#not a snippet
mechanicalpiper · 16 days
best type of queer representation in a story is when it's just normal. There's no terms brought up or explanations of what it is it's just like when a girl character mentions that another girl is cute while blushing the person they're talking to isn't like "but you're both girlgs omg I didn't know you were lesbian whoa love is love" they're like "lol someone has a crush" y'know
think like undyne and alphys in undertale they're Unbelievably gay but nobody ever brings up that it's two girls or reacts any differently to it because it's two girls or has to explain that they're lesbian they just have their absolute mess of relationship drama like anyone else would yesyesyes more inclusivity like that please
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backstage-if · 1 year
Just... something I wrote earlier because everyone is gonna be robbed of ✨️ Them ✨️ in the current timeline.
"Come on, Neil. Don't be dense. You know what I mean."
"Ameera," he says, looking at you again. "You pop into my apartment at 8 P.M. Umprompted. On a friday, of all days. Have you considered that I really don't know what you're talking about right now?"
You're thinking about leaving. That's it.
"I'm leaving," you say instead, more certain that you thought to be. "Yeah, I'm gonna say bye-bye to everyone. Something much better came up."
"You can't be serious," then, a second later. "Shit. You are."
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dykemoro · 25 days
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tragedykery · 1 year
I ❤️ self-loathing characters, characters who struggle with monstrosity (either fearing or embracing it), characters who are so lonely, who have a gaping hole in their chest, who bottle up & repress their feelings, who claw their way up & have ambitions, who fall down & lose everything, who search for identity & purpose yet can’t see themselves outside of what others want from or expect of them, who are hurt & hurt others, who long & grieve, who lie & pretend. characters who are messy & flawed & human
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pangur-and-grim · 23 days
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Belphie got to join me on an important business call today
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shycorvid · 3 months
I am not immune to magical animal transformation fics. Also, my cat!Danny agenda. So, like, Damian finding a magically transformed Danny, mistaking him for a regular cat, then sneaking him into the manor obviously tickles my fancy. But also, Cat!Danny winning Alfred over by being a complete narc every time one of the bats try to do something stupid while injured is just... *chef's kiss*
Bruce- *trying to sneak down to the batcave while injured* Danny- *looking for mischief, sees injured Bruce swaying in hallway* Mrow? Bruce- Shh. Danny- *slightly louder* Mrep?! Bruce- I will give you all the tuna in the world if you- Danny- *air raid level yowling*
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zeestarfishalien · 3 months
Ya know Danny could absolutely get away with doing homework on the watchtower bc ghosts would absolutely go for a school called Casper High School in the ghost zone. I imagine it going a little like this.
Some Leaguer: "What the...are you doing homework?"
Danny: *not really listening* "Uh, yeah, of course."
Leaguer: "but you're, y'know..."
Danny: *panicking internally but committing to the bit* "Ghosts have schools too."
L: "Okay yeah. Sorry, that was insensitive of me."
D: "It's okay."
Also the idea of someone finding a piece of paper like a form for school gets left behind and they immediately know it's for Danny because Casper High School? That's a ghost school if they ever heard one.
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ghostgoing · 3 months
Jason turned his head to see a small guy with black hair pointing at him. He was wearing a light grey hoodie and jeans.
“Your ancestor has been haunting me for MONTHS!” Danny tilted his head, looking at Hood’s chest. “They weren’t wrong, you really do need to see a ghost doctor. What the fuck is up with your ecto?”
“My what?” Red Hood said. “ are you the guy people around here have been talking about? The one who can talk to the dead?”
“More like the dead won’t stop talking to me.”
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ink-ghoul · 6 months
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hermit fanon swap - an art game!
Reblog this to let your followers know they can send art requests to your ask box
if you are a writer you can also reblog this and make little snippets about hermits and their new traits
Vex!Grian and Avian!Mumbo as fun examples
Artless version behind the cut:
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trentskis · 7 months
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Ibrahim Alagha, an irish citizen who was living in Gaza, gives his first interview after returning home to Ireland with his wife and three children
Ibrahim was also at the march yesterday, a day after he arrived in Ireland. a relative of his shared this:
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blessing Ibrahim and his family and hoping for the safe return of many others, remembering all those who didn't get the chance to reunite with their families 🇵🇸🇮🇪
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 4 months
TF141 reactions to "can you get this thing off the top shelf for me?"
inspired by @cod-dump's height hcs :)
you ask PRICE first. seems like a harmless enough question to you but he just says, "what kind of captain would i be if i solved all your problems for you?"
what the fuck, you think.
"you can do it," he says. "problem-solve. think tall thoughts."
then SOAP walks by, so you ask him next. he sees price standing there looking highly amused (and you looking highly irritated). soap would never, never miss an opportunity to cause problems on purpose, and if price is already picking on you, well...
you're relieved for half a second when soap reaches up and grabs the box you wanted. he opens it, grabs a handful of the granola inside (THAT YOU WANTED) and tosses it into his own mouth. then he puts the box back. on a higher shelf.
by the time GAZ notices what's happening, you're halfway climbing up the shelves to get it your damn self. he sees the shelves leaning away from the wall dangerously and obviously he pushes them back into place with one hand and pulls you back to the ground with the other. does not understand your exasperation with him; he was keeping you from cracking your head open??
so finally GHOST comes up behind you both and grabs the box you want. he turns. offers it to you. finally.
when you go to grab it from him, he keeps ahold of it and leans in. he would like you to share.
more multi-141 and poly 141 / masterlist tag
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mechanicalpiper · 26 days
Pride month :3
Sorry for the lack of writing I've been pretty busy but might do an explicitly gendered lesbian snippet or two to celebrate
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cacaocheri · 6 months
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thinking about how sun is a touchy bastard and needs to be soooo sneaky to get closer to yn
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felassan · 17 days
Snippets from the Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Gameplay Reveal YouTube premier live chat (they are currently there dropping info snippets!):
Lace Harding is romanceable
"During the character creation process, you'll be able to customize your Inquisitor from the last game's story, and make a few key decisions that will impact how The Veilguard begins"
"There are lots of hairstyle options, we'll have much more to share on the character creator in the coming weeks"
"You'll get to pick your faction when you make your character. There are 6 total, all with deep roots in Thedas, such as the Antivan Crows, the Grey Wardens, and Shadow Dragons". I'm gonna guess these 6 from the Discord? :)
"Bellara tows the line between Type A and scatterbrain. You can always count on her to come up with a creative solution to a problem"
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tweedfeather · 7 months
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One day. 💕
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ishipgenfics · 9 months
Outsider POV on Somewhere Else Jonathan Sims must be just. so much.
Like imagine. You're part of a support group, and a new guy decides to join. You ask him his name and he says, "Jonathan," and then after a long pause, "Blackwood. Jonathan Blackwood. But call me Jon."
He doesn't like tape recorders. You only know this because the person who hosts the support group is into retro things, and tries to keep a couple around. She turned one on once when someone asked about it, and you noticed Jon clutching his nails into his hands so tight he's nearly breaking the skin. You lean over and whisper, "Do you want me to ask her to stop?" He says, "It's fine," and you nod, but you still try and change the subject whenever people bring up tape recorders from that point on.
He full-body flinches one day when someone says Hello, Jon. Nearly slams into a wall and everything. He tries to play it off, but after that people say Hi Jon, or Nice to see you, or things like that. Anything but Hello.
He says he used to work at a 'non-profit for studying the supernatural'. Someone asks where it was and he says London. You tell your wife about it, and two days later she emails you an article. Magnus Institute Burns Down In 1999. It was in Manchester. You tell her not to bring it up again.
The guy is snarky and blunt and downright rude at times, but when a woman comes in and tells them about being trapped in a empty warehouse for a week, he comforts her in a way none of the rest of them know how. "I believe you," he says, repeats it like a mantra, like a prayer. "I believe you." He says 'I'm sorry' less like he's sorry this happened to her, and more like he's taking the blame onto himself.
He talks about Martin, sometimes. His reason, he calls him. Normally you'd point out that while it's of course good to love your partner, you should have other reasons to live, but you stay quiet. This guy needs all the happiness he can get.
You leave a little late that day, and when you do you hear him on the phone talking to someone. "She'd been touched by the Lonely, Martin!" he says. "Which is bad, of course, but--" he seems to choke up, "Martin, I didn't feel any compulsion for a Statement. A-at all. I think it's really gone."
You just walk by.
You don't know what's going on with Jon, but it really isn't any of your business. You're an anxious queer lesbian and he's a traumatized ace guy, and you aren't going to make his life any harder than you have to.
Just. Jonathan Sims in a support group.
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