#nordic community
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I went to church for my family today, and can I just say the way people feel so strongly devoted to God that it brings them to tears is honestly so beautiful.
Also, it really made me wish that Norse gods and Greek gods had a place of worship because it was so beautiful to see so many people get together to worship something together. The ability of having a safe space with a community that shares the same religious views seems so beautiful.
#hellenic community#hellenic devotees#hellenic religion#hellenism#hellenic gods#hellenic pagan#norse heathen#norse paganism#norse gods#norse heathenry#nordic deity#nordic heathenery#nordic polytheism#nordic community#norse polytheism
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heyyy again! here's a warm and cozy nordic-style wool sweater for your sims. i had a bit of a hard time deciding what swatches to showcase in these preview pictures, so many cute options if i may say so myself!
the mesh is made for a female frame. you certainly can use it on men, but whether or not it looks any good.. it has that whole slight manboob thing going on and all that, lol. if you're okay with that you can definitely use it on them though and it'll probably be fine enough, just know that i didn't enable it by default. i probably should've simultaniously worked on a similar-ish male version while crafting the swatches. i never play with male sims, so i didn't really take this into account. bleh. sooorrry!
🌲 70 swatches 🌲 base game compatible
download: simfileshare
@mmfinds @sssvitlanz
#ts4cc#my cc#sims 4 cc#ts4ccfinds#the sims 4#ts4#ts4 cottagecore#sims 4 maxis match#maxis match cc#ts4 cc#sims 4 cc finds#ts4 custom content#the sims 4 nordic#ts4 mmcc#mm cc#mm cc finds#maxis match#the sims#ts4 clothes#sims community
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🍂 Seasonal Reminder for Witches and Pagans 🍂
Many animals are currently migrating in many areas around the world because it’s autumn. With the changing temperatures and weather, many may be searching for warmer or even colder climates. If you’re seeing groups or just many of them, it’s more likely that they’re migrating and that it’s not necessarily a sign. I’m seeing a lot of witches and pagans on here thinking they’re getting a grand sign by seeing flocks of birds, deer, butterflies, etc. In other words, nature just being nature. That’s not to say that it’s not possible that some of these occurrences may be signs- this is just a reminder that not every occurrence is a sign. It’s important to consider mundane explanations as well as spiritual explanations. Mental health can be more vulnerable in the colder months, so it’s important to remember things like this to prevent issues like spiritual psychosis. I say this not to put down anyone’s practices or beliefs, but as a way of looking out for each other 🫶
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drawing all my villain f/os so far cuz i love them
I LOVE villains in case y'all didnt know
originally i stopped with syrrus but decided to add the last 3 fellas cuz they're important too lmao
each gang separately
i think they're silly and my type is clear af here eirgfkdjfgnb
Taglist :
@candyheartedchy @berryshipbasket @radaverse
@tireddovahkiin @bloodhoundini
@rexscanonwife @ree3942
@sunflawyer @artcomestolife
#darknoverse#art#digital art#antasma#selfshipping community#mammon#wolf#aku#nos 4 a2#vincent#nordic bunny#syrrus#Nightmaster#the chameleon#bendy#commander peepers#f/o#comfort character#skrawl
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understanding norse runes: a historical and modern perspective pt. 3
Sorry it's taken me so long everyone, holidays and school starting back up had me really distracted.
For part 1 click here, for part 2 click here.
ᛏ tiwaz
"Tir is a guiding star, well keeps faith with princes; it is on course over the mists of night, never failing."
"Tiw is the one-handed member of the Aesir often has the smith to blow."
"Tyr is the one-handed As and leavings of the wolf and king of temples."
INTERPRETATION: Law and order, justice, victory, but victory for the people, not just the individual. Tyr (this rune's namesake), as the god of war, is also a god of the people, much in the same way Ares is. This rune emphasizes self-sacrifice in the name of common good, in order the serve a larger purpose. However, Tyr also embodies the wisdom of the goddess Athena, also a goddess of war. You have to be reliable, hard working, and loyal in order to achieve success, but you also have to have a plan, gather intel, do research. Think about what you did to deserve your successes: it's not just about the end goal, but the path you took too. As a bindrune, this stave can be good for summoning courage and energy needed for change, especially in legal matters. However, if your motivations are not pure, or actions not just, Tyr will just as much take action against you as for you. Use this rune if you need help bolstering your leadership skills, or for reinforcing a position you already have. Take decisive action, assert yourself, and take on obstacles with gusto.
KEY WORDS: Courage, loyalty, justice, wisdom, determination
ᛒ berkano
"Poplar/Birch bears no fruit, bears without seed suckers, for from its leaves it's generated, splendid are its branches, gloriously adorned its lofty crown, lifting to the sky."
"Birch is the greenest-leaved of branches; Loki was lucky in his deception."
"Birch is leafy branch and little tree and youthful wood"
INTERPRETATION: Meaning "birch," this rune represents birth and rebirth, especially when created out of very little. New beginnings, or a restart of something old. But just in as much as it can be ascribed to the cycle of life, this rune is also connected to the cycle of death, as they go hand-in-hand. Birch is a hardy tree that grows in cold climates, bracing the bitterest winters to be cut down and used for maypoles at the coming of spring. This stave is especially useful in what is called "feminine" magic: relating to menstruation, birth, protection of young girls, or sensuality. Use Berkano to call upon the power of Frigg during wedding preparations, Freyja during times of courtship, and Hella during times requiring vengeance or after betrayal. Prosperity and beauty are indicated, as well as a nurturing, protective force. Lots of interpretations relate this rune to the Divine Feminine, or the Goddess archetype.
KEY WORDS: Fertility, new beginnings, femininity,
ASSOCIATIONS: Frigg, Freyja, Hella
ᛖ ehwaz
"Horse is a joy to princes in presence of earls, Horse in pride of its hooves, when rich men, mounted, bandy words, and is to the restless ever a comfort."
INTERPRETATION: Relationships and friendship, literally meaning "horse," the interpretation stems from the trust and love between rider and horse. On any journey into the unknown, you should always bring a friend. Mutual trust is important, though, and that takes a good amount of work to achieve. Harmony between to people is indicated, but loss of individuality does not accompany it. Reliability and loyalty are important qualities in this situation, not intolerance or jadedness. This harmony can also be achieved between two unlike things, two opposites: man and woman, physical and psychic, shaman and god. It is a good rune for meditation with the gods, as it can help bridge the gap between the mortal and immortal realms. Because ehwaz means "horse" this rune can also indicate travel or change. A steady and progressive change is underway, and consistency is key to maintain it.
KEY WORDS: Partnership, harmony, travel
ASSOCIATIONS: Sleipnir, Freyr
ᛗ mannaz
"The mirthful man is dear to kinsmen, yet every man must fail his fellow since the will of the Lord dooms that the frail flesh to earth be taken."
"Man is an augmentation of the dust; great is the claw of the hawk."
"Man is the joy of man and augmentation of the dust and adorner of ships."
INTERPRETATION: Literally meaning "man," mannaz represents the journey towards self-actualization, achieving an internal balance: between mortal and divine, between male and female, between conscious and unconscious. Take responsibility for yourself, and have respect for everything around you: nature, your fellow man, the gods, our ancestors, and your future. This is the stave of humanity, and all the flaws and follies that may accompany it, but recognizing them as inherently Human, and therefore not all that negative. It represents an awakening, like removing the blinders from a horse, so to speak. It addresses question of identity and purpose, one's function in society. However, this rune requires cooperation, for the user not to fight their "destiny" (which is self-made), or to at least not to abandon it. This rune represents the choices a person is constantly presented with, the same choices everyone is presented with, as a collective. It serves as a reminder that we are never alone, and while we are constantly reliant on others, we should also allow others to be reliant on us.
KEY WORDS: Identity, self-actualization, community, humanity
ASSOCIATIONS: Heimdall, Odin-Vili-Ve
ᛚ laguz
"The sea seems interminable to people if they shall venture on rolling ship and the waves of the sea terrify them, and the sea-stallion heeds not its bridle."
"Water is where a cascade falls from a mountain-side but ornaments are made of gold."
"Water is welling stream and broad kettle and land of the fish."
INTERPRETATION: With the translation being "lake," the laguz rune represents a lot of what the element of water represents: creativity, visions/dreams, emotions, and vital energy (coming from the idea of the Niflheimr). As with the flow of a rushing river, it is safer to go along with the current than to fight it. A period of trials leading to personal growth is indicated, something that will be difficult, but not outright impossible to overcome. It may be that something hidden is soon revealed. You might feel overwhelmed, or quite put upon, but remember that there is nothing wrong with you, and all shall soon come to pass. Representing the essence of life, laguz can have alternative meanings involving birth, reproduction, healing, psychic powers. It's usage in matters involving the female reproductive and menstrual cycle is said to be very powerful.
KEY WORDS: Intuition, femininity, adaptability, emotional depth
ᛝ ingwaz
"Ing was first among the East-Danes seen by men, till he to the east over waves went, his wain after ran, thus the Heardings named the hero."
INTERPRETATION: Ingwaz, representing fertility and masculinity, was said to translate to "Yngvi," thought to be another name for Freyr. It is the time before actualization, a period of gestation, in a sense. This is a potent state, a time where you have to have patience, and let things come to be on their own time. Ingwaz is a rune of transformation, of birth and death, of sensuality and love. However, not so much in the same way that Freyja was a goddess of love, but in the way that Freyr could be interpreted as a god of love; which is more about virility and sex than love. However, if your issue does not relate to interpersonal relationships, this is definitely a rune of nature. This is the stave of the farmer, of the father. Look towards the masculine figure in your life for answers, whether they will provide it to you, or are the crux of your issues.
KEY WORDS: Virility, fertility, potential, masculinity,
ᛞ dagaz
"Day is God's sending, dear to men the great lord's light means mirth and happiness to rich and poor, useful to all."
INTERPRETATION: Meaning "day," this rune represents clarity, awakening, opening the third eye, consciousness, hope and happiness. Often given very little context other than it's interpretation being overall positive, the dagaz rune should be invoked whenever you need a turning point, or clarification. It is the light of day at dawn, that brings recompense to the fearful and retribution against the hateful. It reminds of the cyclical nature of life, as bad times come, so does new hope emerge. New opportunities are being presented to you, basically on a silver platter. When surrounded by other runes, it turns basically a whole reading towards the positive.
KEY WORDS: Awareness, dawn, hope, happiness
ᛟ othala
"An estate is very dear to every man if he may there rightly and peacefully enjoy in the hall frequent harvest."
INTERPRETATION: The rune of the hearth and home, othala means, most literally "ancestral property," which aligns very similarly to the divinatory interpretation. It promises safety and stability, our relatives, our roots. However, it also warns us to not hide behind our pasts, and to be constantly evolving along with the rest of society. At the end of the day, we must always have something to come home to, a strong foundation. But if this foundation is unsteady, like a toxic relationship is, it can harm us more than help us. It represents everything inherited, psychological traits, land, a home, a name, family, a community. It represents the separation between the here and now, and the then and there, between mortal and immortal. For this reason, it can be a rune to represent Odin.
KEY WORDS: Heritage, inheritance, legacy, tradition
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Elder ᚠᚱᛖᛁᛃᚨ Younger ᚠᚱᛁᛁᛁᛅ
Freyja/Frøya (The Lady)
Epithets, Titles, and Kennings
Gullveig (gold-greed)
Vanadís (lady of the Vanir)
Gefn (giver)
Horn (flax)
Mardoll (root word Marr meaning sea. Sea bright)
Syr (sow)
Valfreyja (Lady of the Slain)
Lady of Fire
Heid (Völva from Voluspa)
Lady of the Disir
Prong (throng of the people?)
Skialf (This could be associated with a hall as most halls' names ended in this word, but also the name is associated with a wife who hung her husband a king)
Queen of Folkvangr
Chief of The Vanir
Queen of The Valkyrie
Possessor of The Fallen
Daughter of Njord (Dottur Njardur)
Sister of Frey (Syster Freys)
Wife of Od (Konu Od)
Mother of Hnoss (Modur Hnossar)
Processor of the fallen slain and of sessrumnir and tom-cats (eigandi vaffalls ok sessruimni ok fressa)
Of Brisingamen (Brisingamens)
Van-deity (Vana god)
Gondul ( a queen who makes two kings fight)
Astagud (deity of love)
Blotggdja (sacrificial goddess)
Of the Vanir’s consort (Brudr Vana)
Of Odr’s bedmate (bedvina Ods)
The god who’s weeping is beautiful
Folkvangr is her realm and Sessrumnir is her hall.
(and is sometimes said to be where she takes her half of the dead but this is disputed)
Njord is her father originally hailing from the Vanir but was exchanged as a hostage to the Æsir with his children (Freyr and Freyja). He is a god of ships and wind, commonly associated with wealth. Her mother is never mentioned but is speculated to be Skadi or Njords sister, an unnamed Vanir goddess, a final theory being Nerthus. A Germanic goddess from the time of Tacitus, during his accounting supposedly a goddess was worshiped all over Gaul. Her idol was brought around in a cart and kept in a sacred grove.
Her twin is Frey(r), and he rules over Alfheim. They make up a commonly seen idea of the worship and presence in mythology around the world of twin gods. Their names, which we commonly know translate to “Lord” (Freyr) and “Lady” (Freyja), are speculated to account for a fertility cult surrounding the Vanir possibly. During the Lokasenna, Loki accuses the two siblings of incest during his slander.
“Loki spake:
32. "Be silent, Freyja! | thou foulest witch,
And steeped full sore in sin;
In the arms of thy brother | the bright gods caught thee
When Freyja her wind set free." (The Poetic Edda, Translation by Henry Adam Bellows)
We have no other evidence to support this idea apart from the belief that the Vanir practiced incest in marriage and that Njord possibly was married to a sister at one point in time but still no evidence upholds these claims. Both Freyja and Freyr share a vast association with fertility and the land they also both are depicted to ride a boar and at a point, they each are mentioned riding a boar named “Gullinbursti” (“Golden-Bristles”).
She has 2 daughters Hnoss and Gersemi both of which translate to "treasure" though only mentioned in Christian sources and Gersemi is only mentioned once. In the Eddas, it says she has a husband named Oðr which is one of Odin's names, and gets into the Frigga and Freyja debate.
Getting into the debate on Freyja and Frigga it’s a tough battle between the texts, history, and linguistics. In the myths it’s very evident that they are separate goddesses with different personalities and attributes, Loki in the Lokasenna insults them both separately. From their names as we know them now Freyja only translates to “Lady” and Frigga means “to love” and we see that repetition across old Norse and Proto-Germanic with her name, we also see that Frigga's name is the closest associated to the word “Friday” with the days of the week transferring from the Romans to the germanic tribes we see how simply they took the names of the Romans gods and swapped them for associated Scandinavian gods, going from the romance language meaning “Venus day” to “Frigs day” as her germanic translations were so closely associated with love, which is another cross between her and Freyja, Frigga commonly is seen as a more domestic goddess and a wife, we see Freyja as this love goddess and in the text especially by Snorri Freyja is sexualized and made to be a promiscuous goddess, which could easily be that we are seeing what was once one goddess split into two versions or faucets of what they were before. One other confusing part for many people is Freyja’s husband Odr who is known to be the god Odinn. Freyja is also known heavily for her weeping when off searching for her husband, during Baldur's death Frigga's exaggerated focus is her weeping, which could easily be nothing important. But modernly the generally acceptable answer is that they are two different goddesses both important in their own right and status.
Frøya has a necklace she always wears. Its name is Brisgamen is a torc/necklace made by the dwarves and frøya supposedly spent a night with each of them who made it to get Brisingamen. In other myths Thor wears it dressed as Frøya during the fake wedding to Thrym the giant who stole Thor's hammer, then when Loki stole it and gave it to Odin. Odin made her start a war to get it back.
She also had a Boar named Hildisvini "Battle-swine" which she turned her husband oðr into and rode in one of the myths.
In the Grimnismal translation, it says "then" Odin picks not "and" giving the idea Freyja picks first but it's never mentioned otherwise. But modernly we accept that she does have the first pick. Gullveig is believed to be another name for frøya, she was a sorceress who predicted the Æsir, Vanir war and was burned alive 3 times by the Æsir each time coming back to life and was struck by spears and still didn't die.
She, like Odin, was known to use many different names throughout the myths and in her travels. She's the one who taught Odin and the other Æsir gods how to do Seidr magic. After the Æsir, Vanir war they exchanged hostages, and Frøya, Njordh, and Frey went to live with the Æsir in Asgard.
The Dís or Disir are referenced very often, always female, some called them female ancestors or fate goddesses which would include them in the Norns but they're also mentioned as Valkyrie in a sense as the Valkyrie were the Helpers of Odin and Freyja, they choose the who will fall and who lives during battles, etc. But most translations of the word Dís translated in Old Norse to "Lady", which is one of the same translations of Freyja, as Freyr and Freyja are "Lord" and "Lady". But then you have the many names used for Freyja, one being Vanadis, which they say means Lady of the Vanir (Vanir is one of the tribes of gods), but also some believed it meant that she was "the great dís" or Lady of the Disir Vanir, but it is known that they would call Freyja "Queen of the Valkyrie" and by translations possibly leader of the Dís, which then leads to more questions on the connection between the 2 (dís and Valkyrie). It’s known that Odin had his group of Valkyrie but that he had a group of "women" called "Odins Dís". Then you have 2 celebrations throughout the year, Disablot and disthing (this one has different names) which seem to mark the coming and going of winter, but also were more secretive and mainly within the home, some believed to be drawing down the ancestors magic from the alfar (elves) which with Freyja association to being "mistress of the home" (gets into the debate on her a frigg) and the name of the celebration may not have been the elves but the Dís possibly either as female ancestors or believe in ancestral connections to minor gods as a societal whole. Considering it wasn't uncommon for nobility to claim ancestry of some of the more famed gods (Odin, Freyr, etc)
Of course, Freyja is now a major goddess, if she wasn't before or even if she and Frigg were once the same being. They are now spilt just as Freyja is now much more important, but seeing the translation of Vanadis possible as "The great Dís" and Freyja having a connection to Gullvieg being Freyja and the connection to Freyja having rulership over Seiðr, etc. Could connect her to have been simply a leader of the Dís and or Valkyrie, and maybe it wasn't even her actual name considering Freyja translates to Fraujō in proto-Germanic, which becomes Frau in modern German, Frau means "woman" leading to the idea Freyja meant "Mistress" or "Lady" which is a title, not a name, which is interesting anyways. But of course, taking into account Old Norse poetry all the gods had different names and kennings. Which could mean we lost her original name.
The myths never actually show her as a Vølva but her association with magic gives us the idea she is along with the repeated idea that she was a goddess of sacrifices and that she was a “priest” in some texts, with the further association to gullveig this leads to the association that she could be a volva.
She has been described as having a chariot pulled by cats but they’re most likely domestic house cats based on the translations in stories the words used to mean only “cats” and if they were lynx or larger cats many translators believe the word directly referred to those animals would’ve been used instead, many older stories passed down orally mainly referred to her cats to be larger but we have no further evidence for either side.
Historical worship/practice
She had a fertility cult in the Viking age that stopped due to Christianity and a cult that lasted up until Snorri's age and time but that stopped soon after.
Hǫrg hann mér gerði, hlaðinn steinom,nú er griót þatat gleri orðit; rauð hann í nýionauta blóði, æ trúði Óttarrá ásynior (Hyndluljóð st. 10).
(He’s made a sanctuary for me, faced with stone, now that stone has turned to glass; he’s reddened it with fresh ox blood, Ottar has always trusted in the goddesses.)
This is one of the only examples of her worship or any goddess worship in the texts.
She and Frigga were called on during childbirth, and historically, our source came from a midwife.
In history, women of higher status would be named after Freyja in a sense being called “Fruvur” (ladies). Referring to the text before we see that many women who ruled over the household would be titled in her honor showing her ruling over the home at those times.
Magic (especially Seidr)
Days of the Week
Friday, “Frigs day”
Special days
9- Nine is a number found everywhere in Norse mythology, although nobody is sure why as it’s never explained anywhere.
Light Pink
Light Purple
Falcons/Birds of prey
Plants and Flowers
Common Valerian
Snow Blossoms
Essential oils/incense
Any sweet scents
Any baked good scents
Crystals and Metals
Rose quartz
Any moonstone
Black Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline
River rock
Divinational associations (runes/tarot)
Fehu, Sowilo, Berkano, Queen of wands, Queen of swords, The empress, The high priestess, The lovers, The star (Wildwood deck The Seer, and The Woodward)
Offerings and Devotional acts
Any Meads
Flowers (pressed or fresh)
Anything handmade for her
Learning sword work
Things are respectfully taken from nature
Poetry (especially traditional Norse)
Hot chocolate
Any tea
Sweet drinks or spices like cinnamon
Any meats
Any Berries
Ethically gathered Bones, Cat claws, and cat whiskers (DO NOT HARM AN ANIMAL FOR THESE)
Spending time in nature
Learning runes
Learning distaff spinning
Any imagery associated with her
Learning magic or divination
Any baked goods (bread, muffins, honey cakes, etc)
Cat statues
Boar imagery
Fostering cats/kittens
Lighting candles every day in her honor
Burning incense for her (she likes things with flames or burning)
Flax bundles
A staff making a staff for your craft if you practice Seidr they are commonly used in it and you could make your devotional staff for that and have it by her altar.
Braiding your hair
Support women’s rights
Start a flower garden
Care for your significant other
Volunteer or support shelters
Honor your ancestors
Feed strays
Runic Chants/chanting the runes
Old Norse songs
(Both are commonly used in seidr)
Poem to Freyja-
Poetic Edda translated by Jackson Crawford
Tales of Norse Mythology by Helen A. Guerber
The Norse Gods and Goddesses (Intro.)
Frigg and Freyja
The Vanir
The Vǫlva (Norse Seeress) and Seiðr
Valkyries (Valkyrjur)
Fólkvangr (Folkvang)
THE NORSE GODS: FREYJA || General info, what working with Freyja is like and offerings
Freyja (Freya) Norse Goddess of Love, Warriors, and Cats
My Experiences with Deities: Freyja
Seiðr Magic and Gender
gods and myths of northern Europe
by h.r. ellis davidson
norse mythology - guide to the gods, heroes, rituals and beliefs
- john lindow
#witchythings#witchblr#witch community#study notes#goddess freyja#freyja#norse pantheon#norse paganism#norse gods#norse mythology#norse#norse heathen#aesir#vanir#goddess#cats of tumblr#cat#cats#beginner witch#witchcraft#witch tips#witchcraft community#divination#paganism#nordic#freya#frøya#witchyvibes#goddess information#norse inspired
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Hail Frigg Prayer
Written to the feel and scheme of the Catholic Hail Mary. I grew up Catholic and often miss the flow of the Hail Mary in prayer so I altered it to fit All Mother.
Hail Frigg, full of grace divine,
The All Mother, forever shine.
Blessed art thou in wisdom's light,
Guidance and comfort, day and night.
Holy Frigg, source of strength and might,
In your embrace, we find respite.
All-knowing Mother, hear our plea,
Guide us on life's vast, unknown sea.
Frigg, with love, your children bless,
In your wisdom, we find success.
Support us in each trial we face,
Grant us your mercy and embrace.
Patron | Instagram
#witchblr#frigg#frigga#aesir#asatru#norse gods#nordic#norse witch#norse pagan#norse paganism#prayer#witch blog#witch community#hearth witch#cottage witch
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Rdr2 is an amazing game but I crave a game with the same feeling and atmosphere but like in different time periods.
I crave a medieval, an ancient rome, a Nordic, a PIRATE
I want to be a sickly early Victorian child with a falling apart put together family with an ending that will violently rip my heart out of my chest like rdr

#Rdr2#rdr#red dead fandom#red dead#red dead redemption community#red dead redemption two#red dead redemption 2#red dead redemption#wild west#medieval#pirate#Victorian#nordic#pls i need this#I CRAVE IT
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Rock'n Valentines
It's been forever since i've posted anything i know, but here! have some cute selfship stuff for this wonderful day where love is celebrated in all it's shapes💕
..And for me it happens to be shaped like a guitare
#shred force#nordic bunny#self ship#yumeship#yumeshipping#yumedanshi#selfship art#yume community#self shipper#self shipping#god the quality is ass i'm sorry ;;
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#furry community#furry artist#furry art#dexidoodles#furry fandom#furry commissions#furry convention#nordic fuzz con#nfc#Nordicfuzzcon#nfc2024
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Happy Freyja Day 🐈 🩷
In 2025, I've been working on reconnecting with Freyja. I've come to discover her energy is like a loving mothers. It's quite beautiful. I've been working on praying as well as working on self love in her honor. I am not sure how to put into words the appreciation I have for Lady Freyja.
#norse heathen#norse paganism#norse gods#norse polytheism#norse heathenry#nordic heathenery#nordic deity#nordic community#nordic polytheism#freyja deity#freyja worship#freyja devotee#lady freyja#freyja
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Norse Paganism Recommendations?
I’ve been interested in Norse paganism ever since I started my journey in witchcraft and before I considered paganism. Runes were the first form of divination I was drawn to. However, I’ve hesitant to delve into because of the rampant white supremacy and neo-nazi issues within it. Every time I’ve come across a norse pagan book, the author winds up being shady af. I’ve felt drawn to Odin but it’s difficult finding reliable and safe sources. Are there any norse pagans out there that have book, website, or practitioner recommendations that aren’t bigoted? Any normal resource at this point- I’d be grateful.
#nordic paganism#norse paganism#norse polytheism#norse heathen#paganism#pagan#paganblr#pagans of tumblr#pagan witch#pagan community#norse pagan#heathen#heathenry#pagan books
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wanted to do this for a good while now teehee I LOVE OBSCURE CHARACTERS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THEY ARE THE BEST!!!!
selfinserts from top left to bottom right:
costar, Sunny ,Boomblaster, Prism ,Cynthia, Rosethorn, Trek, Tazzy and Fox
also here's more ships cuz i miss themmmmmmmm i miss commander Peepers my beloved
and also about the "forbidden romnace" ship, the wolf is from manga sekai mukashi banash. he's not even important at all but he is to me. selfinsert is simply called Fox. she's like, a not-stereotypically sly fox . just sweet thang
@candyheartedchy @berryshipbasket @sportakisser
@tireddovahkiin @radaverse @lficanthaveloveiwantpower @artcomestolife @bloodhoundini
#darknoverse#art#digital art#thorns of origins#antasma#prince rosethorn#selfship#oc x canon#selfinsert#canon x selfinsert#si x canon#cosku#trekos#Rosetasma#selfshipping community#flip#aku#nos4 a2#nordic bunny#chameleon#skrawl#syrrus#💜eyes on you#🕷️Cyber scarab#🦗silly critters🪲#💕heart sketch#💥Rock and Rule#💚tazmanian lizard
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understanding norse runes: a historical and modern perspective pt. 1
This is going to be a three part series, each one covering a different aett of the Elder Futhark runes. We will not be covering the "reversed" or "murk stave" interpretations, because that is largely up to the reader to discern depending on orientation and arrangement when pulled. I'll make another post about the act of drawing runes for divination, but that isn't what this is. What this is is each rune's respective Anglo-Saxan, Norwegian, and Icelandic word poems (when available), the summarized interpretation, and associated deities.
For part two click here, part 3 here.
ᚠ fehu
"Wealth be by all very much welcomed:
Each man shall deal it out freely,
If he will from the Lord get approval"
"Wealth causes trouble among relatives
The wolf is raised in the forest"
"Wealth is trouble among relatives
and fire of the sea
and path of the serpent"
INTERPRETATION: With the literal meaning being "cattle," this rune can also be wealth or gold. Also more literally, "fehu" is the source of the power of Frigg and Freyja, who are seeresses. Freyja, too, is most often associated with the golden necklace Brisingamen, whereas Freyr is associated with fertility and harvest (which leads to monetary gain). A rune of creation or creativity, this could represent anything from the creation from life or art, to money or social status. Especially when surrounded by runes of caution, however, this stave encourages us not to abuse our power, our money, our knowledge, etc. To avoid conflict (as arises in the Norwegian and Icelandic poems), it must be shared generously and used with wisdom. Often seen as representing raw, untamed power, there is a certain level of risk or effort that must go in to obtaining the metaphorical pot of gold. Regardless, the person is encouraged to take risks, to enter the unknown if available, and be prepared to "tame the wild," so to speak. As the first rune in the Elder Futhark, this rune is more than just "wealth" or "fertility," it's the process, the exchange of energy, that leads to the creation of these aspects. Therefore, in a reading, one might see this as more than just the end goal, but a reminder for seek balance when between prosperity and richness of life when building our future.
KEY WORDS: abundance, wealth, new beginnings, creation, success
ASSOCIATIONS: Freyr (who may be the "Lord" referred to in the Anglo-Saxan poem), Freyja, and possibly Frigg (especially when you consider that Frigg and Freyja are commonly conflated with one another)
ᚢ uruz
"Aurochs is fearless and greatly horned,
A very fierce beast, it fights with its horns,
A famous roamer of the moor, it is a very courageous animal."
"Slag comes from poor iron
Often the reindeer runs over the hard-frozen snow."
"Drizzle is weeping of the clouds
and destructions of the hay-harvest
and abhorrence of the herdsman."
INTERPRETATION: With the literal meaning of "Aurochs" (or wild cow), "drizzle," or "slag," the uruz rune seems to have some contradiction when it comes to ancient interpretations. However, taking the Norse creation myth as written in the Prose Edda, we can start to make connections. In the Younger Edda, before Midgard was made, Muspelheim and Niflheim already existed. And when the rivers of Niflheim travelled far enough, it's "yeasty venom" hardened like slag, and condensed into a drizzle of rain which cooled into rime. Later, when the giant Ymir and the cow Audhumla thaw out of the frost at the edge of Muspelheim, Audhumla licks away that rime to reveal the first god. Thus we come to the modern interpretation, which is primordial power and manifestation. If fehu is the opportunity to create, uruz is the act of that creation happening. If fehu is cattle, then uruz is those cattle turned to fierce oxen to protect their land. It is the act of going back, or turning inward. Thus, this tells us that we may need to do some introspection, to find the will to go on within ourselves. Empty the page and let it fill again, burn away weakness and leave behind only pure vitality, pure drive. Also, it can be the twin power of shaping and nourishment knowledge, health, or luck.
KEY WORDS: growth, transformation, endurance,
ᚦ thurisaz
"Thorn is most sharp, for every thane
who grasps it, it is harmful, exceeding cruel
To every man who rests among them."
"Thurs causes illness in women:
few rejoice at bad luck."
"Thurs is the torment of women,
and the dweller in the rocks(/cliffs),
and the man(/husband) of Vardh-runa."
INTERPRETATION: The rune of Thor, this rune's literal meaning is in its name as "thurs"--meaning a primordial being, especially a Jotun. In the cases of the above rune poems, thurs represents a more imminent threat, like a disease causing entity. In modernity though, this rune represents action, potency, raw power, and physical strength, of which Thor embodies well. Also representing chaos (and sometimes even conflict) this rune can be one invoked for magic, especially chthonic or dark magic. Furthermore, this rune is one that links the power of the physical and spiritual realms, as Thor often does himself. In this vein, thurisaz can advise a diviner to seek balance in the regions where chaos reigns, whether that be a relationship, job, or otherwise. Be careful, though, and do not wander aimlessly into the dark, this rune forbodes not only a force of protection, but a force of destruction as well. Someone who is unskilled or undereducated may need to wisen up before making use of this rune in a practical manner, like a spell or sigil. It may also be considered a rune that represents sexual potency or pure eroticism, especially as it is a symbol of masculine potency.
KEY WORDS: strength, courage, eroticism, chaos, magic
ASSOCIATIONS: Thor, the Jotnar
ᚨ ansuz
"Mouth is the chieftain of all speech
mainstay of wisdom, comfort to wise ones
for every noble earl hope and happiness."
"River mouth is the way of most journeys:
but a scabbard of swords."
"Ase is the olden-father (Odin),
Asgard's chieftain,
and the leader of Valholl (Valhalla)."
INTERPRETATION: The ansuz rune has two literal interpretations seen above: god and mouth. To connect these two you just have to look at the Icelandic rune poem that references Odin: chief of the aesir and creator of language. In this way, ansuz is often seen as representing Odin, but also his many aspects: language, poetry, wisdom, occult mastery, magic. As master of the runes, Odin represents everything the staves do: life, death, and the in-between. Understanding and intellectualism built on the mysteries of these aspects is not only encouraged but embodied by the ansuz rune. It tells us to try to emulate Odin in our everyday way, forcing ourselves into a cycle of forever change (as uncomfortable as it may be) and constant learning. To be clear, in a reading this may not always be some sort of calling from Odin, but a call from his domains. Of course, seek the path that works best for you, but there could be something calling you to use the powers of persuasion, your talent in poetry/song, etc.
KEY WORDS: communication, language, mental power, a message
ASSOCIATIONS: Odin, the Aesir
ᚱ raidho
"Riding is in the hall for a warrior
soft, more strenuous when astride
A great stallion pounding the long mile paths."
"Riding is said to be worst for horses;
Regin forged the best sword."
"Riding is the joy of the rider
and a speedy journey,
and the labor of the horse."
INTERPRETATION: Raidho, or "ride"/"riding" is a rune of action and change. Less chaotic than ansuz, raidho emulates the soothing rhythm of a car (chariot/horse if we're being historically accurate) ride, the logician in a nation's leadership, the institutions of our schooling. However, it also calls for plans to be made, a path to be carved before it is walked. In this way, it can also mean the just, moral, or ethical path is being suggested to the reader. Feeling the call to use baneful magic? Perhaps delay it in favor of something more productive for yourself. Or don't, it's up to you. In some ways, this rune also represents the sun, as in its travel across the sky, and the potential and vitality it promises. Either way, action is necessary, and the righteous path is the one to follow.
KEY WORDS: order, structure, journey, ethics/morals, progress
ᚲ kenaz
"Torch to the living familiar aflame,
Is blinding and brilliant, it burns most often
Where royal folk within are resting."
"Sore is fatal to children:
Death makes a corpse pale."
"Sore is the bale of children
And a scourge,
And the house of rotten flesh."
INTERPRETATION: Kenaz, again, has two different meanings in the runic poems: torch and sore (like a blister). This time, though, the difference seems to be for purely etymological reasons, and has little to do with a story. The only slight association I've seen pointed out is that both of these things are warm? Either way, fire is the primary meaning. From from we can discern deeper meanings, like energy and divine inspiration. Fire brings light and clarity, but can also burn and destroy. Perhaps you seek to know the future, but you are only willing to accept it if it's positive. Allow it to burn, to warm you to the deepest depths of your bones, to inspire you to create, like the fire of a forge. Let it fill you with vitality and stamina (especially sexually). Let it purify you as it purifies the dead on a pyre. It may also work to protect you, as a campfire does for the lonesome traveler. If left untended, however, it can cause death, suffering, a malady that will only worsen as it continues to be untended.
KEY WORDS: Knowledge, sexuality, creativity, clarity
ᚷ gebo
"Giving, to all men, brings credit and honor
help and worthiness--and to every outcast
is the estate and substance, that have naught else."
INTERPRETATION: As the letter "G" does not exist in Younger Futhark, we only have to deal with one potential meaning of gebo: "gift." Specifically, the balanced art of giving and receiving. Not only should one receive gifts gracefully, but reciprocate generously to friends, family, ancestors, and the gods. And that doesn't just mean physical gifts: but an exchange of energy, of time. Gifts are not simply bribes or meaningless gestures, but sacrifices and an exchange of loyalty. In a religious context, this does not just imply the act of constant sacrifice with no return from the gods. In Norse culture, the relationship between god and man went both ways. At Ragnarok, heroes would fight for the gods, as in life they would give up their time/energy/resources in offering. In exchange the gods would fight alongside us, and give gifts in return. Because of the sexual/romantic associations with reciprocity, gebo is commonly associated with the Freyr, Freyja, and Frigg. Furthermore, because of Odin's self-sacrifice to receive knowledge and wisdom, it is strongly associated with him as well.
KEY WORDS: gift, exchange, reciprocity, generosity, sacrifice
ASSOCIATIONS: Freyja, Freyr, Frigg, Odin
ᚹ wunjo
"Joy is for one who knows little of woe,
pains and sorrows, and to him who has
power and bliss and buildings good enough."
INTERPRETATION: Similar to gebo, since "W" does not appear in the Younger Futhark, wunjo is only given the one meaning: "joy." Now, where to start with this rune. Yes, simply, wunjo means happiness. But how do you define happiness? Is it social fulfillment: familial, platonic, romantic, sexual? Is it the simple things: reading a good book, seeing beautiful scenery, or drawing a picture? Is it ecstasy or is it purely innocent pleasures? What makes your life a blissful one, what do you desire? Or, simply, is it the ability to cope with pain? Does joy exist where suffering is absent? Or, like a good love story, does it have to hurt a little to be true? In some ways, this rune can simply be thought of as a balance between good and bad, our inner and outer selves. Truly knowing oneself, and knowing others; healing from trauma or emotional pain; an end to conflict. With divination, it would be best to look at the surrounding runes in order to interpret where this "joy" could be stemming from. Or, even more, it should be used to comment on other runes. If you pull isa but there is a wunjo next to it, you can assume that the meaning of isa to be more positive.
KEY WORDS: joy, harmony, success, celebration, security
ASSOCIATIONS: none, all gods have their joyous sides
"Taking Up the Runes" by Diana L. Paxson
and two unnamed books bc i found out after buying them that the authors are bigots
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Custom Nordic Runes named After Pokémon Moves
✨️💛 The Blasian Witch 💛✨️
#runes#nordic runes#pokemon#nerdy witches#geek witches#pop culture witchcraft#spells#spell#witchblr#witches of tumblr#witch community#the blasian witch#baby witch#asian witch#black witches#christian witch
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For all my Childfree comrades out there, have you ever seen a fan child of your fictional crush and just got ANXIETY or something? Like idk if I’m the only one tbh.
#childfree#shred force#nordic bunny#nordic bunny shred force#f/o#fictoromantic#fictosexual#ficto community
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