never had any face to face encounters with the handsome boy until today, none at school and you wonder if it’s because he barely showed up or you didn’t pay close enough attention. But here in person, you could attest to the general public’s opinion about him- at least appearance wise. Styled black hair falling into his eyes, multiple ear piercings, and that iconic leather jacket. 
Lee Heeseung was the epitome of the bad boy stereotype. 
You swallow, hand already reaching back for the handle. “Sorry, I didn’t know someone else was already out here.” 
But what you didn’t expect was the quiet chuckle that escapes his lips. He looks out into the dark night and your eyes follow his action. 
“Is there a rule saying only one person’s allowed on the balcony at a time?”
You blink. What?
His eyes flick back to you and you stand a bit straighter. “Um, not that I know of?” 
This time, Heeseung laughs louder and you feel your guard lowering a little. He moves to give you a bit more space and you contemplate before gladly taking it. 
For a couple of seconds, you enjoy the silence and peace, along with the sight of the bright moon. 
“Never thought I’d see you here,” he suddenly speaks up and you jump slightly at the sound of his voice. You’re still not used it. In your surprise, you miss the way the corner of his mouth quirks up at your reaction. 
“You know who I am?”
Heeseung shrugs, “I think I’ve seen you walking around campus before. Don’t get your hopes up.” 
At that you scoff, “I can assure you, I certainly wasn’t.” The amused look on his face makes you wonder if he thought you were some sort of game. Then you frown, “But what do you mean by that? That you didn’t expect to see me here?” 
He shifts and the metal belt on his jacket clangs badly against the balcony railing. “I don’t like to judge by appearances but since you’re always in a rush, looking distracted or busy, it seemed like you didn’t care for parties.”  
Your eyes widen. Lee Heeseung was much more observant than you thought. “Well,” you’re inclined to say after some time thinking, “you aren’t wrong about that.” 
He nods silently and you gesture out with your hands, “That’s why I’m here. What about you?”
You don’t know what compelled you to ask him, let alone stay in this space with him, but continuing the conversation- in this atmosphere- just felt right. Maybe your friends would kill you if they found out you talked to Heeseung, but you couldn’t care in the moment. 
“Same,” he replies softly. As to what, you have no clue but don’t take the time to ask for clarification. He catches the can in your hand and smiles. “No alcohol either?” 
You glance at him, again surprised to hear him talk again. He’s only someone you’ve ever heard about, and being next to him in person was certainly a different experience. “Nah. I know everything else is probably spiked anyway.” 
“That’s why I rarely drink at parties like these.” 
A part of you wants to ask why he even came to ‘parties like these’ but the first thing that blurts out of your mouth is-
“Lee Heeseung passed on drinking?” Immediately you cup a hand over your mouth so that Heeseung is only able to see your two wide eyes peeking back at him. 
He smirks and you swallow, “So you do know my name.” 
You splutter and he laughs. You contemplate apologizing for the rude outburst, especially since he was a stranger, but then decide against it at his relaxed posture. Nice to know he wasn’t offended. 
“You know, you haven’t tried to run away the moment you saw me. Or hookup with me. Or get out pepper spray and threaten me with it.” 
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?” You muse and he laughs again, reaching out to ruffle your hair. You make a sound of protest and glare at him. “For your information, I do have pepper spray and would gladly take it out right now.” 
Heeseung leans in closer and suddenly, your body refuses to move. “Really?” His husky voice sends shivers down your spine. 
Seeing his face up close, you realize how pretty he is. Before either of you can do anything, you feel your phone buzz in your pocket. 
Spell broken (and moment ruined), you see four missed calls from yuna and ryujin. “Shoot, I gotta go,” you murmur aloud to no one in particular. 
Well, maybe Heeseung. He watches you with curious eyes as you fumble about with your phone. You turn to the door, reaching for the handle, before you get interrupted. 
“Hey,” Heeseung calls out. You stop and look back towards him with a curious look. 
“I never got your name.” 
You suppress a smile, keeping an unreadable expression on your face. “Maybe you’ll have to wait until the next party to find out.” With that, you head back inside, heart pounding a little too fast for comfort. 
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“You talked to Lee Heeseung? And held a conversation that lasted more than two words- hi, goodbye? Y/n, you-“
At first, you wanted to keep your encounter with Lee Heeseung a secret. But knowing your nosy friends who wanted to know where you disappeared off to at the party, the secret was bound to come out. Excluding the weird flirting on his account- if you could even consider that flirting. You didn’t know Heeseung personally, maybe his personality was just like that as some people naturally were. And seeing as how he acted nothing according to what his reputation seemed like and what you’ve heard, you couldn’t keep any judgments right off the bat. 
You hold up a hand in exasperation to stop Chaeryeong. “I know what you’re going to say. But hear me out, he’s nothing like what people say.” 
Ryujin raises an eyebrow, “Are you sure about that y/n? A bunch of girls have talked about how he’ll just glare at them. And ignore them for like, no reason. Even I know from first hand experience that his poker face is no joke.” 
You shake your head, “No one would do that for no reason. Those attention seeking girls probably did something that ignited that reaction from him.” 
Yuna gasps, “You’re kidding me. Our Y/n defending the notorious bad boy?”
You roll your eyes, “Who said anything about me doing that? I just think we shouldn’t assume anything from rumors and gossip.” 
Ryujin shoots you a look, “Whatever you say, y/n. Just be careful.” 
“Of course. What do you think is gonna happen?”
You don’t know what was worse- getting your hopes up or having hopes to begin with. You tried to not make it obvious you were looking for a certain someone, but that plan ultimately failed. 
“Y/n? Are you good? You keep looking around distracted, like you’re expecting someone.” 
You shake your head wearily, “No, sorry yuna.”
Chaeryeong suddenly gasps and her head whips toward you with an accusatory stare. “Don’t tell me you’re looking for-“
You practically leap over the table to slap your hand over her lips, effectively muffling her next words. You mutter into her ear and her face pales before she nods. Then you let go of Chaeryeong with an easy smile and the others clear their throats. 
“I’m gonna use the restroom,” you excuse yourself as your friends exchange looks. 
You step past people left and right, looking for the nearest restroom. And maybe another person. 
“Well, if it isn’t pretty in the flesh.” 
Your head whips around to find Heeseung leaning up against the wall like in those cliche movies. 
“Looking for me? Could it be that you missed me that much?” 
You cross your arms with a scowl, “You wish.” 
He chuckles, pushing off the wall to meet you halfway. “Maybe I did, but it’s okay. Me too.”
Your face heats up at that and you avoid his gaze. His smile grows at that and you glance around nervously. “What are you doing here?”
Even you knew how utterly stupid of a question that was. Just being around him made your brain all fuzzy. 
He pretends to think, the heel of his boot tapping against the hardwood floor. “I dunno, someone promised me a name last time so I figured I needed to see them again.” 
You laugh for the first time in front of him and he visibly brightens up at the sight. 
“Do you wanna get out of here?”
You grin, “I thought you’d never ask.” 
Lee Heeseung, someone you’ve barely met over a week ago and had a grand total of one full conversation together, was essentially a stranger. Yet you couldn’t help but feel comforted by his presence. He was different, he didn’t give off those “bad boy” vibes as much as you would’ve expected. 
“I am in no way surprised that you have a motorcycle.” 
He smirks again and you watch silently as he puts on one of the helmets. Heeseung offers you the other and you hesitate. 
He must see the wary look in your eyes because he reaches for one of your hands, grip unexpectedly warm and soft. “You can trust me, I’m not a bad driver.”
You stare at him skeptically but end up taking the helmet. “I don’t trust you.” 
“Hey, I haven’t died yet.” 
“What a comforting thing to know,” you respond dryly and Heeseung huffs. Your jaw almost drops at the reaction. Tough guy Heeseung acting like a little kid? That was an once in lifetime sight and you think you could get paid a fat stack if you videoed that moment. 
Just to make sure, you pat your pocket to double check that your phone was still there. In case you had to call your friends for help. Again, Heeseung was still just a stranger that you knew. 
A stranger that you were leaving a party with. You thought you trusted him but still, you feel your stomach churn. You stop trying to fit the helmet on. What if this was all just a ruse? 
A ruse for Heeseung to take you away? Do something worse? 
You just met this guy, you knew practically nothing about him. All your doubts and insecurities rise up, What if he-
A voice breaks you out of your stupor. “Are you okay?” His concerned gaze comes into view. 
You cough, readjusting to move his hand off yours. “Yeah, sorry. Just felt sick for a second. Maybe I should go back in-“
Frowning, Heeseung puts his hands on your shoulders. You stiffen, suddenly hating the way you’re unable to control how your body reacts to him. 
“Is it serious? Do you need to go to a hospital?” 
Abruptly, you shake your head, “No, I think I just need to get inside. To my friends.”
He puts a hand on your forehead for a brief moment. You can’t move. 
“You don’t have a fever,” he murmurs. “Are you sure you want to go back in?” He cocks his eyebrow but the feeling you get is much different from the last time you saw him do that. 
“The music’s loud and there are a lot of people. I can drive you to the hospital or home, I don’t mind.” 
Internally, you curse. Now you’re feel conflicted, wondering if he was still acting or not- if he was pretending to care about you.  
If so, he was doing a great job at it. 
You sigh, shaking your head. Too late now. “It’s okay. I just want to see my friends.”
“Alright,” he says softly, “I’ll take you back in.” 
You wonder if this was a mistake. The mistake of talking to Heeseung in the first place or going back to your friends and the party, you’re not sure which one. 
Better safe than sorry, you continue to remind yourself. 
His hand stays on your back as if to steady you back into the house, his warm touch lingering in the back of your mind. Your friends seem surprised to see you, especially at the sight behind you. Or rather, the person behind you. 
“Y/n?” Ryujin gets up, grabbing your arm. “What’s going on?”
“She said she was feeling sick and wanted to see you guys. I just took her back.” The sudden blank expression on his face catches you off guard. 
Heeseung turns to you and his face morphs into a much kinder one, “Hope you feel better. Can I see your phone?” 
Utterly confused, you take it out as your friends watch, dumbfounded. 
He types something quickly before returning it to you. “If you need something, just call me. I don’t usually give it out but here’s my number. See you later, pretty.” 
You’re sure your mouth is hanging open, and so is your friends. Slowly, you look at them and you know you’re screwed seeing their “you better explain everything” faces. 
Needless to say, you stay up that night. Thinking of Heeseung. His troubled gaze, delicate touch. The fact that you thought he was some creep and he kinda sorta ended up being anything but that. 
The fact that his number was entered into your phone but you didn’t make the effort to contact him left you turning and tossing in bed. Was he waiting for you? 
Or should you wait for him to do something first?  
The more you thought about it, the more you realized the truth. If he really wanted to, he could’ve taken advantage of you at any point. At the last party or a couple hours ago- you were alone with him both times. 
Your friends were utterly shocked at the way he treated you. And it’s not like they trusted him still, but they got to see a different side of him. A different side- you didn’t want to admit it- that you wanted to see more of. 
And even though they warned you, maybe a part of you wanted to not listen. You wanted to dive deeper into the mystery that was Lee Heeseung. 
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Most of your time was spent studying, or doing work, or relaxing during the rare free time you had. 
No wonder Heeseung said you always looked serious. It’s because you were. Everything you did was for a better future. All your efforts were made to have them pay off later in life. 
Parties were just an afterthought- if you had free time and your friends asked you to come. You didn’t go because you enjoyed it. Or at least, that’s what you believed. 
Until you met Heeseung. 
Maybe you tried a little harder with your appearance for the next party you went to. Maybe you pretended you didn’t care anymore but your eyes would subconsciously study each room that you entered. 
“Y/n, come dance with us!” 
You shake your head with a smile, “I’m good. You guys have fun.” 
That’s how it usually went. Your friends would offer a couple times before giving up and leaving you alone. And that’s what you were used to- what you enjoyed. Or maybe, didn’t enjoy. 
Just like last time, you find an empty couch to sit on. One of your secret hobbies was people watching. You soon realized you learned a lot more by just watching on the sidelines. But unlike all the previous times, you feel the couch dip beneath you- an extra addition of weight. 
“Feeling better?” 
It had been a week since you last saw him, and nothing changed. The way your heart rate subconsciously began to pick up, your hands turn sweaty, it was all the same. 
“Hi,” you breathe apprehensively. 
Heeseung sits on the other edge of the couch, watching you with a small smile. 
“Sorry about last week,” you fiddle with your fingers. He chuckles and you glance up at him, “Why are you apologizing? As long as you’re okay now, that’s all that matters.” 
“What’s with the cheesiness,” you mumble and he can’t hide his grin. 
“Thanks though,” you bite your bottom lip, “for taking care of me.” 
“No problem.” 
Without realizing it, the space between you two on the couch becomes a little smaller. You inhale, “Can I tell you something? Honestly?”
He shifts, “Of course.” 
“Last week,” you look at the ground, “I wasn’t actually sick. I just got scared that I didn’t know your intentions and backed out. Are you… are you mad that I lied?”
His face turns from a shocked one into an amused one. Heeseung reaches out and tucks a piece of stray hair behind your ear. This time, you’re the shocked one. 
“You know,” he starts and you bob your head. 
“Not really. I understand since we just met and all. But I do think I deserve something. You know, since you never texted me.”
That’s true, you fell asleep and forgot to message him. And the day after that, and the day after that. Maybe you were too busy to text until it felt like it was too late (and too awkward) to send him a message. You tilt your head, waiting eagerly for his response. 
“Tell me your name. Or, don’t. Either way I’ll find out in the end.” 
You almost scoff at his smoothness. Maybe Heeseung’s playboy side was coming out.“You want to know that bad?” 
He nods with a smirk and you shake your head, speechless. 
“Fine. It’s y/n. Happy?” 
“And your last name?” You roll your eyes, even with a stupid grin on your face. 
“Y/l/n. Y/n y/l/n.” 
“Thank you. Now, can I ask you something too? Honestly?” 
You shrug, “Go for it.”
“Can I kiss you?”
Your eyes widen. Bold- and he asked for consent- another thing noted that you check off your imaginary list that came out of nowhere. With that, instead of replying, you take a deep breath and close your eyes. 
When you peek them open, just the tiniest bit, Heeseung’s face is much closer and your breath hitches. 
The only thing you could feel was him. It felt like it was only the two of you in the room. You couldn’t think of anything else. Your mind was blank as his lips moved over yours. 
He pulls back and your eyes flutter open. He gives you another smile and you look away, embarrassed. 
“Aw. You liked it that much?” 
You tell him to shut up and he laughs, patting your head. You check the time in your phone. “It’s late. Maybe I should get home.”  
“Do you need a ride?” His eyes twinkle mischievously and you hum. 
“Maybe. Let me just tell my friends that I’m going.” 
This time, Heeseung helps you put on the helmet. He tightens the straps softly, fingertips tickling your chin. Your arms wrap around him securely as the wind blows past you, feeling like if you were flying as Heeseung drives you home. 
Even more so when he kisses your forehead and tells you goodnight in that sickeningly sweet voice of his. 
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You could care less about the rumors surrounding you. 
Sure, people saw you with him. What difference did it make? The fact that everyone called him a bad boy when in reality, he treated you like you were his most precious treasure. 
You reassured your friends that you were fine, to have some trust in you. 
Although you barely saw Heeseung outside of parties, the way he acted when he was with you was all that mattered. 
Maybe he gave you his jacket to wear when he was cold, maybe the scent of his cologne invaded your dreams. And maybe, just maybe, he was constantly on your mind. 
At most parties, he showed up without fail. You don’t know how, but you always managed to find each other. 
But so far, it had been an hour and there was no Heeseung in sight. Your mood was a little (or a lot) gloomier than normal. You wondered if he was busy, or if he got hurt, or-
“Would you like a drink?”
The nasty red cup is held to you with some foreign liquid inside and your gut shrivels up in disgust. 
“No thanks,” you barely spare a glance at the random guy who offered the cup to you. 
“It’s good, I promise! They’re handing out more in the kitchen if you want to go with me-“
“I’m fine,” you state firmly. Still, he continues to press and you’re just about to knock the stupid drink out of his hands when you feel a presence slide in behind you. 
“They said they weren’t interested. Didn’t you hear them the first time?” 
Shivers are sent down your spine at his cold tone. You see Heeseung and observe his stare. Dark and threatening- there was something in his eyes that he’s never looked at you with before. He looked…
You softly call out his name and his demeanor changes instantly as he takes your hand in his, “Sorry I’m late. Wanna go somewhere quieter?” 
His hand doesn’t let go, even when you’ve found an empty room that isn’t occupied by obnoxious couples to stay in for the time being. You contemplate if you and Heeseung seemed that way too, eyes drifting to your intertwined hands. 
At first, it’s silent. There are so many questions you want to ask, but you refrain from spilling all of them out. 
“I know it’s random but, are those rumors true? Like the one about you and your friends being in a gang, or you escaping from jail?” You ask quietly. 
His face shows it all. Where did this suddenly come from?
“What do you think, y/n?” 
You swallow, “That’s the thing. I really don’t know. You don’t seem like the type?”
He laughs. “Then you’re right- mostly.” His face takes on a foreign look, gaze faraway. “Sometimes rumors aren’t all baseless, you know.” 
At that, you don’t know what to do but nod. He squeezes your hand and you look at him. Suddenly, his eyes turn serious and he watches you with his dark orbs. 
“I won’t lie to you, y/n. I’m no angel sent from heaven. But that doesn’t mean we’re bad people, me and my friends. I think we’re just misunderstood. We’re misunderstood in the worst circumstances possible.” 
You stay silent. “Okay,” you finally say after a while, “I believe you.” 
His tongue pokes the inside of his cheek, “You think I would lie?”
“No,” you state decisively, “I’m just like this because you were late and I was waiting for you.” 
His nose scrunches up in amusement and you resist the urge to kiss it. “I apologize, I got caught up in stuff.” 
“Your secret tough guy stuff?” 
He pokes your cheek softly, eyes brimming with mirth. “Yeah. Tough guy stuff.” 
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“Are you and Heeseung like, dating? You’re always leave us to go off with him at parties,” Yuna pouts. 
You shake your head, about to explain as Chaeryeong sends you a look. “You’re not doing illegal stuff with him, are you?”
“Chaeryeong!” Yeji scolds. You groan. 
“No. I already said I wasn’t. I promised you guys that I would never get into stuff like that.” 
“We know, y/n. We trust you. We’re just worried with all the talk going around,” Yeji reassures you. 
You appreciated that your friends were looking out for you, but sometimes they just made it worse. 
“Are you dating?” 
It was always that question. The same one that had been floating around for quite a while, actually. You didn’t realize it but some time had passed since you first met Lee Heeseung.  
Every party, you were with him. Sometimes you kissed. Sometimes, you acted like you were more than friends. 
Sometimes, you felt like it too. 
But it was only during those parties, that feeling was only saved for those occasions. Heeseung never once brought it up. Neither did you.
You saw each other around once a week or less than that, only with the comfort of the dark night and brain rattling music blasting from another room. 
You barely knew anything about Lee Heeseung, yet you were attracted to him. You didn’t know what his major was, where he grew up, or what kind of music he listened to. 
Yet you knew that he had a nice singing voice, that he took care of his motorcycle like it was his precious baby, and that he was the most caring person you’ve ever met. 
It’s like Heeseung and you were from two different worlds, but that border dissolved the moment you found him in the sea of people, under the flashing lights.  
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For the first time since you met Heeseung, you can say he stood you up. Well, not exactly, but he never showed up.
You were worried. He would always show up in the end, but it was past 2am and still no sign of him. You called several times but to no avail, it went to voicemail. You grew to hate the robotic voice that apologized to you and told you to leave a message. You walk out the door dejectedly, alone because your friends left earlier and you waited behind to look for Heeseung.
You barely make it five seconds down the sidewalk, walking home because your place was nearby, when a hand grabs yours from behind. 
A silent scream half escapes your mouth, muffled by a hand. Adrenaline pulses through your veins- 
“Y/n. It’s me.” 
The familiar voice makes you exhale in utter relief. Heeseung removes his hand and you glare at him. 
“Why in the world would you scare me like that and not give any heads up?! Where were you? I called like-“
“I’m sorry,” he says softly, gaze sincere under the streetlights. You still punch him, and he winces. 
You didn’t think he was that weak, but-
“Oh my god.” Taking a closer glance, you can see the cuts and bruises on his face. 
“Heeseung, what happened?” 
He chuckles painfully, “Tough guy stuff?” 
“Stop moving,” you mutter under your breath as you dab at the cut. You had no choice but to bring Heeseung to your place since it was nearby and he was in no condition to go anywhere else. 
“It hurts,” he grumbles childishly and once you shoot him another glare, he shuts up. 
“Maybe if you weren’t being an idiot, you wouldn’t be in this situation.” 
“I apologized already, why are you still mad at me?” He pouts and you sigh, screwing the cap back on the medicine. 
“I’m not.”
“You are.” 
“I’m not.” 
“You are, because you won’t look at me.” 
His hand softly reaches for your face, tilting your chin to face him. You hate how easily he can read you. His dark eyes bore into you, and you sigh again. 
“What happened to you?” You whisper, “What kind of situation were you in to get hurt like this?“ 
Rather than answer you, Heeseung kisses you. You being you can’t resist, not able to find it in you to reject him. You allow him four more seconds, five, before breaking it. 
You place a hand on his cheek. “Please, Heeseung. You can tell me.” 
He leans in again and you pull back, disappointed. A few more seconds and you give up. You’re not sure why your heart hurts. 
His eyes widen, probably since this was the first time you denied a kiss of his. 
“I’m done. You can sleep on the couch tonight. It’s late, so goodnight...” 
Disappointment fills you as you leave him alone and shut the door to your room behind you. Perhaps it’s because he didn’t say anything, go after you, make any effort to fight back. 
The next morning, you’re not surprised to find your place empty, blanket and pillow folded neatly and placed to the side. 
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A week goes by, and then two. You tell your friends that you’re tired and don’t want to go out. But that can’t last forever. Almost a month after Heeseung stayed the night at your place, you finally go out. 
Perhaps for the first time in a long time, you get drunk. Your friends were worried to see you like that, but no matter what they did, you wouldn’t tell them what happened. 
But what they do know is that you don’t go off to find Heeseung. They notice his absence. You get so drunk that Yuna is forced to drag you home as you mumble pitifully to yourself. To others it’s incomprehensible, but to you, it’s all your confusion and sadness. 
You don’t know what happened. You thought you and Heeseung were close- that you built a connection, which included trust. You thought you trusted him and he trusted you. So why was there still a wall? Why was he pulling back? 
You wanted to give your all to him. You wanted to be with him. 
You know you wanted him. 
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Exam season comes and officially you’ve stopped going to parties for the rest of the semester. 
Your stress was at its peak and randomly being approached by one of your classmates when you just wanted to go home and jump into your comfy bed was not what you expected. 
“Beomgyu?” You glance at him questioningly. Although he was one of your classmates and someone you studied with in a group, he wasn’t really someone you saw outside of class. 
“Hey, y/n,” he smiles boyishly and you squint. 
“Yes? Is there something you wanted?”  
From what seems like out of nowhere, Beomgyu pulls out a card. He gives it to you and you stare at it. 
“You can open it,” he gestures awkwardly. 
Written inside was a pretty long note and more shockingly, his number? Your eyes widen as you continue reading. You don’t even bother getting to the end before looking up. 
You give him an uneasy smile, “I’m flattered, but Beomgyu, I’m not-“
You’re cut off. 
“Shoot, I’m sorry, I gotta go. I hope we can meet soon y/n,” he says sheepishly before running off. 
You stand there, unmoving with the card in one hand. Your eyes flick to a nearby trash can. 
Should you throw it away? Is that too mean? 
Unbeknownst to you, Heeseung watches from a distance. The bouquet in his hands hangs down heavily. 
After exams are over, you slowly start attending more parties. Partially to relieve your stress with your friends and partially for another reason. 
But he’s never there anymore. No matter how much you search, Heeseung was gone. You haven’t seen his face in at least two months. 
You wonder what you did. Was it because of what happened at your place? Did you go too far by rejecting him? Not contacting him?
It gets to the point that you’re desperate. Really desperate to the point that when you recognize one of his friends sitting alone on one of the campus benches, you approach the guy. 
He eyes you warily, you’re sure that he doesn’t recognize you. Whether or not it makes you happy that Heeseung kept you a secret from his friends, you don’t know. 
“Hi- uh, are you perhaps Heeseung’s friend- Jay?” 
The guy sits up. “Yeah. What do you want from him? If you’re looking for his number then he’s not interested.“ he adds. 
“No,” you shake your head. “You’ve got it all wrong. Actually, I’m also his friend and well, do you know where he lives?”
He squints. “You? Heeseung’s friend?”
“Y-yeah. We met at a party and he mentioned you before- I think-“
Jay’s eyes widen. “You’re y/n.” 
So he has talked about you to them before. 
You know Heeseung treasures his friends. The way he spoke about them- you saw a certain gleam in his eyes that you never saw before. That’s why you figured this was the best way to find him. 
You clasp your hands together, “Please. I really need to see him.” 
Jay clicks his tongue, “I guess you do, since you’re the reason he’s acting like this.”
“What? Like what?” 
He ignores you, shaking his head in distaste. “Yeah, I’ll give you his address. He should be at home now. Give me your phone.”
After contemplating for a solid hour, you give into temptation and follow the address to Heeseung’s place. You stand nervously in front of his door, shaking your hands as if it would get rid of the anxiety. 
You knock once, twice. 
A minute passes. You seriously contemplate running away. 
Then the door swings open.
Heeseung stands there in a hoodie and sweatpants, the first time you’ve seen him wear something that wasn’t his infamous black leather jacket. 
You give him a halfhearted smile. “Can we talk?”
He lets you in, and you’re left to observe his living space. It’s cleaner than you expected, and plainer than you expected. 
But one thing seems out of place- an arrangement of flowers in a vase on his countertop. It seemed like the only colorful thing he had in his home. 
“How did you get here?”
You take a seat on his couch, looking around nervously. “I asked one of your friends… he told me where you lived.”
“Oh,” Heeseung says, strangely quiet. You can’t stand it. 
“Heeseung?” You start off calmly, “why haven’t you been at any parties recently? Is it because of what I said last time? If so, I’m sorry that-“
“Y/n,” he interrupts you and you bite your tongue. “Really, why are you here? Why did you come find me?”
You furrow your eyebrows, “I came for answers. Is that what you wanted me to say?” He avoids your gaze like he was expecting you to say that and you scoff. 
“Fine. I don’t know why I came! I don’t know anything. How am I supposed to answer you when we don’t even have an answer?” You stop to take a deep breath, defeating silence filling your ears. 
“What are we? What are we supposed to be, Heeseung?” You whisper. 
Heeseung rubs a hand over his face in frustration. You look away, stomach feeling like lead. 
“I’m sorry, y/n,” he starts off. “I’m sorry that things are like this. That I’m like this. Maybe if- maybe if it didn’t feel like we were so apart, we could be different. I’m sorry that it feels like we’re living in different worlds.” He looks up at you and you see the pain hidden in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry that we’re so different.” 
Heeseung sees it. He sees how happy you look in public with your friends. He’s always seen you, regardless if you saw him back or not. He always wondered if you would be the same way with him. If Lee Heeseung with all his flaws and scars, was next to you- the hardworking, kind and passionate you. The you who wasn’t scared of him the first time you met, who didn’t listen to baseless rumors and treat him like an outsider. 
The same you who smiled with your whole soul and that made him fall in love with you while breaking his heart at the same time. 
He sees you without him, and your world on the opposite side. He wonders if your two worlds could ever mix. What other people would say or think about you just because of him. He realized that he couldn’t handle that- not for you. When others think he’s such a stone cold guy who never cares but in reality, he’s cares too much. 
He’s the weakest one. And with that comes the realization that he could never have you.  No matter how much he wanted, needed you. 
You’re just too different, and that one fact is enough to keep him away. 
His words echo in your head.
Are you actually that different? Or is he just being a coward? 
And you as well? For not wanting to fight, for actually believing him when he says that?  
You get up and take your leave- heart, soul, and world especially feeling cracked. 
Heesung’s head hangs between his arms, and if the pain of seeing you leave him was bad, the fact that he didn’t try harder to get to you was even worse. 
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A ring at your doorbell makes you groan as you roll out of bed. It’s been a while since you’ve gone outside, your friends’ countless attempts to cheer you up and get you out of the house were futile. As you get up you pass by Beomgyu’s card which lies on your desk, forgotten from the day you planned to but didn’t throw out. 
You open the door and your heart stops. There’s no one there. 
You look down, reaching and picking up a familiar bouquet of flowers. A sad smile makes its way in your face as your fingers graze the flowers. 
Maybe this is a sign. 
You sigh, returning inside and taking your phone out to type the numbers. 
Your finger presses the call button. 
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MAIN TAGLIST ▸  @precioussoulofmine @lov3niki @heesterical @coffeewon @rerequire @nvertheless @duolingofanaccount
SERIES TAGLIST ▸ @axartia @makiswrld @jovibaes @ksphnrk @soobnism @asyleums @ayayiiie @r3niun @ahnneyong @jakahbot @thisisnotjacinta @jjongsha @chatoyervictoriaa @swnheo @onthevergeofdepression @skzenhalove @miraculouspabu
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drvirgus · 7 months
Why You?
Idol! Yunjin X Idol! Reader X Idol! Chaewon
Description: What if the first official lesbian in the K-pop industry has to fake date her biggest school enemy? What if Y/n is already in a relationship, and it happens to be with one of the Member of Yunjin?
Warnings: kind of Cheating? Lots of Communication lack, strong language. Kys jokes
Chapter: 7 minutes (fully-written)
"Do you remember? Back then," Yunjin began softly. The music muffled by the closed door. We sat facing each other, Yunjin leaning against the bathtub while I leaned against the wall. My legs crossed as my hands played with each other on my legs. Neither of us had said anything so far, but it hadn't been long since we were locked in this room.
"Hm?" I asked, looking at the older woman. A slight laugh escaped her throat as she looked at me. She ran her hand through her open and long hair. "When you became a rumor in the schoolyard," Yunjin said, lightly laughing. "You scared everyone, and apparently, a teacher even quit because of you. But you didn't give a damn," she added, smiling a bit. Her gaze lowered to the floor. "Meanwhile, both of us used to sneak into the school at night to scare the security guard."
I chuckled as my eyebrows raised, "Please. You were way too scared. You stuck to me like gum. Thanks to you, I'm deaf now," I replied, making Yunjin look back at me. A smirk appeared on my face as I saw her cheeks blush slightly.
"You've always been hard of hearing," she muttered, and I asked, not hearing her well, "What?" This made her laugh again as she pointed at me with her finger, "See?"
Again, a silence settled between us. Everything felt quite forced. These would probably be the worst 7 minutes of my life.
Sighing, I leaned my head back against the wall and closed my eyes. I was already quite drunk, which I only noticed because everything was spinning, and my vision was slightly blurred.
"Can I ask you something?" Yunjin said again. My eyes lifted from my fingers, looking at the woman by the tub. I licked my lips once, unsure if I should allow her to ask me that question. Sighing, I finally nodded my head.
How could I say no when she looked at me so helplessly?
"Why do you hate me?" she asked, causing my eyebrows to rise once again. "I've already answered that," I replied, prompting Yunjin to shake her head. I watched as she slowly stood up from her seat and moved towards me. "That can't be all," she said, mockingly laughing, "Just because of that bitch?" she spat out between gritted teeth.
Yunjin stood right in front of me, and my eyes narrowed. I didn't like it when someone stood while I sat. It made me feel small, almost fragile. Sighing, I stood up as well, which seemed to surprise Yunjin. My eyes still narrowed as I looked at the taller woman in front of me.
"It's not about who I was with," I started, raising my hand as I saw Yunjin trying to interrupt, "It's about you betraying my trust," I concluded my sentence, frustrating Yunjin, who sighed in frustration. Her jaw tensed as her hand ran through her hair again, making it appear even more disheveled.
"I did it for you," she replied a bit louder. My forehead wrinkled, and a mocking laugh escaped my throat, which she seemed to dislike. I rolled my eyes, feeling her hand on my shoulder pushing me against the wall.
"I did it for you. Really," she said as she removed her hand from my shoulder. Her eyes wider than usual. I took several deep breaths. "For what? Tell me, what exactly did it bring me?" I asked, but I didn't move an inch. My eyes fixed on the older person in front of me.
Yunjin swallowed. Her eyes jumped from my left eye to my right. "She... abused you. She took advantage of you," Yunjin answered, only causing my eyes to roll once again. I saw Yunjin reflexively, especially since she used to do it often back then, trying to push me again. This time, however, I managed to grab her wrist to prevent her from repeating that action.
Yunjin's mouth opened, and her eyes shifted from my hand on her wrist back to my eyes. "I was 18. I was legal," I said, trying to calm the turmoil in my stomach. "Those are just excuses," I replied, sighing, attempting to push away the anger I felt towards her as I let go of the older woman's wrist. Her mouth still hung open as she looked at me.
"Yunjin," I said now, urging her to just tell me the truth. "Why did you do this shit?" I felt my hand twitch, and I balled it into a fist, loosening it shortly after. The anger I felt towards her was toxic. A toxic feeling that I never wanted to experience again.
"She..." Yunjin began. My eyes were locked onto hers, but hers seemed to be looking past me. Her face grew redder and redder, and she turned her head to the side. "She took you from me! As if I would just stand there and do nothing!"
The door opened, and I saw Minji there. Her eyebrows raised. "Uh... the 7 minutes are over," the younger one said somewhat awkwardly. Her forehead furrowed as she saw how close Yunjin and I were. This whole situation probably looked very different to her. I sighed, pushed Yunjin away from me, and left the bathroom.
Yunjin was manipulative. I always knew that. She was passive-aggressive, manipulative, and just plain malicious.
But she was also honest, loyal, and just... good.
Unfortunately, I never knew which side of her I was dealing with.
Annoyed by the entire conversation, I went to Chaewon with a furrowed brow. She looked up at me with a smile, but it disappeared when she saw my face. Every single one of them was looking at me, almost scrutinizing me. I pulled my girlfriend up by the wrist. I looked deep into her eyes. "Come," I whispered, just taking her with me into my room.
It didn’t take long for our lips to meet, and our clothes to meet the floor.
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rin-sa · 2 months
Aventurine x fem!reader x Topaz
Attention, I do not know English, the work was written with the help of a translator!! I hasten to warn you that this work, in my opinion, was not the most successful, but nevertheless not the worst. Anyway, I decided to post it here anyway - so that it would be. ;)
CW: Yandere, kidnapping, drugs, obsession, nsfw.
Topaz and Aventurine, members of the Interastral Peace Corporation. Such high-ranking people compared to you. You are an ordinary person, with your life, work, and most importantly, you have a person you are interested in and expect to do something more with him… At least that's what you hope.
To be honest, you've never cared about the employees of IPC. They are all there, let them live, as long as they do not touch you and do not disturb a peaceful, peaceful life. However, these two were the exception. You considered them friends and nothing more.
But Aventurine and his colleague Topaz clearly have other plans for you.
Oddities began to occur when rumors surfaced about a possible relationship between the two. They hid it for a while, it's a pity they couldn't keep it a secret. Most people were skeptical about this, because how can these two be together? Their relationship is quite difficult to understand, and for Topaz, many in IPC and just in the strategic investment department are unpleasant and even quite eccentric, to whom the girl does not have warm feelings. They may be colleagues, but unfortunately they don't look like each other at all, Aventurine, by the way, is no exception in this case. But despite this, she is ready to work with him and help her colleague if necessary.
 They decided to work together and even enter into a love relationship. A person who loves excitement and a person who is looking for optimal solutions so that a balance is maintained…
Of course, you were surprised by this news… – because what? Are these two of your friends dating? – laughter, that's all. – you say, a smile with some joy appeared on your face, simultaneously picking up a bag of groceries and slowly heading home, putting the phone in your pocket.
You've been watched all this time. You didn't even feel that extra pair of eyes that were watching your every move carefully. At first, Aventurine scoffs at your conclusions, glad that you are thinking about them. The look quickly changes to disappointed and the smile disappears from his face when he notices you with a heavy bag, clutching a playing chip in your left hand. Exhale and try to calm yourself down.
– And why are you only interested in that jerk… He can't even help someone as fragile as you, my love.… He doesn't need you. But I would… no, Topaz and I would carry you in our arms and you wouldn't have to lift such heavy things. – the blond man snorts, getting up from his seat, because you have already entered the house. And it's time for him to go about his business. And you need to… Talk to Topaz, discuss further actions.
They know perfectly well that you will continue to reject them, stubbornly saying that you can do everything yourself and you do not need their help. This outcome breaks the couple's heart. Their feelings for you are too strong, and you don't notice it! Or are you pretending… In any case, you already have someone to whom you give all your attention and try to please, because you are blindly interested in them. If anything happens, he will help you. You're relying on it. You speak awkwardly to those two, trying to calm them down. Of course, they will pretend that they understand everything and supposedly trust your words… But deep down, each of them is tormented by a disgusting feeling. Even a certain jealousy pierces.
 Neither Aventurine nor Topaz are satisfied with this. They will make you love them, imperceptibly get rid of all the extra people in your life, so that they can just take you away from the outside world. However, there is one “but". You'll be sad for a couple of days before you go looking for new acquaintances again. That won't do. This problem ruins all plans. They don't have time to get rid of people, as you have new acquaintances! Yes, and this man of yours, around whom you only dance like that and do not get off in any way, bores and irritates your eyes. Aventurine and Topaz often offered him a lot of bribes and persuasions. However, he still continues to reach out to you, ignoring these two! After all, you keep him company.
– Argh… annoying! Aventurine, something needs to be done and preferably as soon as possible! I can't stand it, because our original plan is not working! Topaz grumbles, not happy about it at all.
The girl nervously wound circles around the room, unable to find a place for herself.
– You're right. Need. However, what should we do if we change our previous plan? He nods back and grins at the girl's annoyance.
– There is only one option and this is a direct abduction. – the girl tiredly crosses her arms over her chest, falling silent and stopping for a couple of seconds, and then continues. – I don't see any other ways anymore. But this way we will be sure that no one will stick to her anymore, she will be safe with us and that guy should disappear from the radar, because our beloved means nothing to him. Besides, she's going to love us sooner or later. But this is not accurate… Although there are chances. How do you like the offer?
– I'm definitely in business. And the thought that she is about to belong to us excites my head. Aventurine grins. – But don't you think it's wrong?
– What are you talking about? The girl raises her eyebrows and looks at the man sitting relaxed on the leather sofa. - hm… You're right, it's wrong to do this, but aren't you ready to do anything for your beloved? Just imagine…….
Their dialogue was interrupted and no more details are given.
It's been a couple of days since their conversation. Now you, a man who sympathizes with you and Topaz with Aventurine at some evening event. Of course, the guy was confused by the way your two friends were glaring at him, but you didn't notice it, because they were smiling sweetly at you. That's probably why he went to the bathroom so soon, and there was no trace of him.
The only thing that makes you wary is how obsessive and clingy Aventurine is today… He's reaching out to you like he's trying to shield you from other people's eyes. Topaz “accidentally” touches you in various parts of the body, starting from the face and ending with the legs, along and across, it does not hesitate to touch even the hips and waist… You naively think that they have become so free and relaxed because of alcohol. That's just that they haven't drunk yet, they're just a little jealous, and your tight dress, with a neckline on the leg, beckons to touch you.
A little later, you are sitting amicably at the table, as in an expensive restaurant on a "date", enjoying the dishes and drinks here. The atmosphere of the rich and noble people next to you is slightly annoying for you, since Aventurine and Topaz do not give you much time to think about it. And before you know it, you realize that there was something in the drink. It seems that you've heard about this and even read about it on the Internet… However, I never thought that this would happen to you. Tranquilizers? Sedatives? Or maybe they drugged you? Butyrate is probably. You still don't understand what it was and you won't understand it anymore. Your head is treacherously heavy and dizzy, your mind is blurred, everything is floating before your eyes, as if you are drunk. Gripping the table tightly with your hands, you feel your heart begin to beat faster, a feeling of euphoria fills you. The last thing you could see was Aventurine's jubilant face and Topaz, who quickly jumped up from her seat to catch you. She won't let your unconscious body fall. People around ignored the situation, this couple of lovers and obsessed with you have already paid a large sum to enjoy the evening and finally get you.
How happy they were with their work done. However, somewhere in the depths of their soul, their conscience torments them for what they have done, but the desire to possess you is stronger.
 Did you wake up lying on a luxurious bed, in only your underwear, so to speak, ready for bed or? Your eyes opened slightly, without thinking, you jumped up on the spot and began to try to look at the room.
– What happened … – you whisper to yourself, feeling a sharp pain in your head and something hard rubbing your wrists.
Looking around at your hands, you saw either some kind of rope, or handcuffs, due to the darkness in the room, it turned out to be impossible to understand what exactly was binding your wrists.
A man's and a woman's voice can be heard outside the door. Someone is discussing something violently there, thereby arousing your interest. It's a strange feeling… Gaps in memory for today, a clouded mind and, it seems, an increased libido. To which you sigh loudly and lie back down on the blood. I don't want to think at all right now. If only those people would come to you, otherwise you won't find a place for yourself in the pitch darkness and loneliness.
The door opens slightly, a weak light hits the floor and a girl enters the room first, and then a man. You close your eyes, returning to the starting position. The lights don't turn on, they assume you're still asleep, but I can't wait to touch you. And so they restrained themselves all evening, now none of them intends to deny their own pleasure.
"Are you sure about that?" Maybe we should wait for her to wake up. After all, we've done so much already… I think it's unfair to her. Topaz looks away frowningly, clinging to the man's chest.
– Well, if you think about it like that … - Aventurine carefully removed strands of hair from the girl's face, wanting to look into her eyes. – We have already treated our beloved unfairly, we have already committed so many bad things… It won't get any worse. On the contrary, we will help her, so I'm 100% sure." he grins, gently kissing her lips.
– Mgm … and really, she needs help to get rid of the effect of that remedy … - Topaz answers quietly, without saying directly what kind of remedy and what to help with.
This puts you in an incomprehensible position, there are more and more questions, definitely two of your friends are involved in your situation now. Curiosity to find out what they are about is growing, but I don't want to rush it either. Who knows what will happen if they find out that you have been awake for a long time, but eavesdropping on them? Goosebumps run through my body and suddenly the bed bends. The girl is positioned behind the place of the pillows. Aventurine also wanted to get into a comfortable position for him, but before that he bent down to your face. He studied you closely for a couple of seconds, breaking into a mischievous smile. Your eyes are narrowed and your eyebrows are furrowed, which makes a man stroke your cheek with his gloved hand.
– It seems that someone is awake. Aventurine giggles, turning his gaze to Topaz. Their eyes have already got used to the darkness and weak light from the entrance to the room, it will not be difficult to find each other, but the girl still turns on the lamp, thanks to the remote control nearby.
Your girlfriend nods at him, the man pulls away from you. The girl takes you by surprise, lifting your body so that Topaz gently presses her breasts against your back, holding your body between her thighs. Her hand grabs your chin and turns your face sideways, gradually leaning closer. From this action, you “wake up”, unable to pretend anymore.
Without having time to recover, suddenly Topaz's lips are on yours, pulling into a kiss, while her hand releases your chin and her palms shamelessly lift your bra and openly stroke your nipples, as gently and easily as possible, moving them back and forth in a steady rhythm. Your lips are busy with hers, merging into one thanks to a passionate kiss with deep penetration, forcing you to discard all unnecessary thoughts and immerse yourself in the desired pleasure.
You succumb to this only because of the effect of that “remedy” on you, he drugged your head and now you do not resist such actions from those whom you naively considered friends, completely ignoring all possible hints from them. When you come to your senses, you may regret what happened, but it will be too late, is everything being done according to your desire? At the moment, yes. To deal with and organize a riot with the fact that you were drugged, kidnapped, are going to not be released into the outside world and in general are obsessed with you, that they eliminated all your acquaintances and watched your every action - you will be later.
Aventurine, like Topaz, does not waste time in vain. He also wants to satisfy you and take out his kind of jealousy because of the guy who was interested in you, showing by these actions that you are only theirs. Only they can give you the proper pleasure and only they can bring you to the desired frenzy. The man settled between your legs, spreading his limbs wide apart, giving maximum access to your crotch. at first, teasing with a series of kisses in the inner part of the thighs, slowly approaching the underwear, experiencing pleasure at the sight of you, already wet and depraved for a long time. Your toes are trembling due to breast stimulation thanks to Topaz, and then Aventurine joined in.
He runs his fingers freely over your labia, ignoring the wet fabric of your underpants and smiling slyly when you moan right into Topaz's lips. A man blithely gets rid of your underwear, covering your clitoris with his fingers, his gloved hand gets dirty with your natural lubricant. The second one, which is free, tightly and unceremoniously squeezes your soft flesh, forcing you to squeal softly and pull your face away, making Topaz wonder briefly before a sly grin plays on her face and she presses her mouth to your neck, burning the skin with her breath, gently biting you, leaving pinkish marks.
Fully aroused, you take in two fingers of Aventurine at once, forcing you to finally tilt your head back on Topaz's shoulder, arch your back in parallel to meet the touches. Tears accumulate in the corners of his eyes, trying to roll down his flushed cheeks at any second. You weren't ready for this. Vulgar sobs, short screams and moans, where you beg each of them for something, but the words are not legible.
Aventurine's fingers continue to plunge into the vagina at a faster pace, and with each uttered, unintelligible word or stifled moan, the speed of movement increases, causing your body to tremble, and goosebumps completely cover your bare back.
Feeling your walls shrink, Aventurine stops and nods to Topaz, as a sign that it is worth suspending your caresses, wanting to watch you. What will you do? All this time, she ruthlessly refused them their love, ignoring and not understanding the hints in every possible way, saying that you can do fine without them, but now? You really need them now, and they both know it perfectly well. They are just waiting for confirmation from your lips. They absolutely need to comfort their ego and hear at least some kind of explanation about how necessary they are to you.
Realizing that Aventurine suddenly pulled out his fingers, And Topaz stopped caressing your breasts and leaving kisses with marks on your neck, you winced. This is not the result you wanted, it makes you whine. The feeling of emptiness, the walls involuntarily contract. You're whimpering. You are trapped and because you want to have fun too much, you give in to them. Roughly speaking, you agree to play by their rules.
– Please don't refuse me when I need you.… I beg you…" you complain as a couple of tears roll down your cheeks.
How your appearance fascinates them. Completely vulnerable and so needy… They will not refuse you, they will help you get what you want and it has a price. It's about you staying with them and not having any arguments. Now, alas, you don't care about it, your mind is clouded and you act impulsively.
– Come on, Aventurine… Topaz… - you whine again, to which you hear victorious grins.
You will no longer be harassed and tormented. They will help you achieve what you so desperately want.
Topaz's palms wrap around your breasts in a new way, gently stroking your tense nipples, moving them back and forth, each time gradually increasing the pace.
Another vulgar sob and you smile like a fool.
Aventurine continues, plunging his fingers into the vagina again, circling the clitoris with his thumb at your preferred pace, outlining it so as to drive you crazy. In response, your hips shudder, a tremor runs through your body, your toes involuntarily clench, and a loud moan escapes from your chest. These sensations are too amazing that you cannot describe them, drowning under these actions and you relax, allowing the orgasm to pierce the body and cover the consciousness once again. For some time, he continues to caress you so that you can fully enjoy the pleasure that has overtaken you.
– Remember, honey, you and your body …, from and to … – Aventurine begins to speak, bending down to face you, covering your lips with his own, plunging into a passionate and insatiable kiss.
– You belong to us. Topaz finishes, continuing to kiss you in the most sensitive places on your neck and behind your ears, leaving hickeys with her lips. This view fascinates her and she enjoys it to the fullest.
– That's right, for us and only for us. – Aventurine interrupts the kiss, truly reveling in what they have done to Topaz. "Not some poor kid you fell in love with. And for us. Remember that. He didn't even need you, but you mean everything to us. Just let me make you ours, for your own good. We love you and hope that you will love us sooner or later.
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tinned-beef · 1 year
Allison Hargreeves is being unfairly vilified?
Allison Hargreeves as in 'SA'd Luther' Allison Hargreeves? Allison Hargreeves as in 'confirmed Viktor's worst ongoing fears and anxieties just because Viktor was grieving his friend/stepson and it annoyed her' Allison Hargreeves? Allison Hargreeves 'contributed to the deaths of two of her siblings' Allison Hargreeves? Allison Hargreeves 'nothing anyone else has lost over the course of this nightmare matters as much as what I lost so I'm gonna fuck everything up potentially irreparably' Allison Hargreeves?
That Allison Hargreeves? I mean don't get me wrong I like her but she's very much a villain right now. She's an interesting villain, a compelling villain, a better villain than Reggie since we actually know wtf her problem is and we wish things hadn't turned out this way. But a villain all the same.
i don't think allison is a villain. at best, i'd say she's an antihero. at worst, she was a catalyst for viktor's arc in season three.
i would like to start by saying that i'm not defending allison's actions. i think what she did was wrong. however, i don't think she deserves all the hate that she's gotten. she's a character that is very morally gray, and people continue to paint her in solely black or white.
what i try to convey in this... very long post is that there's a reason for what allison does in season three. the question of if she’s a villain or not can be debated, but i believe that the reasons for her actions don’t make her a villain.
a big reason why the umbrella academy is such an incredible show is that all the umbrellas are flawed and nuanced, and despite it all they love. all of the umbrellas have their faults, and allison is no different.
in season three allison has lost all hope. she thinks she will never see her child again, her husband is dead, the world is ending, and to her it seems like her siblings don't give a shit. amidst all the chaos and the whirlwind of her life, she needs something that she's used to. something she knows how to navigate.
so she turns to luther. and she gets the comfort she's looking for but it's not right.
allison and luther's relationship is something that has been a topic of many debates in this fandom. i don't really want to get into it right now, but they've always been a person of comfort to each other. allison wants to feel loved and cared for, and she thinks she can get that comfort from luther.
allison is naturally selfish. she's used to getting what she wants. she's used to having the world at her fingertips. and yet almost everything she's held close to her heart has been ripped away from her. and she's never getting it back.
in season three she falls back onto her old habits, rumoring people left and right with no consideration for others. it makes sense because it's the only way she knows how to get what she wants.
and then she rumors luther. she doesn't want to lose him either, and she thinks that he's choosing sloane over her (which is true, but she thinks he's leaving forever. she thinks she'll lose him too). but she almost instantly realizes what she's done, almost instantly tries to take it away.
as for her relationship with viktor, that's another can of worms. in season one, allison is the only one really trying to mend that relationship with viktor. but it's a rocky road. allison snaps at viktor, viktor snaps at allison. these two have had tension from the very start. eventually, that bond had to snap.
at the start of season three, viktor is the only one that really tries to help allison. he stands up for her, and comforts her after she returns from la. but by episode three allison is so consumed by her grief that she's already clashing with viktor.
and when harlan makes an appearance, it just gets worse. harlan is like a son to viktor. someone viktor can care for. and when viktor turns that care and attention away from allison and instead towards harlan, it hurts. why is viktor allowed to have his child when allison will never get to see claire again?
in season three luther tells viktor that allison has “always been good to you (viktor)”. but there comes a point where your love and gratitude towards someone can morph into bitterness and hate.
the reason i say allison is a catalyst for viktor in season three is because the writers needed someone to contest his ideas. someone that will create a struggle for viktor that he will ultimately come out of with a new lesson learned. and allison is a great contender for that position. the show needs conflict in order to have an engaging story at all, and tense relationships between the siblings can be seen throughout all three seasons. (luther and diego in season one, ben and klaus in season two)
as for the deaths of her siblings, do you really think she wanted that to happen? she doesn’t want to lose any more people, that’s the main driver of her character shift in this season.
allison turns towards reginald because she sees it as the only option left. klaus does the same thing, so why is it any different when allison does it? she didn’t know her siblings would die in the process.
allison isn’t even the only sibling that has contributed to a sibling’s (almost) death. viktor slashes her throat in season one, ben sacrifices himself to save the world, and luther willingly walks into the room to talk to reginald. how is that allison’s fault?
i think this is also why five gives his talk to viktor, not allison. he understands what allison is going through on some level, understands the despair of losing those who are close to you. understands being willing to do anything to get them back. even though he quite loudly disagrees with allison making a deal with reginald, it's because he knows she's getting tricked. reginald never had their best interests at heart.
they’ve all lost people, and they all react to that loss in different ways. in season 1, when diego finds that patch was killed, he instantly wants to go for revenge. he plans on going after hazel and cha cha but five inevitably talks him out of it.
allison doesn’t have that influence. in fact, diego suggests to instead let that grief out through anger. i don’t think it was a very good solution in the end.
and despite all that, she wants to redeem herself. she tries to tell viktor the truth, she admits that she made the plan for all of them. she kills reginald and she’s the one that pushes the button at the end of season three. there’s so much left that we don’t know. did allison know what would happen when she pressed the button? did she know what reginald’s real plan was?
but in the end, allison is the reality of a person who has lost those who are closest to her. it’s probably the best job the writers have done while showing trauma and grief. i don’t think allison is a villain, and i think that accusing her of solely caring about herself is unfair.
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k4marina · 8 months
something that’s always irked me is the way the writers decided to change one of the main plot points in dance of the dragons to gain sympathy points for alicent.
i love the show, don’t get me wrong. but holy fuck do i feel like drowning myself every time i see ppl go “omg alicent is such a misunderstood character 🥺”, “she’s has every right to protect herself and her kids 🥺” literally shut the fuck up.
the real alicent is not a victim, far from it actually.
and viserys especially didn’t prey on her.
the real alicent is a cunning and power hungry women just like her father. everything she does is for power (keeping up with the hightower traditions).
in the books, she’s 18-19 when she marries viserys who’s 29 at the time and rhaenyra is 9 years old.
she is literally the textbook definition of evil stepmother. she spread rumors of rhaenyra (in 111 a.c) and daemon and criston when rhae was 14 and daemon and criston were 30 and alicent was around 24.
they could have taken her character in so many different ways but instead chose the worst way possible. i get that for the show they had to make some changes, but how fucking hard is it for you to follow the source material?
she was turned into this flimsy character when in reality she’s one of the biggest characters in fire and blood. it’s all bc of her and her greed that the dance happens and in hindsight is the beginning of house targaryens fall.
if i’m being honest, i kinda like book alicent more than show alicent. she was the perfect villain, but in the shows she just there imo.
i had zero sympathy for her when i was reading the books and i’ll continue to have zero sympathy for her in the show.
cant wait for her to lose everything bc of her own actions.
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plumbogs · 1 year
maxis really said "dina caliente is sooo suspicious and evil and a gold digger" then in her memories:
-her mom died when she was a kid
-in between falling in love and getting proposed to her FATHER DIED. like is that not kind of. suspicious. because age wise she was still like, 18-19 and probably in the worst possible place mentally? hey michael what is that about. michael bachelor. what is that.
-yeah she had an affair with don. everyone's had an affair with don. who give a shit. it was only a kiss.
-then her husband died. did she kill him? possibly. it'd be her right. BUT honestly to me he died because i hc him as a bit of an old party animal whose liver was thoroughly pulverized by his 50s.
-and then! her sister in law disappears sometime around the same time and people are already throwing rumors around the bachelor siblings and she's now the victim of the town's smear campaign because OF COURSE but of course mortimer knows she had nothing to do with it! he's fighting rumors too. and because she's like, 22 and a widow and both of her parents are gone she's going to trauma bond to yet another old man.
-plus how tf does she have any control over the actions of aliens that she is, like, barely related to? the aliens don't mess with their half-spawns when they're first gen, pascal's out here with no child support no contact nothing. they're Not Hitting her up to stage an abduction.
and then morty dies because he's old as shit and she finds actual real love in the form of brandi broke. who said that
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the-empress-7 · 6 months
I just have to say, the world is cruel to women. Regarding Rose, online rumors resurfacing on allegations of infidelity when that has NEVER been true. She had stayed quiet, waiting for things to boil over until she couldn’t no more and decided to take legal action. Catherine being the subject of conspiracy theories of the worst and put under cruel scrutiny over her Mother’s Day photo. She was now forced to come out and speak on her diagnosis. The worst is she didn’t do this under her own terms, she was put in a corner and forced to announce her diagnosis. My heart truly breaks for her. No one had an ounce of compassion and understanding while making fun of her. This woman must be scared…for her family and for herself. I rewatched the video and towards the end when she asks for time and privacy, it was almost as in begging people to please understand and respect her as a human being.
Her plea was heartbreaking.
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feyhunter78 · 2 years
The Despair of a Dragon's Wife
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Description: After the birth of you and Aemond's son, you fall into a deep despair and rumors begin to fly regarding your son's parentage.
This was requested on my AO3 and I wanted to post it here as well! TW: Postpartum depression, suicidal thoughts and actions, but no death or injury
You loved your son, you truly did, but the sight of him reminded you of the pain you suffered, and his cries were like nails driven into your brain, reminding you of how much of a failure you were. His hair was (y/h/c) not silver and his eyes were a shade of purple that could easily be mistaken for blue, worst of all his dragon egg had yet to hatch.
You knew your sweet Rhagar simply wished to be with you, to feel your love, but you couldn’t bring yourself to hold him for more than a few minutes. Your mind constantly reminding you that he was not as Targaryen as the others, he would suffer the mistreatment bastards do, even though he is his father’s son. You have failed him, failed your family, and failed Aemond.
Aemond had been so excited for your child, speaking constantly of them, making you promise after promise of what he would provide for you both. Then, once the midwives announced you had birthed a son, he broke into joyous laughter, surprising even his own mother.
But then you were handed your son and saw the tuft of (y/h/c) hair, the muddled color of his eyes, and you knew you had failed. You had wept, and refused to be consoled, claiming they were tears of joy.
Breastfeeding was a struggle and after many attempts and gritted teeth you surrendered Rhagar to a wetnurse, tears in your eyes as you watched him calm so quickly for her. Nothing you did was ever enough for your son, he cried constantly, pulled at your hair, squirmed nonstop and refused to sleep through the night.
Your mother had stressed the importance of keeping your babe with you at night, especially since you had now birthed a potential heir to the throne. She worried someone would harm him, and you worried that perhaps that person would be you.
Sleep had fled from you, your appetite as well, music was dull and lifeless, sewing and reading no longer brought you joy. Weeks went by of you lying awake as Rhagar tossed and turned. Then it turned into months of you staring listlessly at the wall as you bounced him in your arms, silently begging him to cease his crying.
Oddly enough, it was your sworn sword, Ser Halbret, who was able to dry the tears of your son.
After hours of trying to calm your son, on the verge of tears yourself, you handed the screaming child off to him, and drifted back to your chambers. You curled up into a ball under the covers of your bed, crying silently, heart weighed down with endless misery.
You’d finally been able to drift off to sleep when the door to your chamber opened and the sound of giggling was followed by your husband’s voice.
“My sweet wife, I have found our little dragon.” Aemond called, voice light as he stepped closer to the bed.
You quickly wiped your tears, and tried to force a smile, but the sound of Rhagar calling out to you made another wave surface. You threw off the covers and rushed into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
Aemond knocked on the door. “Y/N, are you alright? Rhagar wishes to see you.”
You slumped against the door; head buried in your arms. “Give me a moment, my stomach is a bit unsettled.”
Rhaegar began to cry, and you heard Aemond gently reassure him that you would be out soon.
You couldn’t take it anymore. Your eyes searched the room for something, anything to end your agony, but you found nothing. “If you cannot get him to stop, give him to Ser Halbret, he loves him.” You called through the door.
“Surely not more than he loves his mother.” Aemond said, trying the doorknob once more, concern tainting his voice.
“He does not love me.” You mumbled, tears streaming down your face as you dug your nails into your palms, searching for relief from the aching in your head and chest.
“Y/N, my sweet, open the door.” He insisted, as Rhagar’s cries grew in volume.
“Go away.” You cried, slamming your hand against the door, red streaks coloring the wood. You’d pressed too hard and punctured the skin.
You stared at the smeared crimson blood and prayed Aemond would leave.
Aemond carried his son to his mother’s quarters, mind clouded with worry. You had been distant as of late, and your figure had begun to decrease a worrying amount.
At first, he thought you were too wrapped up in your son to eat properly. Then he noticed how you flinched when Rhagar cried, or how you were so quick to hand him off to your sworn sword, and flee the room.
His mother looked up, a bright smile on her face. “Aemond, and little Rhaegar, what a wonderful surprise. I was just speaking with your grandsire about our worries for y/n.”
Aemond sat across from his grandsire, keeping Rhagar firmly in his arms. “I have come to see you for the same reason, I fear she is ill.”
“The only thing she is sick with, is guilt.” His grandsire said, casting a disgusted look at Rhagar.
“Guilt?” He echoed, searching his mind for anything you might feel guilty over. You had borne him a beautiful and sweet-tempered son, were a devoted and wonderful wife, and a dedicated mother. There was no reason for you to feel guilty.
Alicent took his hand in hers, her expression sorrowful. “Your grandsire believes that…” She trailed off, her lips pressed into a hard line. “I cannot say it.”
“That boy is a bastard. Look at him, that is no Targaryen.” Otto said harshly.
His mother flinched and Aemond held his son closer.
“That is not possible. I took her maidenhood, I have been the only one in her bed, and she is a faithful wife. Rhagar is mine.”
“Perhaps you were the only one in her bed, but that does not mean she was not warming the beds of others.”
Aemond stared down at his son. True, his coloring was not that of a typical Targaryen, but they shared a nose, a smile, even the way Rhagar looked at dragons was the way he himself looked at them.
“I do not wish to believe it either, but many have seen the way she thrusts the child into the arms of Ser Halbret, and his coloring matches the boy’s.” His mother said, a sympathetic look in her eyes.
“It matches y/n’s as well.” He argued, furious that they would even suggest such a betrayal coming from you.
His grandsire laid his hands flat on the table. “Ask her then, ask her why she does not seem to care for the child, why she pushes him onto everyone else.”
His mother’s eyes flickered to the tabletop, and Aemond nodded stiffly.
He held Rhagar close as he stormed back to your shared quarters, throwing the door open to find you standing on the windowsill, one hand loosely gripping the frame, the wind whipping through your hair.
Aemond called out to you in shock, and you turned, eyes wide and brimming with tears. “I cannot bear this any longer.” You sobbed, your head dropping to your chest.
Aemond quickly but carefully set your son down on the floor and rushed over to you, pulling you away from the window. “Y/N what are you doing? Have you gone mad?”
You shook your head, sobs ripping from your throat. “I hate him, I hate him, and I hate myself for it.”
Aemond pulled you into his embrace, crushing you to his chest. “I do not understand, where does this hatred come from?”
“I am a horrible wife; he is living proof of my failure.” You sobbed, hiding your face in Aemond’s chest.
“So, it is true, then? He is not mine.” Aemond said coldly.
You looked up at him in confusion. “What? How could you say that?”
“You said he is proof of your failures, your failure to stay faithful.”
You shook your head, crying harder. “No, no, he is my failure to give you a child that bears your coloring, he looks as if he belongs in the Riverlands.”
Aemond’s racing heart slowed, and he cupped your face. “I care not if he looks true to my blood, neither I nor my siblings look like my mother, yet no one doubts we are hers.”
“But the Strongs…” You argued weakly. The treatment they received was one you feared your son would receive as well.
Aemond brushed away your tears. “Everyone knew they were bastards, but Rhagar shares my nose, my smile, and soon he will have a dragon. No one will doubt him.”
“How can you be sure?” You asked, eyes darting over to your son, who was sitting on the rug near the fireplace.
“Because I will cut down any who do. I know he is my son, I know you have been faithful, as have I.” He gently swayed you back and forth, drawing your eyes back to him. “I did not break off my betrothal and anger my entire family to marry a woman I do not trust.”
You sniffled and laid your head back on his chest. “I have failed you; I know it, you need not spare my feelings.”
“You have not failed me. You have given me a perfect child, a son, an heir.” He said firmly, wishing he could make you understand how highly he held you in his heart.
Your shoulders were still shaking, but you’d begun to calm. “He hates me Aemond, I can never cease his crying.”
He kissed your forehead gently, and held you tighter. “He is a babe, and he can sense your unhappiness, he has been crying for you, and it is I who have failed you both. I should have recognized your suffering long before today. It should not have fallen to our son to alert me to your despair.”
A cracking sound filled the room and both your heads whipped towards the fireplace.
Your son sat giggling happily with a tiny dragon in his lap.
Aemond left your side and scooped them both up, carrying them over to you. “Look at what you have created, what you have given me.”
Rhagar reached out for you, babbling “mama, mama” as the small green dragon curled up on his shoulders.
You let Rhagar take as much of your hand as he could hold and smiled.
He smiled back at you, and clumsily kissed your hand, as he had seen his father do countless times. It was more of him bumping your hand with his nose, but it made you laugh, and the tightness in your chest eased.
Perhaps you could do this.
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