Ask Husk
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You Might Need a Bartender to Talk To....
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
*looks for a second and gives a soft smile* I'd like...a little company, please.
"You got it!" Husk makes himself comfortable at the bar.
"It's hard being alone when your head is making you feel bad. I know sometimes people don't understand."
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
Husk considers teasing some more, but relents. "You got it," he says, whipping his cock out dramatically. Unlike certain rumors that Niffty likes to spread, it isn't in fact barbed like a cats would be. Though that probably wouldn't deter Angel anyway.
He doesn't actually fuck Angel immediately, though, instead he leans in close and whispers, "I don't think you're naked enough," before he practically shreds his clothes.
"A little birdie told me it was your birthday.... thought I'd get you something."
TW: Swearing. Adult Themes.
Unlike the magic that some demons possess, the magic Husker shows off is human magic tricks. The kind he learned when alive.
He starts by pulls endless scarves from his cuffs. Seemingly from nowhere.
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
"You like it," Husk says with a lopsided grin. "Unless there's something you would like better...?"
"A little birdie told me it was your birthday.... thought I'd get you something."
TW: Swearing. Adult Themes.
Unlike the magic that some demons possess, the magic Husker shows off is human magic tricks. The kind he learned when alive.
He starts by pulls endless scarves from his cuffs. Seemingly from nowhere.
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
*doesn't say anything at fiest, but gives a look of weakness*
I'm so tired...
"Been there, kid." Husk takes a long swig of his drink, almost wishing for a cigarette or cigar.
"Anything you want to talk about? Or do you just want company?"
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
On the rocks, please...
*thinks intensely as I sigh and become quiet*
Husk pours his drink, setting it in front of him.
"Everything okay?" He asks patiently. He's not even sure the sinner will answer.
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
*walks into the bar and takes a seat, looking a bit depressed*
Jack Daniels, please...
"Neat or on the rocks?" Husk asks, pulling a tulip-shaped glass (a Glencairn glass) out on the counter.
He gives the stranger a look over, but doesn't pry....yet.
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
Husk nearly purrs in contentment himself. He runs his claws down Angel's side, stopping every once in a while when he feels Angel shudder, and mapping the sensitive spots in his head.
He takes his precious time, not feeling in any hurry, though his own erection screams for attention.
"A little birdie told me it was your birthday.... thought I'd get you something."
TW: Swearing. Adult Themes.
Unlike the magic that some demons possess, the magic Husker shows off is human magic tricks. The kind he learned when alive.
He starts by pulls endless scarves from his cuffs. Seemingly from nowhere.
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
What picture does your muse(s) have as their phone’s lock screen?
"How the fuck am I supposed to know that? Do muses even have phones...?"
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
His name's Will Smith cuz he's gettin' jiggy wit' it
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"Am I supposed to know what this is?"
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
Husk let's out his own groan feeling Angel writhe against him. Damn, he knew the spider demon was agile, and he's sure he hasn't seen anything yet.
But there's a secret he doesn't know, and one he's happy to share. "I'm a bit of a sadist," Husk admits freely, an evil glint in his eye. "And I live for edging."
"A little birdie told me it was your birthday.... thought I'd get you something."
TW: Swearing. Adult Themes.
Unlike the magic that some demons possess, the magic Husker shows off is human magic tricks. The kind he learned when alive.
He starts by pulls endless scarves from his cuffs. Seemingly from nowhere.
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
Husk grumbles, taking another swig of his bottle before setting it down on the counter. With a sigh, he follows Alastor out of the hotel. He's not sure what exactly Alastor has in mind. Did he want another washed up previous overlord to intimidate someone? It seems unlikely, but so does Alastor wanting his company at all to begin with.
“...Husk. You and me are going to ‘hang out’ or whatever today. Come on.”
Husk puts down his bottle mid swig.
"Why would I want to do that?"
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
"What did ya have in mind?" Husk asks with a smirk. He expects something crass to come out of the spider demon's mouth. It's usually something dirty with that one.
“Why hello there whiskers~ if it ain’t my favorite bartender.”
Husk looks up from the bar. "Hey there. What can I get ya?" In his experience, most people want something.
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
Husk frowns, takes another long drink to give him time to think. He wasn't going to refuse. That would be...a dangerous mistake. And he was already pushing Alastor's limits by being as crass as he was.
"Fine. Though if you wanted to spend time ya could've just asked for a drink...."
“...Husk. You and me are going to ‘hang out’ or whatever today. Come on.”
Husk puts down his bottle mid swig.
"Why would I want to do that?"
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
Husk snorts. "No offense, Sir," he says, just as blatantly, "But you've never given a shit about just 'hanging out' before..."
“...Husk. You and me are going to ‘hang out’ or whatever today. Come on.”
Husk puts down his bottle mid swig.
"Why would I want to do that?"
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
Husk freezes momentarily. His eyes narrow, and he hesitates before saying, "What's so important that you feel the need ta threaten me?"
“...Husk. You and me are going to ‘hang out’ or whatever today. Come on.”
Husk puts down his bottle mid swig.
"Why would I want to do that?"
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
*Meep merp, a random human appears! . . . .after somehow falling into the hotel-.*
(hai :>)
Husk blinks tiredly. "...the hell did you come from?" He's not sure if it's actually a human...but it sure looks like one. Is that even possible?
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ask-husk-the-bartender · 10 months ago
“...Husk. You and me are going to ‘hang out’ or whatever today. Come on.”
Husk puts down his bottle mid swig.
"Why would I want to do that?"
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