#normal to want and possible to achieve etc etc
allyriadayne · 6 months
do you have any thoughts about if jace was born as a girl? if we're going by what viserys said, that any child rhaenyra and laenor have regardless of gender would be made heir we can assume little jacaera (god that's a terrible name) would be her mother's heir. how much would that complicate things in terms of her being a bastard? also does this increase or decrease the chances of her getting married off to her uncle aegon...
oh boy do i. my thought goes more along the lines of rhaenyra naming luke her heir because her claim is an exception and not the rule. i don't think she wants to rock the boat more with a girl heir, even if jacaera (i do like the name.....) is everything she could want in an eldest child. much of jace's struggles wouldn't change in jacaera, only that her main worry would be how to prepare luke to reign after their mother, esp when she (just like in canon) consideres him weak and soft.
to me the bastard issues doesn't complicate her situation more than if he were a boy, but don't get me wrong, this jace would have the same identity issues as canon jace because being a targaryen princess is still the most important thing. maybe the insults would have a more sexualized nature due to bastards and bastard women being considered promiscuous. this in turn would make jacaera even more stiff and aloof with the rest of the people. i've pondered this issue before (as one does) and l reached the conclusion that like rhaenyra before her, jacaera would have some issues with her gender as well, related to her insecurity around being a princess. how to perform femininity, how not to fall into the traps of being called a slut for simply having the rumors of bastardy around her, etc.
the possibility of jacaera being betrothed to aegon is HIGH. super high. if luke is to take the throne, then jacaera is the one that would be sacrificed for the family. this is what jacaera thinks she should do, even if rhaenyra is not so sure she should give her first daughter to her brother (hey! parallels with viserys!) but the girl has made a whole powerpoint presentation about why is the best path for the family. the thing is that because luke is too, jacaera has overcompensated to the point that she feels she has to be the one to save the family by breaching the gap between the greens and the blacks. and that means marrying the uncle she absolutely didn't worship as a child. 'tis a sad fate!
of course, driftmark happens and the betrothal fizzles out a bit until the families meet again after six years and viserys remembers about the best way to unite their families hehe. i think it's more likely that the greens would agree to have a daughter of rhaenyra with them rather than leaving on of their own with her. and jacaera is so dutiful and quiet that they are sure aegon could make her fall in love and get her out of the way (they don't know about jacaera twenty step plan to get aegon in line. aegon is intrigued and wants to explore her limits like in canon but jacaera has no time for that nonsense. it's time to make this uncle know his place).
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bliamapriori · 6 months
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Miraheze approved my private wiki on Thursday so I have been busy desperately trying to teach myself how To Do The Things I Need To Do. Unfortunately I have errands and shit I need to run this morning but my heart is exactly here, trying to finish this swadesh list and think of templates and pages I still need to make.
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leucisticpuffin · 3 months
In which we break two pairs of glasses, and Elrond tries very hard to get a good grade at the optician's.
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stellerssong · 12 days
got a good grade in my voice lesson tonight, lads
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lordgolden · 1 year
I am the most frog and toad looking attorney in this law office
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the-sun-station · 9 months
failing a social check at work first thing in the morning and feeling a critical damage sound effect ring out through my bones oof ouch
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portmantaur · 2 months
in an effort to Be More Human i made the decision to say yes to the next social thing i was potentially invited to. so now this next weekend one of the neighbors will be bringing his new puppy over to the other neighbors’ house for some sort of Backyard Do and because these neighbors all know me, but have only occasionally spotted me like a bigfoot in the blurry distance of their lives, i was like oh, i should make a good impression. so i bought a toy and a treat for the puppy, bc giving someone’s kid a gift is like a instant way to make them like you, right? im so very normal right now. im doing so good at being a normal person.
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gaybichon · 2 years
i love all my clients equally but especially this boy who is always very earnestly like "wow that's a great question!!! :o" every time i ask him anything
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doglusional · 8 months
i love reblogging things specially for a specific mutual to see and then seeing them reblog it. its enrichment
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catboydan · 6 months
got contacts for the first time today and the guy who teaches people how to put them in said I was the fastest person he’d ever seen adapt to it
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angelslant · 1 year
getting a good grade in having casual conversation with my boss
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flameandignite · 7 months
I wish I could be a person who never learned to shut up but unfortunately my first instinct towards anything is to shut up.
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eladrins · 1 year
made the lady laugh so I'm getting a good grade in autism assessment
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celestialbees · 11 months
idk what’s in those dark academia aesthetic pomodoro timers on youtube but i put one on in the background and two hours later i’d written 3600 words so basically i’m unstoppable
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cannabisbutch · 1 year
^ full of novocaine
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2urban2fantasy · 1 year
You really like that one specific hat I guess.
I just want a good grade in meme
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