coycorry · 2 months
Me trying to find a SINGLE reason for Norata to be white (unsuccessfully)
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hello folks
it’s me your dude corry. I couldn’t justify Norata being white so here I am fixing GF plot for yall again.
Wish they show us a bit more brothers dynamic in the series, yh I understand they wanted to keep it dramatic between Norata and Aarch, but how can I believe that they are real siblings when they don’t act like siblings? (Imma having a brother myself and I swear some of our conversations looks more like a sitcom scene yet more dramatic)
I’d love to see more references/hints to their shared past, just verbal ones like “You maniac acting like this because mom always loved you more” and also in that way I think we could see more layers in their story. For example Norata could’ve mentioned that their parents (Rokkets grandparents) died and Aarch didn’t even appeared to their funeral and Aarch be like “Hey, I sent the money and the flowers” and Norata just cracks at some point and yell at him like “I DIDN’T NEED MONEY OR FLOWERS” which makes their conflict even more spicy. Layers, my fellows, I need more layers…
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Have you ever thought that 15 years is actually not that much? I never did when I was a kid, so when I saw older Aarch with fully white hair in my childhood I thought: an yea OK. But now I’m like WAIT WHAT
Let’s do a bit of a math. Aarch, Norata and Artegor were in their 20s before GG (Great Glaciation) and assuming that average age of GF players is very young (cause you get into football in a very young age like snow kids in their 15s which is ridiculous, but somehow in that universe everyone is OK with that, so I presume it’s a common thing). So they all were in their early 20’s during flashbacks… +15 years on the top equals that you WILL NEVER turn fully grey/white, because you will be 40 y.o top. Also we see how Artegor, Addim, Tia’s parents, Maya and lot’s of other people of his age didn’t get a singular grey hair. Smells like a plot hole for me. Or Aarch dyeing his hair, which is more likely. And It’s brings us to the next great layer of character building…
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Aarch is one of the most random human in the world of GF, who tries to pretend that he can organize.
And he’s certainly not a wise old man as they were trying to sell it to us. He’s more like Satoru Gojo type of a coach, who is making a whole bunch of a questionable decisions based on his random ideas. Even their major saying with Clamp gives us “with your ideas and my inventions…” I mean c’mon he was literally sleeping while driving the shuttle in the opening scene, so tell me if that’s wise. Then randomly saves M-Ice just because, so he can use him later to get more people for his sick plan. And don’t get me wrong, I mean thats kinda slay action💅✨, intelligence is sexy, but I’d love to see more of that side of him LIKE MAN BE RANDOM AND ENJOY THAT BRO
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I could continue this, but I’ll save all my thoughts on that family for later. Now enjoy my sketches (Rokket is a big mood) let me know what if you have any thoughts on that and I’ll speak to you in the next post✨
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luumsi · 8 months
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first time drawing the breath, what do you think ?
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Another headcanon. When Norata and Aarch were younger. Every day Norata had to watch his brother unsuccessfully trying to take Artegor on a date, but he was too afraid to ask. (Its end up that Artegor ask first xD ) Either way, Norata is too tired of this shit, and if he has to be the one to convince Aarch to tells his feelings to Artegor then so be it
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whydoilooklikeawetdog · 6 months
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Norata with flowers, as requested
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dorizardthewizard · 7 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 25 - 26
The final let's go!
Episode 25:
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Mei has a plushy awwww
Announcer: And now, here are Callie, Nork and Barry! Artegor: And Artegor ☝.
LOL he says it so calmly. The disrespect tho
Sonny: Still looking for the multi-flux bomb. Clamp: Let's just hope they find it in time. Otherwise Akillian will share the same fate as the Shadows planet in the last GFC. And the Breath could disappear, definitely not what we need right now
Yes Clamp, the Breath disappearing is the main concern if there is a big explosion on your planet
Remind me again why Sonny and the gang don't run over to Akillian to find the bomb? Or why no one alerts Akillian authorities at all? Shouldn't we get SOMEONE other than Aarch and Norata to look for it?
Aww Tia getting Mark to open up, she's such a good captain and friend to everyone <3 She's come far from her more distant self at the very beginning
Mark: Thanks Tia, maybe you're right. It must be my imagination!
Mark how on earth did you come to that conclusion from what Tia just said
So on Sinedd's integration in the team...
While everyone else, even D'jok, seem to have accepted Sinedd back well enough, Mice still hates him and literally gags at the idea of him being on the team. I kind of wish his objection was taken more seriously in the writing – the narrative acts as if D'jok is the main person that has to settle his scores with Sinedd, but forgets that Micro-Ice was Sinedd's main target for years, and according to that flashback, they used to be a trio (although from the flashback you could also say Sinedd didn't care for him back then either lol). His reaction is pretty understandable and although he should still be keeping it professional, they shouldn't really expect him to forgive him. That dynamic could have been interesting, but we never get a confrontation or any closure between the two because Micro-Ice as a character is just there to be laughed at this season.
When Maya calls D'jok she kind of makes it sound like they should accept Sinedd because he's had it hard, which I'm not a huge fan of. First of all because in this season they had her act more as a guardian to Sinedd than D'jok, who also lost himself down the wrong path for a while there, but also because I think the reasoning for accepting him should be that he has swallowed his pride and is genuinely trying to be a better person. Otherwise it sounds a bit like “having a sob story is a justification for acting out”. I know that wasn't the intention, but still, it's in the details.
But Maya is right that D'jok and Sinedd are parallels of each other. Both grew up without their biological parents, both are extremely competitive and put huge importance on their ambitions and success, both are prone to lashing out at others when distressed. But D'jok was luckier and had an adoptive mother, and ended up with good friends who could keep him in check. They turned out differently due to different upbringing but both made mistakes and hurt others – D'jok knows this so is more humble and doesn't give Sinedd a hard time. Sinedd also saved his life, so there's that too.
Rocket: Even if D'jok and Sinedd are rivals, they're still like brothers.
UMMMMMMMMM that's taking it too far. Sinedd running off to the Shadows wasn't what put them against each other, neither was the fact he dated Mei. He was already being unpleasant all the time in season 1 and it was implied it has been that way for a long time. D'jok didn't show any regret or whatever in season 1 - he had no problem responding to Sinedd's provocations with taunts about him not having friends LOL. If they were like brothers, it was way too long ago for Rocket to be making that comment
When bro grabs your wrist instead of giving you a normal handshake #nohomo
Anyway I like this convo between D'jok and Sinedd and how it ends, for all the reasons that they're parallels as I mentioned above. But the first few lines are a bit funny because D'jok actually HASN'T been fighting him lately, it sounds as if they're making up after fighting about Mei but that's... not really what's been happening? But moving on, this is functionally an apology from Sinedd, but again he should apologise to Mice too.
Also with Sinedd saying he wants to be a good person now so his family can be proud of him... ehhhh I still think his development should have started earlier. His whole problem was that his response to growing up without family was to put others down – so the solution is to... give him a family so he'll stop doing that? I'm simplifying it but I just think it would be more impactful if he tried to turn things around before meeting his actual parents. Sure, they can still be a motivation and encourage him, but yeah.
I mean it still works with him finding his parents, realising that love and affection was all he wanted and that he was wrong to take it out on others... but at least bring the parents in earlier in the season because as it is, it's just too rushed. Honestly you could just get rid of the fake parents storyline – it was done so we can see Sinedd at his low point, but you could already have him like that after the events of season 2. It would feel like a natural continuation and you can bring the real parents in earlier.
Last note: MAN does the voice acting suck here lol
Norata, watching Rocket use the jet ski is not the same as knowing how to use the jet ski. Wait why does Aarch call it a jet ski, it's a snowmobile. A jet ski is on water lmao – his mind is still in Paradisia. I get it, Aarch, I get it
Aw Dame Simbai stepping in to do the speech giving now that Aarch is gone, it's nice to see how much she cares about this team succeeding too. But a bit hyperbolic to say this is the most important match of their lives, as opposed to the other finals :P
Technoid's security is on maximum alert? So barely functioning then
Nikki-4's voice is so surly I love it lol
I was complaining about Aarch leaving the team but him getting to have galaxy-saving shenanigans with Norata? Iconic actually
Aarch: Holy ice age!
Ah so there's our expletive stand-in
Damn that was an intense face-off, Nikki-4 is so strong
Tia earlier this episode: Don't worry Mark you won't have to face off against Nina -> FAST FORWARD OOPS
Why is there a cloud of dust every time someone gets thrown to the floor, do y'all not clean it
Why is confetti already flying? Must be reused footage.
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Tia telling Ahito to pay attention but this goal? That didn't happen because he woke up too late lol, defence should have been helping more
Ayo why do other goalies not have protective gloves like Ahito? I guess most aliens can take it
In hindsight they should have really predicted there would be some sort of security around the bomb
I just wanna showcase this comment and all it implies:
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Episode 26:
Oooo Aarch and Norata are using the Breath to fight this robot, I wonder if this will have consequences. Perhaps they would have shown it in season 4?
Yaaay Micro-Ice with the sick dribbling!
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Aarch pressing the big red button before Norata that's SUCH a sibling moment, reminds me of when my brother and I would fight to push the button for the lift
The players have been using the flux more externally lately, like shooting it at the ball instead of just using it to power themselves up. I feel like this has been happening more since the Paradisia final where they had to use flux to evacuate the planet, which makes sense
Bennett: Someone has activated the bomb, it's going to explode any second! Sonny: Did you hear him? Get out of there, now! Aarch: We're not going anywhere! Meanwhile, Norata: 🏃‍♂️💨💨💨
Honestly what a comedic duo I'm enjoying this
The solution is to just yeet the bomb into space ahhahahahha I know the Breath makes them strong, but THAT strong?
It's so funny how due to losing the Breath, Sinedd is just free-falling for like 100m but it cuts away to show the other players losing their flux LOL. RIP Sinedd, what a way to go.
Kind of interesting that compared to the Shadows last season, who physically didn't seem affected by the loss of flux (they just suddenly sucked at football. love that match), the Akillians are immediately drained physically and wiping out.
Wait..... being tired out.......... is Ahito gonna restore their flux because he's been storing it inside him?
Omg yes he is
Woahh!! He not only drew the Breath back to the Snow Kids, but pulled in so much it manifested in all flux holders around him! Ahito so powerful they had to nerf him with the narcolepsy
Sonja has the Breath! Wait so even before the glaciation and the ban on flux, only certain people could manifest it? Interesting
Maybe one day Sonny can just watch his son play in the GFC final without having to save the galaxy at the exact same time, but until then it's business as usual
Is it just me or does the Breath look like a deeper shade of blue sometimes in this season
Artegor: And he passes to Tia, who takes flight!
Yeaaaaahhh angel Tia imagery again
Y'know considering how much time D'jok spent with team Paradisia I feel like they should have had more moments of rivalry in this match but hey ho
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I know it's just animation reuse but Sinedd scoring the final goal with the exact same move D'jok scored his first epic goal with is pretty poetic. And of course Sinedd generally being the one to score that point (but still, couldn't we get some new animation for the winning goal?)
The way they animate Harris really looks like they wanted him to be like the Joker
Mark jumping up to save Nina from falling – oh so NOW falling from a great height can kill them! Honestly there have probably been fatalities in this sport
Awww Tia getting them to all hold the cup, that's so sweet. I love her
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Iconic last shot, I'm not crying you're crying ;v;
Yes one last Mice delight advert is exactly what this season needed in its finale /s
So looks like Mei and Sinedd are going ahead as a couple
They really settled the Team Paradisia stuff with one sentence about them being taken care of by Chief Maddox huh. I suppose they were gonna put the Mark x Nina resolution in season 4? Idk, Team Paradisia deserved better
So Aarch is back to coaching, but for Club Galactik right? Makes sense, he still wants the job but this will be less intensive and will allow him more time to settle down with Adim and their future child. The Snow Kids will be just fine on their own. Well, when it comes to football anyway. Can't make any promises about Pirate-related adventures :P
Aaaaaand there it is... ok I always knew this was coming even when I watched the show for the first time, but it must have been so insane to watch back when it first aired. Like, everything is calmly wrapping up and then SUDDENLY the holo-trainer goes weird and the kids disappear with Mei and Micro-Ice. We linger on this for a few seconds aaaaaand.... THAT'S IT! END OF SEASON! I would have gone apeshit too
This is like a transporter malfunction from Star Trek lol, although I'm wondering how that can even happen, like does the holo-trainer actually teleport people then? Anyway I honestly don't care THAT much about the ending if I'm honest, like I get that it was a last ditch effort to get the show renewed as the higher ups obviously didn't have much faith in it with that budget slash, so I can easily just pretend those last few seconds didn't happen and it ended with the Snow Kids happily going into the holo-trainer to help teach the next generation. It's not great, but it doesn't really ruin the season for me
Soooooooooo uuuuuuhhhh.... that was it! Yeeeah I'm not a huge fan of this season, but I don't hate it with a burning passion. Except at certain points. As a whole it's more,, disappointment for what could have been. I think I'm glad we have it, because it really is jam packed with interesting concepts and I think if the writing were better, it genuinely could have been the best season. The previous seasons certainly aren't ATLA-levels of writing either but the main emotional beats worked well, whereas here it's a lot more all over the place.
Generally I feel like the team behind this season had the ambition and the vision, I mean we have Sinedd redeeming himself, a multi-flux tournament, a non-Akillian joining the team, players leaving for other teams, Aarch deciding to retire and the Snow Kids being experienced and mature enough to handle that, a "main" couple not staying together since they were teenagers... all interesting things! It's not a soulless production that doesn't try to change the status quo, but I think they just didn't manage to pull it together. There was a LOT going on with a lot of characters but ultimately there wasn't enough time for the development to feel natural and stick.
Outside of that, some characters were flanderised, yeah. Looking at you, Micro-Ice. Wait, they never even finished that plotline about him, Yuki and Zo-leen! Wtf! On the other hand, I was pleasantly surprised at how some characters were handled, like Mei. It would have been so easy to villainise her but they treated her with respect, which was cool. As for the other Snow Kids, a lot of it was just romance drama shoehorned in, which gets boring when the supporting cast don't have anything else going on.
Production-wise, they did the best with the budget they got but yeah it does suck because the matches with all the cool moves were one of the selling points of the series. But here most of the games just felt like "A, B and C needs to happen, and for the rest let's just throw in some filler moves". Direction is not just down to the animation itself - types of shots, camera movement, transitions, music... all these little details were lacking so the matches ended up being kinda bland in comparison to the previous seasons. There were some creative additions though, like the Elektra's flux.
I think I've already expressed my thoughts on everything else during the commentaries, so yeah it's been fun! Hope they've been fun to read ^^
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No propaganda submitted.
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d999666 · 5 months
Galactik football S1 ep5 review - (1/3)
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>> Comment : This is Tia's Obia moon mansion. Tia's diplomatic parents are in front of her. Tia is being scolded for hiring an actor to act as her fake parents.
Tia resembled her father in her overall appearance, including her eyes and hair color.
Next to Tia is a nanny who has taken care of her since she was a child. Her name is Stella.
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>> Comment: Tia's parents use their fake parents to scold their daughter for joining Aarch's team. Tia ends up in tears. Are they really angry that their daughter stole her father's spaceship without saying anything and ran away? Or are they angry about having an actor pretend to be a fake parent? They don't seem to be worried that their daughter got hurt in the game against the Wamba team. (And Tia's leg cast and crutches are gone.)
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>> Comment: Her room is very, very big.
Tia seems to be really rich. (Compared to mice's room size.)
Tia tries to tell the nanny her sorrow, but the nanny teaches Tia about the existence of CCTV.
Tia sticking her tongue out to CCTV is cute.
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>> Comment: The daily life of an engineer. gif
No matter how hard Clamp tries, no one recognizes the engineer's efforts.
Akillan's stadium is still covered in ice.
The condition that Aarch was allowed to form a team was "melting the ice-covered stadium." He needs to melt the ice before the game against the Red Tigers.
Because of this condition, Clamp has to work constantly.
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>> Comment: Without Tia, Snowkids are practicing ahead of their game against the Red Tigers.
There's no team play at all.
Mice, who replaced Tia on the team, is so motivated. Mice has to pass to Rocket but has ignored him. Sinedd always tries to prove he's the best. Conclusion: The team is not playing at all.
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>> Comment: Sinedd Vs D'jok + Microice
Mei is dumbfounded that those three are fighting again. The 3 people fighting small behind Rocket and Mei are funny and cute.
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>> Comment: Holo-trainer is released.
(3 people walking out without strength are cute)
(These three were so close that they were called brothers when they were young, since when did they start to have a bad relationship?) Aarch : I want remind you that if we lose this match against the Red Tigers. it's all over. peple out there are waiting for me to fail. anybody who felt threatened by my return would be thrilled to see me drop out and I don't want give them this pleasure.
(Sinedd, D'jok, and Mice are sitting furthest from each other.)
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Aarch : I want show them that I was right prove to them that you are capable of being great players. we won't get a second chance and I frankly can't see us winning this match playing the way we are. but to do that youhave to play 'together' not against each other
Ahito : but sir! we can never win without Tia.
Thran : True. she had the breath. we don't.
>> Comment : Yes, Aarch's comments are about Rocket and Sinedd. Rocket (and the rest of the kids) can never play football again if he loses the game. Sinedd doesn't monopolize alone, it has to be team-play.
Tia was the only player who could use flux, and the rest can't. So Snowkids are pessimistic.
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Clamp found a way to get rid of the ice in the stadium.
Clamp: (Explaining how he's going to melt the ice)
Ahito : ah..I didn't quite get all that. Thran : don't worry about it. go back to the sleep.🤣🤣😂😂
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The red tigers vs the Rykers
The Red Tigers without Flux are losing disastrously to Rykers.
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>> Comment : This is Rocket doing Red Tigers analysis by himself. He's practicing his conversation with Aarch. (I understand. He has never talked deeply with anyone except his father.)
Rocket seems to be bothered by the fact that he is Aarch's nephew. This just occurred to me. Fifteen years ago, Team Akillian was famous, and Aarch was so famous that he was an idol of Akillian children. But does it make sense that the SK don't know Aarch's brother, Norata? Norata even held hands and dragged Rocket to prevent him from taking the test in front of the Snowkids. If you think about it a little bit, it'll be easy to see that Aarch and Norata are brothers > that Rocket called Norata his father > so Rocket is Aarch's nephew Did I think too deeply in the children's TV program?😂
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D'jok here is also very good at asking and answering his own questions. (And MICE didn't hear D'jok because she was wearing headphones.🤣)
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Rocket: (Suddenly appears in mei's room at night without a knock) Mei: Ah! Are you crazy?you scared me to death Rocket : the door was wide open Mei : ……so do you feel obliged to enter someone's house every time you see an open door? Rocket : no….hmm….i wanted to ask if you haf any news from tia. Mei : Why? Rocket : because you shared the same room so i thought that… Mei : you think that she shared things with me tia? I've never met someone as secretive as her…except you maybe. I really don't see what the problem is in talking about oneself….
>> Comment: The small gag conversation parts in S1 are funny. Mei didn't talk deeply with tia. And snowkids don't know anyone about the rocket. Did Aarch just bring the rocket? What did he introduce and bring it? 'Aarch: Well, you guys are really bad at passing. But don't worry. We have a player here who is good at passing the ball, so we brought him here without testing him. His name is Rocket.' I don't think so, right?
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lostandfound-2021 · 1 year
This moment really touched me.
I don't know how to describe. Rocket (in my perception) persistent and calm...
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Collapsed from misunderstanding and impotence
He was so shocked that in a panic (?) He called his father with whom he seemed to be in conflict at that time. He asks for answers, and Norata, just as shocked, simply cannot answer something and turns off.
This frame exudes desperation.
But at the same time? Without context, it looks ridiculous, I want to call him a drama queen (IN FACT THE SITUATION IS REALLY DRAMATIC) in this regard, he is the same as his father
But either he quickly dealt with it, or he simply suppressed negative emotions(*his repressed anger[I think it's repressed anger]is just a separate issue that bubbled up into a realm in season 2. ) in himself as much as possible, the next day he was ready to play again. I think Aarch's little speech helped a lot with this.
*in the first episodes when the teams are shown on TV, he cuts the buds of roses, when Mays ran away in a conversation with Tia, he squeezed a can of soda, I think that if I look again I will be able to find even more such moments.
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millimononym · 2 years
do yall ever think about how (with the exception of the twins and Micro-ice(if you don't count fatherlessness as a problem)) literally EVERYONE in the SK had family issues 💀
Rocket was motherless and Norata was distant and cold
Tia's parents never had time for her and were controlling . Also literally SPIED ON HER. hello?? If her relationship with them wasn't already destroyed, then I'm sure the fucking blatant invasion of privacy did it
D'jok didn't know his bio parents and was constantly arguing with Maya (even though she was trying her best and was a genuinely good mom. Fuck you D'jok, you try raising a dumbass newborn baby that you were given by a dying stranger while you were a TEEN/YOUNG ADULT)
Sinedd was an orphan that never got adopted in his 16 years of life and had to grow up in a winter hellscape all by himself
Mei's mom
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martyska3 · 2 years
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coycorry · 7 months
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I am not pretending to be the best character designer ever BUT
As a main villain Bleylock deserved much better appearance than ugly pyjamas they gave to him.
I know that general style of the show was quite simple, but even simple design could work well because of it’s colours or shapes, or because it suited well with some characters like Norata, who was a boring dad and wanted to live his boring life. I respect that. But Bleylock is not just random boring dude, in fact, I think he’s actually quite opposite: a man that enjoys his rich bitch status and pretty things that reminds everyone about power and influence he has, like that random huge portrait of himself in the office.
So what I expect is “I could buy you and your entire family tree just because I want to” kind of attitude that immediately switches with “but I prefer violence”. I don’t want some tragic af backstory, just a villain who is hungry for power, influence, money and also queer coded as hell because of the only (2) thing that he can’t have and that shit is just making him crazy. Sonny Blackbones makes him INSANE because he’s not afraid of him. He will never obey, he’s hard to read and manipulate, hard to catch because he’s a smart motherf- strategist (and certainly not hot as hell), and they’re playing “catch me if you can” for years now. I know that we all know that, right, but why to not show it through the design, make it a little more complementary…
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I would love to see this rivalry more personal (?) for them. Yes, they definitely weren’t friends when they were working on metaflux, but just to imagine if they spent quite a lot time together, so it probably helped them to get to know each other. We know that Bleylock was visiting Lobnor and I’son few times (also he was wearing damn good outfits back then💅). But what if instead of this, he’d actually stuck with them on the same space station for years by the order of Technoid. Like back in those days he only was gaining his power and influence, building a relationships with Duke Maddox, so he couldn’t disobey, even tho he hated it and were bitching about it 24/7. Ofc on the moment of 1st cup he still cannot act against Maddox openly, but he’s now having more power as Technoid’s General, as well as freedom to do what he wants, without fear of being catched.
Maybe Sonny and Bleylock tried to become allies when they were stuck at that space station, until they understood that they had completely opposite views on that metaflux project. And of course, it was too late when they realised how danger they are for each other. Imagine them having a poker nights together sometimes, because bleylock was so bored in there (and because ‘honestly I’son you are the only person who seems to have at least some talent in this game, on that damn station’). And (secretly) Bleylock admires Sonny’s intelligence so much and wants to have him by his side. But this is impossible, because Sonny Blackbones is a rightfull man, for god’s sake, and will never give him a metaflux. Not voluntarily at least. Or alive… That’s why he’s so dangerous, and that’s why he should be destroyed.
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luumsi · 1 year
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another shitpost
in my head, norata hates when artegor is too close to aarch because he’s still afraid of his bad influence on his brother
it’s the sequel to this art
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I think evil green suits him
I made some swap AU Aarch headcanons
His relationship with Norata, as you guys can guess, is much WORSE than the original (I don't think I need to explain why xD)
Aarch nearly convinced Rocket to join his team and almost succeeded if Artegor had not stepped in.
As a coach, he looks down on his team most of the time and tries to get the most out of them, even if it threatens their health.
He hates showing weakness
In public, he is calm and composed, while in private he has a short temper
He has been fighting Smog for several years and believes that it has not affected him (spoiler Smog affects him a lot)
He has contact with Dame Simbai who heals him to some extent… he doesn't fully heal or more like not at all… (I mean It's more like this: When Aarch feels that he is already reaching his limits, he goes to her to continue using Smog)
Dame Simbai thinks that what Aarch is doing is very dangerous, but she has too good heart to stop treating him every time he comes to her
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Galactik Football in universe hotness scale. Hello everybody and welcome to the ranking of GF characters based on how attractive the are in universe.
- [ ] 1.Mei ,just y’all try and fight me on this. Girl is literally a commercial star and micro ice and others swoon around her. Plus her face structure is sharp yet delicate as described by the wiki and show.The only deterrent may be her personality as of s1 but some people are into that.Her style is impeccable too since she literally wears a crop top on Akillian.
- [ ] 2. Aarch (yes I’m counting him) my mans looking absolutely gorg no matter the age and he’s super thick.
- [ ] 3. Micro-Ice now some of y’all gonna be surprised here bc he’s short blah blah conventional male beauty standards but I believe he’s got some nice facial integrity goin on ,yes his nose is canonically drawn to be bigger and yes his face is somewhat round but it just works.
- [ ] 4.D’Jok all that confidence must come from somewhere huh.
- [ ] 5. Ahito he did have a psycho fan girl in season 3 ( which I watched 3 times send help) more delicate beauty here but gorg nonetheless
- [ ] 6. Sinedd the scrunkly , tall stick man with really good cheekbones and a so so style.
- [ ] 7.Rocket sharp face structure , Norata’s genes coming in strong,amazing hair but the style choice leave a lot to be desired.
- [ ] 8.TIA MY QUEEN I AM SO SORRY. My girl is not ugly at all she’s just kinda…basic in her face ,body and style.
- [ ] 9. Yuki i feel so bad for putting her this low. Yuki is working with what she’s got and her style is amazing ,I just can’t see her higher. Love her tho
- [ ] 10.Thran do y’all see how his hair is literally sticking to his head like cheese ,it’s unfair but the computer geeks never did get any game ,he’s so lovely but I am speaking my truth here. He never really did care about those things though and good for him.
- [ ] 11. Mark….yeah
- [ ] 12. Artegor oh god oh geeze. He’s tall,yes but everything else is just not clicking plus I imagine his hygiene isn’t that great with all the smog things going around. The personality too… corrupting young minds into space drugs isn’t sexy
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elmaxlys · 4 years
Showdown of the dads
Corso: that's very obviously a trap and you're both gonna die, you fucking idiot
Tia: he's your son, you can't abandon him!
Norata: lmao watch me
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i forgot to host this one yesterday fml
lets pretend this happened yesterday. If Norata x Kira wins I'll rehost the finals tomorrow
Norata x kira dont have propaganda
Aarch x Artegor
-They lore, (This is literal Friends to Enemies, Enemies to Friends, Friends to Lovers story) plus old men yaoi
-Don't let me down Aarch, don't let me down Aarch, don't let me down don't let me down
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