#not all memes are created equal and some are probably less likely to get you in trouble however i wouldn't put it past someone
wizard-laundry · 2 months
In the US: threatening government officials is a felony under federal law (the president in particular is protected under 18 U.S.C. § 871). Even memes.
be careful with your jokes if they spill over to active officials.
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killian-whump · 8 months
KW Does Shit So You Don't Have To
I know there's a lot of arguments and debates about AI generated art and how horrible it is, both for the artists it rampantly steals from and in the quality of art produced.
But, you know... I'm a curious person.
So I went and plugged Colin's name into a bunch of these things just to see what would happen and... absolutely nothing worthwhile happened. I mean, stuff happened... and you can hit the Keep Reading link to hear about it, but... I dunno, man.
These things have no clue what Colin actually looks like. It's bizarre. None of them got him right, yet they ALL seemed to get him... equally wrong? Like, there's some guy out there that AI thinks is Colin, but isn't actually Colin at all, and he looks about like this:
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They did no better with Killian Jones, Colin O'Donoghue as Killian Jones or even Colin O'Donoghue as Killian Jones from Once Upon a Time. In fact, at that point, I was pretty much just throwing words at them that they were entirely ignoring.
Admittedly, one of the sites (Craiyon) actually got relatively close to Colin's appearance, but they also looked like they weren't making art so much as cutting and pasting his face onto art and blurring the edges. That, and they seem to think he has glowing blue laser eyes for some reason, and I swear I didn't tell them that but I kinda wish I had, because that would be a fun rumor to start. Anyway, this is the best approximation of Colin I was able to create on that site, using "Colin O'Donoghue as Killian Jones from Once Upon a Time" as the prompt:
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I mean, that's not... THAT bad. But it sure as shit isn't about to take the place of fanart any time soon. And, mind you, this was the BEST of the bunch. The rest were... Well, here's a less-good example with the laser eyes in full effect:
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Apparently, Once Upon a Time is now Game of Thrones and Killian Jones is Baelish and Colin has blue laser eyes pew pew pew. Again, the face is kinda spot-on, but I feel like that's because they just copy/pasted his actual face in there. Even the image quality and color depth differs on the face versus the rest of the "art". They just literally stuck his face in some art template and gave him laser eyes.
Mind you, my side piece (Tom Payne) fared no better. They seem to have him confused with that kid who played the elf-like boy in... Game of Thrones. Actually, I feel like all of these things are stuck in some kind of Game of Thrones time warp where that's all that exists and everything they don't understand must surely come from that... and there is very, very little they DO understand.
Now as a litmus test of sorts, I stuck Keanu Reeves' name in some of them, as well, and they did all seem to know what he looks like - so if you're looking to play with the face of some uber famous celebs, this might be fun for you to play with. But anybody with fewer than 5 mainstream memes devoted to them probably just makes the AI go, "Who? Must be someone from Game of Thrones."
Which makes it completely useless for those of us gathered here, even aside from the obvious ethical quandaries of art theft and the devaluing of human-made artwork.
As a final test, I asked Craiyon to show me "Colin O'Donoghue as James Bond" and it basically returned the exact same results as the Killian Jones prompt did. Though it did hilariously encourage me to try, "handsome scottish actor colin o'donoghue dressed in a tuxedo and carrying a gun as he attends a james bond movie" which is definitely not what I was looking for, but bonus points for creativity, I guess? Also, carrying guns in movie theaters is bad form and super illegal, even if it is a James Bond film, but I guess AI doesn't know that. And Colin isn't Scottish.
But he does have laser eyes. This is a rumor I'm starting right here in this post on this blog. Laser eyes. He's got 'em.
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ferinehuntress · 5 months
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◈ NAME  ⋯  Panda, Panda Bear, Nessie
◈ PRONOUNS  ⋯  she/her
◈ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?  ⋯  Caitlyn, Vi, Karlach, and Aylin. I only keep active muses ^^
◈ RP PET PEEVES?  ⋯  Hmmm, so one would be one way roleplays. When someone doesn't help push the story along. I don't want to sit here, debating on how I can encourage some reactions or what not. So I always try to give something to reply to whether its by an action, a question, a response that can be added to, etc... I also don't like when I reply with several paragraphs and someone only gives me 1-4 sentences. I do not expect mirror reflections of my post, but I do like quality. Quality does not equal quantity, but can still give absolutely plenty with a couple of paragraphs. And lastly, not communicating. I know sometimes it can be hard, some days your mind literally has no ideas or process. or if your distracted (I know a few people have that with me right now cause I'm playing BG3 XDD) but when you just, don't communicate, how can you write with each other? Its why I always try to send out welcome messages and encouarge the first step of communication.
◈ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS  ⋯  I started roleplaying when I was 11 on a site called Avidgamers. So its been a good.....24 years ish?
◈ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT  ⋯  Hands down, Angst is my go to. I will, without a doubt, love angst. Its never too much for me, i could have a bunch of angst going and it doesn't wear me down or anything. That being said, I don't like certain kinds of angst, like person versus person (example, my character and your character getting into an arguing and hating each other, or break ups or things like that). My kind of angst tends to be two people versus a situation, or where one is trying to save the other cause they are cursed, or trapped, being tortured, etc....Angst comfort too is good. I do like smut, but I tend to like to write it with people I talk to often and we have a good dynamic between our characters. Fluff is a bit harder for me, I can't do domestic cutesy things as I tend to get a little bored after awhile.
◈ PLOTS OR MEMES  ⋯  I prefer plotting, plotting helps get a dynamic down (as I do not write first meetings or encounters) so this allows me to get a development of what are muses are like together. Its also a nice little platform of security to know what is going to happen in a thread. It isn't step by step plotting, but just enough of like 'okay, tehy are going to this place, its probably going to have a fight, and this is their objective'. Really simple plotting that allows for the comfort of stability while still allowing the flexibility of a character to control teh flow of the scene. Memes I tend to use after we've done  some plotting because I understand dynamics better and I know what to write or ideas to creat.
◈ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES  ⋯  I'll never give short replies. the shortest you'll get from me is about 2 paragraphs. I don't like gives just a skeleton writing and I tend not to follow people who do one liners or small less then 5 sentences writing. I'm in this for the long haul, I want stories and adventures and fun paragraph form writing.
◈ TIME TO WRITE  ⋯  While I'm online almost all day, its more then likely you see me writing about 10-11pm CST. Writing at night is a lot easier then it is writing during the day. Don't know why, I'm a weird little night owl XD.
◈ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)  ⋯  I tend to write characters I associate with in some form or manner. Karlach for example, her absolute love of animals, and Caitlyn's more reclusive nature, or Vi's heart on her sleeve, and Aylin's protectiveness. I like to think I am in some way like them which allows me to bring them to life even more through this connection.
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❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘  ⋯  @apalestar, @c-leric, and others who said 'steal this' XD ❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆  ⋯ @shimmerbeasts, @jynxd, @necrophcge, @never-surrender, @bubblybabins, @bakrahispul, @clara-eternal, @zaunseye, @lunarrepel, @lunawish, @lordliing, @hellscaress, @goldenfists, @governoir, @gauntlets-shot, @fereldensheroes, @dalishflame, @shldmaidns, @sanguisarcana, @starbvund, @arcanecast, @piltover-sharpshooter, @playgroundmonsters, @undercity-merc, @ruinouss, @runes-menagerie, @warwaited, and anyone else who wants to.
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gryficowa · 1 month
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Fuck Zionists and liberals, they are equally fucked up, Zionists are sadists and liberals are ignorant
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Not only has the number of people interested in Gaza decreased, but I also have to meet this parasite (because I won't call you people anymore)
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And my Internet randomly stops working…
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Liberals will probably bash me in the comments anyway, because their level is like that of a fourth grader, because how come you hate Harris and Biden? You must be a Russian troll or some shit! (Because it wasn't because I saw children torn apart, people carrying body parts of loved ones in plastic bags and a father who went out to get a birth certificate for his twins, only to come back to find out that his wife and children were murdered by a bomb 100% supplied by the USA…)
Yes, liberals and Zionists piss me off, they're on the same level of being disgusting people
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(Okay, I replaced the USB, but I will have to find a new USB because I use a mobile host)
Now that I have your attention:
Yes, an additional entry under the collection links, it doesn't appear very often, I'm aware of that
Remember that Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga are silent about Gaza (And also about Sudan and Congo)
Also, fuck Rowling, but she knows a lot (Only the HP fandom will defend her…)
The actors and screenwriter in "Stranger Things" turned out to be Zionists, so if you want to watch the series, I recommend illegally, because legally you will give money to people who are disgusting bigots
(Okay, USB change worked, Internet doesn't crash every second)
But yes, lately it's been getting harder and harder to raise money because fewer and fewer people are interested in Gaza, which is depressing on many levels…
By the way, a liberal chimed in, I'm in the middle of writing a post and yes, what could be worse than rapes and the torn bodies of children? Besides, in Yemen he has the death penalty, so you can send him there, you know, there is a way to get rid of Trump, with Harris and Biden it is not so easy (Although Biden is old… Maybe he will die on the way)
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But Harris? I don't know, some crazy person would have to show up, although I don't support assassination attempts on presidents and such (But yes, she would either have to lose or leave the elections, I have no idea, because she's too young, so the chance of her leaving would be like waiting for the death of Queen Elizabeth… I know she's dead, but with Elizabeth's death, dead memes about her immortality)
I have no idea what to do with Harris, because Trump can be sent to Yemen, and Biden will either die in many years or lose the intellectual capacity to rule the country (No, sorry, both of them probably won't live long, they are men, not Queen Elizabeth)
By the way, Putin doesn't look young either… 71 years old, you know what the average age of men is
Literally, retirees lol
I doubt Biden, Trump, or fucking Putin will live to be a hundred
So this text "Trump is worse" sounds even funnier, because he is 78 years old, and you know that in a year he may suddenly be incapacitated, because old age has that effect (It's already visible in Biden's case, Trump, with all this stress and everything, probably won't live long…)
In addition, if we take into account the diet in the USA and CO2, because Americans must have a million cars, you understand, an additional shortening of life
I have more doubts about Putin, because he doesn't live in the USA… But considering his age, it's only a matter of time before the effects of aging catch up with him
Hey, Benjamin is 74 years old, although this fucker is probably worse than Trump (Sorry, I had to parody liberals), and seriously, it's terrifying when liberals talk about how evil Trump is, but they remain silent about the genocide because of their white American privilege is more important
Okay, attack from liberals and Zionists in 3… 2… 1…
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Coming back to the collections, this is the only way for them to arrive, unfortunately, I can never guarantee that it will happen, and that sucks, because many families live on the edge, because they never know whether they will be the next victims of an Israeli attack… And many collections last for many months and often stop at a certain amount, which means that few collections reach the very end :/
And only being angry can increase the post's reach or tagging to many tags (Because I will not give money to a Zionist company, sorry, but not only do I not have a bank account, I also do not earn money, and I would prefer not to give money to a company that pays Zionists to interacted with people fighting for Palestine)
As I mentioned, I'm worried that fewer and fewer people are talking about Gaza, and this makes it difficult to reach people, even the Palestinians themselves have a big problem with it (That's why they often put tags unrelated to the post, unfortunately, they risk having the post with the collection removed for spam…)
It doesn't help that Tumblr shadowbans tags about Palestine (Fucking Zionist yohoo, but what do you expect from a company that showed off transphobia?)
I deleted deviantart (some time ago) because it turned out that it belongs to an Israeli company (This explains a lot why there are so many disgusting Zionists), I have a blog on tumblr because I can't find an alternative, and on this blog my art gets lost, which makes it difficult with colored OCs because it may result in changing complexion, and we all know how people react to it…)
I also noticed that many Zionists use Jewish tags (Which sucks because they promote that every Jew is a Zionist, which is not true), so yes, more and more Zionists will be found there, I don't know what Jews supporting Palestine feel and see Zionist shit, but I know it must be depressing on many levels (You are strong, you have to deal with them anyway, but the fact that you have the courage to fight for Palestine is a sign of strength, the Zionists are weak, you are strong)
I doubt anyone will read it all to the end (Knowing liberals and Zionists, they will start writing insults)
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papakhan · 9 months
🍒🍐🥑 for FLEABAG
YAAY Fleagbag time >:)) THANK YOUU these are so much fun link to the meme
🍒 [CHERRY] Who is your OC’s perfect companion?
This one I haven't decided yet.... Fleabag gets on well enough with people like Sun and Violet but I haven't thought someone whos their Match yknow? I think if they ever met Antony the houndmaster of the Legion he'd probably be the closest thing to it and they'd also have the weirdest gay sex ever <3
🍐 [PEAR] What is their current social standing? If they could change it, would they, and to what?
OOH okay so like. I think the social hierarchy of the Great Khans is kind of all over the place. This is because it was recently destroyed and rebuilt by people previously on the bottom end of the hierarchy. A lot of your social standing in the Khans is from merit and how skilled you are and less to do with who you are and where you came from, take Melissa Lewis for example whos a very skilled scout who was born in the NCR.
Anyway all this is to say that despite Fleabag's family being a political "enemy" of Papa's, Fleabag themself has pretty decent standing due to their skill as a dog handler and trainer. Of course it helps that they're one of the people caring for an iconic Khan breed of dog created by The Deathhands, and that they're also kind of against the things their dad was all for. Being friends with Sun helps too, I think the one thing care about in equal amounts to merit is your proximity to Papa Khan and how much he likes you, or how much the people he likes like you, etc.
Would they change their standing? Probably not. They can see from Sun that having a "higher" standing doesn't seem all that fun and having a "lower" standing would just mean they weren't a skilled dog handler anymore.
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Probably something to do with dog training that I don't fully understand. I think while Darion loved his dogs and carefully refined the dog breed created by his father, he still passed down some toxic training techniques. To put it vaguely I guess Fleabag will never back down on reward being a better motivator than punishment, which they apply to a lot of life. Probably tells people to stop punishing themselves and buy a lil treat. Get a friend like Fleabag <3
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sunriseverse · 3 months
WRITING PROCESS QUESTION because of that ask meme: your characterization is always so on point. i love them. do you have any advice on developing that? what's your process? how d you capture character voice?
and this is a long shot but: do you have any advice for people who don't speak the language specifically? is there a good way to approach character voice when theres a sort of barrier?
first of all: it makes me very very happy (and bashful) that you think my characterisation is so accurate! it's one of the things about my writing that i'm truly proud of :) hmmm, let's see. i think to start with, i have to say that, in my experience, "in character" writing isn't just about dialogue. if you're writing a pov character, staying in character means using descriptive phrases and inner monologue patterns that create the image of the character in the same way that camera shots, wardrobe, lighting, etc, would do this work for you in a show/film. if your pov character has certain defining life experiences, they're more likely to speak or think a certain way—are they more formal, or more casual? are they uni-educated, or do they work a blue-collar job after scraping by with a high school diploma? have they experienced trauma that's caused them to be bitter and cynical, or do they, in spite of trauma, cling to humanity and kindness?
another thing that i find helps a lot when characterising characters is figuring out two things: what they want, and what they fear. these can vary based on the period of canon—for example, dmbj characters are probably going to have more variations of wants/fears over time than characters from a single-series show like tdj. to use dmbj as an example: in sha hai, wu xie wants to bring down the wang, and give xiaoge a safe future. what he fears is this plan failing. he'll go to any lengths to make sure it happens the way it needs to—will use, and destroy, and manipulate, and lie as much as he needs to for this to work. obviously, though, that's just the barebones picture—in canon, we also see him being kind when he could be cruel, and merciful when he could be deadly. what does that say about him as a character? there's many interpretations, and all of them are more or less equally valid—but, in the end, more accurate than a characterisation which doesn't take any of these things into account.
i know meta is a bit of a dying art in recent years (well, it feels like i've been hearing and saying this sentiment for the entire eleven years i've been involved in online fandom, so maybe recent isn't the best term), but i truly believe that, through reading, or writing your own!, analysis of characters' actions and mindsets, based on canon's evidence, is a key factor in understanding and accurately portraying characters. and, don't get me wrong, you don't have to do this in a formal, or even public level! a lot of my breakthroughs with relation to characterisation have come at one in the morning in dms with my friends. and you don't always have to agree with other peoples' meta, either; disagreement is just as valid a way to react; what matters is that you then try and figure out why you disagree—is there canon you think contradicts it, is it based on canon that's been retconned or altered since its initial creation, or is it just a theory/read you personally feel squicked by, even if there's canon proof?
to connect this to your question about foreign language media: i'm probably not the best to ask this, since what i write for is largely (only?) for languages i'm a native speaker of, but i've been getting more into kdramas lately, and my korean is............very basic (i can say anyeonghasaeyo and gamsahamnida and that's about it), but i'm planning on writing fic for at least one kdrama some time in the future, so while you should take this with a grain of salt, my best advice is two-pronged: one, seek out materials written by fans who speak/have knowledge of the language of the media you're wanting to write for (this helps a lot for cultural context, and errors with english subbing; tdj seems to drop a good number of referentials in the english subs where i'm watching it, and english subs for cdramas are kind of hilariously bad about endearments/nicknames/titles, not to mention translating the name into english, rather than leaving it in pinyin), and two, pay attention to the spoken language. you might not be able to understand what's being said, but watching through a second time and only paying attention to the words rather than the subs can help immensely to get a feel for the tone and vibe of a character's speech patterns—are they prone to being loud? cheerful? do they crack jokes a lot? and so forth. if you combine these two with what i've mentioned above, about considering the character's background, and then the way they interact with other characters, and what they want and fear, while you'll probably not be perfect at characterising the characters in the same way a native speaker would be, you'll be flying a great deal above a majority of the fandom, and neatly elide the "they would NOT fucking say that" reaction in most cases.
(thank you for letting me ramble about this, i love talking about writing <3333 i hope some of this was helpful!!!)
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rametarin · 4 months
The 'man or bear' thing is deliberate shit stirring, yall.
They used to pull shit like this all the time back in the day. The ultimatum is deliberately skewed, because the entire conversation is a stupid illusion of choice. It's the sort of bullshit that gets passed along the Babby Radfem chain because it sounds clever as a meme.
The sort of radfem meme where eventually it culminates in some adult talking to them about it, and it ends with the radfem pouting and going, "I just wanted to have a convuhsayshun about important social issues. :C :C :C :C"
Because if you haven't noticed, Phase #2 has been "UH, TMI. WOMEN ARE ACTUALLY CHOOSING THE BEAR-" (allegedly) "- BECAUSE RAPE CULTURE AND PATRIARCHY."
And there it is. Boom goes the dynamite. You've been lead into a shitty, ideologically slanted conversation that has the same flavor as some ethnosupremacist trying to, "make a point," about how The Jews control everything. Just, switch out Jews for, "white people and capitalism."
The premise is that some random dude in the woods is an unknown and the woman is justified in thinking the statistical probability that she'll be beaten, killed or raped just for being a woman around a strange man, and then not believed, means they're somehow safer with the bear. That they're justified in thinking that way, allegedly, because of the consequences.
And then that absolutely stupid, pathetic "Gotcha" permutation that has come out recently, where they swell up with air and puff, "HAHA, ISN'T IT FUNNY HOW THEY NEVER EVEN TRY TO DEFEND THE MAN!? ALMOST LIKE THEY'RE TELLING ON THEMSELVES!"
There's nothing to tell. Statistically some dude in the woods isn't going to be a fucking rapist or murderer. Just, straight up facts. Statistically, that dude in the woods won't be a rapist or murderer. They exist, yes, and it's always a possibility, but just from the get-go we're taking this conversation from the perspective of a sheltered, gynocentrist perspective where a woman's safety and security is the only factor that matters, and a man's life and worth is entirely disposable.
Statistically, that dude in the woods, if a single father, is still roughly only 25% as likely to murder his own children to get out of the responsibility of taking care of them, as a single mother. And what, 40 times less likely to do it as a single father with a girlfriend, than a single mother. So take that statistic and blow it out your ass.
And a funny thing happens to rape statistics when you consider a strapon or dildo to be synonymous with rape, or list rape as violent sexual assault the equal of just using a strapon. Suddenly women take up a vast amount more of the % of rape statistics, instead of what their behavior is called being different because it doesn't involve a biological penis. Suddenly even coming on a strange WOMAN in the woods approaches the supposedly overbearing risk of STRANGE MAN.
It's a scenario deliberately cooked up from that snide gynocentrist position that puts a woman's safety and humanity many notches higher on the valid ladder than a mans. It argues that you should always listen and believe a woman when she makes accusations, always, in all circumstances, no matter how improbable, above and beyond when men accuse others (falsely or not), that women do not lie or exaggerate about rape or violence accusations, that society should automatically treat what they say as truth or they just hate women, and the expectation should be any accusation made sticks regardless of evidence or due process or trial, or society just hates women.
It creates an unreasonable expectation of security and protection that no one, especially not capital S society, can ensure. You cannot police peoples thoughts or actions proactively, you cannot indoctrinate out the desire to rape or hurt from someone that is already broken and bent on doing that, and this stupid conversation or some variation on it crops up every few years to pose these stupid questions and make foregone conclusions based on how they perceive thing.
Inevitably it tangents into the conversation about rape, where the people that whine about bears or men in the woods will makesome soapbox speech about how rape only happens, not because people are mentally broken and monstrous individually, but that rape is a societal problem. Caused, "because we live in a PATRIARCHY that says this is okay!"Offering women this ridiculous, romantic delusion to grasp onto and feed, because it gives them both an explanation they hope to be true because it offers what seems like an obvious "solution." Clearly, "men aren't being taught not to rape!" So they willingly engage in this fiction that the only reason rape happens is because those evil men allow other men to do it or nobody told them it's bad, because, "women are hated and feared in this society."
So they entertain the stupid idea the only reason rapists exist is because they, "aren't taught about consent," and then order more fucking teachers and propaganda courses to do their little songs and dances about it. Which helps about as much as high priests ordering people be sacrificed to a volcano to stop an unpleasant, dangerous natural process. It doesn't help at all, and the mental salve of trying to project a problem onto something else you can control doesn't work to resolve it, but it may give the Volcano Priesthood more power in society.
And that's what this is. The people that stand to gain by more women fearing men screaming for what sounds preferable as a reality and to have people magically fix the problem. Clearly, the solution is to "fix Men" (capital M. The platonic, abstract concept of Men. The collective demographic Men.) so they don't or can't rape. They're told "destroying the Patriarchy" will do that, so they're incentivized to share that delusion.
They genuinely appeal to women that already have suspicions and distrust of males and men and give it a rationalization on why that's okay and "the truth, actually." A whole platform and mythology on and for it, the how and why. Women eat that shit up, then they decide to treat men based on this. And those women repeat their fictions as truth to try to MAKE it normalized and true. And it's no different than when it happens to anybody else, be it forms of racism or bigotry.
The people that study this kind of shit for a living or a hobby just decided that it fits their goals if men are made open season acceptable targets for the same treatment they would consider to be prejudiced and bigoted towards any other demographic, because it suits their ideological and political needs. The same technique of social infiltration that people like the Nazis (and Soviet communists, but that's less important righjt now) used to badmouth and scapegoat the Jews for everything. Little jokey-jokes and stupid conversation openers like this stupid scenario of bear or man.
See it for what it is, and treat it like the bad faith method for results that it is. But remember it, and what it was used to do. It'll be back from the exact same people under another form in as few as 20 years.
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northwestofinsanity · 4 months
Band Incorrect Quote/Scenario -“Frencho-Fryo Time” 1
This is set in the same cursed, crackfic vet hospital AU setting as the Daylight Savings Time special that was “It’s Too Early For This”. Placing under a “keep reading” for that reason in addition to length, but I’ve decided I’ve got no shame when there’s equally wild and cursed memes in different forms floating around here. This time, featuring members of both Styx and Squeeze, as the main bands I’ve done this AU with (though a few one-off members of other bands have been in it in all my documents).
*“Frencho-Fryo Time”, or alternatively, “Going Frencho-Fryo” is slang for the point of overtiredness where everyone starts getting silly and giggly over everything. (Synonymous with being “loopy”, “punchy”, “crackhead hours”, or “going cuckoo for cocoa puffs”, etc). Shenanigans ensue!
-It’s about 4:30 in the afternoon, and there is a gap in the schedule due to a traffic accident on one of the main roads, leading several appointments to be late or cancelled. This has created a lag in-between mid-afternoon appointments, so everyone is getting chores done in the downtime, and the stark difference and loss of momentum after a very hectic morning has everyone feeling a bit silly-
Glenn Tilbrook: *In the surgery prep corner, cutting paper drape material off a boxed roll, lined up to guide tapes on the counter marking the proper size, and then accordion-folding the drapes so that they're ready to wrap inside packs with the surgical tools*
Tommy Shaw: *At one of the treatment tables/“tub-sinks” with the big clean laundry bin, working on folding a bunch of it*
Jools Holland: *Comes strutting through the swinging door from reception into the back treatment room and leans against the counter with a smirk, side-eyeing Tommy and Glenn mischievously, as if just trying to see how long he can get away with being there staring them down before someone says something*
Glenn Tilbrook: *Looks up from very meticulously folding a drape to make it perfectly lined up, as he would be alright with doing nothing less, and looks over to Jools* “Finish the drug inventory in the front closet, or did you just get bored with it? Because if you’ve found yourself bored with it and in need of something else to do, I believe Tommy could probably use some help with folding the laundry!”
Tommy Shaw: *Blushes and hides a silent giggle behind a king-sized bedsheet he is hardcore struggling to fold neatly, due to only being able to hold it up but so high off the ground, and doing it alone rather than with anyone to hold the other end while he lines it up. He groans when while trying to drape it over the tub sink to help line it up, he accidentally knocks a muzzle down into the tub through the gap in the removable grate top*
Jools Holland: “Oh, there’s lots of excitement to be had in the supply closet! My favorite is when someone hasn’t screwed the lid back on a bottle properly, and you go to pick it up to check the expiration date and spill the pills everywhere! It’s a fantastic frenzy, I must say. Though it’s not a very good time to pick it all up.”
Glenn Tilbrook: *Looks like he’s trying not to giggle, then gets a rare, devilish grin on his face* “Are you telling me you were the one to spill the pills all over the floor in there and cause the big shout we heard yesterday, Julian?”
Tommy Shaw: *Does a double-take* “Jools, I didn’t think you liked being called by your full name, or if anyone was allowed to!”
Jools Holland: "I'll tell you that you wouldn't be entirely wrong. It depends on the situation. I do find most of the time, I actually prefer it from my mates who knew me before my nickname was a thing”
Glenn Tilbrook: [Pulls the last bit of drape paper off the roll in the box, gets this silly grin and light in his eyes, pulls the cardboard tube out, holds it up, and shouts into it with a projection like he's announcing things] "JULIAN..."
Jools Holland: "Ai-yi-yi..." *Shakes his head and walks back through the door to up front giggling*
Larry Gowan: [Walks in past Jools with an Australian Cattle Dog mix on a leash, and carrying a bag of supplies, as the dog has just arrived for boarding, and grins, gesturing grandly toward the dog as he stops beside the treatment counter and sets the bag down]. "This is Ted!"
Glenn Tilbrook: [Walking across the room with the tube, and tips up like a megaphone again, booming into it as deeply as he can make his voice go] "TED!"
Tommy Shaw: *Folding laundry on a tub sink, and catches a fit of the giggles over this, between Glenn with the tube, and the fact that he thinks Ted is a funny name for a dog*
Glenn Tilbrook: *Also starts laughing, and puts the tube into the recycle bin beside the break room door*
Tommy Shaw: “No, don’t throw that away yet -let me see that!” *Finishes folding a sheet, puts it down, and goes over and grabs the tube out of the recycle bin, then tries to bonk it hard against the break room door frame with an anticlimactic thud* “OHHH, that was SO disappointing -it should have bonked LOUDER than that!” *Raises the tube up to shout in it* “Booooo!” *Shoves it back down in the trash*
Glenn Tilbrook: *Nearly trips on his way back to the surgery counter when Tommy does this and goes into one of his wild, gut-cackles*
Larry Gowan: *Standing there, laughing while waiting for a technician to come free and do the check-in exam on ‘Ted’ the dog* “The tube is too narrow, and the walls are too thick! We need to call the manufacturer and tell them to change the design of it! We deserve some fun after cutting and folding all the drapes that come out of that if you ask me!”
Glenn Tilbrook: “Why, you tell them that, alright! Somebody needs to!” *Pulls the new box of drape material that was staged in the cabinet of surgery supplies, decides that he’s had enough of making drapes for now, and goes over to help Tommy fold the laundry*
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