#not SHIELD friendly
fairyfortalliance · 1 year
the imagery of no health regen…… wounded skin that doesn’t heal…. torn clothes….. burns…. scorch marks….. bite marks….. blood everywhere…… unraveling bandages…… oh…….
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stardustedknuckles · 3 months
The thunderstorm I was looking forward to falling asleep to has become a tornado warning and I am no longer having a good time.
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Shields and Bryony in MMNI after letting slip a wildly inappropriate joke, AKA:
History never repeats itself,
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Lasers and Quasers
But it very often rhymes
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From Russia With Gloves
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daily-dose-of-dousy · 2 years
daisy johnson and daniel sousa are happily in love.
that's it. that's the post.
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shokuto · 1 year
I honestly feel like Miles was gonna become the moral center of the Ultimate universe as he got older
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saw a post that was saying like. 'the emperor is as customizable as your tav' wrt to his morality, motivations, etc. and i'd really love to know the logic behind it. because this pt my character has been generally friendly since act 1, did not react negatively or violently to the reveal, and has been generally friendly since, recognizing the necessity of allyship - the only real thing is not unlocking any of the illithid powers, and pushing back against him when he did not want to help Minsc. but this.
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feels very manipulative in a way that i don't think can be spun as just my interpretation of the character. considering its also followed up by, as with every conversation after the reveal, saying I should unlock my illithid potential or whatever
though it was immediately followed by
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like you haven't been watching me go for wizard ass since act 1 my man
like i feel whether he's a horrible manipulator or unlikely hero is like. idk at best he's somewhere in the middle. he's an unlikely ally that would not have gotten this far without, but for someone so concerned about getting the player to trust him, he does a lot of untrusthworthy shit even after you know the truth. like come on man.
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techniiciian · 1 year
in modern verses matt has two service dogs. one is a pomeranian named mo & the other a doberman named iggy. matt got mo for as a gift to himself while iggy was gifted to him by han & luke. he loves them both very much & they are very good boys.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Okay so I'm reading a pjo dark fic, Percy falls into tartarus without Annabeth, standard fare, it's really good, so I start to wonder about the spheres of power of each of his travelling companions (Bob and Damascus (+drakon)). Obviously both of them met percabeth in canon, else I wouldn't bring it up.
And I think there's something to be said for Percy Jackson, half blood, to befriend the titan of mortality and the giant of peace.
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poke-poke-poke · 2 years
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friends :]
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chiptrillino · 2 years
Hi! I don’t suppose we could have a ref for the kinds of patterns you draw on fire nation clothes? Or maybe a ref for those clothes at all? Have a nice day :)
do you have an example?
But I have a strange feeling this ask is ment for ash-and-starlight.
Its been a while i drew fire nation clothes i think
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uquiz-database · 1 year
I am subjecting myself to the mortifying ordeal of being perceived because I worked on this uQuiz for a month and I think it would be a terrible waste not to have it seen.
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Elenor Wright the little human Girl that Gisela killed along with her father
There’s a theory that Glimmer is Elenor
ew no Glimmer was born to a rich family with some severe alcohol use problems and grew up under the thumb of an oppressive father and a non-existent, pretty much constantly wasted mother who both hated her to such an extent that she ran away from home at age eleven, buried her registry pendant in the dirt in front of her house in the middle of the night, and left for good, joined up with the Neverseen who saw that she was an eleven year old super powerful flasher and decided "we can use a perfect child soldier, right Gisela?" and Gisela was like HELL YEAH ANOTHER ONE! and then like, she got pulled into that, and they didn't treat her very well because they're all adults and they're all planning a war and a kid like Glimmer is gonna get in the way, no matter what, and even if really some of them are okay-ish people, just like how Hunter got treated by the Coven Heads in TOH, Glimmer got brushed aside and shoved away because she was a perfect little weapon used only when they needed her and it was better than how she grew up but only just, and she grew up in war and in battle, in experiment and in fire, and she's running away with Tam because it's the first time she's ever been told she could leave, the first time freedom has ever been offered, not demanded, its the first time she's allowed to leave the neverseen with their fire and their swearing and their death and their explosions, and she runs for her life and she winds up at Solreef and just kind of lives, for the first time in her life
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shadesofblades · 2 years
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"VAZA!" "Baatu! ... Do you pick up all your friends?"
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mxanigel · 2 years
I haven't been inspired to try a picrew in ages, so when I saw this one going around and immediately needed to see Neri in it, I had to jump on the chance.
Yeah, they look damn good. <3
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autismmydearwatson · 2 years
Co-actor: *claps me on the back affectionately*
My Useless Autistic Brain attempting to internalize every social rule: this is fine. This is normal physical touch even though I am significantly smaller than him and my shoulder feels numb. This is actually pleasant. He is expressing affection. He is saying "you are my coworker and I treat you like an equal even though you are younger and play a smaller part. Therefore I will express humor and companionship by aggressively slapping your shoulder"
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calmmyfears · 3 months
it's so ridiculous that politeness is a survival strategy I've mastered and I don't know how to stop being so overly polite all the time. people my age just don't talk the way I do, I feel like an alien most of the time.
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