#norway au
scone-lover · 3 months
Pics from Undredal 🌧️
When I started my fic Northern Downpour, I wasn't intending it to be a magical AU that explored... well, all it does. Destiny, magic, vampirism, family. I really just wanted to put it in this beautiful setting that kept popping up on my browser home screen. I literally threw a pin at the southwestern fjordlands of Norway and picked Undredal based on the goats.
Anyway, fast forward a year or so and I actually visited Undredal, like some type of crazy person. A big joy in writing this fic for me was crafting descriptions of the gorgeous scenery. Getting to see it in person was nothing short of absolutely magical. I walked the paths I've described in the fic, visited the cafe, took a kayak out on the fjord, and even got chewed on by a goat. I wrote in my journal, "I feel dwarfed in majesty."
I updated the fic a bit for accuracy, and here are some new pics with the real life locations!
The original photojournal can be found here.
Thank you all for following along- I love you dearly ❤️
Like, is this real?!?!?!?
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More pictures below the cut.
the town
Simon's house No one was living there at the time so I didn't feel too stalkery lol. I was so enamored by this house, it's right at the edge of the main part of town and so charming.
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Sunset from Simon's balcony
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Simon's 30 second walk down the street
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Undredal probably looks like this for most of the fic, since it takes place in the dead of winter
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The real cafe!
The lighting situation in there is gorgeous, because norway.
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with this beautiful outdoor deck!
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In the fic I envisioned that bright blue building on the water as the cafe - it seemed like the right color :)
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The real cheese room!
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The stave church - so tiny
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Insane views from kayaking - it started raining and the whole town just kind of disappeared into the fog and it was so gorgeous
I came back feeling exactly like a wet rat. Baz core
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Oli captains one of these RIB tours lol
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The river ran gold, and all that
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You might recognize this shot from Twelve's art in chapter 12 :)
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Undredal from above
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Waffles with geitost!
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Fancy ferries that Simon mentions in a later chapter
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And here's Flåm from the water:
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Goodbye Undredal <3
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kleinzarohe · 3 months
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just finished reading the manga in one day😇
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statementofjoespookie · 4 months
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more drawings come soon... and perhaps more...
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eveistdiepommes · 25 days
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He’s like if a guy was Norwegian.
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rosethreeart · 1 month
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That punk Norway sketch made me remember the School of Punk AU so here's Arthur and Lukas sharing a bottle of stolen alcohol at the part after school lol
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i-am-a--lionheart · 2 months
At the End of Kalmar, nothing keeps Sweden around but Norway. As he asks him to leave the union, the words between them stay soft and gentle, but hearts are torn apart anyways.
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Alas: After literal years of writingblock, i produced a little tragic oneshot based on an rp of mine and commissioned @lumierew to do an illustration based on it.
It's SuNor, ofc. It's tragic, ofc, so it has mature themes, a lot of angst ♡ it's loosely historically set in 1520, before the start of Swedish War of Liberation and mentions the Treaty of Bergen of 1450 after the short lived War for Norway between Denmark and Sweden! Mentioned DenSuNor because how couldn't I.
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HWS Nordics as DnD Characters - Part 1
So uuh I've been thinking about the best boys as DnD characters for a while now soooo I drew them and did a character sheet for each of them!! (Den and Swe will be coming in part 2 pinky promise 🙏)
Part 2 (Den, Swe)
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For simplicity, I started them off on Level 1, hence no subclasses here. Also, there are def some things I need to work around, especially with the whole DnD Beyond thing, but I still hope y'all get the vibe I'm going for with these
✨ Their backstories, subclasses, and combat styles can be found under the cut ✨
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Race: High Elf Class: Druid Subclass: Circle of the Land Background: Outlander
Having lived a good portion of his childhood among the fjords, mountains, and trolls, Nor has always had a deep connection with the land around him. His friends would help him survive, connect to the land, and learn to harness the power within it. He let it power and inspire him throughout his life. When Nor was part of his unions, he would often escape to the land to feel connected to himself again, and this is where he drew his power and magic which he still uses today. He is a free spirit within his land, and he will never let anyone take that away from him again.
In combat, Nor mainly focuses on spells and has a preference for ice magic and thorns, and he is excellent at taking advantage of the terrain around him. He is also one of the designated healers for the Nordics, along with Swe. At close range can fight with clubs, maces, light swords, or axes.
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Race: Half-Wood Elf Class: Ranger and Rogue multiclass Subclasses: Gloomstalker / Assassin Background: Soldier
Fin has trained most of his life to be a warrior. Since his earliest days, he was tasked to defend the land and prevent any would-be invaders; it was his duty. But how could he with neighbours like these? He is small, and they are big, they are strong, and he is weak... but he is persistent. He will not let them win. For you see, Fin has some advantages: he is nimble and he lives in a land shrouded in forests and bogs. Thus, Fin became something else: not the strongest or the fastest or mightiest defender, but the most efficient, using his stealth and quick thinking to get any advantage he can.
In combat, Fin is focused on archery but is flexible and can jump into the front with dual-wielding weapons when needed. Is effective at any range: physically strong but even more nimble. He hides in the dark, ever watchful, striking at his enemies. He often forgets to cast Hunter's Mark.
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Race: Half-High Elf Class: Sorcerer Subclass: Storm Sorcerer Background: Hermit
Raised on a lonely island far from those he loves, surrounded by the raging oceans crashing upon his shores, the wind and rain shaping the docking and crashing of ships to his land, Ice has always been familiar with the winds and tides. Some even say that he came to being during a mighty storm, giving power to the tempest within that powers his natural abilities. Now, with his mastery over his inner storm, he tries to use his powers to safely guide ships, change the winds, and maybe even see more of the family and friends he longs to hold close.
In combat, Ice focused on lighting and ice spells, and still has some trouble controlling his fire-based spellcasting, but is working on it. Fights at a distance and can use Flight to maneuver around the battlefield for the best advantage. God help you if he attacks you from above.
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qhimberly · 3 months
I’ve been really into Dungeon Meshi lately so enjoy these drawings I’ve made of some of my favorite Hetalia characters in the DunMeshi world.
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Norway and Iceland - Elves who got sick of elven culture so they moved to the Island to be adventurers
Canada and America - Half tall-men, half-gnomes; Canada respects the spirits as friends and America asks them to blow up his enemies
Belarus - Tall-man cleric. Do not ask her to heal you, it will be painful
Switzerland and Liechtenstein - Half-foots who work the finance department of the Union that Chilchuck started (or something like that)
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kyl3gutz · 2 months
you ever get bored
so basically I drew GGST swap designs ^.^
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i have more for later ^.^ but for now this is what the people will get
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ifindus · 2 days
both Ireland and scotland having a crush on norway and fighting for his attention >>>>
yesss, Norway would be so awkward about it though. He doesn't like attention ✨
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ladybrainrot · 5 months
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Today I offer more Hannibal Dennor AU…. Just finished my second rewatch and couldn’t stop thinking about this scene
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that-other-blob · 6 months
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Redraw of an old nyo Norway drawing
I named her Sunniva
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divnydoodles · 6 months
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Frank (Revival) doodles—
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statementofjoespookie · 4 months
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continuing the hetalia streak... ghosts (het version)
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eveistdiepommes · 3 months
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REVERIE OF THE NORTH: We Were Tasked With Slaying the Demon Prince!
[Character Breakdown/Lore]
ROTN: We Were Tasked With Slaying the Demon Prince takes place in a medieval/fairytale/fantasy setting. Magic is ever present, beasts and creatures roam the forests, and while peace is happily maintained in the northern kingdoms, a new threat looms over the horizon. Word has spread of ferocious, terrifying armies of dark beings attacking kingdoms and leaving civilians fleeing their homes. The only kingdoms with enough time and resources to assemble a plan are the ones high up, the ones who haven’t been affected… yet. The Kingdoms of Frost, Shadows, Mystery, Isolation, and Life must band together and find the root of the issue. Good thing the princes from each kingdom are childhood best friends!
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Character Descriptions!
-> Tino! Prince from the Kingdom of Frost! But, he has the most sunny and cheery disposition. His warm nature is so strong, that’s why he rules the coldest area, as only he could melt the ice away (all according to Berwald!) He is very anxious, cautious when things go awry, maybe a bit fearful at times. He’s gentle, soft, on the shyer side (not as shy as Emil, no one is as shy as Emil) and generally a very positive energy! He can also be quite the fierce warrior! Never judge a book!
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-> Berwald! Prince from the Kingdom of Shadows! While they all live in the north and experience the darkness in some capacity, Berwald’s kingdom is the furthest north, bottom half connected to Tino’s. Berwald is silent, brooding, sturdy, strong. His face is unreadable to most. He is endearingly awkward, and somehow, his comedic timing is perfect, despite not trying or understanding when he says something funny… most times.
-> Berwald has had a crush on Tino since they’ve been kids. His love has never faltered, if anything, as he matured, it only got stronger. Tino very much reciprocates his feelings, but it’s one of those things where they don’t say anything in case they were just misreading each other (they never are and the other three are just waiting for them to do something about it before they take it into their chaotic hands)
-> Berwald asked Lukas to help him with transformation magic in order to transform himself into a weapon Tino could use. Berwald came upon a down Tino one night two months before the current story takes place. When asked what was wrong, Tino voiced that he didn’t feel strong enough to keep up with everyone. He was short, soft, his hands barely held callouses! He felt as if he was holding everyone back. Berwald grumbled lowly. He couldn’t stand that the strongest person he knew felt inferior just because of things like looks and perceptions. He wondered if he could do something to show Tino how he saw him, have Tino see himself through his eyes. Taking this extremely seriously, he began working on his transformation magic to become something useful for his dear Tino. He chose a sword, a weapon Tino is highly proficient with, to show him and the people around them how skillful and capable Tino truly is. He also made a vow of loyalty, meaning no one can use Berwald as a sword except for Tino. And this way, Berwald would always be by his side, looking out for him. Only recently did the magic stick and when the story starts, Tino does not know of Berwald’s new ability yet!
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-> Lukas! Prince from the Kingdom of Mystery! Lukas is an extremely talented sorcerer. His magic comes from his bloodline, the royals of his kingdom/his family members all have magic in some capacity. He was appointed as a fellow leader at 20 because of his powerful magic. This made him the youngest of the rulers from where he comes from! His specialty is nature and healing magic.
-> Lukas’ brother is Emil. Emil also has magic, very powerful magic just like his brother. But his magic is dark, forbidden, hence why he was given his own “kingdom.” A neighboring island, land that is part of the Kingdom of Mystery. Lukas visits his brother often despite being advised not to.
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-> Emil! Prince from the Kingdom of Isolation. Emil’s kingdom is small but mighty! He is quiet, avoidant, mostly locked in his castle to make sure he never reveals his magic to others. Spending most days indoors has led Emil to become incredibly creative. Not even the other princes know of his magic, despite their strong bonds. Only his brother Lukas knows. He is blunt, cold, but deep down, he is warm, fiery, and passionate. He is the youngest! (17, turning 18 soon) He gets embarrassed very easily!
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-> Matthias! Prince from the Kingdom of Life! Just like his people, Matthias is outgoing, boisterous, and incredibly resilient! He is full of jokes, sometimes at others’ expenses, but he generally means well! He can be pretty demanding or bossy, even arrogant, but sometimes his outlandish ideas turn out to be the best course of action in the end! Much like Tino, he is optimistic and smiley, but his warm disposition is much more vigorous, while Tino’s is calming and comforting.
-> Matthias became a leader of the Kingdom of Life after executing the prior royal family for their unjust actions and plans (with the other kingdoms’ armies by his side as backup.) The Kingdom of Life was once a tyrannical government, now it is under better management with Matthias as its head.
-> Matthias actually formed the plan for takeover with Lukas. Matthias was once a guard for the former royal family, but had grown up close to the other princes since they were the only ones who saw him for who he really was. One night, when he felt all hope was lost, Matthias ran into the forest aimlessly. Coincidentally, he ran into Lukas, who he spilled his troubles to. And Lukas decided then and there, Matthias’ situation called for some healing magic first and foremost. He used magic to rid Matthias of his physical burdens, transforming him into who he truly was, how the rest of the princes saw him, how he wanted to see himself. With that taken care of, the Mystery Prince assured Matthias they’d form a plan to stage a coup.
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Character Height Chart!
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Character Age Chart!
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Bonus! Pajamas!
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rosethreeart · 3 months
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Nordic Meisters :3
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