#i feel like im so bad at wording my thoughts
nativegirltapes · 3 days
angel reader posting pics from a party with a her boy friends and drew being jealous plsss
ooooo i love this. cuz drew doesn’t seem like the jealous type at all, but when he gets jealous, he gets JEALOUSSS
warnings; odessa is the opp, drew lowkey being mean, sounds like they about to break up, reader lowkey looks stupid 🤫 lot of dialogue sorry. i don’t even know what im doing ok
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you'd been at your wits end with odessa trying to get all over your man and drew doing basically nothing to stop it, so tonight you figured you'd give drew a taste of his own medicine.
you told drew you were going out with some friends you haven't seen since highschool, and yeah that wasn't necessarily a lie - you just didn't mention that they were all men. you felt guilty and you knew it was wrong, but that still wasn't enough to stop you.
you took one last look at the photo you had just took, your shiny glossy duck lips reflecting off the colorful lights just right, as three of your old highschool guy friends surrounded you in the selfie, their pearly whites on display, circled around you like you were their queen they were meant to serve.
your stomach churned as you pressed post, the guilt was really starting to hit. ignoring your panic, you tucked your phone in your back pocket, distracting yourself with the club music playing, continuing to dance with your old highschool friends, but also keeping a distance from them. you wanted drew to feel jealous, not cheat on him.
it wasn't long before you felt vibrations in your back pocket. "i'll be right back okay?" you said to one of the guys you had came with.
opening your phone to five messages from drew.
andrew <3 - Where are you??
andrew <3 - Hello?
andrew <3 - Really?
andrew <3 - You think you're sooo cute.
andrew <3 - Really?? Answer the phone.
2 missed calls.
another call popped up from drew, you answered this one, feeling like you had already let him suffer enough.
“hello? where are you?” drew didn’t sound exactly mad, just disappointed and stressed, more like he was worried about you.
“i told you, i’m at the club with my friends.” you played stupid.
“yeah, i know that,” drew huffed. “which one?”
you felt defeated and stupid, you didn’t have it in you to argue with drew at this point, you just felt bad. “the one on idaho street.”
“i’m coming to get you.”
the car ride home was awkward, it felt like you had just got caught sneaking out of your parents house.
“how did you even get in?” drew broke the silence.
“i don’t know, they just let me in.” you stayed looking out the window, too embarrassed to even look at drew. your plan didn’t play out exactly like how you thought it would.
“did you do anything with them?”
“what?” you took offense to his question. “did i DO anything with them?”
“i mean you wanna act all highschool, let’s act all highschool then.”
“are you serious?” you crossed your arms. you couldn’t believe drew even asked such a silly question.
“yeah.” drew laughed. “i am serious.”
“i could ask you the same question about odessa.” you rolled your eyes.
drew swerved the car to the side, putting it in park. “all of this is about odessa?”
when drew worded it that way, it made you sound crazy, but yeah it was about her.
“no,” you lied. the more drew stayed quiet, the more you wanted to say. “i don’t know, maybe.” you
“how many times do i have to tell you that i do not want her? if you want her out of the picture just fucking say that instead of constantly beating around the bush, because you’re too afraid to have a conversation.”
you stayed silent, drew was right. you would do literally anything, except just have a conversation with drew. and that’s where the age difference between you two was very prevalent.
“i mean fuck, y/n. this isn’t highschool and you’re over here acting like it is. posting with three different guys who would love to be in my position. really?”
“i’m sorry drew.” you fiddled with your fingers.
“i really don’t think you are.”
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May i request this but with jack, jamil, and trey? (If u can leona too but if not im totally okay with those three cuz i simp for them so hard lol) gn! Pretty plz and thank you :D
I actually think it's been over a year since this ask appeared in my inbox... I have been considering shutting this blog down but at this point I think it's dead in the water anyways 😭... um enjoy?
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Jack is a pretty large guy so that being said he doesn’t shirk his responsibilities when it comes to taking care of his partner
Not only is he extremely careful before and during the act, he is incredibly attentive to your needs afterwards
He always takes care of you first and himself afterwards no matter how uncomfortable it may be
Jack always starts with asking you how you are feeling and what-if anything-you could possibly want or need at that moment
Only then does he start futsing around the room looking for stuff and cleaning up
He wants to give you a second to just rest afterwards and he’s tired himself but as soon as he comes off the high all he can see is his partner looking tired and disheveled and he immediately wants to fix that
After waiting patiently and somewhat painfully for you to come down and finish resting he quickly swoops in and does all the rest for you
Bath? Check. Cozy towel large enough to drown you in? Check. Fresh bedding and blankets so you can rest again when clean? Check. Clothes in the laundry? Check. Fresh comfy clothes ready for you in the bathroom? Check.
This man is so shy he gets the bath ready for you and then leaves, telling you to lock the door as if anyone could get past him
It’s almost like he didn’t just see you fully bare
You have to ask him to come in and wash your hair otherwise he will wait outside to make sure you feel comfortable and that you have your own privacy
All in all: a big softie who loves you too much to put into words
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Trey is another softie when it comes to aftercare
He is one of the most considerate and kind individuals you will ever meet (at NRC that is) 
Regardless he is exceptionally thoughtful and would NEVER let you go without some sort of care after doing it
Trey prefers to move you off the bed for aftercare because he doesn’t want you to sit in the potentially dirty sheets for too long
He thinks it’s very important that you clean yourself off thoroughly after sex
He will run a bath or start a shower or whatever you prefer and ask if you would like his help or some privacy
If you ask for help he will be very respectful as if your body doesn’t affect him at all (although you know better) and carefully soap up a rag and wipe you down\
He is the kind of man that has chemical free soaps for situations where you might have to wipe down more intimate areas to avoid potentially irritating them
And you will clean those intimate areas as he will clean his as well, not because he is a germ freak, he just gets concerned about infections: your health is always the most important thing to him
His next step will always be changing the sheets while you are still showering or bathing, he wants you to be able to relax on a fresh bed while he pampers you
After that? It’s all up to what you are interested in, a massage, reading, watching tv, just relaxing? You got it
Of course he will have a sweet treat prepared along with a second glass of water (cause you know he made you drink one immediately afterwards)
You have to get some sugar and energy into your system after exerting so much energy and he is firm in this belief no matter how energized you feel afterwards
Overall he is a 10/10 in and out of bed
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Jamil is less flexible when it comes to aftercare, not in a bad way, he is just very set in what he believes you need and will require that you let him take care of you that way or he WILL refuse further intimacy
(He’s manipulative like that)
All that said it’s really all because he’s used to dealing with Kalim who doesn’t take his own health into consideration nearly enough as he should and his controlling tendencies typically make themselves known when it comes to aftercare
He has very specific steps that he follows and really you should just let him because they are all catered to your needs and health
Everytime you guys are together he has some level of preparation: there's a snack and water on the bedside table and a rag in a dish of warm water, and a clean dry one to follow
He will wipe you down nearly immediately afterwards no matter how tired he is, he cannot allow you to be sticky or get an infection
You are allowed to relax and rest with him in bed after that but only afterwards
But not for too long because Scarabia is very hot and if you guys are in his room he wants to change the sheets as soon as possible and he does this by running you a bath in his private bathroom
He adds a sensitive-skin chemical-free bath bomb and allows you to just relax for a hot second while he cleans up his room
Of course he checks in with you every few minutes because Kalim fell asleep in the bathtub once and now he fears you might do the same and accidentally slip under
When he has finished cleaning the room he turns his full attention to you, making sure you are washed and dried with gentleness and accuracy
His special form of aftercare though is something completely unique to him
He wants to do your hair
It doesn’t matter what color, length, type at all he will know how to take care of it and will do so with surprising care
He uses a quiet blow dryer/diffuser and combs out your hair till it's perfectly untangled
He uses scalp oils and hair mousse and anything else he feels the need to add and afterwards sometimes depending on how he feels he will add little braids and charms
Jamil misses doing his own hair every morning before he learned how to do it with magic, it was how he relaxed and prepared himself for another long day at work. It was something he could take his time in and be as controlled or as free as he wanted with it, so of course he wants to give you the experience he loved do much
Another 10/10 with aftercare and general caretaking but that was to be expected from someone as prepared as Jamil
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Ok don’t get me wrong, Leona cares a ton, he just has no clue what he is doing at all
He is still ridiculously sweet in his own gruff “I’m pretending I don’t care about you but if you so much as wince I’ll carry you everywhere for a week” sort of way
Definitely did not pay attention in Sex-ed so he doesn’t know squat past the basics of the actual act
He is naturally prone to foreplay to some degree so it’s not so bad the first few time you do it
After that one time you disappeared into his bathroom for a while and confessed that you were a little sore the next day he freaked out…on the inside
He maybe sort of gently refused sex for a little while out of concern and confusion
Once he realized he couldn’t just ignore the problem and wait for it to go away he resigned himself to researching aftercare methods
He was hesitant to try them out at first but still made an effort
Started with having some water by his bed for you or offering to let you take a bath and slowly but surely got better
His care is still pretty minimal though, it pretty much consists of getting you clean and comfortable and then cuddling with you until he decides it's acceptable for you to leave
Despite this, he is always careful with you even when he is being “rough”, he wouldn’t admit it but you are his world and if he ever did anything to you by accident, he would be devastated
Side Note: Ruggie refuses to change Leona’s sheets unless paid now so he always teases you afterwards but doesn’t really mind cause he’s getting something out of it lol 
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This is my first time in general givong a request, but hear me out...
...Logan Howlett/Miguel O'hara x reader, but the reader is tipsy and they go "im dumb" as a small joke. Later on, Logam/Miguel is just pounding into y/n and cooing like "aaaw, little princess to dumb to think. Hm?" Or "such an empty-headed slut" or stuff like that - like a mix of praise and degradation
Kinktober day three
I love this idea so bad I’m such a whore for mean!logan. sir please RAIL ME
Mean!Logan x fem!reader
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A couple of nights ago, the team had completed a successful mission. Obviously, you all had to celebrate.
You'd been drinking, more than you intended to, but you couldn't stop feeling so fucking stupid for liking Logan. He was older, probably barely cared about the fact that you existed. And if he did care, there was no way in hell he liked you. Probably thought you were a weird kid, even.
Sure, you two hooked up occasionally. It meant nothing. He probably just saw you as a way to let go of all the tension, while here you were, practically worshipping the ground at his feet.
That's why you're actually surprised when, late into the night, when you're well past your fifth or sixth drink, Logan walks up to talk to you.
“You did pretty good out there, bub,” he tells you. “Real good. Looks like those training sessions helped you out big time.”
You nod. “Oh, definitely,” you reply, words slurred.
He raises an eyebrow. “How many o’those have you had already, hm?” he questions, nodding at the drink in your hand.
“Um…five? Six? Can’t remember,” you shrug, taking another gulp of the alcohol. “Probably ‘cause I’m stupid.”
Logan blinks, confused and shocked. “Stupid? Why would you say that?”
You smile. “‘s just a joke,” you tell him, but he can hear the lie.
He frowns slightly. “It ain't funny, bub. You ain't stupid. You know that.”
You nod dismissively. “Yeah. I know.” You shrug.
For some reason, a few days later, as Logan is busy fucking you dumb, he remembers what you’d said.
I’m stupid. Those were your words.
He spanks your ass when your eyes roll back and you mumble something incoherent. “What’s wrong, baby? Hm? Stupid for me already?”
He smirks at the way your eyes widen, cheeks blushing with delight when your cunt clenches around his cock.
“Yeah? Is that it? Are you just daddy’s stupid little slut?”
You moan, your back arching, and you look almost horrifed at how much you’re anhoying the degradation.
He spanks you again. “I asked you a question. Use your words f’r me, bub.”
You whimper incoherently again and he laughs. “Aw, is daddy’s princess too dumb to think already? Hm?” He smirks, grabbing one of your legs and placing it over his shoulder, allowing him to thrust deeper into you.
You squeal. “D-daddy! Mhmm!”
“Yeah. I know, baby. You get so dumb when you’re on daddy’s cock. I love it so much.” He grunts, thrusting harder, deeper, watching your tits bounce every time.
He places a huge hand on top of your womb and presses down, forcing you to feel him even more. “Is my dumb baby gonna come f’r me? You gonna be good and come on my cock?”
You nod, desperately whining incoherently.
He chuckles. “Yeah, that’s right, baby. You ain’t gotta do anything. That’s why you’re such a good fuck—You get all dumb and all you gotta do is let daddy use your pretty cunt.”
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UUUGHHHH mean logan has my panties a mess
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thequietkid-moonie · 19 hours
Darling wants to leave the Astral Express
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Himeko, Welt, March 7th, Dan Heng ] [ Honkai Star Rail ]
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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Penacony has done so bad to me!! Broooo, even when I know everything is alright im still crying for all that happened 💀
anywaaaas this idea has being in my mind for a while and im finally writing it!! Yaaaay!!! ❤️
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Himeko is incredibly sweet and caring towards her darling, for her you are like a beautiful and unique treasure so she of course will care for you, but she is also quite possesive over you, she is a greedy woman so she want you all for herself
Himeko is really carismatic and beautiful, she is well known across the universe and she knows it, she uses that same virtues that she poses to be able to lull you into trusting her blindly, she knows whats best for you and she only wants the best for you, so why don't just trust and follow her? Do what she told you and you will always be safe and will never lack of anything
As much as Himeko loves being with the nameless and traveling in the astral express her real reason to be there is a bigger one, a greedy wish she keeps to herself close to her heart, and now that you are in her life she wants nothing more than sharing her wish with you, she want you to be with her as she wins more and more
Himeko is incredibly smart and perceptive, and since you are her focus of attention right now she can easily find out your little secrets (something she is actually proud of and wouldn't be ashame to use against you with sweet words), so it wouldn't take her long to find out that you are thinking on leaving the astral express
A news that is not well taken, yes, everyone is free to join the nameless and leave whenever they feel like it, but Himeko doesn't like the fact that you are even thinking about it, he panics for a moment when finding out, why would you want to leave? You two still have a lot of to achive so why give up half way on your journey?
Himeko isn't normally afraid of speaking her mind off and she is really good with words, but right now she is out of words, she tries to calm her mind to make a plan to make you give up on your silly little plan and stay with her in here, her panic slowly scale to become anger, she feels a little betrayed by your only thought of wanting to leave, but no matter what she feels she will try to confront you with a smile and sweet words, she has done a lot of work to make you follow her to just lose you for something like this
Once she is ready she will sit down with you to take a cup of coffee (like many times before) and just brought out the topic out of the blue, waiting to see your reaction at being uncovered before trying to guilt-trip you by saying how everyone in the crew will miss you too much if you go, how bad Pom Pom will feel if you left him, how you'll miss all the following destinations of the astral express, and how improbable will be for you to see any of them again if you take in consideration how many planets are on the universe. She has her way around with words and it wouldn't be dificult for her to convince you, even if you are stubborn Himeko will be more and more pushy, pressuring you more and more with diferent arguments until you feel so bad of even thinking on leaving them behind, even make you feel selfish if it is need it
At the end, despite being quite proud of what she have did she will still offer you some comfort about the regret of the bad decision you almost did, and even if you seem completely convinced to dont even think about it again she will keep an eye on you from the next days just to make sure
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Welt Yang
Welt is incredibly protective over his darling, he has a past story of fighting to protect but still losing a lot, and even if he had grown and become more mature that doesn't stop him from being worried about you, his feelings for you are so intense that he just can't help himself, however he is pretty subtle with his feeling and how he express them, after all he just wants to you to love him and be happy at his side
Welt doesn't even try to be manipulative but is thanks to his protectiveness and love that he end up taking advantage of his strenght and wisdom to lull you into a blind trust, he somehow just manage to make you follow his lead because he is the perfect one for you, gently taking you in his arms with the silent promise of keeping you safe
Welt came to the astral express by simple chance when searching for something but he decided to stay and is a choise he will never regret, he not only met people he can easily consider his family and have some adventures that make him feel alive but also could find someone to love and protect
Welt tent to pay close attention to you, between the adoration and the protectiveness his gaze is constantly on you, watching every one of your movés with adoration and slowly unmasking your secrets, he doesn't really mean to pry on your privacy but he just stare at you so much that he just find out. Thats why, when you think about the idea of leaving the astral express it doesn't take him long to find out, making him have mixed feeling about the situation
Before starting to overthink and even panic Welt want to watch you a little longer and see how convinced you are about this, Welt love you and want to share the rest of his days with you, to be able to be there to protect you and make you happy, he is willing to walk with you to the end of the world (although, he hopes that this is not necesary), he doesn't want this to be a test of his loyalty and love because if he has to chose, as much as it will hurt him, he will definetly choose you
Despite looking calm Welt is pretty worried about this whole situation, he doesn't want to leave the express, he cares so deeply about the crew, for him they are his family, but he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he just let you go like that, he just can't lose you! So he waits and studies you carefully, watching you with close attention to try to see if you are being serious on this
Welt won't be able to bring the topic himself, if you don't say anything he doesn't want to be the one bringing up this bitter topic, besides, if you don't seem too serious or convinced about leaving the express then it would only create problems where there aren't any (even when he can feel his anxiety slowly consuming him), but if you seem serious about actually leaving the express he wil just swallow the bitter feeling and have a serious conversation with you
If you really want to leave the express it would be quite saddening for him, he doesn't want this journey to end for him, not so soon, but he doesn't want you to force you to stay if you have found somewhere else you want to be. However, Welt isn't going to leave you alone, even if you insist that he doesn't have to come with you he will be with you, even if he has to leave the express too he will do it in he name of the love he has for you
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March 7th
Since March doesn't really remember her past her darling is her future, once she falls in love with her darling she becomes incredibly clingy and affectionate, not really taking a no as an answer (and yet she isn't too pushy or forceful, she want you to love her), March likes to think that you two are meant to be with each other and you two will never get separated
March enjoy a lot being a nameless, she feels like she belogs at the astral express and that she owe them one since they were the one who found her, and since she firmly believing that you are destinsted to each other then she thinka that your journey on the astral express will last for a long long time
As much as she feels a little overwhelmed by all the problems the nameless have to encounter in the expeditions she is happy that you are at her side, always taking you from the arm and dragging you around to whatever she is up to, she feels like living a dream life at your side so getting to know that you are even just thinking about leaving the astral express it breaks her ilusion
In all honesty she will not find out by her own that you are thinking on it, she isn't that perceptive and even if she does notice she will imediatly deny it, not wanting to believe you are even thinking on something like that, but when she finally gets to hear it from you (either by you telling her or even overhearing you when you were talking towards someone else) she will imediatly protest, even interrupting you before you could finish your sentence by imediatly saying how leaving the astral express is a really bad idea, you two are having fun and the crew definetly love the two of you! she just doesn't understand why would you like to leave that behind!
Where you go she goes, and where she goes you go, thats how things work in March's mind, so if you ever leave the express she will definetly follow you, but she doesn't want to leave the express so you can't leave it neither! March still wants to keep visisting other worlds and she still haven't found out about her past, besides she love her friends from the astral express and she just can't leave them! she even acuse you of being incredibly selfish for wanting to leave the express
March is going to be in a really bad mood since she have heard that you want to leave, in her mind you two are now one and destinsted to be together forever but your little desire feels like a betrayal and she will even demand and apology form your part for even thinking in something like that
At the end you'll have no other option than even apologize for even thinking on leaving her and the rest, making sure you'll never think on that again before she holds you in her arms and thanking you for not leaving her, making sure you don't notice that she was manipulating you and just mask it as sadness for your choise, and promising to herself that she will find a way for you to dont even think on something like this ever again. Still, March will not calm down nor accept the apology until you swear in your life that you will never think in something like this again
Honeslty, this has put her in a really bad state of mind, she is in the verge of tears by the only thought and the more time you spend without apologizing and retracting your words the worst she feels, it feels like every moment you spend without apologizing you just get more convinced of leaving her wich lead her to be even more heart broken and even a little paranoid
Even after you apologized and promised to never even think on leaving her, March will take some time until she manage to calm down, scare that you would leave her behind to the point where she even have some nightmares about you leaving her all alone, making her be in tears more than once and indirectly demanding for you to not leave her alone even when being in the astral express
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Dan Heng
For Dan Heng his darling is where he truly belogs to, with you he is just Dan Heng and not the shadow of his last reincarnation. Finding the Astral Express and being able to be a nameless is like a bless for him, but you is what gives his life a purpose and a meaning, you are where he truly belogs and what matters
Dan Heng is quite dependent of his darling, even when he is incredibly subtle with his affection and display of his obsesion he is clear with his clinginess and worry over you, if you are alright he is alright, if you aren't then he isn't neither, honestly he wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happen to you
Being really caring and even dependent of his darling lead him to watch over you at all times, wanting to be there for you for anything you could need, he is really smart but he is not so good about reading you, so it has to be that you give clear hints that you are thinking on leaving the nameless for him to actually see it
Dan Heng knows that his journey with the nameless one day will came to the end, but he wished it wouldn't be soon, however, you thinking on leaving the astral express is a great hit for him, he doesn't want to leave them just yet but he would be crazy if he continue without you, he tries really hard to don't show how truly paniced he is the moment he finally understand you have being considerating leave the express
Even if you aren't too serious about it Dan Heng take it as if you were already leaving, leading him the be over the edge, unable to sleep at night nor even take his eyes away from you, his mind is going back and forth of the fear of leaving the nameless behind and losing you, it take a while until the fear start to consume him and become obvious how bad he is right now and yet he is unable to explain his feelings to anyone, no matter how much the others ask he just say that he is fine and he doesn't want to talk about it
It isn't until he gains the courage to talk to you about it (and it has to be you who goes to talk to you because he doesn't feel the strength to bring out the topic), Dan Heng won't be able to say much but leave clear that he doesn't want you to leave the express, if you go then he will go with you but he doesn't want to leave the rest, all of them have done so much for him that leaving leaving them behind would be just unfair, he just doesn't know what to do, he doesn't want to leave any of you
At the end he is in such poor state that you probably just give up on your leaving the astral express for pity of him, he is in so much distress, no one has seen him like this before that is even heart-breaking (he even seem even worst than how he gets for his nightmares). If at the end you decide to stay he will try really hard to make it up for you and make sure you are happy so you don't think on leaving again, but if you decide to leave he will go with you but it will become more dependent of you, getting worst of how he already was
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hi i just finished heartstopper and am having 5 million thoughts and am determined to get them all off of my chest 🫡
1. genuinely hilarious to me how all the promo for this season was about it being “raunchy” and “horny” while this is like some of the least horny sex ive ever seen on tv (not necessarily bad and also pretty expected,, just the juxtaposition of how the actors spoke about vs the reality of the show makes me giggle a little like why are these 20 something’s so adorably amused by this lmao)
2. im obsessed with tao. i think will gao might be the best actor on this show. this is a cringy little show and if youre gonna watch it you have to acknowledge that and embrace it and sometime you Will Cringe but!! will gao somehow is so authentic with tao’s cringyness its never actually cringe worthy?? i have absolutely no way to put this into words i simply Adore him. he kinda feels reminiscent of donald glover as troy barns in this way somehow idk if that makes sense
3. i am also obsessed with imogen. riah noorwood’s physicality is actually fucking brilliant to me. like this girl was raised in the theatre it is so obvious and i love her for it so so much. her face is so expressive and BODY just like is twice as expressive?? like wtf are you drinking girl?? im in love with her and her giant giant eyes.
4. where heartstopper kinda loses me sometimes is the language? and not just cuz they say weird little british things cuz their weird and british but more in the way of how they verbalize their experiences with queerness. like it is always very clear, very straight to the point, very labeled. i feel like this most often comes up with isac and asexuality, darcy and being non-binary, and elle talking about dysphoria. it just feels unrealistic in a way that takes me out of it. like we are taking a moment to pause, turn to the audience, define this experience in exact terms, and then come back to the actual emotion of it. and i dont really know how i feel about it tbh? like in someways it is important and necessary and a part of good representation is the audience being aware of what you are representing. but i often do feel like this need for very specific, completely defined, clearly stated representation takes away from the humanity of it? gonna bring this back to stranger things for a moment: take will and jonathan in the pizza freezer. this is essentially a coming out scene but it is beautifully subtle and true to the character’s and the way they would react and express themselves in this moment. i do not think the scene would have been made better if will had to explicitly state he was gay for jonathan to understand him. and maybe thats really the crux of this: i feel like the goal of using this specific terminology is all in favor of the Audience Understanding not the character who they are speaking to. i think a lot of queer people, even intermingling identities like sexuality and gender, will kinda be able to just pick up on things? without having to spell them out? and at least in my experience, most people find the spelling out to be the worst part - wishing someone would get it without having to volunteer the actual language. so when a character immediately starts using the agreed upon label, not coaxed out of them, not reluctantly, not as a Thing, just as a “this is how i view this and want to say it” feels kinda unauthentic - at least to my experience. and weirdly enough, in my experience, those labels are super helpful! i love a box! huge fan! but in casual conversation? not so much. in conclusion, i would much rather have elle talk about what her dysphoria being triggered felt like, have tao understand what that means for her and her identity of being trans and her relationship with that identity, rather than just knowing that tao and elle both know what gender dysphoria is.
5. back to imogen: they did a great job with her. that scene with nick and saying she might have never liked a boy? perfection. they did not have to say the word comphet for me to get it. ive been there. we Get it. the labels and ,,, i almost wanna say therapy speak? almost feel like its to hold the hand of the straight audience. those who might Not intrinsically Get It. and thats ok, just as a queer viewer it takes me out of it sometimes :/
6. nick’s friendships with lesbians are my favorite thing in the whole entire world!!! him and TARA??? omfg i love love LOVE tara!! and ofc him and imogen,,, theyre just so precious to me!!!! my absolute favorite arc in general for nick is him finding his community - his queer community. like we see he is so lacking in good friends in season one, (absolute favorite moment of that season, and has been since i first saw it, is after nick comes out to tara and darcy and them and him and charlie are all texting about getting tao and elle together and darcy says something along the lines of “we’re all such meddling gays i love it” and we get a focus shot on nick’s face and he just looks so fucking happy to be apart of it!! a part of the “meddling gays”. like just so readily and without exception accepted into this community in a way that is not just made of tragedy, its a bit goofy!! its a bit silly even!!) people who he has things in common with and actually likes and who like Him not just for being cool and on the rugby team with them, to now him having this absolutely lovely community of friends who love and care about him is so precious to me. and him having the best time at the school he visits because of the community he can see there!! like ill die. this is my favorite part of this show forever.
7. goddd i had so many thoughts about eating disorders while watching this and im in such a different place in my life than when i first read this plot line in the comics but im a little like… idk i was just thinking about how i think almost every single girl or afab person ik has experienced some type of eating disorder or disordered eating or like - i just know no women with a good relationship to food i dont think. and im sitting here going - was this not taken seriously, IS this not taken seriously, Because it has to do with body image? because its not specifically linked to control or symptoms of OCD (not saying that girls/ afab people dont have disordered eating because of those things too but i think you would be hard pressed to find someone where its not at least a little linked to body image and female beauty standards) and instead just viewed as the typical “girlhood” experience? like this is just what growing up as a woman looks like. not a critique of the show, i just wonder if charlie was a girl, and had anorexia because he wanted to be skinny, would this ever be an actual plot point? or would this just be a truth of the female experience? Unextraordinary.
8. still think its so funny how unsexy the sex was. like ill never get over the way nick called charlie hot at the end there it just like?? encouraging?? he was not turned on. idk it was on brand but goooofy to me!!!
the end.
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kitsuga · 2 days
Lean In. {Kaeya x Reader}
A fic where Kaeya teases reader and they decide to “fight” back. 
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Tags: fluff, kissing, flirting, part of me feels like kaeya is ooc but im cutting myself some slack bc it was my first time writing him LKJSDFH, reader is NOT mc/lumine/aether!, not beta'd, not edited, gender neutral reader, genshin impact x reader, kaeya x reader, genshin impact, kaeya alberich
Word Count: 730
A/N: Written on: April 2, 2021 
Feels a bit ooc because I cant get the sweet spot of his teasing but writing this made my heart JUMP so that’s good enough for me to post it LMAO kaeya hand in marriage challenge thanks 
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The Cavalry Captain was always a tease. It wasn’t always with bad intentions or to cause a reaction from them, but more often than not, to their dismay, it was. This was one of those instances where they felt it was a grey area; Kaeya was hard to read in general, and even harder to read if he’s being genuine or bluffing. His honeyed words and sly smile caused (Y/n) to squint at him, brushing off the hand he had on their shoulder. 
“Come on now, (Y/n), don’t be shy.” 
“I’m not being shy, and I’m not giving you anything to hold against me.” 
“Hold against you? Now, why would I do that?” 
“You aren’t fooling anyone, Kaeya.” They looked out towards the town, leaning on their arms against the railing in front of them. “I can see right through you. Everything you do makes sure you have something to gain from it.” 
“Is that right?”  
“Don’t be so smug, you know it’s right.” 
“Oh, how you wound me so.” He joined them on leaning against the railing on one elbow, his cheek resting upon the back of his hand.  
(Y/n) ignored his comment and continued looking over the town in front of them. Bundles of people had bustled in front of the taverns and a few stragglers were making their way to or from the same places. The lights around were soft, faint, just a calm flicker only shadowed by the rogue dandelion seed among the equally as soft breeze. It was a quiet night, with not much to do, so they wondered why Kaeya was even bothering to... well, bother them. What did he want? Just to tease them? To annoy them?  
They started to bite the inside of their cheek, involuntarily growing warm under the periwinkle stare that focused on every little move of theirs. With an exasperated sigh and eyebrows laced together, they closed their eyes to avoid the look they knew he would give them. 
“Stop smiling at me like that.” 
“If you keep smiling at me like that... nevermind.” 
“Oh no, (Y/n),” Kaeya leaned in closer towards them, his smile now turning to a smirk, “please, continue. What will happen?” 
(Y/n) shook their head, opening their eyes only to shoot him a sideways glare. They ignored the fact he had slowly started to move closer to them, and figured he was still just trying to get a rise out of them. They stuck their lip out in a pout, huffing at the realization that he’d simply keep bugging them, which was normally unlike the man to do so. Why was he so invested in this exchange of theirs? They turned their face to him, ready to give him some half-assed answer—a taste of his own medicine—but stopped short once their eyes met the longing expression in his. 
The air between them felt still, though his eye flickered between theirs and their lips. (Y/n) was dumbstruck, unsure of what their next move should be. Their heart was racing and they were positive he could hear it with just how close he had been. Kaeya looked genuine, for once, and very vulnerable compared to his normal stature. Mindlessly, his tongue flicked over his own lips before his very faint voice filled the air. 
“Show me what will happen.” 
Without a second thought, (Y/n) closed the gap between them, turning his at first gentle kiss into something with more power, more desperation behind it. They could feel him smile during it, and practically feel the chuckle he held back. Kaeya kept his kiss gentle, moving to rest his hand at the base of their head to keep them with him. They took a moment to simply look at each other once they parted; (Y/n) felt a rush of emotions as the corners of his lips turned up to his signature smirk. With one hand still holding their head, the other moved to hold the small of their back and bring them flush against him. They could feel that they were in for a long night of teasing as the words left his mouth, and simply sighed in resignation at the fact that they had fallen for the man. 
“You're right, I do make sure I have something to gain.” His smirk fell once again to a genuine smile, “I guess this time, it’s you.” 
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llannasvsp · 1 year
We always talk about the way Morro and Kai reacted to not being the Green Ninja. I live for those fanfics, textposts, edits, fanart, literally anything. However: as the resident Lloyd girlie / kin / whatever, I need to know how he feels and what he's thinking when people get obsessively jealous of his destiny.
Everyone sees the power and the glory that goes with the title. What they don't see is the pain, hardship, and loss that goes with it. The glory comes from destroying the people you love. The hardship happens because no matter what, it's never over. Evil will always re-manifest itself, meaning your destiny is never complete.
People like Kai (formerly) and Morro long for the title. But I can only imagine Lloyd hates it. Wishes he could change his life. Wishes he could just hand it on to someone else, but he knows he can't, because he is the only one who can take the burden of it. He wishes he could explain how horrible it is, but no one will ever see, because he keeps the darkness inside (I have a whole rabbit trail on this that I will probably talk about later).
"We never chose these mantles we hold." "I know. It's hard to live a normal life." - Harumi and Lloyd, Sons of Garmadon
I'm rambling about Lloyd again... but seriously. I want to know how he feels in these moments.
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puppyeared · 2 months
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horrible truth bomb dropped on my head 20 min ago
#I DIDNT KNOW I DIDNT KNOWWWWW#when i say damn thats crazy its bc i DO think its crazy i think a lot of things are crazy. like how birds have cloacas#or the way ppl draw a five pointed star in different ways and everyone assumes their way of doing it is how everyone does it#my brother is not letting me live this down btw he literally shouted at me like HOW DID YOU LIVE THIS LONG AND NOT PICK UP ON THAT#IDK!!! IDK I THOUGHT SOMETIMES IT COULD BE USED TO EXPRESS GENUINE SHOCK??????#he says its my delivery that makes it sound insincere bc i say it in a monotonous voice which when i think abt it YEAH....#THAT DOES MAKE IT LOOK KINDA BAD IN HINDSIGHT.....#and then i told him i keep a list of phrases that tickle my brain so i can remember to use them in conversation and apparently#most ppl dont do that bc he was like ???? stop doing that??? just let the conversation flow naturally it sounds fake>????#idk man i feel like if i did that and blurted out 'i forgot people find stuff like underwear arousing for some reason' instead of#smth like 'i wonder what kind of ppl find this kind of stuff the bees knees' like i normally do. it would. not go so well.#ALSO THE FLOW CHARTS ARENT NORMAL? i make flow charts before i call the bank or smth so i know what to say#its not just to blend in its also so i dont waste ppls time going uhhhhh as i think of how i put smth into words#its called stalling for time and i dont care if i have to say smth like thats just how the cookie crumbles if it gives me#5 more seconds to process whatever the fuck someone said without letting them think im not paying attention#doodles#diary#sona#puppysona#comics
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perilegs · 1 month
i know astrology is fake but i'm not too keen on how a lot of people on this website seem to be clowning on it as a hobby a bit too hard. i swear the woman who thinks it's neat how she and her friends with the same sun sign are all similar isn't trying to say that you are who you are born as and there is nothing you can do to change it. it's a hobby. an interest. what happened to finding meaning and joy in the small things. does it affect you if someone enjoys tarot reading or crystals. does it make you upset someone has interests that they enjoy.
#im not saying astrology/tarot/crystals/etc. get clowned on so much bc theyre hobbies mostly enjoyed by women But....#i saw a post about some astrology study and made the mistake of opening the notes on that bad boy#not fun. and that reminded me of that old post that was basically like ''liking astrology is transphobic''#anyways idk maybe its just that my bestie is very much a ''crystal girl'' but like. stuff like that are such neat hobbies#she makes some cute little jars with pretty rocks and they make her feel better bc if you believe in something you can make it happen#when it comes to small things#like yeah if you pick up a stone that's like ''this can help you be more open with your emotions'' and you are like ''oh hell yea!''#ofc that will be on your mind and the item will be a constant reminder and actually help you with your goals#and its like. ok what really stuck with me was when i was talking with my bff and i was like ''i think all this stuff is interesting but i#feel bad bc i am superstitious and believe in some signs like lucky numbers but i know that logically its just. if i pick a lucky number of#i pay extra attention to it but i want to believe its lucky but i know how human brains work in that aspect''#and she was just like. ''so? those things dont have to exclude each other'' and it clicked#if i have a little tigers eye with me it does not make me feel more grounded magically#but if i decide (or believe) it's grounding then it will b bc it's a reminder for me to calm down#and stuff#like. ah idk how to put my thoughts into words#but i just think its unfair that a few rotten apples have ruined the perception of fun hobbies for a lot#not every astrology enjoyer is trying to sell you mlm essential oils or genuinely believe peoples entire lives are dictated upon the stars#or something#idk i just feel like these things are v misunderstood even tho im not personally like super into them myself#but ppl super mean about that stuff arent invited to look at my medieval themed fortune telling cards#idkk im sleepy and cant articulate my points someone else say this but better#leevi talks#im just saying. i dont think its bioessentialism to decide to believe you personally have a season for growth when the stars are in a#certain position or whatever
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skishie · 1 year
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ask me about my sanrio x solar opposites cross over collab
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lightbulb-warning · 2 months
i used to freehand comics all the time as a child and since the part i liked was the drawing part i would just draw panel after panel because i didn't want to stop drawing to think about icky icky words, plus the story TOTALLY still made perfect sense! to me! and noone else, but 'whoooo caaaaares omgggg its not like comics and sequantial art are a communicative meeediummmm lmaoooooo'. i spent my entire childhood telling myself stuff like "oh pfft I know this story by heart- ill SIMPLY remember the dialogue and write it later" ...and. I can't help but admire baby maiora's (call that a minora ba tm tsk) fucking audacity? hubris? confident wrongness? kid couldn't even remember to finish the comics in the first place? INCREDIBLE levels of unearned self assurance, wish that were me, genuinely- what an icon!!! anyway i think i have forever cursed myself
#maiora garrulates#the maiora overthinks the process of writing dialogue saga continues!!!!!!!#im so tired. i have been overthinking this shit in circles i have not been making any progress in any which way lmao!#im bitching and moaning for funsies this is not that serious in the Grand Scheme Of Things i just wanna improve at my fav thing#and ❤️ Unfortunately ❤️ my favorite thing in the world involves learning MY MOST HATED *NEMESIS*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! verbal communication. ew#words are fun! i LOVE words! toys!!!!! im using words right now and i didn't combust!!!!! wow look at that!!!!!!!!!!!!!#putting words in SEQUENCE? multiple times?? filtering THOUGHTS into SENTENCES???? sentences that a character would or wouldn't SAY???#AND THEN THERE'S ANOTHER CHARACTER SOMETIMES???? AND THAT BITCH ALSO HAS THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS????? AND THEY ALL HAVE PERSONAL IDIOLECTS#AND TONES THAT S U P P O S E D L Y ARE IMPLICATED BY MANNERISMS AND VERBAL HABITS AND CIRCUMSTANCES (AND THERE'S WRONG ANSWERS! ALSO!!)#AND THEY'RE IN A CONTEXT!! AND THEY'RE INTERACTING WITH EACH OTHER AND INFLUENCING EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#THE CONVERSATION COULD VARY GIVEN ENERGY LEVELS WHETER OR NOT SOMEONE'S FOOT IS FALLING ASLEEP THE F U C K I N G WEATHER#“oh dialogue is easy just say it out loud to yourself until it 'sounds normal' ^^”#screaming crying throwing up NONE OF THIS IS INTUITIVE TO MEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....!#ok dramatics over its out of my system! for now!!!#this is all easily explained bc i just. draw a lot more than i talk to people. so like. OBVIOUSLY i have more practice drawing#so drawing comes natural! talking does not! subsequently dialogue is Hard! No FUCKING Shit Sherlock!!!!! (affectionate)#so yeah. im using y'all (the tumblr void) as practice! hi!!! words at you!!!!!!!!!!#so yeah thanks for baring with me while passing by my corner of the internet#i do love self indulgence this is fun check out my navel gazing actually no do not look at my belly button#anyway i just think this is mildly interesting. some of my writer buds have the same “not good enough” allergy towards visuals#but they use it to be mean2me >:( same bitch that “omg i cant i suck at drawing i can't do this-” does the “uhm. just write? lol.” 2 meeee#we could have peace and love on planet earth and a common experience and yet you KICK miette for being bad at words!!!1!!! </3 heartbreak!!#what the fuck was i talking about even#oh yeah. perfectionism within creatives i guess. LMAO JK i am talking about NOTHIN!!!!G i am just putting Words Out Here ehehehehehe#its practice >;)c#all this bc ive been doodling comics for myself again and im V!! PROUD OF THE ART!!!! wanna share- but DIALOGUE!*⚡sfx!!*....... so! options#a) leaving it blank. no there are NO microphones in the budget. b) leaving blank *balloons* so that the Rythm is there. implied convo!!!#c) ...doing it badly. (tragic)(heartwrenching)(teeny tiny bruise 2 the ego) *dramatic single tear cleches fists * its the only way.........#...we shall see! literally none of this is all that serious i am procrastinating!! <3 playing with my tuoys!!!!!!!! silly time!!!#/all lh! am reaching 30 tags so that is all for THIS episode of the maiora bitches about dialogue saga thank you for joining me!!okilyBuhBY
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bunnihearted · 5 months
i feel like many ppl dont understand just how unwanted i am and how deeply it affects me... my presence isnt wanted anywhere, and wherever i go i feel like im not allowed to exist. im never anyone's first choice. never the first favorite friend. never this never that. like im never the first choice for anyone, just now i almost got hit by a car bc the driver chose to not hit another person close by. they would've rather hit me than that person. and that's just how it goes for me wherever i go. im lucky when and if im even tolerated. but im not wanted or the first choice or the favorite. that just makes me feel so profoundly alone, like i dont belong anywhere or is even allowed to breathe the same air as everyone else.
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milkbreadtoast · 7 months
(random) ngl before i started learning korean i felt like the worst failure of a korean but now i feel like the best failure of a korean (/j) HAHA
like im struggling to speak but least im speaking..!! I feel like I've restored an essential piece of myself that was missing...
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jestroer · 7 months
I'm not usually a person to post on many serious matters not regarding fandom on here, but as someone who watched a lot of his stuff and posted about him in the past a bunch, I just wanted to say that I'm no longer am going to interacting with any of Wilbur's content and if you support Wilbur Soot then please don't follow my blog because you are not welcome here. All strength and love to Shubble in this ✊
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bagghhead · 4 months
Wanna talk about Beichiya depression? :3
oh boy i wish i wish i could put my thoughts together correctly but they are a huge sloppy mess.. but i love to think about school beichiya i really love to think they were unbelievably close to the point where they were practically a couple.. i don't really think they ever got fully together but they were like soulmates they just loved each other and they both knew they did (to me anyways….) so when things went to shit it HURTS IT HURTS ME SO BAD. i dont really think ichiya has ever or will ever have anybody as close as he was with beika ever again and its even worse for his front roe self after he fucked up sqsq.. its his fault but he is a lonely lonely idiot and it makes me sad i wish he wasnt a DUMBASS. i always really like to think about wtf he would even feel after all of that shit cus ik this boy has got to be horribly depressed and has 5000 tons of guilt on the inside.  beika on the other hand has c side which i think are his support system and he has people to actually trust and rely on and love and ugh ugh ugh but i actually think beika was more attached to ichiya than it being the other way around and he hates it but its like there…when ichiyah left he was literally ruined and a huge mess(to me anyways.) this is random but i have a headcanon that ichiya would hang out and sleepover at beikas place because his parents or whatever would be gone and so he went over alot to the point where he would just leave a lot of his things over there and so when ichiya left for inkopolis ichiyahs shit in beikas room is just there to haunt him #kill me rn (i like to think he never even got rid of the shit and whenever he would get angry thinking about him he couldnt even get himself to break anything because #butt), i cant really describe how much they mean to me theyre actually my number 1 thing to think about they just hurt me so BAD THEY HURT SO BADDDDDD UGHHHHHH one day ill force myself to make my own personal beichiya timeline filled with my own headcanons and stuf because this entire paragraph sucked and im bad at putting my words together but .. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh.
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tiny-planet-13 · 1 month
you know what's absolutely fucked (besides my inability to say a single sentence without cursing) is that I think that somehow, however improbable or disgusting this truth is, riko's abuse is at least half the reason why jean is still alive right now. (please bear with me) and I mean still alive as in the reason why he hasn't killed himself yet rather than someone else doing it.
idk quite how to explain but like, we can acknowledge that the nest and the ravens was a cult, right? and it's quite obvious that the ravens have been essentially brainwashed in their own ways into believing that the whole situation is normal and that's just how life has to be for them to achieve their goals and dreams in the future. but they don't know about the extent of the abuse that riko was inflicting on Kevin and jean and also Neil for his brief stay. (whether they had suspicions is besides the point because I suppose if it didn't affect their futures then there was no reason to care)
so the fact that a lot of the ravens end up killing themselves after the nest has been dismantled in tsc is almost entirely because of the brainwashing and the reliance they had on that awful structure.
as we see in tsc jean is also battling with trying to adjust to normality again, but the fact that he is actively trying says everything. sure, he's angry at everyone and makes empty threats and all the rest of it, but the fact remains that he is still willing to embrace change and learn and reluctantly heal. especially once he's with the Trojans, we don't really see jean deliberately working against what is being offered to him. sure, he makes mistakes and he gets angry and he struggles to cope BUT!! I don't think he's doing any of that intentionally because of course he's going to slip up on occasion. you don't just live in a hideous abusive situation for 5 years and then magically escape from it unscathed.
(I promise I'm actually getting to my point soon I'm sorry)
the reason he can go on and try and understand that killing himself isn't an option is because he knew that what happened to him in the nest was wrong and bad and evil. and whilst he still says things like he deserved it, I don't think that overshadows his understanding that it was still wrong. so whilst the other ravens had all accepted that this cult was the correct way for them to get what they wanted, horrifically enough I think riko's abuse is what kept jean aware that it wasn't normal.
so in some backhanded absolutely twisted and sick way I think the difference between jean and the rest of the ravens (particularly those who killed themselves) is that the abuse was so real and tangible to jean that it shattered any reliance he could ever truly have on the nest and is at least in part the reason why him killing himself on the phone to Kevin would never be as plausible as him finally clinging to an opportunity and trying to heal..
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