#noragami stage play
thedeliverygod · 1 year
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So after a million years I have found an affordable bluray drive for my computer!
And I happen to own the elusive 2nd Noragami stage play and want to share with you all. Please know that there are no subtitles on this (as it was only released in Japan) and I only have the Japanese knowledge of a small child so I can’t really do much in terms of live translating it for you either lol.
Please also know ahead of time that while adachitoka was involved with the writing of the first stage play, they did not assist with this one. It’s been a long time since I’ve watched this myself but I do remember there being a particular moment of being like “wow that’s extremely out of character”. So yeah this is basically just for fun and not canon at all! Despite that warning, I also remember there being a lot of hilarious moments too!
Please let me know if you’d be interested in watching and I’ll try to get something together soon 💖
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janisbuggybones · 11 months
---->An explanation of the story I want to tell<----
---->Nothing goes right and the everlasting need the characters feel to just be happy is never fulfilled, or maybe it is?
---->The only person to see this is my best friend because it started out as a role play thing but further into it I realized this was the story I wanted to tell.
--->Not one where Janis is a gangster volleyball player that has it all and so much more to the point its sickening.
---->Not one where Janis dies via suicide and reincarnates fresh as new the next day.
---->Not one where Janis is so disgustingly gross to the point I wonder what the hell was wrong with me.
---->The story I'm meant to write is one similar to Owari no Seraph, in its complicated and has tragic history but also to Noragami, in that it has a hierarchy of humanoid gods and the main characters dont want everything, just happiness. But it's neither really, because the story I want to tell is named "Apples and Bugs" (working title idrk) and under the cut is an analysis and further explanation towards everything that want to happen.
First, as spoken by the former archangel Luca, now a fallen angel.
"Yep. She was Adam and eikko was Eve and they were the beginning of humans. I'm sure if it wouldn't kill eikko, I could make her remember that far into her past." He said "but anyway, earth started out as it's said in textbooks, evolution and all that stuff led to dinosaurs. But then the gods popped into existance to earth and wiped out most life to make it more advanced with the introduction of humans. The God of God's, amaryllis, made Janis from her own rib and then eikko from Janis' rib to make who Christians know as Adam and eve. Though this happened hundreds of times as they kept dying and dying, until they accidentally created vampires and magic, which allowed Adam and eve to survive finally." He said
To start, Janis is Adam, a man born near Korea when the earth was in its beta stages, meaning the little islands that make up Japan are on the continent of Asia currently. Eikko is born what would be called Japanese today and so Is Janis, though in most of her renditions, she's Korean.
The reason planets and everything are there is because of just suddenly the universe imploded sometime and made everything (following the big bang theory I guess). That included the God of God's, Amaryllis, who was born from an incredible supernova bringing a being of pure energy to sentience.
She found earth and decided to have some fun because at this point, she had been alone for aeons upon aeons. She sees the beginning stages of earth, bacteria and mostly water, and sees it as her canvas. Under her watch, the world evolves like in most textbooks, up until the dinosaurs, at which she wipes her slate mostly clean to make way for none other than all the Adam's and Eve's. Then she expirements to keep her creations alive longer, and incidentally creates magic and vampires. Adam is able to drink blood to keep himself alive and Eve can turn her energy into magic that can make sustenance, making a small food chain. It took a few incarnations before Adam realized he needed Eve to survive, instead of drinking all her blood right away. This built their relationship as Adam dependant on Eve, leading to all future vampires treating women like goddesses because Eve helped vampires thrive in their early days.
"The top 10 gods did similar expirements all over the world and it culminated in the birth of multiple civilizations all over the world. Janis lives on for longer than eikko as she eventually dies as a human. Janis then killed herself and they hit their first reincarnation. The gods were shocked at this, but watched in happiness as the sentience they made turned out to be just as complex as their own. I was born around that time, made out of janis' pure anguish as she realized eikko wasn't with her anymore. They called me an angel and told me Janis was my duty so I was to watch over her and observe for the gods." He said quietly "I was so young, and my body was so pure then....." he said softly
Amaryllis then made gods from supernovae she herself caused, with her infinite energy source and the 10 most powerful were made to start civilizations, allowing for diversity. This ended up in 1/5 males being vampires and when mated with human women, they had a 1/2 chance of having vampire babies. This grew the populations around the world of both humans and vampires.
During all this growth, Adam witnesses his Eve die before him from old age. As he had grown dependant on her, he felt so angry and sad that he couldn't handle it and killed himself.
Now our narrator, Luca, was born from this anguish as a innocent babe. The gods hadn't expected the pure anguish of a being other than them could have produced a winged creature such as luca, but went with it, making Luca the first angel (but not really considered an angel until he did a holy deed, further mentioned ahead). They assigned him to watch over Adam for research but not to intervene in what they carry out their human nature.
" Skip ahead a few hundred years, we had castles with elevated magic and a semi sophisticated society. That's when geo was born half spirit, with half of a seemingly random spirit in him to keep him alive. This spirit was me, or my human version, because appearantly I was human before angel. That human had a weak body and died in childbirth, growing up in the spirit world as a scared boy. Eventually, geos parents found the spirit and he wanted to be alive again so he agreed, giving up a chance at reincarnation to keep geo alive." He said quietly
Hundreds of years later, they end up in the time of castles and kings, the renesaince. This time, we shift to Geo Archviste, the prince of lady Shiromiya, Lady Sonneto, and His highness, Sir Pierre de Archviste. Selen is a spirit and she made love with Pierre, resulting in a baby with half the spirit needed to keep a baby alive.
They scoured the spirit world (a separate pocket space where all the spirits slip into and roam until their eventual reincarnation or damnation after being judged by Pierre) for a spirit willing to take on the noble task and Luca's human spirit was chosen to keep the boy alive. Now Luca would be permanently an angel, unless he were to fall and become a demon in hell to assist in punishing the bad spirits until rehabilitation for reincarnation.
Its oki sorry i kinda worried you///
"That deed was perceived as noble by a god and then I was made into an angel without a spirit. Then time went on and Adam and eve reincarnated. Eve was now eikko and Adam was now a young man named....it'd be disrespectful to say....he was born in what is now known as Korea as a vampire, and lived on feeling strange." He said
" He eventually found out the cause of this feeling was his body, feeling jealous of women and their beautiful bodies. But then as he thought more, he began to understand it wasn't just their bodies, he had more of the mind of a woman and understood then that he was born in the wrong body. Her life continued as she traveled and understood her condition further, taking her name from one of her slain vampire brethren, Janis foster. She moved more into Europe before being slain by the church that had established there. She was then reincarnated in the vampire world, a world made akin to the spirit world but for the protection of vampires. She became their princess before fleeing for the human world."
Adam and Eve are reintroduced again, now reincarnated as Eikko and **** ***. The latter is born into a male vampire body while Eikko is born a woman.
As **** *** goes on, she finds herself through her adventures and is included in many battles, taking the name of one of her honorable vampire friends Adam was **** *** and now she's Janis Foster.
Janis went through her travels, traveling more inland, until the church killed her. The church had a weak understanding of the real god(s) and reasoning behind everything and thought vampires to be hellspawn, so they embarked on crusades against vampire kind, leaving tension and vampires to go into hiding.
The vampires had fashioned a spirit world like pocket space on earth just for vampires out of a collective pool of hundreds of individual magics, and Janis ended up reincarnated into it and was made their princess. By this time, she had found a way to give herself a womanly chest via magic and it greatly helped her self and Public image but sadly nothing could be done for her lower parts because of the complexity of the organs. She was accepted as a princess, but vampires only have princesses(queens really) to well (mainly rule) have children as vampires are way less fertile than humans and it takes a lot to successfully have a child, let alone multiple.
She felt wrong getting someone pregnant just because she was told to and the amount of red flags was forehead high for her and she didn't like anything about the vampire kingdom so she fled.
"She then became a knight for the first kingdom willing to take her in and from there on, accomplished many feats such as ending entire wars with just her own hands and holy sword. She was then sold to the renku kingdom to pay off their debts and assigned to look after eikko, now reincarnated as a princess. After that, they eventually fell in love with eachother and met geo, who they then fell in love with as well. But their relationship wasn't perfect, as it slowly degraded from Janis and geos obsessive nature's." He said
Janis took on her persona of a knight and as he said, accomplished many feats, such as ending the great ogre war, ending territorial disputes with the great forest fae (a more talk it out kind of thing but it was serious. Wars were planned), and stopping the senate of her kingdom (the Regulus Orchid kingdom), from waging war against 4 powerhouses in the kingdom economy they had going on that would ruin the peace of the entire continent.
But her usefulness outlived her, as she was sold to the Renku kingdom to pay off their debts. She was worth about $5 million in usd now, but 6,000 gold coins back then. A coin for reference could get you dinner and lunch for 4 days.
She was assigned to protect Eikko Renku, the kingdom's princess on her travels to find a suitable husband across many kingdoms and eventually they fell in love.
--> some more juice to this part, a suitor came to her kingdom and acted like your typical man at that time, misogynistic and coddling. He ended up sneaking a team of assasins in somehow and tried to ambush Eikko in the courtyard, but Janis easily slain all of them. However, it's revealed later that Eikko had died and Janis traded the souls of the men she slain for Eikko to come back. She was lucky and toyed with the kingdom of hell and all souls to bring her crush back because she thought she was really cute. She's a person who doesn't think much of her actions, and would have done it for anyone but not cared of the result (most times a no), but for Eikko, she pleaded with her all to bring her back to life. It brings back into light the original Adam and Eve relationship, with Eikko as Eve and Janis as Adam. (She's a vampire still)
As stated before, vampires are naturally submissive to human women, and Janis had been extra obsessed with eikko. Geo had too, but his love wasn't in his genes, he genuinely fell into extreme love for both of them. This led to roughy patch upon roughy patch as Janis slain Eikkos entire previous kingdom by letting a Mimic into the castle grounds.
A mimic is a waterborne shape-shifting creature that favors humans. They are animalistic and kill and feed upon those that treat it with disgust. It can't talk understandably except to those who it blesses with its friendship, such as Eikko. She eventually came back to ker kingdom slain and finds the Mimic but befriends it before Pierre euthanized it humanely, as they are incredibly dangerous. Looking back, he felt bad, but he had a kingdom to protect, he couldn't take the risk of it escaping the castle.
"Eventually geo decided it would be best if they started over and poisoned all three of them, hoping for a new life together. But only eikko and Janis died, because geo was immortal but though the poison would work. He was left alone for hundreds of years before meeting Janis as an alchemist, who then helped him to bring eikko back, at a cost." He mumbled
"Janis ended up dying, but eikko was now in a fake body that was nearly completely human. Geo and eikko were together again but now they needed Janis. They found her a few hundred years later as a vampire oni. They were finally back together but happiness was short lived as about a hundred years later, janis and geo were kidnapped by a devil that wanted to try and use Janis' blood to manufacture a plague that would destroy the God's expirements."
Geo had found their relationship beyond repair and found a poison said to kill immortal beings such as himself and vampires. He then had all three of them take it to try and get them to reincarnate together, but it backfired as you could tell. It couldn't kill immortals, just vampires because of it vampire warding toxins, and humans because of their low immunity to the chemicals in the poison.
He went on, grief-stricken and obsessed with getting them back. He managed to get Eikko's soul contained and works with alchemists across the globe, looking for a way to bring Eikko back. He then comes across Janis, now an alchemist that was trying to find someone to fund her rebirth studies, and they worked together. They made the first synthetic human body and brought it to life, at the cost of Janis' life.
Eikko then lives on with Geo until they find Janis a few centuries later as a vampire oni now. She's rude and brash, but they end up making her fall for them and go back to her mostly complainant and nice personality that they fell in love with.
They were like that for a bit, before eventually, Geo and Janis were kidnapped for about 13 years by a devil trying to wipe out humanity.
"It didn't work and eikko moved on as she was left alone for over a decade. But Janis and geo eventually escaped and got back together with eikko only to find out she was with someone else under the pretense they were dead. This led Janis to try and become a god to protect them and keep them all safe, but it backfired and she received a holy punishment. She watched eikko and geo die before her eyes before staying chained up for over a millenia."
Janis and Geo are eventually able to escape, but by then, she had moved on on the pretense they were dead. They try hard to salvage the relationship but Janis (driven a bit mad by the torture) sees Eikko's new boyfriend as an enemy and evil so she gets rid of him and goes through with the ritual to turn into a god, made by her previous research as an alchemist, in an attempt to protect her loved ones.
It backfired too, and she ended up watching Eikko and Geo be slain in front of her before she was chained up for a millenia. During this time, Luca re-appeared and committed a grave sin: don't communicate with those on the living plain. And he was descended from heaven, his angelic body very slowly degrading without the support of the heavens.
"Then we're brought to your last reincarnation. You two found Janis and lived out a normal life with her for the most part. Until you two died of old age and she killed herself to with you two. Then I made her cult, to bring her power and help her thrive as a god. You and geo were born into the cult and you know the rest by now right?" He asked quietly
Then their latest reincarnation, they have near happiness, but leave Janis behind, more detailed in (blurb link here). Luca makes a cult after Janis to give her power that she can one day use to reinstate him to heaven. Now that's probably all lol. Idk I'm writing this on one huge hyperfixation rn lollll
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ia-acc-yeah · 9 months
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I'm sad that I couldn't bring myself to write journals lately, because fun stuff happened! But I can't write them now, it's too late and I forget stuff easly. So let's write about today.
I had silly dreams today. First one was about me, my best friend and our friend A at a book store. I was buying Noragami, Hanako and something else and one of our schools PE teachers was working there for some reason?? It was funny. Than we walked out of the store and a boy from my class was walking around the shopping mall eating icecream. He walked up to our geography teacher who happened to be there too and told her that another boy from my class works in America and that he earns 50 dolars a month. My secound dream was about me going back home from school I suppose. I wanted to take a bus to my village but I took a train??? I have NEVER been in a train before. So I sat in the free space in a train, in something that reminds me of a small room, with 4 to 5 different people and the ride had begun. I was looking outside the trains window and I was figures of deers, in different poses and they were looking like real animals, but like, frozen? It made me creep out a little bit. And after some time bizzare things started to happen. Some kind of a weird monster got in the train and we had to fight it. At first everyone froze and were scared to move but I got so scared that I bit the monster. It had multiple heads and I started to bite them off. And so I defeted this creature with help of other people. I think that the monster attack had more stages/phases after this but I woke up soon after so I don't remember much.
When I woke up I've eaten breakfast that my dad did for me and soon after that a mailman came to our house with a package for me. I was very happy because it was my package with Sailor Moon Eternal Edition volume 1. I love Sailor Moon, and it's a very sentimental anime for me. I was happy that it's avaible at my country as a manga again. I started to read it imidiately. I really liked it. I really want to rewatch first 2 seasons and continue on watching Sailor Moon but I'm too busy watching other anime right now. Maybe after I will finish Inuyasha.
I also cleaned around the house today. It's Christmas soon and I had a mess in my room so I had to take care of it. I rearranged my furniture a little bit. I like the way it is now.
I've played minecraft a little bit today too. My best friend made a server with their friends so I was invated to play with them. I wandered around a little bit and I need to start building my house tommorow.
Today was due for my school powerpoint project but I think I'm to tired to do it at night so I will just leave it for tommorow. I feel bad about it but oh well. I hope my teacher won't be mad.
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karasunocurry · 8 months
Hello friends and tumblr critters
It has been less than half a year wowie. Happy new year. I will soon be sharing more subs (but nothing that anyone has been waiting for I feel)... I'll be bringing you nostalgia with the first Yowapeda play from 2012 and next I'll be sharing the Ochanomizu Rock live stage. After that i'm not sure! Should I continue working on the old yowapedals? Should I try my hand at Noragami now that it is sufficiently old and nobody cares? Should I... god forbid... sub Mankai Stage????
I could also do Blue Period but...... that's a tough one. And it's a bluray and idk how to rip those.
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Another image from the Noragami stage play.
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noragami-ru-manga · 7 years
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Kofuku and Daikoku from Kami to kizuna are too cute for this world :3
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yato-god-noragami · 7 years
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(from the second Noragami stage play)
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venchisu · 4 years
I've been an idiot to not realize that Chuuya, Kuzuryuu, Yukine, Zenitsu and Yata have the same stage actor😭😭😭😭🔪✨
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Now i can die✨
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hoppidehoppu · 8 years
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yatorihell · 8 years
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Decided to redraw a Noragami Stage Play photo provided by @hpbya 
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sarasagrario · 8 years
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noragami stage play
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thedeliverygod · 1 year
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And lastly some fun behind the scene photos of the cast
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hpbya · 8 years
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Noragami - Kami to Kizuna -
Provided by HPBYA
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blessedyuki · 8 years
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y-sanada · 7 years
I am a rabid fan of Hiroki Suzuki as Sanzo in the Saiyuki Stage Plays and now of Yato in the Noragimai Stage Plays.
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gureshinlover · 2 years
Finally watching Noragami stage play Kami to Negai and bishamon is 😍😍😍
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