#not a full transcript FYI
royalarchivist · 7 months
Tubbo: I just feel like... I need to say I'm sorry, and I feel so guilty that I've put you in this situation. I never expected to have to care for anyone else other than myself, and I know that's very selfish, and I know how selfish that is, but...
Tubbo: If I had known that you existed, I never would have signed up for something like this, this kind of scheme, this operation, if you will. I'm so sorry, Sunny.
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lutiaslayton · 1 year
Random update on the transcription of the Eternal Diva novel, aka probably the one that most people don't even care about that much to begin with
(though you should, I haven't translated it yet but I spotted a few words here and there that caught my attention such as Luke mentioning Misthallery multiple times. Also there is in the introduction a novel-exclusive scene with Janice in it, just fyi.)
To those who didn't know, most of my free time as of lately has been put into the transcription/translation website I have dedicated to the Japan-exclusive Layton content that we never got to see, and more specifically I have been transcribing the Eternal Diva novel. Because yes, now you know, Eternal Diva was adapted into a novel and none of us non-Japanese fans got to read it. And boy this novel is going to drive me insane because I have been working on it for literal weeks by now.
In terms of progress, I have reached the part of the story in which Puzzle 004 is about to start, aka right after the end of the "Layton McGuffinned a helicopter that thinks it's a grasshopper" part. I have transcribed up to page 119 (+ the ending is already transcribed and translated because past me felt like it), and there are now 74 blank pages left for me to fill. And then the translation will come, too. I am totally looking forward to it. Can you feel the enthusiasm in my exciting punctuation.
This is the shortest novel of the list (200 pages if I count the blank ones), and this is the only novel that has furigana everywhere (aka the only one of the four I can actually read somewhat properly). Yippeeeee
Anyway if you want to take a look even though only the beginning and the end are translated for the time being:
You can take a looksie right here!
The reason why I'm going through the entire transcription first and that the full translation will only come afterwards is because, at least in my opinion if I were to view this as a reader instead of as the person uploading the content, this means that you guys get to know the story faster than if I progressed through both the transcription and translation at the same time.
After all, let's see it like this: sure, you can't read Japanese, and for the most part, neither can I. But since it's been transcribed, it means that you can easily copy-paste the Japanese text into DeepL, or Google Translate, or any translator of your choice. Sure, it's more work for you and if you are of the lazy kind you will still have to wait the same amount of time regardless (not saying it in a derogatory way), but at least it gives the choice for the ones who want the whole story to get it somewhat faster.
I don't speak Japanese, and I am not translating things as I go, so I have only a vague understanding of what is going on in the novel (and obviously, the fact that I know the plot of the movie is a huge help). But I can already tell you this much:
We get the lyrics for the ending's song, obviously. This is part of what has been translated so far.
The whole novel is not divided into chapters, but rather into smaller scenes/sections (however you want to call it). Some are narrated by Luke, some others are narrated by Janice (and/or Melina, I guess it depends on the context). Just like the three main novels you may be slightly more familiar with, the narration is in first person.
Since the only narrators who showed up so far are Luke and Janice/Melina, I don't think the scenes from Emmy's POV will be included (aka the one in which she questions Nina's parents, the one in which she is with Schrader, and the one in which she finds and rescues Grosky in the middle of the ocean). Perhaps they are going to appear later in the novel, but I highly doubt it for a number of reasons (number of pages in each section, and titles of said sections).
The novel starts with an exclusive scene under the POV of Janice. It takes place three years after the case, and she is just finished singing for the last rehearsal before the opera she will play in the day after — it is The Eternal Kingdom, which she has not sung in three years, and the next day will be the second time ever this opera will be sung in a theatre with a public. Of course, no eternal life game planned this time. Janice also gets a letter of encouragement from Whistler, which is pretty sweet.
Unless I missed it and it somehow happens in the part I did not yet translate, the intro of the movie in which Luke and Layton solve the case where Don Paolo decided to mess with the bells of Big Ben is not at all mentioned in the novel. Luke in the novel doesn't give the introduction-narration speech that he does in the movie, we jump straight into the scene in which he is shown in Layton's office pretending to be pointing at culprits (and we get a fun little scene showing what led up to him doing it). Go read it, it is translated, and I do not want to spoil for you the opportunity to read Luke being a dork all over again.
We switch to the flashback telling the actual events, and this is the part that has no translation yet. I won't give many details as a result since I don't know the things for sure myself, but as I said earlier, I saw a few words that I recognised here and there: notably, Luke mentions Misthallery on at least two occasions. If memory serves, one of them is when Grosky shows up to "arrest" the puppet, and I think Luke went on a small tangent to give a small summary of the events of Last Specter (aka how he met Grosky), and also mentions Descole (though he does not give his name, since I'm pretty sure that he didn't hear the words "My name is Jean Descole" at the time, and only learned that precisely upon meeting him again in ED). On another time he mentions it, from what I vaguely understood he may be making a reference to Naiya, Janice/Melina's friend who can be found in Misthallery and who is also a singer (she's the NPC who is meant to represent the singer of Paxmaveiti, just like Yuming is meant to represent the singer of Mysterious Flower in Miracle Mask). Pretty inconsequential, but it's always fun to have continuity nods and references to the actual plot of other stories.
Finally, back to three years later, we get an epilogue narrated by Luke which is the exact same scene as the movie: Layton and Luke are listening to Janice's opera, and at some point Janice shows up to say hi. Luke also mentions what happened to the rest of the participants after the case throughout those three years; most are just what we see from the credits, but the novel still gives a few more details in some cases:
By the time of the original trilogy, Amelia is studying abroad at a foreign university, and she recently sent a letter to Layton and Luke, saying that she is grateful even after three years.
Luke is friends with Nina, who comes by at Gressenheller every now and then, and he even considers her a rival of sorts due to Nina having a good memory and studying well. (also what the heck Luke why are you talking about getting to college and how you're worried that she may be admitted to college before you do, you're THIRTEEN)
Celia Raidley and Pierre Starbuck got married "just the other day" (yes, the ship is now officially confirmed beyond just the one image from the movie credits) and the tabloids are going wild over it.
Luke is reading Annie Dretche's latest mystery novel, and he can't put it down. Annie apparently told him that she has been writing faster so that Bargland (the guy who said he did not have much time left due to an illness) can read them at the hospital. Seems like "six months" turned into three years after all, good for him!
Anyway, that's all I have to say for now, I hope you enjoyed the rambling. I hope this will reach some fans of the movie who would be excited to get a few more details!
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saintmeghanmarkle · 7 months
GMA's Will Reeve and Prince Harry: Full transcript (per the DM) by u/Von_und_zu_
GMA's Will Reeve and Prince Harry: Full transcript (per the DM) For anyone who wishes to avoid hearing his voice....From the DM article entitled: Prince Harry says he has 'other trips' to Britain planned after telling US TV he 'loves his family' and hopes King Charles' cancer diagnosis has a 'reunifying effect'.
FYI - his "other trips" include a trip in May for a service at St Paul's for 10th anniversary of Invictus. Seems to me like an event designed specifically as royal cosplay. He says: I will stop in and see my family as much as I can.'" Will they receive him?
Reeve: 'How did you get the news that the King was ill?
Prince Harry: 'I spoke to him.'
Reeve: 'And what did you do next?
Harry: 'I jumped on a plane and went to go and see him as soon as I could.'
Reeve: 'How was that visit for you, emotionally?'
Harry: 'Um, look, I love my family. The fact that I was able to get on a plane and go and see him and spend any time with him, I'm grateful for that.'
Reeve: 'What's sort of your outlook on his health?
Harry: 'That stays between me and him.'
Reeve: 'An illness in the family can have a galvanizing or sort of reunifying effect for a family. Is that possible in this case?'
Harry: 'Absolutely. Yeah, I'm sure. Throughout all these families I see it on a day-to-day basis, again, the strength of the family unit coming together. I think any illness, any sickness brings families together. I see it time and time again, and that makes me very happy.'
Reeve: 'Just physically being in California, how have you processed the fact that there's so much happening back with your family and where you come from?'
Harry: 'I have my own family, as we all do, right? My family and my life in California is as it is. I have got other trips planned that would take me through the UK or back to the UK. I will stop in and see my family as much as I can.'
Reeve: 'That's my next question, right, your family. How is Harry the dad?'
Harry: 'How's what?
Reeve: 'How's Harry the dad?'
Harry: 'I can't tell you.'
Reeve: 'That's top secret? Really? Making lunches.'
Harry: 'It's top secret. No, the kids are doing great. The kids are growing up like all kids do, very very fast. They have both got an incredible sense of humour and make us laugh and keep us grounded every single day, like most kids do. So I'm just very grateful to be a dad.'
Reeve: 'How are you enjoying your time living in the US.'
Harry: 'It's amazing. I love every single day.'
Reeve: 'Do you feel American?'
Harry: 'Er, do I feel American? No. I don't know how I feel.'
Reeve: 'Would you think about becoming a citizen?
Harry: 'I have considered it, yeah.'
Reeve: 'Yeah? What would stop you from doing it?'
Harry: 'I have no idea. I'm here standing here next to this with these guys. American citizenship is a thought that has crossed my mind but certainly not something that's a high priority for me right now.'
Reeve: 'Aside from Invictus, what's keeping you busy when you're out of the house?'
Harry: 'Everything. Everything in the house, everything outside the house. The mission continues. Every element of the work continues. Before you know it, February next year, this time of the year, this time we're gonna be right here doing all this again. Hopefully you'll be here. And we're going to have the whole of Whistler and hopefully the whole of Canada screaming these guys on for an epic games.'​ post link: https://ift.tt/t0C4Khp author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: February 16, 2024 at 08:16PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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asyastudieskorean · 1 year
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9/20/2023 — Hello, studying world. Today I start my journey of learning Korean with my first university Korean class (online). We didn't have any work on the first day, so all I did was read the syllabus (the most basic, non-informative syllabus I've ever read, ha), set up my new desk space, and updated my student bio on Canvas. I haven't been a college student for about 3 years, so it felt like I accomplished a lot. When the readings and assignments start coming in, I'm sure reality will hit.
I've always wanted to learn Korean, and my goal is to reach a near-fluent level, but I know it'll be hard, especially with my full-time work priorities. Eventually, being able to teach and work in translation is my goal. FYI, Chinese, Thai, and Japanese are on my list, too, but I'll be realistic and focus on one language for the foreseeable future.
Last week, as it so happens, I had to move from my family and childhood home, and I am lacking in the positivity department rn, so I think having a place to chronicle my studies and the progress I make will be good for me. I tend to start a new blog on here when I'm having a hard time, and it helps.
So, the plan is to take two full academic years of Korean (that's 3 quarters per year at my university). That's just how much Korean the school offers. I graduated in 2020 from this same university with a BA in English with a focus on professional and creative writing, and I really enjoyed the overall experience studying here.
I spent a whole lot of time obsessing over grammar, reading new and old literature, trying to understand poetry, and just enjoying the inner peace I felt when writing fiction. It was maybe my most happy time because I had no other real responsibilities or worries besides school. All I did was read and write.
Anyhow, fast forward to now, after pondering different language learning options (which are limited in my area), I decided to take my Korean classes at the university level because the classes will show up on my official university transcripts, and I imagine that will be best when I apply for future Korean-related jobs. I am also hoping that by taking university-level language classes, they will have some sort of superior level of... intensity? accuracy? efficiency? Something like that. Granted, this route isn't the best for my finances, as there is no aid for non-matriculated post-grads, and the cost of a single class is quite ridiculous. But alas, here I am, with an empty wallet and hope in my eyes.
Upon reading the syllabus today, which could basically be summarized as "TBD," I realized the textbook I bought, the textbook I waited over a week for, the one listed on the online course materials list, is, in fact, not the correct textbook.
And, icing on the bitter cake, the correct textbook appears to be a rare Pokémon that isn't available anywhere except the dark corners of eBay, where shipping will take at least 2 weeks. Like how did other students get this? Did they order it two months in advance? Meanwhile, I have my first assignments and readings due Monday.
I quite literally just sent an email to my professor and asked what I should do, so we'll see what she says, but I really wasn't hoping to be that one student, emailing the professor about an issue on day 1.
Since this is my first post here, here also is a tiny bit about me:
My name is Asya ("Asia"), and I'm a 24-year-old English grad based in Washington; no, not the one followed by DC, but the state with a lot of rain and trees. Twilight? Starbucks? Amazon? Yes, that one.
Since graduating in 2020, I've been a freelance editor and writer. I'm taking Korean both for passion and for work purposes, and I really should have started sooner. But I guess we're all on our own timelines.
I've been on Tumblr for a long, long time, but I've never been part of the studyblr sector. I'm glad to be here. :)
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fyi CBS's full transcript of 60 minutes interview cbsnews . com/news/prince-harry-interview-transcript-60-minutes-2023-01-08/
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shallowseeker · 1 year
fyi jack doesn't appear in rocky's bar
Probably shouldn't be answering these when I'm in a bad mood, but since you're poking me. Yeah. Neither is Mary. The bar is a workers'/coworkers' paradise, and that's all Dean's allowing for himself here. It's an anemic, starved happiness, where Dean is...endlessly waiting on a happiness that is so Paused that nothing truly bad can happen.
And Rocky's is mostly empty.
Dean's lost a lot of friends, and here, he's subconsciously aware that even if he retires, his loved ones might still be fighting/working, not at home with him. Thus, you get...the roadhouse. He is become like Ellen Harvelle.
The roadhouse is the domain of road warriors. It's and "after-work drinks" type of contentedness, not the "toes in the sand" type he'd been alluding to just a half-season before. That's why the bar itself is filled with the motifs of coworking and friendship. It's why it's full of those "sublimation's kinda your thing, Dean," motifs, like the Tombstone symbols.
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Dean sublimates his own desires. He'll take a big place doing who-cares if everyone can just be there. Ergo, roadhouse.
It's also why Sam and Cas are still working; they're out on a hunt, but they're not too far. They're "just down the road," in Wichita. Still in Kansas. It's why Dean is still working, albeit in a work-from-home situation, where he kills vampires ("theme of hunger") on an endless loop.
Mary isn't there at all. May! The thing "we finally found...after all this time," and the most broadly consistent part of Dean's "everything we've always wanted," is not here. Mary is integral to Dean's happiness, and he desperately wants her happiness too, as evidenced by Lebanon and all that's signified by his limbo-wandering in the companion series, The Winchesters.
And Jack? Jack is the thing he never gets to keep. It's the thing he's been steeling himself to lose since the very beginning:
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People like Mary and Jack are not in the roadhouse because they're very much a part of the things he wants but can't have, you see. They don't even one-to-one work motifs, because they're not and never have been co-workers to the degree that the others have.
So, Jack would be in a bunker version of a fantasy, no doubt. So would Mary. And probably versions of Sam and Cas (and Dean) that aren't, you know, working.
EDIT: Oops, I forgot the attributions. Scripts are from here. it's Tombstone and Jack in the Box.
(Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
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golmac · 1 year
Someone sent me some play transcripts with comments last night, and, you know, that's really nice! It feels quite different outside of a playtesting context. For one thing, the feedback was more qualitative, as in "I find this scene very moving" versus "why can't I FROB THE LINGERING MALAISE?" (FYI nobody actually said that)
Now that Spring Thing is almost over, I find myself wishing that the game could be more accessible. I'm not sure what I would do or how that would work, not really. RTE is about (or can be about) lots of things, including the history of IF from the 90s on, which requires certain technical and structural moves.
Anyway, these are just random things I've thought about since people have started responding to Repeat the Ending. I have at least one more Inform 7 game to write after this one. Like RTE, being a parser game is thematically important, so that's what it has to be. After that, if I'm still writing games, I might do something else, I dunno.
Whatever happens, after I publish my postmortem, I think I'm going to take a long break from talking about IF outside of Gold Machine. The experience of having this kind of public-facing, personal work out in the wild has just tired me out.
Full-sized image of Callie's "Star Queen" drawing, just bc
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rathologic · 2 years
HEY fyi 🇧🇷 the pathologicdialogue github page has added the full(?) transcription of yuri beira's brazilian portuguese translation to its pathologic 2 section 🇧🇷 :-)
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found--family · 3 years
highlights from Alejandro Mayen's virtual panel (32 mins) [2/4]: 
"How was the experience of playing Castiel AND Lucifer (Casifer)?" 
Alejandro: "It was a complete change, but I'd record one character with tone and intention, a feeling, and then record the other." They also "change the chip" for "another feeling completely. Different voice placement and movements - because we move a lot while recording to reinforce the feelings." 
Interviewer: "There's many different versions of Castiel - /Archangel Castiel/ as you said, all serious, the soldier, who isn't sure if Dean is the right man for the mission; Future!Castiel (Endverse), who had stopped caring about anything, who was only there for pleasure; Castiel who thinks he's God (Godstiel), with the power to justify his belief; Human!Castiel; Emmanuel (amnesiac); Casifer - a big list!"
Alejandro's favourite Castiel was "The Innocent One " (season 6): "When he's doing his process, watching television and they catch him suddenly watching porn." 
Interviewer: "The Pizza Man!"
Alejandro: "Exactly. His process of learning on Earth is very sympathetic and divine. That's when I just finished falling in love with him." 
Interviewer: "Castiel is a very ancient character, older than mankind itself, and yet when faced with Dean and his speaking in 99% (pop culture) references that only Dean himself gets, Castiel is the first one to go /Okay, I'm lost. I have no idea what's going on, but oh well. Let's follow him./" (Alejandro laughs + nods) 
"Which Castiel was the hardest to dubb?"
Alejandro: "Casifer, because he was too.. inside his evilness he was cynical. And besides that he had a very dark humour, acidic. It was hard to give those tones, to suddenly try not to fall into comedy, into farse, not to sell jokes, and yet to keep that evilness, that coldness, that malignant essence."
"It was hard. It took effort to get those tones, I needed (multiple takes). But it came out well at the end of the day. The Actor Challenge." 
"All those characters, you've brought them through many seasons, they make you grow as an artist, as an actor."
"You realise when you see Castiel that you recorded in the first season, and the Castiel you recorded in the last season, you realise what you've managed. There's always constant growth, learning." 
"I have 31 years in dubbing and I'm still in my learning process. That's the blessing of this path." Every new character gives him "a new lesson, a new challenge" and "They arrive sometimes and you realise that it was what you needed to continue working. And you get another, and another." 
Interviewer: "Was it a surprise to suddenly get to dubb an animated Castiel? (Scoobynatural)" 
Alejandro: "Ah! That was really fun! I could finally do some comedy with him because the dialogue in the end was like Scooby Doo lines - that rhythm, it was what we wanted, to have fun - and we did, we had a lot of fun." 
Interviewer: "Curiously, fans had been asking for a Scooby Doo crossover almost since the series began. There are convention photos of people arriving in a Mystery Machine, and an Impala parked next to them." (Alejandro laughs)  
we're nearing the halfway point.. 
"What was the biggest surprise in Castiel's story and evolution? What was definitely unexpected?" 
Alejandro: "Him becoming a parent."
"That he became a parent, that he fell in love in that incredible way, due to the line he had about helping and duty, everything he had done, everything he was facing - and suddenly, well.. i don't know.. another crossroads for him, but it's a very hard test. That he knew to face, to confront and to accept the responsibilities that came with it."
Interviewer: "More when he expected to find a baby and meets a teenager." (Alejandro laughs) 
Alejandro: "Exactly. And he assumes that responsibility, he gives his life for him. It's incredible." 
..ok that's the halfway point. next question is about Destiel! 
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headspace-hotel · 3 years
Some of the Best Horror SCPs
So, I was going to make a post where I rate popular/commonly recommended horror SCPs based on how scary I think they are, but I forgot about all the ones that didn’t have much of an effect on me and I don’t feel like rereading them. So. Here’s what you get. A short selection of best horror SCPs.
Or, my best ones that I have been able to find again. I will probably add to the list as I track down others.
Its been a while since I’ve fully read some of these so I don’t remember everything, but, SCPs are generally pretty heavy on gross/unsanitary stuff, gore, body horror, and unreality stuff, so be warned.
SCP-2951: 10,000 Years This is one of my favorite SCPs ever, both in terms of the story and the way it subtly screws with formatting. The narrative revolves around exploring a mine full of spatial and temporal anomalies after a collapse that left potential survivors still trapped down in the mine.
I am a HUGE fan of the “exploring creepy anomalous area that’s bigger inside than outside” type of SCP and this one is a good example. The sense of dread that it builds and the ambiguity is haunting. If you know the podcast “Old Gods of Appalachia,” there’s a really similar energy here.
SCP-3005: A Light That Died A great article that messes with your head. I still have no idea what specifically is actually happening here but it’s somehow compelling as hell, how warped everything feels through the subtle screwing with the formatting and the writing.
SCP-4157: WANT DOG Not strictly a horror SCP? It’s kinda horrific but like equal parts funny and horrific. It made me scream with laughter at a couple points. A nice short one if you’re not interested in a long ass narrative.
SCP-783: There Was a Crooked Man: The body horror part of this one is pretty great and chilling, but the twist is even more so.
SCP-1165: Minus Level: You know how in Minecraft everything is infinite and you’re alone and buildings sometimes generate wrongly? If that makes you feel a little weird you’ll be into this.
It’s basically about an alley in a city that opens into an warped alternate version of the city that goes on forever. It is one of the first SCPs I can remember reading, and it took me FOREVER to find it again.
SCP-2194: Filth Pretty much exactly what it says on the tin! I would like to unread this thanks. Not among the scariest on the site per se but one of the earlier SCPs I read and it…left an Impression. So here ya go.
SCP-1730: “What Happened to Site-13?” So, FYI, this is the longest SCP on the site, if memory holds. It’s novella-length. Which makes it impressive that it held my attention the whole time.
There are a lot of good SCPs that build a connection with their characters, but this one is an extraordinary example, because you really start to get invested in the main characters’ survival. It’s another expedition-into-creepy-anomalous-place style SCP. It’s not specifically horror-focused but it is like, suspenseful with SCP typical horror elements.
I would actually say that it probably makes a good introduction to the SCP world.??? since it hits a lot of the major worldbuilding things and gives you a good sense of what this world is like.
SCP-455: The Cargo Ship- An absolute favorite. This one has a narrative that is super engaging and it’s scary af. The interview logs, audio transcripts and dialogue really hit the spot with the mixture of ambiguity and horrible specificity. There is a big jumble of horror tropes here but the main compelling thing about this is just the journey into an abandoned cargo ship that has waaaay more floors from the inside than outside.
And the ending is a gut punch I will never forget.
SCP-1981: “Ronald Reagan Cut Up While Talking” Fucked up. I think this one is pretty well known? This is one of the few SCPs where a creepy image enhances the SCP for me, and it’s also just fucked up.
SCP-835: Expunged Data Released HORRIBLE. NO. HATE. Do not click if you’re not prepared for body horror and to be generally grossed the fuck out.
You know the [redacted] meme? Yeah, so, SCP’s often build horror around putting redactions in their articles, because sometimes leaving ambiguity is more horrifying than specifying exactly what is going on—and THIS IS NOT ONE OF THOSE INSTANCES HOLY SHIT.
SCP-2614: Sometimes I Go Out in Pity For Myself This one isn’t scary per se. But it’s extremely eerie and it HAUNTS ME. I just have SO many questions. I want to be the researcher to perform experiments with this thing holy fuck.
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dotthings · 2 years
It's funny how certain people will continue to post weirdo conspiracy theories about fandom "grifters" (that don't exist) and claim an entire server full of meta nerds and memes and theories with channels for different tv shows and properties from spn to star wars to dc and cute pet photos and yelling about pierogies are some sinister cult here to destroy fandom as if there's nothing odd about their behavior, nothing unsettling about this hate fixation, or the way they continue to lie and lie and lie.
I will be referring to this individual as The Fake TFW Stan from now on just for clarity (A back story: poses as TFW/J2M fan, insidiously backhands Jensen, claims to care about Cas but diminishes him at every opportunity, as actually a bitter Sam/Jared stan who claims to multiship but reinforces a bunch of brosonly type bs, claims to be a multishipper, but undermines Destiel at every opportunity because he's salty that Sastiel isn't the big ship instead, smarmily and passive aggressively continues to imply that Jensen is anti-Destiel, and is actually an exceedingly bitter anti who is pissed at spn but won't admit it, as he plays heavily with fake politeness). And FYI, people in this fandom with experience directly in, or understanding of, how the media industry works, and a lot of experience analyzing media and tv story structure and have been to a few rodeos, who got their series finale predictions borked due to external factors such as queer censorship and covid restrictions and butchering that resulted in a script draft full of [OMITTED] yet were right time and again about so many things again and again and continue to be right now and have been accurately with their fingers on the pulse on things that landed us right where things are today with the SPN universe and the Jensen long con are not sinister meanies and frauds trying to trick you. It's FANS. Informed fans. Media literate fans. Who got screwed over by the same systemic problems that impacted the writers room.
While the Fake TFW Stan keeps flopping his arms around squawking on about conspiracies fandom cults and grifters that don't exist and keeps getting things wrong. And doesn't know when it's time to shut up and stop their ceaseless hate campaign or attempts to make everyone think they are in the know and some kind of special authority. While they keep being wrong and will NOT STOP THEIR ENDLESS HATE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE ADMIN OF A SERVER AND A BUNCH OF META NERDS.
This person is baffling. Their blog often has some good in it, they do put in effort and they make transcriptions and find things and could do a lot of good but instead they choose...to be a mess. Their twitter is more drama free so they retain more credibility there. Their tumblr audience, note, has dwindled down to Misha haters. People who like those posts, I use as a "who to block" guide." This is just beyond bizarre at this point.
Buddy, this is a Wendy's, what are you doing, etc.
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adowbaldwin · 4 years
Overworked and not even paid
@sazmags requested after i forcefully mentioned i wanted someone to request Gallowglass. “21st Century Gallowglass run ragged by Baldwin”
“Gall, oh god” she whimpered as he rolled his hips into her “Don’t fucking stop” her head tipped back, burying her face into his forearm that was caging her frame
His hips beat into hers making delightful friction, he was so close and she was even closer. He grunted “Mm come on sweetheart let it go” it may have seemed cute that he called her sweetheart, but in all honesty it was just because he couldn’t remember her name. He had learnt, calling women by a pet name was far better then getting their actual names wrong; they can be so touchy sometimes.
“FUCK” He bellowed, emitting an animalistic growl followed by various other profanities in different languages
The woman thought this outburst had been a result of their current friction “I know” she whined as she felt her end nearing
Suddenly, he pulled free of her bounding out of the bed scrambling for his clothes, mumbling absentmindedly to himself “Sorry sweetheart, you best get dressed and quickly” he started throwing various pieces of clothing at her as he scrambled to put on his own
Sometimes he wished he could murder his Uncle, especially in this moment. He had heard the footsteps of oxfords smashing against the stone flooring before he’d scented the woodfires and abruptly stopped fucking the delightful woman before he walked in on the situation.
He had managed to tuck himself in half looking presentable when the bedroom door flung open to a angry looking, copper haired demon “Uncle” he beamed sarcastically “how good of you to join us”
The woman almost fainted from embarrassment of being caught half naked by a stranger, and gladly left fully clothed five minutes after the interruption. She’d happily finish herself off at home to save face.
“I sent you to Ireland to keep close watch, not wet your wick with THE FUCKING HELP” Baldwin screeched, fuming that his nephew had been so blaze about his orders
“Oh come on now, there’s got to be some perks to the job” he hadn’t quiet grasped the complicated situation arising between Ireland and England, and Baldwin often wished he could clone himself so there would be other dependable people in the family
He stepped closer to Gallowglass, matching him in height and brawn “if I send you somewhere for work, you work” he growled “if I wanted you to catch an STI I’d of sent you to Ibiza”
He held his hands up in mocking surrender “Alright calm down, what’s the big deal anyway? Who cares if Ireland want reunification and to leave Britain, doesn’t every country they’ve raped an pillaged?” the Scott could sympathise with the growing cause, having fought in almost every battle of Scottish independence
“I couldn’t care less if Ireland decides it wants to become a state of America, what I won’t see is petrol bombs and innocent lives being taken” he stepped as close as he could, distinguishing any power Gallowglass may have held “now do your job, or ill have your head” he turned on his heels and made a point of slamming the door on his way out
What a delight he was.
 Gallowglass ran his hands through his wiry beard as he honestly wished he’d killed his uncle that day. why on Earth he had sent him on this job and not Matthew was perplexing. The 1980’s should have been a good time, women in leather trousers and the rising ‘House’ scene meant Gallowglass got to prowl the nightclubs and always had a warm blood in his bed at the end of the night.
The Hacienda club had some particularly wonderful woman with questionable morals. He liked that.
Instead, he had spent a majority of it infiltrating the ‘IRA’, preventing what attacks he could, delivering messages to headquarters via Scotland and keeping tabs on every influential figure in the ‘organisation’. He felt pushed and pulled in all directions, and on more the one occasion thought he had been rumbled.
He shook what little hair he had now as he pulled it free from his helmet, ruffling his hands through the messy locks. He had been wired up for the last meeting in Belfast, and now had to relay what he had uncovered to a woman called Sandra (whose name definitely wasn’t Sandra).
Sometimes, between all the spying, preventative measures and travelling he’s often forget what he was supposed to relay. Was he meeting with another Doherty? Was she an agent from MI5? Is she the Queen of Sheba? Lord only knows at this point. He’d been following the footsteps of multiple families since 1975 and now couldn’t decipher anything anymore.
He took his seat opposite the woman, nodding politely at the waitress whom had brought him over coffee with a small (large) dash of whisky in it. He handed her over the transcripts bunched up between ‘The Sun’ and they began to talk lowly as if he wasn’t handing over important information.
“So, Scotland lost against Ireland yesterday” She smiled meekly in his direction
“Aye they did, Rugby fan are you lassie?” he sipped the murky brown substance steaming in the cup, and if it weren’t for the extensive whisky he’d of chucked it out the window
“Aren’t we all?” she sighed, digging around in her purse. Moments later she had pulled out two cigarettes, pointing one in his direction “Smoke?”
He nodded, taking the Camel Blue from her “Need a light?” he pulled his free from his leather jacket pocket, sparking hers first then his own.
That sat puffing away, breaking into small talk every now and then as to not look too inconspicuous. After all, he had just delivered Her Majesties government the last plotting details of the ‘M60 gang’ that should hopefully see the end of the Doherty’s.
 He had found through the extensive chain of communications he had set up his information had given the SAS a full picture of the movements of the M60 gang, leading to a successful trial. He was positively spent, no energy left to work and for the love of God wished his Uncle wouldn’t send him anywhere else.
He had a meeting with the devil himself that afternoon, and knowing he only had a few hours before his next orders would arrive all he wanted to do was rest.
He lazily threw his jacket on his sofa and sunk down into the leather. His eyes closed for a moment, and he delighted in the perfect piece he had finally found.
Faint noises of cars speeding by outside had sent him into a daze, and if it weren’t for his keen senses he wouldn’t of heard the front door opening
Peculiar he thought, Baldwin wasn’t due home for another few hours “Uncle, is that you?” he couldn’t smell his familiar scent, instead what had wafted through was the strong odour of tobacco and rolling paper.
He peered up from his comfortable position, shocked to have met the eyes of ‘Sandra’. He thought, possibly she had been a double agent like he had, and was here to kill him “If you’re here to kill me lassie, you are in for a big shock” his hand involuntarily gripped the small knife he kept at all times, though she was human and he wouldn’t need of such weapons to dispose of her
She smiled darkly “I’m not here to kill you, Eric” she licked her lips wantonly “I was just curious about the most illusive of the De Clermont bunch” she had begun to remove her jacket, each pop of the button perpetuating her words
“Oh no, my Uncles gonna go spare. He’ll be here soon” truthfully, he was far too tired for a fight with his Uncle, despite how tempting she was having ten bells knocked out of him wasn’t worth it.
She smirked, dropping to her knees running her hands up his thighs “Oh, you needn’t worry” she chuckled “He sent me on behalf of Her Majesty’s Service to thankyou for your aid” She winked knowingly as her hands sought to free him from his jeans. She wasn’t particularly a fan of the double denim he was sporting, but was never the less intrigued by the biker.
He looked down at her, and she peeped up with the most innocent doe-eyed expression, and it was the most beautiful sight he’d seen in a while.  
Thank God for Uncle Baldwin he thought as her tongue swirled his tip. What a legend.
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fated-lab-partners · 4 years
A She-Ra PSA - Noelle Did Not Call Hordak "Perfect Representation."
The quoted bit in the title is a lie that most likely originated from Amitylesbian, a well-known Entrapdak anti.
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FYI, the Amitylesbian post isn't available anymore. They moved to a different Tumblr account. But I feel that the screenshot beneath the "Lumity Canon Kings" text might be their Tweet. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Back to the livestream. The host read a fan letter, which never called Hordak perfect representation either, by the way.
Transcript: "Entrapta and Hordak are some of the best disability representation I, a disabled woman, ever saw. We not only have two well-written, disabled people who are not defined by their disability, and no sob-stories, or burdens, but also have an epic and healthy romance with each other. It's groundbreaking. And they actually even talk about their internalized ableism, and help each other out of it. Do you have any thoughts on this relationship?"
[Audio Version] Click this link to hear Noelle's response.
As you can see, certain individuals - whom clearly disliked the disabled fan's positive opinions on Entrapdak - lied and spread misinformation.
I recommend watching the livestream in its entirety to get the full-picture.
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fibula-rasa · 6 years
September 2018 in Review
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You should all be proud of me this month, as I actually watched MORE than one movie made in this decade. There was little rhyme or reason to the films I watched this month. I was pretty scattered honestly and my viewing habits show it. I keep a full diary on letterboxd and IMDB.
A major highlight of September was TCM’s month-long series hosted by the African American Film Critics Association (AAFCA) The Black Experience on Film. I only caught a few of the films but went out of my way to watch the introductory conversations. TCM’s Trailblazing Women series with Illeana Douglas was a favorite feature of mine and I’d love to see even more hosted series for marginalized groups in film history. It might be too much to suggest Disability on Film… But I’ve been considering doing a blogging series on that myself!
The reviews below the jump are essentially transcriptions of the notes I took right after watching the films. They’re presented in the order in which I watched them.
Brigsby Bear (2017)
23 January 2017 | 97 min. | Color
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When Brigsby Bear came out there were a number of people, in real life and online, who gushed about it non-stop. I was pretty wary to see it. In the past, often when people around my age pick out a new darling film or TV series, I’ve been burned. Sometimes it’s something cynically violent in a way that’s disturbing to overlook. Sometimes it’s something with too much ironic detachment for my taste. Or it’s something straight-up ableist, sexist, or bigoted. (How are we still traumatizing all “Strong Female Characters” in the 2010s. Come on.)
BUT, Brigsby Bear was really good!? I honestly wasn’t expecting such a heartfelt and humanist film. A modern comedy movie that has faith in the good of all people? Amazing. I hope that the success of this film can be the beginning of a new chapter of millennial comedy so we can wholly move on from calling cynical intellectualized bigotry humor.
I got emotional as the friendship between Spencer and James developed. Maybe because I’m a clinically strange person myself. I don’t always have the energy in social situations to keep my neurotypical mask on and when I show my actually autistic self to people it doesn’t usually go all that well. That’s why it’s a special, joyful moment to find acceptance. Brigsby captures this so well. That feeling where people suddenly like you for your weirdness, rather than getting aggressive over it, is like a psychological hug. Kyle Mooney’s portrayal of James in those moments of acceptance is very true to life.
It’s refreshing to have the tension of a comedy film built around a feeling that misunderstandings might make everything fall to pieces. And then the tension releases because everyone is trying so hard to be their best self and things get sorted. I’m used to this dynamic in quite a few old romantic comedy films, but it’s a strategy not employed all that often today. If this is where millennial art is headed I’m ready to take out the trash marketed to us in the last decade.
At first I was worried that this was going to be another early 1980s throwback nostalgia piece without the spirit of media it was referencing (yes, I’m already fatigued by this). That thought was dispelled quickly.
The casting is great. The use of Mark Hamill is particularly ingenious.
Where to watch: it’s currently on demand through Starz.
Perfect Blue (1997)
28 February 1998 | 81min. | Color
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Perfect Blue is a must-see for giallo fans, I think. It was very cool to see a Japanese filmmaker create a giallo-inspired psycho-detective thriller and specifically to see Satoshi Kon’s take given his skill in weaving tales about identity.
Perfect Blue is a harsh criticism of Idol culture (and, more broadly, fan culture).
This film requires a huge content warning for sexual violence and assault. If I hadn’t been watching Perfect Blue in a theater, I absolutely would have had to pause the film and take breaks a few times. Which is why, if you haven’t seen any other Kon films, it might be best to start elsewhere–even though Perfect Blue was his first feature. My first exposure to Kon was a few years back with Millennium Actress (2001) and then Paprika (2006). Both are great for newcomers to Kon. Paprika is usually the easy to find. Tokyo Godfathers (2003) is also worth watching, but pretty far afield from Perfect Blue.
Now I’m not suggesting that Perfect Blue isn’t good. It’s great. It’s simply that it’s such an intense and potentially triggering film that it might put some people off Kon’s other work. That may well have happened to me if this had been the first Kon film I saw rather than my last of his filmography.
As with Kon’s other films, the animation is fantastic and imaginative. I don’t want to give too much away about the story, so feel free to ask if you need more specific content warnings.
Where to watch: This one’s not so easy to get your hands on. Your local library or video store might be the best place to look. But, GKids does have some theatrical screenings upcoming.
New Orleans (1947)
18 April 1947 | 90min. | B&W
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I watched this film on TCM as part of the aforementioned Black Experience on Film series with AAFCA.
As it was a month-long series in September, I probably should have mentioned it sooner, but the whole series was fantastic. The critics offered useful context for all of the films. Given that the films elicit mixed responses and have complicated roles in cultural and social history, it was very cool to see people debate and disagree on the films. It was valuable to witness even the disagreements that weren’t all that complicated and more about personal taste than politics. With New Orleans for example, one of the hosts liked the film and the other disliked it, though both held an appreciation for it. More civil disagreement about films, please and thanks.
I liked New Orleans and am disappointed that I hadn’t even heard about it before. Although, I do agree with critic/host Jamaal Finkley that it’s a disappointment that New Orleans doesn’t provide any insight into the personal trials of the Black characters.
It’s always a treat to see Arturo de Cordova, but that goes double when it’s an American film where his role isn’t informed by Latin/Mexican stereotypes. This is actually one the more refreshing aspects of the film. The Black characters lack interiority and their struggles are left out of the film, but Louis Armstrong’s and Billie Holiday’s characters are average people and don’t hew to stereotypes. It’s not exactly a victory for representation, but it’s still an improvement.
That said, the music is great and I wish there were more of it. It’s well established in the film that New Orleans’ problems largely come from badly-behaved white people, which I appreciate. (Is that too real?) Arturo de Cordova is great as the romantic lead of the film. I only wish Dorothy Patrick had the charisma to seem like a better match for him.
New Orleans is definitely worth checking out if the progress of Black representation in film is of interest to you or if you have a special interest in jazz or New Orleans.
Where to watch: It looks like Kino’s DVD release might be out of print, so libraries & video stores might be your best bet. OR, you can wait until TCM plays it again.
The Boy (2016)
22 January 2016 | 97min. | Color
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Sooooo depending on how long you’ve been following the blog, you may or may not know that I love horror movies and ghost stories and whenever those things meet. When I first saw the trailers for The Boy ahead of its theatrical release, it did pique my interest. However, that’s mostly because they made me laugh. I am not someone who’s creeped out by dolls though. If you are, I suspect this film actually might be scary to you.
The Boy has a solid premise. At first it reminded me of the story “Baby Doll” by Larry LeClair from the radio show Nightfall. (”Baby Doll” is a better story, FYI, and creepier.) Unfortunately, the execution of The Boy’s story was disappointing. The film drags when it shouldn’t and the flow of the lead character warming to the doll felt stilted. The Boy’s big reveal ended up feeling a bit cheap as a consequence.
That said, I had fun watching it. I got some good laughs from Brahms’ ghostly antics and the middle part of the film is chock full of them.
The house from the film is so beautiful. I can’t believe it’s in Vancouver. Or that it’s a location for Little Women (1994)? I somehow didn’t recognize it.
Whether The Boy is worth a watch is debatable. If you like Haunted Doll stories, the execution and ending might be unsatisfying for you. Maybe if you like the odd modern horror film that can’t embrace its own camp, The Boy would be perfect for you?
Where to watch: It’s currently streaming on Netflix.
Street Scene (1931)
5 September 1931 | 80min. | B&W
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This movie was a good old kick in the pants.
Street Scene an adaptation of a Pulitzer-Prize-winning stage play by Elmer Rice. It depicts the problems of New York City tenement residents and their relationships with one another. Though this is a pre-code film, I still imagine there would have been notable changes for censors. That said, the film is still very… mature. Additionally, I’ve seen suggestions that the film we know today is a re-edit of the film for post-code re-release. Hoo boy, what that source material must have been then.
One challenge a lot of filmmakers have when adapting stage plays to film is avoiding static staging–as if someone simply recorded the play. Street Scene doesn’t fear this and I think it works out. Almost all of the film takes place on the stoop of the tenement. The building facade is a truly impressive setup for filming. The camera work livens up the visuals with tracking shots and unexpected angles not commonly seen in early-sound films. (Unsurprisingly, Gregg Toland worked on the film!)
The acting is fantastic and, as someone who has spent the lion’s share of her life in cultural melting pots, the atmosphere the actors create is very authentic. Frankly, after living in Brooklyn for five years (four years ago), some neighborhoods still feel like this–only the voices are Puerto Rican and West Indian instead of European. It’s fascinating to see those veins of permanence in a city that’s changed as much as New York has.
The story primarily focuses on one family. The matriarch (Estelle Taylor) is bored with her unhappy marriage and takes up with the man who collects payment for milk delivery. The eldest child, Rose (Silvia Sydney), is pursued by seemingly every young, eligible man on the block and her not-so-young and not-so-eligible boss. The only one Rose shares feelings for is her downstairs neighbor, an unemployed student, Sam (William Collier, Jr.), who also happens to be Jewish. There is plenty of external resistance to their relationship for anti-semitic and/or financial reasons. Rose’s misgivings are a little more complicated. She feels trapped by the neighborhood and is wary to tie herself down to her current status at so young an age, regardless of how she feels about Sam. In the end, Rose’s mother’s fate cements her own. You can’t help but feel for both of them.
In case you haven’t already gathered this, the film calls for a content warning for anti-semitism and the use of anti-semitic slurs. [Note for clarification: the film is not anti-semitic, a few of the characters are.]
Street Scene takes social issues head on and is a pre-code through and through. It’s absolutely a top recommendation if you like pre-codes. It’s also worth watching if you’re into New York City history or have an interest in film adaptations of stage plays.
Where to watch: This one is pretty easy to see, but I haven’t sussed out the distribution rights or home video releases.
I also watched the film Sanatorium pod Klepsydrą / The Hourglass Sanatorium (1973). That left me with too many feelings to put in an amalgam post. Once I sort through how personal I want to get in discussing the film publicly, you can be sure it’ll get its own post up here.
Last Month’s Review
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alittledizzy · 6 years
Just as an fyi: I usually ask people who are direct quoting the II transcripts to link back to where they’re taking the information not because I want credit but because I want people to have access to the full context. This is far worse on twitter than tumblr but the number of times I see one line taken out of context to imply something that the full conversation wasn’t even related to is frustrating. I get that people do that because it’s likes/retweet/reblog bait and everyone wants that precious adrenaline boost of a tweet/post that blows up, but can be purposefully misleading and I hate that. 
Proper credit with a link also helps because the more people who see the full transcripts, the more people who will a) potentially offer to record their show which ensures we keep getting these, and b) see if I’ve misquoted something from a show they went to, or help me out if there’s a part of their show that I couldn’t catch in the audio. 
tl;dr Just putting “source: alittledizzy” or “source: IDB” with no link is unhelpful in multiple ways. 
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𝗝𝘂𝗽𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗥𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗱𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁 : 𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗲 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝗷𝗼 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 ?
Daily #Astrology #Horoscope 19 August 2021 & Upcoming full moon
𝕂𝕖𝕪 𝔸𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥 : 𝕊𝕦𝕟 𝕚𝕟 𝕃𝕖𝕠 𝕆𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕟 𝔸𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕦𝕤 𝟚𝟟º𝟙𝟜’ 𝟠:𝟚𝟠𝕡𝕞 𝔼.𝕋.
𝕄𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕕 : 𝕃𝕖𝕠, 𝔸𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕦𝕤, 𝕊𝕔𝕠𝕣𝕡𝕚𝕠, 𝕋𝕒𝕦𝕣𝕦𝕤 ~𝟚𝟟º
+𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕕 : 𝕃𝕚𝕓𝕣𝕒, 𝔾𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕚 ~𝟚𝟟º
𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕤𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕤 𝕚𝕟 𝕃𝕖𝕠/𝔸𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕦𝕤 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕟 𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕝𝕪 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕣𝕠 𝕤𝕚𝕘𝕟 𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕗𝕚𝕔 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤.
Jupiter is reaching its Retrograde midpoint today at 8:28pm E.T. as it opposes Sun.
📖 𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕪 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 : http://emailabuddy.com/blog/
📧 ℝ𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕤 𝕚𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕚𝕝𝕓𝕠𝕩 : https://charuchandna.substack.com
This is key aspect of full moon of 22nd and Yod activation so things will come to head / turning point, come to culmination and light with it. At the midpoint of Jupiter retrograde all the hopes and expectation of growth which were paused due to Jupiter retrograde from 20th June, they come rushing back with a vengeance and life of their own as we revisit growth patterns of April 2021 with a different perspective. The desires, the wants, the hopes which were dulled in past 2 months they come back with an intensity as we are about to find another way to go about it. In Leo Sun the expression of that release could be pretty dramatic and even in grounded Capricorn moon day this can push emotions high which would peak in normally cool Aquarius full moon this weekend. Jupiter and Saturn both retrograde together in the once in 20 year of being together triggers bouts of depression which we might have been experiencing since end May. And in the process they totally shifting our life priorities for next 20 years as these two planets are to do with our physical material tangible growth. With both now reaching their midpoint of retrograde its time of new promising possibilities to take tangible shape and a shadow to lift with it.
Benefits of Jupiter retrograde by sign covered below - link to transcript is in description also if you prefer to read :
This is one cheerful optimistic aspect amidst all the global and internal volatility of Uranus going retrograde. Its gives us guts to do things we may not have been able to do before as this is one boost of self confidence bordering on arrogance aspect. Not everyone likes when we are more of us and thats ok, do not mess your positive vibes with the feedback of those aren’t yet ready to get there.
There is something called too much of a good thing so be cautious in terms of overdoing it - overindulgence, telling people what they aren’t ready to hear yet, overextending oneself physically and over committing.
We have an over the top day and weekend ahead use its momentum so just keep moving despite the resistance and overbearing volatility or restlessness. The road to 22 August full moon is full of epiphanies and realisations. You can check which part of your chart its activating in your August 2021 Readings.
📖 Read it : http://emailabuddy.com/blog/
🎥 Watch it : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv3tUTLu8-MSnx91JkXqKMTjdi0ocittl
🎙 Hear it : https://anchor.fm/charu8
FYI the full moon this weekend is conjunct south node of Biden making this a lunar eclipse for him and we are entering the period of activation of May Sagittarius eclipse in coming days which was on ascendant of US and Biden. South node eclipses ask for release and disclosures. I will post more on that.
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