#nope i still have no idea what i'm doing send help
Heya! I love your "half a bed" fic!!
You said to drop any "only one bed"-trope ideas in your inbox so I'm hoping I did this correctly? But I'm thinking for Asterion x Tav that since Cazador controlled Star so much, he doesn't really own anything for himself? And maybe Tav notices and because the others are already asleep, she offers for him to share her bedroll? He's snarky and rude and she's unimpressed but it's the start of a mutual very strong infatuation and eventually relationship?
Heyo sorry it took so long!! Had some trouble overcoming the writer's block for this but hey I did it in the end! Hope you like it!
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"I don't recall giving you my bedroll." You raise an eyebrow at the pale elf who has taken to using your bedroll every night ever since you first offered to share it with him.
He yawns, flashing his fangs at you before grinning, "we're sharing it, are we not? That means I have every right to lie on it."
"It doesn't mean you can take up the whole thing! Where am I going to sleep?" You attempt to shove him to one side but he refuses to budge an inch. "Move!"
"Nope." He pops the 'p' on purpose, knowing it will irritate you. You scowl and shove harder, half ruing the night you offered to share your bedroll. He laughs at your futile attempts, a genuine smile playing on his lips until you give up and flop onto him, causing him to yelp in surprise. You glower when he complains about you being too heavy, giving his side an annoyed poke but you can't really bring yourself to be mad at him even if he just stole your sleeping spot.
Then again, you always had a soft spot for the vampire spawn.
The first time he shared your bedroll was early on in your adventures. Everyone else had gone to sleep but he had remained outside, seated by the dwindling fire with the excuse that he wasn't tired yet. You'd woken up in the middle of the night to relieve yourself, noticing that even though the fire was long gone, he remained outside his tent.
"Still not tired?" You ask, slightly concerned.
"No." He answers curtly, leaving no room for further questions. You sit next to him, much to his chagrin and he shifts away ever so slightly. You notice it, of course, but choose not to comment on it.
"You should still try and trance, you'll need your strength for tomorrow," you hum, looking up at the night sky. The stars are bright tonight, shining in stark contrast to the dark sky.
"Shouldn't you take your own advice?" He snorts.
"Well, I'm not the one who has been out here the whole time," you retort, suppressing a yawn. He notices, however, the twitch of the corners of your lips and rolls his eyes.
"Go and sleep, idiot. Can't have our dear leader collapsing midway because they didn't get enough rest can we now?"
"Is that concern I hear?" You smirk.
"No." He scowls, sending a glare your way. You give him a look of disbelief, which then morphs into amusement and you grin.
"You're terrible at hiding it you know?" You huff, giving an amused shake of your head.
"Hiding what?"
"Your concern for my well-being."
"What concern?"
"That concern." You fold your arms across your chest, undeterred.
"Tch, stop bothering me and go back to sleep." He snaps, looking away. You, however, remain undaunted by his attitude.
"Is there a reason you can't trance?"
"Stop it and go back to sleep."
"There has to be a reason. Nightmares perhaps?"
"Shut up and stop asking so many questions."
"I'm trying to help you here."
"Then stop trying to help me. I don't need it."
"You don't want it, you mean."
"Yes, finally, you get it. Now leave."
"No." Your response surprises him.
"No?" He asks incredulously. "What do you mean no?"
"I'm not going to leave you to deal with your problems alone. We may not be friends yet, but we are companions. If you're stuck dealing with your own problems, you're not going to be able to fully contribute to the party and that's an issue. So we're going to solve it together, with me helping in whatever way I can and you doing the rest." You put your hands on your hips, daring him to talk back.
"And what if you can't do anything to help solve 'my problems'?" He sneers.
"Then I'll accept it and rely on you less so you can sort your own issues out first." His eyes widen slightly and you can see the panic that flashes across his face. Your heart aches upon seeing his reaction but you steel yourself, reminding yourself that it is for the greater good of the party.
"I —" He pauses, looking down. He sighs, looking back up at you reluctantly, all the fight having left his body. "I don't exactly have a bed roll to sleep in, you see. Cazador never allowed any of his spawn to have any personal belongings, everything belonged to him and he 'loaned it to us out of the kindness of his heart'. Trancing on hard ground is…difficult."
"We can share my bed roll if you're comfortable. Each of us can take a half, it should be big enough for us both."
He blinks, surprised. "Are you…sure? We…" He swallows hard.
"We've slept together before, don't tell me you're squeamish about sharing a bed roll." You raise an eyebrow.
"I'm not. It's just that…"
"Don't worry. I'm not some horny bastard who can't go a night without lying with someone. We can have our own side of the bed roll, no physical contact required." He still looks uncertain, and you sigh. You can't exactly fault him, he's dropped enough hints about certain aspects of his past and you're not going to tear open any of those wounds.
He laughs, the sound ringing hollow. "Are you sure about that, darling? It would suit my taste better if you were~"
It's your turn to roll your eyes. "Yeah, right. Anyways, are you going to take me up on my offer or not?"
"I'll take you up on it if you don't mind, darling." His usual smirk replaces the quiet sad look on his face.
"Well, come on then. We don't have much time left."
You can't help but smile upon remembering that night. He'd come so far since that night, the two of you had grown more comfortable with each other, and even after you had bought a bed roll for him, he still preferred sneaking into your tent to steal half your bed roll.
"What are you smiling about?" He pokes your cheek with a huff.
"Nothing." You grin. He rolls his eyes in response, running a hand through your hair. You bury your face in his chest, letting the gentle feeling wash over you. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, loving the way you sprawl on top of him without a care in the world. He's a vampire, for goodness sake, and yet you bare your neck to his fangs like that, not the least bit worried he take advantage of the situation and drain you.
"Hmph." He wraps his arms around you, nuzzling into your hair. As much as he complains about it, your weight is comforting. It reminds him that he isn't alone anymore, that he has you to turn to when he needs someone to lean on, and that you have him to lean on in return.
"Good night, Star." You yawn cutely, stretching your limbs.
"Good night, love." He murmurs back, pressing one last kiss to your head before he drifts off into a trance. You watch him for a while, smiling softly at the way he slowly relaxes as the trance takes hold, worries forgotten for the night.
Wrapped in the cocoon of your vampire lover, you too drift off and let sleep claim you, knowing that when you wake, he will be the first thing you see just as he's always the last thing you see before you sleep.
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adverbally · 1 month
I'm a Victim of a Bad Crash
Written for the @steddieangstyaugust prompt “Upside Down” | wc: 1,176 | rated: M | cw: car accident (non-fatal), mild to moderate injuries, morbid thoughts about death | tags: panic, being left alone with your thoughts, ambiguous ending | title from “Spellbound” by AC/DC
A follow-up to this story can be found here!
When Steve comes back to awareness, the first thing he hears is the tinkle of broken glass and the ticking of the car engine. Everything else is muted, like he’s wearing earplugs, but his ears might also be ringing at the same time? He doesn’t think he fully lost consciousness but he’s clearly missed something. It’s very disorienting.
“Stevie?” The voice is frantic. “Steve, can you hear me?”
He should know who the speaker is, their name just on the tip of his tongue, but his brain is too scrambled to remember right now. “Yeah,” he responds, though it sounds like someone speaking underwater.
“Oh, thank fuck.” The quiet sigh of relief is almost drowned out by more shifting glass. “Are you okay?”
Eddie. That’s Eddie’s voice. Steve was driving Eddie home.
The realization sends a surge of adrenaline through him and he starts to make sense of his surroundings. The glass is from the broken windshield, and probably all the other windows, of Steve’s car. It’s dark and rainy outside, that’s how they hydroplaned right off the road and rolled into a ditch. And he’s… upside down? He’s right side up in his upside down car and all the windows are shattered, and now that he thinks about it, his head is pounding and his arm is sore and his chest hurts every time he breathes in.
“Steve!” Eddie sounds concerned again. Steve must have been quiet for too long.
“I’m okay,” Steve tries to say, but it comes out softer than he meant it to. He hopes Eddie can hear him. He turns his head, ignoring the stiffness he feels, and meets Eddie’s gaze. “Are you okay?”
Eddie is upside down, which is actually right side up because Steve is upside down. His face is littered with small cuts, probably because of the broken glass, but otherwise he looks unharmed. He looks more scared than Steve has ever seen him and that’s really saying something. “I’m okay. Just scratches.” His smile, meant to be reassuring, doesn’t reach his eyes. “Do you think you can get out?”
Steve fumbles for the seat belt release but it won’t unfasten. He tugs uselessly at the strap across his chest. Still nothing. He’s stuck. Is he going to die here? He wraps his hands around the steering wheel to have something to hold onto.
“Hey, it’s okay, take a deep breath,” Eddie coaches, his eyes still wide and terrified. “I’m gonna get you out.”
The sharp pain that stabs through the left side of Steve’s chest makes him flinch. Okay, so no deep breaths. He vaguely remembers his side slamming into the car door as they flipped. That must have broken some ribs.
“You’re not okay,” Eddie observes.
Steve shakes his head carefully. Being upside down is making his head throb in time with his pulse. “Ribs,” he huffs.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Eddie mumbles as he looks around the car for something he can use to free Steve. He must come up empty because he buries his face in his hands for a moment and growls in frustration.
Steve’s throat tightens with guilt. He’s the one who put Eddie in this situation. “Sorry I… crashed us.” His chest is tight enough that it takes two breaths to say it.
“Nope, we’re not gonna do that.” Eddie shakes his head vehemently. “It was an accident, not your fault.”
Fuck, they were just in a car accident. They should call the cops, maybe an ambulance. If they had made it to this stretch of road, they must be close to Eddie’s place. “Home? Call… 911,” he directs, hoping Eddie gets what he’s trying to say in so few words.
He must, because his face twists like the idea is repulsive. “No way am I leaving you. We’re right off the road, someone will see the car and get help.”
“Eds,” Steve sighs, mostly because he can’t seem to get enough air for much more. “Dunno if… I can wait.”
Eddie looks at him intently. It feels like he’s searching his gaze for something, or maybe trying to read his mind. “Okay. I’m gonna go as fast as I can. You better not be dead by the time I come back.” The last part is clearly meant to be a joke but Eddie can’t muster the levity to make it sound like anything other than a plea.
“Promise,” Steve agrees.
For a second, it looks like Eddie is going to kiss him goodbye, but he seems to think better of it about halfway to Steve’s face. Instead, he turns to the passenger side door, carefully eases it open, and climbs out of the car.
Steve closes his eyes and listens as Eddie slowly moves through the debris surrounding the car. It’s not long before he reaches the road and starts to run. Steve is aware of every footfall, every time one of Eddie’s ratty sneakers strikes the wet asphalt, until he gets too far away for Steve to hear him.
Then Steve is alone with his quick, shallow breaths, his thudding heartbeat, the blood roaring in his ears, the creak of metal and the tinkle of glass. There are no other cars driving by, no signs of life other than him. Even the rain has stopped.
He tries to sit up in a kind of partial crunch position to reduce some of the pressure in his head, but it pulls at his chest in ways that make him too conscious of his ribs and lungs. Humans weren’t made to be upside down, he thinks. He can’t think about it too hard or he’ll start imagining how he’ll die alone in this car, suspended by his seat belt, red-faced and blue-lipped for Eddie to find when he comes back…
Steve’s next breath isn’t deep but it is deliberately slow. He has to stay calm. Help is coming. Another shallow, drawn-out breath. Are his lungs not working? Is that why he feels like he’s not getting enough oxygen? Don’t think about it, take another breath. He really hopes his last words to Eddie weren’t a lie. Breathe again. Should he try to slip out of the seat belt? His ribs probably wouldn’t hold up to a bad landing but that’s better than suffocating like this. Again, inhaling through his nose and out through his mouth. Is he suffocating? He would probably be able to tell. Wouldn’t he? Breathe again.
He should’ve been counting. Breaths, seconds, anything to help him keep track of how long it’s been. He could look at his watch but it’s useless since he didn’t make note of the time when Eddie left. It feels like hours. It can’t have been. But why else would he be so tired? Steve is pretty sure he doesn’t have a concussion this time, but he should probably stay awake anyway. Even going against gravity, his eyelids feel like lead weights. It takes forever for him to blink. His eyes hurt, so he closes them.
Eddie will wake him up when he gets back.
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cobaltperun · 8 months
Woe out the Storm (3) - Thunder
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Wednesday Addams x female Reader
Summary: It took some time, but eventually you came to realize only Wednesday Addams could look at the raging storm of chaos and destruction and make a home out of it. Only she could listen to the cacophony of the roaring thunder and hear a melody.
Story warnings: Wednesday Addams, violence, slow burn
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
Word count: 4k
-I was lightning before the thunder-
The Harvest Festival, frankly, you preferred it over the Outreach Day, for plenty of reasons. One of which was easily the fact you could just kick back and relax instead of working for people that despised everything you and other students were against your free will. You and Enid always made sure to have as much fun as possible, as long as weather allowed it.
The only issue was you couldn't relax this year. Wednesday would escape tonight, meaning tonight was Rowan's last chance to try something. And you feared he would get desperate, but you didn’t think there was a way for him to get Wednesday away from everyone.
And then there was Galpin... Talking with his father. Now, you did hear he stopped bullying people with the other three, but you found it difficult to forgive and forget.
You frowned and looked at Wednesday. "Really, Galpin is the one driving you?" you couldn't help but ask.
"I don't see how it concerns you," Wednesday replied.
You nodded, simply choosing to back away. Wednesday wasn't helpless, and who she interacted with definitely didn't have anything to do with you.
"Obvious dislike aside, are you sure you can trust that normie?" Enid asked, though she did send you a bit of a teasing smile.
"I trust that I can handle myself," Wednesday replied. Considering what she did against Bianca you found it difficult to disagree.
"Well, good luck and safe travels," Enid stepped toward her with her arms spread wide, only for Wednesday to decisively take a step back. "Still not a hugger. Got it," Enid shrugged, smiling at the girl.
"If you change your mind a third of that room is going to stay yours," you grinned.
"Until Weems puts someone else in," Wednesday told you.
Your grin turned into a smirk as you lifted your hand up and allowed a few red sparks to appear around it. Just for a moment you thought you saw a spark of interest in Wednesday's eyes as she observed the sparks. "Nope, I'll personally make them ask for another room." you promised, your red eyes meeting Wednesday’s black eyes.
Enid coughed and elbowed your side.
You winced. She sometimes forgot her strength. "Nicely, of course, I'll keep my lightning to myself."
Wednesday tilted her head to the side by less than an inch. "Pity," she said.
You leaned to the side, shifting most of your weight to your right foot, you weren't sure how to take those words. "Since I won't be seeing you again, I, uh, I think you're great with the cello," there, a compliment to end the brief time together. That shouldn't make Wednesday uncomfortable, right?
Her eyes met yours once more and you felt a shiver run down your spine at the intensity of her stare. "Thank you," she eventually spoke up and the three of you parted ways soon after.
The moment Wednesday was out of sight Enid clasped your shoulder and smiled sympathetically. "I'm so sorry, Y/N."
"Huh?" what was she talking about? Sorry for what?
"You don't have to pretend, I don't get what you see in her, but you don't have to hide it from me," somehow Enid got the wrong idea.
You sighed. This was your life now. Enid thought you had unrequited feelings for Wednesday. "Look, I know I can't change your mind," she enthusiastically nodded at that. "So, I’ll take a page out of Wednesday's book, somewhat. If you gossip about those feelings you claim I have, I'll fry your stuffed unicorn collection."
Enid squealed and bounced excitedly. "OMG! You do have feelings for her!" she wasn't going to let this go and you didn't even know how she came to that conclusion! Her eyes widened suddenly. "Go after her! Go!" in less than a second she was behind you and pushing you in the direction Wednesday went. "At least find a way to exchange letters with her if you can't convince her to stay!"
"Enid," you groaned, facepalming as you dug your feet into the ground to try and keep her from pushing you. All that achieved was two rows of dug up ground behind you. From the corner of your eye you saw Rowan, even more agitated and anxious than he was back when you confronted him in his and Xavier's room. "I have to go," you said, moving so abruptly Enid stumbled and almost fell to the ground.
Wednesday only touched Rowan for a moment, but it was more than enough. She saw flashes, glimpses of what was to come, all vague and unrelated, painting a picture she couldn't understand. She saw the purple book, the flames, the tree in the quad breaking into pieces, the raven surrounded by lightning, a glimpse of a blonde woman holding a bloodied hand and crying as blue eyes closed, red eyes turning orange, herself surrounded by cloud of dust and smoke with a huge beast surrounded by lightning standing over her trapping her, Rowan screaming as he was being torn apart by claws. And then the vision stopped
"Rowan, come back!" she ran after him, ignoring Tyler calling after her. She didn't understand why she was running, why she wished to prevent the last vision from coming true. Perhaps she just wanted to see if everything she saw was true, or if it somehow could be changed.
"Rowan, wait!" she shouted as she followed him deeper into the woods, the only signs of the festival that remained were occasional flashes of firework and the sounds they made.
Rowan stopped and turned toward her, furious and looking unhinged. "Argh! What do you want? Why are you following me?!"
"I don't have time to explain, but you're in danger," she wouldn't tell him about the vision, she didn't know how much time she had.
"I think you've got it backwards," he lifted his hand and suddenly Wednesday felt an invisible force lifting her up and slamming her back into a tree.
Even with her pain tolerance she still grunted, feeling the trunk digging into her back uncomfortably.
"You're the one who's in danger!" Rowan told her.
"What are you doing?" she demanded, and though she struggled it was futile. She couldn't get free.
"Saving everyone from you," he grunted, straining to keep her pinned to the tree. "I have to kill you."
She’d be lying if she said no one ever wanted to kill her, Rowan was the first to actually try though. That's when she pieced it together. "The gargoyle, that was you?"
"Yeah," he even smiled a bit, as if relieved he no longer had to hide it.
"It's always the quiet ones," Wednesday commented as a piece of paper floated out of Rowan's pocket and unfolded in front of her. She saw a girl, dressed in black, with the background that looked like quad, only on fire.
"Girl in the picture, that's you," he said, she could feel the strain in his voice, but the force pinning her to a tree only got stronger.
"You want to kill me because of some picture?!" that was a ridiculous reason to kill someone, even for her standards.
"My mother drew that picture 25 years ago when she was a student at Nevermore! She was a powerful Seer. Told me about it before she died," Rowan yelled, as if that fact made his excuse for trying to kill her any better.
"Rowan, put me down," she demanded, his powers made it harder to breathe. He was choking her; he wasn't going to stop. That’s what she got for trying to help.
"No! My mother said it was my destiny to stop this girl if she ever came to Nevermore because she will destroy the school and everyone in it!" he cried out as Wednesday became unable to breathe.
"Rowan! Let her go!" she heard your voice and looked to the side, just as you threw a knife toward Rowan. Your aim was awful. He didn't even need to move and it would miss him by at least two feet.
And then she saw it, just as the knife was about to reach Rowan, your body was engulfed in red lightning and you disappeared, your entire body shifting into lightning and bursting forth toward the knife. Wednesday watched, speechless as your body regained form right in front of Rowan, the knife in your left hand, and you, too fast for him to react.
You slammed your fist into his guts, sending him flying back, though she couldn't help but notice you didn't use lightning for the punch, just the natural momentum and strength you had. It still sent Rowan flying.
It also broke his hold on Wednesday and you threw the knife toward the tree, zapping toward it just in time to catch her before she fell to the ground. Wednesday blinked, still dazed by what just happened as you set her down and knelt in front of her. you weren't touching her, but she could clearly see the concern in your eyes.
"Are you hurt?" you asked, looking for any visible signs of injuries.
"I'm fine," she denied having any injuries. What were you thinking? That she'd show vulnerability to you just like that?
"Y/N!" Rowan enraged, bellowed as he got up to his knees and raised his arm. Your eyes widened as you were pulled into the air.
"Wait, Rowan!" Wednesday found herself shouting as she tried to get up.
"I'll kill you after I'm done with Y/N!" he had lost his mind completely, the madness in his eyes made that clear.
"Bring it! I'll show you exactly why Weems and the staff dread the storms!" you thundered, lightning gathered around you and began concentrating in a ball above your head. It was already two feet wide and it was only growing larger, though slowly. "Give up or I'll drop this on you! Forget all this madness!" despite the anger she could hear you pleading deep down for Rowan to just listen to you.
You never got a chance to do so, as a monster emerged from the shadows and grabbed Rowan, slicing and tearing him apart with its claws.
You dropped to the ground, landing on one knee. You were too surprised by the monster's appearance to maintain the ball of lightning. The monster turned to look at you two, with its bulging eyes, hunched back, sharp claws and greyish skin it was unlike anything Wednesday saw in her life.
"That's an," did you recognize the monster? "...oversized Gollum?" she expected too much from you...
The oversized Gollum fled and you and Wednesday were left with Rowan's corpse. You didn't need to be an expert to see he was ripped open by those claw and dead.
You watched, wondering if there was anything you could have done. You had your lightning ready, but you just couldn't react in time. Were you going to hurt Rowan? Yeah, as far as that went you couldn't say you were any better than the monster that attacked him, but you weren't going to kill him, as strong as the lightning you gathered looked. You were going to aim for the ground in front of him, close enough to knock him out from the shock, but not nearly close enough to kill him.
You were frantically looking around, searching for any signs of the monster coming back, but it looked like it really left.
"We need to get someone," there was an urgency in Wednesday's voice you didn't quite expect, but you could see her legs shaking slightly. Shock from Rowan's death? No. She didn't look shaken. Was it the hit she took when he tossed her into the tree?
Deciding that it was probably that you nodded and followed closely behind her, just in case she couldn't keep standing. Damn Xavier for slowing you down, maybe all of this could have been avoided if you were only a minute quicker.
The first person you came across was Bianca and you noticed Wednesday faltering just for a split second. "Rowan was killed by a monster, I don't have time to explain, just get someone," Wednesday opened straight with that.
Bianca's eyes widened. "Are you crazy? What are you talking about?"
But before Wednesday could reply she began falling forward. "Wednesday," you caught her and turned her around in your arms. She was unconscious. "Bianca we both saw him get killed. Get someone, I need to take Wednesday back to the dorm," you knew you were putting your life at risk by doing so, and that Wednesday probably knew roughly a thousand different ways to inflict pain, give or take a few hundred, and that she'd be more than eager to put you through them. You still picked her up. "Please don't wake up," you pleaded, but your gaze softened. Wednesday looked peaceful and you couldn't help but notice how light and small she actually was. "I got you, I know you can't hear me, but I got you."
In the most ridiculous turn of events Rowan was actually alive, even though he clearly got killed less than 24 hours ago. How was that possible? You had no idea. You just knew the entire school thought you and Wednesday made that up.
So here you were, once more zapping to his room as he was finishing his packing. “Hey there, zombie, I didn’t know telekinesis brought people back to life,” you came in, eyes still red as he spun around and backed away.
“You should not be here, Y/N.” he told you sternly making you roll your eyes.
“And you shouldn’t be alive,” you said, lightning crackling around you.
He huffed, looking away for a moment. “As you can see I am perfectly healthy,” he said, almost mockingly.
You had enough and pushed him against the wall, pinning him as he gasped your name. “Doesn’t feel good, does it? Why did you try to kiss Wednesday, twice by the way?” you demanded, but this felt wrong, he wasn’t fighting back, he should still be able to knock you away with his powers, yet here he was, not doing anything.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I was just on a stroll when you and Wednesday interrupted me,” he claimed, even though just last night he sounded eager to share everything.
You raised an eyebrow. “You actually interrupted us, remember?” you pulled away from him.
His eyes widened for a moment. “That, I didn’t intend to interrupt you, I apologize,” he raised his hands, acting embarrassed and that was all you needed.
Could you force whoever this was to reveal their identity? Probably. Pain was a good motivator, but there was also a chance you’d be doing it for nothing. You also lacked other information. Who else was working with them? Surely one person couldn’t cover up Rowan’s murder, so you kept your mouth shut.
“We’ll talk again, Rowan,” you jumped out of the window, zapping away from the dormitory.
It was like a déjà vu, what she was seeing. Only it was way worse this time. And interrupted? Was there already something romantic going on between you and Wednesday? Weems couldn’t know for sure, but she knew it couldn’t end well.
Yet even if she knew that she also knew there was nothing she could do to stop it.
Rowan was dead, that much was clear, but you needed an evidence. So, here you were, in the woods, looking for anything physical that could prove the two of you weren’t crazy.
And you found it, you found Rowan’s glasses with drops of blood on them. With glasses in your hand you went back to your dorm.
When you came back to the room you found Wednesday and Thing at her table, looking at the drawing she took from Rowan. You placed the glasses on her table, near Thing. "Someone is covering this up," you went to her other side and leaned back against her table, your hands gripping the edge of it.
"These are Rowan's. You went to the woods?" she demanded, looking at you with slightly widened eyes.
You nodded. "I wasn't sure if the oversized Gollum was still there, so I went alone," you heard tapping and saw Thing rapidly signing to you. Somehow you understood. You’ve been trying to learn morse code, well, more than the fun basic stuff and while you needed him to slow down at times you were getting there. And Thing was incredibly patient with you over the past week, even though Wednesday wanted to escape. "I wasn't being reckless, I'm a raiju," in your mind that was all the explanation you needed to give.
"Don't do that again," Wednesday ordered firmly. "I want to make sure we don't miss any clues," she said simply.
“Speaking of clues, someone who can shapeshift is covering up Rowan’s murder. It isn’t him,” you told her.
Wednesday turned all of her attention to you. “How do you know?”
“I lied,” you shrugged. “I don’t know anyone in the school with that ability, but I do know they shouldn’t be able to replicate abilities. His telekinesis, or,” you let your eyes turn red. “Me being a raiju for example.”
Wednesday thought about it. “I want you to prove to me you are a raiju whenever we meet up,” she pretty much ordered, and you could see the logic behind it.
“I won’t have to worry about them shifting to look like you,” you grinned, after all, they’d have to blink, and mimic Wednesday’s behavior and that was not easy.
She didn’t look amused, but there was a bit of an unspoken promise between the two of you, you would keep this to yourselves, acting like you didn’t know what the one covering Rowan’s murder could do. And then Wednesday showed you the drawing she took from Rowan’s corpse. "I need to know what this is about."
That made sense. "Any clues as to where that's from?"
"No," she then pointed at the upper right corner. "But I noticed this just before you came in," there was a mark there, it was faint, but you could see it.
"Looks like a flower? I guess?" you couldn't offer much aside from that. You've never seen it before.
"Let's go to the library," she stood up from her chair and Thing went into her bag.
“You can go ahead first, I’ll join you in a bit,” you figured she was too eager to search for the book to let you go into the library first.
“Why?” she immediately asked.
You looked away, embarrassed. “The rumors, I guess? Most people go to the library for reasons that don’t have anything to do with books, if you get what I mean,” when she remained silent, and more importantly when she maintained that same look that inquired you to keep going, you were left with no other choice but to sigh and elaborate. “Making out. Most people make out in the library. So, we go there together, and it won’t take Enid’s vlog for half the school to think we’re doing the same,” she was already deemed a psycho by most of the school, and the rumors that she killed someone could still be heard every now and then. Add in the fact that the entire school thought the two of you made up Rowan’s murder and as far as you were concerned the last thing Wednesday needed right now was for people to think she was with a raiju of all outcast groups.
Wednesday just frowned, tilting her head the same way she did during the festival. “Do not assume I care about such trivial rumors. Come on,” she was already halfway to the doors by the time you processed what she just said.
“Wednesday, I’m a raiju,” you reminded her, but still followed. She wasn’t going to stop and talk about this.
“I don’t see an issue with that, lightning beast. You can back out if you’re so sensitive about rumors,” she said evenly, there wasn’t a hint of hesitation, or any emotion in her voice, it was as if she was just stating a fact.
You could just watch her back, not entirely sure how to feel at the moment. “It’s not me I’m worried about.”
That got Wednesday to stop and turn around to look at you. “Then you should know I don’t care if they think I’m with you,” she just said it. As if she didn’t just say it didn’t matter what you were. That it didn’t matter you were a raiju. Sure, there were more dangerous outcasts, but raiju were solitary creatures. Docile, but uncontrollable, and you weren’t talking about just storms. That could be controlled, with time and practice you’d be able to stay in the rain and not worry about uncontrollable discharges. No, it was the beast form. Untamable, driven by instincts, unable to speak or fully grasp the situation it was in. Lightning is only capable of destruction and that form was the embodiment of lightning. Even with all the efforts you put into learning how to control your lightning you’d never, under any but direst circumstances, willingly shift into the actual raiju form.
Your father, as much as he cared about his roommate while at Nevermore, still lost control when he shifted, and the man and his brother barely avoided being killed during a particularly bad storm. The fear of doing the same was what made you so adamant on staying in control all the time.
And here Wednesday was, acting as if rumors about her being with a raiju wouldn’t bother her.
All you could was to let out a weak laugh and go after the girl to the library.
Basically bursting into the library, the two of you were met with the sight you expected to see. Heavy make out session of two students, vampires this time. You awkwardly looked to the side, not really wanting to meet their eyes as they fled the library, embarrassed to be caught.
Wednesday, for whatever reason, and against your expectations, didn’t seem to be affected by what she saw. She just went straight into searching for the book. Thing got out of her backpack and began searching as well, so you did too. You looked for anything purple that had the mark on the page Wednesday had.
"I keep seeing that same purple book," Wednesday said to thing after you showed her yet another shade of purple that didn’t match what she was looking for.
Apparently, Thing didn’t have much luck either. "The cover was darker, more like a day-old contusion, keep looking."
“That’s one way to describe a color,” you grinned at her, but before she could reply, if she was even going to reply, the doors opened and the two of you looked up to see Thornhill at the top of the stairs. Thing quickly hid behind the books.
"I don't usually find students in here looking for actual books," Thornhill said as she came down the stairs. "Most sneak in to make out."
"We accidentally walked in on two vampires fanging, I can't unsee that," Wednesday said and you looked away, rubbing the back of your neck.
“I’ll come back later, if you don’t mind,” you said, not really wanting to spend time with the woman. You couldn’t get the look in her eyes out of your head whenever you saw her. That look of fear she had when she saw you electrocuting Tyler and his friends on the previous Outreach day. It was barely stronger than a taser, but it could have been stronger, and no matter what was said or done your and Thornhill’s relationship was permanently and irrevocably damaged. Hence, why you didn’t pay attention to her classes and did the tests just well enough to pass them.
"Sorry about that, I'm afraid Y/N and I got off on the wrong foot," you heard Thornhill saying as you left the library.
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
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ailithnight · 2 years
*Whoops. Forgot to title and link previous chapters. Fight me, I just woke up.
A King in Arkham
Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
"Tim. Tim you have to get me copies of this footage." Tim is not surprised by the request. In fact, the 'Sure' is already on his tongue when he pauses, a thought creeping into his head, seeded by the notification Tim really hopes Jason isn't paying attention to in the bottom corner of the computer.
"One condition."
"Fuck you, I knew you'd want something. What? You want my cookies? Coffee? For Red Hood to go on camera singing praises for Red Robin? I'll fuckin do it. Just send me the god damn clips."
"Nope, nope, and tempting, but no."
"Name your price, Replacement. I'll pay it."
"Swear you aren't going to go rush in and extract the kid until we're done investigating him."
"What!? Fuck that! I told you was pulling him out next chance I get!" Tim lets himself groan in annoyance.
"Look, anyone that could do that-" Tim gestures to the part of the screen where they'd pulled up The Joker's medical reports following the incidents, showing pictures and descriptions of just how thoroughly Daniel had beat his ass 3 weeks in a row, "without getting so much as a scratch or fucking bruise in return, has got something going on. There may well be a reason they sent him to Arkham!"
Jason's eyes narrow at Tim as he all but growls, "No reason is good enough to put-"
"A fifteen year old in Arkham. I fucking know that, Hood. But we still need to know exactly who we're dealing with when we get him out. What his deal is. If his dangerous. What the hell was so wrong with him that someone thought it was a good idea to stick him in there to begin with."
"He could get hurt while we're sitting on our asses trying to satisfy fuckin Bat paranoia!"
"He took down the Joker! Clearly he can take care of himself."
"Then who has been hurting him!?"
"Maybe him fucking self!" Tim knew he was pushing it. The green growing stronger in Jason's eyes was proof. But he needed to buy them some time before Jason made thing exponentially harder by storming the castle. Still, now he needed to calm Jason down before he went into a full rage. So Tim held up his hands placatingly.
"A few days, Jay. Just give us a few more days. I'm already almost through the Arkham reports, and there are only a handful from Chicago and Oracle is probably going to announce any minute now that she got through the communications blackout around his home town. We just need a bit more time to sort out intel so that we actually know how to help him once we get him out."
Finally, after a tense 34 seconds, green fades back into blue and Jason let's out a heavy sigh.
"Fine. But I get to tell the Bat about Daniel's discipline slips. Wanna see his fuckin face when I do."
"Deal." Tim hurriedly puts a comm in as Jason watches with narrowed eyes.
Red Robin. Ready to fill me in?
Not yet, you're about to be busy. I isolated a pattern earlier. Exactly 15 minutes before the locks malfunction, there's been a strange power surge. Always written off. But the surge doesn't seem to be coming from the grid. And like I said, exactly 15 minutes later is when the locks malfunction.
Jason huffs as he catches on. Apparently he hadn't thought to question why Tim was so desperate to buy time before.
Robin responds, since he's on stakeout with Bruce. Mostly because Bruce won't let him watch the asylum alone. Much as the kid hates it, the rest of the family agrees. It's only a matter of time before someone in max security manages to take advantage of theses malfunctions. So far Croc is the only one who had, though thankfully he's not one to start shit on his own. But with Joker, Scarecrow, and TwoFace all inside; any one of them, or god forbid all three, could make for a real bad situation.
Tt. So you can tell before a malfunction happens.
Think so. Last power surge was 8 minutes ago.
And you are only telling us now, why Drake?
Cause he spent those 8 convincing me not to go get our kid out yet.
6 minutes. See if you can stop things before they start.
I'm not far out. Want me to join you?
Tt. I doubt we'll need your assistance, Signal. We shall be done before you get here.
No wait. Signal, head in. See if you can get a read on 26B.
You think he might be meta?
Jason glares at Tim betrayed.
"I wanted to see his fuckin face."
Tim just waves him off.
"They need to know. You tell them or I do."
Jason scowls, but relents.
He put the Joker in the infirmary on his 1st, 7th, and 15th days there. All 3 times took no damage himself. Feral child had to be pulled off and still didn't stop struggling till the clown was out of sight.
All 3 assaults followed by panic attacks, though whether about the Joker himself or what Daniel had done to him, we don't know yet.
The comms were silent for a moment.
A 15 year old...
Did what you've never had the balls to old man.
...I've fought the Joker.
Daniel hits first.
I will admit, it is impressive that he can take the Joker down alone. Perhaps he will make for a worthy brother after all.
4 minutes.
We're moving in. Thank you Red Robin, Hood.
The fuck are you thanking me for?
For helping. And giving us time to work this out.
ETA 7 minutes out. Be with you shortly.
The advanced warning proved invaluable for Batman and Robin. After alerting the chief of security of their supposed pattern, he had guards already in motion when the doors swung open. Batman took a perch to watch for max security escapees while Robin assisted the guards in keeping inmates corralled. Many didn't even bother to leave their designated areas, having already seen the Bats in the building.
No sign of any max security inmates. Normally, Batman would find this concerning. And while he did file it away to ponder later why no one from max security ever seemed to make it out of that wing, for today he counted the blessing that he would not have to try to keep Robin safe while dealing with someone like the Joker.
Batman tracked motion through the crowds, watching as a black mop of hair moved, seemingly otherwise unnoticed, through the sea of people. He thought to move in to direct the person back towards where people were being herded to, but the small figure merely walked towards the B wing and entered one of the far cells. That gave Bruce a sneaking suspicion of which patient that was. He moved to get a closer look as Signal swooped in.
"Where is he?"
"I believe he just went into his cell. This way." Batman led Signal to the cell he'd seen that tiny person enter. It was indeed 26B and there was indeed a small, too small, frail looking boy lying on the bed there. A red blotch had appeared under his left eye even though Bruce was certain there had been no injury there as the boy had crossed the hall.
Signal froze beside him, breath stuttering. The boy briefly glanced at them through the corner of his eye, mouth twitching into a brief frown. Then his eyes turned back to the ceiling and his face smoothed out. Bruce couldn't help but reach out.
"Hello." The boy said nothing. Signal opened and closed his mouth, seeming to try to say something, but unable to get words out. Batman wondered what he must be seeing. "You seem hurt. Do you need help?" Eyes flickered back to him and away just as quickly.
"Nothing you can help with Mr. Batman." And oh, how Bruce hated the kid's voice. So quiet and so so hollow. Bruce's mind flashed to his children, imagining any them speaking with such emptiness. His heart clenched, wondering what could have happened to this boy to have snuffed the life out of him so young.
Duke found his voice again, just as the doors buzzed and swung shut again.
"What are you?" Bruce frowned, looking at his latest. Who was looking, as Bruce tracked his gaze, not at Daniel but at the space just above him. Daniel himself seemed to take interest all of a sudden, breaking away his upward gaze to roll his head and look at them. Confusion plain on his face, the first hint of life shining dimly in his eyes.
"Signal? Signal, what do you see?" Batman asked. Robin materialized beside them. The daytime hero stepped forward, then back, light sparking and fizzling around his fingertips.
"There's something in there with him."
Daniel looked back up, where Signal still had his gazed trained on something Batman couldn't see. Even Robin seemed confused, though he no doubt trusted Signal's meta sight.
"Don't worry," Daniel murmured, "S'just a ghost. She can't hurt you."
This 'ghost' seemed unhappy either with the teen's words or this turn of events. Daniel's head snapped back to the side again, causing Batman and Signal to wince while Robin watched stoically. 4 red scratches appeared on Daniel's right cheek, as though he had been backhanded by someone with clawlike nails. A light chill brushed through him and Signal tensed, then relaxed, his gaze finally turning from the emptiness above Daniel to the boy himself. Batman took that as a sign that the... entity, was gone.
Daniel did not react to the obvious abuse from an invisible assailant. He mechanically turned his head back, once more dead and glazed eyes returning to the cracks in the ceiling of his cell. "You should go now. The guards will come around soon to make sure I'm still here."
Bruce wanted so badly to say 'Don't worry, we'll get you out of here.' But Batman was more restrained than that. He would get the child out. But he would have a plan first. For now, Bruce placed a hand each on the shoulders of Duke and Damien, guiding them away. Only when they were back outside did Bruce let them go. Only when they were perched on a rooftop half a block away did Batman pause.
"Robin, report."
"No escaped inmates and no sign of any from maximum security."
"Good. Signal, any information on what you saw in there." Duke rubbed at his eyes.
"A ghost, I guess? I don't know. It was weird. She didn't really have an aura. It was more like, an absence of aura. Like she was a black hole, drawing all the light in."
Even behind the domino, Bruce could tell Damien rolled his eyes.
"And what of the patient, Thomas? Was he not the one you were sent to look at?" Batman bit back the reprimand for codenames, more interested in Signal's response. Signal seemed to think for a moment, then shook his head.
"He definitely had a pretty distinct aura. It... felt powerful. But it looked weak. Dim. When the ghost... struck him, it flared up a bit, but died back down almost instantly. I... I get the feeling he was holding it back. Almost like he was afraid of it. Of himself."
"Hnn. Good job Signal. Robin. You two are welcome to head back to the cave. I'll take the rest of this Arkham shift."
At that moment, the comms crackled to life.
Actually B, you may want to come in, also. Arkham should be fine. And I found why they sent the kid there.
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paladin-heart5 · 6 months
So This Is Love
Leon Kennedy x Reader x Chris Redfield
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Summary; You are in a poly relationship with Chris and Leon
CW; fluff, smut, dp, blowjob, fingering, creepy neighbor, protective boys. I think that's it, MDNI
AN; ahahahha I did it oh my gosh that was hard i'm sorry it took so long its 3.2k words I hope you like it byeee oh also please don't e afraid to send request I need ideas
You're not physically strong, not to say you're a complete weakling either. However, you're definitely considered fragile compared to your boyfriends. They're basically your guard dogs, but you try your best not to rely on them. You're still an independent woman who can take care of yourself. Realistically, you have to be when they aren't around, which is more than you think. They both work for the government, and oftentimes they're both gone around the same time. You do your part of course, make sure the house is nice and tidy, groceries are stocked for when they come home starving. They need all the nutrition they can get. You like to give them a taste of domesticated peace when you are able to. Being self-employed definitely has its perks when it comes to scheduling. The boys insist you don't even need to work, but you don't want to seem useless. You're grateful for them, and you like to show it. Who knows what you'd be doing if you hadn't met, let alone date Leon S Kennedy and Chris Redfield. You'll admit, when they're home, you're putty in their hands. Only after you've taken care of them though, you want to make sure they're safe and sound at home. To them, you're their precious flower, their safe haven. 
Currently you're walking home from the market, which happens to be right outside of the neighborhood. It's quite convenient since you don't have a car, you like walking around anyway. You have three filled totes of foods, you've been needing to fill the fridge. Both your boyfriends have been on a mission for the last two weeks. The time has been lonely and boring, but you're proud that they're saving the world. As you approach the house, you notice your neighbor staring at you. His name is Gary, and he's usually sitting in the dark or watering his front lawn.You offer a warm smile, although he is a creepy older man, you try to be friendly. He slowly waves at you.
“Need a hand, doll?” Gary steps forward in your direction. You let out a nervous chuckle and shake your head. “I'm alright, Mr. Dawson, thank you though.” You politely decline as you approach your porch. The older man stops at the fence dividing your yards. He keeps a smile on his face, one that shows his dirty, cracked up teeth. All that smoking really did a number on him. 
“Where are those strong men of yours? Shouldn't they be helping their little lady?” He questions, raising a brow. You roll your eyes as you fumble with your keys, trying to open the door. 
“They're at work, but don't worry, I can take care of myself.” This wouldn't be the first time he's tried to get close to you, in a way that is more than friendly neighbor. Anytime the guys aren't here, he's trying his best to get to you. Means he's scared of them, but you're not so easily put off. Having two special agents as boyfriends has its perks when it comes to self defense. Fortunately, Gary hasn't pushed too far. 
“Don't you ever get lonely when those boys are gone all the time?” The old man asked with a tilt of his head, his brows furrowed slightly. You sigh as you finally open the door, you turn your head to him, pick up your grocery totes, and give him a fake smile. 
“Nope! They never make me feel lonely, have a good day Mr. Dawson!” You quickly enter the house and close the door. While it's supposed to be a ‘neighborly’ conversation, you always end up uncomfortable. The way he looks at you always makes it worse. You shrug it off and continue with your day, putting away the groceries and organizing the kitchen. You hear the sound of your phone going off, you received two messages. Both from your boyfriend's.
Hey baby, Leon and I will be home tonight.
So excited to see you princess, expect cuddles.
You smile brightly as you read the messages, they're finally coming home! You just have to do something special, maybe make their favorite meal. You gasp as an idea pops into your head. You quickly go to your room and search through your closet. After a couple minutes of digging through your clothes, you find a lingerie set you recently got. It's lavender lace, with a little bow at the top. It perfectly cups your breasts, and shows off your curves. You put it on and wear a blue silk robe that Leon gifted you. Humming softly, you fix your hair and check the time. They should be home in a couple hours, so you decide to set the table and prepare to cook dinner.
“You know Claire can't keep a secret.” You hear the door open from the front room, the sound of Leon and Chris's chuckles blessing your ears. You jump off the couch and watch as they take their shoes off. “That's true, I remember when we told her about asking Y/n out. She was so close to slipping we had to go for it.” Chris laughed before seeing you leaning on the wall of the kitchen. 
“Hey baby girl!” He smiles as he holds his arms out for you. You quickly go into his arms. Chris chuckles and spins you, making you giggle. Leon turns and beams at the sight of you in the shiny robe he got you. He steps forward and hugs the both of you. 
“I missed you guys so much, you have no idea.” You say teary eyed, when they come home alive and safe is when you process the fact that their jobs are incredibly dangerous. You never know if you'll lose one, or both. The boys let you go and smile at you, each of them holding your hands. 
“We missed you too, princess. Was everything okay while we were gone?” Leon asks softly, kissing your knuckles. You smile and nod slowly.
“Everything is clean and food is ready.” You say softly as you examine them for any injuries. You only find a few bruises here and there, which is better than most times. The two smile at you.
“Let's eat then, hm?” Chris goes to the kitchen and serves the plates for all of you. You sit at the table and smile as you all begin to eat. Chris and Leon talk about the mission, or as much as they're able to. Then they insist on hearing how you did. 
“It was good, mainly work and cleaning. I started doing some work outs in the garage, figured it would be good.” You admitted as you picked at your food. Chris and Leon looked at each other before back at you. Chris is the first to speak up.
“That's great, baby girl. Leon and I would love to work out with you if you need pointers.” He tilts his head as you think.
“Yeah, I'd like that. Just.. nothing too intense please. I'm still learning.” You say softly as you look at them. Leon gives you that sweet smile, from the pictures you've seen, that boyish charm never left him.
“We'd never push you too hard, princess.” 
“We actually have a routine idea, but.. might be too intense for ya.” Chris hums out, his tone feigning sympathy. You perk up a bit as Leon smirks.
“What is it?” You ask, tilting your head curiously. Leon takes each of your plates and rinses them off before setting them in the dishwasher.
“It definitely would work up a sweat. Even knocks the wind out of us doesn't it, babe?” He glances over to Chris, earning a chuckle. 
“Maybe you, but I never get tired.” Chris stands and goes behind him, squeezing his ass. Leon jumps and wacks him with a hand towel. You blush, but smile. You always enjoy watching them give each other affection. You stand up and bite your lip.
“Can you show me what it is?” You ask, innocently opening your robe just enough for them to notice the lingerie underneath. It grabs both of their attention.
“I suppose we can teach you, but you have to listen to us. Think you can do that baby girl?” Chris makes his way over to you, pulling you gently by the waist. You smile and nod.
“Use your words.” He orders.
“Yes, Chris.” You sway nervously, starting to feel your heart race in anticipation.
“Good girl.” Chris praises with a kiss to your hairline. Leon hums and goes over to tug at Chris’s jeans. 
“Let's go then, wanna give my lovers a good time.” 
Leon and Chris guide you to your shared bedroom. They begin to take off their shirts and pants, leaving themselves in their boxers. You giggle at this, they aren't very good at hiding their eagerness. You can already see the bulges. Chris’s cock definitely has more girth to it, while Leon's got the length. You love the balance, they both make you feel heavenly when you make love. The joy of sharing such intimate moments with the greatest men you know will never get old. 
Chris is the first to initiate, stepping behind you and kissing at the back of your neck. You giggle in response, his stubble being very ticklish. Leon smiles, adoring the sound of your laughter. He'll do anything to hear it, do anything to make both you and Chris happy. He steps forward and grabs your hands, wrapping your arms around his neck. He wastes no time, connecting your lips in a heated kiss. Chris smiles and rubs his calloused hands along your curves. Leon gently parts from you, moving some hair out of your face as you pant. You glance over and see the curtains open, also noticing Gary’s open as well. You start to feel uneasy and shudder. Your boyfriend's notice this. 
“What's wrong, princess?” Leon's deep, but gentle voice rings through your ears. You look at him and point to the open window curtains.
“Mr. Dawson has been making me uncomfortable… again.” You say quietly, gripping Leon's shirt. The blonde quickly looks at Chris, already seeing a look of anger in his eyes.
“Easy there, big guy.” He hums calmly to Chris. While Leon is definitely frustrated by how your neighbor is making you feel, he tends to be the more level headed one. Chris on the other hand, is not afraid to humble someone. He's ready to bang on that door and give Gary a what for.
“Fuckin creep, we really need to get her a gun.” The brunette hisses to his boyfriend. Leon chuckles and pets your head.
“We'd have to show her how to use it first. What do you think, baby?” He looks down at you, a gentle smile appearing. You melt at the sight of him, what a man. Leon and Chris are your fucking gods. You'd do anything to please them.
“I'm willing to learn.” You say softly, wrapping Chris’s arms around your waist, making him relax again. He cracks a smile and kisses your head. Leon slips out of your grasps and goes to close the window, making sure the curtains completely cover it. Chris sways with you and you smirk as you remember what you're wearing. 
“I have a surprise for you, gentlemen.” You hum as you go to the foot of the bed. Leon returns to Chris’s side, both of them looking at you curiously. You slowly untie your robe before letting it fall to the floor, revealing your lingerie. The blonde and brunette gape at the sight of you, taking in your appearance.
“Holy fuck, I'm gonna take a bite out of that cake.” Chris growls, stepping towards you. He lifts you up with ease before tossing you on the bed. You squeak at this, followed by a giggle. He then crawls over you, kissing at your neck again as he starts to take off your set. Leon watches with lust darkening those blue orbs. The scene unfolding in front of him is like a dream. Once Chris has you completely naked, he immediately plays with your breast, making you moan. Your nipples become hard and sensitive.
“Such a lovely girl.” He praises you with a low tone. He then looks over to Leon, noticing him biting his lip.
“Come join the fun, pretty boy.” He gestures the blonde over. Leon's cheeks flush at the nickname, but he's quick to join. Chris carefully kneels beside you as Leon is on your other side. You watch as Chris grabs his throat and pulls him for a kiss. Loving, but also rough. It's a sight that has you squirming, it'll be engraved in your brain. The way Leon whimpers into the kiss all needy is delightful to your ears. You carefully run your hand along the blonde's abs, down to his inner thigh. The sound of his sigh is heard as Chris parts from him, smiling. They both look down at you and you give them an innocent smile.
“Such a good girl,” Leon hums as he trails his hand down to your core, rubbing his middle finger through your slick. You whimper and buck your hips. “She's so wet, Chris.” He breathes out lovingly.
“Oh I bet, poor thing has been missing our dicks, hm?” Chris coos to you, earning a quick nod. He chuckles and pats your thigh.
“On your knees, baby girl.” He orders, you're quick to follow, switching to your hands and knees. Leon laughs a bit at how eager you are, gently rubbing your ass. You smile at him and shake it. Chris slaps it, making you yelp. You glare at him. He laughs and moves behind you, taking a look at your glistening pussy.
“You're right, Lee. She's soaked.” The brunette growls as he watches with lustful eyes. Leon moves over in front of you, finally taking off his boxers to reveal his hard cock. Your mouth waters as you watch it hit his stomach. Leon smirks and cups your cheek.
“Want a taste, princess? Go ahead.” He says in a husky tone. You gingerly lick at his tip, gliding all the way down to his balls. After a moment of doing so, you take him into your mouth, earning a deep groan. Chris smiles at this before leaning down to lick a stripe along your pussy. You moan at the feeling of his tongue, lifting your hips a bit more. Leon grabs your hair, making a ponytail to hold as you bob your head. His head falls back as he moans, while Chris eats you out like a starved man. You suck on your boyfriend hungrily, eyes rolling back as you already feel your climax approaching. Chris smirks and slides two fingers into your clenching hole, pumping them in and out of you. The sound of Leon’s moans grows louder as he grips your hair.
“Fuck- I’m so close princess.” His chest rises and falls with quick, heavy breaths. You feel him twitch in your mouth, bobbing your head a little faster to help him finish. The ache in your jaw is painful, but so worth getting to see Leon come undone. His load shoots into your throat, a loud moan escaping him. His back arches as sweat beads on his forehead. A string of curses follow as you slowly lift your head, letting him go with a pop. You swallow his load and smile at him as he rubs your head. Chris continues to fuck you with his fingers and tongue, a wonderful feeling. The growing feeling of warmth and tightness in your core is making you go dumb, whimpering for him to go faster. As you feel your orgasm about to reach its peak, Chris stops completely. You whine at the sudden emptiness, making the buff man chuckle. 
“I thought we should try something new tonight. How about you take both of us at once?” He suggests, sliding his boxers off. Your eyes widen, cheeks turning red as you look at Leon. He smiles at you and places a gentle kiss on your nose.
“It's up to you, princess. We promise to be careful of course.” He soothes, you think about it for a moment. It’s definitely something you’ve dreamed of, but knowing how big they are, you wonder if they’ll even fit. It’s at least worth a shot, that’s what lube’s for, right?
“I think I’d like that.” You look back at Chris, a sweet smile on your face. Chris returns the smile and rubs your hips. He lifts you up effortlessly, making you giggle. Leon adjusts himself so he’s laying flat on the bed. He then reaches over and grabs a bottle of lube from the drawer of the nightstand. Squeezing a generous amount on his hand, he begins to rub his dick. You watch with fascination before Chris hovers you above Leon. You slowly settle yourself onto him, there’s little resistance due to the lube and how wet you are. You then lay down on his chest, leaving yourself open for Chris to enter. Leon rubs your back while Chris lubes up his dick as well. He lines himself up with your cunt, but doesn’t enter yet.
“What’s the safe word, baby girl?” He asks softly, not wanting you to end up uncomfortable in any way. 
“Red.” You answer quietly, giving him the go ahead to enter. As he slowly slides in, you tense up, biting your lip.
“Relax, Y/n. It’ll ease up shortly, deep breaths.” Leon guides her through it as she squeezes his forearm. Once Chris is bottomed out, he stops, groaning deep in his chest.
“So damn tight.” He and Leon look at each other and smile, wordlessly in agreement that their girlfriend feels like heaven. They have to hold back from moving so that you can adjust. Fortunately, it doesn’t take long for you to let them know they can move. Chris is the first to start thrusting his hips. At first, the stretch is big and of course a little painful; but as they move, you can feel the pain fade into pleasure. Your mouth hangs open as soft moans escape you, taking comfort in the way they both have you sandwiched. It feels so good, so safe to be in between them. Leon whimpers as he feels you clench, whispers of praises being spoken in your ear. While Chris is growling and occasionally degrading you.
“Pussy’s so tight for me, baby. You like being a dirty whore for us, huh?” He grabs your hair, lifting your head a bit as you mumble.
“Yes sir, please- i’m gonna cum!” You moan out, Leon chuckles and cups your cheeks.
“Go ahead, sweetheart, cum for us.” As he gives you permission, you feel the knot in your core snap. A loud moan falls from your lips as the overwhelming sensation of your orgasm takes over. The feeling of you tightening around them only urges Leon to follow. He groans as his second climax takes over, holding you closer. Chris finishes last as usual, he grunts as he thrusts harder into you, making you whimper. The feeling of both of them filling you up is just so amazing. The movements come to a stop, all of you laying on each other as you breath heavily. The boy’s look over you to make sure you’re okay, and they can’t help but smirk as they see their cum ooze out of you.
“Alright then, bath time.” Chris stands and lifts you up, Leon goes ahead and sets a warm bath for all of you. He kisses Chris, then you. You’re incredibly grateful to have these caring men in your life.
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emocxnteddie · 1 year
!! Musicians Heart !!
Couple/Ship; Colby Brock x Male!Reader(He/Him pronouns used)
Genre; SFW
AU Where Reader Is A Punk Rock Musician.
Warnings; None.
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Colby was looking at his phone, scrolling through instagram when he saw a familiar name, someone he'd known in high school. M/N L/N. He looked at the account, and noticed the pictures.
He was shocked to see that M/N was doing good, even better then Colby imagined. He saw that M/N had started a music career, which he was surprised to see.
He noticed he made music similiar to punk rock. Colby couldn't help but notice the videos and pictures of M/N on his instagram wearing quite attractive outfits, aswell as videos.
Colby quickly sent a friend request, his curiousity getting the better of him.
A few hours had passed, and Colby heard his phone go off with a notification. He looked at the phone, and noticed M/N had accepted his friend request, even sending him a message.
{Username} - Hey, you sent me a follow request, why? I mean you are way more popular on here then me.
{Colbybrock} - Well i just recognized you from high school, you M/N L/N right? I think we went to the same class.
{Username} - Huh, well yeah, i'm M/N, you also pursued a career in social media?
{Colbybrock} - Hahah, yeah, i did, hey maybe if your in LA sometime, we can catch up?
{Username} - I'm actually in LA for a concert i'm doing, perhaps we can take a drink at some cafe in town during the day?
{Colbybrock} - Sounds good! Tomorrow sound good at [insert Cafe name] around 12 pm?
{Username} - Yup, sounds great, see you tomorrow, Brock.
Colby looked at his phone, feeling himself smile. He had no idea why he was doing this, but it felt right to do it. He thought M/N looked so good in the pictures.
Colby decided to listen to some of M/N's songs, feeling himself love them. He enjoyed the way the lyrics worked together, and the beat of the music.
That night he fell asleep listening to M/N's music while thinking about the meetup he would have with him tomorrow during the afternoon.
The morning rolled around, and the time was 11:45 pm, Colby had arrived at the cafe that he and M/N had agreed to meetup. He was looking at his phone while waiting. Soon he heard the doors open to the cafe.
There stood M/N, wearing [Think of something Alt Style clothes you'd wear]. Colby smiled at M/N, and walked over to him. "Hey, M/N, It's Colby, we talked over insta yesterday!" Colby said awkardly.
M/N chuckled, and nodded, "I know, also great spot you picked out." M/N said, and Colby chuckled. "Thanks, i know it's a small cafe so not a lot of people go here, meaning we get more privacy from fans." Colby said, and sat down in a seat across M/N.
"Smart, i mean most people know i'm in town so it's good to see a place where i can get some stuff done in private without being bound to my hotel room." M/N said, and looked at the menu. Colby couldn't help but admire the way M/N looked, his [Hair style] was to die for, and his [Eye color] were beautiful.
Colby sighed, and looked at the menu he'd gotten. "So, how was life for you after high school?" Colby asked, and M/N looked at him. "It was alright, like a year after high school ended i began making songs." He answered, and Colby nodded. "That's cool, i began doing youtube with Sam, remember him?" he asked M/N, and he nodded. "Yeah, Sam Golbach, right?"
Colby laughed and nodded, "Yup, him and i are still best friends." Colby thought about Sam for a moment then looked at M/N, noticing they had made eyecontact. "Uhm-" Colby got tongue tied, and his face heated up.
M/N grinned, raising an eyebrow. "Cat got your tongue?" he said, teasing Colby.
Colby shook his head, and looked back down at the menu. "Nope.." he groaned, and sighed. M/N had noticed his reaction, which he found amusing. "It's cool if you think i'm hot, i mean i think you look good." M/N hummed, and decided what he would order.
"I'm gonna have a [Drink name] and a [Dessert], what about you?" M/N asked, and Colby became peachy pink on his cheeks. He cleared his throat, nervous.
"I'll have a black coffee and a cupcake." he said, and M/N looked at the waitress politely, "One black coffee, one [Drink name], a cupcake and a [Dessert]" M/N said, and the waitress nodded and walked to the kitchen to hand the order to the chefs.
"Did you mean what you said that you find me good-looking?" Colby asked, his voice shaky from embarrassment. M/N nodded and chuckled at Colby, "Yeah, I did." he said and smiled at Colby.
They had spent an hour talking and catching up in the cafe, and now they were walking back to M/N's hotel.
Once they got to the gate to the hotel, M/N looked at Colby and kissed his forehead. "It was nice catching up with you, Brock," he said, then left Colby dumbfounded outside the hotel.
Colby was shocked but happy. He giggled and took a deep breath. He knew he had to call up M/N some day, this was great catching up.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 11
God this arc just keeps getting longer and longer. Luckily after this, I should be able to move ahead with the plot? I'm a few more minutes into the episode at least!
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.4k
Cassie sat next to him and bumped their shoulders. “We’ll figure this one out just like we have all the ones before.”
Conner sandwiched him on the other side. “Yep. And the Fentons don’t seem like the type to hide information. They’ll tell us everything we want to know.”
“You’re both right. We’ll fix this and be home before we know it.” Tim pulled out his phone. “I wonder if there’s any old news articles we can look up for more information. Danny told me about the first ghost attack. A ghost called Lunch Lady who used meat to attack people and was upset because Sam changed the school lunch menu.”
Bart blinked at him and sat on the coffee table facing him. “You’re making that up. You’ve gotta be.”
Tim laughed and shook his head. “Nope. We’ll have to see if he has a list of his rogues so far. They’ve all been so gimmicky. Kinda like Condiment Man in Gotham.”
At Tim’s direction, Bart and Cassie also began looking into various news articles and posts about the ghosts of Amity. Conner recorded their findings and Tim supplemented with information he’d gotten directly from Danny.
Research kept them busy for the next hour until the Fentons returned.
“Danny’s friends!” boomed Jack when he saw them.
“How are you four doing? Did you find the pantry? Enough things to eat?” asked Maddie.
“Yes, Ma’am,” said Conner. “Cassie and I also left to explore a bit and found a corner shop where we picked up a few things we knew Tim and Bart liked.”
“That’s great! Now, I see you’ve seen the news, and I don’t want you to be afraid. Jack and I are planning on training some of Danny’s classmates in ghost fighting, would you four like to join?”
Everyone looked to Tim who bit his lip in thought. “I— can we sit in on the first lesson? I’d like to see some more of your work. Danny’s told me a little bit about it, but seeing it in person is something else. But I also want to spend more time just with Danny since we haven’t met in person before.”
“Of course, honey!”
Tim had to force his smile to remain neutral at the pet name. His parents didn’t even call him ‘honey,’ let alone anyone else. “Thank you, Dr. Fenton.”
“Call me Maddie, dear.”
“And I’m Jack!”
“Yes, Dr.— er, Maddie, Jack. When will the others be here?”
Jack looked at…something on his wrist that must’ve had a clock feature and boomed, “Not for another three hours! School’s still in session, you know.”
Conner cleared his throat. “Will you need help setting up? Maybe you can tell us a bit about ghosts while we do. I’d never seen one before.”
“Oh, that’s a great idea! Thank you, sweetie!” said Maddie.
“Conner, my boy, the first thing you need to know about ghosts is that they’re evil and only want to hurt you. If you don’t remember anything else, always remember that,” added Jack.
Tim’s stomach sank at those words. Did Danny have to hear things like that every day? “How do you know they’re all evil?” he couldn’t help but ask.
“Well, Tim! It’s because ghosts aren’t people. They’re post human consciousness imprinted on ectoplasm. They’re an echo of what they used to be and that echo wants to become a person again. But it can’t because it’s dead. So it lashes out at anything living around it. Either to steal their life or make the living like it.”
Maddie nodded. “Exactly. A ghost killed my best friend when we were girls. If you’d like, I can send you some papers Jackie-poo and I wrote about how ghosts form so you can have more information.”
Tim forced a smile. “That’d be great, thank you.” Could the portal be destroyed in some way? Would that keep ghosts from coming through and allow Danny to come with him to Gotham?
“Now!” said Jack. “Who wants to help me carry up supplies from the lab?”
Once again, Tim asked for some safety gear before going into the lab and Maddie shoved a white jumpsuit at him with a sticker of Jack’s face on it.
“This is one of Danny’s, dear. But he doesn’t wear them very often. Here’s another for you, Bart. It might be a bit long, but try it on and we’ll see what we can do. Cassie, Conner, you two will be a bit harder, but I think I should be able to coble something together. Hang tight a sec!”
“I guess we’ll go get changed, then,” said Bart as Maddie and Jack disappeared back downstairs to see what they had.
Tim held out the top and poked at the decal of Jack. Going to the edge, he worked a finger under the image and let out a sigh of relief when it came up. “These are removable,” he commented as he pulled it off.
“Fantastic!” said Bart, ripping his own off. “Come on, Rob. Let’s get changed.”
Upstairs in the guest room, Tim allowed himself to comment, “At least it’s not orange.”
“Everyone will know who we’re staying with, though.”
“Better than stepping foot in that lab with no protection.”
They were just finishing up when Cassie and Conner walked in with matching scowls. In their arms were a mix of orange and blue fabrics.
Cassie glared at them. “Not. A. Word.”
Tim smirked and held up his hands. “Who, me?”
Bart mimed zipping his lips.
“We’re just about finished here, though, so we’ll go help the Fentons while you two get changed,” said Tim. He couldn’t help the way his lips quirked as he looked at the clashing jumpsuit pieces as they passed each other.
Conner made sure to trip them with TTK.
Tim just smiled at him as he pushed himself up and left without another word, Bart a step behind him. The door was barely shut before they were laughing so hard they couldn’t walk down the stairs without gripping the railing.
“Good to see you boys are having fun! How do the jumpsuits fit?” asked Jack when he saw them.
Bart held up his hands to show how he’d folded the ends of the sleeves. “Not bad. Just had to roll up the sleeves and pants a little.”
Tim nodded his agreement. “Little tight in places, little loose in others. But I can move well enough.”
“Good, good! Now, want a detailed tour of the lab as we collect weapons to train Dan-o’s classmates?”
Tim didn’t have to hold back his sharp grin at that question. “Absolutely. I want to know everything.”
And Jack and Maddie were willing to share quite a lot. Conner and Cassie joined them ten minutes later, wearing jumpsuits cobbled together from spares of Jack’s and Maddie’s. Now that they weren’t rushed by trying to get out and manage an active and hostile ghost invasion, the tour of the lab was much more thorough.
Jack and Maddie were also happy to answer any questions the four had. As it looked, there was no actual organization to the lab. And in the fridge, food was stored right next to samples. The fudge hissed when Jack took out a piece to eat and Tim shuddered.
“Want one? My snookums made it! Best fudge you’ll ever eat.”
“Aww, thank you dear!” Maddie hugged Jack at his compliment and kissed his cheek.
“I— No. Thank you,” said Tim.
“Why do you have a stockade?” asked Cassie.
Tim gave her a grateful look and she winked at him.
“That’s to hold down ghosts so we can question them,” said Maddie.
“Yup! Restrain them in there and then you can use toys like this one”—Jack brandished a cat-o-nine-tails—“to force ‘em to talk!”
“Or the Fenton Prod,” added Maddie holding out what looked like an electric cattle prod. She pressed a button and the end sparked green.
Tim swallowed hard and clenched his teeth. Did everything these people make have to look so painful?
The rest of the time in the lab passed in much the same way. The four traded off who had to ask a distracting question as they were all more and more horrified by the casual cruelty displayed by Danny’s parents.
Eventually, the doorbell rang and they were able to return upstairs with armfuls of weapons. Maddie opened the door and Dash Baxter and his cronies stood there with sadistic grins.
“Dash, what a pleasant surprise to see you again,” Tim said with his own teeth bared. “I don’t think we got off on the right foot last night. I’m Tim. Danny’s told me so much about you.”
For a moment, the boy’s face showed confusion before it was wiped away with a polite smile. “He’s told us about you, too. I’m sure we’ll become great friends.”
Well fuck. Looks like the ghosts weren’t all gone after all. Tim held a hand behind his back and signaled danger to his friends. They needed to get away from here.
We've got more with Jack and Maddie here! Hope you guys like how I write them. We already know this is going to turn into bad-parents Jack and Maddie based on what's going to happen in Arc 3. (Arc 3 will be the original prompt fill and it's fall out.)
Also, I think I'm going to change some things around in previous parts. I won't edit them on Tumblr, but before they go on AO3 they'll change. Tim is going to lie to Bruce a bit more than he has so far. He'll tell Bruce that Danny is Cassie's friend so he doesn't decide to look Danny up if he gets bored.
Next chapter will have Danny and co again!
I will no longer be managing a tag list for this fic, but please check out the Subscription Post if you want to be notified of updates. I'm also want to get the first chapter transferred over to AO3, but I'm going to transfer the first arc of Ghost!Robin first.
I reblogged an ask game earlier today if anyone's curious about me. Check it out and consider sending something in!
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mintsbubbletea · 9 months
𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 - 𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞?
Contains: gender neutral reader, blood, hospitals, cursing since its Bakugo. forgot to mention, you and Denki are twins.
send requests please, I have no idea what to write.
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'Y/n!" You heard someone calling your name. You turned away from Asui and looked towards the person who called you. "What's up, ugly?" you playfully teased your brother. "That's not nice, you know. And you're calling yourself ugly too, even though we look the same," Denki smirked, proud of his comeback. Asui couldn't help but let out a muffled laugh, causing you to roll your eyes. "Whatever, what do you want, Denks?"
"Can we sit together on the bus?" he asked. "Okay, what did you do?" you asked suspiciously, knowing that Denki wouldn't willingly sit or hang out with you. "Nothing, can't I just want to be with my loving sibling?" he said, attempting to hug you. You quickly put your hand on his face, stopping him from getting any closer. "Yeah right, spill it." Denki sighed and glanced behind him. "I don't know what I did wrong. I was teasing Bakugo about how he acts differently around you, and maybe he has a crush on you. The next thing I know, I'm getting punched," Denki whined. You rolled your eyes and pinched his cheek where he got punched. "You're not that clueless, Denki. You should know better than to mess with him."
"STOP THAT, IT HURTS!" he yelled in pain. You couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. "You're so loud, how are we even related?" You rolled your eyes as Denki held onto his cheek. "I know, but please sit with me. He'll kill me if I'm not with you. If he sees you, he'll calm down," Denki pleaded. You shook your head and said no. "Nope. I'm sitting with Tsu," you smiled as you patted his back. "Good luck," you said mischievously as you walked away. "You know, I wouldn't have minded not sitting with you," Asui said, walking alongside you. "I know, but that's payback for when he gave Mineta my underwear," you shivered.
Your class is currently on a trip to the mountains. Aizawa mentioned that you all needed a break and some fresh air, and although you suspect he might be lying about the break, you're still excited to explore and hike around. As you boarded the bus, you noticed Denki hiding behind a seat, hoping to avoid Bakugo's attention. However, luck was not on Denki's side as Bakugo ended up sitting right across from him, his eyes fixed on Denki. You couldn't help but giggle as you turned your attention back to Asui, who was talking.
After an hour or so, you finally reached the mountains, and all the kids eagerly rushed out to stretch their legs. You walked towards Bakugo and jokingly told him to go easy on your brother so he could carry your things back home. Bakugo rolled his eyes and replied, "I'll try, but it's not my fault he's an idiot." You smiled softly and squeezed Bakugo's forearm before saying goodbye and running back to your friends.
After 2 hours of your class hiking, you were stepping down a ledge when somehow fell, your face eating the dirt. " Y/n are you okay?" Asui was the first one to ask you, as she helped you up. Your fall getting the attention of some people who were walking behind you. "Yeah just a scrape" you lied, fullying know it was something more serious when you heard the pop. "Yeah there's some blood, let's go find a place you can sit"
"Are you alright, Y/n?" Denki asked, jogging up to you. "I'm fine," you replied coldly, the pain threatening to bring tears to your eyes. "You're acting strange," he began. "I swear, I'm fine. Let's just keep going," you insisted. Your friends nodded and continued walking a few steps ahead, but suddenly, you collapsed onto the floor. "Nope," you said, wincing in pain as you grabbed your knee. "I told you!" Denki exclaimed. "Let me carry you-" he attempted to lift you, but struggled. "Wow, Y/n, did you gain a ton or something?" he remarked.
"Go to hell," you hissed. "Im getting Mr.Aizawa" Iida said before running off to where he was last time. "Fucking idiot" Bakugo pushed him as he easily picked you up. "Katsuki, put me down," you whined, trying to pry his hands off.
"Don't touch me."
"Don't touch ME!" you yelled. Denki was right about one thing - you became incredibly irritable when in pain, much like the guy currently carrying you. "Y/n, calm down, we're just trying to help," Kirishima attempted to reason. "I don't remember asking for your help, bitch," you snapped. Kirishima's mouth dropped open in shock as Denki burst into laughter. Just as you were about to use your quirk on your brother, nothing happened. "Can't we ever have a normal day?" Aizawa sighed as he approached you, using his quirk, with Iida following closely behind. "Where does it hurt?"
"My knee," you grumbled, arms crossed tightly as you were still being carried. Aizawa glanced at your knee, then back at you. "Looks pretty bad, Y/n. You're going to have to go to the hospital."
"Nope. I absolutely refuse," you declared, starting to climb off of Bakugo. "Yes, you will, and that's final. Denki and Bakugo will go with you. I have to take the class back now anyway."
"Let's head back to where the buses are, Denki," Bakugo suggested, and the three of you made your way down to where an ambulance was waiting. They transported you to the hospital, where you underwent an x-ray and were given strong pain medication. Now, you sat on the bed, waiting for your doctor to arrive. "Why are we flying? I thought we were already at the hospital," you slurred, looking at Denki. "Y/n, we are at the hospital," he chuckled, taking a seat in a nearby chair. "Nuh uh, then why do you feel so light?" you smiled mischievously. "I should probably record this," Denki said, pulling out his phone.
You sighed, turning your head and spotting Bakugo. "Oh, hi," you greeted, giggling and waving your hand in front of his face. "Careful," he snapped, moving your hand away. "Why? I want to touch you. You have such a soft face," you whined, continuing to pet his cheek. "Y/n," he warned. You withdrew your hand, crossing your arms. "You're so mean to me. How am I supposed to love you if you're mean to me?"
Bakugo's eyes widened in surprise. "Denki, stop filming," he exclaimed, clearly caught off guard. Denki shook his head, a mischievous grin on his face. "Nah, bro," he chuckled. "I still love you though, no matter how mean you can be. I'll always be by your side." You couldn't help but giggle as you reached out and held his face.. "Denki, look at how handsome he is," you said, planting kisses all over Bakugo's face. Bakugo's patience wore thin as he snapped, "Stop recording idiot!"
"Fine, fine," Denki smirked, starting to walk away. "I'll leave you two alone."
"Finally. He really gets on my nerves," you huffed. Bakugo, surprising both you and himself, began to let his walls down and show vulnerability. "Do you," he started, his voice filled with doubt, "do you love me?" he asked, avoiding eye contact. "Of course I do," you reassured him. "Why do you think Denki keeps bringing me up in front of you? He knows I like you."
"Why me? There are so many other people who are more your type. I should be the last person you go for," he muttered. "But you are my type, Katsuki. Why can't you just accept that?" you replied, determined to make him understand. You gently grabbed his face, forcing him to look at you. You knew he despised feeling vulnerable, but you didn't care. "I do-" you began, but he cut you off by pressing his chapped lips against yours, his hand gripping your shoulder. The moment was interrupted by Denki walking in. "Can you two hurry the fuck up? The doctor still needs to pop your knee back in place."
"Oh man, these drugs are really hitting me hard," you exclaimed.
"Denki, if you breathe a word about this to anyone, I swear I'll make you regret it," Bakugo growled. "Oh, don't worry, I've already shared the video of Y/n kissing your face in the class group chat," I added mischievously.
"You better start running, Denki," you giggled, sensing Bakugo's anger rising. "Y/n, let the doctor know he's about to have another patient," Bakugo shouted. Denki sprinted away, with Bakugo hot on his heels. "I'M SORRY!" Denki's voice echoed down the hallway.
"Damn," you muttered, as your phone kept buzzing with messages from the class
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heeseung-min · 1 year
Hey! I have an idea you can try out like a drabble or thought or a full fic when the s/o act like they got the sherlock syndrome but they do not and that was their plan to escape but did they escape or not it up to you decide it it just a thought of mine i think you will able to write. i think this idea would suit more on enhypen sunghoon or jay but i think it can also be for txt.
Hi hi thanks for the request🤗 I hope you enjoy this
"If you listen to me, you will never be like this."
"I don't like hurting you. So, you better be good before I killed your sister in front of you."
"You asked for it, y/n."
Those were the words you would hear everytime you cause a trouble. Everytime you try to run from the house, he eventually caught you before you can even go far. Each time that happened, he will punished you badly. Whether it is physical or mental, he will make sure you learn the lesson.
And that's why you decided to stop doing it. Stop trying to find a way. Stop causing a trouble. At first, your sick husband being skeptical thinking that you tried to fool him. However, it's been months you acted like that. You listened to him and being affection towards him and that made him believed that you finally submit to him.
"Y/n, what do you want to eat for dinner?"
"Can we get Chinese foods, Hoonie?"
"Sure, my angel. Come here. We can watch movie while waiting for it to arrive."
"You know, I'm glad that you finally listen."
You stared at Sunghoon who was eating his meal. He gulped the food before talking again.
"I'm happy that you finally understand me."
Your boyfriend looked really happy. His expression reminded you from the first year you guys being in relationship. You wondered how can he changed to this personality.
"I realized you are right. About the world is more dangerous and I could get hurt if I go outside. I'm sorry for not listening to you earlier."
Sunghoon's heart couldn't be more happier when you said that. He watched you smiled fondly at him and continue enjoying your food.
"I will leave and be back before dinner. Do you want me to buy anything?"
"Nope, I'm good. Be safe."
"I will and you be good. Okay?"
"Yes, my love."
Sunghoon kissed you before he went out of the house. You smirked when he finally left the house. You will use this opportunity to run away from him.
Before this when Sunghoon goes out, you will go out from the house and search a way for you to run without easily get caught. Then, you will be back immediately before Sunghoon back to make sure he didn't feel any suspicious. You had planned this for months and now finally you can use the route.
You changed your clothes to more casual so you can move easily since the area you need to go is the forest.
You started your journey with some snacks and water for your energy. The walk was a bit dangerous since there might be some wild animals and you still aren't familiar with the area. You keep walking for hours and rest for few minutes in between before you saw an inn meters away from you. You ran immediately to the place thinking that you finally escape from Sunghoon.
The inn looked empty since you didn't see any cars or travelers around. You walked closer to a young man that just came out from a room. He looked attractive even though his attire just ordinary. His sharp jaw made him more handsome.
"Um, excuse me?"
He turned to you. Looking confusely. Probably because he didn't expect anyone at this time.
"Yeah, how can I help you?"
"Well, I have a problem and I need a ride to town. Can you please send me there?"
"Hmm, I don't have any vehicle that can be used now. How about this, you stay at my inn for a night and tomorrow you can share ride with one of my customers. He often send home essentials every morning so I can ask for him to send you."
Well, it's not really bad even though you hope you can go to the town now. You agreed with his suggestion before following him to your room.
"Can I borrow your phone too?"
"You...don't have a phone?"
"Ye-yeah. It's broken before I came here."
He stared weirdly at you before shrugging. He showed the old phone that was located inside your room.
"You can use that phone."
"But...it looks old."
"So? It still can be used. Don't worry."
You sighed and just went inside. The room is not big but good for staying for a while. You rested your body on the floor. You can't wait to finally out from this place and Sunghoon. You have been waiting for this to happen. Before you completely sleep, you tried to call your sister. You felt awkward using the old phone at first but you got it eventually.
You groaned after the you failed to connect with her few times. You tried to think positive maybe the line here is not really good so that's why it's hard for you to reach her.
You sleep peacefully that night thinking you finally can be free.
You woke up when you felt someone was caressing your hair. Your eyes slowly opened up as you still felt sleepy. You saw someone sitting beside you. You blinked once again before started to see the clear picture.
When you recognized the person was Sunghoon, you shockingly woke up and backed away from him until your back touched the wall.
"You really make me angry, Y/n."
Sunghoon just stared at you. There was no expression showing on his face. But, you knew better that he will not let this matter down just like that. Since you betrayed his trust, you will face harder punishment than before.
"Sunghoon- oh, you finally woke up."
You turned to the inn owner. He looked at you with bright smile.
"I'm sorry I didn't recognize you yesterday. When Sunghoon called and asked me, I finally remember who you are so I called him here."
You wanted to throw up. Panic started to increase and you felt suffocating. You can't move since you were still in daze so Sunghoon pulled you up and brought you out from the room. His hold on you was very tight that you could felt it started to bruise.
"Thanks for taking care of her, Jay."
"You are welcome. Make sure she will not run away this time."
"Oh, I am sure she can't go anywhere anymore."
Sunghoon brought you to the basement. You smell a very strong smell when you entered the place. He didn't say anything from the time both of you were in the car until now and that's really scared you. You rather he shouted at you than being silent.
He stopped moving when both of you reached in front of punchbag. Two punchbags to be exact. You glancing confusely at Sunghoon before watching him took something from a drawer. A knife. He took out a knife and put your hand on the handle.
"I want you to choose between these bags."
"What...what do you mean?"
"Choose Y/n. Don't make me more angry at you."
He left you stood alone between the punchbags and went to sit on the couch near you. You still stood clueless and you looked to Sunghoon demanded details.
"Choose one of the bags and I want you to stab on it."
You didn't like where is this going. This is not how he usually do when he wanted to punish you. Why...why he looked so calm? You didn't like this situation.
"Hoon....I still don't understand."
Sunghoon sighed and decided to go behind you and hugged your body while his hands holding yours at the same time. You can felt his breath behind your ear.
"Let me help you then. Now, choose y/n. Left or right?"
"Hoon, I- I can't do this. You can hit me or do anything like what you used to. Please."
"Choose. I'm serious this time, y/n. Choose."
You were already in sobbing state but your boyfriend ignored it and still waiting for you to speak. You calm yourself down before staring at the punchbags in front of you. Why would he made you do this? Did he asked you to choose what type of punishment you will get? You gulped down your nervous and stated what have you decided.
"The...the right one."
"Are you sure?"
"You made a good choice then."
Without saying more, he jerked forward your right hand to stab the punchbag that you chose. However, as you focused more you saw liquid dripping from inside. You dropped the knife when you realized the liquid was blood. When Sunghoon took his hands off, you fell down to the floor with your hands shaking badly. Your boyfriend smirked and whispered to you.
"Should we take a look what's inside, Y/n?"
You wanted to say no but all the courage inside you has gone. You watched Sunghoon took the knife and sliced the punchbag until something or more to someone fell on top of you. You screamed and closed your eyes when the blood hit your face.
"Open your eyes baby. See it."
Slowly, you opened your eyes and saw a pair of very familiar eyes staring at you. You screamed again and threw the body to the floor beside you when you recognized it was your sister. Your dead sister was in front of you right now. You suddenly threw up and felt the tightness on your chest. You crawled to your sister and sat beside her body while holding her head.
"Unnie. Please, wake up. I'm sorry I didn't mean it. Unnie, please. WAKE UP PLEASE AAARGHHH"
You tapped her cheeks few times trying to help regain her concsciousness back. Even though you knew, there was no pulse nor slow breath from her.
"WAKE UP!!! I'm- I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it. I don't want to do this."
You turned to Sunghoon with full of rage. He didn't react and just waited for you to do or say something.
"You...you asshole. How dare you? HOW DARE YOU KILL MY SISTER!!!"
"I killed her? Are you forgot that you were the one who chose it. You made the choice, Y/n. You killed your own sister with your hands"
"Look at your hands now, baby. It's your sister's blood and look at me, it's clean unlike you."
Once again, you started to hyperventilate and started to hit your head and chest trying to get rid of the tightness. You suddenly heard voices talking.
'You killed her'
'You shouldn't betray Sunghoon'
'This is your fault'
'Now suffer the consequence'
"Ahhh stop talking!! I didn't kill her!"
You hit yourself many times to protect yourself from the voices. You screamed and sobbing when it became worse. You moved to Sunghoon while still on your knee and hugged his leg begging for help.
"Make it...make it stop Hoon..I- I can't hold it. Please."
Within few seconds, you passed out after Sunghoon jabbed the needle he was holding on your neck. He called someone to clean the mess and carried you upstairs.
You woke up from the sleep after few hours. You felt like you just had a worst nightmare ever. But then, when you looked on your clothes and hands you realized it's not a dream. The blood stain is still there and you felt like shitty remembering what happened back in the basement.
You sat on the bed quietly until you saw Sunghoon came in with small towel and bowl of water. He didn't say anything and just clean your face and hands from the blood. He also changed your dirty clothes to a new one and sat in front of you after finished doing it.
Both of you didn't talk. You looked down to your fiddling fingers and Sunghoon just stared at you. As like he knew you wanted to say something but you are afraid to do so. At last, you lifted your head and looked at him.
"What...what do you do to my sister?"
Oh, how soft your voice. Sunghoon melted at the sound of it. He caressed your face and leaned closer to you so he can kissed you.
"Bury her, of course. I would not keep corpse in this house, y/n."
It was a dumb question but you somehow really need assurance from Sunghoon that your sister finally not suffering anymore. You hope that he at least bury her at good place.
Sunghoon finally stood up. Before he walked away, he tied a cloth on your mouth and your hands to the bed. Again, you felt confuse with the act. He went to the front bed and facing you. He stared at you or more to your legs.
"You will run away again."
He tapped on your left leg.
"I don't want that to happen."
He tapped on your right leg.
"So, I should prevent you from moving."
You screamed out loud when you felt your bone on the right foot broken. You were trashing on the bed trying to let yourself off from the rope. It hurts so much and you started to cry because of the pain.
"Now, you can't run away anymore."
Wow, did i wrote that😱😲 i hope you guys enjoy tho😁😁😁
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @cyberpinkx
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Ok, I know that I already reblogged @antianakin's post about why Anakin didn't need to murder an entire Tusken village because 2-3 of them killed his mom (original post here), but I just feel the need to talk about one of the most damning examples of why Anakin has no excuse for that response.
Post Order 66 Jedi/Clone interactions.
Let's just say, for the sake of the argument, that the entirety of the Tusken village--including the literal babies and children--all took part in the torture/murder of Shimi Skywalker. No exceptions.
Anakin's response to his mother's death is to murder everyone with no remorse or a second thought. Even when he confesses what he did to Padme, the RotS novel clearly shows that he doesn't actually feel bad about what he did. Most of his worry is about what others will think of him and, ironically, about how he's a "good Jedi" that should be better than this.
Now let's move on...
Every clone took part in Order 66 in some way.*
The clones murdered every single Jedi they could in cold blood (albeit without a choice), including the children, with only a miniscule few survivors. How many do we canonically have right now that didn't get captured and become Inquisitors? Obi-Wan, Quinlan, Cal, Caleb/Kanan, and Gungi are all I can think of at the moment.** That's 5 Jedi, out of thousands, that survived--and that's not even mentioning the destruction of their places of worship/cultural artifacts and the shitty propaganda spread about their culture.
* I'm not including the Bad Batch because, my own opinions about the show/characters/writing/etc. aside, we can all agree that the only reason their chips didn't activate was because they're Filoni's beloved OCs and he has a habit of trying to make his OCs "special" in some way.
** I'm not including Ahsoka in this because, like she says repeatedly as of Season 7 of TCW onward, she isn't a Jedi and doesn't see herself as such--and for the same reason I'm not including Grogu, since he's like...a Mandalorian apprentice now and not technically a Jedi. I'm also not including Luminara because she eventually gets captured and killed pretty early on and I'm trying to only include Jedi that are alive for a significant amount of time in the Imperial Era.
So, how do the Jedi treat the clones after they murder their entire family and destroy their culture? Let's look!
Example One:
Obi-Wan Kenobi never learns about the inhibitor chips, as of current canon. He is 100% under the impression that Cody and the 212th (as well as all of the other clones) just up and betrayed him and the Order for no reason. He also watched the security tapes that, yes, showed Anakin killing children, but also would have shown the clones killing Jedi as well.
In the Kenobi show he runs into a clone veteran of the 501st--a veteran who, in all likelihood, probably stormed the Temple and was a part of its destruction.
Does he spit in the clone's face? Call him a murderer? Kill or harm him in any way?
He gives the veteran some of his credits, even though it's made a point in the show that Obi-Wan is now working with limited funds and is very poor at this point in time. He doesn't have credits to spare and he is supposed to be looking for Leia, but he takes a moment to give some to someone who took part in the genocide of his people.
He also routinely thinks about Cody and the 212th in the comics! He remembers them fondly and still connects Cody to the feeling of hope, even though they tried to kill him! Even though he has no idea that they never wanted to!
Example Two:
Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume knows about the inhibitor chips, but in Rebels it's made very clear that he thinks that it's just something the clones made up so that they didn't have to take responsibility for their actions.
In Rebels, Ahsoka makes the (objectively bad) decision to send Kanan out to find her "old friends" to help the rebellion.*** Kanan then finds out that her "old friends" are three clones, only after he gets there and sees them. He reacts in a panic and ignites his saber, clearly freaking out a bit.
*** I'll probably expand on this later, because I have a lot of opinions on this particular decision of hers, but anyway-
Does he try to hurt and/or kill them? Do they have to fight him off? Does he even lunge in their direction or deflect Wolffe's blaster bolt at him?
Again, nope!
He steps in front of Ezra in a defensive position and, when shot at by Wolffe, deflects the bolt into their ship. Then, when Ezra steps in and says that Ahsoka said to trust them, Kanan de-ignites his saber and they all have a conversation about them helping in the rebellion--even though Kanan clearly doesn't trust them at all and is dealing with his PTSD while being there. Eventually he even comes to get along with/trust Rex, albeit in later episodes.
Example Three:
Gungi, in the Bad Batch, meets up with the Batch and immediately recognizes them as clones. Now, we don't know his opinion on them and their betrayal because it's never really expressed, but it's safe to assume that he has no idea about the chips (at least, until Tech tells him) and it's clear that he's very scared at that point in time.
What does he do?
He hides in the corner of the ship and is wary about the food they offer to him.
That's literally it.
And then later in the episode he works together with TBB and trusts them enough to let them help defend his village.
So, even with most of the Jedi either having no idea about the chips or likely doubting that story, we're shown over and over again that the Jedi never seek revenge against the clones or try to kill them after Order 66. Even though their lives were ruined by what the clones did/took part in, they're never shown to be actively trying to cause them harm.
So there is literally no way you could possibly justify Anakin killing an entire village of Tuskens because of his mother's death, when--in arguably the same/a worse situation--the Jedi are actively shown not doing that.
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pavlovsbimbo · 11 months
Notably, you can get dumber. Becoming dumber isn’t really hard, people do it all the time. You just have to cut off access to things that help you be smart, and over time, you get dumber. Change the environment, change the person. So if you want to be dumber, stop reading. Stop looking at media that makes you think. Look for porn, or for simple easy stories meant to teach you things. Don’t talk about complex subjects. Let yourself zone out when someone is explaining to you. If they really want you to understand, make how dumb you are a joke at your expense. Let yourself enjoy making yourself dumber. Focus on reducing the scope of things you think about. The more you reduce, the dumber you get.
Okay so first, I gotta say this was super hot to read, thank you for sending this ask!
The idea that I can starve my brain into stupidity is kinda absurdly hot, like there's a smart girl inside like "Hey, let's get lost in a wikipedia rabbithole!" and instead we're just gonna be like "Nope, let's binge the bachelor and think about how lucky it would be if we could be picked by a man!"
Smart Girl Inside: Oh, look, new Rebecca Watson video! It looks like it's debunking sexist garbage! Bimbo in Charge: Ooh, new Limerick Story!
Smart Girl Inside: What about NPR, you don't even have to read, we can just listen! Bimbo in Charge: Ooh yes, listening to bimbo affirmations! Here: https://soundgasm.net/u/ChaosDoll/Stupid-Pretty
Smart Girl Inside: Uhm, like - maybe some porn with a plot? Bimbo in Charge: Wow, you're like totally getting there! We'll browse r/flickerhypno !
And just follow that down getting dumber and dumber and dumber and dumber and dumber and dumber and dumber and dumber...
Yeah, that still sounds INCREDIBLY hot.
And also, this means that I'm already making progress! Most of my media consumption is porn already! I just need to make it 100% or something.
So about the making fun of how dumb I am. Here's the problem, I do this! I will say, "no no, that's not (my job role), we're too dumb for that." And then my job still gives me complicated tasks and I still manage to excel at them?? I'd really like to, if possible, be dumber at work too. I guess I'll probably get there some day.
So long Hidden Brain and Planet Money podcasts, ya girl gotta get dumb.
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katy-l-wood · 9 months
If you're an indie author who has considered working with a printer in China, but hesitated because working with an international printer seems scary, here's how my week went to show you that it absolutely is not scary.
I have a Kickstarter planned for my next book in January. I needed two things for this at the moment: some arc copies to send around to a few book influencers ahead of the campaign, and an actual sample of the fancy version of the book that I'm aiming for with the Kickstarter.
I decided to use IngramSpark for the arc copies because I'd get them a lot quicker, and they'd be cheaper since I only need a few. So I put together all my files, get everything all sorted into the proper templates and file types and everything. Get all the way to the last stage of uploading everything and...error code. Error code #303, specifically. What is error code #303? Who knows! Ingram certainly doesn't tell you. Just says to "contact your credit representative." I figure "credit representative" might mean it's an issue with my credit card, so I put a different one in. Nope, still error #303. Okay, maybe it's a browser issue. Let's try the dreaded Chrome. Nope, still getting #303ed. Website issue? I'll just try again tomorrow. Nope, still #303ed. I found one single old Reddit thread that mentions the error, but it was in relation to using a promo code for the upload fee. But Ingram doesn't HAVE upload fees anymore, so...???
I finally cave and send a ticket to the help desk, dreading how long it will take given Ingram doesn't like to provide customer service unless you pay them these days. Shockingly, they get back to me in about a day, but only to tell me that I have to instead contact this weird other "credit support" email. They don't forward it to them or anything, just tell me to do it myself. So I do, copying over my original email about the mysterious #303 error. Few hours later they reply saying the issue has been fixed. I still have no idea what the issue was, mind you, but I did finally get my book shoved all the way through the process. But! But! Now I have to wait 2-3 days for them to create a digital proof for me to approve before I can actually order the damn thing. And last time I did this, my book got stuck again and I had to email them again to get it fully pushed through which took about an additional week total. So when will I actually be able to order these arcs? Who knows!
Meanwhile, I emailed my printer in China on Sunday night about the sample of the fancy version and my representative got back to me by Monday morning with a fully detailed quote on exactly what I needed, various photos of samples all under the same lighting so I could pick the right colors for everything, and templates ready to go based on my specifications. She did it so fast I actually wasn't ready for her and had to tell her it'd be another 48 hours before I could get her the files.
So yeah. Working with international manufacturers who actually give a shit is a DELIGHT. No need to be intimidated by it.
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the-force-awakens · 2 years
Two Birds, One Stone
Tumblr media
Pairing: poe dameron/f!reader (no pronouns) Rating: explicit Word Count: 4.3k Warnings: smut (18+ only): fingering, oral (m receiving) unprotected piv, alcohol consumption (both parties are sober tho), friends to lovers, one night stand (or is it?) A/N: I have no idea why this concept burrowed into my head the way it did or how I ended up almost writing 5k of it but??? here we are.
You glance around the rec room - Snap and Karé making eyes at each other in the corner, Tallie and Paige already making out at another table - then back at Poe who is staring studiously ahead following his unintentional slip up that he's frustrated in a very particular kind of way, and wraps his lips around the bottle of coruscant cooler he bribed Yolo for. 
And it's gotta be the sip you've taken of your drink that makes you blurt, out of the blue, "There's me.”
His entire frame goes carefully rigid, enough so that you almost want to take the words back — almost but not quite. Poe lowers his drink slowly, casting you a skeptical look. "What?”
You shift slightly, giving him a casual shrug. "I said there's me. I'm not under your command, no reason for you to feel guilty. And -” despite the brazen nature of your suggestion, you feel warmth climb up your neck to your face - "it's been a while for me too. Two birds, one stone. Well - one dick, I guess.”
His eyebrows had nearly shot up to his hairline, but they lower now, something shifting in his expression as he studies yours. "You're serious?”
At this, you can't help but feel a little offended and you don't bother disguising that as you reply, "No, I just decided to screw with you about screwing you - yes, I'm being serious.”
He snorts at that, pushes away his bottle and turns in his seat, looking around the room before his gaze lands back on yours, a gentle heat building in his eyes that makes you falter and wonder if you've made a terrible mistake in suggesting this. "You know how many people we're going to hear an 'I told you so' from if they find out?”
You grin, leaning forward and daring to place your hand high on his thigh, enough that Poe's breath audibly hitches. “Do you really care what they have to say if it means getting off tonight?”
"I - uh - nope," he lands on empathically, popping the 'p' as he slides off his bar stool, offering you his hand to help you down off yours. It's sweet and he's done it a million times - but now it makes your heart trip over itself. "You sure about this?”
You are, in the sense that you know you want this. But what you're not so sure about is if it's a good idea, when his sheepish smile and crinkled eyes alone give you butterflies. Knowing his body intimately like you've suggested seems like playing with fire. 
"Yeah. You?” Because he hasn't actually said yet, though you know he wouldn't have budged if he hadn't made his mind up already - if it wasn't a yes, he'd still be at the bar.
"Surer than I've ever been," Poe replies with a crooked grin, squeezing your hand slightly and - yeah. This was a really fucking bad idea.
But you also really don't care.
You wonder if Poe can feel you watching him the entire walk back to his quarters. Nothing about the trek back seems significant yet at the same time incredibly surreal: you know where he keeps his flimsiplast blueprints of classic starfighter models hidden away for safe keeping, the name of that really naughty erotic romance novel he secretly loves even though the ending made him cry, you've curled up in his bed watching horror movies while he used you as a human shield and peering at the screen from behind your shoulder (which you found particularly endearing, considering how daring he is in every other facet of life, and also because it warms you from the inside out that he trusts you to protect him). 
And now you're going to know what it's like to have him spread out against his mattress, flushed and panting underneath you. The thought sends desire zipping down your back so intense that for the first time since leaving the rec room, you drop your eyes away from Poe - something like guilt surfacing over the thick wave of arousal at the fantasy you've conjured. Is it really wrong to think about it when it's about to be a reality?
You're yanked out of your thoughts by the soft beeps of Poe punching in the code to his room - Leia's birthday - and the pneumatic hiss of the door sliding open. His smile is genuine and earnest as he motions you to go in first.
It's surprisingly clean, cleaner than it'd been the night before last when you'd unceremoniously dropped onto his bed complaining about Laszlo being a dick during your shift (though there was never a time when he wasn't a dick) — so you assume Poe must've found the time and energy to tidy this morning before his patrol, or BB-8 did. Speaking of which -
“Where's Bee?” You ask as Poe steps in after you, the door sliding close behind him. Though you don't turn around, you sense him moving closer - slowly, like he's either trying to work out his next move or if he's not sure when you're supposed to begin. 
"He wanted to spend some time with the astromech pool,” Poe answers, giving in and lightly dragging his knuckles down the length of your bare arm, leaving gooseflesh in his wake. "Probably won't be back until later.”
"Lucky,” you breathe, heart rate picking up already because he's never touched you like this before. You were used to being touched by him because Poe was incredibly tactile and affectionate, but those had all been fleeting because despite his touchy nature, Poe didn't linger. 
He's lingering now, though, stepping close enough you can nearly feel his chest against your back. He flexes his hand out, lets his palm slide back up as he replies, "Yeah, luck seems to be going around tonight.”
Ordinarily you'd have rolled your eyes - hell, the temptation to do it is so instinct you nearly do, but it's overpowered by how the sincerity of his voice makes you melt. 
And melting is really not ideal. Neither is the way your traitorous knees already want to buckle just from this, from his close proximity that's still nowhere near close enough to sate you — either of you, really. 
You turn slowly around, breath catching low in your chest as you finally get a glimpse of Poe's face, of the unmasked want darkening his features and his eyes, which unabashedly rake over your frame like he's been waiting for permission to do so for a while. 
The thought that maybe he wants you almost as bad as you want him makes you clench your thighs together, and soothes some of the sting of the thought simmering in the back of your head which is that you want more than one night of this. 
No, that's not quite it either. 
You want this, you want - need - to know what it's like to have him inside you, to hear him moan your name, watch him unravel; you wouldn't take back your offer now and you're sure as hell not going to regret it later, not when Poe is looking down promisingly at you like that.
You want him in every single way you can have a person and it terrifies you because you've never felt like that for anyone — because sex has always just been a bit of fun for you, a way to stop thinking, to feel good. 
But it already feels like so much more than that right now. You feel like by inviting yourself into his bed, you've cracked open your ribcage so that all the love you've been hiding can spill out. 
"Can I kiss you?” Poe asks, deadly serious as he zeroes in on your mouth, before flicking up to meet your eyes - searching for any sign of hesitance. 
"Please.” It comes out breathier and a little more desperate than you meant for, but you don't think you can wait any longer. And it seems like Poe's patience has run out as well, because he surges forward, pulling you flush against him as he cups your face, kisses you hard.
You open your mouth to him, groan when he slides his tongue in, when his blazing hot hand meets bare skin as your shirt lifts up when you go to wrap your arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer, your other hand sliding up his stubbled jaw — it prickles against your palm and you moan again, thinking of what it'd feel like against your thighs.
Poe nudges you forward, keeping you steady as he walks you backwards to his bunk - like you don't already have the layout to his room memorized, you're in it more than your own - and you're struck with three simultaneous realizations at once:
Poe Dameron was as good at kissing as he was flying
You probably could have done this without kissing him at all, kept this impersonal, kept some line in the sand of your relationship with him
You were about to have sex with your best friend. 
And some-fucking-how the least terrifying on the list was the third one.
You break apart from each other slowly, exchanging a weighted look that's filled to the brim of unsaid things and emotions clawing their way to the surface like a drowning man desperate for air; Poe's cheeks are already flushed and when he shifts closer, you feel his hard length pressing against the seam of his trousers. 
Taking a step back from him, you toe off your boots, immediately knocking them aside and out of the way with your ankle as Poe kicks his off. As he shucks his jacket off, you peel your shirt up and over your head — and are immediately rewarded with the sound of Poe inhaling sharply because you didn't wear a bra tonight. 
You don't normally, the weight of the straps often giving you migraines, so you usually opt for tank tops underneath: you hadn't worn one tonight, hadn't made an effort to be remotely put together because your plans had involved having a drink with Poe and then crashing for the night after such a long day - which, technically speaking, nothing about that has changed.
You sit down on the edge of the mattress, which is a bad idea because it puts you at eye-level where his trousers are tented. Before you can talk yourself out of it, you're reaching for him, undoing his belt with nimble fingers. 
"What are you - oh fuck -” Poe sucks in a sharp breath as you yank down his trousers and underwear in one quick motion, revealing his thick cock. It's curved up, towards his tummy, and already leaking precum.
You pull him closer, fingernails digging probably too harshly into his thighs. You glance up at him under your eyelashes, find him staring at you with dark, frantic eyes as his chest heaves. He's already unraveling and you've barely begun. The thought does very little to help the gathering dampness in your underwear, but it sure motivates you into returning your focus to the task at hand. 
You don't immediately go for his dick though - instead you lean in, pressing your nose against the soft skin of his thigh, ghosting your lips across it and you're struck with the exigent need to mark him. Which shouldn't be on the table, it shouldn't. But the thought of leaving behind evidence of tonight on his body, one that he won't be able to ignore, that will remain for a day or two and that he'll have to look at in the shower or when he dresses or (hopefully) when he gets himself off — makes something thrash in self-satisfaction behind your ribcage. 
Something that's immediately replaced with a wave of disappointment: you don't have any claim on him, even if you know him better than anyone else in the galaxy. Even if you're a little bit hopelessly in love with him. 
So instead of pinching his skin between your teeth, you move further up to his neglected cock and lick a long, slow swipe up the underside of his shaft, which makes Poe gasp roughly, his head tipping back and exposing his throat.
Scratch that. You're completely and utterly gone for your best friend, no ‘little bit’ about it. Which, again, is not ideal so you shove the thought away angrily and take it out on Poe by swallowing him down.
What you can't take in your mouth, you wrap your fist around, jerking him off at the same time that you savor the weight and taste of him on your tongue, every groan and whimper that falls from his lips.
It doesn't feel like it's been long at all when his hips buck harshly into your mouth and you hear him swear, bitten off. He grabs your hair, pulling you off abruptly, his breathing erratic as he releases his grip on you, rubbing your skull apologetically with his thumb. "Not gonna last if you keep that up, maker fuck, you're good at that.” 
"Oh, did you underestimate how good I'd be?” You retort, scooting backwards on the bed when Poe gestures for you to, giving him room to crawl in after you. 
"No.” It's a surprisingly clipped answer, and there's a weight to it that gives you pause, trying to search his shadowed face for a deeper meaning because for once in his life, Poe isn't saying something. 
But before you can ask another question, he's ducking in to kiss you again, slowly as he settles over you, gently pushing until you're supine on your back, his body covering yours as he braces himself on his elbow so as to keep his full weight off you (not that you'd really mind), while letting his hand slide down to your neck, his thumb settling in at the dip of your throat and maker fuck that shouldn't feel so good. 
He wedges one thigh between your legs, grinding up and you nearly choke, whining his name against his lips - which has the delightful side effect of making Poe groan, bucking against you before having the audacity to pull his thigh back away from your core.
He tears his mouth away from yours, the hand that was around your throat sliding down your bare torso, stopping to thumb the underside of your nipple which has you arching up into his touch carelessly, eyelids fluttering shut so you miss his brief, pleased smile before he works his hand between your bodies. 
Poe pushes aside your underwear, dipping one finger inside you to the knuckle, making you both moan. "Gods, you're wet,” he sounds like he can't believe it, even though you can both hear the slickness as he drags his finger slowly around. "All this just from getting me off, baby?”
The endearment falls off his lips easily and without thought but it makes you clench down around him subconsciously as your mind grapples with the fact that this is actually happening, that his calloused finger is pressing up against your slick walls.
The realization thuds around your brain like an echoing drum, intensifying when he slides another finger in. The stretch is slow, stings a little because it's been a while since anyone's fingers but yours were down there, and Poe's are decidedly thicker. 
Longer too, evidently, because he's reaching a place that has sparks appearing behind your eyes, something sharp, full and hot building low in your stomach. You rock into his hand, nodding wordlessly as you try to chase your own high. "All for you," you hear yourself say, high-pitched and barely familiar to your own ears. 
“All for - gods,” his voice breaks down into something nonsensical as his fingers slide deeper inside, grinding against your walls and crooking back towards himself in a way that leaves the entire world muffled around you, your mouth dropping when he leans back on his knees, using his other hand to give attention to your neglected clit. "All for me," he murmurs again, incredulous while you whine and squirm, openly admiring your wrecked expression. "You gonna come for me, too?”
The combination of being stuffed full of his fingers, his clever ministrations against your clit and his makerdamned voice is enough to — you're not even sure what happens. You cum but it's nothing like anything that's happened before: instead of crashing over the edge and losing temporary awareness of your body, it's like you've surfaced from the deepest part of the ocean and are sucking in greedy lung-fulls of air, no longer crushed down by the unforgiving current pressure. 
Your whole body is trembling when Poe slowly removes his fingers, transfixed at the sight between your legs — before his eyes trail back to his fingers, which gleam in the low light with the thick evidence of your climax. He brings them up to his mouth, sucking away the residue: his eyes roll back like they do when his taste buds go alight with something you've baked together in the kitchens, an appreciative noise rumbling up his chest and going straight to your core as he drops his hand. 
He seems wrought with indecision for a moment - you can tell by the way his brow furrows, his tongue darting out to swipe along his bottom lip that he's thinking, considering his options while situated between your thighs.
You're too impatient for that: you breathe out his name, reaching for him and it breaks his reverie. He's back over you in an instant, kissing you again, parts long enough to murmur, "You taste so good.”
His praise makes you groan, and you drag him down to kiss him again, fingernails scraping his scalp - which he seems to like by the way he jerks into you with a gasp, reminding you of just how badly want him inside you.
"Poe, come on -”
"Anyone ever tell you you're impatient?” Poe asks around a grin, but he obeys anyway (which makes your brain light up with interest), and strokes himself roughly, going to line up with your entrance. 
You snarf at that. “Yeah, you have - repeatedly. Last I checked you weren't any better.”
He notches the head of his cock against you and your breath stalls, grip tightening in his hair as Poe slowly sinks in another few inches. 
"I'm patient about - hnngh - some things,” he says, face pinched as he unexpectedly stops. He's not even halfway in yet and already you feel unbearably full. You can't imagine what it'll be like when he's in all the way. "The important things - those I'm - fuck you're soft and -”
He makes another wordless noise of appreciation, hands gripping your thighs so tightly that you know there will be bruises there later - and, oh, how that makes your stomach corkscrew with desire. 
You exhale shakily, slacken your hold on his curls, try to summon the energy to speak, to help him breathe through it — he said it's been awhile since the last time he was with anyone, after all. “What are you patient about? Not the first cup of caf, I can tell you that.” 
He huffs a noise that might be a laugh, moving just that much deeper inside of you. Poe's eyes are squinched shut, eyelashes long and dark against the tips of cheekbones. “I - this - been waitin' for this - been -” his sentence fades in a shared synchronized moan between the two of you as he sinks in fully, his cock disappearing inside of you. 
If it's possible to be cock drunk instantly, you wonder if you aren't now, because everything feels heady and light as you adjust to the feel of him, his words bouncing around in your head but not quite sticking. You clench around him unintentionally and Poe swears, dropping his head to your shoulder. 
Belatedly, you realize he's still rambling — you open your mouth to start to interrupt, tell him he can move now, when he says, "This is so better than I imagined it'd be, you feel so good, you -”
He stops abruptly, going as carefully still as he had in the rec room, this time because he can feel you tense beneath him. Slowly, Poe lifts his head up from your shoulder, dark brown eyes flicking between yours panickedly, "It - I just - I meant -” 
You press your finger to his lips, stopping him from going on another spiel and - for good measure - you let your other hand slide around the curve of his back to keep him in place, in case he gets the idea of pulling out of you following his unintentional bombshell.
"It's better than I thought it'd be too,” you tell him softly, trailing your fingertip down his kiss-swollen lips as your heart pounds. You know Poe better than anyone, better than yourself, yet there's still a seed of anxiety sprouting in the back of your mind that you're misunderstanding him, that he did just mean it's better than he thought it would be back at the bar.
You ignore it, forging ahead to confess, "I just wish it was for more than one night.”
Poe pushes up on his elbow in surprise. The sudden movement tips the angle of your hips, so that he pushes in even deeper, the tip of him hitting some sweet spot that has your stomach flipping. 
It also means that his face is caught between pleasure and revelation, which is a funny mix but it just softens his countenance to the point that affection swells up your throat: you love him so much that it isn't fair. 
"Doesn't have to be if you don't want it to,” Poe says, shyness creeping into his voice. It's rare, hearing that from him - you're so used to his confidence that the absence of it is so stark and surreal you nearly forget how you ended up in this conversation. 
"I want every night with you, every morning. I want you. Not just like this - though, this is -” experimentally, you lift yourself up, grinding into him and making you both groan - "good, this is really fucking good. I want…want you. All of you.”
You don't realize you've closed your eyes until Poe taps you lightly on your sternum: when you blink them back open, he's smiling softer than you've ever seen him. “You have me, you've had me for a long time. Maker, I've wanted you so bad -” he laughs, rakes his free hand through his hair - "didn't expect to tell you like this though.”
And you can't help but laugh too, because everything is backwards and completely perfect too. You hitch your leg up around his hip, pressing the heel off your foot against the small of his back, opening yourself up to him. “Somehow I can't imagine it happening any other way…but do you think we could reconvene on laughing at how ridiculous we are later and get back to the fucking now?”
"Yeah, I can do that.” Poe leans back down, grinning broadly as his lips find yours, kissing you long and slow as he finally pulls out, thrusting back in with a lazy grind, letting you feel every vein and ridge of his cock drag against your walls. 
"Oh - just like that - more -” you break off as Poe tilts his head, licking into your mouth, tongue slick against yours as he snakes one hand between your bodies to thumb at your clit while he continues his devastating slow pace.
Slow but hard, snapping up into you just like you want, adding just enough force at the apex of each thrust that you see stars, electricity zipping up your spine as the throbbing between your legs crests —
Your thighs tense around Poe as you come, his name a jagged noise on your tongue as you cling to him through the haze, trying to catch your breath even as Poe continues to rut into you, desperate for his own release. 
He's well beyond words now, reduced to grunts and the occasional whimper, clutching your knee - rubbing the bump of bone absently with his thumb, even as he chases his own high. 
Eager to help him get there, you slide your hands back into his hair like he seemed to like earlier, tugging on his curls as you lean in and knock your mouths together in a messy kiss, trying to meet his thrusts with your own, clenching weakly around him. 
It's when you tug on his bottom lip that Poe finally comes, spilling inside of you for what feels simultaneously like lightyears and mere seconds, dropping his head against the curve of your neck as he lets go of your leg so you can straighten it out finally.
He doesn't pull out immediately and you're glad, gladder still when Poe wedges his arms around your back, drawing you closer - kisses your sweaty skin at your collarbone. The kind of sleepy, thoughtless affection you've been dreaming of for years. 
Eventually after a while of luxuriating in the honey-like bliss that's enveloped you both as you come down from your respective highs, Poe perches his chin in the valley of your breasts, which makes the juxtaposition of his serious face all the stranger as he studies you. "I love you - is that okay?”
There's a million and one ways you've imagined him saying those three words to you, and a million and one ways you've imagined responding to them.
In this one, you knock your knee against his ribs, grinning crookedly when you reply, “Only if it's okay that I love you too,” before tugging him up to kiss his smiling mouth again - because you can. 
And not just tonight. You'll get to kiss him in the morning when you wake up together, still entwined together, and again before his next patrol; you get to have him not for just one night, but for every night, as long as you both want.
You wrap your arms around him, hugging his warm body to your own as sleep begins to pull you both under, his weight a comfortable pressure against you, leaving you utterly content.
This, you decide sleepily, was single handedly the best idea you've ever had.
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i have a request! + a little bit of a ranting because i love talking about this game (if you don't want to see the long rant you can skip to the two last paragraphs with the actual request :3)
ok so, i played SDV multiple times (although i never did the 100% challenge, i played at least 9 to 10 different saves), and i noticed that, throughout the entire game, the farmer's parents only send 4 letters for them, and for you to even receive said letters, you need to obtain certain amount of gold. plus, another detail is that only one of the parents will send you a letter (depending of the gender option you chose in-game), while the other one is never mentioned even once.
additionally, i also found interesting how, whenever Harvey mentions having to do "an emergency surgery" on the player, the parents never even send a letter mentioning it or anything. i would assume that for something as serious as a surgery, a family member would be contacted in case anything went south, but that never seemed to be the case. you simply wake up from the surgery, go home, sleep, and your parents never even show sign of being alive.
i know Eric most likely did this to 1. keep the past of the farmer as vague as possible for people who enjoy creating OCs/sonas to not have to ignore canon details, and 2. in regards of the letters, to reward the player for reaching x milestone. however, my little brain could not help but assume that the reason the farmer barely receives any letters from their parents (and when they do it's only from one of them) it's because they bought some heavy mommy/daddy issues™ baggage with them to the valley.
and that's where my request comes from: how would the older villagers (preferably those with no children and/or spouses, like Gus, Marlon, Willy, Linus, etc) react to the farmer accidentally calling them mom/dad, because the farmer views them as the parental figure they wish they had in their life? would it be awkward? would they be flattered? would they comfort the farmer? i NEED to know.
additionally, i would prefer if you could make it a mixture of angst and fluff. plus, you can choose any villager you want, i just ask you to include Willy, since he's the one that i made a father/child relationship with my OC and who inspired this request in the first place.
thank you, hope it wasn't too much!!! and take care :3
I have to say, when I first played the very first save, I was also interested in the fact that only one parent sent letters, and even the letter itself didn't say "me and your mom/dad are proud of you", but just "I'm proud of you, with love dad/mom). Then the letters stopped coming altogether. My first guess and failed headcanon for my OC is that Farmer only had one parent (the other parent abandon family/dead), and when the letters stopped coming, the other parent passed away as well. And then I thought it was a pretty dark headcanon and scrapped the idea. Don't want too much angst, nope!
I really like this ask, because in my opinion, even if Farmer has living and loving parents, they will still see some people in Stardew Valley as a parental figure, because Farmer's family is far away.
I hope you enjoy the stories, I tried to make them both sad and fluffy at the same time. Thanks for ask and enjoy! ❤️
Willy, Marlon, Linus and Gil react to Farmer calling them dad.
Amazement, laughter and pride is what Willy felt as Farmer very emotionally showed how they caught the Legendary fish in the mountain lake, not forgetting to gesticulate. They and Willy were sitting on the docks on a late summer night when, a little tired from fishing, they began to tell each other their fishing stories over a bottle of mead.
"That fish almost tore the fishing line, but I still managed to pull it out. I swore and puffed, but I pulled it out! It was huge!" The farmer summarized his story.
"What a fisherman! Well done, lad/lass!" The old fisherman's heart rejoiced that young people were still interested in fishing.
"Thanks, Dad!" The Farmer quickly said the last phrase on emotion, but their smile quickly slipped and they slapped themselves on the mouth. Willy also sat silent, a little surprised at the last word. Dad... The sea wolf had his heart broken more than once in his youth, and he had already resigned himself to the fact that he would never hear that word. He wasn't sad, for fishing did bring him happiness. And still...
"Sorry, that was... Ugh, I didn't mean to-" The Farmer was already trying to get out of the awkward situation, except that they felt the old sailor's hand on their shoulder, Willy's eyes looking at them with pride and warmth.
"You're welcome, son/daughter. I'm really proud of you". Never did Willy think he could say such words, the words of a proud parent for his growing child. Willy did not have a wife or children, so he could not feel the pain of loss from something he never had. And yet, after that word, he felt as if a stone had been lifted from his shoulders, and a warmth flooded into the old sailor's heart when the Farmer, crying, hugged him back after his words.
"I'm fine!" The Farmer's voice came up from the bottom floor of the mine, letting Marlon know that they weren't under a rubble pile of rocks or in a nest of monsters. After a moment, Farmer was able to climb out of the hole in the floor on their own, unharmed, just a couple of scratches and with dirt.
Seeing that the Farmer was standing on their feet and unharmed, Marlon sighed in relief. But immediately, anger filled the old one-eyed adventurer's chest. Using a mega bomb on slimes - how did they even think of this!? The uppermost levels of the mines can collapse from a not too strong explosion, and then there's explosives of such power!
"Things went a little off plan, but we still destroyed those slimes. I call it success," the Farmer didn't have time to finish, as Marlon walked up to them quickly and gave them a not too strong, but quite painful smack upside the head. The Farmer immediately writhed in discomfort.
"Ouch! Why?"
"What were you thinking!?" It was the first time the Farmer saw Marlon so angry, the one-eyed monster hunter rarely lost his temper, "Have you lost your mind? Using a bomb, here! You could have died under that rubble!"
"But I-" Marlon interrupted Farmer again, raising his hand in a gesture.
"We have to think about every step we make in a fight, and what did you do?" Marlon was already speaking more calmly, but his tone remained the same steely. The Farmer had already feel ashamed and regretted their careless decision.
Yet, when Marlon calmed down and scolded the Farmer, taking their word that they would never act so recklessly again, the elder adventurer offered to return to their Guild, since it was getting dark. The Farmer breathed a sigh of relief, and on the exhale they said: "You're such a dad..."
Marlon stopped after that, turning to face the Farmer, who seemed to be surprised at their own words. And Marlon himself was surprised at how he snapped at the shout: he knows that the life of an adventurer is a constant risk, but Farmer had become a close person to him to let them risk their lives so recklessly. Just like... Just like his own child. And then they call him dad...
After Farmer's words, the one-eyed adventurer hummed playfully:
"In that cases, I, as a 'dad', officially declare to you: once again you use a mega bomb at the first levels, or do another stupid act, and I will flog you with a belt so that you won't be able to sit for a week, let alone swing a sword", Marlon is unlikely to ever carry out his threat, but he must make it clear to the Farmer that he is not joking.
"Ok, ok! I won't do it again! Sheesh...", Not wanting to argue with their mentor any further, the Farmer quickly followed Marlon to the exit of the mines. Before they left the cave, Marlon put a hand on their shoulder.
"Stay vigilant, adventurer. I've lost many people dear to me to let this happen again..."
Linus hadn't noticed that the Farmer had managed to doze off by the camping fire. After all, a hearty supper of fried mushrooms had put the Farmers to sleep and made them fall into the realm of dreams. Early fall had already rewarded the Stardew Valley with cool nights, and so Linus decided to wake the Farmer so they could head to their warm home. The task was not an easy one: besides the delicious food, the Farmer had been very tired lately, and so he slept like a dead man.
"Get up, my friend, it's time for you to go home," alas, all of Linus' efforts were unsuccessful, and then stopped altogether when Farmer sleepily said: "Dad, please, five more minutes..."
Linus heard many words for himself: homeless, crazy, wild man, freak, stinker, weirdo. But Dad...?
While Linus was processing the information, Farmer had already managed to fall back into a deep sleep. The wild man decided to let Farmer finish his sleep in peace here near his tent. He took out a warm blanket from the tent, which he had made himself from fur, and covered Farmer, who was shivering a little from the cold night.
"Sweet dreams, my child", Linus had never thought that Fate would let him consider someone his child and pass on his wisdom, even if they were not related by blood. He made a promise to himself to always keep an eye on this kid and to help them in any way he could, whether by advice or deed.
The knocking of stone against stone. Bang. And another ban
Another failure.
"Ah, damn it..." The Farmer cursed, throwing two geodes at their feet.
"Try it again, kid, you'll learn in time. See, you do it like this..." Gil again demonstrates how to open the geodes by himself, without Clint's hammer. With movements that had been honed over the years, he again held two halves of a split geode in his hands, from which amethyst and rock crystal druzes glistened.
"You didn't get into farming the first time either, yeah? You told me yourself, kiddo". Gil was absolutely right - to achieve a prosperous farm, the young Farmer had to work really hard, and success did not come immediately. So Farmer, sighing tiredly, took the geodes in their hands again in an attempt to open the mineral. Knock, knock, knock.
Crash.... Pop.
It worked!
"Told ya, kid", Gil smiled at the excited Farmer, who, twisting the two halves of the open geode, couldn't believe their own eyes.
"Yo, I finally did it! Thanks, Papa!"
It took the Farmer about ten seconds to realize what they had just said. Their cheeks flushed. Oh...
Gil, on the other hand, was quite ok to such a word in his address. In fact, he did not even miss the opportunity to tease the young adventurer a little.
"Papa, huh?" Though deep down Gil was touched by the fact that he had become this kind of father figure to Farmer, he wouldn't miss the opportunity to have a little fun. Especially since he knows that Farmer, though embarrassed by their confession, will also catch Gil's mood.
And the old adventurer is not mistaken.
"Well, should I call you mom then?" The Farmer was not in debt, deciding to play along with Gil as well.
"And that's how you talk to your papa, kid?" Gil rewarded the Farmer with a playful slap on their shoulder, "Come on, get outside. There's a whole bag of geodes lying by the supply boxes. Bring it over here and we'll practice some more," Farmer nodded and ran merrily toward the Guild exit, almost hitting Marlon, who was just entering the building.
The one-eyed adventurer, seeing his cheerful friend (it was rare to find Gil in such a good mood):
"Did something happen while I was gone?" Marlon hummed favorably and waited for Gil to stop snickering and calm down.
"You can congratulate me, brother," Gil said, "I just became a dad."
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snickerdoodlles · 6 months
emberfaye replied to your post "choose violence ask game except its just me complaining about fic tropes..."
am going to do my absolute BEST not to ramble too much here, but okay so!! 4 Chay things that will have me back-flipping out of a fic at the speed of light:
babyfication of Chay
i just. ugh. ugh. he is not a baby. he's a 17-18yo guy who half-raised himself due to some shit circumstances and took care of himself entirely by himself for minimum several months. the only difference between him and an adult is that he's not making his own income. Porsche and Arthee doing their best to give Chay as much of a childhood as they can afford him still doesn't change the fact that Chay grew up young and fast just like the rest of this cast. if he acts uwu innocent baby i'm gone. if the author calls him an uwu baby in their notes i'm gone. ugh.
being weird about Chay's or Barcode's age, specifically in regards to sex
as above, i'm pretty shirty about people babying him in general, but fandom is plain weird about Chay having sex. esp him and Kim having sex. 1. their age gap is not that big, and their circumstances have left them on pretty equal footing re the growing up too fast thing. 2. please assess why you think 18 fixes whatever your concerns are with 17yos having sex. 3. teens have sex. dunno what tf was happening with the rest of you but i knew kids even young as junior high who were already fucking. sure, i thought they were fucking idiots for it, but my concerns about people having sex young are rooted in the fact that sex is an inherently very vulnerable act and that's a lot to put yourself thru emotionally during the age range when everything's a wild emotional cocktail. but like. teens still do it. teens are gonna experiment with adult things and sometimes that means experimenting with sex. i personally might not think it's a good idea, but something not being a good idea doesn't inherently make it a bad one either. please stop being weird about it thanks.
calling Chay "bambi"
i just really don't like it. part of it's related to the babyfication thing, but mostly it's just one of those silly things my brain went nOPE on and oh well. back click. 😂
mischaracterizing Chay's anger
so like. this one is tricky because a lot of it comes down to personal interpretation of canon, but also like. a lot of my mischaracterization gripes involves people writing tropes or drama anger instead of Chay's anger, so. yeah. 😂 a lot of people default to writing explosive anger because it's easier to write, but in canon Chay is just. so completely not explosive. and it's not because he's bottling up anger (which!! even if he was, suddenly exploding due to pressure isn't a good thing, gah).
a lot of Chay's personality stems from Needing To Be Okay. a lot of Chay's personal motivations are trying to help Porsche with his burdens and when Porsche won't let him take on extra responsibilities, Chay does what he can to not add to Porsche's plate. and part of not being a burden is quietly dealing with his anger and resentments on his own time. (another factor playing into that is Porsche and Chay really only have each other-- Porsche deals with his anger very quietly too, and it's very characteristic of how they really don't want to hurt each other because they don't have many other people they care about, so they remove themselves from tense/bad situations best they can to reflect on their anger and return to talk about it after they've calmed down.)
Chay is fierce in his anger, but he withdraws when he's pissed and he always tries to talk it out with the intention of achieving clarity. and if i don't feel like a story's going to handle Chay's resentment/anger in a way that feels true to how it was shown in canon (there's a few litmus tests but mostly i'm going by vibes), i just click out because i already know any plot conflict won't feel fully or properly resolved to me in the end :/
[ send a ☕, get a bitchy* fic opinion ]
*personal opinion, I'm not going to be mean
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bumblekastclips · 1 year
BODY SWAP: Shadow & Amy
KYLE CROUSE: We're back, and we have a question from NateRay! "Shadow and Amy Rose bodyswap, what would happen? Please, I want chaos — not the character. I'm feeling evil."
IAN FLYNN: Uh... I think Amy would struggle with the air shoes at first, because how do you turn them on and off? KYLE: You don't! IAN: Do you flex your feet a certain way? Do you walk a certain way? She keeps falling over and blasting off into walls — this is stupid! Help! KYLE: She keeps moon walking. [laughs] IAN: [chuckles] And otherwise, y'know, she's going to be very respectful of Shadow's body autonomy, and just not touch anything. She's going to sit here and wait for things to calm down and go back to normal. And... she would go ask for help, but she can't figure out how these stupid shoes work! KYLE: [giggles] IAN: Until she finds a Chaos Emerald, and then she does Chaos Control first try and freezes time, so she can like, just hobble and crawl wherever she needs to go, but she isn't wasting her entire day. KYLE: [chuckling] Who's the first one to take off their, uh, Inhibitor Rings? IAN: [laughs] That would be Shadow-as-Amy, because he can't lift the hammer, and he doesn't understand why. KYLE: [laughing] Good. IAN: He isn't even really sure how it got there, but, y'know, it's here, so he might as well use it. But he can't! Move! It! She flings it around like a baton! How is this possible?! He doesn't understand! KYLE: [chuckles] He is not worthy! IAN: Then he drops the inhibitor bracelets, and he still can't move the hammer— KYLE: Nope! IAN: —but just by attempting it, he shifts the entire continental plate! KYLE: [laughing for nearly 8 seconds] I'm here for it! IAN: He looks out his window, and all of a sudden, he's on a beachfront property. When did that happen?! And now Shadow's crawling on the floor, asking for help with his shoes! What is goin' on with today?! KYLE: [cackling laughter] Everything is- everything is screwed up! Everything is messed up. [chuckling] Oh, boy... this would be adorable. [sigh] I'm glad the Piko Piko Hammer is Mjöllnir. IAN: [chuckles] KYLE: Amy deserves it. She truly is worthy.
--- TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun! ----- This question was asked and requested by @transgendershadowthehedgehog! Do you want a specific question transcribed and posted? Send the question and the episode date to my ask box! Or if you just want questions about a certain character, send me their name and I will see what I can do!
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