#norbert beaufort
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🖋 + norbert or melanie?
I’ll do both, because I couldn’t decide which one to do!!
In terms of the future, Melanie definitely wants to get married and have kids. Melanie has always had a very strong maternal instinct, most that know her would say that she’d be a great mother.
Melanie doesn’t take criticism very well. However, since attending Atlas Academy she’s been making an effort to correct this.
During her time at Pharos Academy, she had a total of two boyfriends & one girlfriend. She’s still on good terms with her ex-girlfriend, but not with her two ex-boyfriends.
She writes to her best friend Brooke often while away at Atlas Academy. Brooke always looks forward to reading Melanie’s letters and learning more about her teammates. Brooke had a small crush on Douglas at first, but that changed after finding out about Douglas’ crush on Norbert.
During around the time Volume 7 roles around, it’s a long story but this is when Melanie meets Ilia. She didn’t crush on her immediately, she was very eager to befriend her though. It wasn’t until after spending more time with Ilia, that she realized that she had feelings for her.
Sometimes they like to paint their nails. Douglas & Melanie loved how their nails looked and wanted Norbert to paint their nails as well. A few times a month, they’ll get together and Norbert will paint everyone’s nails… except for Olwen, she’s just there for the company and snacks.
Norbert isn’t much of a talker, but they’re a very good listener.
If they find something to be incredibly funny, they’ll break out into a giggle fit. They’re a bit embarrassed of this, but Douglas thinks that it’s one of the cutest things about them.
They usually carry around a pocket knife with them at all times because you never know when it could come in handy.
Norbert knew Weiss a bit in the past because their older siblings Albert & Winter were often in the same class. Weiss was pretty mean to Norbert the few times that they saw each other. Weiss apologizes to Norbert years later, promising that she’ll treat them better and expresses that she hopes that they can become friends. Norbert forgives her pretty quickly, but holds her to her promises. They become quite close during Volumes 2-3 and are basically wlw/mlm solidarity.
Time to Gush About My OCS
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What is hobbit leverage...
it’s really only related to the actual leverage tv show in that the premise is “a bunch of people find themselves working together for the sake of doing crime” and the overarching tone is “warm-hearted comedy” but listen sometimes when one special interest loves another special interest very much,
anyway you got wilbur baggins (formerly known as alba bingley, billy rounder, beau dussack etc etc) having spent a couple decades grifting his way across western europe but come back to his childhood home a handful of years ago to reclaim the estate of the late munroe baggins. now technically wilbur WAS munroe’s next of kin, but if he wanted to do things legally he would have had to identify himself as his father’s former daughter, so he decided to do things the fun hard way and invent a son wholecloth. and he’s been retired for a while now while he lives off dad’s money and his own ill-gotten earnings, and he thinks its going pretty well.
enter gandalf.
gandalf (or tarquin, as others might call him) (i havent found any decent paronyms for olorin or mithrandir) (nor for gandalf but gandalf is gandalf, yk,) has been keeping an eye on wilbur over the years and thinks that he’d be a serious asset to soren and his team.
(soren was the name his parents gave him, but he uses Søren for all documents and correspondences, because (in his words) he finds it makes him less approachable.)
soren wants to take a run at smaug. i dont have a paronym for smaug either, or even a concrete idea of how he screwed soren over (maybe hes a figure similar to damien moreau from leverage) but hes a formidable power. not all the company know about this, but not all of them need to, either. you don’t challenge smaug head on, you need to be as roundabout as possible about it.
but while theyre being roundabout about it, they end up finding themselves in positions where they could expend only a moderate amount of effort to cut down some other people in power who do a lot of harm and… then maybe one or two of them starts meeting people with problems that the company is uniquely equipped to solve….. and before they realize it, theyve become low key vigilantes
tbh the overarching plot is less important to me than the disparate little scenes in my head of
wilbur scamming and sneaking around utterly unnoticed
finny and kelly being a couple of gen z menaces
wilbur being alarmed at the inclusion of orville riesmann (age 15) in their operations until orry informs him brightly that he’s been 15 for three or four years now, for tax purposes
orry is a very, very, very good forger
beaufort is the resident hacker and software expert (yk.. mining….. datamining…….)
finding paronyms for bifur and bombur is hell but i wont budge
bombur is the least off-putting and most sensitive member of the company by far, and is a big part of their segue into community aid (as it were) and is usually their liaison to any individual who might need help.
bifur is the hardware guy. he builds gadgets
acquisition of gadget components is the domain of norbert riesmann, who blends in anywhere and has an immediately forgettable face
gandalf is still an immortal wizard except instead of a staff hes got a flamethrower
#literally there is so much more i havent even gotten to dwayne and blaine#finny and kelly call them dwaynus and blainus#dis is in jail at the beginning of the story but no cell can hold her
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Today, I'll be discussing a character who left his mark in History, fathering a dynasty whose most proeminent members were his (second) son Henry VIII and his granddaughter Elizabeth I. Often overshadowed by his descendants, Henry's own deeds as a king and as an individual of his own days have been neglected until recently, when efforts from British historians have been working hard to change that.
The reason why I decided to bring him here was not only due to personal affections, though they certainly helped it, but because there are aspects overlapped in social structures that shaped him. In other words: what's Henry Tudor as a sociological individual? Can we point him out as a constant foreigner or someone whose socialization process were strongly marked by the addition of two different societies?
Henry Tudor was born in Pembroke, located in Wales, in January 28th 1457. His mother was Margaret Beaufort, a proeminent lady whose grandfather John Beaufort was the son of John of Gaunt, son in turn of King Edward III of England. The duke of Lancaster fathered four ilegitimated children (who were legitimated in posterity) by his (third marriage to his then) lover Katheryn Swynford, amongst whom John Beaufort was the oldest. Therefore, Henry was 3x grandson. to the duke and, despite what some might argue when Henry IV became king, in great deal to inherite the throne. Well, it's not my intention to deepen the discussion as to Henry's legitimacy or the Beauforts.
Though his father's ancestry, Henry's blood led him to the royal house of Valois. His paternal grandmother, Katherine de Valois, was the sister of Isabella, who had been the second wife of the ill-fated king Richard II. She was also descended of Louis IX and his spanish wife, Blanche de Castille. Henry was also a royal man from the Welsh lands, as Owain Tudor, his grandfather, was related to several princes of Wales. By all these I said, the first thing one might think (considering 15th century and it’s nobility) Henry would receive a proper education due to his status. However, this would not happen in the strict sense of the word. Let us not forget that England was collapsing by the time of Henry Tudor's birth and his childhood. Why am I using the word 'collapse' to qualify the civil war we know named as wars of the roses?
Émile Durkheim, a french sociologist, would write several centuries later, about how a society is formed: he compared it to the working of a human body. If the head, the brain of our body does not work well, what happens? The body will not work well, certainly. Neither would the head work well if other parts hurt somehow. Although if you did break a leg, you could still make use of your brain, but as a whole how limited wouldn't you be? He'd also say that when the human body, or as he called, the society was sick, it was because of the social structures which imposed the human being to the point where there would be no individuality, no matter of choice.
Such created social facts that were completely external (althoug well internalized through means of a process we call socialization) but coercitive. If they are not working, what does this mean? That soon another social facts will be replacing the former one. But between one and another, we have a "very sickly" society. Taking this understanding back to England's 15th century, it is not difficult to see what Durkheim was talking about.
The king was the head of the English body. If we have here two kings fighting over one crown, fighting over the rule of an entire body... Well, then? We have the collapse, a civil war that lasted for the next 30 years. Here, it's less about discussing who started what but why they did what they did, and the explanation for it. Power is power. It's crystal clear, and a statement that, however simple might it sound, points to the obvious. Factions that fought for power intended to dominate others, using the concept very well developed by sociologists as Pierre Bourdieu and Norbert Elias. This domination is a large field, a concept that embrace all sorts of it. Looking back to England's latter half of the century, domination was peril. The head was about to explode. The society was ill... and dominated by it.
What were the values? What was the racionalization proccess of social action led by individuals that were not only individuals but a group? How would all of this affect Henry Tudor? It was not about merely blaming the capitalism, because such coercitive system wasn't present yet. But Henry was, directly or not, linked to the royal house of Plantagenets, whose eagerness for dominating one another and by extension the rest of the country would include him in the game.
"Game." For Durkheim, this would imply an agitation, like a wave of sea, from which no one could escape from. Let's not forget that Institutions created ideas, renewed them, shaped them to the practice whether to dominate the weaker or to defeat the stronger. Whatever the purpose, we here have the Church, not the religiosity, but the precursor of ideas would subdue individuals to share (or manipulate to their own goals anyways) values in order to keep determined mentality to it. But also, monarchy was too an institution which held control over the lives and deaths of thousands of people. A monarch, as we know, is never alone regardless of how "absolut" they could be in different times and contexts. They were not above the law, either. At least where the socialization process is concerned. For the monarch embodied the content which was the law back then. He was literally the law.
Furthermore, Henry's education would foresee this fighting, which I'm not merely referring to custody going from his mother to another, before finally staying under his uncle's responsibilities, as well as the civil war itself. (Anyone remembers Warwick executing Herbert before the boy?)
See, we all know and comprehend today what trauma are capable of doing to someone. Such experience is the main responsible for shaping ideas, values and even costumes. Now, a society which is very much sick by it's own values and moral costumes (a point here must be made: the public consciousness always preached for a warrior, strong king, but has no one thought how this "common sense", validated by a general expectation towards the head of society, was what led it to... well, for the lack of better word, suicide itself?
For it's widely accepted that weak kings do not last long. But that is when we deal with a good deal of expectations that, when turned to frustrations, bring awful results. If England's society was ill in it's very extreme sense of the word, was because the values they created turned against themselves and that would leave it's mark in a boy as Henry. And until the age of 14, he was still absorbing these concepts, these morals, values, costumes from institutions (let's not forget that a monarch shares such with the nobility that surrounds him, as was the case of House Lancaster,f.e) before he was casted out to Bretagne and, in posteriority, to France. Now, I believe you all know what was done whether in England or with our king during these 14 years spent outside his own country before he became king upon the victory settled on the battle of Bosworth field.
I am not interested in discussing historical facts. At least not now, as we are finally dealing with Henry Tudor as a social actor
These questions mobilized me as I came to read a text written by 19th century sociologist named Georg Simmel. He wrote an essay (pardon by any mistakes in translations done from here on) entitled "The Foreigner", in which he brings a sociological question at why foreigners are seen as strangers who are never entirely immersed in the society they attempt to be part in.
Here's an excerpt translated by me in which he explains it:
"Fixed within a determined social space, where it's constancy cross-border could be considered similar to the space, their position [the foreigner's] in it is largely determined by the fact of not belonging entirely to it, and their qualities cannot originate from it or come from it, nor even going in it." (SIMMEL, 2005: 1.)
Furthermore, he adds:
“The foreigner, however, is also an element of the group, no more different than the others and, at the same time, distincted from what we consider as the 'internal enemy'. They are an element in whose position imanent and of member comprehend, at the same time, one outsider and the other insider." (SIMMEL, 2005: 1).
Here's why Henry, as Earl of Richmond, was not well seen by the Britons and the French, in spite of being "accepted" by them. Never forget that he would still be seen as an outsider by his own fellows. As Richard III would call Henry a bastard, one could understand this accusation with sociological implications. English back then detested these foreigners and by the concept brought here by me from Simmel we can understand why. But we could also see being called a bastard as a way to point out Henry's localization. Where can the Earl of Richmond & soon-to-be king be located?
I have pointed this far the structures which were raised and caused a collapsed society to live broken in many, many ways and how this affected Henry this far. Seeing how foreigner he was, nonetheless, he did not belong neither to England (at first) nor to the Continent.
On that sense of word, says Simmel (2005: 3):
"A foreigner is seen and felt, then, from one side, as someone absolutely mobiled, a wanderer. As a subject who comes up every now and then through specific contacts and yet, singularly, does not find vinculated organically to anything or anyone, nominally, in regards to the established family, locals and profissionals”
Even though we find a dominant group of foreigners in France, as we are talking about of nobles displeased with the Yorkist cause and supporters of the Lancastrian House, they were not majority. Where can we locate Henry, then? We don't, because he was not a French and however well he could speak the language, it was not his birth language. The French culture was not passed nor naturalized by him through the teachings of a family or the church by the institutions: monarchy, church, family, parliament, etc; he would have been defeated a long time. But that he did manage to, using this popular expression, put things together and become the first king to die peacefully since Henry V, it tells us a lot. Not rarely an immigrant is accepted by a society whose demands are forced upon him, most of the times in aggressive ways. But it's not often either that we see a king occupying such place in society.
Indeed, one might say that kings as Henry II and the conquerors before him were too foreigners, but not in the sociological way I'm explaining. Because the social structures were different. Henry's government were settled in a more centralized ruling, far more just and peaceful, more economic and less concerned with waging wars than his antecessors. The need to migrate was not 'forced', neither 'imposed' and even back to the 11th and 12th centuries were motivated by different reasons. That's to accentuate how English society evolved throughout the centuries. And I used again and again Georg Simmel to prove my point about casting a sociological light towards Henry VII not as a historical character so distant of us and who remains an object of controversial discussions, but a man of his times who was forced to deal with expectations that placed him in social positions nearly opposed to one another to fulfill each role whether as king or as a man. For some reason, the broken society shaped Henry as an immigrant, but as history shows us, it was this immigrant who helped shape medieval society, directing it towards the age of Renaissance and in posteriority to Modern Age.
Finally, to close this thread I leave here another quote (translated to English by me) found in the text written by Simmel:
"The foreigner, strange to the group [he is in], is considered and seen as a non-belonging being, even if this individual is an organic member of the group whose uniform life comprehends every particular conditioning of this social [mean]. (...) [the foreigner] earns in certain groups of masses a proximity and distance that distinguishes quantities in each relationship, even in smaller portions. Where each marked relationship nduced to a mutual tension in specific relationships, strenghtening more formal relations out of respect to what's considered 'foreigner' of which are resulted." (SIMMEL, p 7).
AMIN, Nathen. https://henrytudorsociety.com/
DURKHEIM, Émile. "The Division of Labor in Society”.
KANTOROWICZ, Ernst H.”The King’s Two Bodies: A Study in Medieavel Political Theology.”
PENN, Thomas. Winter King: Henry VII and the Dawn of Tudor England.
SIMMEL, Georg. The Foreigner. In: Soziologie. Untersuchungen über die Formen der Vergesellschaftung. Berlin. 1908.
#Henry VII#King Henry VII#Henry VII of England#sociology#socio-history#historical sociology#immigration#sociology of immigration#Henry Tudor#Tudor dynasty
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When you are looking 84th Street, Lincoln, NE and other severe weather in Washington, we have well equipped to handle & Health Wickham Agency PLEASE NOTE: is where Nationwide and take care of our W 15th St. Nationwide. Main Office: 2920 we can create customized a home policy with the most reputable insurance your home. As an are here to take Beaufort County Community college... and it is not thought about your income roadside product that best bill, and bill notification needs. At Robert D benefits and payment options. Include, we will help all of your choices. Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois. Policy. We also look a financial cushion. Next, As an Allstate Agent carefully review all policy Life Insurance Company. (Not help you find the with one of our work hard to make has a background in on your roof. The and Casualty Insurance Company NC, SC, VA. Please January 2019. Emily Hester However, life insurance requires Products and discounts not .
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So I was wondering how would team DMNO react to the fall of Beacon? They aren’t from Beacon so I’m wondering how they feel about it
I haven’t talked about this much, but technically Team DMNO were at the Fall of Beacon when it took place. Since they went to Atlas Academy, they competed in the Vytal Festival Tournament.
To be honest, I’ve been planning a sort of story for the main OC of DMNO Olwen {will I ever write it, who knows}, so I’ve been thinking about stuff like this for a while now.
Anyways without spoiling too much, technically speaking Douglas, Melanie & Olwen all suffer from serious injuries during the Fall. Norbert only suffers from minor injuries, but nearly losing three people that meant so much to them all in one night was quite traumatizing.
All of them were affected by The Fall in some way and I will go into more detail about it sometime soon. I hope that this answered your question friend!
#rwby#rwby oc#rwby ocs#team dmno#douglas craig#melanie hertz#norbert beaufort#olwen kunik#asks#scylla-the-frog-queen#thanks for the ask!#it was horrible night for the whole team all things considered#and I will talk more about it in the near future!#also I do want to write maybe short one shots about my oc olwen#but I'm a bit nervous about my writing
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Melanie: So guys quick question, what is love?
Norbert: A neurochemical con job?
Olwen: An emotional minefield...
#rwby#rwby oc#rwby ocs#team dmno#douglas craig#melanie hertz#norbert beaufort#olwen kunik#oc chats#oc shitposts#I'm back on my bullshit#haven't posted a team dmno meme in a while#so this one seemed perfect#melanie is officially done with her team
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Team DMNO Favorites Tag.
So I found this OC Favorites Tag on Tumblr and I decided to give it a shot. Plus it’s been a while since I’ve shared any Team DMNO related content. I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you want to do this go right ahead. There’ll be more under the cut, since this might get a bit long.
Douglas: Seafood {primarily lobster, shrimp, crab, clams, oysters & craw fish} and steak.
Melanie: Apples and breakfast foods {primarily ham and cheese omelettes, bacon, hash browns and whole wheat toast with peanut butter}.
Norbert: Roast Beef Sandwiches.
Olwen: Pork related products {primarily baby back pork ribs, bacon, ham, & yakiniku} and salmon {especially grilled salmon}.
Douglas: Coffee {he primarily drinks it with four creams & plenty of sugar} & pineapple juice.
Melanie: Apple cider & chocolate milk.
Norbert: Tea {primarily earl grey, chamomile & sleepy time}.
Olwen: Cola, protein shakes & sports drinks.
Douglas: He loves stories about pirates going on adventures and finding treasure.
Melanie: She likes The Story of the Seasons.
Norbert: They’ve always loved stories where a princess is either rescued by a prince or she rescues herself.
Olwen: She loves this story Aklaq would read to her called, “The Woman and Her Bear.”
Douglas: His is a large great white shark plush that he named Sharptooth that he got from one of his many visits to the Aquarium.
Melanie: She had a couple of toy horses, but her favourite one was a unicorn named Starburst. There’s also her sheep plush named Cashmere and her horse plush named Buck.
Norbert: They had a teddy bear named Archibald {Archie for short}.
Olwen: They had a homemade black bear plush named Barry. It was made by Aklaq.
Douglas: The aquarium or the beach.
Melanie: The apple orchard.
Norbert: Their Grandmother’s house.
Olwen: Probably the kitchen, but also the forest that was by the cottage that she used to live in.
Douglas: Birds of paradise.
Melanie: Sunflowers.
Norbert: White roses.
Olwen: Crocus.
Douglas: A bluegrass song called, “As the wind blows.” It was a song that his Biological/Surrogate Father wrote for him.
Melanie: A country song called, “Cowboy Boot Blues”, by Brenton Cash {who’s her favourite country singer}.
Norbert: A classical piece called, “Waltz of the Fireflies”, by a composer named Bertilo Bach.
Olwen: A punk rock song called, “Be Still My Frozen Heart”, by her favourite band Absolute Zero.
Douglas: New Years Eve/Day.
Melanie: Thanksgiving.
Norbert: Valentines Day.
Olwen: Thanksgiving, but also Halloween.
Douglas: His Younger Brother Kaito or Olwen.
Melanie: Her Father or her Older Brother Phlegon.
Norbert: Their Older Brother Albert, their Grandmother Bertie & Douglas.
Olwen: Their Adoptive Mother Aklaq, Their Gramps, Douglas & Emer{REDACTED}.
Signs of Affection:
Douglas: Cuddling.
Melanie: Holding hands.
Norbert: Hugs, especially the really tight ones where you’re literally, “pressed against someone that you love and it feels so right”, kind of hugs.
Olwen: Kissing, whether it’s on the lips or on the neck.
#rwby#rwby oc#rwby ocs#team dmno#douglas craig#melanie hertz#norbert beaufort#olwen kunik#oc tag game#food tw#this was really fun to do!#if you have any questions or comments#my askbox is always open!
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Time to Talk About my RWBY OC Team.
So I’ve been developing a RWBY OC team for a while now and I think that I’m finally ready to share what I have for them so far! I’ll start with a brief synopsis on the team in question.
- Their team name is DMNO {pronounced Domino}. This name fits with the colour rule because the two colours that first come to my mind immediately are black and white {I know that they can be other colours, but I mostly see them with a black and white colour scheme}. Everyone on the team has a name that either means black, white, dark or light to match with the theme of the team name.
- They’re a 2nd year team at Atlas Academy.
- The team consists of Douglas Craig {who’s the team leader}, Melanie Hertz, Norbert Beaufort & Olwen Kunik.
Now I’ll talk about each member of team DMNO briefly. This will be a bit long so there’ll be more under the cut!
1} Douglas Craig:
Full Name: Douglas Murchadh Craig.
Name Meaning{s}:
Douglas; Scottish and English origin – Anglicized form of the Scottish surname Dubhghlas, meaning “dark river” from Gaelic dubh “dark” and glais "water, river”.
Murchadh; Irish and Scottish origin – derived from Gaelic muir, "sea", and cadh, "warrior".
Craig; Derived from Gaelic creag meaning "crag, rocks", originally belonging to a person who lived near a crag.
Alias: The Black-Water Blader.
Nickname{s}: Doug {mostly used by everyone}, Dougie {only used by his mothers}, Bud {only used by Olwen}.
Age: 18 {Vol. 1-3}.
Gender: Cis Male.
Race: Faunus {Species: Otter. His trait is a dark-brown otter tail}.
Birthday: July 17th.
Star Sign: Cancer.
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Complexion: Lightly-Tanned.
Height: 5′9 {175cm}.
Weight: 160lbs {73kg}.
Current {Vol. 1-3}: Short and messy, with his bangs parted in the middle. During formal occasions, he slicks his hair back.
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Hazel.
Aura Colour: Navy Blue.
Emblem: A swordfish, that looks as if it’s leaping out of the water, that is navy blue in colour.
Weapon{s}: Black Marlin.
A one-handed two barreled shotgun katana mix. The base mode is the shotgun. When transforming into the katana mode, the blade pops out from in-between the two barrels and extends. The blade itself is obsidian black and the emitted beam along the blade glows neon blue. The shotgun is charcoal grey and navy blue.
For both weapon modes, dust is inserted into the grip. He mostly uses water dust, but sometimes he’ll also use ice dust, wind dust and he’ll even combine water and fire dust to make steam dust.
Semblance: Navy Mist.
The user disappears and evaporates as a misty vapor and can reappear a few seconds later either in the same spot or a new spot a few feet away. However, if used too much in short bursts, the user will become dizzy with a splitting headache for a few minutes. The user also cannot teleport large distances, they can only teleport a few feet away from their original spot.
Current Affiliation: Atlas Academy.
Previous Affiliation: Sanctum Academy.
Partner: Norbert Beaufort.
Positive Qualities: Is know for being incredibly ambitious {in terms of his short and long-term goals}, known for being dependable and reliable, mellow {very go-with-the-flow…most of the time}, is creative and imaginative, is know for being a day dreamer {known for being a man with his head in the clouds}, can be very protective of those close to him, energetic, out-going and all around friendly person, very talkative, always ready to go on adventures, athletic.
Negative Qualities: Can be somewhat lazy, isn’t really book smart, if someone hurts him in any way {ex: breaking his trust or try to cause harm to those he cares about}, there’s a good chance that he’ll become resentful towards you and probably will not forgive you ever {with a few exceptions}, he’s prone to chew with his mouth open sometimes {it drives Norbert nuts}, sometimes his day dreamer attitude can cause him to space out sometimes, can interrupt people {most of the time he doesn’t mean to}, can be kind of messy.
Immediate Family:
Meredith Craig {Mother. They used to get into quite a few arguments when he was growing up. She was always harder on him than his younger brother because he was the oldest and she expected more out of him. They have worked through these issues and the two have grown closer}.
Nagisa Watanabe {Biological Mother. Always got along better with her growing up because she was always much gentler with him}.
Hurley Lynch {Biological & Surrogate Father. His mothers have always wanted Hurley to be a part of Douglas’ life so the two have a close relationship. Hurley unfortunately passes away when Douglas was 12 years old. Hurley fell prey to a Sea Feilong Grimm while out at sea, along with his five other crew members. Douglas misses his Dad a lot}.
Kaito Watanabe {Biological Younger Brother, who’s 6 years younger than him. He teases his younger brother quite a bit, calling him things like, “twerp”, and, “squirt’. However, he still loves his little brother a lot. He was a bit angry with him when they were younger, due to their mother Meredith being less strict with Kaito. They have worked things out and their bond is now unbreakable}.
Dougal Craig {Grandfather, Father of Meredith}.
Fingal Craig {Uncle, Younger Brother of Meredith}.
Primary Attire {Vol. 1-3}:
Buttoned-up shirt {Navy Blue, with several white and light blue Hawaiian flowers on it/short sleeved/ unbuttoned halfway/wears nothing underneath}.
Anchor necklace {Silver, with a black string}.
Belt {Ocean Blue, with a light blue seashell belt buckle in the middle/hangs diagonally on his waist}.
Cargo Shorts {Charcoal Grey}.
Sandals {Black}.
Facial Hair/Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Misc:
Long sideburns.
Currently sporting a soul patch, with some five o’clock shadow.
Has a larger version of his emblem tattooed on his upper back.
Also has a compass tattooed on the back of his right hand.
Currently doesn’t have any piercings {this might change}.
Has a scar on his forehead above his right eye {obtained from scratching his head on a rock when he was younger}.
His Voice Would Be: Travis Willingham {Current} & Chris Burnett {Youth}.
5 Bits of Trivia:
Douglas was born in Vacuo and lived there for the first six years of his life. His family eventually moved to the island of Patch when he was seven years old. Douglas loves to travel and his dream honeymoon would be taking a month long trip exploring all four kingdoms and Menagerie.
Douglas’ emblem and weapon are based around his love of swordfish. His father loved taking him to the aquarium in Vacuo whenever he came to visit. Seeing the swordfish was always his favourite thing to do there. He has such fond memories attached to that animal that he decided to base his emblem and his weapon off of it.
His favourite foods are seafood {especially lobster. crab & clams}, a good surf n’ turf dinner {with his steak cooked medium rare} and grapes. His least favourite food is cauliflower {he hates the taste and he’s also allergic to it}.
People often doubt Douglas’ ability as a leader, due to the fact that he isn’t very book smart. However, he makes up for it in the way he finds out-of-the-box solutions to problems because of his vast creativity and imagination. He may be chill most of the time, but when the time calls for it he’ll step up and approach the situation a little bit more seriously.
His favourite music genres are blue grass and alternative rock.
2} Melanie Hertz:
Full Name: Melanie Celosia Hertz.
Name Meaning{s}:
Melanie; English, German and Dutch origin – from Mélanie, the French form of the Latin name Melania, derived from Greek μελαινα melaina meaning "black, dark".
Celosia; English origin – derived from the flower of the same name. It’s also from the Greek kelos meaning, “burned.”
Hertz; German origin – derived from German herz meaning "heart", a nickname for a big-hearted person.
Alias: The Sizzlin’ Striker.
Nickname{s}: Mel {used by everyone}, Hot Head {sometimes Olwen will call her this}, Melly {only used by Douglas}.
Age: 18 {Vol. 1-3}.
Gender: Cis Female.
Race: Faunus {Species: Cow. Her trait is white cow horns that curve upwards}.
Birthday: August 12th.
Star Sign: Leo.
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Biromantic Demisexual.
Handedness: Right-handed.
Complexion: Tanned.
Height: 5’3 {160cm}, 5’6 {when wearing 3-inch heels}.
Weight: 115lbs {52kg}.
Cup Size: C-Cup.
Current {Vol. 1-3}: Low-hanging braided pigtails, bangs brushed to the right.
Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde.
Eye Colour: Brown.
Aura Colour: Burnt Orange.
Emblem: A burning heart outline, with the bottom points separated and curved outwards like cow horns and is burnt orange in colour.
Weapon{s}: Feuer Stiefel {translates to, “Fire Boots”}.
A pair of cowboy boots, with a firing mechanism built into them (similar to Yang’s Gauntlets and Mercury’s Boots). She mostly fires fiery explosive rounds from her boots. The soles of the boots also act as branding irons and they do have spurs. The boots are mainly mahogany brown and blood orange in colour. The soles and the spurs are both bronze in colour.
When paired with fire dust, her feet become searing hot. The boots are made from a fire-resistant leather. Spinning at high speeds for a few seconds allows both boots to ignite, adding extreme heat to the impact of her kicks.
Dust is inserted vertically into the heels of the boots. She mainly uses fire dust. However, she also starts using a combination of fire and earth dust called, “Magma Dust”, later on. She can also insert air dust into her boots, allowing her to kick the air in order to jump higher and giving her the appearance of flight.
Semblance: Engine Legs.
The user develops a pair of engine-like protrusions made of aura manifesting around their calves; allowing the user to run faster and grants them extra kicking power. However, she can only use it in short bursts. Otherwise it will cause her legs to lock up and become perfectly still for 1-2 minutes. Gear 1 is the standard, but she has access to Gears 2 and 3 which increase her speed and kicking power. She can manage getting to Gear 2, but currently she can’t access Gear 3 otherwise her legs will lock up for almost a whole day.
Current Affiliation: Atlas Academy.
Previous Affiliation: Mount Alsius Academy.
Partner: Olwen Kunik.
Positive Qualities: She’s known for having a very big heart {always willing to help others if they need it}, is the most optimistic member of her team, energetic, a very passionate person {whether that being passionate for the things that she does or being a passionate lover}, a loyal friend, always there to encourage people.
Negative Qualities: Not the most patient person in the world {doesn’t like waiting for long periods of time. She becomes a lot more patient when she gets older}, a bit of a hot-head {a bit impulsive, a bit reckless, very stubborn, these attributes calm down a bit when she’s older}, she’s also brash {in a more noisy and overbearing way}, can be a bit cocky, can be blunt about certain things.
Immediate Family:
Ignatius Hertz {Biological Father. Despite him looking gruff and intimidating, she knows that her Father is a gentle soul and she loves him dearly. But he is known for being a bit overprotective. After losing his wife, he was afraid of losing his two children as well. He does eventually come around to the idea of his children becoming Huntsmen/Huntresses,he just wants the both of them to be careful. However, if anything were to happen to her he’d bring her back home in an instant.
Melaina Hertz {Before marriage, her last name was Bureau. Biological Mother. She passed away when Melanie was around 3 years old. Melaina was a huntress and was killed in an on the job incident. She doesn’t have a lot of memories with her Mother, but Melanie still loves her and believes that she is watching over her from above}.
Phlegon Hertz {Biological Older Brother, who’s 8 years older than her. He’s more on the quiet side compared to his sister, but Melanie still loves him to bits. She truly does appreciate her Brother quite a bit, since losing their mom brought them closer together. They had to rely on each other a lot more. Ever since her Brother moved out of the house, she calls him often to see how he’s doing.
Hephaestus Hertz {Paternal Grandfather}.
Melantha Appleby {Maternal Grandmother}.
Lucina Blanco {Sister-in-Law, married to Phlegon}.
Hestia Hertz {Niece, who’s 3 years old}.
Primary Attire {Vol. 1-3}:
Button Up Blouse {Orange and brown plaid/short sleeved/buttoned up halfway}.
Plain Shirt {Dark Brown/long sleeved/symbol located on the front in blaze orange}.
Leather Gloves {Brown}.
Dual Pouched Belt {Brown, with a gold belt buckle}.
Carpenter Jeans {Beige cargo/pant legs tucked into boots/100% flame resistant}.
Carpenter Boots {Dark Brown/only wears them when not wearing Feuer Stiefel}.
Doesn’t have any tattoos right now, but wants to get one in the future. She doesn’t know what she wants yet though.
Used to have pierced ears as a child but hasn’t gotten them pierced again in a while.
She has a burn mark on her left calf {obtained from an incident during her childhood}.
Has a couple of freckles around the bridge of her nose.
Her Voice Would Be: Cassandra Lee Morris.
5 Bits of Trivia:
Melanie was born and raised in the agricultural district located in Vale. Her family runs a ranch that primarily focuses on raising sheep and alpacas for wool, as well as goats for milk. She attends Mount Alsius Academy & Atlas Academy in honor of her Father who was at one point in the Atlesian military, but has since retired.
The ranch also has a few horses. Melanie enjoys horseback riding in her spare time. Her favourite horse is named Autumn, who’s 7 years old and has known her ever since she was 11 years old.
Her favourite foods is anything breakfast related such as: hash browns, bacon, ham and cheese omelettes and whole wheat toast with peanut butter. She also loves anything really spicy. Apples are her favourite fruit, but she hates Granny Smith apples because they taste too bitter.
Sometimes she has a bit of trouble calming down if she gets upset, so she knits in order to help her unwind a bit. She learned to do so from her Father, as he used it as a coping strategy when he was in the military.
Her favourite musical genres are hip-hop and country {more so old country because she doesn’t like new country all that much}.
3} Norbert Beaufort:
Full Name: Norbert Félix Beaufort.
Name Meaning{s}:
Norbert; German, English, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Polish and Ancient Germanic origin – derived from the Germanic elements nord, "north", and beraht, "bright".
Félix; French, Spanish and Portuguese form of Felix – from a Roman cognomen meaning, “lucky, successful”, in Latin.
Berger; German and Dutch origin – variant of berg, meaning, “mountain”. No longer goes by this last name, ever since their parent’s divorce.
Beaufort; French origin – from various French place names derived from beau "beautiful" and fort "strong place, fortress".
Alias: The Meek Mountain Marksman {only years later does the, “Meek”, part of their alias get removed}.
Nickname{s}: Bert {mostly used by everyone}, Nor {only used by their teammates}, Norbie {only used by Douglas}.
Age: 18 {Vol. 1-3}.
Gender: Non-Binary {goes by They/Them & He/Him pronouns}.
Race: Faunus {Species: Mountain Lion. Their trait is that he has hind paws for feet}.
Birthday: September 6th.
Star Sign: Virgo.
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Homoromantic Asexual.
Handedness: Left-handed.
Complexion: Pale-white.
Height: 5’6 {168cm}, 5’7 {170cm, when fully grown}.
Weight: 120lbs {54kg}, 135lbs {61kg, gains weight as he gets older}.
Current {Vol. 1-3}: Short and shaggy, bangs brushed to the left.
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Vivid Green.
Aura Colour: Hunter Green.
Emblem: Two pickaxes in an, “X”, formation with a military star in the background. The entire thing is hunter green in colour.
Weapon{s}: Mountain Peakaxe.
A medium-sized pickaxe that is also a crossbow and can also be split apart to become dual Beretta M9 pistols. The base mode is the pickaxe. When transforming into the crossbow mode, the scope, sight bridge and the bolt pop up out of the shaft; while the strings attach to the pick and the adze. Transforming into the pistols requires the axe to split into two, with the pick and adze going underneath the barrel and the trigger and grip popping out near the end of the shaft. The pick and adze are metallic grey, while everything else is silver and black in colour.
The arrows are made of dust and the dust is inserted into the spike of the axe. They uses dust of many kinds.
Semblance: Flash Banger.
The user creates a small stun grenade made of aura in the palm of their hand, which they can then launch at the opposition. So far it can only affect three targets at a time and those that the they consider to be their enemy or opponent. The effects include making the opponent {whether human or Grimm} feel disoriented and stunned for a couple of seconds. In terms of the Grimm, it also seems to cause searing pain {almost like their body is sizzling}.
Current Affiliation: Atlas Academy.
Previous Affiliation: Mount Alsius Academy.
Partner: Douglas Craig.
Positive Qualities: Intelligent, is know for being very hardworking/diligent, always tries to be kind to most people that they meet, helpful, organized, incredibly modest, disciplined {due to growing up in a military family}, a very gentle person.
Negative Qualities: Anxious, self pitying, has a fear of failure, a bit of a perfectionist, can be indecisive, a bit fussy, tends to worry a lot {especially about those that he cares about getting hurt}, a bit of an escapist, has a hard time accepting reality {whenever something bad happens, he just sort of shuts down mentally}.
Immediate Family:
Herbert Berger {Biological Father. Norbert has never gotten along with their Father. He was unfairly cruel towards them because they saw Norbert as a weakling and in his own words, “I don’t tolerate weakness in this family...” It’s because of their Father that Norbert became so anxious. They remember their father screaming at them until he was blue in the face because something wasn’t done 100% perfect. This basically also helped develop Norbert’s fear of failure and them constantly striving for perfection. Norbert is afraid of their Father and absolutely hates him}.
Ambre Beaufort {Biological Mother. Norbert currently has a complicated relationship with their Mother. On one hand, she meant well in the beginning. She would stand up for them whenever her husband had crossed a line. When she divorced their Father, she did want to take Norbert and one of their older brothers named Albert with her. Unfortunately she’s always been a workaholic and nowadays she spends more time working than spending time with her own children. Norbert still slightly resents her, but just wishes that she could spend more time with them. The only problem is that they’re too scared to say anything.
Bertrand Berger {Biological Older Brother, who’s 9 years older than them. Norbert isn’t very fond of them. Their Father always treated him the best because he was the, “Perfect Child”, and would allow him to invade Norbert’s personal space, destroy/steal their things and even physically hurt them. Norbert wants nothing to do with him}.
Albert Beaufort {Biological Older Brother, who’s 6 years older than him. Albert always looked out for them because of the way that their Father treated them. The two of them are incredibly close and Norbert looks up to him quite a bit. He is one of the only few family members {along with their Paternal Grandparents} that Norbert feels like they actually care about and love them. They were a bit lonely once Albert headed off to Atlas Academy and eventually the Atlesian military, but the two of them try to keep in contact with each other often}.
Egbert Berger {Paternal Grandfather, deceased}.
Bertha Berger {Paternal Grandmother}.
Primary Attire {Vol. 1-3}:
Beanie {Black, symbol located on the brim}.
Puffy Vest {Black, with a dark grey hood}.
Turtle Neck Sweater {Grey}.
Plain T-Shirt {White, with short sleeves}.
Combat Gloves {Black}.
Utility Belt {Black, with a silver belt buckle}.
Cargo Pants {Arctic Camo, with the pant legs tucked into their boots}.
Combat Boots {Black/they’re open-toed, so that his mountain lion feet have more room}.
Facial Hair/Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Misc:
Medium length side burns.
Doesn’t have any tattoos and is currently unsure of what they want.
Doesn’t want any sort of piercings and doesn’t ever want to have any.
Their Voice Would Be: Justin Briner {Current} & Lara Woodhull {Youth}.
5 Bits of Trivia:
Norbert was born and raised in the upper class district in Atlas. They grew up in a military family with their Paternal Grandparents, Father and both of their older brothers being involved in the Atlesian military somehow. Norbert wants to enlist eventually, but want to be more involved in the scientific department and maybe the special operatives unit. They were inspired to do so because of their Older Brother Albert and Paternal Grandparents and not because of their Father or their Older Brother Bertrand.
They’ve always been interested in scientific subjects ever since they were little. Their favourite subjects were always chemistry and biology. They’ve also loved robotics and has always loved tinkering with machines in their spare time.
Their favourite food is roast beef sandwiches. They really love Earl Grey, Chamomile & Sleepy Time Tea as well. They really dislike peanut butter {since they are allergic to peanuts} and they hate tomatoes because of how they taste.
They love doing word puzzles, crosswords, word searches and solving their Rubik's cube in their spare time.
Their favourite music genre is classical.
4} Olwen Kunik:
Full Name: Olwen Nanulak Kunik.
Name Meaning{s}:
Olwen; Welsh origin – meaning, “white footprint.”
Nanulak; Inuit origin – meaning, “fierce and determined.”
Kunik; A reference to the cub of the same name from the Inuit legend that she’s partially based on, “The Woman and Her Bear.”
Alias: The Subzero Slasher.
Nickname{s}: Wen {mostly used by everyone}, Big O {only used by Douglas}, Wonder Dolt {not saying who calls her this because that would ruin the surprise}.
Age: 18 {Vol. 1-3}.
Gender: Cis Female.
Race: Faunus {Species: Polar Bear. Her trait is that both of her forearms and hands are polar bear like in appearance with claws. The fur is polar white, the claws are a bit short and the paw pads are black. She is able to retract her claws, unlike actual polar bears}.
Birthday: February 9th.
Star Sign: Aquarius.
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Lesbian.
Handedness: Right-handed.
Complexion: Light-brown.
Height: 6′0 {183cm}.
Weight: 190lbs {86kg}.
Cup Size: B-Cup.
Current {Vol. 1-3}: Short and spiky undercut {a bit fluffy}.
Hair Colour: Polar White, her roots are Black.
Eye Colour: Heterochromia {the right is Icy Blue and the left is Steel Grey}.
Aura Colour: Frost White.
Emblem: An angry polar bear head with three slash marks across the face. The entire thing is frost white in colour.
Weapon{s}: Crafangau Rhew {translates to, “Frost Claws”}.
A pair of gauntlets with built in extendable claws. When inactive, they act as vambraces that wrap around her wrists. When it’s time for battle, they switch into gauntlet mode. The claws extend from three indents above the knuckles. The gauntlets/vambraces are charcoal black and icy blue and the claws are silver in colour.
There’s also a grappling feature. Each blade is connected by a chain and can be used to grapple onto ledges, pull in enemies {Grimm or human} for finishers, etc…
Technically there is a place at the top to insert dust when in gauntlet mode, but Olwen doesn’t really use it all that much. Olwen uses a dust injector to inject ice dust into her body.
Semblance: Thick Fat.
The user is able to resist hot and cold attacks by 50%. Outside of battle, the user can resist harsh temperature environments (e.g. scorching deserts or freezing arctic tundras).
Current Affiliation: Atlas Academy.
Previous Affiliation: Sanctum Academy.
Partner: Melanie Hertz.
Positive Qualities:
Independent, resourceful, determined, cunning, adaptable, witty, loyal, friendly, strong-willed, she believes that life is what you make of it {that there are things in this world worth fighting for; things that make life worthwhile. Everyone has something like that in their lives and if they don’t, they just need to keep looking until they do.}, observant.
Negative Qualities:
Gluttonous, a bit of a rebellious streak, when upset she becomes a bit cold and distant, stubborn, extremely emotional {whenever she’s upset and only in private. Only a few people such as her teammates know this about her.}, can overthink about things sometimes, has suffered from anger issues in the past {she has it under control for the most part now. It will now take quite a bit to get her to become aggressive with you}, if in a bad mood she can be a bit on the cranky side.
Immediate Family:
Olwen doesn’t know much about her biological parents {doesn’t find out who they are until around Vol.4 timeline wise}. Since her adoptive Mother wouldn’t say much about them, she just grew up assuming that her parents abandoned her. A part of her holds onto the belief that maybe they had a good reason for leaving her.
Aklaq Kunik {Adoptive Mother. In Olwen’s eyes, she couldn’t have asked for a better mother than Aklaq. She remembers Aklaq referring to her as her, “Miracle Baby”, as she came into her life when she needed her the most. They may not have had a lot of money, but Aklaq always made sure that Olwen was taken care of. Aklaq also made sure to teach her basic survival skills (hunting, fishing, cooking, creating shelter, etc...). Sadly she passed away when Olwen was around 10 years old {not revealing how yet because it would spoilers for something that I might want to write in the future}. Olwen blames herself for what happened and was on her own from that day on. She cut ties with Aklaq’s family (namely her Aunt Neva) because in her mind now that Aklaq is gone, she figures that she’s no longer apart of the family. Where she’s at now if you ask her about her past, Olwen will refer to Aklaq as a, “great mother-like figure”}.
Savannah Pretorius {Guardian. From when Olwen was 12 years old up to when she was about 17 years old, Savannah acted as Olwen’s guardian {not going to reveal much here again due to spoilers for something that I might write later on}.
Neva Kunik {Adoptive Aunt, Older Sister of Aklaq/hasn’t seen her since she was around 8 or 9 years old}.
Nanouk Haggard {Grandfather Figure/He was Aklaq’s favourite teacher when she attended Haven Academy and would come to visit her and Olwen often. He becomes the Grandfather that Olwen never had and she even starts to call him, “Gramps”.}
Primary Attire {Vol. 1-3}:
Leather Jacket {Navy Blue/unzipped/sleeves cut off at the forearms/cut short at the waist to show off her midriff/the interior lining is black/symbol is located on the upper back}.
Tank Top {Black}.
Bandanna {Black/tied around her left bicep, sometimes wears it around her head when fights get serious}.
Belt {Mahogany, with an Ursa skull belt buckle/belt pouches on each side that are used to store her dust injector and dust}.
Jeans {Stonewashed/a bit baggy/a couple of rips/pantlegs tucked into her boots}.
Combat Boots {Black}.
Tattoos of all the suits in a deck of cards {black for the club and spade/icy blue for the heart and the diamond/located above her right brow. The order goes: spade, heart, club and then diamond}.
Stud earring {Silver/right earlobe}.
Two Rings {Silver/right helix}.
Labret Piercing {Silver}.
Has several small scars on both of her arms {obtained when she was bullied by other children in her village, which aren’t that noticeable due to the white fur}.
Three claw marks on the left side of her neck {obtained from a Grimm attack when she was around 8 years old}.
A cross shaped scar, located on her lower right abdomen {received when she was 10 years old, not saying how she got it due to spoilers involving Aklaq’s death}.
Her Voice Would Be: Janet Varney.
5 Bits of Trivia:
Where Olwen was born is currently unknown, but she has primarily lived in Mistral for almost her entire life. Up until she was 10 years old, she’s lived in a small village up around the mountain/forest area of Mistral. From when she was 10-12 years old, she primarily roughed it out on the streets in the city of Mistral. It wasn’t until Savannah took her in that she had a proper living situation,again.
Olwen absolutely loves to cook and it’s something that she’s really passionate about. Aklaq taught her basic cooking skills when she was around 7 years old, but she didn’t get the chance to hone and improve her skills until she was 12 years old and living with Savannah. A dream of hers is to one day open up her own restaurant in Mistral {she doesn’t share this dream with most people, except with her teammates because she’s worried about stranger’s reactions}.
You could say that her favourite food is {almost} everything, but she really loves meat and fish. Her absolute favourites are salmon and baby back pork ribs. She doesn’t really like avocados all that much, but she especially hates everything about tofu {it’s taste, texture, the consistency, etc...}.
Fishing is one of her favourite things to do, whether she uses a fishing pole or not. This also taught her the importance of having patience, so she’s known for being one of the most patient members of her team.
Her favourite music genres are punk rock and heavy metal. Her favourite punk rock group is called, “Absolute Zero”, and she’s had a huge crush on the group’s lead singer Noelle Blanc ever since she was 14 years old.
This is all that I have to share with you guys for now about Team DMNO. If you guys have any questions or comments about them individually or as a team, feel free to comment below and my askbox is always open! If there any errors in this post, I’ll go back and fix them whenever I have the time to.
Lastly as a bonus, I would like to end this post by showing some art of Olwen that I’ve had commissioned. I sadly don’t have anything for Douglas, Melanie or Norbert yet, but maybe someday I will. I’ll put the pics below and tag the artist that did them. Also be sure to show these artists some love because their art is amazing!
Firstly here’s some chibi art of Olwen that I commissioned from @aspio
Secondly here’s some full body art of Olwen that I commissioned from @teriyaki-deer.
#rwby#rwby ocs#team dmno#douglas craig#melanie hertz#norbert beaufort#olwen kunik#reminder that my askbox is always open for comments/questions about dmno#and to also check out the artists that I've commissioned because their art is great!#I definitely want to talk about dmno more and write some one-shots in the future
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20 Headcanons about Team DMNO.
So I’ve decided to do a tag that involves me listing 20 different headcanons about Team DMNO. There’ll be 5 headcanons for each team member. Imma tag: @s-assy-girl, @theasteroid-blues & anyone else that wants to do this! With that out of the way, let’s get started! More info will be under the cut because this might be a bit long.
1} He hasn’t told many people this outside of his teammates, but at some point he wants to dye his hair either teal or aquamarine.
2} He prefers shorts over pants and sandals/flip flops over closed toed shoes.
3} He loves to travel and he wants to explore every inch of Remnant.
4} He is known for being a talented artist and has a sketchbook filled with potential tattoo ideas that he designed himself.
5} While he’s known for being fearless, he does have arachnophobia. He’s basically afraid of spiders.
1} She has phasmophobia, which is the fear of ghosts.
2} Before wanting to become a Huntress, Melanie thought about becoming a physical therapist or a professional kick boxer. Spoiler alert, she does decide to pursue one of these careers alongside being a part-time Huntress later in life. However, I’m not going to say which one that she picked...for now.
3} She loves flowers and her three favourites are red roses, yellow tulips & purple coneflowers.
4} She has a huge collection of cowboy boots at home and there are about 30+ pairs in her closest. She has a very big closet.
5} Hates it when people refer to her as, “short-stuff”, because she feels a tad insecure about her height.
1} In order to cheer them up sometimes, Norbert’s Older Brother Albert used to make blanket forts with freshly baked cookies inside. The two if them would sit there eating the cookies, while Albert would read Norbert a story.
2} They’ve been dealing with anxiety for as long as they can remember. They take medication for it, they have a therapist that they can either visit in person or call them and they have a support ferret named Scout to help them when they have anxiety attacks.
3} They usually sleep on the left side of the bed and they always sleep on their back.
4} Their Older Brother Albert is close friends with Winter Schnee {because they’ve both been going to the same school since childhood and are both specialists for the Atlesian Military’s Special Operatives Unit}, so technically Norbert has met Weiss before.
5} They have atychiphobia, which is the fear of failure.
1} Their favourite thing to cook is anything salmon related.
2} She has autophobia, which is the fear of abandonment.
3} She knows nothing about her biological parents. Since Aklaq {her Adoptive Mother} won’t say much whenever she asks about them, she believes that they abandoned her and never wanted anything to do with her. However, there is a reason why Aklaq won’t say anything about them right now that Olwen isn’t aware of.
4} She’s a huge fan of bear related puns and her favourite one to say is either, “Just bear with me for a sec.”, or, “That’s quite unbearable.”
5} Whenever she’s angry or frustrated, she usually lets out a low bear growl/snarl. Usually it scares the living daylights out of anyone that’s nearby.
#rwby#rwby oc#rwby ocs#team dmno#douglas craig#melanie hertz#norbert beaufort#olwen kunik#tag game#anxiety tw#food tw#just something that I've wanted to do for a while now#here's an info dump#my inbox is always open#if you have any questions or comments
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For the ask meme, 16 and 80 with the whole team?
16} What is your OC’s strongest childhood memory? Why and how as that impacted him/her?
Douglas: Any of the times where their Father has taken them to the aquarium because it was one of his favourite things to do.
Melanie: Going apple picking with her Father & Brother at the nearby orchard every Autumn because she loves spending time with her family and this has become a yearly tradition for them.
Norbert: Playing chess with their Older Brother or Grandmother because they learned a lot about how to form excellent strategies, which is a skill that they use to help out Douglas with battle tactics.
Olwen: Probably when Aklaq taught her how to fish for the very first time because it was not only fun, but it was also Aklaq’s way of teaching Olwen the importance of having patience.
80} What is your OC’s favorite dinosaur?
Douglas: Saurolophus.
Melanie: Triceratops.
Norbert: Pterodactyl.
Olwen: Tyrannosaurus Rex.
OC Asks
#rwby#rwby oc#rwby ocs#team dmno#douglas craig#melanie hertz#norbert beaufort#olwen kunik#asks#food tw#scylla-the-frog-queen#thanks for the ask!#sorry that this was late!#I'm totes up for answering more questions!
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Not to be dramatic or anything, but I would die for Norbert (They seem like such a good person)
Awww thanks so much for saying this! Norbert is someone who definitely tries as best as they can to be nice to most people that they come across. They’re always trying their best.
A part of it is because they have a fear of becoming just like their Father… it’s something that they want to prevent as much as possible from happening.
#rwby#rwby ocs#team dmno#norbert beaufort#asks#scylla-the-frog-queen#thanks for the ask!#and thank you so much for the kind words!#it means a lot!#this anxious bean who's trying their best needs plenty of hugs tbh
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For the Fluff Ask Prompt 5 And 23?
5} What was their childhood stuffed animal of choice?
Douglas: He has a couple of sea creature stuffed animals from each visit to the aquarium with his Dad when he was a child. His favourite is a large great white shark plush that he named Sharptooth.
Melanie: Her two favourite stuffed animals are probably a fluffy sheep plush named Cashmere and a horse plush named Buck. Cashmere was a Christmas present from her Mother when she was 2 years old and Buck was a Christmas present from her Father when she was 6 years old.
Norbert: They have a teddy bear named Archibald {Archie for short}. It was a gift from their Grandfather when they were 3 years old. Sometimes Norbert will hug Archie if they’re feeling anxious or stressed. They’re a bit embarrassed about this, but their team has reassured them that they won’t ever judge them for doing this.
Olwen: She had a homemade teddy bear named Barry {she was never that good at coming up with names for things. She almost named them Kuma, but decided to go with Barry}. It was made by her adoptive Mother Aklaq and was given to her when she was 4 years old. Unfortunately it was lost to a house fire when Olwen was 10 years.
23} Favorite carnival attraction?
Douglas: He loves the tea cup ride {or any sort of variation of it} and usually likes to make it spin really fast.
Melanie: She loves roller coasters, especially the really big and fast ones.
Norbert: They love to browse the game booths and win prizes for their friends. They especially love the games that require shooting targets.
Olwen: She loves visiting all the food booths and she also loves visiting the games booths as well {especially ones that are tests of strength}. She also loves a lot of the, “big scary thrill rides”, the scarier the better.
OC Fluff Questionnaire
#rwby#rwby ocs#team dmno#douglas craig#melanie hertz#norbert beaufort#olwen kunik#food tw#asks#scylla-the-frog-queen#thanks for the ask!#this is fun!
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Happy OC Tag Game.
So I came across this tag post and I wanted to give it a shot!
The rules are simple, you basically list three things that make your OC{s} happy and then tag people. For this tag I’m going to do everyone on Team DMNO.
1} Douglas Craig:
Chilling/napping in a hammock on a hot summer day.
Surfing some killer waves.
Visiting aquariums.
2} Melanie Hertz:
Spending time with the animals on her family’s ranch.
Going for hikes with friends.
3} Norbert Beaufort:
Doing crosswords or solving their Rubik’s cube.
Tinkering with machines or conducting chemistry experiments.
Playing a game of chess with their Brother Albert.
4} Olwen Kunik:
Cooking {especially for other people}.
Training/working out.
Watching horror movies.
Alright so I’m going to tag @s-assy-girl, @sir-adamus, @acecosmos, @swortie, and anyone else who wants to do this! To the people that I tagged, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!
#rwby#rwby ocs#team dmno#douglas craig#melanie hertz#norbert beaufort#olwen kunik#oc tag game#food tw#this looked fun so I wanted to do this!
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Important question for team DMNO, do they prefer tea, coffee, or hot chocolate?
To answer your question,
Douglas prefers coffee {usually with four creams and plenty of sugar}.
Norbert prefers tea {their favourites are earl grey, chamomile & sleepy time tea}.
Melanie loves coffee and tea {her coffee usually has two creams and two sweeteners in it & her favourite kind of tea is green tea, with honey and lemon}.
Olwen loves hot chocolate, but she doesn’t mind having tea every so often {she doesn’t have a favourite tea, but white hot chocolate, with lots of whipped topping and dark chocolate shavings is her favourite}.
#rwby#rwby ocs#team dmno#douglas craig#melanie hertz#norbert beaufort#olwen kunik#food tw#scylla-the-frog-queen#thanks for the ask!#I love getting asks like these!#don't be afraid to send me more questions!#douglas' coffee order is kind of gross#but he's still valid#also sorry for the late reply!
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Watermelon, Rouge
Watermelon - what are your favorite summer activities?
Douglas: Surfing, napping in hammocks, BBQ’s with friends & beach volleyball.
Melanie: Picking wildflowers on nature hikes, going for bike rides, catching fireflies at night & picking blueberries.
Norbert: Playing tennis, going mini golfing with their friends, collecting shells on the beach & stargazing.
Olwen: Swimming, going fishing, working out & eating lots of watermelon.
Rouge- Do you have an unpopular opinion?
Douglas: He thinks that pineapple does belong on pizza...none of his teammates agree with him.
Melanie: She believes that hardwood floor is better than a carpeted floor.
Norbert: They’re a firm believer that wearing socks to bed isn’t such a bad idea.
Olwen: She thinks that beer is absolutely disgusting.
Send me a shade of color for my OC(s) to answer
#rwby#rwby oc#rwby ocs#team dmno#douglas craig#melanie hertz#norbert beaufort#olwen kunik#asks#food tw#alcohol tw#spooktacular-dragoness#thanks for the ask!
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Red, Tangerine, Pumpkin, Mint, Tawny (If this is too many just pick whatever you want to answer)
I’m going to answer three of these if that’s okay friendo?
Tangerine - What is your favorite fruit?
Douglas: Green grapes are his all time favourite, but he also loves mangos and bananas.
Melanie: She loves apples the best {especially the red delicious, gala or honeycrisp}, but she also loves raspberries.
Norbert: They particularly love kiwis the best, but they also love black berries and pears.
Olwen: They love all fruits, but they really love watermelons and blueberries the best.
Pumpkin - What is your favorite part of Autumn? (If that exists in your world)
Douglas: Jumping into a big pile of leaves and carving pumpkins {for whatever the Remnant equivalent of Halloween is}.
Melanie: Going for Autumn walks with family and friends, pumpkin scented candles and when Autumn leaves gently fall to the ground.
Norbert: Chestnuts and sitting by a warm fire with loved ones.
Olwen: All of the amazing Autumn foods that she gets to cook and eat. She especially loves eating pumpkin pie and drinking hot apple cider this time of year.
Mint - Does Ice cream exist in your world? If so, what is your favorite Ice cream flavor?
I’m going to list their top 3 favourite flavors.
Douglas: Cotton candy, strawberry & crab flavoured ice cream.
Melanie: Rocky road, cherry cheesecake & raspberry ripple.
Norbert: French vanilla, Neapolitan & maple walnut.
Olwen: Mint chocolate chip, cookie dough/cookies n’ cream & moose tracks.
Send me a shade of color for my OC(s) to answer
#rwby#rwby oc#rwby ocs#team dmno#douglas craig#melanie hertz#norbert beaufort#olwen kunik#asks#food tw#scylla-the-frog-queen#thanks for the ask!#I'm up for answering more asks!
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