#noplace asks
noplacelikelondon58 · 9 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog !
i know a little finnish, but i'm not fluent
my family personally knows stephen sondheim
i've been on TV before
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lunarlegend · 1 year
so i am laying here with all the motivation of someone who just got thrown down a flight of stairs, and i'm so tempted to just open some ffxv fanfiction but if i do that i'll never get up
i should go brainstorm Stellnis Mermay ideas
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rainwaterapothecary · 29 days
Long-ass post about what the fuck this machine might be:
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Screenshot by @geddy-leesbian and sent to me for research by @courtofparrots
So, what the /fuck/ is this damn thing? (And it’s side-quest: This fucking /shoot/):
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At first I thought the machine was some form of Vacuum Furnace since the shape and the possible intake shoot (which will give me hell this entire research process) looks like an incinerator and something to suck things into the incinerator:
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But the shape isn’t 100% right, and as CAPCOM need something to do a 1:1-ish model for the game, I scrapped it and moved on.
The next candidate made my heart hurt since it’s a Marine Waste Incinerator:
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The shape is similar, it has a box-like connection that I wasn’t able to find almost anywhere else, but no fucking shoot.
/However/, I think I’m onto something here’s a couple other models I found:
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Why is this heartbreaking? Because Luis is not only on a shoe-string budget in the middle of noplace, but he’s also having to use whatever the cult can scrounge up for him. I’m convinced he brought his little autoclave from a mainland somewhere, but he needed an incinerator.
They’re off the ocean.
Where there’s a will there’s a way, and Lord Saddler is demanding he makes a way using this hulking machine that isn’t even meant for use on land.
However, the one in Luis’ lab doesn’t look like it’s meant for use on a ship, and there isn’t that fucking spout.
Next, I followed the little tubes on the sides:
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And it looks a lot like they’re meant to be on a locomotive or a boiler:.
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Why would he need a boiler? I have no idea, ask a scientist. But, visually we’re getting closer.
I looked up what that black piece is for, since I initially thought the piece on Luis’ machine was for some sort of vault technology, housing a locking mechanism for keeping a vacuum seal in the case of the vacuum furnace.
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^This thing.
In boilers however, it tends to contain an exhaust fan/motor (iirc). Again, having a fan could work for some sort of incinerator and there’s no real point in having a vent/air filter right below it (the cylindrical thing) unless it’s dealing with something that needs a lot of air.
Now, on boilers and incinerators there tends to be some sort of (usually red) component on the front that /could/ be something that damn shoot connects to. Ex:
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That is a burner/igniter.
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^This is what it looks like on the inside.
Could the shoot be a hookup? I have no idea. I don’t /think/ so though, since the shoot looks more like a place to expell something (think coal from a coaling tower on a railroad). (In fact, this thought momentarily brought me down a rabbit hole of ‘what if it’s for some sort of coal refinement’? But I rejected that idea because then it would be more of a grinding machine and this is more boiler-incinerator-type-deal.)
My friend brought up a good point that maybe the shoot is for sucking up waste material.
Using my own knowledge of trades, I’m not sure that’s the case? Usually, if something has to go down then the spout will be tilted up so that it’s not fighting gravity. However, I am a city kid with a business degree, so we can safely shelve that idea since it’s outside my wheelhouse.
It was at this point that I realized the box next to Luis’ machine could be part of the whole device:
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The only times I’ve seen something like this with an attached cube it was on an electric steam boiler:
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And on the vacuum furnace, marine waste incinerator (already mentioned), and this medical waste incinerator:
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Which brings us right back around to incinerators.
So while I can’t find anything that has the damn shoot, here’s what I /think/ all the pieces of the machine are. (Again, I am not in sciences or in trade, so this is all I could find after a three-hour research stint that ended when I got too frustrated.)
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The items on top of it are these little crates that I’ve only seen in workshops but the ones I’ve seen are roughly 26” across. Which makes this mystery machine ~78” Tall and ~91” Wide (not accounting for the angle it seems to be at).
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In closing, I think this is some sort of incinerator (wow, three hours of research just to be back at square one? First of all, rude. Second of all, I now know more than when I started so that’s fun for me!) and for storytelling purposes I want it to be a marine waste incinerator, built for burning waste onboard a ship or for getting rid of oil waste. This way it illustrates just how resourceful and flexible Luis had to be in order to /try and get his fucking tools to do what they’re supposed to/. His autoclave isn’t a true autoclave and it’s /tiny/. He’s working with an old acrylic glove box. He’s been given an oil waste incinerator off a boat and he has to make it /work/.
In short, this is what I do for fun and now I have to get back to work. 😊
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chestcongestion · 6 months
Demon-to-Demon Ch.3/5: Ha//zbin Ho/tel
Warnings: Contagion and mess (a lot more mess this time)
Word count: 3,763
Chapter 3 is finally finished! Two more to go (at least). I love the idea of Al/ast/or losing his inhibitions when he's feverish, I just think it'd be neat, so that's explored a bit in this chapter. This is kind of a chill interlude in between the "plot", I'm excited because next chapter I get to write Ro/sie... anyways, I hope you enjoy! ^^
“SnFf! Good Mbordi’g Pentagramb City- SnFF!- I’b Katie Killjoyy-Yiihh’Shewww! Ih’kshew!... bringi’g you your day seven update on what experts are calli’g ‘The Red Spread’... the mbysterious viral infectio’d has infected about 78% of the city, with no sign of stoppi’g… more on the spread when we return!” 
“Can’t believe they’re still mbakin’ Killjoy work while she’s sick- snff!” Angel remarked from his spot on the sofa, massaging his sinuses with his fingertips. 
“I can’t believe that more than three quarters of the Pentagram have got whatever the hell this is,” Husk added, scrubbing the underside of his nose with the back of his hand. 
“Do we hafta watch the news every morning?” Niffty groaned from her nest of blankets on the floor in front of the sofa, “They’re showing a five hour marathon of beheading footage in thirty minutes.” 
Husk rolled his eyes, “You kndow the rules- snff- we cast a vote every time we flip channels, you want the executioner network to win, you gotta make a solid argument,” he explained from his position draped across Angel’s lap, his eyes irritated and watery from the congestion packed into his head with noplace to go. 
“That’s no fair, Alastor’s vote shouldn’t count, he doesn’t even know what’s going on!” Niffty argued, folding her arms. 
“He does- HrR’SCHOOO!... Fuck!- He does, watch,” Husk argued back, snapping his fingers to get Alastor’s attention from his dazed position in his armchair, “Alastor…Earth to Alastor!” 
Alastor redirected a glassy eye in Husk’s direction, feverish blotches on both of his cheeks, “Hmm?” he asked, rubbing his nose with his handkerchief. 
“Next flip, what’re you voting for?” Husk asked, smiling as he watched Alastor thinking in real time, the metaphorical cogs in his head overheated and sticky. 
Alastor sniffled, staring at Husk for a moment, “Uhb… snfF!...He-eh’KSHIEW! Hhn’Kxxhht!... what were we talki’g about again?” he asked, blowing his nose. 
“We’re changin’ the channel, Smiles, whadda you wanna watch?” Angel asked, pulling a thermometer off of the arm of the sofa and sliding it under his tongue. 
Alastor blinked, “Ndature documentaries,” he giggled deliriously, scrubbing under his nostrils with a single finger in an attempt to snuff out a tickle in his sinuses that was threatening to morph into a sneezing fit, “The really gruesombe ondes- snrk!” 
“See? He’s-” Husk paused to cough, “-perfectly conscious, isn’t that right, Alastor?” he asked. 
“What’s right?” Alastor asked, blowing his nose again, “Ehhh’TShewww! Heh’KSHEW! Heh’tschiewww! Hh’Ktshhiew!” 
“Don’t worry about it,”  Husk laughed, his laugh quickly turning into a harsh, raspy cough, “Fuck, that hurts.” 
Angel reached over, rubbing Husk’s chest and attempting to quell the rumble of congestion in his lungs with a few pats, “Mmph,” he hummed in consolation, pulling the thermometer out when it began to beep. 
“Thanks,” Husk replied breathlessly, attempting to shoot a glance at the thermometer, “What’s the verdict?” 
Angel sighed, massaging his temples, “I’ve stih…h-hihh…Ih-A’KSHHHEW! ‘Kshhew! ‘KSCHUHHH!” he said, nearly folding in half from his sneezing fit, “Still got a fever… damn thi’g won’t budge… 102.” 
Husk sighed, “Damn shame… mby turn, hand it over,” he said, taking the thermometer and sliding it under his tongue, purring as he patiently waited for it to beep, “102.” 
“My turn! My turn!” Niffty exclaimed from her nest of blankets, getting a hold of the thermometer and holding it under her tongue, squinting at the reading on the small screen with her eye, “101.” 
“Space Cadet, wakey-wakey- snff!- your turn to check your temperature,” Angel croaked from his spot on the sofa, flicking a bottle cap at Alastor to snap him out of his febrile trance. 
“Hmm? Wha? Oh…” Alastor mumbled, wincing as he placed the ear thermometer into his left ear, shooting a quick glance at the viewing window after it beeped, “103 and- snff!...hH’KZzschiewww!- seven tenths.” 
Angel and Husk shot one another a knowing look, but shortly after, Angel hugged Husk tightly, shivering in his loose tank top and baggy pajama shorts. 
“I’mb so fucking cold… dammit…” Angel whispered, his teeth chattering as he nuzzled up close to Husk, “You’re such a good radiator, but I’mb still freezi’g…Snfff-snff!” 
“That’s cause you aren’t actually cold,” Husk replied, feeling the heat radiating from Angel’s body, “It’s just the fever.” 
“This is bullshit,” Angel complained, folding his arms before going back to cuddling Husk, flipping channels until a boring rerun of a reality TV show came on. 
“Hi guys,” Charlie greeted upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, Vaggie following close behind with KeeKee in her arms, “Feeling any better?” 
Angel blew his “nose” into a tissue, tossing the soggy paper into the trash can next to the sofa, “Nope,” he replied, massaging his sinuses with his fingertips, “Huhh…H-hah…Ah… AH’TSHHHIEWW! Ah’kShewww! HAH’KSCHIEWWW!” 
Husk and Niffty shook their heads in silence. 
Alastor rubbed his eyes with both fists, before blinking drowsily in Charlie’s direction and greeting her with an eager wave, giggling, “When I hold mby hand in front of you, you disappear,” he chuckled, turning to smother a barking cough into his sleeve. 
Charlie winced, shooting Husk a knowing look, “Fever?” 
“Fever,” Husk replied. 
“It’s kickin’ his ass, watch this,” Angel said, struggling to contain his hoarse laughter, “Alastor, shut your eyes.” 
Alastor complied. 
“What color are your pants?” Angel asked, watching Alastor tilt his head down to look at his maroon flannel pajama pants, but still holding his eyes shut.  
“Black?” Alastor replied, feeling around in his man-made darkness for his pajama pants, “Black.” 
“Oh my gosh,” Charlie chuckled, gently scratching behind Alastor’s ears, “Open your eyes, Alastor.” 
Alastor complied, swaying in his armchair until he saw KeeKee strolling past, scooping her into his arms and nuzzling his face against her soft fur, “So soft,” he whispered. 
“Honestly, I’d say to stop toying with Alastor while he’s delirious, but being able to fuck with one of the Pentagram’s cruelest overlords with no consequences is kinda sweet,” Vaggie said, trying not to laugh as she walked over to Alastor’s armchair and poked his nose. 
“Hh’Kzzhshttt! HH’KShheww! HH’KSHHHEW! Hnk’TSHHIEW!...Hh’KSzxhhtt!” Alastor held up a hand in front of his nose and mouth, nearly paralyzed by the sudden fit, his eyes beginning to water, “Snfff! Snff-SNFF! Uch…” 
Vaggie struggled to contain her amusement until Alastor loudly blew his nose into his handkerchief, the wetness of the sound making her wince from disgust, “That’s so gross…” she whispered. 
Alastor brushed off Vaggie’s comment with the flick of a stuffy ear, readjusting himself in his seat and pulling his blanket tighter around his shoulders, “Well excuse mbe,” he scoffed, pinching the friction-reddened underside of his nose between two fingers in an attempt to stifle a second sneezing fit, “Hh’ktshh! Hhn’ktsh! Hh’kzhht! HHN’kshh!” 
“Bless you,” Charlie said, “Hopefully you guys will start feeling better soon, this thing can’t last that long.” 
“I hope so,” Husk sighed, “I mbiss breathin’ through mby ndose.” 
Husk’s garbled consonants made Charlie wince. 
“I wish there was something I could do to help,” Charlie sighed, leaning against the back of the sofa. 
“Oh! I know! I know! I can help!” Niffty cheered, turning to cough into her elbow after raising her voice strained her sore throat, “I used to do this all the time when I was alive! Be right back!” 
Before Charlie could open her mouth to object, Niffty had vanished into the kitchen and returned with four mugs and three medium-sized towels, each of the mugs releasing tendrils of steam into the air. 
“I’d get bags of tea that weren’t really good to drink but smelled really strong, and I’d make a cup, and put the towel over my head to breathe in the steam, it works great!” Niffty explained, returning to the comfort of her blanket nest with her own mug of hot tea, electing to sip from it instead. 
Husk shrugged, “I’ll try adythi’g ondce..snrkk!” he croaked, pulling the towel over his head and holding the mug of fragrant tea close to his face as he became surrounded by steam. 
Angel followed Husk’s lead, hoping to relieve the massive backup in his puffy sinuses. 
Alastor silently followed suit, rolling his eyes briefly when the towel snagged on his antlers, forcing him to neaten it out. 
A few minutes passed, and Charlie- who had left the room to feed Fat Nuggets and KeeKee- returned to her spot leaning against the back of the sofa, “So… how do you know if it works?” she asked. 
“You’ll see,” Niffty replied, swallowing the last sip of her tea and lying down on her side to relax in her pile of blankets, smothering a cough into her wrist and listening to Angel, Husk, and Alastor’s sniffles as they grew looser and looser. 
“HrR’SCHHUHHH! Huh’KSHOOO! Hh’TSHHHOO! Huh’TSCHOO! Hnk’TCHOO! HUH’KSHHHUHH! Hnk’TSHHHEW!” Husk sneezed, each sneeze growing wetter and wetter as the congestion in his sinuses got looser.
“Heh’Kshhhew! Hnk’SHHHEW! Hnk’Tshhiew! HEH’KXHHT! Hnk’TSHH! Heh’TSHHIEW! Hnk’TshhhiEW! He-Eh’kshhhiewww!” Alastor followed suit, struggling to catch his breath between sneezes from underneath the towel.
“A-ahh…H-hah…HAH’TSHIEW! Hah’tshew! Hah’kshhiew! Ah’kshhieww! Hah’TshhhiEW! Ah…AH’KTSHHHIEW!” Angel sneezed.
“Ohhhh, that’s how,” Charlie said with an amused smile. 
  Husk peeled off his towel to reveal his flushed face, damp fur, and the continuous trail of watery mess trickling from his adorable feline nose, a trail that he attempted to stop with a few watery sniffles, to no avail. 
“Holy shit,” Husk muttered, his voice hoarse from the sneezing fit scraping his raw throat, as he dragged the back of his hand under his nostrils, “That felt great, I can breathe…but I can’t stop sne-eezing-Hnk’Tshoo! Hnk’Tschuhh!” 
“Bless you,” Charlie giggled, plucking two tissues out of the box on the arm of the sofa and handing them to Husk, who in turn used them to wipe off his hands and the underside of his nose before soaking the tissues with one gurgling blow, “Jeez, you were really stuffed up.” 
“Not anymore, shit,” Husk said with a relieved sigh, wrapping a finger in a few tissues and gently cleaning the inside of his fluffy ears, “Even cleaned out my ears.” 
“It can get in your ears?!” Charlie inquired, leaning over the sofa and staring at Husk’s ears intently as they twitched. 
“Mmhm, it’s why I’m damn lucky I don’t have any… a-ah…AH’KTSHEW! Ah’kshhew! Ah’kshhiew!...” Angel commented, pulling off his towel and finger-combing his moisture-dampened locks to fluff them back up, wincing at the spray coating the fur on his hands, “Euch… I need a shower after that.” 
Angel stood up, swaying a bit on his feet, “I’ll be right ba-ah…a-AH’KSHHIEW! ‘Kshhew! ‘KSHEW!...snff! I’ll be right back…” he said, cautiously wandering up the steps and disappearing down a hallway. 
Alastor’s watery sniffling and frustrated grunts made Husk and Charlie turn to face him, the towel still draped over his head. 
“Hh’KZXHHT! Hhnk’Tshhiew! Hhk’TSHHIEW! Heh’KSHEWW! Hhn’KzZsschiew!” Alastor’s sneezing continued, his desperate gasps in between fits riddled with the low rumble of congestion in his lungs. 
“Uhm… Alastor, you can take it off if the smell is too much,” Charlie proposed, watching The Radio Demon doubled over in his chair, completely at the mercy of his sinuses. 
“I ca-ahh.. Hh’KSCHIEW! Hhn’KSHHUH!... they’re st-uhh… s-stuck on my aahn- HEH’KSHHIEW! Heh’KSHewww!- antlers,” Alastor struggled, punctuating his sentence with a productive-sounding cough, his voice dripping with frustration and embarrassment at his current predicament. 
‘Brilliant, Alastor, just brilliant, you’re writhing like a simple-minded cat with its head stuck in a paper bag’
Charlie reached over, pulling the towel off of Alastor’s head, gently pulling away the segments of towel caught on his antlers, “There we go,” she said, smiling at her triumph. 
Alastor opened his mouth to utter his reluctant thanks, but quickly held a miraculously-clean handkerchief to his mouth instead, coughing as the crackling congestion in his chest inched its way up his throat. His fever-warm cheeks burned red-hot with embarrassment as he spat something into the red cloth before leaning back into his armchair to catch his breath. 
“That sounded…uhh…” Charlie began, wringing her hands and sheepishly looking away out of disgust. 
“Nasty,” Husk practically gagged. 
“I second that!” Vaggie called from the other room. 
“Cool! I wanna see, Alastor, lemme see!” Niffty pleaded, speed-crawling over to Alastor’s feet and sneaking a peek of the soiled handkerchief, “Woah…” 
“That’s quite enough,” Alastor scoffed, silencing another wet cough behind clenched teeth, “I’m fine… I’d prefer if we could pretend that didn’t happen.” 
Husk blinked, noticing the stiffness in Alastor’s smile and the embarrassment in his watery eyes, shooting his boss a knowing smirk, “I think somebody’s fever finally went down,” he chuckled, “Don’t worry, boss, you didn’t do anything too embarrassing.” 
“I can strangle you to death with one hand, and I will not hesitate to do so,” Alastor hissed, still struggling to fight back his cough, eventually relenting and holding his handkerchief back up to his mouth. 
“Think you’re a bit too busy stranglin’ yourself,” Husk teased, knowing that Alastor’s coughing fit would keep him from reacting violently to Husk’s sass. 
Alastor spat another load of sputum into his handkerchief and took a desperate inhale, a relieved grin flashing on his face when said inhale wasn’t accompanied by a crackle of more congestion, “I’m finished,” he panted, squeezing his soiled handkerchief in one hand as it vanished into the ether by way of its own shadow. 
Charlie leaned over and quietly popped the thermometer into Alastor’s ear, getting a quick reading, and pulling it away, “102, it did go down! Are you feeling any better?” she asked. 
“Quite the opposite, actually,” Alastor grumbled, running a clean handkerchief under his nose to wipe away the mess from his sneezing fit, “Especially since I’m in my right mind again.” 
“Damn shame,” Husk laughed from his spot on the sofa, ducking when Alastor threw his miraculously-empty mug at Husk’s head.
“This is humiliating,” Alastor grumbled, covering his eyes with both hands and rolling onto his side in his armchair, pulling his blanket tighter around his frame.
“Y’know, Alastor, maybe you’d be more comfortable if you had room to stretch your legs,” Charlie offered, “Since Cherri’s not here, you could take the loveseat on the opposite side and Niffty could take the armchair.” 
“I’m perfectly fine where I am, thank you,” Alastor replied, trying and failing to suppress a shiver. 
“Are you sure?” Charlie asked, shooting Alastor a compassionate smile, which finally got him to relent. 
“If you insist,” Alastor sighed, getting out of his chair and walking over to the loveseat on the opposite side of the sofa , lying down and completely wrapping his body in his blanket. 
“There you go, doesn’t that feel better?” Charlie asked, draping a second blanket over Alastor’s reclined form. 
“Only physically,” Alastor replied, his teeth chattering slightly as he struggled to conceal the pain in his eyes, “Thank you.” 
“No problem… are you okay?” Charlie asked as she watched Alastor continue to shiver in spite of the blankets. 
Alastor’s shivering calmed down, and his eyes noticeably glazed over again, looking glassy and distant as his gaze lost focus and his smile became more toothless and dopey. Charlie noticed the deep flush in Alastor’s cheeks, his heavy breathing, and the sweat trickling down his face from his hairline. 
“I’m fine… Hh’Kshew!...pardon me,” Alastor mumbled, readjusting himself under his blankets. The Radio Demon stared at Charlie for a moment, scanning her with his glossy eyes before shooting her a puzzling smile, “Your hair is so pretty… it’s like a tied up hay bale…” he giggled. 
“Oh… thank you?” Charlie replied, raising an eyebrow and cautiously reaching down to press the back of her hand against Alastor’s forehead.
“Aaaand he’s gone again,” Husk announced, “That didn’t last long.” 
“He’s burning up… I didn’t expect his fever to go back up so fast,” Charlie said, overwhelmed with concern as she took Alastor’s temperature with the ear thermometer, “104… I’m going to go see if we have some medicine somewhere.” 
“I’ll make sure he doesn’t roll off the loveseat and hurt himself ‘till you get back,” Husk said, turning away briefly to blow his nose before focusing his attention on Alastor’s relaxed but loopy form. 
“Thank you,” Charlie replied, leaving the room and leaving Husk alone with his fever-plagued boss. Niffty was still in the parlor, but she had fallen asleep after cozying up in her nest of blankets, and snored quietly on the floor, meaning that Husk had no one but Alastor to talk to. 
“Husker,” Alastor said in an almost teasing voice, shooting Husk a drowsy grin and staring at him with his glassy, vacant eyes. 
“What is it?” Husk asked, twitching his sensitive nose in an attempt to stave off a sneeze, “HRR’SCHUHH!” 
“H..-Hihh… How can you tell when an octopus egg is h-hahh…hatching?” Alastor asked, punctuating his sentence with a damp sniffle, wiping his irritated nose off with his handkerchief.
“I dunno Alastor, how?” Husk sighed, rolling his eyes. 
“It starts Kraken…Hih’SHHHEW! Uch… Excuse mbe…snff!” Alastor said, laughing at his own horrible joke until his boisterous laughter turned into a hoarse cough. 
“We’re not doin’ this, I’m not listenin’ to your stupid jokes,” Husk scoffed. 
“Ohh, that’s no fair, I had so mbany I was ready to try out- Hih’KSHHEW! Hih’kshhiew!” Alastor complained, blowing his nose. 
“Try ‘em out on Niffty when she wakes up,” Husk scoffed, smiling upon seeing Angel enter the parlor, now wearing a pair of pink velour pajamas adorned with black hearts and flowers, “How was your shower?” 
“Great,” Angel sighed, collapsing onto the sofa and letting Husk settle back in his lap, “Steam really does the trick when you’re plugged up- snff… it’s incredible.” 
“Glad it helped,” Husk replied softly, running his fingers through Angel’s clean fur. 
Husk rolled his eyes, “What is it now?” 
“Mby throat hurts,” Alastor said, his watery eyes looking genuinely vulnerable… almost pitiful as he spoke. 
“Mine does too, suck it up, maybe if you stopped runnin’ your mouth it wouldn’t hurt so much,” Husk said coldly, hurriedly holding a hand to his mouth to cover a violent cough and sighing with relief when Angel’s smooth hands began to rub his chest. 
Alastor nodded, lying down in silence on the loveseat and sniffling occasionally, curling in on himself and clutching desperately at his blankets. His chapped, shiny nose and feverish cheeks looked aggressively dark compared to his hypersensitive, sweat-covered, and unnaturally pale skin, and the tears brimming in his glazed-over watery eyes overflowed, running down his cheeks. 
‘I can’t believe you, we look ridiculous, pull yourself together…’ 
Alastor shuddered, whimpering quietly as his limbs ached and a violent pain radiated behind his eyes, cursing the razor-sharpness of his teeth that made them impossible to gnash and grind when he was in pain. 
‘I can’t… I can’t control it… I’m so tired, and hot… and achy,’ 
Alastor’s frustrated thoughts only made the hot tears on his cheeks run faster as he attempted to hide them with a damp sniffle, to no avail. He simply shut his eyes and resigned himself to his fate. 
“Oh my god,” Angel whispered, staring in awe at The Radio Demon’s hushed crying from the other side of the coffee table. 
“He’s completely out of his mind, he’d jump out a window before he let anyone see him like this,” Husk muttered.
“I know this ain’t the point, but your raspy voice is kinda sexy,” Angel whispered back, snickering when Husk playfully punched him in the arm, “Okay, I earned that one.”  
“Alright, it took a bit of digging, but I found some medicine-” Charlie paused upon re-entering the parlor, staring at Alastor’s shaking form and listening to his whimpering sobs, “-I’m sorry… is he?” 
Angel and Husk nodded in silence. 
Charlie gently pulled on one of Alastor’s ears, her heart dropping into her stomach when the gesture made Alastor let out a pained whine, before gently sticking the ear thermometer into the sensitive canal, “105…shit, why is this hitting him so hard?” she asked. 
“I mean, all four of us feel like absolute shit… but Boss was always real skittish and secretive about germs…HUH’KshOO! Hh’KSHEWW!...fuck- SnFF!- might be kickin’ his ass cause he’s never been sick before, or at least not this sick,” Husk attempted to explain, dragging the back of his wrist under his nose before Angel handed him a tissue, “Thanks.” 
“That makes sense… but it’s almost scary seeing him like this… Alastor? Alastor, wake up,” Charlie said, gently shaking Alastor to get his attention before pulling him into an upright position, “I’ve got something that should make your fever go down, okay?” 
Alastor nodded, reaching out and cupping Charlie’s face in his left hand, stroking her cheek with his thumb as his ears twitched, “Charlie?” he asked, the vacant look in his red eyes making Charlie chew anxiously on her tongue, he looked awful. 
“Yes, it’s me… can you see me?” Charlie asked, waving a hand in front of Alastor’s glassy eyes, her stomach twisting in knots when Alastor’s pupils didn’t follow her movement. 
“Mhm,” Alastor nodded, turning away from Charlie to muffle a fit of barking coughs into his handkerchief, “I think so.” 
“Okay, here, I’m going to pour the medicine for you, and you can take it when you’re ready,” Charlie said, pouring a dose of green fever reducer into the plastic measuring cup and handing it to Alastor, who surprisingly knocked it back almost immediately, licking his lips and flashing Charlie another delirious smile. 
“It tastes like apples,” Alastor said, giggling as he flopped back into a reclined position, doubling over when his laughter quickly devolved into another coughing fit. 
“I’m glad it tastes good, hopefully this makes you feel better,” Charlie said, gently massaging the back of Alastor’s head with her fingertips and turning to face Angel and Husk, “You guys want some?” 
“I’m fine, I’ll let this shit take its course,” Husk replied, Angel nodding in agreement, “I’m goin’ to sleep.” 
“Me too, Niffty’s got the right idea,” Angel sighed, getting comfortable on the sofa and uncrossing his legs, dozing off with Husk sleepily purring on top of him. 
“Thank you, Charlie,” Alastor said, his voice a hoarse whisper, “I hope you don’t catch thi-ihh… Hih’kshew! Hih’kshiew!...this…snff-snff!” 
“Of course,” Charlie replied, “I think I’ll be okay… you should rest… hopefully the medicine brings your fever down.” 
Alastor yawned, lowering his eyelids and cozying up to his pillow, his congested snoring joining the noisy snores of Angel, Husk, and Niffty as Charlie brushed his hair away from his forehead. 
“They’ll be better soon, it’ll be okay,” Charlie said to herself, getting one last look at her sickly friends before leaving the room to go chat with Vaggie, turning off the lights and lowering the volume on the TV before she tip-toed out of the parlor, leaving the quartet of patients in comfortable quiet darkness. 
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basemwnt · 3 months
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꒰ঌ( ⌯’ ‘⌯)໒꒱ my name is Melina or Lotus ,,
18 ( 03.14.06 ) + happily taken .!! ( 4.20.21 )
𐔌  autistic, bpd ..
General Warnings : i reblog + like HEAVILY, so if u dont want ur notifs being blown up by me then sorryy .. i also post whatevrs on my mind ; sometimes being not so good things. But i do tag accordingly ( i generally tag 4/20 and venting related content ). This blog is also primarily reposted content.
I also don't care if you spam reblog / like my posts, as tbh it makes me happy seeing people enjoy it. This also goes for my instagram and bluesky. My socials are basemwnt ( ig/twt/pin/noplace/disc ), cchewytoy ( rblx ) .. !
My asks are open btw, PLEASE ask me / tell me stuff i wanna interact with y'all more.
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My interests include, but aren't limited to ; cutecore/kawaiicore, pink things, vlogging/blogging, and gaming ( roblox, minecraft, sdv, sims4, you name it ), korillakuma, mother garden, shushucherry, kaomojis, coffee, + more
Misc things about me ; I'm working on recovering from my hikikomori tendencies and severe paranoia ( as it has almost cost me my highschool diploma, let alone job opportunities ), im an insane black coffee addict and an avid tea HATER.
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bee-birb · 8 months
tails nine theory - sonic prime spoilers - this is a long one
so we established that the prisms have like, mega energy and are way too much power for one person right? like, dread knuckles got a taste of the power from the noplace shard and went mad over it, and thorn rose also went a bit crazy with the boscage maze shard. afterward, she even said that it was far too much power for one person. eggman went wacko trying to get the whole prism initially, though that could have just been eggman being eggman.
my theory is, nine probably never would have gone as far as he did in s3 if he wasn't exposed to the prism. and not just one shard like dread and thorn, mind you. all of them. he had full exposure to all five shards, and was regularly drawing on their power to shape reality with himself as a conduit. first the new yoke shard, then the grim shard, (both in s1), then as the council collected more shards during s2, he was presumably exposed to more prism energy. (though, i think the energy field holding them in the dome would have blocked most of the energy, but you get my point.) that much prism energy could not have been good for his mind, especially because he's still portrayed as rather young in the series. in fact, we only get the ultimate betrayal while nine is in the presence of four of the five shards. thats a lot of power.
because the prism's energy is so strong, and with evidence from thorn and dread that it makes you volatile, nine probably wouldn't have betrayed sonic over the miscommunication. in fact, sonic had mentioned repairing green hill multiple times before, and nine didn't speak up or ask about it. this could be because he was biding his time to get all the shards in order to transform the grim, but he probably would have made at least a sarcastic comment about it. he also leaves the resistance behind after having the new yoke shard in his possession, the same thing that dread does in s2.
over the course of season 3, we can also see the effect of longterm use of prism energy in nine. he gets tired, falling over atop his citadel, and is always mentioning needing more power. this screams that something else is at work in his subconscious. another example is when shadow remarks that it was always all about power. sonic goes to disagree because sonic, but nine agrees. except, i dont think it was all about power initially. it was about building himself a safe haven in the grim. he was originally going to include sonic in his safe haven, too, as evidenced by the hammock and the palm trees they reference in the citadel. it was about finding a place for him to belong- a blank slate for him to start over.
and after the prism is gone, nine gets far more sympathetic and seems to be more himself. this also could be sonic being, yaknow, on the verge of completely falling apart without prism energy, but that doesn't make as much sense. nine was more than ready to extract the energy from sonic in s3e1, and do so mercilessly- after he had used the prism to create the alpha grim bots. are you seeing the pattern? nine gets steadily more unstable, unsteady, and unfeeling as he is exposed to the prism and harnesses its energy through himself.
and i do understand that hurt people hurt people, and the kid is just doing what he can to make himself a home. it makes complete sense to do anything you can to make yourself the safe space that you've never had before. but the fact that he doesn't listen to reason and facts goes completely against nine as a character- he's the logical one. the thinker. he was the first to tell the council that using the prism would cause shatterverse wide decay. and he flat out ignores all that during s3. its not correlative to his character, hence my theory that something deeper is happening with nine.
now, for those of you saying that sonic never had such side effects- he already has prism power in his being. it wouldn't affect him as much as a completely outside source would.
anygays, thank you for reading my rambles and have a good night. remember, its just a theory- a gAME THEORY-
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yuneu · 2 months
i am once again asking please be my friend on noplace
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deadlysweettttt · 2 months
𝐻𝓊𝓈𝒽- 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝑔𝓁𝑜𝓌
0:35 ━❍──────── 2:43
hihihi everyone!!! my name is devan (call me dev or vivi if u wanna) and i use she/they pronouns
my big age is 14 and i regress to around ages 5-8, atm i don’t have a cg and want one really bad :(((
i want to be mutuals/friends with everyone and anyone here on tumblr! my dms and asks will always be open btw
interests: pink, dolls, sailor moon, reading, singing, glitter, writing, listening to music, sanrio, heartbreak high, care bears, south park, pokemon, fnaf, taylor swift, strawberry shortcake, h2o: just add water, genshin impact, class of 09, danganronpa, horseland, shopping, sally face, jem and the holograms, twice, unicorns… and more i probably forgot lol
current hyperfixation: horseland 🐴🎀
discord, noplace, pinterest- deadlysweettttt
reddit- deadlysweettttt_
spotify- deadlysweet
pls only interact if ur blog is purely sfw and appropriate for minors 
thanks for reading pookies :3
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avandelay20 · 3 months
Another app clamoring for our attention and taxing our mental health - in another pathetic attempt to be 'king of the hill' for a few years on the pile of manipulation platforms that came/went/still exist.
AND HOW EXACTLY DOES THIS APP/COMPANY FUND ITS OPERATION?? ADVERTISING YOU SAY? Oh wait, they didn't say - so how are they paying to develop this app and host this service? TechCrunch never offers real information about these companies - just spruiks their bullshit on their behalf.
How pathetic is it that these startup companies aspire to conjure up new variants of the same old social media crap that no one needs or asked for.
Want to keep in touch with people you know?? How about this: just use your phone's native messaging and call features. It's not that fucking hard.
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mindsbanana · 2 years
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If they purchased the software directly from Adobe then it will be available under their account by using the process listed in Find downloaded apps and files. "Perpetual users are still able to utilize their software. This is the official response from Jeff Wright, a senior Adobe staff member. Why did they erase and deactivate my older products? So I cannot download to my new laptop and I'm forced to pay the crazy prices for the cloud or buy a competitor's product. I did this and they erased my 2 CS6 products (AI and PS). They should not have made my old keys and products invisible, and should not have removed the downloads. Making us jump through 5 or 6 levels of hoops to contact them about it (in an attempt to discourage us from keeping using the legacy product) is nuts. That's not proper when we've paid for them. It's not rocket science, but Adobe (for reasons unknown), eliminated them. Failing to display the account info for my old software is wrong, and trying to "give" me a free trial of the new one at the same time they removed the old copies and downloads and keys is VERY WRONG.Īll I'm after is the download url for AI CS6 and Ps CS6. I abhor subscriptions for software but they are so lucrative everyone's doing it.īut taking the old licenses and registrations away is wrong. It's on my machine and they can't control me. I know that's where their money is - but I use CS6 for a reason. Now, I have another new laptop, and all the download links for CS6 products are removed and are noplace to be found.Īlso, when I look at my account they gave me (assigned to me - I didn't ask for it) a FREE CLOUD ACCOUNT access with the opportunity to purchase the subscription. But the last time I logged in was last year (new laptop) and everything was fine. I definitely registered both items and they used to display perfectly. I understand it SHOULD be in my account, but it is not. Is that the meaning of CS13? Thank you very much for your help. Should I use the earlier number first, then if that works, go on to enter the second? On another note, the list of products I am offered to select from does NOT include CS6, only CS6 extended.
#Adobe photoshop cs6 keygen torrent registration
I do believe I upgraded from CS5 (I started with CS2 many years ago) but I have only two registration numbers. (Hardly surprising, I know.) Do I need to use the cleanup app even for aborted installations> If so, please give a link for it, as I cannot find it. I have tried several times, going back to delete all the files and directories before starting again, all with the same result.
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And when I try to install and then registerl, I get the message "This is a valid registration number but there is no applicable product installed.* So I went ahead with installing a trial version, but then the registration code produces the same message. However, I do not see a registration number for CS6, only for CS13, whatever that means. I don't believe I need to uninstall it on my old computer as it was removed when I started my CC subscription.
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benjimirthursby · 3 years
"See How They Run. (FFXIV Write Prompt #4 "Baleful." - The Book of Thursby: Scions of Numenor.
“Fate takes a deposit against one’s life. You get the deposit back afterward, or apply it to the next one.” - Katryn Vaunter, “Personal Logs.” The all consuming glow faded. The ground met Bandia’s feet. But the hand pressing on the small of her back remained. As the Aetheryte plaza in Ul’Dah came into full focus she instinctively turned to the right looking for this errand boy of Tatania brought her too, only he wasn’t there. “Madam Sulistian.” her escort said curtly to her left, startling Bandia enough that she jumped in fright. Recovering her indignity cast a baleful glare at the middleman. “Will you please. I have had quite enough of this.” She spat at the man. “Have you now? My heart bleeds. I weep for your inconvenience, and could you demonstrate more tact in speaking aloud than you do your mode of dress. Let us away from here and it’s many eyes and ears.” The man gripped Bandia’s arm with enough force to brook no resistance from Bandia. He lead her out of the Aetheryte plaza and towards the city gate beyond.
As they neared the gate their progress was halted by a caravan from the merchants' district departing under escort. The escort consisted of a pair of riders at the front and others interspersed between wagons, all making open show of the arms the bore. Many of these riders wore patches of a white tree on a black field. Volunteers and militia from the Scions of Numenor. Others displayed the more stylized winged sword and tree icon of the Thursby Company. The courier became agitated as the riders and wagons kept him from the Chocobo porter beyond. Bandia took no pleasure at the sight either. Her rivals had gained greatly as caravans escorted such as this and for her part she could not manage to secure contracts for escorting or the goods being transported. It was maybe the chief reason she had consented to working with the Umberbreakers. “Twinkinrykers.” Bandia muttered. To her surprise the courier nodded and his expression hardened at her saying the name. “Best not forget that either.” The caravan having passed, he continued with Bandia to the porter. “Where are you absconding with me to now?” She asked bitterly. “Noplace thankfully. I am returning to my duties. You however are to return to your business and make ready to assemble the next shipment of Linkpearl sets. I will return with to exchange the companies pearls for our own in a week. Good day miss Sulistian.” With that the courier turned for the porter from whom he rented a Chocobo and he rode away. Bandia considered if she had made a mistake in becoming part of these peoples plotting. But spying the lingering end of the caravan her resentment of her rivals in business was stoked again and she cast those reservations aside and returned to her quarters.
Thirty miles north of Kugane and by design the caravans from the port split into several sections and rode toward different destinations. Each retained a mounted escort. Pitched attempts to extort the caravans, much less overt attacks, had almost ceased over the past year thanks to the efforts of contract escorts. The largest of the groups from the convoy to Kugane was escorted by the Sons of Numenor. The guards were newer, less seasoned and most felt their purpose had largely been filled when attacks by people had ceased. As such the normal routine of scouts and guards riding on ridgelines had fallen out of practice. Drunken Garleans were the most dangerous thing seen in months and easy to see coming. Sober raiders keeping discipline went unobserved. Such was the case again tonight. A pair of riders concealed themselfs, making careful notes of the composition of the escorts. They would break-off once the convoy reached the village ahead and report to their commander in Kugane. *******
Following dinner, Aubreen forsook the Bokaisen Onsen for the more exclusive, traditional Crystal Spring. A considerable walk beyond Bokaisen, it was still segregated by gender. Private suites afforded couples and the working men and women space for rendezvous. The springs themselves were cultured stone and built decades prior by a retiring warlord. The men and women’s springs each had views of the port miles below. The distance ensured the cliente were not the average sailors and relationships of situational convenience.
For the uninitiated an Onsen could be a condensed and unnerving experience. There were kindred experiences in other regions, and anyone serving in uniform learned to lose modest quickly enough. But the tradition steeped details and freedom from distractions could focus people on their insecurities. This began with bathing in a traditional open room with the female patrons. Katryn was far from a prude by any measure, but she never failed to feel more self conscious as she and Aubreen disrobed and placed their cloths in the small baskets which would sit in the dressing space outside the bathing room.
Women were similarly unclad and using the flow of hot water spigots to bathe before and after entering the hot springs themselves sitting on the small stools around the edge of the room. Aubreen and Katryn occupied two of these and as was common enough between them, washed each others hair. The Crystal Sky provided the customary towels to its patrons. The towels were little more than washcloths in size. Not large enough to fully wrap around a waist much less also cover one’s upper body. Each patron had their own traditions of using these towels according to their sense of modesty. Those senses ranged from preserving some modest with wrapping some of one’s body, to folding the town and placing it on ones head to keep it from falling in the water.
Aubreen and Katryn shared the practice of walking their towels in-hand, rolled. They took their time and selected a quite corner of the least occupied springs in the women’s half. Half or more of the women bathing moments ago had proceeded to couples suites. Only a few women had taken to the other spring pools. Aubreen observed Katryn looking around as they sunk into the water. “Were all of those women leaving? I did not think there were many suites here?” Katryn asked. “Guild women mostly, a few women of independent standing.” Aubreen explained. Katryn looked surprised. “Working women you mean, they have a guild?” she asked. Aubreen nodded. “I do not use the term but yes and there is a guild. They have considerable influence in the merchant and hospitality trade here.” Katryn pondered and shook her head. “I’ve never considered such work in the sense of being business, I couldn’t see myself doing that.” She said. “Of course not.” Aubreen said. “Because you have had a path laid before you since you were born. Mind your thoughts though. When you unjustly judge another's station in life, fate has a habit of booking a ticket to the same place.” she finished. Katryn nodded, her eyes focused on her lover as she spoke. But Aubreen’s eyes were affixed on something on the dark horizon. A great shape was dimly backlit by the crescent moon’s light. The airship was a massive, nonsensical mass in the shadows. “There is our mystery contact from yesterday.” Aubreen said. Katryn rose some in the water and looked out. “He’s not alone” She added. Aubreen stood and walked to the end of the spring pool. Like all of her blood, her sight was manyfold better than Katryn’s. “Gunships. The Garlean variety we have been seeing. Also, four smaller vessels, walker skifts.” Aubreen reported. Katryn could not see the could not see the smaller vessels and so sat back into the water her own eyes fixing on Aubreen as she turned and walked back to her. Intimate activities were expressly not allowed in onsens but she allowed herself the privilege of observation for the moment. Aubreen smirked and sat near her.” “Log and report it tomorrow. Where were we?” She said.
“You are saying we are fated to be what we are?” Katryn asked. Aubreen shook her head. “Sometimes, yes. I think we choose to live. In doing so we make a covenant with the great mystery and its sovereign.” Aubreen said. “So some have purpose but not all?” Katryn asked. Aubreen shrugged. “Some find their purpose, or make it. Others have it thrust upon them. Be it by happenstance or design.”
“So we live more than once?” Katryn asked.
“We can, but do we? That again is a choice. In my races’ tradition it is possible but not obligatory. “ She looked at Katryn inquisitively, wondering what was pressing on her mind to be on about this now. “Your own race does too. Many faces, many names but always them.” Aubreen said.
“By that do you mean Benjimir?” Katryn asked Aubreen.
“It does.” She said.
“Does he know?” Katryn followed-up. “Not that he has demonstrated but I believe he has begun to suspect. He had despaired for years before Haydaelyn. No sense he would have a chance to contribute a chapter to the long Thursby story. That sat ill with him. But Dalamud. And over these past six years he senses his purpose for this life.” Aubreen said.
Xyncalla approached Wayng Chun’Chunyt.at the ally near her rickshaw. “The tacky woman was taken. Ul’Dah if I had to guess but that is not my department.” She said. In his even and almost expressionless tone Wang nodded and commented. “Too many elements to reconcile. We need a primer to be able to read these tea leafs.” “I was able to learn the entire Onsen was secured for this evening.” Xyncalla reported. “Umberbreaker?” Wayng asked. “Scheer.” She told Wayng. He nodded. “Very well. It would suggest he commands the beast, it is putting into port as we speak.” He paused. “Return to the Onsen. Find favorable means to know whom is there tonight and what business is conducted. I am off to present my card to the Commodore. We may not have chance to meet again for a time.” Wayng ordered. Xyncalla nodded. “At once. Light’s path Wayng.” She said. “See with the Crystal’s eyes my friend.” Wayng said, bowing his head slightly.
******* The rented Chocobo trailed the caravan from Ul’Dah until it reached the first village beyond. Leaving it with the porter he withdrew his own mount from the village stables he resumed following the caravan studying it and the escorts protecting it until satisfied. He turned back for the village and by it’s Aetheryte plaza jaunted to Umberbreaker compound many miles away.
Wayng sat quietly in the lobby space of the Onsen. As Aubreen and Katryn emerged from the change rooms he stood up and approached the women. With a slight bow he presented a small card with his name to Aubreen. “Well met mister Chu’chunyt. Captain Vaunter of the SNS Andustar.” she said to Wayng. Katryn clicked her boot heels with a smile and bowed. “Your servant captain.” Wayng said. “The beast has returned mister Chu’chunyt.” Aubreen said. “Yes commodore. My observer has made me aware of a gathering of officers and a member of the Umberbreaker clan in Kugane this night.” He reported. “Miss Duskarie?” she asked Wayng. And paused in thought and continued. “I would ask you to have her join us in Tondera Hall, but first may I ask you to have her see what more she can learn of this meeting?” “It has already been so ordered Commodore.” Wayng answered.
“Excellent. We sail for Ul’Dah at dawn, report to me aboard Andustar. We will await you there.” Aubreen said.
Tatania Umberbreaker favored making her briefs with a certain amount of professional decorum and subty. An onsen bought-out for his officers were neither professional nor proper. If she knew he would not overstep his boundaries given her family name, Fleet Legatus Lucium Scheer was a creature who insisted on the full measure of entitlement his rank afforded him. Her orders were to return the Umberbreaker compound which had the function of ensuring she would not linger. However she did not have time to maneuver around this. Knowing this Scheer had ensured the customary separation of genders in the onsens did not apply as he held court
in the main spring pool with his officers. Tatania strood from the bathing room to the steps of the spring pool without any sign of self consciousness. Scheer and the commanders of the escorts accompanying the airship Ascendancy were already soaking in the pool awaiting her arrival.
The officers managed to suppress crass comments and cat calls but their lingering eyes conveyed their sentiments. “We are graced with your presence Lady Umberbreaker.” Scheer said with a smile. “Can your men breathe under water or do you stand periodically so they may kiss your arse Lucium?” Tatania said and walked into the spring pool to and sunk into the water to mid-chest depth, leaving her towel at the ledge. Tatania ignored the officers entirely and locked eyes with Scheer. She fenced with Scheer, arching her back or rising in the water daring him to shift his focus. Above them in an ornamental balcony feature, concealed by shadow and the night, Xyncalla looked listened intently the next two hours as Tatania and Scheer traded crass barbs between discussing dispatches and orders for the Ascendancy. She found it excellent theater.
Some forty miles outside of Kugane the largest of the caravans escorted by the Scions of Numenor reached its destination. A small village, hit hard by the actions of the off duty Garlean troops from the consulate guard in Kugane. Merchants had only begun to restock their wares, trusting in the Scions to protect their orders. The eldars saw to the distribution of food stuffs sent gratis by the Thursby Company. The escorts remained mounted, circulating up and down the wagons. This had the effect of keeping off-duty Garlean troopers from nearing the caravan save for two whom newly arrived were sauntering toward a wagon when the hands of their sargent gripped their shoulders. A stern look and shake of his head sent them back to the pub entrance where several others chastised them as they approach, making off-handed gestures to the Chocobos and their riders.
“Wayng is not a veteran of uniformed service and has not led a naval battle before. However his analytical prowess is extraordinary. “ Aubreen said to Katryn as she drew a large finely crafted wooden box from her sea chest. “He is to be commissioned then?” Katryn asked carrying the courier envelope to the chart table. “Yes,” she replied, taking the envelope and placing it atop of the box. “He has several bright prospects that could serve us well at need and Benjimir is adamant that we improve our intelligence stance.” A knock on the stateroom door concluded their discussion. Answering the knocks Katryn opened the door and welcomed Wayng Chun’nyte into the quarters.
“Good day captain,” said as he stepped in. Bowing his head he greeted Aubreen. “Commodore T’Subaki. Reporting as ordered.”
“Enter, welcome aboard the Andustar. Tea?” Aubreen offered as Wayng joined her at the chart table.
“Please. “ He answered.
Katryn stepped to the serving table near the main chart table. “Sugar?” she asked
“Yes, one lump please.”
Handing Wayng his tea Katryn joined them at the chart table.
“Xyncalla has resumed observations in Kugane, she will report as she learns more about the Garlean.” “Very well. It is well you are able to join us for this crossing to Ul’Dah there is work to be done.”
“Orders?” Wayng asked. Aubreen gestured to the box and courier envelope.
“Take these dispatches and report to Admiral Thursby at Tondera Hall. For yourself, take these. This is my personal set of wargaming pieces and such.” Wayng seemed surprised. He took a moment to open the hinged lid to the box and viewed the contents. Placing his open hand over his chest he bowed his head. “You honor me with this.” Wayng said. “You may thank me by making good use of them. From among your dispatches you will have returned to you scenarios which I want you to begin to work through. Report your results to the admiral, he will review them and complete your training as we have discussed.”
“By your command.”
Katryn flared her brow but chooses to discount the comment. “Anything further commodore?” Wayng asked. “Not at this time, we will speak further during the crossing.” Aubreen replied.
“I will take my leave of you then ma’am.” He said and bowed his head to Katryn. “Excellent tea.”
“Good journey Wayng.”
“Safe journey commodore. Good night.” Wayng bowed slightly and carried the box and dispatches to his quarters.
Katryn replaced the tea cups for the cabin steward to take from the serving cart.
“You will not be training him further?” She asked Aubreen. “Not directly, I am aligned with Benjimir in that we need to build our own domestic source of skilled war and strategic planners. Wayng is part of that plan.” Aubreen replied.
Aubreen sensed the uncertainty in Katryn, another rising star within the chain of command might cause that. “Peace my dear. As we spoke of today. Yours is a different path and true to only you. Let us make ours for tonight to bed.” Aubreen kissed Katryn and led her to their quarters.
Aubreen’s personal journal would later reflect that she fell into a deep sleep that night. In the early watches aboard Andustar her mind was filled with a dream. As her vision began she found herself walking down a green slope below a great hall of white stone. The grass was cool on her feet and moist with morning dew. The hall seemed to stretch beyond the horizon to the north and south.
The slope led her through trees and down into a morning haze until the great hall seemed to loom above her as if set on a cloud. Finally she came through the mists to the edge of a narrow stream. Beyond and high above the fog on the opposite bank was a hall of very great size but entirely different form. On the opposing bank a shadow grew in the fog. Slowly it emerged from the vail. The form was of a woman, dark long hair, limp in posture and head seemingly looking about. The face was yet undefined in Aubreen’s vision and if she thought she felt she recognized it, clearly it knew her. As form came free of the fog it’s shoulder stiffened and head rose at once. A hand rose, palm extended. It began to wave as the vision ended.
Aubreen rose in bed. Choosing not to disturb Katryn beside her, she drew her legs up and wrapped her arms around them. A gentle, contented smile formed on her lips, but also a slight tear in her eye. The dreams were visions of peace and beauty. However with the beauty came sadness. It meant her gift of foresight had returned.
******* https://archiveofourown.org/works/24865591
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have some of the massage au i guess
"I do," Blake said, jarringly, like the words had been ripped from her mouth. Her grip tightened for a moment around the blanket before releasing, tracing, scouting a path towards Yang's hand. Their fingers touched and Blake's gaze flicked over into Yang's. Yang tried not to shiver as Blake fully linked their hands together. "Feel at home. With you, I mean."
Yang swallowed, readjusted the blanket more firmly under one arm as she slowly started to sink down onto the couch beside Blake once more. "Do you mind..?" She asked nervously, not sure why. This was her house after all, she didn't need permission from someone else to sit where she wanted. But Blake's expression was distant, so far-off that even just looking at her made Yang feel like she was noplace near familiar or recognizable.
But at the sound of Yang's voice, Blake blinked, pulled back into herself. And nodded. "I can't explain this," Blake continued quietly as Yang arranged the blanket precisely on their laps. "Every time I was away, I was just thinking about you. Every time there was the smallest opportunity to get away, I thought about finding you. Running to you. Running away with you. Away from… him."
Yang paused, letting Blake's words sink in, respecting their heaviness and the trust it took on Blake's part to speak them. She lifted her arm, shifting to open her side to Blake in a question of action rather than voice. Blake settled in easily, like they'd been doing it for lifetimes, the same souls just inhabiting different bodies. Quietly, she started, "The morning after you came to see me for the first time, I told my sister something. Something crazy."
A beat. "And what was that, Yang?"
Yang shivered at the low timbre of Blake's voice dropping her name from crumbling lips, and gathered her instinctively closer. "I told her..," she bit her lip in a wince for a prolonged moment. Then just went for it. "I said that it felt like we'd met before. Which, yeah like I said, is absolutely cr-" Yang continued in a nervous rush, but Blake's hand pressed gently against her cheek halted her words.
“It’s not,” Blake shook her head, cutting Yang off quietly. Her thumb brushed against Yang’s cheek as her eyes flitted away from Yang’s and then back again. Quietly, she continued, “That night, in the rain, I just… had to get away. I had no plan, no back up. I knew I wouldn’t escape from him, not really. But somehow, I made it to your clinic that night. I found you. And, it felt… seeing you, it felt like I had made it home.”
Yang trembled again, not sure if she’d ever stopped shaking from the weight of their own infinite world folding ever inwards on top of them both. She brought her hand up to cover the back of Blake’s, a mirror to their previous posture from a lifetime ago. Before the police came into her workplace and very nearly confirmed Yang’s suspicions of Blake’s history.
“This is crazy,” Yang sighed heavily, dropping her hand from Blake’s and leaning back ever so slightly. Blake followed suit, gapping the space between them by chasms, seemingly fully aware of the direction their conversation was headed next. “I want to help you, Blake, but I…”
“You have no reason to trust me,” Blake frowned, twisting her hands up in worry as she hunched in on herself, away from Yang’s warmth. “And I wouldn’t blame you if you never want to see me again after you hear what I have to say. There were police officers that already showed up at your work, and I know they were looking for me. My very presence is dangerous, Yang, I… I ruin everything.”
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ladyfiresfanfiction · 4 years
Never Leave - The Walking Dead Fic - Merle x OC
She was finding herself wishing she had died three weeks ago.
Life at the prison was going from Heaven to Hell in a short matter of weeks. Woodbury's makeshift army was scouting the prison, and had shot up the place on more than one occasion. It was dangerous to be outside for more than a few minutes if you didn't know how to fire a gun, or wear body armor for that matter. Everybody was extremely angry or extremely paranoid and scared, and most were at each other's throats.
Kati found herself spending more time in her cell, writing down her thoughts several times a day in her old diary. She was keeping away from Rick, who was turning more and more into a loose cannon. She helped the others with Judith, who was now only a few months old. She and Daryl were on the outs, and for what reason she didn't know. Her aunt, Carol, was livid that she had slept with Merle, who was a good thirty years older than her, and not exactly liked in the group. Glenn avoided her as much as possible, and Maggie wasn't as friendly as she used to be.
"Just gotta give everybody some time, Kati." Hershel had told her a week ago. "With everything going on, everybody here isn't very stable. We're still a family no matter what, and we will be okay."
She and Merle spent their nights together, when mostly everyone was asleep. He would sneak into her bunk and fall asleep cuddling with her, or they would talk about everything that was going on.
"I think we should leave, babygirl. You, me, and my baby brother. Just get the hell out while we still can. There's a small winda of time left." He told her one night.
"This is our family, Merle. We can't abandon them." Kati replied, sliding her fingertips up and down his chest, her head resting on his shoulder. "We just can't. What about Judy? And Carl? And my aunt...?"
"Y'all don't know The Governor like I do. Once he has something, or someone, that he thinks is a threat in his sights, might as well bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. I don't want nothin' happening to you and Daryl. Y'all are my family."
"We can get through this, together. We're weak without each other. I can't leave. And I don't want you leaving me." Kati said, looking up in his eyes.
"Fine," Merle sighed. "I'll stay. But only to save your pretty little ass, which will need saving."
"Promise?" she asked quietly, looking deep into his eyes.
"I promise. Ain't nowhere I wanna be if you ain't with me, darlin'." he replied, kissing her lips tenderly.
Two weeks had passed since Kati and Merle had their talk. War was approaching, and the entire prison was on guard. Kati was helping Carol, Maggie, Glenn, Carl, and a new member of the group, Michonne, stock up the prison inside and out with loaded firearms and grenades. Daryl, Rick, and Hershel had gone for a meeting with The Governor, set up by their friend Andrea. Merle was hostile and on edge. His baby brother was out there without backup, and he didn't like it.
"Don't set right with me, my baby brother being out there. They sittin' ducks. Y'all know that?" he said as most loaded the guns with bullets, and others packed bags full of weapons to place in certain areas of the prison.
"They will be fine. The Governor won't do anything that rash."Michonne spoke up.
"You don't know him like I do. He will. And if anything happens to Daryl... Well, it's y'alls asses." Merle warned.
"There's nothing we can do. If we go back them up, they could be killed on the spot. Then we could get killed. We told Rick we would hold down the prison while they're gone, and that is EXACTLY what we are doing." Glenn snapped.
"And what if your pretty little girlfriend had gone? Would we be doing what Officer Friendly wanted then? I don't think so, China Boy." Merle scoffed.
"Merle, please." Kati said, eyeing him with pleading eyes.
"My dad will be fine. He can take care of himself!" Carl said, handing a heavy bag of guns to Maggie.
"Sorry, son, but your daddy's head may soon be on a pike."
"Merle, shut up. Don't tell him that!" Maggie cut in, glaring at him.
Carl went off with Carol outside to load up the dock and the towers with their weapons.
"I'm just bein' honest. Y'all must be dumber than a box of rocks. Fuck this. I ain't letting Daryl get killed, or my girl. I'm doin' what shoulda been done by now." Merle replied, walking over to a filled back of weapons.
"Merle, no. You said you wouldn't do this!" Kati hissed, standing in front of the bag.
"I'm doing this for you, babygirl. You and Daryl. You two are the only ones who matter to me. I'm blowing The Governor's Goddamn head off then comin' back for you." he said, lightly pushing her out of the way and grabbing the bag.
"Merle, go take Kati up to her cell. You aren't leaving. We told your brother and Rick we would stay here. That is what we're doing." Glenn said, standing in front of the door.
"Get out of my way, boy." Merle snapped as he stood in front of Glenn, glaring down at him.
"No. Take your girl and get out of here." Glenn replied calmly, standing his ground.
"Merle, come on. Come with me. Please." Kati said, anxiously.
"You wanna play it that way? Fine." Merle said, smiling.
He grabbed Glenn by the waist as they tumbled down the steps. Kati tried grabbing Merle and pulling him off, but he shoved her into the table, where her back hit the sharp edge of it. Merle punched Glenn in the face twice, then drew his knife from his armored forearm. Maggie jumped up and on his back, putting him in a choke hold. Michonne went over to help Maggie, trying to pull Merle off of the now bloody Glenn. Kati sat there shaking, her eyes wide and her back searing with pain. She was frozen and didn't know what to do.
"Merle, stop!" Kati screamed, trying to stand up on shaky legs.
"Get off him!" Maggie screamed, smacking him with her free hand.
"ENOUGH!" Beth shouted and fired two shots into the ceiling, making everybody look in her direction.
"Get off me! Get off of me!" Merle yelled, finally freeing Glenn from his grasp.
Maggie checked on Glenn, who had a busted lip and his right eye began to swell. Beth walked over and helped Kati up on her feet, Carol speeding toward her as Michonne took Carl to check on his sister.
"Are you okay?!" Carol asked, hugging Kati.
"I'm fi-fine. Just a scratch." Kati stammered.
Carol turned Kati around gently to see the so-called scratch. What she saw sent her into a rage.
"You EVER touch my niece like that again, Merle, and The Governor will be the least of your problems!" she screeched.
"What? Shit... Kati..." he said, looking at her.
She had a gash on her back that went down her spine. The sharp edge of the table cut into her from the top of her back between her shoulderblades, and down to the small of her back. She hit the floor after and landed on a bag of guns. It had started to go light purplish in color, and she had tears in her eyes.
"Sweetheart I'm sorry... You can't get in the way like that..." he said, inching toward her slowly.
"If you-you're going to leave, th-then leave. Don't t-t-touch me." Kati sniffled, and walked off to her cell, Carol and Beth in tow.
"Shit..." Merle mumbled, and walked after them.
Beth sat with her, cleaning up the little blood from the scratches. She tried to carefully clean up the dried blood around the bruising on her back, and Kati was sobbing into Carol's shoulder, while Carol promised her it would be alright.
"I don't kn-now what to d-do. I..." she trailed off, wincing every time Beth touched her cuts and bruise.
"Can I talk to you alone, honey?" Merle asked from the doorway.
"Get the fuck out of here, you asshole!" Carol barked.
"I'm done here, I gotta go check on Maggie and Glenn. Call if you need me, okay?" Beth said, giving Kati a hug.
"Thank you.." Kati said, looking over at Merle with puffy red eyes.
"Please... I didn't want to hurt ya. I was tryin' to prevent that. Kati, please... You know I wouldn't do that. " He said, looking at her with an exasperated expression.
"I'll come see you when we're done here. Thank you aunt Carol." Kati said, giving her a hug.
"You scream if you need me. I'll come running." Carol said, walking out and glaring at Merle.
She stood in front of the bunk, her arms wrapped around herself and her eyes on the floor. Her long brownish-blonde locks of hair hugging her shoulders, and covering most of her face. She let out a small whimper as her blue-green eyes looked up at him.
"Come here." Merle said, standing still in the doorway.
"Please don't. You promised me. You promised me you wouldn't leave. We would stick it out." Kati said, looking up at him with fresh tears in her eyes. "Not too long ago you asked me if I was gonna try to leave you again. I said I wouldn't so long as you weren't goin' anywhere. Then two weeks ago you promised me you'd stay. You promised me, Merle Dixon. You promised me you was staying. And now you're trying... You're... You're trying to..." Kati trailed off, her whole body shaking and her bottom lip quivering.
He sighed and finally walked over to her, taking her in his arms. She shoved him back, slapping him hard across the face.
"No! Don't! Just please don't..." she sniffled.
He grabbed her and held her tight against his body as she tried to push him off. Once she finally gave in and gripped his shoulder blades, she leaned her body into his and cried into his shirt.
"I'm here, babygirl. I'm here. I'm sorry. I won't leave." Merle said, quietly whispering into her ear while his hand rubbed where she was bruising. "You know I ain't goin' noplace without my lady." he whispered, taking in the scent of her hair and kissing the top of her head.
"Please don't leave. Please." Kati sobbed into his tight black shirt, gripping his shoulder blades even tighter than before.
"Hey, hey look at me now." He said, his hand moving up from her back and gripping her chin. "I go no damn place without you. You're by my side the entire time, no matter what or I don't go. I won't leave you, darlin'. I'm so sorry I hurt you..." He said, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand as she leaned her cheek into his hand, his eyes searching hers for some sort of recognition of his words.
"Its o-okay. I know you'd never hurt me inten-tentionally." She said, holding onto his waist now, tears silently falling down her cheeks.
"That was not okay. What I did to the poor bastard wasn't okay, and laying my hand on you like that... I lost my cool and I'm sorry about that, baby. I would never touch you in a violent way. I... You know." He said, avoiding her stare.
"I know what?" she asked, holding on to him to keep from falling down. She was still so shaken up.
"Let's lay you down, huh?" He asked, lifting her up in his arms, their lips meeting for several seconds as they made their way to the bunk.
He set her in the bed, then crawled in beside her. She crawled closer to him, gripping his side and laying her head on his chest. He pulled the sheet over them to keep her warm and close to him, looking down at her as she rested her head on his chest comfortably. His heart was trying to beat out of his chest, which made her look up at him worriedly.
"Your heart... It's beating like crazy. Are you alright?" she asked, cupping his face in her hands, her body leaning against his.
"I'm fine. I just.. I love you." He mumbled.
"What?" She asked again, ,moving her hands down on his pecs. She was sure she misheard him.
"I said I love you, babygirl," his arms locked around her protectively and his hand rested on her ass. "I really do."
She didn't know what to say. Merle and feelings didn't go in the same sentence. But hearing the words, and seeing the look of sincere affection and care on his face. Her heart melted. She loved him too.
"And I love you, Merle Dixon. So much. That's why I just can't lose you." she whispered.
"You'll never lose me. I'll always be here, fighting alongside you. Keeping you safe." he whispered, his eyes looking from hers and down to her body.
She moved to the side of him and looked at him, a devilish grin stretching across her pouty lips. She pulled off his tear soaked shirt before beginning to kiss his neck passionately. He grunted in her ear, his upper body tensing from each delicate, deep kiss. His nails gripped into her ass, holding her lower body against him.
"Damn, baby... What you do to me." he moaned.
"Shhh. Your babygirl is gonna take care of you for once." she whispered, leaning down to kiss his lips as she straddled his lower body.
She whimpered, feeling him getting a hardon as she moved her lower body on top of his, nice and slow. His hand grabbed her hip and guided her down, allowing her to feel everything. She grinded her hips forward, becoming wet as she felt his cock fighting to be freed from his pants. His arm muscles tensed up, and she eyed them. She always loved his arms. They were so big, and so strong. She never felt anything but safe when he locked them around her waist. And holding onto them during sex made her so wet.
He grunted, moving his lower body up into hers roughly, making her moan. He tore off her tight camo top, revealing she had gone braless that day. His hand cupped one of her C-cup breasts as he leaned up a bit to take her nipple from her other breast in his mouth. She cried out his name, her nerve endings going into overdrive as she slammed down on his clothed cock. She raked her nails down his muscular chest, making him grunt as he continued to suck on her nipple, and his other hand rubbing her breast and pinching her other nipple gently, making both perk up from the attention they were receiving. As he let go, he looked in her eyes again, panting.
"Sweetheart, you deserve to be taken care of, especially after this..." he trailed off, his eyes growing sad when he ran his hand over the scratches on her back.
When she winced it made him feel even worse. He flipped her down onto her back gently, his arms locked around her protectively and his body lying atop of hers.
"I want to cater to you, Merle." she whispered sweetly against his lips.
"Later. Right now, my babygirl gets pampering." he whispered back, his lips overtaking hers and their tongues fighting once more for dominance as her hands rested on his muscular back. She moaned, taking in his saliva as their tongues glided against each other, enjoying the texture of each other's tongues. She pinned him down on top of her, her nails digging into his back.
He forced her legs open and pinned his lower body into hers, grinding his boner into her, making her squirm and moan. He pulled away and started leaving sweet kisses down her neck and slender shoulders, his hand sliding down her stomach. She raked her nails down his back, leaving little pink scratches that made him grunt and look in her eyes with a look of lust and annoyance.
"What have I told you, girl? No touchin' of any kind 'til I say so." he said in a deep voice.
"What you gonna do if I don't, hm?" she said in a small yet seductive voice.
"Mmm you wanna play those games, huh? I'll show you what I'm gonna do then." he grunted into the moist flesh of her neck, making a shiver run down her spine.
He bit her bottom lip, tugging on it hard as he ripped down her capri pants, making her gasp. He was getting harder and she could feel her whole body starting to quiver. She went to slide down his beige slacks but moved her hands away, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth, quieting her moans and cries.
He lifted her ass a bit off the bed to finish pulling off her capris, throwing them in the corner of the cell. He then leaned down and used his teeth to drag down her booty shorts, looking up at her as she watched him in delight. He threw them with the rest of her clothes and his shirt, then unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, sliding them and his boxers down to his ankles as he leaned over her body again, looking down at her curves in awe.
"I think we gotta get you warmed up first, huh?" he said, plunging two of his fingers inside her wet pussy. "Damn, you're already so wet for me."
"God, Merle. Don't tease me like that. Fuck me, and fuck me hard!" she growled impatiently.
"In due time, sexy." he winked.
He curled his fingers inside her as he began to pump them in and out, making Kati moan his name quietly. His thumb played with her clit, applying pressure on it as his fingers pumped up against her g-spot, making her gasp and cry out. He smirked, feeling her inner walls clutching around his meaty fingers, and just as she was about to cum, he removed them and stopping playing with her clit. Her legs were shaking violently and her body shook, looking up at him with wide eyes.
"Now, I think you're ready." he said, licking her moistness from his fingers. "Come here, now." he ordered, pulling her body up against his as he plunged his throbbing cock deep into her soaked pussy.
"Oh my God, Merle!" she gasped, biting down on the sweet spot of his neck.
She rocked her hips against his as he slowly and torturously slid inside her. She felt every solid inch of his cock, the tip hitting her g-spot slowly at first, and then hard again and again. She was so close to cumming. Her nails were digging into his shoulder blades as she kissed his biceps and stared into his eyes. He was looking back into hers as he grunted and bit his bottom lip in concentration.
"God you're tight, just how I like it." he moaned seductively in her ear.
"I'm about to cum!" she cried, her walls tightening, making it tougher for him to enter her.
"Cum for me, baby. Come on." he said, his eyes never looking away from hers.
His arms wrapped around her waist, and his lips traveled from her shoulders and down her chest bone. He sucked hard on her collarbone, down to her breasts, and over her stomach. He ran his tongue up her body and into her mouth as she let her tongue slide against his, her hands resting on his lower back. Just as she was about to grab his ass and force him deeper inside her, his hand grabbed her throat and held her down on the bed, looking in her eyes.
"Fuck, I'm coming!" she gasped, her eyes rolling back in her head.
"Babygirl I'm almost there. Cum for me, come on. That's my girl. Oh!" he grunted as her cum sloshed over his rock hard cock.
"Oh God, sweetheart, there it is." he moaned against her left breast, his own cum filling her and sending a warm wave throughout her entire body.
His body collapsed on top of hers, his arms locking tight around her again. He let his head rest against her boobs, panting. Their sweat mixed together as they held each other, their hearts hammering against their chest cavities. She kissed his forehead and rubbed his back, whispering that she loved him.
"I love you, too, Kati." he said, looking down at her as he pulled out and slid over beside her.
"I think that's the first time you've ever said my name." She smiled, moving over to him and resting her head on his chest. "I like it."
"You have a very pretty name, darlin'. I should say it more often." he chuckled, taking her body in his arms and kissing the top of her head.
"So no more fights? No more trying to leave?" Kati asked, sliding her fingertips up and down his chest.
"No more. I can protect you here just as good as going to Woodbury." he replied, his fingertips sliding up and down her spine.
"We're all in this together, Merle. We can make it." she said reassuringly.
"I know. I know, Kati. Its us against the world, babygirl."
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theemptyquarto · 5 years
Warstan 4 & 54
Coffee shop and secret relationship, eh?
Happily shagged out, Mary sprawled on her sofa.  But then she decided to ruin it, and said mildly, “So normally I’d assume that a man who won’t ever let me come to his flat... is married.  As an FYI.”
John sighed, doing up his fly.
“Sherlock and I are not married, we’re just really unhealthily codependent.  And he’s shit to my girlfriends.”
“Really?  All of us?” Mary asked, arching her eyebrows.
“Sequentially.  You are not in a group.”
“Good to know,” Mary laughed, “But really how bad could he possibly be?  I’m a big girl.  I’m sure I can manage him.”
“Someday,” he said, pulling a jumper over his head, “Really soon, I promise.  I just have to... get him to warm up to the idea.”
“Maybe tell him I’m a CIA-trained assassin, forcibly retired and living under a false identity but only awaiting the right moment to James Bond my way into another deadly adventure.”
“Christ,” John chuckled, “He would be so into that.  I really should.”
They kissed goodbye, and John headed off to Marylebone and home.  Mary sighed.  Then looked at her watch... three in the afternoon, not too late for a caffeine buzz.  So she put on some comfortable soft clothes and ducked into her favorite coffee shop, two doors down from her own Pimlico flat.
Will, the barista, sparkled his big blue eyes at her from behind his counter and called, “Tall vanilla latte?”
“Ta, love,” Mary agreed, rummaging through the detritus at the bottom of her bag in search of some pound coins.  Will made her drink, perfectly as always, and carried it out to her.  Mary took it, and paid him, tipping generously, as some American habits died hard.
“Troubles?” Will asked, taking a rag and wiping the table next to her down.
“Not really,” Mary asked, taking a slow sip of her coffee, “Noncommittal boyfriend.  Tragedy of being middle-aged and single.”
“Yeah, but you’re all right.  You’ll do.”
“S’pose I will,” Mary agreed, popping the lid onto her drink.
“Hey,” Will said awkwardly in his heavy Cockney accent, running a hand through his dark curls, “Today’s my last day here.  Thought I should say so.”
“Oh,” Mary said, “Well, I’ll miss you.  Where are you going?”
“Noplace special.  You may see me around.”
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sybilius · 5 years
This is also from that original, Bubblegum and Bullets. A much later chapter which I haven’t finished, and I haven’t written anything in the middle either XD
A moment or so passed, I could feel the thrum of Dixon’s heartbeat against my ribcage. Though there would be bruises on my back from the fall, I couldn’t help but feel in the unfamiliar territory, the weight of him overtop of me was strangely reassuring. 
“Is-- is there something you’re looking for?”
“I thought I heard. Fuck. No, it sounded like one of those grenades, less like a shot, I--” he attempted to stand, unsteady, and then simply tumbled over into a dried-up plant, swearing as he came up with a head full of small circular needled things. 
"...fuckin’ burrs. Now you’ve really gone and done it.”
“Me? You knock me over, ruin my stakeout, look, he’s up and vanished now! You’re blaming me for-- whatever that is?”
“I mean, what do you think you’re into with this? It could have been like -- like, fuck, it doesn’t matter, ow, shit--” he attempted to grab the fistful of foliage from his hair, and it seemed to stick like glue. It was at this point I made the connection to the inspiration for velcro I had heard so much about. 
“All right, all right-- just stop with that, you’ll need a comb at least, I’ve got one,” I relented, seeing as -- maybe he had saved my life just then. I was feeling quite out of my depth, this much sky above me and absolutely nothing around. I wondered distantly if one could call a taxi this far out…
“Where’s J?”
“He’s gone. You know how quickly he can move, we’ve got no chance of finding him in this.”
“Shit. Okay, I know. You’re right,” he pulled one of the seeds out, shaking his hand as it held tight. This time, I have found the comb in my pack.
“Come now,” I was a bit shaken, but hiding it well. Following Jacobs was all well and good but this was -- nowhere. Noplace at all. 
“Why are you here, anyways?” he sat down next to me, evidently reassured by the cover the long grass leaves us with. 
“I could ask the same of you,” I ran my fingers through his light curls, catching the pieces that were still loose atop. They even stuck to the skin. While I was shaking it off, he had the impropriety to sigh, let his head down on my leg. 
Damnably, the disappointment at having lost Jacobs’ trail dissipated further. 
“Alright, so. What we saw got to me, I’ll admit it. When he said he was taking a greyhound, visit his aunt-- I know his aunt right, 've been there. So I just had to get a ticket, take a seat early, cover myself in a blanket. Almost missed the stop cause -- his aunt doesn’t leave anywhere near here. Shit, you think he’s okay?”
“From what I’ve seen of his abilities, I’m quite certain he can handle himself.”
“...yeah, you’re probably right.” 
He sat in silence a few minutes longer, while I worked on most of the mats with the comb. There were a few quite stubborn. 
“Think. It’ll help if you crush them. I remember that from doing the dog.”
“Oh? Ow,” their small needles immediately dug into my fingers. 
“Don’t hurt yourself--”
“Give me a moment,” I took out the thick leather gloves that I carried to avoid leaving prints. That served well. Between my palms, I crushed the two offending pieces that had left a mat, and set to work removing the small tines. It was work both frustrating and soothing in its precision, the contrast of his hair against the sharpness of the plant quite pleasant. 
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The Metal Crafter: A Look Inside the Mind and Studio of Vanessa Zapirain - 2017 (photographer/editor/designer) 
Our final project for Typography 2 class in our second year at The One Academy was to create a booklet celebrating a skilled craftsperson from our area. I knew as soon as we got the brief who I would be interviewing for my book. 
Vanessa Zapirain (also known as Ness Zap), founder of NoPlace Custom Metal, is a Chinese-Spanish metal crafter from Australia who is currently based in Malaysia. We first met her through a tattoo artist friend when she was working as a piercer at his studio, and were instantly taken by her friendly personality and fascinating lifestyle. She travels a lot, and uses the experiences gained during her travels as inspiration for her work. Her intricate, handmade pieces are unique and full of character, a reflection of the person who made them. 
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The First Step
To kick off the project, we visited Ness in her home/studio to take some photos and interview her about her craft. I felt it was important to get a feel for her style and personality before making any decisions on how to design the booklet. 
After spending the morning with her in her home and studio space, observing how she works and finding out what inspires her, I left with a camera full of photos and plenty of inspiration. I knew that I wanted to create a booklet that would highlight the beauty of Ness’ work and her fascinating image and personality, without too many distracting graphic elements. I decided to keep the design simple and minimal, and let the photography and her stories take centre stage. 
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While designing this booklet, my main focus was to keep the layouts interesting enough to be visually appealing without distracting the reader’s attention from the content itself. I had a lot of fun arranging the elements within the book’s square format. The symmetry of it gave me the flexibility to experiment with various different layouts and play around with how best to make use of the space on each page. 
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The whole time we were at her studio, we kept asking her questions after question and getting her to share her stories, so I kept that question-and-answer format in the booklet. This also allowed me to break up the text more, which made the content easier to read and also gave me more layout design options. 
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There was so much to see in Ness’ studio that the photos themselves contained so much information and detail. To balance this out and keep the design from becoming too cluttered, I kept the typography simple and neat. To further emphasise the photography, I kept the rest of the design black and white, leaving the colours in the photos to stand out and take centre stage. 
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I had a lot of fun working on this project from start to finish. Ness is a truly cool and inspiring person, and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to talk to her about her work and see her in her element. I still haven’t had the chance to show her the booklet in person -- I hope I get to soon! 
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