#not Steve friendly just fyi
lenalee-academy · 2 months
Okay so I know I’ve been mentioning another collab Avengers fic and we are still working on the next Big One. In the meantime my sister has convinced me that I should post mine. Even though it’s not finished either and I had no plans to share it.
I started writing it because I wanted some Loki and Tony friendship. And while building up to that things got a bit carried away and it’s sort of an end game fix it now….so there’s that. If you’re interested check it out and let me know what you think!
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
A Simple Housewife
Relationship: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader AU Warnings: non-graphic violence, angst Summary: Mob!AU - A new member starts getting too friendly with you one night, forcing Bucky to show a side of himself you’ve never seen before. And possibly never want to see again.  A/N: in my list of favorite AUs right under soulmate!au is mob!au........idk why i can’t explain it but I love it it’s such good content. and i realized well i can contribute to it as a genre so here I am lmao. (also, for reference, the work contains college-age peter parker - i aged him up fyi)
You liked how you two worked as a team. Bucky liked to hold meetings at your home, and you liked to host them. It was an unspoken agreement every time he’d come home and rattle off who was going to be around the next night.
These instances always sent you into a frenzy, but a good kind of frenzy. It gave you something to do. While a simple housewife per your husband’s request, these events meant you could fill your days planning menus, table settings, wine pairings, grocery shopping… It was therapeutic in some ways and even nicer knowing it would be appreciated.
His men loved to fawn over your perfectly cooked food or premium hand-picked wine and you simply adored it. While it sometimes rubbed Bucky the wrong way seeing you all giggly over compliments from other men, he typically let it slide. It was never very serious and certainly never went beyond sweet comments. You embraced your hosting duties while pretending to ignore the conversations that would go on in the next room after the meal, much to Bucky’s content.
The night had started like any other. Bucky came home the previous day and told you there was going to be a meeting tomorrow night and to expect to host ten of his men. That seemed like such a smaller crowd than he normally had over, so you inquired, curious.
"Only ten?" You asked, already rushing to grab your pen and paper for the planning.
Bucky nodded, leaning against the counter. "Yeah, we’ve got someone new coming on and I don’t want to overwhelm him."
"A new guy?" Your eyes lit up. "You mean someone who hasn’t tasted my lasagna?"
Your husband couldn’t hold back the chuckle at your innocent awe. Moments like these made him wonder how someone so warm could ever deal with someone like him. 
You weren’t totally clueless about his career, you knew at least a general description of what he did for a living, but, on the other hand, you hadn’t ever seen it. You roughly knew there were… multiple sides to him but those all seemed so distant, so pointless, at the time. In this home, with you, he was just Bucky. Your Bucky. Your husband. The one who showered you with love and appreciation.
"Yes, doll," your husband confirmed. "There’s someone who hasn’t had your famous lasagna."
"Wonderful!" You clapped and started writing out the menu. "Are there any requests? I certainly don’t want to mess anything up. God forbid the new guy thinks I’m a bad host or something."
You heard Bucky sigh as you continued making your notes. A hand came to your shoulder softly, halting your actions. You turned to face your husband, who was looking down at you with a soft smile, easing your worries nearly completely.
"Everything is going to be just fine," he said, placing a loving kiss on your forehead. You helplessly melted into the touch. "There’s nothing to worry about."
You were running around the kitchen like a mad man when Bucky came home the next night with a couple of men already following behind. He called out to greet you like some cheesy sitcom entrance. You force yourself to halt your panic, knowing it was in your best interest to go greet him and the first guests. Smoothing out your apron, you double-checked nothing would explode in flames upon your absence and made your way to the foyer.
"Hi, honey," you smiled as your eyes landed on your well-dressed, sophisticated-looking husband. For all the time spent together, he never did fail to make you swoon simply by just standing there.
"Hey, doll." Bucky matched your smile and gave you a kiss on the cheek knowing you would stress even more if he dared to smudge your lipstick.
When you two parted, your eyes wandered over your husband’s shoulder to the two men standing in front of the door. The one staring at you two exchanging welcomes you recognized right away as your husband’s right-hand-man Steve. Ever so strong and important looking.
But the boy standing next to Steve was a mystery. He was a bit smaller than them both but still had some height on you. This didn’t take away, though, from this timid look. He gazed around your home seeming so in awe of it all. He didn’t realize you were staring at him until Steve nudged him.
Bucky picked up on your curiosity and immediately jumped into introductions. Motioning towards the boy, "This is Peter. He’s the new member I was telling you about."
"Oh, of course," You smiled, outstretching your hand. Peter accepted the shake, a little on the enthusiastic side. "Very nice to meet you."
"It’s very nice to meet you too, Mrs. Barnes." The boy responded, holding slightly too much eye-contact, but you couldn’t blame him.
Your hands disconnected and you chuckled at the formalities, waving a hand in dismissal. You told him to call you by your first name. "The whole misses thing feels so serious," you insisted.
Peter just smiled, a twinkle in his eyes almost. He seemed to relax at your casualness. After the introductions, you led the men into the front room, offering up drinks and hors d’oeuvres. They helped themselves as you started to make your way back to the kitchen. For some reason, you decided to look back at the group. Your eyes met Peter’s immediately. The other men didn’t seem to notice, engrossed in some conversation as they poured their beverages. You simply smiled at the boy and headed back to the food.
It wasn’t too long after the first arrivals that the rest of the members started arriving. You didn’t have time to personally greet them all but Bucky assured you that was never necessary. You two had your own things to run, he liked to joke.
With everything places — food, silverware, centerpieces — you called the men into the dining room. They oohed and awed at the spread of lasagna, bread, veggies… All food groups were represented, you thought. As predicted, they began praising you for the meal as if it was the first time in their life that they’d ever eaten and it made you giggle. These were some of the toughest people you’d ever known and yet a simple baking dish of pasta and sauce could amaze them.
Once everyone was seated and digging in, you took your seat at the other end of the table, directly across from Bucky. As you began passing around the bread, you surprisingly found Peter sitting next to you.
"They made you sit down at this end?" You asked, handing him the breadbasket. Usually, the members dreaded sitting near the wife. While they were all so kind, in moments like these, they’d rather be at the other end looking so important.
"New guy," Peter shrugged, taking a piece of bread and moving it along.
"I thought this meeting was, like, for you," you said, cutting into the slice of lasagna one of the other men were so kind to serve you.
"No," he shook his head, beginning to eat. "At least that’s not how Mr. Barnes described it. Doesn’t matter, though. It’s just nice to be here."
You smiled, delighted by his optimism, having not seen many new members in your time with Bucky. "I hope the foods okay. I got nervous when Bucky said there’d be someone new coming around."
Peter scoffed as if finding your worry crazy which eased your mind a little. He took another bite of food. "This is easily one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time."
"Thank you, Peter," you said, taking a sip of your wine. Peter copied your motion, looking at you above the wine glass rim as he sipped.
"You did everything, yeah?" He asked, holding his wine while motioning towards the tables and surroundings. "Foods, plates, all of it?"
You nodded, probably coming off a bit more eager than you should’ve, but you couldn’t help yourself. Sure, Bucky’s guests loved to compliment your cooking but no one ever acknowledged the other pieces put into the meal.
"I try to change the table setting every season," you said, "and I like the food to be seasonal, too. There are some lovely markets around and I just adore browsing them… Oh! And the centerpieces, I got the flowers there, too…"
Your rambling died down as you caught Bucky staring at you from the other end of the table. One guy was trying to talk his ear off but he seemed interested in your conversation. Curiously, you started eying your husband back as you picked at your food. His face held an unreadable expression but, eventually, his eyes left yours and were now more focused on the one sitting next to you.
Appearing oblivious, Peter continued the conversation. "Well, I think the flowers are a nice touch," he said. "Pretty flowers picked by a pretty girl."
Your heart skipped a little at that comment. You couldn’t ignore the fact it was quite bold. While you were away of the gazes you got sometimes and the possibility you were talked about behind the scenes but to say it here? At the dinner table? With your husband just in earshot?
But at the same time, you had to consider, he was nice and probably just trying to butter you up hoping for a good word put in with the bossman. There was no doubt people thought they could get to Bucky through you but, in reality, you didn’t stick your hands in any of it. Nope, you just married into it.
Not completely sure how to respond, you simply accepted the compliment, "Well, thank you. That’s very sweet."
Peter smiled at your words, looking a bit proud of himself. You turned back to your plate and tried to eat your meal in silence.
Once everyone was finished, the group started making their way out of the dining room. You shooed them, promising to be out with coffee in a bit.
You were deep into cleaning, having finally carried all the dishes from the dining room to the kitchen when someone entered.
At first, you didn’t explicitly hear them as the faucet was running heavy from your battle of scrubbing dishes. Suddenly, you could sense a presence right behind you at the sink. Turning around, you nearly jumped out of your skin as you came face-to-face with Peter, looking almost amused at scaring you. You were surprised and also… not surprised.
"Sorry," you let out a breathy chuckle. "I didn’t hear you come in."
"That’s okay," he said and motioned towards the dirty plates lining the counter. "Do you need any help?"
"Oh," you frowned. "Shouldn’t you be in the meeting with everyone else?
He shook his head, "Mr. Barnes doesn’t want to start until he’s had coffee."
"Well, you can let him know it’s brewing away," you said, trying to keep your tone serious as you could. You turned back to the sink, praying he got the hint.
He hadn’t, you realized, as Peter came around to stand at your side, leaning against the counter. He stood, arms crossed, watching you.
It was weird — actually, this entire situation was weird. You didn’t think anyone but you or your husband had been in this kitchen before let alone actually know where it was in your home.
Despite how odd you found it, the last thing you wanted to be was rude. You didn’t want to think about what could ensue from your husband losing a guy.
"It’s kind of sad, Mrs. Barnes," Peter crossed his arms, seemingly ignoring your previous request to call you by your first name. You glanced at him, confused. "You’re so kind to do all this and none of them even offer to help you clean up."
"Oh, no, It’s okay-,"
"It’s really sad," He repeated, completely cutting off your attempt at a defense. You frowned and went back to cleaning the plates, praying your attempt to ignore him would encourage him to walk out. There was a weird feeling growing in your gut.
"Such a pretty girl shouldn’t have to do so much," Peter said, softly. "It’s not fair to you."
And that’s when you felt it. His hand slowly came up to rest on your lower back. You immediately tensed under his touch, mind spinning. What the hell had you ended up in? Should you have tried harder to get him out? Gosh, but he seemed so harmless-
His hand started inching upward and then back down, creeping a little lower each time with the motion. With your stance frozen, all you could do was focus on the soapy water in the sink, unsure of your next move. He took the hesitance as a chance to close the gap between you two. A few more shifts and he could have you fully pressed against the sink.
But before you could even ponder about his next move, the swinging kitchen door busted open. You both flinched at the sudden noise but Peter didn’t seem to move. You looked over to find it was Bucky in the doorway, gun drawn and pointed directly at Peter.
Your heart sank when you saw the weapon. Sure, you knew there was weaponry stored in the home but you had never definitely seen it. You could sometimes make out outlines of guns in suit pockets but now you were on the other end of one. While it wasn’t meant for you, with your poor positioning, a single shot and you could be taken down. And by your husband-
"What the fuck are you doing?" Bucky finally spoke, never taking his eyes off the person nearly towering over you. The gun was very steady, just like his words. But everything else about him was unlike anything you’d ever witnessed before. His eyes were dark, his features so harsh. This felt like a man you had never seen before.
"We were just talking," Peter answered. His voice was casual but you could feel a slight tremor in his hand. Or maybe that was just your body shaking uncontrollably. You couldn’t tell. "I offered to help her clean up."
Bucky cocked the gun. "Get your hands off her."
"Honey," you spoke softly, your voice slightly cracking from the tears that were beginning to form. "Please put the gun down."
"Not until he gets his hands off you, doll."
"Bucky, please." He wouldn’t look at you. He was determined to look beyond you and it scared you to death.
"You have five seconds to back away from her," Bucky took a step closer. "Or I’ll be forced to mess up my girl’s lovely kitchen."
You gasped at the sharpness in his voice, the entire darkness of it all. You started begging under your breath, hoping whoever or whatever heard the helpless prayers.
Finally, after what felt like hours to you, Peter stepped away from you. You turned to look back at the copy water where your hands were still submerged. They shook as you removed them and you let out a breath you hadn’t even realized you were holding.
Regaining some composure, you backed away from the sink and turned to your husband. Bucky still had the gun pointed at Peter, completely focused on him. Slowly, you approached him, your hands raised as if surrendering. You just needed to get the gun put away and then you could run to your room for some solitude. Fuck the other people probably oblivious, just relaxing and joking in your front room. This was typical business for them, they probably encountered your husband’s dark demeanor day in and day out, but this was going to take a toll on you.
"Honey, his hands are off of me," you whispered, slowly tiptoeing closer. "Put down the gun."
"He put his hands on you, doll," Bucky was answering you but he somehow sounded so distant, so consumed. "I let someone into this house that was going to do God knows what to you."
"No, no," you shook your head and you meant it. You didn’t think Peter was totally malicious. Just someone with a crush, high off excitement in a new place. "I really don’t think he meant harm."
"You’re too kind," Bucky scoffed. "You’re too kind, too innocent, too naive-,"
He held the gun stronger, seemingly preparing to shoot any second now. You were at the end of your rope with the realization. The waterworks were flowering uncontrollably now.
"James," you said, anger breaking through the tears. He seemed to freeze ever so slightly at your usage of his first name. "You really want to do this in front of your wife?"
Something clicked. You could feel it, you knew it. He didn’t answer and instead slowly lowered the weapon, placing it on the counter. Your husband turned to you. Seeing his opportunity, Peter sped past you two out of the kitchen. Neither of you really registered it. You were staring at one another, watching each other even begin to realize what had happened.
Now you were actually clueless. Were you meant to talk about this? Or did you just deal with it in time? The silence was killer but all your mind could focus on was the coffee machine that had gone silent, telling you it was done brewing. It was such a stupid, random thing to even focus on but you felt like your brain would explode if gave anything else the time of day.
"The coffee is ready for your meeting," you said, pulling off your apron and throwing it on the counter. Bucky watched you as stormed out of the kitchen, looking completely stunned and equally clueless.
You sat at your vanity in the bedroom. Thankfully you were able to avoid the front room, having no desire for anyone to see you in with mascara running down your cheeks.
You furiously scrubbed off your make-up despite it already almost off from the tears. Your emotions were just all over the place at this point. You didn’t know if you were angry, surprised, sad…
Mostly, you realized, you felt dumb. You could parade around being a little housewife, pretending she lived a normal life with a normal husband who had a normal job but that just wasn’t it. That wasn’t your reality in this moment. As much as you knew what his career entailed, seeing it up close like that was a whole new level. You thought you knew. You thought you knew so much.
You were just finishing changing out of your dress when the bedroom door opened. In the mirror, your angry eyes met Bucky’s worried ones. He entered slowly, shutting the door behind him. Part of you was pleased with this situation. He chose to check on you, pausing his meeting, but at the same time, you didn’t know if you could deal with anyone right now.
"How are you doing?" He finally spoke up, voice cutting through the tension.
You scoffed, "I just saw my husband pull a gun on a person in our fucking home."
Bucky shook his head and made his way over to the bed, where he sat at the edge, facing you. He wanted to get at you for swearing but much worse things had happened tonight that he didn’t know the point in it. Bucky never wanted to bring anything like that home.
He didn’t take care of that kind of "business" in this house. The meetings were routine, typically check-ins, but any deals or assignments were handled off the premises in fear of something turning ugly. He just wanted to keep you from that ugly. His sweet, soft wife who got excited over making lasagna and picking apples at the farmer’s market was never meant to be thrown into any of this. Especially not in the kind of way that just went down.
"I didn’t mean for that to happen," Bucky said. You rolled your eyes and turned quickly in your chair to face him. He ignored your attitude. "He had his hands on you. He was practically on top of you. Do you understand that? Please tell me you understand how that would make me angry."
"God, Bucky, you pulled a gun on an unarmed person!" You exclaimed. "I understand you were upset, I completely get that, but what… What was that? Who was that?"
His head tilted, confused, questioning. You shook your head in disbelief. Did he not even realize the mode he went into? The whole other person he seemed to encompass in those few minutes?
"You… you weren’t yourself," you mumbled and averted your gaze to your fingers which were fidgeting, restless. "You were scary. Disconnected. I didn’t know that person."
Bucky didn’t say anything at first. He got up from the bed and walked over to where you were seated at your vanity. He crouched down, trying to get you to look at him. Your heart pounded furiously at his close presence.
"You shouldn’t have seen that," He said. "You shouldn’t have seen any of that, doll."
His hands came to grasp yours. You wanted to pull away but you weren’t fast enough. He gripped your hands firmly as if scared you were going to vanish. Your head was swimming with even more confusion as he avoided your questioning.
"Can you even explain yourself?" You asked, finally looking up at him. Bucky’s worry seemed to have melted away and was replaced by something you once again couldn’t put your finger on.
He shook his head. The grip on your hands got tighter. "You have to understand when things come up I must act accordingly."
You didn’t understand but you had to understand. You knew you did. He was right. While jarring, that other side of Bucky did exist out there and he was probably the reason he could be so successful. And while that was something you could work on accepting, you didn’t want to see it in your home.
But for now, you didn’t want to deal with it. Emotions for you both were running high and there was no telling what could come out of your mouth anymore. You’d come back to it and work it out. There was no way you could avoid it. You didn’t think you could ever be scrubbed clean of what you saw.
"Okay," you mumbled and felt his hold on your hands loosen. "Just… Please don’t bring your work home for the time being. We can discuss this in the morning."
Bucky nodded, running his hand from your hands to your shoulder, lovingly. He mumbled okay and you sighed in relief.
For a second you wanted to just sit there, engrossed in the comfort his touch was bringing, completely and fully enjoy that you had your Bucky back, but then your brain remembered the people downstairs.
"Oh, honey," you said, "the guys are probably waiting for you."
"No," Bucky’s head shook. "I sent them home. You’re more important."
You melted at the words. Yes. Confirmed. Your Bucky was back to you. The man you loved and gave everything. He was putting you first.
"You didn’t need to do that," you mumbled, bashfully. Bucky chuckled at your reaction.
"Of course I did," he insisted. "I was worried. I never wanted you to see that. You didn’t sign up for that."
"No, Bucky, I really didn’t," you shook your head.
He sighed, "And I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you."
You looked down again, suddenly worried you were putting too much guilt on him but at the same time, that felt silly to even consider. You weren’t sure anymore. The day was overwhelming as the minutes continued.
"Could we just go to bed now?"
Bucky removed his hands from your shoulders and stood, allowing you to get out of the chair and make your way to the bed, under the fluffy comforter. Your husband watched, waiting until you were comfortable.
"I’ve got a few phone calls to make but then I’ll come to bed, okay?"
You nodded, eyes shut already halfway into your dream world. You heard Bucky chuckle as he turned out the lights and shut the door quietly.
You lulled yourself to sleep, head still spinning from the earlier acts. The whiplash your husband gave you was starting to catch up but how much more could you think about it? It’d come back and you’d have to deal but for now, you could pretend. At least while you slept, you could go back to putting that distance between yourself and any side of Bucky that wasn’t husband Bucky. For just a bit, you could pretend you didn’t know so much.
taglist note: i chose not to tag in this work b/c it is an AU and was unsure if people were comfortable with being tagged in such.
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pcrfectstorms · 2 years
interactions i would die for, a list;
El and Dustin (their friendship is so sweet)
El and joyce and El and her dad please 😭
Max and El (max misses her best friend)
Robin and literally everyone, just love on my sweet sarcastic gay daughter
robin and nancy being gfs 👀
JB and Steve, Robin & Nancy
Also, a 90’s stranger things verse i beg of you
fyi: reminder that i am a billy hargroves friendly blog, if you can’t separate mun from muse when writing problematic characters this isn’t the blog for you! im not an apologist but i believe we can write ’bad’ characters without being bad people!
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shy-violet-soul · 4 years
Stuff You Should Be Reading - June/July 2020
Here we go, folks! Early summer’s beautiful batch of great reading. Enjoy!
When the Lights Go Out by @jawritter: this AU featuring Mobster!Dean Winchester x reader is off to a great start! Reader is in dire financial straits, & signs up to be a Sugar Baby on a website with a “no sex” understanding. She has no idea who her customer truly is - one of the most notorious mobsters out there. Can’t wait to read more!
The Honorary Winchester by @fictionalabyss: this is a sequel to this writer’s phenomenal series “The Arrangement”. Elizabeth’s only goal is to be a Winchester - her family is delighted to make that happen. This story has all the fluffy goodness of TFW with a wee one, and all the shenanigans that ensue.
My precious friend @pinknerdpanda has churned out some pure artistry. Reunited is a tale about Sam Winchester after he’s lost Dean. But his journey leads him to find something else very precious - someone! Wonderful angsty goodness!
Pros and Cons by @kittenofdoomage. This writing goddess never fails to deliver. This steamy but fluffy tale features very short reader living life with very tall Sam. LOVED it!
Baby Spoon by @deanwanddamons: Dean Winchester & his other half expecting a baby. Need I say more to tempt you with all the sweet fluff?!
The Depth of Ebony by @katymacsupernatural: TFW has captured a hell hound - but not all is at it seems. Can they discover the truth behind this tortured creature? This series is phenomenal, and I can’t wait to read more!
Psuedo Princess by @shreddedparchment King Steven of Broklin has taken a new bride, one willing to sacrifice and serve for the good of the kingdom. The road to true love is rocky for these two - can they overcome the obstacles? Beautiful story!
Smoke and Ink by my gorgeous friend @thesassywallflower. This slightly AU features ofc Anne being asked by old childhood friend, Thor, to help him save Loki. Old tender feelings compete with a painful past between the two - will fates align to bring them together? I am HERE for this series!
The Little Spy by @buckysknifecollection features post-Raft-rescue Steve Rogers and company on the hunt for sanctuary. His friends are astonished at the refuge waiting for them - more specifically, for him. Precious story that I’d love to see more of!
All My Friends are Heathens by @sebseyesandbuckysthighs: we have been blessed with a ton of great AUs lately, and this one is fantastic. Vampire!Bucky Barnes has taken refuge with his friend, Shapeshifter!Steve Rogers, amid his group of ragtag creature friends. When a member of their ‘family’ returns home, Bucky finds himself enchanted. The skill employed here to build to the climax is so, so good. You’ll love this!
Black and Blue by @the-mighty-jellybean: **Trigger Warnings** Read those before reading! This powerful AU gives us Doctor!Steve Rogers crossing paths with a domestic abuse victim that he can’t get off his mind. Great, great story.
Not Your Forever by @navybrat817: Steve Rogers left you behind, breaking your heart. When he returns, how will you respond? How will he when he sees how you moved on? I really super duper hope that the writer writes more of this!!!
Dance of Destiny by @after-avenging-hours: I looooove soul mate fics! This one is so beautifully creative! You can feel when your soul mate is dancing. So why hasn’t Reader ever felt hers?
@angrythingstarlight: I just discovered this writer, and her RPF Chris Evans fics are GOLD! As the auntie to 4 kiddos, this writer had me wheezing with her very true-to-form kid repartees with Chris. “Imma steal your doggy” (dying!). A few of these fics center around Reader out with her two nieces that are conspiring to get her on a date with Chris. Or, according to her nieces, ‘Captain America’ and ‘Dodger’s daddy’.
The Pack by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork is another great AU giving us shifter/wolf Steve Rogers. When a lost omega stumbles into his pack’s lives, Alpha Steve & his wolf find themselves falling for her tail over teakettle. Be sure to also read the drabbles that go along with the series!
Glimmer by @kentuckybarnes: Bucky Barnes and Reader awaken with no memory of how they got there, why they are there, or even who they are. This writer keeps the momentum going with plenty of quips amid the stress of their situation. Can’t wait to read more!
Cupcake Guy by @nacho-bucky: AU of soldier Bucky Barnes struggling to carve a post-war life for himself. Comforting memories prompt him to give baking a try, where he meets you. Will you help Bucky open his heart to hope for the future? Sugary sweet writing perfection!
Just us Two, also by @nacho-bucky: adorable fic that pits Sam Wilson against cute, quirky, stubborn, hangry you. LOVED!
Caught in the Fire by @dreamwritesimagines is another incredible AU where reader comes back into Mobster!Bucky’s life just when he needs her most. I’m behind on reading, but this writer never fails to impress.
@stargazingfangirl18 gives us a tenderly, beautifully written fic you can find HERE about a friend of the Avengers struggling with anxiety/panic attacks. Will she let her friends help her? ***Trigger Warnings*** discussion of anxiety, panic attacks.
The Weight by @sunriserose1023 Steve Rogers is hiding something. He has a good reason, but his struggle between duty and devotion may get him in trouble.
Solivagant by @captain-kelli: LOVED this story! Bucky Barnes is sent to what he thinks will be a frozen wasteland on a mission. Instead, he discovers more beauty than he can imagine.
Hello, Bird by @welldonebeca: there is not enough Clint Barton fics out there, and this two-part story is a great remedy for this. Sweet, fluffy fic featuring our favorite archer with his family.
Call of the Mountains by @floatingpetals: gorgeously creative AU! When reader is rescued from almost certain death, her saviour is so much more than meets the eye. What is the mysterious Bucky, Steve, and their little group hiding?
I Carry Your Heart With Me by @marvelcapsicle: another phenomenal soul mate fic FTW! In this one, soul mates can feel each other’s pain. But what happens when one of you can’t feel pain at all?
Finding Home by @promarvelfangirl: let me say now that I categorically do not like Hallmark movies. But this delightfully tender story leans into the trope so beautifully! Soldier!Steve Rogers receives a Christmas card while deployed overseas, and it becomes a lifeline for him. What happens when he meets the friendly, compassionate writer?
Sunset by @pinknerdpanda: sweetie, you did it again. Gorgeous, poetic writing about reader returned from the Snap to a world that left her behind. Beautiful!
Bring Him Light by @speechlessxx: AU giving us King Steven Rogers with a new bride. Scary stories are told about the cruel king. Can reader soften his heart? FYI - some chapters are tough reading due to themes. Well written story that I’m looking forward to future chapters!
The Taste of Blood by @the--sad--hatter: 3 words: I want more! This tantalizing AU will feature vampire!Bucky Barnes and reader. The first chapter gives us the reader who feels compelled to leave her life behind - again - as she flees an unknown-to-us danger.
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stony-ao3-feed · 3 years
Soulmates & Strangers
Read it on AO3
by Juulna
I thought you were a stranger; a friendly stranger, but a stranger all the same. I was looking for my soulmate, and here you sat before me, whispering my name.
Words: 25497, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel 3490, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel (Comics), Marvel
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Stark, Background & Cameo Characters, Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Logan (X-Men), Carol Danvers, Karen Page, Frank Castle, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, Darcy Lewis, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Helen Cho (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Avengers Team
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Female Tony Stark, Earth-3490, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Soulmates, Art, Inspired by Fanfiction, (or at least the fic and art are inspired by each other!), Marvel Trumps Hate 2019, Gift Fic, Vignette, A series of vignettes that form a mostly complete fic, i was just really bad at writing the secret identity part, oh yeah, Secret Identity, Identity Porn, Identity Reveal, Philanthropy, Seriously - what would you do with all of tony’s money??, Disabled Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Has Trust Issues, Protective Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Is a Good Bro, He’s too pure for this world, AND MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL????:, Team as Family, Avengers Family, really this is 90 percent done and is essentially a full fic, having a crush on your soulmate who you don’t think is your soulmate, is truly only a skill Steve can master, tony’s level of avoidance is unreal but we knew that already didn’t we, Working Out My Feelings Through Fic, In this case I’m still working out Civil War feels so why not have it ever happen at all, and everything is sunshine and roses except for the angst, Natasha Stark and Natalia Romanova are two different people fyi
Read it on AO3
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illumiiiz · 4 years
Dating Headcanons: Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
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A/N: Why? Because I freaking love him, okay? Okay.   ~Eve Edit: wow this is getting a lot more attention now that the Hawkeye series came out… just fyi guys I wrote this in September 2020 sjjcdhgf tysm
• First thing’s first: sarcastic pet names. All the time.
• “Morning, Pigeon-man.”
• “Hey, short stack.”
• “C’mon, is that all you got, old man?”
• “Oh, you want me to actually try? Let’s go, cupcake.”
• “God, will you two just get a room already?” -Tony
• You and Clint are Tony’s OTP. He ships you so hard lol
• And you do have sweet nicknames for each other, too
• Babe and love are the norm
• Sometimes he calls you dove, usually if he’s jealous or trying to win your favor on something
• He calls you his little pigeon when you’re alone, chilling on the couch or something
• “I love you, babe.”
• “Love you too, my little pigeon.”
• Or little dove ^^
• It’s kind of strange, but it sounds really nice when he whispers it in your ear, holding you in his lap
• Secondly, the banter while you two are sparring has no end.
• Like honestly you’ll get more out of breath from throwing words around than fists
• Natasha is exasperated with you guys
• “Y/N, just kick his ass and move on.”
• “Come on, Nat, we’re having a tender moment here.”
• “Clint, we’re sparring.”
• He’ll just smirk at you, and you punch him in the gut.
• “Damn, love you too, babe...”
• Clint’s not big on PDA, but he doesn’t hate it
• He’ll often drape his arm around your waist or shoulders
• Or rest it on your frickin head if you’re shorter than him
• And if y’all are out on the town and anyone gets too close to you for his liking, man he can get scary
• Jealous bird boiii
• Usually he’ll keep it down to grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him.
• “This guy bothering you, babe?” Complete with his signature glare at said person
• Sometimes he’s in a bad mood though. That’s when it gets rough
• “Babe, please put him down, he wasn’t doing anything, really!”
• “Dove, I know what I saw, and this guy was getting way too friendly.”
• Thankfully he’s never actually beat anyone up. Just threatened to.
• Also, forehead kisses. Dude.
• He’ll come into the kitchen in the morning and not even say anything, just kiss your forehead and get some coffee
• Then when you see him on the couch later he’ll be like “morning, babe” and take a swig of coffee like he didn’t see you this morning already
• Clint likes other kisses too, like if he’s leaving to go on a mission he will definitely kiss you on the lips before he leaves
• Probably multiple times, if no one’s around to witness your goodbyes
• And if you’re in front of other people he’ll really like it if you’re initiating the kiss
• He loves it when you put your hands on his chest or shoulders and lean in, sliding your arms around his neck once you make contact
• Bro I cannot stress this enough, if you play with his hair he will freaking lose it
• He’ll groan into your mouth and kiss you a little rougher, which of course is no problem, it’s not like you mind
• Unless he’s feeling needy, in which case he will most certainly kiss you first
• But he’ll start at your earlobe or jawline and work his way down until you tell him to stop
• And he will not stop unless you tell him to, let me make myself clear on this
• And he’s aware that it might make you uncomfortable so if you ask him to stop, he will.
• He’ll put his hands on your hips and give you a quick peck on the lips.
• “Sorry babe, I’ll save it for later then.”
• Then he’ll smirk and exit the room before you or Steve can yell at him
• Or if you do corner him and start telling him off, he probably won’t be taking you seriously anyway; just watching you with that amused smirk and a cocked eyebrow
• If you go on for more than about 25 seconds he will cut you off with a smooch
• “You’re so cute, dove, y’know that?”
• And he’ll ruffle your hair and walk away, leaving you with a stupefied expression on your face
• All in all, it’s a lot of teasing and banter
• But neither of you get sick of it, it’s part of what drew you together in the first place
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ao3feed-stony · 3 years
Soulmates & Strangers
by Juulna
I thought you were a stranger; a friendly stranger, but a stranger all the same. I was looking for my soulmate, and here you sat before me, whispering my name.
Words: 25497, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel 3490, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel (Comics), Marvel
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Stark, Background & Cameo Characters, Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Logan (X-Men), Carol Danvers, Karen Page, Frank Castle, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, Darcy Lewis, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Helen Cho (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Avengers Team
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Female Tony Stark, Earth-3490, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Soulmates, Art, Inspired by Fanfiction, (or at least the fic and art are inspired by each other!), Marvel Trumps Hate 2019, Gift Fic, Vignette, A series of vignettes that form a mostly complete fic, i was just really bad at writing the secret identity part, oh yeah, Secret Identity, Identity Porn, Identity Reveal, Philanthropy, Seriously - what would you do with all of tony’s money??, Disabled Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Has Trust Issues, Protective Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Is a Good Bro, He’s too pure for this world, AND MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL????:, Team as Family, Avengers Family, really this is 90 percent done and is essentially a full fic, having a crush on your soulmate who you don’t think is your soulmate, is truly only a skill Steve can master, tony’s level of avoidance is unreal but we knew that already didn’t we, Working Out My Feelings Through Fic, In this case I’m still working out Civil War feels so why not have it ever happen at all, and everything is sunshine and roses except for the angst, Natasha Stark and Natalia Romanova are two different people fyi
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/35434420
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Sexiled (Part 15/23) ~ Steve Rogers x Reader College!AU
A/N: I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy in these crazy times. I’m back with some more of these cuties. As an FYI I do have the remainder of the series mostly planned. It will be 5 parts (I think). I don’t know when they’ll come out but this story is heading towards its conclusion. Thank you so much for all of your love and support it means the world to me. Now, on to the stroy. 
Summary: Sam wants to go laser tagging for his birthday. Shenanigans ensue. 
Rating: T 
Warnings: Language Maybe. Making out in dark corners. I think that’s it
Word Count: 1216
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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“Happy birthday, Sammy!” you announced as you strolled into his and Riley’s room early on Saturday morning to meet the others.
“Ooh muffins!” Pietro made a grab for the boxes in your hands.
“Uh uh. Paws off, Speedy. Sam gets first pick,” you informed the Sokovian track star as you brushed past him to put the muffins on the desk. “I think your favorite is in the top box,” you informed Sam.
“Thanks, sugar. You shouldn’t have.”
“I wanted to.”
You shrugged and he pulled you into a bear hug. You greeted Riley, Wanda, and Pietro with hugs as well.
“Now can I have a muffin?” Pietro pouted as Sam ripped the edge of gingerbread muffin.
“Here. Pass them around.”
“Where’s Natasha?” Wanda asked quietly as you climbed onto the bed next to her.
“She stayed at Clint’s last night, they hadn’t come back before I left.”
“Have you guys even stayed in the same room since you met Steve?” Riley laughed.
“Yes? I mean at least a few times. Huh. Now I feel bad.”
“Feel bad about what?” Natasha asked as she and Clint walked in, immediately greeting Sam with hugs and a bag of goodies.
“Never staying in the room at night when you’re there.”
Natasha waved you off. “Don’t feel bad. I’m at Clint’s place as much as you’re at Steve’s. But maybe we should do a girl’s night.”
“That would be fun.”
“You in Wanda?”
“Absolutely. We should invite Skye too.”
“Good plan. We should get to know Barnes’ girl,” Natasha agreed.
“So, Sam, where are we going?”
“There’s a great laser tag place about half an hour from here.”
“Aww yeah.”
The group chattered excitedly as you waited on Steve, Bucky, and Skye. You’d all been surprised to learn that Sam and Skye knew each other from their comp sci class and were quite friendly already, but it made for an easy transition into your friend group.
When they finally arrived you all caught the T out of the city.
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“So the way the game works is that you have five lives. It takes three shots to drain your life,” Stan, the man who ran the laser tag arena explained. “Once it’s drained you have to pass through one of the arch at the center to reload. You’ll have ten seconds after reloading to get some cover. You also only have thirty shots. To reload you have to cross any one of the corners of the arena. Any questions?”
You all shook your heads.
“Good. Are you doing teams or a free for all?” He asked as you all buckled into your gear.
“We’re doing teams of two,” Sam informed him.
“Great. So once you’re all set up, I’ll have you put your names in on that screen over there.”
“Will do.”
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You had five minutes to get the lay of the land and make a plan of attack, so you and Skye quickly scouted the area and holed up in a corner.
“Alright, so who’s our biggest competition?”
“Nat and Clint are probably going to dominate. She slinks in the shadows like it’s her job and he’s one of the archery team’s stars.”
“So we need to take them out first.”
“Okay, and after?”
“I don’t know. The others all have their skills so, it’s probably a toss up.”
“Alright so Nat and Clint and then everyone else along the way. Easy.”
Skye smirked as the lights flashed three times signaling that game play would start in one minute.
“So I say for this round we stick together and watch each other’s backs.”
“Agreed. Once we have a better feel for the competition, we can adjust.”
The overhead lights went out and the neon lights of the arena came up.
“Let’s go to work.”
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You were right to assume Natasha and Clint were your biggest problem. They handily won the first round.
Before the second round, an alliance was formed between you, Skye, Wanda, and Pietro. Unbeknownst to you the guys had made an alliance as well, which took Nat and Clint out of the game early, leaving four teams, and considerably longer playing time.
You just reset after getting tagged for the second time when you noticed movement in the corner. A flash of red against olive revealed that Sam and Wanda were making out. You took the opportunity to tag both of them. Neither of them noticed the vibrations of the vest or the fact that Sam’s name was crossed off the board.
Yeah, you were never going to let them live this down.
Bucky had eliminated Pietro, as you took out Riley after he tagged Skye, forcing both of them to retreat to the reset point. You managed to hit Steve twice from the shadows, before Riley returned the favor and got you out. Wanda managed to pull out the win, high-fiving her brother when she exited the arena victorious.
“That was certainly a good round for you,” you whispered as you caught up to Wanda, giving her a knowing look.
“Yeah,” she squeaked, knowing she’d been caught.
“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.”
“Thank you,” she mouthed.
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The hour you had booked passed quickly and before you knew it, it was the last round, and you had had an idea that you couldn’t get out of your head all afternoon.
 You kept to the shadows as you searched for your target, avoiding enemy fire as much as you could. But you still managed to lose a life before you could carry out your plan. Sighing as you reset, you glanced up at the scoreboard. Surprisingly, everyone was still in play – making your game considerably harder.
You were slinking around the outskirts of the arena when a hand wrapped around your wrist tugging you into a corner.
“Looking for someone, sweetness?”  
Steve grinned down at you, perfect teeth glowing in the neon lights.
“Maybe,” you drawled.
“Did you find him?”
You wasted no time, threading one hand into his hair and pulling him down for a kiss. Steve expertly slipped his tongue into your mouth as he pulled you closer. You nibbled on his lower lip, thoroughly enjoying the growl he let out as he spun you so your back was flat against the wall. You lost yourself in the kiss until his vest vibrated violently between you as he was eliminated.
You pulled back so you could look over his shoulder to flash a thumb’s up at Skye who was smirking.
“Good plan, y/n. See ya,” she whisper yelled before bolting out of sight.
Steve glared down at you, one hand landing on the wall beside your head as the other continued to trail up your side.
“So that’s how it is, huh? I’m wounded, sweetheart.”
“What did you expect, handsome. You’re the competition and I’ve been dying to make out with you all day. Two birds, one stone.”
“Does that mean you’re going to stay here and make out with me a little more?” he tried hopefully.
“Not a chance. Now I’ve got to see if Bucky falls for the same plan.”
You winked and kissed him once more before ducking under his arm. With a pat to his butt, you disappeared into the darkness, his soft chuckle following you.
A/N: So I hope you enjoyed! I really just wanted to have them make out playing laser tag. Thanks for reading! 
I’ll reblog with tags. 
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lesbian-deadpool · 5 years
A Fresh Start
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Words: 2,074
Warnings: Endgame (dw tho)... crying, sarcasm, swearing... the usual really lol.
Request: For @mythsandfiction for donating to the Australia bushfires. You asked for fluffy moving in... I made this. I really hope you like it :)
Summary: You deserve this.
A/N: Set after Endgame (no one died, bc I said so). I know you wanted fluff, and there is fluff, but there’s also some “soft-angst”. Not proofread. I don’t consider this to be my best work, just an FYI.
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(Not my GIF)
The war was over.
You won.
You really won.
It was kinda hard to believe. Considering how many times you had run through the battle at Wakanda, during the past five years. Tony, his Spider-Kid, and the wizard guy in space, with the Guardians, that you were yet to meet. The ones you never thought you would. Hell, you were yet to meet the kid or the wizard. Still. That didn’t stop you from feeling the loss for them.
The loss for half of your team, if not more.
They all vanished. Turned to dust- Ash. Right in front of your eyes.
And it was all because of that purple fucking giant, Thanos.
You were there that day.
That day, you were finally there. And that's what you got for it. Watching, from your place, beside Natasha, literally rooted to the ground, as he snapped his fat fingers, and the world around you disappeared.
You hadn’t been there for when Ultron had risen.
Nor for the so-called Civil War.
But for this. This, you were able to see. Only helping to solidify your assumptions that the world liked to fuck with you.
The next five years passed as slow as they had when you were a child.
Steve left. As did Bruce, Tony, Thor, and Clint was nowhere to be found.
I mean, you couldn’t really blame them for leaving. There were times that you wish you could just up and leave, to start anew. But you never did. You stayed at the compound with Natasha. There wasn’t a chance in hell, or high water, that you would leave her. You couldn’t even bare the thought of Natasha being left all alone in the large compound, with the only thing left to keep her company being her thoughts.
So you stayed.
You stayed by her side for five painfully long years.
However, along the way, you and Natasha got closer.
You weren’t really all that close before, I mean you we’re friendly sure, but you never sought each other out, the way you did with the other Avengers.
Natasha preferring to spend her time with Clint, Steve, Wanda, and now and again Tony.
And you, choosing to hang out with Tony, and Thor, more so than anyone else.
Most of the time, you wanted to kick yourself for not seeking Natasha out more than you did before- Or at all. You liked spending time with her. She was fun, even in her depressed and overworked state, so it was only left to your imagination to what she was like before Thanos.
It had been a whole year since the battle at Wakanda when everything changed.
You had walked in on Natasha in her office, which was really just the dining room, that she had commandeered for her workspace, with a bottle of strong liquor in hand. She had been crying before you entered, you could tell that much by her red and puffy eyes.
Giving her a tight-lipped smile, you started to drink the remainder of the day away. You might have had a bit too much to drink... okay, you had a lot too much to drink. Because the next morning you woke up to a blinding headache and a naked Natasha beside you in bed. It didn't take a detective to figure out what had happened the night before.
Your relationship progressed over the next four years. From a friends-with-benefits type of situation. To spending every night with each other, not even having sex. Natasha had told you she had fallen in love with you, a little over two years after the snap, as the media liked to call it. You, of course, were surprised but had returned her confession. Who wouldn’t have fallen for the red-head? By the time of the ‘Time Heist’, you were in a long-term committed relationship.
There had been some trial and errors throughout the heist.
Losing the Tesseract. Steve kicking his own ass. Having to re-work a part of the plan, and travelling to the 1970s. Thor having a crisis. Nebula having her memories stolen. Natasha...
When you found about Natasha, you had no reaction. Everyone around you was crying, sobbing. They at least had a tear in their eye. But you? There was nothing. Pulling yourself from Clint's grip, and walking away.
No one knew where you had gone, as they were left to reverse the snap on their own. Only coming back to fight against Thanos for the final time.
You definitely didn’t leave to go drink and cry over the ring you had bought.
Yeah, that's exactly what you did.
The battle was the first thing that had moved fast for the past five years. It was over in no time. This time Thanos had vanished before your eyes, along with his army.
You were in Tony’s lab with him, after his “funeral”, talking about the prosthetic arm he was making for himself when it happened.
Peter -the Spider-Kid- had burst through the doors, gasping for air and pointing behind himself.
“Jesus kid, you almost gave us a heart attack,” Tony said, holding a hand against his chest, “What’s up? What’s got you so bent outta shape?”
“Mr Rogers... he... stones... back... old...” he said panting, “Miss... Romanoff-”
“Natasha? What about her?” You jumped up, as you felt the anxiety flowing through you like tidal waves at this point. Patiently waiting for Peter to finish what he was saying, with bated breath. But, he never got the chance. As the moment he opened his mouth, to continue speaking, he was interrupted, once again.
“Y/N?!” A voice you would recognise anywhere, called down from the top of the stairs.
You rushed over to where you could see her, with tears trailing down her face, yours falling to match.
One second you were peering up at Natasha from the base of the stairs, and then suddenly you were enveloping her in a tight hug. One that she returned ten-fold, crying into your shoulder, as your own tears dropped into her soft hair.
“Marry me,” you said in a tearful voice.
“Marry me? Please?” You reached for the chain hanging around your neck, tugging it harshly, causing the clasp to snap. Letting the chain fall to the ground, you offered Natasha the diamond ring.
More tears ran down her cheeks as she nodded. “Yes.”
Her lips tasted of salt. Yours were probably the same. But it was no less as sweet as the kiss you shared when you first confessed your love for one another.
Soft whimpers are what pulled you apart.
Looking to the side, you saw Tony and Peter crying beside each other. Peter, the whimpering one, dabbing at his eyes with the sleeves of his t-shirt.
“You had that hanging around your neck?” Tony asked, with tears in his eyes, as the kid bubbled beside him, now using Tony’s shirt to wipe his eyes.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I’ve had it on me for months now. And I put in on the chain when...” you trailed off, not wanting to finish your sentence. But everyone understanding you anyway.
It’s true, you had charged into the final battle, with the ring hanging around your neck. Keeping it as close to your heart as it could possibly get. With it being one of the last things you had of Natasha, even if she never got so see it, hold it, wear it, say yes, thanks to the compound being destroyed. You wanted- Needed something that reminded you of her.
You had agreed later that night, that you were both going to retire, and finally, live the life you two always wanted together. You had saved the world, too many times to count. Brought everyone back. And saved the universe while you were at it. You both considered that to be enough for you to live peacefully, for the rest of your lives.
After all! If Tony Stark could do it. Why couldn’t you two?
“Hey, guys!” Peter called, walking onto the house, carrying two boxes stacked on top of each other, blocking his view as they towered over him. “Where do you want these?”
“Well, what do they say on them?” You asked.
“Umm... ‘bedroom’!”
“Then it goes in the kitchen, where the fuck- Ow!” Your sarcastic quip was cut off thanks to Natasha punching you in your arm.
You rubbed your throbbing arm as you watched Natasha walk up to Peter and taking a box from him so that he was able to see where he was going.
“Come on, I’ll show you where it is,” she said, leading him out of the room, “Then you can pick out your room.”
“I get a room?”
“Of course you get a room.”
“Thank for helping up, Petie!” you yelled to him.
“Oh yeah, he gets a thank you, but what do I get?” Tony muttered entering your house, a box in his own arms.
“Well, I was about to thank you, too. But now that you’ve said that. I won't.”
Tony whined at you as you walked away, to start fixing up some lunch for everyone. Making you smile at his childish antics.
“I still can’t believe the way you proposed to me,” Natasha spoke from the other side of the room, that you were both busy painting.
“Well, give me the ring back, and I’ll do it again differently.” You beamed over to her, noticing the yellow paint smudged against her face and arms. Yellow wasn’t yours or Natasha’s style, but it was for the guest bedroom, and you both wanted that to be a bright place. So, yellow it was.
“No,” Natasha said hastily, pulling her left hand up to her chest, and covering it with her other hand.
You let out a small laugh. “See. I knew you loved the way I asked you to marry me.”
“I’d love any way you’d propose to me because it’s you doing it.”
“Shut up.” She smiled, picking up her discarded paintbrush again, and throwing it at you.
A large splodge of thick yellow paint spread across the upper part of your t-shirt. Spots flecking across your neck, jaw and shoulder.
A gobsmacked look overtook your face. Slowly, you turned to peer at your red-headed fiance.
“Oh, you wanna play that game, do you?”
“Yes.” Natasha nodded. “Because I know I’d win.”
“Well, we’ll just have to see about that.”
“See, told you I was right,” Natasha smirked over at you in the shower.
“That’s ‘cause you fight dirty.”
And she did.
Once the paint had run out, and the room was covered in the stuff, and not just the walls like you needed. The majority of the paint had coated the floors, luckily, you still had to put down the white carpet. Natasha ran out of the room, in search for more ammunition. Flour, shaving foam, whipped cream, water, and even milk, covered you. Before you and Natasha hopped into the shower together.
“It’s not dirty if you win,” Natasha replied, as she scrubbed her hair.
“No. It is dirty. But you still won.”
“That is the perfect description of me,” Natasha joked, causing you to burst out laughing, at the accuracy of it.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “You’re right there.”
The first night in your new house sure was something. Nothing “spectacular” happened. It was nothing but calm.
After your shared shower, you cooked dinner together. Well, mainly you, because Natasha couldn't cook for shit. As the red-head kept you company and occasionally stirred the pot of pasta.
It was later that night, when you were laying in bed, Natasha curled up by your side, with her head upon your chest, as the tv played in the background when Natasha spoke.
“We needed this.”
“What?” you asked rubbing your hand along her arm, “An early night?”
“Early?” Natasha asked in return, leaning up to look at you like you had grown another head. She was right, it was currently one A.M.. Fixing up the house really was long and hard work.
“-er, than we have in the past week,” you corrected yourself, before shaking your head, then getting back on track, “But what did you mean?”
“I meant this. Retirement. A house. A fresh start.”
You smiled as Natasha got comfortable on your chest once again.
“Yeah... we did need this.”
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pinknerdpanda · 4 years
This Means War - Part 1
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Word Count: 537
Characters: Reader, Bucky, Sam, Steve, Natasha
Pairing: Reader x ??
Warnings: Shenanigans, Language, Bickering Bucky and Sam, Sexual Innuendo
Beta’d by @shy-violet-soul​ - thank you so much, love!
Summary: Sam and Bucky have been battling for Y/N’s affections since they met. How will they fare when she sets a bit of friendly competition to pick the best suitor?
A/N: Hi y’all! @princessmisery666 and I have been cooking up a little something something and we are ready to share it with you. We co-wrote this little mini series and we will be taking turns posting chapters daily until it’s finished. WE’ll be tagging our own taglists on each chapter, but if you’re not on there and you want to be tagged in future installments, send one of us an ask. 
This was written for @princessmisery666‘s Triple Celebration Challenge. Our prompts were “Everything hurts and I’m dying.” “Don’t be so dramatic.” and  “Did you just lick me?” and will be bolded when used. Also my co-creator made the bomb-ass title card. Thanks babes! This has been a blast to work on with you!
This Means War
Part 1
Maybe it was a little cruel. Maybe it was what they both deserved. Ever since Y/N had been introduced to the Avengers, Sam and Bucky had both hit on her. She’d turned them both down for various reasons that she never elaborated on, though they’d never asked. But they were nothing if not persistent and it had been quiet lately. So why not have a little fun? 
Sam had made a suggestive comment over breakfast, he had something better than coffee that could wake her up. Bucky had countered it with “and when that thirty seconds is over you could come to me for a proper wake up call.” 
Cue eye roll. 
Then they’d both purposely joined her in the gym, stood in her eyeline while they tried to out flex each other without actually starting a real workout so she decided to have a little fun.
“You two are never going to give up, are you?” She asked mopping the sweat from her forehead and neck as she approached them by the weights. 
Bucky grinned, “Nope.” 
“Hell no,” said Sam.
“Wow you two actually agreed on something?” She gasped faking shock, “Did hell just freeze over?”
They both chuckled, flashing their most endearing smiles and she couldn’t help but laugh. 
“What are you up to today, doll?” Bucky questioned.
“Well, I figured I would take advantage of the downtime around here and maybe get a few things done,” she shrugged.
Sam rushed to drop his kettlebell and stepped forward. 
“I’ll help you,” he beamed, crossing his massive arms across his chest.
Y/N opened her mouth, but an almighty crash cut her off. She glanced to see Bucky practically tackling the Falcon in an effort to get around him. Sam groaned as Bucky shoved his right elbow into the other man’s stomach.
“Or if you’d rather have a real man at your beck and call, I’d be happy to volunteer my services,” Bucky smirked, reaching backward to smack an approaching Sam.
Maybe it was a little cruel. Maybe just a little, but at some point this insanity had to stop. And you know what they say about two birds and one stone. Except Y/n didn’t have two birds. What she did have was one bird, a super soldier, a list of chores and a massive boulder of an idea.
“Actually, gentlemen. I have a proposal for you,” she smiled seductively before quirking a brow, “for both of you.”
Confusion danced across both men’s faces as they shared a look of incredulity. Bucky’s ears took on a peculiar shade of red as he looked back at Y/n, while Sam opened and closed his mouth a few times.
Bucky coughed. “B-b-both of us?” He scratched harshly at the back of his head, his eyes darting toward Sam.
Y/n grinned, holding back a giggle at their discomfort. “Yes. Both of you. I just need to take a quick shower before we discuss the...details.” 
Sam swallowed loudly as Bucky’s eyes grew wide.
“Why don’t you two meet me in my room in an hour,” she cooed, backing away from them towards the door. “Then we can get right down to business.”
Read Part 2 HERE
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Like what you see? Want more? My SPN Masterlist is here, and MCU is here. Thanks for reading! :)
FYI I’ve updated my tag list, so if you don’t see your name below and want to, send me an ask. Weirdos are for everything, Heroes is MCU and Hunters is for SPN.
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in-a-cave-with · 4 years
ok just to start you off: here’s the full list of all of the main iron man runs in chronological order. obviously it’s a kind of wacky idea to start from tales of suspense and work your way down the list (imv1 has over 300 issues and it takes. A while to read through) it’s still helpful to have as a reference
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this is a link to the list/the download links for all of them, but you can find them all on readcomiconline.to if downloading isn’t your thing. just an fyi though readcomiconline titles the iron man/invincible iron man volumes by year it started rather than volume number, so iron man vol 4 is listed as “iron man (2005)”, invincible iron man vol 2 is listed as “invincible iron man (2015)”, etc.
when you download comics, they come in .cbr file formats. there are plenty good cbr readers out there, like cdisplay or comicrack for pc/simplecomic for mac. personally, i use yacreader/yacreaderlibrary because it keeps track of whether i’ve read an issue and what page i’m on
now to the actual guide part! but it’s not really a guide, more like “here’s some comics to read if you have no idea what’s going on”
invincible iron man v2 (2015), international iron man, and invincible iron man v3 (2016). these volumes are all part of bendis’ run, which is seriously not as bad as everyone says it is. they take place after the 616 universe reboot, so you don’t really need too much knowledge going in. if you look at my blog’s archive you can see that i pretty much started reading comics from here. the reason i’m reccing this first is a) the art is gorgeous and b) bendis’ characterization of tony is a blend of both mcu and 616, making it a pretty friendly jumping-off point for people who want to get into comics.
some extra notes: international iron man is a one-shot comic and isn’t connected to iimv2 and iimv3. / civil war ii at around the end of iimv2, which is a horrible comic that you should only read if you have a death wish. all you need to know is that rhodey died at around the beginning and tony gets put into a coma by carol around the end. / iimv3 is about riri williams aka ironheart. she gets mentored by our favorite boy AI tony, who’s a digitalized version of tony’s consciousness. / the end of iimv3 makes pretty much zero sense and i still don’t know what’s going on
tony stark: iron man #12-13 and ONLY THOSE ISSUES. this is a short story about tony interacting with wacky magic things. it’s also the part of ts:im is the only part that’s not written by d*n sl*tt, making it instantly better than the entire rest of the volume. there’s some mention of earlier events from the previous arc (#1-12) which you can read if you want, i guess, but i don’t think it’s too important. also the art for ts:im is GORGEOUS the whole way through, so if you just want to flip through it without actually reading anything that’s valid
iron man: fatal frontier. this one isn’t on the list but it’s REALLY good. it’s a story about tony on the moon, featuring the model 42 armor aka the best iron man armor in comics tbh. i’d REALLY recommend you download it, bc it’s meant to be read digitally i’m pretty sure. also, little to no background knowledge needed going in! here is a link to downloading it (there are also some smaller-file-size comics for other iron man volumes in the post too)
iron man v4 (2005). this is a start of a reboot and meant to be a place for people to immediately jump in. the only thing you need to know is that most ppl dont know tony is iron man bc of a weird retcon, and he reveals it in civil war so it doesn’t go on for too long. this volume goes through civil war which is a Very Bad Comic but the tie-ins are fairly well-written. after civil war steve dies and tony gets put in charge of SHIELD, and the issues after the cw tie-ins are about him as director. also, the last 3 issues deal with rhodey during the skrull invasion and don’t have much to do with everything else. fair warning though the entire volume is pretty dark and probably the most violent out of all of them
iron man v3 (1998). AHHHH vol 3. start from the beginning and read the entire way through. you will learn to simp for rumiko fujikawa as i have. little to no background knowledge is needed, sometimes they reference things that happened in iron man v1, but it’s not hard to follow the story if you haven’t read it (even i haven’t read through imv1). the art gets a little sketchy after the first tiberius stone arc, but the story’s interesting so it’s fine. the art gets good again in issue #50 and is part of one of my favorite iron man runs ever
you may be wondering “why is this going in reverse order by year” FAIR POINT! this was actually the order i read them though and it’s good for transitioning from mcu tony to 616 tony, because they are surprisingly more different in vibes than you may think. however you can choose to ignore the wack order i put these in and read them in your own order, it really doesn’t matter. iron man volumes aren’t very interconnected story-wise, except for TOS/imv1 and iimv2/iimv3.
TOS and imv1 are Vintage and Quality content, but i prefer to read them last because there are a LOT of issues. imo it’s easier to consume the smaller volumes first and then work your way up
finally, some notes on the other iron man volumes: 
iron man v2. this sucks. stay away from it. don’t read. 
invincible iron man v1 (2008). ok so the story is alright up until after the stark disassembled arc. but the art is ugly as hell. f.
iron man v5. the writing is. ehh. the art is ok, i guess? i just have no emotions about this entire volume . also arno and the “tony is adopted” subplot is introduced here
superior iron man: the art is good but evil tony sucks and doesn’t pay for his heinous crimes. a lot of people only like it bc tony looks “hot” or whatever. imagine how hard it was for an aroace tony stan to try to read it. i hate this comic so much.
infamous iron man. this is about dr doom suiting up as iron man! the art is pretty and i really like dr doom but there’s not much tony content in it. definitely the most readable out of the ones i’ve listed here
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loveletterparker · 5 years
softies / p.p
pairing: peter parker x reader
summary: a soft afternoon with your friendly neighborhood boyfriend.
warnings: three swear words && bad first writing :^) i also have no idea what the timeline is in this but as god once said time is a social construct. this is a SPOILER FREE imagine fyi yeehaw
author’s note: uuuuuuh hello! this is my first Work . yes . feedback is always appreciated! & requests are open B^)
The afternoon was light. The morning went by in a flash but it still felt so slow; the peaceful but good type of slow, perhaps? The day’s warm comfort radiated throughout the compound, alongside a toned down chatter that could easily be mistaken as silence.
It was clear as that day that the members at the compound appreciated how calming the day was. Being truthful, it was like everyone got snapped into a daze and would just rather prefer to stay dazed than anything else.
Y/N L/N and Peter Parker were sat at the floor. Er, to be exact, Y/N was sat on the carpet-cladded floor with her back supported by a couch leg whilst Peter’s head was on Y/N’s lap. The rest of his limbs were huddled under a blanket sprawled on his lying body.
The two were apparently an item for quite some time. The team wasn’t aware of it until the couple had started to use pet names too often for it to be “just friendly” banter. An instance was when,
Y/N was casually lounging on one of the compound’s couches, rereading her clean, printed out essay. When she finished checking to see if there were any typos, which thankfully had none, she put it down with the rest of her school shit.
Across the couch Y/N was on were Tony and Steve critiquing local good and bad burger joints, for whatever damned reason. The rest of the Avengers were probably retreated in their rooms or training & working out. Or... somewhere else.
When Peter was passing by the couch after getting a bottle of water, seeing the neat essay tauntingly sitting there, a silent but chaotic panic washed over him.
“Y/N, I appreciate you every single day. You know that, right?” Peter slung his arms over his partner’s shoulders, snuggling his face into her neck. He wasn’t sure if he hid his panic well enough but he was honestly more concerned about persuading his love to lend him a hand.
Her face initially swarmed into a rosy shade, but she held back, knowing what her boyfriend’s intention was, “Heh. That’s not gonna work, honey.”
A dramatic groan erupted from his chest, “C’mon! Please? You gotta help me out, love.” The two adults’ eyebrows raised, giving a teasing but knowing smile to one another.
“Just because I’m finished with mine, definitely does not mean I want to make another one!”
The team thankfully accepted the two younglings together with open arms. Except for Tony very slightly; he was concerned for that spider-boy no matter what.
Y/N warmly smiled at the memory they finally came clean to their upper, mentor-like superhuman peers. It was definitely a day to remember thoroughly with each detail.
She let out a sigh filled with delight, the linger of her smile still on her features. Her fingers found themselves sunken into Peter’s now fluffed up hair. Y/N eventually felt guilty about messing up his hair so she brushed it towards one certain direction.
Peter on the other hand, was submerged into a bliss. All he could focus on was how her fingers curled his hair, how her fingers slightly scratched his scalp, how soft, open and vulnerable he was around her. But, he had no complaints.
It felt so good, he couldn’t help but let out a weak whimper he didn’t know he had been holding back the entire time Y/N hands were on his head. Peter’s eyes popped open as he realized what sound he released, his mouth agape saying nothing but everything at the same time.
Y/N giggles came out soft but soon formed into solid laughs as she studied her lover’s face admiringly with a side of snark. After a couple of moments of nonverbal teasing, she stroked back her favorite strand of hair that always found itself hanging loosely off of Peter’s forehead.
“Peter.” His eyes fluttered open, adjusting once again to the light rippling around the room. His eyes found themselves dazzling into her eyes. The light glazed over her face, he noticed that her left eye had a transition from a dark to a lighter shade, thanks to the natural light. Her lips were slightly parted and wet, with a reddish undertone signifying she gently bit them. Plus with the residue of a smile was still evident.
His heart tendered at the ethereal sight; he had wondered how a fellow mortal somehow resembled a literal Goddess. With a lack of words he found to respond to his lover, he replied with a, “hm?”
Y/N placed her palm on his cheek, her thumb rhythmically running up and down. He cuddled up closer to her hand, melting under her delicate touch. Her eyes found his once more, mesmerized by how the gentle light graced onto his brown (now temporarily light brown) eyes. She now only realized how clear Peter’s skin was, in fact, she was actually jealous. A mental note was made to ask him what he does to keep his skin clean. 
She left a gentle kiss on his forehead, then a little shy kiss on his lips. Y/N let out a light chuckle, cupping and squishing both his cheeks, “Nothing,”
“nothing at all, my dear.” Is all she could mutter.
Y/N rubbed her chin, thinking of what Peter resembles. She snapped her fingers in realization as she grinned, “You’re like, a big kitten.”
“So, technically a full-sized cat?” A beat passes.
“Fuck your technicalities.”
He sits up, lets out a hearty chuckle, “I guess I won’t let you know what my skin secret is, then.”
“Wait! No!”
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kayteewritessteve · 5 years
Fated - 1/8
Description: You’re a rogue werewolf, a bounty hunter. It’s not the most glamourous life, but it keeps you paid well and entertained. But when a long time acquaintance resurfaces with a mission, and a lot of money to throw around, you finally relent and take the job from him. And then things get crazy when you stumble upon your Fated Mate along the way.
Masterlist HERE.
Word Count: 4,070 ish.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Werewolf!Reader.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: Curse words. Sassy comments. Depictions of fight scenes and fighting, the same as canon stuffs. Maybe more to come. Who really knows with me!
Requested: Yes, this was a request from the lovely, @saturngirlz ! She asked for a Steve x Werewolf!Reader one shot, where the reader works with the Avengers. And me, being my long winded self, decided a one shot just wouldn’t be long enough for the idea I had. Soooo instead I’m making it a (semi) Mini Series. Yay me! Hahaha crap. But anywho, here’s part one! Hope you like it girly!!
A/N: I sadly don’t own any of these characters. And no beta reader, so I do proudly own all the errors and this story, so there’s that.
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I was going to post this tomorrow, July 30th. But as I just hit 400 followers!!! Eek!! I decided to post it today for you all instead, as my sort of celebration for hitting that milestone! I probably won’t be updating this as quickly as L&W, as I need to focus on that series for now. But I’ll have a new part at least weekly, if not two times a week. So I hope you all enjoy this fun little drama fluff series!
Also, FYI, only the reader can hear her wolf talking in her head. Just so you know moving forward!
You hastily pull your clothes back on, standing alone, hidden in the shadows of the tall trees. It was the middle of the night, and you were near the edge of a dense forested area. A small cabin sat about 100 yards from where you stood, in a small clearing within the woods. You had just used your wolf to track down your current target, or your next ‘payday,’ as you liked to call them.
You zip up your black skinny jeans and then pull on your black leather jacket, yanking your hair out of it and letting it fall down your back. You lace up your combat boots, then put your hair up in a ponytail to keep it out of your face.
You reach down for your specially made backpack, the one that you could put on before a shift and it would stretch to turn into a harness, of sorts, on your wolf's back. It was the only way to keep clothes and other necessities on you while shifted. The bag which now just sat limply, on the ground near your feet, not having your clothes in it anymore to fatten it up.
You pull your gun from the bag now, checking that it is in fact loaded and ready to go, then tuck it into the back waistband of your jeans, pulling the bottom of your leather jacket down to conceal it.
Then lastly, you grab your stun gun and cuffs, tucking them into the deep, specially altered pockets of your jacket, and then you zip up your bag and tuck it behind a large tree, in between some foliage. Concealing it from anyone who may wander by, not that you expected anyone to way out here, but best to be safe instead of sorry. And all that jazz.
You survey the area, honing your amazing heightened senses on the cabin. Listening for any movement or voices. Looking for any shifting of lights or shadows. Smelling for any occupants or guard animals. You are so focused on the cabin that you don’t pay much attention to anything around you, not that you really have anything to fear out here. You are not a weak wolf, not even in the slightest.
You had once been a fearsome warrior in your old pack, you’d been there top defender. You’d basically been the head of any and all military ops—well besides your Alpha that is. He was the true head of it all, but you were basically his second command. Not of the pack though. You weren’t a Beta. You were just his go to on anything rogue related.
You laugh sardonically at that last thought. You used to go up against rogues, kill them mercilessly to protect your pack, your Alpha’s territory.
‘We were the best of the best,’ your wolf adds smugly in your mind.
And you nod, agreeing with her. You were the best of the best. But now, now you were a rogue yourself. A strong, independent, law abiding rogue, but still a rogue nonetheless. You were glared down at, as if you were the scum of the earth. Judged and disrespected by any and all pack affiliated wolves. Solely because you were rogue, solely because you’d left your pack. They all assumed you either betrayed your pack and had been kicked out. Or you’d been a weak misfit and left on your own, due to not being able to handle pack life.
But both of those couldn’t be further from the truth. You weren’t kicked out, and you didn’t just walk away willy nilly from your family, your life, your responsibilities, for nothing. No, you’d left because you had to. You couldn’t just sit there and allow that piece of shit to control you, to boss you around. He wasn’t your Alpha, regardless of if he technically was or not, he didn’t deserve your respect. Not after what he’d done. Not after he’d planned a coo, betrayed your True Alpha and then killed him so he could take his title. So no, he was no Alpha to you, he was just a rogue in disguise.
‘Grrrrr,’ she growls lowly in your head at that last thought.
But you just ignore her and focus back on what you were thinking about. So a week after all that happened, you packed your bags and left. Minding the territory lines as best you could, and sticking to the neutral areas as much as possible. Entering another Alpha’s territory without permission was a death sentence, especially if you smelled like a rogue. So when you absolutely had to enter one’s land, you did so carefully, cautiously and only at night.
The wind shifting directions blows a few strands free from your ponytail, but also sends a new, foreign smell up your nose. You tense up momentarily, taking a deep whiff and instantly you recognize the scent. Without taking your eyes off the cabin you speak to the person, the one you know is now behind you. “Did you enjoy the show?”
‘He better say yes, or I’ll eat him.’
You smirk to yourself at her comment, as a deep chuckle sounds behind you. “I didn’t see the show, actually. Figured you’d want a little privacy, so I hung back till you were dressed.”
“Ah, gotcha,” you nod, then shrug, “wouldn’t have bothered me any. I’m completely accustomed to being naked in front of others, it sort of comes with the territory of being a wolf. Ya know, what with shifting and all. I really only wear clothes because you lot dislike nudity so damn much.”
‘Humans are so weird,’ she mutters, shaking her head.
“That we do,” he agrees. “Do you have a minute to chat?”
“Not exactly,” you sigh, finally turning to face the man. “What do you want, Fury? I’m kinda in the middle of a big payday job here. If you hadn’t noticed.”
“I have an offer for you.”
‘We don’t care,’ she growls and you shush her in your head, telling her to ‘zip it.’
“Of course you do,” you roll your eyes. “I thought I made it pretty clear last time, that I wasn’t interested in joining your little Revengers, or whatever. Not my style. I work alone.”
“Avengers,” he corrects. “And we aren’t looking to recruit you this time. We just need help finding a bad guy, think of yourself like a freelance agent. Paid upon completion.”
“You couldn’t afford me,” you scoff, turning back around. “I’m not interested, Nic. So piss off quietly, would ya? I still got a job to do here, and I’ll be out for blood if you tip off my target, making a bunch of noise leaving. You humans are just so damn loud all the time.”
“I managed to sneak up on you,” he comments smugly.
‘Kill him. Kill him now!’ She urges, wanting to break through and rip him to shreds for his stupid comment. She doesn’t like being one upped by anyone, let alone by a fucking human.
“Lucky break,” you retort, through your clenched teeth. You aren’t exactly a big fan of being one upped either. “I was distracted, but it won’t happen again.”
“Sure, sure,” he says flippantly, and you can just sense the smug look on his face. And now you have to fight the urge to spin around and rip him to shreds. “I’ll leave you be, for now, Y/N. But you’ll be seeing me again very soon.”
‘He better hope the fuck not. We won’t be as friendly the next time around.’
You snicker quietly to yourself at your wolf’s sassiness, but wave Fury off dismissively. Your human focus entirely on the cabin once again, “yeah, yeah, whatever, Emilio Largo. Just go away already.”
‘Who the hell is Emilio Largo?’ She asks, confused, at the exact same time that you hear Fury’s deep chuckle behind you. You choose to ignore him and hope he actually leaves.
‘You know, the James Bond villain. The one with the eye patch, from Thunderball?’ You reply to your wolf in your head, just in case Fury is still lingering.
‘Nope, can’t say I know that one,’ she snarks, shaking her head.
‘We’ve watched it before,’ you point out.
‘Well then it obviously sucked as I clearly slept through it. So pick a more relevant one next time.’
‘Fine, fine,’ you huff. ‘Anything for you, you uncultured swine.’
A snort escapes you when you hear her growl menacingly, in response to what you’d just called her. Like you’d be afraid of the wolf in your mind, anything she does to you, she also does to herself. You hesitantly glance over your shoulder to ensure Fury is actually gone now. Noticing instantly that he is.
‘I really don’t fucking like him.’
“Yeah, I gathered as much,” you chuckle and then turn to face forward again. No more distractions, it’s time to get your head back in the game. You have a job to do here, a target to successfully apprehend. You aren’t the best bounty hunter in America for no reason, after all.
So what if you sort of cheated to get that title. If you used your wolf’s heightened senses. They were technically yours as well. And as most humans had no idea werewolves even existed, most just assumed you were that damn good. Which was also true, you were, you just also had a slight advantage over other bounty hunters. Over the humans.
You step out of the shadows of the large trees and make your way, quietly, towards the cabin. Whelp, here goes another take down.
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You slowly trudge up the stairs to your 3rd floor walk up, you’d successfully apprehended your guy. Some idiot who tried to bail on his bond and hide out in the woods. Unbeknownst to him though, you were at your best in the woods. But he figured that out pretty damn quick, when he tried to flee out the back door of the cabin, 2 seconds after you’d knocked on the front door.
So after a short, but exhilarating chase, which is your favourite part of the job might you add, you’d caught and cuffed him. And all while still in your human form, you hadn’t even needed to shift into your wolf. The guy was just that slow.
Once he was fully apprehend, and was hogtied on the ground, you’d called the local police department to come pick him up. And once you’d handed him off to the authorities you walked back into the woods to retrieve your backpack. Telling the cops you didn’t need a ride back to town, as your truck was parked a few hundred feet into the woods, on a service road—one that did actually exist, there was just no truck parked on it currently.
Once the cops were gone, you stripped down, crammed your clothes into your backpack and then shifted. Allowing your wolf a chance to come out and run off all her adrenaline from the earlier chase. She ran you both all the way to the outskirts of the forest, a few miles away, and to where you’d actually parked your truck. Then it was a 3 hour drive home from there.
You reach your apartment door and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Something isn’t right, something is off. You tense up and raise your head a little, sniffing the air around your door. But then the same foreign smell from before hits you and you sigh.
‘Now can we kill him?’ She growls, pacing in your head.
‘No, stop being so damn dramatic,’ you roll your eyes, pulling out your keys to unlock your, clearly useless, padlock. You enter into your dark apartment, as if nothing is amiss. You flick on the hallway light and then head into your kitchen, the dining and living space all part of the same area in your apartment.
You wander over to the fridge, grabbing a beer and removing the cap with your teeth, before spitting the cap towards your garbage can in the corner. Getting it in on the first try, obviously—note the sarcasm. You glare at the cap on the ground for a second—the same cap that very much, did not, just go into the garbage can like you’d attempted.
Then you turn your eyes to your dark living room, seeing Fury sitting in your armchair. A human wouldn’t have been able to see him, but you with your heightened night vision can see him, clear as day.
“Ah, Mad Eye Moody. So good to see you again, it’s been so long.” You take a sip of your beer and make your way towards him. “I’d welcome you to my apartment, but I can see that won’t be necessary,” you shake your head and gesture to him, “as you’ve clearly already made yourself at home.”
‘Better?’ You ask your wolf in your head. Referring to the name you’d just called Fury.
‘Much, much better,’ she nods, happily. You roll your eyes fondly as you take another sip of your beer, how easily amused she always is.
“I did warn you,” he points out, shrugging nonchalantly. “I told you that you’d be seeing me again very soon.”
“I figured you meant in like a week or so,” you shake your head. “Not a couple of hours.”
He stands from the armchair, “this isn’t an ordinary mission. We are on a bit of a time crunch here, and need this to be handled hastily but efficiently. That’s where you come in.”
‘No the fuck we don’t,’ your wolf growls, and you shush her once again.
“Like I’ve said before, you couldn’t afford me.”
“Well, how much do you normally make on a job? I’m sure we can double it.”
“You still got that Stark guy funding your little boy scouts team? What was his name,” you say as you tap a finger on your chin. “Tyler? no. Trevor? mmm, doesn’t sound right.” You snap your fingers in a ‘got it’ kind of way, “no! Tom!”
“Tony,” he corrects flatly, looking supremely unamused. Though he always sort of looks like that, at least from what you’ve seen of the man anyways. “And yes, he is still funding the Avengers,” he also corrects. Again.
“Tony!” you throw your hands up in an ‘argh’ type of way. “Shit, I was so close!”
“Mhmm,” he hums, shaking his head. “So, what will it take to get you on this job? Name a price.”
“I’ll warn you, I don’t come cheap, and my price juuuuust tripled. Ya know, inflation and demand, and all that,” you wave a dismissive hand and shrug. “It’s now 3 million,” you tell him, then put the beer bottle to your lips and finish it off. And once you have, you place the bottle down on your coffee table, a smirk on your lips as you raise a questioning brow at him, “so still interested, Xander Harris?”
“Xander Harris?” He repeats raising his brow in return.
“Ya know, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer?” You question but his face stays unchanged, no recognition on it whatsoever. You shake your head, muttering to yourself, “wasting all my good material on utter swines.”
‘I am not a swine,” your wolf growls. ‘And I’ll have you know, I actually got that one,’ she says proudly, a wide grin on her snout.
You sigh deeply and wave a dismissive hand, “never mind, not really important. My price is 3 mill, take it or leave it.”
“Pack your bags,” he says moving towards your front door. “We leave in 20.”
“You’re not really in any place to order—“ the sound of your front door closing cuts off your words. You huff, “so fucking rude.”
‘I still say we eat him.’
“I may be slowly getting on board with that idea,” you chuckle and then head towards your room, you’d now take 30 minutes to pack, just to spite him. It’s not like he’d leave without you, not when he is, so clearly, desperate for you to be on this mission. You laugh a little more, shaking your head as you enter your room, and get to packing.
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You plop down into the passenger seat, throwing your fully stocked duffle bag into the back seat then slam your door shut.
“34 minutes,” Fury comments as he starts the car, you glance over at him, but don’t say a word. You know exactly what he is referring to, you just don’t care. He sighs, “we’ll have to work on your response times.”
You smirk, “be happy it was only 34 minutes. Had I needed to put together any fancy outfits, it would have taken much, much longer.” You shrug, “you know how it is. Silly women and their desperate need to always pick the right heels for every dress.”
“Mhmm,” he hums disinterestedly, as he pulls out on the main road. “We’ll be at the tower in half an hour.”
“Sounds good, Patchy,” you nod and turn to glance out the window, watching all the buildings and skyscrapers as they wiz by. The reference to Patchy the Pirate from Spongebob instantly puts that damn theme song in your head. But then an idea comes to mind.
‘Do it, do it now! It will totally piss him off!’ Your wolf urges you, always the Devil on your shoulder.
You snicker then begin softly, slowly gaining volume as you continue on, “Who lives in a tower above New York city? Nich-olas Fur-yyyy.
Boorish and cranky and human is he. Nicholas Fur-yyyyy.
If a tactical death be something you wish. Nicholas Fuuuurryyyyy.
Then jump on the mission and try to get hit! Nicholas Fury. Nicholas Fury. NICHOLAS FUUUUUUURYYYYYY. Do-do, da-la-do, da-la-do, do-do.”
‘Encore! Encore!’ She says and you burst out laughing, knowing that if she could clap, she’d totally be doing that right now.
He sighs deeply, shaking his head but doesn’t say a damn thing. You grin and go silent once again, getting on Nick’s nerves has become your new favourite pastime. And you plan to continue on with that, as much as possible, while you still have the chance.
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You find yourself standing next to Fury, in an elevator as it quickly rises up the Avengers tower. The rest of the car ride after your little impromptu concert was silent, deathly silent. Then when you arrived at the tower, he still hasn’t said a word. And now, as you stand in the elevator, your duffle bag slung over your shoulder and your visitor’s pass around your neck, he is still silent. He hasn’t uttered a word. Which is both nice, and completely frustrating, all at the same time.
‘Well I think it’s fantastic. I haven’t had the urge to eat him once since we left our house.’
You roll your eyes at her as the doors open and he abruptly exits, walking off down a hallway. Not saying a word or waiting for you at all. You sigh, shaking your head and then follow after him slowly. Not overly worried about losing track of him, as you can just use your nose to track him down again, if need be.
You glance around, taking in everything around you. All the sights, the sounds, the smells—wait, hold up, what’s that smell? You raise your nose in the air, taking a big whiff.
‘Follow it! Follow it now!’ She commands.
“I’m going, I’m going, don’t get your fur in a knot,” you huff, following your nose to the source of the delicious smell. Completely uncaring as to where Fury went. You are on a mission from the Moon Goddess now.
You round a corner, entering into a living space of some kind, you aren’t really sure, you were just following your nose. You see a man standing near an oven cooking something, “what is that delicious smell?”
“Jesus!” He whirls around, his long black hair flapping from the quick motion. “Why would you—“ his words halt once his eyes land on you, and he instantly looks confused. “Ah, who are you?”
“Y/N,” you answer vaguely, taking a few steps towards him. “And whatever you’re cooking smells divine.”
“Ah,” he glances back at the pan, then to you again. “Just steaks.”
‘We should have guessed!’
“I will literally pay you 100k right now, if you tell me there are extras.”
He raises a brow at you, giving you a once over then he just shrugs and turns back around, “you don’t gotta pay me, Doll. I always make extras, as someone usually ends up coming along and wanting some. Today it’s you, so you’re welcome to it.”
“Oh Goddess,” you sigh happily, damn near drooling on yourself now. “You are my new favourite person in this place. And just so you know, I would happily defend you with my life. Should it ever come to that.” You quickly make your way over to a bar stool, sitting on one and somewhat patiently waiting for the steaks.
He chuckles, shaking his head then wipes his hands on his jeans, before offering his right hand to you over the counter. “I’m Bucky, by the way.”
You shake his hand and smile, “nice to meet you, Bucky.” He nods and then turns back around to focus on cooking again, you both falling into a comfortable silence now.
But after a moment he speaks up. “So, Y/N,” he starts over his shoulder, then glances at you. “How’d you get in here, exactly?”
“Oh,” you giggle, realizing this guy had no idea how you’d have been able to get into a super secure building, undetected. Unbeknownst to him, you’ve actually done just that countless times in the past. Though you’d never actually attempted to break into the Avengers tower before. Note to self, try that soon. “The Governor brought me in. I’m working a mission with you guys, I’m sort of a freelance agent, I guess,” you shrug.
“The Governor?” He gives you an odd look and you smile.
“He’s a character from The Walking Dead, he has an eye patch,” you reply pointing to your eye, hoping he’ll figure out who you’re referring to with that nickname. But he doesn’t seem to piece it together, still looking completely and utterly lost.
‘He’s lucky he’s hot,’ your wolf snickers in your mind. And you snort, nodding your head in agreement.
“Fury. I was making fun of Fury,” you quickly clarify then sigh deeply, frustrated by how noone seems to be getting your pop-culture references lately. Clearly you needed to dumb them down a bit. “He brought me here.”
“Ah, gotcha,” he nods.
“Don’t let him fool you, Kid,” a new voice cuts in. “He has no idea what you are referring to. But I do.”
You turn to see an older man entering the room, a grin on his face as he walks towards you. Once he reaches you he extends his hand, “Tony Shark.”
You shake his hand, “Y/N.”
“Fury is pretty pissed that you’ve only been here 10 minutes and already you’re disappearing on him,” he chuckles, heading for the coffee maker.
“Where is Carl, anyways,” you glance around, “I was positive he’d have found me by now. He’s obviously losing his edge,” you shake your head.
‘If he even had one to begin with,’ your wolf chimes in.
“Carl was always my favourite minion,” Tony replies nonchalantly as he pours himself a cup of coffee. “And he’s with Capsicle.”
“Finally,” you drag the word out, a wolfish grin on your face. “Someone who gets it!” But then your grin promptly falls and is replaced by a frown, as you furrow your brow, “but what the hell is a ‘Capsical’?”
‘Do you smell that?! It smells better than the steaks!’
‘Smell what?’ You raise your nose and sniff the air. Oh Goddess, she’s right. Whatever that smell is, does smell better than the steaks. A million times better.
“That’d be me,” another new voice enters the mix, this one deep and delectable. Perfectly answering both your voiced question and the thoughts currently in your head. Your eyes snap up and lock on to a spellbinding set of cerulean eyes, as the large man attached to said eyes enters the room.
‘Mate,’ your wolf growls happily, bouncing around gleefully in your head.
“Oh, fuck,” you slowly mutter aloud in response, as your eyes go wide—And you assume comically so, at that.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@caps-lockdown @boxofteenageideas @wangdeasang @giggleberts @theonelittleone @agentbadbitch @ratwrites @starrystellars @bandsandanimefreak @rockyroadthepastryarchy @lovvliies @cuffski @icesoccerer @alwaysright4 @lilsthethrills @imdiegohargreeves @zombiepotterfour @mu-mu-rs @ledandan1244 @straightforwardly @denzmallows @xremember-me-notx @gwynethjodie @lollipopdomination @capstopavenger @jemimah-b99 @rcvenqers @justkending @marvel13princess @alagalaska @silent-loucidity @sabertooth-potato @pies-wands-and-more @interstellarmess @gabriella69816 @phantom-soilder @wordlesscaptain @captain-hammer-of-asgard @starstucknature @viarogers @pixieferry @kaithezaftig @the-kinkiest-goblin @hysterically-original @badassbeckettswan @heyiamthatbitch @zlixlle @capsicledoll @givemehopenfandoms @pretendingandpreposterous @frozen-phoenix17 @emotionallysalty
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the-sinistertype · 4 years
I don’t know why, but I really wanted to transcribe Harry Styles’ Calm sleep story. So I did.
(It is very hard to take dictation of a story meant to make you sleepy, fyi.)
“Dream With Me” Harry Styles for Calm
Hello, I’m Harry Styles, and tonight, I’m going to help you drift off to sleep with some soothing words and calming music. A sleep story just for you. With all the busyness of your day, I know how hard it can be to get to sleep, so thank you for choosing this story to help you. I wish you a wonderful night’s sleep.
So, make yourself comfortable, take a deep breath in…and then out. In…and then out. And when you’re ready, close your eyes.
Have you ever wondered what happens when you sleep? Where you go, and what you feel? The places that you seek? When you start to drift away, your mind becomes a book that writes itself, then fades away before you wake to look.
Tonight, we’re going to think about anything you’d like; so first let’s visualize some scenes to see us through the night. Settle back and clear your mind— we’re heading somewhere special; beyond the world of consciousness to places more celestial.
I’d like you to imagine now you’re there beneath the stars which, when you pause to think about it, actually, you are. As you focus on the darkness right before your eyes, fill the scene with glinting lights to emulate night skies.
[music break]
Think about the things you cherish most and those you love, and then, allow yourself to be embraced from up above. The power of the universe meanders through your mind; so come with me, and let’s see what the two of us can find.
Let’s travel now to moonlit valleys blanketed with heather; the kind of landscape you and I could dream about forever. Imagine lazing on the ground, succumbing to the charms of blades of grass we now caress with fingertips and palms.
A gentle scent of cedarwood is floating on the breeze; a gift from Mother Nature and her nearby cedar trees. We’re gazing at the night sky now, marvelling at infinity; so, allow your mind to wander to a peaceful new vicinity.
[music break]
Picture this: a rich, green forest damp with morning dew; inhale the morning air as we explore, just me and you. Leaves create mosaics in every shade of green as gentle birdsong mingles with the babbling of a stream.
Dappled sepia sunlight cuts through branches overhead as dewdrops fall from leaf to leaf like glistening strands of thread. The dewdrops finally coalesce forming satin beads; occasionally they kiss our cheeks small pleasures quenching needs.
Holding hands, we stroll until we chance upon a brook; its cool, clear water mirroring our faces as we look. The shimmering reflection shows us smiling from above; the word we think, but dare not speak, is L-O-V-E, love.
[music break]
Now we snuggle on a raft, and drift for endless hours as willow trees sway in the breeze and blossoms fall in showers. Gently swaying to and fro, we look up at the sky and watch the clouds above us forming shapes as they pass by.
The wisps of cloud swirl slowly, tinged with tangerine and pink; and as they fade, the sunset gives us cause to muse and think of places we should visit, and oceans we could cross; for some who wander through this world there’s grace in being lost.
Passing by a waterfall, our thoughts sway to and fro, and time begins to fade and blur beneath the moon’s pale glow. A symphony of tumbling water lulls and mesmerizes; nature’s soundtrack to our dreams assumes so many guises.
[music break]
Strolling on a sidewalk now, as rain begins to fall; its gentle pitter-patter holds us deep within its thrall. The raindrops rhythm briefly slows, then intensifies; peaceful and benevolent, a gift from moonlit skies.
The fragrance that the rain creates upon the concrete surface inspires yet relaxes us and focuses our purpose: to shift our minds to neutral, allow our thoughts to drift, and recognize the rainfall as a mesmerizing gift.
Sheltering beneath a porch, we watch the rain pour down; though now the time has come to leave this dreamy, moonlit town. A gentle breeze wafts through the trees and causes leaves to stir; and then the rain relents and fades as time begins to blur.
[music break]
We find ourselves upon a shoreline, lounging by a lake while crickets chirp in nearby reeds; it’s hard to stay awake. The scene feels like a watercolor— soft, diluted tones— as looking down we see each other, laughing, skimming stones.
The stones skip on the gleaming lake and ripples start to form; and though the sun has dipped from view, we feel content and warm. Herons drift on thermals high above a sun-bleached pier; and in the trees beyond the lake, we glimpse a passing deer.
Strands of cloud unfurl like ribbons in the orange sky mirrored on the lake now like a painted butterfly. In the distance, mountains beckon, capped with pristine snow; the kind of sight that dreams evoke when hearts and minds let go.
[music break]
Contemplating nothingness, a scene takes place before us; and as it sharpens in our thoughts, we hear a distant chorus. The dampened sound of silence that only snow can bring surrounds us with its calming vibes and touches us within.
Glistening snowflakes fall in flurries, mountain rivers freeze; the powdery slopes look beautiful and fresh snow dusts the trees. Somehow now, we’re in a cabin, taking in this view as a fire crackles in the corner just for me and you.
We linger for a moment… or maybe it’s been hours? For when we blink and look again, a vista swathed in flowers. Another destination lulls us closer now, it seems, perhaps it’s real… or just another chapter in our dreams.
[music break]
Drifting in and out of sleep, our thoughts take us elsewhere: to an island fringed by swaying palms, lush beyond compare. A path winds through the mangroves towards a distant beach that underlines the turquoise ocean now within our reach.
Eventually, we feel the powdery sand right beneath our feet; the sun above now blessing us with gentle, soothing heat. We hear the lilting sound of surf breaking up ahead, while spiral shells and pearly shards determine where we tread.
Finally, a lapping wave engulfs our sandy feet; it seems to pause and ruminate, then gradually retreat. We dig our toes in cool, wet sand, then sit and face the sea and let the sand wash over us… Alone, just you and me.
[music break]
Staring at the nothingness that stretches on forever, our thoughts dovetail and unify— in tune, two minds together. As minutes turn to hours, we drift off somewhere new and visualize a stairway to a door we now walk through.
Imagine now a meadow on a balmy afternoon; birds and bees and rustling trees create a summer tune. Flanked by fields of sunflowers, hand-in-hand we walk as the gentle sound of nature surrounds us while we talk.
The sunflowers give the scenery a warm and golden hue while hazy sunshine softens out idyllic, rustic view. As we roam past hedgerows, a farmhouse sits alone; its open shutters pressed against uneven walls of stone.
[music break]
A garden winds around the house and daisies poke through grass; a bench that’s lived through countless summers creaks as we walk past. We wonder if the house is empty— once loved, but no longer; the thought of passing time inspires a feeling that grows stronger.
This feeling washes over us, lost between a sigh; and as the sun begins to set, we stop and wonder why. Brevity caresses us and pulls you close to me, then the scene begins to fade on new reality.
Deeper, gradually deeper, we drift and now transcend to unfamiliar places too surreal to comprehend. Slowly we capitulate, as sleep begins to call; entwined in dreams and shifting scenes, we drift and gently fall.
[music break]
Friendly faces, glorious places, things we hope to do intertwine with snapshots, some of me and some of you. Moonlit valleys, verdant forests, gazing at the ocean, summer meadows, tranquil sunsets— steeped in pure emotion.
The tenderness we feel when we are close— two minds as one— surrounds us and connects us, but we’ve only just begun. For now, we dream together of all there is to follow and know that sleep will keep us safe from now until tomorrow.
Maybe all the memories that we’ve gathered here tonight are all dreams now remembered or wishes in plain sight. No matter what, they’re with us now for this night and forever; and every time we close our eyes they’re yours and mine to treasure.
Goodnight, and sleep well.
[music to fade]
© Calm App, written by Steve Cleverley/Sanj Sen
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embracetheshipping · 6 years
Just a friendly reminder that Danny “Danno” Williams:
1. Graduated from college with a minor in business 2. Posed for a charity calendar 3. Solved 87 homicide cases during his time in Newark 4. Worked a Russian mob case 5. Testified in court against his corrupt partner, Rick Peterson 6. Took out the drug dealers who killed his partner (Grace) by thinking quickly and breaking free of his restraints 7. Gave up his life in New Jersey to follow Grace to Hawaii 8. Endured workplace bullying during his initial time at HPD 9. Helped Adam Charles a.k.a. Toast get leniency from his petty crimes and brought him on as valuable C.I. 10. Made the connection between Hesse and Doran before Steve took over his father’s case 11. Believed in Meka’s innocence when no one else did 12. Solved Meka’s murder and uncovered a mole in HPD 13. Continued to work in the field with a torn ACL 14. Saved Grace from Rick Peterson 15. If you count the air quotes, was the first to say “I love you” to Steve 16. Adopted the orphaned dog of a murder victim 17. Saved Steve from North Korea 18. Helped Rachel deliver Charlie while not knowing it was his son 19. Took photos of Charlie for Stan 20. Learned to surf even though he’s not fond of the ocean 21. Ran Five-0 when Steve took off with no warning except a letter 22. Helped Max exonerate an innocent man and solve the mystery of his mother’s murder 23. Along with his team and NCIS, helped stop an outbreak of smallpox that could have killed millions of people 24. Chased down a terrorist who had a bomb strapped to his chest 25. Stayed with Chin when he had a bomb strapped to his neck 26. Kept the Aloha girls safe and calm when they were locked up in a bunker 27. With help from the Aloha girls leader, found and saved Steve and Lucy 28. Took in his wayward nephew, called him out on his behavior and got him a job working in the lab 29. Gave up Pro Bowl tickets to go with Steve to the hospital for treatment 30. Traveled with Grace to Japan to return a puzzle box to the family member of a deceased girl 31. Opened up to Steve about his anxiety issues 32. Helped his parents reconcile when they were having problems and on the verge of divorce 33. Traveled to Afghanistan to make sure Steve is found and rescued 34. Figured out where his brother hid the money he’d stolen from Marco Reyes 35. Bought Steve a guitar and encouraged him to play again 36. Went to a Columbian prison in order to protect Grace and Steve 37. Competed in the tough mudder race despite not wanting to (and also probably still dealing with the revelation that he has a son and his ex lied to him) 38. Recovered his stolen car (with help) and took out the criminals 39. Landed a plane on the beach in order to give an injured Steve the best chance of surviving 40. Gave Steve half of his fucking liver 41. Took out half the terrorists at Grace’s Winter Formal on his own (at one point crawling through a duct and dealing with claustrophobia in order to do so) 42. Confronted his sister about her almost affair with her co-worker 43. Goes with the team to Mexico to help Chin save his niece 44. Actively tries to help Stan and Rachel with their marriage problems 45. Consoled Adam after his divorce from Kono
Danny is by no means a flawless or infallible character.  In fact, his faults and mistakes are a major part of character; it makes him interesting and well-rounded.  But ever since about Season 4/5, his character has become less dynamic, often relegating him to the role of a comic relief or cranky side-kick.  But there’s so much more to him, and he doesn’t deserve the poor excuse for writing that’s been going on in Season 6 and beyond (especially these last two seasons - bleh!), so I wanted to make an appreciation post to remind the Five-0 fandom what makes him awesome and why he really is “the heart and soul” of the show.
Feel free to reblog and add more notes, as this is by no means a conclusive list.  
FYI - this is not the “Assassination of Danny Williams” post I mentioned I wanted to do a while back.  That’s still a WIP.
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silentwaters4 · 5 years
May I please get a ship with male kingsman, supernatural, and marvel. I'm 5'4. I'm 20 (even though I don't look like it. I look 12 to some people.) I have blue hair. I’m straight. I have green/hazel eyes. I have to wear glasses. I'm really pale. I love to wear dark colors (mostly black.) I'm rather shy and mostly keep to my self. I love listening to music. I also have a passion for writing and making YouTube videos. I have a feisty personality and very sarcastic. Thanks love.
Sure thing hopple pop! Thank you for waiting! I ship you with:
Merlin/Hamish Mycroft
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You didn’t meet Merlin, you met Hamish. You had been frequenting a coffee shop. It was a fantastic place to write. It was quiet, but not glaringly quiet. Most people were regulars and had their spots. And of course, they had a little nook, a spot which you claimed for yourself. You’d put in those headphones and focus up. At least, that was how it normally went. The first day you noticed Hamish, you could hardly focus. In fact, you had to take a break in order to just write out your thoughts (before quickly deleting it). This continued for the following week and a half. What you didn’t know was that Merlin was going extremely out of his way to stay so long at that coffee shop. He was only supposed to go there once, but he saw you. So, those following days were essentially him hoping to gain the courage to ask you out. He seemed to have found it a day after your friend had surprised you at the same shop. (That particular day, you had nearly forgotten the handsome stranger enough where you were acting like your feisty and sarcastic self…he couldn’t help but feel his heart squeeze with how amazing you are.) The following day, he was further enamored when you were being shy (he could tell you wanted to continue the conversation, you were just caught off guard). He asked you about your writing, which opened you up a little bit. Neither of you knew that particular conversation would lead to a wonderful world with the two of you at the center (he’d be incredibly protective, just an fyi hehe).
Kevin Tran
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You have always been a part of the hunter community. Your parents tried to keep you from actually hunting, but they couldn’t stop you helping in other ways. You were no Bobby Singer, but you were good at what you did. You were able to use that feisty personality and sarcasm to gain information that most others couldn’t even get near. Some hunters honestly thought you were a creature as well (most guessed a siren…until they met a siren). The Winchesters were two of your favorite people to help. They always had something interesting going on. So, when they showed up on your college campus, you were shocked and wary. As it turns out, they were chasing a student by the name of Kevin Tran. When you heard the word ‘prophet’, you elected to help the boys anyway you could. This resulted in you hanging around Kevin quite a bit. The two of you got to know each other quite well. You pulled up a bunch of youtube videos to help pass the time (including some of your own). He enjoyed all of them. Other times, the two of you would just be quiet, him translating and you writing. During those moments, he’d steal glances and watch you so focused. Especially when you had in your headphones, you were in your own little world. It was amazing and adorable. After the worst of it was over, you met his mom. She absolutely adored you and gave her son a not so quiet approval (which had you blushing). Though flustered, he managed to ask you on a proper date. Of course you agreed. 
T’Challa Udaku/Black Panther
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T’Challa would find you extremely interesting. One moment you’d be bubbly and friendly, and the next you’d be coy and shy. You were constantly surprising him. Whether you were suddenly shy after compliments or when your boldness would shine through as you’d speak your mind. After the situation with the Accords, you went with him, Steve, and Bucky to Wakanda. Though you told the boys you were staying to keep an eye on Bucky, you had a slight other motivation. While Bucky was in cryo, T’Challa offered you a room in his very own residence. The two of you would stay up and he’d explain his heritage and you’d tell him about your own home. Other nights, he’d ask you about your writing. You were still in Wakanda when Erik showed up. You had never seen T’Challa so nervous (aside from when you first met Nakia). He kept you closer to him more than usual. If you weren’t at Bucky’s side, you’d be at T’Challa’s. You had sarcastically teased him to try and ease up, but it didn’t work. When he told you the truth about his father, you just held him. When Erik threw him off the waterfall, his mother and sister had to do everything to keep you from running down there to jump after him. Instead, they brought you with them away from Wakanda. The entire time, you were silent. You didn’t have the energy to speak. Ramonda tried to comfort you and Shuri, despite her own pain. Instead of going with Shuri, Nakia, and Ramonda to ask for M’Baku to ask for help, Nakia snuck you into where Bucky was being held. At the very least, you thought you could protect him in the case Erik tried to use him. So, when you saw T’Challa walking and alive across the plain, you burst into happy tears. And after the fight was over, the two of you held each other for a long as needed.
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