#normalness: explaining harumi
Making this a full post cause it deserves to be said:
TL:DR at bottom
A lot of the tumblr community is pro queer and progressive but why are they so violently against redemptions???
Seriously I’ve noticed a mind boggling amount of people who are dying on the hill that Harumi should rot in prison.
Do they even watch the same show?? Why are they dividing people into “evil” and “good” categories like that??? Ninjago has shown multiple times that people are complex and multi dimensional.
Flintlocke was just following the captain that he loved so much and trusted like a brother, Morro was consumed by a desperation to prove himself, Cyrus Borg hid the overlord virus from everyone, the dragon hunters were just scared by Iron Barons rule, The Ice Emperor was manipulated by Vex, Unagami was confused and angry by his abandonment, the Keepers were just doing their job, Ronin was trying to pay back his debt (and maybe support his family), Pythor used to be a power hungry jerk but being trapped in the tomb made him realize it meant nothing being a king or getting revenge, Garmadon before resurrection loved his son very dearly but was consumed by urges to destroy and infect others with his curse. And most importantly…
Lloyd was a spoiled brat child who wanted to hurt people and cause mayhem until Wu finally caught him. Yes he wasn’t a terrorist and was a kid but so was Harumi when she turned. They were the same age, around 10, when they were affected by the serpentine.
As well. All of the Harumi fans I know want Harumi to get a proper redemption. One where they pay for their crimes and feel horrible about what they’ve done. Where they’re forced to live in the real world and not some delusion that they created when they were young and angry. I want Harumi to cry and feel like shit for murder and terrorism. I really would hate if Roots was the end of her story and her redemption! She’s gotta show that she’s changed and is a different person in order to be fully redeemed in my eyes. I like a lot of others just want her to have a chance at redemption, not accept her as being redeemed immediately.
TL:DR: Ninjago has a plethora of people who start out evil but change and redeem themselves. So why is Harumi singled out? I believe Harumi hasn’t redeemed herself canonically yet and has to go through a lot of pain and growth before that can happen. But If anyone thinks that Harumi doesn’t deserve redemption then neither does Lloyd or Scales or Faith or Morro or Garmadon.
We can’t forget that in the could be canon Splinter in the Blind Man’s Eye story Lloyd claims that Morro gave him the most trauma, because he committed atrocities in his own body. He never even says he has nightmares about Harumi!! Which he has a lot of damn nightmares!
Lloyd was brought to the good side because Wu gave him a chance and believed that he was good, and Lloyd did the exact same to Harumi. “The best way to defeat your enemy, is to make them your friend”…
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pillowdrawz · 4 months
Ninjago Abaddon Au: Athena The Great Devourer?
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Also Lloyd can transform like Charlie in Hazbin hotel when angry.
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LLOYD IN MY AU AGE NORMALLY OKAY Okay I'll explain Like in this Au Kai Got his true potential BUT He didn't know why he just assume that he needs to let go of his pride and became his own Ninja and Save Lloyd They didn't know Lloyd is the Greenninja okay. SO Moving on Garmadon Still Defeated the Great devourer but They found Garmadon and has the golden weapons So After The Great Devourer got defeated (And AGAIN THE GREAT DEVOURER HAS A WEAK SPOT ON THE FOUR HEAD) A Tiny Egg was found by Lloyd and while at school yes he still goes to school at darkleys Him and Brad take care of it boom She hatched.
That was until they found out Athena keep growing and realize oh Shes like the Great devourer but don't worry she's good cause Lloyd and Brad raised her with love and care.
Idk about Harumi tho hehehehehe
.yes Greenflower is canon in My Au cause I said so. And also Geo x Cole and Jaya etc-
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angel-of-the-moons · 8 months
Kuai Liang/Harumi x fem reader who is really dense and doesn’t realize the two are attracted to her. So dense the two of them have to spell it out for her cause no amount of flirting is getting through her head.
sfw or nsfw I really don’t care.
NONNY I ACTUALLY LOVE THIS WE NEED SOME HARUMI CONTENT! Also enjoy my totally original and not punny at all title
Kuai Liang (Scorpion) x Harumi Shirai x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None, fluffy stuff, some flirting, reader being oblivious
A/N: Given that there's only a small tidbit of info on Harumi in Liu Kang's timeline, I'm going off of what little is mentioned in-game and on Wikipedia. Also deadass I want a mandarin duck so fucking bad.
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You weren't sure why you were born the way that you were. But when a man with glowing eyes showed up at your crappy little cabin in the mountains, saying he was a god? Yeah, only you would have that kind of interaction.
You didn't believe him until he displayed his powers with fire and explained to you that your powers were only a danger to you.
Yes, powers. You had something called pyromancy, you could summon flames or heat things with your very mind and hands.
So when this "Liu Kang" told you about a clan in Japan called the Shirai Ryu? And that they would welcome you with open arms? You were hesitant to accept.
On one hand, your powers were dangerous, and if you continued to slip up you'd wind up burning your own cabin down, cause a wildfire or... hurt someone. That last one was your greatest fear.
But on the other hand? You'd never even been outside Montana. And Liu Kang wanted you to fly across the world to friggin' Japan? The thought scared you shitless.
You gave him your word that you would think it over for two days. Liu Kang offered to bring someone to you to explain how the clan worked, and you accepted the offer. Perhaps hearing from someone from there would help your decision along.
Liu Kang returned in a ball of fire, alongside him was a woman dressed in a gold and crimson kimono, her long, silky black hair hanging down past her shoulders, twin katanas slung from her obi.
This was Harumi Shirai, for whom the clan was named. Her husband, the Grandmaster of their clan, Kuai Liang was indisposed with new recruits, as was his younger brother Tomas.
She stayed with you, explaining the nuances of their clan and how open-minded they were to your situation. They offered to allow you to bring your comforts (which were admittedly few. You were a bit of a recluse out of necessity due to your powers.) to their compound if you accepted.
She was a beautiful woman, and her words and voice put your nerves at ease.
Of course, two days later. You accepted.
You found yourself in a bit of a culture shock, certainly. But true to Harumi's word, the Shirai Ryu were accepting of you in a way you never anticipated. Training with Kuai Liang allowed you to feel... normal. You'd never felt normal a day in your life. It was nice, to feel so in-place where you always were an enigma before.
Harumi and Kuai were very warm to you (pun intended!) as time went on and your skills flourished. You weren't one for combat, but you excelled in using your powers for defensive stances. When Harumi began teaching you to use her katanas (such an honor) she and Kuai were proud and impressed you used your flames now so effortlessly to ignite the blades without melting it.
To congratulate your progress, they had a custom blade made for you. You were honored that they accepted you so wholly and you found yourself wondering if you truly wanted to return to rural Montana after learning of all of the wonders you'd been blind to before.
What you never really realized though, was that Harumi and Kuai would often take time to spend with you, speak with you about things not related to the clan or your training.
Kuai would ask about your life, your hobbies. When you admitted you liked flowers, he gifted you two potted spider lilies.
Their alien appearance immediately enamored you, as you'd never seen them before, their bright scarlet colors catching the eye and brightening up your room.
And of course, with Harumi... She would join you in the baths. In Japan it was fairly common of course, just not as traditional as what was built in the Shirai Ryu compound.
You were never one for insecurities and Harumi loved that about you. In the baths you would talk about anything that would come to mind, and she would often find herself drawn to your hair, of all things. She adored touching it and putting the shampoo and conditioners in it for you, and combing it out. The color and feel of it beneath her fingers quickly became a favorite.
But despite all of this you were completely, frustratingly and blissfully unaware that Harumi and Kuai Liang were in fact romantically interested in you. Their little gestures were so obvious, it even had Tomas facepalming when nobody was looking because of how painful it was to watch you not even recognize their obvious intent to court you.
It became a topic of hushed gossip and side-betting amongst the clan, wondering who would crack first, or when--if ever--you realized what they were doing.
"I swear... She's so sweet... but so dense!" Harumi laughed, the back of her hand over her forehead as she laid on their bed.
Kuai Liang shook his head with a smile as he undid his robes, leaving his torso bare as he looked at his wife. He shared her humorous exasperation with your oblivious nature, but still found it endearing.
Kuai knelt on the bed and leaned over Harumi, giving her a soft kiss to her lips as she sunk her fingers in his dark hair, tugging it free of its tie; allowing the dark strands to fall around his face as he smiled down at her.
"Perhaps it is time we drop the subtlety, my love." Kuai said softly, resting on his elbow as he looked down at Harumi.
"Do you think we should?" She hummed, trailing her knuckles across his jawline, reaching up with her fingertips to gently trace the scar going down his face.
"I don't see why not. Otherwise we will be performing this dance for some time." He grinned.
"Kuai, what if she isn't interested?" Harumi sighed sadly, her brows raising in concern.
"Then we respect her wishes and accept her friendship instead. I would be glad for her companionship either way." He said simply.
Harumi's beautiful, Cupid's bow lips curled into a smile.
"You're right. Either way, having her close is a blessing. One we will accept no matter the context. We can speak with her in the morning."
You were standing beneath the sakura and plum blossom trees surrounding the sizeable pond in the compound. It was your favorite spot to be because it had the least traffic and the small bridge going over it was perfect for watching the koi as they danced beneath the water.
But your favorite place to sit was beneath the trees near the shoreline. Due mostly in part to the small flock of Mandarin ducks that called the compound home, the little feathery critters took a shine to you, especially after you nursed one of their flock back to health when her poor little leg got broken.
That and, well. They knew you had grapes at the ready, plus a small container of oats you'd feed them out of your hand.
The Mandarin ducks were the most gorgeous you'd ever seen; the males' colors were like a silky orchestra of hues and cute little plumages that admittedly looked a tad silly, but still looked beautiful. The females were lacking in the colors the males had, but you adored their little spots and speckles.
Oftentimes, you'd wind up with one of the younger males cuddled comfortably in your lap, tucking himself under his wings to nap on the silk of your robes while you stroked his feathers.
And it was here that Harumi and Kuai Liang found you, sitting beneath the trees, blossoms that had been shaken loose by the breeze falling around you like a beautiful rain as you fed the ducks from your palm, laughing to yourself as their little bills tickled your hand.
They stood there, merely watching for a few moments until Kuai nudged Harumi on, and they slowly made their way to you as a young female duck hopped into your lap, trying to snitch some extra snacks from you.
Their footsteps were light, to avoid frightening your feathery little companions as they closed on you.
Harumi spoke your name softly and you looked up with an abashed smile. "Oh! I would get up, but..." You looked done at the female water fowl in your lap, as she snuggled down, her tail feathers wiggling contentedly.
Kuai couldn't help but chuckle as he and Harumi sat next to you. The little birds seemed so fond of you. It was cute.
He slowly reached out to try and pet the female in your lap, but she puffed up and made a rather angry noise that plainly said "back off", which made you and Harumi giggle.
"It would seem your charm does not work on all women, my love." Harumi smirked.
"Yes, yes, that is painfully obvious." Kuai replied with a smile, shaking his head as the duck turned back around in your lap, accepting your soothing pets to her feathers.
"Is something the matter?" You ask them curiously.
Harumi and Kuai Liang exchange a long, silent glance which slightly concerns you.
"Kuai and I discussed something last night." Harumi told you.
"And we both decided to ask you something." Kuai continues. "You understand the things we do for you? Not the training, but the smaller things."
"Like... My sword? And the flowers?" You say, your brows furrowing slowly.
"Yes." Harumi chuckles. "Do you understand why we did those things for you?"
You tilt your head. "To... be... nice?"
Harumi and Kuai chuckle together, grinning at one another at how sweetly oblivious you were. They look back at you and Kuai talks. "And you don't have any other inclination, dear? At all?"
Other inclination? What could--did he just call you dear? What could he be talking...
Your eyes get big and you cover your mouth in sheer horror, your face flushing in embarrassment as you awkwardly look away.
Harumi giggles and has to cover her mouth and cough to chase it away, Kuai Liang merely shakes his head and chuckles softly.
"We've been trying to court you. You're a wonderful person, an amazing woman." Harumi says, giving you a soft look. "We've both been rather... Smitten with you, as of late. We'd hoped you'd realize what our intentions were on your own, but..."
You cover your face and make an embarrassed squeak. "Oh, my god..."
"However." Kuai Liang said, holding his hands up. "We both agreed last night that if you do not reciprocate, we will still gladly accept your friendship."
Your hands drop and you look at them, the surprise evident on your face as you watch Harumi smile at you, her hand slipping into Kuai's.
"We hold nothing but respect for whatever decision you shall make." She told you.
You couldn't believe it. It just seemed so unreal..so unreal that these two amazingly strong, wonderful, beautiful people took a look at you and decided that they wanted you?
You. Of all the people they could possibly pick? A little country bumpkin from Montana?
You look down, petting your little duck friend as she contentedly snuggled you, a couple of her flock-mates snuggling your left thigh.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath.
"...I... I'm open to trying?" You finally say, giving them a shy smile.
Harumi and Kuai's tense postures dropped as they both smiled widely, and Harumi leaned in to kiss your cheek happily.
"We will do our best to prove everything we mean to you." She swears.
Kuai Liang moves towards you and leans in to do the same, his hand brushing your cheek. "We will do everything--"
He was cut off by the female duck in your lap turning around, her tail wiggling and her feathers fluffing up as she opens her mouth and makes more angry noises, making Kuai lean away from you before she is angered any further.
"Ah... The only woman you cannot charm!" Harumi teased as the two of you broke out laughing; whilst Kuai was still unable to give you the small display of affection his wife had given you, all because of the feathered menace that took residence in your comfy lap.
He merely glared at the offensive little bird in your lap as she snuggled back down, staring Kuai back right in the eye as if to say "try me".
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n3ptoonz · 9 months
mk1 dialogues with the earthrealm guys!
a/n: most of these are pre-made in my notes, i'm choosing the ones that are more broad rather than targeted towards my oc! i hope it's to your guy's liking!
some of these lines are flirtatious
reader being an assassin mentioned a few times
Johnny Cage:
you: you are the last man i would ever court.
johnny cage: sooo i have a chance
johnny cage: i'd be lying if i said i didn't wanna be dominated by a warrior
you: i think i'd rather just kill you instead
you: what does "finish me johnny" even mean?
johnny: ohoho, allow me to demonstrate, sweet thang
johnny: i don't think you realize how seriously i take competition
you: i can guess from how you almost cried when kung lao outsmarted you in poker three times
Kenshi Takahashi:
you: you ever been asked how many fingers was being held up?
kenshi: it seems you haven't met our world class comedian johnny cage
kenshi: you look like you have something to say.
you: i was just wondering how often you wash your blindfold
you: you make that blindfold work, takahashi
kenshi: though welcomed, flattery won't get me to go easy on you.
kenshi: i still can't believe there's billions of other timelines outside of this one.
you: believe it, i had to fight off a combo of you and scorpion, not pretty.
Kung Lao:
kung lao: don't you like...kill people for a living?
you: says the man with a hat that could easily slice through a crowd
kung lao: an assassin huh...you work for general shao?
you: i would rather gauge my eyes out with push pins
kung lao: i can see you staring at my dimples
you: i was actually looking at your pressure points, but whatever helps you sleep at night
you: normally i cheer you on, but im going to take you down this time
kung lao: hah, you are certainly welcome to try
raiden: is it so obvious...?
you: raiden, you literally smile ear to ear at the sound of kitana's name
you: "i am nervous" my ass
raiden: i'm glad you think so highly of me, but i really was!
raiden: loser has to pay the next check at madam bo's
you: i didn't know you had such money in your pockets, champion
you: what's with all the fine men wearing hats around this place?
raiden: i...wow, you've really managed to catch me off guard
bi-han: your flattery is not welcomed here.
you: aw, i was just getting started too
you: you said you think i'm so hot and cool and sexy?!
bi-han: [groans dramatically and tiredly]
bi-han: not surprised you're on the wrong side.
you: i dunno, something about not fucking with an evil sorcerer that could kebab me if i breathed wrong helped me make up my mind
you: so i'm assuming a double date with kuai and harumi is off the table
bi-han: i was considering it until you uttered that traitor's name.
you: where did "get over here" come from?
kuai: if i told you, i'd have to kill you.
kuai: how would you even like my hair if you've only seen it tied up?
you: i have a very sufficient imagination, kuai liang
you: ouch, that's one nasty scar
kuai: it gives me a story to tell my new clan, should they ever ask.
kuai: don't you dare say it...
you: ..."come here!"
tomas: is it true? you find me handsome?
you: what can i say, men in uniform have my heart
you: if i didn't know any better, i'd think you're flirting with me
tomas: well...uh...i'm not particularly good in this field...
tomas: your bravery knows no bounds, you really flirted with bi-han?!
you: ah...i may have shit my pants a little when he almost froze my head off the other day
you: johnny's right, you'd be great on the big screen
tomas: thats... thats really nice of you to say!
Liu Kang:
liu: before you ask, yes, it is possible you are also a keeper of time in another timeline.
you: now i wanna ask how many people bombarded with that question
you: so, what was i like in the last timeline?
liu: there's not enough time to explain, maybe after this. maybe.
liu: i would heavily advise against trying to court a god
you: what? me? trying to- you speak madness!
you: i have to know...was i styling in the previous timeline or no?
liu: not even i had the time think of things like this as a mortal.
a/n: this is an experiment post, hopefully this has reach cause i miss posting on here😭
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llannasvsp · 9 months
We always talk about the way Morro and Kai reacted to not being the Green Ninja. I live for those fanfics, textposts, edits, fanart, literally anything. However: as the resident Lloyd girlie / kin / whatever, I need to know how he feels and what he's thinking when people get obsessively jealous of his destiny.
Everyone sees the power and the glory that goes with the title. What they don't see is the pain, hardship, and loss that goes with it. The glory comes from destroying the people you love. The hardship happens because no matter what, it's never over. Evil will always re-manifest itself, meaning your destiny is never complete.
People like Kai (formerly) and Morro long for the title. But I can only imagine Lloyd hates it. Wishes he could change his life. Wishes he could just hand it on to someone else, but he knows he can't, because he is the only one who can take the burden of it. He wishes he could explain how horrible it is, but no one will ever see, because he keeps the darkness inside (I have a whole rabbit trail on this that I will probably talk about later).
"We never chose these mantles we hold." "I know. It's hard to live a normal life." - Harumi and Lloyd, Sons of Garmadon
I'm rambling about Lloyd again... but seriously. I want to know how he feels in these moments.
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• Lloyd's has "traffic light" eyes, starting out reddish brown until he gains his Golden Power, when they turn a golden brown color. After he is possessed by Morro, his eyes turn hazel green, slowly turning greener during the year Wu is gone (due to increased training with/using his Power). By the time the Sons of Garmadon show up, Lloyd's eyes are jade green.
• When Lloyd loses his Elemental Power after fighting Garmadon in S9, his eyes turn a dull brown color until he regains his Power.
• Lloyd's eyes are slitted like a cat's eyes and are highly reflective. When Lloyd gets really excited about something, his pupils expand (like a cat on the hunt)
• Lloyd's eyes actually glow a bit. When he uses his Elemental Power, his eyes glow brighter. If he uses his Power for too long or too much, his vision starts to "go green".
• When Lloyd gets super angry, his eyes take on a red tint.
• Lloyd has fangs! They're not as impressive as Garmadon's and are rather small, but they're sharp!
• When Lloyd gets really upset or angry, the lights start flickering due to his Power reacting to his emotions.
• One time, he got so upset that he he accidentally blew up half the power lines on the block + all the lightbulbs in the building.
• Garmadon's blood is dark purple. Similarly, Lloyd's blood is darker and slightly more purple than human blood.
• Morro cut Lloyd's wrists to keep him weak, which made him easier to control.
• Morro did this so much that it became a habit for Lloyd, even after Morro left.
• Kai found out about this habit one night when he went to the kitchen for a glass of water and found Lloyd trying to bandage himself with one hand. Kai -- freaked out by the sight of Lloyd's blood -- had frantically tried to find Lloyd's attacker before Lloyd stopped him. When Kai asked what had happened, Lloyd began to explain but got emotional. Kai helped Lloyd bandage his arm and clean up, then offered to talk about it.
• Kai told Nya (naturally), and now every time they find Lloyd even hinting at having cut/thinking about cutting, the siblings drop everything and immediately initiate a cuddle session.
• The cutting got worse after the Harumi Incident and The March of the Oni. One especially bad night, Lloyd accidentally cut too deep and just barely managed to wake up Kai before he collapsed from blood loss. Kai had called for help, waking up the entire team. Once Lloyd woke up, Kai and Nya made him tell the rest of the team what had happened.
• Now, the whole team helps support Lloyd on his bad days. Zane bakes cookies, Cole and Jay play harmless pranks to make Lloyd laugh, Nya makes sure Lloyd has taken care of himself, and Kai puts on Lloyd's favorite movies; even Pixal helps by keeping Lloyd distracted building mechs!
• Kai, Lloyd, and Nya are the RGB Siblings and nothing can change that.
• Lloyd loves it when they play with his hair. It's very soothing for him, and he sometimes falls asleep while they do this. Kai and Nya know how much Lloyd loves it, and they play with his hair whenever they can.
• Cuddle sessions with the RGB Siblings are the best. Kai and Nya put Lloyd in the middle, with them curled around him on the sides. The siblings talk about their day, playing with each other’s hair. They usually fall asleep like that, with Kai falling asleep last. Kai likes to make sure his little brother and sister are asleep and warm before letting himself fall asleep.
• Kai and Nya are fashion icons. They have taught Lloyd their ways. No one is safe.
• Cole actually looks more like his mom than his dad, but it comes across in a masculine way. Cole's dad is a tiny Italian man, so Cole must have gotten his frame and coloring from his mom.
• Cole is colorblind!
• Cole is Black/Italian, Jay is White, Zane is either very pale White or Black in his "human mode" (he's normally White, but for his Snake Jaguar disguise, he was Black), Kai and Nya are Hispanic/Filipino, and Lloyd's human side is of European descent.
• Jay and Lloyd are the Meme Team
• Cole had no idea that his mom was the previous Elemental Master of Earth until Master of the Mountain
• Zane secretly remembers his time as the Ice Emperor. He fights to keep up his cheery, innocent front, but he worries that he might slip. He fears that he could hurt someone if the Ice Emperor returned.
• After thinking long and hard, Zane gave Pixal and Lloyd a copy of his shutdown code. He told them it was "just in case", with no further explanation given.
• Nya relies more on her strength than her powers, so she's thicker and stronger. Lloyd is younger and relies more on his powers than his strength, so he's skinnier and smaller.
• Sleeping
• Lloyd: Almost always sleeps flat on his back in what Kai calls "soldier mode". This is due to his strict training at Darkley's. He stays that way until morning, even when having nightmares. As he gets older, though, he sleeps in a more relaxed position, and grows to be a more restless sleeper. Lloyd is the fastest waker, being on his feet even before Zane (also due to Darkley's training + pranks).
• Zane: Zane "sleeps" either on his side or on his stomach. He doesn't sleep like a human would, instead slowing most of his systems to conserve energy. He takes exactly 10 seconds to wake up, without fail. He likes to "sleep" near Pixal. He also "sleeps" less than a human would.
• Kai: Typically the last to fall asleep, Kai is a fairly heavy sleeper. He likes to cuddle with Lloyd and Nya. Kai sleeps however feels most comfortable at the time.
• Nya: The most restless sleeper. She wakes up at weird times and can't get back to sleep. She cuddles with Lloyd and Kai.
• Cole: Cole is the heaviest sleeper, and it often takes several tries to wake him up. Typically sleeps star-fished or on his side, and sleeps the longest.
• Jay: Always sleeps hugging a pillow, without fail. Fairly restless, sometimes sleeptalks or sleepwalks.
• Pixal: Likes to "sleep" hugging Zane. Her wake up time is slower than Zane's at 15 seconds, and she typically "sleeps" longer than Zane.
• Wu: Who knows if he sleeps, tbh
• Garmadon: He snores, and typically sleeps with his eyes open(?) Even as Sensei G, he sleeps the least compared to everyone else on the team.
• Echo is still out there, waiting for someone to find him
• Lloyd died when that part of the Monastery fell on him after the Oni attacked, but FSM let him choose to go back
• Zane is the tallest, then Cole, Kai and Nya (they're the same height), Jay, and Lloyd is the shortest.
• Aging is different for Elemental Masters, and each Master ages differently than the others. This is why Wu looks really old, Garmadon looks old but not as old as Wu (even though he's older), and Maya and Ray look the same age as they did in the memories (Maya perhaps looks younger than she used to!) This may also explain why Lloyd appears to be 13-18 years old, but Misako is like 60 with a full head of grey hair. He just ages slower (?)
• Speaking of ages, Lloyd isn't really sure when his birthday is or how old he is. It's not his fault, he just wasn't told.
• His first birthday party was a huge surprise for him (and for everyone else). It all started mid-September, when Lloyd was sent on a week-long solo mission by Wu and Misako. Once he had left, Misako asked the others what they were getting for his birthday. Everyone was so confused, having had no idea that his birthday even existed. Misako explained that Lloyd's birthday was on September 22nd, then asked if Lloyd hadn't told them. Kai said that Lloyd didn't know. Everyone rushed to buy presents, hoping to make it the best first birthday ever. When Lloyd got back, the team threw him a surprise birthday party.
• Kai made him a pocketknife -- a Smith family tradition!
• When Zane gets too emotional, he can short-circuit. One time Jay scared him and he freaked out then dropped like a stone.
• The Ninja's favorite activity to do together is laser tag. They all have equal skill at laser tag, and they can't break anything. They try to go as much as they can.
• Wu has a pic of the Ninja passed out on each other on the couch of the Bounty after the Final Battle (before Rebooted). It's a really cute picture, and Wu plans on framing it and giving it to Lloyd when he officially becomes a Master Sensei, to remind him of how far he and his team has come.
• Lloyd just really likes space. Some nights, if he can't get to sleep, he sneaks out and stargazes from the tallest thing he can climb. Others may or may not join him to talk about life.
• Zane and Cole are the "parents", Kai is the "big brother"
• Lloyd (still) calls dragons "dregons"
• Kai sometimes thinks of Lloyd as his kid. He always denies it.
• Lloyd's favorite food in any universe is dumplings!
• Lloyd purrs in his sleep sometimes. It fascinates his siblings. His purring sounds like a tiny motorbike.
• Lloyd knows how to sew. He stitched the lettering on the S8 gis himself.
• No one really knows how or when he learned how to sew. Some say he learned it at Darkley's, but he ties his knots like Zane.
• He actually taught himself by watching others for functionality, then learned how to use it for art from Cole.
• Zane is secretly a fashion icon, but he still dresses like an old man half the time. He doesn't want to overshadow the iconic RGB Siblings.
• Example of Icon Zane: "You don't need a rebreather." "Yes, I know, but I like how it completes my outfit😁"
• "Zane, you're a nindroid. You have infrared sensors. You have night vision. Why are you wearing glasses?" "I enjoy the aesthetic."
• Pixane stuff!
• They absolutely adore each other
• When Zane got back from the Never Realm, it was hard for Pixal to let Zane out of her sight for a while
• They love to go on dates, especially to cafés during rain/snow storms. They enjoy the aesthetic.
• Since Zane gave Pixal half of his heart, they sort of feel what the other is feeling. This is usually limited to extremes, and doesn't usually cross realms. This link persists even after the two get new bodies after defeating the Overlord and getting scrapped.
• Lloyd was extremely touch-starved from Darkley's. During the first few seasons, Lloyd had to learn how to react to physical affection without breaking down into a clingy mess of tears
• Remember the Uncanny Valley Effect? Yeah, people get that about Lloyd. There's just something about him that feels off. People can instinctively tell that he's not completely human, even if they don't realize that. The same goes for Wu and Garmadon.
• Fav tea flavors (cus I want to)
• Cole: Something about the man screams orange spice tea.
• Lloyd: I think the whole fandom can agree that his favorite tea is peppermint tea. Adds an excessive amount of sugar.
• Kai: Whatever that smoke-flavored one is. Jinsung? I think? He really only drinks it rarely (re: more of a coffee person).
• Nya: Black tea, if any. She drinks it without anything added, no ifs ands or buts.
• Jay: Lemon or ginger tea.
• Zane: Honestly, he feels like a chamomile tea type of guy.
• Wu: Team chamomile as well. Definitely an herbal type.
• Garmadon: Black tea with tons of sugar. Doesn't even make it into a drink, just swallows the tea bag whole and dumps a few tablespoons of sugar down his throat for good measure. Mostly does it to get a reaction out of Kai others and to make Lloyd laugh.
• Pixal: Tea? What is this tea? She only knows the bitter truth of cold black coffee.
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fiberturkey89 · 28 days
So I have no idea why this came to mind, but this is what I had in mind if I wanted to tackle Zane post s11 and during s12 if I rewrote Prime Empire- my AU n shit ig?? Dunno, im rambling.
Imagine a Zane post Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu where he was struggling to really figure out his identity after his time spent as the Ice Emporer.. before the events of Prime Empire and during..
It begins with him being unable to sleep; of him being hyper aware of how the temperature drops slightly below the normal and the sun departs to allow the moon to take its place above Ninjago with its pale blue/white light. He gets flashbacks to the blizzards every time he sees a night cloud cover the orb of light.
His breathing quickens, and he feels alone again. Even with his family nearby sleeping soundly. Of his other half who's silently standing behind him with concern in her gaze because she can't understand.
He gets flashbacks to the screams, the roars and shrieks he created when he attacked the Yeti's at the peaks every time he's taken to Jamanakai for a quick shopping trip. The crunch of snow below his feet causes him to flinch as if he's been struck. His hands clench, and because of him being upset, the temperature drops, which causes him to spiral without Pixal to reign him in.
He can't visit Jamanaki anymore.
He can't look at Lloyd longer than a minute before hurting inside at how there's frostburn imprints on his brothers throat, shoulders, and chest. Lloyd tries every day to approach him and explain that it wasn't his fault - trying to tell him that it wasn't his fault, but Zane shuts him out because of how Vex would coercer him into comitting unspeakable thanks against the peoples of the Never Realm. Whispering, offering reassurances, and pointing out possible threats to the Ice Emporer- HIM.
He can't train at all, with his brothers or his sisters. He can't bear to train with Pixal either. Worried that he'll get lost in the violence that was himself in the Never Realm.
Not even Wu can break through to him.
Snow has remained dormant within, every time he considers summoning his companion - his familiar.. he can't help but see the ghost of Boreal whenever his spirit flies. The other animals belonging to the Ninja miss their winged friend, too, but can't do anything to help.
Zane's just stuck in this constant loop of uncertainty of what to trust, WHO to trust. Because he doesn't trust himself, and Pixal can only do so much to provide comfort.
So imagine his sheer panic of if Unagami had reached out somehow - someway and had dragged Zane into Prime Empire?
Imagine the fear of seeing Mr. E- his BROTHER. Echo Zane, part of the group assigned to hunt him down as an avatar of the real thing because Unagami can access his memories. His deepest fears. His worst enemies. His younger brother being one of them because Echo Zane, too, had been built to protect.. yet turned his back on it because of fate and Dr. Juliens deteriorating memory, and because.. of Zane himself unintentionally.
Zane was afraid of his younger brother. He followed orders to a T- he fought with the intent to kill. He was friends with Harumi.
Zane was afraid of becoming like the violent side of Echo Zane.
On the other side of the spectrum- he would encounter avatar! Cryptor, a Nindroid, just like himself, but in every way his opposite, too. Whereas Zane was human, Cryptor accepted that he was a machine. He taunted Zane for his age, for his ability to sympathize with beings that could die. His inability to be WEAK. Perfect in comparison to Zane's broken state. In his view- Zane saw Cryptor as somebody who knew what they were.
A souless monster.
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averygayplant · 1 year
You ever think about how, like,
themes of abandonment and found family and breaking cycles and loss and grief and realizing that having emotions is okay and that bettering yourself as a person upon realizing than you're more than your generational trauma and just overall that learning and growing from past mistakes is normal just...
Run rampant, in Ninjago?
Cuz like,
I sure fucking do-
Lloyd is the obvious example, right? He tried to continue Garmadon's legacy as an evil and deeply feared dark prince of pure evil and it just didn't work out. Instead, he broke that cycle. He created a place for himself in a dysfunctional family of other runaways and orphans and ambitious children who set out to be more than they were told they could be, found a strange team of people who all cared in their own unique ways, and ended up being exactly the opposite of everything he thought he was destined to be
Which comes with it's own problems. Cut to later, closer to the end of the series, and by then you've gotten to a point where most, if not all of Lloyd's traumas are from misdirected anger and violence, actions based in blind rage and seeking vengeance as closure. Lloyd's worst fear is being just like his dad, but... that's not quite it, is it? He's afraid of anger and how it consumes people, afraid of how easily it blinds others. He's afraid of allowing himself to feel anger because he doesn't want to be like everyone he's ever been forced to deal with on that level, and it ties into how seasons 9 and 16 both resolved.
But that.
That's just Lloyd briefly summarized.
It continues.
Zane is another good example. He had no idea who he was for a good long time, and yet he too found a new home for himself among others who seemed just as aimless, had Wu not come along and offered them his training. Even when he did find out, the others just suddenly had a lot of context to the weird things he would do and moved the fuck on, like, that fast. So fucking fast. It wasn't an issue.
But let me stop you right there.
It was usually used in gags, but it's emphasis repeatedly that Zane's primary objective is and always has been to protect others.
Translation: He was built and programmed to have a savoir complex UNRIVALED, and that makes itself PRETTY DAMN APPARENT, PRETTY DAMN FAST. Like, do I even need to give you examples? Zane actively puts himself in harms way SO OFTEN that he literally, no shit, HAS A REOCCURRING THEME THAT SIGNALS GREAT HARM HAS BEFALLEN HIM.
It's never said directly, but Zane puts himself into a lot of dangerous situations under the logic that it's better him than anyone else, his skin is made of metal and thus he's harmed the least. Which is. So bad. Like, I really hope I don't have to explain how bad that is, because wow.
This never really goes away, but he does get a lot better at thinking about the risk certain actions pose to himself. Just based on his actions during early crystallized, he now prioritizes the well being of his family above all else- even with his emotions turned so low that he's effectively only capable of taking the most logical of approaches. Breaking into the high security cell to release one of the highest priority villains of the city? That has no rhyme or reason, nor does it ensure the safety of the city- it actively endangers it.
And yet.
He does it anyway. Because of Nya.
Zane is fucking built different bro. Literally.
Oh, I'm sorry, did you think I was done?
...I mean, I am done, I'm tired and it's late and I have shit to do in the morning, but I could go on. I could. Cole and Harumi and Kai and pretty much everyone are sweating in their fucking boots right now.
I probably will.
...Later, when I have more time.
Basically, Ninjago is a fucking masterpiece and should really sacrifice their PG rating to explore some of these topics a touch better because DAMN THERE'S POTENTIAL HERE
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Day 19: Hyperemesis Gravidarum
For Hanzo.
Kuai Liang sighed. He summoned as much strength as he could, reached up, and flushed the toilet.
For Hanzo. He deserves…
His stomach lurched as he pushed himself away. Smelling the thick bile was hard enough. If he had to see it go down, he wouldn’t be able to eat for the rest of the week.
Kuai Liang pushed himself back until he hit the wall, then rested against the cool tile. It felt so nice against his clammy skin. It felt so nice to rest. He only needed a moment. His throat was sore, his stomach felt watery and he was so tired.
He was so tired.
When he opened his eyes, he did feel a bit better. It was dark in the bathroom and there was a blanket over him.
Kuai Liang removed the blanket and slowly rose. The room was saturated with his Alpha’s pheromones. While that usually soothed Kuai Liang, right now, it made him unsettled. Anxious. Dizzy.
He just needed to get to bed. As apprehensive as he still felt about sleeping in a bed, he knew that if Hanzo found him sleeping outside of the bed, he wouldn’t let it go. Kuai Liang felt like enough of a problem already.
He entered their bedroom, where the smell of Hanzo only grew stronger, a bouquet of strength and tenderness and warmth and…
Too much. Too many different smells, making his stomach lurch.
“My treasure.” Hanzo’s voice was a heavy murmur as his arms came around Kuai Liang, guiding him to their bed.
Almost. He should have known. Hanzo’s omnipresence was something he'd never escape, now that they were bound together through a bite.
And this thing inside him.
“I am fine,” Kuai Liang insisted hoarsely. His throat ached with every vibration of his vocal cords and his stomach begged him to stop talking.
Hanzo’s frown deepened. “Yes, I know.”
He sat on the bed, easing Kuai Liang next to him. “I know that you can forgo eating for quite a long time. My concern is for our child.”
He pulled Kuai Liang’s face against his neck. “How long has this been going on?”
“A few days.”
“Kuai Liang.”
“If you know the answers, why do you patronize me with your questions?” The cryomancer asked, standing.
He wanted to be on the bed. Every day that he spent… like this… made him give in more and more to his desire to just be somewhere warm and soft.
But not in front of Hanzo. He was worried enough about this child. Kuai Liang could handle himself. He wouldn’t add to his Alpha’s troubles.
“I can prepare some tea,” Hanzo offered.
His brow furrowed in concern as Kuai Liang turned with his hand over his mouth. “Or perhaps we should retire for the evening.”
“Yes,” Kuai Liang agreed, fighting the heartburn crawling up his chest.
He clutched his throat and gave a low sigh. There was nothing in his stomach, but he couldn’t risk getting sick in bed. As comfortable as it looked… it wasn’t worth it. No one would bother him on the floor.
He touched the duvet. When he slept on the floor, he didn’t deserve to have such nice bedding. But there was a pull in his body. An itch at the thought of not having it that was irritating and confusing. He didn’t belong in the bed but Hanzo’s child deserved some comfort.
Hanzo watched Kuai Liang’s fingers move across the duvet. He needed sleep. He needed to eat, but the sour scent that clung to him explained why he didn’t bother. Hanzo could see his mind working. Kuai Liang was his Omega. His pregnant Omega, no matter how uncomfortable the adage made him feel. The only thing a pregnant Omega should concern themselves with was their child.
The sickness Kuai Liang was struggling with had gone on for weeks now. Chiyoko warned them of morning sickness but he was feeling ill at all times of day. His body was going into overdrive, trying to mask the acidity of his scent with a cloying perfume that got the attention of every Alpha he passed.
The looks told Hanzo that it wasn’t normal. He wasn’t allowed to be near Harumi during her pregnancy, though he obsessed over every stray whiff of her that he caught. He didn’t know much but he knew that his wife loved being pregnant. Kuai Liang refused to even say the word.
Another curse put on him by yet another Alpha.
Enough. Hanzo finally tore the duvet off the bed and tossed their pillows and sheets to the floor. Kuai Liang watched, though the bitter ash of anger was weakly emitting through his pheromones.
“It is fine if you wish to sleep here but only on the condition that you nest first,” he insisted.
Relief touched the cryomancer’s shoulders as he lowered his crossed arms and took a pillow. His nesting still left much to be desired but Hanzo waited patiently as he established the area and set to work. His nest was large and empty, bare in some spots, overflowing with poorly folded sheets in others. He looked at Hanzo expectantly, yet another thing the Alpha was getting used to.
Nesting was an Omega thing. An Alpha’s approval in the matter should mean nothing to them.
“It’s perfect, my treasure.” Hanzo answered with admiration and love, as he always did. “May I enter?”
Kuai Liang nodded, as he always did, and allowed Hanzo to embrace him. “Thank you.”
“Thank you for building it for us.” He wasn’t sure if his Omega heard him; he was falling against Hanzo far too easily. He pulled Kuai Liang closer and eased them into a more comfortable position.
Getting him to eat would be his next task. But for now, rest would do them both good.
Hanzo fell asleep to the drone of Kuai Liang purring against his chest, but it wasn’t long before the feeling was gone and the sound was replaced by a heavy coughing fit.
He opened his eyes and saw his Omega sitting up, doubled over with his hand over his mouth.
“Shh, shh, come,” Hanzo whispered. He tried to pull Kuai Liang along but he refused to budge. He thought for a moment, then pushed the coughing man down on his left side and rubbed his back. “This is your nest. You are safe here. If you need to make a mess here, it's fine.”
He waited for Kuai Liang to recover from the dry heaving before getting a damp washcloth and wiping his face and his mouth. The washcloth felt amazing and the opportunity to rinse out his mouth was one he hadn’t thought to take.
“Thank you,” he rasped.
“You're so ill that there is nothing to expel,” Hanzo sighed. “When was your last meal?”
Kuai Liang had no intention of answering that question. But then Hanzo pulled his head against his chest and started stroking his hair and he felt such relief that he would have confessed anything to keep it going. “I– I had a glass of milk some time ago…”
He wondered if Hanzo always smelled this good, if his pheromones were always so warm and enticing. He grabbed Hanzo’s waist and pulled him so close that he could barely breathe. Hanzo was his air. His pheromones were all the food Kuai Liang needed.
It had been so long since he felt such peace. He wondered why he ran from this.
Hanzo sighed again and kept stroking his Omega’s hair. Kuai Liang’s purr was almost deafening and it was lulling his Alpha into a sinking slumber. If this was how his family needed to rest, Hanzo would facilitate it.
For now.
The sun invaded the nest and forced Kuai Liang to open his eyes. The canopy was too thin, he realized.
He wasn’t surprised that Hanzo wasn't there, but it didn't make the hollowness of sudden solitude any easier. He rolled over, preparing to stand.
But the entire room rolled with him.
But as quickly as the nausea came, it dissipated. And he smelled something new.
Something light. Sweet. Marshmallows? He immediately purred and heard a chuckle over him as someone rubbed his back and continued flooding him with these safe, sweet pheromones.
“You have hyperemesis, my dear. Likely hyperemesis gravidarum,” came the whisper of a familiar voice. “Hanzo told me that you can barely move without feeling sick. We just need to get you hydrated…”
Hanzo’s pheromones made him feel sick but Chiyoko’s were filling his body with simple joy and awarmth. A small smile. Short hair. He was small and she was so warm…
“You… smell…”
“I hope it is a comfort to you,” She said softly. “You and the beautiful child we’re all waiting to meet.”
“It’s… killing me…” he murmured.
“I’m sure it feels that way,” she said, helping him stand. “But I know you are much stronger than you credit yourself for.”
“My strength… is in fighting. Killing,”
“Your view of yourself will change once your little one opens their eyes and sees you for the first time.”
He didn't argue with her as she led him out of their room. Nothing that carried his cursed bloodline could be good. The very thought brought his stomach to his throat.
“You will recover.”
Kuai Liang looked up and saw Hanzo, as fierce, determined, and confident as ever. “And our family will be complete.”
Despite himself, Kuai Liang smiled. It was a dangerous thought, but one that settled his stomach at least for the moment.
My family will be complete.
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daydreamingfangirl247 · 6 months
Healing Wounds
A/N: Shout out to @dinainsun who posted this idea and I couldn't help but run with it!! This is PURELY platonic angst that fades to a happier ending for the Lin Kuei Bros!!! Let me know what you guys think!!!!!!
Titan!Bi-Han x Current-timeline!KuaiLiang
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Another War. Just what he needed. As if mentally prepping for a war with Bi-Han's betrayal wasn't enough. As all of the many various versions of Liu Kang's champions, and many others surrounded him he felt an immense heaviness in his heart. Bi-Han was supposed to be there with him and Tomas. However, this feeling would have to wait.
"Kuai Liang? Tomas?" a familiar voice rings out behind him and he freezes as if he had ice flushed into his body. He turns around to see something completely unexpected. Confusion filled Kuai Liang's features as he stared at his brother... at least by looks. His robes were different from Bi-Han's normal grandmaster attire yet, it seemed so fitting. His eyes were not as cold, instead, they held a warmth he only saw in Bi-Han when they were younger.
"Bi-Han?" Tomas' voice rang out snapping Kuai Liang out of his trance.
"How is this possible?" The Bi-Han in front of him questions, stepping forward and Tomas takes a defensive stance, Kuai doesn't move an inch.
"Are you here to help us?" Kuai Liang questions, praying to the Elder Gods that this wasn't a regurgitation of the betrayal he just dealt with.
"Yes. Lord Liu Kang asked me to join you all in battle. " He calmly responds. "My apologies for startling you both. I couldn't believe my eyes, seeing that I lost my Kuai Liang and Tomas." He explains. Kuai Liang and Tomas visibly relax and yet keep their guard up.
"Well, we are honored you joined us," Tomas says and they all bow to each other.
"Thank you, Tomas." The alter Bi-Han says. As they all come close to each other the next action shocks Kuai to his core. "Who did this to you brother?" Alter Bi-Han questions slowly reaching toward him. slowly backing away from the touch Kuai looks at him wide-eyed. He wasn't trained for this, Nor was he used to Bi-Han being so gentle.
"You did. Well in my timeline, my brother did right as he betrayed us to join with those we face now." Kuai Liang explains slowly gauging for a reaction from the familiar-looking stranger. Alter Bi-Han slowly pauses short of touching Kuai Liang, almost as if he was electrocuted.
"I'm so sorry that has happened to you." He apologizes, eyes filling with sadness. "I swear I will help your cause and hopefully by the end of this, your Bi-Han will change his ways. Kuai could only nod. He knew not how to handle such emotions. He knew however that he would get through it. Despite how it direly affected how he felt.
“IT IS TIME!” Liu Kang’s voice rang out and all of their attention went to the current battle ahead of them. 
~A good bit later…
The battle had been won. Everyone had been returned to their timelines and life had moved on. Somewhat at least. As Kuai and Tomas began to rebuild and create the Shirai Ryu, Kuai had a lot to process. Why? Simply because the ghost of the Bi-Han he met during the War recently haunted him. Unfortunately, by the end of the battle, his Bi-Han did not come back to them. Instead, he went his own path, destroying any chances of them fixing their issues. Lord Liu Kang was the only person who saw this turmoil. As time moved on Kuai fell in love with Harumi Shirai and ended up shaping up for a war all their own against his own brother. As they all finished training one night, Kuai stayed behind to train more. More or less to block out his own thoughts. As he failed to keep focus, he noticed the portal opening behind him. He turns to see Liu Kang and to his surprise…The Alternate timeline version of his brother. 
“Lord Liu Kang? What is this?” he questions genuinely confused.
“Perhaps I could explain Kuai Liang.” The alter tries. Kuai pauses and nods allowing it. “Ever since the battle we faced together, when I went home I constantly had dreams surrounding you and my alternate self. I made contact with Lord Liu Kang and found out it was actually me seeing what was going on and I wanted to extend a hand to help you. I know this is hard to understand, however, I want to help you find peace. It truly pained me to see that another variant of me would do such a thing to his own.” He explains. Kuai looks to Liu Kang, who only nods, giving Kuai confirmation it was true.” 
“I am honored by this, however, you have no reason to do this.” Kuai Liang says.
“I lost my brothers. They turned against me just as your brother has done. I had no choice but to be against them alone. I know you have Tomas, however, Seeing that hurt in your eyes has haunted me ever since we met. I understand I will never be your brother however to make amends somewhat, please Kuai Liang…Let me help you.” The Alter Bi-Han pleads, eyes full of hope, longing, and care. So many feelings coursed through Kuai Liang. However, looking into Alternate! Bi-Han’s eyes he felt something he hadn’t felt in a while…Hope.
“I understand. I accept your help…Brother.” He says calling back to when the alter called him brother when they met. Alternate Bi-Han smiles warmly and extends his arm out and Kuai takes it as they look at each other they both say…
“For the Shirai Ryu and The Lin Kuei.”
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AU where instead being killed alongside his mother, Harumi got baby Satoshi somewhere safe before getting killed by Quan Chi. Satoshi is adopted by a kind couple and grows up with a normal life while Hanzo believes hes dead. One day, grown Satoshi's adoptive parents are tragically killed and he wants vengeance for the ones who killed them. Somehow he finds out his Shirai Ryu roots and through tireless searching he lands at their location and he and Hanzo finally meet, and Hanzo can't help but find something familiar about this trouble young man (and it hits them both hard when they find out the truth)
That would hurt so much, for both of them.
Like, I'd imagine that Satoshi's adoptive parents made sure he knew (as much as they knew) where he came from, so he could stay connected to the family that had died to save him. He might never have known their names or their faces, but he knew that they loved him enough to die for him.
Then, his adoptive parents die too (Maybe the black dragon kills them?) and he goes to the Shirai Ryu, feeling a kinship with the grandmaster who knows what it feels like to lose everything.
Satoshi probably figures it out first, bc he can see how alike they look, while Hanzo (due to raising Takeda and Fox) is well practiced in not projecting his grief onto the kids in his care, so he ignores the hints bc Satoshi is dead and it would be unfair to look at this other kid and see his son even if they share a name.
Hanzo recognizes him the second he steps foot onto their land, but keeps quiet bc he doesn't know that Satoshi knows he was adopted and he doesn't want to hurt Satoshi by telling him that after he's already lost them. And also, he doesn't know how to explain what happened or who he became after losing Satoshi.
maybe a mix of both?
this is a good au, I like this
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—————————————————Sign the Petition!
Okay I’m finally making a pinned post
Hi. Im very normal about Ninjago and this is a safe space for any Ninjago fan (:
-All ships are welcome
-All headcanons are welcome
-All ages are welcome
-All types of people
-All types of fans
I will not judge you by your ships or headcanons, I have “unpopular ones” too.
Everyone is welcomes cause I’ll be dammed if Tumblr isn’t ever the safe refuge for Ninjago fans. We deserve a place better than Twitter or YouTube
If you have any questions about me do not be afraid to ask (:
Yes I have unpopular ships and different opinions than others, I won’t judge if you have differing ones than me cause at the end of the day they’re just legos and this is just a show, no need to hate anyone forever just because of how they interpret it (:
If anyone would like to join a Llorumi based server here’s the invite <3 https://discord.gg/pw7ZT3mZ
Tags list:
-For my Tournament of Elements Series it’s just #tournamentofelements
-For my Harumi rants it’s:
#​normalness: explaining Harumi
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ataraxixx · 5 months
three for three😌
post crystalized. ninja shenanigans!
Kai frowned as he joined her in a seat of his own. “Can someone explain what this is about?”
Lloyd looked over the ninja, expression stern. Cole was already browsing his phone, an earbud poorly hidden behind a few locs. Pixal was on her laptop typing something up, Zane peering over her shoulder, but his attention still focused with Lloyd. Jay was fidgeting loudly with one of his toys. The green ninja sighed.
“I’ve gathered you all here, because…” His feet clicked as he made his way over to the monitor, pulling up several tabs of video footage, “...I believe our enemies are conspiring.”
The room went silent.
And then, a chorus of laughter.
Lloyd felt his face heating up, “What?! Take this seriously, guys!”
movie au julien bros😊
"Give me a minute. I'm nearly done," They huffed, refocusing on their work. If they messed up their eyeliner, they would have to do it all over again, and then Zane would be even more impatient.
They could hear the light sound of him leaning from foot to foot anxiously.
"A minute Zane. We're going to be early as hell anyway," Echo sighed, "You always go half an hour before everyone else."
"I like to be punctual," Zane informed, "And you will not show up on time otherwise. Also, did father not ask you to stop swearing?"
(last ones under the cut for gore)
harumi and lloyd post crystalized
"It'll be nice to catch up, if you get the chance," He tilts his head, and finally lets his poor straw go, "I recently was able to reconnect with some old friends of mine from when I was a kid, so..."
Harumi doesn't know what to say to that. Should she congratulate him? Ask how it went? In all honesty, she doesn't care-- she doesn't care much for anything Lloyd does. Spending time with him is like walking barefoot over hot coals. And yet here she is, grabbing milkshakes as though they were two old friends on a casual outing.
She hates how it makes her feel. Like she's normal, like any of this is normal. Like she hasn't had a million fantasies about grabbing the boy across from her and spilling his guts over a knife in her own hand. He goes back to fidgeting with his straw, and another appears in her mind of wrenching it from his hand to stab it into his eye. Vividly, she can picture the horror on his face as his own blood spurts, as his scream cries out and the rest of the customers shout in fear.
She takes another sip of her milkshake, which still tastes like nothing. "That's nice," she says, even and sounding about as interested as she can. "From, um.. Darkley's, right? You mentioned going there before."
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angiiiiexx · 3 months
Writing down a few thoughts about who I think Ras' master could be (if it's someone we know) (I have absolutely no idea what Ras or his master's plan is)
First of all, the most unrealistic options:
Harumi doesn't make any sense (even though it would be kinda funny if she was behind everything)
Garmadon, because it would mean that Ras has been abandoned by his master like 3 times (and those coming shatterspin comics imply that Garmadon actually fought against the wolf clan)
Next up, the option that would be bad writing:
The overlord
Like damn he's already been defeated enough. While he does possess a lot of power, I feel like he's only fixated on ninjago. His comeback would just be bad.
Now, some options I thought about:
The time twins
No one knows when and where they ended up. I have no idea what kind of motivation they would have though, so very unlikely. They aren't powerful enough anyway.
The first spinjitzu master (or some evil version of him)
He's definitely powerful enough. This would make sense if he separated the good and evil parts of himself and the evil version was behind everything and destroying everything his good/normal part worked against. This would also explain the existence of shatterspin, cuz who else would make some bad version of it if not the creator of spinjitzu himself.
And the last one:
One of the source dragons
They are definitely strong enough. And I think the idea of one of them being evil is kinda interesting.
It's probably going to be an entirely new character tho, so idk
Now I'm gonna add some thoughts that are spoilers for episode 1-4
Ras says that the power he needs to open the shadow dojo is the power of a source dragon. So it doesn't make sense if he's already working for one, because that one could just give him the power.
But: the source dragon could just try to keep up appearances with the others because they don't want to interfere with mortals. This would also explain how he managed to capture a source dragon/knew about them.
And for the first spinjitzu master part:
Shatterspin is a completely evil version of spinjitzu, which is something an evil version of the creator of normal/good spinjitzu would make.
Shatterspin was used like a thousand years ago, which means that the fsm was still alive when that happened. And if Rontu and Egalt defeated the forbidden 5, why didn't the fsm help. Maybe he was too afraid of his evil version or something. Idk
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estellardreams · 5 months
I've been thinking about so many seasons on the Sonic Ninjago AU and I'm dying to talk about the ones that are particularly interesting.
So... I'm pretty sure that based off of my art, Season 11 (which I think is underrated on both ends), Season 6 (Skybound, renamed Phantom), and Season 8 (Sons of Garmadon/Doom) specifically kept getting my attention. So... Let's talk about them.
A lot about them.
Season 6:
I cast Infinite in the role of Nadakhan for a few reasons. But the main reason is because of the "Wishing" plot line.
You see; Infinite comes from Null Space, which was disrupted due to the Dark Gaia incident (unbalanced energy). But he has the Phantom Ruby, a thing known to create illusions, from the get go.
So I twisted the wishing system so instead of a djinn it's a direct illusion to manipulate the wish into "coming true". Basically a false reality. Then Infinite would've crushed those illusions and break the ones he was tormenting.
And during this all, Infinite goes after multiple targets, but realized just how dangerous one of the Ninja was specifically, that being Tails. He was too smart for his own good, leading to Infinite capturing the kit during a fight and taking him to someplace, once again controlling the scenery using the Phantom Ruby and tormenting the fox with illusions. And this?
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Infinite gave him that scar when Tails tried to fight back. Tails became half blind after that so when things were brought back to normal and the scar healed over, he just used a special blue contact to hide the fact he was blind.
His friends did try to rescue him, and Infinite began to torture them as well with his illusions. Once they gave in and "wished for it to go away", he'd trap them in the Phantom Ruby and grow stronger because of it.
And it was all up to Tails to rescue everyone and stop this before it got worse.
Season 8:
Oh dear... Eclipse and Shadow's relationship is definitely the most enticing part of this saga. So... I'm gonna be brief on the characters relationship and what roles the two take on.
Harumi and Lloyd. Harumi is the adopted princess after losing her parents when the Great Devourer attacked, and is also the secret leader of the "Sons of Garmadon", an organization made to ressurect Garmadon himself, Lloyd's father.
The thing is, the Garmadon they wanted to bring back was only the evil oni side, and they had to gather the three oni masks and gather DNA samples of everyone he's related to or had a strong connection with to bring him back from the departed realm.
And what happened before Garmadon was resurrected? Harumi manipulating Lloyd, soon backstabbing him and later capturing him, forcing him to watch as his father was brought back from the dead with him and his mother as hostages.
Yikes. Now with that in mind... Eclipse is Harumi, Shadow is Lloyd. They have a brotherly bond, except... Its all fake.
Eclipse is the secret leader of the "Sons of Doom", and has discuised himself as a hedgehog to blend in, along with special contacts to turn his sclera white and his pupils a more... "friendly" color. He acted up the role of an abandoned child that got brought in by the royal family and "adopted". After the false alarm for an attack, the Ninja are let in the castle and allowed to stay along with help protect the pendant of Deception.
Shadow took an interest into Eclipse, who weirdly felt like him... He could never explain it, but felt like he had a connection.
So when the two began to bond and become friends, they developed this sweet dynamic of being brothers who looked out for each other. And Shadow became a lot more open as Eclipse did the same. But it was all a ploy... A trap to lure Shadow in close for Eclipse to control.
And it worked.
Eclipse got the Pendant of Hatred, and Shadow realized what was going on when it was too late. The two fought but... This was the first and very few times Shadow hesitated to hurt someone. And it got him and his sister, Maria, captured.
Black Doom got resurrected after that. And Shadow lost the fight to him. He lost his powers, and Season 9: Hunted begins.
Season 11, Part 1:
Okay, specifically Metal Sonic and Sonic so I'll keep this short. Metal is not the Master of Metal.
It would've been a similar joke to "Shadow, Master of Shadow" but... By this canon's logic, a robot has never held elemental powers before. Until recently.
Metal stole Sonic's speed, making Sonic powerless and him strong enough to almost wipe out the rest of the Ninja Team. He keeps them locked away as he heads out to attack Station Square (Ninjago City).
And when he got his hands on the Forbidden Spinjitzu scroll, he was nearly unstoppable. That was, until Amy got her hands on her own scroll and managed to decimate him.
... And then she got sent to Boscage Maze.
Season 11, Part 2:
This iis what I call the Vine Chapter, since the first half is the Speed Chapter. Amy was discovered by Starline and hipnotized into becoming Queen Thorn, the ruler of the jungle.
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And she committed so many crimes. She wiped out the Seedrian population. She overflowed the jungle so much many places became uninhabitable. Survival became a harder struggle with little sunlight and rain reaching to below the canopy.
And when the Ninja arrive, they quickly notice these odd corrupted plants and vines that seem to drain the life out of whatever they catch. They end up in a small village blocked off from the rest of the jungle, with Shadow soon heading off to find Amy after learning where she was: At the Queen's castle. He's unaware that Amy is the Queen, so it's definitely a shock when he does discover that.
Enter: Cosmo. The last of the Seedrians and taking the place of Akita, who was the last of the Formlings. The parallels between the two, even in canon, is unreal.
But Cosmo is seeking a sort of passive aggressive revenge against the Queen, training herself on how to use her plant magic along with tapping into more... Dark influences to do it. And Shadow felt like he's seen this before.
Because he was in a similar position: Training to use his powers and holding onto his darker influences to favor the Black Arm's success. So he knows where she's coming from and the two relate to each other somewhat over this.
And eventually the Megaflora, a creation Thorn made, attacks. Shadow gets captured and seperated from Cosmo, who almost dies, and is basically locked up in a vine wrapped tree tower. Hence... This sketch to image.
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Vines to the limbs, keeping you trapped in place. And if it weren't for figuring out the plants weakness was Shadow able to escape. He confronted Thorn and tried to bring her back, but Starline's influence remained strong.
In fact, Thorn almost kills Shadow through strangling him using her vines! But before he died, she realized what she was doing and immediately released him, struggling to comprehend what she just did.
She notices the scroll. And rips it to shreds. And that's the end of it as she traps Starline, solidifying her regaining control over herself.
The damage is soon reversed by sheer energy and force, fixing the jungle for the most part. Now the main problem is returning home.
Now for a few small extra things:
Season 5: Dark Gaia. I'm not sure if I'll include the idea of getting cursed or not but... Werehog Sonic feels tempting. He'd be like Cole in turning into a ghost via a curse and remains like that for a while until Day of the Dark Gaia to reverse it.
Season 15: Seabound. I have no idea what I wanna do for it, but I wanna include shape-shifting Merlings. I just think they're neat.
Season 16: Starfall. If Lloyd gets an Oni form, I want Shadow to have his own charged up alien form at some point. Also... Gonna rewrite that season entirely if I ever get to that.
Season 4: Tournament of Elements. Didn't know where to put this but Robotnik's plan for the tournament is to steal the powers of the elemental masters, use them to rebuild the Death Egg, and roboticize the entire world. As to why the Ninja are there? Rouge got kidnapped when trying to spy on him. She's basically Zane in this situation.
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saline-coelacanth · 1 year
List of my Ninjago Aus
I figured I should make a list of my Ninjago Aus that I can link to my pinned post since sometimes the Ninjago hyperfixation comes back. I'm only including aus that I still have interest in working on, so if an au isn't on the list, it's probably safe to assume that I don't have interest in working on that au (so you shouldn't send asks about it)
Bad Endings Au: An au based on evil versions of the ninja from different timelines, usually referred to as the BE!Ninja. Each ninja has their own origin story explaining their downfall before they all get transported into the main timeline where they team up to take out the normal versions of the ninja
Next Gen Au: Follows a timeline separate from Dragons Rising (since I made it way before that came out) that follows the future ninja, Shayla, (bruise kid and master of lightning) Tara, (other bruise kid and master of earth) Fallon, (oppo kid and master of ice) an Trixie (daughter of Pythor and my oc Asashi)
Purified Au: An au where instead of being destroyed at the end of Rebooted, the Overlord is just left in a weakened, child-like state with amnesia who the ninja find and decide to raise. The Overlord gets named Oliver by the ninja and it mainly follows Oliver as the ninja try to hide the truth from him, fearing that he'll revert to his evil self if he finds out who he truly is.
Weresnake Au: An au where instead of being fully cured from the fangpyre venom, Jay instead becomes a 'weresnake', turning into a feral serpentine form when he gets too cold.
Anacondrai Curse Au: Initially taking place during the Tournament of Elements, Chen experiments on Cole to try and use an alternate spell which ends up 'cursing' Cole and making him appear partially like an anacondrai, and causing him to turn into a full anacondrai at random moments.
Fangdroid Au: An au where Zane gets bit by a fangpyre during Rise of the Snakes where he runs away and ends up teaming up with the serpentine after they manipulate him.
Roleswap Au: Probably not one I'm gonna do too much with, but it's your standard swap au where the ninja are swapped with different characters. Lloyd and Harumi are swapped, Cole is swapped with Morro, Zane with Cryptor, Jay with Clancee, and then there's a three way swap with Skylor, Kai and Nya where Skylor takes Kai's role, Kai takes Nya's, and Nya takes Skylor's. (Although I might change this one if I go back to it)
Dragonblood Au: An au where the elemental masters are knows as Dragonbloods and can turn into giant, rampaging dragons. This has caused people to fear them and hunt them down. The ninja form a team and fight against the dragon hunters, their main enemy being Garmadon and his army of dragon hunters. There's a lot to this one that I don't really have time to explain further, so if you really want to know more you can probably find more info about it on my blog.
Pokemon Au: Pretty self explanatory, it's Ninjago characters but in the world of Pokemon. Lloyd is the champion and the other ninja are gym leaders (alone with Pixal, Skylor and Morro to make it 8).
Black Knight Au: It's the plot of Sonic and the Black Knight but with Ninjago characters. Kai takes Sonic's role and get transported to this other world where he meets people who look like his friends but aren't quite the same. He also needs to learn how to become a knight in order to defeat the evil and corrupt King Arthur.
Storm Vessel Au: Taking place during the events of The Island, when Jay gets 'sacrificed', the storm energy around the island ends up corrupting him and turning him into a chaotic and destructive entity that is basically the embodiment of the storm. It's very similar to Nya turning into the ocean as it's basically Jay turning into his element. He occasionally has moments of clarity where he turns blue and is in control of himself, but for the most part he's chaotic and doesn't listen to reason.
Mirage Memory Au: The ninja find a strange artifact that creates a new fake reality where they all have fake memories and don't remember ever being ninja and they don't remember each other. The only one without fake memories is Lloyd and he has to try and get the ninja back together so they can get their memories back and fix their reality.
Scorched Au: An Au about Kai where he never unlocks his True Potential and gets left behind by the others at the volcano. Filled with his desire to be the Green Ninja and a need to prove his worth, Kai goes down a dark path to try and show that he is the Green Ninja. Basically a villain Kai au where he becomes another Morro.
If I end up making more aus, I'll edit this list with them
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