#Tony deserves better
ircn-dad · 2 years
Here to remind you how Tony was unfocusing his gaze 'cause of the pain he felt while probably struggling to recognize what was happening around him and who was the person in front of him, but as soon as he heard "it's me, it's Peter" he immediately focused on him.
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And while he couldn't find the force to speak, my theory is that he didn't do it also because he didn't know what to say to make the kid stop crying, to make the pain go away.
He knew what to do with Pepper and with Rhodey, their reactions were so part of their characters: Rhodey and Tony didn't need to share a word, they have been friends since ever and they understand each other without the need to talk; Pepper and Tony both smiled at each other, to reassure the other that everything and everyone will be fine.
With Peter? I think Tony not speaking was also in character. He didn't almost speak when Peter was dying, he didn't know what to do. He tried to comfort him when he said "you're alright", but as soon as things got worse he just stood there in shock, without never taking his eyes off him while Peter was crying and begging him to do something.
The same happens here:
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In the photos you can't catch it very clearly, but if you watch the complete scene you can see how Tony is not taking his eyes off him and -even when Pepper is there and is trying to take him away- he's trying to calm him down with his eyes, because that's Peter, the kid he lost and that he found five years later just to lose him again. I don't know if I'm the only one, but I almost saw panic in his eyes, it's like he was scared about Peter not being okay and about him not saying a word again. That's why he whispered kid once he wasn't in his gaze anymore, he wanted to see him one last time, to make sure to reassure him like he did with Rhodey and, soon, with Pepper. To make Peter sure that he will be fine even without him.
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lenalee-academy · 2 months
Okay so I know I’ve been mentioning another collab Avengers fic and we are still working on the next Big One. In the meantime my sister has convinced me that I should post mine. Even though it’s not finished either and I had no plans to share it.
I started writing it because I wanted some Loki and Tony friendship. And while building up to that things got a bit carried away and it’s sort of an end game fix it now….so there’s that. If you’re interested check it out and let me know what you think!
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seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober day 29: What Doesn't Kill Me
Fandom: Avengers
Sleep Deprivation
"Better me than you."
Me: I should branch out and use someone other than my comfort character.
Also me: lol look at this nerd
If you asked Tony, Coffee- or maybe caffeine- was the most important thing. In the sense that, if he had to do anything ever, he was gonna need coffee to do it. JARVIS would remind him that sleep could be a good substitute, but Tony would point out the fact Coffee is far easier than Sleep. Thus proving Coffee to be superior. And really he was right, what else could keep you going for days on end? (Besides spite, of course… or anxiety… insomnia…) Nothing, that's what. (Denial)
He's almost positive there's some creepy early century study about not sleeping, and he's sure if they just gave the people coffee it would have turned out just fine. Probably. Maybe…
Anyway, the fact of the matter was, he had completed his list of to dos. So no one could be mad at him for anything to do with this week, and since he was getting a head start on next week, he'd say he's doing pretty dang good. Now the problem is, he ran out of coffee, an incident with a blender and some questionable substance of some kind that shall not be mentioned. He really needed a locked room to put anything his poor child could think of feeding him into.
And see, Tony could just go to the common floor and get some more, it's just a quick elevator trip really. But he's learned that getting coffee in front of the team is a sure fire way to get at least three scoldings and a lecture. And honestly, he's tired of it, he's proud of himself for what he's accomplished, and he would like to keep that feeling thank you. So some fresh(ish) air and a quick walk would suffice instead.
He'd much rather face a bunch of strangers and coffee shop enthusiasts instead a bunch of meanie super hero freeloaders. Besides, once they never complained about the results. And never dialed down on how much they asked for. So they could deal with caffeinated Tony.
Of course its just his luck that someone chose today to rob the bank next door- by using the wall of the coffee shop- and really, who decided this was a good idea!? You dont connect walls to banks and shit. Its just asking for trouble, case in point.
Thankfully theres only a few people in this afternoon, two employees and 4 other patrons in addition to himself. They're out numbered, and the robbers are no newbs, they shoot one hostage- in the arm thankfully- to keep the rest at bay as they set explosives in the back room. Tonys eyes however are fixed on the man before him, who clutches his arm, hoodie falling from his head to expose his face.
Something niggles in his mind at the dark skinned face, but his brain seems drawn in three other- useless- directions instead of recognition. He scoots forward instead, eyes focused on the slowly spreading spot of blood on the hoodie sleeve.
"Dont move!" Assuming the one who shot first is the leader, this guy is not the leader, but he is waving a gun around like a drunk.
"Hes bleeding." Tony states simply, moving forward still.
"And you will be too if you dont stop moving!"
"And then you'd loose too hostages and be a loosy goosy." Hes next to the guy now, completely ignoring the robber like the sane person he is.
"I'll buy you a new hoodie if we make it out of this." He says quietly, tearing the ruined sleeve off for a makeshift bandage.
"And I'll, buy you dinner." A heavily accented voice replies just as soft.
The accent niggles that same part, but his attention is drawn to the gun as it comes into view. Apparently this guy doesnt care about loosy goosy,
"Get him up, youre so worried about him he'll be my meat shield." The guy growls.
"Now come on. Youre gonna pass up Tony Stark as a meat shield? Geez kids these days."
Another head pops out of the back room, the leader maybe? They're all starting to look the same.
"Get your ass over here and bring Stark. We just got us a get out of jail card!"
If Pepper or Rhodey or JARVIS had any say, it'd be a "youre lucky youre in jail." Card.
The bleeding guy grabs at his arm, a stricken look on his face,
"Don't worry, better me than you." Tony offers a small smile, as his arm is grabbed and he's pulled up.
He could really use some coffee, his head is getting all foggy like he hates, and his body seems to groan with every step like a teenager at 7am. His 72 hour work binge is gonna end badly if he doesn't get his sweet bean elixor.
He's dragged through the hole in the wall, only stumbling a little, as the group does their little speech and shooting at the ceiling, making their way through and gathering money. He can't help but wonder why they went through the trouble of messing with the coffee shop, since this place was obviously already prepared for them. No guests, and only a few tellers left, already hiding. He's surprised it's not completely empty…
Oh! Because they decided to rob a bank down the road from Avengers tower! How he forgot about the darn Avengers when they lived in his building, he'll blame it on the lack of coffee, because that's the real victim here.
"Drop the guns, let him go, and we can do this the easy way." Cap says, all authority and shit.
He's moved further in front of the 'leader', a gun to his temple, and Tony sighs.
"Well this has been a very annoying end to my otherwise good evening. So I'll let you take it from here Cap."
His arm shoots up, the gun shooting the ceiling instead, then slams his head backwards and a nice elbow to the guy's gut for good measure. Side stepping as the Team takes over. He makes his way back through the bank, through the hole, and towards the counter.
"Any chance I can get a coffee. I'll give you both like 200 dollars right now, in addition to the $5.18." Tony rubs at his temples, eyes closed so the world won't spin. He's mostly irritated at this point, interrupting his good afternoon for this shit.
"I think perhaps, you should get checked over instead." That smooth voice pipes up.
Tony looks over to find him being tended to by a paramedic, two beautifully scary women behind them.
"I'll get right on that. After coffee. You guys want anything? My treat."
"I'll get your usual Mr. Stark." One of the employees says, getting an okay from the para.
"You are an Angel." He slaps $420 on the counter right as the Avengers walk through the hole.
"Tony! You've just been a hostage, can you stay in one place for 2 seconds?" Bruce complains.
"I am literally right next door, Brucey bear."
"The last thing you need is Coffee Stark." Cap says sternly.
"If one more person suggests that, there will be a murder today." Tony grumbles darkly, leveling a glare on Rogers that actually has the man taking a step back.
The look falls away as the wonderful Angel hands him his coffee,
"You ever need a job, you find me you hear?" Tony says seriously.
The girl blinks in surprise before smiling,
"Thank you Mr. Stark. I don't know what we would have done if you weren't here today."
"You would have been fine, this is my favorite coffee shop, I'd have been here in 2 seconds tops."
His hands shake as he tries to bring the cup to his lips, his vision going blurry as a wave of nausea hits him. He's gone too long without the bean water of life it seems, as the next thing he knows Bruce is cradling his head and he's definitely not standing anymore.
"I'm donating Dum-e. This could have been avoided." Tony grumbles, glaring through squinted eyes at the ceiling.
"How long have you been awake Tony?" Bruce asks with a resigned tone.
"Your pants are finished. And the arrows. And the widow bites. And the helicarrier updates. And SI crap. And the tupperware for Point Break. And the whole list is green, I need to water the plants… and that pretty guy got shot and I made sure he didn't bleed out. But I owe him a hoodie. A purple one. With a cat pouch." He's staring at the back of his eyelids for some reason, forcing them open again to see Bruce's face looking concerned with a touch of guilt now.
"Your pants are gonna be great I promise…" he trails off again, eyelids trying to close against his will.
"I know they will Tony."
"I'll get the other stuff done too. I just need a minute." Tony continues, eyes drifting towards Cap, "just a minute promise. Then I'll get the stuff done. And be ready, promise… just a minute."
"It's okay Tony. You get some rest, that stuff can wait."
"Just a minute."
"Close your eyes, kotenok, we got you now.'
"'Ust a minu'..."
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tastetonystestes · 2 years
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xenocorner · 1 year
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Small sketch page of some of my marvel blorbos ;; Couldn't fit all of them in it nor had the time but hey I got the itch scratched kinda
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Even after everything that happened between them, this is how Steve spoke about Tony:
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And this is how Tony spoke about (and to) Steve:
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After Ultron, after the Accords, after the fight in Siberia, after years of radio silence, Steve still called Tony earth's best defender. He still respected Tony and tried to do right by him.
And what did Tony do? Got in Steve's face and blamed him for everything. And Steve just stood there and took it.
I will never get over it. Steve deserved so much better.
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stxar-pvnk · 6 months
I feel like everybody forgets how similar Bucky and Tony are. Tony was kidnapped by the 10 rings, he witnessed American soldiers getting killed by his own weapons. He was also injured by one of his own bombs, which sent shards of shrapnel dangerously close to his heart. he suffered from Palladium Poisoning, saw Peter die, nearly DID die in space, had severe PTSD and anxiety, had his mind meddled with that nearly resulted in the death of his friends.
Bucky was kidnapped by hydra, tortured and brainwashed, used to kill people with no remorse, had to be seen as a monster, had to become an assassin, when Tony died, he couldn't cross him off his list, and would have to live with the guilt of what he had done, died in the blip, had severe trauma, PTSD and anxiety from his time,
like they both had to endure similar things, and no one ever like relates them to eachother it's baffling.
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spidergrotto · 11 months
philosophy student peter who forces the avengers to sit down and read oedipus for their monthly “book club” and at the end they make a family tree because of how ridiculous it is.
“ does that make his brother in law his… uncle? ”
“ he had sex with his uncles sister? ”
“ no it was his MOM— wait. ”
( it doesn’t work out, they end up burning the books and the family tree, peter isn’t allowed to recommend books after that. )
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ircn-dad · 2 years
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gifs not mine
I saw on the original post of these gifts the reblogs and...wow. Not the people saying "Tony reacts like that because that's what Steve tried to tell him before!! #antitonystark"
What actually Steve said: This job... We try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody, but, if we can't find a way to live with that, Next time... maybe nobody can be saved.
Peter is basically saying he can't live with the knowledge of not helping everyone, Steve is saying that they have to learn to live with it because it's better saving someone than not saving everyone.
While I think Steve is not an asshole and doesn't like when someone dies, I also think that Peter and Steve are not guided by the same morality. Steve accept the fact a lot of people die with his job, Peter and Tony don't. They can't accept the fact they cannot save everyone, they feel responsible for every damage they cause. That's why Tony had that look, because he related to Peter's words. That's literally the point of why he wanted the accords.
Tony blames him self and not just for Ultron. He blamed himself since IM1. When he said "I just finally know what I have to do, and i know in my heart that's it's right" and right before that he mentioned the soldiers who were killed by his weapons, even if it wasn't directly his fault. You can se the parallels between the two of them, they both blames themselves for everything.
Were the accords bad? Yes. Were they needed? Also, Yes. The idea of the accords was good because if I was one of the civilians like Zemo I would want them, and you cannot say otherwise if you were in their place.
So yes, I still think Peter would have been on Team Iron Man anyway because Peter would never turn his back on the civilians (He sacrifices his identity for them, he sacrificed his whole life for them). Even if he didn't like the accords, he would have accepted them and willed to change them. Peter and Tony have the same guilt, the same morale. Tony choose Peter because he saw himself in him, and Peter found comfort in Tony because he was the only one who understood him (Like confirmed in IW novelization).
Tony was the best person to mentor him.
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darkcrowprincess · 1 month
Controversial opinion:
Steve Rogers gets steadily worse and worse in character as the series of marvel movies progresses while Tony Stark gets good wonderful character growth. At first you feel for Steve being stuck in the future. But you get to a point like, "GET OVER IT MAN, YOU ARE IN THE FUTURE! MAKE CONNECTIONS, ENJOY THE FUTURE THAT YOU ARE IN. ITS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU. GET OVER IT ALREADY. HOLDING ONTO THE PAST LITERALLY DOES NOT HELP ANYTHING!" I say this as someone who loves Steve Rogers in the first few movies he was in. I'm not saying this just because I love Tony Stark (I was a stony shipper). But like the wasted potential man. He literally goes back to the past and uproots Peggy's life. Despite the type of consequences that could create(though I never have or will watch endgame).
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you!)
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sillyparker · 5 months
how much harder do you think the grieving process was for tony when he couldnt go back to the last place he was with peter? their last memories together ever trapped in a foreign planet that almost killed him to come back from, he had nothing to take back with him except the lack of life left in him. holding a funeral for him would have been unjust when frankly there was nothing of him, nobody who loved peter parker would be there because they were all gone, he had to face the grief of losing him alone, i cannot imagine how horribly heart breaking it would be to even witness somebody go through that
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theautisticcentre · 30 days
Your daily reminder that both Tony and Loki knew about Clint's secret family, but Tony blabbed about it in a government facility and ratted them out to said government, while Loki did nothing to them.
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inkandpaperqwerty · 1 month
It's been years since Civil War, but I still get rushes of Tony Rage in my veins every now and then. I wrote Flip-Phones and Slamming Doors to get most of that out of my blood way back when it happened (and it's almost at 2,000 kudos on AO3!) but every now and then, I just read it for cathartic purposes.
AO3 // fanfiction.net // wattpad
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flashnthunder · 8 months
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Antonio Garcia in Episode 4: Replacements
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hashileio · 1 year
Ok hear me out
Bittybones on these
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They have practiced a ton on them and are now playing in the big leagues.
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broadwayfan92 · 2 months
Characters who deserved better in IW and Endgame:
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I know we got Wandavision out of it, but they deserved better
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