#not a run of the mill girl
glittertrail · 7 months
Happiest of birthdays to our glitteriest pal!!! ✨
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starjunkyard · 4 months
Obsessed with the degrees to which james wilson is a messy bitch. Primps and preens himself whenever he realises his boy best friend is stalking / sabotaging / psychological-warfare-ing him. Slept with his terminal patient. Immedicable people pleaser. Chronic adulterer. Three ex wives. PROPOSED TO HIS GIRLFRIEND AT SOMEONE ELSE'S WEDDING? Fuck you doin in the oncology wing my boy. Psychiatric ward is on the left corner
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samipekoe · 1 year
I hadn’t realized how much I missed melon and lemon until I saw them again… they were the reason I discovered your account I love them sso much (same thing for their emotional support wingman oreo)
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yes my dumb idiot cat!! thank you!!!!
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antiquesintheattic · 5 months
i didn’t necessarily set out to start making oc’s but i accidentally kept drawing “the blonde bitch” as i affectionately call him so now he has awesome lore in my head
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pumpkinpuffgirls · 5 hours
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(Reposted from My Twitter)
It's so funny to me when people get bitchy about portrayals of the PPG that even slightly deviate from what they perceive as "normal" because there was an entire what if episode where the girls were "normal" and the point was they were plain, powerless, and boring.
From now on if anyone tells me the shit I do with the PPG ain't "normal" I'm responding with this. Take these, have your normal-ass girls
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heddagab · 1 year
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ONCE UPON A TIME Golden Queen in 2x08 "Into The Deep"
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calmingpi · 10 months
Actually i really REALLY like seeing normal people deal with The Horrors the past few pages. We rarely see people who arent either a royal or knee deep in sparks or both. Mechanicsburg does not count
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blueribbs · 1 year
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bunnygirl firing an m16 colorized and black and white
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prussianmemes · 1 year
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izzyspussy · 7 months
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tfw u kinda wanna make a post about how frustrating it is to try to find racial identity and the pressure of not really having a good answer to "what are you?" because 75% of your ethnicity is stuff that is sometimes considered white or sometimes considered something else or sometimes considered its own race and you've got pale skin and only speak english but you've been discriminated against for your cultural values and facial features but only some of the time in some places and you demonstrably have white privilege in most contexts but not all the time and how much white privilege equals whiteness and on the other hand isn't that awfully similar the concept of racial dilution which is just pc genocide anyway and if you self determine as white is that the right thing to do or is it just assimilation but if you self determine as not white is that respecting and claiming your heritage or is it appropriation/brownface and also what do you do if you self determine one way and then get treated the other way and you know based on the reality that race is socially constructed it can be true that the same person can sometimes be white and sometimes be not white but if you actually say that out loud to people they think you're trying to be a snowflake for woke points based on a technicality-
but also u don't wanna post about that because. if you actually say that out loud to people,
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glittertrail · 9 months
perfume; favorite scent?
ocean; do you take a yearly vacation?
parchment; favorite book?
perfume: I love anything floralish and fresh, I am very in love with eucalyptus scents lately
ocean: no and i should, that's in the plans for this year (it's a bit messy bc i work for two companies in different countries, my goal of this year is to scatter the PTO of the remote work company to adapt to the days off i get in spain bc i miss having actual time off)
parchment: so i'm a terrible reader 😬 but i'm very fond of short stories so i reread edgar allan poe and horacio quiroga a lot
pretty asks
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princess--bongwater · 2 years
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republic 2/5: st pastrys order
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next is the duskgloom sea!! this one might take a while as it has the highest concentration of characters out of the whole republic series
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muirneach · 3 months
igaryna is suchhhh a fascinating rivalry. here is this woman who is at the top of the world and she is the one person standing in your way from ultimate glory. you have been in her position but you will probably never be there again. you were only there for a total of eight weeks before she took it from you.
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tokencisgirl · 10 months
i keep thinking about making posts abt me de/retransitioning in hopes of reaching anybody that might need it but i don't really think they will and maybe thats for the best cause Tumblr is Insane and i think having even a few-hundred note post would kill me, but, for what it's worth...
the main thing that opened the door and let me be the gender i am and start to explore this was learning that... becoming cis isn't going to magically make me a raging transphobe, lol. changing my gender didn't feel like a big deal, but Becoming Cis, willingly, happily, openly, certainly did. hey, there's a word for people who become cis after being trans for quite some time! Hey, there is kind of a Loaded reputation and association for these people! and fuck, aren't i just lumping myself in with my worst enemies if i do this? if i go against what i've been defending all this time? if everything i've ever said and upheld and even introduced to others was WRONG for me????
so i realized smth i'm disappointed that i didn't learn the day, month, year i started questioning my gender back when i was like, 13: your gender is not inherently tied to any beliefs, opinions, personality traits, actions, etc. it's transphobic if you MAKE it transphobic. it WOULD be transphobic if i was saying "this is how it is for Everyone", or that "trans propaganda" Made Me like this or what the fuck ever, but, these aren't things i believe or agree with, so i don't say them, they aren't what my de/retransition is fueled by, and i'm not spreading these ideas about transness and detransition because I Can Still Vocally Be Against These Ideas Regardless Of My Gender!!!
you can be whatever you want, genderwise, beliefswise, cis or trans or something else, binary or nonbinary or something else, dysphoric or nondysphoric, having or not having this body part, this style you wear, this haircut, etc etc etc. the beliefs youve spent however long sticking to and living by aren't gonna magically fall out of your grasp if you do 'The Wrong Thing' with your gender, any opinion youre proposed with has to go through you first, and if your answer is 'no' it can just stay 'no'. you aren't transphobic for exploring your gender (quite the contrary i would say), and if anyone insists you inherently are regardless of what you do, well... prove them wrong. :P
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steeiydan · 1 year
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her name's liz cause she's a lizbian
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cancrizans · 2 years
the thing about kny that really pisses me off is like ALL of the bad writing in general but specifically how terribly nezuko’s character is handled because her role in the story ties together all my beef with this series. for every other girl you can be like “oh there was no chance/time/whatever to flesh them out” which is another can of worms but it’s at least some semblance of an excuse.
with nezuko it’s just crazy bc like. this is an anime that will dedicate 6 minutes of an already-drawn-out battle arc to hand a random one-off demon villain a sympathetic backstory and internal monologue complete with tanjirou gay smiling over them and wishing them peace in the afterlife AND YET it can’t be assed to give any of that to nezuko, despite her supposedly being a main character and also conveniently our female lead. like i don’t know how you can do that. there were like 4 episodes in a row at some point where they just straight-up did not mention her and it was like. is she fucking dead??? when she’s the reason for the shonen journey in the first place. she has no agency, no internal thought process. you could replace her with a superpowered beloved family dog and nothing would change in her character arc bc she doesn’t have one!!
the other demons can talk. they talk soooo much. but nezuko can only communicate with grunts and noises and she has no voice or say in any of this. she is tanjirou’s goal but has no goal of her own, and we rely on him to interpret for her. and we don’t even know what was lost when she turned into a demon because all we knew about her from when she was human was that she loved her family <3 which is hardly a personality trait and certainly not one anywhere near Defining. what Defines nezuko is her relationship to tanjirou, and she is not a character, but a concept. some concept of the feminine ideal in its most valuable state: a little sister but with the potential for later courtship, which we see with zenitsu (who also does not see her for who she is or who she was or who she can become, but as a cute girl who he wants to marry for Some reason. he doesn’t even know her).
i don’t think i’d be so uppity about this if she had just been relegated to damsel in distress but she’s only a damsel when it’s convenient and otherwise it’s like wow here’s miss deus ex machina coming to save tanjirou’s ass again!!! she still doesn’t have any narrative agency though. or thoughts. like the closest we get to nezuko having something that is Hers and not just some extension of tanjirou is when she realizes that her family is gone in the red light district arc and starts crying and reverts into the form of a child. and then it never deals with it after the fact and she gets shipped off Yet Again until it’s time to save tanjirou and show that’s she’s human again ^_^ and everything is hunky-dory ^_^
kny is just shoddily written in general it’s your average shonen and this extends to the characters. so none of them really hold water but it’s just so Obvious with nezuko because she is the center of the story. she is The Main Girl. the de facto mascot. she is the question and the answer. she’s right there! but the problem to me is that she isn’t really there. or at least not in execution
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