Insurrection: HAWKS is a character-driven work of interactive fiction by Rosa Sanchez (22, she / her) set in a world where superpowered beings must grapple with their purpose, persecution, and promise of godhood. A world where you, and your fellow agents, may be all that stands between it and fate’s insurrection.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Those who wish to avoid notification on my personal matters and are solely interested in content / development news, please disregard the post below this one which is preluded by content warnings.
The relevant information from that post which relates to the status of this blog can be read here:
This is not a hiatus. Rather, this blog will be silent until I have an actual demo (‘short’ still in length) that I’m satisfied enough with to share. It’s been stressful balancing the guilt of not responding enough and the guilt of responding too much on this blog. And, with current events, I don’t think I will regain the right headspace to manage this blog and my responses on it anytime soon.
So many of you have been the absolute embodiment of gracious patience and abundant kindness with me and my nonsense here on this blog, and I thank you all deeply for it.
Here’s to hoping I return to this space sooner rather than later with something good, or at least decent, to share.
See you soon.
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TW / Content Warning: death, loss, euthanasia
Apologies for oversharing after such a long period of silence, but tonight has cemented my thoughts towards this blog and its future status.
My eldest dog, Charlie, has passed away at the near age of thirteen. After his health scare in February, he had seemingly recovered and pepped back up to his usual goofy mama’s boy self. I am so thankful for these last several weeks I was able to enjoy with him, and feel so blessed to have seen him hold the strength that he did up until last night.
His condition plummeted rapidly and suddenly last afternoon. The veterinarians at the emergency clinic suspected a brain tumor yesterday, alongside (a) stroke(s), and confirmed this diagnosis just before he finally passed. We didn’t even have the time or money to undergo further testing to affirm what was then a theorized, tenuous diagnosis before it was clear that his time had come. It is confirmed to us now that cancer, not an infection, has likely been the main instigator of his health scare back in February. It’s a blessing that he didn’t suffer or dampen in his joy these past several weeks, up until yesterday, while afflicted with this illness.
Charlie used to be my great-grandfather’s dog. We took him into our home after my great-grandfather passed and his home was lost to our family. Charlie came to us in such poor health, and amazed us all with his recovery and clumsy energy these past two years. At that time, those most optimistic were projecting he only had a few months or so, and to see him having lived so long a full a life in the time he’s been under our roof (for far longer than anyone had foreseen) has been a wonder beyond comprehension. For the gift of his companionship, I cannot express enough of my gratitude.
I truly believe he’s in a better place. Goodness, I cried and prayed my heart out last night when I just absolutely felt in my soul what was around the corner - even when the clinic had then cleared him to come home and told us he would be fine. And even with all this time to be with him and give my goodbyes, it still doesn’t feel right to not have him walking into my room and insisting he be carried up to the bed all with a little wiggle of excitement in his hips.
These past few years were a good life for him. Even yesterday, when he began to show signs of and fall deep into weakness, confusion, and fatigue he still wagged his tail when I laid my hand on him and tried his best to follow the sound of my voice.
For those of you less interested in my personal matters and more so in just whatever content I can produce, this event has finalized some thoughts I’d been having a week or so before this in regard to this blog.
This is not a hiatus. Rather, this blog will be silent until I have a form of demo (‘short’ still in length) that I’m satisfied enough with to share. It’s been stressful balancing this guilt of not responding enough and the guilt of responding too much on this blog. And, with this great loss in my life, I don’t think I will regain the right headspace to manage this blog and my responses on it anytime soon.
Apologies for the silence and, now, the suddenness of this change in matters.
For all those with pets, whether they be full of health or struggling a little more with their once daily routine, please take the time to really show them all the love and care you hold for them each day. Please cherish your time with them, be kind to them, and form as many close memories as you can with them. It’s so easy to take time we have with them for granted. I’m so glad to have provided the home I did for Charlie, and hope he knows just I much I loved him and will keep loving him even now that he’s gone ahead of me to our next destination.
Again, apologies for becoming too personal with all this. The emotional wound is still so fresh and I simply hoped to vent as I clarified my current stance around this narrative. So many of you have been the absolute embodiment of gracious patience and abundant kindness with me and my nonsense here on this blog, and I thank you all deeply for it.
Here’s to hoping I return sooner rather than later with something good, or at least decent, to share.
See you soon.
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What are the potential consequences of using someone else's Gift through blood-eating?
As a start, some additional discussion on the nature of Mockingbird’s gift can be found here, here, and here. ( ´∀`)b
There are a number of consequences, but I’ll divvy them up into two camps:
Inherited Risks of Another Gift(ed)
This concerns the short-term* consequences from blood-eating; those that are immediate.
Whenever Mockingbird adopts another’s gift, they’re taking in much more than that power alone.
Mockingbird undertakes aspects of whoever they drink from . . . as long as they are Gifted*. This can range from their emotions, their memories, their senses, and so forth. It’s their psyche. For this narrative, that psyche extends to the heart, mind, and soul; the bits that define (or simply influence) the eternal and shifting nature of oneself. Drinking from those more turbulent in their nature, more scarred or more troubled within (or even battered in the physical sense), can offer a higher risk for harmful or negative experiences.
But beyond that, there are the basic consequences from the adopted gift itself. Mockingbird does not have a natural attunement or mastery over the gifts of others. Each time they drink from someone new, they are starting from square one, and it would require continuous drinking from the same source for them to match the skill of whoever they’ve taken blood from. The potential consequences of being such a novice are open to them.
Most Gifted have years to ‘tame’ their gifts, or to learn how to best manipulate them for the greatest use.
Certain gifts would not pose immediate harm or trouble for Mockingbird (like the gifts of Boar, Bacara, Niccolò’s father, etc.) since they require intentional activation or external triggers.
Other gifts might have the consequence of overwhelming Mockingbird (like those of Imka, Mutya, Uriel, etc.) since they are more autonomously persistent, their vast effects and reach falling upon them all at once.
Some gifts might have an external effect on those or the world around Mockingbird before they even realize its begun to manifest (like those of Bones, Fyodor, Sigmund, etc.).
Others simply require caution upon first use since there lies a threshold before a (phantom) pain of maddening intensity threatens Mockingbird (like those of Kalyna, Elouan, Jae, etc.).
So on and so forth. (´∀`; ) Gifts aren’t quite uniform in their nature. Some might be rather similar on the surface or in their manifestation (like the ‘vampiric’ aspect of Mockingbird’s gift vs. the true Gifted ‘vampire’ clans across the world) but no two are truly alike. Thus, the potential consequences from each gift (the risks, the limitations, and the harm) are somewhat unique per individual.
For reference, I’ll link this post here since it discusses the consequences Mockingbird’s fellow HAWKS face with their own gifts. There is risk for these downsides to extend towards Mockingbird as well.
Long-Term Dependence
Heavy indulgence with blood-eating has its own set of consequences that are distinct from those described above.
Mockingbird craves the blood of fellow Gifted. It is not a hunger that threatens their actual livelihood, and it often comes in waves. But it ks a hunger nonetheless. Persistent, powerful, and tied to the purpose of their gift.
Blood-eating soothes their cravings. The proximity of new Gifted offers a sensation that is less overwhelming and, simultaneously, sharpened.
Gifts are not fixed in nature. All gifts have the potential to evolve. To expand, alter, and transform. Overindulgence encourages this evolution to unfold.
I won’t list out the specific changes this evolution may cause. The process is gradual and slow in the manner it unfolds. It ranges from the physiological to the supernatural, tailoring Mockingbird more and more to the full potential and call of their blood.
In time, Mockingbird’s gift and self will expand their reach. Their humanity will fade in exchange for something greater, something whole.
Mockingbird may or may not like what overindulgence will eventually lead into. Their desire for blood calls for a reason, seeking completion and fulfillment long denied. It is up to Mockingbird to either satisfy that latent purpose and claim all they were born to inherit or to instead safeguard both their humanity and their sense of self.
For more information on Mockingbird’s gift I might have previously disclosed and forgotten to link within this post, please check out the tags #mc or #gift on this blog! d(・∀・○)
(;^ω^) I hope this response was enough to be satisfactory! Apologies if it wasn’t!
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What is the nature of the latest plot by the CARDINALS?
Aha, that’s confidential! (´∀`) At least, the finer details are not to be shared all that easily. Uriel may be one for monologues, but not the kind where he overshares the exact steps he’ll take next, haha!
The overall nature is to rally the Gifted around a symbol of their potential. This requires some spectacle, some action, and a much louder voice across the world. The Gifted are a scattered people by nature. Pushed down into shadows or kept under some greater power’s thumb, Uriel seeks to draw out his people and their hopes, to alter their perception of themselves and their rights in this world. Well, that’s always been his goal, but now the time has come for a true call to action.
At this time, I’ll just list out the early and known relevant elements that are more of a lead-up to their plans (which have mostly been mentioned before):
1. The CARDINALS have been scavenging the charred remains of Dollmaker’s fallen empire (while evading the grasp of the HAWKS who have a mirrored interest in discovering the full extent of the deceased man’s criminal regime). The Gifted once commanded by Dollmaker have gone missing without a trace. Their absence has stirred some strange reactions among the human populous.
2. Something big went down in Siberia. An event, encounter, or—more specifically—a Gifted has scarred and warped a sect of that vast land. OWLS have been a bit tight lipped over all the details as their investigation continues to unfold.
3. Their plot has been given the name “Project Michael”. The necessity of a name for it implies this scheme is more long-term in its execution and potential fallout compared to their usual tactics.
4. Mockingbird’s first mission with the HAWKS occurs in Moscow. (The first page opens on this mission, so it’s not a real spoiler.) The outcome of their encounter with Retriever is far beyond the norm in a fashion that has raised alarm for the HAWKS and CARDINALS alike, though maybe excitement as well for some of the latter. Few are more shaken up about it than Retriever himself.
5. Fyodor is a new face amongst the Inner Circle, though he has not been declared or paraded as a one of their members yet. Due to his Russian origins, the HAWKS suspect him of potential former ties to Dollmaker. These severed ties could link him to the recent CARDINALS activity around the man’s former dealings.
6. The CARDINALS are becoming more vocal and visible. This newfound boldness could be read as either a sudden desperation or revived confidence; a new wave of zealotry or a stumble into recklessness. Either way, it’s clear something behind the scenes has caused a shift in their behavior.
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What is the role of Agent Mockingbird in the HAWKS?
Mockingbird (the player) is a “Specialist” within the HAWKS.
Specialist is the polished term for Gifted agents who, if one were to be blatant with the truth, are conscripted prisoners under the custody WINGS.
These agents are Gifted who have been captured and imprisoned for the proclaimed safety of humanity (and themselves). Once conscripted into the HAWKS, Specialists are considered “soldiers for humanity”.
How exactly does that title manifest into their role within their assigned division? Well . . .
To sum it up to its simplest form, Mockingbird’s role is to heed the orders of their Supervisors. That’s the bare bones of it.
They are whatever WINGS needs them to be: a Swiss army knife to control for the greatest possible utility. Specialists like Mockingbird are, therefore, versatile in what they might be assigned or expected to do.
The most common expectation for them would be to provide manpower to WINGS. Assisting in raids on other Gifted, protecting civilians from supernatural phenomena, or gathering in-the-field intelligence on whatever has been deemed a ‘threat to humanity’s interest’s’ are the general broad strokes a Specialist might expect.
The term Specialist alludes to the rather unique nature every agent of this kind will have: the ‘specialty’ offered by their background or gift. I think I've shared these two specific examples before, but more exaggerated cases of a Specialist having a customized role would be:
Imka’s gift and background are not inherently tailored to combat, so her “role” has defaulted more so to the gathering of intelligence and surveillance from a safe distance through the use of her sight.
Sigmund has a treasure trove of insight into the temperaments, strengths, and weaknesses of the CARDINALS as a former member, yet the HAWKS are not comfortable with putting him in direct proximity to most of his former allies. This has left him delegated to a “role” more focused on advisement from a distance rather than close combat whenever it is certain that specific CARDINALS will be near.
Mockingbird is fresh to the team. Akil has yet to fully evaluate their compatibility with other members, their preferences, their expertise, or their limits in-the-field. As their Commander, it is his responsibility to see Mockingbird reach their full potential in aiding the cause of the HAWKS. It is unclear, at the start, what form that potential might take and how their "role" within the team might best be customized to their strengths and weaknesses.
This means that expectations towards their “role” within the team are more flexible following their induction.
There will be a baseline expectation towards what their responsibilities should be on a mission-by-mission basis. Defend this, attack that, evacuate here, rendezvous there, and so on. It is the unique characteristics of Mockingbird, however, (such as their expertise, their principles, their background, or their relationships with others) that can influence how they might be advised, ordered, or expected to handle different situations.
The HAWKS are strengthened by the diversity of their Specialists. These agents are the defining aspect of their entire sector within WINGS, the ideal realization of their planned future for all the Gifted as (freedomless, choiceless) civil servants for all mankind. Forced heroes to the common people and conscripted soldiers against the dangers humanity cannot face alone.
A cynical summation of their "role" could be: "Become the perfect tool for your superiors. Be versatile, be vigilant, and be ready to serve at a moment's notice without question." Essentially, act like a servile soldier and do as you're told.
A more generous summation might be: "Serve and protect the common people. Fight the battles they cannot in ways only you can. Heed your orders. It is only beneath the command of WINGS that you will realize the purpose of your Gift." Essentially, achieve all that you are ordered to achieve for the betterment of humanity (and, supposedly, yourself).
Mockingbird's development over the narrative can influence what they might be perceived as 'specializing' in; presumed unique responsibilities aside from their basic role as a sort of "everyman" agent. At the start, their role (when given a tailored description to them alone) is to utilize the gifts of their fellow Specialists as a means to best assist with whatever ordered objective they've been given for a particular mission.
The HAWKS are known for their more brute-force tactics in countering rogue, unstable, or dangerous Gifted. That does not mean all of their tactics are so combative or confrontational, and physical / actionable 'manpower' is not all Mockingbird will be reduced to. There is room for them to operate in other ways, by other means. Not every situation they encounter is a nail requiring a hammer.
I hope this answer was satisfactory enough. (;´∀`) It's hard to give a straightforward description for a non-straightforward role, aha!
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What is the mission of the CARDINALS?
Ask the central figures within the CARDINALS that question, and you’ll get some varying answers, haha! (;^ω^)
The most cohesive, unified mission statement of the CARDINALS would be this: “To create a better world for the Gifted.” ( ´∀`)b
Issues begin to arise whenever one starts to dig into how the CARDINALS should achieve this and what constitutes as a “better world” for their people. Also their reasons as to why this is so crucial a mission, if it’s even crucial to them at all, and the lengths they’ll go to see it realized.
From an outside perspective, the CARDINALS are seen by some as an unfocused organization. Their means and actions, and even their messaging to some extent, are too varied for the general public to discern their true end game and motivations.
Still, boil all the actions and words of the CARDINALS down to their purest form, and you’ll find genuine intentions to create change for the betterment of the Gifted and their unfortunate circumstances, even if those intentions are warped by their execution.
So, yes, up to this point, the CARDINALS have largely been focused on creating a “better” world for the Gifted. Their methods for accomplishing that objective have been scattered and varied, which helps in making in harder for others to predict their movements, intentions, and plans.
If you meant to inquire into more specific “missions” (i.e. what it is they do) . . .
Different CARDINALS have different priorities, so some are more effective and compliant with certain mission types than others. Uriel’s leadership extends itself to selecting specific members of the organization for assignments best suited to them. He gives them orders, they execute those orders, and they return to him to be assigned wherever or however they’re needed next.
Well, that’s the framework for their usual ‘routine’. His Inner Circle operates as a partial “round table” that allows for more autonomy and say beyond Uriel’s orders, but his word is upheld as final and ultimate whenever disputes arise over the self-directed conduct of different members.
Some examples of what Uriel might assign his Inner Circle to do include . . .
If an escort mission is required to safely transport and harbor a scouted recruit (and any of their loved ones) to sanctuary, then he’d best send those like Retriever, Kalyna, or Curadora. Altruists and defenders equipped either with combat experience or the means to cover-up messy loose ends for the recruit’s sudden escape into their ranks.
If the organization requires more funds as quickly as possible, in large sums, (utilized to either support the livelihoods of certain recruits who cannot blend in / operate as civilians or to supply their group for other schemes) he’ll be more inclined to send the likes of Bacara, Hopscotch, Scales, or even Boar (if she is accompanied by Lempo) due to their more flexible morals and skills in either stealth, manipulation (of physical barriers or people), or criminal activity.
If violent anti-Gifted groups (ranging from CROWS and RAVENS to local human militias) are plotting or mobilizing against a Gifted known to the CARDINALS, then his options are more varied. Boar, Bones, and Dearil have no qualms with brutal resistance towards these would-be killers of fellow Gifted and veer towards a more lethal solution to the problem (each with their own unique styles and resulting aftermath). Retriever and Kalyna would prioritize a more “rescue and retreat” approach, avoiding as much unnecessary spilled blood as possible.
If Uriel needs intelligence on the movements of the HAWKS (where they’re patrolling, where they might strike, how to best defend his companions or other vulnerable Gifted against their latest recruits) he’d send Curadora, Bacara, Hopscotch, or Scales due to either their more diplomatic tendencies, ability to be unrecognizable / undetected / make a swift exit, or their more relaxed temperaments when so close to the threat of capture and potentially hostile enemies. He might even use them to surveil investigations led by the DOVES so he can best derail or sabotage their efforts in identifying Gifted for capture.
So on and so forth. There are also ‘pet projects’ that are spearheaded or personally tended to by the Inner Circle related to their vision of what it means to aid the Gifted.
Because of the different temperaments, bonds, and ambitions within their group, Uriel values his Inner Circle for their diverse utility in his fight for the agency and power of the Gifted. Some can provide defense against WINGS, or even offensively oppose these hunters of his people. Others can lay the framework for sheltering and providing for Gifted refugees, ensuring their people are not left to squander in shadows out of fear towards detection or capture. Certain individuals can use their goodwill with the public to clean up the image of the Gifted as a dangerous, rogue, and volatile race who are only safe (to themselves and others) when beneath the thumb of WINGS or death. Others can supply the chaos he needs to disrupt the current status quo of the world, to draw eyes onto him and his message until no one can ignore or suppress the presence of his people and their voices any longer.
Uriel is spread thin. He will do anything and everything for the Gifted and their right to live in this world as beings acknowledged, respected, and protected. Perhaps the problem now is the fact that he is trying to do everything for their cause all at once.
For most of their existence, the CARDINALS have been keeping their heads above water. Against their own desires, the resources and perseverance of WINGS has hindered their efforts into being largely evasive, defensive, or reactive. There is a rising desperation for some, a growing frustration in others.
In his eyes, it is time for the CARDINALS to evolve. The core of their mission will remain the same, and he would sooner burn all he has built to the ground than see that change.
Their philosophy, their limits, and their presence on the world stage . . . those are the elements that require a new direction. Fyodor, in his mind, has the potential to jump start this new era of the CARDINALS. An era that’s bolder, brighter, and more zealous than ever before. Only then will their mission gain the momentum it needs to succeed and last for generations to come.
In conclusion, the overall, all-encompassing mission of the CARDINALS is “ to create a better world for the Gifted”. Their next steps and vision for this “better world” are, however, more often than not wrapped up ambiguity when scrutinized by outsiders.
As much as their rhetoric might deny this, the CARDINALS are human (to a notable extent). Imperfect and flawed, but ultimately a threat not to be taken lightly when considering the conviction and strength held by their otherwise small numbers. They may squabble and bicker, feud and disagree over many the finer details of their plots and allegiances, but each is willing to put their life on the line for what’s to come— for that world on the far horizon where their people are free from the criminalization (dehumanization) of their mere existence.
(ᵕ—ᴗ—) Apologies for the disorganized rambling!
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when I read lempo I thought it was liempo 😭 liempo is like a pork filo dish so I was like yummy I can eat her up LMSOOOJKKKK
Ahaha, that’s hilarious! ( ´ 艸`) Lempo is pretty delicious in a literal sense with her ambrosia, so that impression isn’t too far out there, haha!
She’s also more than willing for Mockingbird to taste her (whether it be through her blood, ambrosia, or other means), so your mindset would be greatly welcomed by her, aha!
Also, if it’s easier to use when thinking about or referring to her, Lempo’s real name is Falda Lundquist. ( ´∀`)b
The moniker Lempo is a name she adopted from Finnish mythology. She doesn’t have much interest in historical / religious / cultural studies herself (at least, not in the traditional academic sense), so her discovery and interest in Lempo originated from one of her fathers who introduced her to the historical origins of the name.
Her attachment to the name is largely rooted in the perception towards Lempo rather than Lempo themself. I have seen conflicting information over what Lempo was the god of, and their nature as more of a fiend or creature, but the main point for Falda herself is their association with love (and, as some extend them to, passion).
Love is something often revered or desired in some sense or another (in forms either platonic, familial, or romantic). Our first thoughts towards love might often veer to ideals and satisfactions: love as one’s comfort, home, support, happiness, or pleasure. But Lempo, despite their association with and offering of love, was not so pure or altruistic in their nature, showing themself to be capable of malicious or callous actions. And yet, before the introduction of Christianity, Lempo had also been tied to acts of good or grace which created a much more morally dubious (or, in simply put, grey) light. Imperfect, flawed, yet still rooted in that core aspect of love and its manifestation between others. Lempo was not innocent and pure, but neither were they wholly vile and wicked as they instead roamed somewhere in-between.
After the arrival of Christianity, Lempo was heavily demonized to the point of being compared to the Christian devil: a fallen being defined by his sinfulness, pride, and selfishness. Lempo’s love became synonymous with a love that is erratic and perilous, twisted and corrupted into something maddening and foul.
This all ties into Falda’s own gift, her ambrosia, and how others perceive it . . . as well as her own complicated relationship with it.
Rather than love, Falda’s ‘divine offering’ to the world is (against, simply put) happiness, which is similarly idealized, desired, and revered by most. Her ambrosia has an effect that often eases its recipient, injecting them with a high of pure joy and pleasant physical sensations. Much like love, it can stir intense passion, sentiment, and satisfaction. And like Lempo’s use of their divine nature, Falda did not always offer her ambrosia with intentions pure or benevolent.
Falda has utilized her ambrosia out of kindness and trickery, selfishness and selflessness. She has used it to soothe the ache and despair of those around her as a healer would. She has used it to incapacitate and subdue those who have opposed her, and those who have threatened her. She has used it to lure and entrap others for her own gain, just as she has equally used it to delight and please those accepting of her care. Like Lempo, she is not wholly benevolent or malicious. She, as a person and a Gifted, is imperfect, flawed, and grey in her nature
The ambrosia, like Lempo’s post-Christian depiction of love, became a source of madness in her followers. Its pleasures became addictive for some, desensitizing for others. The end of her cult was a rather dark affair that I won’t fully detail here and now. Following the cult’s end, however, Falda came to be seen as someone who twisted something that could have once been innocent or benevolent (happiness, rather than love) into something crazed, harmful, and lethal. Her image became monstrous to the greater world, and (like Lempo) she became an icon for all that is immoral, dangerous, and deluded about the Gifted.
Falda is somewhat conflicted on where to place the fault of her cult’s demise: on her ambrosia, herself (her nature or her actions), her followers (their humanity as something lesser or frail), or ill-fortune. She has become more contemplative over whether there truly is an innate wickedness in herself or her gift, or if these thoughts are simply the hurtful and projected judgements of others that should be dismissed with careless disregard. These thoughts are little more than a seed at the start of the narrative, but it’s a matter she’ll be mulling over as events develop.
I hope that explanation for her moniker at least makes the smallest amount of sense to someone out there! ദ്ദി(˶‾᷄ᗜ‾᷅˵ ᵕ) It’s a lot easier to understand and unravel when it’s a stream of quickly overlapping thought in my head rather than words typed on a screen.
Apologies if anything I’ve stated about Lempo (from Finnish mythology, not the character) has been horribly incorrect or ignorantly offensive in any way! I’m Catholic, and don’t have any in-person Finnish associates other than a distant cousin’s boyfriend, so my knowledge might be horribly off-base or poorly presented above. I truly hope that isn’t the case, but please let me know if that’s so and I’ll try to make amends!
For my own fun(?), I’ve briefly listed the reasoning for the monikers of the rest of the CARDINALS below. I considered adding this for the codenames of the HAWKS too, but that’s rather easy to sum up since their codenames are just the spirit animals I assigned to them a long time ago. Mockingbird is the sole exception to that trend as their codenames only calls out to their nature as an imitator, though the symbolic association with ‘individuality’ is somewhat relevant to their gift as well.
Anywho, here’s the background for the CARDINALS’s names:
Uriel: Self-named after the archangel Uriel from Christianity (though the recognition of Uriel varies across denominations). He likes the image of one who fights with and guides others to the truth, wielding a fiery conviction and a heart without pity. In childhood, he had been close to a woman devoted to the Anglican Church. He no longer adheres to the faith, but still wishes to transfer the sense of reverence and power the name Uriel once held in his eyes onto himself.
Curadora: She is a ‘curator’ of memories, and that is a far more honorable title than a ‘manipulator’ of them. A curator is one who controls but also maintains, almost like a guardian or caretaker of their collection. It is also similar to the title of a ‘curandera’, a traditional healer, which is a connotation that appeals to her.
Dearil: The name given to him by the leader of the cult he was raised in, one only granted after the manifestation of his gift. Its connotations with death make it somewhat self-explanatory, though ‘call of the dead’ is rather fitting for how his gift has managed to evolve itself (in a way the man who gave him this name did not foresee).
Kalyna: Chosen for sentiment and symbolism, the kalyna is deeply intertwined with her roots. Its connotations with innocence, love, companionship, and freedom from oppression embodies all she wishes to defend. It is also tied to nature much like her own gift.
“Golden” Retriever: His reputation in his days as a hero reflected the associated qualities and personality of the dog breed by the same name. His appearance was also heavily associated with gold.
Lempo: Explained (poorly) above, but to reiterate, an entity associated with love whose aspects and offerings, while widely(?) revered and desired, could spiral into the erratic and dangerous—much like her ambrosia. A being condemned and demonized by the morals and perception of others much like herself as a Gifted and who she is as a person.
Bacara: A demonic creature associated with deals and crossroads. The name was “gifted” to him (in reality, given with the intent to shame and harm) by a loved one. It alludes to his self-interested, (arguably) malicious nature before the CARDINALS when he offered largely material or immoral gains for a cost tailored to tease and scar or simply satisfy his own whims and desires.
Boar: A wild animal associated with ferocity and strength that poses a worthy challenge to whoever dares to hunt it. Boar likens herself to this image as someone wild and untamable, ferocious and strong, who will not die easily or quietly even as all the world hunts her down for no reason other than her born nature.
Bones: A simple title with no flash or flare. Bones are associated with death and decay, enduring remnants of something lost to death long ago (like Elov himself).
Hopscotch: The name of a game that’s considered childish and simple, much like how Hopscotch himself wishes to be perceived. His teleportation is best used across small distances, and these small “hops” from one space to the next resemble those within the game he’s named after. It’s approachable, friendly, and shows he doesn’t take himself too seriously.
Scales: As in scales that balance, one tipping down causing the other to rise, much like the equal exchange required for whatever alteration is made by their gift. It’s also reminiscent of the ‘scales of justice’ or the symbol for equality. Justice and equality are what Scales hopes to champion for the Gifted.
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Rate how angsty all of the ROS routes from 1-10
( ;´д`) Oh goodness, I’m not the best at determining numerical values based on subjective criteria. The extremity of angst can be rather subjective, right?
Uh, I’ll give a number (or, rather, a range of numbers) for each route, but take them with a pinch—probably even a handful—of salt!
There’s also a lot that could amplify the elements of angst for different routes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is a very general scale, one that makes some assumptions to reach an 'average' angst rating.
I’ll also try my best to distinguish general drama (which, honestly, can reach soap opera levels for some of these ROs) from actual angst. And I’ll try to focus on angst that is exclusive(?) / emphasized in a romantic relationship with them vs. a platonic one.
Akil: 7-8? (Earlier Stages), 4-5 (Later Stages)
Starts relatively high, petters out quite a bit after a major plot point (and progressive recovery from his grief). He’s still a little existential about everything (romance-related and otherwise) through to the end, haha!
Kamiko: 5-6
Kamiko’s prejudice, fears, and bad habits are more painful to her (and thus emphasized) in a romance. Her struggle to communicate emotions that might make her seem pitiable, weak, or wrong for how she feels can cause more angst as well.
Sigmund: 6-7?
General angst that all the HAWKS routes have (that being the illicit nature of romances) which he is especially fraught about (in his own way). The man can sometimes seem addicted to some self-imposed angst, haha! Also, ex-fiancée shenanigans.
Imka: 2-4
Relatively low, more so internalized within herself. The angst in her romance is more sad and anxious than dreadful and painful. It sharply spikes whenever her parents are around, especially when her mother involves herself.
Elouan: 6-7?
Elouan has a lot of fears, scars, and doubt when it comes to a heartfelt romance, especially when it involves someone he cares for in a way he hasn’t cared for anyone before. The shadow of his former fiancé looms over him still as well, and any broaching towards that relationship and its impact on him plunges the romance into a dark pit.
Jae: 3-5?
Even when angst has occasion to arise, Jae doesn’t like to confront it directly. She’ll dance around it for as long as she can until it explodes into something much more harmful than it would’ve been or hurts too much to bear any longer. There’s a lot of fear when it comes to commitment and dependence that wrings out some angst when explored.
Niccolò: 2-3 (Earlier Stages), 7-8 (Middle Stages), 2-3 (Later Stages)
Starts low, inches upwards with some existential quandaries. It soars immensely after an event that involves Fyodor, and it will take a long period of time before the angst in the romance will fully settle down after that. Still, Niccolò is Niccolò, so he’ll try to be positive through it all once he has some of his bearings again.
Mutya: 2-4?
Pretty low to standard levels of angst. Mutya likes to be self-sufficient, meaning she’s more in favor of working out things internally or independently, so an angst-prone situation will be less intensified by her desire to internalize the issue or work it through on her own first. Tension is much more likely than angst, but the two can blend together.
Fyodor: 3-5 (Earlier Stages), 7-9 (Later Stages)???
Eh, it’s muddled for me. The romance starts off as ‘conscripted’ enemies, but Fyodor doesn’t consistently treat Mockingbird like the enemy they are when he can avoid it. It’s the later stages where I’d say the angst really kicks in as, by then, Fyodor will be much more truthful and direct about his past and how it has scarred his perception of love. I use truthful in the sense that he will disclose things in a way where he’s no longer reiterating the comforting lies he tells himself about all that occurred before his time in the CARDINALS. He’s been broken down, and he’s desperate to be ‘fixed’. This mentality bleeds into the romance in a way that manifests as angst.
Dearil: 8-10
Dearil does not love anything or anyone in the traditional sense of the word. He is obsessive, dangerous, spiteful, and cruel. He cannot let things go, including the memory of and grief over his first love who he will always and inevitably compare Mockingbird to with or without intention. He considers himself ruined beyond repair and, by extension, sees his love as something that will inevitably ruin all those around him.
Curadora: 8 (Early Stages), 10 (Middle Stages), ??? (Late Stages)
The undisclosed major plot point can be cause for a lot of angst, though that might be dependent on the MC (especially if they have a main romance with someone else). The late stages, I think, can be pretty subjective on angst levels person by person. I’d guess they’d be pretty low at that point, with vibes more melancholic than angsty.
Retriever: 5-7?
It depends on whether Mockingbird expressed a desire for marriage and children in their future (even if not specifically with him, but rather just in general). A more ‘casual’ romance with Retriever (not exactly ‘end-game’ in his head) is far less angst-filled since he’s more invested in a good time with good company. A more ‘serious’ romance with Retriever (again, in his mind) is a lot more conflicted with his hesitation over loyalties, right vs. wrong, and the resurgence of an old flame.
Lempo: 2 (General), sparser bouts of a 6(?)
Lempo desires mutual pleasure and happiness with Mockingbird. Generally angst-prone topics in her romance will likely go in one ear and out the other, dismissed or laughed down as she ignores the reality around her. Much of her angst is likely to be coupled with whoever Mockingbird’s RO might be. And her life plans towards the end of everything, maybe, depending on the MC.
Bones: 10
I am far more comfortable rating Elov’s romance as high up there compared to the others, haha! He is quite literally (painfully) contemplating the possibility of killing Mockingbird one day for the sake of his ideals, and any romance with that sort of confused animosity is doomed to a heavy dose of angst.
Mishka: 8-10
Mishka is only available to Fyodor romancers, so they’re defaulted into a toned-down ‘love triangle’ (?) from the start. Maybe a “love line” might be fitting for those who are purely loyal to Fyodor, making Mishka’s affections unreturned (even if only on the surface) so it’s like Mishka -> MC <—> Fyodor, haha! (Again, it’s optional for Mishka to be attracted to the MC, though it’s a choice only available to those romancing Fyodor.)
They’re also a doomed romance, but that truth might be more brushed under the rug or skirted around when Mishka has a romantic investment in Mockingbird (for reasons both selfish and hopeful).
#ro#minor ro#c: akil#c: kamiko#c: sigmund#c: imka#c: elouan#c: jae#c: niccolo#c: mutya#c: dearil#c: curadora#c: retriever#c: lempo#c: bones#c: mishka
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(;´∀`) Please don’t mind the clutter of this post! This is a continuation of the ‘I want a baby’ meme ask, this time for the minor romances, below the cut!
Apologies for having to split this up!





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ROs reaction to that "I want a baby" meme?🤭
Oh, I love this meme! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
I wanted to add the minor romances too, but that exceeds the maximum screenshots per post (10). ╮(╯∀╰)╭ For the sake of scrollers, I’ll place the screenshots for the main romances below the cut:






If you remove the ‘let’s wait’ aspect of the first response, he’s a mixture of these:

Thank you so much for this ask! ( ´∀`)b
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It can be as messy as it wants as long as I get to keep my two hot sexy Russian babes😘/silly
I love the spirit, haha! (๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘) Be messy, be happy! Others might not broach Mockingbird’s love life with a 50ft pole, but as long as you’re happy in the eye of the storm, then so be it! ദ്ദി(˶‾᷄ᗜ‾᷅˵ ᵕ)
Mishka, if their minor romance is activated, will love the MC no matter if their affection is returned. The poly, however, allows them to be a lot more actionable and verbal with their affection once they have been given Fyodor’s permission and Mockingbird’s acceptance. So, with or without the official poly, you’ll have them both wrapped around your finger if you romance them simultaneously! The poly just allows for a different flavor of angst between them, slipping at times into a more dysfunctional dynamic than before, and a different lens for the inevitable fate ahead of them.
Honestly, news of this poly might be most terrifying to Gabriel and Fyodor’s mother, ahaha! The latter might just lose consciousness at the thought of Mockingbird dating her son and the thing (as she cannot settle her mind what Mishka might be) possessing him. Gabriel will think Mockingbird has a couple of screws loose, and be unsettled by the whole affair.
Aha, though now I’m just laughing over Mishka being described as “hot” and “sexy”. That’d be a first for them! (´∀`•)
They’ll tailor themself more to Mockingbird’s tastes once they start to develop some undeniable affection for them, but until then . . . those two adjectives have never quite been the impression they’ve strived to leave, ahaha!
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Bones... hey baby girl... this is how I feel about you... *plays Emo Boy by Ayesha Erotica*
Ahaha, that was not at all what I was expecting! 。:゚゚(´∀`)・。 You’ll give poor Bones enough of a rush to have a heart attack with a song like that! He’s easier to fluster than you might think, even as a sullen and hateful adult! (´∀`•)
(●´艸`)ヾ Definitely not the traditional serenade. The way it was presented in the message had me imagining Mockingbird pulling this stunt with that song:

Thank you so much for sharing this, you gave me such a good laugh!! (´∀`)
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"Mockingbird’s lack of a CARDINAL status—and, thus, impossibility of a full romance with the minor ROs"
Right, I'm confused about those HAWKS and CARDINALS things. Isn't Fyodor a CARDINALS and make it work and be a full romance somehow? And doesn't Mockingbird have the choice to against HAWKS/ determine their allegiance to CARDINALS like the description said?
Oh, apologies for the confusion! (ノ´д`)Yes, Fyodor is the exception for reasons that I'll break down below the cut. I'll also clarify the allegiance system as well. Again, I sincerely apologize for the lack of clarity!
Please let me know if more information is needed!
The MC will always, no matter what, become a HAWK. By the end of Chapter 0 they are captured and (forcefully) recruited, though the player can choose to be accepting / willing or resistant / unwilling towards their recruitment.
Allegiance measures ideology, and how that ideology might impact Mockingbird's loyalty. Mockingbird might be a HAWK, but that doesn't mean their heart or mind aligns with their cause. Using some of their fellow HAWKS as an example below . . .
Sigmund despises the HAWKS and CARDINALS equally, which might seem strange for a man who has willing given his services to both organizations. Even though he is a HAWK (and former CARDINAL) his allegiance is low / unfavorable for both groups, meaning he ultimately sides with neither.
Elouan is dispassionate towards the ideals, cause, and methods of both organizations. And yet . . . for reasons of his own, Elouan does hold a strange gratitude towards the HAWKS for stepping into his life when they did. His newfound purpose and modern desires are available to him within their hold, and so he'll do what he can to loyally serve this regime as a means to his own ends. Thus, his allegiance to the CARDINALS is more so neutral whereas it is moderate towards the HAWKS.
A Mockingbird with high CARDINALS allegiance cannot simply defect to their ranks. Much of their identity, weaknesses, and very livelihood have been compromised post-capture, and they would more likely than not be dead weight to the ambitions of the CARDINALS, if not an outright (unintentional) lure for the HAWKS to bait, trap, or track back to the CARDINALS.
Recruitment into the CARDINALS has (historically) been largely invitational. Secrecy is the key to their survival, a safeguard against the threat of spies and those unqualified for the underground “warfare” of their movement. Taking in anyone and anyone would leave them more vulnerable to raids and capture once lose tongues or disloyal hearts betray the location of their safe havens, their families, or their civilian identities. Thus, full-fledged members are often scouted or vouched for before joining. The CARDINALS may still assist or ally with Gifted not fully indoctrinated and assimilated into their rebel group, but an actual membership has been comparatively illusive. (A truth Imka’s father can attest to.)
Mockingbird was bypassed for recruitment due to the meddling of Uncle Fletcher. The man is a disillusioned former revolutionary himself who is determined to act in (what he believes to be) Mockingbird’s best interests. It may be grounds for confrontation once the truth comes to light, but it’s by his doing the CARDINALS did not reach out to Mockingbird for recruitment after their arrival in Los Angeles. Up until the point of the rally, they have been notoriously selective for their ranks. Uncle Fletcher had, until then, ensured that their recruiters would not step anywhere near Mockingbird.
The rally Mockingbird attends (and is captured during) is rather outside the norm for the CARDINALS in terms of (arguably audacious) visibility and publicity. Many will consider it odd, if not outright unbelievable, to see this form of boldness in their tactics. It is a vulnerability they have yet to entirely risk. Uriel is practically demanding the attention of the Gifted world—and, to an extent, the Human world—with a stunt like that. How exactly he plans to capitalize upon the eyes he is drawing towards the CARDINALS is the current concern of the HAWKS.
A Mockingbird with high allegiance to the CARDINALS can assist their cause in other ways. The most traitorous method would be to become their mole. Actions during missions can also be done to assist their objectives (though how frequent these opportunities may be is up in the air).
Otherwise, allegiance is another form of roleplay. A means to track where Mockingbird stands ideologically in opposition or alignment with those around them. Debating politics about the Gifted can be a hot topic for some, and useless dribble for others.
The prime time for Mockingbird to enlist with the CARDINALS would have been shortly after the rally. Depending on their career, Mockingbird would have gained a direct personal introduction to a member of the Inner Circle who might have been (eventually) swayed enough to vouch for their recruitment to the rest. With Uncle Fletcher not there to directly cut off contact / interfere, it would’ve been feasible for them to clear the air and reveal the true depth of their loyalty to the cause. Alas, they are destined to be captured before they can truly grasp at this chance.
The Fyodor Exception
Fyodor is . . . Fyodor. Need I say more? (๑′ᴗ‵๑)
Aha, jokes aside, Fyodor is unique in a lot of ways! Here’s the key points:
Fyodor's gift allows for more flexibility. With his gift, Fyodor can ignore the usual barriers and contrivances of the reality around him and its fixed nature. If he truly wishes to romantically pursue Mockingbird, there is little the rules of the world can do to prevent him from trying. Thus, he's able to manipulate the circumstances around them both to be more favorable towards their reunions, giving the prospective couple more time to establish and deepen a romantic bond beyond the eyes of the CARDINALS and HAWKS.
Unbeknownst to the world beyond their ranks, the CARDINALS are full of politics: fractures and factions with a brewing tension, aiming or hoping to wrest full control of their movement. This leads into the next bullet point that, which is that . . .
Fyodor does not yet fully identify as a CARDINAL. Their first encounter was violent. Frightened, aggressive, and (somewhat literally) explosive. He has not yet bought into their ideology, much less befriended most of their members. (This is best exemplified in his bubbling feud—more so a one-sided rivalry—with Uriel.) How does this set him apart from other minor romances? Well:
Curadora is loyal to her cause above all. As much as she might come to love Mockingbird, the plight of her people will always first dictate her heart. They are, ultimately, a HAWK. Where she must go, they cannot always follow. What she must do . . . cannot always be forgiven.
Bones is a radical amongst radicals, an extremist for the cause. His ideology would sooner see Mockingbird dead than forgiven for their (unwilling or not) service to the HAWKS, much less loved. Even if Mockingbird’s heart is aligned with the CARDINALS, it’s hard for him to look past the reality of who holds their leash. To place his trust within, and to extend what little empathy he has towards, someone beneath the banner of those who brutalized him as a boy and stole every shred of hope he had for this world is something he struggles to bear.
Retriever is fighting for something greater than himself. He might not always agree with the ideals and methods of the CARDINALS, but he has few other places to go when they are the sole organization with the resources and strength to assist with his dream. And even when his belief in the CARDINALS and their cause eventually withers, his loyalty will have found a new home amongst the individuals who serve the rebel group by then. He does not have the heart to abandon these people; to throw aside all their work and aspirations so he can run away with Mockingbird to where no CARDINALS or HAWKS may follow.
Fyodor, on the other hand, is closer to a free agent hoping to find a home and healing amongst the CARDINALS now that his old life has burned to the ground. Neither ideology nor loyalty can distract him from pursuing a full romance.
Fyodor is also a far more prominent and central character compared to other romanceable CARDINALS. He is, simply put, more relevant and (thus) more present for a full romance. Curadora would have been a full romance as well due to her equal relevancy and prominence, but these qualities are compromised by a fixed event in her development. Others such as Retriever, Lempo, Bones, and (earlier game) Dearil are simply not center-stage enough to have sufficient time for a full romance.
Plus, I just though it’s be nice to have at least one full romance with an ‘antagonist’. I initially planned for two (one man and one woman), but (again) I suspected that a plot point for Curadora would have readers upset about the romance.
But Fyodor was still a manageable option with a lot of flexibility for a full romance, so I figured I would keep the option for his romance open and then made the compromise for Curadora to be a “minor romance”. Once I gave her that “sub-route”, I decided to add this mechanic for a select number of CARDINALS as well so readers could have at least some romantic content with them.
This is all on top of the fact that, even in the original (non-interactive) version of Insurrection, Fyodor was a romantic lead allied with the antagonists. So his romance being “across enemy lines” is nothing all that new to development. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
For my own personal fun tidbit to messily tag on here . . . if (in an alternate universe) Mockingbird were to have become a CARDINAL I imagine the full romances would have been:
Curadora(?) - More likely as a full romance, though I’d still be iffy on it.
Scales and Hopscotch have their own little romance saga in the background of everything. Bones is the "unfortunate" (unwilling) spectator / soundboard for much of it.
Bacara is not emotionally available. Seriously, his love life is messed up enough as it is, haha!
Boar is Boar, and she's not one for much romance in the first place. Maybe something could have sprouted with her if she'd met Mockingbird before Lempo came into her life but, alas, I struggle to imagine her having eyes for anyone other than Lempo.
And Dearil would still be a lesser route. He's just . . . a lot. I think he works far better in small doses, so it'd be hard for me to drag him out more than I would prefer just to force more "romance" content out of him.
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The scream I let out when I read that we COULD have a poly with Fyodor and Misha ≥∆≤
Still hoping for a full romance with Bones tho JUST LET ME MARRY YOU YOU IDIOT 💗💗💗 AFFECTION ATTACK💗💞💕💓💗💓💕💞
Aha, a Fyodor and Mishka “poly” isn’t exactly a, uh, ‘happy’ arrangement. (´・ω・`) It’s more so a peace treaty than anything else.
Really, it's all . . . messy. So messy. (●´ω`●)
It would work itself out in time. Somewhat, yes. Sort of. Mockingbird can’t quite have their cake and eat it too.
There'll be consequences. Fyodor is monogamous, Mishka is a 'doomed' romance . . . the poly does not write off these factors. It's all gasoline to the fire. (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ Yes, the bond between Fyodor and Mishka is more than that of friends or kin, more than that of those bound by choice or blood. They are distinct beings, but their hearts and minds are as interwoven as their fate. The poly won't break that emotional bond, almost nothing could hope to break that bond at this point, but it'll create some scars that weren't there before.
More than that, the fate that awaits them both at the end of their road will be made all the more bitter and sweet if the poly comes to pass. Far more painful too, and it's a pain that'll have a much stronger echo in the years to come.
Goodness, it’s so much angst. ゞ◎Д◎ヾ
To sum up the poly, essentially, in the eyes of Fyodor and Mishka (for their own respective reasons):
Oh goodness, and a full romance with Bones . . . Well, I'm happy to know that you're fond of him enough to wish for one! ✧⁺⸜(●′▾‵●)⸝⁺✧ Please do give that poor man an affection attack—though you might just resurrect his heart enough to give him a heart attack instead, haha!
Aha, and now I keep can’t stop imaging Bones at his own wedding. (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ That, and Bones rather liking being (affectionately) called an idiot by Mockingbird, haha!
His romance would have been so smooth if Mockingbird were a CARDINAL. Awkward, yes. Stumbling too, somewhat, since Elov isn’t quite the natural romantic. Angst-ridden still? Of course, because what is Bones without his angst, haha! But, in another world, it would have been an easily feasible romance, nonetheless.
If you wish to blame someone for Mockingbird’s lack of a CARDINAL status—and, thus, impossibility of a full romance with the minor ROs—other than myself as the author (haha!) then blame Uncle Fletcher. ( ´ 艸`)
Thanks for this message; your excitement and passion are super infectious! ( ´∀`)b
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How tall is Bones?
(💧´ω`) Oh my goodness, I am so embarrassed! Ah, I could have sworn that I mentioned his height on his character page!
Apologies for that oversight! ( *ノω-)
Bones is 6’1”. Same as Retriever, though he might seem a little shorter in casual settings with all his slouching, haha!
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Have you ever listened to the song “Two” by Sleeping At Last? I feel like it fits a romanced Fyodor 🥺❤️
I hadn’t heard this song before but, wow, I can definitely see the resemblance to a romanced Fyodor after a listen! (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
My goodness, that line about taking his heart apart for theirs made my own heart jump a bit out of because it was just so right for Fyodor!
It instantly reminded me of the lines in “Tickle Me Pink” by Johnny Flynn, “Don’t know where I can buy a heart / The one I’ve got is shoddy, I need a brand new body / And well, then I can have a brand new start” but remodeled into a romantic (rather than introspective) lens. Like, shifting this personal dissatisfaction with his ‘heart’ (his empathy, his love, his broken expression and acceptance of these things, etc.) to something like a state of sacrificial disregard for it all entirely in the name of his lover—another aspect of himself that can serve as a tool or offering for the use, pleasure, and sake of the one he loves without a healthy regard for his own wants, comforts, and limits.
‘Tired of trying to recall of where it all fell apart’ and ‘want to learn, somehow, to be loved myself’ were also just perfect for Fyodor! It encapsulates his past wonderfully: a life begun in misfortune that only sunk deeper into inescapable depths of cruelty, misery, and suffering as a result of countless events small and grand, innocent and malicious, undertaken and forced upon. A life and events that have damaged his ability to accept a healthy form of love from another.
And, of course, ‘what a privilege it is to love’ and ‘a great honor to hold you up’ also really spoke to the core of a romanced Fyodor’s affection’!
Oh, and the emphasis on ‘no strings attached’ also calls Dollmaker to mind . . . So it’s be no wonder why Fyodor would emphasize that he,—in no way like Dollmaker—would have no strings attached to his love! (;´∀`)
Aha, but that’s far more than enough overanalyzing from me, haha! ( ノ ε`◎) Sorry about that.
This was such a fascinating connection to experience, and I’m so glad that something out there in the world that I wasn’t even aware about made you think of one of my characters! Honestly, it’s a little mind-blowing for me, haha!
(人´∀`) Thank you so much for sharing this with me!
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This will be hard to do I think :). Can you describe the romanceables' routes in a few words?
Ah, ‘a few words’?! ∑(; °Д°) My worst nightmare, haha!
Apologies for not cutting this all down further, and for the quality of what’s below, but I hope this is satisfactory! ദ്ദി(˶‾᷄ᗜ‾᷅˵ ᵕ) I tried to rush this to force the word count down as much as I could, but my poor wordy habits die hard (and not at all)!
Onto the main romances . . .
Akil: Forbidden. Challenged. A false betrayal to old ideals, corrupted loyalties. Learning to accept. Declaring his own path, following his heart before his mind. A tenuous tomorrow . . . unless he makes a better one for you both.
Kamiko: Fearful. Guarded. Bridging the divide, a new kind of strength. A new meaning for sacrifice. Quiet, devoted, a love built by trust. The shadow to your light.
Sigmund: Deceptively Slow, Suffocatingly Quick. Loyal, Sacrificial. Safer apart, but you're his. He wants you to be. Fears—and knows—he doesn’t deserve it.
Imka: Nervous. Startled. Helpless. Falling too quick, caring too much. Learning to be bold, to be herself. Learning to love herself like you do.
Elouan: Scarred. Wanting. Pleasant, but cold. Burning up within. Real love for the first time. Forgiving, or Forgetting.
Jae: Flighty. Teasing. Scared to Commit, Scared to be Yours. Looking past the present, washing down the past. She’ll be with you, sticking through hell and tomorrow. Bird without a cage.
Niccolò: Clumsy. Genuine. Flawed, imperfect, real. Peeling back the layers of the self, loving every bit. Facing eternity, immortality. And then, facing chaos before the end. What it means to be a human who loves.
Mutya: Grounding. Pinning. Unwinding, unraveling. Letting loose, standing firm. A pillar to lean on, one to support. Opening up to the vulnerability of love and hurt.
Fyodor: Star-Crossed. Soulmates, artificially made. Broken pieces forced together, ripped apart. Unstable. Glorified. Putting all his hopes in a dream, and learning to love the reality.
And for the others . . .
Dearil: Unwanted. Tearing up stitches, reclaiming what was lost and never his. Desperate to keep, bound to ruin.
Curadora: Wrong place, wrong time. Covert. Watched. Reunited, yet slipping from her grasp, pulled apart by the need for a new age and new people. Wait for her, please.
Retriever: Fast, messy, reigned back, and broken free. Hesitant on the outside, drowning within. Now or never, before the final piece of him meets the fall.
Lempo: Saccharine. Selfish. Unbound. Escaping the world, and oneself, together.
Bones: Regret. Recovery. Letting go. Pushing and pulling, the madness of love.
Mishka: Humanizing. Bitter. Eternal. First Love, Only Love. Doomed.
Thank you for this interesting ask! (´∀`)
#ro#minor ro#c: akil#c: kamiko#c: sigmund#c: imka#c: elouan#c: jae#c: niccolo#c: mutya#c: fyodor#c: dearil#c: curadora#c: retriever#c: lempo#c: bones#c: mishka
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