everwizard · 1 year
Congrats on the land of the lustrous rot 🥳 it will never leave
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sofiaruelle · 2 years
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Elliot and his emotional support crab burning the midnight oil.
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ruanbaijie · 3 months
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MEET YOU AT THE BLOSSOM 花开有时颓靡无声 (2024) 1.01
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hildegardladyofbones · 3 months
One of the best things about Disco Elysium by far is that it does not fear ugly women. The world is full of ugly men, but ugly women are so hard to come by.
#I'm not calling the characters ugly btw#i don't believe any one can be ugly#i do not care for beauty standards and thus i don't rank people based on how “ugly” or “pretty” they are#but the characters in DE do not meet the conventional beauty standards and look like actual people with unique faces#and thus would be considered “ugly”#and that is so important to me. i go feral whenever media represents how people look like in real life and not how they look like in the#fictional parallel universe where everyone is a model and where a majority of the movies take place#because irl you don't have to be a model to be desirable#the most attractive man in any video game I've ever played has a receding hairline and a big nose and thick glasses and a small chin#and not only is representing realistic people. just good. in general. but it makes the character of Dolores Dei stand out so much more which#works for the game so well. she's barely human. she's a deity- a myth- a legend. the only version that exists of her now is the one with#glowing lungs. she's perfectly beautiful because she's inhuman. the fact that everybody else looks so human only highlights how inhuman she#has become yk?#if everyone was as conventionally attractive as her then she wouldn't stand out. we wouldn't get why she's so special.#disco elysium#disco elysium analysis#media analysis#beauty standards#this is only one aspect of how this game portrays real people btw. as someone interested in character design this just immediately stood out#to me#the first time i noticed it was when i first met garte and the second time was when i met ruby because neither are conventionally desirable#oh my fucking god the nerds who complain about a woman with a model face having body hair in a video game would perish if they played this#mainstream game/movie studios catering to western masses could never
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saltsig · 2 days
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Benbaros for @barschter000 ♡
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fbfh · 4 months
just woke up from a baby dream and I'm a sobbing wreck :) anyway Logan Huntzberger doesn't expect much from his future besides monetary success, partying, and a lot lot lot of sex. he definitley doesn't expect to look up one day and realize he's sharing a home, a life with someone. not only that, but he's the one that instigated it. he told you in college he didn't like you being around other guys. he stopped caring about the girls that he would go between, because now he just seems to care about you. everything else falls to the sidelines. so he comes back to his big fancy house after an important business meeting on the golf course, and he sees you there. some old sitcom is marathoning on tv, and you're wrapped up in fluffy blankets, hair up and out of your face. you look so cozy, so comfortable. you keep adjusting the blankets, fussing with them as you hum softly. he walks closer, overcome with a feeling of love and swelling pride and... paternal instinct he's never felt. your son Henry, just a month or two old is bundled on your arms. you look up at Logan and smile so warmly he could cry just from the look on your face when you see him.
"hi," you breathe softly. Henry's settled down, so you don't want to rile him up too much, but he's not all the way asleep.
"hey ace," he breaths, sitting next to you. he wraps you in his arms and kisses you, meeting forgotten as you both admire you baby boy together. you rub his tummy gently, soothingly, and Logan smooths his hair. it's short and fuzzy, and a little prickly. it makes him laugh softly. Henry is wearing the white and blue onesie Honor got for him at the baby shower. he makes a mental note to take some pictures to send her of him wearing it. the soft fabric of his polo shirt and the smell of his cologne mixed with the distinct remnants of golf course air is so comforting. he watches you admire your son, trace the shape of his cute little nose, copy the faces he makes, babble little noises at him. he watches you smooth his hair and help him get comfortable in your arms, watches you place your finger in his hand so he can hold onto it with that surprisingly strong baby death grip. Henry wiggles around, getting comfortable in your arms, and you kiss his forehead again. once you're sure that he's settled, not too warm and not too cold, comfortable and lying safely, you can finally relax. you rest your head on Logan's shoulder, closing your eyes and finally letting yourself relax and rest a little. you take in a big deep breath of his masculine scent, somehow both spicy and refreshing, and sigh. you're content. you're more than content, he realizes. you're happy. Logan... made you happy. he found out what you wanted and built you a life you want, a life he wants. it hits him like a ton of bricks in one overwhelming, amazing moment, and he soaks in the feeling, watching the way your sleeping babys face and yours mirror each other.
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rickety-goose · 2 years
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finally met (one of) the man that's been making my mutuals go wild
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loosingmoreletters · 1 year
Oooo for a prompt: Jiang Cheng raises a-Yuan thinking he’s actually Wei Wuxian’s biological child
Anon, you really said “I will cater to Letter’s interests” with this ask.
When Jiang Cheng finds the boy, he’s still grieving. He hasn’t stopped grieving since they received the first terrible news of Jin Zixuan’s demise. He grieves, he rages, he cries and carries on. A circle reminiscent of the schedule followed by a boy burned out by loss.
He grieves when he pulls a-Yuan from the ash. The child is barely breathing, malnourished too, wrapped in an adult’s cloak.
Wei Wuxian, he thinks, and presses the boy close to his neck, hides his face when he hurries down a troubled path where his most trusted disciples wait. They do not question him, they ask nothing at all but how quickly they need to return home.
Fast, is his reply. He’s seventeen again, running across the countryside on bloody feet to get his brother home. He saved Wei Wuxian then, he saves a-Yuan now.
The healer asks him how old the child is and Jiang Cheng has no answer for her. He’s so very small, sleeping off his fever under her care. She thinks he is around two, perhaps a little younger, but they have no way of knowing. Everyone who would, is dead.
Like the rest of Jiang Cheng’s family, all of them, but Jin Ling. His nephew is a healthy baby, chubby fat and dressed in only the softest of silks. He’s loud too, crying out for parents he doesn’t have anymore, in everything but this, the exact opposite of a-Yuan.
Jiang Cheng hadn’t questioned a-Yuan’s presence in the Burial Mounds the first time round, too caught up in all his other anger. Maybe he should’ve stopped fighting with his brother to ask. Why would Wei Wuxian give everything up for the Wen if the Wen wasn’t his?
The following weeks agree with him. A-Yuan grows into Wei Wuxian’s smile, no longer asks for the dead as his memories disappear. Jiang Cheng wonders if his brows resemble Wen Chao, Wen Qing or her brother, any of them. Jiang Cheng has no clear memory of them he cared to keep, but he knows Wei Wuxian, hears him in the way a-Yuan phrases his question.
He knows his brother’s child.
Perhaps the other parent doesn’t matter, maybe the story there is as sad and terrible as every other.
His sister and her husband are dead, his brother is gone, his nephews are orphans both.
Jiang Cheng is tired of losing family.
The clan registry burned when the Wen attacked them. Jiang Yanli painstakingly wrote a new one when they rebuilt. He stares at her handwriting as he adds a-Yuan’s name to it. No one will ever look at this document, see that his sister put Wei Wuxian down as their brother, see that Jiang Cheng never struck him from the books, that he adds his son.
The Yiling Patriarch is dead, his legacy is cruel and terrible and it perished in the Burial Mounds.
A-Yuan is here.
The maids call him Jiang-gongzi, Xiao Yuan, Yuan-er, and a hundred different little endearments they’re quick to adapt for Jin Ling too when Jiang Cheng is allowed to take him to Lotus Pier.
A-Yuan loves his little cousin, and maybe if Jiang Cheng raises them together like this from the start just right, they’ll never break apart.
Only a handful of disciples know just where Jiang Cheng picked his nephew up, everyone else believes him a deceased cousin’s son.
It is for the best.
There’s no place in the world for Wei Wuxian’s son after all, none at all, unless he remains Jiang Cheng’s nephew first.
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pyrepostings · 8 months
imagining a defiant interrogation whumpee who gets sick of saying "I'm not telling you" so they start going into what sounds initially to be them finally telling whumper what they want to know, but ends up being whumpee wasting time by just quoting a song.
#pyreprompts#whump prompt#I have a scene or two for Kevin specifically#'Why have I taken up arms against you you ask? Well#I was walking down by island bridge#Just rambling about- going as I please#That day was warm and there was such a gentle breeze#It was the month of April I believe#I strolled up by the monument then laid down in the grass#Then I heard a soldiers voice behind me. It said#Meet me at the pillar son meet me there at noon. I need you brave young Irishmen there's something we must do...#He said his name was Padraig Pearce and he just kept on calling me'#Meet me at the pillar is such a good song even if extremely call to action#But that's just been my vibe so youknow#Doesn't even have to be an interrogation really#'So what's with the red hair and green eyes combo? Isn't that a little on the nose for a fenian?'#'Well first off- it has been incredibly difficult to hide while trying to cross boarders you're right#Secondly that's just kinda what happens when you have a county cork mother and an ulsterman father.#It's just a horrid color problem I've been left with- this orange and green.'#I imagine Kevin specifically would take it as a challenge to 1. See how obscure a rebel song he can pull up and#2. See how long it takes for the other guy to notice not a word he is saying is actually true or relevant#The exact scenes I'm imaging are in a au idk if I'll ever actually post publicly#But I might write them as him messing around with Zander#I still need to post something with Zander maybe this will be it
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laurelnose · 1 year
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“Just what is it that runs in your veins, Jedao?”
“You’re welcome to cut me open to find out. Knife’s on my left hip if you forgot yours.”
“Oh, I intend to.”
spent most of my Sunday on @figuwhump day 12, which dovetailed really nicely with a couple of MoE thumbnails I was saving. ‘this looks like consensual kink, is this actually whump,’ you might be asking, and to that i say, with Kujen & Jedao it can be both
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We as a fandom talk a lot about loving or hating twink bill but I feel there's a bit of a lack of love towards uncanny valley bill, he could be twinky or a bear or just an old man I don't care I just wanna see a guy where you go "that's a human... Wait no the fuck it's not?????????" I want to see your bill cipher x The Stranger from the Magnus archives crossovers, I mean he already removes his skin COME ON GUYS HE'D BE PERFECT FOR IT
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mangokabuto · 8 months
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Some genderbend sketch before bed <3
(bonus below cut. I got carried away w/ usopp lmao)
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robinovas · 1 year
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my take on ismark and ireena :D
i start running CoS next week and i'm so excited !! i'm going to be drawing my own tokens for (most of) the major npcs because i'm insane so stay tuned
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guzhufuren · 2 months
Fans: will you collaborate with Lele again?
Du Le (Huaien's evil dad/Zongzheng Yuzhan’s actor): yes, i will
Du Le on a weibo live today 2.09.24
he also said that if he was the one promoting myatb he'd go ham and release a lot of stuff
tr. xiaoqiaoo_
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aurorangen · 10 months
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They put their differences aside as they both want Renee and Vincent to be happy. Then came the discussion of the case. Bryce knows Payton is not ready to share the full details, but he understands the situation better, feeling a lot of empathy for her. And now he knows who the Dad is.
Payton:…Bryce. Bryce: Payton. [The two make polite small talk]
Payton: I deeply regret what I did to hurt you. I know sorry won't change things, but I'm really sorry Bryce. [seeing Payton for the first time again changed Bryce's impression of her. Her body language, composure, speech. He could tell she means those words and she's like a different person now]
Bryce: Hey, I've moved on since then. I have a beautiful wife and kids. Let's not think about the past. Payton: Oh? But please, don't let my mistakes lose your trust in Vinny. He's nothing like that. Bryce: I was a shocked at first, to find you were- I won't let it effect them, our kids mean the world to us.
Bryce: [trying to be cautious] And I know you'd rather not talk about…his Dad. But the case- Payton: No it's fine. At least you should know some of the things that have happened. Bryce: [Payton talks and Bryce could see she's struggling to word everything or even start] Take your time.
Payton: [voice trembles] H-He needs to be dead, that would solve it all. But there's not enough evidence and they ended the case saying he's dead. If he's still alive…he c-could take my Vinny away. The things he could do to him again. Do to us both. My baby has gone through enough already.
Payton: Even during the case we went through hell. We lived everyday in fear, from knowing he could still be alive. Now I'm still so anxious, Vinny not as much. From the pestering media and reporters, our so called friends and neighbours…it took years for it all to die down and then it eventually took a toll on me-
Bryce: Payt do I know who he is? Payton: [deep sigh] I'm sorry Bryce. It's Ashton. Bryce: Oh that fucking basta-…sorry.
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thepoisonroom · 11 months
that post that's like "learning social skills helps with social anxiety" applies to dating also btw
#i guess they have a circular relationship because also going on lots of first dates was really trial by fire for me in learning lots lf#new social skills#meeting new people was never my strong suit and i was very afraid of it and would avoid it but like!#when i first tried going on first dates i learned a lot about how to meet people and met types of queer people i'd never met before#and actually it was good for me even though it was often weird and stressful#and it was a lower-stakes way to practice social skills that i otherwise would've just avoided using until they atrophied#anyway whenever i see a dating profile that's like 'i'm afraid of talking to women lol' i'm like ok relatable but what's your plan to learn#i think also just like it doesn't have to be through dating but it is good for you to meet other gay and trans people offline if possible#when i moved to wisconsin i only knew my coworkers who were mostly also twentysomethings who'd been hired straight from college#and it was good for me to meet and make friends with other local gay and trans people who were involved in different stuff#idk i just don't know how many more 'i'm obsessed with romance but scoff at the idea that i should do anything about that' posts i can read#like if i said i wanted to run a marathon but i never practiced running people would fairly be like okay that's prob not gonna happen#idk i know it's no skin off my nose i'm just like. if you never take any steps towards expressing your desires#how do you think they're going to just happen to you#personal nonsense
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