#not a basis for projection I mean geez
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daisyachain · 2 years ago
As a founding Jyn Erso Defence member it’s kind of annoying that when I block the tag ‘rebel/captain’ her entire search glitches out on tumblr
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midheavenastrology · 2 years ago
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♛ Timothee chalamalabingbong is a Capricorn sun🐐Pisces moon 🧜🏼‍♂️ and Virgo rising🧝
♛Capricorn suns are one of the three most misunderstood signs (the other two being Scorpio and Pisces) ☹︎☹︎☹︎Nobody gets us fully..as a Capricorn sun myself, I feel like half of the astrology community gets us completely wrong. Typical pop astrology will say we’re workaholic bores that love following rules and having structure, but that’s so far from the truth.
♛ Every caprisun I’ve met is a complete rebel- they actually hate rules. They also hate work unless the work gives them complete autonomy to be who they want to be. One thing pop astrology does get right is that we have a wicked sense of humor. It’s the Saturn influence- we’ve been through it and lived to tell the tale with a sarcastic grin on our face. (Sorry y’all had to go on a misunderstood Capricorn rant lol)
♛Timmy is known for his sense of humor- he’s a little sarcastic but never mean. He knows to take things seriously but never too serious. He’s also a bit of a rebel- and this probably comes with his Venus in Aquarius as well, but he goes against the grain of Hollywood norm. He doesn’t really do celebrity BS and actually takes time and effort to get to know his fans on a real person basis 🙇‍♀️
♛ Timmy’s pisces moon is this face 🥺🥺🥺 his little heart is probably so lost and so sad. He probably needs a lot of alone time to recuperate from social settings. Pisces absorbs alllll the energy and being his moon sign, it means he probably picks up on everyone’s emotions all the time. It’s exhausting. Y’all paparazzis give him some heckin space geez. His emotions are probably like the tides of the ocean, ebbing and flowing. Pisces moons are old souls with huge hearts.☆☆☆
♛ Y’all wanna know why Timmy talks so fast and eloquently ? It’s prob his virgo influence as a Virgo rising. The mercurial influence of Virgo makes him talk faster, yet still in full sentences with big words. Virgo is smart- Virgo catches all the details. His mind probably moves a mile a minute and catches all the nuances of what is and isn’t being said. It’s also on his ascendant so it’s how he presents himself to the public (like interviews and screening q+a) ✪︎︎✪︎︎✪︎︎
♛ He has as 5th house stellium (as mentioned in my previous post) His sun, mars, Mercury, Uranus, Neptune are all in the 5th house, as well as his vertex and juno. From a logical standpoint, this shows why he is an actor and has always wanted to be an actor. In an interview he was asked what he would do if he wasn’t acting and he promptly answered “nothing..unemployed” With all those planets in the 5th house of the sun, the house of Leo- his creativity must be expressed outwardly. ❤︎❤︎❤︎
♛ He also has vertex there, which is a super fated point in astrology. Your vertex house and sign placement shows you where fate seems to shine upon you. It doesn’t denote that it’s necessarily good or bad, just that destiny comes swooping in. Hence he could have been fated to become an actor. ⚓︎⚓︎⚓︎
I’m so curious if timmy ever got a chart reading and was like “wow, of course I’m an actor lol” ☺︎☺︎☺︎
♛ He has Venus in Aquarius in the 6th house of service and work. This means that he loves working on projects and embodying characters that are a little offbeat, a little Uranian in nature- for ex: his most recent role as Lee, a cannibal lover in “Bones and All”.♁♁♪♁♁♪
♛He also might find love while at work or in service to others- he tends to choose partners that are somewhat unique in their own right- maybe they dress kinda off the cuff or they’re not the typical Hollywood type. 𓆈𓆈𓆈
♛6th house is mentors as well and I’ve noticed Timmy has a lot of Aquarius sun people he looks up to, like Kid Cudi and The Weeknd. Also his older sister is an Aquarius and he really admires/looks up to her 🥲
♛He has his moon in Pisces and Saturn in pisces in the 7th house- to me this hints at cougar energy. Remember when he had that fling with Eiza Gonzalez (who btw is an Aquarius (his Venus in aqua)) and she’s 5 years his senior. ☻☻☻
♛Saturn isn’t just about restrictions or limitations-although with someone who natally has Saturn in the 7th as well and am fully aware of how Saturn 🪐 can really put boundaries on ur love life. Lol✞✞✞But it also means elder energy, someone older than you (also this doesn’t mean older physically per se, it could also mean a 23 year old with elder energy btw) On top of that he has the moon in Pisces in the 7th house as well- which in itself is old soul energy. ❁❁❁
♛Timmy is an old soul for sure and with Saturn in Pisces in his 7th house, there’s a chance he might end up with an older, wiser spouse who might be very spiritual in nature.
♛His south node is in Aries in the 8th house and his north node in Libra in the 2nd house. Aries south node in the 8th is soooo intense. It’s mars energy in a Martian house. I imagine he was a warrior or prince to a royal command, a little like his character in Dune, Paul Atreides. 8th house is about other peoples resources and deeply intimate, unbreakable bonds. His Arian qualities of independence and self identity were bound to someone else’s resource. Perhaps so much that he wasn’t allowed the freedom to be himself or be with who he wanted to be with. There was a lack of balance ⚖️ in his self-identity versus his identity that was bound to someone else. ✡︎✡︎✡︎
♛ They say that a lot of times we are attracted to what we’re familiar with, so at times in life we replay what we were in a past life. I have this theory that actors are actually playing versions of themselves in past lives (take this with a grain of salt..lol, like obviously Evan Peters wasn’t Jeffery Dahmer in a past life..but he could’ve been a cop chasing a serial killer 🤷‍♀️) so who knows maybe Timmy was a prince on another planet somewhere in time or a cannibal drifter on the fringes of society. If you believe in parallel lives and past lives- I believe this is all possible. 𓅓𓅓𓅓
♛His Chiron is in Libra in the 2nd house- He has a wound when it comes to seeing his worth:value in intimate partnerships. It’s about balancing his own values with that of the other and creating safe boundaries of what is his and what is ours. Obvi this might be tough for him because he’s a Pisces moon and Pisces energy just wants to give give give like the martyr that they are, but in order for him to align with a balanced partnership, he must learn to let go of tendencies of self sacrifice.☔︎☔︎☔︎
♛He has his Jupiter and Pluto in the 4th house in Sagittarius: he probably had a rather expansive home life - he did say he would spend summers in the south of France with his family. I don’t think it’s really my place to talk about his Pluto in the 4th, but alls I’ll say is it’s a dark placement with lots of power struggles in the home :/ ༄༄༄
✧✧✧ wow that got long y’all, I didn’t even get to talk about aspects lol but yah Timmy is def a different kinda actor/celebrity. He was born to shine, but he does it with so much grace/humbleness◈◈◈hope y’all enjoyed✩✩✩
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thebibliomancer · 4 years ago
Justice League Indispensable: JLA #222: Beasts II: Death Games
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January, 1984
I’ve noticed over two-hundred and twenty plus posts that villains love being tall and dangling heroes from their fingers.
That tactile sensation... It must feel amazing. And a little squirmy.
Not much else to say about the cover. Except that Hawkman’s legs seem to not exist.
Last time on Justice League: the Justice League have been dealing with a lot of weird animal/people hybrids. Has Dr. Moreau finally been adapted into DC? Probably not. But Flash, Elongated Man, and Hawkman all get badly injured in separate locations by these Ani-Men. And Firestorm catches a catgirl named Reena robbing the Empire State Building. She asks him for sanctuary so he takes her to the JL Satellite to spill the beans on the Ani-Men.
This time: Superman is in the hilarious position of interrogating catgirl Reena who has forgotten how chairs work.
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Just sitting on the table. Probably getting hair everywhere.
Firestorm tells Superman to chill out with the hardnosed animated Justice League approach (I mean, he doesn’t, but animated Superman also needed to chill out, amirite?) because Reena volunteered to help.
Reena says she has no choice but to trust the League and that she’s lived in DAILY TERROR for the past few months.
She asks if any of them have heard of Repli-Tech?
Dang, shame Batman is off having recently formed the Outsiders because I bet he knows all the companies. All of them.
Ooooorrrr Aquaman does?
Aquaman: “Repli-Tech Industries... They were one of the first of the genetics companies to go public on the stock exchange, weren’t they? I remember they made quite a splash a year ago... But I haven’t heard anything about them since.”
Oh, Aquaman, you punster, you.
So Reena lays down some exposition about how Repli-Tech was a hilariously mismanaged company, where the executives forced a rapid capital expansion beyond its market niche and how a recession just bankrupt the overextended company.
But despite the dismay and panic of the other execs, hilariously mustached CEO Rex Rogan had a daring plan to save the company!
Rex Rogan: “Dr. Lovecraft and his genetic discoveries were the basis for our initial success, developing new forms of medicine -- new fertilizers -- even new fuels! He’s come up with a way out for all of us, involving a new, experimental form of DNA manipulation. It could kill us -- but the alternative is disgrace, financial ruin, and imprisonment.”
Oh, sure. Of course. Why not trust a guy called DR. LOVECRAFT.
But due to faith in Rex Rogan, CEO, or just fear of prison, the whole board all agrees to this wild plan.
And the wild plan?
Dr. Lovecraft uses SCIENCE to put them all in cocoons where they are transformed into furries.
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Rex Rogan Maximus Rex: “We are reborn -- we are above the beasts, and above mankind! We will do more than merely survive -- we will conquer -- we will rule!”
Then with company guards also enhanced by Dr. Lovecraft, Rex has them steal a whole bunch of shit which is used to protect Repli-Tech from bankruptcy.
Uh. I don’t really get how becoming furries was an essential part of this plan.
If the plan was just to steal a bunch of shit to make up for poor financial management. But live your best lives, Repli-Tech board of directors.
Anyway, having super hunky animal powers is handy when the superheroes inevitably become involved which oops look its happening. It happened last issue and this issue so good thing they had turned themselves into furries.
(Do the Repli-Tech board of directors not have to make any public appearances? They’re a publicly traded company, apparently.)
Also, Maximus Rex buys a warehouse to turn into an arena for some death games where humans fight beast-men for the amusement of the rich and powerful like politicians and corporate executives.
Not really sure how this specifically saves the company but I think that’s more of a personal project for Maximus Rex, lion hunk.
The blood sport did make Reena start thinking that maybe Rex was the asshole.
‘Uh no shit’ chimes in Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman who determine now is a good time to interject that Reena is just as much of a monster for sitting idly by as people were killed in blood sport.
Firestorm, Superman, and Zatanna counter ‘hey lets hear the rest of the story, mkay?’
Reena grew unable to stomach all the death and as luck would have it Rowl, one of the Repli-Tech guards recently transformed into an animal hunk also found the whole situation gross.
He helped Reena escape but wound up captured himself.
He did manage to high kick a scorpion man though. So that’s something.
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Anyway, Rowl getting caught is why Reena was breaking into the Repli-Tech office in the Empire State Building. She wanted to find evidence!
Hawkgirl: “I don’t believe it. Not a word. She’s obviously a plant -- she said herself, she was Rogan’s mistress, that she always did everything he told her. Why should we believe she’d turn against him?”
Firestorm: “Look at her, Hawkgirl -- me, I believe her.”
Aquaman: “We can’t ignore what she’s told us, Shayera.”
Even Superman goes yeah lets believe the catgirl. And I’m sorta wondering about all the male Justice League members believing the catgirl while two out of three of the woman leaguers are like uhn uh I don’t trust that darn cat.
But we shortly see that Reena was telling the truth about Rowl, if nothing else.
Guards at the Arena snooze gas Rowl to drag him from his cell into the Arena.
A Guard: “Y’know, I used to be friends with this guy, when he was still human. Rex gives him a chance to be something special, and he goes and blows it helping some damn cat.”
Rowl comes to in the center of the Arena with the crowd roaring for his blood.
He tries to talk to the crowd, win their sympathy by saying he used to be human like them but they’re rich dicks who want to see someone horribly murdered for their amusement.
Trying to talk to them was a non-starter. And Maximus Rex even mocks him for trying.
Maximus Rex: “Human you may have been -- but you were never like them. Smell the air: it’s so thick you can taste it -- the oily sweat of a blood-hungry mob! They want a death, Rowl... They want your death!”
Maximus Rex asks the crowd what Rowl deserves and they chant DEATH and KILL HIM so Maximus Rex jumps down to the Arena floor to see to it personally.
He’s kinda like Roman Emperor Commodus from the historically adjacent movie film Gladiator who liked to gladiate instead of just watching Gladiator gladiate.
And unlike movie Commodus, Maximus Rex is no slouch.
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Right off the bat, he blocks Rowl’s ultimate technique, a jump kick.
Poor Rowl is doomed.
And he doesn’t even know it yet. He manages to hit Maximus Rex once and thinks he’s winning.
Rowl: “You’re just as you were in the boardroom -- you’ve no stomach for a real battle! We used to laugh about you, Rogan, down in the ranks! All of us -- we called you a gutless wonder!”
Maximus Rex retorts by disembowling Rowl.
Maximus Rex: “So, Rowl... Which of us has no stomach now?”
Savage af.
Then he knocks Rowl down and RIPS OFF HIS HEAD TO SHOW TO THE CROWD??
Geez! This is a gory story! I mean, we don’t see anything really except for some dark blue blood but geez!
A lion man just ripped off a jump-kicking wolfman’s head in a gladiatorial arena for the ultra rich!
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You’re bonkers, superhero comic books!
RIP Rowl, Justice League #222 (1984) - Justice League #222 (1984).
Back at the Justicey part of the plot, 22,300 miles above the Earth, the League receives an emergency message from Dr. Hamid of Cairo Hospital.
Or he says he’s Dr. Hamid of Cairo Hospital.
He looks like Tony Stark, that Ironman guy from Marvel.
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Anyway, he got the JL’s top secret broadcast code from a device on Hawkman’s uniform.
Yeah. Hawkman. Remember how he was attacked by a giant scorpion last issue? Well, he’s in the hospital with an acute case of too much scorpion venom in him. And Dr. Toby Stark fears he may not last the night.
Hawkgirl is understandably upset and wants to rush to his side as fast as possible. And since the League has cool teleport booths, that’s... still not that fast because the booths only go to other booths and Cairo Hospital doesn’t have a booth.
She also asks Wonder Woman to go with her.
Superman wonders if Hawkgirl is maybe too emotionally torn up to go see her scorpion’d hawkguy.
Zatanna: “I won’t stop her, Superman. Will you?”
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WHILE GIVING AN EXPRESSION THATS LIKE ‘please do not drag me into drama.’
Reena tries to commiserate with Hawkgirl but Shayera is having none of that.
Hawkgirl: “Your people did this. If Katar dies -- you killed him!”
Zatanna tries to contextualize Hawkgirl’s outburst by explaining that Hawkman and Hawkgirl are just super close but Reena says she understands because she and Rex were that close.
And that despite everything she still loves him and it makes her feel like shit.
Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl arrive at Cairo Hospital and Dr. Hamid tells them that Hawkman isn’t the only one who got scorpion’d.
Dr. Hall and his students were attacked by giant scorpion man to rob some archaeological relics they found. Several of the students are in the hospital after being stung and two have already died.
As for Dr. Hall, why he’s just plum gone missing. (Because he’s Hawkman)
From his hospital bed, Hawkman weakly (because of getting scorpion’d) apologizes for the argument they had before he left for Cairo and Hawkgirl claims she doesn’t even remember the fight. Because nothing makes you put aside hurt feelings like possible death by scorpion.
Dr. Hamid tells Wonder Woman that Hawkman is very likely to die unless they can get some giant scorpion man venom to develop into an anti-toxin.
And while they walk by, a random janitor mopping the floor reports the presence of the Justice League members to his ring.
I think that I suspect that this humble janitor is in fact actually a plant for the Rex Squad.
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That janitor was up to no good.
With two Hawks down with sleep gas, its left to the Rex Squad unit leader to handle Wonder Woman.
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Of course, a hero as strong as Wonder Woman isn’t going down to a single rhino punch.
It takes a second whole punch to knock her out.
Womp womp.
Rhino Man: “Gas her and shove her in the ‘copter with the others, Mac. The boss wants ‘em all for a little TV show he’s planning. Way I hear, it’s gonna be a ratings smash!”
Rhino puns.
About an hour later, the Justice League subteam nicknamed Sit On Their Thumbs is still in the satellite wondering why Wonder Woman hasn’t called to tell them how Hawkman is doing.
But gosh darn it, if they don’t hear from her in two more minutes in time for the regular hourly check-in, then they’ll just have to do something maybe!
But they get a signal from Hawkgirl’s code and Aquaman main screen turns on... to reveal a big sneering lion man who is not Hawkgirl at all.
Reena: “oh god... he’s found me.”
Maximus Rex, full incoming ham: “Yes, Reena, I’ve found you. When this is done, you’ll suffer the fate of all who betray me. But first, tell your new friends who they face! I am MAXIMUS REX, LEADER OF THE NEW ORDER!”
Firestorm: “Y’know... Somehow, I’d already guessed that.”
But Maximus Rex warns them not to mock his lionness and has the camera swung over to reveal that he has Wonder Woman and the Hawks as his hostages.
Hawkman is definitely going to die (from being scorpion’d) but Maximus Rex is Magnanimous Rex and instead of immediately killing them, he’s going to turn them into furries too.
Maximus Rex: “I think the Amazon would make a very proper pig, don’t you?”
Man, this guy must have loved the “This Little Piggy” episode of Justice League Unlimited.
Buuuut he won’t turn them into furries and make them fight in his Arena if the Justice League do him some small favors.
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First thing, turn Reena over to him.
Second thing, “I want your full cooperation with my plans.”
When Superman tells him ‘obviously no’ Maximus gets mad.
Oh, Maximus the Mad. That’s a catchy name for him.
Maximus Rex: “In the hours to come, you will regret this decision, Justice Leaguers. My new order is the future. You cannot turn the tide of destiny. It will sweep over you... Draw you under... Drown you in the sea of history! Ours will be a struggle to the death -- your death! HA HA HA HA”
He is.
Frothing a little.
And as the mad lion lad continues just belly laughing on this collect call, Superman shakes his fist determinedly.
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Superman: “Enjoy it while you have it, Maximus. We’re bringing you down.”
I mean, sure, half of the League is captured or in the hospital already from tangling with these Ani-Men but the League is probably due for an upswing, right?
Or maybe they’ll all get captured and I’ll get to see what the Justice League’s fursonas are.
My guess for Superman is the noble capybara, friend to all.
Follow @justice-league-indispensible or @essential-avengers​ which is my real liveblog. I’m sorry, this has all been a lie. A jape. A delightful jest. An April Fool. Like and reblog maybe. The more notes this gets the more I go oh no look at what kind of response Justice League gets and I’ve backed the Avengers horse, the April Fool turns out to be me! That’ll show me.
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gisachi · 5 years ago
Surprise Me, Surprise You (Happy Shinichi Day! 05.04.20) (ShinRan. Drabble. College. Roommates.)
(Many months after the Blackout incident…)
He is out late again.
Going back to their apartment a little past midnight has slowly turned into a routine. School work, on top of detective work, is such a pain. The only thing he’s grateful for is the fact that he likes his major, Criminology, so damn much. Had it been otherwise, the reason for going home late for the past few days will be because of a real case of homicide, not because of a simulated midterm project geared to identify fingerprints, blood splatters, and wounds for his Forensics class.
Not that he wants more homicides to happen. Well. Real, unsolved cases make him feel alive. Not school requirements.
He shuffles for his keys and opens the front door quietly, careful not to make any unnecessary sound that might disrupt the sleep of his roommate.
Roommate slash childhood friend slash most favorite person in the world —
— Platonically. Or so he forces himself to believe.
The light in the living room is still open, much to his confusion. He walks to the light switch, only to stop short upon seeing a figure sleeping soundly by the dining table.
Ah. There she goes again.
He shrugs and approaches the woman. She looks so peaceful sleeping like a log that for a moment he debates on whether or not to wake her up or just drape her with a blanket. But whatever decision he thinks of becomes moot upon hearing a tired sigh, followed by a long, disconcerted yawn.
He almost snorts at how ridiculous she looks as she stretches her limbs while wearing that striped party hat on her head.
“Mhm,” he pulls up a seat, eyes half lidded, his elbows on the table as one palm couches his cheek. “You fell asleep here. Again. How tired are you on a daily basis?”
She rubs her eyes, attempting to ride them off of sleepiness.
“What time is it?”
“12:25 AM.”
“Twel... EH?!”
Like a panic-stricken child, Ran stands upright, droopiness gone in an instant. She glances at her phone and her face whitens. After hurriedly sending a mail, she pulls out a match from her back pocket and lights a small candle sticking out from the center of a finely baked pie, which has surprisingly gone unnoticed in front of him.
Shinichi watches in quiet amazement as Ran lifts the pastry and brings it near his face.
“Ha-... Happy birthday, Shinichi!”
Shinichi blinks owlishly.
It’s my birthday?
“It’s your birthday, you moron!” Ran answers, like she has just read his mind.
“Oh.” He looks at the pie in front of him, then at her. “It is...Oh. Okay.”
She rolls her eyes and releases a groan. “Geez. I knew it, you forgot your birthday again!” She slides back to her chair in defeat. “You never really care for occasions like this, do you?”
He smiles apologetically.
“Well, worry not,” she places the pie on the table, “because that’s what I’m here for. To remind you!”
For a detective geek’s best friend, this girl’s pretty painstakingly persistent. He has known this since they were young, remembering the many times she’d coax him into eating, drinking, and sleeping, everytime his detective brain got the best of him. Some people would give up easily, but not her. Although her ramblings were never guaranteed to work on him all the time, she remained relentless in reminding him to do human things because he’s, you know, human, and if she won’t, no one else will.
Somehow, this trait of hers has grown on him and admittedly, he finds it kinda nice. She’s like his own personal alarm clock. When he finds himself too engrossed in unworldly interests, or lost in track for whatever reason, her smiling face will randomly pop up in his head to tell him to breathe. Rest. Take it easy. Then he’ll do it and be okay again.
That’s one of the many reasons why he considers her his most favorite person in the world.
In a platonic sense.
(Read: Not.)
“Sometimes, it’s nice to take a break and celebrate moments like this, you know?” She remarks, bringing her face to her palm. “Especially with people you love.”
She smiles at him appreciatively, and his heart flutters at that.
With people you love. Yeah.
“Now, make a wish and blow the candle!” And so he does. Ran claps her hand once the fire is extinguished, and readies to slice the pie with a knife she prepared beforehand.
Ran gives him a hefty piece and awaits his reaction on the first bite.
“So? How is it?” Her eyes glimmer in anticipation for his answer, and she gets it when he widens his eyes and licks the crumbs around his lips in interest.
“Lemon pie...” He blushes at how delicious it tastes. “My favo-”
“Your favorite! Yay, I’m really glad the taste turned out well!” She cups her cheeks in glee, marveling at her achievement. “I’ve only tried baking it once, so I’m not really confident about it.”
He forks more crumbs and eats in silence.
You should be. It’s the most delicious lemon pie I’ve ever tasted!
“I learned from Asami-senpai that you like lemon pie. You know, our former student council president? The really pretty senpai who was liked by everybody from our high school?”
I know her. No one compares to you, though.
“You might’ve forgotten about that already, Shinichi, but she baked the whole soccer club a lemon pie and you-” she snorts, “-you said it was bad! Oh my god! How dare you?”
It really was! I couldn’t lie...
“Anyway, she also told me that she confessed her feelings to you but you rejected her. Said you’ve been in love with somebody else for years…” she drifts away, shoving another bite into her mouth, chuckling passively.
“I wonder who the lucky girl is?”
...Can’t lie.
“It’s you.”
Her giggle dies down, mouth stops munching, smile instantly disappearing from her lips. Eyes widen like saucers, her face contorting to an unfathomable expression he can best associate to pure bewilderment.
“I said it’s you,” he looks away.
He doesn’t mean to say that out loud —
“...always been you.”
— and repeat it thrice.
But oh boy, there he goes.
How does she look right now? Surprised? Confused? Betrayed? He cannot confirm. He’s afraid to look again. He doesn’t think he can.
(I love you.)
But alas, his senses betray him as his eyes instinctively flit back up, locking with hers, searching in desperation for whatever answer her beautiful eyes store.
Though words fail him (and her) at the moment, he wants to know.
He hopes ‘I love you back’ is a set of crystal eyes edging with tears that if she blinks, they’ll fall. He hopes ‘I love you back’ is a sharp, quivering inhale, unable to release an exhale, because she needs to fill her lungs with air or else she’ll pass out. He hopes ‘I love you back’ is that nervous bite on her lower lip, stopping the waterfall of words about to gush out.
(Do you love me too?)
He moves his face closer, closer to her... maybe he’ll get a clearer answer if he sees her eye to eye, nose to nose, breath to breath—
Knock! Knock! Knock!
As quick as lightning, Ran stands up from her seat, face as red as her ridiculous striped party hat.
“G-gee, I wonder wh-who’s at the door?! Haha! C-Can you open it, Shinichi?”
She stutters and he cannot help but laugh at her awkwardness. He coughs and walks his way to the door. Weirdo as always.
You just confessed to her on your birthday. Now who’s the more awkward one?
He jolts at the sudden outburst of energy radiating from the other side. Startled to the bones, his eyes jump from one person to the other.
Kazuha-san. Hattori. Tou-san. Kaa-san. Sonoko. Kyougoku-san.
A mix of voices all echoing the same birthday greeting fills his ears, as he stands there confused as to who he shall prioritize first -- Yukiko hugging him, Heiji patting his head like he’s some disciple, Sonoko taking a picture of the sweet parent-child moment, Makoto holding a Shinichi banner with Shinichi’s big sleeping face plastered on it, Kazuha laughing at the background, or Ran admiring everything from inside their apartment.
“We hope we didn’t disturb a sacred moment,” Yusaku butts in, eyes shifting between Ran and Shinichi.
“We mailed Ran-chan and told her we’ll drop by and surprise you, Shin-chaaan!” Yukiko hugs him more tightly, earning her a wince from the birthday boy.
Entering the apartment freely, the four younger adults hang the banner a little above the pie Ran baked. Heiji and Kazuha unbox a chocolate cake they probably bought on their way to them, while Sonoko assists Makoto uncork a bottle of champagne and prepare eight glasses of wine on the table.
“To Kudo!” Hattori exclaims, as he lights the other cake on the table.
“To Kudo!” everyone shouts in unison.
He looks at the people, admiring everyone who went out of their way to pull this stupid surprise.
“This is what I actually meant when I said celebrating your birthday with people you love,” she whispers beside him, shyly.
He grins stupidly at himself, then looks at her. “And I am now, right?”
In more ways than one.
Cheeks turning crimson, she averts his gaze and looks at the wave of people now crowding over her lemon pie.
“Yes, yes you are.”
The pair looks at Yusaku and Yukiko setting their presents beside the pie; Makoto taking Sonoko’s photos as she pauses in front of their birthday surprise set up. Heiji and Kazuha bicker as to who gets the bigger slice of the pastry.
Amidst the noise, Ran finds herself staring at a full body mirror across the unit, reflecting her and him, side by side, the others blurred in the background.
“And these people you love... they love you back,” she refocuses her gaze on him. “Surely.”
She smiles so wide that it hides her eyes.
“Happy birthday, Shinichi.”
(I love you.)
“Yeah,” he smiles back. “Happy birthday to me.”
(I love you, too.)
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revisitingstoneybrook · 4 years ago
#68 Jessi and the Bad Babysitter: Chapter 10
I think Jessi wins the award for Dumbest Thing Said in a BSC Book Ever in this chapter. You’ll see what I mean.
Jessi gets to the Pikes five minutes early and, sure enough, Wendy isn't there, even after Jessi begged her to show up early the day before. Mallory reassures Jessi that she'll probably be there in a minute (especially considering, you know, Jessi showed up five minutes early), and Jessi explodes, “I specifically asked her to be on time!” Whoa, calm down. You're turning into Kristy! Besides, you're early; if she arrives right after you, she's still on time! Jessi has a warped understanding of how “on time” works.
Mrs. Pike asks Jessi where Wendy is, and Jessi says she has no clue. Jessi tells them to go, Wendy will probably be there soon. Mrs. Pike panics over the thought of Wendy not showing up and decides to sit around for a few extra minutes. Since the Pike kids will all melt into puddles of goo if there aren't two sitters there and it isn't that important to get What's-Her-Name to the doctor right away. She says she can't cancel the appointment though because it was the only available slot when she called last week. What the hell kind of pediatrician do the Pikes use that doesn't take patients on an emergency basis?
And while we're on this tangent, why is it such a huge issue if there isn't a second sitter there? I know, I know, more than 4 kids = 2 sitters. But the Pike kids are drinkers of the BSC Kool-Aid, they're only a handful if the writer wants to show how chaotic/wacky they are, or if they're doing one of their ~projects~ and this one isn't their brainchild. The rest of the time, they practically take care of themselves! And Vanessa and the triplets are 9 and 10. When the series started, Mallory was helping out and she was, oh yeah, 10. And two chapters ago, we got this whole thing about Vanessa being responsible and able to help out with watching the younger kids. What? Already forgotten? And the other Pike kids aren't expected to help out the way Mallory does because she's the family punching bag? Ok.
Jessi finally gets rid of Mrs. Pike and Mallory by promising if Wendy doesn't show up in 15 minutes, she'll call Aunt Cecilia to come over and help. Jessi says she doesn't even like the idea, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Anyway, Mrs. Pike finally takes a hint and leaves with Mallory, anxiously reminding Jessi to do something if Wendy doesn't show up. Geez, calm the hell down, Mrs. Pike! After they get the hell out of there, Jessi does the usual “make the rounds and see what the kids are doing” routine. The boys are playing Nok Hockey downstairs, again the triplets have no problem letting Nicky play with them. And upstairs, Vanessa's doing her homework and Claire's doing a puzzle on the floor. Claire says Margo kicked her out of their bedroom. Jessi heads over to the younger girls' room, wondering why Margo would do that.
Um, let's see. You caught her shoplifting the other day, she was acting secretive and weird last time you sat for her...you don’t think she’s holed up in her room with the ring she stole? Geez, the BSC is not good at putting 2 and 2 together. Especially Claudia.
Jessi knocks on Margo's door and she doesn't answer until Jessi threatens to come inside. Margo opens up and claims she was asleep, though Jessi heard footsteps inside. Jessi wants to talk but Margo says she wants to “sleep” for like another hour and feigns a yawn. Jessi lets her and Margo shuts the door before either of them can say anything else. 
As she walks downstairs, Jessi wonders if Margo's coming down with whatever Mallory has. Are you fucking kidding me? She faked being asleep, when she obviously wasn't. Jessi herself noticed that. Add that in with all the other stuff...she's clearly hiding something and chances are, it involves her shoplifting. Jessi is such a moron in some parts of this book. The real doozie's coming up soon where she says what quite possibly could be the dumbest thing she's ever said.
Hey, whoa! Wendy's 15 minutes are up (in more ways than one), so Jessi calls her house first. Mrs. Loesser answers and says Wendy had a babysitting job after school. Jessi wonders if it's the Pike one or if she forgot about the Pikes and took another one without telling the club (blasphemy!). She asks Mrs. Loesser to call her at the Pikes if she comes back and hangs up. Now what? Things are calm and quiet, so she has half the mind to keep it that way. But Mrs. Pike wanted another sitter there, dammit! And Jessi's in no rush to call Aunt Cecilia, so she goes looking for someone else.
The victim is Mary Anne, who doesn't have a sitting job until 7:30 but was going to spend the afternoon working on a paper. Jessi calls her, begging her to come help out, since Wendy isn't there. Mary Anne says she can't because the paper's due tomorrow and since she's been so busy with the BSC, she's had like no time to work on it. Kristy, when the sitters' academic time is suffering, IT'S TIME TO HIRE NEW SITTERS AND NOT BE AN UNWELCOMING BITCH TO THEM! Bring on the Shillaber twins, we haven't heard from them in ages.
Jessi begs her again and Mary Anne says she will, as long as she stays at the kitchen table to work on her paper and is only called on in an emergency. Uh...doesn't that defeat the purpose of having another sitter if she's going to pretty much be useless?
Mary Anne shows up, armed with four books and a pen behind her ear, explaining that the paper counts for a quarter of her grade. What the hell is she doing taking tons of babysitting jobs if she's got a bigass paper due? Forget this whole “Seven sitters is ENOUGH!” crap, hire more people and keep them! Even if they are normies. And geez, Mary Anne, no Kid-Kit? You're slacking!
Well, not long after she arrives, there's a knock at the door. It's Wendy! Jessi demands to know where she's been. Oh no...she is turning into Kristy!
Wendy starts to say something, then notices Mary Anne's there and stops herself. Mary Anne asks if everything's ok and Wendy tells her she had something to do at school that went long, and she knew Jessi would be at the Pikes, so she thought it wasn't a big deal. Nice save. Jessi reminds Wendy that Mrs. Pike asked for two sitters, since her three next-eldest are unable to babysit, being that they're a year younger and oh-so-immature. Wendy responds, “I knew you'd get here on time!” and smiles but Mary Anne and Jessi are not amused. 
With Wendy there, Mary Anne gets out of there faster than Claudia in a library and that's the last we hear from her on this...or is it?
After Mary Anne leaves, Wendy confesses to Jessi that she really didn't have anything at school. Well, then where was she? Just like her mom said, Wendy was at a babysitting job. Her neighbor that she usually sits for grabbed her that morning in an emergency to ask if she could watch her baby after school. Wendy said she couldn't say no to her and took it knowing the Pike kids wouldn't be left alone since Jessi was there. Strike 3 and strike 4! Wendy is going to meet her doom at the next BSC meeting...it was nice knowing you, peripheral character!
Jessi freaks out and tells Wendy that she wasn't allowed to do that! Kristy told her so! Yeah! You can't babysit for anyone unless the BSC approves it! Ok...I know Wendy was irresponsible in not calling up Jessi and telling her that she was going to be late. Not to mention she didn’t bother telling Jessi about this at school before they left for their babysitting jobs. Really not smart. But Wendy's faux pas is overshadowed by Jessi here. Seriously, this is like the stupidest shit she ever said in the series. I'm including it in its entirety for posterity:
“Nobody else knows this baby,” Wendy insisted. “She won't go to just anybody.” (OH SHIT! She just dissed the BSC!) “Besides, Mrs. Behar only asked me this morning as I was leaving for school. What was I supposed to do?” “Well, I'm not exactly sure,” I admitted. “I guess you should have told her no, or given her the number of our club.”
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ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!? God, it's taking all my will power to not hurl this book against the wall. Where is the logic in that? Neighbor asks for babysitter in emergency, usual sitter says no because the BSC won't let her take jobs without everyone else's approval. Did Jessi seriously expect her to say, “I'm sorry. I'm in this babysitting club now and I can no longer sit for you on my own. Here's the number, you must call on these days only and at these times only. I know you don't know everyone else but that's what I'm supposed to do now. Hail Kristy!” This makes absolutely no sense. And despite all this, we're supposed to side with the BSC and look at Wendy as the bad girl.
And you seriously can't tell me that, like, Mrs. Newton (who, in the words of another snarker, can't go to the bathroom without calling the BSC) has never called Claudia on a Tuesday morning to ask her to watch the kids in the afternoon because a family emergency or something came up? That's such a stupid rule and I don't remember the BSC ever making a huge deal out of it before. Plot device!
Wendy gives Jessi the same response I just did, only in a lot nicer terms, of course. Jessi's response? “If all of us took our own private jobs we wouldn't have any club customers.”
Good lord, IT WAS AN EMERGENCY!!!! Of course they don't all take their own private jobs all the time, but in an emergency situation, why not? I'd rather take the job than turn it down over a stupid rule and make the club look unreliable. Hear that, Kristy?
Before they can keep arguing, the sound of another fight interrupts them. They run downstairs to find Jordan accusing Adam of cheating at Nok-Hockey. Wendy breaks up the fight and suggests they do a rematch, with her as referee. Since the BSC charges always obey their sitters, the boys agree. Argument averted. Jessi goes upstairs to do her homework (with essentially only one babysitter on duty. How is that different from having one sitter?) and thinks to herself how good Wendy is with kids. Doesn't say she's a good babysitter...good babysitters don't defy the BSC I guess.
An hour goes by and Jessi realizes she didn't talk to Margo. Whoops! She goes upstairs but just as she does, Mallory and Mrs. Pike come home. Dammit Mallory! You ruin everything! Turns out Mallory's ok...the doctor thinks she's riding out a virus and is rundown. Oh, and she also might be anemic, so she has pills for that and they did blood work. The results aren't back yet but I'm sure they're back in time for the next book, when they discover she has mono.
Jessi's relieved and I guess it sucks for Mallory, because now everyone can give her more shit than usual and not have to worry about the whole “she's sick!” thing. Everyone hates Mallory. Jessi wonders if she should tell Mallory about Margo and Wendy but stays quiet. For the time being at least. And don't worry about Wendy, everyone in the BSC will be finding out about that soon.
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years ago
“Nolan, Baby” - Nolan Sorrento x Reader (Ready Player One)
🎅 Holiday Fic #4 🎅 (Santa Baby... But not!)
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GIF CREDIT: X Author’s Note: Because I’m a glutton for punishment and Nolan refuses to write for me, I wondered if he might like to join in the Holiday fic parade. He accepted. Then I had to find the song, and I had a good one and then threw it out... because this scenario is just... too good to pass up. Ah! Finally some more traditional Christmas hits! (If you’re wondering where the extra pieces came from... Micheal Bublé. ‘Thank’ him!)
If the Boi has money, I will use it as a plot point.
Disclaimer: Ready Player One characters not mine / lyrics not mine
Premise: After confusing the hell out of him with your Christmas list, Nolan decides two can play at that game...
Words: 1990
Warnings: Quite a lot of poking fun of ‘fad’ diets  
_______ Been an awful good girl Santa baby, hurry down the chimney tonight Santa baby, a '54 convertible too convertible too, light blue I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight Think of all the fun I've missed Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed Next year I could be also good If you'll check off my Christmas list Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot Been an angel all year Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight Santa honey one thing I really do need, the deed To a platinum mine Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks Sign your 'x' on the line Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight I really do believe in you Let's see if you believe in me ---
The sheet of paper had been on his desk for the past week. When he had asked you what you wanted for Christmas, as his partner, (although he’d had some ideas of his own) he was a little more surprised that you’d managed to produce a whole list in little to no time at all. He’d had to think very carefully about his own. Because what could you buy one of the most powerful men in the world? That stream of money was endless. And Nolan knew that material had long since stopped mattering to him. What can you buy someone who has everything? So, in the end he’d given you a super short list of one thing, knowing that you would do what you always did and get gifts that spoke to his heart. You were exceedingly good at that.
 He was getting better at doing the same for you, but he still wanted to get you something you really wanted. And money was obviously not the issue here. Only. What you were asking for was an innumerable list, from which Nolan didn’t know where to start. Some things were possibly easier than others, and he’d already managed to come by. In fact, he’d already given you one of them - but you were apparently surprised that he would go out of his way to surprise you with Tiffany decorations for the tree this year, that he thought you might well have forgotten how long and ridiculous this list actually was.
 But he didn’t have long left to think about this, so he had blocked out some time in his calendar today to go through it again and break into it a little more. Nolan collected it from his desk and brought it closer to his eyes as he sat back in his chair. Nolan, Baby, 💙 Slip a sable under the tree for me A '54 convertible too convertible too, light blue I want a yacht and really that's not a lot The deed to a platinum mine A duplex Checks Decorations bought at Tiffany A ring – and I don’t mean on the phone… Rolex Game day tickets – For kicks 😉 A Mercedes…
That was only the beginning but it was enough to already have his head spinning. He’d ticked off a few things that had been a little easier to find, or that he could turn into little thought of surprises. But some of these requests were just bizarre; “Okay I know I have a lot of money but how the hell am I supposed to source this stuff!? A deed to a platinum mine....Geez—!!” He ran a hand through his hair and breathed out. Well he might be able to do it with company money, but it was unlikely the board was going to let him do it..!
 Nolan placed it down again, alright there was only one thing to do - ask if these things were quite beyond his capabilities on purpose, or this was actually what you really, really wanted. You, after all, would know. And then Nolan could really focus his efforts best. He pushed it to one side - he’d get it over with tonight. Hopefully he could avoid you looking unimpressed while he was at it.
 You hadn’t been home so long yourself when he walked through the door, but you ran through to greet him just the same. “Nolan!” You didn’t even allow him respite to shrug himself out of his coat before you started peppering his face with kisses. He laughed; “Okay... okay... Y/N... alright...” His voice was soft and gentle, and you knew that meant it’d been a long day. When isn’t it a long day for the CEO of IOI... You stepped back and allowed him to undress; “Honestly, this weather is awful isn’t it?” He ran his hands back through his hair; “And this dark... ugh.” He checked himself in the mirror before turning back to you, “How was your day, darling?” “Fine. We’re on the Christmas wind down... There’s a few projects to be done but, there’s not a lot so important that we’re going to need to spend overtime on them...” “No. They are not going to have to spend overtime on. I know what you’re doing.” Sorrento gathered you in his arms to afford you just as many kisses as you had him.
“Well, they work for me...” you gave a shrug. “I feel like they deserve the break. I’m the CEO for a reason.” Not of a rival company, you were CEO for a little internet security firm. IOI was currently a little out of your range to start bidding RFIs and RFPs on but... eventually you’d quite like to have them as a client. “Mmm...” Small enough a company to have the entire week of Christmas off - that was one perk you hoped you’d always be able to keep. You just wanted things done by then. “So how long have you been home?” You turned to the clock, “Uhhhhh... 30 minutes, maybe.” He sighed “This is no good! You’re as bad as me!” “Uh-! You have a contest to win!” “That’s hardly the point.” You repeated him; “This is a war, for control of the future!” “Ah, did I say that-!? I don’t remember!” Nolan let you go, laughing and wandered upstairs “Of course you did... I think you got this-!” “Well I better have, considering the money I poured into it!” There is that!
 You wandered back into the kitchen, to wait for him, but it didn’t take long for Nolan to change. “Still on this pre-Christmas fad diet?”’ “It is not a fad diet!” “It’s such a fad diet! I starve every time I look at your plate!” He pushed your arm as he opened the cupboards, “It’s not! I got this and my exercise... it’s going great.” “Oh!” You smirked, “I didn’t think that’s what Kegel was for.” Sorrento turned to you with slightly narrowed eyes “...You should be so lucky that I might use it for that in the first place.” “Oh my god-! You-!” It was your turn to playfully push him “Ah, now I clearly must abstain! Sit!” “Oh... fad diet evening meal-! Fantastic!” You did as he asked, sliding into your chair and trying not to let your tone show obvious distain. That was hard. “You can eat whatever you like.” “No, no- allow me to suffer with you!” He tutted; “Such a martyr!”
 Nolan sat and you tried not to look like you were about to complain “Don’t you get bored?!” “No.” “I would.” Although his Italian heritage was helping on the variation somewhat. “I know you would. Ah!” He patted down his pockets until he found the paper, pulling it out and holding it up, “As we were talking about things I’m pouring money into... honestly. What is with this list!?” “Oh, now you’re complaining!” You smiled, and leant on your hands “No, I just... I know I might be made of money but-!” He unfolded it... “Like, how do you expect me to get hold of a car from nearly 100 years ago-! I just I-!” He stopped as you began laughing, and kept laughing until there were almost tears. Nolan raised an eyebrow; “What?” “Oh-! My God! Are you taking it literally!?” “What?” “Nolan! Oh! Honey!!” You kept laughing, “It’s a joke! Babe! They are song lyrics!” He looked nothing short of bemused “They’re what?!” “The lyrics! To Santa Baby...!” Sorrento looked to the paper again, and his whole face lit up in embarrassment, which only served to make you giggle more. “I-! I knew that-!” He cleared his throat, “I-I was just... testing you!” He folded it back up; “It’s not like I actually got you anything on it... or anything...” sounding a little more dejected than embarrassed, Nolan covered his face with his hands. “Oh honey! I’m sorry! I thought you knew!” He shook his head; “Oh my god... I can’t believe...” “Thought you might be trying to figure out clues on a daily basis...” “Oh...” he put his hands down, tone now slightly more amused, slowly shaking his head; “I pay people for that.” “Oh... well, honey... I thought it would be fun. Oh! I’m so sorry! Wait-! Nolan!” You placed your hands over your mouth as is suddenly clicked; “Is that was the Tiffany decorations were for!?” It was your turn to burry your face in your hands. “Mm hmm!” And the seriousness on his face made you feel even more guilty “Oh sweetie! You didn’t go overboard!?” “Guess it’s good I didn’t now, isn’t it!” “I thought by the time it got to yacht and platinum mine you’d think it was a little stupid and throw it away!” “Clearly, I took it too literally...” He sighed, and got up. You knew he was heading straight for the wine. “That’ll ruin the diet for sure!” “Oh! No!” He laughed “I freaking need this!” He poured a glass, and one for you too; “Well, then what do you want-!?” You smiled sweetly, pulling him by his tie to kiss his cheek in both apology and as a thank you; “Use your intuition babe! You know me!” “I know but I...” “Honey. Spending the day with you is going to be the best present I get. And we both know that you can’t wrap that and put it under the tree.” “I dunno!” Nolan laughed; “I could sure try!”
 Christmas Day rolled around as quietly as you had first anticipated. But you laughed every time you opened something related to the lyrics. And once he’d got the gist that they were lyrics, he’d bought you little joke things instead, like a model yacht. And a printed “deed certificate” that had you in stitches, appealing to your humour.  It was nice to relax with him like this, everything in the house still and calm, glass of wine, his hands continuously caressing you... his attention was all yours. There was no technology in sight... You realised that Nolan was really buying you the most precious thing he had – his time. “Well... I hope I made your Christmas shopping stress free after the big reveal...”  you ran your hands through his hair, knees up on his lap, as you sat together. He tipped his head; “Not... exactly. But, yeah I mean I guess I’m glad you did. Once I understood things got a little easier...” Sorrento nuzzled his face against yours gently, and you giggled. “Okay, if I assisted in some way I think that makes me feel better..!” “Ah!” He gave a little shrug, “It was an elaborate ruse, I must congratulate you on your effort!” “I’ll take it!” He nodded, good, and you sat there for a few more moments in content silence. You took another sip of wine. And then he started rummaging around, as Nolan often did when he thought he’d forgotten something.
“Ah-! Forgot to mention one little thing...” he turned back to you, and taking your free hand in his, he slipped of the sofa and onto one knee; “a ring.” You almost spat wine everywhere. Had he just used your little joke against you-!? Was he proposing!? Nolan opened the little box delicately, and then it was a race to put your glass down and cover your mouth again in surprise; “N-Nolan!!!” “Y/N. Will you marry me?” Your voice wavered between a phenomenal high and the fact that you might actually be about to cry; “Good lord, did you just use Santa Baby against me-!?” He gave a gentle shrug, and his smile was a little crooked like he couldn’t possibly say, before he returned his eyes to yours. Nolan took a breath, and remained serious; “Yes.” “Yes!!!” You threw your arms around him and never wanted to let go; “Of course, I will!!!”
So, this wasn’t supposed to be a proposal fic, and then that was ALSO too good to pass up!
@dennismitchell @happyskywhale @wltz-bby​
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boydgearloose · 6 years ago
#47 with gyro and Fenton (you can make it fenro but you don’t have to)
tw for a mild description of injuries, nothing too graphic but it’s better to be safe than sorry
Gyro stared at the clock on the lab’s wall, leaning back in his chair. It was about thirty minutes before he’d planned to go home. Normally, the inventor would spend as many extra hours as he could in the lab working on various projects, but he’d decided to allow himself a day off after a very stressful board meeting that didn’t exactly go as planned and that day was tomorrow. Since he didn’t have much of anything to work on, he wanted to go home as soon as he was allowed to and spend the rest of that day and the next one with no one around save for Lil Bulb and his three (sometimes four if the neighbors weren’t home) cats.
However, there had been a setback. Cabrera had gone on a Gizmoduck mission to stop a robbery at the movie theater, and Gyro didn’t want to leave work before him because he didn’t exactly trust him alone in the lab. The problem was that his coworker left over an hour ago when these things normally only took a few minutes and having his day off delayed because of this was irritating Gyro.He guessed the paparazzi had stopped him or something like that, which made the whole ordeal even more annoying because it was such a pointless reason to take so long stopping a stupid robbery at a stupid movie theater. If it was a murder or wreck or even a robbery that took place somewhere more important then sure, of course it would take more than a few minutes, but Gizmoduck dealt with robberies on a near daily basis! What was so different about this one?
The chicken was about to walk to the movie theater and chew Gizmoduck out in front of all the reporters and camera-men and fans there to see him until a ding from the elevator sounded and caused him to breathe a sigh of both relief and annoyance.
“There you are!” he groaned. “It took you long enough! What were you even doing out there for so long, you little-”
Gyro’s words was cut off by the sound of a body abruptly hitting the floor.
A loud scream left the inventor’s throat, and he turned around as quickly as he could to see Cabrera lying completely still on the floor, not even moving a muscle. For a second, Gyro was petrified, staring directly at the motionless body of his coworker. Good lord, was he dead? Did Cabrera actually get himself killed this time?
Right as he was starting to really panic, he noticed the very shallow rise and fall of the duck’s chest and sighed in relief, glad that he wouldn’t have to deal with the emotional trauma of someone being eradicated by one of his inventions all over again or the pummeling Cabrera’s mom was sure to give him if her son was wounded on his watch. But although he was alive, the duck still didn’t look too good. Gyro got this feet and slowly walked over to the other’s still body.
He was going to scold Cabrera for making him think he was dead for a good fifteen seconds, but then he got a good look at his wounds and started feeling ill again. The duck was lying on his back, giving Gyro a good look at his face which was bruised all over. He’d never seen someone with two black eyes before, both just as bad as the other. Not only that, but Cabrera’s face was covered in gashes, some of which were still bleeding. Although his shirt covered most of his upper half, Gyro could also make out some bruises and cuts along his shoulders. Everything below appeared to be fine, which meant there wasn’t any damage to his organs, but a concussion or other sort of brain injury definitely looked likely, which was just as worrisome.
“My goodness, who did this to you?” Gyro choked out, squatting down so he could get an even closer look at Cabrera.While he seemed to be fading in and out of consciousness, the other understood what was being said and tried to crack a grin. “O-Oh, nobody, Dr. Gearloose. Just one of those Beagle boys I think.”
“You think?” This wasn’t looking very hopeful. “Can you seriously not even remember?”
Cabrera seemed to think for a moment and tried his hardest to shrug. “Kind of, yeah. It was a Beagle boy. The one with the really big hands. They punched my helmet to bits.”“They what!?” Gyro was trying his best not to freak out, but Cabrera sure was making it difficult. “Where is it? The helmet? And the rest of the suit as well?”He thought again for a moment. “Oh yeah! I took ‘em off in an alley because I didn’t want to be flying around as Gizmoduck without a helmet. Then I came here.”
“You left my hero armor in a blathering alley, you fool!?”
Cabrera nodded. “Sorry, Dr. Gearloose. I’ll call for it right now, and it’ll just come right back! Don’t you worry.” He cleared his throat. “Blathering balth-”
“Oh, no you don’t!” Gyro practically leapt on the duck and clamped his bill shut with his hands. “You are absolutely not going to call the suit over in your condition, do you hear me?”The duck nodded, and Gyro let his bill go. As much as it did worry him that the Gizmoduck suit was in the back of an alley for anyone to take, it wouldn’t be much without a functioning helmet and only worked for Fenton. He’d collect it later. Right now, he had something much more urgent to deal with.“Why didn’t you go to the hospital?” Gyro asked, looking the duck’s injuries over again. “Your face is almost entirely blue.”
“I couldn’t really remember where it was,” Cabrera replied. “That’s why I came to you. I was hopin’ you could take me.”
“I can’t drive, you dummy.”
“Ah.” A long yawn left the duck’s throat. “In that case, I think I’m gonna sleep here actually. Wake me up in a little bit, ‘kay?”
Gyro gasped, impulsively grabbing Cabrera’s shoulders and attempting to hoist him up. “Listen here, you,” he grunted as he tried to drag the duck’s body over to the small couch in the corner of the lab despite it being heavier than anything his rather weak arms normally lifted, “I have every reason to believe that you are severely concussed and in desperate need of medical help, so going to sleep will be the last thing you do, understand?”Cabrera nodded. “Hmmmmm…yeah.”
“I’m dead serious,” Gyro continued, slowly making his way over to his destination with Cabrera’s body in tow and trying not to get a hernia as he did so. “If you die on me, I’m going to be in more trouble…than I can even…articulate…and I’ll lose my job…and be plagued by guilt every second of my- geez, did you start working out or something?”“Yeah! You should join me sometimes.”
“By how this is going, I might need to.”Finally, Gyro reached the couch and practically threw Cabrera’s body on top of it as gently as he possibly could. He took a while to catch his breath from having to exert himself so much and then turned his attention back to the injured duck.“Okay, you stay there, and do not fall asleep if you value your life or mine. I am going to get something for those wounds of yours and call Mr. McDuck so we can get you the medical attention you need,” he scolded, reaching into his pocket for his cellphone.
“Wait!” Cabrera suddenly called out, grabbing for Gyro’s wrist. He pulled back, careful not to drop his phone. “What’s the matter with you?”
“If we tell the hospital, they’re gonna know I’m Gizmoduck!”
Gyro sighed, mentally muttering something to himself about how the concussion had possibly made this dummy even dumber. “They won’t. I’ll tell them you dropped a really big beaker on your head or something. We’ve lied our way out of these things before, remember?”“Oh yeah.” Another good natured laugh left Cabrera’s throat. “Do all that then.”
When he was about to turn around to get the first aid kit and dial Mr. McDuck on his phone, Gyro took one more look at the duck lying on the couch in front of him. For some reason, seeing him like that, completely vulnerable and beaten up, struck something in him. He wasn’t sure what it was or why it hadn’t hit sooner, but standing there and properly taking in just how badly Cabrera was hurt almost made him want to offer some sort of comfort to the other. And of course, although Cabrera wasn’t in a very stable state of mind at the moment, he still managed to pick up on it.
“Is something the matter, Dr. Gearloose?”
“Ah!” Gyro shook his head, collecting himself. “No. No, it’s fine, just…ah, are you…” He gulped, as if it physically hurt him to ask. “…Are you okay? I mean, elsewhere. You don’t have any broken bones or things like that? I need to know because of, uh…the story I have to tell the doctors that I mentioned so they don’t know you’re Gizmoduck. Yeah.”Cabrera tapped his fingers and screwed up his face in thought. “Nah, I’m good. Thanks.”
The inventor sighed, stretching and turning to walk toward the shelf that contained the first aid kit. “Sit tight, Fenton. I’ll be back with…”
Gyro stopped dead in his tracks when he realized what he said. Even though he was facing the other way, he could practically feel the goofy smile on Cabrera’s face burning into him from behind.
“Wait a second,” his voice squeaked out, “you just-”
“No I didn’t!” Gyro shot back, face completely flushed in embarrassment. “I said Cabrera!”“No, you said Fenton! You said my name!”“I did not.”“Yes you did! You like me, Dr. Gearloose!”“I swear on the success of each and every one of my upcoming inventions, I did not call you Fenton.”“You said it again!”“I…ugh!” The chicken let out a squawk of frustration and stormed off. “You are severely concussed and are hearing things and that’s final!”
As Gyro trudged away and dialed his boss’ number, he could only hope that his coworker was stupid enough to forget his little slip of the tongue. But deep down inside, he knew that he was nowhere near it and started to mentally prepare himself for the weeks and weeks of teasing that would surely follow.
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arckook · 6 years ago
next time - haechan x reader part one
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pairing: haechan x reader
au: high school
warnings: swearing
word count: 5.4k
description: You’ve gone to an all-girls’ academy for the better part of your school career- the only boy you’re really friends with is your moderately lame cousin Mark. Usually, Mark avoids having you and his baseball team present at the same time, but after an unfortunate return from the convenience store, you end up meeting six of his appallingly handsome teammates. And boys, as you’ve forgotten over the years, make everything more complicated.
a/n: im using stage names in this fic! as such, reader will call donghyuck haechan and yukhei lucas :) i hope everyone enjoys, and i will do my best to get the next part out asap!
You tiptoe through the meadow, the fresh scent of wildflowers and herbs wafting through the air. Everything around you seems to have a golden light- a supernatural luminescence that emphasizes the natural beauty of the world around you. Tilting your head up to the sky, you trace the patterns of the stars with your pointer finger, recognizing none of them.
“Wonderful, isn’t it?” A familiar, yet somehow nostalgic voice calls from behind you. You turn, unsure of who to expect, and yet, when you see him, he seems to fit the voice you’d heard moments ago perfectly.
“Yoo Jaeseok?” you ask, brows furrowing. “What are you doing here?”
The famous comedian simply smiles comfortingly at you. “Well, I’m here to tell you that-”
“I won’t call you again, Y/N, you’re going to be late for school!” You wince as bright light hits your eyelids and your mom’s voice hits your ears.
“Fuck,” you mutter to yourself, digging your face into your pillow. Another day of school. It never ends.
“I heard that!” your mom calls, and you almost swear again at her insane auditory perception, but bite your tongue.
Dragging yourself out of bed wondering why you feel like you had kind of a weird dream, you sluggishly make it to the bathroom, where you actually wake up and start getting ready for the day.
By the time you make it downstairs and to the front door, you look as presentable as you do on a regular basis, which is to say, wearing the school uniform and with your hair pulled away from your face.
Your mom is at the counter with a lunch prepared for you to take, but she stops you just as you start to call a “Bye, love you!”
“Are you wearing makeup?” she demands, grabbing your chin and turning your face from side to side.
“No, mom, stop!” you struggle to free yourself as your mother starts rubbing at your cheeks. “Mom! I swear to Jesus himself!”
She lets you go with an unsatisfied hmph and gestures towards the door. “Hyunjoo is waiting outside for you. Don’t put makeup on in the school bathroom.”
“Uh huh,” you say with a sweet smile, and promptly sprint out of the door and into freedom.
“What happened to you?” your best friend, Do Hyunjoo asks with humor in her expression as you shut your front door behind you, out of breath.
“I need to move out,” you tell her frankly, grabbing the banana milk she has in her left hand for you. You both start walking on the same path you’ve been taking to get to school for the past three years, everything around very familiar and at this point, kind of boring.
Hyunjoo laughs, her wide eyes crinkling up so that they’re barely visible. “Is that why you’re always at your cousin’s house?”
You nod, sipping from the drink she’d given you. “I’d literally just live there if it was closer to school.”
“You can live at my house,” Hyunjoo winks, raising her eyebrows up and down, and you laugh.
“Geez, can you imagine the rumors at school if we did that?”
“Come on, Y/N, doesn’t everyone kinda know I’m into girls anyway?”
After twenty or so minutes of walking, you make it to your high school, the imposing, large building looking totally ordinary in your eyes. The faculty member in the front of the school checks you and Hyunjoo off (almost late, but that’s normal for you two) and sends you in, telling you to go straight to your classroom.
The day goes by as usual. Lim Naeun talks about her “boyfriend” like she does everyday (you don’t think he’s real), the girls in the corner spend every minute they can fangirling over some idol, you don’t understand shit when it comes to math, and by the end of it all, you are so tired of the female voice that you feel like you could gouge out your eardrums.
You love going to an all girls’ school. Honestly, you do. The sisterhood between your class is strong- you have all known each other for years, after all. There’s not really much drama because all dating happens outside of school (well… all dating involving boys, that is) and since your school is moderately prestigious, all of you have good grades and competition for college isn’t as intense as other high schools.
You also feel way more comfortable at school. There’s none of the awkwardness that comes from not wanting to explain why you need a bag to go to the bathroom when it’s your period, nobody ever gets worried about not shaving their legs, and you’ve never dealt with annoying guys who think trashing women is funny.
With all that said, you sometimes need a break from girl time. Because girl time for you is literally all time.
“Yah, Y/N!” Hyunjoo calls after you. You’d made a very you exit by ditching as soon as the bell rang, politely yet very quickly saying byes and have a good weekends to your classmates. “How can you just leave your dearest friend like that?”
You pause until she catches up with you, then start walking again at a brisk pace. “I’m going to Mark’s house, wanna come?”
She gives you an ‘are you serious’ face. “Y/N, we’ve been over this. I can’t just go over to your cousin’s house.”
“I mean, you could. What is he gonna do, kick you out?”
Hyunjoo smacks you on the arm, making you whine. “No, idiot, but it’s still rude!”
“Fine then.” you flip your hair over your shoulder. “I’ll see you… sometime.”
“Don’t be dramatic,” Hyunjoo sighs as you both stop where you’ll have to go the opposite way from your neighborhood. She pats your head, even though she is not really any taller than you. “See you on Monday.”
You smile, abandoning your moody persona, and flash your best friend a finger heart. “Bye!”
“Sometimes it really feels like you don’t even have your own house.”
You side-eye your cousin from your stretched-out, relaxed, nearly upside down position on the couch in his living room. “And?”
Mark gives you a look. A shady look, specifically. “And, you’re lucky your schedule just happens to not coincide with when the team comes over.”
You scoff, quickly righting yourself so that you’re sitting straight and staring your cousin down. “That is such bull and you know it Mark Lee. I know for a fact that you have specifically kept me from being around when your ‘team’ or whatever is!”
Mark shrugs, already focusing back onto the video game he’s playing on the flat screen TV. “Either way, my point still stands.”
You slump back down, going back to texting Hyunjoo, Jo Yuyeon, and Park Jisu about the group project that you have to do for your math class. “Your point is sitting on it’s ass just like you,” you grumble, hoping Mark doesn’t hear, but you guess that everyone related to you just has supersonic hearing abilities, because his head snaps back towards you at lightning speed. Before he can threaten you, though, you jump from your spot on the couch and start power-walking to the front door.
“I’m going to get some snacks, want anything?”
You can’t actually see your cousin roll his eyes, but you feel that energy from him. “No, it’s a waste of money.”
“Okay, bye!” you call, closing the front door behind you and popping some earphones in and sunglasses on as you walk down the street to the nearest convenience store.
You walk up and down the aisles of the store a few times so that you’re gone for more than like, two minutes, avoiding a weird middle-aged man who keeps looking at you from the tables by the windows, before deciding on some chips and an aloe drink. You pay, thinking briefly about how this truly is a waste of money, and then leave.
“Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du,” you hum to yourself, making the finger gun motions as you bounce down the street back to Mark’s house.
By the time you get back, it’s up to the dance break part, and you being… well, you, throw open your cousin’s front door with a very exaggerated shout of “Blackpink!” and then poorly singing the instrumental as you plop the bag with your snacks on the counter. It hits you as you’re opening your drink that Mark has not groaned dramatically or questioned your behavior like he usually would by this point, and that is why you slowly turn around, lifting your sunglasses off your face.
Staring back at you is not just your cousin, who has an extremely amused expression, but six other guys, who all appear to be very hot, and very confused.
You pull out your earphones and set your phone on the counter quickly, jaw dropping open.
“What the hell!” you exclaim towards Mark, who apparently can’t contain himself, and starts laughing behind his hand. “Who are these people?”
A few of the boys look at each other, some of them also seeming like they’re about to break out into laughter, and one of them shyly raises his hand. “We’re Mark’s baseball team. Well, some of it.”
This does not help explain anything to you, since literally twenty minutes ago your cousin was saying how good it was that you’d never been there when his team was over.
You don’t reply, just continuing to stare at them in shock. You don’t really get to see many boys around your age, since you’ve gone to the girls’ school for a few years now. Are all of them this handsome?
“Nice singing,” one says, practically snickering, and you’re suddenly snapped out of your trance.
“If that was sarcastic, I’ll seriously fight you-” you start, and Mark hurriedly stands up, walking over to you and putting his hands on your shoulders. You narrow your eyes at him, but he starts talking anyway.
“Guys, this is my cousin Y/N. She goes to an all girls’ academy, so that’s why she’s really surprised to see you.”
“Hi, Y/N,” they chorus back at the two of you.
You swat Mark’s hands off of you, an unimpressed look on your face. “No, I’m surprised because you purposely keep me from being here at the same time as them,” you say with emphasis, in case he never told them that.
“Haha, what?” your cousin tries to play it off, but his team seems to find what you’d said really funny.
“Are you serious?” One of them, with the most blinding, handsome smile you’ve ever seen on a boy asks. For a moment you’re starstruck, just looking at him in awe, before you snap out of it again.
You smile at him sweetly. “Yeah, Mark’s just jealous ‘cause I’m more fun than him.”
The boy chuckles, looking around at the other guys, and immediately you feel your cousin’s death stare on the back of your head.
“Guys, just excuse us for a minute,” he tells the group, and they all nod, waving him off. Mark gently pushes you out the door, crossing his arms once you’re both outside.
“You don’t look intimidating,” you tell him, just so he knows.
He sighs, dropping his arms. “I know. I also know I may be asking you for too much here, but can you not flirt with Jaemin while I’m around? Or for that matter, anybody on my team?”
“So that’s his name…” you muse aloud, which is followed by another sigh on your cousin’s part.
“Y/N, please focus.”
“My apologies,” you bow your head. “I will try not to flirt with Jaemin.”
You sigh. “Or any of your other teammates.”
“Okay, good.” Mark says, giving you his mildly shady side eye again. “I’m putting my faith in your maturity. If this goes well, you’re allowed to come to our next game.”
“What!” you exclaim, and he hurriedly shushes you. “What!” you repeat in a whisper-shout. “You better keep that promise.”
He offers you his pinky. “Promise.”
You wrap yours around his and squeeze it tight. “No take-backs.”
“Never,” Mark says, and opens the door again, leading you back to the baseball team.
The team stays over for a few hours, over which you learn all their names: Jaemin with the godly smile, Jeno whose eyes crinkle up, Lucas who towers over the rest of you, Renjun who is definitely the smartest person there, Chenle, who has an absolutely hilarious laugh, and Haechan, who seems like a major entertainer, but hasn’t spoken directly to you the whole afternoon.
Mark’s parents seem to know all of them really well, which only makes it weirder that you’ve never ever met the team before. You guess Mark is just smarter than you thought.
When it’s starting to get dark, you stretch from your place on the couch (the most comfortable spot that had been granted to you and the youngest of their group, Chenle) and heave a deep sigh.
“I think I’m gonna get going,” you say, not speaking to anyone in general.
“Okay, bye.” Mark replies, lying right below the couch, not even bothering to look at you instead of at his phone screen. You kick him lightly in the side, crossing your arms. “Ow-! What the he-”
“Don’t be fucking rude,” you scold him as he curls up, the other boys laughing from their various positions on the floor around the living room. Standing, you brush your hair out of your face and start grabbing the stuff you’d had when you came over. “I’ll tell your mom.”
Mark just groans.
“What part of town do you live in? I gotta get home too,” Jaemin says, sitting up. You glance over with wide eyes, unsure of if he really just said that.
“Yeah, me too,” Jeno says, and the other four chorus the same thing.
“Uhm, I live by that park with the white tiger statues,” you answer vaguely. Your dad always told you to keep your address to yourself.
“Oh, I know where that is!” Jaemin smiles, then seems to remember it’s distance from Mark’s house. “It’s a shame, we all live around here…”
“Haechan lives by you, Y/N!” Chenle pipes up, pointing towards said boy. Your eyes follow Chenle’s finger to Haechan, who is staring with intensity at the younger boy. Immediately understanding what Haechan is trying to communicate, you chuckle and wave off Chenle’s words.
“No, no worries, nobody needs to walk back with me. I go to and from Mark’s house by myself all the time. Thank you, though.” you smile particularly in Jaemin’s direction, although, trying to make yourself less obvious, you look around the whole room while talking.
“Yep, she’s fine,” Mark comments, glaring at you from the floor.
With a few more assurances to the boys who seem to have some kind of protective feelings towards you, you pop in your earphones and head out the door, your feet mindlessly carrying you the same path you take all too often.
Mark lives in one of the lesser-traveled neighborhoods, and there’s nobody around at this hour- students are already home by now, but adults still aren’t off of work. Plus, you typically take a shortcut through a few alleys to cut the time it takes to get home a little faster.
You make it about ten minutes before you start getting a weird feeling. It’s pretty much night by now, and even though you usually aren’t afraid at all walking by yourself, you have that hair-raising sense that someone is watching you. You take small peeks over your shoulder and pull out an earphone as you change your route and head toward the bus stop, deciding to spend the money instead of walking the whole way home.
Step, step.
Your head whips around, the unmistakable sound of heavy footsteps behind you causing your heart rate to skyrocket. Just as your eyes catch a figure that had been about ten feet back, it swiftly ducks behind a wall.
You bite your lip, looking around to see if anyone else is around- but no one is, of course. The lights in the homes nearby are on, though, which gives you some confidence.
“Is someone there?” you call out, knowing that if the figure that had been there before doesn’t come clean here and now, you will most definitely turn and put your middle school track skills to use.
“...No.” a soft, slightly high-pitched male voice rings out.
You tilt your head, not knowing where this is going, or if you’re actually in danger.
The figure comes back out from behind the wall. You squint as they walk forward a few steps and end up under a street lamp, pulling the hooding on their head down.
“Haechan?” your jaw drops. “...What?”
The boy who had been the most awkward to you the entire night shrugs, looking embarrassed. “Not going to lie, Jaemin and Lucas kind of pressured me into making sure you got home alright.”
“Jesus,” you sigh, wiping off the sweat that had collected from stress on your forehead. “You scared the shit out of me.”
He winces. “Sorry. That wasn’t really the intention?”
A few seconds pass in silence. You’re not really sure what to say, and clearly Haechan doesn’t have much of an interest in you considering how he acted earlier, so the situation definitely feels… weird, to say the least.
“Um, do you want to go together from here? I mean, we do live by each other.” Haechan asks, sounding like he’s not really sure about his offer himself.
You resist a smile as you watch his fingers intertwine and stretch around nervously. “Uh, sure? But you don’t have to, you know. You were the only creepy guy following me.”
Haechan laughs, which is again, kind of weird, because while he had done that at Mark’s house, he hadn’t in response to something you said. “Yeah, sorry again.” he sheepishly unlocks his hands and rubs the back of his neck, not responding to you telling him he didn’t have to come along with you.
“It’s fine.” you say, waiting for him to walk forward and catch up with you. The two of you start walking again, side by side. “Do you wanna take the bus?”
He shrugs. “Do you want to?”
“I like walking, but it’s way faster if we take the bus.”
He shoots a condescending look at you. “I know that. I was asking in case you don’t have any money.”
You laugh out loud at that. “Thanks for the concern.” Thinking on it, you glance over at Haechan, feeling a curiosity well up inside of you. You want to talk to him more- find out why he was so quiet earlier, and why he didn’t just agree to walk back with you from the start. “Let’s take the bus next time.”
The next morning, you wake up feeling like yesterday’s events were barely real. A regular day of hanging out with your lame cousin had turned into meeting more boys than you think you’ve ever held legitimate conversations with, and that had turned into walking home with Lee Donghyuck, who actually ended up being really funny and charming.
“Oh my god,” you whisper to yourself, staring up at the ceiling. “I need to tell Hyunjoo.”
You toss yourself across your bed to reach over and grab your phone off the nightstand, tapping the screen furiously in the hopes that it’ll turn on faster. “Come on,” you whine, watching the reset screen intently. As soon as the lockscreen picture of you and Hyunjoo appears, you’re unlocking the phone and opening your texts.
To: Hyunnie<3 at 9:21
HYUNJOO!!!!!!! wake up!!!!! youre never going to believe what happened last night!!!!!!!
You stare at the screen, waiting for the three dots that will indicate your best friend is replying to show up. But they don’t. Dammit. Curse her habit of sleeping in way, way too late. Discouraged, you groan and throw your arm over your eyes, turning off your phone.
You’re starting to feel yourself fall asleep again when a loud ding! from your phone makes shocks you out of your drowsiness. Expecting to see a reply from Hyunjoo, you’re even more surprised when it’s not.
From: Mark :/ at 9:27
Jaemin is pressuring me into inviting you to our game next week. So I guess you’re invited.
You let out a maniacal laugh as soon as you read the message.
To: Mark :/ at 9:28
hahahahahaha youre such a pushover. tell jaemin i said hi ;)
From: Mark :/ at 9:28
Oh my god… not gonna happen.
To: Mark :/ at 9:29
lol im kidding
or am i??
anyway ill be there!!!!!!! can i bring a friend?
A few minutes pass without Mark replying, so you get out of bed with a big smile, suddenly feeling even better than you were before. You sit down at your desk, starting to put some makeup on for no reason, since you don’t have plans for today besides working on your part of the math project.
You glance over at the phone screen as you pat on some concealer, another cackle leaving your lips.
From: Hyunnie<3 at 9:50
Yah… don’t tell me you did something scandalous??
“What the hell,” you mumble with a chuckle, shaking your head at your best friend’s wandering mind.
To: Hyunnie<3 at 9:51
what are you thinking you pervert?????
i finally met marks baseball team!!! and they were all hot!!!
From: Hyunnie<3 at 9:53
Eh??? Are you serious?
To: Hyunnie<3 at 9:56
hey… you should come over with the excuse that we need to work on the math project together and we can stalk all their instagrams
All she sends back is a thumbs up.
“So he smiled at you?” Hyunjoo laughs joyously, kicking her legs like a kid. “Ah, he’s super cute, Y/N!”
You lean your head on her shoulder as you both look at Jaemin’s profile after he quickly accepted your friend request. “I know right? He was seriously dreamy…”
“Ooo,” Hyunjoo taps on a picture of Jaemin with who you recognize as Lucas. “Who is he though?”
“Oh, that’s Lucas Wong, he’s an exchange student. He’s super tall.” you comment as Hyunjoo zooms in on his face.
“Damn,” she says, opening Lucas’s instagram. “Follow him too.”
“Bitch,” you snatch your phone back as she’s about to hit the follow button, since his profile isn’t private. “Don’t make it look like I’m thirsty. Follow him yourself.”
Hyunjoo smacks you on the arm. “Are you crazy? He doesn’t even know me.”
You wince, rubbing your arm with a pout. “So? To be honest, he seemed kind of into himself so I don’t even think he’d question it.”
Hyunjoo rolls her eyes, taking your phone back from your hands as you go back to trying to solve one of the equations on your paper.
Both of you are quiet for a while as Hyunjoo scrolls through Lucas’s extensive portfolio of selfies and gym pics and you do your best on your part of the project.
“Oh, Mark texted you,” Hyunjoo says eventually. You look over to see her open the message, and subsequently watch her jaw drop open.
“What?” you lean over to read the text.
From: Mark :/ at 12:44
Okay, you can bring Do Hyunjoo, but NOBODY ELSE. I’m serious.
You laugh at your best friend’s expression.
“Where? Where are you bringing me? To Mark’s house?” her face turns sour. “I told you it’d be weird if I go there.”
“No,” you roll your eyes. “To Mark’s baseball game next week.”
Hyunjoo drops your phone. “Seriously? Finally? After all this time?”
You hmm, picking up your phone and pushing the math work over to her. “Apparently Jaemin asked Mark to ask me to come.”
“Ugh,” Hyunjoo groans, slumping over. “How are you so lucky, Y/N?”
“Me? Lucky?” you scoff. “You’re the one with perfect grades… honestly, isn’t GPA the most important thing in this life?”
Hyunjoo laughs, reaching over and pinching your arm. You glare and swat her hand away, but she just looks at you fondly. “Duh. That’s why I’m about to correct all of this poorly done math.”
“Ah, really?” you cringe. “Okay, show me what I did wrong, then…”
“Hey, Y/N, you made it!”
You and Hyunjoo, arm in arm, dressed in an appalling amount of spiritwear from Mark’s school, turn to look at who has just called your name. Immediately after seeing Jaemin’s bright smile hands waving you to come over to where the rest of the baseball team is getting ready to warm up, you feel a dream-like grin appear on your own face.
“Hi, Jaemin,” you say as Hyunjoo practically drags you over now that you’ve gone into a ‘holy shit he’s so cute how can I even focus’ phase. “Of course I made it.”
Jaemin nods, still beaming at you, then glances over at Hyunjoo. “I’m guessing you’re Y/N’s friend?”
“Yup, I’m Do Hyunjoo,” your best friend says, bowing her head slightly. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, you too!” Jaemin says, then opens his mouth to continue, but he’s cut off but someone else practically jumping him, looping their strong arm over his neck.
“Hey, Mark’s cousin! I didn’t know you were coming!”
“Lucas,” you smile politely at him, trying to see if Jaemin is actually choking or not. “This is my friend, Hyunjoo.” you take the opportunity to introduce them considering how many screenshots of Lucas’s selfies your best friend had sent you over the course of the past week.
Lucas just nods even as Hyunjoo says hello to him, then seems to get distracted by someone else behind you all and releases Jaemin, barely even offering a goodbye.
“So, uhhh…” you peek around Jaemin to look at the rest of the team. There’s Chenle, Renjun, Jeno, and some others you didn’t meet, but… “Do you know where my cousin is? Or Haechan?”
Jaemin tilts his head, humming in thought. “Uh, I think they went to get water or something, not sure.”
You smile reassuringly. “That’s okay.”
A moment passes in silence where you and Jaemin are just sort of looking at each other and then glancing away- out of nowhere you’re feeling shy and nervous.
Hyunjoo looks unamused. “When do you guys start warming up? Is there somewhere Y/N and I should sit?”
Jaemin seems to snap out of it, so you follow suit and focus. “Oh, yeah, we’ll start warming up in like five minutes. If you guys want to go sit down, you’ll have to go over there-” he points to a section of the stands that seems to be primarily occupied by middle-aged couples. “Since you don’t go to our school.”
“Thanks,” Hyunjoo bows her head. “We’ll get going now.” She firmly loops her arm around your elbow and mercilessly starts dragging you away.
“Good luck, Jaemin!” you call out to the boy as he chuckles. “Tell Mark hi for me!”
The handsome kid shoots you another blinding smile and a thumbs up, pivoting to head back to the bench where the rest of the team is.
“You are so embarrassing,” Hyunjoo huffs as the two of you settle down in the very front row of what appears to be the parent section.
You pout, lightly smacking your friend on the arm. “Hey! I saw the way you were looking at Lucas. ‘I like girls more’ my ass.”
She scoffs. “I definitely do, headass, but are you really going to tell me I shouldn’t admire a man who looks like that?”
You shrug, pulling out a granola bar from your bag. “Nah, I guess not. But whatever happened to your thing with Jung Chaeyoung?”
Hyunjoo sighs. “She said I make her feel too dumb, remember?” she rolls her eyes. “Like, am I supposed to apologize for being smart?”
“Shhh!” a mom leans down over yours and Hyunjoo’s shoulder, just about scaring the shit out of you, but you apologetically nod to her, whispering sorrys as someone announces that the game will start in five minutes.
“Do you know how baseball works?” you whisper to Hyunjoo, taking as quiet of a bite as possible from the granola bar.
She shakes her head. “I don’t have time to learn about sports, Y/N.”
“Ah, right…”
The announcer lists the players from the opposing team, then starts on Mark’s team, beginning with Chenle, then Lucas, some people you don’t know, Renjun, Jeno-
“Woohoo! Come on Mark, you got this! You can do it, let’s get it Mark Lee!” you shout, standing up enthusiastically.
“Oh my fucking god,” you hear Hyunjoo whisper as she frantically grabs your arm and yanks you down.
You burst into laughter even as you feel various parents’ disapproving looks. “What? I’m supporting my family.”
“You look crazy,” Hyunjoo deadpans.
Shrugging, you finish off the granola bar, as you and your best friend settle into watching the baseball game, during which you have no clue what’s going on.
When the game ends (after what feels like a lifetime), you and Hyunjoo scurry out of the stands and back down to where Jaemin initially met you. The team is in deep discussion with their coach as most of the boys shake off sweat and take long sips of water, putting their gear away.
Eventually, though, one by one they file out and into the common area where you’re waiting, and you take the opportunity to pounce on your cousin as soon as it appears.
“Mark!” you shout, jumping onto your cousin’s back gleefully. He lets out an unattractive ‘humph’ sound and nearly falls, snapping his head around to give you a death glare as you slide off. “Did you hear me cheering for you? That’s probably why you guys won!”
Your cousin lets out a deep sigh, moving out of the line to stand by you and Hyunjoo. “We probably won because we’re good, but if you want to believe it was your cheering-”
“Y/N, Hyunjoo!” you glance behind Mark to see Jaemin dragging Haechan along behind him, the former sporting his signature smile while the latter looks a bit awkward.
“Hey, you both did great out there!” you shoot them a thumbs up. “I saw your… your slide thing, whatever it is, Haechan!”
He nods, a shy grin peeking through. “Thanks. I was kinda worried, but it worked out.”
“Oh, definitely,” you assure him, even though you have no idea what the slide on the ground was for or how it worked out at all.
“So, are you two headed home now?” Jaemin asks, throwing an arm around Mark’s shoulder. “Or a party at this one’s house maybe?”
“Please, no,” Mark shuts his eyes, breathing deeply.
“I gotta run some errands for my mom down the street,” Hyunjoo says, looking annoyed at the idea. She turns to you, a concerned expression passing over her face. “Are you going to be okay walking by yourself?”
“Yeah, it should be okay, I told you last week, I’m totally used to going around alone-”
“I’ll walk back with you, Y/N.” Haechan’s voice interrupts your attempt to convince Hyunjoo that you’ll be fine.
You match his gaze, tilting your head slightly, but this time, Haechan doesn’t look the least bit nervous about talking to you. “You sure?”
He hesitates for just a moment, until a crooked smile forms on his lips and he nods. “Uh-huh.”
Jaemin looks in between you two, then with a slightly awkward sounding laugh, gestures to Hyunjoo and Mark. “You guys wanna head back our way, then?”
“Our way? Hyunjoo repeats, looking confused.
“Yeah, Mark and I live down that street,” Jaemin says, pointing to where she had gestured to earlier. “Unless you’d rather go alone?”
“Um, if you guys don’t mind me tagging alone,” Hyunjoo shrugs, a nervous smile overtaking her expression. You laugh mentally, but not out loud.
“No problem Hyunjoo, you’re better company than your best friend,” Mark says, talking for the first time in forever.
“Ouch,” you mumble, but you’re laughing.
And for the second time, you find yourself walking home in the cool evening air, with Lee Haechan. You didn’t even take the bus.
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osakaso5 · 6 years ago
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Yamato Nikaido i7 Roman Rabbit Chat Part 2: A Mysterious And Sagely Man!
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Yamato-san, good work with the Panda Nameco Village project meeting today! You must be relieved that you won't have to wear animal ears with your costume this time! lol
Yamato: Yeah, good job.
Yamato: If it had ears, I would've started a boycott (lol) I'm glad it seems to be just a regular costume.
Tsumugi: The rules are fairly simple, since you'll be solving puzzles to find Panda Stones hidden in the park, and when you deposit them into the altar near the goalsite, you'll be able to escape the park!
Tsumugi: I really look forward to seeing you in Japanese clothing..! I'm sure it'll suit you.
Yamato: You say that to all the guys, don't you? You're a sinful girl, manager.
Tsumugi: I-I didn't mean it like that, though!?
Yamato: Only look forward to seeing me.
Tsumugi: I can't do that! lol
Yamato: Oh geez, will I ever find someone who'll only look at me, I wonder...
Tsumugi: You're still saying that... You wouldn't actually like someone like that.
Yamato: Hmm
Yamato: You're a lot sharper than you look, Tsumugi-chan.
Tsumugi: It's not that hard to see (lol)
Tsumugi: Also, since you'll be divided into teams within IDOLiSH7, you have to participate properly!
Yamato: If only we'd stayed as a group of 7, I could've played hooky without anyone noticing.
Tsumugi: That would be too big of a team ><
Tsumugi: Your character is an intelligent and mysterious sage, while your partner, Mitsuki-san, is a know-it-all reporter!
Yamato: My role's normal enough, but why's Mitsu my teammate? (lol)
Tsumugi: Because you have similarly prideful characters!
Tsumugi: You'll have to talk to the extras in the park in a manner that's appropriate for your roles, so it won't just be regular acting!
Yamato: This project requires a lot of mental work. Oh well, since Mitsu will probably be really into this project, I'll follow his example.
Tsumugi: That's the spirit, Yamato-san.
1. Were you interested in any other roles?
Yamato: Re:vale. If they're going to be acting like their characters, they'll be annoying for sure. Especially Yuki-san.
2. Do you think you’ll be able to escape safely?
Yamato: I think I'll be fine, as long as I've got Mitsu. He's not really the type to just run around.
3. I look forward to the attractions of Panda Nameco Village!
Yamato: You're a girl, after all (lol) I wanna get on one of those slow-moving cars that are shaped like animals, you know the ones.
Yamato: By the way, Tama wanted to go play in Panda Nameco Village outside of work.
Tsumugi: Right..! It'd be nice to go there once it opens. Since we wouldn't want to cause trouble by being seen, we'd have to split into smaller groups...
Yamato: It's not like we could exactly walk around with all 7 of us (lol). Do you think we'd be okay if we wore masks, like we did for that summer festival?
Tsumugi: You mean the time you became a group of stylish Cocona-chans, lol
Tsumugi: I wonder if they sell masks...
Yamato: Probably not (lol)
Yamato: Panda Nameco Land, which is owned by the same people, does seem to have masks. You should take him there sometime.
Tsumugi: You won't be coming? ><
Yamato: I'll pass. I don't wanna get on any thrill rides.
Tsumugi: Don't say that! Tamaki-san wants to go with you, too.
Yamato: Considering he's carrying all kinds of Panda Nameco Land special magazines to my room on a daily basis, that's probably true.
Tsumugi: Daily..! He must really want you to come.
Yamato: Hmm.
Tsumugi: You went to an amusement park for that shoot with Nagi-san and Mitsuki-san! It'll be like that..!
Yamato: That was fine because there weren't any other people there (lol)
Yamato: You don't know what it's like to get on a ride with just a bunch of guys. It's pointless, y'know?
Tsumugi: I wonder if Tamaki-san's got a ride he wants to try?
Yamato: When he was reading those magazines, he mentioned a ride that'll take a picture of you as it drops you from a high place.
Yamato: When I asked why he wanted to go with me, he told me that it's because he wants to go to all sorts of places to have  fun and laugh with me.
Tsumugi: Tamaki-san...
Yamato: I'm not that fun to have around, so I don't want to go and disappoint him
Yamato: He should go with one of the other kids. Like Ichi, or Riku
Tsumugi: You should give some more thought as to why he asked you in the first place ><
Tsumugi: I'll just have to get all of you to go together sometime in the near future, then!
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killian-whump · 6 years ago
I attribute that "stiffness" to the colifer bunch. Jen and Colin were always very casual and comfortable together (to my eye) until somewhere in s5, which happens to be about when those guys behavior got particularly bad. I dunno. I think Colin and Jen were always and still are friends, and I definitely don't agree that she didn't support him, but I do think they're not as close as before? Whether that's because of fucking irl shippers, or no longer being around each other a lot, or both.
Yeah, I don’t doubt that a lot of the discomfort they had around each other, especially in later years, was due to the nonsense that was going on with the fans. Especially when they harassed his family or spoke ill of his wife.
And I guess that’s where my comment about Jen’s lack of support comes in. Colin has had to literally shut down any mention of his wife or family with the fans, and has to watch every little thing he says or does for fear of what the fandom will take and run with as evidence of their “true love” or whatever. I mean, the guy can’t even work in a forge without those nutters latching on to his lack of a wedding ring when he’s working with molten metal. Geez. But then Jen encourages things by responding to a lukewarm birthday greeting with x’s and o’s and... it feels, honestly, like she’s not even trying to help him out in that regard. Especially when, let’s be honest, most of the Colifer fans are from Jen’s fandom in the first place. I honestly don’t know any Colin fans who support that shit. (For what it’s worth, I don’t really expect her to “police” her fans - that kind of toxic fan is likely to consider ANY attention to be good attention and her chastising them would likely backfire and only encourage them further. I think ignoring them is a perfectly valid tactic, but I DO think she could be more considerate of Colin’s efforts to not stir them up.)
I also feel like he is MUCH more comfortable doing panels/interviews with other people. I confess, when I first got into the fandom and mostly only ever saw him doing interviews/panels with Jen, I just assumed that she was picking up his slack and doing most of the talking because that’s how he liked it. And I believed the nonsense Colifers spouted about how “shy” Colin is and how he could never carry an interview/panel on his own. But now that I’ve seen him do plenty of interviews/panels on his own and alongside Josh, Robert, Rose, Lana, Bex, Sean, Lee, Liam, people from other projects and whoever else I’m forgetting... He does a great job. He talks. He jokes. He hams it up. He’s an active part of the whole thing. And now, seeing his old interviews with Jen... They're painfully awkward to me. He looks uncomfortable. Stiff. Overthinking everything he says. And maybe it IS just because he’s gotten better at dealing with fans and fame, but I don’t really think Jen helped him do that. I think at best her domination of the dialogue allowed him to get by without developing the needed skills for too long - and, at worst, it made him feel uncomfortable expressing himself freely. (Again, that’s nothing against Jen, herself. It’s not her responsibility to look after him or make sure he’s expressing himself. I’m just saying that I believe he works better with others in joint interviews than he does with Jen.)
Anyway, I don’t necessarily think anything bad happened between them. I don’t think they no longer get along or that there was ever anything wrong with their friendship. I just don’t think it was as grand as some of their fans like to think it was. And I do think whatever’s become of that friendship probably has a LOT to do with them no longer working together on a daily basis. I just feel like, while he’s going to maintain a strong friendship with some of the Once cast (like Sean or Josh, for instance), he’s not going to maintain that with everyone from the cast - and I feel like Jen might just be one of those people who fades into a fond acquaintance instead of remaining a good friend.
And, really, there’s nothing wrong with that.
*As a note to anyone reading this, I use “Colifer” exclusively to refer to the idea of them being “more than friends”. I use O’Morrison as a tag and a term for their general friendship. I think O’Morrison is fine and dandy - but Colifer should be mocked at every opportunity and with great aplomb :P
**Also, I’m not tagging this anti Jen, because it’s not.
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swordarkeereon · 4 years ago
21 Things You Need to Know About Writing as a Career Before You Quit Your Job. #amwriting
I know – I know! Geez, Steph, way to piss all over someone’s dreams. But I don’t think people really understand what it actually takes to sell and THRIVE as a self-employed writer, and a lot of that depends on your personality, your productivity skills, your strengths, your motivation, your weaknesses, and whether or not you have someone to support you. A lot of people THINK they want to be career writers, but mostly because they think it’s fun and easy. Sadly, a lot of people will publish books, get nowhere, and give up. Or writing and publishing will be a hobby and nothing more — and that’s okay, too.
Being a writer full-time is cake-walk when someone else is paying the bills. But alas, most of us do not have that luxury. We are either self-supporting (meaning if we don’t work we don’t get paid, and we don’t eat), or our income, combined with our partner’s income, is required to keep us afloat. Long gone are the days when a single income could support more than a single person, and hell — oftentimes single incomes can’t even support a single person these days with the price of everything through the roof.
Do I make a full-time-living from writing. Well, yes. But also no because aside from the publishing company, I help to run our family business, and it bounces me around like a yo-yo, while at the same time helping me be the sole income earner for my family. But the bulk of my income, about 80% of it, comes from writing.
Do I love the writing life? Absolutely. I love spending time alone. My time really is my own. Aside from days I spend at the family business doing payroll, accounting, and HR, I can pretty much do what I want, when I want. I can sleep in. I can go for a walk in the middle of my day. I don’t have to punch a time clock. I can take time off whenever I feel like it. Sounds great, right? But I also work, on average, about 70 hours a week. Even if I didn’t split my time between our other business and the publishing company, I would likely work the same number of hours because for me, it would mean more time for writing.
Career writers work LONG hours. If you expect to have a ton of free time, career writing may not be for you. Sure, I may take a day off to read, but I always split that reading time between a marketing or craft-of-writing book, and something I want to read for fun.
Career writers never really take vacations or time off, even when they do. If you like the 9-5 and being able to leave work at work — forget it. You won’t get that being a career writer. Every shower, every walk, every trip to pick up groceries, every vacation — I’m thinking about the book, article, or story I’m working on, different marketing strategies, or my to-do list when I get back.
Career writers have to think long term about their schedule, their savings account and budget, and their marketing strategies. If you’re bad with marketing, scheduling, or budgeting, writing may not be for you. Writers often get paid upon publication, once a month, or every 3-6 months. You don’t get weekly or bi-weekly paychecks like a normal job and you have to adjust to that. I already have books/projects scheduled into 2022, advertising scheduled a month or six in advance, and I keep the savings accounts as full as I can just in case I have a shitty month. It sometimes happens and writers have to be prepared for that. You should probably be good at juggling your finances.
Career writers have to be self-motivated and somewhat disciplined. There isn’t a boss to give you direction, or a co-worker to really help you when you get stuck (that’s what writing groups and research are for). I make a choice every day about being a full-time writer. I can either wake up and binge watch Netflix, or I can get up and sit my ass in front of my computer and work on the current project. Be honest with yourself. Are you self-disciplined enough and self-motivated? This doesn’t mean you need to write every single day. I don’t. I only write 4-5 days a week. Others do write daily. But when I do sit down to write, I can often produce 3K to 5K (or sometimes more) in a day.
Career writers must be prolific. No one ever made a career on a single book alone. So if you only have one book in you, a career in writing may not be for you. If you want to do well** at this gig, you need to publish a new book 2-6 times (minimum) every year just to keep yourself in front of readers.
Career writers must be tech-savvy. In this day and age, not being tech-savvy is a huge handicap. You need to be comfortable with computers and adaptable to changing technology and a constantly changing publishing industry. The more tech-savvy you are, not only the more time and money you save, but also the easier it is to deal with things like updating your website, running a newsletter, or automating your social media.
Career writers may sacrifice certain things to make their dream a reality because the reality is we each only get 24 hours in the day and sometimes you can’t FIT everything you want into that 24 hours. So you have to give something up to have time for the thing (writing career) you want. One of the things I often sacrifice in favor of my work is house cleaning. If it were just me, it likely wouldn’t be so bad and I could call in a housekeeper once a week. However, it’s me, my husband, and three very messy cats. While day-to-day like laundry, dishes, wiping down frequently used surfaces, cooking, and litter tray cleanup is habit for my husband and me – vacuuming carpets, scrubbing tile floors, dusting, and deep cleaning is not something done on a regular basis. I usually take a day off each month just to do those deep cleaning chores.
Career writers often have a lot of things on the fire for different income streams. They write fiction. They write articles. They may be contributing to anthologies. They may write company policies on the side. They may be ghost writing on the side. They may also write non-fiction on top of the fiction. They may teach classes or sell items related to their books. I have yet to meet a career author who doesn’t have some kind of side income related to their writing that isn’t direct income from book sales.
Career writers often don’t live glamorous lifestyles full of parties and social events. Most of your working time will be spent in front of a computer, writing. But – what about all the cool travel, conventions, and conferences? You have to remember that conventions and conferences may be “fun” and “educational” for attendees, but for the writers who are speakers, presenters, or vendors at these events – it’s part of our job. We’re not there to have fun. We’re there to work. That’s not to say we can’t have fun doing our jobs. I have a lot of fun at Denver Pop Culture Con because that’s my scene and those are my people. It’s one of the reasons I do that con year after year. If we have fun while we work – that’s a bonus. Let me just say that some events are more fun than others. So it may look like we’re just having fun all the time, but never underestimate the pain of a solid conference crash that keeps you from writing for days when you get back home. Outside of conventions, conferences, or writer events – I don’t attend parties or social functions outside my small group of friends. I haven’t done that since I was 21, back in 1993. So if you’re looking for the party life, a career in writing may not be your thing.
Career writers must be able to work alone for long hours After all, writing can be a very solitary career. If you’re a person who needs other people around or you start to go a bit stir crazy, you may not be prepared for the long hours spent alone with yourself. I’ve never found this to be a problem. I love being my own boss and spending hours alone with myself. I’m a natural introvert. That’s not to say I can’t be extroverted. I go through phases of wanting to be social. But I am quite happy nestled in my office working. I also have a group of supportive author friends who I get together with through video chat on a regular basis. That’s enough to satiate my need to hang out with others. Only you would know if that would be enough for you.
Career writers can fail, even after they succeed. So if you think once you succeed you’ll automatically be a billionaire, being a writer may not be for you. This can be a feast or famine career (which is why the most adaptive authors diversify their income by doing different types of writing or working as a writer for hire). It’s not like if you have one successful book you’ll be set for life. Unfortunately. If traditionally published, your traditional publisher may not offer another contract after you work out the current one. Meaning you have to go find the next contract, just as if you were starting all over again. If indie published, your last series may have sold like hotcakes, but your current series didn’t go over as well with readers, and is barely moving. I’ve had each of these scenarios happen to me and somehow, by the grace of my readers and my muses, I’m still here.
Career writers must be persistent. See #11. If you give up or get discouraged easily, a career in writing is not for you.
Career writers must have thick skin. If you fall apart at the first sign of criticism, writing is DEFINITELY not for you. There is no such thing as an author that every reader, everywhere, will love. There’s always going to be that one reader who hates your work and is going to share that in a review. Career writers don’t let the haters get to them. It’s part of the job. And if you’re saying, “But Steph, I have nothing but good reviews!” — then my response is — you haven’t had a book that sells well enough to get bad reviews yet. Or your work isn’t visible enough yet. Give it time. Eventually you’ll get *that* review, and when you do, you’ll know that people you don’t know are actually reading your work (or that you have haters, which means you’re visible at least).
Career writers may eventually have to hire support staff. If you’re a control freak or don’t want to run a business, being a writer may not be for you. Because you can’t do everything and still be able to focus on the writing. I resisted hiring help for years. I’ve had a personal assistant for a few years to help me deal with websites, emails and scheduling, but he wasn’t able to help in areas I really needed help. Just this year I finally hired a person who manages my social media, and that freed up my time to write considerably. Does it cut into my profits? Yes. Unfortunately. But it was worth it to me because I need to be writing — not looking for memes and articles to post on my author pages. Just like I hire editors, cover artists, attorneys, and accountants as needed, because I don’t possess all the skills to do all the things, plus I don’t have time to do everything.
Career writers have deadlines. If you don’t work well under pressure, a career in writing may not be for you. I’ve always excelled under the pressure of a deadline, but not everyone does. Now, I can’t say I’m fond of pre-release pressure (since that comes with a penalty for non-compliance), but I know what I want to get done and I bust my ass to meet those particular deadlines. I’ve always been that way.
Career writers must be organized. There are a lot of dates that need to be coordinated with marketing, release dates, beta reader copies, editors, cover art, contract deadlines, etc… in the publishing world. So if you’re disorganized and you start missing deadlines, it’s going to throw your life into chaos and you’ll be racing to get things done, or losing contracts as a result. Or you may over schedule yourself and find yourself sinking. Been there. Organization is still something I struggle with, but I am getting better at it.
Career writers must have some self-confidence. A lack of confidence can greatly hamper your career by keeping you from doing the things you need to do to make that career work. So if you’re going to go for it, I want you to start working on your confidence now. Even if you don’t feel confident, learn to fake it. From pitching a book to a buyer (whether reader, editor, or agent), to doing an interview or podcast, to just casually chatting with folks at events – a little self-confidence makes the job a lot easier.
Career writers can’t afford to care what others think (unless they’re paying you a hefty sum to write what they want you to write). This means that your stories are your own and readers, friends, family don’t get a say. Writers who care too much what others think are likely to balk at sending stuff out, or publish something different. They’ll play it safe for the sake of not upsetting anyone, or to please a certain person or group. This can kill your career faster than you can read this article.
Career writers must be able to focus and finish. To sell your work, you have to be able to write, and finish, a completed manuscript. This means there’s no time for hemming and hawing and edit-forever syndrome. If you’re a perfectionist – start working to get over it because nothing is perfect. If you are having a hard time focusing on finishing your creative work, writing as a career may not be for you.
Career writers love to read and read often. If you don’t like to read, you definitely shouldn’t attempt a career at writing. I’m a slow reader and even I manage to read 30-50 books a year (not including my own or the books I read for my publishing company by other authors). I’ve always loved to read and have been a voracious reader since grade-school. Most of the successful authors I know, when they’re not writing, they’re reading.
Career writers are business owners. You are basically self-employed and have to keep receipts, hire/fire people, pay your quarterly taxes and any sales tax from events etc…, and pay all your writing related bills. You have to collect on contracts, stay on top of your sales reports, make sure everything goes out on time, coordinate your team of people. All things anyone running a business does. So if you don’t want to be a business owner, career writing is not for you.
So think carefully when it comes to your choice to become a career writer. Be honest with yourself. Career writing is not for every writer.
**As in $40K + every year. I say that because a lot of writers can make $10K-$12K a year writing. As a matter of fact, $10K-$12K is what a good majority of traditionally published writers make after the IRS get’s their cut, the agent get’s their cut, and they’ve paid for all their convention stock, marketing, and travel expenses. Ouch!
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cosmetic 1, characters 3 + 4, simblr 2 + 3!
a1. Favorite sim transformation and why? 
Sort of depends how you define ‘transform’ - do you mean aesthetically or in terms of character or position? 
I think my answers for each regard would be Lyra, Peter and his family, and Percy respectively. Lyra cus she’s the only one who’s really had a huge makeover, what with her transition beginning; Peter because the impact of Sera dying on him was as glorious to play out as I expected; and Percy because - well, he’s been lurking in other saves for years and now he could well be a Helgrave lynchpin! Could.
b3. Name something you’re excited to happen to one of your characters for the upcoming year. 
Let’s just say I have several plot points that, if I can’t begin next year, I at least want to set into motion… points related to SoS in particular. I’d also like to finally be able to break down the wall between me and AR and get that going again - and I want to reiterate that it’s no one’s fault but mine that it’s been so stagnant. It’s not broken forever. It just needs a rest.
b4. Name your favorite event that happened in your character’s life.  
Which one? This has always been a pretty vague question…
I suppose Mollie Eklund being as big a fuck-up as she is is a joy to behold? Or if you mean event event, so far Sophie growing up to resemble Maus is the best thing to happen to her, cus it means she has fewer ties to her fuck-up Bibi.
c2. Name a simblr you look up to and write them something nice!
Since I’ve bolstered Vid up a lot through the past few days… weeks… months, I’m gonna take things in a bit of a different direction today: @melien! I haven’t followed you as long as some others, but your Sim designs are always so cute! Eden Lee is a blessing to possess, and your dedication to Nabias is - well, I wish I had that level of Ship Force.
c3. Favorite memory this year as a simblr?
There’s been more than I would’ve expected from such a year, honestly. Winning Von Aleshire and winning Collins are up there, Collins in particular because it was so unexpected - I made Cordelia to be story fodder essentially, so for her to carry through to victory, I mean… geez. Furthermore, starting not only SoS, but Mimikyu and UTAU as projects as well were good. I don’t know how many saves I’ll be able to juggle before I start dropping more balls on a permanent basis, but I’ll do my best. Please believe me?
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justabitscrewy · 8 years ago
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higher quality: [x] [x] [x] 
I’ve been sitting on these pages for months, and only having one job means actual free time to dig in and finish shit :’)
I love the idea of Adam and Faridah being work out fitness bros. Even more specifically, tag teaming charity marathons.
This take places a good bit before Milwaukee Junction. Adam’s well into the recovery phase of his surgeries, but he’s still no where near through.
In this case, Adam’s just had his first major OS installation. His eyes would obviously have been installed in the initial batch of operations, but I’m sure not fully activated above basic functions until weeks after that.
(And then trying to imagine the sheer volume of update notifications I ignore on my phone on a daily basis, but being applied to every day senses)
Also, I understand that the forehead wound would be the most heavily bandaged, stitched, and filled in wound in his body, but I project on Adam like little anyone else, so I wanted him to have to deal with bloody sheets every now and again dammit. I imagine that the joints and major flesh/prosthesis connections have a lot of fluid processing that’s still needing to balance out, which means a lot of build up and leakage around the seams (Adam has expensive tastes but has since resigned himself to cheap sheets and spare towels for the time being).
In a more refined pass on these page, I would love to really emphasize the bald spots on Adam’s head, but I’ll probably just leave that to its own illustration tbh. Regardless, you know Adam’s head was completely shaved over the course of those surgeries (what with his wealth of cerebral and even dermal implants). While most of it has grown back, there’s some areas that need to be routinely shaven over to give doctors access to the ports and nodes that still need regular, physical check ups.
While David has absolutely been a genuinely concerned/incredibly nosey staple in Adam’s life, Malik has had the common decency to give the traumatized convalescing out patient some space to recuperate. Honestly, probably a little more space than is genuinely healthy, but what is she supposed to say?
Faridah genuinely forgot about the Free Press Marathon until the morning of, and it definitely took her a good half hour to make it from the lobby of Adam’s apartment complex to almost talking herself out of it three times right outside Adam’s door.
As for the run itself, they finished in a personal record low for them, but neither would complain. Adam’s been relentless in his physical therapy, but there’s still a big difference between focused, controlled environments and open marathon surrounded by other people.
Geeze I would honestly love to visually explore a lot more on the run itself, but then I wouldn’t get around to posting anything.
Domestic, mundane headcanons are my JAM, and if I can throw in some sad recovery in as well, damn I’m golden.
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Okay, so I haven’t been able to get this post by @voltron-messenger out of my head for the past few days, so to get out of my writing slump, I wrote my own adaptation of it...
“What do you mean Lance is ‘missing?’” Keith emphasized his confusion with air quotes. Clearly that had to be an exaggeration. The blue paladin had been moping around the castle just a couple of hours ago.
Keith himself had finished training early to spend time with the brunet. He thought he’d made the offer to join him in the training room pretty clear in his text, (everyone knew that the way to Keith’s heart was through sparring), but when Lance failed to show up, he figured he should probably compromise and search for him.
He’d just entered the bridge to find all of the remaining residents of the castle huddled around Coran’s station, where he was frantically typing at the controls. The large hologram of their quadrant of the universe was up, and the gorgeous man seemed to be running a scan, the individual planets and nebulas flying by.
“How many more sectors do we have to scan?” Shiro asked worriedly.
Keith was just about to announce his arrival, maybe ask for one of Hunk’s Quick-Fire Recaps™, when Allura answered, “It’s hard to be sure, Shiro. While his isn’t the fastest lion, it can still cover some ground. His sonar could also mask our sensors if he really doesn’t want to be found.”
She turned to the other paladins then, a hard expression on her face. “Whatever you do, don’t tell Keith that Lance is missing!”
His heart skipped a beat at the words, a lump forming in his throat. She must have misspoken. Maybe she meant to say, ‘Don’t tell Keith that Lance’s lion is missing, because then they’ll start fighting and honestly we get enough of that on a daily basis!’
Unfortunately, Pidge’s words confirmed his terror. “It’s kind of too late for that, Princess.”
The other members of the team turned to him with varying degrees of shock and sympathy on their faces. Allura bit her lip and avoided his gaze anxiously. “How much of that did you hear?”
Keith inhaled deeply in an attempt to keep his voice even. “What do you mean Lance is ‘missing?’ Is this some kind of lame joke?”
Hunk and Pidge exchanged anxious looks as Shiro approached the red paladin, his human hand outstretched toward Keith’s shoulder. “Keith…”
Keith practically leaped back, batting the hand away. “Don’t ‘Keith’ me! What the quiznak is going on here?”
“Didn’t you notice? We’ve been texting Lance for hours in the group chat and he isn’t responding.”
“It seems our dear blue paladin was feeling down and took his lion out for a ride,” Coran supplied, still concentrated on his console. “I have his departure logged here about five hours ago. He seems to have turned his tracking off, so I’d wager he just wanted some alone time.”
Keith shook his head, rushing to the Altean’s side. “No, Lance’s idea of ‘alone time’ is giving himself a two hour mani-pedi followed by a homemade facial mask in his room.”
“That’s true,” Hunk agreed with a nostalgic smile. “Sometimes, back at the Garrison, he’d mix an extra mask for me and chase me around our dorm until he got it on.”
“Right! And I know for a fact that he hasn’t done that in a few weeks because I can usually smell the tonics from my room, so that can’t be the reason.”
“Then what’s your theory, Keith?” Allura asked curiously.
“I think…” The words died in his throat as reality sank in. Lance didn’t like to show it, but he was incredibly sensitive. He came from a big family, so he was probably used to hiding his emotions; running away might have been a defense mechanism for him as a kid. “Shit!”
It was his fault! It was all his fault! He shouldn’t have chosen training over him! He should’ve rushed to Lance’s room and popped a DVD into the player and texted Hunk to bring snacks and curled a blanket around them and –
– and what? Lance didn’t seem to see him that way. The blue paladin might’ve been open to the cuddles in the moment, but nothing would’ve sprung from them.
He still needed it, his subconscious reminded him. Even if he doesn’t return your feelings, he still needs your love and support.
“He needs someone!” Keith didn’t know where the bold declaration had come from, but he didn’t stop there. “He really shouldn’t be alone right now. He’s probably in a lot of pain, and having Blue with him isn’t going to be enough!”
Allura pushed Coran to the side and began typing intensely at the projected keyboard. Altean coding flew across the screen too rapidly for anyone to pick up on. The console suddenly lit up, a corresponding section on the holographic map blinking.
“There!” Allura shouted exuberantly, pointing at the spot, which appeared to be one of many moons orbiting a large planet.
“I’m going for him!” Keith declared adamantly. “I have the fastest lion, and no offense Shiro, but I’m probably the best pilot, and Hunk I know you’re his best friend, but it just needs to be me–”
“Keith!” Shiro’s voice boomed commandingly. His expression softened when he locked eyes with the frantic red paladin. “Go bring our sharpshooter home.”
“I’ll send the coordinates to Red,” Allura agreed.
“And!” Keith turned to leave, but was stopped by Shiro’s voice again. “Make sure that you tell him.”
“Yeah, it’s about time!” Pidge grumbled teasingly. “I’m getting tired of watching you two dance around each other.”
Hunk came up behind him and draped an arm around his shoulders. “Trust me, man, he needs to hear it. Now go!”
Not needing to be told twice, Keith dove into his pod.
Lance, I know you’re ignoring everyone’s messages in the group chat, but hear me out…
We really didn’t mean to hurt you… We were just caught up in our own stuff and we got a little selfish, yknow?
We need you and care about you.
Still no response. Ugh, why did he have to fall for such a drama queen?
Was he really about to do this? There was no guarantee that he’d even get a response.
Red’s reassurance in his head moved his fingers across his phone before he could even think about what he was typing.
I need you. That’s why I’m on my way to bring you back.
Keith clenched the controls tighter to avoid banging his head into the dashboard. Of course Lance would make light of his near-confession! What did he expec-
… you found me?
Keith tuned Red’s victory gloat out to compose a response.
Yeah, Allura tracked Blue.
Knowing that he still had a way to go, he added,
Are you okay?
Fortunately for his heart, the response was quicker this time.
i’m fine. just go back to the castle. you’re just coming because you feel guilty and i don’t want that.
“Damn it Lance!” Keith felt his heart sink. How had he neglected to notice the hurt that the other had been sporting?
I’m not going back without you. And I DO feel guilty, but only because I treated you like shit and you don’t deserve that at ALL.
The typing bubble disappeared for a moment, as if Lance was rethinking his response. When it came in, Keith’s heart nearly shattered at the words.
seriously keith just give it up, ok?
“The fuck I will!”
Absolutely not.
why??? you didn’t give a shit about me earlier so why now?
The words spilled into the textbox before he could mull them over in his head. His mind and rationality took a backseat to his heart, and fuck it all he was throwing caution to the wind.
Lance, I always care about you… I was so stupid earlier. I wasn’t thinking… None of us were.
You deserve the entire world and I wish I could give it to you…
A few agonizing minutes passed without a response. Keith had taken the autopilot back from Red, if only to distract himself from the throbbing in his chest and the bile wanting to rise from the prospect of being rejected. Finally, the typing bubble came back, and Keith rushed to switch the controls back to Red before the answer came in.
… come find me and you can
Well that was awfully vague and anticlimactic. Keith reread the words over and over as he tried to dissect their meaning.
When the underlying innuendo finally hit him, he nearly fell out of his seat. Holy shit, was Lance saying what he thought he might be saying? He had to be sure.
What do you mean?
The planet finally came into view, a large gas planet reminiscent of Jupiter. He directed Red to scan the moons for Lance and Blue.
i mean, like… agh this is awkward
That did nothing to clear anything up.
There was no sign of them on any of the moons on this side of the planet, so he steered Red in closer. As he did, he felt his phone vibrate with two more messages.
i’ve liked you for a really long time
if you care enough to come find me right now, fair warning: i’ll probably interpret that as you liking me back
Holy shit was this really happening???
“Red, can you pinch me? I’m pretty sure I’m dreaming right now.” His seat suddenly burned his thighs. “Geez, girl, it’s just an expression!”
A blue dot appeared on his screen, highlighting a large crater that resembled a lake. It made sense that Lance and Blue had chosen a location related to their element.
As he directed Red in the direction of the dot, he typed back a reply.
Well, that’s good because that would be a correct interpretation…
Lance’s response was immediate.
… for real?
Keith smiled bittersweetly. If Lance said anything else even remotely self-depreciating, he was going to smother him in affection. Then again, he was probably going to do that anyway…
Red and I just landed.
Tell me exactly where you are and I’ll prove to you how “for real” I am
He managed to spot the blue lion as they came in for a landing, pulling up right beside them. He could feel Red relax upon being reunited with Blue, the thought of their lions together bringing a smile to the paladin’s face. His phone lit up as they came to a stop.
… yes sir :)
He leaped out of his seat as soon as Red was settled, petting the console affectionately before racing out onto the planet. Lance was already waiting for him beneath Blue, a shy smile on his face.
“You really came for me,” he whispered when Keith was close enough.
“Of course I did,” the red paladin whispered back. He cupped the brunet’s face with his hands, fingers playing with the curls at the back of his neck. He could feel the other’s pulse, certain that his heart was beating just as erratically.
Lance leaned into the touch, his smile softening. His hands settled at Keith’s hips, the touch almost hesitant. It seemed fairly uncharacteristic of the usually flirtatious brunet, but Keith found that that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. If anything, it indicated that he wasn’t just another one of Lance’s conquests, and that thought alone made him want to jump the paladin right then and there.
“So…” Lance laughed uneasily. “Are you gonna own up to your promise, or keep me in suspense?” It was hard to miss the blush that spread from his nose to the tips of his ears.
Keith raised a brow, a sly grin on his face. “Is the great Lance McClain nervous about a kiss?”
“Wh-What?” Lance scoffed dramatically. “No way! I’m just wondering if you’re man enough to kiss me! I’ve heard that guys with mullets–”
Keith rolled his eyes and pulled him forward, pressing their lips together gingerly. When Lance’s eyes shut, he added more pressure, coaxing a slight moan from the taller teen.
He parted from the other’s lips slowly, smiling when he felt Lance trying to follow. Triumphantly, he leveled a cocky smirk at the other. “What were you saying about guys with mullets?”
Lance groaned. “Shut up and kiss me again!”
The sensation was indescribable. The best he could compare it to, at the risk of sounding cliché, would be a chemical reaction, like fire and ice colliding. The resulting steam consumed everything around it, and the two were so lost in the moment that they almost missed Shiro’s phone call.
Keith broke the kiss reluctantly to answer, trying to ignore Lance’s whine. He put the call on speaker so that the other could hear. “What?!”
“By your annoyed tone, I assume you’ve found him,” Shiro mused, the snickers of Pidge and Hunk filling the background.
“Did you call to get a rise out of me?” Keith grumbled.
“No, I just wanted to make sure that you were both okay.”
“Don’t worry, Space Dad, we’re fine,” Lance chimed.
“Great. It’s good to hear your voice, Lance. When you two get back, Terrible Movie Night™ can commence. Apparently, there’s one that I missed called ‘Sharknado?’”
Keith’s sour attitude was dismissed by Lance’s giddy fist pump. He was honestly too adorable for this universe.
“Do we have a curfew to adhere to?” Keith asked before Lance could speak.
Pidge wolf-whistled in the background as a bit of interference crossed the line. Hunk’s voice suddenly boomed at them, “TAKE ALL THE TIME YOU NEED!”
“Just don’t defile your lions!” Allura called teasingly.
The called ended just like that, leaving the two paladins blushing like ripe tomatoes. Lance was the first to recover, clearing his throat. Keith managed to regain his composure after that, pocketing his phone.
“Race you to Red!���
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mishamoonberry · 7 years ago
Warning: there’s bullying here.
Timeline: first term of Second Year
She hears it first before she sees it.
One time, she passes by a group near the school gates, and almost recoils in surprise at how they seem to huddle near somebody, a girl, who looks to be very terrified. Her bag is being rummaged by the other girls, before one of them clicks her tongue and throws the bag down, books and pencil case scattering out from it.
“Geez, there’s nothing interesting in here!” One of the girls crow, “as expected of Class E, you’re very boring!”
“Aren’t you a bad student? At least carry a porn book or two!” The other girls laugh at this, before they very pointedly kick and step on the scattered books and walking away.
Shiori is floored.
This—This is no longer simple mocking, no longer mere playful jabs thrown at a failing student, no longer mere jokes made to motivate a student.
This is bullying.
(This is bullying, this is wrong, her mind tells her, and she holds back a flinch. Haven’t I known all this time that this is bullying?)
(Hasn’t she been keen in trying to ignore the hints of such acts within the school grounds?)
(Hasn’t she been trying to convince herself that the upperclassmen are capable of handling such things?)
(She has never seen something like this before).
(She’s capable of ignoring or withstanding the verbal jabs, the laughter. She’s capable of deluding herself that it’s just friendly mocking and that they should be alright, that they can handle this much).
(But it gets scary once she sees another part of it, doesn’t it?)
(When she sees the extent people can actually go to the people they deem as minority, as something below them).
She hears the laughter that slowly fades as the girls—bullies, they’re bullies—and perhaps it’s because of the realization seeping into her, the unsteady thump thump thump of her heart, or the adrenaline and panic that she moves, almost on autopilot, approaching the girl—the child, who is mentally younger than her despite being her upperclassman—who flinches at her.
What kind of senpai actually flinches when a kouhai approach them?
Shiori kneels in front of her crouched form, picking up her books and brushing off the dust that manages to get onto them. She neatly stacks them into a pile and puts them back to the bag, the senior silently watching her with confusion and shock palpable on her face.
“Senpai, are you okay?” She asks with a soft voice, brown eyes unwavering from the upperclassman’s hazel eyes. “They’re being unnecessarily mean, please don’t listen to them.”
The upperclassman—a girl with short light brown hair bordering on being a blonde, with wide hazel colored eyes and a petite body—blinks in bewilderment.
“You… Why?”
Shiori gives her a small, sad smile. “Because you’re my senpai.”
“That’s—I’m in 3-E, you know,” the girl says, as if that argument will somehow make Shiori run away.
“So?” She counters easily enough, “You’re a third year in Kunugigaoka, no matter what class you’re in.” She smiles at her, this time more genuine and sweet than before. “You’re still my senpai, 3-E or not.” The black haired teen offers her hand for the upperclassman to take, in order to help her get up.
The teen in front of her opens her mouth, before closing it and opening it again only to close it again, obviously at loss for words. In the end, she settles to simply taking Shiori’s hand and rises to her feet, still staring at her savior quizzically.
“Are you… a 1st year?” She asks uncertainly, brows furrowing when Shiori shakes her head.
“I’m in 2-A.”
“2-A?” She gasps, “but you’re, like—at the top—!”
“I… Yes?” Shiori rubs the back of her head, embarrassed and feeling particularly awkward, “it’s… yeah… I guess.”
“…And you still helped me?”
“I just did, didn’t I?”
“Oh,” the upperclassman breathes out, “yes, you did.”
The teen shuffles on her feet for a little bit, pointedly looking at her shoes and away from Shiori. Shiori herself wonders if she should leave, because it looks like the teen in front of her is not feeling particularly thrilled that she’s there. Just as she’s about to excuse herself, though, the teen speaks up.
“I… Thank you,” she whispers, “for helping me. My name, um, it’s Kyoko. In 3-E, though you know that already, haha,” she rubs the back of her head, laughing awkwardly. “So yeah, um, thank you.”
Shiori blinks, inwardly finding the girl to be a little bit adorable, before she smiles. “It’s nice to meet you, Kyoko-senpai. My name’s Kotonoha Shiori, I hope we can get along well.”
And that’s how she gains a 3-E student as her friend.
True to her words, Nakamura did get moved down a few classes. From her previous seat among the top ranks in 1-A, she now finds herself within class 2-C. Even Akabane Karma, who ranks at the top overall, gets moved to 2-B because of his behavior problems. Following in Akabane’s path, Nagisa also finds himself in class 2-B.
Her only friend that hangs out and talks with her on daily basis in class now is Asano. And it gets lonely, sometimes, because Asano is in Student Council right now, and is probably going to aim for President come next year, which means a lot of busy days coming for him. They do talk whenever they can, though, and there are also occasions when they simply chat though phone or just do a phone call. The topic varies, but they in the end stay within the same range—from school, clubs (she joined the modern dance extracurricular activities), politics, news, and many other stuffs they deem as interesting to talk about—and they’re mostly civilized, nice discussion with each other.
Still, hanging around with only a boy is bound to be pretty lonely, especially since Asano is a busy person. Luckily none of her previous friends don’t seem to mind hanging out with her once in awhile, especially Nakamura, who Shiori makes a point to scold whenever she looks like she’s slacking off. Nakamura shakes her off with a grin good enough, but there’s a lingering feeling in Shiori’s chest that warns her that Nakamura is somehow lying through her teeth when she says she’s doing okay with her studies.
With the addition of Kitagawa Kyoko, her days are filled up with more activities and close friends than before. Albeit hesitant at first, Kyoko quickly warms up to the idea of an underclassman willing to help her with her studies, and they even hang out quite a few times other than studying. While Shiori can’t help her much—especially not in math or science—her previous knowledge is enough for her to absorb the subjects more easily whenever she rereads them, and thus capable of at least helping Kyoko understand the lessons more easily.
So far, her outings with Kyoko never actually happens within school grounds, for the older teen is worried that her position in 3-E will damage Shiori’s reputation in class A, no matter how Shiori tries to reassure her that it doesn’t matter for her.
But of course, meet-ups and study times in cafes are bound to be noticed by someone sooner or later, and soon enough, rumors spread.
“I heard you’ve been hanging around someone from class E,” Asano says to her during a group project one day. As usual, Asano seems content on choosing her to be his partner whenever there’s a schoolwork that needs to be done in pairs. The subject at the moment is mathematics, and with the formulas and questions already causing her a headache, she’s not exactly keen in listening to his probable rant about the whole class E bullshit.
Because some of the “concerned” classmates have talked to her about it, mostly ranging from actually concerned over her grades to utter disdain toward hanging out with a lowlife such as a 3-E student, no matter if Kyoko is technically their upperclassman.
It is, in all honesty, very annoying.
Still, she’s not exactly looking for a fight with Asano, who in people’s eyes can be counted as her childhood friend—it helps that Asano seems to be fairly comfortable to be around her, what with his choosing her as his partner in projects, the phone calls, walking home together whenever they’re able to, the occasional trips to the café or restaurant to just talk—and whom she herself consider a good friend.
Therefore, she simply settles with a simple, “yep.”
It seems to have the opposite effect though, since Asano levels The Look at her, which makes her shrink back a little bit thanks to the heaviness of his gaze.
“It’s not as bad as what people say,” she tries to placate him, her eyes drifting back to the paper in front of her. Ugh, she hates math. “Kyoko-senpai is a good person and very fun to hang out with.”
“It’s the hanging out with that people are concerned about, Kotonoha,” Asano says, writing down his own answer quickly. Ugh, him and his mathematics ability.
“Hanging out with somebody doesn’t necessarily make me as bad as that person. She’s a human, not a virus,” Shiori mutters, exasperated, “and besides, Kyoko-senpai is a good person. The only thing she’s got lacking currently is her grades. Other times she’s very fun to talk to.”
Asano doesn’t seem to be satisfied with her answer, but in the end doesn’t push her much other than the borderline threatening words of: “As long as you stay here as my rival, then it doesn’t matter, I suppose.”
She can only chuckle at him, shaking her head. Even if he tries to cover it up, she knows him well enough to see he’s brooding, or perhaps covering up a scowl or a pout. After all, he’s just a thirteen year old boy. “Whatever you say, Asano-kun.”
And she does stay as his rival. While the overall score seems to always go to Asano nowadays, at the first semester’s mid-term, she manages to defeat him in some subjects. She keeps on constantly switching between second and third place with Akabane, however. Not that she cares, really, because for her not failing a class is good enough. The funny thing is Asano seems more pissed off about it more than she does (which is not at all) and she has to offer another group study together to placate him.
She keeps on meeting up with Nakamura for the sake of catching up and other girl stuffs, sometimes with Akabane for movies, other rare times with Nagisa tagging along. Other times, she’s with Kyoko, who has taken a shine in singing and hoping to enter a high school known for its amazing choir club, or with other friends who she’s not exactly close with but is able to tolerate.
It’s all going good for her, really, and if it continues, she’s actually set for another year in class A.
But of course, it all goes downhill around the second semester.
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the-cryptographer · 8 years ago
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Yay! I did the thing! Below the cut you can find some silly answers and silly ms paint artwork~ It’s been forever since I’ve drawn and even more forever since I’ve drawn anime, so everything sucks but be kind, okay~
1. Favourite Character
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This guy!!! I remember liking him immediately when I first watched in gradeschool, so he’s a longtime fave. I wish I remembered the basis for my affinity all those years ago, but it’s been lost to the tides of time. Now I kind of think about how his character works on two levels for me:
(1) On a kind of surface level, he’s just really fun to watch. His voice and his dialogue. The comedic expressions. The stupid accent in the dub. He’s temperamental and hammy. And, unlike a lot of the other characters, when he’s upset or unhappy, he’s generally driven towards being more active rather than being more passive - so instead of introspective scenes where he’s retreating into himself, you get all these scenes where he goes out and starts doing really dumb shit. He’s one of the few characters I pretty much universally enjoy watching for the theatrical value.
(2) And on a kind of deeper level, I just find him really inspirational. He’s far from a flawless character - there are so many ways he acts recklessly and makes mistakes, so many ways he can be grating and even cruel, and so many things he’s really not that good at. But he’s just so resilient and determined and such an aggressively good friend to Yuugi. I think especially with all the darker subtext in the manga, you can see the really bad places he’s come from, and how he’s been met with so much failure along the way - but he’s made it so far~ I wish we could all fall and get back on our feet as easily as Jounouchi.
2. Runner Up Character
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Put-upon Egyptian Cult Leader!! Who I don’t believe I talk about enough.
He’s an exciting villain, imo!! He puts Yuugi & co in a lot of tight spots, and in a lot of ways didn’t seem to leave the story on the same page as them, but he comes through his arc just devastatingly sympathetic in my mind. I think it’s easy to sympathise with the way he’s at war with himself and his lot in life.
There’s kind of a lot of exciting attributes collected around him too - mind control and alternate personalities, Tomb Keeper politics and Rare Hunter politics, an uneasy partnership with the big bad of the series, and a really poorly established relationship with his brother Rishid that switches between master-subordinate, patient-caretaker, and older-and-younger siblings.
On a personal level though, I appreciate the way he’s willful and clever and lazy and manipulative and NEVER STOPS LYING. I appreciate how much he fights and loses hope and is renewed in his fight against his more insane tendencies. I appreciate that he doesn’t seem to develop genuine fondness for the protags so much as come to realise they’re his way out of this mess and pragmatically follow through on it. And I appreciate how he’s revealed to be fiercely caring towards his siblings in spite of all faults. And it feels so real and tender and angry and human, I even temporarily forget how awful he’s been mere hours before.
Admittedly, I don’t exactly have a clear picture of his fanon existence and what I’d like from it. Especially since I’m not super into the thiefship scene. I’d kind of like to read more about him though. Especially about him and his siblings, or him and Ryou, or him and Yuugi.
3. Favourite Protagonist
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Cutie baby~
I guess... Yuugi and I... are maybe... kind of... alike? I’m like a tall, shitty version of him, lmao.
He is a passive pacifist sweetheart with too much self-doubt in his heart and too much porn under his mattress. I like how he grows into himself in the series and learns to be more assertive - but remains the calm, friendly, and trusting person he always was.
4. Favourite Villain
I guess this would be Malik again? Who even counts as a villain in ygo? All of them get redeemed.
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I’m just gonna say Kaiba. Kaiba’s tried to kill enough of the protags to be a villain, lol. He’s weaseled his way into a central role in the series tho~ Mr. Popular~
I think I’ve talked quite a bit about why I like Kaiba - but he’s just so damaged and so weak and so strong. He builds death theme parks and shuts down weapons production. Compared to us average humans, he’s more capable of doing good and more capable of doing evil both. Also I project onto him like a mofo.
5. Favourite Yami
I guess this would also be Malik again - Malik’s disturbing split personality.
Naw, tho~ My new favourite Yami is Yami!Isis. All bow down to the cold, all-seeing Priestess.
6. Favourite Series
Season Zero. Or idk, I still have to watch Season Zero but I love manga Season Zero so I assume. Um, the manga? Or am I just supposed to say DM? I still haven’t gotten to watching GX at length but I will.
7. Favourite Arc
Season Zero
A different game every week. Mundane school life in Japan spiced up with pyromania. lots of character focus. Thug life. But I already kind of answered this for the last question.
Maybe Duellist Kingdom?
I like the duels in DK a lot - I know they didn’t follow the rules, but they’re kind of snappy and satisfying. And it has a lot of my favourite Seto moments and Mai moments. And I like the straightforwardness in the arc’s setup, the goals of the characters, and how it built up to the finals. I feel like there’s not a dull moment building up to the confrontation with Pegasus from the meeting with Seto before the castle - the way Atem lost to Seto, and then Seto getting his soul pilfered, and Tristan and the others climbing around the castle, and the Atem-Mai and Jou-Keith duels were some of the better ones in the series.
But my cracky id loves DOMA?
It’s stupid and I know it’s stupid. But the silly villains. REAL MONSTERS. Mai having PTSD complications. Roadtrip in the USA. All the polarshipping. stfu - I can like DOMA if I want to like DOMA.
8+9. Favourite Quote & Runner Up Quote
I am so bad at remembering quotes. I mean, you can’t beat the Yuujou pun, I guess.
I suppose I like the speech Anzu gave Kaiba during DK, about the chip of life, and how Yuugi saved him. I don’t like Anzu’s speech in the dub, but for some reason Kaiba snapping back at her What do you have? with ‘I have all that I need!’ has really stuck with me - I have no idea why(??) But I even used that line in a fic.
I also like when Jounouchi goes on the date with Fake-Virtual-World!Mai. “Anywhere’s fine, so long as it’s with you.” Aww~
I’m not sure any of these are my favourite favourite, but I liked them all.
10. Funniest Moment of the Series
When Kaiba dropped a key into the ocean and somehow Jounouchi didn’t die, lmao
Okay, for reals tho, I’m not sure. But it was funny when Jounouchi almost fell off the balcony in Duellist Kingdom. And the potato song. And when Jounouchi called Kaiba on the phone and Otogi did the Kaiba imitation during DOMA. And when Kaiba and Mai got into a street race - NEVER FORGET!
11. Scariest Moment of the Series
OMG. When Bakura as Honda confronted Yuugi about giving up his wish, and Yuugi tearfully admits his wish was to have friends. Raw. Terrifying. I died.
Okay, again for reals. I guess that’s my admission that the series never managed to make me really fear for the characters. There are times when I scare myself thinking about how empty Kaiba must feel at times though.
12. Favourite Moment Overall
*plays Mystical Refpanel* “Jounouchi-kun… Daisuki da.”
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13. Runner Up Moment
Mai giving Jounouchi the entry card during DK.
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Mai’s so elegant. But, geez, this must have taken a lot out of her. She just lost her own duel - was just crying herself - has never really had friends before by her own admission. She does this with such seeming ease but she’s really putting herself out on a line here - and Jounouchi probably even doesn’t understand that - but he does all the right things anyhow <3
Yes all my favourite moments are people being nice to Jounouchi - shut up!
Other runner up moments are Rishid’s speech to Malik at the end of Battle City. Kaiba sacrificing Obelisk to summon the Blue Eyes during his duel with Isis. And I also like the very end of Duellist Kindgom and how Mai gets last minute invited on the helicopter ride. Which leads nicely into the next question.
14. Favourite Romantic Ship
Mai and Jounouchi are my favourite proto-romance in the series. Jounouchi and Kaiba are my favourite duo in the series for interesting and revealing character moments. All together they make the greatest ship of bad decisions ever invented.
15. Favourite Platonic Ship
There aren’t many things I only ship platonically. And for things I ship romantically and platonically – there are a ton. But shout-out goes to MaiKai for being the platonic bros of my OTP. I told you - NEVER FORGET that time they got into a street race.
I feel like there’s a lot to work with here though. High society. Introversion and the desire for isolation. Rigidity vs flexibility. Maturity and competence vs pettiness and complete and utter stupidity. Mai beta testing Legendary Heroes. Mai giving Kaiba ‘grown-up’ advice. Learning to trust. They will be drinking buddies. They must become drinking buddies.
16. Runner Up Ship
Honda & Otogi & Serenity.
I like them taking the train together in the manga, but it’s mostly an anime ship. I enjoy watching Otogi and Honda fighting each other for Serenity’s attention and getting completely wrapped up in each other in the process, lol. There’s a level of transparency to it that I find amusing. And it’s sweet the way they all move in to cover each others’ backs during the duel with Oota. They have their missteps, but it makes things feel rewarding when they come through for each other in the end. And, lol, this moment-
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In the context of a romantic ship, Honda’s so romantically idealistic and Serenity’s so naively unindulgent - they’re both very stubborn in their own way, but I feel like Otogi is capable of bringing in the realism to mediate that situation. I think my headcanons are heavily influenced by this writer’s work. Even outside of a romantic context though, I want them to be an adventurous trio of friends, lol. I hope they all grow up and manage it in the future~
17. Another Runner Up Ship
Second runner up could be so many things, but this stands out as something I want to see more of - and also have a drawing:
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Mai & Vivian.
Okay. But seriously. I want Great Wall of China fataleshipping adventures. I want them to be super catty friends. Please give me more of Mai postcanon female friends and femslash.
18. Favourite Monster
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Dark Necrofear!
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I talked about most of the cards in this post, but I’ll refresh your memory. (I haven’t made it far in Reshef, but Duel Links has left me feeling more or less the same regarding favourite cards.)
19. Runner Up Monster
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AU where Kisara is the Happy Queen of the Duel Monsters parallel universe, and Kaibaman is her dimension hopping servant.
20. Favourite Spell
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One of these two.
21. Favourite Trap
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Hahaha. Fuck Kaiba >:(
22. Design Your Own Character
No. I drew Asuka from GX instead.
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23. Design Your Own Monster
I’ll do it one of these days~ But not today~
24. Favourite DSoD Moment
Idk, when Yuugi told Kaiba off? When Otogi and his dad showed up? When Jounouchi wrote his initials on his Duel Disk? When Honda and Yuugi rode a motorcycle and went to save Jounouchi? When Jounouchi and Honda rode a bike to school?
25. Favourite New Character in DSoD
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But Shadi also gets points here for being different enough that I can imagine him as a new character.
26. Least Favourite New Character
27. DSoD Could Have Done _____ Better
Lots of stuff but I’m not in the mood rn. I liked the film overall.
28. Favourite New Card From DSoD
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OMG! That’s the end of the meme! It took forever, right? But thank you if you read all this way <3
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