83 posts
immensely sapphic tech nerd, #1 Scientist enjoyer and bondage hyperfixation haver
Last active 60 minutes ago
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mechanicalpiper · 19 days ago
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Dont need to watch this video. Already know the answer. Lion Gorilla Hole, west of the Congo.
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mechanicalpiper · 24 days ago
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Life in Hell (1977-2012) Matt Groening
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mechanicalpiper · 1 month ago
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Finished Portal 2 single player story for the first time, wanted to draw sth.
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mechanicalpiper · 1 month ago
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My friend made me add a happy end to this—— [link]
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mechanicalpiper · 2 months ago
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She’s being brought along!
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mechanicalpiper · 2 months ago
"This might be a new low for you." Hero's voice is firm, unwavering. Villain looks up from their delicate work, crossing of wires and fuses. They were hoping to get this explosive planted quickly and efficiently, though Hero's presence may delay their goal.
"I didn't know you previously held such a high opinion of me. I'm flattered." Villain's speaks in a deadpan tone.
Hero crosses the room, standing before Villain, arms folded in irritation. "A government building? Really? I thought my opinion of you couldn't get lower, but you dropped the bar into hell." Villain looks up, meeting their stern glower. Their fingers drum across the wooden desk the explosives sit on, holding Hero's gaze.
"Is this supposed to have any effect on me? I'm used to your scorn." They stand up, rising to Hero's height. "Either try to stop me or get lost. If you try to fight me, though, know I won't go easy on you this time."
This was too important. They didn't have time to play their usual games with Hero, or worry about their disappointment.
"I can tell." Hero speaks, sitting down on the desk, as if uncaring about the literal ticking bomb inches away. "You have that look on your face. Like you're thinking hard about something." They sigh as if exhausted. "Trying to fight you when you get like this never goes well."
"So leave-"
"Nope." Hero crosses their legs, uncrosses them, and leans back, meeting Villain's stare again. They're forcing a show of relaxation, but Villain doesn’t miss the way their limbs shake, or the way fingers won't stay still. "I have a better idea." They continue.
"Do go on."
"You go ahead and finished setting up these explosives and high tail it out of here like a coward, and I'll stay here." Hero's tone is like that of someone discussing the weather, or the latest sports game.
Villain blinks, opens their mouth, and closes their mouth before finally finding their words.
"What? You do know what a bomb is, right? I know your skull is a bit thick, but you do realize what would happen in that case?"
Hero makes a show of a fake explosion with their hand, complete with an auditory Woosh.
"I'd be turned into paste. Probably. If your weapons skills are even that good." They try to keep their voice in that same casual tone, but yet again, Villain doesn't miss the slight tremble. They're frightened. None of this makes sense.
Villain pauses for a moment. "Are you suicidal? Is this a cry for help because I'm sure this Hero gig of yours pays well enough for some therapy-"
"Nothing like that." Hero interrupts with a shake of their head and a laugh devoid of humor. "I appreciate the concern, but no, that's not what's going on here."
Staying quiet for a moment, Villain waits for them to elaborate.
"I'm calling your bluff." They say simply. Like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "It's easier than trying to fight you and getting my ass kicked."
Frowning, Villain speaks a bit firmer, still confused though. "You're what?"
"I am calling your bluff. You can go ahead and blow up this building, but I'll be right here when it detonates." Hero smirks, like they've figured villain out.
Standing up taller, they lean over the wooden table and grab one of Hero's shoulders harshly. Their face becomes something wild.
"Are you really so self-centered, so arrogant, that you somehow- somehow in that stupid mind of yours think-" They exhale harshly through their nose and let go. "You think that your stupid threat of self destruction is enough to make me change my mind? You think your life matters to me, at all?" Their voice gets harsher as they speak, volume raising slightly. Why would Hero even try this?
"Okay then. So prove how worthless my life is to you." Hero shrugs. "You go ahead and set the bomb off, and I'll stay here." Hero tries to hide their smug smile. Despite their fear, they know they've caught Villain off guard.
Pinching their own face so hard they worry their nails may cut skin, Villain breathes loudly.
"You realize I could turn this back around on you, right? I could call your bluff. You wish to risk your life like this?"
"Call my bluff then." They challenge. "Unless you defuse this bomb, I'm not leaving." Hero raises their chin defiantly, eyes dagger sharp.
Villain rounds the table, grabbing Hero roughly, jostling them with a grip hard enough to ache. Hero's face doesn't change. "You think I can't drag you out of here? That I couldn't possibly knock you out and take you with me?" And then give them lecture filled with ire boarding on something violent later.
"You can certainly try," They keep that rebellious smile on their face, "but I'd fight you tooth and nail the whole way, and is that how you want to spend your precious escape time?"
Sneering, Villain can't decide if they want to shove them away or grip them tighter. "I hate you. I hate you so much." They all but snarl at them. If the imminent threat of explosion didn't kill Hero, they're sure the look on their enemy's face would.
Still, Hero pushes. "No, you don't. If you did, you'd already be out the door. You'd be killing two birds with one stone." Hero's hand reaches for the beeping package of wires, hand trembling, but they grab it nonetheless. They shove it to Villain roughly.
"Prove you hate me. Or defuse the bomb." They keep on the act of confidence, but that underlying dread is still in their eyes, the deep seated fear of what will happen.
Idiotic as always, Villain decides. Like there was any chance Villain would do anything else but spare them. Their stupid, infuriating Hero.
"I can't stand you." They growl, ripping one wire from the fuse.
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mechanicalpiper · 2 months ago
i think we've done a great job expanding the view of what a child's favorite animal can be. kids these days can say they love axolotls or pangolins or coelecanths and their decision is respected. maybe their parents can even find them a stuffed animal of it if they know where to look. and i think that's beautiful
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mechanicalpiper · 2 months ago
you can’t jokingly post about kinky shit on tumblr because you say smth like “haha wouldn’t it be hot if you…tried to launch internet explorer…but it wouldn’t load :D”
and then you’ll get one thousand robot girls in the notes going “mmngngnnghhhngn”
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mechanicalpiper · 2 months ago
one time a tgirl at a party told me that the neural pathways for fear and arousal were really quite close to each other and could easily be confused and I almost came in my shorts right then and there.
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mechanicalpiper · 2 months ago
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this sims 2 ad has like such deep gay energy to it. Like this feels like queer history to me
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mechanicalpiper · 2 months ago
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mechanicalpiper · 2 months ago
So I was at homegoods today and the checkout line was a lil cramped so someone with a big potted plant had to squeeze past me, resulting in one of the leaves brushing across my back.
In response I just froze up completely and blushed.
It was only after I realized what happened that I fully grasped how doomed to be a floret I really am if a single leaf seduced me.
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mechanicalpiper · 2 months ago
mutuals to look at longingly because you wanna talk to them but also you are like not good at conversating and are a dry ass texter and have not been optimized for pvp 1v1 talking
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mechanicalpiper · 5 months ago
First Conversation
Admiration was the word they were looking for, but what Hero really said was fear.
"Me? You're scared of me?" Villain cocked their head to the side, "I assumed you were the one to be feared, actually."
Baffled, Hero took a step back. It was their first time truly speaking with Villain. They knew that being within proximity with them meant that they should clash more often, just like everyone was assuming. Still, the truth was they hardly even made contact aside from the eyes. They'd seen the sheer power and force Villain held when fighting against their opponents, and Hero was training for the day they'd come to them. What they didn't expect was that the feeling was mutual; Villain, the greatest force Hero had ever seen, was intimidated by them. All those lucky near misses of running into them and hardly seeing them were not because Hero couldn't get a hold of them but because Villain recognized their presence as threatening.
Hero smiled a soft one that almost broke their ego as it soared through the roof. To be seen as equal or entirely on a different level by their own rival, which they could hardly formulate any possible sentences unless they wanted to risk the chances of looking bad, had been scared of them. "Really?" Hero egged on.
It still bothered them quite a bit, however, because unlike what Villain saw as fearful was nothing but a front. Hero worked on staying elusive and quick with their work, which did a lot to make them relatively stronger than what the majority of their enemies assumed. But other than that, Hero really couldn't compare against Villain. For now, they'd have to play along to keep the illusion.
"I've seen the way you've hurled others around you-- sent them crashing into a building and the damages you've caused."
"All an accident, really. I guess I don't know my own strength." Hero raised a brow and lifted their chin. "You, on the other hand, have left far too many of my own peers in the hospital."
They shrugged, "Deserved. They should know by now that I take my job seriously."
"You should try taking a break."
"I'm not exactly surrounded by enough allies to ensure my safety. " Villain licked their lips, "But you'd enjoy it if my guards were down, wouldn't you?"
"You wish I would enjoy anything that you'd do." Hero grew bolder with their words and huffed a small laugh. "You're not exactly guarded well now." They pointed the short sword at them.
Villain brushed their uniform down, "You want to test that theory? Because I can kill you if so desired."
"You don't want that. You've got nobody else to fight then."
"That's true." Villain clicked their tongue. "Wouldn't be as fun without you, and certainly none of your other colleagues are as interesting either."
"Flattering me, Villain?"
"I'm only saying what I'm seeing."
Hero stepped closer, "You're just dying for attention from me, aren't you?"
Villain mimicked their movement and walked closer, their footsteps deathly silent in comparison to their own. They should've felt nervousness at how well Villain was doing against them so far, but it only made Hero admire them more. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long... to crush you."
"Not if I can first. Right onto the ground where you belong." They slowly prowled around Villain as they turned in circles around each other with steady hands clutching onto their blade.
Villain smirked; they'd never seen one like it before, and it made their heart jump. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"With you on your knees crouching in front of me like a dog? Yes, I would."
They laughed lowly. "Aren't you a little too confident to be speaking to me like that?"
Hero's body tensed as they saw Villain move with a speed that nearly knocked them off balance. Their arm was twisted behind them, and to their luck, the sudden jostle had them let their weapon go. It clattered onto the ground as Hero attempted to maneuver out of their grip. They clenched their teeth and went for a punch with their other hand, only for it to be blocked and their wrist caught in the powerful lock. Hero didn't give in just yet, even as Villain's smile widened with amusement, "Look at you, all bark and no bite. Perhaps you're the dog in this relationship."
Hero went for a swift kick, which was avoided as Villain, quick as can be, jumped back. They then went into offence mode and aimed for another hard strike to the guts. Villain barely managed to dodge again and fell right into a pile of wooden carts. Villain's speed seemed to be their most promising feature if they could aim for the legs...
Their head turned, searching for their sword, and Hero dove for it. Villain moved quicker though and caught onto Hero's scheme, "Don't even think about it." They knocked Hero back again before their fingers could graze the handle.
Hero jumped back onto their feet, hardly even affected by the attack, "Don't be scared, Villain." They ran up to them again and threw a series of different moves, forcing Villain to the ledge of the building.
They mockingly raised their hands in defeat, "Alright, you win."
They barely even tried; Hero could tell they were holding back on them. "Are you softening up on me already, Villain?"
"Don't make this out to be anything more than it is." They lowered their arms, "I just didn't want to eliminate you so soon."
"So that's what it is? Pity?"
"Where I'm from, we call it mercy."
"You're so damn full of yourself." Hero spat and stepped back. Although somewhere inside them, they were pleased to be treated so gently by Villain, as though they were something irreplaceable. "You disgust me."  
Hero looked them down with a deep scowl, and in a matter of seconds they found their face in Villain's hand as their chin was raised up. "We both know you enjoy it." Hero grabbed their wrist in an attempt to free themselves, though partially feeling their legs give away to the crippling pressure of their gaze so intensely fixated on them. Was Villain's eyes always this brilliantly dark? They couldn't look away.
"I think you enjoy this more than you're supposed to." Hero smiled. "Should I remind you of where your loyalty is supposed to lie?"
"And should I remind you of what you are to me? Filthy little dog." They sneered and snapped their arm forward, shoving Hero from them. They went stumbling on their feet as Hero stayed ready to continue fighting.
They glided a hand over their cheeks, still feeling the way Villain had their fingers dig into their face. "Filthy? Sorry, Villain, but unfortunately, I'm not into your poor attempts at degradation."
"Are you sure? Because you act like someone who wants to be."
Hero bit their lip. It was almost too tempting, but they weren't ready to drop everything for this yet. "Fuck you." They murmured. "Why don't you keep fantasizing about those things?" They turned around and walked away, their footsteps slow as they felt Villain's eyes would be on them.
"You wish I did."
Hero waved a hand behind them. "I know you do."
TAG LIST: @books-are-everything, @kurai-hono-blog, @iykyunho, @marvellousdaisy, @m3rakii, @crow-with-a-typewriter, @sceirlose, @90scliche, @wondergoddess475, @miaowmelodie, @jeremy-no, @smallville1x10, @artsandstoriesandstuff, @whatwhump, @0eggdealer, @yuki-0710, @silky-worm, @theforeverdyingperson, @rainbow-nesquix, @m4iloblu3,@prophecies-bestowed-upon-ye, @jeahreading, @urmum-11, @eldritchdragonfly, @shakespeare-official-account, @menmakyu, @m4iloblu3,
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mechanicalpiper · 6 months ago
i need to be a blunt perv to a shy virgin classmate. i want her to swat my arm after i sneak behind her to whisper “your tits look so nice today” in the middle of the hallway, her using the books she’s holding to cover up her cleavage and her flustered face. i’d take advantage of all the chances that let me press myself against her, maybe one time i’ll grip her waist to give her a sharp thrust of my hips when no one’s looking and just walk away, leaving her all alone to ignore the way her pussy throbbed. and god, if i ever had to seat beside her in any lecture… let’s say i’d make it harder for her to speak up if our professor asked a question, and of course it’d be so easy for me! you caress and squeeze a virgin’s inner thigh and they’re already losing their mind. even if she’s brave enough to confront me later, i’ll just act clueless and ignore her bickering cause she looks so cute while insulting me. poor angel doesn’t realize that i was leading her to an empty classroom and she can only let out a lil gasp when i drag her inside. i wanna bend her over a desk and move her clothes out of the way to expose her underwear before taking out my phone and hitting the record button— wanna make a video that shows how her insults turn to little whimpers and muffled moans because of how good she feels with my hand groping her butt:( the camera getting the image of that wet spot forming on her undies and the sound of my chuckle while i press my thumb between her clothed slit and tease, “how many panties did you ruin while thinking about me, sweetie?” of course, when it’s late, she’ll get a video of the mess that i made thinking about her.
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mechanicalpiper · 6 months ago
Hi just wanted to say I just read snippet #10 and as an actual scientist I am GAGGED I loved it so much omfg😭
I'm not necessarily a Scientist but a MASSIVE technology autist in general (I've made a really, Really slow 8-bit CPU from scratch on a virtual circuit board, making every component from just nor gates 👍) so that big ol interest really bleeds over into ADORING both the "Absolute genius but physically unimposing at best" and "kidnapping for the sake of utilizing the victim's unique talents/abilities/intelligence/etc" type tropes,,,, and a hyperfixation on bondage/general restraints/those kinda power dynamics takes the #2 spot for "biggest interests" so it just compounds more FHJSHDSJHDA
I haven't written heroes and villains setting stuff for a while but,,, perhaps I should,,, I've focused on other things for a While Now I feel like I've kinda worked through the burnout,,,
on that note, anyone feel free to drop requests so I can get a bit more Motivation to write more :3
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mechanicalpiper · 7 months ago
snippet 11 soon
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